CC - Item 3K - Amendment to the City Clerk Employment AgreementROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: JEFF ALLRED, CITY MANAGER DATE: AUGUST 13, 2013 SUBJECT: AMENDME TO THE CITY CLERK EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT SUMMARY On July 23, 2013, the City Council conducted an annual review of the City Clerk's job performance and provided a rating of Substantially Exceeds Expectations. The City's established policies and procedures for merit salary adjustments apply to the City Clerk in the same manner as all other full -time employees of the City. Under the City's compensation system, a performance rating of Substantially Exceeds Expectations equates to a merit salary adjustment of 5% within the established salary range. In addition, the City Council expressed its desire and intent to expand the City Clerk's role in the organization by assigning additional duties and responsibilities in the area of public information and communications. As a result, the amendment to the City Clerk's employment agreement modifies the title of the incumbent City Clerk to that of City Clerk/Director of Public Information and Communications.. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the City Council approve the Fifth Amendment to City Clerk Employment Agreement. BACKGROUND /ANALYSIS Under the provisions of Section 2.08.070 of the Rosemead Municipal Code, the City Clerk serves under the direct control of the City Council. However, Section 2.08.090 provides that it is the duty of the City Clerk to cooperate with and assist the City Manager in administering the affairs of the City in an efficient, economic and harmonious manner. As explained above, the City Council has, through the annual performance evaluation process, again provided incumbent City Clerk Gloria Molleda with a job performance rating of Substantially Exceeds Expectations with a corresponding merit salary adjustment of 5% within the existing established salary range. In so doing, the City Council has also expressed its desire and intent to expand the incumbent City Clerk's role in the organization by assigning additional duties and responsibilities in the operational area of public information and communications. Consequently, the title of the incumbent City Clerk is to be modified to City Clerk /Director of Public Information ITEM NUMBER: y City Council Meeting August 13, 2013 Page 2 of 2 and Communications. In addition to the existing duties of City Clerk, the expanded title of City Clerk/Director of Public Information and Communication will entail duties and responsibilities that will be incorporated into a class specification to be developed by the City Manager in accordance with the City's established classification and compensation administration policy. Under direction of the City Manager, such additional responsibilities will include, but will not be limited to, the following: • Develop, produce, monitor and maintain the City's external communication vehicles, including the City's website, marketing materials, publications, invitations, flyers, advertisements, and social media outlets, including Facebook, and Twitter • Coordinate development of information and communications strategies to assure that the City's key messages reach external customers • Write, edit and disseminate press releases and information packages to promote public awareness of City programs, services, and legislative changes • Monitor and track comments and stories in local media and social media outlets, and respond to inquiries from members of the public as well the print and electronic media • Develop, integrate, and implement public information and public relations initiatives and activities designed to enhance the City's profile and brand • Cultivate and maintain strong media relationships • Create and launch new media, as needed • Work with the City Manager to achieve organizational goals and objectives by administering communications and public relations initiatives as determined by the larger organizational strategic planning process The above stated duties and responsibilities of the City Clerk /Director of Information and Communication will commence immediately. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Attachment A — Fifth Amendment to City Clerk Employment Agreement FIFTH AMENDMENT TO CITY CLERK EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT 1. Parties and Date. THIS FIFTH AMENDMENT TO THE CITY CLERK EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT (hereinafter "Fifth Amendment') is made and entered into this 13 day of August, 2013 by and between the City of Rosemead, a California municipal corporation (hereinafter "City"), and City Clerk Gloria Molleda (hereinafter "Employee "). 2. Recitals. 2.1 City and Employee entered into that certain Employment Agreement dated January 8, 2008 (hereinafter "Employment Agreement'), whereby Employee agreed to serve as the City Clerk of the City of Rosemead. 2.2 City and Employee executed the First Amendment of that Employment Agreement on May 27, 2008. 2.3 City and Employee executed the Second Amendment of that Employment Agreement on June, 1, 2010. 2.4 City and Employee executed the Third Amendment of that Employment Agreement on June 12, 2011. 2.5 City and Employee executed the Fourth Amendment of the Employment Agreement on June 12, 2012. 2.6 City and Employee now desire to make a Fifth Amendment to certain provisions of the City Clerk Employment Agreement relating to compensation and job title. 3. Terms. 3.0 Section 3.A.1 of the Employment Agreement is hereby amended by restating Section 3.A.1 to read as follows: (1) Base Salary (a) The annual salary for the position of the City Clerk shall be $101,185.96 3.1 Section 3.0 of the Employment Agreement is hereby added to the employment agreement to read as follows: (1) Job Title (a) Shall be changed to City Clerk/Director of Public Information and Communications 4. Force and Effect. 4.1 Except as amended by this Fourth Amendment, all provisions of the Employment Agreement and Third Amendment to City Clerk Employment Agreement shall remain in full force and effect and shall govern the actions of the City and Employee under this Fourth Amendment. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, City has caused this Fourth Amendment to be signed and duly executed on its behalf by its Mayor, and duly attested by its City Manager, and Employee has signed and executed this Amendment, to be effective as of the day and year first above written. CITY Polly Low, Mayor ATTEST: Jeffry Allred, City Manager EMPLOYEE Gloria Molleda APPROVE AS TOFORM: Rachel Richman, City Attorney