MIG1 r PROPOSAL NO. 2014 -01 FEBRUARY. 27 2 ,f �'. L by t M r 1; CITY OF ROSEMEAD garvey avenue corridor a Specific Plan and EIR I , MEG 169 N Marengo Avenue Pasadena, CA 91101 626- 744 -9872 1 www.migcom.com In association with: KOA I Land Design Consultants I The Natelson Dale Group, Inc. Kunzman I Veronica Tam and Associates I Boat People SOS ® February 27, 2012 Attn: Gloria Molleda, City Clerk 169 N Marengo Avenue City of Rosemead Pasadena, CA 91101 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Phone: (626) 744 -9872 Rosemead, California 91770 Fax: (626) 744 -9873 III Dear Selection Committee Members: www.migcom.com It is with great pleasure that MIG, Inc. submits to you this proposal to develop the Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and EIR for the City of Rosemead. We have CALIFORNIA developed a scope of work to address the unique challenges and opportunities BERKELEY, DAVIS, emerging in your community using our combined experience in public engagement, RIVERSIDE, FULLERTON land use and planning, place- making, and redevelopment and infrastructure evaluation. PASADENA, SAN DIEGO I The Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and EIR process offers the opportunity to AND KENWOOD answer some key questions: COLORADO a How can the Garvey Avenue Corridor become an economic generator through land use, BOULDER design and place- making? • How do we promote and encourage the highest and best use of underutilized areas and NEW YORK vacant properties? NEW YORK How can the City ensure attractive, high quality private development to promote NORTH CAROLINA economic development but also respect and reflect community character? RALEIGH . How can the existing and future mix of uses - -office, retail, mixed -use, entertainment venues, restaurants— be balanced and seamlessly blended to provide an inviting and OREGON unique community while being compatible with existing Rosemead development, EUGENE & PORTLAND ensuring functionality, and minimizing conflicts and impacts? s Where are the critical spots to prioritize new streetscape, pedestrian amenities, TEXAS mixed -use nodes, and public realm improvements to make the corridor attractive and SAN ANTONIO sustainable place? • How do we coordinate with stakeholders to balance the community vision with future private and public developments? s How do we allow for redevelopment and increasing densities and intensities of land uses with a limited existing infrastructure and parking? With our deep national expertise and intimate local knowledge and experience, MIG is the perfect ft for the City of Rosemead in regard to the Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and EIR and will guide the community through these questions and more that will develop over the course of the project. MIG will help mobilize the forces to answer these essential questions, provide strong project leadership, apply new, exciting approaches to the community engagement and plan development processes and set the course for positive change in Garvey Avenue Corridor. PLANNING / DESIGN / COMMUNICATIONS / MANAGEMENT / TECHNOLOGY We are a multidisciplinary consulting firm that specializes in urban planning and design, multimodal transportation planning, public outreach, consensus building, communications and technology tools, and environmental review MIG will address project facilitation, project management, document preparation, urban design, and land use planning. The MIG Team will also provide translation services for Vietnamese, Chinese and Spanish speakers. To augment our capabilities, we've added the following firms to our team • KOA Corporation —to address mobility, transportation systems, traffic, roadway function, pedestrian mutes, and particularly for the Garvey Avenue Corridor —parking. KOA will build on the numerous infrastructure projects (median and sidewalk improve- ments and bridge construction, etc) that Rosemead has already constructed. • The Natelson Dale Group -to address the market potential and economics of the study area, city and region to target viable new development • Land Design Consultants - to understand the infrastructure capacity in order to provide a comprehensive infrastructure program that outlines future system needs and identifies the resources necessary to finance and implement recommended land uses and catalyst projects. • Boat People SOS and Veronica Tam + Associates -to to assist with Vietnamese and Chinese translation services. Our approach is creative, collaborative, and implementation- oriented. We leverage the knowledge and passions of local stakeholders and apply innovative planning tools that result in real, tangible change for communities. We will work hand -in -hand with you to identify key partnerships, develop action - oriented strategies, and deliver the products needed to help define a strong community vision and set the stage for implementation. MIG prides itself on creating unique and specific plan documents. From our experience with over 100 general plans and specific plans, it is evident that each community's character, diversity and unique needs guide the development of their own plan. Our hands -on approach has yielded location - specific policies and actions that guide City staff, councils, and planning commissions from the first stages of planning through implementation. In a number of cases, we have been asked to continue to work with communities and provide over - the - shoulder advice on implementation practices. We know Rosemead! Hogle- Ireland last two General Plans for Rosemear physical city as well as City issues an the community and to the issues the need to be. Furthermore, LDCs Ste, maintained ties to the community. scantly merged with MIG) and KOA wrote the Because of this, we are extremely familiar with policies. Our team has a great familiarity with need addressed and who the participants Hunter grew up in Rosemead and has PLANNING / DESIGN / COMMUNICATIONS I/ MANAGEMENT / TECHNOLOGY MIG has worked with a number of communities with similar demographics as Rosemead and where the demographics and cultures are changing overtime. We understand the pressure staff faces with off -shore development projects and nuances with development practices that might not necessarily be compatible with the existing Rosemead development pattern and scale. We can navigate these issues for you and build consensus with the various stakeholders. The Lincoln Avenue Specific Plan is one recently successful project that is applicable to the Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan. The Lincoln Avenue corridor in northwest Pasadena was a neglected area of town where aging homes and underutilized commercial areas intermixed with obsolete and fragmented industrial land uses. The planning process brought a new vision to the corridor: one that encouraged flexible and mixed -use commercial and residential land uses and streetscape improvements to establish identity, quality, and a pedestrian orientation. We understand that this plan must be turn -key and self- mitigating: easily imple- mentable and effective. We will also provide graphic and easy to understand products that the entire community can understand and follow right from the start. Finally, we know staff is busy. During this project, we intend to be staff's right hand. We will do the heavy lifting and warmly embrace staff's involvement whenever possible. We are here to make life easy for the City of Rosemead staff! The scope and budget presented are based on the RFP. We welcome the opportunity to work with staff to modify them to create the perfect scope for the right budget for this project. We look forward to an opportunity to work again with the City of Rosemead on this interesting project. Respectfully, Re"' S_ Chris BeyAon, Principal -in- Charge PLANNING / DESIGN / COMMUNICATIONS / MANAGEMENT / TECHNOLOGY Table of Contents Firm Profile and Experience Section 1 Project Team References Section 2 Section 3 Project Understanding and Approach Section 4 SECTION ONE Firm Profile and Experience MMM LAN mr mr an 1, -a .�. is 3 -ftftic� Firm Profiles MIG, INC. Critical thinking. Strategic focus. Innovative solutions. For over 31 years, MIG has engaged top professionals in planning, design, communications, management and technology who work together to ensure our clients achieve the results they want. We look beyond convention to produce meaningful plans and creative designs that meet our world's increasing social, economic and environmental challenges. MIG is a multidisciplinary firm that provides a sophisticated, integrated and interactive approach to create nuanced, layered and dynamic planning and design strategies. Since our founding in 1982, MIG has focused on planning, designing and sustaining environments that support human development. Our staff has successfully worked with public agencies and private clients throughout California and the nation on projects that enhance community livability, support revitalization and connect people with places. Our approach is grounded in a thorough understanding of local issues regarding planning and design —as well as the social, economic, environmental and cultural context of the project area —to create successful plans. MIG's combination of expertise allows us to conduct planning in a highly engaging and interactive process involving all stakeholder groups. We work directly with residents, elected and appointed officials, business and property owners, and community leaders to frame key issues, understand needs and goals, and create an action plan for change that is supported by all parties. The MIG Team has provided services and created products integral to the Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and EIR including: • Managing complex corridor, specific planning Projects • Developing robust bilingual public outreach and involvement programs • Facilitating public workshops, stakeholder sessions and team meetings that build consensus • Context- and market- sensitive concept planning and redevelopment strategies F1.^, I G • Realistic implementation strategies • Sustainability and dimate change issues, strategies and actions • Complete streets design and implementation • Delivering planning documents that are consistent, graphically -rich, legally defensible, and easy to use • Producing high quality work on time and within budget Philosophy MIG's approach is inclusive and encourages community and stakeholder interaction in all of our projects. For each endeavor, our approach is strategic, context driven and holistic, addressing social, political, economic and physical factors to ensure our clients achieve the results they want. MIG staff are creative, have strong technical expertise and a thorough understanding of stakeholder and public process. This approach consistently produces plans based on a strong foundation of facts and whose implementation is supported by the community. Firm Information Years in Operation: 31 Number of Employees: 156 Organization: California Corporation Functions and Capabilities: • Specific Plans and General Plans • Urban Planning and Sustainable Design • Streetswpes, Corridors and Complete Streets • Transit- Oriented Development • Community Planning • Community Outreach and Involvement • Facilitation and Consensus Building • Translation Services • Landscape Architecture • CEOA and Environmental Planning • Mapping and GIS Analysis • Website Design • Graphic Design and Visualizations Cityof Rosemead I Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and EIR 1.1 Sonoma Boulevard Corridor Design, vellejo, California (MIG) KOA CORPORATION Founded in 1987, KOA Corporation (KOA) is one of the leading civil and traffic engineering, transportation planning and design firms in California. KOA also provides services in project management, construction management and observation, staff assistance, grant application processing and NPDES Program Implementation. KOA provides consulting services to both public and private sectors, and has six offices to serve our California clients. Our staff includes certified transportation planners and California registered civil and traffic engineers. KOA has provided Innovative engineering services for many of the largest public works and transportation planning projects in California. LAND DESIGN CONSULTANT'S, INC. Land Design Consultants, Inc. (LDC) is a full- service civil engineering, surveying, and environmental land planning company. The principals and officers (the development team) of LDC are highly experienced, motivated and well known in the development industry of Southern California, with over 100 years of combined experience in residential, commercial, government, industrial and mixed -use master planned projects in most of the growth areas of Los Angeles, Orange, Ventura, Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. The members of LDC's development team have personally managed the engineering and construction observation for numerous public and private commercial sites. 1.2 Cityof Rosemead l Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and El THE NATELSON DALE GROUP, INC. The Natelson Dale Group, Inc. (TNDG) is a real estate economic and financial consulting firm established in 1974 which provides services to both public and private clients. TNDG is dedicated to the direct involvement of its principals in all phases of the firm's work and maintains a highly qualified staff of senior professionals to assist the principals in the conduct of each assignment. TNDG is a "boutique' firm not only in terms of size (total staff of five professionals) but also in terms of philosophy and approach. In this regard, the firm's principal personally manages every contract and maintains primary contact with the client. As our references will attest, exceptional responsiveness to the unique needs of each client is a hallmark of TNDG's approach. Sophisticated analytical techniques are balanced with seasoned judgment as TNDG strives to produce analyses of the highest technical quality without advocating its own or anyone else's opinions. Imaginative problem identi- fication and study plan formulation are applied to each assignir ient. The final products are structured to assist the client n iake realistic decisions and achieve practical results in the s iortest possible time. Results are communicated th rougl i a variety of media tailored specifically to their fini d audiences. The firr i is headquartered in Yorke Linda, California and has a st tellite offices in Phoenix, Arizona. KUNZMAN ASSOCIATES, INC. Kunzman Associates, Inc. (Kunzman) is a California Corporation located in the City of Orange and specializes in planning for governmental agencies and the business community. The firm has highly qualified personnel with experience throughout Southern California at the regional, local, and individual project level. The experience of the firm's personnel in planning and opera- tions for new planned communities, as well as established areas provides the special skills necessary for determining imaginative, practical, and meaningful solutions. Kunzman was established in 1976 by William Kunzman, P.E., and since then the firm has completed over 4,000 studies for over 800 different clients. Kunzman Associates, Inc. provides services for transportation planning /traffic engineering, parking, noise /vibration studies, expert witness, and air quality /global climate change /health risk assessments. VERONICA TAM AND ASSOCIATES Veronica Tam and Associates (VTA) is a California corporation established in 2005, with its office in Pasadena, California. VTA has been providing housing and community development consulting to local jurisdictions throughout California since 2005. VTA has a small but experienced and dedicated staff of six full- and part-time professional staff and one part -time administrative staff. Veronica Tam of VTA is a native speaker of Cantonese and can also communicate effectively in Mandarin. As a planner, she can more accurately communicate planning principles and project objectives to the public, ensuring that critical ideas are not "lost in translation" f�1 I G BOAT PEOPLE SOS - COMMUNITY /VIETNAMESE CULTURAL ENGAGEMENT Boat People SOS ( BPSOS), the nation's largest Vietnamese - American nonprofit, has deep roots in the community. Over the past 14 years, each year BPSOS serves nearly 1,000 Orange County residents through an array of direct services and thousands more through community building and community education initiatives. BPSOS has thus gained not only the experience serving the target audience but also their trust. Their mission is to "empower, organize, and equip Vietnamese individuals and communities in their pursuit of liberty and dignity." Successful programs and educational services include: Community Awareness Campaign on Occupational Safety (CACOS), Fish Contamination Education Collaborative (FCEC), English as a Second Language Literacy Program (ESL Literacy), Computer Technology Training, Citizenship, Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA), and Workforce Development Job Training. Opened in 2000 in Westminster, CA, and located in the "heart of Little Saigon ", BPSOS meets the unique needs of the large Vietnamese community in Orange County and surrounding areas. Pain Avenue Conie , Master Han, Imperial Beach, California (MIG) Cityof Rosemead l Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and EIR 1.9 M I G San Bruno ftansit Corridors Specific Plan and EIR SAN BRUNO, CALIFORNIA Before - Existing Conditions (top) AMR- Photo Simulation of Potential Improvements (Iwttom) The San Bruno Transit Corridors Specific Plan sets the stage to transform key corridors and the entire city center of this Bay Area community. MIG led a four -phase process with the City of San Bruno and other partners such as the Grand Boulevard Initiative —a regional collaboration of 19 cities, counties, local and regional agencies—with the goal of improving the performance, safety and aesthetics of El Camino Real, a major regional corridor. The Specific Plan provides definition of land uses and character of development along key corridors and in the downtown. Building on the planning area's multiple transit opportunities, high- density, mixed -use transit - oriented development and inviting, walkable streetscapes are emphasized to capitalize on the proximity of San Bruno BART Station and the future Caltrain Station. Bus transit and innovative pedestrian and bicycle linkage were also key plan elements. In addition, MIG prepared the EIR for the Plan. The objective of was to facilitate future improvement of the Transit Corridors Area. The Plan establishes a clear vision and development framework. associated development standards and design guidelines for public and private realm improvements. to City of Rosemead I Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and EIR The project area for the Plan is a designated Priority Development Area (PDA). Its status as a PDA will qualify San Bruno for grants designed to foster complete neigh- borhoods with a range of housing choices and increased opportunities for walking, bicycling and transit use. PROJECT INFORMATION Client City of San Bruno 567 El Camino Real I San Bruno, CA94066 Reference: Aaron Amin, Former Comm. Develop. Director (650)616 -7074 I aaron.aknin®cityofpaloalto.org Dates: ept.2010 -2013 Costs: 359.940 Specific Plan; Design Guidelines; Standards; Simulations; I Impact Report F G Palm Avenue /SR75 Commercial Corridor Master Plan IMPERIAL BEACH, CALIFORNIA existing conditions and simulation Palm Avenue, also known as State Route 75, is a six -lane, commercial corridor that serves as the gateway to Imperial Beach. It is also an important alternative connection for Interstate 5 to the cities of San Diego and Coronado, as well as to local military facilities. Like much of Western Avenue, Palm Avenue is characterized by high -speed traffic, poorly marked and badly designed pedestrian crossings, under - utilized structures, and a high concen- tration of automobile - related uses. Despite being the City's retail lifeblood, its current design and configuration is unfriendly to pedestrians and lacks the development potential required to meet residents' needs, capture visitors' interest, and support the City's economic vitality. MIG worked with City staff and Caltrans to develop a Master Plan for Palm Avenue to transform this commercial spine into a vibrant pedestrian -, bicycle -, transit- friendly street. With input from the community, elected officials and other stakeholders, MIG led the creation of an urban design framework, new classification of street segments, facade improvements for existing commercial spaces and design guidelines that are spurring positive change and new development opportunities for the corridor. Completed on time and on budget the final Master Plan received unanimous City Council approval. The City is currently pursuing grants and other funding sources to begin implementation of the design. PROJECT INFORMATION Client: City of Imperial Beach 825 Imperial Beach Blvd I Imperial Beach, CA 91932 Reference: Elizabeth Cumming, Project Manager (619) 628 -0858 1 ecumming ®cityofb.org Dates: 2007 -2009 Costs: $216,670 Deliverables: Master Plan; Urban Design Framework; Design Guidelines; Simulations City of Rosemead l Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and EIR 1.3 M G Anaheim Canyon Specific Plan ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA Working with the City of Anaheim, MIG is leading a collaborative process to re- envision Anaheim Canyon, a 2,500 -acre industrial area that is home to a third of the City's businesses and jobs. In an effort to emerge as the premier business center in northern Orange County, MIG is developing a focused Specific Plan that will establish Anaheim Canyon as a "Green Zone" with a compre- hensive package of programs and policies to encourage development of a unique eco- friendly business center. This new identity is intended to make Anaheim Canyon very attractive to environmentally - friendly and sustainable businesses and entrepreneurs. A key objective of this process is to identify and remove obstacles to reuse and create incentives to re -tool existing structures, promote infll development and ensure the long -term economic health of the region. In order to achieve this, MIG and the City are reaching out to area businesses and property owners to better understand their collective vision for the area's future, and what they feel the City can do to assist economic development. 