CC - Item 5B - Selection of a Building and Safety Division ContractorROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: JEFF ALLRED, CITY MANAGER DATE: APRIL 28, 2015 SUBJECT: SELECTION OF A BUILDING & SAFETY. DIVISION CONTRACTOR SUMMARY On October 28, 2014, the City Council directed staff to solicit proposals for the administration and operation of the Building & Safety Division for the City. The City's current agreement (with Willdan) for this service will expire on June 30, 2015. The scope of work includes providing building inspection and plan check services. Request for Proposals (RFPs) were distributed on November 10, 2014. Six (6) contractor proposals were received on December 8, 2014. Consistent with past practice for review of RFP's of this nature, a staff evaluation committee was formed to review the proposals. The committee thoroughly reviewed the proposals in accordance with the scope of services outlined in the RFP. Of the six (6) competing firms, four (4) of the companies were invited to a formal interview with City staff. Based on these interviews, a RFP addendum was distributed to the four (4) firms clarifying the services the contractor would be expected to perform on the City's behalf. After careful consideration of each company's proposal including consistency with the RFP and interview with staff evaluation committee, the consensus of opinion is that entering into a new contract with Willdan would be the best course of action for the City at this time. This conclusion is based on Willdan's demonstrated community satisfaction with its customer service, corporate resources, competence, and a proposed reduction in the percentage of revenues retained by the company as compensation. Staff Recommendation . It is recommended that the City Council authorize the City Manager to enter into a new three (3) year agreement with Willdan with the option to extend the agreement for up to two (2) additional years, consistent with the City's purchasing policy. BACKGROUND For the past 33, years, the City of Rosemead's building inspection and plan check services have been provided by Willdan and their current agreement will expire on June 30, 2015. Through this agreement, Willdan currently retains 70% of building permit fees and 60% of plan check fees collected as their compensation for services. The scope of ITEM NUMBER: City Council Report April 28, 2015 Page 2 of 5 services in the most recent RFP was written to ensure the City of Rosemead would continue to receive services based on an all- inclusive percentage compensation fee only, with no additional fees to be charged by the consultant. To ensure that a high standard of service is maintained, specifications for building inspection and plan check services were detailed in the RFP and follow -up addendum. Terms in the RFP and addendum included such things as the minimum number of full time staff that must be assigned to the City, and the required: hours of counter coverage, knowledge of technology used by the City of Rosemead, and reporting requirements. The proposals were reviewed and evaluated based on a list of criteria to determine each company's ability to meet the City's Building & Safety needs in two areas: (1) building inspection services, and (2) plan check services. Categories were: A) staff qualifications, B) experience with an HdL software system, the City's current software, C) inspectors' certifications, D) ability to provide onsite plan check review, E) ability to provide expedited plan checks, F) cost of services (based on an all- inclusive percentage split of revenues or compensation with no additional fees charged to the City), G) ability to meet turn - around time frames, and H) overall customer service, as determined through interviews and company references. On November 10, 2014, the RFP was posted on the City's website as well as distributed to six (6) prospective firms. Proposals were due to the City Clerk's Office by December 8, 2014. Prior to this deadline, the City received six (6) proposals for building inspection and plan check services from the following firms: • Charles Abbott Associates, Inc. • CSG Consultants, Inc. • Hayer Consultants, Inc. • Infrastructure Engineers • Transtech Engineers, Inc. • Willdan After careful review of each proposal, four (4) firms were selected for interviews based on their qualifications and fee proposal. Only one (1) firm (Willdan) followed the direction in the RFP to provide an all - inclusive percentage -based split of revenues as compensation with no additional fees to be charged to the City. On February 2, 2015, an addendum to the RFP was issued to the four (4) firms following the interviews to clarify