CC - Item 5A - Mintues of October 8, 2013Minutes of the City Council Meeting October 8, 2013 The regular meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Low at 7:00 p.m. in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Council Member Armenta INVOCATION: Council Member Clark PRESENT: Mayor Low, Mayor Pro Tem Alarcon, Council Members ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Allred, City Attorney.Rii Director of Community Development Ramirez, Director of of Public Works Marcarello, and City Clerk/Director of Col 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS FROM THE 2. PRESENTATIONS • Inrecognitio?.he.l the Las ides Jose Quezada — Coa6h f 1adyhz Council Me bOAft' con' ", "I I oft Clty o b semead f Mr. Wsgiif]a introduced and ��sentr Council • Joint Vi Month" vks 0 ciifg 3Td in tl and C ampions at thanked the Ly City Manager Director and Information SSSA Western World Series, 2nd in NSA Western World Series. for their ongoing support. for their success and long standing representation of recognition on behalf of the City Council to the the Ladyhawks for their championship. rhation declaring the month of October as `Breast Cancer Awareness November as "End Domestic Violence Month ". No one was present to receive the Joint Proclamation. • Crime Prevention Month Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of October 8, 2013 Page 1 of 15 ITEM N0. Public Safety Coordinator Mandy Wong spoke about crime prevention efforts in promoting awareness through variety of educational programs. Mrs. Wong stated that the City was hosting a Community Academy for residents and collaborating with the Asian Pacific Center to host a workshop on alcohol and substance abuse awareness. Mayor Low thanked the Sheriffs Department for their commitment to the City of Rosemead. 3. PUBLIC HEARING A. Comprehensive Zoning Code Update (Municipal Code Amendment 10 -07, Zone City's Single - Family Residential Design G Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidel This item consists of City initiated ameptl ! to the Rosemead Municipal Code) to enhance the of General Plan policy and to add provisions man the City's existing Zoning Ma. and Single Family proposed to ensure that thes ments are consist Zoning Code Update project. s license regulations (Title 5 of thezf unic f included in the project for the purp5e of zoning dis "City Proc( t (CEQA)," projects u Amendment to the Local California )Wing Code (Title 1'7�(he i�Rosemead, to i, lement State and Federal law. Revisions to m ial Design Guidelines are 'h the proposed Comprehensive to ood Operations (CFO's) as home with State law. The project also station of the California to the City's '1?0ome Occupation business fi Chapter`1 — Home Occupations) are for law requires that each city adopt its own IA) guidelines within its jurisdiction. p tuber 13; fe f 'Gommission adopted Resolution No. 13 -11, o. 13 rtd Resolution No. 13 -13 recommending that the ty Council adopt Ci Ordinanc = 31, 0 ,ce 32, and Ordinance No. 933 approving the Comprehensive n Zoing Code '; pte witti s ) ny deletions, additions, or modifications. yommendati That the City Council take one of the following two (2) actions 1. '1 adopt iiy Council Resolution No. 2013 -45, entitled: #RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION (STATE CLEARINGHOUSE NO. 2013081031) FOR THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING CODE UPDATE PROJECT (MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT 10.07, ZONE CHANGE 13 -01, REVISIONS TO EXISTING SINGLE - FAMILY GUIDELINES, AND ADOPTION OF LOCAL CEQA GUIDELINES) Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of October 8, 2013 Page 2 of 15 1. (b) Move to Introduce First Reading, by title only, Ordinance No. 931, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT 10.07 AMENDING THE CITY'S ZONING CODE (TITLE 17 OF THE ROSEMEAD MUNICIPAL C E) AND CHAPTER 5.41 — HOME OCCUPATIONS (TITL : FJHE ROSEMEAD MUNICIPAL CODE) TO IMPLEM GENERAL PLAN POLICY AND TO ADD PROVISIO TED BY STATE AND FEDERAL LAW AS MART ;F,., THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING CODE UPpfaT 1. (c) Move to Introduce First No. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY I IN CI I�'� =SHE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, APPRO ;I ONE CHANGE 13- 01 AMENDING A PORTION OF THE OF ROSEMEAD ZONING MAP TO I ENT THE CIT NERAL PLAN AS PART OF THE CO ` I)aNSIVE ZONING' N E UPDATE 1. (d) Move to Introduce First No. 933, entitled: kAS OF THE TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MEA LIFORNIA, APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO QTYS IS NG SINGL= (;EMILY DESIGN GUIDELINES RT -0 s . E:.COMPREHENSIVE ZONING CODE UPDATE No. 2013 -50, entitled: A R LUTIONTF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSE D, CA IFORNIA, ADOPTING LOCAL GUIDELINES FOR I EMENTING THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALIV,f ACT (PUBLIC RESOURCES CODE 21000 ET SEQ.) 2. Continue this public hearing item to the City Council meeting date of Tuesday, October 22, 2013. City Planner Sheri Bermejo reviewed the staff report and presented a PowerPoint presentation, which is available in the City Clerk's Office. Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of October 8, 2013 Page 3 of 15 Council MemberArmenta asked if a cottage food business would be required to obtain a business license, and would the City be liable if someone became ill. City Planner Bermejo replied cottage foods businesses would need to obtain a Los Angeles County health permit and a city business license. Mayor Low opened the Public Hearing at 7:24 p.m. Brian Lewin — expressed concern with parking give away for outdoor away, over flow on parking would occur into residential streets. Mr. Le provision that conditions the availability of parking benefit for outdoori that the Planning Commission review the outdoor dining as part aesthetic and interaction with walkable environments. Mr. Le shops create aesthetic and environmental issues, they shp#d not be flag lot issues should be addressed with design requireTd f aintel approaches.' , Mayor Low closed the public hearing at 7:34 Council MemberArmenta responded to Mr. Rosemead a better place for residents. Council Member Clark stated that by giving parking ited that Council add a that even thoug ace in isolated I wigs responses stating proposed viJpW bars in y, he suggested for impact of motive repair ,,He stated that wants to make Director of Community opment Irez explaine aff made a change to the code that would allow residents to have a sc ee in their, operty and inst rs in the interior of their windows. She added that since permits do have to n rl bys ents fto the Building and Safety Department, there has been an increefi led ba tenorVt( ,b Counc► ember Clark cl�fJfii " that th $soepts that already have exterior bar windows installed are grand 42d into the code City Managerl'Id stated that thjJ %par window issue was addressed by the Council during the strategic plan update about two ago. Mrs;X7lark added that she was opposed to eliminating flag lots and since the State allowed for seCbti, y resider ti'al units on a lot that has enough square footage, she was withdrawing her opposition. Mrs. Clark Ae O d to add to the code that all mixed -use development projects come to the City Council for final review. She asked that the City Council delete the line that states, "with the exception of the City Council shall approve or disapprove such project upon receiving a recommendation from the Planning Commission" and made a motion. Council Member Ly asked to make a motion on resolution 201345 if there were no changes. City Attorney Richman explained that if there are changes to any recommendations, we have to make sure that the California Environmental Quality Act is still consistent. Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of October 8, 2013 Page 4 of 15 Council Member Ly made a motion on Resolution No. 2013 -50 and clarified that Mrs. Clark's motion should state that Ordinance No. 931 be approved with an amendment. Director of Community Development Ramirez stated that the motion should mention that amendments should be made in all appropriate areas of the code. City Attorney Richman clarified Council Member Clark's motion for all mixed -use projects go to the City Council for review. Mayor Pro Tem Alarcon seconded Council Member Clark's motion. Council MemberArmenta stated that the City Council educated and knowledgeable and suggested that the C on mixed -use projects. Mayor Low stated that by amending the code and Council for review, would delay the project. Sloe e) project for Council review that is approved by t(H Council Member Clark explained that before, pro the City Council. She added that the previous City did not want and that is why mid" projects st Council Member Ly Commission would come to project that the residents for review automatically. Commission, come to the City Council for projects involving zone changes, general plan s in the City for mixed -use projects, two for high density and would be the ratifications if the Council denies a mixed -use City Attorney Richmc' If a developer meets Council could get exI requirements in the c )laineq fhe code states that there are development standards within a node. «.> se >Pequirements then there is no basis upon the Council to deny that project i litigation for not following the code. However, if the project did not meet the Council could make other discretionary approvals. Mayor Low reiterated City Attorney Richman's comments that if a developer came and followed all the guidelines established, the City Council could not deny the mixed -used project. The City Planner Bermejo stated that the Planning Commission makes findings for compatibility in architectural designs to protect the neighborhoods and environment. Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of October 8, 2013 Page 5 of 15 Council ;d project to be sent to the City has the ability to request any 1 B, would make Council Member Clark reiterated that those are the reasons why mixed -used projects should come to the City Council for review. Council MemberArmenta asked how long a project would be delayed, if it had to come to the City Council. Director of Community Development Ramirez explained that depending on the City Council meetings it could delay a project from two to four weeks. In addo. pay for public hearings each at $500. xr Council Member Ly commended staff in updating the nodes City Attorney Richman stated that th e City Council could see X f at thi density is involved in a project. However, the City Council Knot ma only review design, location, site configuration, affect of d on of review, compatibility, and architectural designs. r,�x Mayor Pro Tom Alarcon stated that the projects that the a:: by the City Council by request. Council Member Steven Ly made a motion, resolution 2013 45. Vote resulted in: Yes: No: 1 Abstain: Low, Ly Commission and the Arant would have to the residents. reviews when e auidelines but reviews could be reviewed Armenta to adopt .4106 � "'f�'iig� f � ado ' Council lion, seconded by Council Member Sandra Armenta to introd ?first reading o ante 1,Vote resulted in: . r, fYes: Alarcon, enta,,Low, Ly Clark t: None i ' Abs t f. ; No Council Member Stevens ,y made a motion, seconded by Council Member Sandra Armenta to introduce first reading of Ordinance No. 932. Vote resulted in: Yes: Alarcon, Armenta, Low, Ly No: Clark Absent: None Abstain: None Rosemead Co Council Regular Meeting Minutes of October 8, 2013 Page 6 of 15 Council Member Steven Ly made a motion, seconded by Council Member Sandra Armenta to introduce first reading of Ordinance No. 933. Vote resulted in: Yes: Alarcon, Armenta, Low, Ly No: Clark Absent: None Abstain: None Council Member Steven Ly made a motion, seconded by Council Resolution No. 2013 -50. Vote resulted in: Yes: Alarcon, Armenta, Low, Ly No: Clark Absent: None Abstain: None B. Comprehensive Fee Resolution Update for Division Fees The City is pursuing a comprehi Rosemead Municipal Code) to f General Plan policy, and to add Comorehensiveonina Code U costs fo6ffi the c6llec$E listed in the 1. Approve revised fee, vices and fc i fees. This the City Sandra Armenta to adopt Development— Planning to the City�6Dipg Code (Title 17 of the he quality o(tte in Rosemead, to implement Late and Federal law. The ;stable s several new land use development on is roposed for the purpose of covering :ing the new procedures in the Zoning Code by 'does not include any changes to existing fees e Resolution. take one of the following two (2) actions: No. 201346, entitled: A RESUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEM &D, CALIFORNIA, ADDING NEW COMMUNITY UEVOPMENT (PLANNING DIVISION) FEES KO 2. Continue this public hearing item to the meeting of the City Council on Tuesday, October 22, 2013. City Planner Bermejo reviewed the staff report. Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of October 8, 2013 Page 7 of 15 Council Member Steven Ly made a motion, seconded by Council Member Sandra Armenta to approve Resolution No. 2013 -46. Vote resulted in: Yes: Alarcon, Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly No: None Absent: None Abstain: None Mayor Low opened the Public Hearing at 8:41 p.m. There being no 8:42 p.m. City Attorney Richman stated that there being no public change. Council Member Sandra Armenta asked that item C Council Member Steven Ly asked that items G and H be 4. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Minutes September Septemb B. Clai s a Regular t ublic hearing closed at x :` °. r vote 6fCity Council did not _1/ , vote. vote. No. 2013 — 54 entitled: A RE91UTION!OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSE D ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THM OF $1,775,874.48 NUMBERED 82528 THROUGH ,82701 CLUSIVELY D. National eaaue of Cities National Summit — November 12th —14th — Seattle, WA The City Council will consider authorizing the attendance of Council Member Margaret Clark to the National League of Cities "National Summit on Your City's Families" in Seattle, WA, on November 12th — November 14th. Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of October 8, 2013 Page 8 of 15 Recommendation: That the City Council authorize the attendance of Council Member Margaret Clark, at city expense, to the National League of Cities "National Summit on Your City's Families" in Seattle, WA. E. F. Merit Salary Adjustment — City Manager :view of the City Manager's `e The City's apply to the City Manager ;ity's compensation system, 13), all City employees agreed to forego sal ;' creases including the current 2013 -14 Fiscal Year employe=re eligible to receive r On September 24, 2013, the City Council conducted an annual job performance and provided a rating of Substantially Excee established policies and procedures for merit salary adju n in the same manner as all other full -time employees. e a performance rating of Substantially Exceeds Exp ions e adjustment of 5% within the established salary r�. r the to a merit salary A A Fiscal Year (2012 - Manager. During based on job performance. However, in con'p i n lsmerit salary iray ease, the City Manager will begin to pay an amount equal to v lary as a payroll deduction towards the employee's contribution the California Public ; flj oyees' Retirement System (CaIPERS). It is envisioned t IJ�mployees who a oiled as members of CaIPERS will likely incur the same 2% C? oil deduction f: ntn'g in July of 2014 in compliance with state law. Recommend t' �, That the City G,'u: I approve merit salary adjustment of 5% within the salary. ge rdance with t city's estab11 hed policies and procedures for all full - time y >' es. Contract Ex ' : tional Management Association Retirement ion (IC) to ferred Comprehensive Program Services The City 'I will c r n action to extend the agreement with the City's existing deferred co ; §ation p m provider. That the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a five (5) on with ICMA -RC. Restroom Maintenance and Repairs In September 2013, the City Council reviewed the existing conditions of the Garvey Gymnasium and determined there is an imminent need for maintenance and repair work at the building. The facility was built prior to the incorporation of the City and is in significant need of repair. During the discussion, the Council identified three key maintenance needs for the gym including restroom facilities, window replacement, and exterior improvements. Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of October 8, 2013 Page 9 of 15 The existing gymnasium restroom facilities were identified as a priority for maintenance and repair work due to existing plumbing, ventilation, and fixture deficiencies. As such, informal proposals were solicited to repair the plumbing, replace fixtures, and update flooring, tiling, and paint. Repairs will also address existing Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) deficiencies in the facility. Recommendation: That the City Council authorize the City Manager to enter into an agreement with CEM Construction in the amount of $104,500. (addition, authorize an amount of $15,675 (15 %n) as a contingency to cover the cost,4f%unforeseen expenses. Council Member Sandra Armenta made a motion, seconded by the Consent Calendar, with the exception of Items C, G, and H. Steven Ly to approve Yes: Alarcon, Armenta, Clark, Ly, Low No: None Absent: None s. Abstain: None C. NALEO — National Policy November 22nd — 24th _ 0 on and Management The City Council will consider authoi Armenta to the NALEO — National Pi Managemenl?rlaado, FL, on Nov has granted bh l Fund to the expii §e,of a one hotel stay. FL. tAttendance of ouncil Member Sandra �tituLb' Ether ency Response and 22nd - 'N�Vbmber 24th. The NALEO organization I Member Armenta and the City will only cover authorize the attendance of Council Member Policy Institute on Emergency Response and Cound ' berArmenta & ced 6 9'National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials or tion would p a 1 a� expen s during her attendance to the conference and she would receive a certificate o pletion cours9AS 402 from the U.S Department of Homeland Security. Council Member L' d if NALEO would reimburse Council Member Armenta for unexpected expenses. Council MemberArmenfieplied that NALEO will only pay for the airfare, hotel and the conference. Council Member Ly suggested that the Council still authorize the payment of any unexpected cost. Council Member Steven Ly made a motion, seconded by Mayor Polly Low to approve the attendance of Council Member Sandra Armenta to the National Policy Institute on Emergency Response and Management in Orlando, Florida. Vote resulted in: Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of October 8, 2013 Page 10 of 15 Yes: Alarcon, Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly No: None Absent: None Abstain: None G. Installation of Red Curb at Intersection of Hellman Avenue and Isabel Avenue The Traffic Commission recently reviewed a request from sev sidents in the vicinity of Hellman Avenue and Isabel Avenue to install red curbing at 'e intersection in order to improve the visibility of motorists making turns onto Hell aii venue from Isabel Avenue. The residents indicated that the lack of sight visibility)this are. uses safety concerns when turning from northbound