CC - Item 3A - Public Hearing on the Five-Year Consolidated Plan and Fiscal Year 2015-16 Anunal Action Plan Submission E M e P, `'° ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT \PoA, TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: JEFF ALLRED, CITY MANAGER A,,. DATE: FEBRUARY 10, 2015 SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING ON THE FIVE-YEAR CONSOLIDATED PLAN AND FISCAL YEAR 2015-16 ANNUAL ACTION PLAN SUBMISSION SUMMARY The City of Rosemead is a federal entitlement grant recipient of Community Development Block Grant and HOME Investment Partnership funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). As part of the process to receive funding, the City must undertake development of a Consolidated Plan every five (5) years and an Action Plan must be completed annually. It is called a Consolidated Plan because it consolidates the application process for HUD's four (4) entitlement grants into one consolidated plan and application. The four grants are: Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME), Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA), and Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG). All four grants are driven by an entitlement formula process set by the federal government. The City is eligible to participate in two (2) of these programs: CDBG and HOME. The City's current Consolidated Plan is set to expire on June 30, 2015. The Consolidated Plan is required to include an Annual Action Plan for the Fiscal Year period July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016. The Action Plan includes a list of the activities the City will undertake to address priority needs and local objectives with anticipated program income and funds received during the next program year for meeting housing and community development objectives. The Annual Action Plan is to be submitted annually. As part of the requirements of the federal Consolidated Plan process, the City is required to hold a public hearing regarding the projected use of funds prior to adoption of its Five-Year Consolidated Plan and Annual Action Plan. In order to receive the FY 2015-16 allocations, the City must comply with the following requirements of the Consolidated Plan final rule regarding pre-submission requirements: `r Complete an updated Five-Year Consolidated Plan covering the period of July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2020; 'r Fulfill citizen participation requirements by conducting a public hearing to receive citizen input regarding the development of the Five-Year Consolidated Plan and annual funding needs; ITEM NUMBER: City Council Report February 10,2015 Page 2 of 3 Publish a draft of the Five-Year Consolidated Plan and Annual Action Plan for a 30-day comment period in order to receive citizen input regarding the final document; and y Conduct a public hearing adopting the final Five-Year Consolidated Plan and Annual Action Plan. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the City Council conduct a public hearing and take public testimony on the development of an updated Five-Year Consolidated Plan covering the period July 1, 2015 — June 30, 2020 and Annual Action Plan covering the period July 1, 2015 —June 30, 2016. No further City Council action is necessary. ANALYSIS The Federal government is currently working on allocating CDBG and HOME funding awards and has not yet announced the final amounts to each participating community; however, cities have been warned that Congress will again be making cuts to these programs. While the City has not yet been notified of the grant amounts that will be available to meet identified needs within Rosemead for the FY 2015-16, HUD has warned that it is estimated that Rosemead will receive a decrease in its current $634,720 allocation of CDBG funds and a decrease in its current $214,113 allocation of HOME funds. It will not be certain until federal notification of awards. In conducting this public hearing, written invitations were sent to the four (4) non-profit organizations that are currently receiving CDBG funding. These organizations include Family Promise of San Gabriel Valley, People for People, Santa Anita Family Service, and Southern California Housing Rights Center. Copies of the written proposals received from these organizations have been included in Attachment A. It is expected that all four (4) organizations will be represented at the public hearing. The hearing is also open to the general public and anyone present can submit a funding request for the Council's consideration. In accepting requests for CDBG funding, it is important to understand that there are only three broad funding categories considered eligible under CDBG regulations: A project must either provide benefits to low or moderate-income persons, eliminate slum or blighted conditions, or is an urgent need. In addition, of the CDBG funds received, no more than 15% of the annual grant amount can be used for social service activities and no more than 20% of the grant amount can be used for administrative and program delivery activities. At least 70% of all funds received must be used for low-to-moderate income activities. Of the HOME funds received, no more than 10% can be used for administrative and program delivery activities and 15% must be set aside for a Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO), as constituted under the regulations. The balance of funds can only be used for housing activities. City Council Report February 10,2015 Page 3 of 3 Due to limited resources and potential cuts in funding; it may not be possible for the Council to endorse all of the projects that have been submitted by the various parties that attend tonight's public hearing. In addition, due to the federal funding restrictions discussed above, the Council will be limited in the amount of funds available for social service activities. To properly evaluate all proposed projects, it is recommended that the Council defer making any recommendations this evening until the City has received confirmation of our grant amounts with HUD. A summary of all funding requests and staff recommendations will be provided to the Council for review at a future meeting. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS Notice of the public hearing was published in the Rosemead Reader on January 29, 2015, as well as through the regular agenda notification process. Submitted by: Michelle G. Ramirez Community Development Di ector Attachment A—Social Service Requests ATTACHMENT A Family Promise of San Gabriel Valley Reserved CITY OF ROSEMEAD 8838 E.Valley Boulevard Rosemead,CA 91770 (626)569-2102 ppiatt CJ cityofrosemead.org NON-PROFIT COMMUNITY SERVICE ORGANIZATION REQUEST FOR FUNDING FISCAL YEAR 2015-2016 / Legal Name of Organization: F n i 1'/1 Pro j71 ice (/7C I1 Iced ri_o/ 4✓�///r, Tax)D#: r) 7- %3/.5-19y 1 DUNS#: Address: JOGS— & i C T 'SA-3 — / t/r.p/ /-ft 9/77g Executive Director: /4/-//7 ZDPYSiitt Contact Name: /h r P/2 Pp X( ✓1SO .7 Telephone: Far 4 74 2d6 - o2O 70 Email: %✓1°l9 . /t) rin/_sett a' 7i7..s d/1 Cr, Purpose of Organization: (�ramf42 "1755/orl /( ,CP4I Anal P�i°S5- (r/,/A//✓1 II 14- a>rrI<✓ie :J/ A./-e" _ / lei a is • A r fl ..i 4/.