Excel Paving Company MCAYM •vrt- ony riif;.coMPA re BIDDER: ISECTION 1 - BID SCHEDULE CBF- 1 r'1�� _ r vt1iJ CONTRACT BID FORMS TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1 BID SCHEDULE 1 SECTION 2 BID DATA FORMS 5 2.A BID BOND 6 2.B LIST OF PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTORS 7 SECTION 3 NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT 10 BIDDER: • BID SCHEDULE SCHEDULE OF PRICES FOR ANNUAL RESIDENTIAL RESURFACING PROJECT HELLMAN AVENUE FROM JACKSON AVENUE TO NEW AVENUE PROJECT No. 21019 BASE BID SCHEDULE UNIT OF EST. UNIT ITEM NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION MEASURE QTY. PRICE COST 1 Clearing &Grubbing per plans LS 1 and specifications. See technical provisions TP-2, TP-3 &TP-4. 2$000 — 2,c0d0 2 Disposal of Waste Materials. LS 1 5000 - SO DO — 3 Cold mill 2.0-inches thick existing SF 50,700 pavement O39 r1773- 4 Construct 1.5 inches thick TONS 480 pavement overlay ARHM-GG-C (PG 64-16) as indicated on the plans. /00 — Li$Oa 5 Construct 1.0 inches thick TONS 350 Asphaltic Leveling course D1 (PG 64-10) as indicated on the plans. '077//��Q _ �OgD2 -- 6 Remove 6-inches of existing SF 400 pavement and replace it with fl- inches of AC B-PG 64-10 Base Course over compacted native. I S LD0 o 7 Remove Existing, Dispose and SF 730 Construct 4-inches thick PCC Sidewalk per SPPWC Std. Plan 113-1. 14 - 657o- 8 Remove Existing, Dispose and LF 394 Construct 8-inches Curb and 24- inches Gutter per SPPWC Std. ppG Plan 120-2. 932 ' 2400/Z' 9 Remove Existing, Dispose and EA 4 Construct PCC Curb Ramps per SPPWC Std. Plan 111-4, 320 0 - 12100 10 Remove Existing and Construct SF 825 6-Inches Thick Driveway Approach per SPPWC Std. Plan 110-2 13 — 1072S- CBF - 2 BIDDER: UNIT OF EST. UNIT ITEM • NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION MEASURE QTY. PRICE COST 11 Double Adjust Sewer Manhole to EA 7 Grade per SPPWC Std. Plan 50p 3SD6 205-1 and 206-1. 12 Adjust Water Valve/Gas Valve to EA 19 Grade. 1400 " 979V - 13 Install Survey Well Monument EA 3 per City of Rosemead Std. Plan S08-001. See Section 2-9 Surveying of the General Provision-7 per details(Cover. Sleeve& Dome will be provided 18DQ � .SL�O�— by the City at no cost). 14 Install Traffic Striping, Traffic LS 1 Signal Loops and Pavement Markers per the Striping Plans 0600 (� DDa and Specifications Complete. 15 Install 36-Inch Box Parkway Tree EA 20 Pyrus New Bradford (Holmford) Pear" including 90-days maintenance period and tree wells per SPPWC Std. Plan 520- 4. 173o- 3`/(000 ' 16 Remove and Dispose Existing EA 5 Trees 24-Inches Average I_30 jso Diameter Complete. ( 1 3 TOTAL BASE BID PRICE (SCHEDULE BID PRICE):$ lip -- -ago Aoki facet fyt1,r.ie✓a^ -(ur)4 nf'l,e 44-4+dbvd f✓ 411ecs- Dollar amount in written forhi V Note: The City of Rosemead reserves the right to reduce or increase the quantities of any items in the schedule of bid items above, within the limits define in Section 3-2.2.1 of the Standard Specifications, to stay within the budgeted amount of this project. If the Bid Documents specify alternate bid items, the following Alternate Bid amounts shall be added to or deducted from the Total Bid Price entered above. The owner can choose to include one or more of the alternates in the Total Bid Price of the Project. If any of the Alternate Bids are utilized by the Owner,the resulting amount shall be considered the Total Bid Price for the Project. The undersigned agrees that these Contract Bid Forms constitute a firm offer to the Owner which cannot be withdrawn for the number of Working Days indicated in the Notice Inviting Bids from and after the bid opening date,or until a Contract for the Work is fully executed by the Owner and a third party, whichever is earlier. The undersigned also agrees that if there is a discrepancy between the CBF- 3 BIDDER: written amount of the Bid Price and the numerical amount of the Bid Price,the written amount shall govern. r Attached hereto is a certified check, a cashier's check or aJ bond in the amount of 'TEN PFACF/g oe Amlagthrh I43—)said amount being not less than ten percent(10%)of the Total Bid Price. The unaersi 'hed agrees that said amount shall be retained by the Owner if,upon award, we fail or refuse to execute the Contract and furnish the required bonds, certificates and endorsements of insurance and other certifications within the time provided. If awarded a Contract, the undersigned agrees to execute the formal Contract, which will be prepared by the Owner for execution,within five(5)Calendar Days following the Letter of Award for the Contract, and will deliver to the Owner within that same period the necessary original Certificates of Insurance, Endorsements of Insurance, Performance Bond, Payment Bond and all other documentation and certification required by the Contract. The undersigned offers and agrees that if this bid is accepted, it will assign to the purchasing body all rights,title, and interest in and to all causes of action it may have under Section 4 of the Clayton Act (15 U.S.C. Section 15) or under the Cartwright Act (Chapter 2 of Part 2 of Division 7 of the Business and Professional Code), arising from purchases of goods, materials or services by the Bidder for sale to the purchasing body pursuant to the bid. Such assignment shall be made and become effective at the time the purchasing body tenders final payment to he Contractor. Bidder understands and agrees that, when requested by Owner, he shall provide: (1) evidence satisfactory to the Owner of Bidder's California contractor's license(s)in good standing;(2)evidence that the person signing this Bid is authorized to bind Bidder to this Bid and to a contract resulting therefrom; and (3) any other information and documentation, financial or otherwise, needed by Owner to award a Contract to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder. Bidder understands and agrees that liquidated damages shall apply to this Contract in the amounts of five hundred dollars ($500.00) if project is not completed in THIRTY (30) calendar days. The Contract Time will begin to run ten (10)Working Days from the date of the Notice of Proceed and subject to the terms and conditions described in the Contract Form and the Contract Documents. Bidder acknowledges that data submitted with its Contract Bid Forms which it requires to be incorporated into a Contract arising out of this Submittal has been so identified by Bidder. Bidder further acknowledges that the Owner may, at its discretion, incorporate any of the remaining data submitted herewith into a contract arising out of this Bid. The undersigned acknowledges receipt, understanding and full consideration of the following addenda to the Contract Documents. Addenda Nos.1,16t41. The Bidder understands and agrees that the Total Bid Price is inclusive of all labor, materials, and equipment or supplies necessary to complete the Work as described in the Bid Documents. If this bid is accepted, the undersigned Bidder agrees to enter into and execute the Contract with the necessary bonds and accept the Total Bid Price as compensation in full for all Work under the contract. CBF-4 • 2230 LEMON AVENUE By: LCNG RFACP' CA 9000J Signature Business Street Address r. P RRnwr,QRECJUEWT Type or Print Name City, State and Zip Code 1552)599.5011 Title Telephone Number Bidder's/Contractor's State of Incorporation 3 r-•";r Partners or Joint Venturers: !3`(k Bidder's License Number(s): STATE LW. 688659'A- Department Industrial Relations Registered No. I OQb003'31 NOTES: 1) By its signature on this Bid,the Bidder certifies under penalty of perjury the accuracy of the representations made on the Contract Bid Forms. 