Isabel Avenue o : : : Hellman Aver'�u, either direction. Staff mmended investigated the site and reco to thW to i Commission that3,�rking restrictions (red curbing) be installed along the south (e of Hellman Avenue, exteiifllfil -five (25) feet to the West of the intersection at Isd > . enuesed on this informs¢ the Commission concurred with these findings. Recommendation: That the { City Council approve raffic Commission's recommendation and authoriYkto install red curbs • • ong the south side of Hellman Avenue extending twenty-fiv( q,tthe West of the i, a tion at Isabel Avenue. Council Member Ly requested to remove the Tra Corn s i 'R • inendation wording, because the City Council agenda was publis, prior to the Traffi y Qo mission` k ring. Mr. Ly stated that the recommendation should r d as (o'V4 Yhat the City uncil autf;Af staff to install red curbing along the south side of Hellman Ave rt a extendI twenty -five (2 f eet to the West of the intersection at Isabel Avenue". Director of Public Marcarellot xpla he that the agenda item was brought to the City Council to exp th „Fork S { i ed . a 1a edite item request to place on the Traffic Commission agenda for their recommiif,6tion and in o .,,avoid _staff also brought the item to the City Council along with the Council MeN stated that ffic Commission items are advisory recommendations and goes to the s, City Council , al. r "y 3 City Attorney Richmar 1 the Traffic Commission actions are strictly advisory. Council Member Ly recommended that in the future staff not anticipate the Traffic Commission's recommendation and place the same item in a City Council agenda prior to the Commission's meeting. Council Member Clark asked if the property owners on Isabel Avenue were notified about installing a red curb in front of their property. Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of October 8, 2013 Page 11 of 15 Director of Public Works Marcarello replied that the property owners requested the red curb for traffic safety purposes. Council Member Steven Ly made motion, seconded by Council Member Sandra Armenta to authorize staff to install red curbing along the south side of Hellman Avenue extending twenty-five (25) feet to the West of the intersection at Isabel Avenue. Vote resulted in: Yes: Alarcon, Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly,�,,,, No: None Absent: None Abstain: None H. Installation of Keep Clear Markings — Lorica j at Temple Boulevard The Traffic Commission recently reviewed a`tequest from residents to re�(Iw traffic conditions and access to Lorica Street .,at �"e ''lple City Boulevard. Temple Gi Boulevard is currently serving as a main detour for north �o�ilth traff c, dite to the temporaijiclosure of Baldwin Avenue, resulting in increased traffic vof j e` . The increased traffic volumes and traffic backup on Temple Cit)�Boulevard have creafe cess difficulties for residents coming and going from Lorica Street. eceived numerous sts from residents to install a Keep Clear" zone to improve rest erftt'ccess to Lorlc slut Temple City Boulevard. Based on the information provide e T s n concurred with the recommend et , f,;staff to install a "Ke Clear' zoo � ? Recom n4 dation: ? t the City Cour jJ approve the Traffic Commission's recorflmee d and horize staff to ui t )Lapproximately 50 feet of "Keep Clear' pavement mar Trigs v i urn tF s in t thh southbound travel lanes of Temple City Boulevard �e ipkersectidiSwlh Londe Councg jV ' mber Steven ""'oAde a � n, seconded by Council Member Sandra Armenta to authdPY . *pff to install appir ,, ateI f €et of "Keep Clear" pavement markings, with limit lines, in the southbitd travel lanes of Temple, ity Boulevard at the intersection with Lorica Street. Vote resulted in:`" / Iarcon, A enta, Clark, Low, Ly Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of October 8, 2013 Page 12 of 15 5. MATTERS FROM CITY MANAGER & STAFF A. Underground Electrical Utility Projects — Planning and Prioritization Policy The California Public Utilities Commission provides three rules relative to utility undergrounding projects within the State, Rule 20A, Rule 20B, and Rule 20C. These programs offer several benefits to communities, including helpir to enhance community aesthetics and providing more reliable utility services to custprneThe difference among these three rules involves the funding source used to pay ndergrounding project costs. Historically, the City's electric utility undergrounding gjects K40 : en funded through Rule 20A and have focused on major thoroughfares eareas of pd } Merest. In each project, the City utilized several criteria to ev fihteets as potent ergrounding locations. These criteria focused on enh�jg safety, improving aesth Fend timing improvements. f.. An underground planning and prioritization policy is a` mmonly used tool in other cities that helps evaluate