1.6 Cityof Rosemead l Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and EIR Another key objective is to expand the use of non - vehicular transportation by upgrading the Anaheim Canyon Metrolink Station, fostering Transit - Oriented Development, enhance the walkability of the area, add bike lanes and trails, and offer other transportation options In order to reduce the number of vehicle miles traveled and congestion on the area's busy freeways. PROJECT INFORMATION Client: City of Anaheim 200 Sok th Anaheim Blvd I Anaheim, CA 92805 Refere ce: Pamela Galera, Principal Project Planner V14)765-4463 I PGalera ®anaheim.net Dates: ept2011- Cunent Costs: 375,000 Deliver Pbli Specific Plan; Developer's Toolldt; New Zoning and De elopment Standards; Sustainable Plant Palette; Existinc Conditions and Opportunities Analysis Lincoln Avenue Specific Plan PASADENA, CALIFORNIA The Lincoln Avenue Specific Plan was initiated by the City of Pasadena to reinvent and reinvigorate the Lincoln Avenue corridor, a key arterial connecting neighbor- hoods east of the Rose Bowl to neighborhoods north of Interstate 210. Historically, Lincoln Avenue has supported industrial and small -scale commercial uses that provide little direct benefit to surrounding neighborhoods. Residents have long sought aesthetic and functional improvements to the corridor, particularly to encourage neighborhoodserving businesses. In developing the Specific Plan, the City engaged residents, business owners, and community leaders to define a vision and implementing actions that will transform the boulevard into a vibrant neighborhood- oriented district, with new housing options and a complement of local- serving retail and service businesses, office spaces, and community uses, all tied together with pedestrian -scale public improvements. The Lincoln Avenue Specific Plan establishes a vision and guidelines for new development, uses, and public improvements along a 1.3 -mile section of Lincoln Avenue. A primary focus of the Specific Plan is to create a neigh- borhood "main street" that will serve as the focal point for the neighborhoods surrounding Lincoln Avenue. The Lincoln Avenue Specific Plan provides tailored, form - based development standards appropriate for the desired mass and scale. Strong urban design and architectural guidelines clearly articulate the level of development quality to be achieved. A comprehensive Implementation Plan includes streetscape enhancements, economic development initiatives, and continued outreach and cooperation among local residents and businesses to foster an attractive and economically successful corridor. PROJECT INFORMATION Client. City of Pasadena Pasadena City Hall 100 N. Garfield Ave I Pasadena, CA 91109 Reference: Vincent Gonzalez, Fortner Redevelopment Project Manager, City of Pasadena (Now with Los Angeles County Metro) (213) 922 -1208 1 gonzalezv®metro.net Dates: 2009 -2011 Costs $140,000 Deliverables: Specific Plan; Land Use Concepts City of Rosemead l Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and EIR 1.7 • —� bi 611' ;i• 0 � 10\ ... 1 he _. _. to I. o I \ i l Lincoln Avenue Specific Plan PASADENA, CALIFORNIA The Lincoln Avenue Specific Plan was initiated by the City of Pasadena to reinvent and reinvigorate the Lincoln Avenue corridor, a key arterial connecting neighbor- hoods east of the Rose Bowl to neighborhoods north of Interstate 210. Historically, Lincoln Avenue has supported industrial and small -scale commercial uses that provide little direct benefit to surrounding neighborhoods. Residents have long sought aesthetic and functional improvements to the corridor, particularly to encourage neighborhoodserving businesses. In developing the Specific Plan, the City engaged residents, business owners, and community leaders to define a vision and implementing actions that will transform the boulevard into a vibrant neighborhood- oriented district, with new housing options and a complement of local- serving retail and service businesses, office spaces, and community uses, all tied together with pedestrian -scale public improvements. The Lincoln Avenue Specific Plan establishes a vision and guidelines for new development, uses, and public improvements along a 1.3 -mile section of Lincoln Avenue. A primary focus of the Specific Plan is to create a neigh- borhood "main street" that will serve as the focal point for the neighborhoods surrounding Lincoln Avenue. The Lincoln Avenue Specific Plan provides tailored, form - based development standards appropriate for the desired mass and scale. Strong urban design and architectural guidelines clearly articulate the level of development quality to be achieved. A comprehensive Implementation Plan includes streetscape enhancements, economic development initiatives, and continued outreach and cooperation among local residents and businesses to foster an attractive and economically successful corridor. PROJECT INFORMATION Client. City of Pasadena Pasadena City Hall 100 N. Garfield Ave I Pasadena, CA 91109 Reference: Vincent Gonzalez, Fortner Redevelopment Project Manager, City of Pasadena (Now with Los Angeles County Metro) (213) 922 -1208 1 gonzalezv®metro.net Dates: 2009 -2011 Costs $140,000 Deliverables: Specific Plan; Land Use Concepts City of Rosemead l Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and EIR 1.7 r,, G San Pablo Avenue Specific Plan EL CERRITO AND RICHMOND, CALIFORNIA MIG was the prime consultant working with the Cities of El Cerrito and Richmond to create the San Pablo Avenue Specific Plan. The multi - jurisdictional Plan will standardize design guidelines and development regulations along a major commercial and transit thoroughfare, providing a unified look and feel along the Avenue while helping to maximize the development potential of opportunity sites near BART and regional bus facilities. MIG prepared El Cerrito's General Plan and updated Richmond's General Plan. The San Pablo Avenue Specific Plan will advance concepts described in both of these documents to provide the cities, and private developers, with a graphically -rich, user - friendly, document far all future land use and design decisions along the Avenue. 1.8 City of Rosemead l Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and EIR The Specific Plan will include standards and guidelines for residential, retail, office, mixed -use, public facilities, parks and open spaces that help revitalize San Pablo Avenue as an economic engine and a point of pride for both communities. In addition, the Specific Plan will identify catalytic opportunity sites for locations for specific types of business development, housing opportunities, public facilities and transit connections that help strengthen and enhance the Avenue as a community amenity. PROJECT INFORMATION Client ity of El Cerrito 10940 n Pablo Avenue I El Cerrito, CA 94530 Refine ca: Mitch Oshmsky (510) 21 330 1 mio®ci.el- cerrito.ca.us Dates: 007-2012 Costs: 575,071 Land Speck Plan; Standards and Guidelines; Downtown Hawthorne Specific Plan HAWTHORNE, CALIFORNIA Prime consultant MIG, is currently leading a team which includes KOA Corporation on this Proposition 84 grant funded specific plan for Downtown Hawthorne. The project includes extensive public outreach and partici- pation, including customized social media, walking tours, intercept surveys and community events. One key aspect of this project is identifying design solutions for Hawthorne Boulevard. At 180 feet, it has one of the largest right -of -ways of any arterial street in California. While this roadway is an important regional transportation route, the MIG Team is looking at innovative and creating solutions for transforming the boulevard into a landmark Complete Street that includes fully- separated pedestrian, bike, parking and travel lanes. With the addition to green street features, plazas and parklets, customized branding and enhanced landscaping, the goal is to transform the boulevard into a civic and community space —far more than just a large street for cars. The MIG Team is working directly with the community, property and business owners, and the mall owner to identify strategies for turning the mall site into the retail, cultural, employment and civic heart of Hawthorne. This includes a series of public and internal team design charrettes that will focus on feasible uses, economic development and employment opportunities, and safety and design improvements. The end result of this project will be a concise, focused specific plan that will establish the framework for transforming downtown Hawthorne into a vibrant center that supports the diverse and multi- cultural community. PROJECT INFORMATION CIieM: City of Hawthorne 4455 W 126th St I Hawthorne, CA 90250 Reference: Gregg McClain, Planning Director 310-349 -2975 1 GMcClain®cityofhawthorne.org Dates: Current Project Costs. $277,000 Deliverables: Specific Plan; Intercept Survey; Placemaking Toolkit; Market Study Cityof Rosemead I Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and EIR 1.9 MIG Team Hourly Rates The MIG Team has prepared a cost estimates for the City of Rosemead Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and EIR. This estimate indicates the number of hours we perceive to be required for the project. Project costs are incurred as professional time costs associated with the performance of project tasks. Direct Costs Direct costs to be billed at cost plus 10%. Direct costs listed above are estimates only and are subject to change. Direct costs include mileage associated with travel to meetings; hotels; delivery charges and mailings; large -scale color and b/w plots; wallgraphic reductions; meeting /graphic supplies; and phone. Direct costs or project expenses such as photocopying (large - quantity); plotting; and printing (b &w, color) are charged at cost, plus 10%. The cost of communications including long- distance telephone (excluding cell phones), facsimile, postage, courier, and other delivery costs are charged at cost, plus 10 %. The mileage charge for personal autos will be the currently applicable mileage rate established by the Internal Revenue Service. All other travel expenses such as accommodations, parking, tolls, etc. are charged at cost, plus 10 %. 1.10 City of Rosemead I Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and EIR Chris Berner, Principal-in- Charge Company MIG Hourly Rate $210 Lisa Brownfield, Project Manager MIG $150 Dan Amsden, Alternate Project Manager MIG $135 Mukul Malhomi Consulting Urban Designer MIG E210 Chris Brown, Senior Environmental Specialist MIG $140 Urban Planners and Designers MIG $105 Environmental Associates MIG $105 AdministranvalWord Processing MIG $80 Joel Faker, Prinicpal Trans,. Planner KOA $235 &ian Mardietti, Sr Trans,. Planner KOA $200 Roger Dale, Principal Econ. Analyst TNDG $1 B5 Joseph McClure, Econ. Analyst TNDG $100 Roma Stromberg, Noise Studies Kunzman $125 Veronka Tam, Bilingual Outreach WA $140 SECTION TWO Project Team MILE ./_ 7 t� \l Team Introduction We are proud to present a highly experienced and deeply motivated team for this important project. Each individual team member has been selected for their strong expertise in their fields, extensive experience with corridor and specific plan projects thatfocus on economic devel- opment and revitalization, urban design, and community health and sustainability, and their passion for this project and the Rosemead community. The MIG Team is a group of professionals who are recognized leaders in their respective fields. Just as important, we have long- standing relationships with our team members. We have collaborated on a number of successful projects and have genuine respect and camara- derie with one another. Specifically, KOA Corporation and MIG have recently worked on the City of Rosemead General Plan and Update and the City of Monterey Park Zoning Ordinance Update; The Natelson Dale Group and MIG are currently working on the City of Costa Mesa General Plan; and Land Design Consultants and MIG prepared the 5th and Huntington Specific Plan for the City of Monrovia. MIG will be the Prime Consultant for the project and responsible for overall project coordination, land use planning, streetscape/urban design, public engagement, environmental analysis, and report production. MIG will also provide Chinese and Spanish translation services, as well as website design. VTA will provide Cantonese and Mandarin translation services. KOA Corporation will provide Transportation and Parking Analysis, The Natelson Dale Group will be responsible for Market and Economic Analyses, Land Design Consultants will be responsible for Infrastructure and Civil Engineering, and Kunzman Associates will provide noise analysis. PROJECT MANAGEMENT TEAM Chris Beynon, All will lead the team as Principal -in- Charge, providing strategic oversight and direction to the project. He will work closely with City staff, guiding all products and deliverables, and providing quality control and assurance. An accomplished land use planner, urban designer, process strategist and meeting facilitator, Mr. Beynon will direct all work products and will provide facili- tation leadership during public meetings. He has been a guiding force behind many of MIG's most innovative Specific Plans, including the Downtown Hawthorne Specific Plan, San Bruno Transit Corridors Specific Plan and Anaheim Canyon Specific Plan. Lisa Brownfield, AICP will serve as Project Manager, and has 25 years of experience in planning and in the preparation of general plans. Her 19 years of project management experience includes leading large consultant teams and city staff; formulating, monitoring, and ensuring compliance with project budgets and schedules; ensuring all technical and presentation materials and products are of the highest quality; envision, creating, and facilitating significant public outreach programs; and presenting technical concepts, plans, and managerial reports to decision - makers, members of the public, and related professionals. Ms. Brownfield will be the day -to -day contact for City and subconsultant staff, and will participate in the preparation of all project deliverables. Dan Am rden, All Deputy Project Manager will provide day -to -day project management and strategy support. He has many years of experience working on complex planning projects throughout California. Mr. Amsden is an accomplished planner with expertise in Specific Plans, General Plans and policy planning. He will work closely with Mr. Beynon and Ms. Brownfield to ensure that the process remains on schedule and budget. He and Chris will be the day -to -day contacts for City and subconsultant staff, and will participate in the preparation of all project deliverables. City of Rosemead I Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and EIR 2.1 M I G !pz�i�,i .,sue ✓.ao�i s rte' &b %] 0*10 t7l "U9 arw.,r r. jar 3rtxge/ an u -'awJennac j \ ar vxa �i Qi� TECHNICAL TEAM MEMBERS Supporting the project management team are a series of highly - experienced and dedicated technical team members. Each member will provide their unique insights and help develop specific products throughout the project. The following is a summary of the major role of each technical team member: • Christopher Brown, Olivia Young and Savannah Richards from MIG: Environmental Analysis and CEQA • Roger Dale and Joseph McClure from The Natelson Dale Group: Economic Analysis • Robert Sims and Victor Salazar from Land Design Consultants: Civil Engineering and Infrastructure is Joel Faker and Brian Marchetti from KOA: Transportation Planning • Roma Stromberg from Kunzman Associates: Noise Quality Studies • Veronica Tam from Veronica Tam and Associates: Cantonese and Mandarin Translation Services` • Kathy Vo and Khanh Doan from BPSOS: Vietnamese Translation Services* *Spanish translation services will be provided by MIG•s in -house staff. 2.2 City of Rosemead I Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and EIR Christopher Beynon, Accr PRINCIPAL -IN- CHARGE AREAS OF EXPERTISE Transit - Oriented Development / General & Specific Plans Community Development / Urban Planning QUALIFICATIONS Christopher Beynon is a national leader in transit - oriented development planning, downtown and corridor planning, design and implementation. He has extensive experience and a comprehensive set of skills in innovative urban planning and design, land use planning, city center and district revitalization, group facilitation and consensus building. Mr. Beynon has a proven track record of creating successful plans based on an understanding of market economics and development requirements; retail, cultural and entertainment district creation; the role of green space and the public realm city center revitalization; and the translation ofvisions and concepts into action - oriented projects, policies and programs. Mr. Beynon's TOD experience is diverse and includes large, medium and small cities in both urban and more rural settings throughout North America. In addition, he uses his skills and knowledge to manage a variety of community and land use planning projects, including corridor plans, higher education campus master plans, city General Plans, new community development plans and park master plans. CERTIFICATIONS • American Institute of Certified Planners AFFILIATIONS • International Downtown Association, Board Member • American Planning Association EDUCATION • Masters of Geography, Urban Planning Program, Department of Geography, University of Utah, Salt Lake City • Bachelor of Science, Journalism, University of Colorado, Boulder • San Bruno Downtown Transit Corridors Specific Plan, San Bruno, California • Downtown Hawthorne Specific Plan, Hawthorne, California • Anaheim Canyon Specific Plan, Anaheim, California • San Pablo Avenue Specific Plan, El Cerrito and Richmond, California • Napa Downtown Specific Plan, Napa, California • Dallas Streetcar Corridor Planning, Dallas, Texas • Railroad Avenue Transit- Oriented Development Specific Plan, Pittsburg, California • Bellwood TOD Site Plan, Bellwood, Illinois • Dallas TOD Design and Implementation Plans, Dallas, Texas • Daly City & Lake Merritt BART Station Access Plans, San Francisco Bay Area, California • eBART Corridor Conceptual Station Area Planning, Contra Costa County, California • Spokane Riverfront Park and North Bank Master Plan, Spokane, Washington • Los Angeles Downtown Development Strategy, Los Angeles, California • University of California, Davis, Long Range Development Plan and Neighborhood Master Plan, Davis, California • Brentwood General Plan Update, Brentwood, California • Livermore Trails Specific Plan, Livermore, California • Lodi Downtown Transit- Oriented Development Design Guidelines, Lodi, California City of Rosemead I Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and EIR 3.3 M C Lisa Brownfield, ALCP PROJECT MANAGER AREAS OF EXPERTISE Project Management / Specific and General Planning Sustainability / Land Use Planning and Policy QUALIFICATIONS Lisa Brownfield has extensive experience in private sector and public sector planning. Her 18 years of project management experience includes leading large consultant teams and city staff; formulating, monitoring, and ensuring compliance with project budgets and schedules; ensuring all technical and presentation materials and products are of the highest quality; envision, creating, and facilitating significant public outreach programs; and presenting technical concepts, plans, and managerial reports to decision - makers, members of the public, and related professionals. In addition to project management expertise, Ms. Brownfield has diverse technical experience. She has prepared all mandatory and many optional elements of general plans; prepared policy documents that highlight sustainability, smart growth, healthy city concepts, prepared industrial, commercial, and recreation oriented specific plans; conducted special land use, housing, and circulation studies; reviewed and amended zoning and development codes; and conducted and prepared many environmental reviews and analyses. Ms. Brownfield served as the Project Manager and Technical Writer for the the award - winning Redwood City General Plan where form based, smart growth, sustain - ability, and "healthy cities" concepts are paramount. All of Ms. Brownfield's general plans, specific plans, and community plans are self mitigating, where the environ- mental impacts associated with the plans are primarily mitigated through plan policy change. PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS a American Institute of Certified Planners, 1990 • American Planning Association 2A City of Rosemead l Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and EIR EDUCATION • Masterof Arts, Urban Planning, University of California, Los Angeles • Bachelor of Science, Urban Planning, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona RELEVANT EXPERIENCE • Big Bear Lake Moonridge Corridor Specific Plan and EIR, Ontario, California • Rosemead General Plan, Rosemead, California • Inglewood International Industrial Corridor Specific Plan, Inglewood, California • Huntington Beach Circulation Element EIR, Huntington Beach, California • Monrovia Fifth Avenue and EIR, Monrovia, California o • Fif IJand Huntington Specific Plan and CEQA D mentition, Monrovia California • Costa Mesa General Plan Update, Land Use and Circulation Elements and EIR, Costa Mesa, California • Huntington Beach General Plan, Huntington Beach, California • Sphere of Influence Specific Plan and EIR, Ontario, California PROJECT AWARDS • Los Angeles General Plan Framework Outstanding Achievement for Large Jurisdiction