the services to be provided by the firm and to provide an opportunity to update their proposed percentage spilt of revenues, if necessary. Responses to the RFP addendum produces the proposed percentage split of revenues as follows: City Council Report April 28, 2015 Page 3 of 5 Building and Safety RFP Company Building Inspection Consultant IF Services City Plan Check Consultant Services F Cit Charles Abbott 60% 40% 50% 50% Infrastructure 59% 41% 58% 42% Transtech 51% 49% 51% 49% Willdan 60% 40% 55% 45% While Willdan was not the lowest cost bid, the staff evaluation committee unanimously agreed that it is the City's best option due to demonstrated community satisfaction with its customer service, corporate resources and competence, and a proposed reduction in fees charged to the City (10% reduction in building inspection services and a 5 % reduction in plan check services). EXECUTIVE SUMMARIES OF PROPOSALS Charles Abbott Associates (CAA) — Since 1984, CAA has been providing a growing number of cities with Building Services. They provide building inspection and plan check services to a number of cities, including one city in the San Gabriel Valley (City of Duarte). CAA did not provide an all - inclusive compensation fee schedule in their initial proposal as had been requested in the RFP. In addition to their proposed percentage split of revenues, CAA confirmed during their interview that additional hourly fees would be charged for plan checks after the third review, no -fee and City projects, and expedited plan checks. Additionally, they have very little experience with the HdL software system used by the City. The lack of knowledge and proficient use of this software could lead to delays in the issuance of building permits, logging of inspections, and the running of required /needed reports. CAA provided a revised all- inclusive fee proposal in compliance with the City's issued addendum. Infrastructure Engineers — Since 1994, Infrastructure Engineers (formerly known as AAE, Inc.) has been providing City engineering as well as building and safety services to cities. They currently provide building inspection and plan check services to a number of cities including providing a part-time on -call Building Official to the City of Montebello. Infrastructure did not provide an all- inclusive percentage -based fee schedule compensation in their initial proposal as had been specified in the RFP. In addition to their percentage split of revenues scheduled they stated that additional hourly fees would be charged for plan check reviews after the second review as well as for the pick -up and delivery of those plans, weekend /holiday /after work hours, no -fee and City projects, specialized fields of plan check reviews, and expedited plan checks. In addition, only the proposed onsite Permit Technician has experience with the HdL software system used by the City. Infrastructure provided a revised all- inclusive proposal for. a percentage split of revenues in compliance with the City's issued addendum to the RFP. City Council Report April 28, 2015 Page 4 of 5 Transtech — Established in 1989, Transtech is a multi - disciplinary engineering consulting firm that provides full contract municipal engineering services to local agencies. They currently provide building inspection and plan check services to a number of cities including the neighboring cities of Temple City, Alhambra, and Monterey Park.' Transtech did not provide an all - inclusive percentage -based compensation fee schedule in their initial proposal as had been requested in the RFP. In addition to their proposed percentage fee schedule, they stated that additional hourly fees would be charged for certain services. During the interview, Transtech confirmed that additional fees based on hourly rates would be charged to the City for "certain services ", i.e. plan checks after the second review, weekend /holiday /after work hours, no -fee and City projects, and specialized fields of plan check reviews. When the addendum was issued to clarify and re -state the City's intention to have all - inclusive services with no additional fees, Transtech provided a letter (in addition to the addendum) that again suggested that they may not fully understand the scope of services, which also led, to staff's doubt as to whether Transtech is proposing an all - inclusive percentage -based split of revenues with no additional fees charged to the City. As a result, additional follow -up and clarification was needed. There is also concern that Transtech may not provide the dedicated assigned staff that would be required to match the level of service provided by the existing consultant. According to