(- .es Enter"X"by the appropriate designation: X Non-profit organization For-profit organization Enter"X"by all that apply: A faith-based organization An institution of higher education Not Applicable TOTAL UNDUPLICATED ROSEMEAD CLIENTS: FY 13-14 J (Please Complete Attached Backup-Performance Report) /� (Est.) FY 14-15 �/ ROSEMEAD FY 2014-2015 FINANCIAL SUPPORT: I.5, ////(7. FY 2015-2016 FINANCIAL REQUEST FROM CITY OF ROSEMEAD: $S poor AGENCY TOTAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2015-2016: > /eir 7ga Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance(CFDA)Number: 14.218 CFDA Title: Community Development Block Grants/Entitlement Grants 1 1. State the Agency's mission, goals and major objectives. In addition, describe programs designed to meet goals and objectives. Attach any recent evaluations of programs or needs assessments. Missions Statement U Goals: ;. \. Objectives: ' 1 Programs designed to meet g©31s and objects: / 2. Briefly explain any new_programs or services to Rosemead residents during FY 2014-2015. Are any planned for FY 2015-2016? / • i 3. How are clients referred to your agency? 4. List and explain any major changes in funding patterns or expenditures Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance(CFDA)Number: 14.218 CFDA Title: Community Development Block Grants/Entitlement Grants 2 I. State the Agency's mission, goals and major objectives. In addition, describe programs designed to meet goals and objectives. Attach any recent evaluations of programs or needs assessments. Missions Statement: The mission of Family Promise of San Gabriel Valley is to help homeless children and their families regain stable housing and employment within a supportive volunteer-driven community. Goals: • Provide a safe place for families to sleep,eat and be sheltered from burdens of adversity and/or violence • Intervene to reverse the downward spiral of homelessness and societal alienation for the children and families • Help parents/caretakers obtain gainful employment • Help families attain psychosocial stability with the goal of returning to stable housing • Obtain stable housing Objectives: • Provide immediate shelter • Assess client system and identify bathers to stable housing • Devise individualized case plans to address family and systems issues • Collaborate with schools,social service agencies,mental health and addiction recovery programs to support families • Assist families to locate,apply for and obtain housing(includes helping families save income in order to have need rent deposits,etc. • Assist with development of employment resumes,conduct job searches,obtain interview and employment appropriate clothing • Provide counseling and case management to families as they progress toward goals Programs designed to meet goals and objectives: • Case management services:assessment and implementation of an individualized case plan with oversight from a Licensed Clinical Social Worker • Social work internship program to provide case management,counseling and assist families with life skills training. • Collaboration with housing programs and landlords and refer families to appropriate programs and services • Collaboration with other social service agencies/programs to meet needs of individual clients and client groups 2. Briefly explain any new programs or services to Rosemead residents during FY 2014-2015. Are any planned for FY 2015-2016? • Family Promise was able to assist two parents that were graduate clients of the program in obtaining their commercial drivers' license and passenger certification. We were then able to hire them as part time van drivers,supplementing their income. • Meditation for Stress Management class was provided to guest families • Anger management counseling was offered to guest families • Parenting counseling was offered to guest families • For 2015-2016 Family Promise will be offering a Financial Literacy program developed specifically to meet the needs of homeless and formerly homeless clients. 2 2. How are clients referred to your agency? Clients are referred by other agencies serving homeless clients,school social workers or homeless case managers,churches,other clients,government entities such as the City. Clients are referred by calling the Family Promise Resource Center at 626 569-0991 3. List and explain any major changes in funding patterns or expenditures • During the first two quarters of fiscal 2014-2015,the interim director was not receiving a salary.In the third quarter of2014-2015 we expect to hire a fulltime network director and thus the budget will be increased to provide for salary and benefits. • Family Promise continues to receive substantial financial support from individuals and organizations,but will be actively seeking foundation grants in the coming year. 3 5. List major sources of funding and the amount(i.e.cities,county,state,federal,fundraising,etc.) • ei z.rxr. , s X 75`ap i ISP.. a A ral/— 6. What facilities in Rosem�eja'd are used to conduct see ices? �� yPSttrfP- IIRAY8r C eP.nler G/- Ont, tF 1 erPr4//A/AO,S /J Y! ra6 hr/c p1' f,P&'JI K19,.// /(1,411.1-6/ y 2 C 586;67"/ 734/01. 2rscIId dr 7. The proposed Community Service would be provided to: Mark each that apply Low and Moderate-Income persons or households Abused Children Handicapped Persons Illiterate Persons Battered Spouses x_ Homeless Persons Migrant Farm Workers Elderly Persons 8. How many Rosemead citizens do you project will benefit from your program/project: /U �Z Provide a specific example or case study of a client that exemplifies how program objectives were achieved during the past year: (Attach additional pay e if necessary) / ._t_' .r7.r. - 10. Has your organization conducted the proposed activity before? Yes X No 11. Describe your organization's experience with CDBG //' !. /y Al ' .r vp Cam.• ! • 4!/O ' 1' - `ri it tea . 12. Do you charge any fees to your clients? If so,what is the fee structure? A • . A ✓ 1/ t a c � ondT Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance(CFDA)Number: 14.218 CFDA Title: Community Development Block Grants/Entitlement Grants 3 ) )\ x & & co ) ) ) ! § % % / a / v ; ] § 2 - 44 k / ) \ § = q ! — ° i4 g \ z // \ ; Fr 46 :uc a) >-,) . _ ! ! ! / --)c- a«¥ \ e X/ § : , t k [ \ § ) ! ~ § 6 ii E / � \ - * § = a \ »:; z • \ / 0.q = ! ) | \ \ U ( j / ) 4844 ` ) ) j ) a \ a. PI ) 0 ) § ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 2014-2015 Case Examples Case#1 A woman with a 6 year old child were admitted to the Family Promise Program. She was pregnant and had been living in a Rosemead motel.She received a small cash grant from Calworks and food stamps, but it was not enough to sustain them in motel living. There are not many shelters that will admit a person late in her pregnancy or with another child. But we are able to do so, keeping the family intact. The parent was diagnosed with gestational diabetes during her stay.She was supported and encouraged to comply with diabetes regimen (insulin injections and diet). Her daughter was able to remain in her original school.The parent was also provided with counseling and bereavement support due to the loss of her mother just prior to their admission to Family Promise. A healthy baby girl was born while the family was being cared for in Family Promise. Once the mother was adjusted and recovered from her surgery,we were able to refer her and get her accepted into a transitional housing program (she will be able to stay there 4 to 6 months rent free).She is currently stable and seeking employment. Case#2 Family Promise admitted a 2 parent family with a 7 year old boy and a 23 month old girl.The family had been living in a Rosemead_motel and had run out of money and went to skid row for a short stay. Upon admission to our program,the family had active involvement with Department of Children and Family Services and the boy had behavioral problems at school. Family Promise provided counseling for the couple, parenting classes,and collaborated with DCFS around services for the family. We supported the parents in obtaining outside counseling services as well. The father began working and has continued to be successful on the job. The family was able to save money sufficient to obtain permanent rental housing. They now currently reside in Rosemead in an apartment,the father is employed fulltime,the son continues in his school and is doing well,and the mother is preparing to take her DMV commercial license exam so she can be hired by Family Promise as a part time driver. ) )) \ �- cin is to w ( } \ ! \$ NS v2 o k &up � ` cc E ; / ) j ! /\ ; 7 ® + : E h\ g E" ! ^ m .