Plan ing Effort, APA, California Chapter, 1997 • Azu a General Plan and Development Code SCA G Compass Blueprint Award, Visionary Planning for Lival Ality Award, 20DB • Red Nood City General Plan Outstanding Achievement for Small Jurisdiction Plan iing Effort, APA, California Chapter, 2012 Dan Amsden, Amp DEPUTY PROJECT MANAGER AREAS OF EXPERTISE Project Management / Urban Planning Public Participation / Land Use Planning and Policy QUALIFICATIONS Dan Amsden has over 13 years of experience as a planning consultant and public agency planner, with expertise in land use planning and policy, urban design, public outreach and meeting facilitation, planning law, GIS, and graphic design. Specifically, Dan brings a wealth of experience in General Plan and Specific Plan updates, project management, community outreach and economic development. With a strong foundation in both urban planning and public policy, Dan is passionate about developing strategies and plans that are implementable, foster positive change and respond to a community's ideals and vision. He has extensive experience coordinating projects with clients; presenting to decision - makers; preparing contracts, schedules and reports; reviewing and approving budgets and invoices; facilitating meetings and workshops; managing project teams, and ensuring quality control for all work products. CERTIFICATIONS • American Institute of Certified Planners AFFILIATIONS • American Planning Association • Urban Land Institute EDUCATION • Master of City and Regional Planning, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo • Graduate Certificate in Planning Law, Rutgers University • Bachelor of Arts, Geography, University of California, Santa Barbara RELEVANT EXPERIENCE • Downtown Hawthorne Specific Plan, Hawthorne, California • Anaheim Canyon Specific Plan, Anaheim, California • Hayward General Plan Update, Hayward, California • Southwest Live Oak Specific Plans,Live Oak, California* • Gold Rush Ranch and Golf Resort Specific Plan Sutter Creek, California* • South Lake Tahoe General Plan Update, South Lake Tahoe, California* • Sacramento General Plan Update, Sacramento, California* • Galt General Plan Update, Galt California* • Wheatland General Plan Update, Wheatland, California* • San Benito County General Plan Update, Hollister, California* • Merced County General Plan Update, Merced, California* • Calaveras County General Plan Update, San Andreas, California* • San Joaquin County General Plan Update, Stockton, California* • Lake County General Plan Update,Lakeport, California* • Tahoe Valley Community Plan, South Lake Tahoe • South Sacramento Community Plan, Sacramento, California* • St. Mary's College Campus Master Plan, Moraga, California • work mm,letedpo., toj.in,og MIG City of Rosemead l Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and EIR 2.5 rA I G Mukul Malhotra CONSULTING PRINCIPAL AREAS OF EXPERTISE Urban Design / Downtowns / Streetscapes Urban Revitalization / Community Development QUALIFICATIONS Mukul Malhotra has over 15 years of experience in urban design, planning and architecture. Since joining MIG in 2000, he has managed and contributed to a wide range of planning and design projects, addressing issues related to urban development and revitalization, streetscape design and planning, pedestrian- and transit- oriented design, and preservation of neighborhood and city character. A noted Complete Streets expert, Mukul has worked with an array of cities, agencies and community groups in efforts to redevelop urban and neighborhood corridors and Streetscapes in California, Nevada, Washington, Oregon, Texas, New Mexico and Massachusetts. His projects have ranged from downtowns and historic districts to new communities and university campuses. All of his projects have involved extensive agency and stakeholder coordination to ensure that final designs and plans can be effectively implemented. In addition, he has facilitated numerous working sessions, public workshops and design charrettes in conjunction with all of his projects to ensure community ownership and pride. AWARDS • 2010 APWA Sacramento Chapter Project of the Year Award: West Capitol Avenue Streataciii Master Plan • 2010 European Center for Architecture, Art Design and Urban Studies's Green GOOD DESIGN Award; 2009 APWA Sacramento Chapter Project of the Year Award: Dlxit anne Avenue Green Street • 2006 Northern California APA Outstanding Project of the Year Award: California State University Monterey Bay Master Plan • 2011 ENR California/McGraw -Hill Construction Award of Merit: Long Beach Transit Mall 2.6 City of Rosemead I Garvey Avenue Corridor Specifc Plan and EIR EDUCATION • Dlploma In Architecture, Sushant School of Art and Architecture, Gurgaon, India • Master of Urban Design, University of Califomia, Berkeley RELEVANT EXPERIENCE • Boyle Heights District Action Plan, Los Angeles, California • San Pablo Avenue Specific Plan Update, El Cerrito, California • West Capitol Avenue Streetscape Master Plan, West Sacramento, California • "R" Street Urban Design and Development Plan, Sacramento, California • Dallas Complete Streets, Dallas, Texas • re:Streets Conference and Traveling Workshops, Berkeley, Boulder, Chicago, Portland, Seattle, Encinitas, Laramie, San Antonio, St. Louis • Pine Ave Streetscape Plan, Long Beach, California • Long Beach Transit Mall Improvements, Long Beach, California • Surd Town Center Pedestrian Improvements for a Livable Community, Sundt, California • Upper Market Street Community Vision and Design Plan, San Francisco, California • Triangle Neighborhood Preservation Action Strategy and Streetscape Design, Emeryville, California • Boston Crossing Urban Design Plan, Boston, Massachusetts • Upper State Street Corridor Study, Santa Barbara, California • Los ngeles Downtown Strategic Action Plan, Los Angeles, California • Calt ans On -Call Complete Streets, Caltrans, California • Nor heast Line Light Rail Stations, Sacramento, California • Swis stop /Royal Oaks Area Station Area Transit Village and Specific Plan, Sacramento, California Christopher Brown SENIOR ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNER AREAS OF EXPERTISE Environmental Planning / Air Quality Analysis Climate Change Analysis QUALIFICATIONS Christopher Brown has over eight years experience in environmental analysis and the preparation of CEQA documents. Mr. Brown has managed and prepared CEQA documents for a variety of development plans and projects, specific plans, comprehensive general plan updates, general plan elements, and transportation improvements and infrastructure plans and projects. Mr. Brown will review all environmental documentation to ensure consistency with the project parameters and that it meets the requirements of CEQA. Mr. Brown is also an air quality specialist and has been modeling and analyzing air pollutant emissions for the past six years. Mr. Brown has prepared air quality assessments utilizing the latest CalEEMod software for a variety of devel- opment and infrastructure projects and is experienced in assessing local and regional emissions impacts, carbon dioxide'hotspot' screening and analysis using CALINE4 and EMFAC, and toxic air contaminant risks and modeling using AERMOD. He has prepared GHG emissions models utilizing the methods and practices presented in the California Air Pollution Control Officers Association's CEQA and Climate Change white paper and their Quanti- fying Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Measures guidelines. In addition to his environmental experience, Mr. Brown has provided contract land use planning services for public agencies such as the cities of Desert Hot Springs, Palm Springs, and Twentynine Palms. Mr. Brown also served as the City of Rancho Santa Margarita's code enforcement officer and NPDES Authorized Inspector. EDUCATION • Bachelor of Arts, Environmental Planning, California State University, Northridge RELEVANT EXPERIENCE • Station Square Transit Village Specific Plan, Phase II IS/ MIND, Monrovia, California • Rialto General Plan and EIR, Rialto, California • Colton General Plan Update and EIR, Colton, California • Rosemead General Plan and EIR, Rosemead, California • Huntington Beach General Plan and EIR, Huntington Beach, California • Twentynine Palms General Plan and EIR, Twentynine Palms, California • Oro Grande School District Junior High, Highschool and College Campus Facilities IS/MND, San Bernardino County, California • Claremont University Consortium East Campus EIR, Claremont, California • Jeffries Road Affordable Housing project IS/MND, Big Bear Lake, California • Redlands Pioneer Business Center IS/MND, Redlands, California • Jones Industrial Building, Palm Springs, California • Desert Hot Springs 1 -10 Community Annexation IS /ND, Desert Hot Springs, California • Big Bear Lake Pleasure Point Marina, Big Beark Lake, California • Garnet Street Bridge, San Bernardino County, California • San Gabriel Valley Water Company Water Storage Reservoir, Los Angeles County, California City of Rosemead I Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and EIR 2.7 M I G Olivia Young ASSOCIATE ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNER AREAS OF EXPERTISE Environmental Analysis / Air Quality Analysis QUALIFICATIONS Olivia Young is an associate environmental planner and assistant project manager in MIG's Environmental Planning section. Olivia has prepared a variety of environ- mental documents such as Initial Studies, Mitigated Negative Declarations, Environmental Impact Reports, and Mitigation Monitoring Programs pursuant to CEQA for jurisdictions throughout Southern California. Ms. Young has provided services in construction management for a large renewable energy transmission line project in Southern California. This entailed construction site monitoring, the preparation of mitigation plans, and documenting baseline conditions. In addition to her environmental experience, Ms. Young has assisted in the preparation of a specific plan for a 800 -acre Master Planned Community in the City of Corona. EDUCATION • Masters in Urban and Regional Planning University of California, Irvine • Bachelors in Environmental Analysis and Design University of Califomia, Irvine RELEVANT EXPERIENCE • Baldwin Park Housing Element Initial Study /MND, Baldwin Park, California • Garden Grove Housing Element Initial Study /MND, Garden Grove, California • Hawaiian Gardens Redevelopment EIR, Hawaiian Gardens, California • Colton General Plan Update EIR,Colton, Califonia PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS • Environmental Assessment Associaion • Environmental Protection Agency 2.8 Cityof Rosemead l Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and EIR Savannah Richards ASSOCIATE ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNER QUALIFICATIONS Savannah Richards is an associate environmental planner with MIG's Environmental Planning division. Savannah has a background and education in planning and environmental studies. She is experienced in Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessments, preparation of EPA Quarterly Reports, and submission of Annual Supplemental Funding Requests. Ms. Richards also has experience with National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documentation, has developed field skills in wetland delineation and mitigation, and participated in extensive field work involving soil and water sampling. EDUCATION • Masters of Regional and City Planning, University of Oklahoma • Bachelors of Science in Environmental Science, Oklahoma State University Additional Education • 40 hour HAZWOPER Safety Training • EPA HAZWOPER Refresher Safety Training • ASTM Phase I & It Site Assessment Training • EPA§ Introduction to Groundwater Investigations • DEC) Trimble GeoXT GPS Certification • EPA's Intro to Risk Assessment • EPA% Superfund 101 • ArcMap Training RELEVANT EXPERIENCE • Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality- Emi onmental Programs Specialist If & Revolving Loa Fund Coordinator, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma • OkI homa City- Technical Intern, Oklahoma • Eni Planning and Community Development Intern, Enid Oklahoma • HNTB Corporation - Planning Intem, Plano, Texas • OSU Department of Plant and Soil Science- Laboratory and Field Technician, Stillwater, Oklahoma Joel Falter PRINCIPAL/ TRANSPORTATION PLANNER AREAS OF EXPERTISE Transportation Planning / Traffic Calming / Corridors Circulation Elements / Non - Motorized Transportation QUALIFICATIONS Joel Falter has 35 years of experience in the field of transportation. Mr. Faker has prepared transportation master plans, as well as circulation element and corridor studies. He has extensive experience in traffic calming, complete streets, and non - motorized transportation. He has conducted and led many community workshop and outreach programs, often for bilingual groups. AFFILIATIONS • Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), Member • Women's Transportation Seminar (WTS ),Member • American Planning Association (APA), Member EDUCATION • Master of Science, Transportation Engineering, University of California at Berkeley • Bachelor of Science, Transportation and Regional Planning, SUNY Buffalo, New York RELEVANT EXPERIENCE • Rosemead Circulation Element/ EIR Study, Rosemead, California • Montebello Circulation Element / EIR, Montebello, California • Washington /National Specific Plan EIR, Culver City, California • Golden Valley Bridge Project Study Report, Santa Clarks, California • Mid -City Crenshaw Boulevard Visioning and Implementation Study, Los Angeles, California • Ventura Downtown Specific Plan Update Parking Study, Ventura, California KOA CORPORATION nANNING 6 ENGINEERING Brian Marchetti, mce SENIOR TRANSPORTATION PLANNER AREAS OF EXPERTISE Traffic Impacts / Circulation / Transit Planning QUALIFICATIONS Brian Marchetti is a Senior Transportation Planner who manages traffic impact, circulation, parking, and transit planning studies. Mr. Marchetti has 19 years of experience in the industry. He has extensive experience with TRAFFIX impact analysis and Synchro signal coordination software packages, and multimodal impact approaches to studies. Mr. Marchetti has produced studies for environmental documentation on multiple projects, ranging from large commercial centers, mixed -use development projects, residential tract developments, public utilities projects, public facility and park projects, to institutional and school facility projects REGISTRATIONS • American Institute of Certified Planners, 2001, #016504 AFFILIATIONS • American Planning Association- Member • Southern California Planning Congress -Vice President of Communications EDUCATION • Bachelor of Science, Urban and Regional Planning, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona RELEVANT EXPERIENCE • Rosemead Circulation Element and EIR; and, Circulation Element Update EIR II Traffic Study, Rosemead, California • East Los Angeles Specific Plan, East Los Angeles, California • Montebello Hills Specific Plan EIR, Montebello, California • Downtown Parking Study for Downtown Specific Plan Update, Ventura, California • East Colorado Boulevard Specific Plan, Mobility Element Report, Pasadena, California City of Rosemead I Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and EIR 2.9 s Robert R. Sims, PE CIVIL ENGINEER / PRINCIPAL QUALIFICATIONS • California licensed professional civil engineer since 1972 • Over 45 years of civil engineering experience is CEOA, zoning, general plan, specific plans and special districts. Site design from concept to tentative maps; feasi- bility analysis and preliminary estimates of construction costs; local, state, and federal agency processing to obtain entitlement approvals; and public hearing presentations • Hydrology, design of grading, storm drain, sewer, water and street and highway systems • Surveying and Mapping experience includes boundary resolution, Record of Surveys, final maps, construction staking, legal descriptions and lot line adjustments • Achieved development approvals for numerous projects and working relationships with local agen -cies, consultants, homeowner associations and environmental interests • Expert witness experience includes site inspection and determination of design and /or construction issues, matters of the Subdivision Map Act, Calif., local regulation interpretation and testimony REPRESENTATIVE EXPERIENCE is Entitlements, civil engineering, final map & staking of thousands of single & multi family housing lots, commercial, recreational and mixed use projects located in Southern California • Processed General Plan Amendments in the County of Los Angeles to allow for over 20,000 additional residential units and commercial zoned uses • Civi l engineering, final map& staki ng for several Golf Course Country Clubs in the Coachella Valley, CA • Entitlements, civil engineering, final map & staking of residential, mixed use, retail commercial, hotel, hospital, public schools and major infrastructure in Guam is Responsible for directing all aspects of business opera- tions, development and marketing of both public and private sector clients for major engineering companies located in Guam and California • Appointed to numerous public committees to represent the private consulting and development communities 2.10 City of Rosemead l Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and EIR LICENSES AND REGISTRATION$ • Registered Professional Engineer —CA License No. 21649 EDUCATION • Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering, University of Wisconsin PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS • National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) • California Society of Professional Engineers (CSPE), State Director and former State Treasurer • California Society of Professional Engineers Education Foundation (CSPEEF), Founding Director • Professional Engineers in Private Practice (PEPP) • American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) • Building Industry Association (BIA), IAV Chapter • American Society of Civil Engineer (ASCE) Fellow COMMITTEES, AWARDS AND HONORS • Board of Supervisors Los Angeles County Citizens Planning Council is Land Development Advisory Committee of Los Angeles County • Development Advisory Group, LA County Department of Regional Planning is Fellow Institute for the Advancement of Engineering • Outfitanding Contribution to the Engineering and Science Community Award(CSPEEF) • Pnan dent's Award (CSPE) is Out anding Service Award (CSPE) • Me Award (San Fernando Valley Engineers Council) • Dist riguished Member, D.M.CSPE • Cer ificate of Appreciation (LA County Regional Plar ning Commission) Victor Salazar, PE CIVIL ENGINEER QUALIFICATIONS • Currently Director of Urban Services and in charge of the Commercial and Municipal Division of Lend Design Consultants, Inc. (LDC), Pasadena, California. • Over 22 years of experience in Civil Engineering in the design and processing of residential and commercial land developments. • Knowledge of complex civil engineering practices and methods as applied to new developments, capital improvement and rehabilitation projects, Including construction staking. • Experience in construction administration and management of highways and municipal Infrastructure, traffic and transportation engineering design and analysis, environmental engineering of municipal solid waste disposal facilities (landfills). • Development of engineering plans, specifications and estimates (PS &E) for the Federal, State, County and City Public Works. • Prepared technical research, comprehensive engineering studies, technical reports and recommendatlons, evaluate/ recommend design feasibility, project construct ability and value engineering. • Experience includes project initiation, budget contract negotiation, and project management. REGISTRATION$ • Professional Engineer, California and Mexico PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS • American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) • American Water Works Association (AWWA) • American Concrete Institute (ACI) • Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) • International Erosion Control Association (IECA) • Transportation Research Board (TRB) EDUCATION • Master of Science, Civil Engineering, California State University, Los Angeles, California • Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering, University of Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Mexico PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS • Director of Urban Services, 2000- Present, Land Design Consultants, Inc., Pasadena, California • Director of Engineering /Manager, 1999 -2000, ROX Consulting Group, Inc., Tustin, California • Project Manager /Consultant, 1998 - 1999 BV Engineering, Irvine, California • Project Manager, 1995 -1998 EMCON, San Bernardino, California • Project Manager /Consultant, 1995 -1995 P & D Consultants, Orange, California • Transportation Manager, 1993 -1995 Unscott Law & Greenspan Engineers, Pasadena, California • Senior Project Engineerl988 - 1993 B & E Engineers, Loa Angeles, California • Project Engineer /Manager, 1983 -1988 McCutchan Property Consultants Inc., Pasadena, California • Subcontractor, 1982 -1983 Self- employed, Loa Angeles, California • Construction Manager, 1980.1982 Constructors y Promotes Madem, Tampico, Mexico • Resident Engineer, 1978 -1980 Antonio Rodriguez Mejia- Contretlsta, Co. Victoria, Mexico City of Rosemead I Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and EM Sit Roger A. Dale PRINCIPAL ECONOMIC ANALYST QUALIFICATIONS Roger Dale has been affiliated with TNDG since 1988 and currently serves as the firm's managing principal. His background encompasses the fields of real estate development, economic development, regional economic analysis, and environmental and land use policy. His project experience with TNDG includes real estate market forecasting, pro forma financial analysis, housing affordability assessments, demographic research and modeling, fiscal impact analysis, downtown and corridor revitalization, business retention /attraction, infrastructure financing programs, and preparation of regional -scale economic development strategic plans. AFFILIATIONS • California Association for Local Economic Development • International Economic Development Council(IEDC) • American Planning Association(ARA) • Roberts Environmental Center (Board Member) EDUCATION • Bachelor of Arts, Economics, Claremont McKenna College, Claremont • Master of Arts, Resource and Environmental Economics, University of California, Riverside RELEVANT EXPERIENCE • Market Study and Development Strategy for Alosta (Route 66) Corridor, Glendora, California • Market Study for Downtown Specific Plan, San Dimas, California • Development Strategy for Florence /La Brea TOD, Inglewood, California • East Colorado Boulevard Specific Plan, Pasadena, California • Downtown Core and Corridors Specific Plan, Fullerton, California • Market Study for Town Center Specific Plan, Covina, California 2.12 Cityof Rosemead I Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and EIR Joseph E. McClure ECONOMIC ANALYST QUALIFICATIONS Joe McClure has served as principal or manager of land economics research and advisory - services organizations forthe last 35 years. The range of services he provides includes market analysis, fiscal /economic impact analysis, and economic development strategic planning. His multidisciplinary background incorporates many phases of the community and real estate development process: economic analysis and strategy development, market and financial feasibility assessment, and planning and design. He served as the project economist for a ULI Advisory Panel tasked with preparing a Transit Station and Downtown Connectors strategy for the City of Monrovia. AFFILIATIONS • Arizona Association for Economic Development (AHED) • Urban Land Institute (ULI) • Western Regional Science Association (WRSA) EDUCATION • Bachelor of Science, Architecture, University of Cincinnati • Mals{teers of Science Urban Planning, U r ,JJ rsiry of Arizona, Tucson • Post - graduate studies, Economic Geography, University of Arizona, Tucson RELEVANT EXPERIENCE • ULI dvisory Services Panel for Transit Station and Do ntown Connectors, Monrovia, California • Maret Assessment for Ci tyScape(downtown destination rata ), Phoenix, Arizona • Dov ntown Specific Plan, Huntington Beach, California • Mar et Study for Town Center Specific Plan, Cov na, California • M Studies and Implementation Strategies for 4 TOD Plan , Los Angeles, California • Do town Core and Corridors Specific Plan, Full rton, California Roma Stromberg, ASLA / PE NOISE STUDIES SPECIALIST QUALIFICATIONS Roma Stromberg has been actively involved in the arena of planning, development and environmental review for over 25 years. She has prepared noise studies throughout southern California and western Nevada. Ms. Stromberg has also prepared and reviewed numerous air quality studies and is adept in the management and preparation of environmental compliance and planning documents. Ms. Stromberg possess the technical knowledge of resources and software relevant to acoustical and air quality analyses, including: Sound 32, TNM, SoundPLAN, CaIEEMod and URBEMIS software. She has been involved in the preparation of environmental impact reports, environmental impact statements, mitigated negative declarations, environmental assessments and focused studies. CERTIFICATIONS • Certified Environmental Impact Report Preparer • Certified Land Use Planner AFFILIATIONS • Institute of Noise Control Engineering (INCE) • American Planning Association (ARA) • Association of Environmental Professionals (AEP) Foll EDUCATION • Masters of Science, Environmental Management, West Coast University, Los Angeles /San Diego • Bachelor of Art, Urban Planning and Transportation, Califomia State University, San Diego RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Gene Autry Way Project Focused Technical Review and Evaluation of Noise Impact Analysis, Anaheim, California The project site is located between the Interstate 5 and Haster Street, south of Katella Avenue and north of Orangewood Avenue, in the City of Anaheim. The proposed project consists of a six lane highway extending east from Haster Street and connecting above -grade over the Interstate 5. The preferred alternative for the proposed project includes the removal of several mobile homes in the Del Rey Mobile Home Park. This focused technical review contains documentation of existing noise levels, explanation of pertinent Federal, State and local noise standards and an assessment of the proposed project's consistency with these standards. Specifically, this report evaluates whether the City of Anaheim adequately analyzed potential noise impacts to homes located in the Del Rey Mobile Home Park associated with construction and operation of the proposed project. This technical review is divided into the following sections for ease of the reader: Introduction and Setting, Definitions of the Acoustical Terms and Project Compliance with Applicable Noise Standards. City of Rosemead l Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and EIR 2.12 BPS *S Kathy Vo VIETNAMESE TRANSLATOR QUALIFICATIONS At Boat People SOS- California, Program Manager Kathy Vo manages, provides strategic planning, coordinates and implements program services focusing on population - wide improvement for the Vietnamese community in Westminster and the surrounding Orange County and Southern California communities. In this capacity, she establishes performance goals and measures to evaluate the success of operations, ensuring effective and timely accomplishment of all tasks and functions; develops, nurtures and maintains ongoing collaborative relation- ships within the organization and the external community to encourage support for the organization; represents the organization at various local, state and national levels and via media channels; conducts community assess- ments and report findings; coordinates and facilitates meetings with project coalitions consisting of multi - sector partnership; develops, reviews and translates marketing materials from English to Vietnamese as needed; recruits volunteers and conducts training activities to adequately assist with program services; performs event planning and public relation works; and develops sound working relationship with internal partners and external constit- uents. Kathy speaks English, Vietnamese and Spanish. EDUCATION • Master of Business Administration, University of Phoenix • Bachelor of Psychology, University of California, Irvine RELEVANT EXPERIENCE • City of Westminster Community Block Development Grant - funded RISE - Workforce Development Program, Westminster, California 2.71 City of Rosemead I Garvey Avenue Condor Specific Plan and EIR Khanh Doan VIETNAMESE TRANSLATOR QUALIFICATIONS Khanh Doan has over five years of Vietnamese translation and community engagement experience. As a program coordinator at BPSOS -CA, Khanh reviews and translates informational advisories for brochures, website, and signage from English to Vietnamese language and vice versa; conducts outreach activities and coordinates outreach campaigns and public education to a diverse population utilizing multiple communication vehicles including direct contact, community events, ethnic and mainstream media; develops, implements, manages, and coordinates federal, state and local multiple community improvement programs; provides occupational and educational training to a diverse group of audiences; collects data for community assessment and program ini evaluation; monitors, evaluates, and reviews for accuracy of information and work products to ensure assigned goals, objectives, and completion dates are met in a timely manner, identifies opportunities for continued improvements; uses creativity and integrates innovative approaches in solving problems; and develops relation- ships with diverse stakeholders including community and faith based organizations, elected officials, media, and leaders to strengthen the network of social support for the unders.rved community. EDUCATION • Master of Arts, Education, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia • Badielor of Arts, English, HCMC University of Education, Vietnam CERTIFICATIONS • English Vietnamese Legal Interpretation Certificate, California State University Fullerton. • Vietnamese Linguistics Courses, including Phonology, Morphology, Syntax, Logics Certificate, HCMC University of Humanities and Social Sciences Veronica Tam BILINGUAL (ASIAN) OUTREACH / TRANSLATION SPECIALIST QUALIFICATIONS Outreach in Asian Communities Veronica Tam is a native speaker of Cantonese and can also communicate effectively in Mandarin. As a planner, she can more accurately communicate planning principles and project objectives to the public, ensuring that critical ideas are not "lost in translation." As a resident and business owner in the San Gabriel Valley, she participates in community events and also networks with a range of local businesses and organizations. Housing and Community Development Ms. Tam has expertise in the areas of housing policy development and community development planning. She has over 20 years' experience preparing a range of housing and community development plans and studies for jurisdictions throughout California. Specifically, she has worked in many ethnically diverse communities, including the cities of Alhambra, Arcadia, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Pasadena, and San Marino. LANGUAGE SKILLS • Chinese (Cantonese and Mandarin), written and verbal PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS • Ameriwn Institute of Certified Planners • American Planning Association 00.0 EDUCATION • Master of Arts, Urban Planning, University of California, Los Angeles • Bachelor of Elective Studies, Urban and Regional Planning (Economics Minor), University of Waterloo, Canada AWARDS • 2009 APACA Comprehensive Planning, Large Jurisdiction: 2008 -2014 Los Angeles County Housing Element • 2009 Los Angeles Section, APACA Comprehensive Planning, Large Jurisdiction: 2008 -2014 Los Angeles County Housing Element • 2002 Northern Section, APACA Focused Issues: Contra Costa County Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing • 2001 Northern Section, APACA Advocacy Planning: East Palo Alto Housing Element • 2000 APACA Outstanding Planning: El Cajon Integrated Housing Element and Consolidated Plan • 2000 San Diego Section, APACA Outstanding Planning: El Cajon Integrated Housing Element and Consolidated Plan PREVIOUS WORKS IN ETHNICALLY DIVERSE COMMUNITIES • Alhambra Housing Element • Arcadia Housing Element • San Marino Housing Element • Los Angeles Fair Housing Study • Long Beach Housing Element • El Cajon Consolidated Plan City of Rosemead I Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and EIR 2.15 SECTION THREE References i Lif References CHRIS BEYNON I PRINCIPAWN- CHARGE Gregg McClain, Director of Planning and Community Development City of Hawthorne 4455 W 126th St Hawthorne, CA 90250 (310) 349 -2975 1 GMCClain ®cityofhawthorne.org M G DAN AMSDEN I DEPUTY PROJECT MANAGER Gary Chao, Assistant Director City of Cupertino Community Development Department 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 (408) 777 -3247 1 garyc ®cupertino.org LISA BROWNFIELD I PROJECT MANAGER Jill Dever Ekes, Former Planning Manager City of Redwood City (650)207 -2825 1 Jillekasplanning ®gmail.com David Pinto Lincoln Property Company (949) 756 -2525 1 DpintoOlpsi.com MUKUL MALHOTRA I CONSULTING PRINCIPAL Maureen Pascoe, Former West Sacramento Capital Improvements Program Manager (916) 396 -0648 1 maureenworld0comcast.net Luis E. Maltos, P.E., Project Manager City of San Antonio (210)207 -8223 1 luis.maltos ®sanantonio.gov City of Rosemead I Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and EIR 7.1 Gregg McClain, Director of Planning and Aaron Amin Community Development City of Palo Alto Planning and Community Environment City of Hawthorne 250 Hamilton Ave 4455 W 126th St Palo Alto, CA 94301 Hawthorne, CA 90250 (650)616 -70741 aaron.aknin ®cityofpaloalto.org (310) 349 -2975 1 GMCClain ®cityofhawthorne.org LISA BROWNFIELD I PROJECT MANAGER Jill Dever Ekes, Former Planning Manager City of Redwood City (650)207 -2825 1 Jillekasplanning ®gmail.com David Pinto Lincoln Property Company (949) 756 -2525 1 DpintoOlpsi.com MUKUL MALHOTRA I CONSULTING PRINCIPAL Maureen Pascoe, Former West Sacramento Capital Improvements Program Manager (916) 396 -0648 1 maureenworld0comcast.net Luis E. Maltos, P.E., Project Manager City of San Antonio (210)207 -8223 1 luis.maltos ®sanantonio.gov City of Rosemead I Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and EIR 7.1 SECTION FOUR Project Understanding and Approach Downtown Hawthorne Specific Plan, Hawthorne, CA i mss- S1 _ V t - s L � , ice• Overall Approach The MIG Team brings an innovative approach and unmatched qualifications to the Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and process. We are noted leaders in area planning, retail and economic revitalization, multi -modal transportation planning, and inclusive, ground- breaking corridor and streetscape design. We create policies and design strategies that do not adhere to one dogma or template but instead respond to the specific needs and contexts of a community. We have deep experience throughout Southern California and the State, including communities similar in demographics and geography to Rosemead. We also have unmatched national experience, from Dallas and Denver to Charlotte and Chicago. This allows us to bring the latest thinking on community and corridor revitalization nationwide and apply relevant best practices to Rosemead. MIG's planning philosophy is that a transparent, inclusive, informed, and easily understood planning process helps create consensus and builds champions for imple- mentable, sustainable plans. What sets MIG apart from other planning and design firms is our willingness to push the envelope on how typical planning is done, and to go the distance for our clients to get the results they need. Specifically, the MIG Team approach to the Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan includes the following points and differentiators: TRUE COMMUNITY UNDERSTANDING, TRULY UNIQUE SOLUTIONS MIG understands that each community is different and, therefore, requires distinct solutions. We customize each planning process for each community to provide diverse opportunities that engage all those who have interest in participating. For those that do not or cannot actively participate, we keep information accessible so they can monitorthe process and step in as deemed necessary. As major thoroughfare for Rosemead, Garvey Avenue has the opportunity to be an identifiable and unifying force. However, its auto- orientation and under - utilized areas can present many challenges. We must segment the corridor into more viable, workable pieces from design, branding, and economic revitalization perspectives. M G We must address street use and design to ensure safe passage and connectivity for all pedestrians, bicyclists, shoppers, and the adequacy and location of parking. We need to leverage collective energies and patterns of the diverse population to arrive at solutions that work for the entire community, not just some idealized design that looks good in a plan but does not give people what they really need. MIG will work with City staff, the Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan Sub - Committee, and greater Rosemead community to generate bold, context - specific —and realistic — solutions to challenges. TOOLS FOR DEVELOPMENT, REAL CHANGE AND 'QUICK WINS' Building from our understanding of the Rosemead community and the market opportunities, the MIG Team will create a set of tools to spur development, boost placemaking, leverage community energy, and unleash market potential. We will identify key locations and conduct analysis for catalytic development sites, fagade improvements, retail leasing opportunities, and more. We will prioritize where public sector improvements —such as changes to the sidewalks and streets, enhancing transit access and facilities, or creating new gathering spaces — should take place first, in order to sync with and capitalize upon adjacent private sector opportunities. The existing economic conditions are by no means easy. Low -cost yet highly effective "quick wins" must be identified. These will range from short -term pilot projects that can change the streetscape simply with a can of paint, to pop -up /tactical urbanism projects, to programs that neighborhood groups can immediately seize upon — so that people can see change occur immediately at plan implementation, or even during the planning process. COMPETITIVE POSITIONING GROUNDED IN ECONOMIC REALITY An understanding of both local and regional market conditions is essential to the creation of a realistic, implementation- oriented (turn -key) Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan. The Economic /Market Analysis tasks, led by The Natelson Dale Group, will build off the area's existing strengths. We will also explore and address regional economic trends to identify opportunities that Cityof Rosemead l Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and EIR a.1 EA-1 G Community Engagement Workshop offer the potential for both short -term commercial revital- ization and long -term economic sustainability. Regional analysis will be complemented by a local "ground -up" approach to demographic and market analysis and stake- holder engagement. The MIG Team will work closely with the Rosemead community to ensure that new commercial and /or industrial growth serves existing residents, both through improved access to retail and services and the addition of new employment opportunities for residents at a range of education and skill levels. We will provide strong economic development guidance to identify what it is going to take to make economic investment happen in the Garvey Avenue Corridor and happen now. AUTHENTIC, TRANSPARENT COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION t STRATEGIC PROCESS DESIGN AND PROJECT ORGANIZATION Many planning firms think of working with the community as an afterthought— something that is a required element, but not something that is desirable for them to conduct their work. MIG believes that the best plans are the ones that are created with great assistance and support from the community. 4.2 City of Rosemead l Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and EIR A key part of our approach will be for our team to marshal the community and stakeholders to develop the shared vision based on community values. We will help each shopkeeper, resident, neighborhood advocate, community leader, and elected and appointed official understand how he or she fits into the larger picture. We bring unparalleled experience, tools and techniques to help the Rosemead community review, discuss, evaluate and reach consensus on complicated and controversial topics. We have pioneered the use of both high -tech and "high- touch" methods for garnering community input. We will engage and obtain input by reaching out to the Chamber of Commerce, large property owners, churches, community -based organizations, and more as part of our Stakeholder Interviews. With afirm understanding of values, we identify the vision no determine appropriate actions to assist in the realization of the vision. As actions are established, we identify the opportunities and constraints for imple- mentir g them and communicating those opportunities and cc nstraints back to the community. This helps people under tend why certain ideas are part of the vision and others Jeas are not and helps tailor outcomes that are We have structured the Specific Plan process, work program and budget to ensure frequent engagement with City staff, stakeholders, Sub- Committee, and elected and appointed officials, and a clear, orderly and under- standable flow to the project. As facilitation and process design experts, we know when and how to engage people —and when to course - correct during a planning process —to build support and achieve the desired results. For this project we propose two community dialogues (workshops), an online survey, stakeholder interviews, an Interactive project website, press releases, public hearings and options for branding the project and the addition of a mobile workshop. We also propose to provide English, Vietnamese, Spanish and Chinese translations of plan process materials. BUILD TRUST A principal value of MIG is to listen intently and raise critical questions and ideas. This allows us to understand the reasoning behind opinions and viewpoints of all community members. Every individual and community group is welcomed as a part of the visioning and design process, in an effort to build trust between City staff, interest groups, landowners, and the community as a whole. This is one of the greatest strengths of MIG, as our team members are all committed to a community - oriented approach. We know that a realistic and implementable corridor vision results from meaningful, authentic and inclusive community input. Our community participation approach is multi - layered and hands -on. Existing Rosemead Image We will listen closely to each interested group, develop a high level of trust, and build broad -based support for the station area vision. In addition, MIG has led numerous projects that included extensive outreach to communities with multigenerational, multilingual, multicultural and socioeconomic characteristics similar to Rosemead. PLANS FOR THE PEOPLE The Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan must describe the vision, goals and strategic direction for the future in a way that is concise, easy to read and graphically pleasing. To be successful, the Plan must be easily understood by City staff, community planners, elected officials, property owners, developers, and members of the public. The Plan should also be action- oriented. It must clearly outline key implementation actions, responsible