CC - Item 5A - Garvey Avenue Corridor Specification Plan Request for Proposal and Appointment of a SubcommitteeROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: JEFF ALLRED, CITY MANAGER DATE: DECEMBER 10, 2013 SUBJECT: GARVEY AVENUE CORRIDOR SPECIFIC PLAN - REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP); AND APPOINTMENT OF A SUBCOMMITTEE SUMMARY The availability of vacant and underutilized land in the Garvey Avenue corridor provides a key opportunity for the City to develop and adopt a specific plan to carefully shape the corridor beyond what current General Plan, zoning standards, and the 2012 Garvey Master Plan design policies can achieve. A specific plan is a regulatory tool that local governments use to guide development in a localized area to systematically implement the general plan and create a "sense of place." A carefully crafted specific plan developed by City officials, staff, and an expert land use consultant has the potential to strengthen the identity and image of Garvey Avenue, as well as expand opportunities for concentrated commercial, industrial and residential uses that contribute to jobs and tax revenues to the community. Staff Recommendations It is recommended that the City take the following actions: 1. Authorize staff to advertise and solicit bids from qualified entities for the preparation of a Garvey Avenue Specific Plan and related environmental impact documents through a Request for Proposal (RFP) process; and 2. Appoint a Specific Plan Subcommittee proposed by the Mayor, consisting of two (2) members from the City Council, one (1) member of the Planning Commission, and one (1) member of the Traffic Commission. BACKGROUND The commercial and industrial districts in Rosemead and the jobs and tax revenues they provide contribute significantly to the City's financial well- being. Economically viable commercial and industrial businesses generate tax revenue, provide a variety of shopping and commercial activities, and ensure the long term fiscal health of the City. ITEM NUMBER City Council Report December 10, 2013 Page 2 of 3 The City's General Plan Land Use Element outlines goals and policies that address preserving and encouraging a variety of commercial, industrial, and residential activities and revitalizing underperforming commercial corridors. One of the plan's action items calls for preparing a specific plan to plan for future development, as well as for both private and public realm design features, in the "High Intensity" commercial areas. The largest "High Intensity" commercial area in the City exists on Garvey Avenue, specifically in the vicinity of where the former Los Angeles Dealer Auto Auction once operated. The availability of this vacant and underutilized land provides a key opportunity for the City to adopt a detailed development plan. ANALYSIS The specific plan is an effective tool for developing a community "sense of place." It is intended to be a more detailed development plan than a general plan, as it contains definitive development standards and requirements relating to land use, density, lot size and shape, siting of buildings, setbacks, circulation, drainage, landscaping, architecture, water, sewer, public facilities, grading, maintenance, open space, parking, and other elements deemed necessary for proper development of an area. Such projects take the form of a map and written text. Specific plans are also subject to an environmental study in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The preparation of a specific plan encompassing the entire length of the Garvey Avenue corridor will require the collection and analysis of significant amounts of detailed data, as well as technical environmental studies. It is anticipated that the scope of this project will require the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR). Close collaboration between City staff, an expert land use consultant, and an appointed subcommittee will be essential to achieve a plan that strengthens the image, identity, and sense of place of one of the City's prominent commercial corridors. Subsequent to the work of the expert land use consultant, staff and the appointed subcommittee, the proposed specific plan and the environmental documents will be reviewed for consideration by the Planning Commission and the Traffic Commission prior to final review and action by the City Council. FISCAL ANALYSIS It is proposed that the cost of this project be covered by financial resources in the General Fund unallocated fund balance. It is anticipated that a budget amendment will be considered by the City Council in conjunction with its approval of a contract with the successful land use consulting firm that emerges from the RFP process. City Council Report December 10, 2013 Page 3 of 3 PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item was noticed through the normal public agenda posting process. Prepared by: / /S, u by: Sheri Bermejo Michelle G. Ramirez City Planner Community Development Director