C.S. Legacy Construction Inc.CITY OF ROSEMEAD ROSEMEAD PARK IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT BASKETBALL COURTS PROJECT No. 41020 CONTRACT BID FORMS BIDDER' C 5. t'�PCU GDI'I SL1(:nOi1� �rlt CONTRACT BID FORMS TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION? BIDSCHEDULE ............................. . ..... .... .. ...... .._. ........ ...... ..... ._............. ..... .......... 1 SECTION 2 BID DATA FORMS ............................... ................... .................................... - .......... 5 2.A BID BOND ................................................................................. ............................... S 2.6 LIST OF PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTORS .......................... ............................... 7 SECTION3 NON - COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT ................................................ ............................. 10 BIDDER: C'S. SECTION 1- BID SCHEDULE CGF -1 BIDDER: �s -T C.a(1S iYliCF10Yl,lYl(. BID SCHEDULE SCHEDULE OF PRICES FOR ROSEMEAD PARK IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT BASKETBALL COURTS PROJECT No. 41020 TOTAL BASE BID PRICE (SCHEDULE BID PRICE):$ 1 45 O7 2. GD Foal- y- -r-lVe +hmusrtnci 1'(�nef>_1' �1(rz/S a form � 6 uz/�11�. CBF -2 UNIT ITEM NO. F ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QTY. PRICE COST 1 Clearing d Grubbing Par plans and LS 1 �'r,� `ICJOCJ I r 55 DO specifications. 2 Disposal Of Waste Materials- LS 1 13, 32 DO 13, 320 rp 3 Remove, Dispose e)dsting and Tons 345 Construct 44nches Thick CMB 95 % Relative Compaction Over 90 % t q 00 11, - 73D 00 Compacted Native As indicated on Plans and Specifications Complete. 4 Construct 4-Inches Thick PCC SF 11,550 Basketball Court (3250 PSI) as S 3 qq0 Indicated on the Plans and 7 V Specifications Complete. 5 Construct 4- Inches Thick Colored SF 2,000 Concrete (Chromic) with Lithochrome Colorhardener on top per Plans and Specifications S too I 1 200 lap Complete per LM Scofield Company or Approved Equal. e Construct Concrete Seat Wall LF 200 including grading, concrete stairs, weep holes and miscellaneous as /9 00 I 5 7,700 co indicated on the Plans and Specifications Complete. 7 Install Basketball Court Pole and FA 5 Backboard Per Manufacturer -7 q O6 4 1) �7 D cn Recommendations Complete; City - 5 r will provide equipment B Install Basketball Court Striping as LS 1 Indicated on the Plans and I 527. 27 DD Specifications Complete. TOTAL BASE BID PRICE (SCHEDULE BID PRICE):$ 1 45 O7 2. GD Foal- y- -r-lVe +hmusrtnci 1'(�nef>_1' �1(rz/S a form � 6 uz/�11�. CBF -2 BIDDER: C -5 t 0" ah, Inc.. Note: The City of Rosemead reserves the right to reduce or increase the quantities of any items in the schedule of bid items above, within the limits define in Section of the Standard Specifications, to stay within the budgeted amount of this project. If the Bid Documents specify alternate bid items, the following Alternate Bid amounts shall be added to or deducted from the Tots] Bid Price entered above. The owner can choose to Include one or more of the sflemates In the Total Bid Price of the Project If any of the Alternate Bids are utilized by the Owner, the resulting amount shall be considered the Total Bid Price for the Project The undersigned agrees that these Contract Bid Forms constitute a firm offer to the Owner which cannot be withdrawn for the number of Working Days indicated in the Notice Inviting Bids from and after the bid opening date, or until a Contract for the Work is fully executed by the Owner and a third party, whichever is earlier. The undersigned also agrees that if there is a discrepancy between the written amount of the Bid Price and the numerical amount of the Bid Price, the written amount shall govern. Attached hereto is a certified the k, a cashier's check or a bid bond in the amount of ID "l, 01cl 13u>J Dollars ($ ICI. Bit d amount being not less than ten percent (10 %) of the Total Bid Price. The undersigned agrees that said amount shall be retained by the Owner'R, upon award, we fail or refuse to execute the Contract and furnish the required bonds, certificates and endorsements of insurance and other certifications within the time provided, If awarded a Contract, the undersigned agrees to execute the formal Contact, which wig be prepared by the Owner for execution, within five (5) Calendar Days following the Letter of Award for the Contract, and will deliver to the Owner within that same period the necessary original Certificates of Insurance, Endorsements of Insurance, Performance Bond, Payment Bond and all other documentation and certification required by the Contract. The undersigned offers and agrees that R this bid is accepted, it will assign to the purchasing body all rights, tige, and interest in and to all causes of action it may have under Section 4 of the Clayton Act (15 U.S.C. Section 15) or under the Cartwright Act (Chapter 2 of Part 2 of Division 7 of the Business and Professional Code), arising from purchases of goods, materials or services by the Bidder for sale to the purchasing body pursuant to the bid. Such assignment shall be made and become effective at the time the purchasing body tenders final payment to he Contractor. Bidder understands and agrees that, when requested by Owner, he shall provide; (1) evidence satisfactory to the Owner of Bidders California contractor's licensa(s) in good standing; (2) evidence that the person signing this Bid is authorized to bind Bidder to this Bid and to a contract resulting therefrom; and (3) any other Information and documentation, financial or otherwise, needed by Owner to award a Contract to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder. CBF -3 Bidder acknowledges that data submitted with its Contract Bid Forms which it requires to be incorporated into a Contract arising out of this Submittal has been so identified by Bidder. Bidder further acknowledges that the Owner may, at its discretion, incorporate any of the remaining data submitted herewith into a contract arising out of this Bid. BIDDER: The undersigned acknowledges receipt, understanding and full consideration of the following addenda to the Contract Documents. Addenda Nos. 10, The Bidder understands and agrees that the Total Bid Price is inclusive of all labor, materials, and equipment or supplies necessary to complete the Work as described in the Bid Documents. If this bid Is accepted, the undersigned Bidder agrees to enter into and execute the Contract with the necessary bonds and accept the Total Bid Price as compensation in full for all Work under the contract. CBF -4 By: Signature GIY i Type or Pnk Name PY�sicl;i9�- Title BIDDER: C . U)) c J Gir7d-y 'I A'1, 1 /1(. 