14 15 Mid Year Update - RevisedMid Year Budget Review and Long Range Financial Plan 5 Year Outlook Revenues General Fund Median home price has increased 7% over the previous year 2014/15 Consumer Price Index (CPI) is only .5% 2015/16 CPI is forecasted at 2% plus 1.5% growth = 3.5% projected increase Property Tax 2nd Quarter Sales Tax Gross Receipts is 2.1% less than previous year City of Baldwin Park 10-year sales tax sharing agreement has expired Restaurants and Casual Dining remains strong. New retail center at Walnut Grove and Valley Sales Tax Business License revenues are up in comparison to last fiscal year Administrative Citation collections have increased Building Fees have increased Other Revenues Lean Staffing Levels 53 Full-time employees, down from high of 67 6 ¾-time employees, down from high of 18 The number of part-time positions has been significantly reduced over the past three years Recent Successes Organizational Changes Solid Waste Services Franchise Fee Guaranteed a $500k minimum payment Economic Development Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan Qiao Garden Hotel and Doubletree Hotel Expansion New Restaurants and businesses at Walnut Grove & Valley are open in FY 14-15. New Ulta and PetSmart to open in Target Center Recent Successes – General Fund Revenue Federal CDBG and HOME Funding will likely continue to be reduced Gas Tax funds are projected to decrease Fixed costs for utilities and fuel outpace CPI Termination of lease agreement for Metro PCS External Factors Today’s Reality Today’s Reality Today’s Reality 2013/14 Budget figures equate to approx. $144.11 per capita. $28.88 General Fund Revenue Outlook Sales Tax revenues will realize slow to moderate growth from economy and new businesses (2-3% annually) Property Tax growth will be slow without new development. CPI for the 14/15 rates was only 0.5%; however 15/16 will be 2% TOT growth could be substantial if new hotels are developed. Revenues – Future Outlook Expenditures General Fund Gen. Fd. Expenditure Outlook Salary and Benefit costs will continue to rise. Fuel for vehicles and other utilities will continue at rates of 5-7% annually. Insurance costs projected to rise (5%) LA County Sheriff’s Department contract is expected to rise due to facility improvements and technology improvements and liability costs that will be passed along to contract cities (3-4%) The Next Five Years General Fund Overview Inflation and cost increases will likely outpace revenue increases in the long-term. Without increases to fees, new revenue sources, or a decrease in programs, the long-term variance would likely grow. Stormwater Mandates Unfunded Streets and Sidewalks Infrastructure Improvements – Sewer Expiring contracts Future Issues Remain Discussion and Questions