CC - Item 4A - Minutes of August 13, 2013Minutes of the City Council Meeting August 13, 2013 The regular meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Low at 7:00 p.m. in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Council Member Ly INVOCATION: Mayor Low PRESENT: Mayor Low, Mayor Pro Tern Alarcon, Council Members ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Allred, City Attorney Director of Community Development Ramirez, Director of Public Works Marcarello, and City Clerk Molleda Ly City Manager 1. CLOSED SESSION (Continuation from A. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL C( to Governme a Section 5' City Attorney Rachel Ri • n stat Closed 5 Speicial Meeting and ation needed. case Director to Litigation pursuant discussed and concluded during the 5:00 pm. 2. PUBLIC None 3. 4ON A. June ' = Regular Meeting June 25, 3 — Regular Meeting B. Claims and Demands • Resolution No. 2013 — 42 Recommendation: to approve Resolution No. 2013 — 42 entitled: Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of August 13, 2013 Page 1 of 10 ITEM NO. y A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $408,180.04 NUMBERED 81905 THROUGH 81909 INCLUSIVELY • Resolution No. 2013 — 43 Recommendation: to approve Resolution No. 2013 — 43 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL ROSEMEAD ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIM IN THE SUM OF $473,323.92 NUMBER 81931 INCLUSIVELY C. National League of Cities Energy, Envir ent & Meeting — September 19+" — 21s M The City Council will consider authorizing the at to the National League of Cl ' s — Energy, Envir meeting in Miami, FL, on Se r 19th — 21 Recommendation: That the Ci o � rize the Council Member Clark to the Natilo Resources I Le Resources C tLee meeting in OF of Council Member Margaret Clark & Natural Resources Committee ;e, at City expense, of Environmental & Natural the Upd 2013 Congdon Management Program and 2013 Local estio germs MP) is a state mandated program that helps mpac an conges n in local communities. The CMP requires that cities in Los A Coun Lo al Development Report (LDR) indicating the City's actions taken to red ffic co on in the region. In order to meet its requirements, the City must adopt a r tion ng the City of Rosemead in compliance with the CMP for Los geles County d also submit a Local Development Report. That the City Council: Resolution No. 2013 -44, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, FINDING THE CITY TO BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE CONGESTION MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (CMP) AND ADOPTING THE CMP LOCAL DEVELOPMENT REPORT, IN ACCORDANCE WITH CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 65089 Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of August 13, 2013 Page 2 of 10 2. Adopt the 2013 Local Development Report and authorize staff to submit the CMP Local Development Report to the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Authority. E. Annual Residential Resurfacing Project— Muscatel Avenue —Award of Contract As a part of the City's Fiscal Year 2013 -14 Capital Improvement Program, the City Council approved the "Annual Residential Resurfacing Project — Muscatel Avenue ". The project consists of asphalt concrete overlay and reconstruction of road p vement, and repairs to damaged sidewalk, curb and gutter along Muscatel Avenue fr hall Street to Grand Avenue. This project is being funded through State Gas T mcee s. Recommendation: That the City Council: 1. Approve the plans and specifications for Muscatel Avenue; and, A Project — 2. Authorize the City Manager to enter in trac ' b,Gentry Brothers , c. in the amount of $473,013.80. In addition, autho ounf of $70,952.0 (15 %) as a contingency to cover the cost of unforeseen c ction expenses. F. Installation of Red Curb at In ' of Earle Ave rand Avenue The Traffic Commission recently r 'ewed d"business owner in the 5000 block of Earle a to install red r ' at the ction of Earle Avenue and Grand Avenue. T owner indica that the lac of sight visibility in this area causes safety ms whe ing from sou ound Earle Avenue on to Grand Avenue in either direc n.. invests ed the site and mended to the Traffic Commission that parking res s b along the rth side of Grand Avenue extending in both s from ers Avenue. Based on this information the on conc with these r Ms. sty Council approve the Traffic Commission's ize staff to install red curbing along the north side of Grand to the west and 25 feet to the east of the intersection with Earle G. RevieVOT01c Conditions at Walnut Grove Avenue and Marshall Street/First The Traffic Commission recently reviewed a request to review traffic