13 Yorbo Business Street Address (44-, klcz C# 9/7)0 City, Stale and Zip Code C/cn 590 2&2�i Telephone Number Bidders/ Contractor's State of Incorporation: C�ir ✓1�tiychcn 20irc/'v Partners or Joint Venturers: Bidders Lloense Numbegs): gu $Q NOTES: 1) By its signature on this Bid, the Bidder certifies under penalty of perjury the accuracy of the representations made on the Contract Bid Forms. 2) If Bidder is a corporation, enter State of Incorporation in addition to Business Address 3) if Bidder is a partnership or joint venture, give full names of all partners or joint venturers. As further discussed in the Instructions to Bidden, Bidder will be required to provide evidence that the person signing on behalf of the corporation, partnership or joint venture has the authority to do so. CBF -5 BIDDER: G Ifi[CD115� Vl.iGilOfl�Ilt(" SECTION 2 BID DATA FORMS CBF -6 BIDDER C . Legacy Construction, Inc. Bidder shall submit its Bid data in accordance with the fomtat shown on each of the following Bid Data Forma. Bidden shall prepare and use as many sheota as are becessary to adequMay prmi the information required- Bidder shall ensure That every page or its Bid Data Forms are properly identified with the Bidder's name and page number. 7JA BID BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS' THAT GS. Legacy Construction, Inc. Prncipal, ­ and Internationa Fidelity Insurance Co mpany 'q5 as Surety, are held finely bound unto the CITY OF ROSEMEAD (hereinafter celled the OWNER) in the sum of _Ten Percent of Amount Bid DOLLARS ($, 10 of amount bid ), being not leas than ten percent (1Cti of the Total Bid Price; for the payment of which sum will and truly to be made, we bind oursehes, our hairs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, jointly and seweratly, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, said PrIni ipal has submitted a bid to the OWNERto perform all Work required for the ROSEMEAD PARK MWROVEMENTS PROJECT - BASKETBALL COURTS as set forth in the Notice Inviting Bids and eccoripanying Bid Documents, dated - January 22, 2014 _ NOW, THEREFORE, If said Principal Is awarded a Conlract for the Work by the OWNER and, within the time and in the manner required by the above- referenced Bid Documents, enters into the written form of Contract bound with said Bid Documents, banishes the required bounds (one to guarantee faurfal pmformanre and this char to guarantee payment for labor and materials) fumishesthe required insurance certificates and endorsements, anti furnishes any, other certlkcatiorhs es may be required by the Convect, then this obligation shall be but end vold; otherwise it shall remain in full force and affect. In the event suit is brought upon this bond try One OWNER and judgment is recovered, said Suety shell pay at costa incurred by the OWNER in such suit. Including reasonable attorneys' fees to be fixed by the court. SIGNED AND SEALED, this 17th day of January, 2 014 C . Legacy Construction, Inc. (SEAL) Pon pal By: 81 Slgnatur Gregg S mpt Pretle t International Fidelity Insurance (SEAL) Surety Signature Kevin P. Reed Anorney -in -Fact CBF -7 CALIFORNIA ALL PURPOSE CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT SIa10of Cafrfamia Coom,af ORANGE on January 17, 2014 Mfort 0randon K. Grineal, Notary Publ¢ .— 1>< Kevin P Reed . rsonally appeared who pm d w me on UK bails ofsaitisfiartory evidCllR ae be ft parsoo(s) whoY mac(s) Gaut srUxrrbcd to the within au me mt aad sdim lodged to ra tlm b ~h.7 ar..W the , in his bohhctr mnBarvcd capwhy(ies), and that by hisrheMheirskvme(s)uo the iavwvreN the person(s). or the "tiff upon behalf of abich the pvson(s) annL eaa'. t d be aavnmmc I anify undo YLNALTY OF PERIMY undo the Taws of me Stara ofCelifomia Nat the lone,% ina oare¢napb is noc wad cane.,. BRANDON K. l COMM p 18930]9 93079 WITNESS my band and official =L Z ? _ ORANGE COUNTY /) Q NOTARY PUBLIC-C 4 2 1 MY COMMISSION NEXPIRES r rumrru. JUNE 18. 2014 ADOITTONAL DVTBJNAL INFORBEATTON _. oeseno'noN w rHE nnnermn ooeumeNr frRVb.vW �mtlnfduurml -- _ R+au 6vVV ^ ✓aaJ 6aa ®m�.+11. Pala NYPW MPag<z lharwaM Par ian CAPAM Y CI.APIFDBY lHE SN:affA IMIvfAtl p) Cwaa,re tae Tbl ❑ Avalon) % AonooYyo Eri n rnataait RISTRt10E]ONS FOR COAtN.EfIN6llBS faaAa 9ae� Dane Y bosl amv. a e mss ma�aA. ar b I1.r alia,aJmmaals�b bs, ]b d/wpV 4 ✓^ br.Y.bmail g4oNbr.trr rea.vw.. sJ,a.nym...ey. - trpmam..aobr aiasas eNyr b, a rTi, b.vl n tr sKa ur a alb c anJ u CdWtra M1.. mMav ak mamwf F /ba anatr eO.mdMhTrai.vu,[�m.nuM ✓.vino al f.mY.a+vmmv. ae Sac NOSY Was 0e Oca+ • �M.lo W.ovlape146.eeerlpi6 rss . om,rar:e.nrbaeare. >nw^41a+.bspM ` a'1 . ls. rre+a=rrm s.. aaeaaa ®+ ue�vs.ysW:1 . Prtl m aagllAVm apepl.b N+onaY m. u m a. al . m�eeum. •�O+aM 4n.b ubw grmvrm ar�oe a Ia..emmNara:m Lw ®wa salawfa®Iamm• ®i�r . 1k may d _bmee m tr m N d�vsa:.a �s��'•. Lymp,r olm IfaW ��nfol !• efiae P�a.r.�su^es�,sav - � Ne . bppaerRrYPaaa �ovYRKaa.mak wT a. eT aaa�vy �.br ®a . srs.,aar.®aas e ba�saba.na•aome..va. �eassaa.aem uce<kmsr m.ey ae va as .. . rw =. ow aiJri, Yii kYkl�e. RD. vV. 4a vr1 . se,errnremrssw<a® 4_avev 1.11"via aal. wv'.NwyO._ ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of SAN BERNARDINO ) On JANUARY 20, 2014 before me, GLORIA MACIAS, NOTARY PUBLIC (insert name and title of the officer) personally appeared GREGG STRUMPF who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the on(N whose name is re cribed to the within instrument and acknowle d to me the (h he /they executed the same in r his/ erltheir authorized capaciry(iAs), and that by is erltheir sig turej on the instrument the son(N,, or the entity upon behalt�of which the pe songs) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. GLORIA MACiAs {' Commission # 1926029 � Now, P bhi C,lllornla � L ( 1 0' San6 artllno County Signatur N Ar e Q09 (Seal My LounT rres Mar 18 . 2015 Tel f973) 6247200 POWER OF ATTORNEY. INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY ALLEGHENY CASUALTY COMPANY ' ONE NEWARK. CENTER, 20TH FLOOR NEWARK, NEW JERSEY 07102 -5207 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation organized and existing under melaws of The State of New Jersey, and ALLEGHENY CASUALTY COMPANY a corporation organized and existing under the laws ofthe State of Pennsylvani ha ving their principal prince In th e Clty of Newark, New Jersey, do hereby constitute and a ppoint MARCUS REED, KEVIN R. REED Santa Ana, CA seal and deliver for and on its behalf as surety, any and all bonds and undertakings contracts of indeml COMPANY antl ALLEGHENY CASUALTY COMPANY as fully and amply, [call intents and purposes, as IT me canro III oea" ��y =•_��� acknowledged by their r elected Officers at tall principal offices. yy tyty y of COMPANY and ALLEGHENY CASUALTY CO MPANY andtls granted under and by of t lhe follow adopted N by L the Boartl of Oirectors of INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY at a meeting du lv held on Me 20th day of July, 2010 and by the Board of Directors of ALLEGHENY CASUALTY COMPANY at a meeting duly held on me 1W day of August 2000: ;yoke behalf in the b oqbs of any of any when of the IN WITNESS WHEREOF, INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY and ALLEGHENY CASUALTY COMPANY havesach executed and attracted these presents on this 121h day of March, 2012. ��{ �k50Aliy \ 9y+Tr lAf� STATE of NEW JERSEY Count o f Essex c sEAL m 6.