2) If Bidder is a corporation, enter State of Incorporation in addition to Business Address 3) If Bidder is a partnership or joint venture, give full names of all partners or joint venturers. As further discussed in the Instructions to Bidden,Bidder will be required to provide evidence that the person signing on behalf of the corporation, partnership or joint venture has the authority to do so. CBF - 5 BIDDER: SECTION 2 BID DATA FORMS CBF-6 BIDDER: 2.B LIST OF PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTORS In compliance with the "Subletting and Subcontracting Fair Practices Act," Sections 4100 through 4114 of the California Public Contract Code, and any amendments thereto, each Bidder shall provide the information requested below for each subcontractor who will perform work,labor or render service to Bidder in or about the construction of the Work in an amount in excess of one-half of one percent (greater than 0.5%) of the Bidder's Total Bid Price, or, in the case of bids or offers for the construction of streets or highways, including bridges, in excess of one-half of 1 percent of the Contractor's total bid or ten thousand dollars ($10,000), whichever is greater, and shall further set forth the portion of the Work which will be done by each subcontractor. Bidder shall list only one subcontractor for any one portion of the Work. Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 4104,the Owner has determined that it will allow Bidders twenty-four(24)additional hours after the deadline for submission of bids to submit the information requested by the Owner about each subcontractor,other than the name and location of each subcontractor. If the Bidder fails to specify a subcontractor for any portion of the Work to be performed under the Contract, it shall be deemed to have agreed to perform such portion itself, and shall not be permitted to subcontract that portion of the Work except under the conditions hereinafter set forth below. Subletting or subcontracting of any portion of the Work in excess of one half of one percent (greater than 0.5%)of the Total Bid Price or, in the case of bids or offers for the construction of streets or highways, including bridges, in excess of one-half of 1 percent of the Contractor's total bid or ten thousand dollars ($10,000), whichever is greater, for which no subcontractor was designated in the original bid shall only be permitted in cases of public emergency or necessity, and then only after Owner approval. CBF-8 BIDDER: �r,...-...- 2.B LIST OF PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTORS(continued) I•'Dupiirate Next 2 Pages M needed for listing addibonal subcontractors."I Name and Location Description of Work of Subcontractor to be Subcontracted Name: / r arfe Address: 1Ilar j2J1' Dir'd!d2L'HO2 License No.: "1. Li;x72.2 Department of Industn- Relation Registration No. Name and Location Description of Work of Subcontractor to be Subcontracted Name: elteig fA nfliplk1 /n Ir//11���� "rN C �o S Address: : .r ' n/ t rrr UP/ /G(- Ci 17 C(� License No.: ' Department of Industrial R-lattiion Registration No. 41 1000001990 Name and Location Description of Work of Subcontractor to be Subcontracted Name: CL v-rtipf&j Address: !!0 L ( f ct4 c/ofO6 License No.: e1 902- V Department of Industrial Relation Registration No. gii> Name and Location Descri one�r»6 o - .•-- • .: or a Subcontracted Name: ha- ie =,rir` q/UZGi/ 11 d1A Address: -.'/aC/.('ffrar affirara..-. 28 itZ M Licens- • •. .r r • •artment of In.ustrial Relation Registration No. a'a Name and Location Description of Work of Subcontractor // to be Subcontracted Name: - Otia ca-� Address: . • 2,rrr. 4(/ , c4' 12-708 `/YL� License No.: �b,12.2 / 7 Department of Industrial Relation Registration No. CBF -9 BIDDER: !WIN n rr)na,iaF�tir: 2.B LIST OF PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTORS (continued) rDuP irate Next 2 Pages If needed for listing aedibonal subwnbaztwe.^I Name and Location Description of Work of Subcontractor to be Subcontracted Name: Address: License No.: Department of Industrial Relation Registration No. Name and Location Description of Work of Subcontractor to be Subcontracted Name: Address: License No.: Department of Industrial Relation Registration No. Name and Location Description of Work of Subcontractor to be Subcontracted Name: Address: _ License No.: Department of Industrial Relation Registration No. Name and Location Description of Work of Subcontractor to be Subcontracted Name: Address: License No.: Department of Industrial Relation Registration No. Name and Location Description of Work of Subcontractor to be Subcontracted Name: Address: License No.: Department of Industrial Relation Registration No. CBF-9 BIDDER: Pfd vn rnI !:;A.?zr 2.B LIST OF PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTORS(continued) rDupfcate Next 1 Pages if needed for listing additional suboonbaclort"1 • Name and Location Description of Work of Subcontractor to be Subcontracted Name: Address: License No.: Department of Industrial Relation Registration No. Name and Location Description of Work of Subcontractor to be Subcontracted Name: Address: License No.: Department of Industrial Relation Registration No. Name and Location Description of Work of Subcontractor to be Subcontracted Name: Address: License No.: Department of Industrial Relation Registration No. Name and Location Description of Work of Subcontractor to be Subcontracted Name: Address: License No.: Department of Industrial Relation Registration No. Name and Location Description of Work of Subcontractor to be Subcontracted Name: Address: License No.: Department of Industrial Relation Registration No. CBF-9 BIDDER: 2.0 REFERENCES The following are the names,addresses and telephone numbers for three public agencies for which BIDDER has performed similar work within the past two(2)years: 1. ego cotboaMA goo i 61v4.ucI Pvt Name and Address of Owner RrdAittirOk k.'ja X11)1%411 La043 Name and telephone number of pers n familiar with project eLct6 Vt�.