TC - Item 2A - Minutes of February 6, 2014Meeting Minutes for the ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION February 6, 2014 The regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chair Russell- Chavez at 7:01 p.m. in the Council Chamber, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. FLAG SALUTE: Commissioner Quintanilla INVOCATION: Chair Russell- Chavez PRESENT: Chair Russell- Chavez, Vice Chair Masuda, and Commissioners Quintanilla ABSENT: None OATH OF OFFICE: Roderick Ornelas STAFF PRESENT: Public Works Director Maroarello, Management Analyst Sullivan, and Administrative Assistant Llamas 1. PUBLIC COMMENT FROM THE AUDIENCE NONE 2. CONSENT CALENDAR Vice Chair Masuda motioned, seconded by Commissioner Quintanilla to approve Item A (December 5, 2013 Minutes) an Item B (Review of Traffic Conditions at Bartlett Avenue and Olney Street) on the Consent Calendar. Votes resulted in: Yes: Masuda, Quintanilla, Russell- Chavez, and Ornelas No: None Abstain: None Absent: None 3. OLD BUSINESS A. INSTALLATION OF RED CURB —1060 WALNUT GROVE AVENUE Rosemead Resident, Gary Gurrola, expressed his opposition to the installation of red curb at this location. Mr. Gumola also informed the Commissioners that if red curbing is installed it will further worsen an already difficult parking situation. Staff provided the Traffic Commission with a brief summary on the item, along with the proposed recommendations for the location. Rosemead Resident, Cora Tang, discussed the request for the installation of red curbing and explained the visibility concerns when turning onto Walnut Grove Avenue. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Meeting Minutes of February fi, 2014 Page 1 of 4 Vice Chair Masuda reviewed the location and indicated that he does not believe that red curbing will solve the visibility concerns at this location. Rather, he explained that speeding seems to be a more pressing concern at the location. Commissioner Quintanilla concurred with Mr. Masuda and agreed that speeding is a bigger concern at this location. He also asked staff if they had other options besides the listed recommendations. Staff discussed other potential improvement options including traffic striping and edge lines. However, it was recommended that additional research be conducted prior to the installation of such improvements. Rosemead Resident, Stuart Wong, discussed his concerns with the location including limited visibility and speeding on Walnut Grove. Vice Chair Masuda suggested that restriping may be a good option, including moving vehicle travel lanes further west to provide a bufferfor traffic exiting driveways onto Walnut Grove Avenue. Chair Russell- Chavez requested that the item be tabled in order to allow staff to conduct further research prior to finalizing a recommendation. Vice Chair Masuda motioned, seconded by Commissioner Quintanilla that the item be tabled to conduct further research including a review of speed issues and restriping. Votes resulted in: Yes: Masuda, Quintanilla, Russell-Chavez, and Ornelas No: None Abstain: None Absent: None 4. NEW BUSINESS A. REVIEW OF TRAFFIC CONDITIONS AT ANGELUS AND KEIM STREET Staff provided the Traffic Commission with a brief description on the item along with proposed recommendations. Rice Elementary Principal, John Tunnes, expressed his concerns in regards to safety issues at the location during school hours. Mr. Tunnes suggested that adding a stop sign and crossing guard would be a major safety improvement at the location. Rosemead Resident, David Hue, concurred with Mr. Turmes comments regarding a stop sign installation. Mr. Hue also informed the Commissioners that people drive fast near the area and that the stop sign will help with reducing speeds. Rosemead Resident, Jenny Tran, concurred with the previous comments and provided her support for the installation of a stop sign at Keim Street and Angelus Avenue. Ms. Tran walks her gins to school and has major concerns with cars not stopping when pedestrians attempt to cross the street. Chair Russell- Chavez suggested that it may also be appropriate to consider a stop sign at Graves Avenue rather than Keim Street. Staff informed the Commissioners that if a stop sign was recommended for the intersection of Graves Avenue and Angelus Avenue, a warrant study would need to be conducted at the location prior to any installation of improvements. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Meeting Minutes of February 6, 2014 Page 2 of 4 Rice Elementary Principal, John Turmes, explained that his biggest concern is on Keim Street due to the lack of a crossing guard or a stop sign. He also suggested the possibility of moving the crossing guard off of Rush Street to either Keim Street or Graves Avenue in the afternoon pickup hours. Staff informed the Commissioners that the crossing guard on Rush Street is funded by Walmart as part of their agreement with the City. It was explained that the Garvey School District and City currently split crossing guard costs 50150. If an additional crossing guard is requested at this school location, it would need to be discussed by both parties prior to moving forward. Chair Russell- Chavez suggested adding a stop sign on Angelus and Graves Avenue and moving the crossing guard from Angelus and Graves Avenue to Keim Street. This would help provide safety at both locations and deter speeding in front of the school. Rice Elementary Principal, John Turmes, asked for clarification on where the stop signs will be placed if they are approved. Staff reviewed the options available to the Commission and explained that If it is determined that Graves Avenue /Angelus Avenue is the desired location for an all -way stop, a traffic study and warrant analysis would need to be conducted. Rosemead Resident, David Hua, expressed his concerns for the safety of the kids at Rice Elementary School. He further explained his support for the recommendation to install stop signs at Keim Street and Angelus Avenue. Chair Masuda motioned, seconded by Commissioner Omelas to approve staffs recommendation of having a stop sign installed at the intersection of Angelus and Keim Street. The Commission also asked that it would be appropriate to conduct an assessment of the location in six months and provide a follow -up to the Commission on the location. Votes resulted in: Yes: Masuda, Omelas, Quintanilla, and Russell-Chavez No: None Abstain: None Absent: None 5. STAFF REPORT Staff provided the Traffic Commission with an update on current and upcoming projects throughout the City. 6. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Quintanilla asked for an update on street restnping at the intersection of Mission Drive and Valley Blvd. Commissioner Omelas asked if the left turn pocket heading northbound on Walnut Grove Avenue at Valley Boulevard can be extended. 7. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:12 p.m. The next Traffic Commission meeting is scheduled for March 6, 2014 at 7:OOp.m., and in the City Council Chamber at City Hall, located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Meeting Minutes of February Q 2014 Page 3 of 4 Joanne Russell- Chavez Chair ATTEST: Chris Marcarello Public Works Director Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Meeting Minutes of February 6, 2014 Page 4 of 4