�,1F`9 //(.'GL --t. a 1936 y !E x w ROBERT W. MINSTER Executive Vice PresidenVChief Operating Officer ' (International Fidelity Insurance Company) and President (Allegheny Casualty Company) On this 12th day of March 2012, before me came the individual who executed the preceding instrument, to me personally known, and, being by me duly sworn, said he is the therein described and authorized officer of INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY and ALLEGHENY CASUALTY COMPANY; that the seals affixed to said instrument are the Corporate Seals of said Companies; that fire said Corporate Seals and his signature were - duly affixed by order of the enab of Directors of said Companies. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, J have hereunto set m hand affixed my Official Seal, at the City of Newark, New Jersey the day and year ist above written- . , Vp,Z f°} g UBi. YG - A NOTARY PUBLIC OF NEW JERSEY 9 .+ Q, a•` - - My Commission Expires Mar. 27, 2014 M1 � oFN`, CERTIFICATION 1, the undersigned officer of INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY antl ALLEGHENY CASUALTY COMPANY do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of the Power of Attemey and affidavit, antl the copy of the Sections of the By -Laws of said Companies as setforth. in said Power of Attorney,. with the ongleals on file in the home office of said minpames, and that the same are correct th nscnpts thereof, and of the whole of the said originals, and that the said Power of Attorney has not been revoked and is now in full force and affect. 4 , IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto . set my hand this Irh day of MARIA BRANCO, Assistant Secretary r'A a N ON E . ■ ■■■■ Emosommom ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■■ ■■■ C.S. LEGACY C.S. LEGACY CONSTRUCTION, INC. MINUTES OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF C.S. LEGACY CONSTRUCTION, INC, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION, WAS HELD AT 13263 YORBA AVE_ CHINO, CA. ON JANUARY 6, 2014 THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CORPORATION: GREGG STRUMPF DIRECTOR CONSTITUTING ALL OF THE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS WERE PRESENT AT THE MEETING. THE MOTION WAS DULY MADE, SECONDED AND CARRIED THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED: RESOLVED, GREGG STRUMPF, PRESIDENT, IS SOLELY VESTED FULL AUTHORITY TO SIGN ANY AND AN ALL CONTRACTUAL DOCUMENTS FOR THE CORPORATION, AND THEREFORE HAS THE FULL AUTHORITY TO OBILIGATE THE CORPORATION IN ALL CONTRACTURAL MATTERS. THE UNDERSIGNED, RICHARD GONZALES, SECRETARY, CERTIFIED THAT GREGG STRUMPF IS THE DULY APPOINTED PRESIDENT OF C.S. LEGACY CONSTRUCTION, INC. AND THAT THE ABOVE, IS A TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF THE RESOLUTION DULY ADOPTED AT A MEETING OF BYLAWS OF SAID CORPORATION ON JANUARY 6, 2014 IN WITNESS THEREOF, 1 HAVE AFFIXED MY NAME AS SECRETARY OF THE CORPORATION, AND HAVE ATTACHED THE SEAL OF C.S. LEGACY CONSTRUCTION, INC. TO THIS RESOLUTION. DATE: JANUARY 6, 20 4 (CHARD GONZAL -SECRETARY 13263 Yorba Ace. Chino, Ca. 91710 (909)590.2626 (909) 190.4117 fa, BIDDER: C -5. l lr 1_ CY1S' ckcnr Inc - 2.B UST OF PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTORS In compliance with the "Subletting and Subcontracting Fair Practices Act," Sections 4100 through 4114 of the California Public Contract Code, and any amendments thereto, each Bidder shall provide the information requested below for each subcontractor who will perform work, labor or render serviceto Bidder in or about the construction of the Work In an amount in excess of one -half of one percent (greater than 0.5 %) of the Bidder's Total Bid Pnce, or, in the case at bids or offers for the construction of streets or highways, including bridges, in excess of one -half of 1 percent of the Contractor's total bid or ten thousand dollars ($10,000), whichever is greater, and shall further set forth the portion of the Work which will be done by each subcontractor. Bidder shall list only one subcontractor for any one portion of the Work. Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 4104, the Owner has determined that it will allow Bidders twenty -four (24) additional hours after the deadline for submission of bids to submit the information requested by the Owner about each subcontractor, other then the name and location of each subcontractor. If the Bidder fails to specify a subcontractor for any portion of the Work to be performed under the Contract, it shall be deemed to have agreed to perform such portion itself, and shall not be permitted to subcontract that portion of the Work except under the conditions hereinafter set forth below. Subletting or subcontracting of any portion of the Work in excess of one half of one percent (greater than 0.5 %) of the Total Bid Price or, in the case of bids or offers for the construction of streets or highways, including bridges, in excess of one -half of 1 percent of the Contractor's total bid or ten thousand dollars ($10,000), whichever is greater, for which no subcontractor was designated in the original bid shall only be permitted in cases of public emergency or necessity, and then only after Owner approval. CBF -8 BIDDER: C-S� "OLq tQ/15 7071 ��/u 29 LIST OF PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTORS (continued) [- ougiws xm s r+c..rc�eemna rw�q aaa�d.wwwdmn.�l i, Name and Location Description of Wwk of Subcontactor to be Subconbacted Name: Address Name and Location of Subcontractor Name: Address: Description of Work to be Subcontracted Name and Location of Subcontractor Name: Name and Location of Subcontractor Name: Description of Work to be Subcontracted Description of Work to be Subcontracted Name and Location of Subcontractor Name: Address: Description of Work to be Subcontracted CBF -9 BIDDER: C1 2.0 REFERENCES The following are the names, addresses and telephone numbers for three public agencies forwhich BIDDER has performed similar work within the past two (2) years: PeYYis Ibl NJ p. 4rr.J PfrriS. C{4 `72570 Name an Addrosa of Owner Mkyk 4.l Mey6Ius- C15-I 2120 Name and telephone number of person familiar with project I IZ3 �3 rob S{" -e4? irk K+ 20/3 ConVa 1 amount Type of Work r Da Completed 2. IOINrI cF A�t'JLZ. Ualtac.� l4`155 Di k - Euaofs Arwv.pnnlE, Name and Address of G�1n °/nnk r Mo0rz 71Cn zVO 7000 Name end telopho a number of person famikar with project �4Wh7 '73-3 F1 HP,- / p 5�2oi Contract amount Ty of Work Date Completed 3- NVA"m SC CrOCan wCCf/ kmakn, rn cg 9 z£-c3 Name and Address of Owner ,enniF�r E]1mv1e 7N 9`/9 3511 Name and telephone number of person familiar with project a. KwPrsi Cie U.S. )x.v mncnasGr NISI 352 Name and telephone number f pe on familiar with project 3 6Cl2. {SL �t' F-n11l r...r. ts:p 1 /�2rI: r,...r.