� byte✓) 'if alL90q Contract amount Type of Work Date Completed 2. a o c) k CAKIILLA Name and Address of Owner Nla‘sw LQVA✓ ttoc') 593 (wisb Name and telephone number of person familiar with project ;ee 434 Aiwa 5c urzo)y Contract amount Type of Work Date Completed 3. CIO einAAAD i3Zw CM d Y# c Name and Address of Owner f A 6Nrw.ln crwin:t AO�I) 334 3 09 Name and telephone number of person famili r with project 3A3 ios U)a.l■ut Au4 /vatwvvtc S17w4+ ti,04 Contract amount Type of Work Date Completed 4. e\o ed,utc. Cry Dive Name and Address of Owner Src,�t DIo °N -nci oZ Name and telephone number of pers familiar with project 1 , 1119 91. }" 02LI o- Imo) Z �tt oo Contract amount Type of Work ate Completed CBF - 10 BIDDER: SECTION 3 NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT CBF- 11 BIDDER NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT In accordance with Public Contract Code Section 7106, the undersigned, being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he or she holds the position listed below with the bidder,the party making the foregoing bid,that the bid is not made in the interest of,or on behalf of,any undisclosed person, partnership,company,association,organization,or corporation;that the bid is genuine and not collusive or sham;that the bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other bidder to put in a false or sham bid, and has not directly or indirectly colluded, conspired, connived, or agreed with any bidder or anyone else to put in a sham bid, or that anyone shall refrain from bidding;that the bidder has not in any manner,directly or indirectly,sought by agreement, communication, or conference with anyone to fix the bid price of the bidder or any other bidder, or to fix any overhead, profit, or cost element of the bid price, or of that of any other bidder, or to secure any advantage against the public body awarding the contract of anyone interested in the proposed contract; that all statements contained in the bid are true; and, further, that the bidder has not, directly or indirectly, submitted his or her bid price or any breakdown thereof,or the contents thereof, or divulged information or data relative thereto, or paid, and will not pay, any fee to any corporation, partnership, company association, organization, bid depository, or to any member or agent thereof to effectuate a collusive or sham bid. Signature i.P. BROWN, PRESIDENT Typed or Printed Name Title . r. r r.ney�ni Bidder Subscribed and sworn before me This day of IAN 2 1 1014 , 20 (Seal) !'. Phillips, Notary Public otary Publ in and for the State of alifomia My Commission Expires: Al.91 0 COM M. ac CaofR Notary GEL Cif COUNTY s Comm Expires Oct\��� My Comm.6plre50 t 29,2016 CBF- 12 BIDDER: PALP Inc.dba Excel Paving Company Bidder shall submit its Bid data in accordance with the format shown on each of the following Bid Data Forms. Bidders shall prepare and use as many sheets as are necessary to adequately provide the information required. Bidder shall ensure that every page of its Bid Data Forms are properly identified with the Bidder's name and page number. 2.A BID BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT PALP Inc.dba Excel Paving Company as Principal, and Federal Insurance Company , as Surety, are held firmly bound unto the CITY OF ROSEMEAD (hereinafter called the OWNER) in the sum of Ten percent of the total amount of the bid DOLLARS ($ 10% ), being not less than ten percent(10%) of the Total Bid Price;for the payment of which sum will and truly to be made,we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns,jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, said Principal has submitted a bid to the OWNER to perform all Work required for the ANNUAL RESIDENTIAL RESURFACING PROJECT—HELLMAN AVENUE FROM JACKSON AVENUE TO NEW AVENUE as set forth in the Notice Inviting Bids and accompanying Bid Documents,dated NOW, THEREFORE, if said Principal is awarded a Contract for the Work by the OWNER and, within the time and in the manner required by the above- referenced Bid Documents, enters into the written form of Contract bound with said Bid Documents, furnishes the required bonds (one to guarantee faithful performance and the other to guarantee payment for labor and materials) furnishes the required insurance certificates and endorsements, and furnishes any other certifications as may be required by the Contract,then this obligation shall be null and void;otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect. In the event suit is brought upon this bond by the OWNER and judgment is recovered, said Surety shall pay all costs incurred by the OWNER in such suit, including reasonable attorneys' fees to be fixed by the court. SIGNED AND SEALED, this 15th day of January , 20 15 PALP Inc.dba Excel Paving Company (SEAL) Federal Insurance Company (SEAL) Principal (SEAL)/ Su -• .— By: C/ • /By Signature • - ure Ti < : -: A Notary Public or other Officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of Orange On lamwry in 9n1s before me, Debra Swanson, Notary Public (insert name and title of the officer) personally appeared Timothy D. Rapp who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(E)whose name(y) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/eheOthey executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity**, and that by his/Per/their signature(y)on the instrument the person(,), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(0) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. F ,�°^kr DEBRA SWANSON f w m COMM.