Merchant Building Servicesmerchants building maintenance 1995 West Holt Ave Pomona, CA 91768 (909) 622 -8260 Fax: (909)622-22 17 Decemfl cr 8, 2014 Attent on: City Clerk City of Rosemead 8838 East Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91776 Dear City Cleric, Thauk you for including Merchants Building Maintenance in your request for a cleaning proposal for City of Rosemead. We are pleased to submit the following proposal for janitorial services for your project in response to your recent inquiry. We believe this Proposal offers you a. high quality cost effective solution to your cleaning needs. Merchants Building Maintenance has wide - ranging experience in servicing your i ndust and we can be an excellent partner for City of Rosemead. W ry e e all we can to exceed your expectations and take pride in customer satisfaction. If there is any additional information we may provide, please do not hesitate to contact us. All of us at Merchants Building Maintenance look forward to the opportunity of working Witt you. Sincerely, � Q y Angel Mona II Regional Branch Manager a � el(,mbmonline.com Recommended Cleaning Program for Presented too City Clerk Presented by: December 8, 2014 OUR BACKGROUND dANAGEMENT & SUPERVISION OUALliTy ArssURANCE (I'REEi CLEANING SAFETY AND TRAINING START-UP PLAN 'SERVICE AGREEMENT CUSTOMER REFER NCES Founded in 1961 - Family owned and operated l y ® 3,000+ Employees [Vic ,Orrs urn ing $75,O00,000 Annual Sales j family owned d operai: d con aaany with more than 3,000 employees and annual sales of rr,ilion dollars. Merchant;; is one of the largest janitorial service c;omhan w, s u 'Vest. Our size and scope allow ns to be cost effective while Our to quality and service make us exceptional. id pattered on the West Coast with branch offices in nine regional offices enjoy the autonomy that allows them to omt�ete a agionaff y by using applicable pay rates, benefits and standards of e „IJINKie PUOI area. Regional rnanagers and supervisors are free to 1et ;tt (";ie:s and actions that refiect the needs of their local clients wick the s Lrnott oI'the home office. Merchants o ?'tv, s in full complement of janitorial and window cleaning se-Tvices. Tr; a'JiRwil, our sister companies Merchants WWI and Stone Eesk "'PA ra ra„ A � a,tc,kants Engineering, 41erchunts Environmental and vNPing Services provide oLir ciienis tt option of a multi �,u�le of servi� os under one corporate banner. inc:e ;)M f nt nliia;, we have co,rt'uit'e±l , ;; vt,,es to proviE,ling ryEiaiily s as ompiled a 1 OF and lst << who laave s;a} °ell "oitL os year alter , etc r. We, cunold he lEap nv to iatro,,l rca w'� 4:0 i ;nm and 'Ve yott a fir =i}i�.,1r) look at �CSlStolYpeT b'G.C�:� ,;�.C;Cu�7! id /dG;' retention is L' t'zic,�teast our 5Uo( 3. tlDffict, s, : Angeles 786 Monterey Pass Road (\,1r rrey Park, CA 91754 8 "J 560 -6700 Inland Empire 1995 W. Holt Avenue Pornona, CA 91768 800 690 -5553 Orange County 1639 -C East Edinger Avenue Santa Aria, CA 92705 800 B7 -0770 S�;n Diego 8380 Mira Mar Mall #125 San Diego, CA 92121 800 818 -6411 Northern California 1061 Serpentine Lane # B Pleasanton, CA 94,966 925 - 417-1301 tJashington 1 126 Industry Drive Tukwila, WA 98188 206- 394 -9833 Now Mexico 3700 Osuna Road NE Albuquerque, Nivl 37109 505- 377 -3593 " Seattle: WAS N LN a To.N 4 1 portland OREGON San Francisco Plensanton SaR .fOge NEVA OA CALIFORNIA Loa Angelas � * Pomona Santa f,traa Jan ai){ gil P� a Pomona Los Angeles 0 Senta Ana San d ;lo Las Vegas 30121 S. Valley View Blvd. La` Vegas, NV , 89102 7 02 --384 -3360 Texas 845 Isom Road San .Antonio, TX 78201 210 - 7 34 -56662 Utah 3030 South Main Street# 6 S It Like City, UT 84115 80 ! z`r86 -5322 An ina 1221 East Washington Street Phoenix, AZ 85034 602 -254 -3646 Colorado 1441 4N. 4.6` Avenue # 19 w ever, CO 80211 303 -6 i;� -93'10 FFV Salt I.��� +, ('lty, �,f�l OaiIW , )1' UTAH WW u COLORADO gas 0 Rik Albury io e 'hooryix ' NEW MEXICO T s Amarillo Dallas TEE4.5 Austin San Antonio Management, ;Wy :e si T,vga and Quality Control are the key to delivering service Our Managers • Higher level of cleaning • Reduced Insurance Cost • Reduced Turnover • Increased Customer Service Our management works closely with all levels of our supervision and your representative to ensure customer satisfaction Our managers have pr oven if Flu, 'zits inchldingi iataning, orgcaniziaag, ieadiazg and coordinating activities. They establish g , l< and fort , on commlmicating those goals to their staff to accomplish them. Participation in management technique employee relations and hands on field training are all part of the Merc'�auts Building Maintenance program. Mel ww fits management group is a kno , team with mall , d °, ades of experience dedicated to providing efficient, quah y performance and maintenance of our contract obli gations • "Manning— Identify goals, objectives, methods, resources needed. • Organizing Resources — Organize Homan Resources and administrative fimetions. ® Leading— Establish strategic direction— vision, values, mission and goals. • Coordinating— Ensrue systems, processes and structures are effective. Ongoing feedback and monitoring. Our Supervisors Merchants supervisors oversee the productivity and progress of employees who report directly to them. Supervision is a. management activity and supervisors have a management _Tole in the organization. Our supervisors use the following methods to suppw t employees' efforts: ® fVlanagernent skills — make decisions, plan, problem solve and delegate. • Organize their department and teams. • Design new job roles if needed. • Hire and train new �nrployees • Observe employee performance and provide feedback • adhere to personnel pracnecs. Emplo Relations lVianat�c:r: Our in -hc ase Employee Relations Manager (ERM) is designated primarily to the employees in the field. Open lines of communication are encouraged with tear building in mind as well as individual attention. The ERM rakes fiequent site visits arid conducts regular training. The ERM is available for clerical questions, problem resolution, tzanslation and general inquiries. The ERM is also in charge of the ESL, (English as a Second language) program that is available to all Merchants employees veto ) a ant to advance their language skills to better communicate with our clients. We, encourage each employee to participate in this program and have flexible learning schedules for their convenience. OUJ� Team i I the Field. Forema,n/Sits, Supervisor: Direcfly responsible for the performance of the daily routine. Fully inzrb'ucted on our clearimg responsibilities, procedures, and periodic cleaning schedules. On -the -job at all times and able to inspect the work and maintain quality standards every day. Charged with the primary responsibility of maintaining the facility to your compicte satisfaction. Regular training Meelings are conducted to update our- Site Supervisors ou the iatcsi[ Cleaning techniques and products. A2odific.1tions at your site. Changes made to provide consistent maintenance service. Servier S.atcxfari.:oTRFmcentive: • The 1'o:e.m tit "ite Supervisor receives a quarterly bonus based on client satisfaction to make surc at' the corners are clean. A�tends a monihly training meeting to stay up to date with the latest cleaniu practices and safety procedures. - - - -- ----- - - - - -- - - -- - - - Meld supevvi! ow - - -- -- Full �is�e- fin�iessional iri the field who conducts regular night -time inspecfions of yoru' facility. Our sup ­visors are constantly in your building checking the work and hraining of our einployces. Radio Dispatt frorn our Corporate Office. Follmv -up ou vJl service requests and periodic tasks. Emergency Response. Ss sVe°. Y", ti farfigaIncentive: Receives a marahly bonus as recognition of a job well done, based on the level oftid"`t satisfaction, and on safe wollut gpractices. Prizesa award, -d at regular meetings that are held with our Field Supervises to up;late them on new eicaning standards and practices. "Quality assurance is az process of continuous improvemeigl_ R'epulcer inspections by independent ,, rPccialists are a --rl icai wail of the process. Quicker Response m Safer. Cleaner Environment ® Increased Productivity ® Better Communication between crew and client David Haas, President --- w� IusPect Wioft I'ou Expect In order to dA Urr a ", nsistently valuable ser to our customers, we believe we must °lnspeot «,al -at you Expect." We provide incentives to all levels of our organization to help foster a ixrlture of gr2ality service. We set high standards and continually measure our performance to maintain those standards. We utilize advanced and refined processes to doliver nigh quality to each of our elielus. • Quality Assurance Program. • Q11ality Incentive Bonus • Regular Daytime Inspections in addition to our ongoing management and supervision, regular daytime inspections are co!tduc[ed Ly 0,rc of our full-time quality control representatives. The result of these na�3ect ioo<:, along with airy comments by your personnel or tenants, will be reported n:nniediately to management for your prompt action and follow through. Our quality control inspectors ate independent of line management and supervision. This independence allows them io be as objective as possible in their assessment of the quality of the service. The : ompleted qna hty control form is submitted to the Branch Manager, Reg anal (ilrer"a¢io MrTager and the General Manager of Merchants at the conclusion of each "sit io your t lenity. Our management then evaluates the information and takes any coat r :ti ire ar hrnts that inay be needed to rectify any areas of concern. O�n h °!ity C.