�.r��.....�„a T —. nr CBF -10 BIDDER: C 6 Y . YtS 4U[•bV'7, IN SECTION 3 NON - COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT CBF - 11 NON- COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT •� _ In accordance with Public Contract Code Section 7106, the undersigned, being first duty sworn, deposes and says that he or she holds the position listed below with the bidder, the party making the foregoing bid, that the bid is not made in the interest at, or on behalf of, any undisclosed person, partnership, company, association, organization, or corporation; that the bid is genuine and not collusive or sham; that the bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other bidder to put in a false or sham bid, and has not directly or indirectly colluded, conspired, connived, or agreed with any bidder or anyone else to put in a sham bid, or that anyone shall refrain from bidding; that the bidder has not in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement, communication, or conference with anyone to fixthe bid price of the bidder or any other bidder, or to fix any overhead, profit, or coat element of the bid price, or of that of any other bidder, or to secure any advantage against the public body awarding the contract of anyone interested in the proposed contract; that as statements contained in the bid are true; and, furt that the bidder has not directly or indirectly, submitted his or her bid price or any breakdown thereof, orthe contents thereof, ordivuiged Information or data relative thereto, or paid, and will not pay, any fee to any corporation, partnership, company association, organization, bid deposit or to arry member a agent thereof to effectuate a collusive or sham bid. / / Typed or Printed Name PEPS'� -/f Title C.S. (R� eect� �ZV95�Y LtC,-{t�rlh Ilx Bidder Subscribed and swo before me This�'l day of n 20__d (Seal) AIQA a. C/C n Notary Public in and for , cfoaiA MACIAS the State of California Comm stun # 1926029 Notary Public - Callornla My Commission Expires: ValA /� �OtS .�. Sn earnarmna Cb":y - My Comm E p ee Par 15, 2015 CBF - 12 REFERENCES Eagle Glen Corner Drainage Improvements Eagle Glen Apartments LLC c/o Mr. Michael S. Aimola J & M Realty Company 1651 E. Fourth St. Suite 250 Santa Ana, Ca. 92701 (714) 285 -1170 (714) 285 -1178 FAX Completed March, 2004, $56,000.00 2. Santa Ana Zoo DG Howard S. Wright Construction Mr. Greg Ahman 18500 Von Kaman Ave. Suite 420 Irvine, Ca. 92012 (949) 567 -1909 (949) 567 -1917 FAX Completed April, 2004 $52,000.00 3. Canada Vista Park Parking Lot Expansion City of Rancho Santa Margarita Jacque Niemi 30211 Avenida de las Banderas Suite 101 Rancho Santa Margarita, Ca. 92688 (949) 635 -1800 (949) 635 -1840 FAX Completed May, 2004 $351,577 49 4. Crown Valley Park Synthetic Soccer Field City of Laguna Niguel Nicholas Reno 27911 La Paz Road Laguna Niguel, Ca. 92677 (949) 362 -4341 (949) 362 -4385 FAX Completed June 2004 $539,217.49 5. Freeman, Bell, & Thornburg Park Playground Renovation City of Gardena Dave Negrete P _ Box 47003 Gardena, Ca. 90247 (310) 217 -9500 (310) 217 -9876 Completed June 2004 $355,069.90 6. Delta Plant Fencing & Landscaping City of Monterey Park Mr. Elias Saykali 320 W. Newmark Ave. Monterey Park, Ca. 91754 (626) 307 -1320 (626) 307 -2500 FAX Completed July 2004 $120,580.00 Eagle Glen Street Improvements Eagle Glen Apartments, LLC c/o Mr. Michael S. Aimola J & M Realty Co. 1651 E. Fourth St. Suite 250 Santa Ana, Ca. 92701 (714) 285 -1170 (714) 285 -1178 Completed July2004 $153,250.00 8. Ayala Park Temporary Parking Lot City of Chino Carolyn Baltzer, Asst. Project Coordinator P.O. Box 667 Chino, Ca_ 91708 (909) 627 -7577 (909) 464 -0799 FAX Completed 9/04 $95,730.00 9. Site Prep for 2 Relocatables @ New Ventures Huntington Beach Union High School District Nelson M. Cayabyab Director of Facilities 10251 Yorktown Ave. Huntington Beach, Ca. 92646 (714) 964 -3339 (714) 963 -7684 FAX Completed 9/04 $227,455.00 DSA Inspected 10. SR 79S Sidewalk Improvement Project City of Temecula Avlin R. Odviar Asst. Engineer P.O. Box 9033 Temecula, Ca. 92589 (951) 694 -6411 (951) 693 -3929 FAX Completed 9/04 $147,328.00 11. Lincoln Ave. Median Landscape Improvements City of Buena Park Wood Nousome Asst. Engineer P.O. Box 5009 Buena Park, Ca. 90622 (714) 562 -3676 (714) 562 -3677 FAX Completed 6/05 $816,000.00 12. Floe Packer Landscape Improvement City of Lake Forest Steve Velasco, Engineer (949) 461 -3480 (949) 461 -3511 FAX 25550 Commercentre Drive Lake Forest, Ca. 92630 Completed 5/05 $91,974.32 13. Replacement of Lang Park Play Equipment City of Laguna Beach Derek Wieske, Asst. City Engineer 505 Forest Ave. Laguna Beach, Ca. 92651 (949) 497 -3311 (949) 497 -0771 FAX Completed 1105 $182,299.00 14. Edison High School SAC Addition 15. Huntington Beach High School Elevators Huntington Beach Union High School District 10251 Yorktown Huntington Beach, Ca. 92646 Nelson Cayabyab Director of Facilities (714) 964 -3339 (714) 963 -7684 FAX Edison High School Completed 5105 $391,576.42 Huntington Beach Elevators Completed 05/06 $780,956.00 16. Talega Recreation Center Phase 3 Talega Partners 951 Calle Negocio Suites D San Clemente, Ca. 92673 Charlie Mallon Project Manager (949) 498 -1366 (949) 369 -7659 Complete 6/05 $490,679.55 17. Rancho San Jacinto Play Areas Imp. City of San Jacinto 201 East Main St. San Jacinto, Ca. 92583 Ray Sanchez / Pam Stull (951) 487 -7342 (951) 654 -3728 FAX Completed 3/05 $294,836.00 18. Shady Grove Park City of Chino 13220 Central Avenue Chino, CA 91708 -0667 Mike Knolling (909) 464 -0768 (909) 464 -0799 FAX Completed 10105 $1,344,705.00 19.Pinacate Middle School Perris Union High School District 155 East Fourt Street Perris, Ca 92570 Jeremy Chou (909) 987 -0909 Completed 2005 $298,182.00 DSA Inspected 20.Monte Vista Splashpad City of Chino P.O. Box 667 Chino, Ca 91708 Arlene Salazar (909) 464 -0770 (909) 590 -5581 Fax Completed 4/06 $227,18212 21.Playground Retrofit City of Chino 13220 Central Ave. Chino, CA 91708 -0667 Carolyn Baltzer (909) 627 -7577 (909) 464 -0799 FAX Completed 12/05 $285,965.00 22.Starshine Park City of Diamond Bar 21825 Copley Drive Diamond Bar, CA 91765 -4177 Ryan Wright (909) 839 -7072 (909) 861 -3117 FAX Completed 06/05 $269,337.00 23.Sycamore Canyon Park City of Diamond Bar 21825 Copley Drive Diamond Bar, CA 917654177 Ryan Wright (909) 839 -7072 (909) 861 -3117 FAX Est. Completion 01/06 $462,373.52 24. Rancho San Jacinto Basins City of San Jacinto 201 East Main St. San Jacinto, Ca. 92583 Ray Sanchez / Pam Stull (951) 487 -7342 (951) 654 -3728 FAX Completed 07/05 $868,589.12 25.Child Development Center Playground Santa Monica - Malibu Unified School District 1651 Sixteenth Street Santa Monica, CA 90404 J. Wallance Berriman (310) 450 -8338 (3 10) 450 -1667 FAX Completed 08/05 $359,551.76 26.Granada Streetscape City of San Clemente 910 Calle Negocio Ste. 100 San Clemente, CA 92673 Gary Vobmsky (949) 361 -6100 (949) 361 -8316 FAX Completed 12/05 $197,245.91 27.Victoria Gardens Lane Median City of Rancho Cucamonga 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729 -0807 Jerry Dyer (909) 477 -2700 (909) 477 -2849 FAX Completed 12/05 $155,482.00 28.MM O'Neil Park City of Mission Viejo 200 Civic Center Mission Viejo, CA 92691 Keith Rattay (949) 470 -3000 (949) 581 -0983 FAX $718,029.96 29.ATL Building Irrigation & Landscape Chaffey College 5885 Haven Ave. Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91737 Sarah Riley (909) 477 -8547 (909) 477 -8571 FAX Completed 05/06 $286,910.61 30. YMCA Daycare Center City of Mission Viejo 200 Civic Center Mission Viejo, CA 92691 Jerry Hill (949) 470 -3052 (949) 581 -0983 FAX Completed 04/06 $239,542.00 31.Grass Playfields Long Beach Community College 4901 E. Carson Street Long Beach, CA 90808 Sandy Mathis (562) 938 -4111 (562) 938 -4118 FAX Completed 05/06 $520,247.88 32.La Habra Landscape & Electrical City of La Habra 201 E. La Habra Blvd. La Habra, CA 90631 Contact: Sam Makar (562) 905 -9720 (562) 905 -9643 FAX Completed 01/06 $862,344.87 33.Yucca Park City of Los Angeles 200 N. Spring Street Los Angeles, CA 90012 Contact: Richard Chang (213) 978 -1912 (213) 978 -1901 Fax Completed 10/06 $574,960.24 34. Fullerton High School Landscape 35.Fullerton High School Site Work Erickson -Hall Construction Co. 1021 W. Bastanchury # 110 Fullerton, CA 92833 Contact: Samosh Mhapsekar (714) 738 -4995 (714) 738 -5194 Fax Fullerton High School Landscape Completed 03/06 $113,051.00 Fullerton High School Site Work Completed 03/06 $239,422.00 36.Sidewalk, Curb & Gutter City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663 -3884 Contact: Frank Tran (949) 644 -3340 (949) 644 -3308 Fax Completed 05/06 $595,3410.0 37.Brea Blvd. Median Landscape City of Brea 1 Civic Center Circle Brea, CA 92821 Contact: Raul Lising (714) 671 -4450 (714) 990 -2258 Fax Completed 08/06 $1,344,650.00 38.Villegas Park Improvements 39.Monroe Street Wall 40.Sidewalk Curb & Gutter City of Riverside 3900 Main Street Riverside, CA 92522 Contact: Daniel J. Simmons (951) 826 -5591 (951) 826 -5542 Fax Villegas Park Imp. Completed 2006 $306,523.00 Monroe Street Wall Completed 10/2006 $200,679.00 Sidewalk Curb & Gutter Completed 10/2006 $948,142.00 41.West Chapman Ave. Parking Lot Expansion City of Fullerton 303 West Commonwealth Ave. Fullerton, CA 92832 -1775 Contact: Mehrdad Miralaie (714) 738 -6866 (714) 738 -3115 Fax Completed 2006 $353,903.0 42.Teen Square Improvements City of Lynwood 11330 Bullis Road Lynwood, CA 90262 Contact: Jorge Roque (310) 603 -0220 (310) 635 -0493 Fax Completed 10/06 $470,047.00 43.Harbor Hills Community Center Community Development Commission of LA County 4800 E. Cesar E Chavez Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90022 Contact: Bill Yee (323) 260 -3412 (323) 266 -5930 Fax Completed 09/06 $209,034.00 44.Patricia Lane Park Improvements City of Santa Ana 20 Civic Center Plaza M -22 Santa Ana, CA 92702 Contact: Ed Torres (714) 647 -5018 (714) 647 -5058 Fax Completed: 10/06 $456,181.00 45.1,a Palma Play Area Rehabilitation City of La Palma 7822 Walker Street La Palma, CA 90623 -1771 Contact: Ismile Noorbaksh (714) 690 -3310 (714) 523 -2141 Fax Completed: 10/06 $245,372.00 46.Freeway Beautification City of Riverside 3900 Main Street Riverside, CA 92522 Contact: Daniel J. Simmons (951) 826 -5591 (951) 826 -5542 Fax Completed 09/06 $245,685.00 47.Veterans Memorial City of Paramount 16400 Colorado Ave. Paramount, CA 90723 -5012 Contact: Jack Perich (562) 220 -2000 (562) 630 -6731 Fax Completed 10/06 $995,680.77 48.Ray Moore Stadium Improvements CAL K -12 32598 Oak Glen Road Yucaipa, CA 92399 Contact: Nolan Ballard (909) 795 -9169 (909) 795 -9432 Fax Completed 09/06 $594,464.00 49.Fountain Valley Sidewalks City of Fountain Valley 10200 Slater Ave. Fountain Valley, CA 92708 Contact: Harry Drake (714) 593 -4606 (714) 593 -4494 Fax Completed 09/06 $150,2X00 50.Civic Center Hardscape City of Apple Valley 14955 Dale Evans Parkway Apple Valley, Ca 92307 Contact: Gina Whiteside (760) 240 -7000 Completed 02/07 $698,802.96 51.Mpower Parking Lot City of Bellflower 16600 Civic Center Drive Bellflower, Ca 90706 Contact: Paul Zweip (562) 804 -1424 (562) 925 -8660 Completed 01 /07 $317,361.06 52.Loma Linda Tennis Courts City of Loma Linda 25541 Barton Road Loma Linda, Ca 92354 Contact: Eleazar Alex Rubalcava (909) 799 -2800 (909) 799 -2890 Fax Completed 12/06 $351,278.42 53.Adelanto Road Imp. City of Adelanto 11600 Airbase Road Adelanto, Ca 92301 Contact: Wilson So (760) 246 -2300 Completed 11/06 $967,788.90 54.Perris Blvd. Median City of Moreno Valley 14177 Frederick Street Moreno Valley Contact: Ben Rahimian (951) 413 -3130 (95 1) 413 -3170 Fax Completed 12/06 $96,96205 55.Highland Sidewalks City of Highland 7231 Boulder Avenue 4531 Highland, Ca 92346 Contact: John C. Egan (909) 748 -0010 (909) 748 -0016 Fax Completed 01/07 $283,989.03 56.Lincoln St. Park City of Lake Elsinore 130 S Main St. Lake Elsinore, Ca 92530 Dave Solomon (951) 674 -87 -61 (951) 674 -3124 Fax Completed 3/07 $769,634,40 57.Shirpser Elementary School El Monte City School District. 3540 N. Lexington Ave. El Monte, Ca 91731 Contact: Lila Hovennan (909) 305 -2332 (909) 305 -2180 Completed 03/07 $160,391.68 58.Mistletoe Park Imp. City of San Jacinto 248 E. Street San Jacinto, Ca 92583 Contact: Mike Emberton (951) 654-4041 (951) 487 -7382 Completed 02/07 $220,966.60 59.Allendale Park City of Pasadena 100 N. Garfield Ave. Pasadena, Ca 91105 Contact: Alba lraheta (626) 744-4124 Completed 02/07 $278,093.32 60.Ramsey Street Medians City of Banning 99 E. Ramsey Street Banning, Ca 92220 Contact: Arturo Vela (951) 922 -3130 (909) 922 -3141 Fax Completed 05/07 $914,522.00 61.Boeing St. City of Moreno Valley 14177 Frederick Street Moreno Valley, Ca 92552 Contact: Christopher L. Wiberg (951) 413 -3135 (951) 413 -3170 Fax Completed 02/07 $281,834.81 62.Alicia Parkway Medians City of Laguna Mills 24035 El Toro Road Laguna Hills, Ca 92653 Contact: Kenneth Rosefield (949) 707 -2650 (949) 707 -2633 Completed 05/07 $434,021.89 63.Cesar Chavez Park Imp. City of South Gate 8650 California Avenue South Gate, Ca 90280 Contact: Adel Freij Willdan (323) 357 -9657 (323) 563 -9572 Fax Completed 05/07 $1,503,328.08 64.Chino Concrete Repair City of Chino 13220 Central Avenue Chino, Ca 91710 Contact: Jerry Perez (909) 627 -7577 (909) 591 -6829 Fax Completed 06/07 $362,006.00 65.Chapman Ave. Streetscape City of Stanton 7800 Katella Ave Stanton, Ca 90680 Contact: Patricia A. Simpson (714) 379 -9222 (714) 890 -3123 Fax Completed July 2007 $905,480.50 66.Imperial Highway County of Los Angeles 900 South Fremont Avenue Alhambra, Ca 91803 Contact: Hector Hernandez (626) 458 -5100 Completed June 2007 $333,355.35 