CC - Item 3B - Comprehensive Fee Resolution Update For New Community Development Planning Division FeesROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: JEFF ALLRED, CITY MANAGER DATE: OCTOBER 8, 2013 SUBJECT: COMPREHENSIVE FEE RESOLUTION UPDATE FOR NEW COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT — PLANNING DIVISION FEES SUMMARY The City of Rosemead is pursuing a comprehensive update to the City's Zoning Code (Title 17 of the Rosemead Municipal Code) to further enhance the quality of life in Rosemead, to implement General Plan policy, and to add provisions mandated by State and Federal law. The Comprehensive Zoning Code Update project establishes several new land use development application procedures. A revised fee resolution is proposed for the purpose of covering costs for individualized services and for enforcing the new procedures in the Zoning Code by the collection of application fees. This update does not include any changes to existing fees listed in the City's existing Comprehensive Fee Resolution. Staff Recommendation It is recommended that the City Council take one of the following two actions: 1. ADOPT City Council Resolution No. 2013 -46 (Attachment A), establishing new Community Development (Panning Division) fees for the new land use development application procedures that were established in the Comprehensive Zoning Code Update. 2. CONTINUE this public hearing item to the meeting of the City Council on Tuesday, October 22, 2013. ANALYSIS The proposed Comprehensive Zoning Code Update establishes several new land use development applications and permits. New Planning Division fees are proposed based on the personnel costs of City staff and the amount of time expected to review applications, along with the costs associated with the enforcement of the new regulations. Staff completed a fee survey of the cities that surround the City of ITEM NUMBER: 3� City Council Report October 8, 2013 Paae 2 of 5 Rosemead in order to determine appropriate fees. Many of the proposed fees are lower that the average fee in the survey. This fee survey has been attached to this memorandum as Attachment "B." Below is a brief summary of the land use permits and /or requests and corresponding fee proposals. Administrative Determination This new procedure will allow the Community Development Director to make interpretations of the Zoning Code as policy decisions, upon following the specific standards. Interpretations would be distributed to the City Council, Planning Commission, City Attorney, City Clerk, and all affected staff when made. Any interpretation can be appealed to the Planning Commission. An interpretation can also be referred to the Planning Commission. The application of this new provision could include permitting a proposed land use that is not identified in the Zoning Code if the use is substantially similar to a use that is permitted. Proposed Fee: $450.00 (The proposed fee is slightly lower than the average fee of $480.00 charged for this service among the cities surveyed.) Administrative Use Permit The Administrative Use Permit process has been proposed to streamline the development review procedure for certain more ministerial approvals with the Community Development Director. The Administrative Use Permit is intended to allow for public review of land use proposals that are not of sufficient magnitude or complexity to warrant a Planning Commission hearing, but could have a noticeable impact on the neighborhood. Uses listed in the proposed Comprehensive Zoning Code Update as requiring an Administrative Use Permit are deemed to possess location, use, building or traffic characteristics of such unique and special form as to make impractical or undesirable their automatic inclusion as permitted uses. Proposed Fee: $500.00 (The proposed fee is slightly lower than the average fee of $529.00 charged for this service among the cities surveyed. It is important to note that this fee does not include the required public noticing or LA County Clerk recording fees that are currently established in the City's fee resolution.) Appeals to the Planning Commission The City's Comprehensive Fee Resolution contains an appeal fee of $750.00 for Planning Commission decisions that are appealed to the City Council. A new fee is required for Community Development Director decisions that are appealed to the Planning Commission. Proposed Fee: $650.00 (The proposed fee is slightly lower than the average fee of $687.00 charged for this service among the cities surveyed.) City Council Report October 8, 2013 Pace 3 of 5 Density Bonus A density bonus, by definition, means that a developer will be able to exceed the maximum allowable density for the district, and thus build more housing units, in exchange for the dedication of a portion of the housing units for very low, low and /or moderate income residents. Staffs survey found that not many jurisdictions have an application fee, as a way to provide incentives for the development of affordable housing. However, fees to cover the public hearing costs and the review of housing agreements we charged in some case to cover staff time. Proposed Fee: Cost + 10% (The proposed fee is to cover materials and staff time for the preparation, review, and monitoring of housing agreements.) Development Agreements A development agreement is a contract between a local jurisdiction and a person who has ownership or control of property within the jurisdiction. The purpose of the agreement is to specify the standards and