Casino Night Flyer12 , 2 6Y\, CASINO NIGHT Join us in supporting the Rosemead Educational Foundation SAVE TUL DATE Sdturdwv, March 15, 2CU G:3c- 11:cc13m Almanscr Court 7CC S. Almanscr St. Alhambra, CA ASC1 C:3Cpm Check In 8 Uar Cpens 7:CCpm Dinner S:CCpm Tables Cpen Eariv Dird Ticket Rates Rair ct Tickets, S75 Table ct 1 C, S35C Early bird rates end 2/14/2014 Reopular Ticket Rates Sinale $45 Table ct 1 C. S4C4) Tickets will not be sold at the door. Silent Auction * Ceneral Seating * Reserved Seating for Table Spcnsers rer more information, visit us at www.facebeek.cem/ resemeadeducatienalfeu ndatien Contact Ron rsouivel, (818) 41q -1110, rein3lCC&earthlink.net