OB - Item 3B - Rosemead Park Improvements Project for Basketball CourtsROSEMEAD OVERSIGHT BOARD STAFF REPORT TO THE HONORABLE CHAIR AND BOARD MEMBERS FROM MATTHEW HAWKESWORTH, ASSISTANT CITY MANAG � DATE: FEBRUARY 19, 2014 SUBJECT: ROSEMEAD PARK IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT — BASKETBALL COURTS SUMMARY As part of the July 2010 tax increment bond issuance by the farmer Redevelopment Agency, the City included funding for a project to renovate and improve portions of Rosemead Park and its amenities. The project identifies several elements of Rosemead Park that need improvement, including playground equipment, the north parking lot, court lighting, and the basketball courts. At this time, bids have been solicited to improve the basketball courts, which are a popular park amenity for the community. The existing court surface is in dire need of replacement, with portions of the concrete surface that are cracked and uneven. In addition to replacing the basketball court, the project will include the replacement of basketball hoops and the creation of a seat wall on the east side of the courts in order to create a spectator friendly seating area. Funding for this project is provided through bond proceeds from the former Redevelopment Agency. Staff Recommendation It is recommended that the Successor Agency approve Resolution 2014 -0002 confirming the contracts associated with construction and construction support for the construction of the Rosemead Park Improvements Project — Basketball Courts. DISCUSSION Rosemead Park is a community park in the northern section of the City that is approximately 18 acres in size. The park includes several popular amenities including a pedestrian walking /jogging trail, the Rosemead Aquatic Center, playground facilities, basketball courts, and turf areas. The basketball courts, which feature three courts and six basketball standards, are very popular and heavily utilized elements of the park. The existing basketball court surface is in significant need of replacement due to cracks and water damage, which create a significant safety hazard for park users. As part of this project, these basketball courts will be completely renovated with the installation of a new concrete court surface, six new basketball standards, and the construction of a terraced seat wall on the east side of the basketball courts. APPROVED FOR SUCCESSOR AGENCY AGENDA: T=NU. '° Successor Agency Meeting February 19, 2014 Pace 2 of 3 A Notice Inviting Bids for this project was published in local newspapers and trade publications on January 9th and 16th, 2014. Sealed bids were received in the Office of the City Clerk until 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday, January 22, 2014. At 11:00 a.m. on May 22, 2013, the City Clerk publicly opened and read eight (8) sealed bids with the following result: Rank Bidder Location Bid Amount 1 PK Construction Altadena, CA $ 117,227.50 2 Malibu Pacific Tennis Courts, Inc. Westlake Village, CA $ 119,575.00 3 CEM Construction, Corp. Downey, CA $ 119,700.00 4 Unlimited Engineering Simi Valley, CA $ 139,900.00 Contracting, Inc. 5 Geronimo Concrete, Inc. Los Angeles, CA $ 144,472.40 6 C.S. Legacy Construction, Inc. Chino, CA $ 145,092.00 7 1s1 California Construction, Inc. Arcadia, CA $ 176,440.00 8 E.C. Construction Co. South El Monte, CA $ 203,675.77 Staff has reviewed the bid documents for completeness and investigated the contractor's background and recent projects for competency. Staff believes that PK Construction is the lowest responsive bidder and is qualified to complete the work as specified for this project. PK Construction has previously completed projects for other public agencies, including the City of Pasadena and the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). A bid protest letter was received from the 2nd low bidder, Malibu Pacific Tennis Courts, Inc. (Malibu) regarding the low bid provided by PK Construction. In the letter, Malibu asserts that the low bidder failed to provide bid documentation from its Board of Directors indicating an agent that is authorized to sign bid documents. After reviewing this protest letter, staff determined that PK Construction is a sole proprietorship and that its owner /principal signed all bid documentation. The attached response letter (Attachment D) was mailed to Malibu on February 4, 2014 rejecting the protest based on these grounds. Project Support Costs Public Works Project Inspection (Demolition, Layout, Paving, Daily Oversight) The City will utilize an existing on -call services agreement with CEJ Engineers to provide regular project inspection services. CEJ Engineers will supervise daily construction activities and ensure that work is completed in accordance with project plans and specifications. The hourly rate for these services is highly competitive at $90 per hour, and will not exceed a total of 130 hours for this project. CEJ Engineers is experienced in providing inspection services for public works projects. Contract Cost: $11.700 Successor Agency Meeting February 19, 2014 Page 3 of 3 Project Administration /City Staff Costs In addition to these contractual services expenses, this project will involve interaction between City staff, the project inspector, and construction contractors. As such, an allotment of staff hours is included in the soft cost estimate for this project. These services will include project administration, contractor coordination, and regular oversight of the project. Estimated Cost: $5,500 FINANCIAL REVIEW This project was included in the Fiscal Year 2013 -14 Capital Improvement Program. The budget for this project is $280,000 and is funded entirely through bond proceeds from the former Redevelopment Agency. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15301 (C) of the CEQA Implementing Guidelines. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared By: Owe/ Sullivan Management Analyst Submitted By: Chris Marcarello Director of Public Works Attachments: A. Resolution 2014 -0002 B. Plans and Specifications (Available in the City Clerk's Office) C. Bid Analysis RESOLUTION NO. 2014 -0002 A RESOLUTION OF THE OVERSIGHT BOARD FOR THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION CONFIRMING THE AWARD OF CONTRACT AND RELATED SUPPORT COSTS FOR THE ROSEMEAD PARK IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT— BASKETBALL COURTS WHEREAS, THE Rosemead Successor Agency received the Finding of Completion