Malibu Pacific Tennis Courts Inc.CITY OF ROSEMEAD ROSEMEAD PART( IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT BASKETBALL COURTS PROJECT No. 41020 CONTRACT BID FORMS TEN "f9 CCURTB INC. (616] 1133 IA FAX: SUI 7C16-'1951 31133 VIA CA -AGE. CA 91382 'I WE6TLAKE VILLAGE CA IIC.X CPA1B11] RZ 103253 NVQYM]8 BIDDER: NI, "a. pf:,C -T S Wv/17i ,, CONTRACT BID FORMS TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTIONI BIDSCHEDULE SECTION 2 BID DATA FORMS ..................... ....... 5 2.A BID BOND ..................... ..._..,.....__.........__. ................_........._.... 2.B LIST OF PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTORS- — .......................... SECTION3 NON - COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT ................................................ .............................10 BIDDER: 11 A015" PsM�F%CTE.wr+ lDw'"ZT��S^'� • SECTION 1- BID SCHEDULE CBF -1 BIDDER: 'HL B In �i �C) ri NtirS �JRJ5�2�1 BID SCHEDULE SCHEDULE OF PRICES FOR ROSEMEAD PARK IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT BASKETBALL COURTS PROJECT No. 41020 TOTAL BASE BID PRICE (SCHEDULE BID PRICE): Dollar amount CBF -2 UNIT ITEM NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QTY. PRICE COST 1 Clearing & Grubbing per plans and LS 1 1 j dUU. UJ t f, JUp JD specifications. 2 Disposal of Waste Malenals- LS 1 '?, J+J. d/ 1, J ✓o. uJ 3 Remove, Dispose existing and Tons 345 Construct 4- Inches Thick CMB 85 % Relative Compaction Over 90 % y 0. d 0 b 10 U 00 Compacted Native As Indicated on Plans and Specificadons Complete. 4 Construct 4- Inches Thick PCC SF 11,850 Basketball Court (3250 PSI) as S, f D U S I'M UO Indicated on the Plans and Specifications Complete. 5 Construct 4- Inches Thick Colored SF 2,000 Concrete (Chrorl with Lithochrome Colorhardener an top b IN (t, ✓JJ JD per Plans and Specifications Complete per LM Scofield Company or Approved Equal. 6 Construct Concrete Seat Wall LF 200 including grading, concrete stairs, SU 00 W weep holes and miscellaneous as 10 Jv J , indirated on the Plans and Specifications Complete. 7 Install Basketball Court Pole and EA 6 Backboard Per Manufacturer }SQ. �(fJl 81 1 Recommendations Complete; City will provide equipmend _ 8 Install Basketball Court Striping as LS 1 Indicated on the Plans and ;JJJ. u✓ ; oAY, ✓ Specifications Complete. 71 I I G 6:1-f 11J TOTAL BASE BID PRICE (SCHEDULE BID PRICE): Dollar amount CBF -2 BIDDER: I IAL�OK ?Pe i't*e- 00 Note: The City of Rosemead reserves the right to reduce or increase the quantities of any Rams in the schedule of bid items above, within the limits define in Section 32.2.1 of the Standard Specifications, to stay within the budgeted amount of this project. If the Bid Documents specify alternate bid items, the following Alternate Bid amounts shall be added to or deducted from the Total Bid Price entered above. The owner can choose to Include one or more of the alternates In the Total Bid Price of the Project If any of the Alternate Bids are utilized by the Owner, the resulting amount shall be considered the Total Bid Price for the Project The undersigned agrees that these Contract Bid Forms constitute a firm otter to the Owner which cannot be withdrawn for the number of Working Days indicated in the Notice Inviting Bids from and aRerthe bid opening date, or until a Contract for the Work is fully executed by the Owner and a third party, whichever is earlier. The undersigned also agrees that if there is a discrepancy between the written amount of the Bid Price and the numerical amount of the Bid Price, the written amount shall govern. Attached hereto is a certif d check, a cashiers check or bid bond in the amount of IO� o oFBib Dollars ($1O ] said amount being not less tha (10 %) of the Total Bid Price. The undersigned agrees that said amount shall be retained by the Ownerif, upon award, we fail or refuse to execute the Contract and furnish the required bonds, certificates and endorsements of insurance and other certifications within the time provided. R awarded a Contract, the undersigned agrees to execute the formal Contract, which will be prepared by the Ownerfor execution, within five (5) Calendar Days following the Letter of Award for the Contract, and will