#1997119 � 1j NOIARYPUBLICCAUFORNIAA ORANGE COUNTY N MY COMM.EXP.NOV 10,2016 Signature (Seal) C Chubb POWER Federal Insurance Company Attn: Surety Department OF Vigilant Insurance Company 15 Mountain View Road Surety ATTORNEY Pacific Indemnity Company Warren, NJ 07059 amuse Know All by These Presents, That FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, an Indiana corporation, VIGILANT INSURANCE COMPANY, a New York corporation, and PACIFIC INDEMNITY COMPANY, a Wisconsin corporation, do each hereby constitute and appoint Douglas A. Rapp and Timothy D.Rapp of Aliso Viejo,California------------------------------------------------- each as their tine and lawful Attorney-in-Fact to execute under such designation in their names and to affix their corporate seals to and deliver for and on their behalf as surety thereon or otherwise.bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof(other Tan bail bonds)given or executed in the course of business,and any instruments amending or auerirq the same,and consents to the modification or alteration of any instrument referred to in said bonds or obligations. In Witness Whereof.said FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY,VIGILANT INSURANCE COMPANY,and PACIFIC INDEMNITY COMPANY have each executed and attested these presents and affixed their corporate seals on this 16th day of December,2011. as Kenneth C.wenee.Assistant Secretary Mims,Jr,Vice President STATE OF NEW JERSEY County of Somerset On this 16th day of December, 2011 before me,a Notary Public of New Jersey,personally came Kenneth C.Wendel.to me known to be Assistant Secretary of FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY,VIGILANT INSURANCE COMPANY.and PACIFIC INDEMNITY COMPANY. the companies which executed the foregoing Power of Attorney, and the said Kennels C. Wendel, being by me duly sworn, bib depose and say that he is Assistant Secretary of FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY.VIGILANT INSURANCE COMPANY,and PACIFIC INDEMNITY COMPANY and knows the corporate seals tereof,that the seats affixed to the foregoing Power of Attorney are suer corporate seals and were thereto affixed by authority of the By-Laws of said Companies,and that he signed said Power of Attorney as Assistant Secretary of said Compan es by like authority,and that he is acquainted with David B.Norris.Jr..and knows turn to be Vice President of said Companies,and that the signature Of David B.Norris Jr.. subscribed to said Power of Attorney is in the genuine hardwnting of David B.darns.Jr,and was:hereto subscribed by authority of said By- Laws ano in deponents presence Notanal Seal CD KATHERINE J.ADELAAR NOTARY PUBLIC OF NEW JEkSFI / _/i, 5 Commission Evpiree July 16,2014 CERTIFICATION Extract from the By-Laws of FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY VIGILANT INSURANCE COMPANY.and PACIFIC INDEMNITY COMPANY `Al:powers of attorney for and on behalf of the Company may ano shall be executed in the name and on behalf of the Company,either by the Chairman or the President or a Vice President or an Assistant Vice President.Jointly with the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary, under their respective designations. The signature of such officers maybe engraved,printed or lithographed.The signature of each of the toiio ing officers:Chairman.President,any Vic President,any Assistant Vice President any Secretary. any Assistant Secretary and the seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile to any power of attorney or to any certificate relating thereto appoirteg Assistant Secretaries or Attorneys-in-Fact for purposes only of executing and attesting bonds and undertakings and other wnengs obligatory,n the nature thereof.and any such power of attorney or certificate bearing such facsimile signature Of facsimile seal shall be valid and b.nding upon the Company and any such power so executed and certified by such facsimile signature and famine seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company with respect to any bond or undertaking to which it is attached.' I,Kenneth C.Wendel.Ass.slant Secretary of FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY VIGILANT INSURANCE COMPANY.and PACIFIC INDEMNITY COMPANY (the"Companies")do hereby cerary that pi) the foregoing extract of the By-Laws of the Companies is true and correct (ii) the Companies are duly licensed and authorized to transact surety business in ae 50 of tho United Statca of America and the 0 strict of Columbia and are auhonized by the U S Treasury Department.ludher,Federal and Vigilant are licensed in Puerto Rico and ine U S Virgin Islands,and Federal.s licensed in American Samoa.Guam anc each of the Provinces Of Canada except Prince Edward ls.ane,and (u) the foregoing Power of Attorney Is true,correct and in full force and cited Given under my nand and seals of said Companies at Warren,NJ this 16th day of January,2015 � g lj� SEA . •Mo ANN �r '...sy pet.• Kenneth C.We el,Ass stent Secretary IN THE EVENT YOU WISH TO NOTIFY US OF A CLAIM,VERIFY THE AUTHENTICITY OF THIS BOND OR NOTIFY US OF ANY OTHER MATTER.PLEASE CONTACT US AT ADDRESS LISTED ABOVE,OR BY Telephone(908)903-3493 Fax(908)903-3656 e-mail- surety @chubb.corn Form 15-10-02258-U (Ed.5-03) CONSENT ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this accuracy,o to is attached, and not the truthfulness, valid of that document. State of California le County of Les An On IAN 2 1 2015 before me, C.Phillips, Notary Public (insert name and title of the officer) personally appeared C.P. Brown, and Michele Drakulich who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s)whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to heir tsignature(s)t tt /hoy executed cu instrument the same in the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. person(s), I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. C.PHILLIPS COMM.K1996ll7 WH NN 5 g Notary PUblialornla WITNESS my hand and official seal. - LOS ANGELES COUNTY My Comm.Expires Octet.29,2016• Signature 1t (Seal) ?ALP, INC. DBA P.O. BOX 16405 EXCEL PAVING COMPANY LONG BEACH(5 2) 599 5841 A GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR FAX (562) 591-7485 STATE LICENSE NO. 688459A C.P. Brown, President 30+ years experience working for other general contractors with the past 35+ years being self employed in own general engineering contracting business. BOX 00 t?WI Me. MIA LONG8F�(,6.90806619 EXCEL PAVING COMPANY (5616) 59944 • A GENERAL ENGQ�IG CON18Ae'1OR MX(568 59146 STATE LICENSE NO.688659A .RESOLUTION DECLARING OFFICERS OF PALP; INC.DBA EXCEL PAVING COMPANY The undersigned, Curtis P.Brown,as the sole shareholder and the sole member of The Board of Directors of PALP,Inc.;a Corporation otganized under The General Corporation Law of California,does by this written consent take the,following action and adopt the following resolutions: Resolved,die following Officers oldie Corporation are hereby decked to serve in the offices set forth after their respective names effaarve as of execution hereof with their respective terms to continue until their auocexsors are duly elected and qualified: Curtis P. Brown,Jr. President and Chief Executive Officer CwtisP. Brown III Vice President and.Chief Operating.Officer Bruce E. Hatt Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Marcia S. Miler Secretary Mvfichele E. Drakulich Assistant Secretary The consent is executed pursuant to Section 307(B)and 603 of the Corporation Code of the State of California and the By-Laws of this Corporation, which authorize the taking of action by The Board of Directors and Shareholders by unanimous consent without a meeting. y� 1 /QQ� Dated: May 13, 2013 ` +� /P7�L�awt Curtis P.Brown, Jr.