on April 18, 2013 from the Department of Finance; and WHEREAS, the Finding of Completion states that the Rosemead Successor Agency may utilize proceeds derived from bonds issued prior to January 1, 2011 in a manner consistent with the original bond covenants per Health and Safety Code section 34191.4(c); and WHEREAS, the Rosemead Successor Agency is holding approximately $7.1 million in bond proceeds derived from bonds issued prior to January 1, 2011 for Capital Improvement Projects identified in the bond covenants; and WHEREAS, the Rosemead Successor Agency will be required to provide oversight of the completion of the Capital Improvement Projects to ensure compliance with the bond covenants; and WHEREAS, the approved Capital Improvement Projects have been included on each Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule filed by the Rosemead Successor Agency; and NOW, THEREFORE, THE OVERSIGHT BOARD FOR THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION HEREBY RESOLVES: 1. The Rosemead Successor Agency Oversight Board confirms that P.K. Construction is the lowest responsible bidder and confirms any decision by the City Council to award a contract for the construction of the Rosemead Park Basketball Courts Improvement Project. 2. That the contract with P.K. Construction shall not exceed the price of the bid plus fifteen (15) percent. If any contract amendments are required in excess of this amount, then all such changes shall be brought back to the Oversight Board for review and approval. 3. The Rosemead Successor Agency Oversight Board confirms that the contractor listed below is qualified and capable to provide project support services during the construction of the Rosemead Park Basketball Courts Improvement Project. 4. That the contract with the following firm shall not exceed the amount listed in the table below. If any contract amendments are required, all such changes shall be brought back to the Oversight Board for review and approval. Further, that staff time in direct relation to the construction of the public plaza is authorized and shall not exceed the amount listed below. Trade Firm Total Budget Civil Engineering Project Management CEJ Engineering $ 11,700.00 City Staff Project Administration N/A $ 5,500.00 Total Cost $ 17,200.00 % of Construction 14.67% 5. Successor Agency staff is directed to submit documents to the Department of Finance as necessary. 6. Successor Agency staff is directed to provide a copy of this Resolution to the County Auditor - Controller, the State Controller's Office and the State Department of Finance. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 19th DAY OF February, 2014. Pat Wallach Chair ATTEST: Matthew Hawkesworth Successor Agency Staff PUBLIC WORKS SERVICE CITY OF ROSEMEAO ROSEMEAD PARK BASKETBALL COUPTS BID ANALY55 PROPOSALS RECII JANUARY 22. 2014 PK CONSTRUCTION 11.11 1 CLEARING AND GRUBBING 1 LS $ 3SOC U b 2 DISPOSAL OF WASTE MATERIALS 1 LS $ 150800 _ $ 1,500.00 REMOVE. DISPOSE EXISTING AND CONSTRUCT 4" iM1iG CMB 95% 3 RELATIVE COMPACTION OVER W% NATIVE AS INDICATED ON PLANS 345 TONS S 2000 $_ 6.0. 