67.Fairplex Park & Ride County of Los Angeles 900 South Fremont Avenue Alhambra, Ca 91803 Contact: Jose Pou (626) 458 -5100 Completed 2007 68.Holifield Park City of Norwalk 127000 Norwalk Blvd, PO Box 1030 Norwalk, Ca 90651 Contact: Brenda L. De Jager (562) 929 -5700 (562) 929 -5773 Fax $96,987.50 69.Veterans Park Walkway City of Yorba Linda 4845 Casa Loma Ave. P.O. Box 87014 Yorba Linda, Ca 92885 Contact: Steve Campbell (714) 961 -7100 Completed 04/07 $139,643.00 70.Foothill Blvd. Medians Lewis Operating Corporation 1156 North Mountain Ave. P.O. Box 670 Upland, Ca 91785 Contact: Stacy Lin (909) 985 -0971 Completed 05/07 $166,373.29 71.Foothill Blvd. Perimeter Lewis Operating Corporation 1156 North Mountain Ave. P.O. Box 670 Upland, Ca 91785 Contact: Stacy Lin (909) 985 -0971 Completed 05/07 $475,333.22 72.Chino Hills Pkwy Monument City of Chino Hills 2001 Grand Avenue Chino Hills, Ca 91709 Contact: Anne Dutrey (909) 364 -2760 (909) 364 -2791 Fax Completed 4/07 $300,175.00 73.Civic Center Park Landscape City of Apple Valley 14955 Dale Evans Parkway Apple Valley, Ca 92307 Contact: Gina Whiteside (760) 240 -7000 Completed 08/07 $534,283.01. 74.Friendship Park City of Bellflower 16600 Civic Center Drive Bellflower, Ca 90706 Contact: Paul Zweip (562) 804 -1424 Ext2250 (562) 8044465 Fax Completed 11/07 $919,500.00 75.Kessler Park County of San Bemardino157 W. 5' Street San Bernardino, Ca 92415 Contact: Greg Bacon (909) 387 -6076 (909) 397 -5968 Completed 9/07 $456,152.00 76.Barstow High School Landscape City of Barstow 551 South Avenue H Barstow, Ca 92311 Contact: Steve Prince Phone: (909) 989 -9979 Completed 08/07 $326,412.00 77.Laguna Niguel Amphitheater City of Laguna Niguel 27791 La Paz Road Laguna Niguel, Ca 92677 Contact: Nicholas Renn (949) 362 -43414 Completed 5/07 $157,900.00 78.Valley High School PCM3 1801 S. Greenville Street Santa Ana, Ca 92704 Contact Pamela Goodrich (714) 662 -0227 (714) 662- 0233Fax Completed 10/07 $234,830.00 79.Chapman Ave and Katella Ave Streetscape City of Stanton 7800 Katella Ave Stanton, Ca 90680 Contact: Sean Crumby (714) 379 -9222 Ext. 204 (714) 890 -3123 Fax Completed July 2007 $905,480.50 80.Cerritos Ave Streetscape City of Stanton 7800 Katella Avenue Stanton, Ca 90680 Contact: Sean Crumby (714) 379 -9222 Ext204 Completed 9/07 $1,059,468.62 81.Rivera Park City of Pico Rivera 6767 Passons Blvd. Pico Rivera, Ca 90660 Contact: Jose Rico (562)802 -4432 Completed 8/07 $237,59100 82..San Gabriel Blvd City of San Gabriel 425 S. Mission Drive San Gabriel, Ca 91776 Contact: Mark Moreno (714)293 -0278 (714) 973 -2263 Fax Completed 11/08 $228,927.00 83..Tree Removal and Sidewalk City of Bellflower 16600 Civic Center Drive Bellflower, Ca 90706 Contact: Paul Zwiep (562)804 -1421 Ext.2250 (562) 8044465 Fax Completed 6/07 $183,182.00 84.G race Street Reconstruction City of Barstow 220East Mountain View Street Barstow, Ca 92311 Contact:William Henderson (760)255 -5157 (760) 760- 256 -1750 Fax Completed 6/07 $297,741.00 85.Recreation Trail Improvements City of Villa Park 17855 Santiago Blvd Villa Park, Ca 92861 Contract: Blanc Frandsen (714) 973 -2230 Completed 9/07 $144,242.32 86.Veterans Memorial Park City of Stanton 7800 Katella Avenue Stanton, Ca 90680 Contact: Sean Crumby (714) 379 -9222 Ext.204 Completed 12/07 $1,096,382.35 87.Santa Fe High School Whittier Unified School District 9401 S. Painter Ave. Whittier, Ca 90605 Contact: Dan Romo (562) 698 -8121 (562) 693 -5371 Completed 10/07 $349,309.00 DSA Inspected 88.Curbs, Gutters & Sidewalks City of El Segundo 350 Main Street El Segundo, Ca 90245 Contract: Maryam Jones (310)524 -2361 Completed 9/07 $182,201.00 89.Yucca Park City of Indio 100 Civic Center Mall Indio, Ca 92201 Contact: Connie Allen (760) 391 -4005 Completed 03/08 $1,044,965.00 90.Foglesong Park City of Barstow 220 East Mountain View Street Barstow, Ca 92311 Contact: Jeanette Hayhurst (760)255 -5146 (760) 760- 256 -5621 Completed 02/08 $381,825.00 Percent Completed 100% 91.Las Flores Park City of Malibu 23815 Stuart Ranch Road Malibu, Ca 90265 Contact: Arthur Aladjadjian (310) 456 -2489 (310) 456 -3356 Fax Completed 09/08 2,040.673.00 92.Imperial Median City of La Mirada 13700 La Mirada Blvd. La Mirada, Ca 90638 Contact: Steve Forster (562)902 -2371 Completed 12/07 $990,381.00 93.Rialto Concrete City of Rialto 150 South Palm Ave. Rialto, Ca 92376 Contact: Naddem Syes (909) 421 -4986 (909)421 -7210 Fax Completed 11/07 $170,701.00 94.UCR Parking Lot The Regents of The University of California 3615A Canyon Crest Drive Riverside, Ca 92507 Contact John A. Friedrach (951) 781 -0811 (951) 781 -8435 Fax Completed 12/07 $357,924.00 95.Serrano Creek Play Structure City of Lake Forest 25550 Commercentre Dr. Lake Forest, Ca 92630 Contact: Jesse Caballero (949) 855 -5764 (949) 855 -7050 Fax Completed 12/07 $417,545.32 96.Azusa Ave. Medians City of West Covina 1444 West Garvey Ave. West Covina, Ca 91793 Contact: Sam Guitierrez (626) 939 -8734 (626)939 -8660 Fax Completed 12/07 $325,320.00 97.Thompson Basketball Park City of Oxnard 305 West Third Street Oxnard, Ca 93030 Contact: Patricia C. Friend (805) 385 -7821 (805)805- 385 -8329 Fax Completed 11/07 $200,462.85 98.College Park City of Oxnard 1060 Pacific Avenue. Building 2 Oxnard, Ca 93030 Contact: Patricia C. Friend (805) 385 -7821 (805) 385 -8329 Fax Completed 4/08 2,343,473.50 99.Warner Basin City of Anaheim 200 S. Anaheim Blvd. Suite 276 Anaheim, Ca 92805 Contact: Caster D. Williams (714) 765 -5176 (714) 765 -5225 Fax Completed 3/08 166,199.00 100.Dog Park City of Culver City 9770 Culver Blvd. Culver City, Ca 90232 Contact: Hong Wang (310) 253 -5604 (310) 253 -5626 Fax Completed 3/08 $123,102.00 101. Maxwell Park Renovation City of Anaheim 200 S. Anaheim, Ca 92805 Contact: Robert Palaeologus (714) 765 -5175 Ext 5711 Completed 11 /08 $1,669,90150 102.Whittier High School Quad Whittier Union High School District 9401 So. Painter Ave. Whittier, Ca 90605 Contact: Doug Omdorff (562) 698 -8121 Ext 1537 Completed 08/2008 $1,009,783.00 103.Meadows Park City of Lynwood 11330 Bullis Road Lynwood, Ca 90262 Contact: Arsenio Frontela (310) 603 -0220 (310) 635 -0493 Completed 9/08 $1,473,593.20 104.11esperia Civic Plaza City of Hesperia 9700 Seventh Ave. Hesperia, Ca 92345 Contact: David R. Burkett (760) 947 -1202 Completed 9/2008 $3,500,000.00 105.PCH Roadway Improvements City of Dana Pont 33282 Golden Lantern Dana Point, Ca 92629 Contact: Todd Niemann (949) 213 -4231 Completed 09/2008 $712,343.30 106.Dateland Park City of Coachela 1515 Sixth Street Coachella, Ca 92236 Contact: Mark Chappell (760) 398 -5744 (760) 398 -1630 Completed 10/2008 $1,679,765.61 107.Thornton & Windsor Parks City of Santa Ana P.O. Box 1988 Santa Ana, Ca 92702 ContactVilliam Albright (714) 647 -5029 Completed 9/2008 $331,240.00 108. Dotson Park City of Stanton 7800 Karelia Avenue Stanton, Ca 90680 Contact: Sean Crumby (714) 379 -9222 Ext.204 Completed 12/08 $1,866,279.00 109.Garcia Park City of Rancho Cucamonga 10500 Civic Center Dr. Rancho Cucamonga, Ca 91729 Contact: Karen Emery Meguire (909) 477 -2740 Ext.4080 (909) 477 -2746 Fax Completed 09/08 $1,831,717.25 110.Estudillo Parking Lot City of San Jacinto 595 S. San Jacinto Ave San Jacinto, Ca 92583 Contact: Holly Binkley (951) 654 -3592 (951) 651 -3672 Completed 8/08 $215,783.00 111.Memorial Park Walkway & Walkway Lighting City of Pasadena 100 North Garfield Ave Pasadena, Ca 91109 Contact: Reny Q. Quijano (626) 744 -6741 (626) 7443892 Completed 09/2008 $130,000.00 112. Oak Glen Park Improvements County of San Bemardino 157 West Fifth Street San Bernardino, Ca 92415 Contact: Greg Bacon (909) 387 -5940 (909) 387 -5968 Completed 2008 Original Contract $911,488.00 113.Westmister H.S. Parking Lot Huntington Beach U.H.S.D 5832 Balsa Ave., Huntington Beach, Ca 92646 Contact: Celia Taylor (714) 903 -7000 (714) 372 -8105 Completed 01/09 $854,83100 114. 