CC - Item 3F - Installation of Red Curb at Intersection of Earle Avenue and Grand AvenueROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: JEFF ALLRED, CITY MANAGER DATE: AUGUST 13, 2013 SUBJECT: INSTALLATION OF RED CURB AT INTERSECTION OF EARLE AVENUE AND GRAND AVENUE SUMMARY The Traffic Commission recently reviewed a request from a business owner in the 5000 block of Earle Avenue to install red curbing at the intersection of Earle Avenue and Grand Avenue in order to improve the visibility of motorists traveling along Grand Avenue. The business owner indicated that the lack of sight visibility in this area causes safety concerns when turning from southbound Earle Avenue on to Grand Avenue in either direction. Staff investigated the site and recommended to the Traffic Commission that parking restrictions be installed along the north side of Grand Avenue extending in both directions from the intersection with Earle Avenue. Based on this information the Commission concurred with these findings. Staff Recommendation It is recommended that the City Council approve the Traffic Commission's recommendation and authorize staff to install red curbing along the north side of Grand Avenue, extending 12 feet to the West and 25 feet to the east of the intersection with Earle Avenue. DISCUSSION Grand Avenue is an east -west collector street that is approximately 60 feet wide and allows for two way traffic and parking on both sides of the street. The posted speed limit is 35 MPH. As a result of the assortment of residential, commercial, and industrial properties in the area, traffic volume is moderate to heavy at times, including substantial commercial vehicle traffic. A business owner in the 5000 block of North Earle Avenue expressed concerns about traffic safety at the corner of Earle Avenue and Grand Avenue, citing visibility concerns when trying to turn from southbound Earle Avenue onto Grand Avenue. Being that parking is allowed on both sides of the street, and is heavy at times; vehicles parked adjacent to the intersection reduce the visibility of motorists trying to turn from Earle Avenue on to Grand Avenue. By installing red curbing and pushing parked vehicles ITEM NO. -, City Council Meeting August 13, 2013 Page 2 of 2 away from the intersection, the visibility of motorists will be improved enabling safer turns onto Grand Avenue. Staff investigated the concerns in the area and determined that the installation of parking restrictions along the north side of Grand will provide for greater motorist visibility. The installation of approximately 12 feet of red curbing west of the intersection and 25 feet of red curbing east of the intersection will help improve visibility concerns. The installation of these parking restrictions will result in a net loss of one parking space in the vicinity. It should be noted that there is a large volume of street parking available in the area, especially along Grand Avenue and Delta Avenue. Submitted by: ek" Chris Marcarello Director of Public Works Attachments: (1) Location Map and Proposed Red Curb (2) Notification to Residents /Businesses (3) Letter from Business Owner Requesting Red Curb (4) Draft Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of August 1, 2013 Proposed Red Curb Installation Earle Avenue & Grand Avenue n n W a W _ J r _ W '!► F Clanton St F � n n n Grand Ave F n a 3 I � r n m i c aa ron O E Central Ave E Angek+m Ave Gunn varE Sen raF egve tre — ESUnut Ave 0 = m EEl Monte Si w S mmamae � B Caurt A- xoaeneea _ P N Im Herbert N C E Pearl St 005 m n - � E Ghnmut Ave E e T"K MaaM/!Hy _ N Saum aru"Gty Anmtl COnrrd M - E Grand Ave N c q Hedid Chnslian o H affic'n", F — KCDOnW o n 3 E Fairnm 4,e N 7 Sr N _ n n W a W _ J r _ W '!► F Clanton St F � n n n Grand Ave F n a 3 I � r n m i c aa ron O E Central Ave o E Cenral Ave Gunn varE 0 = Fnneao w _ mmamae Caurt A- xoaeneea — Medleal Gmp N N n - � E Ghnmut Ave E Cheamm Ave _ - n 9 N p N q Y y _ 7 Sr T m GRAND A FWAIL il X l�� k .......... City of Rosemead TRAFFIC CONCERN NOTIFICATION The City of Rosemead Traffic Commission will be reviewing a request to install red curbing along the northern curb of Grand Avenue on either side of the intersection with Earle Avenue. As proposed, 12 feet of red curbing would be installed along the curb to the West of Earle Avenue and 25 feet of red curbing would be installed along the curb to the East of Earle Avenue. This request has been made due to concerns that parked vehicles at this location limit visibility for motorists turning from Earle Avenue to Grand Avenue. You are being notified because your property is in close proximity to this location. We encourage your comments regarding traffic safety in this area. If you wish to comment on the issue, you are invited to attend the Traffic Commission's next meeting on Thursday, August I" at 7 PM in the Rosemead City Hall City Council Chambers. If you are unable to attend the meeting, you may send a letter with your comments directly to City Hall, attention Chris Marcarello, Director of Public Works. You may also fax your letter to City Hall at (626) 307 -9218. We appreciate your concern for traffic safety in the City of Rosemead. Should you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact us at (626) 569 -2118. For information please call: Para obtener mas informaci6n, favor de Ilamar al: W 1 ,41 %, ARIR: I)6 bi6t thdm chi ti6t, xin gpi: 626 - 569 -2150 ! Q W Q W GRAND "E PROPOSED RED -CURB °Y Tkir -Bo Jet Products, Inc. 5025 N. Earle Ave. Rosemead, CA 91770 T 626.285.1294 F 626.285.6614 www.turbcyetproducts.com June 25", 2013 Rosemead City Hall 8838 East Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 Attn: Traffic Commission Re: Dangerous Intersectlon at N. Earle Ave. and Grand Ave. Dear Sirs/Madames: My name is Richard Bloom and my company has been in business at the location of 5025 N. Earle Ave. since 1963. In the time that we have been here we have seen many businesses come and go, and we have watched the landscape of this neighborhood change quite substantially over the years. With this in mind, I feel compelled to Identify for you a driving hazard