`6' E § { \ / \� ) ; /� ` ^) t E3 ; \ k - _ ( \ } \ \ � o re P e2 ° S2 ` \ o oo � _ § . q \ ; } > - ! { \ \ � . ar a 7 } O ) ) \ } ` 4 ) ) 0 ) § ) ) o ) z o / PROGRAM BUDGET Use Whole Dollars Only Current FY 2013-2014 Operating Year Proposed Budget CDBG SHARE FY 2014-2015 FY 2015-2016 FY 2015-16 Expense Salaries Employee Benefits Employees Payroll Taxes Profes. & Consultant Fees Supplies Telephone & Fax Postage & Shipping Occupancy & Utilities Rental & Maint. of Equip. Printing & Publishing Travel and Transportation Conferences Specific Assist. To Individuals Membership Dues Awards & Grants Insurance Equipment Purchased Misc. Expenses Transfer to Other Funds Dues to National Organizations Over Expenses _ Please explain Changes Greater than 15% between FY 2013-14 and FY 2014-15 and/or FY 2014-15 and FY 2015-16. Please explain what expenses are included in the"Other" Category. Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance(CFDA)Number: 14.218 CFDA ntle: Community Development Block Grants/Entitlement Grants 6 Family Promise of San Gabriel Valley Budget: Calendar Year 2015 2014 2015 Projected Budget Ordinary Income/Expense Income Contributed support Civic Organizations 7,468 9,000 Club 360 29,978 36,000 Congregations 25,205 30,000 Government Grants 10,201 32,500 Individuals 8,431 10,000 Total Contributed support 81,283 117,500 Fundraising Events Empty Bowls 9,932 15,000 Major Event 7,009 10,000 Small Fund Raisers 1,828 2,700 Total Fundraising Events 18,769 27,700 Total Income 100,052 145,200 Expense Business expenses 66 400 Depreciation &amortization exp 2,522 2,500 Fund Development 3,208 3,900 Guest Families 2,767 2,000 Insurance 5,572 6,600 Misc expenses/Fees for services 2,699 2,000 Non-personnel expenses/Operations 5,353 5,500 Occupancy expenses 8,027 8,000 Other personnel expenses 1,266 1,700 Salaries Expense Payroll taxes 2,963 10,400 Salaries-Exempt 0 56,250 Salaries-Non Exempt 23,478 26,000 Employee Benefits-Exempt 0 14,500 Total Salaries Expense 26,441 107,150 Transportation 5,039 5,000 Travel & meetings expenses 0 450 Total Expense 62,961 145,200 Net Income 37,091 0 PROGRAM REVENUE Use Whole Dollars Only Current Operating FY 2013-2014 Year Proposed for FY 2014-2015 FY 2015-2016 Public Support Contributions Foundation&Private Grants Fundraising/special Events Legacies and Bequests Other Federated Org. United Way Misc. Organizations Other Subtotal Government Federal State Local Subtotal Other Revenue Membership Dues Program Services Fees Investment Income Transfer From Other Fund All Other Revenue Subtotal TOTAL REVENUE Please explain Changes Greater than 15%between FY 2013-14 and FY 2014-15 and/or FY 2014-15 and FY 2015-16. Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance(CFDA)Number: 14.218 CFDA Title: Community Development Block Grants/Entitlement Grants 7 I HAVE BEEN AUTHORIZED TO SUBMIT REQUEST FOR FUNDING Signature Print Name /AllA Ti e / ' 1^O 4Pr504 , d✓y Email Address U V (rzG 3,s V-6,37 1-,/ Phone Number 7-72;11, Gl di /U 07 S�AIO�/4 // Y49 Organization" / —.5 %b Date DO NOT COMPLETE THIS SECTION — FOR CITY USE ONLY Date Application Received: 1-2 '1 Sr Lvjs g� Date Reviewed by Rosemead Staff: ,)z,, /ar zm/S" ri Approved or Declined: Date Notification Letter Sent to Applicant: Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance(CFDA)Number: 14.218 CFDA Title: Community Development Block Grants/Entitlement Grants 8 People for People Reserved • CITY OF ROSEMEAD 8838 E.Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 (626)569-2102 ppiatt @ cityofrosemead.org NON-PROFIT COMMUNITY SERVICE ORGANIZATION REQUEST FOR FUNDING FISCAL YEAR 2015-2016 ,, (b gl� ; ?ea?I2 1-o/r Rip (3 C- r Legal Name of Organization: 'J +SaM cri�-Ib 0- -f `Iu-�'N C k1L <. (j{.IM L. TaxlD#:qs jqO)-}O(oO o DUNS#: ?( '456 2_21e.°2_21e.°Address: J 3 � I B - �--.a I� I U/Y'wr.o bp- • - caM 1, iLts� - q I Z 7 (o Executive Director: W\ I Ct�0. -Pra- tt a t rt O Contact Name: V� IC-13 Cv C_ n a Telephone: (0 f2(p - Z.pB�- 25 `f Fax: W ( -C-y d - J- - O 1-I (p c} ,n Email: )4KISC- Vrr P00 )a44-r7 ,(S}Wl Purpose of Organization: • A_ Enter"X"by the appropriate designation: X Non-profit organization For-profit organization Enter"X"by all that apply: X A faith-based organization An institution of higher education Not Applicable 1 TOTAL UNDUPLICATED ROSEMEAD CLIENTS: FY 13-14 1 13 7/ (Please Complete Attached Backup-Performance Report) (Est) FY 14-15 ROSEMEAD FY 2014-2015 FINANCIAL SUPPORT: l// 0 ) FY 2015-2016 FINANCIAL REQUEST FROM CITY OF ROSEMEAD: 10 I DW AGENCY TOTAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2015-2016: I ZZ)Ca Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance(CFDA)Number: 14.218 CFDA Title: Community Development Block Grants/Entitlement Grants 1 • 1. State the Agency's mission, goals and major objectives. In addition, describe programs designed to meet goals and objectives. Attach any recent evaluations of programs or needs assessments. Missions Statement: C, ,, ,JI Goals: D AI I Objectives: Programs designed to meet goals and objects: 2. Briefly explain any new programs or services to Rosemead residents during FY 2014-2015. Arc any planned for FY 2015-2016? 3. How are clients referred to your agency? S o P I ICI o-c_LA 4. List and explain any major changes in funding patterns or expenditures Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance(CFDA)Number: 14218 CFDA Title: Community Development Block Grants/Entitlement Grants 2 5. List major sources of funding and the amount(i.e. cities,county, state,federal,fundraising,etc.) 6. What facilities in Rosemead are used to conduct services? v 7. The proposed Community Service would be provided to Mark each that apply I/ Low and Moderate-Income persons or households t/ Abused Children Handicapped Persons ,i Illiterate Persons Battered Spouses ✓' Homeless Persons Migrant Farm Workers j Elderly Persons 8. How many Rosemead citizens do you project will benefit from your program/project: Provide a specific example or case study of a client that exemplifies how program objectives were achieved during the past year: (Attach additional page if necessary) • 10. Has your organization conducted the proposed activity before? Yes No 11. Describe your organization's experience with CDBG 12. Do you charge any fees to your clients? If so,what is the fee structure? Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance(CFDA)Number: 14.218 CFDA Title: Community Development Block Grants/Entitlement Grants 3 ) \)L,, s \ 2 e ' % ; ai„} i ) ~o ® \)|∎ m $ ! / ,)k ± .a /�j r \ \/ , gE k /) %) { �! § p _ )/§ \ ƒ \ �} , t C ( � a ° �. � ® � � \\ , 2 ) \ . CO FL 75 P } g / CS- , « _s S ® , ~ 2 g , cP � % • P ) | ° \ \ V • . . } ; \ ) \ � } ` ! \ ) ° ) § ) ) ) \ Z 0 0 • 11 000 _C- ; \ � \ ) �$ 9a -F.,j ) § ® a . $ § 44 / : ! : cc /k ) k § \ - " G � o / § k { : ) 7 = _/ A / Q 0 Lr / / 2 ! 