deliver to the Ownerwilhin that same period the necessary original Certificates of Insurance, Endorsements of Insurance, Performance Bond, Payment Bond and all other documentation and certificafion required by the Contract. The undersigned offers and agrees that it this bid is accepted, itwill assign to the purchasing body all rights, title, and interest in and to all causes of action it may have under Section 4 of the Clayton Act (15 U.S.C. Section 15) or under the Cartwright Act (Chapter 2 of Part 2 of Division 7 of the Business and Professional Code), arising from purchases of goods, materials or services by the Bidder for sale to the purchasing body pursuant to the bid. Such assignment shall be made and become effective at the time the purchasing body tenders final payment to he Contractor. Bidder understands and agrees that, when requested by Owner, he shall provide; (1) evidence satisfactory to the Owner of Bidders California contractors Ilcense(s) in good standing; (2) evidence that the person signing this Bid is authorized to bind Bidder to this Bid and to a contract resulting therefrom; and (3) any other Information and documentation, financial or otherwise, needed by Owner to award a Contract to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder. CBF -3 Bidder acknowledges that data submitted with its Contract Bid Forms which it requires to be incorporated into a Contract arising out of this Submittal has been so identified by Bidder. Bidder further acknowledges that the Owner may, at its discretion, incorporate any of the remaining data submitted herewith into a contract arising out of this Bid. BIDDER : r 'NCiBN PAO l F ;e VA *iS� The undersigned acknowledges receipt, understanding and full consideration of the following addenda to the Contract Documents. Addenda Nos. The Bidder understands and agreesthat the Total Bid Price is inclusive of all labor, materials, and equipment or supplies necessary to complete the Work as described in the Bid Documents. If this bid is accepted, the undersigned Bidder agrees to enter into and execute the Contract with the necessary bonds and accept the Total Bid Price as compensation in full for all Work under the contract. M»I BIDDER: / 'AL; a" I14C. F2- I� NV �S (.ovr�y5�' ✓� 3033 7 Business Street Address rcekr✓ V. LL�616f,= ea 9/-56 a City, State and Zip Code CSV k� 7a7 - -3/ Telephone Number BiddeesrContractors State of Incorporation: 0,1U � H Partners or Joint Venturers: Bidder's License Number(s): k /0 NOTES: 1) By its signature on this Bid, the Bidder certifies under penalty of perjury the accuracy of the representations made on the Contract Bid Forms. 2) If Bidder is a corporation, enter State of Incorporation in addition to Business Address ✓ rv;f*, 3) If Bidder is a partnership or joint venture, give full names of all partners or joint ;tp')Nn venturers. bC{p.�yb�ur gr)LL As further discussed is the laslructions to Bidders, Bidder will be required ,I to provide evidence that the perwo signing on behalf of the corporation, 'X+ partnership or ioinl venture has the nathority to do so. P LC 52E A ti2> CBF -5 Title MALIBU PACIFIC TENNIS COURTS, INC. Resolutions Pertaining to Corporate Authoritv 'the Dndersigned is the President and Secretary of MALIBU PACIFIC TENNIS COURTS, INC. The undersigned certifies that the Board of Directors adopted the following resolutions at its meeting on October 15, 2006: WHEREAS, the Corporation negotiates, submits bids, and enters into contracts for construction projects; and NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this Company is authorized to submit bids and proposals, and enter into contracts for construction projects: and RESOLVED FURTHER, that the officers of this Company, and in particular, PHILIP CARTER, as President and Secretary of the Corporation, is hereby authorized and directed to prepare, and execute on behalf of the Company any necessary documentation, agreements, bids and proposals which may be necessary to complete this transaction. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and accurate representatio of the resolutions adopted by the Board on October 15, 2006. CARTER BIDDER: M AUSB P.0-i FFC Ira NU;S SECTION 2 BID DATA FORMS CBF -6 BIDDER Malibu Pacific Tennis Cou rts, Inc. &dder shall submit its Bid data in accordance with the format shown on each of the following Bid Data Forms. Bidders shall prepare and use as marry sheets as are neceesary to adequately provide the information required. Bidder shall ensure that every page of its Bid Data Forms are property identified with the Bidder's name and page number. 2.A BID BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT Malibu Pacific Tennis Courts, Inc. , as Principal, and North American Spec ally Insurance Company . as Surety, are held firmly bound unto the CITY OF ROSEMEAD (hereinafter called the OWNER) in the sum of Ten Percent of Bid Amount DOLLARS 7 , being not less than ten percent (10 %) of the Total Bid Price: for the payment of which sum will and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs. executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, jointly and severely, firmly by these presems. WHEREAS, said Principal has submitted a bid to the OWNER to perform so Work required for the ROSEMEAD PARK IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT — BASKETBALL COURTS as set forth in the Notice Inviting Bids and accompanying Bid Documents, dated January 22 2014 NOW, THEREFORE, if said Principal is awarded a Contract for the Work by the OWNER and, mthin the time and in the manner required by the above- referenced Bid Documents, enters into the written form of Contract bound with said Bid Documents, furnishes the required bonds (one to guarantee faithful performance and the other to guarantee payment for labor and materials) furnishes the required insurance certificates and endorsements, and furnishes any other certifications as may be required by the Contract. then this obligation shall be null and veld; otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect. In the event suit is brought upon this bond by the OWNER and judgment is recovered, said Surety shall pay all costs incurred by the OW NER m such surc including real nable attorneys' fees to be fixed by the court. 7 SIGNED AND SEALED. this 7th day of January , 2014 . North American Specialty Malibu Paafic nni o c. (SEAL) Insurance Company {SEAL) Prfnr]oa Suety Sy BY 'nature N: e dA'�/E >z — �5. Signature Yung T. Mullick, Anorney -in -Fact CBF -7 CALIFORNIA ALL- PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of ORANGE On J ANUARY 19,2014 before me, JENNIFER C. ANAYA. .VOTA PU B L IC of me on¢er oam personalh appeared YUNG U MULUICK Name(a1 M 61re01) who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person* whose nameM is /are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledgged to me that he /shetthey executed the same in hisWWf11�% authorized capaciry(ies), p ),JENNIFER C. ANA YA - and that by his/hnifibea signatureW on the instrument the d personi or the entity upon ehalf of whi the personpq COMM. # 1974158 A acted, executed the instrume NOTARY PUBLIC-CAUFORNIAORANDE COUNTY I certify under PENALTY PER R under the laws of Y COMM. EXP. MAY 2, 2816 the State of California t he to go' paragraph is true and correct. Witness my hand nd offici se Plam NNary Seal Above OPTIONAL Though the information below is not required by law, R may prove valuable to 1 and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: Document Date: Signers) Other Than Named Above:. Capacity(iee) Claimed by Signer(s) Signers Name: _.___ ❑Individual ❑ Corporate officer — Tifle(s): ❑ Partner — ❑Umhed ❑General ❑ Attorney in Fad ❑ Trustee ❑ Guardian or Conservator Top of thumb here ❑ Other: Signer Is Representing: Number of Signers Name: ❑ Individual ❑ Corporate Officer— Title(s) ❑ Partner —❑ Limited []General ❑ Attorney in Fad ❑Trustee XMIAMOR ❑Guardian or Conservator Top of thumb here ❑Other: Signer Is Representing: ENV �MM NAS SURE I'I GROIP NORTH AMLRICAN SPECIALIY IW iitANCF CONIP.AN1' WASH INGTON INTRRNATION AL INSII RANCIi CON'WANY GENERA]. POWER OE ATTORNEY LNON'ALL MLN ICY I IIIS I IRI'.SI SIS]H %I N Arramar'Nuli,ils I: ( surr a c '.d and ':oeunder Ialoss III ti SttefN I In and l its ts princip II f MaI,h N H'the ,ad N':h'yt in 'I Instaee Corners, a wmma(ur orpnt...I and.. - ei glnr del rs of & SmtcofAur l lanpah'a. and hang its pr'n,ipal effete athe C it, of Schaumburg. II'mof.. each doe. herchp make. ennaimte and apryilm: 1LN LEI] C. ANA) A. J LS W. MOILANEN , ,,it) E MUI LICK _ 101NTLY OR SEA LRAI LY _ I,, true and lur,ful Ar ltsl-io-I'ud r eeeeltc dd F -.f 1.1 111 d - t- r ddeed hoods or all - i & "Morn Ill, 'arc nl a bode l bel 11 f' h f: dC I , solv on con o fsrarctp t h i pa o s Lire or surn be qu d or pennittedhp lass, . I c ion. contract ortabler ne 'noiclItithurni ... d or undcvkng rwmrud - thpcs<uted derth'smlhu r'1111.'ald" omauntI& PI FTY 111 LLION(S5f1.000,00000) DOLLA _ I In, Of Ali,,,,,, ' td and ` JUr,d I l , older and h the 11.'1 ftl fll Rie,o dptdb the li d f Dreuonot both ' r Am lieu, Sp 119 soma.