that we encounter daily that we are hoping you will quickly (and easily) rectify. Thru the years having white curbs at the corner of N. Earle Ave. and Grand Ave. has not posed any hazard, until the last few years, because people rarely if ever parked on Grand Ave. near this intersection. But now, since the Kids Klub Child Development Center has been built, a large number vehicles now park along Grand Avenue, which In turn creates a blind intersection. This combined with the rushing parents trying to either drop off or pick -up their child, turning off of Grand Ave. from either direction, leads to a dangerous situation for all drivers at this intersection. We formally request that the curbs along Grand Ave. at the corner of N. Earle Ave. and Grand Ave. be painted red, to prevent parking at the Intersection of Grand Ave. and N. Earle Ave.. In doing this you will make this intersection much safer and you will also lessen the City's liability of the driving hazard that currently exists. Thank you in advance for your consideration of this matter ordially Richard L. Bloom President Meeting Minutes for the ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION August 1, 2013 The regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chair Hall at 7:05 p.m. in the Council Chamber, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. FLAG SALUTE: Chair Hall INVOCATION: Vice Chair E. Quintanilla OATH OF OFFICE PRESENT: Chair Hall, Vice Chair Quintanilla, Commissioners Russell- Chavez, Masuda, and J. Quintanilla. ABSENT: NONE COMMISSIONER REORGANIZATION RESULTED IN: Commissioner Russell- Chavez was selected as Chair and Commissioner Masuda was selected as Vice Chair. STAFF PRESENT: Public Works Director Marcarello and Administrative Assistant Llamas 1. PUBLIC COMMENT FROM THE AUDIENCE NONE 2. CONSENT CALENDAR Commissioner Hall motioned, seconded by Vice -Chair Masuda to defer Item A (May 2, 2013 Minutes) and approve Item B (Installation of Red Curb -Earle Avenue & Grand Avenue), Item C (Keep Clear Markings - Hidden Pines Place/Valley Boulevard), and Item D (Request for 20 Minute Parking Zone- 8877 Mission Drive) on the Consent Calendar. Votes resulted in: Yes: Russell-Chavez, Tang, Masuda, Hall, and Quintanilla No: None Abstain: J. Quintanilla Absent: None 3. NEW BUSINESS A. REVIEW OF TRAFFIC CONDITIONS AT WALNUT GROVE AVENUE AND MARSHALL STREET/ EVANGELICAL CHURCH Ron Esquivel, Rosemead resident, informed the Commissioners that the "Keep Clear' on Marshall Street is a good idea but also asked that the Commission consider time restrictions in order to avoid long wait times for cross - traffic on Marshall Street. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Meeting Minutes of August 1, 2012 Page 1 of 3 Phyllis Sun, representative from the First Evangelical Church also agreed with adding time restrictions for the "Keep Clear" markings on Marshall Street. Ms. Sun would like the restrictions to be during business hours when classes or activities are in session. She further explained the facility's business hours to the Commission, which include both weekdays and weekends. Staff provided an overview of the location and field observations that were made in analyzing traffic at the facility. Additionally, recommendations were outlined to help improve mobility into and out of the facility. Vice- Chair Masuda asked for clarification on the how the "Keep Clear" would work with time restrictions on Marshall Street. Staff informed the Traffic Commissioners that they haven't heard or seen "Keep Clear" areas that have time restrictions. Staff recommended that the Keep Clear zone on Marshall be further analyzed prior to recommending the installation of time restrictions. This analysis would include additional discussion with the Church representatives and further research into additional improvement alternatives. Commissioner Hall asked that the Marshall Street "Keep Clear" area be deferred to a future meeting to allow time for further study. Commissioner J. Quintanilla asked for clarification as to where the red curb would be installed off of Marshall Avenue. Staff indicated that the red curbing would be installed directly west of the Church driveway on Marshall Street, Commissioner E. Quintanilla asked if the signal loops on Marshall Avenue and Walnut Grove Avenue can be adjusted with time restrictions. This would include providing for longer phases for east/west traffic when heavier traffic is present at the intersection. Such adjustment could help to reduce delays. Mr. Quintanilla also asked if a "No Right Turn on Red" sign with time restrictions could be installed for northbound traffic turning from Walnut Grove Avenue to Marshall Street. Commissioner J. Quintanilla motioned that "Keep Clear" markings be installed on northbound Walnut Grove Avenue as indicated in the staff report. After further discussion, the motion was amending to add the installation of 20 feet of red curbing on the south side of Marshall Street adjacent to the First Evangelical Church driveway in order to improve visibility issues. Motion seconded by Vice -Chair Masuda. Votes resulted in: Yes: J. Quintanilla, Masuda, Russell- Chavez, Hall, and E. Quintanilla No: None Abstain: None Absent: None 4. STAFF REPORT Staff provided the Traffic Commissioners with an update on current and upcoming projects throughout the City. 5. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner J. Quintanilla indicated that he was approached by a resident in regards to adding a stop sign in the Wal -Mart parking lot heading north and south from the Panda Express towards the Wells Fargo Bank. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Meeting Minutes of August 1, 2012 Page 2 of 3 6. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:57 p.m. The next Traffic Commission meeting is scheduled for September 5, 2013 at 7:00p.m., and in the City Council Chamber at City Hall, located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard. Jean Hall Chair ATTEST: Chris Marcarello Public Works Director Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Meeting Minutes of August 1, 2012 Page 3 of 3