2 ` : + = ® ® — w lc,- § � k a - � E-( � \ ® \ \\to o ) ` I- ra f } , \ \ ®Q d }\ \ ` ` \ \\ a. / { , ) \) ` ) j ) ) c2 ;8 j \ ! f r ` )() ) . ) \ ) ƒ z PROGRAM BUDGET Use Whole Dollars Only Current FY 2013-2014 Operating Year Proposed Budget CDBG SHARE FY 2014-2015 FY 2015-2016 FY 2015-16 Expense _ Salaries H3 j.550 550 `13550 H 550 9l 9`t(o Employee Benefits Employees Payroll Taxes 3-, 000 , R 006 000 Profes. & Consultant Fees 1400 000 H 00 Supplies 2 OOd .Z 000 2 000 Telephone & Fax L 1506 2 S(Sn 211,506 Postage & Shipping 17 b O 7 0 O 7 0 0 Occupancy & Utilities 321300 32.. 1 300 3Z 300 Rental & Maint. of Equip. (o ,56(l (o 5 00 (0 500 Printing & Publishing 110 1110 1 ), 000 Travel and Transportation Conferences Specific Assist. To Individuals 1 00 1 Od 100 Membership Dues 2 50 230 2 50 Awards & Grants Insurance Equipment Purchased $1,300 (0,500 (o15 Misc. Expenses GILD() Z 1000 z 000 Transfer to Other Funds Dues to National Organizations Over Expenses Please explain Changes Greater than 15% between FY 2013-14 and FY 2014-15 and/or FY 2014-15 and FY 2015-16. TS u _ Please explain what expenses are included in the"Other" Category. oonP_ Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance(CFDA)Number: 14.218 CFDA Title: Community Development Black Grants/Entitlement Grants 6 PROGRAM REVENUE Use Whole Dollars Only Current Operating FY 2013-2014 Year Proposed for FY 2014-2015 FY 2015-2016 Public Support Contributions 1 20l5Z( �f1fg 80 7Z ) 000 Foundation&Private G Grants 15 515 Ji91 i 000 lq i 300 Fundraising/special Events L\ 000 10 0 10 ) 0 00 Legacies and Bequests Other Federated Org. United Way Misc. Organizations Other Subtotal 151 ) 101 37 280 101 ) 000 Government Federal State Local Subtotal Other Revenue Membership Dues Program Services Fees Investment Income Transfer From Other Fund All Other Revenue Subtotal TOTAL REVENUE 5 7 101 I 37 2_30 0 ) 0 00 Please explain Changes Greater than 15% between FY 2013-14 and FY 2014-15 and/or FY 2014-15 and FY 2015-16. a _ (AC(e.i1 w at gota a$ �\ 1 • • i�l or \!Crkea an ttntA l AX( 01� Lo 15 AnnLku\ fnee}tnq Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance(CFDA)Number: 14.218 CFDA Title: Community Development Block Grants/Entitlement Grants 7 I HAVE BEEN AUTHORIZED TO SUBMIT REQUEST FOR FUNDING - Sign. ure \\\IC—kae I S VII 0.Nb Print Name CXecum1 e_ e--- Title WSG\I CC-E2ooaparr#rya /1-o L,Covv■ Email Address '2 la - 2_8 s - 2S4-f-9 PI hone Number 0 ani Lion Zo1 S e DO NOT COMPLETE THIS SECTION - FOR CITY USE ONLY Date Application Received: Ji,,, Zpif Date Reviewed by Rosemead Staff: c�s,,. /2,, ZD/( py Approved or Declined: Date Notification Letter Sent to Applicant: Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance(CFDA)Number: 14218 CFDA Title: Community Development Block Grants/Entitlement Grants 8 CITY OF ROSEMEAD PRIVATE OR NON-PROFIT COMMUNITY SERVICE ORGANIZATION REQUEST FOR FUNDING-FISCAL YEAR 2015-2016 Purpose of Organization: People For People is a non-profit food program. We began operations on March 1, 1984 and since then we have served the unemployed, Cal works mothers and fathers, low-income families, the elderly, homeless families and individuals. We serve the cities of Alhambra, San Gabriel, Rosemead, Temple City, Monterey Park, Arcadia and all the unincorporated county areas within our service boundaries. Our purpose is to help people on a monthly basis providing food, clothing,job opportunities and moral support. 1. State the Agency's mission, goals and major objectives. In addition, describe programs designed to meet goals and objectives. Attach any recent evaluations of programs or needs assessments. A Mission Statement "The organization seeks to promote those forms of interdenominational cooperative effort as will be for mutual benefit of the Christian cause and Christian values in our community including; the assistance of food, clothing, counseling, and referral to educational opportunities for the needy in the communities of the participating churches." B Goals & (C) Objectives The object of our program is to continue to serve qualified people with supplemental food, including counseling on a one to one basis according to their needs. We also provide job search and follow up to clients who need employment. The homeless are given food, hygiene kits, and blankets on a needed basis. We provide home delivery to the elderly and disabled individuals, in the city of Rosemead. CITY OF ROSEMEAD GRANT CONT. 2. Briefly explain any new programs or services to Rosemead residents during FY 2014-2015. Are any planned for FY 2015-2016? NONE 3. How are clients referred to your agency? By local churches, The Los Angeles County 211 service, the Los Angeles Regional food bank, word of mouth, local chambers, schools and by other organizations, in our service area and beyond our service area. 5. List major sources of funding and the amount (i.e. cities, county, state, federal, fundraising. Etc.) Churches & Individuals $ 49,000.00 Fundraisers $ 11,200.00 CDBG Grant $ 10,000.00 Our food donations come from churches, local markets, food drives during the holidays and from the Postal Workers Food Drive the second Saturday in May each year. This food drive fills our pantry each year. In 2014 we collected 92 ton of canned and dry foods. 8. (a) Provide a specific example of case study of a client that exemplifies how the program objectives were achieved during the past year: Our home delivery has been successful. We provide food and fellowship to 35 Rosemead residents on a monthly basis. These residents have no transportation to come to our location for help. The holiday season brought much joy to our seniors and our other clients. Each family was given a large box of food, with choice of a turkey or chickens, plus toys for the children. These generous gifts of toys and food came from the City of Rosemead, El Monte Rotary Club and the citizens of Rosemead. CITY OF ROSEMEAD GRANT CONT. 11. Describe your organization's experience with CDBG People For People has had a successful and harmonious relationship with the City of Rosemead for many years. We were so pleased to become a recipient of the CDBG Grant in 2000-01 which has continued to the present time. We have learned many ways to improve our ability to serve the people of our communities. We have upgraded our methods of record keeping, fiscal responsibilities, working with State, Federal and City employees, community service workers and our faithful volunteers. We are so grateful for the opportunity the Grant has provided for our clients, plus the association, with the HUD representatives. Santa Anita Family Service Reserved CITY OF ROSEMEAD 8838 E.Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 (626)569-2102 pp iatt©cityofrosemead.o rg NON-PROFIT COMMUNITY SERVICE ORGANIZATION REQUEST FOR FUNDING FISCAL YEAR 2015-2016 Legal Name of Organization: SANTA ANITA FAMILY SERVICE Tax ID#: 95-1816014 DUNS#: Address: 206 E.Las Tunas Dr., Suite 12; San Gabriel,CA 91776 Executive Director: Dr.Fred Loya Contact Name: Dr.Jennifer Foote Telephone: (626)308-1414 Fax: (626)308-1818 Email: drfoote(a,santaanitafamilyservice.org Purpose of Organization: Santa Anita Family Service was founded in 1951 to foster well-being of the San Gabriel Valley creating healthier families and communities through professional leadership and the provision of high quality educational,mental health and social serv_ice�rograms. Enter"X"by the appropriate designation: X Non-profit organization For-profit organization Enter"X"by all that apply: A faith-based organization An institution of higher education X Not Applicable TOTAL UNDUPLICATED ROSEMEAD CLIENTS: FY 13-14 15 (provided over 120 hours of counseling service hours) (Please Complete Attached Backup—Performance Report) (Est.) FY 14-15 15 ROSEMEAD FY 2014-2015 FINANCIAL SUPPORT: Exhibit A FY 2015-2016 FINANCIAL REQUEST FROM CITY OF ROSEMEAD: $$5000 AGENCY TOTAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2015-2016: Exhibit B Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance(CFDA)Number: 14.218 CFDA Title: Community Development Block Grants/Entitlement Grants 1. State the Agency's mission, goals and major objectives. In addition, describe programs designed to meet goals and objectives. Attach any recent evaluations of programs or needs assessments. Missions Statement: Santa Anita Family Service was founded in 1951 to foster well-being of the San Gabriel Valley creating healthier families and communities through professional leadership and the provision of high-quality educational,mental health and social service programs. Goals: • Support Family Stability • Sober Living • Drug—Free Lifestyle • Violence—Free Lifestyle • Child Abuse Prevention/Intervention • Older Adults Stability/Independence • Emotional Well-Being of Adults and Children Objectives: • Provide: o Individual,group,family,and conjoint treatment o Parent—Education o Drug/Alcohol Treatment o Domestic Violence Treatment o Case Management o Linkages o Information and Referrals for Housing,Food,In Home Supportive Services,Child Care,etc. Programs designed to meet goals and objects: • Rosemead Program • Senior Services • Pathways • P.A.C.T. (Parents and Children in Transition) • PC 1000 • Domestic Violence Batterers Program • Family Support • DV CaIWORKS • Ca1WORKS Substance Abuse Program • General Relief Substance Abuse Program • CDBG—Counseling • CDBG—Parenting • CDBG—Recreation • CDBG—Domestic Violence • CDBG—Senior Services • CDBG—Case Management • CDBG—Substance Abuse Prevention/Treatment • Family Preservation Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance(CFDA)Number: 14.218 CFDA Title: Community Development Block Grants/Entitlement Grants 2 • YAB(Youth Accountability Board) • WIA-YEP(Workforce Investment Act-Youth Employment Program) • Food Stamp Program • Arcadia Unified School District Program • Covina Unified School District Program • Veteran's Family Support Services Program 2. Briefly explain any new programs or services to Rosemead residents during FY 2014-2011 Are any planned for FY 2015-2016? • Veteran's Family Support Services Program—Low to no cost program to Veteran Families. Services include individual,child,family therapies,and group therapies include but are not limited to PTSD,Domestic Violence,Parenting,Substance Abuse Treatment,Play Therapy, Creative Art Child Therapies. 3. How are clients referred to your agency? Community Agencies, Schools, Police Department, Department of Children and Family Services, Prototypes,211,Residents of Rosemead 4. List and explain any major changes in funding patterns or expenditures No changes in funding this year 5. List major sources of funding and the amount(i.e.cities,county, state,federal,fundraising, etc.) See attached (EXHIBIT C) 6. What facilities in Rosemead are used to conduct services? None at this time. Services are provided out of our San Gabriel office. We have made past attempts to work with the local schools to provide a variety of services, such as parent education; however, space is often an issue and the families are also able to commute to the SG office where the services are already being provided. 7. The proposed Community Service would be provided to: Mark each that apply X Low and Moderate-Income persons or households X Abused Children X Handicapped Persons X Illiterate Persons X Battered Spouses X Homeless Persons Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance(CFDA)Number: 14.218 CFDA Title: Community Development Block Grants/Entitlement Grants 3 X Migrant Farm Workers X Elderly Persons 8. How many Rosemead citizens do you project will benefit from your program/project: 15 Provide a specific example or case study of a client that exemplifies how program objectives were achieved during the past year: (Attach additional page if necessary) Our program is geared towards an array of issues many face; thus, to speak on one becomes a challenge. Therefore,I have chosen some that can narrate some of the issues our Rosemead Program participants deal with. Despite the age of the child, a parent's death can cause a range of emotions from anger and guilt to sorrow and loss.When Rosa, a 24 year old Hispanic woman, initially came to Santa Anita Family Service(SAFS)it was for help untangling the confusing web of emotions surrounding her father's recent death. The product of a chaotic home,Rosa also suffered from depression and low self- esteem. The psychological impact of these factors left Rosa feeling unable to cope with daily relationships and uncertain about her future. Through counseling at SAFS Rosa has been able to navigate the grieving process and begin to find peace with some troubling aspects of her childhood.Rosa was also able to move from part-time employment to a full-time job in her chosen field. Currently Rosa is in a stable relationship and believes she is on the path to a rewarding future. Another example of someone benefiting from the Rosemead Program: Hillary is another young female Hispanic facing challenges in life. At 2lyears of age Hillary struggles to raise her one year old son while also battling depression and financial instability. When Hillary first came to SAFS she was weighed down by feelings of inadequacy and hopelessness.While she longed to be a good parent, Hillary felt overwhelmed by the magnitude of the task and frustrated by her lack of resources. Currently,Hillary is working with her therapist on parenting skills and is also learning techniques to help overcome depression. Hillary's outlook on life has become more positive and she is beginning to fmd reasons to be hopeful about her future.Perhaps most importantly,Hillary has been able to tap into much needed resources and now feels she is no longer on this journey alone. Another example of someone benefiting from the Rosemead Program: Jim, a Caucasian male in his mid 40s, came to Santa Anita Family Service after he attempted to end his life. He had been laid off from work and became "extremely depressed"when he could not fmd another job resulting in him "not being able to provide for [his] family". After he was released from the hospital he knew he needed help but was concerned that he could not afford the help he needed. Jim did not have a history of depression, suicide attempts, substance abuse, and/or other mental illnesses; therefore,where the hospital referred him after his release could not treat him as he did not meet their requirements. That Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance(CFDA)Number: 14.218 CFDA Title: Community Development Block Grants/Entitlement Grants 4 agency,however,did refer him to SAFS. Jim was still hesitant on his ability to receive treatment—he was afraid of the being turned down again and even more concerned of the potential cost. Therefore,when he contacted SAFS and he was informed of the Rosemead Program he immediately felt like he could come in for the appointment. Because of the Rosemead program Jim had been able to receive individual and later couples counseling on a weekly basis. The Rosemead Program has provided him the opportunity to look at the stressors that triggered his suicide attempt, his depressive symptoms,his current self-esteem and the impact it has had on his family without adding more pressure to him. 10. Has your organization conducted the proposed activity before? Yes X No 11. Describe your organization's experience with CDBG Santa Anita Family Service has had an extensive experience with CDBG. For over 26 years we have worked with one or more of the following CDBG: Azusa, Baldwin Park, Monterey Park, Rosemead, Gloria Molina's office. In addition, Santa Anita Family Service was awarded 6 CSBG grants — two for Supervisory Districts 1 and 5 for domestic violence, case management, substance abuse prevention/treatment, and senior services. 