1000 Palms Community Park Riverside County Redevelopment C/O Ian Davison Landscape Architecture, Inc. 3744 Tenth St. Suite 200 Riverside, Ca 92501 Contract: Ian Davison (951) 683 -1282 (951) 683 -4352 Completed 12/08 $ 775,OOOA0 115.Centennial H.S. Softball Park Compton U.S.D C/O DelTerra 13181 Crossroads Pkwy North Ste. 200 City of Industry, CA 91746 Contact: Lisa Estrada (626) 839 -9300 (626) 592 -3595 Completed 11/08 $310,000.00 116.Moorpark College Walkway Ventura Community College C/O Heery 103 Durley Avenue Camarillo, Ca 93010 Contact: Dick Jones (805) 384 -8152 (805) 384 -8155 Completed 12/08 $359,956.00 117.Sky Water Trail Sidewalk City of Cathedral City 68 -700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero Cathedral City, CA 92234 Contact: Mitchell J. Nieman (760) 770 -0348 (760)202 -1460 Completed 10/08 $143,021.00 118.Playfield Expansion Pomona Unified School District 800 S. Garey Ave Pomona, Ca 91766 Contact Ava Hill (909) 397 -4800 (909) 397 -5050 Completed 11/2008 Original Contract $257,205.00 119.13anning Parking Lot City of Banning 99 E. Ramsey Street Banning, Ca 92220 Contact: Holly Stuart (951) 922 -3138 (951) 922 -3141 Completed 12/08 $961,941.00 120.11all Jr. High Concrete Anaheim Unified School District 501 Crescent Way Anaheim, Ca 92803 Contact: Ralph Figueroa (714) 999 -2188 (714) 520 -5741 Completed 8/2008 $198,698.00 121. Slauson Ave Median Los Angeles County 900 South Fremont Ave 8 Floor Alhambra, Ca 91803 Contact: Irma V. Serra (626) 458 -4951 (626) 458 -2197 Completed 08/2008 $ 698,729.00 122.Cypress St. Improvement City of Highland 27215 Base Line highland, Ca 92346 Contact: Etta R. Pulce (909) 890 -1255 (909) 890 -0995 Completed 09/09 Original Contract $437,389.00 123. Huntington Beach HS Tennis Courts Huntington Beach Union High School District 5832 Bolsa Ave Huntington Beach, Ca 92649 Contact: Celia Taylor (714) 903 -7000 (714) 372 -8105 Completed 03/2009 $1,475,370.00 124. Downtown Infrastructure City of Indio 100 Civic Center Mall Indio, Ca 92201 Contact: Mariano Aguire (760) 541 -4230 (760) 391 -4021 Completed 09/2009 $3,550,000.00 125.Soccer Field Beverly Hills Unified School District 255 S. Lasky Drive Beverly Ilills, Ca 90212 Contact: Arturo Arce (310) 550 -8049 (310) 551 -0287 Completed 05/2009$363,935.00 126.Community Services Parking Lot City of Westminster 8200 Westminster Boulevard Westminster, Ca 92683 Contact: Jake Ngo (714)898 -3311 (714) 895 -4499 Completed 10/09 Original Contract $237,314.00 127.Veterans Park Sports City of Colton 650 N. La Cadena Dr Colton, Ca 92324 Contact: Thomas I Williams (909) 370 -5099 Completed 11/2009 $3,046,000.00 128. South Laguna Streetseape City of Laguna Beach 505 Forest Ave Laguna Beach, Ca 92651 Contact: Lisa M. Penna (949) 497 -0792 Completed 11/2009 $848,282.00 129. Challenger Youth Center County of Los Angeles 900 South Fremont Avenue Alhambra, Ca 91803 Contact: Brian Soria (626) 459 -5100 Completed 06/09 Original Contract $101,294.00 130. Tierra Bonita Park City of Lancaster 44933 Fern Avenue Lancaster, Ca 93534 Contact: Jon H Manager (661) 723 -6000 Completed 07/09 Original Contract $101,294.00 131. Marina High School Courts Huntington Beach U.H.S.D 5832 Bolsa Ave Huntington Beach, Ca 92649 Contact: Celia Taylor (714) 903 -7000 Completed 10/2009 $1,268,639.00 132.Thundersky Park City of Riverside 3900 Main Street Riverside, Ca 92522 Contact: Andy Emery (951) 826 -5311 Completed 10/2009 $1,259,000.00 133.Mary Van Dyke Park City of South El Monte 1415 N. Santa Anita Avenue South El Monte, Ca 91733 Contact: Norma Macias (626) 579 -6540 Completed 12/2009 $1,259,000.00 134.Prime Desert Pavilion City of Lancaster 44933 Fem Ave Lancaster, Ca 93534 Contact: Neal Knopik (661) 72 -6000 Completed 10/2009 $145,674.00 135.Robinson Park City of Pasadena 100 North Garfield Avenue Pasadena, Ca 91109 Contact: Steven L. Wright (626) 744 -7389 Completed 12/2009 S 2,459,699.00 136.Westminster H.S. South Parking Lot Huntington Beach Union High School District 5832 Bolsa Avenue Huntington Beach, Ca 92649 Contact: Celia Taylor (714) 903 -7000 Completed 10/2009 $ 1,065,526.00 137.Huntington Beach H.S. Fire lane Huntington Beach Union High School District 5832 Bolsa Ave Huntington Beach, Ca 92649 Contact: Nelson Cayabyab (714) 903 -7000 Completed 10/2009 $664,687.00 138. Villa & Singer Restrooms City of Pasadena 100 North Garfield Avenue Pasadena, Ca 91 109 Contact: Steven L. Wright (626) 744 -7389 Completed 7/2010 $458,855.00 139.Lake Skinner Improvements Riverside County Regional Park & Open - Space District 4600 Crestmore Rd Riverside, Ca 92509 Contact: Jason Plotkin (951) 955 -0169 (951) 955 -1383 Completed 7/2010 $4,162,378.55 140.West Downtown Pedestrian Improvement City of Santa Barbara 630 Carden Street Santa Barbara, Ca 93102 Contact: Eric Maple (805) 564 -5377 (805) 897 -2613 Completed 04/2011 $2,299,220.00 141.Fairmount Park Universal Play Area City of Riverside 3900 Main Street Riverside, Ca 92522 (951) 826 -2000 (951) 826 -2005 Contact: Andy Emery Completed 06/2010 $2,207,907.00 142.Palm Dr & Pierson Streetscape City of Desert Hot Springs 65 -950 Pierson Blvd Desert Hot Springs (760) 329 -6411 (760) 288 -0606 Contact: Jonathan Joy Completed 06/2010 $3,221,889.93 143.Eastside Box & Woodward Parks City of Yorba Linda 4845 Casa Loma Avenue Yorba Linda, Ca 92885 Steve Campbell (714) 961 -7168 Completed 06/2010 $1,067,515.41 144.Peck Park City of Los Angeles 1149 South Broadway Los Angeles, Ca 90015 (213) 847 -1922 Contact: Mary Carter Completed 09/11 Original Contract $3,636,946.00 145.Pioneer High School Sitework— Quad Whittier Union High School District 9401 S Painter Ave Whittier, Ca 90605 (562) 698 -8121 Contact: Stephanie Ruternbeck Completed 09/2010 Original Contract $1,088,487.00 146. El Toro Park Renovation City of Lake Forest 25550 Commercentre Dr Suite 100 Lake Forest, Ca 92630 (949) 461 -3400 Contact: Luis Estevez Completed 09/2010 Original Contract $ 563,681.00 147. Van Wig Courtyard Renovation Bassett Unified