conditions adjacent to the First Evangelical Church of San Gabriel Valley (Church) located at the intersection of Walnut Grove Avenue and Marshall Street. Representatives from the Church expressed concerns that traffic conditions (road characteristics, high traffic volumes on Walnut Grove and Marshall, and existing lance configurations) provide for safety concerns in the area. A Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of August 13, 2013 Page 3 of 10 traffic study was conducted at the location, including traffic counts and a review of turning movements during peak traffic times. After studying the location, it was determined that the installation of traffic controls and makings would improve traffic safety in this area. Based on this information and input from the public, the Commission concurred with these findings. Recommendation: That the City Council: 1. Install "Keep Clear" legends on Walnut Grove Avenue 200 feet south of Marshall Street; and 2. Install approximately 20 feet of restricted parking Marshall Street, adjacent to the First Evangelicaj feet east of the Walnut Grove Avenue Interswto H. Request for 20 Minute Parking Zone — The Traffic Commission recently reviewed e added in front of Palm Cleaners at 8877 Missi . expressed concerns regardi limited on- street p business owner also indicate these parking s parked for a long period of fim re of the with most transactions not takin or w that a "20 Minute Parking" zone b dded the location, it etermined that e' allation adequatE J ' Based on informati Drive lanes), approximately on the south side of gay, approximately 130 Minute Parkin one to be iusiness owner at this location ent to his business. The frequently occupied by vehicles halm Cleaners is in and out, minutes. business owner requested in f of his business. After visiting ed duration parking would be on a Commission concurred with these F prove the Traffic Commission's stall approximately 30 feet of "20 Minute Parking" 8877 Mission Drive. Release of Depoff@Wrcel map 69105 (7617 Graves Avenue) Yrhas r ce bond was required to guarantee construction of a sewer lateral, a and curb drain and the planting of a parkway tree prior to the recordation Of r Parcel Map No. 69105. In lieu of bonds, a cash deposit was issued to the nt of $7,935.00. All improvements have been completed except for the he parkway tree. In order to finalize the map and release deposited funds, the agreed to make a street tree in -lieu payment of $600 towards tree planting in the City. All remaining funds will be released. Recommendation: That the City Council accept the public improvements and refund the cash deposit in the amount of $7,335.00. Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of August 13, 2013 Page 4 of 10 J. K. Keep Clear Markings — Hidden Pines Place & Valley Boulevard The Traffic Commission recently reviewed traffic conditions and access at the intersection of Hidden Pines Place and Valley Boulevard. Residents in this area are concerned that cars back up on Valley Boulevard, delaying access to Valley Boulevard from Hidden Pines Place and resulting in impacts to traffic flow and safety on Valley Boulevard. Staff investigated the site and recommended to the Traffic Commission that "Keep Clear" pavement markings be installed in the eastbound travel lanes at the intersection of Valley Boulevard and Hidden Pines Place. The Traffic Commission concurred with the recqA iiation. Recommendation: That the City Council approve the ommission's recommendation and authorize staff to install "Keep ar' p nt markings with limit lines in the eastbound travel lanes at the interse ' n ,Hidden lace and Valley Boulevard. Amendment to the City Clerk On July 23, 2013, the City Council performance and provided a ratinc established policies and prod the same manner as all other performance rating of Substanti adjustment of 5% within the salary and intent to a the City Clerl and resao .e area of I amend to the ( City d at of ;onducted NUnd- the City Clerk's job of Substanctations. The City's s for merit pply to the City Clerk in loy's compensation system, a s to a merit salary ng e. uncil expressed its desire the or ion by assigning additional duties u , information nd communications. As a result, the loy nt agreement modifies the title of the incumbent ;tor o ublic Information and Communications. approve the Fifth Amendment to the City Clerk June 11, Mayor Pro T the Consent Sandra A state he did not attend the Council Meeting on id asked hat Minu be pulled for a separate vote. a motion, seconded by Council Member Steven Ly to approve on of the June 11, 2013 Minutes. Vote resulted in: Yes: Alan, Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly No: No e Abstain: None Absent: None Council Member Steven Ly made a motion, seconded by Council Member Margaret Clark to approve the Minutes of June 11, 2013. Vote resulted in: Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of August 13, 2013 Page 5 of 10 Yes: Alarcon, Clark, Low, Ly No: None Abstain: Armenta Absent: None 4. MATTERS FROM CITY MANAGER & STAFF A. Dissolution and Termination of the West San Gabriel Valley consortium Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement The City Council will consider adoption of a Res( San Gabriel Valley Consortium Joint Exercise of August 31, 2013. The Consortium is an indeper local cities and school districts through a join organization is to obtain funds from Los A es employment programs in this sub -regio un Consortium that effective on July 1, 2013 it Consortium but would transition the financial Based on this action by the ounty, the Consorti on June 27, 2013, to initiate untarily wind- termination of the Joint Powe Mt. Recommendation: That the and terminate the West i t to be effective on to formed in 1976 by ag-teement. Xnobg of the County to operate and of 213. the Cou sub - region to another agency. Board adopted a Resolution (olution of the Consortium and No. 2013 -36, entitled: OF THE Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF .IFORNIA, WINDING AND TERMINATING CISE OF PO AGREEMENT CREATING MBRIEL VA CONSORTIUM City Cou ber Steven L and adop lution No. a mo econded by Council Member Sandra Armenta to approve L Vot suited in: Clark, Low, Ly Absent: Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of August 13, 2013 Page 6 of 10 B. Continuation of Six -Month Review of Conditional Use Permit 11.14 8772 Valley Boulevard On January 8, 2013, the City Council approved a new On -Sale Beer and Wine (Type 41) ABC license at the Hunan Seafood Restaurant, located at 8772 Valley Boulevard. During this meeting, the City Council requested a six -month review of the Conditional Use Permit. On July 9, 2013, the City Council conducted a six -month review f Conditional Use Permit 11 -14. The purpose of this review was to provide the City Co ii th an update regarding the applicant's compliance with the conditions of approval onditional Use Permit 11 14. During the review, it was revealed that the applicant w tion of Condition of Approval Numbers 1, 13,15,17, 26, 30, and 31. For that rea the uncil directed staff to bring this item back in August to ensure that all cdi s of ap are in compliance. Recommendation: That the City Councivide further direction on Associate Planner Lily Trinh reviewed the Staff Brian Lewin — stated he is glad that they are in compliance at thM ent but is skeptical about its longevity. He explained that their history in re to gang activit , ng, and he would recommend that Council have Code Enforcement keep a cl this bu. Council Member Steven Ly — He commended st , for do ob ' egards to this business. He agreed with Mr. Lewin, stating is pleased at ant b like it to be continuously monitored. He recommend view in four the to see i "e good behavior will continue. Council Member Sa enta — eed with Mr. Le ' d Council Member Ly. She explained that she felt apprehensive about trus 1 o worried th , e is only complying at the moment because Council was di k d with io tated she would like to make sure they stay compliant t 'lity o involvemen r unlawful activity. Cou bar Clark — st oncern eir cover up and recommended a three month review. Council Me — explaine had suggested a four month review because it is more difficult to stay compliant for a I - eriod of ti but he is accepting of a three month review as well. Council Member Arm quired from staff if three months is enough time for them to remedy the violations that have been ered thus far. Director of Community Development Michelle Ramirez — stated staff would agree to a three month review; however recommended that they monitor the business for the next year, and bring back the issue only if the business is in violation of their CUP. City Attorney Rachel Richman — explained that staff would always have the ability to bring back this issue at any time; therefore, one year would be a good timeline. Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of August 13, 2013 Page 7 of 10 Council MemberArmenta — agreed with Director of Community Development Ramirez and City Attorney Richman. She stated that if a set amount of time was given, they would go back to their old ways after the time was up. She then explained that if code enforcement conducted unannounced inspections throughout the year, it would keep them on their toes. Council Member Clark— voiced her concern over their cover up, and read from the Public Safety report which detailed DJ speakers being hidden under tablecloths and black garbage bags placed above them. She stated that if the City gives them a year, it looks like they are being told that theyre doing fine. Director of Community Development Ramirez — explained that insp twelve months instead of three months, and they can be brought in Mayor Pro Tom Bill Alarcon — stated that it logically makes busy and inquired if they would be able to make continuous i Director of Community Development Ramirez — stated tt make enforcement and make sure that they do it. Mayor Low— asked if everyone agreed that staff and code enforc one year and immediately bring them in if the ny violations. Director of Community Development Ramirez — them back in and put them in the clear. Mayor Low— stated that and make sure that they 1 sure City Attorney Richman — come back with, QS, , report to' . r it then, or to be conducted for ons are found. enforcement is very they would monitor the business for up to all year, they will bring knows that this is a high priority is to letaff monitor the business closely for a year and Nther�re mop ion, seconded by Council Member Steven Ly to direct sr Hunan Seafood Restaurant for a year and bring back a if ny violati ons to their CUP. Vote resulted in: Clark, Low, Ly Absent: Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of August 13, 2013 Page 8 of 10 C. Loan Agreement with Savannah Memorial Park (EI Monte Cemetery Association) for Access Road Reconstruction The City has a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the El Monte Cemetery Association for the provision of in -kind services at Savannah Memorial Park Cemetery (Savannah) located at 9263 Valley Boulevard. Since Savannah is a California Historic Landmark and located in a major commercial corridor in the City, it is beneficial to the City that the facility is properly maintained and preserved. Through the MOU, the City has helped Savannah address maintenance issues such as fence repair removal, tree maintenance, and general handyman duties. Recently, the City was approached by Savannah in rds ' . ccess road at the facility The road is currently in a state of disrepair and it reconst Accessing a City contract for road resurfacing on Muscatel Av a nah will b to realize a significant cost savings in completing rep ' o the access road. Such avings include low unit costs for materials and reduce ' ization s due to Savann 6e proximity to the Muscatel Avenue project to The parties were able to neg9tiate a price of $15, the rehabilitation of the access road at Savannah. Representativ r Savannah are r ing that the City assist with financing in order to fund this i : I. As propose nancing would be an interest -free loan and include an fro t of $3,00 s. the Cemetery Association followed by ten (10) annual paym s of $ Recomm t the City Co cil approve solution No. 2013 -47, entitled: OLUT OF THE CI UNCIL OF THE CITY OF RO ' FORNIA, , UTHORIZING THE CITY MAN A A LOAN AGREEMENT WITH ANN EMORIA ARK (EL MONTE CEMETERY IATI TO PERMIT ACCESS ROAD Director of P . orks Chris Bob Bruesch — upi walk with about thirty r and monument. He stE people with walkers or reviewed the Staff Report. gress that the Cemetery has been through lately, including an interpretive ith information about those buried in the Cemetery, and plans for the plaque in regards to the road, he is worried because a lot of their visitors are elderly airs, and they cannot use the driveway since it is in such bad shape. Council MemberArmenta — stated she agreed with the staff report and this is another opportunity to beautify the City. She stated that helping with the road would help entice visitors to the City, and entice schools to visit the Cemetery more often. She further added that any kind of partnership with the Cemetery will be good for the City. Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of August 13, 2013 Page 9 of 10 Council Member Margaret Clark made a motion, seconded by Council Member Sandra Armenta to approve Resolution No. 2013 -47. Vote resulted in: Yes: Alarcon, Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly No: None Abstain: None Absent: None 5. MATTERS FROM MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL None 6. ADJOURNMENT Council Member Ly — asked if the Meeting could be good member of the community who recently lost his The meeting adjourned in memory of Vincent Lou at 7:27 p.m.' scheduled to take place on September 10, 2kl9 at 7:00 p.m. in ATTEST: Gloria Molleda City Polly L Mayor in the memory of who was a City Council" meeting is City Hall Council Chamber. Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of August 13, 2013 Page 10 of 10