statements during their interview, they proposed to share personnel resources with neighboring cities, rather than provide the desired assigned staff as specified in the RFP and RFP addendum. In addition, their lack of attentiveness to these details in the RFP and RFP addendum is concerning, and provides some insight into their potential working relations with the public. Additionally, Transtech has no experience with the HdL software system used by the City. The lack of knowledge and proficient use of this software could lead to delays in the issuance of building permits, logging of inspections, and the running of required /needed reports. Willdan — Founded in 1964, Willdan Group, Inc. provides a range of professional technical and consulting services. This is a publicly traded company providing nationwide services in a variety of fields. They currently provide building inspection and plan check services to a number of cities including the neighboring cities of El Monte, La Puente, and Sierra Madre. As Rosemead's current building and plan check services contractor, Willdan has provided this service to the community for 33 years. They were the only firm to submit an all - inclusive proposal for a percentage split of revenues with no additional fees from the onset, which includes a 10% reduction in the percentage split of revenues building inspection services and a 5% reduction in the percentage split of revenues plan check services. Willdan has demonstrated significant involvement in community programs and events. Given Willdan's track record with the City, the City can be assured that it will not have any unexpected fees associated with building and planning services which will help insure the same level of service at no cost to the City. Staff has first -hand knowledge of the Willdan employees' willingness and ability to provide services to the Rosemead City Council Report April 28, 2015 Page 5 of 5 community, and developers working within this community outside of normal City hours (before and after work hours and weekend hours), again at no additional cost to the City. After a recent emergency/disaster incident, when an evening explosion occurred in an apartment complex, Willdan staff responded without direction from the City and without submitting a request for additional compensation. During the past several years, numerous compliments have been received from residents and developers regarding the customer service provided by the Willdan staff. Moreover, Building Official James Donovan has served in his capacity with the City of Rosemead for 14 years. During this tenure, positive relationships and significant institutional knowledge have been forged resulting in a high quality of service to the community. In consideration of Willdan's comprehensive proposal, their longstanding relationships with the City and the community, satisfaction with customer service, and a 10% reduction in its share of building inspection fee revenues and 5% reduction in its share of plan check fee revenues, the staff evaluation committee believes they are the best fit for the City and our community. CONCLUSION Based on the above discussion, staff is recommending that the City Council award a contract to Willdan to continue providing Building & Safety to the City. It is the unanimous opinion of staff that a change of consultants for building inspection - and plan check services at this time would result in an undue disruption within the organization and services to the community. Moreover, it is staff's opinion that a change in contractors at this critical juncture could negatively impact the economic development momentum that the City is experiencing with many development projects currently in progress and in the planning stages. Although revenues and costs to the City is often the most important consideration in its decisions, in the present case it is more important to consider the competency and exemplary services that have been proven over time. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Submitted by: 0. u, Michelle G. Ramirez Community Development Director Attachment A — Consultants Proposals and Addendums Attachment B — City Issued Request for Proposal (RFP) Attachment C — City Issued Addendum to RFP ATTACHMENT A "'f ransted March 9, 2015 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Michelle G. Ramirez Community Development Director City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 1 '� I I "L TRAN-sTEch www.transtech.orQ 855.595,2495 (toll -free) ISO 9001:2008 Certified Subject: Clarification Requested to our March 5, 2015 Fee Submittal City of Rosemead - Request for Proposal No. 2014 -12 (Building Inspection and