- )r,P.rol inspectors comnrnaioate directly with your tenants or personnel and make sure that their concerns are addressed before they become a problem. Their requests are noted on the report which can be made available to you so that you are aware of teem. 711c primary benefit to you is that our high level of performance is maintained on a consistent basis, err, keep anana,9eluene and supervision informed and e t au, It ,iVeedior s-ervice. �l�t +.; s Reportin cram, �, ", T har t Qna7i tl a qua ta is'Laninal Our Quality Control manual is comprehensive and each of our rs4 empl is txlucated on the procedures to keep the level of service and communication to our st ar lal cl Cawfir7ly documented processes ensure quality at the onset. Repor finr cytibnn - Our employees use log books, adios, enYaiis, telephone and personal visits to respond to tenant and managements requests, to document concerns and work completed or work to be completed. Our field personnel have PDA's for prompt notification and action response time. Tr aciceng 8y;texrr — Our internal tracking system enables us to do the following: 9 : 1 ' ��'�' '? 1 Gf u�Ork to be completed D± fcx, , rho i� responsible for completing the work Tm ik 00 C amount of time necessary to complete the work ® kaceive notification that work has been completed 1'rourpriy report to tlxe customer Custornen- Communication Merchants believes strongly in customer communication. Our employees take ownership of their work and the processes that lead to success. We remain committed to serving our clients and keepnag them informed on a regular basis. We'll work with clients to tailor and integrate their specific needs. We Make ke Going Green asX What is Cfeaningm The overall goal of "gree " t<atz'r, -g i, to protect the health and ,F buzldJ;V v occupmus and workers without harming the envir(nnment. B ENEFITS • Cleaner Environment • Reduced Cost • Improved Worker Safety • Reduced Absenteeism 3 --- -- - ----------- Merchants Building Maintenance is proud to be a member of the U. 5 Green Building Council. We will serve as your Green Cleaning expert and keep you up to date on the latest processes and ionovatio " !z, lcee) yorr buildirsn ruwriug smoothly and effectively. Merchants Green Maintenance Pfograin guides you on the path to more sustainable cleating solutions. We are committed to promoting sustainable practices for a cleaner, greener environment. Merchant Cr sn C lcaiung program will include use of green cleaning products and procedures required t, cern pomi,',oward certification for our customers working toward LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification. IY2ercltants atti,E'dIng 1Al'aintenance is one of the most competitive, profes, ¢�Ano� , a•Pli¢ Ne & environrmentally friendly cleaning companies around, T be efficient use of labor through increased productivity is a significant aspect of the Green r a ne,ag �h a p_ Icuunarrts' uses up to date egelpment, supplies and methods to reduce man he urs wo& na r,ai.L!.g superior results. Other strategies include the following products and methods: ® urea, 4crrl Coftifc.d Products ® Iiqu pment Aietbods, Sopphes, Training o Zecyciiog PI ogra n — raper, fink cartridges, magazines, cardboard, plastic, tin, alunrinam and glass ® En virorrientally Friendly Chemical Dispensing Systems o I'osi- ccns recycled consumable products in restrooms lyt.cro -fiber - Jetlks and psds �r. ul ally SaFe Chemical,, Cleaning Solutions m Recapar?= and Disposal Methods ® LEED Guidelines u Pe,h;h;e;r- ,l- ;r'attriea Plectronic �an;rrattals via email to rednoe paper waste Merchants Building Maintenance ensures the success of your program in the f0llos ing ways: 0 lklaintaio/Euhance Indoor Air Quality O Improve Worker and Occupant Safety It Elisme Svstahiability • Reduce Cleaning Costs • Durable Products m Lower Total Environmental Impact Fewer l4arnrful Emissions • hmployee ;Education Program F_ ?duo -; � • Water Conservation Far:'�'cietion in Incentive Programs offered by local utilities or state agencies ® ff') nntino Erllironrnental Awareness and Responsibility We also offer other ­green" maintenance services through our family of services such as duct cleaning, landscaping and stone and metal restoration. Just give its a call! Merchants✓ is dedicated to PrOmOting Green Cleaning and q �, RS :ry c111 11 OGrc[eCmalo 41.1 ryriiic 6.111, .w , ary l�s6mre, nihngyontl rnurh pmrx. r b. n i ImpbVOmMt WehXplmc Wvllpm: fight Nc symm/v(yem,c inYC.u( wnik� (rlaT NIa[rglr hantl wflPl�lrVi gntl n(hane :gnrtizn :. W r E211derR 4<aese,l¢s C ✓+afar anrtin[h'.zte hygien l urn r.un a s j t ! R R1W 1Ih R rl se p tl _r E IEPFlg tlri 1 t <o / xYclN ill ImpbVOmMt WehXplmc Wvllpm: fight Nc symm/v(yem,c inYC.u( wnik� (rlaT NIa[rglr hantl wflPl�lrVi gntl n(hane :gnrtizn :. W r E211derR 4<aese,l¢s C ✓+afar anrtin[h'.zte hygien l urn r.un a s ty Creating a safe wotL. environment enables us to r, ea'a r; cost s<}, , , vs w hiCfi we arse, to hind ortr Safety Training Program. The 1 u nd }, , : ','c =, our Safety anal Training Manager, worker's coup, usation bonus and the Safety Lotto. A partner who understands tI. value these systems c<na add to your facility and p bons i, n, l i bun Cth. pIog2J, ;,n'1. B EN E FITS Safer working environment for tenants and employees Higher cleaning qualitlr and productivity Insurance costs kept under control ' ~lairnng a safe a.n(J' healthfi; "' F iromnent for N) h our workers and clients is top priority. Our philosopl.ty i_',�af ea.eh and every one of our employees is responsible for safety, vet Floor Sig Safe Lifiing / }. u n f t' sllateriol Hancilirtg qtr b✓ Depa r c' "rat - Ot} 7 1 . ' house ;efety D rPc�ct is a specialist in the field of work place safety and A> a (,pti '.able tt til,. �,tri +0•>} l ' .end OiU Gller7t3- h1 adl(11 ttOP iie C,ondnetS u�u ,RZtC Z765,rvnC$L�01S t0 are ivb 8di nllnslefo � - t C:10'De.Y AD en ;,k}y�;es e; ✓call employ' orientation It training manual with live i'Miu(Aon and dcnior of the procedures, 1 cc a� t /Scr rar s - i, }r ?nly rclz boy;" Ineehngs are ondUcted to review safety practnces to are drdiscussed, ss r �, ed. hi addition, a ates, "success stories" and suggestions ae Driver Safety ver cx n checks are p= donned before - employee begins driving a C0111o1"1n vef irl, Valid (i '; per ' s lire use 1s amlLn( () rytegllirement. Each vehicle is numbered and is equipped wren;_ t;t ti :c rer sysi i a,�Iuch ns metritored by orr Safety Department. r a 17"'A , I:onxpYr arsr<a _ To c!nsure OSHA regiurements al e being met, we use and monitor a tracking 1 sg at aach of our loraalo g peo } a i roound tund t hem. v ee On} r� p rs Iriined to be alert and. art a; of safety needs for themselves and the a A, cornerstone of orir saf<oty awards V7 OP is 011 r 4 " /S' C4Y1 ? F,ver y tr,ontn v ✓c distribute SutLl;v Lotto cards that have a safety message on top of the curd_ Our employees sig and return the bottom c cards and return that portion to the +r saperrdsor or rnauager. 'I hu cards are placed it a radi(c a rl tho walnillg cards for dre $50, Wk $250, and $S00 prizes are awarded. The employees are eligible for larger prir.es if the rncrnbers of Breit (earn or branch have not had an iajnry in the prior month, This c1rates aar envil o;rment where employees want t,- , mork safely and they also make sure that the other members oI th teen work safely. Vde a. $15,I till z rarnith in safety lotto prizes and Ave. hcheve this is money well spent. We hcvr seen our worker's compe resation cents plummet since the inception oSthis prograsu. E✓rtto has been very helphli , rseducipg fhat;c nnsts 'J VI i_undhsg the message to otu" employees riat safety pays dividends in the long run. * pl," Ill , , , '; t11i?tY?31dY F lv_'0r raffles cjY'a iiew car a ., � )Ynpurer's and cash to bay , g„ "ore€ ' be et , i ade to wit¢ all < - ,qi l;eyee mere# zz- h hair no injuries in ,.a „ °o ` y , V is 1 ;, - cWarn teas beeat 68} Ie, iftereasing our e' aft `rxy s of safety On the ob. c Eo cdeau r.. , ompany has Pz .scat' ty 2006 Grand Prize Winilersw General Safety Bloodborne Psthogcrs iETP) Cord safety "1';= ash e Personal protective Equipment (PPE) o Vehicle Safety Preventing slips, Trips and Falls * Material Handling Euzail C.israur.ic ticu (ii- VCG[✓i) 0 Accidents Ids Emergencies `A'orlcplace Violence J" :A[ NIH Alt Merchants' WIployces receive comprehensive so a' y training. Safety concerns are addressed specific to each location and customers environn.erit. Our nnanagement and employees adhere to the safety riles and make any adjustments necessary ;w e=ach ircation. 'Y✓ can readily implement any safety procedures in place at your facility. 