( us and Nok anhilltoll l nlemttlnal H C nall,Ir, t ricoings did, ellul ,,III JIM on their of 11a..'012' RE Sta 1. V1; 1) full ri t I (Joe Pe" M _ KD cI senior Si ,,Ni Vice iwud i air, Aao,tart b Preside tl S to n A,,ocral S tar, Lord cold, Or tal Of toi1,, h mth dt teaIi of AU rqual'fs rgtic d m nlmel 11e I, On Ne", Ol lu . to I11 on blunt Id C ra"Pain hard' . undertakings a 1 Ill cnest rI r red floo each Or amoftheir hcrcbr is amarl "Id ro trust ill (Ii e .... oon of um such Pool v)I Ana'u. tall to attach therm th..cal ofthe Clnp no: I III I'rRI 111 It RE501 VER thatth i g u ltual ofsud p nnd Joe All el (h Cumpaa, clap he afi II sell . I LIIII Para fAU rre )'Ortoany ell r -0 them h ki i and ano sid 1 t AttOnico or Ceta h - S carril :g tre P:Imile.'ls be tidl_Ipol tile ran .rrb. t) ... ,ad nth, Hill itin 's . I (a air, head uldmak 5 - mnmct of strit rshbht is vaehed. �Pll ee Ar�`"d f C / H P[pV.l( N $-d P R W A so SEAL _ a SEAL so. a a a Iv..m - m.� ...a.m a yaon. Ny�JY IN NIINI'SS WHBLOP Vorth 4n "151 'It l Cl p and P`:hlgt I nt e rnationa l l e C'copal. busy caused lhcir Ilcal stalk to 1), ou voafl.uL tl . ... .rest...tr bef�ud b, dl ... 11neld olfc nNs ( Iar, J une spl> North American Specialtu Insurance Company NN ashington International Insurance Company Still aI Minor, Count ul Cook jz- Un Ihls '' -hlh dey of J une -21 . before Inc -a Sowry ii pervmall} appeared _ Sle,cn P. Anderson , Sal'mr Vice President OI ,, I l: a C npa d5 Vice President lot N tl Ar,Oi1QaT1 Sp ls Mori Crar,al, ,ad D''dM.Layman- Vi President ol N Ishington International 1: C oner,ce land N ill P I t fit N is 1 Sp `ll, hourain, Cr porn, p.r,orl 1, Knorr In al rtoo le Ill to sells "I arr. uk mkd g..d th the tignd the Hbrcle,s 01 All m - sad nu1and acknoslcdped said insunmenl to he the vdumar act and deed of there espied,, eomaaNcv. roPFlQAL SEAL" f, r,: DONNA D. SU ENS S. Navy Public,S or Illinois Di U Stiles, Netol Pnhlic MY fonwusnn Fapim l(Ii11:R015 It-tar It-tarcs Goldhe 11 e 1 h elected Assistant! Set rO 1,11 ' I O r North Ann erican alreca In surance Company and N ashingto I 1 nut ellmwa Co p- _ ti it tt Hat dllab a nd le 'a an d s tcop,(i .P rfAtter m s. r.en by said North knicaricurn Sp•eialh I C Onpl lid S'ash'ngmnlntemuiomlInst.. see C ompron whet is s(,It in bull free and elTct. IN N'ITNII IS N' 111- .IiOI'. I bare sea rn }unload aRnud the seals of the Cnmpmics this 12_dapof JANUARY ,20 amao & s I It ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of Los Angeles ) on January 21, 2014 before me, Steve Fiedler, Notary Public (insert name and title of the officer) personally appeared Phil Carter who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(&) whose names) is /are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he /she/they executed the same in his / h.,oOthar- authorized capacity(ies), and that by his /heritheiv signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the persons) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. STEVE FIEDLER WITNESS my hand and offc I seal. commiaa;on a 1979938 E4' as 1 Notary Pubbc - Calilornia _ Los Fngeles County My Comm. Ex ires May 31, 2016 Signature (Seal) BIDDER: I M ai BI... fmCiri )� uuiS l- bvr1JS� C 2.6 LIST OF PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTORS In compliance with the "Subletting and Subcontracting Fair Practices Act," Sections 4100 through 4114 of the California Pudic Contract Code, and any amendments thereto, each Bidder shall provide the information requested below for each subcontractor who will perform work, labor orrender service to Bidder in or about the construction of the Work In an amount in excess of one -half of one percent (greater than 0.5 %) of the Bidder's Total Bid Prim, or, in the case of bids or offers for the construction of streets or highways, including bridges, in excess of one -half of 1 percent of the Contractor's total bid or ten thousand dollars ($10,000), whichever is greater, and shall further set forth the portion of the Work which will be done by each subcontractor. Bidder shall list only one subcontractor for any one portion of the Work. Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 4104, the Owner has determined that it will allow Bidders twenty -four (24) additional hours after the deadline for submission of bids to submit the information requested by the Owner about each subcontractor, other than the name and location of each subcontractor. If the Bidder fails to specify a subcontractor for any portion of the Work to be performed under the Contract, it shall be deemed to have agreed to perform such portion itself, and shall not be Permitted to subcontract that portion of the Work except under the conditions hereinafter set forth below. Sublet ng or subcontracting of any portion of the Work in excess of one half of one percent (greater than 0.5 %) ofthe Total Bid Price or, in the case of bids or offers for the construction of streets or highways, including bridges, in excess of one-half of 1 percent of the Contractor's total bid or ten thousand dollars ($10,000), whichever is greater, for which no subcontractor was designated in the original bid shall only be permitted in cases of public emergency or necessity, and then only after Owner approval. CBF -8 BIDDER:I IR PkW.iAC IE N NiS r�owzr6�SNL'. 29 LIST OF PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTORS (continued) J - MMmhN 2 Pages X MM br MM ak W� n Name and Location Description of Work of Suboomractp to be Subcontracted Name: N Address Name and Location of Subcontractor Name: Address: Description of Work to be Subcontracted Name and Location of Subcontractor Name: Address: Name and Location of Subcontractor Name: Address: Description of Work to be Subcontracted Description of Work to be Subcontracted Name and Location of Subcontractor Name Address. Description of Work to be Subcontracted CBF -9 ✓. KAC i FiC r AJW-4 t-D✓ BIDDER: I lh.Ga I 2.0 REFERENCES The following are the names, addresses and telephone numbers for three public agencies for which BIDDER has performed similar work within the past two (2) years: Awne and Address of Omer 4 Name and telephone number of person familiar with project Contract amount Type of Work Date Completed 2. Name and Address of Owner Name and telephone number of person familiar with project Contract amount Type of Work Date Completed 3. Name Name and telephone number of person familiar with project Contract amount Type of Work Date Completed 4. Name and Address of Owner Name and telephone number of person familiar with project Contract amount Type of Work Date Completed CBF -10 BIDDER: MA L N; 17 0 SECTION 3 NON - COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT CBF -11 BIDDER tALi B1+ P ACGrG IEN NiS av'zy "jr e NON - COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT In accordance with Public Contract Code Section 7106, the undersigned, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he or she holds the position listed below with the bidder, the party making the foregoing bid, that the bid is not made in the interest of, or on behalf of, any undisclosed person, partnership, company, association, organization, or corporation; that the bid is genuine and not collusive or sham; that the bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other bidder to put in a false or sham bid, and has not directly or indirectly colluded, conspired, connived, or agreed with any bidder or anyone else to put in a sham bid, or that anyone shall refrain from bidding; that the bidder has not in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement, communication, or conference with anyone to fix the bid price of the bidder or any other bidder, or to fix any overhead, profit, or cost element of the bid price, or of that of any other bidder, or to secure any advantage against the public body awarding the contract of anyone