Plan Check Services) — RFP ADDENDUM, dated February 23, 2015 Dear Ms. Ramirez: Per our telephone conversation of this morning and as requested, we are submitting this letter to the City to provide clarification regarding scope of work and fees. Our fee to provide all of the scope of work items as listed in City's Addendum 1, dated February 23, 2015 is as follows: New Fee per the new conditions set in the RFP Addendum received via e-mail on February 23, 2015 Building Services 100% Plan Check Services 100% Consultant 51% Consultant 51% Citv 49% City 49 Should you have any question or should you need additional information, please contactthe undersigned. Sincerely, lal�_ 114� Ayla Jefferson, CBO, Building Department Manager /Contract Principal Ayla.iefferson @transtech.ore C: 909 - 851 -5765 www.tra nstech. orQ D. \OROPBO%(TPANS MENGINEERS) \PROPC L%k2014 \P- 14107ROSEMFAD BUNONG AND SAFEfY5FA IM DUE 11G51410AM \PR0PCM\ ADDENDUM 1 \R05EMFAD B&S SFRVICFS,AODENOUM 1,ADD710W IARIFMn0NS PERCH 3 -415 REQUESr.D= 13367 Benson Avenue I Chino CA 91710 1 T gog 595 8 599 1 F 9og 590 8599 1 www.transtech.org March 5, 2015 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Michelle G. Ramirez Community Development Director City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 II =� TRANsTEch www.transtech.org 855.595.2495 (toll -free) ISO 9001:2008 Certified Subject: City of Rosemead - Request for Proposal No. 2014 -12 (Building Inspection and Plan Check Services) — RFP ADDENDUM, dated February 23, 2015 Dear Ms. Ramirez: Transtech received the City's RFP Addendum for the subject project on February 23, 2015 via e-mail. City's RFP Addendum states that any compensation proposal other than what is being requested by the City of Rosemead in this ADDENDUM will be rejected and disqualified from further consideration, and the City will only accept this updated all- inclusive percentage fee compensation form and will not accept any other form or addendum. As required by the City, we are submitting City's "Revised Compensation Proposal Form" per conditions specified in the Addendum (Attachment 1). Following is a comparison showing our original fee and updated fee per conditions stated in Addendum: Fee submitted with the proposal dated December 2, 2015 Building Services 100% Plan Check Services 100% Consultant 50% Consultant 50% City 50% City 50% New Fee per the new conditions set in the RFP Addendum received via e-mail on February 23, 2015 Building Services 100% Plan Check Services 100% Consultant 51% Consultant 51% rity 49% City 49% Note: Fees are based on City' current fee schedule. As shown above, we increased our originally submitted fee with our December 8, 2014 Proposal from 50% to 51% to cover the additional scope items requested by the City in Addendum, which are: • Weekend /Holiday /After Work Hour Inspections - The Consultant will be required to provide 13367 Benson Avenue I Chino CA 91710 I T 9o9 595 8 599 I F 9o9 59 8599 I www.transtech.org March 5, 2015 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Michelle G. Ramirez Subject: City of Rosemead - Request for Proposal No. 2014 -12 (Building Inspection and Plan Check Services) — RFP ADDENDUM, dated February 23, 2015 Page 3 occasional weekend, holiday, and after work hour inspections as requested by the City Manager or designee. • No Fee /City Projects - The Consultant will be required to process and inspect no fee and City projects at no additional cost to the City or the applicant. • Disaster Safety Assessment - The Consultant will be required to provide disaster safety assessment of all buildings in the event of a disaster as requested by the City Manager or designee. In addition, the Consultant will be required to provide emergency inspections, as needed, due to natural or manmade disasters (i.e. fire, auto accident, etc.). • Other Services - The Consultant will attend City Council meetings as requested by the City Manager or designee. The increase in the originally submitted fee with our December 8, 2014 Proposal from 50% to 51% is assumed to cover the above listed additional scope items per Addendum 1, for which the level of effort cannot be estimated or calculated accurately, as the level of effort for these items will depend on the City's discretion, or the number of accidents /incidents and /or any other disasters that may or may not happen in the future. Thank you for the opportunity to submit this proposal. Should you have any question or should you need additional information, please contactthe undersigned. Sincerely, Ayla Jefferson, CBO Building Department Manager /Contract Principal Avla.iefferson @transtech.org C: 909 -851 -5765 www.transtech.orl; ATTACHMENTS: ATTACHMENT 1: City's Revised Compensation Proposal Form issued with February 23, 2015 Addendum ATTACHMENT 2: Addendum received from City via e-mail on February 23, 2015 DADROPBOX )TRANSTECH ENGINEERS) \PROPOSALS \2014 \P - 14.107 ROSEMEAD BUILDING AND SAFETY SERVICES DUE 12081410AM \PROPOSAL \ROSEMEAD Bbd SERVICES, ADDENDUM 1, FEE SUBMITTAL, 3 -515, 5 PM.DOO( Submitted by: Transtech Engineers, Inc. 1 E__ TRANs1ECH ATTACHMENT 1: City's Revised Compensation Proposal Form issued with February 23, 2015 fTP Add February 23, 2015 Page 5 REVISED COMPENSATION PROPOSAL FORM 1. The Consultant understands and agrees to all of the Scope of Services listed in the Request for Proposal No. 2014 -12 (Building Inspection and Plan Check Services) -- ADDENDUM dated February 23, 2015. 2. The Consultant understands that. the City of Rosemead is requesting an updated proposal based on an ail- in.clusivo percentage fee compensation only, based on all of the Scope of Services listed in the Request for Proposal No. 2014 -12 (Building Inspection and Plan Check Services) —ADDENDUM dated February 23, 201:5 and that the City of Rosemead will not accept any hourly rates or additional charges. 3. The Consultant understands that any compensation proposal other than what is being requested by the City of Rosemead in this ADDENDUM will be rejected and disqualified from further consideration. 4. Revised All Inclusive Percentage Fee Compensation Bu ilding Serv ices 100% Pl an C S ervices 100% Consultant _ _ �1 51% Consultant 51 Note: Fees are based on City' current fee schedule. Ayla Jefferson, CBO Printed Name Signature Buil Departm Manager /Contract Principal Title March 5, 20 Date This foan roust be returned to the City of Rosemead, Community Development Director, Michelle Ramirez, by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday. March 5 2015 The City of Rosemead will only accept this updated all- inclusive percentage fee compensation form and will not accept any other form or addendum. Consultants that do not return this Revised Compensation Proposal by the listed date and time will be disqualified and no longer considered a candidate for the administration and operation of the Building and Safety Division for the City of Rosemead. RETURN COMPLETED FORM 13Y 5 :00 P.M., MARCH 5, 2015 Trgnatech Engineers Submitted by: Transtech Engineers, Inc. �i TRANREd f Submitted to: CITY OF ROSEMEAD City Clerk's Office Attn: Gloria Molleda, City Clerk 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 Due Date December 8, 2014, 10 am Submittal includes: 5 bound, 1 unbound copies Submitted by::_ =�` TRANSTECH Engineers, Inc. 4 TRA/VsTEch Contact person for this submittal: Ayla Jefferson, CBO avIa.iefferson @transtech.org C: 909 - 851 -5765 www.trar.stecii.org 855.595.2495 (toll -free) ISO 9001:2008 Certified SECTION PAGE 1. Introduction 1.1 -1.3 2. Executive Summary 2.1-2.2 3. Work Plan 3.1-3.4 4. Performance Standards 4.1-4.2 5. Firm Qualifications 5.1-5.15 6. Project Team 6.1-6.12 7. References 7.1-7.14 8. Compensation 8.1-8.2 9. Insurance 9.1-9.1 10. Statement of Understanding 10.1 -10.1 11. Unanticipated or Significant Deviations 11.1 -11.1 a PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING INSPECTION AND PLAN CHECK SERVICES (RFP NO. 2014-12) t TRANswCH ��� 1. INTRODUCTION TRANsTEch www.transtech.org 855.595.2495 (toll -free) ISO 9001:2008 Certified December 8, 2014 CITY OF ROSEMEAD City Clerk's Office Attn: Gloria Molleda, City Clerk 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 Subject: PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING INSPECTION AND PLAN CHECK SERVICES REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2014-12 Transtech is pleased to submit this proposal to the City of Rosemead for the subject services. Established in 1989, Transtech is a multi - disciplinary engineering consulting firm which provides full contract municipal engineering services to local agencies. Our staff members serve local agencies in various capacities, such as City Engineer, City Traffic Engineer, CIP Program Manager, Construction Manager, Public Works Engineer, Building Official, Plan Checker, Inspector and Planner. We are accustomed to working with governmental agencies in every facet of municipal engineering. Our staff has an excellent understanding of public agency issues, procedures and policies. We also coordinate and work with regional governmental agencies, including Caltrans, County of Los Angeles, Metro, SCAG, as well as utility companies. Our service capabilities include: • Municipal Engineering Services, City Engineer, City Traffic Engineer, Capital Improvement Projects, Development Review, Plan Check • Building and