5 Year CIP Presentation5-Year Capital Improvement Plan Development of the Plan Pavement Management Study Draft Parks and Facilities Master Plan project list Current needs Assessment Historical Funding Sources Gas Tax Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Redevelopment Tax Increment Proposition C Measure R Grants Engineering Engineering Engineering Funding Gas Tax $380,000 Proposition C $475,000 Measure R $377,000 Total Annual Funding $1,232,000 2015/16 Funding - $1,725,000 Buildings Parks Buildings and Parks Buildings $1,440,000 Parks $1,005,000 Total $2,445,000 Funding Mechanisms Development Impact Fees – Can pay for new projects or amenities, but may not be used for maintenance type projects. Issue Debt – Private placement, Certificates of Participation, California Infrastructure & Economic Development Bank Flexible terms and low interest rates General Fund Reserves