parties, timeframes, partnerships, and funding sources. We have two main philosophies that we employ in creating vision plans. The first is to write for the "parson - in- the - street ". We try to envision a hairdresser and shoe salesman reading the document (rather than someone familiar with planning jargon). This forces us to write simply and clearly. The second is to organize the document in a logical way. We try to lead the reader in a logical way from "why are we doing this ?" (a plan), to "what needs to change and what needs to stay the same ?" to a "where do we start" plan of action. We feel that it is important to help staff, elected and appointed officials and the public to understand the importance and use of vision and why policies, which we describe as "decisions made outside the heat of battle," were developed as they were. A PARTNERSHIP WITH CITY STAFF The City has capable staff members who are familiar with immediate and long -range city issues and will be able to provide important insights as well as critical data. We like to involve the staff throughout the process to assure that the assumptions and implications of the plan are consistent with current data, vision and resources. Notwithstanding this practice, we recognize that the staff already has numerous responsibilities, therefore the consultant team will do the "heavy liking" including press release, meeting notes, staff reports, agendas and other tasks. We do invite the staff to actively participate in work sessions to help formulate and critique plans as much as they are able to. We are here to be your City of Rosemead I Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and EIR La rs� I G right hand and will do what it takes to get the job done successfully. We will work judiciously to make efficient, effective use of staff time. Effective communication is essential for a project with as many issues, involved parties, meetings and data exchanges as the Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan. We propose to institute monthly project coordination with key staff members. These meetings can take the form of conference calls, WebEx meetings and physical meetings when convenient. After each meeting we will provide written summaries and action lists to make sure all parties understand responsibilities, commitments and deadlines. Scope of Work This scope is an example of a plan process for a Specific Plan that we have found to be successful for project similar to the Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan. We, of course, are open to discussions with staff on any scope adjustments needed either due to budget, preferences, or additional staff needs. We are here to support Rosemead in all ways possible. We will supply all agendas, press releases, draft copies, meeting notices, and other documents for the plan process. Counts for the copies are included in the associated task section in the scope that follows. The City would be responsible for the cost of the local publication notices. Changes to counts and types of documents that MIG will furnish, as well as the overall scope tasks, will be adjusted at the initial meeting with staff upon selecting MIG as your "right hand" for this project. PHASE ONE: GARVEY AVENUE CORRIDOR TODAY Task 1: Initial Reconnaissance, Project Kick -off, and Work Program Refinement. Task 1.1: Staff /Consultant Kick -off Meeting The MIG Team (MIG, the Natelson Dale Group, KOA Corporation, and LDC) will meet with the City of Rosemead at the commencement of the project. 4.4 City of Rosemead I Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and EIR Existing Rosemead Image This initial task is intended to accomplish a number of important initial steps in the work program, including the following: • Establish communication links and protocol with City staff • Ensure that individual responsibilities of City staff and the MIG Team are understood • Establish an understanding of information sources and availability • Review the scope of work and make draft refinements • Fin lize the project schedule and target milestone tim frames with staff • Briefly discuss the known aspects of the existing General Plan, Zoning Code and Map, related Design Guidelines, City's Strategic Plan, and any other necessary information that may inform or influence this process • Identify key stakeholders • Co4firm members ofthe Garvey Avenue Corridor website materials and format Task 1.2: Press Release #1 MIG will prepare press releases during each phase of the process (thirteen total press releases). Note press releases for EIR process not included. Each press release will include a brief summary of where we are in the process, what has been produced to date, what is currently being reviewed /prepared, and how people can be involved. MIG will submit all press releases to City staff for a single round of review prior to sending them to news media. Press releases will also serve as a means for advertising upcoming community workshops, Sub- Committee meetings, and public hearings. The first press release will focus on the commencement of the process: describing a specific plan, telling why a plan is being prepared for the Garvey Avenue Corridor, conveying why community participation is important, providing the scope and process schedule, listing upcoming events, and relaying how people can stay informed. It will also announce the public meeting with the Garvey Avenue Corridor Sub- Committee (see Task 1.8). The press release will be made available in English, Vietnamese, Chinese (note: Cantonese and Mandarin written language is the same for both dialects), and Spanish. Task 1.3: Corridor Tour City staff will lead the MIG Team on a two to three hour tour of the Garvey Corridor to highlight individual neighborhoods and community areas, the study area's geography, key issue and opportunity sites, environ- mental resources /considerations, areas where land use change may be desired, and other factors. MIG will photo- document the study area for use in subsequent presentations and work products. The photos will be combined in an image file and shared with the City. The City will be responsible for tour logistics (e.g., vehicle for tour (if needed), tour maps, etc.). Task 1.4: Set up and Update of Project Website MIG will host the website, which will be updated with findings and postings throughout the process. We will use MIG's proprietary TownSquarers' software, which our team of planners /IT communications specialists has developed and continually enhances specifically for planning applica- tions. Creation of the interactive website will occur after the kick -off meeting with City staff (Task 1.1). h1 G The interactive website will contain current information on the project's status, downloadable documents and presentations, and a way to send information and input to appropriate project team members. MIG will work with City staff and the project team to determine final website features and content. We anticipate using some combination of the following tools: • Administrative Center: simple website management tools • Comment Publisher (allows registered users to provide web -based comments on the planning documents) • Calendar and Event Manager • Document library • Featured News • Integrated Search • Virtual Meeting: Interactive tool to engage community members online, utilizing the same materials developed for main workshops • Online survey (see Task 3.13) • Content Management: Site administrators can edit any of the site's content pages and easily link pages to a library folder or any other site information is Google Translate toolbar, which will allow users to easily translate the website into over 60 different languages • Moderated blog The website will be used throughout the Specific Plan and EIR update process for 36 months. Once the project is completed, MIG will send the City electronic copies of all website materials and content to be reloaded on the City's website. MIG retains ownership of all underlying software and publishing tools. Reporting of site statistics, usage, and network performance will be provided at the request of City staff but no more frequently than quarterly. Task 1.5: Public Engagement Wan Based on the final scope established inTaskl.l, MIG will develop Public Engagement Plan in coordination with City staff to identify how best to conduct outreach to community members regarding the Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and EIR. The finalized Public Engagement Plan will include components such as a schedule, key priorities, structure, public involvement and outreach activities, meeting materials, and identification City of Rosemead l Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and EIR 4.5 r/ I G Existing Rosemead Image of key relationships. It will also include a detailed process diagram to illustrate the sequence and timing of project activities in a succinct format. As proposed in this scope, we recommend a Public Engagement Plan that includes the Garvey Avenue Corridor Sub - Committee, stakeholder interviews, a mobile workshop, two interactive community meetings, press releases, the project web site outreach, an online survey, and public hearings. The number of stakeholder interviews and determination of number of meetings where translators will be used also will be specified. One electronic copy of the Public Engagement Plan will be supplied to staff. Task 1.6: Meeting with City Departments MIG will conduct two consecutive 1.5 -hour meetings with City department representatives. Up to five repre- sentatives will be invited to each meeting. At this initial meeting, the group will discuss the project, describe the process, and convey expectations for the project. The group will also: • Review initial issues and concerns for the corridor • Identify known technical issues (sewer capacity, water pressure issues, traffic issues, etc.) needing to be addressed or considered during the process • Identify data availability • Identify contact persons, availability and involvement of staff members ab City of Rosemead I Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and EIR • Clarify roles and responsibilities • Coordinate GIS data transfer MIG will supply eleven (ten for the representatives and one for the City PM) agendas for the meeting. MIG will also supply sign -in sheets. One collective set of meeting notes will be provided to the City PM. Task 1.7: Garvey Avenue Corridor Sub- Committee Meeting #1 The MIG Team understands the Garvey Avenue Corridor Sub- Committee is a critical resource and driving force for this project. We understand that the Sub- Committee is not merely a "check -off" but are a meaningful component to the planning process. The Sub- Committee is to be actively engaged and will provide meaningful information as well as direction to the consultant team. The Garvey Avenue Corridor Sub- Committee is an Adhoc committee consists of two City Council members, one Planning Commission member, one Traffic Commission member, and one Beautification Committee member. The Sub- Committee will have three primary roles: 1) advise and direct the Specific Plan consultant team (with City staff's assistance); 2) identify issues and opportunities for the team to address; and 3) update their respective Commissions and Council on the project. The Sub- Committee will also discuss code enforcement issues and needs for the plan. The agenda of this initial meeting includes introducing the Sub- Committee to the MIG Team; presenting the project scope and time lines; outlining the process; identi ing issues important to the Sub - Committee and idemif ing where Sub - Committee's guidance is essential; and defining final products, workshops, and meetings. The group members will also identify the questions or issues that he /she thinks must be answered or addressed in ord rto make this project a success. The meeting will last 1.E hours; if additional time is required to address all Sub -C mmittee issues, an additional 1.5 hours meeting will be conducted. MIG will provide 50 copies of the agend 1, 10 copies of the staff report, 20 copies of the public notices, and 10 copies ofthe meeting materials (includ ng sign -in sheets). Following the meeting, MIG will provid six sets of meeting notes. In addition, electronic copies of all meeting documents and materials will be provid d to the City's PM. Community Engagement Workshop Work Product • Attendance by Consultant at Staff Kick -off meeting • Final Scope of Work • Press Release #1 (copies described above) • Garvey Avenue Study Area Tour imagery album • Web site creation • Public Engagement Plan • 11 Agendas for and one summary of department represen- tative meeting is Agendas, staff report, public notices, and meeting materials of the Garvey Avenue Corridor Sub- Committee meeting, as described above • Electronic copies of all agendas and meetings notes will be posted to the project website • Sign -in sheets for department and Sub- Committee meetings Task 2: Existing Conditions, Issues, Opportunities and Challenges Task 2.1: Background Data Review and Analysis MIG will review existing plans and additional key data pertaining to the Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan Study Area and will identify potential current and future issues to focus the activities of the plan. This includes but is not limited to: • City of Rosemead General Plan • City of Rosemead Zoning Code and Zoning Map • Garvey Avenue Master Plan • City of Rosemead Strategic Plan • City GIS data - we intend to use the City's Digital Map Products system and gather that information from the County. GIS information will also be collected from SLAG. • Final EIR (FEIR) for the 2008 City of Rosemead General Plan Update and Addendum to the FEIR certified on April 13, 2010 for the 2010 General Plan Amendment • Public Works and Engineering Resources: Pavement Management Plan, Street Tree Inventory and Planting Plan, Climate Study /Greenhouse Gas Inventory, and Public Improvement Plans • Other background information such as traffic studies, and any existing utility /drainage plans (prepared by the City and /or any special districts within the study area) The analysis of this data will: 1. Identify all State and Federal laws, that need to be addressed (e.g. Assembly Bill32 -The California Global Warming Solutions Act, CEQA) 2. Identify any necessary General Plan Amendments (e.g. Amendments to the Land Use Element, Circulation Element, Resource Management Element, etc.) and Zoning Code and Zoning Map Amendments that need to be completed as part of the work program 3. Provide a thorough understanding of the regulatory framework 4. Provide an inventory of the existing land use and circulation conditions 5. Provide insight into the social and economic character of the project area Based on the initial data collection effort, an analysis of existing conditions will be compiled. The analysis will present a description of existing conditions and will analyze the information to identify potential issues, opportunities, and challenges. City of Rosemead l Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and EIR aA L= Task 2.2: Baas Mapping The MIG Team will review existing GIS data including existing land use, General Plan land use designations, zoning, existing dwelling units per parcel, existing jobs or non - residential square footage per parcel, street centerlines, county assessor data, building footprints, and height attributes (as available). All GIS information will be assumed to be accurate and up -to -date. If GIS data requires updating beyond the Detailed Land Use Survey and the Urban Design Survey discussed below, it will be preformed on a time /materials basis, with prior written authorization from the City's Project Manager. MIG, in coordination with the City staff, will also define and format a series of base maps for use throughout the update process. These base maps will include existing conditions information, such as existing land use, zoning, circulation, and environmental information. We will ensure all maps have a uniform style, legend, and title block. At the culmination of the project, MIG will provide the City with the GIS maps and associated files developed during the process. Task 2.3: Detailed Land Use Survey MIG will conduct a land use survey (using satellite imagery, Google Streetview and a follow -up windshield survey for field verification as needed) to verify City GIS land use information. The Land Use Survey establishes baseline land use conditions for planning and EIR analysis purposes. At the culmination of the project, MIG will provide the City with the GIS maps and associated files developed during the process. All GIS data and mapping prepared for the Specific Plan will be developed consistent with City protocols and data formats to ensure easy integration into the City's information system upon completion of the project. One hard copy of the survey will be provided to the City PM and a digital copy will be posted on the project web site. Task 2.4: Analysis of., Land Use, Zoning, Development Trends, and Land Subject to Change MIG will use the land use survey (Task 2.3) to document existing land use conditions, as well as analyze the existing land use pattern and adopted and pending plans that affect development in the Study Area. In addition, we will describe, analyze, and map existing land uses and identify constraints and opportunities for future growth and development within the corridor. 4.8 City of Rosemead l Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and EIR Community Engagement Workshop Regarding land use regulations, MIG will review the overall land use regulations to understand what changes may be needed, and to identify how the Specific Plan can be structured to anticipate any required revisions. As part of this work program, we will make recommendations regarding policies to be included in the Special Plan to provide a foundation for subsequent code changes. The MIG Team will also analyze existing land use patterns, land values vs. improvement values, development patterns, vacancy, under - utilized properties, and potential develo Dment projects to determine areas of stability and an ias of change. Based on this analysis and the informi ition prepared during Task 2, MIG will prepare a series if stability and change area maps that will be used as a st rting point for developing scenarios during Phase 2. One hard copy of the analysis will be provided to the City Ph I and a digital copy will be posted on the project Task 2.: Urban Design Survey MIG wi I conduct an urban design summary that describes the to , feel, and character of existing development and pu Dlic spaces in the City. This will include identifying archite tural patterns and themes to be preserved, characi at elements to emphasize, and barriers to be addressed. It will also look at building footprints (where built to parcel lines), building heights, street facing/ sidewa k relationships, streetscape, signage, MIG will produce associated maps and graphics that illustrate existing conditions, including gateways, historic resources, major urban features, open space, character areas, landmarks, and gateways. One hard copy of the survey will be provided to the City PM and a digital copy will be posted on the project web site. Task 2.6: Market Study The Natelson Dale Group (TNDG) will prepare a market study to forecast future demand for retail, restaurant, entertainment (including movie theaters), office, hotel, and residential land uses. Develop Demographic Database and Forecasts. As background for the demand analyses for the individual land uses, TNDG will develop a comprehensive demographic database for the project area and the overall surrounding trade area. Key variables will include population, households, income levels, employment, age and ethnicity. The data will be developed at the census tract level. Recognizing that no single source of demographic data is definitive, TNDG will review a range of sources and then prepare customized forecasts for purposes of this assignment. The reviewed data sources will include the following: 2010 Census (and updated Census data from the American Community Survey); forecasts adopted by the Southern California Association of Governments (SLAG); any population forecasts prepared by the City of Rosemead; available data on any pending residential projects in the City; and forecasts prepared by private demographic firms (e.g., Claritas, ESRI, etc.). Retail /Restaurant Demand Analysis. The retail demand analysis will involve the following steps: • Review any previous market analyses completed for the City of Rosemead. • Based on the above review and on TNDG's existing famil- iarity with the market area, define the geographic market areas from which retail facilities in the Garvey Avenue Corridor could be expected to draw market support. • Compile data on existing retail sales (by major category) in Rosemead and neighboring cities. • Utilize TNDG's proprietary retail demand model to evaluate future growth in retail sales potential in the market area, broken down by major retail sales category rn I G (e.g., apparel, furniture, general merchandise, home improvements, etc.). The projections will be expressed in terms of both dollars and square footages supportable. The projections will cover a 15-year forecast period (in annual and /or 5 -year incremerus), and will be based on the demographic forecasts developed by TNDG at the outset of the project. is Identify major existing and planned retail districts that would complete with the Garvey Avenue Corridor for future regional demand. • Given the inventory of competitive development, estimate the shares of future retail demand that could potentially be captured in the Garvey Avenue project area. • Express "bottom line" findings in terms of square feet of retail space to be absorbed in the project area over the planning horizon (in annualized or 5-year increments), with the total numbers broken -down as appropriate by major retail category and facility type. Hotel Demand Analysis. The hotel demand analysis