3 AND SPECIFICATIONS COMPLETE 345 TONS S 2500 $ 862500 CONSTRUCT 4 "THICK CDC BA SKETBALL COURT (3280 PSI) 11850 SF $ 465 $ _5510250 5 - CONSTRUCT P THICK COLORED CONCRETE WITH LITHOCHROME 2111 SF $ B00 $ 12 ME 5 COLORTANDENER ON 2000 SF $ 9G0 8 18 P4".00 6 CONCRETE SEAT WALL INCLUDING GRANY CONSTRUCT CONCRETE SEAT WALL INC W DING GFPDIN, CONCRETE S. LF S 5000 $ 10 D30.00 fi STAIRS. WEEP SCELLANE OVS 200 LF $ 9100 $ 18IX3.00 ] ]BALL COURT BACKBOARD PER INSTALL BASKETBALL COURTPOLE 5 FA S 15,00 $ 45. .00 T MANUFACTURER CITY EQUIPMENT 6 EA $ ]50.00 $ 45..00 B T ALLC COURT STRIPING AS DGATE INSTALL BASKETBALL COVRT STRIPING AS INDICATED 1 LS S 8 ,50100 $ 5,5..00 MAUBU PACIFIC TENNIS COURTS, INC. #2 2 DISPOSAL OF WASTE MATERIALS 1 LS S 300_00 $ 30.. 2 REMOVE. DISPOSE EXISTING AND CONSTRUCT P' ThiG COG 95% 1 LS IS 500,00 $ 50. BE RELATIVE COMPACTION OVER . %NATIVE AS INDICATED ON PLANS 3 AND SPECIFICATIONS COMPLETE 345 TONS S 2000 $_ 6.0. 3 CONSTRUCT 4" THICK POD BASKETBALL COURT (3250 PSI) 1185E SF $ 5.$0 $ 65,1]500 CONSTRUCT 4" THICK COLORED CONCRETE WITH LITHOCHROME 11850 OF S E. $ W 00 5 COLORHARDENER ON TOP PER LM SCOFIELD COMPANY 2111 SF $ B00 $ 12 ME 5 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE SEAT WALL. INCLUDING GRATIN, CONCRETE 20.', SF $ 10 OD $ PIlO..OD 6 STAIRS WEEP HOLES AND MISCELLANEOUS S. LF S 5000 $ 10 D30.00 6 INSTALL BASKETBALL COURT POLE AND BACKBOARD PER 2. LF 3 10000 $ 20 SEE LC ] MANUFACTURER SPECIFICATIONS CITY TO FURNISH EQUIPMENT 5 FA S 15,00 $ 45. .00 5 INSTALL BASKETBALL COURT STRIPING AS INDICATED 1 LS $ 3000.00 $ 300000 CEM CONSTRUCTION CORP N] 1 CLEARING AND GRUBBING 1 LS $ 15... $ 1.5... 2 DISPOSAL OF WASTE MATERIALS 1 LS IS 500,00 $ 50. BE REMOVE, DISPOSE EXISTING AND CONSTRUCT 9" TMCk LMB 95% RELATIVE COMPACTION OVER ELK NATIVE AS INDICATED ON PLANS 3 AND SPECIFICATIONS COMPLETE 345 TONS $ 5,G0 $ 20]..00 CONSTRUCT P' THICK PCC BASKETBALL COURT 132. P50 11850 OF S E. $ W 00 CONSTRUCT P' THICK COLORED CONCRETE WITH 5 COT SCOFIELD COMPANY 20.', SF $ 10 OD $ PIlO..OD GRANY CONSTRUCT CONCRETE SEAT WALL. INCLUDING GRATIN, CONCRETE COOLES 6 IRS A D MISCELLANEOUS STAIRS WEEP 2. LF 3 10000 $ 20 SEE LC BASKETBALL T INSTALL BASKETBALL COURT POLE AND BACKBOARD PER MANUFACTURER FURNISH EQUIPMENT EA S 60000 $ 3 PER .00 5 TBALL OURTIONS.LIT AS I INSTALL BASKETBALL COURT STRIPING AS INDICATED 1 1 L$ S 150,. S 1500.00 PAGE PUSUG WORKS SERVIDEOEPARTAAATTWGMEEPWG DIVISION C".Alp UNLIMITED ENGINEERING CONTRACTING, INC. 2 DISPOSAL OF WASTE MATERIALS 1 LS $ 2OOO.00 $ REMOVE, DISPOSE EXISTING AND CONSTRUCT 4 Th ck CMB 95% RELATIVE COMPACTION OVER 90 %NATIVE AS INDICATED ON PLANS 3 AND SPECIFICATIONS COMPLETE 345 TONS $ 52.1]3 S 4 CONSTRUCT p' THICK POP BASKETBALL COURT (3250 PSI) 11850 SF $ 5232 $ CONSTRUCT 4 THICK COLORED CONCRETE WITH LITHOCHROME 5 COLORHARDENER ON TOP PER LK SCOFIELD COMPANY 2G4 SF $ 7 50 S CONSTRUCT CONCRETE SEAT WALL, INCLUDING GRADIN. CONCRETE 6 STAIRS, WEEP HOLES. AND MISCELLANEOUS 2DD LF $ 14500 S INSTALL BASKETBALL COURT POLE AND BACKBOARD PER MANUFACTURER SPECIFICATIONS. CITYTO FURNISH EQUIPMENT 6 EA $ A.. $ 8 INSTALL BASKETBALL COURT STRIPING AS INDI CATER 1 LS S ]pW OO $ GERONIMO CONCRETE, INC. a a 2 DISPOSAL OF WASTE MATERIALS 1 LS S 10609O'$ 106500[ REMOVE, DISPOSE EXISTING AND CONSTRUCT 4" Thi6 CMB 95% RELATIVE COMPACTION OVER 90% NATIVE AS INDICATED ON PLANS 