School District 904 N. Willow Ave La Puente, Ca 91746 (626) 839 -9300 Contact: Wilson Vasconez Completed 10/2010 Original Contract $ 648,276.00 148. Hunter Hobby Park City of Riverside 3900 Main St Riverside, Ca 92522 (951) 826 -2012 (951) 826 -2038 Contact: Ewina Lau Completed 12/2011 Original Contract $4,754,813.00 149. Costa Mesa High School Newport —Mesa Unified School District 2985 — A Bear Street Costa Mesa, Ca 92626 (714) 424 -5000 Contact: James Lamond Completed: 09/2010 Original Contract $ 369,072.00 150. Sepulveda Basin Sports Complex City of Los Angeles 221 N. Figueroa St. Ste 1510 Los Angeles, Ca 90012 (213) 202 -2640 Contact: Mary E Alvarez Completed 01/2012 Original Contract $ 7,301,548.00 151. Corona Del Mar High School Newport Mesa Unified School District 2985 -- A Bear Street Costa Mesa, Ca 92626 (714) 424 -5000 Contact: Jeffery Trader Completed 02 /2011 $916,155.00 152. Multi -Site Track & Field Improvements Huntington Beach Unified H.S.D. 5832 Balsa Ave Huntington Beach, CA 92649 (714) 903 -7000 x 4359 Contact: Celia Taylor Completed 05/2011 3,208,884.00 153.Atwater Park City of Los Angeles 221 N Figueroa Street Los Angeles, Ca 90012 (213) 202 -2640 Contact: Mary E Alvarez Completed 12/2011 Original Contract: 2,170,632.00 154.Pier Bowl Lighting City of San Clemente 910 Calle Negocio San Clemente, Ca 92673 (949) 361 -8267 Contact: Tim Shaw Completed 07/11 Original Contract: 1,326,322.00 155.0 Avenue Park County of Los Angeles 4800 Cesar E Chavez Avenue Los Angeles, Ca 90022 (323) 260 -3449 Contact: Jeffrey Biben Completed 5/12 Original Contract: 3,866,188.00 156. College Park City of Oxnard 1060 Pacific Avenue Oxnard, Ca 93030 (805) 385-7821 Contact: Patricia Friend Completed 1/12 Original Contract: 11,056,475.00 157.Doty Trust Park City of Riverside 3900 Main Street Riverside, Ca 92522 (951) 826 -2000 Contact Andy Emery Completed 5/12 Original Contact: $3,531,462.00 158.Gibson Mariposa Park City of El Monte 11333 Valley Blvd El Monte, Ca 91731 (626)580 -2058 Contact: James Emiquez Completed 01/12 Original Contract 2,905,629.00 159.11untington Beach High School Athletic Field Imp Huntington Beach Union High School District 5832 Bolsa ave Huntington Beach, Ca 92649 (714) 903 -7000 Contact Celia Taylor Completed 12/2011 Original Contract $ 2,235,567.00 160.Cucamonga Elementary School Site Imp Cucamonga School District 8776 Archibald Ave Rancho Cucamonga, Ca 91730 (909) 484 -1009 Contact: Lynn Ashton Completed 08/11 Original Contract: $212,426.00 161.Costa Mesa High School Paving & Landscape Newport — Mesa Unified School District 2985 — A Bear Street Costa Mesa, Ca 92626 (714) 424 -5079 Contact: Jeffery Trader Completed 09/11 Original Contract $ 467,692.00 162.Don Julian Elementary Path of Travel Basset Unified School District 904 N Wilson Ave La Puente, Ca 91746 (626) 931 -3000 Contact: Wilson Vasconez Completed 08 /11 Original Contract $ 779,654.00 163.Atlantis Splash Pad City of Garden Grove 11222 Acacia Parkway Garden Grove, Ca 92842 (714) 741 -5040 Contact: Sandra Segawa Completed 03/12 Original Contract $ 668,192.00 164.Costa Mesa H.S. Utilities Newport — Mesa Unified School District 2985 — A Bear Street Costa Mesa, Ca 92626 (714) 424 -8950 Contact: Craig P. Scaringi Completed 09/11 Original Contract $ 1,215,274.00 165.Copper Hill Park County of Los Angeles 900 South Fremont Ave Alhambra, Ca 91803 (626) 300 -2329 Contact: Claire Chang Completed 5/2012 Original Contract $ 795,555.00 166.Florence Ave. Parking Lot County of Los Angeles Community Development Commission 1616 E. Florence Ave Los Angeles, Ca 90001 (323) 864 -2574 Contact: Chen Kan Completed 1/2012 Original Contract $364,104.00 167. Full Half Width County of San Bernardino 222 W. Hospitality Lane San Bernardino, Ca 92415 (909)386 -8775 Contact: Arthur 1. Rivera Completed 10/2012 Original Contract $ 2,696,336.00 168.Tequesquite Park Imp. City of Riverside 3900 Main St Riverside, Ca 92522 (951) 826 -2000 Contact: Andy Emery Completed 6/2013 Original Contract $7,016,220.00 169.Arlington H.S. Field Upgrades Riverside Unified School District 3380 W Street Riverside, Ca 92501 951- 352 -6729 Contact: Chenchim (Jane) Jumnongslip Completed 11/2012 Original Contract $3,092,452.00 170.Roosevelt 11 Elementary School San Bernardino City Unified School District 777 N. F Street San Bernardino, Ca 92410 909 - 384 -1785 Contact: Andres Ramirez Completed 12/12 Original Contract $1,088,938.00 171.Poly High School — Stadium Improvements Riversde Unified School District 3380 W Street Riverside, Ca 92501 951 - 788 -7147 Contact: Janet Dixon Completed 01/12 Original Contract $1,223,921.00 172.Monterey Ave Entrance Desert Community College District 43 -500 Monterey Ave Palm Desert, Ca 92260 760 - 346 -8041 Contact: Karen LeSassier Completed 08/2013 Original Contract $1,201,040.00 173.North Campus Front Quad Landscape Long Beach Community College District 4901 East Carson Street Long Beach, Ca 90808 562- 9384947 Contact: Margie Padron Completed 5/2013 Original Contract $2,271,564.25 174.Magnolia High School Anaheim Union High School District 501 Crescent Way Anaheim, Ca 92803 714- 999 -3511 Contact: Jennifer Ellmore Completed 12/2012 Original Contact $1,427,100.00 175. Fitness Park City of Paramount 16400 Colorado Avenue Paramount, Ca 90723 562- 220 -2000 Contact: Bill Pagett Completed 4/2013 Original Contact $3,767,348.23 176. Bagdouma Park City of Coachella 1.515 Sixth St Coachella, Ca 92236 760 -398 -5744 Contact: Gordon Fisher Completed 4/2013 Original Contract $2,447,971.00 177. Hwy 18 Imp Town of Apple Valley 14955 Dale Evans Pkwy Apple Valley, Ca 92307 760 - 240 -7000 Contact: Christopher Moore Completed 412013 Original Contract: $967,933.41 178.Valley College San Bernardino Valley College District 114 S. Del Rosa Dr San Bernardino, Ca 92408 Contact: Charlie NG 909- 382 -4000 Completed 4/2013 Original Contract: $1,356,776.00 179.Orange Grove Park Community Development Commission County of Los Angeles 700 W. Main St Alhambra, Ca 91801 (323) 260 -3449 Contact: Jeffrey Biben Completed 01/14 Original Contract: $1,756,889.72 180.11) Street Improvements City of Perris 101 N D Street Perris, Ca 92570 Contact: Michael Morales 951- 956 -2120 Completed 11/2013 Original Contract: $ 1,723,873.60 181.Chittick Field City Of Long Beach 333 West Ocean Blvd 10' Floor Long Beach, Ca 90802 Contact: Gillis Monroe 562 -570 -6283 Still Working Original Contract: $5,148,583.00 182.Avocado Heights Trail County of Los Angeles 900 S Fremont Ave Alhambra, Ca 91803 Contact: Irma Vasquez 626- 458 -4951 Still Working Original Contract: $4,038,400.00 183.Rimrock Road City of Barstow 220 E Mountain View Street Barstow, Ca 92311 Contact: JoAnne V. Cousin 760- 256 -3531 Still Working Original Contract: $ 7,547,936.24 184. Median Improvements Town of Yucca Valley 58928 Business Center Dr Yucca Valley, Ca 92284 Contact: Alex Qishta 760 - 369 -6579 Still Working Original Contract: $2,161,147.00