CC - Item 3B - Los Angeles County Proposition A Grant Fund - Approval of Youth Employment Plans As a ComponentROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: JEFF ALLRED, CITY MANAGER Y DATE: MARCH 24, 2015 SUBJECT: LOS ANGELES COUNTY PROPOSITION A GRANT FUNDS - APPROVAL OF YOUTH EMPLOYMENT PLANS AS A COMPONENT SUMMARY In 1992, Los Angeles County voters approved Proposition A, which provides funding for the development and operation of parks and open space facilities within the County. Recently, the City has received grants from the County Supervisor's Office of excess Proposition A funds for two projects in the amount of $600,000. Proposition A grant funds have been appropriated for the renovation of the Rosemead Community Recreation Center (RCRC) in the amount of $500,000 and for tree planting and beautification throughout the City in the amount of $100,000. Included in the implementation policies of these grants is the requirement to utilize youth employment for a portion of the project or ongoing operation of any project or facility that has received Proposition A funding. The Youth Employment Plans associated with these two grant awards are presented for approval. Staff Recommendation It is recommended that the City Council approve Resolution 2015 -16 and Resolution 2015 -17 approving the Youth Employment Plans for the Proposition A projects, as required by Los Angeles County. DISCUSSION On July 1�"2012, the City of Rosemead entered into a grant agreement with LA County Regional Park and Open Space District for the Rosemead Community Recreation Center (RCRC) Renovation Project. The grant provided excess Proposition A funds the needed renovations to the RCRC in the amount of $500,000. The funding agreement clarifies all of the policies for the grant, including the adoption of a Youth Employment Plan. The plan put forth by the Parks & Recreation Department utilizes its existing employment of parks and recreation staff to meet the requirements. The Parks and Recreation Department currently employees three youths, ages of 16 and 24, at the RCRC for approximately 2,800 hours annually. The renovation project is nearing completion and approval of the Youth Employment Plan is required to process the grant reimbursement. ITEM NUMBER: City Council Meeting March 24, 2015 Pace 2 of 2 On January 27 2014, the City received additional Proposition A funding for tree planting throughout the City. The grant provided the City with funding to plant trees in right of ways, parks, and other locations. This project is underway and is scheduled for completion in 2015. The Public Works Department plans to meet the Youth Employment requirement of this grant by entering into an agreement with the Los Angeles Conservation Corps, The Los Angeles Conservation Corps is a youth development agency that offers both a state accredited charter school and job development through conservation projects. Utilization of the Conservation Corp crews to plant approximately 50 trees will satisfy the youth employment component of this grant. FINANCIAL REVIEW Upon approval of these Youth Employment Plans, the City will process the reimbursement of Proposition A funds in the amount of $600,000. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15301 (C) of the CEQA Implementing Guidelines. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared By: Isaac Bravo Administrative Intern Prepared By: Sean Sullivan Acting Public Works Manager Attachments: A. Resolution 2015 -16 B. Youth Employment Plan for RCRC Renovation Project C. Resolution 2015 -17 D. Youth Employment Plan for Rosemead Tree Planting Project RESOLUTION NO. 2015 -16 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CA APPROVING THE YOUTH EMPLOYMENT PLAN FOR THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY PROPOSITION A FUNDING FOR THE ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY RECREATION CENTER RENOVATION PROJECT WHEREAS, the voters of the County of Los Angeles Approved Proposition A in 1992 making available funding for Parks and Recreation facilities throughout the County, and WHEREAS, the County of Los Angeles has made available to the City of Rosemead excess Proposition A funds in the amount of $500,000 for the Rosemead Community Recreation Center Renovations Project, on the condition that certain project requirements are met by the City; and WHEREAS, the County of Los Angeles requires, as a component of the Proposition Afunding, a plan for the employment of youth on any project or in any facility that is funded with Proposition A monies; and WHEREAS, the City of Rosemead has prepared and implemented a plan to employ youths ages 16 -24 at the Rosemead Community Recreation Center for approximately 2,850 hours in Fiscal Year 2014 -15. NOW THEREFORE, the Youth Employment Plan for the Rosemead Community Recreation Center is approved for ongoing implementation in accordance with the policies set forth by the County of Los Angeles as a condition of receiving and utilizing Proposition A Funds for the Rosemead Community Recreation Center Renovation Project. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 24 day of March 2015. William Alarcon, Mayor ATTEST: Gloria Molleda, City Clerk Youth Employment Plan City of Rosemead Rosemead Community Recreation Center Renovation Project Grant No. 581-18 -12 -2303 BACKGROUND Los Angeles County Park and Open Space District awarded the City of Rosemead a grant in the amount of $500,000 for the Rosemead Community Recreation Center Renovation Project. The purpose of the grant is to aid in costs associated with improving and expanding the center's functions. Specifically, the improvements expand current classroom space, create a computer lab, improve lighting and HVAC system efficiencies, and replace doors and windows. The improvements will help the City of Rosemead to better serve City and area residents of all ages through educational, exercise, and enrichment classes, community events, and facility rentals to government agencies, community organizations, and residents. Recreation Leaders, youth ages 16 to 