- er And Sole Director Bonding Agent SW Surety Services 120 Santis Ave, Suite 300 Aliso Viejo, Ca 92656 Office: (949) 540-6770 Fax: (949) 540-6771 Cbnf•of: Douplu A.Rapp Surely: Federal insurance_ Company 801 8010h Mateo@✓31 eeSf eei 2311 Fbor Los Anemias CA 00017 P.O..Box 30127 Lim AnuSes CA 90030-0127 Insurance Carrier: Tee Wootalch One Park Plaza �nY SUM 400 Irvine CA 92814 Contact VI111Iam Woodilah Office:(049)55349800 Fax (949) 653-0870 PREVIOUS JOB REFERENCES N3 Contractor's Name: Palp Inc. DBA Excel Paving Co, Project Name: Santa Monica Transit Parkway Project Project Description: Underground,Retaining Walls,Fwy. On Ramps, A/C Pave, Sidewalk,Curb&Gutter, Signalization,. Landscaping, Stonn Drain Impvts. Sewer,Water And Retaining Wall Location: From 405 Fwy. To Beverly Hills City Limit,Los Angeles Construction Value: $34,455,152.00 Date of Completion: 11/05 General Contractor Information: Palp Inc. DBA Excel Paving Company Contact: Bruce Flan.. Phone: 562/599-5841 Fax: 562/591-7485 Owner Information: City of Los Angeles Contact: Carl Nelson Phone: 213/485-4474 Fax: 213/485-4836 PREVIOUS .1013 RITERENCES ifs. Contractor's Name: Paip Inc. DRA Excel Paving Co. Project Name: Phase J Container Yard Expansion,Pier T Project Description: Container Yard Parking Lot Expansion. Storm Drain Impvts. Sewer and Water Location: Pier T,Long Beach,CA Construction Value: $21,703,834.00 Date of Completion: 10/07 General Contractor Information: Palp Inc. DBA Excel Paving Company Contact: - Bruce Flatt Phone: 562/599-5841 Fax: 562/591-7485 Owner Information: The Port of Long Beach Contact: Gary Cardemone Phone: 562/590-4172 Fax: 562/901-1732 PREVIOUS JOB REFERENCES #7 Contractor's Name: Palp Inc. DBA Excel Paving Co. Project Name: Highland Avenue Widening Project Description:. Redesign of Highland Ave. and Adjacent Streets, And Storm Drain Impvts. Location: Highland Ave. ®Franklin Ave., City of Los.Angeles Construction Value: $2,754,889.00 Date of Completion: 11/09 General Contractor Information: Palp Inc. DBA Excel Paving Company Contact: Bruce Flan Phone: 562/599-5841 Fax: 562/591-7485 Owner Information: City of Los Angeles Contact: Steve Chen Phone: 213/485-4516 Fax: - 213/485-4838 EXCEL JOB /14703 "reject Name: NORTH AIR CARRIER RAMP Location: LONG BEACH AIRPORT Ott our: CITY OF LONG BEACH Owner Contact (name and current phone number): JEFFREY A. SEDLAK 562/570-2623 Architeci or Engineer: Architect or Engineer Contact (name and current phone number): Construction Manager(name and current phone number); 'F-RE_ SEDLAK 562 570-2623 Description of Project, Scope of Work Performed: . art .; AND REPLACEMENT OF CONCRETE AND ASPHALT RAMPS FOR i t .t : Total Value of Construction (including change orders): $5,490,564.00 Original Scheduled Completion Date: 11/2011 Time Extensions Granted (number of days): N/A Actual Date of Completion: 11/2011 EXCEL JOB ()6713 • Project Name: ELECTRIC AVE. STORM DRAIN SPEC. SD1001 I ()cation: ELECTRIC AVE. CITY OF SEAL BEACH O..tier: ._ . CITY OF SEAL BEACH t)tt ner Contact (name and current phone number); -- DAVID SPITZ 562/431-2527 EXT 1331 Architect or Engineer: _.ARM CONSULTING Architect or Engineer Contact (name and current phone number): .a : i . . • • 7 —7333 Construction Manager (name and current phone number): DAVID SPITZ 562/431-2527 EXT. 1331 Description of Project, Scope of Work Performed: STORM DRAIN 1 ,1.13 LF 66" RCP IN STREET + LATERAL - (, E TIONS CATCH BASINS AND STREET. RECONSTRUCTION Total Value of Construction (including change orders): 51 ,868,473.00 Original Scheduled Completion Date: JUNE 2011 imc Extensions Granted (number of days): N/A Actual Date of Completion: JUNE 2011 EXCEL JOB #4868 Project Name: OSO PARKWAY STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS I oration: OSO PARKWAY 6 COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE, MISSION VIEJO 0u tier: CITY OF MISSION VIEJO Owner (lnuaet (name and current phone number): ------ RICH SCHLESINGER P.E. 949/470-3079 Architect or Engineer: CITY OF MISSION VIEJQ AS ABOVE Architect or Engineer Contact (name and current phone number): CITY OF MISSION VIEJO AS ABOVE Construction Manager (name and current phone number): CITY OF MISSION VIEJO AS ABOVE Description of Project, Scope of Work Performed: UPGRADE STORM DRAIN SYSTEM BY INSTALLING A FILLER BOX INTO A NEW STORM DRAIN LINE ocal Value of Construction (including change orders): 5194 .177 00 Original Scheduled Completion Date: DECEMBER .2011 Cline Extensions Grained (number of days): NONE Actual Date of Completion: NOVEMBER 2011 EXCEL JOB :•G 798 STREET REHABILITATION PROJECT THOUSAND OAKS BLVD. Project 4'anla,: LAWRENCE DRIVE AND TELLER ROAD C14202 location{_ _ __ TNOIISANn OAKS a1Vn- IAWRFNcF OAT F tlo ner: _ CITY OF THOUSAND OAKS (honer Comact (name and current phone number): Archilcci or Engineer: WILLDAN ENGINEERING Architect or Engineer Contact (name and current phone number): ES 80 65 -65 7 Construction Manager(name and current phone number): MIKE BUSTOS 805/653-6597 ERT 1001 Description of Project, Scope of Work Performed: MAJOR REMOVE REPLACEMENT OF ASPHALT ON THOUSAND OAKS BLVD. WITH ARNM IVERLAY COLD PLANE & COLD IN PLACE RECYCLING ON LAWRENCE DRIVE AND TELLER ARHN OVERLAY- - Total Value of Construction (including change orders): 53,053,015.00 Original Scheduled Completion Date: 6/1/11 Time Extensions Granted (number of days): . N/A Actual Dale of Completion: 5/19/11 • EXCEL JOB :14751 Project Name: CEDAR SANAI OFFSITE IMPROVEMENTS i.ctc•:ttiu;;: LOS ANGELES, CA Ow Her: • CEDAR SANAI On ner('Ant act (name and current phone number): ncuAi nn •147 121/866-6539 Architect or Engineer: PLANNING ASSOCIATES, INC. Architect or Engineer Contact(name and current phone number): TOM STEMtOCK 818/487-6767 Construction Manager (name and current phone number): HATHAWAY DINWTDDIE MATT COWLES 213/236-0500 Description of Project, Scope of Work Performed: RECONSTRUCTION OF ROADWAYS, ROADWAY WIDENING, CONCRETE AND dcPHA1 T .PAyJNG Total Value of Construction (including change orders): $1,100,000.00 Original Scheduled Completion Date: 6/2011 Lime Extensions Granted (number of days): N/A Actual Date of Complction: 6/2011 EXCEL JOB 1/4676 Project Name: TRACK 107/108/114/117 d 124 IMPROVEMENTS I.ua•atidn:___ HOBART YARD, VERNON, CA Do Her: BNSF RAILWAY HI Dry ( on lact (nam( and current phone number): •+ > e 'O•. 841-0040 A rch heel or Engineer: WILSON & COMPANY Architect or Cngineer Contact (naive and current phone number): ••e a 90. 