4 .1ra %r 1,'?Y .nceBei elles Sc� t'y is a Top Priority. Basuc,Yddfi?l!,7 TrOj. ' COV6!!rS: 3T � Marragernent Training Each of om managers is trained within the Merchants Building Mautteot�lcel� +} ,r�ess guidelhres. Put - ipatiorr in management techniques, employce relations and hm de on field trailing are all pact of the management prog Higher level of cleaning a Reduced Insurance Cost Reduced Turnover Increased Customer Service Our management group is a Imowledgeable team with 1� ..... many decades of experience dedicated to providing efficient, quality performance and maintenance of our contract obligations. Our management works closely with all levels of our supervision and your representative to ensure customer satisfaction. sCrporvYSO:r Tr inirl Cleaning 1' rai Our sul.mrvtsor tt<<t .__ tsi, r.gianz is comprehensive. C'laaraers in supervisory positions participate in ongo rrg tr ainrrg with ,or>r supply vendors and then bring their knowledge back to the site and train the individual janitors. We encourage promotion from within acrd allow opportunity for our cleaners to advance to supervisory positions once evacuated for ability and dasire to do so. Merchants uses an easy'to follow format to train employees on cleaning effectively and safely. our Trainor s, guide includes the Co'lowing steps: oo t� each step. 'Visual aids as well as live instruction are given on how to prepare and be safe for the task about to be completed. Show each step. Employees watch a live demonstration from the gainer on how to properly clean the specific area. 11'0 each step. Enip;oyee3 get to do the work themselves with, hands on training Review each step. The work is reviewed and any add4ional professional tips are given. Training Topics covered for Managers, Supervisors and Cleaners, include: Cns.tomey'service ® Product safety handling Tools, equipment and supplies management Problem Resolution Employee Relations Management Skills Merchants' believes team work is essential to achieving superior cleaning practices. As a result, we pair uew employees will] ezpeiienced cleaners for more hands on training at the actual job site. OnrSnr r��sor'I ioing is comprehensive. Cleaners in supervisory position participate in oago_n irluiing A 1101 01 V supply vendors and then bring their knowledge back to the site and train the indiwidua1 jatitorc. ,t'e enen"�age promotion from within and allow opporttmity for our cleaners to advance to supervisory positions once evaluated for ability and desire to do so. SpeCialty CarejJtility Training Our specialty cleaners receive separate training on itesfi, such as floor care, carpet and fabric care, wood, stone and metal restoration, i�lorchants' uses only state of the arc equipment for our specialty care division Our advanced training classes ensure proper application of the skills at the job site. our qualified specialty care wot {cers receive formal certification recognizing them as experts in their field. Merchants stall: up team meets with you prior to setting the Service Start Up plan and timeline to discuss your individual needs. You have an opportunity to nterview this Person to ensure that he /she will be well- au(' a d with your on st site management. ti will tailor the plan to your individual needs and requirements and great caste!, ' af`r alp plan and time lane. It is our goal to deliver yon a seamless transition plan when changing your j anitorial service contractor. We .hive to snake this an enjoyable experience for both you and your tenants. Following is our standard Service Stacy— UP Plana with a timeline of activities to be completed before we start the actual cleaning, You will be informed along the way as t w hen each ste will take place_ ii' © �.r Level of Cleaning Ile f by our I J une a nel de ,, I (rcnt. Ch I procedures include contact with prior�� employr k r. i %, i< , ndsonmenrt ' -CC w °Rover :,,:nn, {ty employer and Security. Olf cr , a a ,'ally in, (TllCLcd ill ill use of keys, locked or otherwise sccrned aV, as and auv special alarm systems in use at your facility. We also report any unusza_�1 x 1;, h_ �'r, l .:..,ti�x -bile dorm ooti regularly scheduled work. Retent, . j J!, I to enaure employee rcteuti, i,r� region. All Merchants areas govemedby COIIBi;tf J` cO V -¢wc and pension. The Dii eetor of Human Resources at Merchauts is responsible fire administering and directing he comp ,i;T�'s p� =ne7. Thr rPrson adrr i *riv`crs ar,dmanagcs the direction of all phases of flre:!91ir� ��f'FI ;'i r - .tai �_aS `T 11 p �)]:'loyce groups and is !l I _cf_< . 'lli7r i', ZtQnr9 3ald JenefitS. In addition this parr;ou=r ;cpti i c ravisrons V41cn necdedto en r,ra uestpractices for our eIDploY{. 1t EdCls.j Ui lh3 r7 ![l r'11fri�, 7( all4 r,T1 OrVICC'o our customers. . . ........ * ��GtirhICII H�i.tiC il'r: A 1�alboi Rc,roops flre:!91ir� ��f'FI ;'i r - .tai �_aS `T 11 p �)]:'loyce groups and is !l I _cf_< . 'lli7r i', ZtQnr9 3ald JenefitS. In addition this parr;ou=r ;cpti i c ravisrons V41cn necdedto en r,ra uestpractices for our eIDploY{. 1t EdCls.j Ui lh3 r7 ![l r'11fri�, 7( all4 r,T1 OrVICC'o our customers. . . ........ * DAerchat 3,ailch i i, ri a +r ° 2; "s, vide s 1e.; lion ofunifornls for you 9.o choose from to create a custorn tariored ilioe; for yrar Location. Identification badges are pion i „jttj i ;yed fol ilddCA '.eemity and image , W- BE NEFITS * Enhanced Image Easily Identified * Improved Access Cot¢ -trol We �nfort;t° i;uabfo s elevOons i�, boll) ml , j1 1(j >,o vN`e W 1M he ng d;o e ac 1 i 1 tc11 anr� ry1e., color or logo upon ;ecuest. ' j uilr�rii ,ijt t)LPii 1 r/ C It for ac ded corvelri inc . i g{ professlo,ll'i;m. 1 , �� I; fees cuu a �ivru er tliei; <iul;les outside if specified while ernaiusu�= a mi;rr aetic s�ild st"' be easily identltied throll holat ycur location. for 1 ikurg care ()f their uniforms 10 m :o ma ain them in a neat and ordi ;� , t I - ' o au1 r - ct o�z, ofi }te to (211ns ef'sorc that any dull or da uage,6 i a, are 7 t),Laced and the s";;e per cntab6c image i rimilttair>ed. m h � - lucui.t.�, THFINTHAT P TIII,S'�I t E ye�IC I�'i1C; +,4 '1 eO :91 SUPIDAU)OF HOUSEKHEI'iTIG 'r0.� IrP�llWLq r "�. lt is tJ_e of 1Fr n��; <r;�, r _ ily to obtain fall ciFanxt�g � in accordance with the tern:., i p rag , � QU a��l J al i , ' ; •mst p.,li y standards of work. The desired st�u& 0 nerforu-'ance "VIF renal M Ih,- p i_ rses being rnainta.ined with a crisp) titan "r, 11,E( xvo k 7S �. n� )..: -1ry ,r,��] in a professional, workmanlike 7 .ftg, quah p F�;tilui, ,nt �;) :, n EL Contractol `hat Igovion a:1 ns xpensf )Z daft 1YatCY �', equipment, tools, services, and special &A of ,_ I y AV t, p, , rm f , !r4oriai 1r,aintenance services. 1, 11 „, _s� ' � 1 be mommad d) ihr, A , '�4 u t1.lt.ar =as at no less than the frequon tt s act i.11 L4 jp jehL Q( ribs , oni,a u. , iiais slicli _ include not only all Gleaning 90m ks b ' an consul nE7bl� ➢t u�U�i� -1 .La5lrc�; specified helern. C. Contractor shall i�ist,, :t ,t erxnldo r,es PF�4o;rnil, vo i11 City facihiics to utilize methods which v iii r,, xi�rtjze en cgy Curnervatio n F ,is shall = (;lode the to riing on of light fixtl es MY is t'x anmm 141010 ' WON: K i! , q, :as and ! rmning off all lights when well( 14 conif,I led. 1Q lrr' B W1C0S I P17iHP C W� rE) 7 1'i,f ! 5a may u l: . 1 Ros;�,iTmead for 2, f{ Yd+,9n14tzhL,2YB d. sd �i�i.> i1l�PS7f Q�,I�. �, i�,u'4h �A� §Ci'l lrn. lSPr lif, 16 ll Y1"AC��H`S �'O':� :,E �I' $,�6�E9 ill %W ll af.n S_AieS Rkf Y`trv+ iJ I�e� Qh➢5 A',�, ",. ?d'R' til �� I'_p I64i. �tl�d( d.WE ski VIN it unless lip r1G tlenev Q{ CH t6 214 k i Bk, ail PS PCLd t 9 kt< r "., h s F kr r, ,,s vli_irelsive, A, Complete; jalutoll ll er"es 'Lill W MGM Maint+llanou at all assigned facilrties. B. Solid waste r oliecticPi r ran r d l omoy vla,u. Adl n ,t baskets, cigarette brill rfr rsrwj w�iy blq 7r;1�� 1. alts sh l E l) hat 1 IMMY1 , m mar how,. n ,;��. F r,r _ s, :All., dlril paper's 1 n I mmr 1 t"an �,.,r, e ❑n F ,i n 1, W 1. n_:.r „E' Any obviout h, soil” or torn plastic trash recel Me liners in such receptacles shall be replac 4 Po a shall ne ilrsposed of in s -ca red with bag ties. 111e Contractor S:rl %3 p1giC p� n y ttd.,>a rl�Rt r1!ay t -1 USi i d ar;lhty Or gro ths� removal sf such coileers.d trash_ 'The t ash sha be deposited in the nearest Citypiovicit,ra a nts e.e t �,,ii � „ 1 -cticn point. Ali ioc ,li p w L• Ip, ,.[ro iiiiw.., , ,OII[anif;T S. D. Restroom Cleaning. After service, the restroo,ais will be clean, sanitary and free of odors. Additxma_7ly r, reslni�Jr�, �, ll !,c strp.b r titpich su` paper supplies to last lltl ttl the neXt aCrA %1o;c. Thke oilovl Jug L - .sl {s stlail be pcl icrn)ed as a.rnnllmnm to accomplish the s r; sults: m (oruple'u ry dint,- eleari anti disinfect all refutes of toilet bowls, urinals, hivaCoric; . s14,.vF, Dispensers, mirrors, chi - Cillu 3crfaces, and other such surfaces using i Kc r ni o Disinfect all surfaces of partitions, stalls, stall doors, and wall areas adjacent to wall - mounted lavat(, urinals and ioiiets- • De -scale toilet b i =,ps and ut7nai':, tlfter de- ecatrnsr, the entire s�zYface shall be free { from streaks, stains sclim, miners l f I)OSrti, 911d rust stains. ® Sweep amp mop t:oors. Ali floor drams l ire flushed not less than one time per we4.- i. No hosing of any restroom floors shall be done, including parks • Resuprly Etest�oorsu It;:etrooms shall be stocked so that supplies do not run out prior to next servicing. Supplies to be -provided by orntra.ctor im -lade: - -•, •,• ,,. .vp i.0 U ,., aur' Iu.IU iUUrYGe ii!1ti 5 'sslktlP o4ldncted at each service. I egWaa' sovhe•;i rna5 ;i"' P -, weeping and mopping Lard surf- flooring. All mops and h(vAf -ts used I u mopping operations need to be seg:c ��a d and color coded to tfie Greta of the facility for which they are designated.. Separate mops need to be used in restrooms, kitchens, and general floor area pclentfip stion system s`„all be done conspicuously and ,r mop hall i o ar , ,n j S ✓r which they are notdes ;gnatedfoi use ir;, 3. Oeodorized �irinai ;tic -ecns 2_ Urinal <:arfridges for Waterless f,irina s 'i. 