interested in the proposed contract; that all statements contained in the bid are true; and, further, that the bidder has not, directly or indirectly, submitted his or her bid price orany breakdown thereof, orthe contentsilhersof, or divulged information or data relative thereto, or paid, and will not pay, a ee to any corporation, partnership, company association, organization, bid depositor or to any member a agent thereof to effectuate a collusive or sham bid. or I'lal�au ,C IsuN;S `ov�z.rS,.T —�'C, Bidder Subscribed and sworn before me This 61P day of Iv✓ ✓L 20_�Y Notary PublicA and for the State of California My Commission Expires: qprj a7 ';LOf 6 (Seal) CBF -12 STEVE FIEDLER Commission # 19799]8 ,�- e'<iL t Notary Countnla Los Angeles County Angeles My Comm. Expires May 27. 206 CBF -12 31133 VIA COLINAS SUITE 107, WESTLAKEWLLAGE, CA 91362-(61 1707-3797 (818) 706-1951 FAX CONTRACTORS LICENSE NUMBERS: CALIFORNIA: 618117 ARIZONA: 103153 NEVADA: 035076 Reference List Projett Manager. McCarthy Building Companies Pro,ecr Manager. Ralhoor Reatt Construction Osvn,r. Palm Spring} Unified School District Owner. Oak Park Unified Sdtool Dlstnct Contact Robby Chamb,r, (- 60)'_02 -4615 Contact R,ith l ]and ... on- (805)2644133 Pmiect Name. Rancho Mirage l hgh School s4 ProlettName Bathroom Moderno,tion Per LLacatiore Rancho Manage, CA Pmj,cd o,anora OakPuk,CA Project Value S665,000 Project Venue a160000 Projest T)pc (8: New Concrete Term, Courts Project Type. Bathroom Upgrades Completion Dam- Oetnl," 2012 Completion [)are. September 2012 ProjezLManager Tilden -( sa[Constm,ls.. In, ProjectMawges Bard, l e,tder Owner Riverside Unified School Dlsrcict Ovets("t, fS'm'Paula ('.eraser John Albertan - (951)538 -0609 Contain Band Tc,td,c(8tb) 20' -3314 Project Mine JW North l ligh Schoo'. I can, Courts raj,,t Nae- Hudin8Puklmprorentents P m Project Imatlom Rircr,,de CA Protect ncatim. Santa Paula, CA Project Value SI -0000 Ponied Value 51100,000 P,s,t Type (2, New Concrta'I'enn, Conr6 Project Type. Baseball Fold Renovation Compl't n Date December 20 L Completion Data 2013 Owner. Rancho Simi Recrmtion &ParkDlsMct Ovmeo Con,io Recreation &Park District Camara: Douglas Dmao (805)58 +4480 Contact Shaun. Weir - 801)49564'1 Project Kama Rondm Tapo Pak &M,,,tnr Park P:oj,ct Name Connie C tik South Park &Canada Park P,q,aLoatia¢SlmiA'.lies, CA ProjectIn,,t,cn Thousand Oaks,C1 Project Values. 5999 ,999 -T,nno Courts ProjectArlues$I,0011,000- New Snack Ba Buidng 5140,000 - Playgrounds S 1IDD00- Playgrounds Project Type s(8) New Conant, T,nnis Courts & Nat grounds ProjectT)pe. New Snack Bar Renovation; Playground Camplmon Doc 1013 Completion Date. 301'_ Pmjet Mawger I gam Coocepa, Inc Owner P ... dna Unified Schaol District Owner Las \im UnlFied School District Contain C,rald S,hob,r- (805)390._'962 Contest Mike Barbera (818)802 -9510 Pmiect Nn... W'Jsen Middle School Pmj,,tName Agoura High School Tennis Paall[y Rnle,cLc,,ion_ Pasadena, CA Project Loadon. Agrmal111ls.CA Prolat Value 5480 ,00000 Project %,Iae. 5400,000 Pmiect Type. (8) Neiv Concrete Tenna Courts Prolut Type (2) New Concr,ra Itmtis Conr6 Completion Date: 2010 Camplct,on Date '_010 31133 VIA COLINAS SUITE 107, WESTLAKEWLLAGE, CA 91362-(61 1707-3797 (818) 706-1951 FAX CONTRACTORS LICENSE NUMBERS: CALIFORNIA: 618117 ARIZONA: 103153 NEVADA: 035076 MAL /BU PACIFIC TENNIS COURTS, INC. 31133 VIA COLINAS SUITE 107 WESTLAKE VILLAGE, CA 91362 818- 707 - 3797 818- 706 -1951 FAX REFERENCE LIST ABC Unified School District City of Bakersfield 16700 Norwalk Blvd. 4101 Truxton Avenue Cerritos, CA 90703 Bakersfield, CA 93309 George Zaragoza- (562)254 -1160 Greg Crank- (661)326 -3866 Tennis Courts- 2003 - $93,000 Skate Park & Playgrounds -2000 - $350,000 Playgrounds - 2007 - $65,000 Buena Park School District 6885 Orangethorpe Avenue Buena Park, CA 90620 Glenn Shack -(714) 736 -4272 Playgrounds - 2000 - $550,000 City of Agoura Hills 30001 Ladyface Court Agoura Hills, CA 91301 Jay Patel - (818) 597 -7300 Tennis Courts & Playgrounds -1996 - $100K Custom Street Signs - 2002 - $150,000 New Restroom & BB Court -2007 - $250K New Tennis Court Facility - 2008 - $400K New Restroom - 2008 - $300K City of Carson 701 East Carson Street Carson, CA 90745 Patricia Elkins - (310) 830 - 7600x1816 Playgrounds - 2001 - $170,000 City of Corona 400 S. Vicentia Ave. Corona, CA 92882 Lee Stryffeler- (951) 279 -3755 Steve Lawson - (951) 736 -2369 Playgrounds - 2006 - $50,000 Tennis Courts 2007 - $360,000 Playground - 2007 - $57,000 City of Alhambra 111 S. First Street Alhambra, CA 91801 Tom Cardoza - (626) 570 -5048 Playgrounds - 2000 - $40,000 Playgrounds - 2005 - $490,000 City of Arroyo Grande 208 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 Mike Linn - (805) 473 -5444 Tennis Court - 2005 - $200, 000 City of Azusa 320 N. Orange Place Azusa, CA 91702 Joe Jacobs - (626) 812 -5220 Basketball Court - 2001 - $69,000 Shade Structure -2003 - $43,000 BasketballNolleyball Ct - 2005 - $200,000 City of Calabasas 26135 Mureau Road Calabasas, CA 91302 Thomas Gdala /Jeff Rubin (818) 878 -4242 Bus Shelters - 2007 - $145,000 Playgrounds - 2007 - $600,000 Restroom Renovation - 2007 - $600,000 Park Trellis - 2009 - $98,000 City of Covina 125 E. College Street Covina, CA 91723 Robert Staples - (818) 388 -0564 Baseball Backstops - 2002 - $250,000 Roller Hockey Rink - 2004 - $75,000 Bandshell Renovation - 2005 - $189,000 Restroom Renovation - 2007 - $300,000 City of Culver City 9770 Culver Blvd Culver City, CA 90232 Elaine Jeng - (310) 253 -5621 Cardiff Parking Structure - 2007 - $600,000 CONTRACTORS LICENSE NUMBERS: CALIFORNIA. 618117 ARIZONA: 103253 NEVADA: 035476 MAL /BU PACIFIC TENNIS COURTS, INC. 31133 VIA COLINAS SUITE 107 WESTLAKE VILLAGE, CA 91362 818 -707- 3797 818- 706 -1951 FAX City of El Segundo 350 Main Street El Segundo, CA 90245 Daniel Garcia - 310- 524 -2358 Retaining Wall - 2009 - $185,000 City of La Mirada 13700 La Mirada Blvd. La Mirada, CA 90638 Gary Sanui - ( 562) 943 -0131 Bridge - 2000 - $40, 000 City of Gardena 1717 W. 152 "fit Gardena, CA 90247 Dave Negrete - ( 310) 217 -9564 Playgrounds - 2003 - $175,000 City of Glendora 116 East Foothill Blvd. Glendora, CA 91741 Halle Speaker- (626) 914 -8231 Playgrounds - 2002 - $45, 000 City of Hawaiian Gardens 21815 Pioneer Blvd. Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716 Ernesto Marquez - ( 562) 420 -2641 Playgrounds - 2002 - $80,000 City of Huntington Park 6550 Miles Ave. Huntington Park, CA 90255 Pat Fu - ( 323)584 -6253 Skate Park - 2001 - $360,000 Tennis Courts - 2007 - $250,000 City of Inglewood One Manchester Blvd. Inglewood, CA 90301 Eugene Parker- (310) 412 -5333 Playgrounds & Tennis Courts - $ 300,000 City of Irvine One Civic Center Plaza Irvine, CA 92606 Doug Davidson - ( 949) 724-6675 Playgrounds - 2003 - $250,000 Playgrounds - 2005 - $1,200.000 City of Lakewood 5050 Clark Avenue Lakewood, CA 90712 June Anderson - ( 562) 866 -9771 Playgrounds - 2003 - $380,000 City of Los Angeles Department of Parks & Rec 200 N. Main Street Las Angeles, CA 90012 Robert Gutierrez - ( 213) 847 -8282 Tennis Courts - 2000 - $569,000 City Of Los Angeles Department of Public Works 1149 S. Broadway, Suite 810 Los Angeles, CA 90015 Paul Tseng - ( 213) 485 -0296 Naorn Balady - ( 213)978 -1900 Playgrounds - 2007 - $1,200,000 Playgrounds - 2008 - $800,000 City of Moorpark 799 Moorpark Avenue Moorpark, CA 93021 Mary Lindley - ( 805) 529 -6864 Roger Blais (805) 517 -6283 Tennis Courts - 1999 - $550,000 New Park - 2007 - $180,000 New Park - 2009 - $400,000 City of Oiai 408 S. Signal Street Ojai, CA 93023 Glenn Hawks - ( 805) 640 -2560 Tennis Courts - 2002 - $400, 000 City of Oxnard 1060 Pacific Avenue, Bldg. #3 Oxnard, CA 93030 Larry Thompson - ( 805) 385 -7951 Playgrounds - 2005 - $450,000 Playgrounds - 2006 - $550,000 City of Palm Desert 73 -510 Fred Waring Drive Palm Desert, CA 92260 Jeff Winklepleck - ( 760) 346 -0611 Palm Desert Skate Park - 1999 - $439,000 CONTRACTORS LICENSE NUMBERS: CALIFORNIA: 618117 ARIZONA: 103253 NEVADA: 035476 MAL /BU PACIFIC TENNIS COURTS, /NC. 31133 VIA COLINAS SUITE 107 WESTLAKE VILLAGE, CA 91362 818- 707 - 3797 818- 706 -1951 FAX City of Palmdale 38250 Sierra Hwy Palmdale, CA 93550 Lynn Glidden (661) 267 -5100 Water Park Shade Structure — 2007 — $45K Playground — 2007 - $100,000 City of Westlake Village 31200 OAK CREST DRIVE Westlake Village, CA 91362 Audrey Brown — 818 - 706 -1613 Playgrounds 2006 - $118,000 Playground — 2008 - $379,000 City of Riverside 3900 Main Street