806-8000 Construction Manager(name and current phone number): KHY LIM 909/806-8000 Description of Project, Scope of Work Performed: REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT OF ASPHALT AND CONCRETE, INSTALLATION OF NEW. UTILITIES Total Value of Construction (including change orders): $916, 740.00 Original Scheduled Completion Date: 9/09 Time Extensions Granted (number pfdags). N/A Actual Date Or( 9/09 4943 STISIG IMPRV BONITA AV:MT SAC MT.SAN ANTONIO COLLEGE 579,775 1000% 4945 SA HIS RELIEF PRGM:SANTA ANA SANTA ANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTR 579,762 99.9% 299 4946 LAX 7800 WORLD WAY:LOS ANGELES ALCORN FENCE 4,830 100.0% WORK EXPERIENCE 2-28-13 OPEN JOBS EST.FINAL WORK WORK Job ft Project Description PROJECT NAME CONTRACT COMPL. BACKLOG 4948 FRED DRIVE SEWER IMPRV:CYPRESS CITY OF CYPRESS 56,509 100.0% 4951 W.LOS ANGELES AVE:SIMI VALLEY CITY OF SIMI VALLEY 1,864579 388% 1,140.830 4952 ANNL CAPE SEAL R-6922:LONG BCH CITY OF LONG BEACH 3,000 100.0% 4953 STUDEBAKER RD:DWNYMORICERR STEINY&COMPANY 81.076 100.0% 4954 STORM DRAIN CDS:NEWPORT BCH CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 291,082 99.9% 185 4955 CAHUENGAMUSTONLOS ANGELES SECC CORP 79,158 100.0% 14066 4957 2011/12 ST REHAB:HAWAIIAN GRNS CITY OF HAWAIIAN GARDENS 303,465 100.0% 4958 TEMP PATCH-MAIN ST:SANTA MON CALEX ENGINEERING 7,162 100.0% 4959 MISC PAVING RJR:NEWPORT BEACH CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 631,200 99.9% 478 4960 SO REGION H/S:SAN PEDRO CWS SYSTEMS,INC. 3,495 10E0% 4961 PARKING LOT PAVE:CULVER CITY GHA ENTERPRISES,INC. 113,793 95.2% 5,506 4962 JEROME PARK IMPRV:SANTA ANA SANTA ANA,CITY OF 801,571 93.0% 56,045 4963 RUNWAY 7L/25R IMPRV R6882:L.B. CITY OF LONG BEACH 1,473,687 99,6% 6,131 4964 12 RES SLURRY SEALCULVER CTY PAVEMENT COATINGS CO. 39,656 100.0% 4965 MYRA AVE STORM DRAIN:CYPRESS CITY OF CYPRESS 3,473,099 0.7% 3,447,803 4966 PKG LOT CODE COMP WEST COVINA FOOTHILL TRANSIT 51,472 100.0% 4967 PAVEMENT IMPR MILLIKEN HS:L.B. LONG BEACH UNIFIED SCHOOL DIST 377,149 100.0% 4968 SAFE RTE-LOS SERRANOS:CHINO HL CITY OF CHINO HILLS 691,728 100.0% 4970 TRENCH PATCH-ED LIFE SCI:IRV RUDOLPH 8 SLETTEN,INC. 41,879 91 3% 3,659 4971 66TH ST.EIS PAVING:LOS ANGLS DAVISREED CONSTRUCTION INC 18,000 26.3% 13,267 4972 COMMONWELTH AV RECON3ULLE RTON CITY OF FULLERTON 865,779 99.8% 1,339 4973 USG CAMPUS-34TH ST:LOS ANGELES HATHAWAY DINWIDDIE CONSTRUCTIO 196,065 99.9% 268 4974 NORTH HIS PAVING TORRANCE TORRANCE UNIFIED SCHOOL DIST 83,953 82.3% 14,821 4975 FAIRWAY DR REHAB:CHINO HILLS CITY OF CHINO HILLS 66,102 100.0% 4976 GETTY CNTR VISITOR EXP:LOS ANG HATHAWAY DINWIDDIE CONSTRUCTIO 341,178 0.6% 339,114 4978 PAVING PKG-1 EDWARDS WY:IRVINE RUDOLPH 8 SLETTEN,INC. 200,000 89.2% 21,655 4979 SPRING STREET PARK:LOS ANGELES ENVIRONMENTAL CONSTRUCTION INC 211,000 85.6% 30,319 4980 DISNEYLAND HLTH CNTR:ANAHEIM W.E.ONEIL CONSTRUCTION CO. 18,563 100.0% 4981 OFF SITE IMPRV-PLAY:CUL CTY/LA PLAYA CAPITAL CO 897.475 9.6% 811,008 4982 33RD ST ALLEY RIR:SIGNAL HILL CITY OF SIGNAL HILL 4,257 100.0% 4983 POLA BERTH 302305:LOS ANGELES DYNALECTRIC 3,189,000 8.2% 2,928,146 4984 OCEAN BLV AC REHAB HD8046:LB PORT OF LONG BEACH 366,0% 99.9% 546 4985 BNSF EASTERN AVE:COMMERCE BURLINGTON NORTHERN SANTA FE 693,906 224% 538,402 4986 VENTURA BL,PKG LOT RIR:OXNARD SWINERTON BUILDERS 133,683 100.0% 4987 PKG LOT REHAB:NEWPORT BEACH DINWIDDIE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 38,950 100.0% 4988 HARBOR BLVD IMPRV:GARDEN GROVE CITY OF GARDEN GROVE 1,286,113 8.9% 1171,277 4990 BERTH 121-126 POLA:POLA CUPERTINO ELECTRIC,INC. 219,700 0.0% 219.700 4991 ROCKY POINT RD:PALOS VERDES ES CITY OF PALOS VERDES ESTATES 6,435 100.0% 4992 BROOKHURST/ELLIS:FOUNTAIN VLY HARGIS&ASSOCIATES 5,472 100.0% 3,139 4993 HOLLYWOOD BLVD GRND:LS ANGELES BALI CONSTRUCTION 26,382 100.0% 4994 SAN NICOLAS OR:NEWPORT BEACH BALI CONSTRUCTION 35,725 90.3% 3152 4995 ANAHEIM21MENO:LONG BEACH O'DUFFY CONSTRUCTION 2,500 100.0% 4996 CENTRAL AVE+STS:GLENDALE CITY OF GLENDALE 7,658,431 9.3% 4949,779 4997 20TH ST STORM DRAIN COSTA MESA CITY OF COSTA MESA 275,639 1.3% 272,167 WORK EXPERIENCE 11-30-12 CLOSED JOBS Final Job# Project Description PROJECT NAME Contract Amount 4508 ALVARADO TRANSIT CORRIDOR: LA COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGY 2,308,872 4567 LANKERSHIMNARIOUS LOC:LA LA COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGY 1.369061 4639 4 INTERSECTIONS:LB&LKWD THE BOEING COMPANY 1,356388 4692 CENTINELALA TIJERNLA CIENEGA: PLAYA CAPITAL CO 1 4703 AIRCARRIER RAMP:LB ARPRT R6777 CITY OF LONG BEACH 5677629 4728 WILSHIREIBEVERLY:BEVERLY HILLS TISHMAN CONSTRUCTION CORP. 773,028 4748 90TH ST EAST PALMDALE:LA CO PW LOS ANGELES COUNTY DEPARTMENT 1,471155 4751 CEDARS SINAI MC:LOS ANGELES HATHAWAY DINWIDDIE CONSTRUCTIO 1,116,679 4780 BELLFLOWEPoVICTORY:ADELANTO BALI CONSTRUCTION 187,382 4791 KATELLNLEX BASE:LOS ALAMITOS J I.GARCIA CONSTRUCTION 493,077 4793 NO AIR CARRIER RAMP:LBR6858 CITY OF LONG BEACH 4279,952 4797 CITYWIDE AC REHAB:LAGUNA HILLS CITY OF LAGUNA HILLS 1633,303 4798 THOUS OAKSILWRNCRLR THOUS OKS CIO THOUSAND OAKS 3,058,015 4808 ANDRE AV RDWY IMPRV:LOMITA CITY OF LOMITA 1,358,418 4809 TUSTIN ST/MEATS:ORANGE CITY OF ORANGE 1,411,371 4811 USC NO SCI BLDG:LOS ANGELES HATHAWAY DINWIDDIE CONSTRUCTIO 385.659 4815 WESTMINSTER BLVD:HARGIS HARGIS&ASSOCIATES 1 4818 PARAMOUNT BLVD:LONG BEACH CAL-CARTAGE 97,526 4832 15TH ST,PCL:LANCASTER PCL CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 5,309 4834 SUNNY HILLS WS:FULLERTON UHSD FULLERTON UNION HIGH SCHL GIST 606360 4840 PARK AVE ST SCAPE:SAN FERNANDO CITY OF SAN FERNANDO 735,126 4841 ANNUAL RDWY RESURF:DANA POINT CITY OF DANA POINT 1,555,986 4845 ROSE BOWL:PASADENA PCL CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 52,741 4847 LAX-UNDRGRND CONST:LOS ANGELES UNDERGROUND CONSTRUCTION 1 4849 PKG LOT WILSHIRE TEMPLE:LA CAMBRIDGE COAST MGMNT,INC. 286,847 4850 SOKA UNIV PKG LOT:ALISO VIEJO MCCARTHY PACIFIC DIVISION 358,087 4851 YWCA OFFSITE IMPRV-OLIVE:LA PCL CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 105,275 4854 ARCADIA HS(BALI):ARCADIA BALI CONSTRUCTION 3,750 4855 FIBER OPTIC SIGNAL SYS:GRDN GR FISWPOWERCO ELECTRIC 195,022 4858 FAIRMONT AVE.GLENDALE ELECTRO CONSTRUCTION 64,571 4859 CERRITOS AVE IMPRV:SIGNAL HILL CITY OF SIGNAL HILL 215,270 4862 ST.MAINT FY12 PHI:SAN CLEMNTE CITY OF SAN CLEMENTE 682,453 4863 KAISER SUNSET BLVD:LOS ANGELES PCL CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 14,217 4869 AC TRENCH PTCH-EDGE DEV:LB ARP EDGE DEVELOPMENT INC. 79,115 4865 REDONO AVE POST OFFICE:LNG BCH MANSFIELD GAS EQUIP.SYSTEMS 1,395 4867 11 PAVEMENT PILCULVER CITY CITY OF CULVER CITY 791,519 4868 STORM DRWIMPRV:MISSION VIEJO CITY OF MISSION VIEJO 385,258 4869 COLLEGE PARK EAST:SEAL BEACH CHARLES KING COMPANY 497,542 4873 NEW DOCK ST T.L.:LONG BEACH W.W.STEPHENSON CO.,INC. 25,394 4875 MEDIAN-LKWD BLVDIASHWORTH:LKWD LINCOLN PACIFIC BUILDERS 6,112 4876 USC CAMPUS:LOS ANGELES HATHAWAY DINWIDDIE CONSTRUCTIO 5,623 4878 NAVY GOLF COURSE:CYPRES SB7CO3 NAVY REGION SOUTHWEST,MWR 7,999 4879 US ARMY ENGR-POLB:LONG BEACH MANSON CONSTRUCTION CO. 105683 4880 UNN BNKT OAKS BLVDAGOURA HILL SWINERTON BUILDERS 3,595 4882 HUMPHREYS ELEM SCH:LOS ANGELES SUTTLES PLUMBING 2,195 4884 USC:LOS ANGELES B&I EQUIPMENT 1,995 4885 GAGE MIDDLE SCHOOL:HUNTNGTN PK B&I EQUIPMENT 10,625 4886 SOUTHEAST NIDOL SCHOOL:SO GATE B&IEQUIPMENT 6695 WORK EXPERIENCE 11-30-12 OPEN JOBS PROJECT EST.FINAL WORK Job ft Project Description NAME CONTRACT COMPL. 