'Toilet l =�per 6. Toilet Seat Covers Specifications ior :hest noduct. 1 s are includod in 81e appeadix. E. Dusk remn� al and tictur cleti, nY - ''0"' du ri f see o_fatl dust, lint, litter, and rUy x)i' fro in fuse sue {a� cs of desks clef ;rs.. File c uiets, book shelves, tauplr s .and hf - tyke„ of Ofil(,e rui;li'.Lrle ar�i? -quip- _ from tiolizontal ledges, windowsills, wiudouv coverings, hand ialrs, epic, to a line TO" above the top of the floor level 'Veil, gri0<< vidfin t +iise lin -[tali he dneted on z weekly basis. A level ofc",nc to complete dustreinoval services without disturbing personal weir✓. re.as. „r . nuu " .. �- "Jay UN S, includesspot A 09 211 glass desk top's, war's, pntrrrola, uricf -or otf,cc c"'adows, aft(r "oL and e,cterior door glass (and ai. as d r crly ,gun Ctcd to ;uoh), display caso< dileCtoly boards, draft shields on ventdWA, , njrror nd adjacent trim. After t,l s ricaning, there shall be no traces of Ager ¢ mAs ;_d 5 rucges. C-1 . rl =- �e.ntove smudges fingerprints, marks, streaks, etc., from washable sarfaces of walls partitions, tiles, doors furnishings, and fixtures, Germiddal detergent shall ue used in restroom locker rooms, break areas , and drinking Couuta.i s h tSrass ac!tih re, aluminum oa. -,, handrails, and other metal on starts, dc)aas and > a9 waH,e urns. shall bepolisL61 with apolisIA19 compound. After spot "Mn n, twc S"" shot ha ve a Clean, Wal'otru appeararice, tree of streaks, pots, n �ytl�c�e.rdeu,eofsoil. it { fer) " dnnkrrg, fountains, telephone booths, counters, etc,)_ runes sh th be free from streaks, stauls, spots, smudges, scale, I. hitchens - Some t'a,4,bus have kitchcneties and two utilities have full kitchens- 01” eac11 .rtc vieit 'c uhan Ouracrs and AS shall be wipsc free of debris , hash sL,L i,c r ,,tno�, ed aw d ; ioors si ;tli be to coic,l rv. ( J. Clean tw ail c tl lv, it -a type entrance mats shall be vacuumed to remove soil and grit and restore r, sr(iency of the cwpet pile. Rubber or polyester eat n ce » b.c f 'a ""0 '" auncod, er hrA 12oscn outside to remove soil `l go i d c shove undarreath entrance wars shall be removed and mats ncnd b(5 dk i! ;m a1 location, K. Replac:emcnt cf talnps, light bulbs, and tubes; notification of electrical issues_ foal act` snas.. 8i n£i N nl ped the rrCc- ai' 0,1 ClP.MS hequency. Lamps be 1 c� � idac1 a!I Cil) non auri�nf? t�tt t "'Ts shall 'be provided by the City- In ihP c.vr -nc r7ke l is replaced and fire "" fails to light, the f f oflovtiir_t, oui,amg, 4vrn� °shall, day. rly tl.,e ,,uy o` kusenroad's Public Works Department the ; l - ' c ! i,cl =�l .forting Of dchcieru;ieWarnagdae, ct.,k lo} ��es 1..0 1 r, � � t��ontractor and „cr- r,o C.iry ,laff any deficiencies, hazardous conditions, damage., graffiti, et that is encountered throughout provision of services within 24 howl, M. Ai y oifter la y)17 l l a,d "U7E'. ^> to Ct" ' 1 W(t TcCesaw y b y City r Cc nicactor , nc fnav , h� c,&i d st uca _ y el S�rViCe. The following Periodic Cleaning Services shall be, provided per the specification and the facility descriptions in A+:tachtnenl A. Should a particular facility not specify the cleaning schedule for these additional services, the terms and schedule included below shall govern_ Schedules for all :Periodic, Cleaning Serviccs shall be submitted to the City on a quarterly basis. Once approved by tyre City, the contractor roust su'Dniit f i waiting any requests to deviate from approved schedule. ® Hipb_ 'Igslin , Fti'l' t_,Icardng tasks shall be accouipfshed quarterly as a supplemenr to genal d cleaning services. These services consist of high dusting and cleanrtlg of ver,liialoc registers. JA 1 r, .� �.nti. P.ernoval of all dust, lint, liti:er, spider webs, etc., from all walls, sills, ledges, furnishings, ceilings, etc., TO" above the top of the floor surface to the ceiling. All window blinds, where installed, are also included uded in h? gil dustilt. f_lean_Ventflatoc lied inter_ After cleaning, the registers will be clean and ��n tr 1;ed �j l ulre sun wall and ceiling areas shall be free of dirt, dust, gringo, etc. HO ni p,if L n . lpiopriate, hard surface floors shall be waxed/buffed every 'ICCO 1i - yg provided in the facility descriptions. All appropriate h rd `ui j1a cd flooi:_ 11 .11 be Su- ticq, Sealed anal waxed 1,111i11h o «akin, dlo_tnng includes combination techniques of dry buffing, spray buffing, sirippi?;g and waxing to achieve required results. Floor wax rui" atf n :,nly be pccforined n,- o eviously clozled surfaces. Upon C, �ecin all wax, dust, or riper residues shall be rem, wjl ti wwll, baseboards, and other furnishings. /,it furnishings shall be Iein nccl to propcv positions o fins fr;n "rrr:rnail v all ffoors shell have all old wax "s.�ipped" (removed) and flu JIc r , !r, J h ,,;lied an j Larz lice✓ 1ti11 ' -: applied. o .A a cOnil , a °r :f tllnse zr floor cle,"rin,g serv;ces, tile grout lines shall be clean-r' and maintained regularly. Gcouc lilies in pool facilities shall be rese ..cc- or,c to rye ls(. year. ® Carpet ` haq poo�r_� At) Cait ers sfr�i be cleant,d rr soampooed in according to the lane :fear r.3 JiadlcmefL on tljr f<t, - &A l df:.� {;r'i1121UiLn St18etS. A conrtmual.ion of �echniques, including steam and wet /dry solution cleaning, luny "I w-cd ,o the rrcluhcd results After shampooing, all solutions shall llo a oin the carpet ,,uifaceS and rzruoved gi. All furnishings shall be returned to ..,.,., r '„ c ,vv, ,, 2a�wilo. Auy ad ft«rrr,l.] c rrl,ct. cleaning shall be provid d ou an agreed upon price in writing, la asr✓anec of the se vice In the event the parties cannot agree on price [hen the City may, at its discretion, procure this s-11 from another contractor. SJrorougll i,telior and exterior glass cleaning shall be done quarterly on a schr , I , submitted by the Con'r.raK!ior and approved by the City. This incl ales all ; J lss, including windovls rel, iIfdress of height, skylights, etc. 2. SCHEDULE /11101- JIClrl°,r, 1Irg1T,1p.S A. W,rrtung t7ocr�. 'ealy ' loc"tzor (mc ntduded Facility Descriptions). �lC anillg Sn �1'. fiOt ilr s - -., eFl nlf fa' :h8� 1 d11 �`.i1l iy (00) nl mutes after the end of normal of any facility. Standard operating hours for all facilities NC i i� , clu�' 't t(' ;lclosed facility descrip�ions. Thcse Limes are provided for mConnal�oj only i :or :harge. B. the Contractor shall provide to the; City a monthly schedule showing the est'r(ateu Mo soh;;duic, date to be accomplished and task to be performed, per rrn'.r_ic! rc,aircr.r.rt . C. hr tile ev ut , i)l e;eating lnecung or even. is Lcing conducted in a facility, the C'01tiractu ,ha,l l respon;;r�le tGr pNpe1' cieaijiig of tica used area, provided tn, ' ti rai6light. AR cleaning wall be completed before the start of n,.,J riorn, £ aay. D. Tic Ccutr ctor s,la.l) maintain a all additional services for ea�,.l facility iuclual g floor cleaning, waxing, carpet cleaning, window washing and any othe cicaultng operation. 'Thew schedules shall be provided to the City P ior 10 Ya i r ;r t '1, n;onth Additionally, a report shall be submitted monthly descl:bing fac uhlttronal services that were completed including the location and tile, date of sn :c.. E. A tandiPt �cck ty rnccciag shall be scheduled at the contractor's cunWCnicn� the performance arid to discuss any issues with the contractor. The cotu actor's project manager shall be present at all weekly meetings. Should be ( rlecessaxy, the City may request additional meatings with [nectilugs with the contractor's management. F. Sheulu any City facit�i.y became in.aetive or 1e2Ve an altered schedule for a period o' S ,'T (T day.S o;i more, tlle'�,i' , may request, m vJYTaln_, all interruption 01 cu,ioch H.l .•icY vlCi'.;i. Th -e City Shall specify, in writing, the vices to ecase. Upon the interruption of f -ray t';IITI DO entitled to a daily or monthly bi I] ing credit, dependent upor' duration of i Daily billing credit w ill be calculated as total monthl ,, naintenance cost far frcilfty divided by the number of days the facility is serviced per rnonth flie City wilt provide, in uniting, notice when the facility is to retur:?.)