CC - Item 3A - Minutes of December 9, 2014Minutes of the City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting December 9, 2014 The joint meeting of the Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to Development Commission was called to order by Mayor Alarcon at 6:06 p.m.,i Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PRESENT: Mayor /Chair Alarcon, Mayor Pro Tem/Vice- Chair, Clark, and Ly < 1. WORKSHOP A. Concept Presentation — Proposed 21 -Un Technical Institute) The Olson Company is propo'si) acre parcel, currently owned by residential development, rangin car garage is also proposed for currently loeatetlwat1.51 San G This cglt proposed by Olson presented &tIhe City Council for Council actioh istfest�tl ceg ttth City Rosemead Community iRosemead City Council T,s /Board Members Low �r (Portion. on Bosco ntativeT; tact Map to legally create a 1.92 ethnical Institute, to develop a new 21 -unit g4 squarefeet to 1,789 square feet. A two- y fa5idential unit. The subject site is in WP -D (Planned Development) zone. is in the "pre- application" stage, and is being Lt3iscussion and feedback only. No official City Johnl"hI — Director of De el4pment fFom'the Olson Company proposed to develop a new 21 single - family home, raging in size from1 ?594 sgaare feet to 1,789 sgaure feet. Mr. Reischl presented a PowerPoint presentation drsoussing the anticiliation and overall plan of the project. Presentation is availa4je�itt the ; t. ity Clerk's Office. Council Member/BoardMember Low asked if by building this number of homes, will the infrastructure be enough to support the sewer. Assosiate Planner Lily Trinh ensured that an environmental review will provide a more significant answer. Council Member /Board Member Low would like a confirmation that only six homes will have driveways and the remaining homes will not but will only have garages. Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of December 09, 2014 Page 1 of 15 Item No. John Reischl — replied to Council Member Low that her statement is correct and that every home will have an attached two car garage. The remaining 15 homes that do not have a driveway will have an additional 10 guest parking spaces. City Manager Allred asked about the status of the Olson Company's community outreach. John Reischl — stated the company is currently working with a few residents and their concern is the placement of the entry of the unit homes. Although, in terms of parking and traffcAAe company will be able to accommodate with the residents, there be a few that will be disatisfied with tl g�en` frs. Council Member /Board Member Ly asked for staff's thoughts on Community Development Director Michelle Ramirez stated her off} particular project will be the best use for this site being that i it`in i Mayor Alarcon asked about the project's duration and,the "roxi ,��l �r John Reischl — replied that the duration to completion will be af'm possibility of a much sooner completion date ��� Council Member /Board Member Armenia arrivedr, tt Brian Lewin — stated his concern about not havinc leading to parking on Orangea[fd Lawrence City Manager Allred John Reischl — replied by He also statedkthaWt�eny -.p was Council Council Member/ additional parking. 14MIEResidential Project. itapproval mentioned this ie surroundin ' ential homes. ,completion date. year and a half, but there is a r '4 1 F less which will cause traffic issues the availbilifyrof garage parking be enforced. is aren't utilizing their garage parking spaces. spaces, other residents can report this issue. that not having a driveway will be a loss of two parking tend to have or eventually will have more than two drivers. asked staff to provide information on the public transit options. Armenta asked if any of the open spaces on the map can be utilized as John Reischl — replied that there is a possibility of additional parking spaces at the end of the open space, but mentioned that these parking conditions and restrictions will be well explained to home buyers by the company's sales counselors and it is the home buyers' decision to purchase the home based on their current family situation. Mayor Alarcon called to recess the meeting at 6:37 p.m. Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of December 09, 2014 Page 2 of 15 Regular Business Meeting The joint meeting of the Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission was reconvened by Mayor Alarcon at 7:04 p.m. in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Mayor /Chair Alarcon INVOCATION: Mayor Pro Tern ClarkNice -Chair Clarks °'t� PRESENT: Mayor /Chair Alarcon, Mayor Pro TemlVice -Chair Clark, Co cil berslBoard Members Armenta, Low and Ly STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Allred, City Attorney Richman, A `stant City Man g /public Works Director Hawkesworth, Community Development Director,mirez, Director of Parks and Fereaten Montgomery- Scott, Acting Finance Director Chu, and City'Cw� IDirector�l Communications 1 'jYeda. 