24, under direct supervision, will be primarily responsible for daily operations of the Rosemead Community Recreation Center. They will inform patrons of available activities, register them for programs, maintain facility conditions, and oversee its use. TASKS THAT MAY BE PERFORMED BY AT -RISK YOUTH Recreation Leaders are assigned to facility operations daily. Tasks include: 1. Light facility maintenance including general cleaning and set up of tables and chairs, 2. Customer service including telephone and in- person patron interaction, 1 Class and activity patron registration and community facility rentals through the City's computer -based point of sale (POS) system, and 4. Assist in the development and implementation of community special events at the Center. ESTIMATED COST OF YOUTH EMPLOYMENT Recreation Leaders are paid $9 per hour and can work up to 20 hours per week. There are three Recreation Leaders assigned to the Rosemead Community Recreation Center. The total estimated hours for fiscal year 2014 - 15 are as follows: 3 staff x 19 hours x 50 weeks: 2850 hours Cost per hour: $9.00 Total estimated cost of youth employment for FY 2014 - 15: $25,650 METHOD OF YOUTH EMPLOYMENT The City of Rosemead's Human Resources Department recruits local youth and the City receives referrals for youth employment through the South Bay Workforce Investment Board. Youth, ages 16 — 24, are hired in accordance with the Los Angeles County Regional Park and Open Space District's definition of at -risk youth. YOUTH EMPLOYMENT GOAL The program teaches youth a variety of customer service, point of sale, general maintenance, and facility supervision skills. All Recreation Leaders assigned to the Rosemead Community Recreation Center are required to learn all functions as they are expected to oversee all daily operations during their shifts. The RCRC re- opened to the public July 2014. The facility offers classes, events, and rentals to the Rosemead and broader community since its reopening. Thus, Recreation Leaders have already worked 1300 hours in the current fiscal year overseeing the center's operations. We will complete our Youth Employment Goals by June 30, 2015. RESOLUTION NO. 2015 -17 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CA APPROVING THE YOUTH EMPLOYMENT PLAN FOR THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY PROPOSITION A FUNDING FOR THE ROSEMEAD TREE PLANTING PROJECT WHEREAS, the voters of the County of Los Angeles Approved Proposition A in 1992 making available funding for Parks and Recreation facilities throughout the County, and WHEREAS, the County of Los Angeles has made available to the City of Rosemead excess Proposition A funds in the amount of $100,000 for the planting of Trees in various locations throughout the City, and WHEREAS, the County of Los Angeles requires, as a componentofthe Proposition A funding, a plan for the employment of youth on any project or in anyfacilitythat is funded with Proposition A monies; and WHEREAS, the Los Angeles Conservation Corps is an organization that provides opportunities for success to at -risk young adults and school aged children through job skills training, education, and work experience on projects with a primary focus on conservation and service projects in benefit to the community. WHEREAS, the City of Rosemead has prepared a plan to employ the Los Angeles Conservation Corps to plant approximately 50 trees in various locations throughout City utilizing their youth work crews NOW THEREFORE, the Youth Employment Plan for the Rosemead Tree Planting Project is approved for ongoing implementation in accordance with the policies set forth by the County of Los Angeles as a condition of receiving and utilizing Proposition A Funds for the Rosemead Tree Planting Project. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 24" day of March 2015. ATTEST: William Alarcon, Mayor Gloria Molleda, City Clerk Youth Employment Plan City of Rosemead City of Rosemead Tree Planting and Beautification Grant No. 58H8-14-2385 BACKGROUND Los Angeles County Park and Open Space District awarded the City of Rosemead a grant in the amount of $100,000 for planting trees at various sites throughout the city. The purpose of the grant is to assist with funding tree planting, tree removal, and tree well cutting in sidewalks within the City of Rosemead. The utilization of Los Angeles County Proposition A funds has a requirement of utilizing youth employment for a portion of the work. The City will be utilizing youth, ages 16 to 24, under direct supervision of the Los Angeles Conservation Corps, to complete some of the tree planting and landscaping activities for this grant. TASKS THAT MAY BE PERFORMED BY AT -RISK YOUTH 1. Project outreach to residents 2. Removal of parkway landscaping 3. Planting of trees and backfilling 4. Tree Maintenance ESTIMATED COST OF YOUTH EMPLOYMENT Total estimated hours of youth employment: 800 Hours Cost per hour x $ 8.00/ hour Total estimated cost of youth employment: $ 6,400.00 METHOD OF YOUTH EMPLOYMENT The City of Rosemead will enter into an agreement with the Los Angeles Conservation Corps for the provision of youth work crews for the planting of approximately 50 trees. The Los Angeles Conservation Corps is an organization that provides opportunities for success to at -risk young adults and school aged children through job skills training, education, and work experience on projects with a primary focus on conservation and service projects in benefit to the community. As the primary focus of the Conservation Corps is projects of conservation and community beautification, all youth work will completed under the direct supervision of landscape and construction professionals. YOUTH EMPLOYMENT GOAL The youth employment goal for this grant is the utilization of youth to complete approximately 10% of the work associated with this grant. As the conservation corps will plant approximately 50 of the 400 trees included in this grant, the youth employment goal will be met. It is anticipated that this youth employment goal will be met by June 30, 2015.