`cTotzial �� :ration. ? ; �� p.Plll -ice ]DDS A. It is tuc objective of the City to obtain fu1] cleaning peifornrance in v�ordaf�c with u ! rn�s ui tli,�� it] Fi ensu�;ng l >�ntract and a4: the highest quality s4 the premises iug rr9, of il L assn d t xrrd+id of per;o.rrance vain result iii h� rug mruntaizred wi4h a c s risp Olean appearance- sill work is to be performed in a professional, vtiorkiiia.tlike manner using quality equipment and materials. B. t tiy " V J1 CAI u;act the C ontractor ctor by telephone, fax, or email to notify J)e ; of p ri)ia) - : nc issues City staff shall also notify the Contractor of written piG" F _err l ir;u Lu lding occupants. Contractor shall provide City with a contact number to reach a representative of company at any time. C. City stag will rnamtaiti a fire of mconuc)g coirrplaints whether they are in ( wuiYiir"„ JS dI it b }/ t<hhli�in f, 1h1S' fill, SOfj i:vlltn]n the date, tirliE,, building, name of IJie. P( "Son lY l:aiCni� !he "IllptaiDt, pl]oue nturnher and time the Contractor was notrfied� or a copy of the notincation letter and fax record. ensiled perfonl,anec standards require that any identified Ili ibleiA` nil) Cu Ei- fnpfi}7 - }er ierr112n00 he rCSlJOr]CYPd t0 in atilnely mannel'. i. Major problems require immediate attention, and shall be responded to and corrected within two (2) hours. Examples ofmajor problems include, i)ut are NOT (iniited t2,,: 2. iii;; tiff: Cler9t sf C)i lC (',3 per pl-odl;rtst in I< gf eueas, 3. Offices not cleaned 4. '1'ras?r no) removrd ii..lonfifeCl by the Clty'S pnOlect manager that (:ev,u d io hni dvl l operations of ally City �acihty. n, lv;rno into. -iem� r. quire e,r�atiu,i 1 -u,in tine iieatnolnfa_1 cleanup day and fully inClu;?e bn+ are NOT limited to. 1 . A is -ash can that i, iaot craptied ._. .�1 [rnalleieaiao��iut;��.).anf,d Fs. T'- iletj,alr,rin c4ire stall cxat ............. - - - - - --------------------- 40 I�XI ,ILIVLI,7 u= a persisteur record of minor complaints or failure by the Contractor to respond to specific complaints as stated above, as well as preventing continuing occurrences of such complaints shall result in a, may result in deductions of invoiced payments, liquidated damages. I ' (,`err an entire building or site shall result in a separate lu� xrq�erfo,nrance. Nfi:er three (3) occurrences of nonperformance within a I2 -month period, the City, at its discretion, may begin default proceedings. F. No wort + - of arty kind sl?al1 be coi)sideied an extra unless a separate estimate is given fo( said work aril the estimate is approved by the City before the work is conmren�ed. the Cr ntraCtor will be requirad to provide before and after photographs of saCeEy items or emergency repairs which were made without prior City eppi o vat. G. C01111'3ctOr billing shall be done on a timely basis- The successful bidder shall submit monthly invoices for work completed in the previous month. Liquidated aay ,rh -. 1 jI hue of tL� (;atikractor to respond to reported problems within ( the time limits e��abhsl ci �h-,>ve pa}anents: shall result in the following deductions from invoiced a) Malor d obis un` = - Ponded to within the established time limits will result in a deduction of 1J ° io o fLe rntind cost of cleaning the entire building; b) Minor problems not responded to witlahr the established time limits will result in a deduction of one ( ?) Tay' cost of cleaning for the entire building problem; experiencing the c) Nonperilormance d :�Juetic>;is snail be equai to 100'io of the monthly charge for the missed facility; d) Cor,,lrrrut,i rcl�,�i ig u. fn ,'or and rn'nm cci7r }liagc:, failures of 5 or more for any rnontiz W .1 Zesuit ilk a ; l� deduLeuou 01 dLC total i^.,lon61 -i/ COIICMO Cost. e) Inspection reports (complete(i by Cite staff) for a one -month period will be reviewed at the first �e, t� :!,f +, foflowmff 7rzar,ith. Should tl se inspection reports indicate an overall un air,factc, ~rl�� rating For the prior month, the City may impose a 10 % deduction Oft he total mor7thVy contract cost on tl!e nextpayment. i„ .� p,rloa cif thice (3) years, with an option for renewal for twU ( on an'I anrluil basis. ba.,ie(1 On the contractor performance_ The City reserves the right to unilaterally terminate the contract at any time upon thirty (30) day:; written notice to the contractor, fit' -cr ti �i9 -ia.1 I : ; ?) , ea,r conh.rvct, the City has the option to renew the contract for mwo (Z) o�ie yea[ x, r ;ions, in One (1) year increntcut. if the City chooses to extend the = ontrait a iuri_r ' I0ter will brr sent rc the contractor advising contractor of the one (1) year extension. [his process will be used for each of the optional two (2) years. In dater. rn�1_ wl tier t_ Contract should be extended, the City will evaluate the per'jornnance na: 10W condrador aaad aete satisfactory. rnnirae whether the oontracior's peii'onnance is New additional biAIA idifigsi tacilities, as developed or assumed by the City, may be added to tlae ( GtCtbe` uch additional scope, of work will be considered change 5'. iv iuG 1il it L 7211 )c" t "[ di C" Value Wih be based On unit prices provided in R(tachmeur C i� a ahii , and/or negotiated between the two parties of the contract. . 4'ON TRA4 A Q 9' 1t l I' 4_al Jtv p L p� A. < uuuacty, sPlali ill ii,h to the Cit a list of any and all personnel assigned to ihl' cOl,ta ict an(j rOlo unll Le in auy iiy facilities 'This list shall be updated inunediatery with any changes and remain current at all times. Only persons officially employed by the contractor shall be permitted within City facilities, kio pet -- sorns w are not enaplo�d by co ntractor shall accompany the t(1 if7 ftGi f �uVG7 t i 00Yce of flic contractor dulling the provision Of services f.uG i tl "�] .�3t`6A'Ytt,iu.. V'o atxOi1 of this ter "ni will be Wou"Lls for termination of LC,nt12i.(_t baCIcgrOunrt investigation of all pe, ;Ulnllel nS51( I!i ti iS CO1111aG'. 'ihc Iatlglm,lia irl stiga'tion may either be h rl i31 ed oy tn1' r r�,r,actvr or ck:'mr) l,m by Aw City at the expense of the cclu actor. C. All ne som 1 la "I be ideidif �s - by a unifOrrn of the contractor. Uniform �, ruir!e as , shirt near"" the ria:,ne of contractor. Additionally, all y,�r 11e1 IT TS! ,.ar_y an idfT1'fi(,3rion card identifying there as an employee of C U ,auh?r i i l %� c)' LJ( l Gl';, ',vhi ll i:5 GOt,n , a3 an indAvldual or group Of Elu lily 6E 7 7Utt[i laY w0/1 {APP tditfi QU1. L'.,)�.��'�b01'y IPt- Jtinel present, shall inr hide at least omti rui+raidual vlho spe'�R's lire Lnglish language proficiently. Contractor will provide all ne:c °ssary access to facilities to complete scope of work. 'Phis will include the City proaidint to c ": r trr c1s r :;ill +necssuy Keys Door Codes g Alarm Cr. <le! These items avn jvtipcj!V of f K� City MCI are loaned to Contractor only during the period of this contract. Contractor 'W�P be responsible for all items once issued by the City. The City will charge contractor a sum of $100 for the replacement of any lost keys. Any lost keys must be reported to the City within 2A boors. Contractor v1;Tt be h rlc on the alm. 7n systems at all facilities_ Once trained, it will be the responsibility (' the r r)Wrad to ensure that all staff are utilizing alarm systems properly. Co ractor will be responsible 'for any false alarms caused by improper use of alarm systems and ?way be liable for liquidated damages. aahnt ,ct r' It '', � ,t" r;l t � �b`�6 � hitc Fadinp,, locks an alarms, at cqmpl�tt n of Services. r s, y , Engineering MES provides skilled orq ineeis in commercial, nlrhlsirl Illgh tech tnaib3i °ut , �,. �r14�52I]]ent, b ainccare and bi ipl arraceutical inch i9 0 ei ( , , rs provide technical labor services in , - r -s, t)_rc,s of facilities. Metal and Stone h;t;s Riarrrta$ ion Merchants skilled craftsman , ;rvicc eI v � metal art sculptures, railings and flooring, cleaning/sealing of bronze and brass and coding of all colors of anodized ahimisiuO. Ew Oronm-qt 1V1rrc' pits offers effective bioingiral rer,iov'iT till ugh duct clealu'� o reduce contaminant'; , is which will result in a nealdn, e work. e:_ u , ui This process impiov, s ino'ooi air quali y me re.i r energy efficiency, increases equipment lengevi'ci and improves the overall appenj ante, st �.r as t ' Cleaning + window cleaning division safely and effectively cleans and maintains windows with the ,st disruption to you arid your tenants. We also ial.ize in removal of mineral deposits and this °ss ;1"'Olves application of a sealer which siuzrs cecmrence. .; sll tl.hi'�t;Uing Merchants provides simple to elaborate landscaping -sign that you and your tenants will enjoy. We pecialize in landscape installation, design and construction and ground maintenance. '� °�n �Gleanorar� '✓fake going Green Fssv. Merchants is " '110 ? o nrrnmting Green Cleaning and helping oate healthy environment. We are proud to be uieiiwor )f 111- U.S. Green Building Council we "il ize products and procedures to earn points r i✓ard LEER certification. F4 1 i "Ma #k f s g, A, .,c:hari I r 1 f ;�i Merchants A( inc t I a, ervice> i I lr 'G In ttJs contract ul le "Specifications" in lor,hons and areas set in thir° rn ,f,rn f for payment by the to the terms :'. r'11; agI'f;em" III t ?(tf ni ai..nning _ a If either pa 'v rpon hii ly ua_ a written n til F. P3 Ildy serA , Irr d l of thi ;rc cr See Cost w c,n deevra, r 4. Payment shall d )ill t a 1, t r' ;yof e o, which se vices are pe�ftl r d A Iaie. one an r e �i ?If percow per mnolh sh,1 Ic 'a .t I y C ,ill in 6- ferchanis o! i!, past du:' payment not received within '15 dsve after the last da;, of thn I nonth in which senor nf; I i I Cie, is Ft is tll a(f :ItUI'lle)1 fol collection lol !t, rd. 'I shall be 2cov( io Merohanrn. '# b,'OAL ;8 iAi'k Pf.ACE Carpet cleaning Psi n) R .4 J)oL l t, ; r r -ic of Window washing — nl,z Ir irn(' nr- oteranl I,aiui>Juf ;1 II t)) P oole 1 ;ervicos it Ilet Ibcju'leli II nuplual plopo,3al. ! t hrough li II SIj pI � 4arvied IPr1 II, 6Y I , d rohan I ar�dscal ; n i e,,. nit wig s, cleanim 't oies and i q r III : , an I Il iol, uC. i irefir ,,,alhi and welt u. un ^ =Jkil 1 u.i rill oiiv�r col,Iracior L JGi.i. 7 M;;' - I on the following holidays lv A /�g;c MPmrrial Datr Irldependi uc an t C h1 >trna Day_. Sato , u_ ! rl I iell i ; NY o'1 rPgIIG „l � l bE �h ood nn rn homty basis. 