4240 CALTRANS LINCOLN:07-1660U4 CALTRANS 13,495540 100.0% 4242 CHANDLER ANKERSHIM:0108099 CITY OF LOS ANGELES-DPW 5,421,529 100.0% 4508 ALVARADO TRANSIT CORRIDOR: LA COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGY 2,308,872 99.9% 4567 LANKERSHIMNARIOUS LOC:LA LA COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGY 1,369,061 100.0% 4598 CHEVIOT HILLS:LA C113689 CITY OF LOS ANGELES-DPW 942.953 99.9% 4611 USC ST IMPROVEMENT:LOS ANGELES UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIF. 2,344,924 99.8% 4649 SUNNYMEAD BLVD:MORENO VALLEY 0/0 MORENO VALLEY 2570945 100.0% 4681 ARBOR VITAE ST.:LA.C-115478 CITY OF LOS ANGELES-DPW 2,183,604 100.0% 4703 AIRCARRIER RAMP:LB ARPRT R6777 CITY OF LONG BEACH 5,577,629 100.0% 4735 PIER G RAILYARD:POLB HD-7565 PORT OF LONG BEACH 35097,682 99.9% 4761 2ND ST.REHAB:LONG BCH R-6846 CITY OF LONG BEACH 1.822864 100.0% 4762 BROADWAY/3RD:LONG BEACH C.T&F.INC. 75230 100.0% 4793 NO AIR CARRIER RAMP:LB R-6858 CITY OF LONG BEACH 4,279,952 99.9% 4796 M00DYNLY VIEW STORM DRN'.CYPRS CITY OF CYPRESS 2,027,539 100.0% 4798 THOUS OAKSILWRNCTTLR:THOUS OKS C/O THOUSAND OAKS 0058015 100.0% 4802 PIER G(IT.S):LONG BEACH I.T.S. 177,159 98.5% 4813 LB WTR DPT VAR LOC:LB WD 18-10 LONG BEACH WATER DEPARTMENT 3,203,547 84.2% 4818 PARAMOUNT BLVD:LONG BEACH CAL-CARTAGE 97.526 100.0% 4824 EUCLID/GARDEN GR BLVD:GARDN GR CITY OF GARDEN GROVE 1,017584 100.0% 4825 APPIAN WAY IMPRVING BCH R6889 CITY OF LONG BEACH 659774 100.0% 4829 SHORELINE DR-FLTIRON.:LONG BCH FLATIRON ELECTRIC GROUP.INC. 239,100 6,5% 4835 GETTY CENTER-HATHAWAY:CENT CTY HATHAWAY DINWIDDIE CONSTRUCTIO 65.237 100.0% 4838 FY 2010/11 ST.REHAB:SIMI VLY CITY OF SIMI VALLEY 671,515 99.9% 4842 PKG LOT.SUNSET'.WEST HOLLYWOOD CITY OF WEST HOLLYWOOD 127,507 100.0% 4845 ROSE BOWL:PASADENA PCL CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 52,741 100.0% 4849 PKG LOT WILSHIRE TEMPLE:LA CAMBRIDGE CONST MGMNT,INC. 285847 100.0% 4854 ARCADIA H/S)BALI}ARCADIA BALI CONSTRUCTION 3,750 100.0% 4856 OCEAN PARK BLVD:SANTA MONICA CITY OF SANTA MONICA 3,514,907 91.5% 4860 VLY REGION HS:GRNDA HL C119370 CITY OF LOS ANGELES-DPW 226,614 100.0% 4862 ST.MAINT FY12 PHI:SAN CLEMNTE CITY OF SAN CLEMENTE 682,453 100.0% 4867 11 PAVEMENT PILCULVER CITY CITY OF CULVER CITY 791,519 100.0% 4870 VAR LOC PVNGISW RR:SNTA MONICA CITY OF SANTA MONICA 5,092,751 99.3% 4872 BISON/CALIF ST(BALI):IRVINE BALI CONSTRUCTION 6.300 0.0% 4881 GETTY CENTER:CENTURY CITY HATHAWAY DINWIDDIE CONSTRUCTIO 115714 1000% 4883 PKG-STEWART ST.:SANTA MONICA HATHAWAY DINWIDDIE CONSTRUCTIO 349,000 92.5% 4887 SUNSET BLVD:LOS ANGELES HATHAWAY DINWIDDIE CONSTRUCTIO 27,307 100.0% 4890 CAHUENGA BLVD.L.A.E6000935 CITY OF LOS ANGELES-DPW 2015,218 73.5% 4891 MIRA COSTA WS:MANHATTAN BEACH BERNARDS BUILDERS 330292 0.2% 4892 SCHOOLW000 SLOPE RIR:LA HABRA CITY OF LA HABRA 88,310 100.0% 4897 BUENA VISTANAN OWEN:BURBANK CITY OF BURBANK 685369 31.2% 4898 VAR STS SKIN PATCH:PICO RIVERA MANHOLE ADJUSTING INC 124.267 100.0% 4904 UCLA CAMPUS:LOS ANGELES BALI CONSTRUCTION 3,950 100.0% 4907 STRM DRN/WTR LN PIER E:LNG BCH MANSON CONSTRUCTION CO. 1,305,996 1.5% 4908 BEE CYN ACCESS RD ACCOUNTY OR ORANGE COUNTY WASTE 8 RECYCLNG 985,998 100.0% 4910 ALLEY PAVING ELKGRV AVE:VENICE MIKE ROVNER CONSTRUCTION INC. 215,979 100.0% 4914 ALLEY PAVEMENT REHAB:WHITTIER WHITTIER UTILITY AUTHORITY 366,334 100.0% 4915 TRENCH DRN PIERT:L.B.HD7905 PORT OF LONG BEACH 272535 99.1% 4916 FAIRFAX H/S PHII:LOS ANGELES MCCARTHY PACIFIC DIVISION 92,000 100.0% 4981 OFF SITE IMPRV-PLAY:CUL CTYAA PLAYA CAPITAL CO 897,475 0.8% 4983 POLA BERTH 302-305:LOS ANGELES DYNALECTRIC 3,189,000 0.6% 4984 OCEAN BLV AC REHAB HD8046'.LB PORT OF LONG BEACH 371,810 2.0% 4985 BNSF EASTERN AVE:COMMERCE BURLINGTON NORTHERN SANTA FE 539,945 00% WORK EXPERIENCE 11-30-12 OPEN JOBS PROJECT EST.FINAL WORK Job K Project Description NAME CONTRACT COMPL. 4986 VENTURA BL,PKG LOT RIR:OMJARD SWINERTON BUILDERS 134.734 100.0% 4987 PKG LOT REHAB:NEWPORT BEACH DINWIDOIE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 38,950 100.0% 4988 HARBOR BLVD IMPRV:GARDEN GROVE CITY OF GARDEN GROVE 1,256.113 0.6% 4989 VAR LOC SUMMITIPARK:LAGUNA BCH CITY OF LAGUNA BEACH 16,5W 100.0% 4990 BERTH 121-126 POLA:POLA CUPERTINO ELECTRIC,INC. 219,700 0.0% 4991 ROCKY POINT RD PALOS VERDES ES CITY OF PALOS VERDES ESTATES 6,435 99.9% 4992 BROOKHURSTIELLISFOUNTAIN VLY HARGIS&ASSOCIATES 5,472 100.0% 4993 HOLLYWOOD BLVD GRND:LS ANGELES BALI CONSTRUCTION 26,382 100.0% 4994 SAN NICOLAS DR:NEWPORT BEACH BALI CONSTRUCTION 4,875 73.8% 4995 ANAHEIM6IMENO:LONG BEACH CYDUFFY CONSTRUCTION 2,500 100.0% 4996 CENTRAL AVE•STSGLENDALE CITY OF GLENDALE 7,563759 0.3% WORKEXPERIENCE 5-31-12 CLOSED-JOBS JobI Pr0*e41 D• 871000n PROJECT NAME 4859 CERRITOS AVEMRWSIGNAL HLL CRY OFSKMMHLL 215270 4692 CENTIWIA 1tUMA CIEIEGA: - PLAYA CAPITAL CO 1 •464o PARK AVE ST SCAPESAN FERNANDO CITY OF SAI4FERW.NCO. 735,126 4855 FIBER OPTIC SIGNAL SYS:ORDHGR FIMWOWERCOSFCIPE 195022 4875 IEDIANLOYDBLVD/ASfMORi{TixWD LINCOLAiPAGfIC GUIDERS 6,112 4639 411TERSECTIORS4B&LXWD 1TE BOOK COMPANY• 1:356,388 4797 CITYWIDE ACRiLABWAGUTAHISS CITY OF L UM HI LO • 1•533,393 4751 (EDAM 51W MC ADS ANGELES HATHAWAY DMAIGOE CONSTRUCTIO 1110679 4191 KATELMEXWEEIOSALAMOS JIGARCIA CONSTRUCTIO 4493,077 4811 UK NO SCI BIDGIOSANGELES NATN*WAY DMYWDOE CGNSTRUCIIO 365,658 • 4832 15T71 Si,PW..NCASTEA • PCL CO116TEWCTION SERVICES 5,309 4847 tA%IMDRGRITO OONSTLOS MGR ES UMAIRGROMCOSIRUCUON 1 4850 SOMA LAIN PKG LOT:ALISO VIEJO MCCM7A11PACFIC DIVISION 358,067 1863 miss SUNSET BLYDLOS ANGELES PM CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 14,217 4865 REDONO AVE POST OFFICE iNG BCH MANSFIELD GAS ECM.SYSTEMS 1,385 - 4873 FEW DOCK STT.110NG BEACH W.W.STEPENSON CO,INC. 75,394 4076 USC CAMPUS/OS ANGELES . HATHAWAY DINIVDDE COFISTRUCTD - 5,623 4878 NAVY GOLF CCURSECYPRES SB7CO3 NAVY REGION SOURWEST,MWR 7,999 4879 US ARMY ENGRPOIBIONG BEACH MANSON COHSTRUCTIOII.CO. 105,883 . 4680 UNN DWI OAKS BLVOAGOURA HILL SWBIERTON BUILDERS 3,595 4682 HMPHREYS ELEM SCH:LOS ANGELES SURLESPLUMBNG 2.195 1885 GAGE MUOME SCHOOL:HUNTNGTN PI( 081 EQIIPMENT , 10525 4886 SOUTFEASTMDDL SOHOOLSO GATE .B 61 EQUIPMENT 6,095 4888 WHITE FIDDLE SCHOCLCARSW B 81 EQUIPMENT • 4,895 4889 NARBONNE WSttARBOR CRY B 8I EOUPIENT 6,995 4893 ROBERT BYRD IWSSUN VALLEY B 8 IEOUPMENT 5,975 4894 SOUR GATE WS:SOUTH GATE B 8 I EQUIPMENT 4244 4896 AC BERM WR4A4MT YD:CULVER CT C W DONJOHNSON 8 ASSOC. 