12. Do you charge any fees to your clients? If so,what is the fee structure? N/A for Rosemead clients Rosemead clients may be asked for up to $10.00 in co-payments for service, however most are $0 or $5.00 Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance(CFDA)Number: 14.218 CFDA Title: Community Development Block Grants/Entitlement Grants 5 \ ) 0 O � » } ) 4 {\ / ( ! wC j } | - ) en 0 w. ct en 00 m � � � � I 1-&c: ) \ 45 • _ / 7 - ^ 8/hi - m 0 \ \ \ \ � \ \ + ° _ 0 o( : _ - E ` ) ) /� la o y ) - ( k ° = e i ae ( ` 0 - � f I__ _ ` 'X tr Z ■0 8 " , / t ] 0 0 \ 2 ) 0 4 \ ) , \ ! j ) ° / ) ) § ` ) ) •/ ) a \ ` ` ~ , } i0 ( {; \ \ v _c j ) 0 - - , t ! 5 ' ) ( l � : G : _ ) ƒ)4 .2 ( 0 to \ 5 0 ` 71;fi 11 0 E § ` � _ ) / ! \ ! ! \ - ! t : : © -- ; \ ) _ d / ) .—; _o g to E o co 4 4 I- 111 el ) ` § 0 \ $ ) \ , , 5 ; / \ - \ { \ \ , 4 o o / 3 _ f \ § 0 / \ ) 0 ° -.0 ` \ ( 2 ) } \ J. 0 \ PROGRAM BUDGET Use Whole Dollars Only Current FY2013-2014 Operating Year Proposed Budget CDBG SHARE FY2014-2015 FY2015-2016 FY2015-16 Expense Salaries 223,256 250,000 250,000 297 Employee Benefits 33,489 38,000 38,000 50 Employees Payroll Taxes 17,079 19,000 19,000 24 Profes. & Consultant Fees 0 0 0 0 Supplies 6,000 6,000 6,000 3 Telephone & Fax 12,000 12,000 12,000 0 Postage & Shipping 1,800 1,200 1,200 0 Occupancy & Utilities 36,000 36,000 36,000 48 Rental& Maint. of Equip. 0 0 0 0 Printing& Publishing 0 0 0 0 Travel and Transportation 2,000 1,200 1,200 0 Conferences 0 0 0 0 Specific Assist. To 0 0 0 0 Individuals Membership Dues 0 0 0 0 Awards & Grants 0 0 0 0 Insurance 24,000 24,000 24,000 0 Equipment Purchased 10,000 10,000 10,000 0 Misc. Expenses 0 0 0 0 Transfer to Other Funds 0 0 0 0 Dues to National 0 0 0 0 Organizations Over Expenses 0 0 0 0 Please explain Changes Greater than 15%between FY 2013-14 and FY 2014-15 and/or FY 2014-15 and FY 2015-16. N/A Please explain what expenses are included in the "Other" Category. N/A Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance(CFDA)Number: 14.218 CFDA Title: Community Development Block Grants/Entitlement Grants 8 PROGRAM REVENUE Use Whole Dollars Only Current Operating FY 2013-2014 Year Proposed for FY 2014-2015 FY 2015-2016 Public Support Contributions 10,000 10,000 10,000 Foundation&Private 20,000 20,000 20,000 Grants Fundraising/special Events 20,000 20,000 _____ 20,000 Legacies and Bequests 0 0 0 Other Federated Org. 0 0 0 United Way 0 0 0 Misc. Organizations 0 0 _ 0 Other 0 0 0 Subtotal 50,000 50,000 50,000 Government Federal 122,424 122,424 122,424 State 125,000 125,000 125,000 Local 65,000 65,000 65,000 Subtotal 312,424 312,424 312,424 Other Revenue Membership Dues 0 0 0 Program Services Fees 1,200 1,200 1,200 Investment Income 0 0 0 Transfer From Other Fund 0 0 0 All Other Revenue 0 0 0 Subtotal 1,200 1,200 1,200 TOTAL REVENUE 363,624 363,624 363,624 Please explain Changes Greater than 15%between FY 2013-14 and FY 2014-15 and/or FY 2014-15 and FY 2015-16. N/A Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance(CFDA)Number: 16.218 CFDA Title: Community Development Block Grants/Entitlement Grants 9 I HAVE BEEN AUTHORIZED TO SUBMIT REQUEST • I R FUNDIN affidA S- f.W'e Dr.Jennifer Foote Print Name Clinical Director/Licensed Psychologist Title drfoote(n),santaanitafamilyservice.ory Email Address 626.966.1755 ext 5684 Phone Number Santa Anita Family Service Organization 12/22/14 Date DO NOT COMPLETE THIS SECTION — FOR CITY USE ONLY Date Application Received: ta,r. 14',1 7.40, Date Reviewed by Rosemead Staff: J7,,. 12� 7,Dr( Approved or Declined: Date Notification Letter Sent to Applicant: Southern California Housing Rights Center Reserved CITY OF ROSEMEAD 8838 E.Valley Boulevard Rosemead,CA 91770 (626)569-2102 pplatt@cityofrosemead.org NON-PROFIT COMMUNITY SERVICE ORGANIZATION REQUEST FOR FUNDING FISCAL YEAR 2015-2016 Legal Name of Organization: Southern California Housing Rights Center Tax ID#: 95-2572642 DUNS#: 944936798 Address: 3255 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1150, Los Angeles,CA 90010 Executive Director: Chancela Al-Mansour Contact Name: Chancela Al-Mansour Telephone: (213)387-8400 ext.1111 Fax:(213)381-8555 Email: cal mansour @ahousingrightscenter.org Purpose of Organization:The Housing Rights Center's purpose is to promote equal opportunity in housing by affirmatively furthering fair housing. We do this by offering City of Rosemead residents services from our four key areas:(I)Discrimination Complaint Investigation-(2)Fair Housing Legal Services,(3)Landlord/Tenant Fair Housing Counseling.and(4)Education and Outreach.(See Exhibit 1, Proposal) Enter"X"by the appropriate designation: X Non-profit organization For-profit organization Enter"X"by all that apply: A faith-based organization An institution of higher education X Not Applicable TOTAL UNDUPLICATED ROSEMEAD CLIENTS: FY 14-15 114 (Please Complete Attached Backup—Performance Report) (Fst.) FY 15-16 approx. 100 ROSEMEAD FY 2014-2015 FINANCIAL SUPPORT: 510,000 FY 2015-2016 FINANCIAL REQUEST FROM CITY OF ROSEMEAD: $10,000 AGENCY TOTAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2015-2016: 52 171 Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance(CFDA)Number: 14.218 CFDA Title: Community Development Block Grants/Entitlement Grants I. State the Agency's mission, goals and major objectives. In addition, describe programs designed to meet goals and objectives. Attach any recent evaluations of programs or needs assessments. Mission Statement: The Housing Rights Center's mission is to actively support and promote fair housing through education and advocacy, to the end that all persons have the opportunity to secure the housing they desire and can afford, without discrimination based on their race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, familial status, marital status, disability, ancestry, age, source of income,or other characteristics protected by law. Goals: (1) HRC will assist a minimum of 100 Rosemead residents with housing discrimination and landlord/tenant concerns; (2) At least 12% of Rosemead clients will be assisted in languages other than English; and, (3) At least 90% of Rosemead residents who complete an evaluation about Rosemead housing rights workshop will rate the information provided as being useful. Objectives: To educate/inform as many Rosemead residents as possible about the fair housing laws. Programs designed to meet goals and objects: 1. Documentation of Activities HRC's comprehensive intake database includes a reporting component that makes the production of statistics and other diagnostic data accurate and efficient. Statistical reports will include all demographic and complaint issue data, which will facilitate the analysis of trends and emerging needs. HRC also tracks all outreach activities in a database that allows us to track our activities by event type. 2. Documentation of Discrimination Complaints HRC will continue our practice of maintaining complete and organized case files. Our case files adhere to a strict format, which facilitates case management and review. Case files include all relevant documents and materials produced in the investigation and resolution of our cases. 