8. T'!: j tw i w J: i Iraent.)"horcosts, r latec �r. ro ;n;J c ! n h !' nIW or addnlon °1 "d. ,- nI edi;,6 n or o iiroP tape, are coed, rpayrolls,c i Insirsncr Ii Dino- iatim.7costs L' e!icI rd Irharii vw 1 I -,tlefrl toaduetod acGi:4G!ilgiy. . Approved and Accr,;i; r; Ir Cli:' rrA� �.7mt [I;PIr•^ q ,i r,hants) and Cit}f at 9. it f ,! , ;r a,jl rred that Merchants personnel will not be Loo b4 f u c Ireriod of 90 days following termination of this agr oni 10. Merchants shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless client from loss liability, cost, or expense (including easonable attorney's fees) for bodily injury, death and property n '!a , , k -r n =erred to as "claim(s) ") but only to the extent arI ? c r r ance, misconduct or other fault of it r gdr e ;i rmployees which arise out ofwork pelG,r, d underth Ak, omenl The foregoing provision shall only benolf silent if Clic �V noPfies Merchants in writing of such claim within 30 0 ,f rr -,,ing ieported to Client or its Iepr9 ftafi; shall not be liable for delay, loss or damn ^,r cal t �r !�r iner ore, riots, strikes, boycotts, criminal acts, acts °i li cf oilho.iii fire, )grater damage, natural calamity, or reasonable control. If Merchants is required to clean of wax liners wi,eri being used by employees, u,tnme.c: h Iranls, or bu Jr!ess visitors, Client shall, nivv +r,rl 6 ,rah;,nl;; negligence and to the full exilant Porn by I „lei; ny defend and hold harmless Merchants runs Ir:, njun; y. i I death 1 °asulting there from. i1 !„ utznm ar I i es- idlerrhar is ac,rPOS to maintain in errrrr ci Iin Fli ?p,r hr n+ msuranne for Workers' Com r a I 1 I if, it I limits, and personal injury and prop rho dam Pr VI :!'_I 000,000 combined single limit liability per occu"e,s- fnrr, r:n!rh:�fl the righttobeself- insured, where a,v, : 1r ichantti : ?h .II furilsh to Client, on tolf""JOSI a C. It flcate of In wance ,viC'Pnring such coverage and - cityii ^.g Ihnt 30 rie�ys' pl:.> notice of cancellation willbe sentto ur II r �r J•all Y .responsible for paying all payroll based rloema� ;, 4; l efTj Obtr.rr„lions- Client agrees to Y ep �i4hes in a Xndiho i and In conformance with F eder-, , s*i+ anrf Ir_ra1 i '?Ais, ordinances and regulations, and r oreer in in;l nL aP +'a "d and hold harmless Merchants from o s . n dial ?Ili r (lncludino ; easonable. attorneys fees caused by C kern i"Iln ) 11 ,o. furl lr doll mt Gooiracto +.. Mcrclhams is an independent_ decor a.nd ell persons eirinieyud to furnish services hereunder a r �e llc,�al exchen ; and not of Client. fV1Prr6� its' l ",lainlonance iw,`fji ea ��i-- I - V I a ,rrr i;J ): ', " �C, i M mtenance, LLC BIDDER: M Bu inten LLC BIDDER: Merchan B uilding Maint LLC This Page &ntentionaHy Left Blank BIDDER: Merchants Building LLC CITY OF ROSEMEAD SCHEDULE OF BID PRICES FOR JANITORIAL SERVICES FOR VARIOUS CITY FACILITIES SCH EDUL E OF P RICING TOTAL EASE RID PRICE (SCHEDULE BID PRICE):$'128,731A7 One H undred Twen4 L7tThusand Se Hu ?iJrerl Tiiir +.�- uie; 7 olfar, and Ei h -S even Corot; (Dollar amount in written form FACILITY ADDRESS MONTHLY ANNUAL COST COST 1 CITY HA _ 8838 E. VALLEY BLV6 $1,591.86 $19,102.33 , 2 ROSEMEAD RE CREATION C ENTER 3936 N. MUSCATEL AVE $1,645.72 $19,748.58 3 GARVEYCOMMUNITY CENTER — �GARVEY g108GARVEYAVENUE $2,455.68 $29,468.11 4 — PARK — 7933 EMERSON PLACE $2,102.37 — $2.5,228.46 5 — _ —�` -- RO -R ^, PA _ — 4343 ENCIWFA AVENUE l $1,31E.99 $15,UO3.92 6 PUBLIC SAFETY CENTER 8301 GARVEw F VENUE $1.75.72 -- $5,708.69 7 JESSGONZALEZ SPORTSCOvIPLl 8471 KLIIVCrRMANAVE $� !25.61 �__._— $5,10727 8 SALLY TANNER PARK 8343 E. MISSION DRIVE $408.46 v $4,901.55 g ZAPOPAN FARK 3108 CHARLOTTE AVE $305.2.5 -:j $3,662.96 TOTAL EASE RID PRICE (SCHEDULE BID PRICE):$'128,731A7 One H undred Twen4 L7tThusand Se Hu ?iJrerl Tiiir +.�- uie; 7 olfar, and Ei h -S even Corot; (Dollar amount in written form City Of Rosemead City Hall 8838 E. Valley Blvd Rosemead, CA 91770 Person 2 2 2 2 2 3.8% 10 -: 43.5; $ 10.00 $ 41 aners ' 2 2 2 2 '' 2 10 :' 43.5 $ 9.50 $ 41; 5% 4 4 4 4 `' 4 of Direct Labor 20 Paper Products $ 0.01 ` $ 5X Quarterly Interior /Exterior Window Cleaning: 1 $ 12.00 $ 11 Quarterly High Dusting: 4% $ 12.00 $ Twice Per Year Carpet Cleaning: 3.6 $ 12.00 $ 4: Twice Per Year Floor Waxing: 0.66 $ 12.00 $ Vacation & Sick Leave: 3% ' of Direct Labor 1 $ Z FICA 7.65% of Gross Labor $ ; SUI 3.8% I of Gross Labor $ FUTA 0.8°/d'' Gross Labor $ Liability Insurance: 3.5% of Gross Labor $ Worker's Compensation Insurance: 10.5 %' of Gross Labor $ c Cleaning Supplies: 5% ' of Direct Labor $ Cleaning Equipment: 4% of Direct Labor $ Paper Products $ 0.01 ` $ if Management & Supervision: 6% '° of Total Cost $ E Profit: 4% of Total Cost $ ! Cost Breakdown Profit Supervision Equipment Supplies Worker's Insurance � � Vacation C Cit Of Ro s emead Rosemead Recreation & Community Center 3936 N. Muscatel Ave Rosemead, CA 91770 Cleaners 1 1.5 1 1.5 1 1.5 1 1.5 1 1.5 1 1.5 1.5 10.5 45.675 1 $ 9.50 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 3 21 of Gross Labor Worker's Compensation Insurance: 10.5% 3X Quarterly Interior /Exterior Window Cleaning: 2 $ 12.00 Quarterly High Dusting: 4% $ 12.00 Twice Per Year Carpet Cleaning: 0.7 $ 12.00 Twice Per Year Floor Waxing: 2 $ 12.00 Vacation & Sick Leave: FICA 7.65% of Gross Labor SUI 3.8% of Gross Labor FUTA 0.8% of Gross Labor Liability Insurance: 3.5% of Gross Labor Worker's Compensation Insurance: 10.5% of Gross Labor Cleaning Supplies: 5% of Direct Labor Cleaning Equipment: 4% of Direct Labor Paper Products $ 0.01 Management & Supervision: 6% of Total Profit: 4% of Total Supervision Equipment Supplies Worker's IE W In sura n ce Vacation f� ' Jl . i $ 37.05 7.80 34.12 102.37 47.33 37.86 180.00 City Of Rosemead . Lost Ana lysis Garvey Community Center 7.65% of Gross Labor $ 115.18 SUI 3.8% of Gross Labor Garv FUTA 0.8% of Gross Labor $ 12.05 Liability Insurance: 3.5% Rosemea A $ 52.70 Worker's Compensation Insurance: 10.5% of Gross Labor $ 158.09 ' MMM 7X of Direct Labor $ 73.09 Cleaning Equipment: 4% of Direct Labor � Paper Products $ 0.01 $ 200.00 9 Quarlerly • • • • • Quarterly Hi D ♦ 'r 31 Twice Pe Fl oor Twice Per Year • - e Vacation & Sick Leave: 3% of Direct Labor FICA 7.65% of Gross Labor $ 115.18 SUI 3.8% of Gross Labor $ 57.21 FUTA 0.8% of Gross Labor $ 12.05 Liability Insurance: 3.5% of Gross Labor $ 52.70 Worker's Compensation Insurance: 10.5% of Gross Labor $ 158.09 Cleaning Supplies: 5% of Direct Labor $ 73.09 Cleaning Equipment: 4% of Direct Labor $ 58.47 Paper Products $ 0.01 $ 200.00 Management & Supervision: 6% of Total Cost Profit: 4% of Total Cost Supervision Equipment Supplies Worker's law& Insurance Vacation 'y City Of Ros emead cost of Gross Labor $ Analysis 3.8% of Gross Labor $ �arvey Park/Public Services Center/Gym 0.8% of Gross Labor $ Liability Insurance: 3.5% of Gross Labor $ r9 33 Emerson Place 10.5% of Gross Labor $ Cleaning Supplies: 5% of Direct Labor $ 'aMC�' Rosemea CA mg, ti/ ' " -f�✓ "'�✓�"$ � M 7X Quarterly Interior/Exterior Win of 0i Quarterly High Dusting: $ 12.00 Twic Per g 11 11 Twice • Year Fl Waxing Vacation & Sick Leave: 3% of Direct Labor FICA 7.65% of Gross Labor $ SUI 3.8% of Gross Labor $ FUTA 0.8% of Gross Labor $ Liability Insurance: 3.5% of Gross Labor $ Worker's Compensation Insurance: 10.5% of Gross Labor $ Cleaning Supplies: 5% of Direct Labor $ Cleaning Equipment: 4% of Direct Labor $ Paper Products $ 0.01 $ Management & Supervision: 6% of Total Cost $ Profit: 4% of Total Cost $ Supervision Equipment Supplies Worker's - aRM& Insurance Vacation 37 49.30 10.38 45.41 136.22 62.98 50.38 160.00 City Of Rosem L ost Analysis R SUI 3.8% of Gross Labor 4 343 Encinita Avenue FUTA 0.8% of Gross Labor .. �;✓'d •,Ag /. {a �V gyp" 4f � r„v _ `. 1<�' $ 28.45 Worker's Compensation Insurance: 10.5% of Gross Labor $ 85.35 Cleaning Supplies: 5% f A $ 39.46 _'a d nit of Direct Labor $ 31.57 MMMMM $ 0.01 $ 100.00 7X Quarterly Interior/Exterior Win 0 Quarterly High Dusting: $ 12.00 $ 12.00 Twice Per 1 1 : Twice Per Year Floor Waxing: $ 12.00 $ 36.00 Vacation & Sick Leave: FICA 7.65% of Gross Labor $ 62.18 SUI 3.8% of Gross Labor $ 30.89 FUTA 0.8% of Gross Labor $ 6.50 Liability Insurance: 3.5% of Gross Labor $ 28.45 Worker's Compensation Insurance: 10.5% of Gross Labor $ 85.35 Cleaning Supplies: 5% of Direct Labor $ 39.46 Cleaning Equipment: 4% of Direct Labor $ 31.57 Paper Products $ 0.01 $ 100.00 Management & Supervision: Profit: Supervision Equipment Supplies Worker's - 199M& Insurance Vacation Cost 47 City Of - •,, Public Safety Center 8 3 0 1 Garvey Avenue Cleaners 1 11.25 1.25 11.25 11.25 11.251 1 6.25 27.18751 $ 9.50 $ 1.25 1.25 11.25 11.25 11.251 1 6 5X Quarterly Interior /Exterior Window Cleaning: 0.25 $ 12.00 $ Quarterly High Dusting: 0 $ 12.00 $ Twice Per Year Carpet Cleaning: 0.5 $ 12.00 $ Twice Per Year Floor Waxing: 1 $ 12.00 $ Vacation & Sick Leave: 3% of Direct Labor $ FICA 7.65% of Gross Labor $ SUI 3.8% of Gross Labor $ FUTA 0.8% of Gross Labor $ Liability Insurance: 3.5% of Gross Labor $ Worker's Compensation Insurance: 10.5% of Gross Labor $ Cleaning Supplies: 5% of Direct Labor $ Cleaning Equipment: 4% of Direct Labor $ Paper Products $ 0.01 $ Management & Supervision: 6% of Total Cost Profit: 4% of Total Cost Supervision Equipment Supplies