will involve the following steps: • Define geographic market areas and market niches relevant to Rosemead, including both regional and freeway - oriented components. • Compile inventory of existing hotel /motel facilities in the defined market ama(s), indicating the following information for each facility: year established, room count, room rates (with seasonal variations noted), and estimated annual occupancy levels. • Project future absorption of hotel facilities in the overall market area, taking into consideration historic absorption trends and general visitation parameters. • Given the inventory of competing facilities and Garvey Avenue's unique locational attributes, assess the degree to which hotel development would be a viable option for the Specific Plan area. • Express "bottom line" findings in terms of the number hotel rooms that could potentially be developed in the project area. • Describe the hotel protect types (i.e., market niches) that would be appropriate for this setting. Office Demand Analysis. The office demand analysis will involve the following steps: • Estimate existing inventory of office space in City (and surrounding communities, as appropriate). City of Rosemead l Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and EIR 4.9 M G City Walk and Tour • Estimate current vacancy levels based on discussions with local realtors. • Project future absorption of office space in the City, based on current utilization levels, historic trends and general economic parameters (i.e., anticipated population and employment growth in the City). • Given the inventory of competing facilities and Garvey Avenue's unique locational attributes, project the amounts and types of office space that could potentially be captured within the Specific Plan area. • Express "bottom line" findings in terms of square feet of new office space that could potentially be absorbed in the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan area over the planning horizon (in annualized or 5 -year increments). Demand Analysis for Movie Theaters. The movie theater demand analysis will involve the following steps: • Determine the existing inventory of movie screens in the relevant trade area. • Complete movie theater supply /demand analysis based on trade area demographics and industry -stand ratios of screens per capita. • Project future demand for new movie screens in the trade area, based on future population growth. • Given the inventory of competing facilities and Garvey Avenue's unique locational attributes, assess the degree to which a movie theater would be a viable option within the project area. 4.10 City of Rosemead j Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and FIR • Contact representatives of theater chains to assess interest in the project and to identify opportunities /constraints relative to this location. • Express "bottom line° findings in terms of numbers of movie screens that mold potentially be supported in Garvey Avenue over the planning horizon (in annualized or 5 -year increments). Demand Analysis for Residential Units. The residential demand analysis will involve the following steps: • Compile historic data on local and regional population growth and the correlated demand for new housing units. • Evaluate recent historic trends regarding the mix of single - and multi - family units. • Review city -level projections of future growth in population and households (as appropriate, TNDG would evaluate multiple sources of demographic data). • Project future growth in housing demand (and the breakout between single -and multi- family units) over the planning horizon (in annualized or 5 -year increments). • Project that amounts and types of housing development that could potentially be attracted to the project area. • Express "bottom line" findings in terms of new residential units that could potentially be absorbed in the project area over the planning horizon (in annualized or 5 -year increments). • Forecast potential housing values in the project area. These pricing forecasts would enable more detailed planning of residential product types appropriate for the project area and would also be inputs to the pro forma financial analysis. Interface with Development Community. TNDG will conduct interviews with commercial and residential developers familiar with the Rosemead market, with a parti ularfocus on firms experienced in mixed -use development. The purposes of these interviews will be to pro ide a "reality check" on TNDG's statistical findings and to identify and prioritize the strategic actions the City can tal a to maximize development potentials within the Specific Plan area. In addition to interviewing developers, TNDG will also interview major landowners within the projec area to identify their potential plans for redevel- opme t or intensification of their properties. Prepare Summary Report. TNDG will compile the findings of the above tasks into a single summary report fully documenting the data, assumptions and methodology used to arrive at the presented findings. Spreadsheet tables and databases will be attached as appendices. The market report will serve two major purposes within the overall specific planning process: 1) to identify the project area's real estate development opportunities, with this information serving as a basis for defining land use alternatives for the plan, and 2) to provide a strategic framework— in terms of a specific marketing strategy — for attracting desired development to the plan area. Task 2.7: Transportation and Mobility Base Analysis The City is required to support commute traffic and general cut - through traffic, as it lies between multiple communities and is traversed by major parallel roadway corridors to the 1 -10 freeway. The General Plan Circulation Element traffic impact study, completed by KOA in March 2010, identified future operations at all of the four major intersections Garvey Avenue as approaching or exceeding capacity conditions during peak periods. KOA has included a study area of 16 intersections, to include the analysis of operations at these four major intersections, as well as traffic signals at interim locations along Garvey, and other major intersections to the north and south, including those on routes to and from the freeway. The Specific Plan traffic study will need to identify a balance between supporting and alleviating commute congestion and providing appropriately -sized land uses within the Plan area. Based on our review of the RFP and the local roadway network, and our past experience with the last Circulation Element, the following scope framework was developed: • Analysis of up to 10 study intersections • Analysis of a main land use plan and up to two alternatives • Analysis of CMP impact and Caltrans traffic analysis sensitivity standards on 1 -10 • Review of existing and planned bicycle and transit facilities • Development of improved bicycle, pedestrian, and transit linkages and development of focused Complete Streets concepts in mind, as feasible for the corridor • Development of roadway /intersection mitigation measures, where necessary and feasible A KOA will prepare a focused background report summarizing existing mobility conditions and include an inventory of transportation facilities (roadway, parking, transit, pedestrian, bicycle) and a summary of their current operation. Scoping and Coordination. KOA will coordinate with City staff to build consensus on the proposed project trip generation, trip distribution, and study intersections for approval by the City prior to starting the traffic analysis. We will prepare a scoping document that will include the traffic study approach, methodology and assumptions for review and approval by the City. Based on our coordi- nation efforts, KOA will make adjustments to the study scope as needed. This task includes KOA participation in a kickoff meeting with City staff, if needed. The study will evaluate significant impacts on the study area circulation system for an existing plus - project analysis and a buildout analysis. The project distribution and the background growth analysis for the buildout analysis will be consistent with the SCAG regional traffic model. Data Collection. KOA will collect new traffic counts at up to 16 intersections for weekday peak periods. This will include 10 study intersections including the four major Garvey Avenue intersections plus other intervening intersections on the corridor or others to the north or south. Existing Rosemead Image City of Rosemead l Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and EIR 4.11 M G Manual peak -hour turning movement counts will be collected during the weekday a.m. peak (7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.), weekday p.m. peak (4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.) time periods at the study intersections. KOA will conduct detailed fieldwork including intersection geometry, signal phasing, transit services and on- street parking /restrictions within the study area. Existing and planned transit and bicycle facilities in the area will be researched and documented. Existing Conditions. KOA will conduct an analysis of existing conditions at the study intersections to determine current traffic operating conditions. The data collected (see above task) will be used to create a local area traffic analysis file. The traffic analysis file will be adopted from the Circulation Element analysis and will include all key Specific Plan roadways and intersections for detailed level of service analysis. The results of the existing conditions analysis will be documented and summarized in the traffic study report. Parking Analysis. KOA will make general observations during a late- morning period (when commercial offices and institutions are parked to their maximums), a late afternoon period (when retail uses are parked to their maximum) and an evening period (when residential uses are parked to their maximum). Patterns of off-street and on- street demand will be monitored at a macro -level scale, to understand the ability of existing land uses by general type to contain parking demand within off- street parking areas and the use of nearby on- street parking. General surveyed demand will be mapped for each of the monitoring periods, and overlaid with a land use map to be provided by the Client. A review of potential parking conditions for concentrations of mixed -use development will be conducted. One hard copy of the analysis will be provided to the City PM and a digital copy will be posted on the project web site. Task 2.8: Infrastructure Base Analysis LDC will summarize information on existing conditions in the City related to water, sewer, hydrology, and dry utilities (i.e., electrical, telephone, natural gas, cable television, etc.). 4.12 City of Rosemead I Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and EIR Existing Rosemead Image Based on discussions with the Rosemead Public Works Department, LDC will document infrastructure needs and capacities. LDC will review and evaluate existing City capital improvement plans to assess the general avail- ability and service capacity for future growth. Individual tasks include: Initial reconnaissance. Attend meetings with City Staff to review Scope of Work and define final scope of work associated with civil improvements. Background Material Research. Provide a research of improvement plans and other existing civil works for streets, sewers, water, storm drains and other civil improvements. Obtain available material from the local governing agencies. Perform a site visit to observe existing condition to augment the materials obtained from the agencies. Work Sessions with the City. Prepare for and attend work s'ssions with the City of Rosemead staff and the design team to assist with the civil engineering issues. This as umes 2 meetings. One hi rd copy of the base analysis will be provided to the Ci PM and a digital copy will be posted on the projec web site. Task 2.9: Sustainabilhy and Public Heahh/Heahhy Communities Assessment MIG will prepare an overview of sustainability and healthy community programs currently in effect in Rosemead that are applicable to the study area. MIG will summarize public health topics including physical activity levels, land use patterns, and transportation networks as they relate to active transportation, and access to nutritious foods, health care, and health facilities. We will also provide infor- mation regarding state -of- the -art practices for integrating public health and environmental sustainability into the planning process. This will allow the Sub- Committee, city residents, and other decision makers to identify the degree to which Rosemead wishes to address these issues in the Specific Plan. One hard copy of the assessment will be provided to the City PM and a digital copy will be posted on the project web site. Task 2.10: Case Studies/Real -fife Examples of Similar Projects. MIG will review other specific plans to provide six real -life examples of similar projects. Each example will be analyzed for its effectiveness and applicability to the Garvey Avenue Corridor Project. MIG will work with staff to determine the appropriate criteria to evaluate the examples. MIG will begin with review of projects within the San Gabriel Valley, and then the Los Angeles metro- politan area. As needed, MIG will then research projects from other large metropolitan areas in California, across the United States, as necessary. MIG will contact each of the local governments associated with each project to help determine the level effectiveness and applicability of the project. A summary of each project, its relation to Rosemead, and its effectiveness will be provided along with images. One hard copy of the case study summary will be provided to the City PM and a digital copy will be posted on the project web site. Task 2.11: Stakeholder Interviews The MIG Team will conduct eight stakeholder meetings on two consecutive days with up to 10 interviewees at each meeting. These interviews are expected to be informal and will last approximately one hour each. Stakeholders will be asked about what is working and not working in the corridor, what issues exist, if they have any plans in place that we should know about, and other topics that M G might influence the Specific Plan. Potential stakeholder participants /interviewees include: representatives from local community organizations, owners and managers of business located in the corridor, representatives from the Chamber of Commerce, developers, members of environmental organizations, and members of community/ neighborhood organizations. The final list of interviewees will be developed by MIG in close coordination with City staff. City staff will be responsible for providing contact information and a meeting location. MIG will prepare an invitation letter for the City to reproduce and mail. MIG will follow up by contacting the interviewees and set up the meetings. A summary of the stakeholder interviews will be provided. Translation services can be provided for Spanish, Vietnamese, Cantonese, and Mandarin speakers, as needed. The number of translated meetings will be determined when the final stakeholder meeting schedule is developed. MIG will supply 81 agendas - one for City PM and 80 for the attendees. One hard copy of the meeting summary will be provided to the City PM and a digital copy will be posted on the project web site. MIG will also supply sign -in sheets. Task 2.12: Press Release for Kick -off Event MIG will prepare press releases to announce and describe the kick -off event (Task 2.13). The press release will be made available in English, Vietnamese, Chinese (note: Cantonese and Mandarin written language is the same for both dialects), and Spanish. Up to twenty press releases will be sent; it is assumed City staff will provide MIG the email addresses for the press release recipients. Task 2.13: Community Kick -off Event (combined with other local event) The MIG Team wishes to take advantage of crowds and excitement of a planned community event (one event, four hours at the event) early in the planning process to inform residents and the business community about the Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan. The event should be something similar to the Lunar New Year Family Festival or Sweetheart Jamboree. At this event, we can begin to generate interest in the project and solicit general feedback and ideas. We will plan a booth with a series of input activities, and together with City staff, will operate the booth during the event. We would like to be able to show participants the web site and other process City of Rosemead l Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and EIR 4.13 nn I G Community Engagement Workshop materials and videos of community leaders on why this process is important. One hard copy and one digital copy of a summary describing the kick -off event and feedback received will be provided to the City PM). 200 copies of information sheets describing the project and noting the web site address will be supplied. MIG will also supply sign -in sheets. Task 2.14: Press Release and Meeting Notices for Sub- Committee Meeting p2 MIG will prepare press releases to announce and describe the Sub- Committee meeting described in Task 2.16. The press release will be made available in English, Vietnamese, Chinese (note: Cantonese and Mandarin written language is the same for both dialects), and Spanish. Twenty press releases will be sent and 50 meeting notices will be provided to City staff for distribution. Task 2.15: Staff Meeting to Review Background Report MIG will conduct one two -hour with staff (City PM and others, as appropriate) to review the background report materials. MIG will provide an appropriate number of agenda for the meeting. The City shall combine all staff comments into a single comment document that the MIG Team will use to revise the Background Report 4.14 City of Rosemead l Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and EIR Task 2.16: Sub- Committee Meeting #2- Background Report Review Meeting MIG Team will meet with the Sub- Committee to review the revised Background Report, identify any incorrect or omitted information, and discuss important issues to be addressed in the project. The Sub- Committee will also review the stakeholder interview /kick -off event results and the case studies. MIG will provide the meeting agenda. The revised Background Report, case study summary, and the stakeholder interviews summary will be provided to the Sub- Committee at least 1 week prior to the meeting to allow for review. A PowerPoint presentation outlining key information will be presented at the meeting. MIG will supply 50 agendas. The meeting is anticipated to take up to two hours to conduct. One hard copy and one digital copy of the meeting summary will be provided to the City PM. Work Products: • Background Report- Administrative Draft (one hard copy and one digital copy) describing existing conditions in the study area and identifying issues that must be addressed in the specific plan including: Base Mapping Detailed Land Survey Urban Design Survey Economic, Employment, Demographic & Market Trends Land Use, Zoning, Development Trends, and Land Subject to Change Analysis Transportation and Mobility Base Analysis Infrastructure Base Analysis • Background Report - Sub - Committee Draft (six hard copies and one digital copy) revised to incorporate Staff Comments • Background Report - Final (six hard copies and one digital co ) revised to incorporate Sub - Committee comments • Sun imary of case studies- similar successful projects and spe ific plans (six hard copies and one digital copy) • Stal choicer Interview Invitation (one digital /one hard copy) • Prei a releases for kick -off event (copies described above) • Pre releases and Meeting notices for Sub- Committee meeting (copies described above) • Stal, eholder Meeting Agendas (copies described above) • Stakeholder Meeting Summary (copies described above) • Kick -Off Event Feedback Summary (one hard copy and one digital copy) • Background Report Summary PowerPoint Presentation (one digital and one hard copy) • Sub - Committee Meeting Agendas (copies described above) • Sub- Committee Meeting #2 Notes (one hard copy and one digital copy) PHASE 2: GARVEV AVENUE CORRIDOR: WHAT DO WE WANT TO $E7 Task 3: Public Outreach for Visioning and Alternative Selection Task 3.1: Prepare for Community Dialogue #1 (Community Workshop) MIG will prepare base mapping, display materials, and the presentation for Community Dialogue #1. Task 3.2: Press Release and Email Blast NotlRcatfon MIG will work with City staff to develop a comprehensive list of email addresses for people Interested in the project. Many of the email addresses will be gathered at the Kick -off Event and Stakeholder Interviews. Using the TownSquaraie webslte functions, MIG will prepare and send small update$ at key points In the program to maintain Interest in the project and generate partick pation. This email database will be updated throughout the program and provided to the City upon program completion. MIG will prepare and send 20 press releases to announce the Community Dialogue. This press release will include the purpose of the meeting (visioning exercise), key facts and figures from the analyses performed In Tasks 2, questions for the participants to think about, and the time and location of the meeting. Task 3.3: Community Dialogue 411- Visioning: The Garvey Avenue Corridor MIG will facilitate a Community Dialogue (meeting/ workshop) to provide an update on the project and solicit input from the community. The agenda for this Community Dialogue will include: a project update, materials produced to date summary, and an interactive L exercise to refine an overall vision for the City and identify major land use and circulation goals in the study area. Topics include community values, confirmation of the issues for the Specific Plan, and community visions for Garvey Avenue Corridor. MIG, in coordination with City staff