locations for fdf 11 dergrounding prb -ts., The creation of such a policy will help the City in planning for flfr capi al improvement pedts and undergrounding efforts. Based on the comments ovid6 be uncil a � July 23rd meeting, the policy has been modified to include inforrri tion two erpa ive funding sources available for future undergr projects Am dng fliese all e 'es is the potential for undergrop in unction with futijre private development. the City the Underground Utility Planning and ding projects in the City. the Mayof Tem Alarcon ask �`f the und6*tbund poles that a8cated inside re bai 'yards. report. planning and prioritization policy would include utility Director of Public Gj%dr� Marcare)5 explained that residential utility poles could get under grounded depending on Southerh;Coifornia'Edison's determination as far as they can go out. Also, if the City would want to supplement South$rrdalifornia Edison in their funding to include any immediate adjacent utility poles, it would have to bebfi a case by case basis. Council Member Armenta stated that there have been some problems on Rosemead Boulevard with underground lines. She asked staff what preventive measures are available. Director of Public Works Marcarello explained that the Rosemead Boulevard problem was due to a maintenance issue of the underground vault. Mr. Marcarello stated that Southern California Edison does perform regular maintenance and repairs of their underground vaults and transformers. Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of October 8, 2013 Page 13 of 15 Council Member Clark stated she had the same concerns as Council Member Armenta, however indicated that underground transformers would take longer to fix. Mrs. Clark asked if Rule 20A funding was already paid by the ratepayers and placed in a fund. Mrs. Clark added that she would vote for Rule 20A only. Director of Public Works Marcarello explained that the proposed policy was a broad framework for future projects such as resurfacing roads or facility improvements and a master plan is created. He added that the policy did not bind the City to anything and every project would go to the City Coygcil for approval of specific locations of a project. Council Member Clark expressed concerns with Rule 20B and Rule ., . fiitl" , because it would put the cost on tax payers. f ' r n >• City Manager Allred explained that Rule 20A, 20B, and 20C el G I e pes of fun 'tf . '}that are available. Council Member Ly explained that the City was alreaq, ;, tl„ : Rule 29,0 to underground o'f a project on Walnut Grove Avenue. He added that by using Rule 20B b:, C t , stwill not necessarily go to the developer or residents, but means it is the rule that is used to do ct. Mayor Low stated that once there is a prolect tp`beecuted, the ite Id come back to the City Council for funding approval. City Manager Allred clarified that the proposed policy shov4 the {t n ' options for future underground projects. �� -��} Council Member Ly statef( that staff uses in undergrqunding the north and south side of the City. Mr. Ly /{ suggested that staff look irih3��iendin a City's general' . d reserves and surpluses and annually allocate money towards undergrounding� I "r oral ma�or aFeas of the City. City Mana9 y e rrm Ahpt any s from the current year has been a one -time surplus and added that du 'the strategic per , rkshop' §tiff yvil look into budget deliberations for the next fiscal year Council or Steven Ly a motion, seconded by Council Member Sandra Armenta to receive and file the re'ji,"" Vote result6n: r f, Yes' Fmenta, Low, Ly No: CI!G'. Absent:, ne Abstain: None 6. MATTERS FROM MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL - None 7. COMMENTS FROM CITY COUNCIL Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of October 8, 2013 Page 14 of 15 Mayor Pro Tern Alarcon invited the City Council to attend Saint Anthony's Church Fall Festival on October 11 th. Council MemberArmenta announced that the first Beautification Committee meeting will be on October 16th and invited the public to volunteer in beautifying the City. Council Member Clark commended staff for a successful Fall Fiesta event. Mayor Low thanked staff for making the Fall Fiesta a fun and exciting Council Member Armenta reported out from the Contract Cities Fall =. as, water, water bonds, water grants, energy and the environment' �- Council Member Ly commended staff for the Fall Fiesta ant. Council Member Armenta introduced El Monte Union High 8S1 ID who was attending the meeting. 8. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:06 p.m. The next re October 22, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the Rosemead Mayor Gloria Molleda City Clerk the community. on topics, such Member Carlos Salcedo, to take place on Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of October 8, 2013 Page 15 of 15