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE Brian Bristol — presented a video that expressed their love for the City`a1 d 3 represent the brand of Rosemead High School. This video can be viewed o`h t rXouTube websl ith title I Love Rosemead. School Board Member Padilla expressed his a6',4eclatj0 off 4Jo, g the showcasing of Mr. Bristol's video. He also publicly apolog�>; o ,t�ehalf of the El' i e School t�ict in failing to send invitation for their District's promotions Gilbert Quiroz — expressed hi gratitude to the City Coun�r their support and help to the Latino Club in being able to return to the location h Ni atehhqugl� he° is showing appreciation, the Latino Club would like to remain < $�ry,�_ Park Cater He also exp( sad his thankfulness that the tour buses are still able to pick up thdir'Laun Club i embers t Council limber /Board MerriberxArmenlsked the City Manager why the City's senior clubs are an exception td t& our bus restrict City Manager Aedk lained th'the ordinance in effect allows community excursions to occur on city properties. Council Member /Board4lember Ly explained to Mr. Quiroz that the reason construction took awhile for their Muscatel club location is because the State reduced the City's funding. Mr. Ly also mentioned that the Latino Club has the option to relocate back to their previous location after construction. Vella Navarro — expressed her concerns about a neighbor setting bobwires on his brick wall and asked if it is allowed in the City. Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of December 09, 2014 Page 3 of 15 City Manager Allred answered that bobwires are prohibited by an ordinance and reassured her that an investigation will take place. James Hankins - stated there is a clutter condition with his neighbor. He explained the situation has worsen and is problematic towards the value of his property since his house in on the market for sale. Janice Quan - spoke on behalf of Metro and announced that there's an anticipation of a release date on the draft for the environmental impact study report in early 2015. She emphasized that,Metro and Caltrans are in discussion of possibilities on improvements of mobility in the affected area and 6fidecision has not yet been made. If there are any comments or questions, she encouraged the ,public to participate in the 90 day comment period or the two public hearings. _,.. k... fF City Attorney Richman indicated that the following speaker will spekal3aut a personnel matter and asked the Council Members not to engage on the matter. F '' A/I_ Javier Cases - asked for an extension to his sick leave` *,f6grecent discovery of airway &se ` e' in his lungs. s, . City Attorney Richman reiterated that there a personnel matter. 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Municipal Comply w forthe no discussion at F f - ie -h A due to the issue being related to iiv � f 01 °A�i Ordman �eAmending the Zoning Code to Federal Communication Commission ( "FCC ") �t of Vllireless Telecommunications Facilities in the City of Rosemead end the _ ftnfgipal. Code Andment 14 �1 is a City initiated amendment that proposes to am ion Zonm�ancel>lply with newly established Federal Communication Commiss ( "FCC ") regd ato for #hg collaeation of wireless telecommunication facilities in the City of Rosemead. OiIovembef;' 2014, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter and adopfel Resolution No. 14 -16. That the City Council take the following actions: noticed public hearing and receive public comment; and 2. Introduce for first reading, by title only, Ordinance No. 944, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 17 "ZONING" OF THE CITY'S MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING CHAPTER 17.54 FOR THE PURPOSE OF COMPLIANCE WITH FEDERALLY MANDATED CHANGES TO PROCEDURES AND Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of December 09, 2014 Page 4 of 15 STANDARDS GOVERNING THE COLLOCATION OF WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATION FACILITIES Community Development Director Ramirez reviewed the staff report. Mayor /Chair Alarcon open the public hearing at 7:33 p.m. there being no comments from the public the public hearing closed at 7:33 p.m. Council Member/Board Member Steven Ly made a motion, seconded Member Polly Low to introduce for first reading, Ordinance No. 9440 Yes: Alarcon, Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly No: None Abstain: None Absent: None B. Proposed 45 -Day Interim Moratorium on The proposed urgency ordinance would impose a 41 effective date of January 1, 201;5'6nthe issuance of approvals, or entitlements for n stablis establishments as such terms ark definetrRoetn Recommendation That the City CouCtci(adopI Urf Member/Board d in: moratorium with an licenses, tax certificates, relocation of massage I Code Chapter 5.24. Ordinance No. 945, entitled: OF THE CFI,`( COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF IFORNIA, ADOOING A CITYWIDE 45 -DAY I� THE ISSUANCE OF ANY NEW PERMIT, Lf3�NTITLEMENT PERTAINING TO ESTABLISHMENTS OR THE RELOCATION the staff report. Council MembeilB�rd Memb��' *menta made a suggestion to staff to look into the window dressings an the neon signages of tfl'e mas §age establishments. Mayor /Chair Alarcon open) fhe public hearing at 7:38 p.m. Brian Lewin — concurred with Council Member Armenta that the window dressings can be an issue but stated that the situation can be corrected due to his observance of other massage establishments. Mr. Lewin asked that the same regulations placed on regular business in terms of window dressings be enforced on the massage establishments. Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of December 09, 2014 Page 5 of 15 Council Member /Board MemberArmenta mentioned that some of the massage parlors were claimed to be open after 10:00 p.m. Mayor /Chair Alarcon closed the public hearing at 7:39 p.m. Council Member /Board Member Sandra Armenta made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro Tern Margaret Clark to approve Urgency Ordinance No. 945. Vote resulted in: Yes: Alarcon, Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly No: None Abstain: None Absent: None 4. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Minutes October 14, 2014 — Regular Minutes B. Claims and Demands Resolution No. 2014 — 59 No. 201Q459, entitled: A #rRESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, #.LOWING CERTAN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE�SUM O $ 52475296 NUMBERED 86839 THROUGH to approve Resolution No. 2014 — 60, entitled: ;' L' ION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HEAD ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS SUM OF $1,422,557.02 NUMBERED 86992 THROUGH INCLUSIVELY • ResolutionNo.2014 -22 Recommendation: to approve Resolution No. 2014 — 22, entitled: Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of December 09, 2014 Page 6 of 15 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD AS THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY OF THE ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $3,732.17 NUMBERED 10103 THROUGH 10104 INCLUSIVELY • Resolution No.2014 -23 Recommendation: to approve Resolution No. 2014 — 23, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SUCCESSOR AGENCY OF THE RO DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION ALL AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM Qf��' $: 10105 THROUGH 10106 INCLUSIVELY Resolution No.2014 -07 Recommendation: to apprdvA.,Resolution No. A RESOLUTION DEVELOPMENT CLAIMS AND DEM C. .58 THE entitled: CERTAIN NUMBERED Avenue and Marshall Street The Traffic Coni � lon ie - ,Jyed�,q request from a resident on Earle Avenue to review traffic nohd)tio and sig' yriisibility aft h section of Earle Avenue and Marshall Street. Residenfsln this ar cribe a lack of visibility when entering Earle Avenue from Marshall Street due toyhicles b'e perked adjacent to the intersection. It has been requested that parking restrictions (red curt fng) be installed along Earle Avenue to increase visibility for vehicles when to ng onto Earle Avenue from Marshall Street. On November 6, 2014, the traffic Commission approved the installation of approximately 10 feet of red curbing along tn�thwest ao southeast corners of Earle Avenue at Marshall Street. Recormi ation: That the City Council approve the Traffic Commission's recommendation to install approximately 10 feet of red curbing along the southwest and southeast corners of Earle Avenue at Marshall Street. Council Member/Board Member Steven Ly made a motion, seconded by Council Member/Board Member Sandra Armenta to approve the Consent Calendar. Vote resulted in: Yes: Alarcon, Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly No: None Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of December 09, 2014 Page 7 of 15 Abstain: None Absent: None 5. MATTERS FROM CITY MANAGER & STAFF A. Update on Skate Plaza Development As previously discussed at City Council meetings in October apd'2, ovember, staff has been working to develop plan to build a skate plaza in Rosemead, At" he`*vember 10, 2014 meeting, the Council directed staff to move forward with , pjan to develop a skate plaza at Rosemead Park in the area to the west of the Rosemead AquatCenter. As part of the ongoing discussion and conceptual development, sta, as be�W, asking with the Street League Foundation, a 501 c3 non - profit corporntiohto assist in ftlntl>fihg and developing the plaza. The Street League Foundation and itsrdartner; California Skatepas, are developing a proposal for the design and construction, hjanagemeft services for the`proect ,Details regarding their role and financial contribbtibh qC�e being lEVeloped, and it is untie pated that a contract will be presented for consideration at t first rt ,until meeting iri January 2015. Since this project would be fupded by the bond proceeds of the former Community Development Corporation this pYo�act will need to be con e reed by the Rosemead Oversight Board at its January or February e�bi� ,Once confirmetl,�fhg %design of the project will begin in February, and will inclu �put`flmt youth in thcommunity through online feedback and community meeting ;,ham is reatArred. This is 4'receive and file item. Assistant City Manager H6&sworth r iewed the staff re ett'. "s ., - F , Council Me f rji�W.W member ,deferred to ffie staff report where it stated that this item needed the Oversiaht Board aooroUi a1d askedw�i'h�lfactors determine the completion date of a contract until January. that it is difficult to obtain a quorum for the oversight board meeting. Council Memberli the redevelopment asked if there will be any problems since a skate park was not part of Assistant City Manager Haivkesworth clarified that there should not be any problems because any improvements to Rosemead Park was part of the original project scope and an addition, such as, a skate park should be under the scope. Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of December 09, 2014 Page 8 of 15 Tracy Loa — expressed her concerned about adding a skate park in Rosemead Park due to a possible change to the atmosphere. As a frequent Rosemead Park goer, she explained the park will be affected in a way that there will be interruptions to the park goers and its activities hosted at the park. She asked if the skate park can be moved to a different park location. She is also concerned about the possible distractions and safety issues the skate park may cause. Ms. Loa presented a petition that included 375 signatures. Barbara Murphy — agreed with Ms. Loa and clarified that the proposed petition is not to object a skate park to be built in the City of Rosemead, but to not to be built at Rosemead Park. Sh ;implored that the City Council should direct staff to find a different location for the skate park.' Council Member /Board Member Ly verified that there is no action Council Member /Board MemberArmenta clarified to the park matter due to it not being listed as an agenda item. Council Member /Board Member Low stated that it worildrbe"O to decision and advised staff to do so. Council Member /Board Member Ly responded by mentioning tha selection location after determining that the Ciuic nter was not a ri b Manager that the area of the skate park, if it we e bUili,,will be i when children are in school. City Manager Allred confirmedrM>, l yr tatements. f dr �e above item. Will be for the skate other locations bef©te making a "r 1�: ead Park was already a second lace. He confirmed with the City �o`r her activities during the day B. Amend "''n s to Mu al Code Relkive to Private Bus Loading and Unloading o Passengers sn Priva a Properties and' gtlking Displacement on City Streets by Bus Patronsxa .. On cad i: 20'C" the City Council discussed the impacts of private bus patrons parking on City Str or longrlo ,:of time. This has resulted in parking space displacement and other adverse ' acts (i e Jaffe hour noise and litter) in adjacent residential neighborhoods. At that time, thY Council directed staff to prepare an ordinance for consideration to r the %.,. n tgate these a „drse parking impact conditions. The City Council will conside mtrdtfuct[on of an;.Ordinance that would remove existing provisions in the municipal code that enable a'greernents between private bus operators and private property owners for the loading ail,ufloading of bus patrons, and to make such agreements prohibited under the Rosemead Municipal Code. Recommendation: That the City Council introduce for first reading, by title only, Ordinance No. 948, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA AMENDING SUBSECTION 10.24.030 TO CHAPTER 10.24 OF THE ROSEMEAD Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of December 09, 2014 Page 9 of 15 MUNICIPAL CODE TO PROHIBIT PRIVATE BUSES FROM LOADING AND UNLOADING PASSENGERS ON PRIVATE PROPERTY City Manager Allred reviewed the staff report. Murry Fisher — proposed to City Council to not amend Ordinance No. 948 which will remove an important function that the private buses provide for the residents of the City. He noted thatgepealing Ordinance No. 943 will not advance the public health, safety and welfare but will interfere wiJltf`E ( portation needs of the City's residents. Mr. Fisher expressed that these private bus trans portati ntial to the senior residents and their participation with recreation activities. He continued by that this matter will restrict the senior residents' expression of selecting their own actiwtie5 such as'at r}ding casinos. He explained that having these transportations will ensure an elimiga w oftraffic safety c ncerns. Mr. Fisher goes on to mention that these buses go through inspection iinA,�"fms ofsafety measures, drivers are licensed and there is an existence of a logbook that maintairf§ the finerdetails of the bus eGonditons. He addressed some regulations from the California Vehicle Nde£which states the City cannot p S t these buses to travel along the City's streets. Mr. Fisher then prese kCova6fMembers with 163 petitions and flyers that these bus companies provide their patrons with which patrons are not allowed to park on any residential streets or they have reserve tha fight to provide servi44o them. He asked of Council to reconsider for a discussion with the bus compaitefore imposing th ina nces that will revoke the ability of these bus companies to provide service. Council Member /Board Member Armenta questiohed IAT'l sh' his statement of private buses and their safety mt, duns. She related�lil 'statement t; incident in which a private bus struck a fire�drant cbused the City to repair dam ges of a substantial amount. i Murry Fisher — explained tha't'tfiQugh h has,knowledge'of this incident, it isn't the two buses that he,reprehts;rn , ,. that it is still an issue that needs to which Community D64"lopment Direct6i Michelle Ramirez intervened and stated that though Mr. W181 Fisher indicated tha,.