conditions that will govern development of the property. The development agreement provides assurance to the developer that he /she may proceed to develop the project subject to the rules and regulations in effect at the time of approval - the development will not be subject to subsequent changes in regulations. Development agreements also benefit the local jurisdiction, as the City may include conditions that must be met to assure that a project at a specific location does not have unacceptable impacts on neighboring properties or community infrastructure. The agreement often includes how the project will be phased, the required timing of public improvements, and the developer's contribution toward funding system -wide community improvements. Proposed Fee: Cost + 10% (The proposed fee is to cover materials and staff time for the preparation, review, and monitoring of development agreements.) Joint/Off-Site Parking Agreement A joint use /off -site parking means the use of a single parking facility by several related uses occupying the same or adjacent parcels. Proposed Fee: Cost + 10% (The proposed fee is to cover materials and staff time for the preparation and /or review of such parking agreements.) Minor Exception Minor Exceptions address minor deviations from City Zoning Code standard that would normally have lesser impact and warrant less intensive review than Variances. Proposed Fee: $300.00 (The proposed fee is slightly lower than the average fee of $347.00 charged for this service among the cities surveyed. It is important to note that, if required, this fee does not include the required public noticing or LA County Clerk recording fees that are currently established in the City's fee resolution.) City Council Report October 8, 2013 Page 4 of 5 Outdoor Sales (Nonresidential) Outdoor sales and displays consist of merchandise placed and advertised for sale outside of a structure as an accessory use. Proposed Fee: $70.00 (The proposed fee is lower than the average fee of $159.00 charged for this service among the cities surveyed. It is important to note that it is expected that the review of such applications will be comparable to reviews of commercial tenant improvement applications which also cost $70.00.) Reasonable Accommodation Reasonable accommodation means providing disabled persons flexibility in the application of land use and zoning regulations and procedures, or even waiving certain requirements, when necessary to eliminate barriers to housing opportunities. It may include such things as yard area modifications for ramps, handrails or other such accessibility improvements, hardscape additions, such as widened driveways, parking area or walkways, building additions for accessibility, or tree removal. Proposed Fee: No fee (Staff found that most cities have not yet established or do not charge a fee for a reasonable accommodation request. It is recommended that no fee is charged as a business - friendly and disabled - friendly measure.) Temporary Use Permit A temporary use permit is intended for land uses that are interim, not permanent, and /or seasonal in nature. These types of land uses generally last between one (1) and thirty (30) days, and occur on private property. Proposed Fee: $225.00 (The proposed fee is slightly lower than the average fee of $266.00 charged for this service among the cities surveyed.) Specific Plan Amendment The City of Rosemead already has an established fee of "Cost +10 %" for new applications requesting the adoption of Specific Plans. A fee of "Cost +10 %" is proposed for future requests of amendments to any established Specific Plans. Proposed Fee: Cost + 10% (The proposed fee is comparable to what other surrounding jurisdictions charge.) Time Extensions (not including Maps or Conditional Use Permits) The proposed revisions to the City of Rosemead fee resolution would result in several new fees for different types of discretionary applications. The fees vary depending on the scale of each type of development proposal. When such applications are approved, conditions will specify a time frame within which the applicant has to commence the project. For example, the City charges a fee of $300.00 for Conditional Use Permit Extensions. City Council Report October 8, 2013 Page 5 of 5 Proposed Fee: $300.00 (The proposed fee is comparable to what other surrounding jurisdictions charge and is also the same for what is charged for a Conditional Use Permit Extension.) Discretionary Site Plan and Design Review The Zoning Code update requires a "Discretionary Site Plan and Design Review" for any nonresidential development proposal to construct a new building of three thousand (3,000) gross square feet or more, or an addition of three thousand (3,000) square feet or more within a one year period, or an addition that exceeds fifty (50) percent of the existing floor area of the building. This new development application procedure is subject to the same application review process that is required for projects located within the City's D -O (Design Overlay) zone. The City's current fee resolution already provides Design Review application fees for projects located within the D -O zone. For this reason it is intended that all "Discretionary Site Plan and Design Review" application requests will be processed in accordance with the existing Design Review fees. Although no new fees are proposed, it is recommended that the fee titles in the resolution be revised to clarify this matter. Proposed Fee Title Revisions: (The revisions are