3 AND SPECIFICATIONS COMPLETE 345 TONS S 5] 42 $ 19 BD99C p CONSTRUCT 4 "THICK PCC BA SKETBALL COURT 13250 P511 11&50 SF $ 525 $ 62 212 CONSTRUCT 4" THICK COLORED CONCRETE WITH LITHOCHROME 5 COLORHARDENER ON TOP PER LM SCOFIELD COMPANY RDOO SF $ 500 $ 1O WOOL CONSTRUCT CONCRETE SEAT WALL, INCLUDING GRADIN. CONCRETE 6 STAIRS, WEEP HOLES, AND MISCELLANEOUS 200 LF $ 15]50 IS 31 WOOL INSTALL BASKETBALL COURT POLE AND BACKBOARD PER MANVFACTURER$PECIFICATIONS, CITYTO FURNISH EQUIPMENT 6 EA $ GOO.00 $ 350.0E 8 INSTALL BASKETBALL COURT STRIPING AS INDICATED 1 LS S 450000 $ p50.00 L.S. LEGACY CONSTRUCTION, INC. 96 PAGE DISPOSAL WASTE MATERIALS AND 1 L$ $ 1332000 $ 133200 IS ICiTCMB95% REMOVE, DISPOSEEXISTINGANDCONSTRUCT N RELATIVE COMPACTION OVER 90% NATIVE AS INDICATED ON PLANS 3 SPECIFICATIONS COMPLETE ITONS $ 340 $ 11]300 p CONSTRUCT 4" THICK COURT (3250 PSI) CONSTRUCT 11 SIC 11850 $F 8 54D $ 639900 COLORED CONCRETE LITHOCHROME CONSTRUCT P' THICK COLORED C 5 IS SCOFIELD COMPANY CONSTRUCT 2030 SF $ 560 $ 11 200 CONCRETE ALL INCLUDING GRANY WALL GMOIN, CONCRETE CTAIRS 6 WEEP HOLES A D MI MISCELLANEOUS WEEPTBALLANDMISOLE ANBAC 200 LF $ 18) 00 8 3]aOOW _ INSTALL BASKETBALL COURT POLE AND BACKBOARD PER INSTAL EQUIPMENT MSTALLBASKETALLC 6 EA $ '/4500_$ 14100 8 COURT STRIPING AS INDICATED INSTALL BASKETBALL COURT STRIPING AS INDICATED 1 L$ $ 1$2]0 $ 152Z0 TOTAL BASE BID PRICE $ 10.5,093 .0 PAGE PUBLIC WORKS $EPNSEOEPXRTAENLENGINEER)NG DIVISION .132011 LIST CALIFORNIA CONSTRUCTION, INC. YT 2 DI SPOSAL OF WASTE MATERIALS 1 L$ 5 9,IUB KV $ 9, 15D00 REMOVE. DISPOSE EXISTING AND CONSTRUCT 4" Thick CMS 95 °% 3 RELATIVE COMPACTION OVER 90 % NATIVE AS INDICATED ON PLANS 345 TONS $ 11445 S 394852 3 AND SPECIFICATIONS COMPLETE 345 TONS S 6100 S 2],945.00 4 CONSTRUCT 4'THICK PCC BA SKETBALL COURT (3250 PSI) 11850 BE $ ).10 $ SQ 13500 5 CONSTRUCT 4 THICK COLORED CONCRETE WITH LITHOCHROME 2000 BE $ 1322 $ 284430 5 COLORHARDENER ON TOP PER LM SCOFIELD COMPANY 2D00 SF $ 1158 S 23,16000 6 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE SEAT WALL, INCLUDING DESIGN, CONCRETE 200 LF $ 32670 $ 653400 6 STAIRS WEEP HOLES, AND MISCELLANEOUS 200 LF $ 9075 $ 16,15000 7 INSTALL BASKETBALL COURT POLE AND BACKBOARD PER 6 EA $ 136167 S S 17 P. 7 MANUFACTURER SPECIFICATIONS CITYTO FURNISH EQUIPMENT 6 EA $ 27250 $ 163500 8 INSTALL BASKETBALL COURT STRIPING AS INDICATED 1 LS IS 211000 $ 211000 E.C. CONSTRUCTION CO. 1 CLEARING AND GRUBBING _ 1 LS $ 2500D9 $ 2 DISPOSAL OF WASTE MATERIALS 1 L$ $ 120D0 DC $ PAGE REMOVE, DISPOSE EXISTING AND CONSTRUCT 4' TN¢k CMB 95% RELATIVE COMPACTION OVER M% NATIVE AS INDICATED ON PLANS 3 AND SPECIFICATIONS COMPLETE 345 TONS $ 11445 S 394852 4 CONSTRUCT 4" THICK PCC BASKETBALL COURT (325) PSI) 11050 SF $ 413 $ 489405 CONSTRUCT 4' THICK COLORED CONCRETE WITH LITHOCHROME 5 COLORHARDENER ON TOP PER LM SCOFIELD COMPANY 2000 BE $ 1322 $ 284430 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE SEAT WALL, INCLUDING GR NDIN. CONCRETE 6 STAIRS, WEEP HOLES, AND MISCELLANEOUS 200 LF $ 32670 $ 653400 INSTALL BASKETBALL COURT POLE AND BACKBOARD PER 7 MANUFACTURER SPEC IFICATIONS, CITY TO FURNISH EQUIPMENT 6 EA $ 136167 S S 17 P. 8 INSTALL BASKETBALL COURT STRIPING AS INDICATED 1 LS $ BIG,. $ SIC PAGE