2. Briefly explain any new programs or services to Rosemead residents during FY 2014-2015. Are any planned for FY 2015-2016? In FY 2014-15,HRC and the National Fair Housing Alliance(NFHA)embarked on a national media campaign to raise public awareness of important fair housing issues.HRC created and distributed public service announcements(PSAs) in English and Spanish,in a variety of formats including print and video media.HRC's print media included multilingual posters with information on race discrimination, disability discrimination and familial status discrimination.The posters include HRC's toll free number and website for further information or to report housing discrimination.The posters will be distributed to community based organizations and city-affiliated offices in the City of Rosemead,and surrounding areas. Additionally,HRC created a 30-second video PSA in English and Spanish. The PSA will be distributed to public access television stations across HRC's service area. In FY 2015-2016,HRC will continue its work on its recently re-funded three-year HUD Fair Housing Initiative Program(FHIP). This Multi-Year PEI grant#FH700G14026 mandates that HRC continue to: conduct on-site and phone systemic testing in areas within L.A.County; recruit and train fair housing testers;refer cases to HUD that show evidence of housing discrimination;perform disability design and construction inspections; and perform outreach and education activities. 3. How are clients referred to your agency? City Hall,HRC Website(www.housingrightscenter.org),Phone Listing,Outreach Events, Community Organizations, Public Service Announcements and Press Releases,literature distribution,word-of- mouth. Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance(CFDA)Number: 14.218 CFDA Title: Community Development Block Grants/Entitlement Grants 2 4. List and explain any major changes in funding patterns or expenditures. There have not been any major changes in funding patterns or expenditures. 5. List major sources of funding and the amount(i.e.cities,county, state, federal, fundraising, etc.). YEAR FUNDING SOURCE AMOUNT RECEIVED 14/15 Alhambra $25,000 14/15 Baldwin Park $ 7,500 14/15 Carson $33,330 14/15 El Monte $18,000 14/15 Glendale $15,000 14/15 Glendora $15,000 14/15 HUD FIEF grant $325,000 14/15 Hawthorne $50,800 14/15 Inglewood $57,300 14/15 Lancaster $30,000 14/15 Los Angeles City $660,500 14/15 Los Angeles County $200,000 14/15 Montebello $20,000 14/15 Monterey Park $10,000 14/15 Oxnard $28,992 14/15 Palmdale $27,448 14/15 Pasadena Mediation $15,000 14/15 Pasadena $50,400 14/15 Pico Rivera $10,672 14/15 Pomona $30,000 14/15 Redondo Beach $24,000 14/15 Rosemead $10,000 14/15 Simi Valley $24,000 14/15 Ventura City $ 8,000 14/15 Ventura County $41,392 14/15 West Covina $10,000 14/15 Whither $10,000 14/15 HUD/HDS $ 136,865 14/15 Attorney Fees/Registration from Training Seminars,etc. $331,983 6. What facilities in Rosemead are used to conduct services? HRC conducts Fair Housing and Housing Rights Workshops at the handicap accessible Garvey Community Center.Additionally,HRC distributes fair housing literature to other city locations including city hall,the public library,chamber of commerce,and local CBOs. Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance(CFDA)Number: 14.218 CFDA Title:Community Development Block Grants/Entitlement Grants 3 7. The proposed Community Service would be provided to: Mark each that apply X Low and Moderate-Income persons or households Abused Children X Handicapped Persons Illiterate Persons Battered Spouses X Homeless Persons Migrant Farm Workers X Elderly Persons 8. How many Rosemead citizens do you project will benefit from your program/project: 100 9. Provide a specific example or case study of a client that exemplifies how program objectives were achieved during the past year: HRC recently referred a tenant in the City of Rosemead to the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing. The tenant, a female with multiple physical disabilities, received a 60-day notice to quit. The tenant stated that she would not be able to vacate her apartment by the expiration of the notice due to her disabilities. The tenant asked HRC for assistance in requesting a reasonable accommodation; specifically to rescind the 60-day notice to quit or provide her with additional time to vacate her apartment based on her disabilities. HRC telephoned the owners and left them a message requesting a reasonable accommodation on behalf of the tenant based on her disabilities,but HRC did not receive a return call. HRC sent a complaint letter to the owners requesting a reasonable accommodation on behalf of the tenant. HRC received a letter from the owners denying the tenant's request for a reasonable accommodation. HRC informed the tenant about the letter from the owners denying her request and referred the tenant to the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing for enforcement. 10. Has your organization conducted the proposed activity before? Yes X No 11.Describe your organization's experience with CDBG. The Housing Rights Center has over 35 years of experience working with CDBG grants to provide fair housing services to local cities and counties. These cities and counties conduct annual programmatic and financial reviews. ARC has always received excellent reviews. 12. Do you charge any fees to your clients? If so,what is the fee structure? HRC provides its wide array of programs and services to its clients free of charge. Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance(CFDA)Number: 14.218 CFDA Title: Community Development Block Grants/Entitlement Grant 4 \ ) ) VI en \� \+Z §k r _ r , _ m \ \ to e § ; k � \ \ , _ _ _ _ _ _ r ea /� rt rz, � \) g / r : 0 0 : , # } ! \ / \ k { / � ! ( \ _ - _ /e � ` r E !Q ) en> !a m >E |[ {0 r 0! CO , ° 0 r )/ � `( \/ _ 0 _ _ _0_ cc) en 5 3 \ : $ P / : , 0 _ _ "ci LO )`! i c/a ; § \ } , ) \ \\ \\ $ /1..,z \ ) � )\) \ \ \ / } ) ) 000 , I , C & ( \ / : / , / }\ ) \ \/- ( CO ^ ` ` {_ !\ ) )w ; .2 )/ ) » ! ; .a- r (0 CD (0 ° [ /\ - - � " k \ ! \/ ! = / ° ^ ° \! : . l , - . ®\ \ / t0 ca C or or co\ ) � � ~ ` ` ` ` ` � \ •\ j ,En , In ) ) § e = — / / , i m z _ ; r ; ` _ ; } � ) I ` ; § \ ! ) \ 7 { \ \ \ j \ \ ! : } ) } \ ) ) ) } ) a ) PROGRAM BUDGET Use Whole Dollars Only Current FY 2013-2014 Operating Year Proposed Budget CDBG SHARE FY 2014-2015 FY 2015-2016 FY 2015-16' Expense Salaries $1,364,786 $1,404,613 $1,404,613 $ 7,250 Employee Benefits 170,817 192,259 192,259 475 Employees Payroll Taxes 117,110 120,473 120,473 590 Profes. & Consultant Fees 15,983 18,030 16,500 60 Supplies 22,938 15,000 16,500 80 Telephone & Fax 21,905 29,700 29,700 160 Postage & Shipping 11,872 13,800 12,000 20 _ Occupancy& Utilities 160,279 181,200 181,200 775 Rental &Maint. of Equip. 