CC - Item 4D - National League of Cities Summer Policy Forum Junne 27 to June 29 in Washington, DCROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: JEFF ALLRED, CITY MANAGER DATE: MAY 28, 2013 SUBJECT: NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES SUMMER POLICY FORUM —JUNE 27 — JUNE 29 —WASHINGTON, DC SUMMARY The City Council will consider authorizing the attendance of Council Member Margaret Clark to the National League of Cities Summer Policy Forum in Washington, DC, on June 27 — June 29 Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the attendance, at City expense, of Council Member Margaret Clark to the National League of Cities Summer Policy Forum in Washington, DC. ANALYSIS The Expense and Use of Public Resources Policy, adopted by City Council Resolution No. 2005 -47, requires prior City Council approval for out -of -state travel beyond an adjacent state. Funding for this purpose is contained in the City's annual budget. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Submitted by: GLORIA MOLLEDA CITY CLERK Attachment A: Conference Information ITEM NUMBER: - f D 1301 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20004 -1163 1702-626-3000 1 Fax: 202- 626 -3043 1 www.nk.org NATIONAL SUMMIT ON YOUR CITY'S FAMILIES SEATTLE SHERATON HOTEL PRELIMINARY SCHEDULE OF EVENTS (session details subject to change) Tuesday, November 12 1:00 -5:00 p.m. 1:30 -3:45 p.m. 2:00 -4:00 p.m. 4:00 -5:30 p.m. Summit registration opens Begin Contributing to an "Idea Bank" (ongoing through Wednesday) Sign up for Wednesday Dinner Groups (optional) Sign up for Thursday Mobile Workshops YEF Institute Peer Network Meetings Individualized Consultations for City Teams (by appointment only) Opening General Session: LEADING SUCCESSFUL PARTNERSHIPS FOR CHILDREN, YOUTH AND FAMILIES* Featured speakers will include both prominent mayors and public library directors. 5:30 -7:00 p.m. Welcome Reception* Wednesday, November 13 7:00 a.m. Summit registration desk opens 7:30 -8:30 a.m. Continental Breakfast* 8:30 -10:00 a.m. General Session: LEADING A LEARNING REVOLUTION: COLLABORATION AND CREATIVITY* Keynote Speaker ";u _. a i,; r., Author and Expert in the Development of Creativity in Education 10:15 -11:45 a.m. Breakout Sessions: FOCUS ON INNOVATION IN AMERICA'S CITIES AND TOWNS Highlights from and interactive discussions about new and creative efforts to ensure that all children have ... Opportunities to Learn and Grow A Safe Neighborhood to Call Home A Healthy Lifestyle and Environment A Financial Fit Family in Which to Thrive 12:00 noon -1:15 p.m. Networking Luncheon: A TASTE OF SEATTLE'S INITIATIVES ON BEHALF OF CHILDREN, YOUTH, AND FAMILIES Hear brief presentations from some of Seattle's leading program experts while also forging new relationships with peers who hold similar positions in other cities across the nation. 1:30 -3:15 p.m. Breakout Sessions: SETTING BENCHMARKS TO GUIDE LOCAL ACTION How do municipal leaders know whether their city is keeping pace with other communities? What are reasonable standards against which to measure progress? Join your colleagues from across the nation in interactive sessions to set the standards that will guide local action in each of the four program areas listed above, and make sure that your voice is heard! 3:15 -3 :30 p.m. Break /Light Refreshments 3:30 -5:15 p.m. "Open Space" Discussion Groups: TRACKING AND SUSTAINING PROGRESS IN TOUGH ECONOMIC TIMES (specific topics to be determined by participants) Additional breakout sessions will include a training on results -based accountability (RBA), an in -depth exploration of how to use data to help achieve and track progress toward results, and a more informal "book club" discussion of a thought - provoking publication selected and publicized well in advance of the Summit. 5:30 p.m. Reception and Peer /Regional Networking Thursday, November 14 7:30 -8:45 a.m. Closing General Session: FROM INSPIRATION TO RESULTS: MAKING A DIFFERENCE FOR CHILDREN AND FAMILIES (continental breakfast served) This final event will offer opportunities for both reflection and inspiration, include the presentation of benchmarks emerging from Summit deliberations, on -site polling to rank top entries from an "idea bank" populated by suggestions from Summit participants, and closing thoughts from key city leaders working on behalf of children, youth, and families. 1301 Pennsphvnnin Ave., NW, Wnshnighn, DC 20004-17631202-626-3000 1 Fax: 202 -676 -3043 1 em ak org 9:00 a.m. -12:00 noon Mobile Workshops (Summit attendees must sign up at registration desk in advance) • Held jointly with annual Partners Meeting of the Urban Libraries Council BEFORE YOU ARRIVE IN SEATTLE: • Consider forming a city team to receive one -on -one consultation with YEF Institute staff and make the most of your Summit experience. • Participate in regional conference calls to jumpstart peer networking. • Begin contributing to the process of establishing national benchmarks for city action. • Suggest topics for "open space' discussions. • Read the "book club" assignment if you plan to join this breakout session. • Provide suggestions for an "idea bank" that will be reviewed and ranked by Summit participants. AFTER YOU RETURN HOME: • Reflect on what you learned, what you plan to do, and what additional help you need from the YEF Institute to move forward. • Begin engaging with revamped YEF Institute peer networks. • Participate in regional conference calls with other Summit attendees. • Receive highlights from the Summit's benchmarking and "idea bank" processes. • Request follow -up technical assistance from the YEF Institute as needed. 1301 Pennsylvnnin Ave., NP7, Wnshinglon, DC 20004 1763 1 202 626-30001 Inx: 202626 -30431 v+vnv.nlc.ofg -