Worker's l qgw& Insurance Vacation r� �r 11.05 2.33 10.18 30.53 14.11 11.29 Y7 City Of Rosemead Jess Gonzalez Sports Complex 8471 Klln erman Avenue Rosemead. CA Cleaners 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 30.45 1 $ 9.00 $ MMMIM 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 of Direct Labor Paper Products $ 0.01 7X Quarterly Interior /Exterior Window Cleaning: 0.25 $ 12.00 $ Quarterly High Dusting: 0.25 $ 12.00 $ Twice Per Year Carpet Cleaning: 0.25 $ 12.00 $ Twice Per Year Floor Waxing: 0.25 $ 12.00 $ Vacation & Sick Leave: FICA 7.65% of Gross Labor SUI 3.8% of Gross Labor FUTA 0.8% of Gross Labor Liability Insurance: 3.5% of Gross Labor Worker's Compensation Insurance: 10.5% of Gross Labor Cleaning Supplies: 2% of Direct Labor Cleaning Equipment: 2% of Direct Labor Paper Products $ 0.01 Management & Supervision: 6% of Total Cost Profit: 4% of Total Cost L Supervision Equipment Supplies Worker's Comp. Taxes & Insurance Vacation $ 3.00 3.00 3.00 11.20 2.36 10.31 30.94 5.72 5.72 1 City Of Rosemead Sally Tanner Park 8343 E. Mission Drive Rosemead, CA Vacation & Sick Leave: $ 12.00 $ $ 12.00 $ $ 12.00 $ $ 12.00 $ Labor 1 $ FICA 7.65% of Gross Labor SUI 3.8% of Gross Labor FUTA 0.8% of Gross Labor Liability Insurance: 3.5% of Gross Labor Worker's Compensation Insurance: 10.5% of Gross Labor Cleaning Supplies: 2% of Direct Labor Cleaning Equipment: 2% of Direct Labor Paper Products $ 0.01 Management & Supervision: 6% of Total Cost Profit: 4% of Total Cost Supervision Equipment Supplies Worker's Comp. Taxes & Insurance Vacation 10.73 2.26 9.88 29.64 5.48 5.48 City Of Rosemead Zapopan Park 3018 N. Charlotte Avenue Rosemead, CA Vacation & Sick Leave: 3% FICA 7.65% 10 4 9 FUTA 0.8% of Gross Labor Liability Insurance: 3.5% of Gross Labor Vacation & Sick Leave: 3% FICA 7.65% of Gross Labor SUI 3.8% of Gross Labor FUTA 0.8% of Gross Labor Liability Insurance: 3.5% of Gross Labor Worker's Compensation Insurance: 10.5% of Gross Labor Cleaning Supplies: 2% of Direct Labor Cleaning Equipment: 2% of Direct Labor Paper Products $ 0.01 8.04 1.69 7.41 22.23 4.11 4.11 Management & Supervision: 6% of Total Cost Profit: 4% of Total Cost _. Supervision Equipment Supplies Worker's Comp. Taxes & Insurance Vacation 11 ;e Intentionally L, Ci E BIDDER: Merchants Building Maintenance, LLC The contractor agrees that for requested and /or required changes in the scope of work, including additions and deletions on work not performed, the contract sum shall be adjusted in accordance with the following unit prices. I'I'. Contractor is advised that the submitted unit prices will be used as one of the determining factors in the contract award. Unreasonable prices may result in rejection of the entire bid proposal. Unit prices listed below refer to all services provided, including but not limited to, ir:a eriais, labor, overhead, and profit for the contractor. Ill'. The unit price quoted by the contractor shall be those unit prices that will be charged or credited for labor and materials to be provided regardless of the total number units and /or amount of labor required for added or deleted items of work. IV. All work shall be performed in accordance with specifications or otherwise herein specified. Workmanship shall be in accord with the best standard practices. FUNCTION CO 1. Generai janitcriai services at City office/ recreation facilities $ 0.22 _ —/ 100 sq.ft. 2. Floor cleaning for carpet 3. Floor cleaning for hardwoocl 4. Window/ glass cleaning 5. Dust removal and fixture cleaning $ 0.25 / 100 sq.ft. $ 0.70 �/ 100 sq.ft. $P- ` —/ 100 sq.ft. $ 0. / 100 sq.ft. 0. Restroom Gleaning (i.e. 1 toilet !howl, 1 urinal and 1 sink, - $ — / Cleaning Including refilling all dispensers, soap, toilet paper and paper towels) 7. Other janitorial- related services $ 0.30 ` / 100 sq.ft. 0. Carpet Cleaning /Shampooing $2-2---j 100 sq.ft. g. Floor Waxing $ 0.25 ! 100 sq.ft. 10. Commercial Kitchen Cleaning $6000 —/ Cleaning ; wllding Main LLC This Page intentionalliy LO Nar* BIDDER: Merch Bu (dinq [ LLC Note: The City of Rosemead reserves the right to reduce or increase the quantities of any items i in the schedule of bid items above, within the limits define in Section 3 -2.2.1 of the Standard Specifications, to stay within the budgeted amount of this project. The undersigned agrees that these Contract Bid Forms constitute a firm offer to the Owner which cannot be vvithdrawn for tyre number of Working Days indicated in the Request for Proposals from and after the bid c)pening date, or until a Contract for the Work is fully executed by the Owner and a third parlay, whichever is earlier. The undersigned also agrees that if there is a discrepancy between the written amount of the Bid Price Find the nrsmorical arnount of the Bid Price, the written amount shall govern. If awarded a Contract, the undersigned agrees to ex,eru'le th,) fnr!rt2d Cc which will be prepared by the Owner for execritiun, ,PJih'n five (5) Calendor Days fc1lowing the Letter of Award for the Contract, arsd %ypl delivr r to the Owner within that same period the necessary original Certificates of Insurance, Endorsements of Insurance, Performance Bond, and all other documentation and cet oalio r I (i q,_0rod by the "ontract. The undersigned otfena and that if this bid is accepte(, 1f raill assign 'io the purchasing body all rights, titlo, aii s nfere i in ans d to all nauses of aclion 'i iv i U,cfk_�r S a„t;uf, 4 of the Clayton Act (15 U S.C. 1Sj :;r under the Cartwright Act ;Ctl apte, ? of Part 2 of t n✓i. ? o't the Busincs and .:qde), arising from purchaf30 tilt g9UdS, riiatenllls or services by the Bidder for sale to the purchasing body pursuant to the bid. Such assignment shall be made aild hecom_. ( 1 tine VV! r)Uri -, v ibo 4 ^ndF °r ihHl pay ¢.c thr? Contraactor. 1. Bidder understands and rgrrae; =, "lat, 1,vhen requested by Ovvnrrr, be shall ;provide: (1) evidence that the por,ann ignin7 i rthoriRand fo hind Bidder to t°rr Sid and to a contract: resulting therefrom; and (7) any othpr 1nfrrr i..tion and dor:urnentatior, financial or othendse, needed by 0wrmpr t o aw li d n (aiit ':'_l I';�; I. 1 1i - f re pmm P,)I lfrd rE) {FA l:q(ldPr Bidder acaarc- rledg;a ,hrvtteci avith it., f r art mat pin! r J R' M it rcqu rsrr he inc into 2 C h �." Ong out of this Submittal h, ,a..nr c rterrtif��.t by Fodder. Bidder further ack,owl. =.dyes fn:at the Owner may, at its dis, rr %tor;, inccrponate arty of the rnrroining data sirhmittod here.Oth infr a contract r¢�inn ,7y.It cf rhrsi °id_ The undersigned acknowledges recni Understanding and full consideration of the following addenda tr. th= Contra ^t Dr,cums;rrts. Addenda Nos. 1 The Bidder unde 1andr, acrd 1,,Tpo, that the Total Bid Price is tnc >Irrsiae of ali labor materials, and ro1l.alp @� n crd�'+ r'•Ga4 ilr;f fc cl)rri the W 3' rr `c Ih�?d it thin? 'it. r',GGt31Yrt�nts and f'etua t i r�rr�t�r ,,J "f 4h?;• r,ic) is accepted, the urderrr n d Fader ,rne€ to into a=rcl execute the Contrrrt with th+l necessary bonds and a,cnapt the Total Bid Prior: as compensation in fi f(7 a11 Work under the ccntra,�t I BIDDER: Merchants B Ma L This PAge intentionally Lent Bank BIDDER: Merchants Bu ildin g _Main LLC Signature Angel M eza Type or Print Name Regional Branch Man Title __� 199 W. Ho A venue Business Sfreet Address P omona , CA 91768 City, State and Zip Code (909)622 -826 Telephcne Nurnber Bidder's /Contractor's State of Incorporation: Partners or Joint Venturers: California NOTES: 1) By its signature on this Bid, the Bidder certifies under penalty of perjury the accuracy of the representations made on the Contract Bid Forms. 2) If Bidder is a corporation, enter State of Incorporation in addition to Business Address 3) If Bidder is a partnership or joint venture, give full names of all partners or joint venturers. As further discussed irr the Instructions to Hidden e, Bidder will be 7 requires to Provide evidence that the person sigaier ; Gxi behalf of the c rparntROee, pa,rtsr nb! or�oi��t venture has the au3bority to do so. BIDDER: Merchants Building Ma T hip F"a9Q MtOlntionally hptt &hank BIDDER: M ercha nt s Build Mai ntenance, LLC BID DA TA FO BIDDER: Merchants _ LLc Bidder shall submit its Bid data in accordance with the format shown on each of the following Bid Data Forms. Bidders shall prepare and use as many sheets as are necessary to adequately provide the information required. Bidder shall ensure that every page of its Bid Data Forms are properly identified with the Bidder's name and page number. BIDDER: Merchants Bui LLC 2.0 The following are the names, addresses and telephone numbers for three public agencies for which BIDDER has performed similar work within the past two (2) years: 1. City of Riverside located at 3900 Main Street 2nd Floor, Riverside, CA 92522 Name and Address of Owner Monique G (951)826 -5427 Name and telephone number of person familiar with $34,859.74/month Contract amor Janitorial Services Typo of Work 07/01/2009 Date of Contract 2 City of Montclair located at 5111 Benito Street Montclair, CA 9176 Name and Address of Owner -- Mike Mcgehee (909)625 -9443 Name and telephone number of person familiar - with project- $12,224.74/month Janitorial "erv;ces 07/0112012 Contract amount Type of lnrork Date of Contract 3 ' City of Santa Fe Springs located at 11710 Telegraph Rd. Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 Name and Address of Owner Todd Heggstrom (562)868 -0511 Name and telephone number of person familiar with project $48,000.00 /month Janitorial Services 01/13/2002 Contract amount Type of Work Date of Contract 4. City of Orange located at Various Locations Name and Address of Owner Keith Marian (714)532 -6436 Name and telephone number of person familiar with project $34,000.00 /month ,Janitorial Sear ✓ices 0710112011 Contract amount Type of Work Date of ContracP BIDDER: Merch Building Mainten LLC This Page Intentionally (Left Blank BIDDER: M erchant s B uilding M ainten a nce, LL [;NON LUSIONAFFIDAVIT S 17 IN 3 �� COLL This Page Intentionally Lett dank NON - COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT In accordance with Public Contract Code Section 7106, the undersigned, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he or she holds the position listed below with the bidder. the party making the foregoing bid that the bid is not made in the interest of, or on behalf of, any undisclosed person, partii e corporation; that the bid is' genuine 'a directly or indirectly induced or solicite( has not directly or indirectly colluded; anyone else to p has not in any conference with overhead, profit, secure any adva in the proposed that the bidder breakdown ther thereto; or paid, association, org a collusive or sh tit in a sham bid, or that anyone shall manner, directly or Indirectly, sought anyone to fix the bid price of the bidd or cost element of the bid price, or ntage against the public body awardir contract; that all statements containe has not, directly or indirectly, eof, or the - contents. thereof, or diva and will not pay, any fee to any anization bid depository, or to any me am bid. sociation, organization, or am; that the bidder has not it in a false or sham bid, and )r agreed with any bidder or by agreement, communication, or :r or any other) bidder, or to fix any ` of that of any other bidder, or to g the contract of anyone interested d in the bid are true; and, further, fitted his or her bid price or any lged information or data relative : orporation,' partnership, company nber or agent thereof to effectuate Signature J Angel Meza Typed or Printed Name Regional Br Manager Title Merchants Building Maintenance, LLC Bidder Subscribed and sworn before me This _ day of 20_ A" ; y (Seal) d r�" Notary Public in and for the State of California tvly Commission Expires: CALIFORNIA JURAT WITH AFMANT STATEMENT ,`} See Attached Document (Notary to cross out lines 1 -6 below) F1 See Statement Below (1_ines 1--5 to be completed only by document slgnerfsj, not Notary) S B e n It 0.": em am Slq n+ fdo. i Signam a nl Go�.umerT S lne Gn l pia' Stare of California Countv of Subscribed and sworn tofor affirmed)bcfore me: on this L day of r' • ? _— 20 r , by Outa fAon i. I 1 fit ' - - -- - Ntab N Sf�nar proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidencc to be the person who appeared before me () Q (arid proved to me on the Basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person who appeared before me.) f w Signature_ "rt;: SlGnawrEroi rympry n Nutt, r75e51gbov^ OPTIONAL (Lo.gl , �' r,T�l oo b fow b) a =vs, rr Tray Lro `. t 3i, ahie to Pu , r r„ relying „ i the document and Could prevent lfa Jule l rrmJ . r tr Ti eah'PrhmeiU of this lorm 1 tmnthu document rup otdhLm their 'lop of MWn , he T e Further Description of Any Attached Docurnc:nt lltizar}}Tw oT Goairtr ii �' f'1 f __ 1 (f t l l ,• i I r i t eosanicrf cafe: �� j� Nwmijcr of Pages: �iuner( ni �r Then Named F.buve', (� l �- I x OPV,f l4vp aecceir 43b, 01 $^Ju rte( (() H a_.0 CTHT nvoll CA,9MIi 260 u,vNajona]Nllayp pTr 5lr RC rjT(, 11OTree +t0 AA, 6i &7 MAYOR: WILLIAM ALARCON MAYOR PRO TEM: Mq GA T CLARK COUNML MEMBERS: SANDRA AR NTA STEVEN LY POLLY Low i t y of uf Y 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD P.O BOX 399 ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 TELEPHONE (626) 569 -2100 FAX (626) 307 -9218 Qecemn er 4, ADDENDUM til P'L. ".` UES Y Y \. 1'`b e✓b \J'W{"v Y.ed NO.. 201d-13 JANITORIAL SERVICES FOR VARIOUS CITY FACILITIES Clarifications /Responses for RFP 1. Current Contract and Pricing Current Monthly Prices and Curre.n 1 ::Uriimct are included as PDF attachments. Scope of work , nch_ld�!.j iri ccrrreYYl ; c ,G 1 Y �r ; NGSaf rrtay vary from the scope of work incluu =.J in axi:oting coni-.9ct- 2. Wages The City does not have a living wage requirement. Per California State Code, this contract for janitorial services is not subject to prevailing wages. 3. Proposal Submittal Contract Bid Forms, whicll are hwiuded in the RFP documents, must be submitted as a pail of She proposal. may submit any additional documenta UiLm li r )V'fl! "I ilY)w °6��,1 u'i 'i,,C !`t k41 Forms ,sec. 'I-,7 (included in RFP d0 mu'- i�l.: 5ubr7 i'L'V ll. rope of Work Clarifications 1. Tra:,:b Reanoaral _.. All sites maintain dumpsters for the disposal of refuse (trash) generated within that facifty. As part of the orientation to the new contract, contractor will be Provided access to these dumpster facilities. All segregated recyclables that are collected from the blue bins in City facilities must be deposited in the White Recycle 61.1rrin stears iocate'd at any of the three following sites; City Mall e Ua"ey Cornrnu Pty Center Rosemead 'Park 2. Rastroom SUPPlka s — Per the UP riocurrtents, , ;elected contractor is to supply all necessary resitroom consumable products, including, but not limited to toilet paper, paper towels, urinal cartridges, etc. (Specification is included in RFP document). Although the City is unable to provide a quantity of products consumed through the course of this contract, further clarification is provided. a. Stocking: It is expected that all provided dispensers (toilet paper, paper towels, some, etc.) will be filled to capacity at every visit. The City reserves the right to determine whether the contractor is sufficiently stocking all necessary products. b. 'apa° T`wlur s P 6w'e`and Dryecay � iestroorns throughout the City utilize hand cityetrs. Contractor is riot required to provide paper towels in restroom, that contain hard orYOrs Proposers shall verify quantity of such restroonvls, if desired. a. Urinal C.:,rttr6d'ga : The contractor is responsible for providing necessary urinal cartridges for wateriess urinla'is. The City of Rosemead has approxirnate 20 waterless urinals. 3. Clarificatioao Ck.al ir';ita�lta 6 Strlrl'ace :Reference RFP: E. Dust ren snd fixture cleanlitca - Low dusting is the removal of all dust, lint, litter, ad drys j! , cr� , th r,ce= , f e r F dr;, iie cabinet;,, book shel table:,, and other twes of office furnifirre and equipment from horizontal ledges, window sills, window coverings, hana rails, etc, to a line TO" above the top of the floor level. Vent grills, within th- lime . Ralf to Jus';id on vv—Ojy ba is. Alevel of care shall be taken to complete dirst removal service without di Curbing personal work areas. 1. Kitchens -- Some facilities have kitchenettes and two facilities have full kitchens. On eac;, site !,m, lox,. "cn counters and sutxs shall be wiped free of debits, trash shall be, removucl u: - d flours shall tie tend to. 4. Clarification Rerlarding Gleaning Vending tdlac:hinas: Reference RFP: i -dean :,II Fcmuas (i.e. drinking roun;AW,s, telep> lone booths, counters, etc.). After c ru< :y: g J 1 _tire dcv s s1�all be tier m fro stic ak.,, stints, spot smudges, scale, and other �,ct,:c i F C: 81,rifiucations 1. SO, HECl I ar'.tl'Jaal'i-,lCiL.diar,l'.:�' City far.i'rtia >:- r;h_' -t >, itt (r ()ser of :thy.: roilnoiing holidays: P,lemr Year's Day, Martin tl.�r,.ttr�i l'i,ig i:ra;r, Plesidenl'ey Day, Mernoilal Day, July 4 Labor Day, V'eteran's Dav, th Eli il sg ^l, and Christmas EXCEPT for Cily P,�rBcs. City parks operate m 5 a nd rznl tor, ria l w 2. City Har! qty t,rtVi � t9r= ( rua�ta �rfadoag litJr�d�,�� �99ee� The provided facility (je r,�jpti n too nfficatras that it operates Monday through ThLlrsday, end AS E;ua; h is I to be ciean Monday through Thursday. Althoug'ri ttlw b�l,idir; � is not open for public access Friday- Sunday, often times it is used. City s' also bff. 6ec�ned w Sunday Evenin gs t 0 en su re he desired appf-faj-�nr.,,�- when it opens for husiness r.m Mondays. ensu t 3. Parks - Semi-es ff in parks rertain only to buildings /facilities explicitly listed in facility descriptions vfithin requa t. for proposal documents. Trash removal shall only hfft (10% Within these N,.Oldings/facilities as general trash removal v4fq%fin 9r n")t inckidec in fN Icop.i of work. 4. F I , Rr�gafJing the high cleaning and Lipper mlindovv * High It C""a'Inc! ;,sail ba PET frequencies included in the J, Air h.'LM9ing light fixtures shall be dusted as a part of the ® Upper VVmdow,Lj a Ff(�qveymf 01 64:-faniiig for j jppj r tq in main i2bby, shall be P " I -, �" (3( 'Cj "i yid <k -- " ' J d A iq��l ail cj I 1081ed Mnulows in � o* need to- be cl.eaned per (66I Pi of Pt pill All proposers must r� _kno�u�rh,cigra this d ;:elow and including it with their submitted proposal. Proposals are due in ttte Office of' the 'il S 4 f- :Iley Boulevard, Rosemead, CA 91770 before 10:30 a.m. on Wedrr r1 >y 1 ;!,2014. Se ullivan City of Rosemead December 4, 2014 Acknowledr <,d: Signature !angel Meza Name (Printed) Merchants Building Maintenance, LLC Company