shown in strikethrough text for text to be eliminated and underline text for text to be added.) Design Review /New Commerelal Nonresidential Structures Comm ereial Nonresidential Design Review /Remodel with Additions PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS Pursuant to California Government Code Section 65091, this public hearing notice has been published in at least one (1) newspaper of general circulation within the local agency, as the number of owners of real property within 300 feet of the project site is greater 1,000. Lastly, this notice is also posted in five (5) public locations, specifying the availability of the application, plus the date, time and location of the public hearing. LEGAL REVIEW The attached Resolution No. 2013 -46 have been reviewed and approved by the City Attorney. Prepared by: Prepared by: Sheri Bermejo Michelle G. Ramirez City Planner Community Development Director ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A: City Council Resolution 2013 -26 Attachment B: Permit Fee Survey ATTACHMENT A Reserved RESOLUTION 2013 -46 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ADDING NEW COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (PLANNING DIVISION) FEES WHEREAS, a Comprehensive Zoning Code update was adopted by the City Council of the City of Rosemead by Ordinance No. 931 to further enhance the quality of life in Rosemead, to implement General Plan policy, and to add provisions mandated by State and Federal law; and WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Zoning Code Update establishes several new land use development applications and permits to provide assurance to residents of the City that certain land uses and development requests will not disrupt, become a nuisance, disturb, or modify the character of the City of Rosemead, and WHEREAS, the primary method of assuring that the requirements of the ordinance are being met by developers and project applicants is through development application procedures that subjects developers and project applicants to operation conditions and development standards, and WHEREAS, the Municipal Code of the City of Rosemead provides that certain filing fees, permit fees, and conditions of service may from time to time be established by the City Council, and WHEREAS, the City Council of the Rosemead has determined that the cost of providing certain services is not of general benefit but of benefit to the individual and, therefore, certain filing fees, permit fees, and conditions of service should be required to pay for materials and special services performed by the City staff, and WHEREAS, after the passage of Propositions 4 and 218, local governments were made to charge for the costs of services to those who benefited, and WHEREAS, based upon fee justification reports on file with the City Clerk, the City Council finds that the fees included in this Resolution represent a portion of the actual costs of the services provided, and therefore, there is rational relationship between the fees charged and the services funded, and WHEREAS, the City Council has found that since the fees represent a portion of the actual costs of the service provided, there is a reasonable relationship between the amount of the fee charged and the costs of the services provided to the person paying the fee, and 1 WHEREAS, the City has determined that based on the personnel costs of City staff and the time expected to be needed to review applications, along with the costs associated with the enforcement of the regulations, that the costs of processing new development applications are substantially covered and are not exceeded by the fees proposed below. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD DOES HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The Rosemead City Council imposes the following Community Development/Planning Application fees and fee title revisions: New Community Development/Planning Fees Administrative Determination Administrative Use Permit Appeals to the Planning Commission Density Bonus Development Agreements Joint/Off-Site Parking Agreement Minor Exception Outdoor Sales (Nonresidential) Reasonable Accommodation Temporary Use Permit Specific Plan Amendment Time Extensions (not including Maps or Conditional Use Permits) $450.00 $500.00 $650.00 Cost + 10 % Cost + 10% Cost + 10% $300.00 $70.00 No fee $225.00 Cost + 10% $300.00 Proposed Fee Title Revisions: (The revisions are shown in strikethrough text for text to be eliminated and underline text for text to be added.) Design Review /New Semmemial Nonresidential Structures Sennrnefsial Nonresidential Design Review /Remodel with Additions SECTION 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this resolution and hereafter the same shall be in full force and effect. (Signatures on Following Page) K PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Rosemead, County of Los Angeles of the State of California on October 8, 2013. Polly Low, Mayor City of Rosemead, California ATTEST: Gloria, Molleda, City Clerk City of Rosemead, California: APPROVED AS TO FORM Rachel H. Richman, City Attorney Burke, Williams & Sorensen, LLP 3 ATTACHMENT B Reserved I h ° o ° a, Y C 6 � p� Z 2 w Z z z 3 °a z t w °o e oo a MP z z ur w 0 a 'a 0 E o ° m E o ` n a rc E o a y JT aci z z :n s m E s u u i i o a o z z El y q v °a h % a ° o F _ N _ cs m a rri m M w w Z M o c _ n _ E N a o a u y n z z u 5t v a a a a a o ° z z z z w � N z 3:: G z z vNNi. w 1 y G. 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