Riverside, CA 92522 Andy Emery — (909) 826 -2021 Playgrounds — 2002 - $1,000,000 Roller Hockey Rink — 2001 - $150,000 City of Rosemead 8838 E Valley Blvd. Rosemead CA 91770 Mr. Ken Rukavina — (626) 569 -2151 Playgrounds — 2004 - $400,000 City of Santa Clarita 23920 Valencia Blvd., Suite #120 Santa Clarita, CA 91355 Kit Nell —(661) 286 -4140 Basketball Court — 1998 - $100,000 City of South Pasadena 1414 Mission Street South Pasadena. CA 91030 Veronica Dolleschel — (626) 403 -7362 Park Improvements — 2000 - $125,000 Skate Park — 2002 - $105,000 City of Torrance 3031 Torrance Blvd Torrance, CA 90503 Ken Kelso — (310) 618 -2935 Tennis Courts — 1999 - $400,000 City of West Hollywood 8300 West Santa Monica Blvd. West Hollywood, CA 90069 Kevin Trudeau — (323) 858 -6339 Playgrounds & Tennis Cis.- 2001 - $200,000 Clark County School District 4828 South Pearl Street Las Vegas, NV 89121 John Regan — (702) 799 -7610 Playgrounds & Tennis Cts.- 1998 - $500,000 Tennis Courts Resurfacing —2006 - $400,000 Tennis Court Resurfacing — 2008 - $114,000 County of Los Angeles Department of Public Works 900 South Fremont Street, 5" Floor Alhambra, CA 91803 Joe Camarillo — (626) 300 -2340 Lee Barocas — (213) 738 -3020 Retaining Wall, New Restroom & Garage — 2004 - $600,000 Playgrounds — 2008 - $1,200,000 Tennis Courts — 2009 - $339,000 Culver City Unified School District 4034 Irving Place Culver City, CA 90232 Mike Korgan — (310) 842 -4203 Playgrounds — 1996 - $300,000 Baseball Backstops — 2003 - $225,000 Playgrounds — 2006 - $240,000 Fencing — 2007- $150,000 Department of Boating & Waterways 1629 °S" Street Sacramento, CA 95814 Leanne Talbott - (916) 322 -1810 Boat Ramps - 1999 - $300,000 Fontana Unified School District 9820 Citrus Avenue Fontana, CA 92334 Tony Lardien - (909) 357 -5230 Playgrounds - 2001 - $200,000 CONTRACTORS LICENSE NUMBERS: CALIFORNIA: 618117 ARIZONA: 103253 NEVADA: MAL /BU PACIFIC TENNIS COURTS, /NC, 31133 VIA COLINAS SUITE 107 WESTLAKE VILLAGE, CA 91362 818 - 707 -3797 818- 706 -1951 FAX Housing Authority Of the County of Santa Barbara P.O. Box 397 Lompoc, CA 93438 Sheree Aulman — (805) 736- 3423x14 Block Walls — 2001 - $100,000 Kern High School District 5801 Sundale Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93309 John Fox —(661) 827 -3181 Tennis Courts — 2005 - $1,550,000 Las Virgenes Unified School District 4111 N. Las Virgenes Rd. Calabasas, CA 91302 Don Blake — (760) 445 -9864 Restroom — 2008 - $330,000 Palm Springs Unified School District 980 E. Tahquitz Canyon Way, Suite 202 Palm Springs, CA 92262 Joel Sorensen — (760) 416 -6112 Lunch Shelters — 2009 - $166,000 Tennis Courts — 2009 - $475., 000 Pasadena Unified School District 740 West Woodbury Rd Pasadena, CA 91103 Gerald Schober (626)791 -9445 ext. 355 Tennis Courts — 2008 - $480.000 Pleasant Valley School District 600 Temple Camarillo, CA 93010 Paol Hanson — (805) 445 -8677 Playgrounds — 1998 - $260,000 Magnolia School District 10850 Berry Avenue Anaheim, CA 92804 Richard Schwartz — (714) 527 -4525 Concrete Ball Walls — 1998 - $100,000 Moreno Valley Unified School District 25634 Alessandro Blvd. Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Nancy Anderson — (951) 571 -7520 Playgrounds — 2004 - $1,200, 000 Ontario — Montclair School District 950 West D Street Ontario, CA 91762 Sandra Escamilla — (909) 459 -2500 ext 6366 Playground — 2007 — $100, 000 Oxnard Union High School District 309 South "K" Street Oxnard, CA 93030 Lou Cunningham — (805) 385 -2531 Tennis Courts — 1999 - $200,000 Rancho Simi Recreation & Park District 1692 Sycamore Drive Simi Valley, CA 93065 Douglas Duran — (805) 584 -4480 Playgrounds 8 Tennis Cts.- 1998 - 5300,000 Playgrounds — 2005 - S140,000 Park Construction — 2006- $400,000 San Marino Unified School District 1665 West Drive San Marino, CA 91108 Gerald Schober — (626) 584 -6584 Batting Cages — 2007 — $40,000 Saugus Union School District 24930 Avenue Stanford Santa Clanta, CA 91355 Anthony Grillo — (818) 889 -4061 Basketball Court — 1998 - $100,000 Tempe Union High School District 500 West Guadalupe Tempe, AZ 85283 John Hess — (602) 496 -0244 Tennis Courts — 1996 - $300, 000 d is reference list— updated 4111121312 CONTRACTORS LICENSE NUMBERS: CALIFORNIA: 618117 ARIZONA: 103253 NEVADA: 035476