�Operty ow9irs are willing to provide parking spaces for the patrons, her definite impressio `xWas tha property owners are declaring that they are not willing to } } provide these parking s�aCeS: % She emphasized that Mr. Fisher's declaration was her first encounter with this statem1d t. Murry Fisher — reiterated that his clients are willing to provide parking spaces for the patrons and that City Council should discuss and try to work out any related issues or complaints with the bus companies. City Attorney Richman interrupted and explained that there are waiting public speakers and in which if there are any concerns, questions will be held after. Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of December 09, 2014 Page 10 of 15 Council Member /Board Member Low asked Mr. Fisher if the flyers he provided are already distributed or will they be distributed. Murry Fisher replied that these flyers were distributed once complaints were received about the private buses. He clarified that these notices had been utilized for only a week. He also mentioned that these notices will be translated to other languages as well. Molena Mees — spoked on the behalf of her father who does not speak English,tshe stated he would like to keep the operation of the private buses in order to provide a tfer transportation, safety and security. Melida Su — explained that the private buses allow her a betfer convenience of transportation to her work and to the casinos., „ �> Miguel Chavez — explained that he deals with individual with specie like to know what are the requirements or restrictions,fd't'= it o prow with a van in order to transport them to necessary locations orrou ngs.; 5 } Sara Delon — on behlaf of Double Hi Express {ej,lamed the inmportahC the residents who are in need of a vehicle transtatlon. She went on l Double Hi Express provides a service that inclu safe y and measures. Council Member /Board responsible for the fire by asked t caused Sara Delon — replied Council to take u that the that incident. Council Membe sensible to have streets. needs and would Ahese individuals their service to Express was damages and loss the City had who w6`bin his 60 day training program, which is what lent as' aver for the company, was terminated after rArmenta suggested to Ms. Delen that it will be more training program before having them operate the City's Fazloolah Bizdami — expressed his concern about his parent's transportation needs due to his residential location being too far which causes his pick ups and drop offs difficult. He noted that the private bus transportations are necessary to his parents because they allow them convenient mobility. Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of December 09, 2014 Page 11 of 15 Jacky Tuyen — spoke on the behalf of Gary Express and expressed that their company's focus is safety. In terms of the buses' inspections and conditions, every detail is evaluated. She mentioned that patrons who utilize their service show concerns about the service being revoked. She explained that due to every individuals' own situations, these buses are their only entertainment. Ms. Tuyen also brought with her a few customers who are willing to impose the idea of keeping the private buses. Council MemberlBoard Member Low stated her liking of a better understa situation in which the property owners are willing to now provide parking for patrons. She suggested to Council that the focus should be on the parking; asked if this could be further analyzed and reevaluated. Council Member /Board MemberArmenta announced the imp�r�oe the to provide consistent factual presentations in order to avoid r�i commiinicatior falsification of the process in fixing the matter. Mayor Pro Tem Clark agreed with Council Member Armenta°Qnl reiterating the falsifications presented by the bus companies and' Development Director Ramirez to explain the�,situation Council ME previously referring to. Community Development Director Ramirez explal a siCCi is i Express using a document that was declared defected to utilize£ clarification was made that the 0.fd0,0#y was in escrow >,at tie time Community Developtr�piltt[ ordinance as is while staff e what adjustments they can these changeq p #i F ft� busi renewal Clark to operate Community Devek records of violation Council Member /Boa details that need to be even after a Igested to City Council to approve the with theft r& bus companies to decipher , ntioned,the probability of implementing >u t panies expire and deny them of a of action, the bus companies can continue Ramirez added that there can be a revocation or gather to a termination of their service in the City. Ly advised City Council to table this item due to minor Council Member /Board Member Armenta announced her suggestion to the bus companies to cooperate with property owners to allow parking for bus