and the project team, will be responsible for developing the content, printing materials, and facilitating the Community Dialogue. City staff will be responsible for securing workshop locations, printing and mailing announcements, and proving refreshments. MlGtrans- lation specialists and SPSOS will provide translation and cultural sensitivity at the Community Dialogue, as appro- priate. Materials can be made be available in English, Vietnamese, Chinese, and Spanish. MIG will also supply 150 meeting agendas and other meeting materials and 10 sign -in sheets. The meeting is scoped to last 2 hours. Task 3A: Summarize Community Dialogue #1 Results MIG will prepare a summary of the Information received at Community Dialogue #1. The results will be posted on the project web site. One hard copy and one digital copy of the summary will be provided to the City PM. Task 3.5: Creation of Concept Alternatives Building upon the Areas of Stability and Change Maps (Task 2) and the Visioning Community Dialogue (Task 3.3), MIG will develop —In close coordination with City staff — up to three Concept Alternatives that will be used to show land use, urban design, mobility, and policy options for the future. This will include identifying specific focus areas that are expected to be the primary locations of land use change. The concept alternatives will be highly graphic and Include descriptive text, diagrams, and images (and may Include photo simulations and sketches). Alternatives will also offer various solutions to the transportation and mobility, amenities, and community spaces. Task 3.6: Concept Alternatives Assessment and Report The MIG Team will have an Internal work session to evaluate the concept alternatives in terms of implications of land use, mobility, economic development, infra- structure, public facilities and services, and the natural environment. Based on the evaluation, we will prepare a Concept Alternatives Summary Report that includes text, graphics, images and maps. City of Rosemead I Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and EIR 4.15 M G An underlying objective of this report is to communicate technical and policy issues in a manner easily understood by community members and decision - makers. Specific topics that will be addressed and analyzed include: • Land use and development potential • Urban design criteria to promote future development that builds on current desirable features and facilitates improvements • Sustainability concepts to be incorporated • Mobility, such as multi -modal access improvements • Public infrastructure and service demands, including water, sanitary, storm drainage, flooding, recycle water, police, and fire • Public safety • Opportunities for plazas, parks, and public gathering amenities • Potential fiscal impacts of each associated with each alternative. One digital and one hard copy of the concept report will be provided. Task 3.7: Staff Work Session The MIG Team will meet with City staff and the City department representatives to review the Concept Alternatives and the Concept Alternative Summary Report with the intension of identifying concerns, issues or other concepts that should be tested. MIG will then finalize the Concept Alternative Summary Report. MIG will schedule and invite the group via email, supply 11 agendas and will supply one hard copy and one digital copy (to be posted to project website) of meeting notes. Task 3.8: Press Release and Meeting Notices for Sub- Committee Meeting #3 MIG will prepare press releases to announce and describe the Sub- Committee meeting described in Task 3.9. The press release will be made available in English, Vietnamese, Chinese (note: Cantonese and Mandarin written language is the same for both dialects), and Spanish. Twenty press releases and 50 meeting notices will be sent. 1.16 City of Rosemead I Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and EIR Task 3.9: Work Session with Sub- Committee (Meeting #3) MIG will prepare for and facilitate a meeting with the Sub- Committee to discuss the Concept Alternatives and Summary, and the upcoming Online Survey. The Sub- Committee will provide feedback to MIG, including suggested additions and revisions. The group will also discuss the agenda and goals for Community Dialogue #2. MIG will supply 50 agendas and also one hard copy and one digital copy (to be posted to project website) of meeting notes. The meeting is intended to last 2 hours. Task 3.10: Press Release for Community Dialogue #2 and Online Survey MIG will prepare press releases to announce and describe the Community Dialogue #2 and the Online Survey. The press release will be made available in English, Vietnamese, Chinese (note: Cantonese and Mandarin written language is the same for both dialects), and Spanish. Twenty press releases will be sent. MIG will also send an email blast out with the press release information. Task 3.11: Community Dialogue #2 MIG will facilitate a Community Dialogue (meeting/ workshop) to provide an update on the project and solicit input from the community. The agenda for this workshop will include: an project update, materials produced to date summary, presentation of the visioning meeting results, Concept Alternatives Summary, and an interactive exercise to gain public input on the Concept Alternatives, ultimately resulting in direction for a preferred alternatives with or without modifications. MIG, incoordination with City staff and the project team, will be responsible for developing the content, printing materials, and facilitating the Community Dialogue. Materials will be prepared in English, Spanish, Chinese, and Vietnamese, as appropriate. Oral translation will be provided, as appropriate. City staff will be responsible for securing meeting location and providing refresh- ments. MIG will be responsible for printing and mailing of 20 announcements, supply 150 meeting agendas and meeting materials and 10 sign -in sheets. In addition, one digital copy of the announcement, agenda, meeting materials will be provided to the City PM for future use. The meeting is intended to last 2 hours. Task 3.12: Summary of Community Dialogue #2 MIG will prepare the summary of the Information received at Community Dialogue #2. One hard copy and one digital copy — posted to web site - will be provided. Task 3.13: Online Survey for Concept Alternating MIG will prepare an online survey that describes the Concept Alternatives and presents a number of questions to help determine what the preferred scenario Is for the corridor. A draft of the survey will be provided to staff and the Sub•Committse for review and comment prior to posting the survey on the project "balta. This task will be coordinated to begin the day after the Community Dialogue so that an announcement can be made at the meeting. An emalI bleat will be sent out as well as a short press release detalling the purpose and timeframe of the survey. ThIs task also includes a summary of the survey results — one digital copy posted to web site and one hard copy provided to staff. Task 3.14: Press Release and Meeting Netins for Sub - Committee Meeting MIG will prepare press releases to announce and describe the next Sub - Committee meeting. The press release will be made available in English, Vietnamese, Chinas (note: Cantonese and Mandarin written language is the same for both dialects), and Spanish. Twenty press releases and 50 meeting notices will be sent. Task 3.15: Work Session with the Sub - Committee MIG will prepare for and facilitate a meeting with the Sub - Committee to review the results of the Online Survey and Community Dialogue #2. The group will then begin discussing the Preferred Alternative and preliminary policy framework for the Specific Plan. MIG will provide agendas and meeting materials. MIG will supply 6 agendas and 1 hard copy and one digital copy of the meeting notes. The meeting is intended to last up to 2 hours. Task 3.16: Consultant Work Session Ito Refine Preferred Alternative) Based on direction received from staff and the Garvey Avenue Corridor Sub - Committee, the MIG Team will prepare an outline of the Preferred Alternative that serves as the basis for developing the Draft Specific Plan. The Preferred Alternative will include a preliminary policy direction and goal framework needed to support the Preferred Alternative. Task 3.17 Transportation Analysis 2 Based on the proposed project's use, density, and trip- making characteristics, KOA will: • Determine project trip generation based on ITE Trip Generation rates, commercial use pass -by trip rates, Internal capture rates between uses and adjacent develop - mems, and transit use credits, • Determine the number and the distribution of new trips generated by the proposed land uses by block/sector, and aealgn and map them to the roadway system. As defined by the finalized scoping document, a project trip distribution pattern to regional travel routes will be applied. Different distribution rates will be applied to various sectors of the corridor parcels. Ideally, KOA would receive a spreadsheet file from the Client that contains parcel numbers and the change In residential units by density and the change in non - residential floor area In square feet by type, by parcel for changes under the Specific Plan. KOA will process the data in GIS and generate trips for analysis based on Traffic Analysis Zones (TAZs) or divisions of those regional model polygons. City of Rosemead l Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and EIR C17 0 KOA will conduct an analysis of existing plus - project conditions at the study intersections to determine potential traffic impacts within the study area under existing conditions. This analysis would fulfill determina- tions made by the Sunnyvale and Expo Line CEQA court cases. The results of the existing plus - project conditions analysis will be documented and summarized within the traffic study report. KOA will analyze future pre - project conditions, which will establish a baseline for the evaluation of potential project traffic impacts in the buildout post - project scenario. Future analysis conditions will be defined based on an annual ambient growth rate and trips generated by included area /cumulative projects that are on or close to the Garvey Avenue corridor. The results of the analysis of this scenario will be documented and summarized within the traffic study report. The ambient growth rate for the buildout analysis will be generated. The growth rate through the buildout analysis year will be defined through factors developed within the study area by base and buildout link volumes from the SCAG regional model. A list of relevant projects for the buildout analysis will be generated through coordination with City planning staff and their pending project list. The application of the model growth rate will provide for estimated traffic growth from most cities and nearby regional projects, however. The study will provide an analysis of the overall Plan effects on the area circulation system, develop potential circulation system improvements and multi -model travel infrastructure deficiencies (bicycle system missing linkages, general width of the sidewalk network by segment, and adequacy of Metro bus stop and local circulator shuttle access and amenities). Last- mile /first- mile trip connections will be reviewed. Based on the proposed project land use and building Floor area and the calculated net trips that would be the potential incremental traffic increases with adoption of the proposed land use plan, a future post - project analysis will be conducted for the buildout scenario. The results of the project impact analysis will be documented and summarized in the traffic study report. CIO City of Rosemead I Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and EIR Community Engagement Workshop Up to two additional project scenarios will analyzed, as either environmental document scenarios or less intense development scenarios for the removal of identified traffic impacts. Mitigation measures will be developed and post- mitigation impacts will be evaluated, for all three land use scenarios. The land use density data forthe proposed mixed -use areas will be used to create a parking supply requirement matrix by sub -area. The input data will be from GIS mapping /database or spreadsheet files to be provided by the Client. The analyzed sub -areas will be conglomera- tions of small areas (approximately three to five blocks) that can be used to create strategies for shared parking or parking demand reduction strategies, based on major land uses that could remain for many years into Plan implementation as well as new types of potential new uses. From t vis exercise, recommended parking requirements will be developed for general types of potential future land u s within the Plan area. As reqi lined by Los Angeles County, a Congestion Management Program (CMP) analysis will also be condu ted at applicable CMP locations. The analysis will follow I MP guidelines and criteria in identifying potential impact caused by the project. Cahrans sensitivity standards for traffic analysis, as recently adopted for use in the City of Los Angeles via a Memorandum of Understanding, will be applied to this analysis within the City of Rosemead, to analyze the potential for additional analysis needs on the 1 -10 facility due to the Specific Plan. KOA will prepare a draft traffic study report for review and comment by the project team. The report will document the traffic study's approach, methodology, assumptions, findings and recommendations. Based on comments received, KOA will prepare a final version suitable for use by the Client in the Plan and environmental documentation. Task 3.18: Pro Forma Analysis TNDG will prepare financial pro formas for four (4) prototypical development projects. The prototypes will be defined in conjunction with MIG and will be oriented towards the identified opportunity sites within the Specific Plan Area. The prototypical projects will encompass a range of land use alternatives and be intended to demon- strate the feasibility of different mixes and densities of development. They would be prepared in a format suitable for inclusion in developer marketing materials. Work Products: • 20 copies of each of the four press releases sent • Meeting notices, agendas, one digital and one hard copy of meeting notes for each Sub- Committee meetings (copies described above) • Facilitation of and materials for Community Dialogue #1 (copies described above) • Community Dialogue #1 Summary Results (copies described above) • Concept Alternatives Report (espies described above) • Alternative Concepts Staff Work Session Agendas and Notes (copies described above) • Facilitation of and materials for Community Dialogue #2 (copies described above) • Online Survey— draft version and final version • Online Survey Summary of online survey (copies described above) • Summary off Community Dialogue #2 Results (copies described above) LAL • Facilitation of and materials for the Garvey Avenue Corridor Sub - Committee meeting (copies described above) • Garvey Avenue Corridor Sub - Committee Meeting Summary (copies described above) • Transportation Analysis 2- one digital and one hard copy • Pro Forma Analysis — one hard copy and one digital copy PHASE 3: THE PREFERRED FUTURE GARVEY AVENUE CORRIDOR: HOW TO GET THERE Task 4: Specific Plan Preparation Based on the information collected during previous tasks, the Specific Plan will be drafted to address the issues expressed by the Garvey Avenue Corridor Sub - Committee and Rosemead community. Task 4.1: Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan Outline MIG will prepare the draft outline for the Specific Plan. The plan will include: • Goals and Implementation Measures • A Description of the Planning Process • Opportunity Sites - Individual maps illustrating area boundaries and parcel - specific land use designations - A brief description of the site characteristics that make an area an opportunity site - Illustrations and text describing the future vision for the site, including specific preferred and alternative land uses • Land Use Element Land Use Plan - Development Standards • Infrastructure Element - Transportation and Circulation Plan - Streetscape/Landscape Plan - Utilities and Public Services /Facilities Plan City of Rosemead l Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and EIR 4.19 N, G • Implementation, Financing and Phasing Element Capital Improvement Program Funding and Financing Program for Capital Financing and Maintenance - Phasing Program - Code Enforcement Program • Relationship of the Specific Plan's CEOA Review to subsequent projects • Specific Plan Administration and Enforcement Task 4.2: Consultant Work Session on Plan Policies, Goals, and Actions The MIG Team will conduct an internal work session to develop the recommendations on plan policies, goals and actions for the Specific Plan based on the confirmed Preferred Alternative. MIG will refine the goal and policy framework that identifies new or modified goals, policies and implementation programs needed to support the Preferred Alternative. The revised policy framework may identify responsible parties and time frames for imple- mentation of each plan policy. Color maps and graphics may be used as needed to illustrate various concepts such as sustainability, design and character areas, transit- oriented development, mobility options, complete streets and Re:Streets opportunities, roadway network, transit improvements, street standards, natural resources, open space, environmental and physical hazards, locations of public facilities, and economic development strategies. Task 4.3: Staff Work Session on Plan Outline and Policies, Goals, and Actions MIG will meet with staff and the department representa- tives to review the revised goal and policy framework and implementation plan. Documents will be provided electronically prior to the meeting. Eleven hard copies of the plan policies, goals, and actions will be provided along with 11 agendas, and a sign -in sheet. 4.20 City of Rosemead l Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and EIR Task 4.4: Press Release and Meeting Notices for Sub- Committee Meeting MIG will prepare press releases to announce and describe the next Sub - Committee meeting. The press release will be made available in English, Vietnamese, Chinese (note: Cantonese and Mandarin written language is the same for both dialects), and Spanish. Twenty press releases and 50 meeting notices will be sent. Task 4.5: Sub - Committee Work Sessions on Policies, Goals, and Actions MIG will work with the Sub- Committee in a series of 3 work sessions to discuss and refine key ideas to include each element of the Specific Plan and refine plan language. MIG will provide 6 agendas, a sign -in sheet and meeting materials. Five hard copies of the plan policies, goals, and actions will be provided along with 6 agendas, and a sign -in sheet. One digital copy of the agenda and plan policies, goals, and actions will be provided to the City PM. Task 4.6: Extended Draft and Graphics The MIG Team will use the language prepare by the Sub - Committee in Task 4.5 to develop each section/ element of the Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan to reflect the community's vision. This will include incorporating expressed community values throughout each Element, such as economic vitality, sustainability, safe and healthy communities, connectivity, diversity and education. The updated Plan will also include a compre- hensive implementation program that will focus on having the Plan be a living document that results in positive, real change in the community. The extended draft will provide a systematic approach to add ass code enforcement issues. We propose clevelo zing a graphic, clear written document that will supple ent the Garvey Avenue Master Plan. It will have quideli as and standards expressed in a graphic manner to con ey to the average citizen what is expected and what is not allowed. The guidelines and standards may apply signs, building partitions, height, awnings, street I inniture and other zoning code and building code param4 iters. It will also frame a checklist for alterations and stepsf r achieving appropriate permits or approvals. Key graphics may include Land Use, Key Economic Devel- opment Sites, Traffic Routes, Onstreet /Offstreet Parking, Design Guidelines and Standards, Strestscape Examples (multiple of images), Urban Design Key Features (multiple exhibits), Circulation, and key Infrastructure (sewer, water, utilities, etc.). The document will likely be around 100 to 150 pages in length. In addition, to meeting legal and technical requirements, the speck plan will be drafted so that it clearly illustrates how the planning area will be designed, and how it will look and operate. The plan will be written so that it can be understood not only by government officials or land developers, but by community residents and business owners. The plan will comply with the content requirements of Government Code Section 65450 at seq., Chapter 17.150 (Specific Plans) of the Rosemead Municipal Code, as well as any other applicable State guidelines and regulations. One hard copy and one digital copy of the extended draft will be provided. Task 4,T. General Plan, Zoning Code and Subdivision Ordinance Review and Recommendations Summary The MIG Team will review the draft plan for consistency with the City of Rosemead General Plan, Zoning Code and Subdivision Regulations. If it is not consistent In some areas, Inconsistencies with the General Plan will be identified and any amendments needed to ensure compliance will be described. Any necessary General Plan, Zoning Code, and Zoning map amendments will be prepared by the MIG Team and will be adopted as part of the specific plan adoption process . We will also provide a summary of how the Specific Plan supports the overall General Plan. One hard copy and one digital copy of the summary and all ordinances, text and mapping will be provided. Task 4.8: Staff Meeting to