1,675 4899 327119FNVRN CONST:SIGNAL 111 ENVIRONMENTAL MST.GROUP 6,142 4900 CROWLEYTENANT SP PER D:L.B. ENVIRONMENTAL CORSI.GROUP 5,450 4901 DUCASSE ALIEYIMPT)10S ANGELES MIPl FAMILY PARTNERS. 19,487 4780 BELLFLOWERNDTORYADELAMO BALI CONSTRUCTION 187,382 4808 ANDRE AV ROW(IMPRV:LOMITA CRY OF LOMITA 1,356,418 4748 90TH 44 ST EAST PA 1 E1 CO PW LOS ANGELES COUNTY DEPARTMENT 1,471,155 . 4809 NSTMSTMEATS'ORANGE CRY OF ORANGE 1,411271 4902 389 TERMINALWAY:TERM ISLAND SEASI3ETRANSPORTATION SERVICE 2295 4918 REPLACE AC-VAR LOCPASADENA CB RICHARD EWS 34,947 1929 LENNYS ON PCHIONG BEACH CCS CONSTRUCTION 2,800 • • 1998 COLLEGE PMK EIST:SEAL BEACH CHARLES 1(13 COMPANY 479541 66.1% 152,914 1870 VAR LOC PVIB'YSWRRSNTA MONICA CRY OF SANTA MONICA 5,OB7,488 35.9% 3243365 1872 BISON/CALF ST(13IL94RVNE BALI CONSTRUCTION 8,3W 0.0% 8,300 WORK EXPERIENCE 2-29-12 OPEN JOBS Job a PrafC1 Description PROJECT NAME ES X YORK WORK C T GO61PL BACKLOG 1813 NEW DM ST T.13049 BEACH W.W.SIMMR6MNC0.,IC. 75,394 100A% 4875 6eIANOGYOBLVOM95YcRTIL'UIWD L9NbIN PACE IC BD6DERS 6,172 100.0% 1881 RETTYCENTBI.CENMLY CITY HATINMIAY DINMODECONSTRUCTIO 115.000 7.1% 106875 4883 R(GSTBVMTST.SANTAMCNICA HATHAWAY DINWODIE'CONSTRUCTIO 260500 3.7% 25 .471 1984 USCiOSMNCBES B 81 EQUIPMENT 1,895 OA% 1,995 4886 - sour IEASTMODLSCI100L50GATE B 8 I EQUIPMENT 6,095 100.0% 4887 SUNSET B.VDi0S ANGELES HATHAWAY DMVODIE CONSTRUCTO 27,307 99:0% 485 1868 MITE MOLE SCHOOL-CARSON B&I EOUPIENT 095 100.0% 4289 NPRBCNIE HSINROOR CITY 86 I E3UP$E4T 6,995 '100.0% 4890 CMUENCA BLVD±A.EOOLYG5 CITY OF LOS ANLEIESDPW 1.097,061 1.3% 1,872,558 1891 MBA COSTA I4 SW&4ATTM BEACH BERNARDS BUILDERS 330,292 02% 329,747 4882 SCHCCILWOOD SLOPE RARA HABRA CITY OF LA INBOA 88,310 99.0% 43- 4895 BOISA 8 RIVEM:SEAL BEACH CITY OF SEAL BEACH 38,324 992% 335 4897 BUENA YISTANAN OWEN:BLRBANR CITY OF Bursa 651,677 12% 64753 4898 VAR STS SKIN PATCHPICO RIVERA MANHOLE ADJUSTING INC 124267 3.9% 119,409 4902 389TEWANAL WAY:TERM ISLAND SEASIDETRANSPORTATON SERVICE 2,295 100.045 4903 f34POAVRLAY ROYAL AVE:SIMIVLY CHARLES KING COMPANY 126.459 0.4% 127,999 4904 UCIA CANPL.O:LOS ANGELES BALI CONSTRUCTION 3950 100.0% 4925 GUARD RAIL 9NROVS:IAGYANA BCH CITY OF LAGUNA BEACH 92,400 1.8% 90,740 4906 SCE SRV CARR BERWRAMPS:FULRTN PATRIOT EMIROIMENTAL SERVICES 13,709 22% 13,461 4907 STRM DRNNTR W PIER DING BCH. MANSON CONSTRUCTION CO. 1,305,996 0.7% 1297,435 4908 BEE CYN ACCESS RD ACCOUNTY OR ORANGE COUNTY WASTE B RECYCLNG 977,30) 0.5% 972,075 4909 PORTOLASAND CANYON:IRVINE CORRPRO COMPANIES 2,595 103.0% 4910 ALLEY PAVING ELKGRVAVE:VENICE MIKE ROWER CONSTRUCTION INC. 215,979 73.5% 57,174 4911 WESTCHESTER+i51OS ANGELES B 8 I.EQUIPMENT 23,814 20.9% 18862 4912 ARBOMAWSON RESLRiF:SEAL BCH CITY CE SEAL BEACH 72,452 0.5% 72,097 4913 BERMS@SCE BAKE PRKWY:IRVINE AMERICAN INTEGRATED SERVICES 13,703 19.9% 10,975 4914 ALLEY PALIENEM REHAB:WHITTIER WHITTIER UTILITY AUTHORITY 340000 0.6X. 335,114 4915 TRENCH DRN PIER T:LB,HD7905 PORT OF LONG BEACH 233612 0.6% 232,197 WORK E%PERIBICE 11-f0-11 OPEN JOBS EST'I," 16 WORK WORK Jab 41 Pry wNOt!tNgMO VRU.ECT taw CONTRACT COWL. BACKLOG 4240 CALTPANS IYCOLNA7-1660U4 CALTRA74S 16015,340 991% 84,728 ' 4242 CHANIXERAMKERSHIA C106099 CITY OF LOS AN06ES4PW 5,421629 100.6% 4506 ALVAADO TRANSIT CORRIDOR: LA CC S&nTYABEVELOAENTAGY 2606686 926% 54,489 4567 LAWERAMVARIOUS LOCLA LACONUINTY RE9EVELOPAENf AGY 1,/DBAID ion 2,729 4598 C14EVIOT WAWA 0113889 £1TY11FLOS AN3l4.ES-DPW 940.61 100.0% 4611 OSC SI 9NCYEABNT105 ANGELES UNIVERSITY. WSITYOF SC JnUUI CALF. 2,34024 GOA% 5)79 Keg 4 NIERSECTIONS19 L 11(WD THE BCEN3O01FARY . 1,3566 100.0% 4649 SUNW11-A0 BLVDMOfENDVALLEY CA MORENOVALLEY 2670690 95.1% 131670 4881 ARBOR VRAEST.IA.C-115478 COYor10SNaaHE9OPN 210968+ 966% 77,251 4012 CENTNEUBA TLEPAAACE)EGA: PLAYA CAPITAL CO • 1 0.0% 1 703. ARCATRERRAIIPLBAPPRT 86777 CRY OF LONG BEACH 5$77092 - 971% 163318 4728 WILSNAEBEVERLYiEVFRLY HILLS TISHIMN CONSTRUCTION CORP. 784,900 100D% 4735 PER GRALYAPDPCLB 10-7561 PORT OF LONGBEAOI 35,161,195 78.9% 7429962 4748 90TH 5T EAST PAIMDALE/ACO PW LOS ANGELES COUNTY DEPARTMENT 1,171,15 1006% 4751 - CEDARS SBAI IC 103 ANGEL ES HATHAWAY D,NCEDECOISTRUCTNI 1,116$79 1000% 509• 4761 2ND ST.REHABiONG BCH R.6846 CITY OF LONG BEACR I$2464 1000% 4762 BROAD%AYDRDLONG BEACH C.TA F.INC. . 74277. 100D% 4780 BELLPLOWERWICTORYADELANTO BALI CONSTRUCTION 187392 100.0% 4791 KATELLMEKBASELOS ALAMITOS J.I.GARCACONSTRUCTRIN 493,077 100.0% 4793 NOAR CARRER PAMPLB R-6858 CITY OF LONGBEACH 4,171,203 96.4% 150,139 4796 MOODYNLYVEW STORM DRNCYPRS CITY CF CYPRESS 2677,639. 100.0% 4797 CITAVIDE AC REAB:LAGUNA HILLS CITY OF LAGNA14BL5 1,533303 99$% 933 4798 THOUS ONTSAWRNCITLRTHOUS 0%6 CEOTHOUSAMD OAKS 3:058,015 992% 24273 4802 PERG(I.T.S.)1014GBEACH I.T.S. . 9%990 1000% 52% 4838 ANDRE AV ROWY IMPRViOMRA CITY OF LOMITA 1,358,418 1000% 4809 TUSTNSTAdEATS:ORANGE CITY OF ORANGE- 1,111,370 100011 4811 USC NO SCIBLDG:LOS ANGELES HATHAWAYDNWIDDE CONSTRUCTIO 385,659 99.9% 485 4813 LB NIA CPT VAR LOCO WO 18-10 LONG BEACH WATER DEPMTMEN1 1,500600 66.1% 508,995 4815 WESTMINSTERBLVD3ARGIS HARGIS 8 ASSOCIATES 3,489 00% 3,489 4818 . PARAMOUNT BLVD:IONG BEACH CAL-CARTAGE 97526 982% 1743 4824 EUCLID/GARDEN GR BLVDGARON GR CITY OF GARDEN GROVE 991701 98.9% 10,752 4825 APPAN WAY IMPRVtNG BCH R68B9 CITY OF LONG BEACH 690621 1000% 4829 SHORELINE DR-FLTIRON.iONG BCH FLATRONELECTRIC GROUP,NC. 188373 0.6% 187214 4832 15THST,PCL:UNCASTER PCL CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 5309 140.0% 1913 4834 SUNY 1%LS WSfULLERTON UHSD FULLERTON LNIIXN HIGH SCI-6.DUST 608340 97.48 14113 4835 GETTY CENER4ATHAWAYCENT CTY HATHAWAY DMVIDDE CONSTRUCTIO 56690 23.3% 43,481 4838 FY 2010/11 ST.REHAB:SKI VLY CITY OF SIMI VALLEY 658000 97.5% 16,254 4840 PARK AVE ST SCMESANFERNANDO CITY OF SAN FERNANDO 7 35,126 1000% 4841 ANNUAL ROWY RESUNFDANA PONT CITY OF DANA POINT 1$53,063 1000% 4842 PKGLOTSLNSETWEST HOLLYWOOD CITY OF WEST HOLLYWOOD 122257 991% 202 4845 ROSE BONLPASADENA PCL CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 55,297 923% 4,039 4847 LAX-UNDR( CONSTFOS'ANGELES UEIERGROUBCONSTRUCTION 37,950 0.0% 37,950 4849 PKG LOT WILSHIRE TEMPLELA CAMBRIDGE CONST IIGMNT,INC. 270,830 992% 2,098 4850 SOKA URN PKG LOT ALLSO VIEJO MICCARTHYPACFICDMSIN 358,087 99.9% 295 4851 YWCA OFFSITE 8IPRVDLWE:IA PCL CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 105,042 78.7% 22,362 4854 ARCADIA WS(BAO:ARCADA BALI CONSTRUCTION 3,7W 100.0% 4855 FIBER OPTIC SYNAL SYSGRDN GR FISIWOWERCO ELECTRIC 195,022 997% 499 re' APPri BIDDER: (SECTION 1 - BID SCHEDULE) CBF- 1