patrons. This way a record of information can be provided to Council that complaints are moderated. the Mire al �&ftance of of Community Armenta was Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of December 09, 2014 Page 12 of 15 Council Member/Board Member Steven Ly made a motion, seconded by Council Member/Board Member Polly Low to approve table item Ordinance No. 948. Vote resulted in: Yes: Alarcon, Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly No: None Abstain: None Absent: None Mayor Alarcon called to recess the meeting at 8:50 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:58 p.m. 6. MATTERS FROM MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL A. Amendments to Preliminary Review P7 ss for The City Council will consider amendments ti the scope of the Preliminary Review process code changes would enable Teoipients of adr review to consider factual dispbtdsor other e Ordinance is being presented a a `4'61t�f d on code enforcement conducted op. Nov bi the City C6,996il adopt the Municipaltode to expand citations. The recommended is to obtain timely preliminary stances. The proposed 06he City Council workshop No. 947, entitled: ORDINAI�E OF THE CITxY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSMEAD„ ALIFORNIA AMENDING CHAPTER 1.20 OF THE OS M � UNIC PAL CODE RELATING TO RRELIMIN RY REVIE dNF ADMINISTRATIVE CITATIONS City Mdger Allred reviev�eh� staff �ep�ott� Council WhiberlBoard MeAei Ly reiterated the concerns made by City Attoney r Richman that frivol es the roleRif the City Council with judicial processes in terms of citations. City Manager Allred explai'`dthat due to those concerns the proposed amendments do not involve the Council instead it involves the City Manager or his designee. Council Member/Board Member Polly Low made a motion, seconded by Council Mayor Pro TemNice Chair Margaret Clark to introduce for its first reading, Ordinance No. 948. Vote resulted in: Yes: Alarcon, Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly No: None Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of December 09, 2014 Page 13 of 15 Abstain: None Absent: None B. Professional Services Agreement with Englander, Knabe & Allen, LLC -• Extension of the 710 Freeway The City Council will consider an agreement with the firm of Englander, Knabe & Allen, LLC for professional advocacy services relative to extension of the 7 YQ,Freeway. Rosemead is a member of the 710 Freeway Coalition, which is group of to l 1 in. support of this project to reduce traffic congestion in the west San Gabriel Valley ;the agreement would authorize the expenditure of $18,750 in Measure R transportation funKtowards this effort. Recommendation: That the City Council authoril agreement with Englander, Knabe & Allen, Ll�fc Freeway extension in an amount not to ended $1 City Manager Allred reviewed the staff report. Council Member /Board Member Low asked�the City Manager if City Manager Allred replied that different cities Brian Lewin — brought to the City Councils attentid;,tl on the 710 Freeway should beoffeted to the Vietnam Council Member/Board ile ber ade a Member Polly Low to approv that the'City Council agreement with Englander, h $q�lelrruhlch resulted in: Yes: Alah No: None None C. Ly uage. execute an :related to the 710 are paying the same amount. community outreach, information seconded by Council Member/Board ze the City Manager to execute an )unt shall not exceed $18,750. Vote on Garvey Avenue Specific Plan Ad Hoc Committee Council 1''mber Ly has requested placement of this item on the agenda. Council Member /Board Member Ly requested that he be the replacement to Mayor Alarcon on the committee. Council Member/Board Member Steven Ly made a motion, seconded by Council Member/Board Member Polly Low to approve Council Member Ly to replace Mayor Alarcon in representation of the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan Ad Hoc Committee. Vote resulted in: Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of December 09, 2014 Page 14 of 15 Yes: Alarcon, Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly No: None Abstain: None Absent: None 7. CLOSED SESSION A. 1 -a Public Employee Performance Evaluation Government Code Section 54957; Council Appointed Conference with Real Property Negotiator — Property Descriptions: 2714 -2718 River City Negotiators Negotiating party: Under Negotiation: 8. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS Council Member /Board Annual Christmas TreeL Council MemberlBoard Lighting Ceremony and y the 0 Jeff Allred, City , l' Matt Hawkeswbi Mark Paulson of Price E LLC staff and 54956.8; Manager City for organizing the successful of the success of the Annual Christmas Tree of the Annual Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony. The Meeting adj6' ed, at 9:13 p . The next regular City Council meeting is scheduled to take place on January 13, 2015 a" bA ,m in{ he Rosemead City Hall Council Chamber. The December 23rd meeting has been cancelled due to tfie upcoming holidays. xx � q William Alarcon, Mayor ATTEST: Gloria Molleda, City Clerk Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of December 09, 2014 Page 15 of 15