Review Extended Draft and Graphics MIG will meet with staff to review the expanded Draft Plan, Element content, and proposed graphics for the Specific Plan. The group will provide feedback to MIG on the General Plan Elements, including suggested additions and revisions. The City will be responsible for consolidating all staff comments into a single comment document from which the MIG Team will revise the preliminary draft Garvey Corridor Specific Plan Task 4.9: Press Release and Meeting Notices for Sub - Committee Meeting MIG will prepare press releases to announce and describe the next Sub- Committee meeting. The press release will be made available in English, Vietnamese, Chinese (note: Cantonese and Mandarin written language is the same for both dialects), and Spanish. Twenty press releases and 50 meeting notices will be sent. Task 4:10: Garvey Avenue Corridor Sub - Committee Meeting MIG will meet with the Garvey Avenue Corridor Sub - Committee to provide an update to the group and review the Extended Draft Garvey Corridor Specific Plan. The group will then discuss the next steps of the project: the EIR and public hearings. MIG will provide agendas and meeting materials. Six hardcopies of the Extended Draft Garvey Corridor Specific Plan will be provided in addition to a digital copy. Task 441; Find Draft Plan Following review of the Draft Plan by City staff, the Department representatives, and the Garvey Avenue Corridor Sub - Committee, MIG will incorporate the comments and prepare a public Draft Garvey Avenue Specific Plan for the environmental review process and public hearings. The Draft Garvey Avenue Specific Plan will be highly graphical and easy to read. Twenty hard copies and one digital copy will be provided to the City PM. In addition one digital copy will be posted to website. City of Rosemead l Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and FIR 4.211 Work Products: • Specific Plan Outline • Plan policies, goals, and actions, and Staff meeting agendas (copies described above) • Press releases, meeting notices, agendas, and a sign -in sheet for each of the two Sub- Committee meetings (copies described above) • Plan Policies, Goals, and Actions Summary (copies described above) • Extended Garvey Avenue Corridor Draft Specific Plan (copies described above) • Final Draft Garvey Avenue Corridor Draft Specific Plan (copies described above) • Facilitation of Garvey Avenue Corridor Sub- Committee meetings • Garvey Avenue Corridor Sub - Committee Meetings Summaries- One hard copy and one digital copy PHASE 4: CEQA COMPLIANCE Task 5: Prepare CEQA Documentation MIG will prepare an Initial Study and appropriate Environmental Impact Report (EIR) in compliance with the California Quality Act (Public Resources Code 21000 211 7 7) and CEQA Guidelines (California Code of Regulations. Title 14. Division 6. Chapter 3. Section 15000- 15387). The environmental review must be an integral part of the planning process and prepared concurrently with the Specific Plan project. Our work scope assumes that City staff will be responsible for all public noticing, distribution, and filing of environmental documents per the law. However, we can provide these tasks as additional services upon request. Task 5.1: Initial Study MIG will prepare an annotated Initial Study (IS) in accor- dance with Section 15063 of the State CEQA Guidelines. The IS will be based on the latest version of the standard environmental checklist form contained in Appendix G of the State CEQA Guidelines and any customization to this checklist that may have been developed by the City in their local rules and implementation procedures. Succinct responses will be provided to the more than 80 questions that appear on the checklist. 4.22 City of Rosemead l Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and EIR For each Initial Study checklist impact topic, a narrative discussion will provide adequate documentation to define those issues that need to be further addressed in the EIR and those that do not require further analysis. Based on our preliminary understanding of the project, the environ- mental setting, this proposal assumes that the results of the Initial Study will indicate a need for further analysis for the following topics: • Aesthetics • Air Quality • Culture Resources • Greenhouse Gas Emissions • Hazards and Hazardous Materials is Land Use and Planning is Noise • Transportation and Traffic • Utilities and Services Systems A bibliography of references will be provided at the end ofthelS. This task accounts for preparation of a draft IS for review /comment by the City, responses to one round of City comments, and completion of a final IS for distribution with the Notice of Preparation. Task 5.2: Notice of Preparation MIG will prepare a Notice of Preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Report (NOP) in accordance with Section 15082 of the State CEQA Guidelines to announce the City's determination that an EIR will be prepared and to request comments concerning the scope of issues to be addressed in the EIR. A primary purpose of an NOP is to solicit comments from other governmental entities that may have jurisdiction over some aspect of the project (i.e. Responsible Agencies) to define their area of authority, issues of concern, and to suggest approaches to avoid or red ice potentially adverse effects of the proposed project. The NOP also provides an opportunity to involve speciz I interest groups, local residents and businesses, and tk is community at large in the scoping process. The NOP ill reference the availability of IS to explain the basis I or the focused scope of the EIR. MIG will produce and d stribute printed and electronic copies of the NOP in accordance with a distribution list to be developed in consultation with City Staff. Community Engagement Workshop Distribution of the NOP will initiate a 30 -day public review and comment period. MIG will ensure that the issues raised through the NOP process are properly addressed in the EIR. Task 5.3: Scoping Meeting Early consultation with other government agencies and interested local interest groups and citizens is encouraged by the CEQA Guidelines, as part of the EIR scoping process. A public scoping meeting is not required under the State CEQA Guidelines for this project; therefore, this is at the City's discretion. MIG will assist in publication of a notice of such a meeting, and will manage the meeting, including presenting the EIR process and taking comments on environmental issues of concern. We will prepare summary meeting minutes and will ensure that the issues raised at the meeting are addressed in the EIR. Task 5.4: Draft EIR, Notice of Availability, and Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program A program -level EIR will be prepared, focused on impacts involving aesthetics, air quality, cultural resources, green- house gases, hazards and hazardous materials, hydrology and water quality, land use and planning, noise, transpor- tation and traffic, and utilities and services systems. This task consists of preparation, production, submittal, review and comment by City staff, and document revisions for a first and second administrative draft EIR. Immediately following City staff review and comment on the adminis- trative draft EIR, MIG will prepare the Draft EIR (DEIR). MIG will prepare a Notice of Completion (NOC) for submittal to the State Clearinghouse and will prepare a Notice of Availability (NOA) to be transmitted to other government and quasi - governmental agencies, special interest groups, and interested persons that have requested notification of environmental documents prepared for projects under City planning review. This proposal assumes the City will publish the NOA in a local newspaper of general circulation and post it at the usual locations where planning actions are announced to the public. MIG will produce and distribute up to 30 electronic copies of the DEIR /NOA for public review and comment. Should additional copies be requested, MIG is prepared to provide these at additional cost for labor and materials. Circulation of the DEIR will initiate a mandatory 45 -day public review period. This task includes fling a No Effect Determination (NED) request with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) to waive the CDFW CEQA fees. MIG will prepare a Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program (MMRP) in accordance with Section 21081.6 of the CEQA Statutes. The MMRP will list all mitigation measures included in the EIR to avoid, reduce, or compensate for any potentially significant impacts of the project, note the timing for implementation of each measure, and identify the entities responsible for ensuring that the mitigation measures are implemented as intended. The draft MMRP will be submitted for one round of review by City staff and we will make final revisions, if warranted, based on those comments. City of Rosemead l Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and EIR AA M I G Task 5.5: Final EIR, Findings, and Statement of Overriding Considerations. A Final EIR (FEIR) will be prepared pursuant to Section 15132 of CEQA Guidelines. The main purpose of a Final EIR (FEIR) is to present comments received on the adequacy of the DEIR and the City's written responses to those comments. The FEIR would also include an erratum to address corrections and clarifications to the DEIR and a Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program (MMRP). MIG will provide up to ten printed copies of the FEIR for distribution to the Planning Commission, City Council, and City Staff. Any additional copies can be provided at cost of labor and materials. Pursuant to Section 15091 of the State CEQA Guidelines, the City must make specific findings regarding project impacts. These findings relate to the significance of environmental impacts and the feasibility of mitigation and project changes. We will coordinate with the City Attorney to prepare this document and submit a draft for one round of review and comment by City staff. A last set of findings will be submitted for incorporation into the City's CEQA resolution for the project. Pursuant to Section 15093 of the State CEQA Guidelines, MIG will prepare a Statement of Overriding Consider- ations (SOC), if there are any unavoidable significant impacts and if the City determines that there are specific economic, social, or other considerations that override any unmitigated environmental effects. We will coordinate with the City to prepare this document and submit a draft for one round of review and comment. A revised SOC will be submitted for incorporation into the City's CEQA resolution for the project. Task 5.6: Notice of Determination Within five days of project approval, MIG will prepare and file a Notice of Determination with the County. We will request all fees be issued by the City prior to filing. PHASES: GARVEY AVENUE CORRIDOR SPECIFIC PLAN ADOPTION PROCESS Task 6: Specific Plan Review and Adoption. The Rosemead City Council and Planning Commission will consider the Draft Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and EIR. 4.24 City of Rosemead l Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and EIR Task 6.1: Final Draft Specific Plan (Administrative Draft) MIG will make any modifications to the Draft Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan based on the feedback from the EIR process as directed by staff and the Sub- Committee. The Final Draft Plan (Administrative Draft) will be posted on the project web site. A digital copy will be provided to staff. Thirty hard copies will be provides for Planning Commission and Council members, the Sub- Committee members, and for public review. Task 6.2: Press Release and Meeting Notices for Sub- Committee Meeting MIG will prepare press releases to announce and describe the next Sub- Committee meeting. The press release will be made available in English, Vietnamese, Chinese (note: Cantonese and Mandarin written language is the same for both dialects), and Spanish. Twenty press releases and 50 meeting notices will be sent. Task 6.3: Garvey Avenue Corridor Sub - Committee Meeting MIG will meet with the Garvey Avenue Corridor Sub- Committee to review the EIR and prepare for the adoption hearings. MIG will provide agendas and meeting materials. MIG will provide 6 agendas and a sign -in sheet as well as one digital and one hard copy of the meeting notes. Task 6.4: Press Release and Meeting Notices for City Council and Planning Commission Meeting MIG will prepare press releases to announce and describe the work session with City Council and the planning Commission. The press release will be made available in English, Vietnamese, Chinese (note: Cantonese and Mandarin written language is the same for both dialects), and Spanish. Twenty press releases and 50 meeting notices will be sent. Task 6.5: Work Session with City Council and !Nanning Commission on Final Draft MIG, I prepare for and facilitate a joint study session of hit Council and Planning Commission to review the Final aft Specific Plan concepts, the EIR, and feedback racer, to date. MIG will provide 20 agendas, a sign -in sheet. Task 6.6: Press Release and Email Blast MIG will prepare a press release that summarizes the Final Draft Specific Plan and the EIR, and that details the public review and adoption process. This will include information on how the public can provide formal comments on the draft documents and when public hearings will be held. An email blast including the information will also be sent. Task 6.7: Preparation for Adoption Hearings The MIG Team will prepare a PowerPoint presentation and additional materials (agendas, wall maps, document outlines) for the public hearings. MIG will prepare public hearing notices, including required posting, mailing, and filing, staff Reports, Ordinance(s), and Resolution(s). Task 6.8: Adoption Hearings) with Planning Commission The MIG Team will attend up to three Planning Commission hearings on the Final Draft Specific Plan and Final EIR. After the Planning Commission conducts its public hearings, a Planning Commission Recommended Revisions paper will be prepared for City Council consid- eration. Additional time or hearings will be attended as additional expense on a reimbursable basis with prior authorization from the City. Task 6.9: Matrix of Changes MIG will create a matrix or table to record and track any changes to the Final Draft recommended by the Planning Commission perthe adoption hearings. MIG will prepare public hearing notices, including required posting, mailing, and fling; and staff reports for the Council hearings. City will be responsible for all posting and filing costs. Task 6.10: Adoption Hearing(s) with City Council The MIG Team will attend up to two City Council hearings on the Draft General Plan and Final EIR. We will include the Planning Commission's recommended revisions in the PowerPoint prepared for the hearings in Task 6.8. Additional time or hearings will be attended as additional expense on a reimbursable basis with prior authorization from the City. nn I G Task 6.11: Staff Debrief After the Specific Plan is adopted, MIG will meet with staff to review the conditions of approval and how best to address (with text language, maps, etc.) the recom- mended revisions in order to finalize the Final Plan and produce it). Task 6.12 Final Revisions to Specific Plan The MIG Team will prepare a final Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan based on the outcome of the City Council adoption hearing and post- hearing staff debrief. The budget provides an allowance for this task. If additional time is required, we will bill for additional services with prior authorization from the City. Task 6.13: Plan Production MIG will publish the final Specific Plan as a digital inter- active ePlan that can contain hot - linked cross - references, comment fields, and searchable text and graphics. Users would be able to sort the ePlan by topic, location, and other appropriate factors. Initially, MIG would create an administrative version of the ePlan for review by City staff. MIG would then prepare a deliverable version of the ePlan. In addition, MIG would train City staff to maintain and update the ePlan to incorporate future accomplish- ments, amendments, and updates. Two hard copies of the plan will also be provided. Task 6.14: Project Closeout Meeting with Staff After production of the Specific Plan, MIG will meet with staff via conference call to review the final plan product, review the overall process in regard to meeting Rosemead's needs, and determine all tasks have been accomplished and all products delivered. The digital plan, all GIS information, all maps, and other project materials will be transferred to City staff. Work Products • Final Draft Specific Plan -30 hard copies and one digital copy • Twenty press releases and 50 meeting notices for the Sub- Committee and Council /Commission work session • Work session materials- 20 agendas and sign-in sheet - facilitation with the Planning Commission and City Council Public hearing materials: presentation and maps City of Rosemead I Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and EIR 4.25 M G Community Engagement Workshop • Public hearing notices, including required posting, mailing, fling, staff report • Preparation of ordinance(s), and resolution(s). • Attendance at up to 5 total public hearings with the Planning Commission and /or City Council • Final document preparation — one digital and two hard copies of final report TASK E: PROJECT MANAGEMENT Task 7.1: Monthly Meetings Monthly staff meetings (phone meetings, net meetings and meetings in Rosemead when other meetings in the City are scheduled) between City staff and the MIG Project Manager will be conducted for the duration of the Specific Area plan process to address miscellaneous project coordination. One hundred fifty half hour meetings will be held during the process. The Project Manger will supply the agenda for the meetings as well as summary notes of meetings conducted. Task 7.2: Monthly Status Reports. MIG will prepare monthly status reports to be submitted for the purpose of keeping everyone up to date and on the same page throughout the process and will be submitted with monthly invoices. 4.26 City of Rosemead l Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and EIR Task 7.3: Project Management MIG will meet periodically with the subconsultants for coordination and management purposes. This task also covers day -to -day project management tasks, including invoice review and preparation and contract administration. Assuming a two -year program, the budget includes an allowance for this task. Task 7.4: Internal Team Coordination Meetings These are internal team coordination that will occurs throughout the project so that the team is made aware of emerging conditions and understands what is needed and when. OPTIONAL TASKS Optional Task A: Branding of Project MIG has a division that specializes in the branding of public campaigns. Working with your public information staff, will use this expertise to develop a logo and overall randing approach to the Specific Plan. We will produ up to three messaging approaches/graphics for your re iew, and will develop the final branding materials from thlase alternatives based on your direction. Revisions will be uided by the budget allocated forthis task. Optional Task B: Mobile Workshop on Land Use and Mobility In order to broaden the outreach and meet people where they are, we propose a Mobile Workshop. This workshop will be stationed at a location in the study area for a three -hour time period. During that time, the MIG Team will conduct three activities (one hour each) to engage the public. Activities in this workshop will focus on land use and mobility concepts and introduce concepts for complete streets, Re:Streets, urban design, and place - making. For example, for Re:Streets ideas, sections of roadways could be sectioned off to explore different uses - such as flexible plazas, shared street concepts, and temporary dining areas - in that space. Participants will get to see how the concepts can reshape areas within the community. Participants will also be able to note on a large board what they would like to see happen in the study area. MIG will provide a large paper wall graphic, board for commenting on what people want to see in the area, a paper display of web site information, and re- street materials. MIG will prepare a summary of the information received during the Mobile Workshop. rn I G Optional Task C: Financing Program/ Implementation Plan This task by TNDG will provide a "tool box" of potential implementation strategies and financing mechanisms available to achieve the short and long -term goals of the Specific Plan. The overall implementation plan will include the following components: • Identification and prioritization of key opportunity sites; • Recommendations regarding allowable development densities with the Plan area (and relevant sub - areas); • Recommended timing of public improvements; • Recommendations for streamlining of development processing within the Plan Area; • Identification of municipal incentives necessary to attract desired development/land uses; • Designation of lead agencies for implementation of Specifc Plan actions; • Recommended marketing approaches to attract desired development and/or to expand consumer awareness of the Plan area; • Analysis of potential funding sources and financing mecha- nisms (including grants, fees, assessments, developer impact fees, etc.); • Financial pro forma of sources and uses of funds for recommended public improvements. Recommendations regarding impact fees will be derived from the technical analysis to be completed by Land Design Consultants, Inc. City of Rosemead I Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan and FIR a.n c� a U h N U O F al f Y n 0 s a s= l E� O6osN O £� m �C f� E `Ez OV ®Lx A Ea p V am E �E E Uy V� I% y �;Ihllllllll o mE ZeY O o �9 ill'' va E m s`a�p 0 o C Q L Q 0 o s J f n°i o� a u a R c - m � F E Ma °E II �3