56,364 50,490 50,490 280 Printing & Publishing - - - - Travel and Transportation 20,035 19,100 19,100 30 Conferences 10,146 3,600 3,800 5 Specific Assist. To - - - - Individuals Membership Dues - - - - Awards & Grants - - - Insurance 19,752 20,100 20,100 90 Equipment Purchased - - - - 0 Misc. Expenses 156,336 183,300 104,930 185 Transfer to Other Funds - - - - Dues to National - - Organizations Under Expenses 146,571 -25,483 - I - Please explain Changes Greater than 15%between FY 2013-14 and FY 2014-15 and/or FY 2014-15 and FY 2015-16. RRC was able to secure additional special projects which contributed to additional funding for the agency. Please explain what expenses are included in the"Other" Category. Testing costs; Internet;website; subscriptions; public information. Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance(CFDA)Number: 14.218 CFDA Title:Community Development Block Grants/Entitlement Grants 7 PROGRAM REVENUE Use Whole Dollars Only Current Operating FY 2013-2014 Year Proposed for FY 2014-2015 FY 2015-2016 Public Support Contributions Foundation&Private Grants Fundraising/special Events $ 17,744 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 Legacies and Bequests Other Federated Org. United Way Misc. Organizations Other Subtotal $ 17,744 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 Government Federal State Local $1,901,151 $1,894,199 $1,757,334 Subtotal $1,901,151 $1,894,199 $1,757,334 Other Revenue Membership Dues Program Services Fees Investment Income Transfer From Other Fund All Other Revenue $ 375,969 $ 316,983 $ 399,331 Subtotal $ 375,969 $ 316,983 $ 399,331 TOTAL REVENUE $2,294,864 $2,226,182 $2,171,665 Please explain Changes Greater than 15%between FY 2013-14 and FY 2014-15 and/or FY 2014-15 and FY 2015-16. Changes between fiscal years are less than 15%. Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance(CFDA)Number: 14.218 CFDA Title:Community Development Block Grants/Entitlement Grants 8 1 HAVE BEEN AUTHORIZED TO SUBMIT REQUEST FOR FUNDING Signature Chancela AI-Mansour Print Name Executive Director Title calmansour(d housingrightscenter.org Email Address (213) 387-8400 ext. 1111 Phone Number Housing Rights Center Organization January 7,2015 Date DO NOT COMPLETE THIS SECTION — FOR CITY USE ONLY Date Application Received: J,.., Lewe Date Reviewed by Rosemead Staff: . Iq,� Zots Approved or Declined: Date Notification Letter Sent to Applicant: _. 9 Rio Hondo CDC - CHDO (HOME Funds) Reserved • City of Rosemead 8838 E.Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 (626)569-2102 ppiatt@cityofrosemead.org Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) Certification Application Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Legal Name of Organization: RIO HONDO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, INC. Tax ID#: 01-0740130 DUNS#: _ 145380536 Address: 11706 RAMONA BLVD.,#107, EL MONTE, CA 91732 Executive Director: DONNA L. DUNCAN - _ . .. Contact Nume: ANNA PALMER Telephone: 626-401-2784 Fax: Email: ANNA@RIOHONDOCDC.NET The following documentation must be submitted with certification form in order for the applying organization to be considered for Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) designation. Please indicate in the spaces provided the section in the application package and the page number containing each of the requirements. Please indicate page number: ifQ/Q c 7 TThe organization must provide Rosemead with each of the following: Articles of Incorporation • Bylaws 2.Faye,9 // A provision to provide decent and affordable housing to very low- and r/ low-income persons must he included in the Articles of Incorporation. 3/03C- 5 Evidence that the organization has been conditionally designated or has received 501(c) tax-exempt status from the United States Internal Revenue Service. 4 a ci P— 6 Documentation from the California Secretary of State that the l/ Organization is in good standings. If the organization is newly created L and Is less than one year old,certification will suffice. 5 C/7 ✓ enr ndicate the organization's service area (i.e.,city,town,or county). This /� 7 must be included in the Articles and/or Bylaws. B. y'O C— / A certification from a Certified Public Accountant that the organization ll meets standards of financial management and accountability that conform to Attachment F of OMB Circular A-110(24 CFR Part 84),A-133 and A-122. 7. Page 8 A signed resolution from the applicant organization's Board of Directors approving the submittal of this application. g. Pcfi 1 A listing of the CHDO Board of Directors. Each director must be V identified by name, occupation, employer and which sector (private, public or low-income) he/she will represent. In addition, board members who are to represent low-income residents must supply verification that they are either low-income themselves, a resident of a low-income neighborhood or an elected representative of a low-income neighborhood or organization. • At a minimum, one-third of the board must be comprised of low- income representatives and a maximum of one-third of the board may be public officials, appointees or employees of the City of Rosemead. Furthermore, this board composition requirement and election procedure must be included in the bylaws. • Each director may only represent a single sector(i.e., low-income or public official,but not both). 9.PO Q C /t' A description of the formal process the organization has established for tJ low-income beneficiaries to advise the CHDO on project design, location of sites, development and management of affordable housing. This process must be included In the bylaws. 10. FOLIC /7 A projected five-year strategic business plan to include all anticipated funding sources. • The business plan must be delineated by year and contain specific, measurable goals regarding affordable housing unit production and number of households to be assisted, as well as other long-range Individual and community development goals of the CHDO. 11.pa � )� A list and description of the community service and affordable housing V experience of the organization, it's key personnel and board, and/or consultants,including both successful and non-successful projects. • If the applicant organization has been in existence for less than one year, it must demonstrate that Its parent organization (if applicable) has at least one year's experience serving the community. 2 See Cies p{ ititerfbra3re✓1 12. If the CHDO Applicant is sponsored or created by a for-profit entity, (And. by- LwwS please talk to Pat Piatt, Senior Management Analyst, for additional pa 5c- q information at(626)569-2102. The undersigned does hereby certify that to the best of his/her knowledge, the above assertions and document submissions are true and accurate. Further, the undersigned certifies to the best of his/her knowledge'that said aggenncy is in compliance with all HOME Program regulations. Chief Executive Officer Date The City of Rosemead Is supported by Federal HUD funds. Applicants and their representatives are subject to penalties for false or fraudulent statements as set forth by U.S.C. Title 18, Section 1001: "Whoever, in any matter within the Jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States, knowingly and willfully falsifies or makes false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or representation,or makes or uses any false writing or document knowing the same to contain any false, fictitious or fraudulent statement or entry, shall be fined not more that $10,000, or imprisoned not more than five years, or both." DO NOT COMPLETE THIS SECTION—FOR CITY USE ONLY Date Application Received: be r. IBS', VEY V Date Reviewed by Rosemead Staff: jet (7., LfieC 49 Approved or Declined: Date Notification Letter Sent to Applicant: 3