CC - Item 4D - Review of Traffic Improvements - Angelus Avenue and Klingerman Street E M S O 9 ` A 0 ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL 4 CIVIC PRIDE STAFF REPORT P./HC.RPORAaf�69 TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: JEFF ALLRED, CITY MANAGER DATE: APRIL 14, 2015 SUBJECT: REVIEW OF TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENTS — ANGELUS AVENUE AND KLINGERMAN STREET SUMMARY At their meeting on April 2, 2015, the Traffic Commission reviewed the traffic conditions in the vicinity of Angelus Avenue and Klingerman Street and recommended that signage and striping improvements be made in the area. Staff had received a number of complaints regarding the speeds of vehicles, the safety of a curved intersection where Angelus Avenue and Klingerman Street come together, and the proximity of this area to Rice Elementary School. Staff and a consulting engineer reviewed the conditions in this area and recommended some signage and striping improvements to enhance safety in this area for residents, motorists, and pedestrians, especially school children. Staff Recommendation It is recommended that the City Council approve the Traffic Commission's recommendation of an updated signage and striping plan for the area of Angelus Avenue and Klingerman Street. DISCUSSION Angelus Avenue is a residential local roadway that runs North/South and carries one lane of travel in each direction with a prima facie speed limit of 25 miles per hour. The roadway is approximately 40 feet wide and allows parking on both sides of the street with the exception of street sweeping restrictions. Rice Elementary School is located on Angelus Avenue and Angelus Avenue is the only roadway that provides access to the school grounds. Angelus Avenue, between Klingerman Street and Graves Avenue, has an average daily traffic count of approximately 1,600 vehicles. Angelus Avenue merges into Klingerman Street through a sharp curve at its northern terminus. Klingerman Street is an East/West residential local roadway with a prime facie speed limit of 25 MPH. The roadway is approximately 38 feet wide and parking is permitted on both sides of the street with the exception of street sweeping restrictions. Review of Conditions Staff, assisted by a consulting Traffic Engineer, reviewed the conditions in this vicinity in order to address the concerns expressed by residents. The conditions that (were ITEM NUMBER: j,J City Council Meeting April 14, 2015 Page 2 of 3 reviewed include vehicle speeds, accident data, and roadway configuration. Vehicle Speeds The prima facie speed limit on Angelus Avenue is 25 miles per hour. In order to determine vehicle compliance with the speed limit, a radar survey was conducted in this area. The radar survey was conducted by a field engineer in an unmarked car who recorded the actual speeds of vehicles along this stretch of roadway for a period of one hour during non-peak times. The survey results found that the speeds of vehicles in this area were within the expected range for residential roadways. Accident History The Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System (SWITRS) records and maintains data on vehicle accidents. A review of the SWITRS data for this area over a period of four years (2011-2014) showed that there was one reported accident in this time period. The reported accident occurred on April 25, 2011. No further information is available regarding this accident. Roadway Configuration Angelus Avenue and Klingerman Street merge through a very sharp curve. There are existing delineators on the centerline, however, those have been hit and damaged since they were initially installed and are in need of replacement. There is one warning sign of the curve posted in either direction of travel, approximately 75 feet before the curve. Recommendation In response to the traffic concerns identified through the analysis of this area, conceptual traffic calming options were examined for these streets. The strategies focused on traffic calming measures aimed at encouraging slower traffic speeds. The following is a list and explanation of recommended traffic calming measures for this area: Narrow the Roadway - Install edge line striping to narrow the travel lane down to 10 feet in width. This method has been utilized in other parts of the City as a reduced lane width has been shown to reduce travel speeds and increase safety. The narrowing of the travel lane will allow for a 10 feet wide shoulder or parking lane to remain. Reduce Corner Radii — Utilizing edge line striping and replacing the damaged delineators in the curve will reduce the radii of the turn which will require vehicles to slow going through the curve. Reduce the Curve Speed to 15 MPH- The existing advanced warning signs for the curve only advise that there is a curve ahead; however, they do not provide a recommended speed. By replacing the existing warning signs to include a recommended speed of 15 MPH, vehicles will slow going into the curve, increasing safety for pedestrians and other motorists. City Council Meeting April 14, 2015 Page 3 of 3 The Traffic Commission, after review of the staff report and receiving public comment, recommended these improvements with a unanimous vote. Upon approval by the City Council, staff will oversee the striping and signage installation per the attached plan. Engineering staff will continue to monitor the location, after the improvements are made, to evaluate their effectiveness and determine if additional traffic calming measures are necessary. FINANCIAL REVIEW Funding for this type of roadway improvement is included in the annual maintenance and operations budget for Fiscal Year 2014-15 under the Public Works Department, Field Services Division. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15301 (C) of the CEQA Implementing Guidelines. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared By: Prepared By: Rafael M. Fajardo, P.E. Sean Sullivan City Engineer Acting Public Works Manager Submitted By: Matt eswodh Assistant City Manager/Acting Director of Public Works Attachments: A. Area Overview and Detail Site View B. Diagram of Proposed Plans C. Striping and Signage Plan NM- Angelus Avenue and Klingerman Street Proposed Signage and Striping Improvements • mem mic • Trail . el• -til. 1 Vo AIL t%.: -Il¼ip', : -7.,.., - • . 1-. "F-.7", • ' •- - Or.,, 1 , . ••,, t -i.r,-r-- , i I-. • - . 11-- •:°1111 IftliVe_. I :t ."• """I",'', 1., ..11■11., ...: •.7,•i"---s. 1... ., -,.--- , %......•ii---;; ,..4 . , - .. ,s, ..' P....•' / •Sel . i' t il./ •.• . .. oh • yi •144st '": I Nal • • .:6 '. .4'i. 1_,' --". -."---: PI • , i__.,i,..., _±. i i t- . . I '.l. '1"-" '' 4.411ei t'l ' 'a' 'IS' ''14' - irs. . -;.1h#• .47,-.1... • ...-.. ‘,. i.,c- .0' _'• 75 , .6,, , • r_427 ,,, • 'Agiri-.. f 7' . , i • •I . --- V. . 'Irti j- ir .I. -_Ad.--- , : k ii, ' .. •:: --,t, - 7 - .: .4.4 ....; IRE *IL - 11 •-,, '-1 I.,.. i-IL' t . ..,.', ,. • ' •n. .. --..... ,.,. ' NI' --• ' .•i.., .! • .r ,-if',..) ? - ,,....!TY,__L...,41-,1;..ii),104., aaw.11 h, .....,,....., 11 Di:::..,.. et ._:t •,..-- 1 k.,7t• s , ••1 • •• •'..,4. 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