Safety Services, Building Inspection, Plan Check, Building Evaluations, City Building Official, Code Enforcement • Housing /rehabilitation program management, CDBG program management, Housing /building improvement /evaluation services • Economic Development /Redevelopment Services • Program and Construction Management, Contract Administration, Construction Inspection, Labor Compliance, Design -build Services • Federally Funded Project Management and Grant applications • City Planning Services • Civil Engineering, Freeways and Interchanges, Local Streets and Roads, Sewerage, Water and Storm Drain, Pavement Management System, Grading Studies • Traffic and Transportation Planning and Engineering • Water Resources Engineering 13367 Benson Avenue I Chino CA 91710 I T 9o9 595 8 599 I F 9o9 590 8599 I www.transtech.org 1. INTRODUCTION Page 1.2 • Surveying, Mapping, ALTA, Right -of -way Engineering • Emergency and Disaster Response, Support and Recovery Services Transtech has extensive experience in providing contract building and safety services. Currently, our firm is providing similar services to the following agencies: • City of Temple City: Building Official, Plan Check, Inspection, Permit Specialist, City Engineering, Traffic Engineering, Public Works Plan Check, Public Works Inspection Services • City of Alhambra: Building Official, Plan Check, Inspection, Permit Specialist, City Engineering, Traffic Engineering, Public Works Plan Check, Public Works Inspection Services • City of South Pasadena: Building Official, Plan Check, Inspection, Permit Specialist Services • City of Hawaiian Gardens: Building Official, Plan Check, Inspection, Permit Specialist Services • City of Huntington Park: Building Official, Plan Check, Inspection, Permit Specialist, City Engineering, Traffic Engineering Services • San Manuel Indian Reservation: Building Official, Plan Check, Inspection Services • City of Monterey Park: City Engineering, Public Works Plan Check, Public Works Inspection, Building Plan Check, Building Inspection Services • City of Commerce: City Engineering Staff Augmentation, Plan Check, Inspection, Building Permit Specialist Services • City of Cudahy: Building Plan Check Services Our key staff members have served as Building Official, Deputy Building Official, Plan Checker and Inspector for a. number of agencies, and have an excellent understanding of public agency issues, procedures, and policies. Our key staff members also have extensive experience in Plan Check and Inspection of large and complex projects. We embrace a customer service attitude, and believe that services should be provided in a manner that is as applicant friendly as possible. Between various State and County agencies, and the associated bureaucracy; it has become very difficult for the average homeowner or business person to develop their own property. Meeting the needs of these individuals, through education and patient plan review and inspection is a high priority. Responsiveness is an integral part of Transtech's "customer friendly" service approach. Transtech understands the importance of being able to expedite certain projects through the plan review process. When requested, Transtech has sufficient staff and resources to expedite plan checks. In the event of a local or regional emergency or disaster, our personnel will be accessible, available, and prepared to provide Building and Safety services as directed by the City. We will strive to improve the City's reputation as a desirable community to invest and conduct business. Transtech maintains a low overhead, and provides cost effective services to its clients. Transtech has readily available staff to commence with the services upon City's authorization to proceed. q= ti PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING INSPECTION AND PLAN CHECK SERVICES (RFP NO. 2014-12) TRANswcH 1. INTRODUCTION Page 1.3 Thank you for the opportunity to submit this proposal. Should you have any question or should you need additional information, please contact the undersigned. Sincerely, 14 y1a l7ciAlo e Ayla Jefferson, CBO Building Department Manager /Contract Principal avia.iefferson @transtech.ore C: 909 - 851 -5765 www.transtech.org F: \W PROCESS \PROPOSALS \2014 \P- 14.1D7 ROSEMEAD BUILDING AND SAFETY SERVICES DUE 12081410AM \PROPOSAL \P - 14.107 ROSEMEAD BUILDING AND SAFETY SERVICES DUE 12081410AM.DDD( p PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING INSPECTION AND PLAN CHECK SERVICES (RFP NO. 2014 -12) TRANSTECh 2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TRANsTEck, 2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Page 2.1 Our key staff members have served as Building Official, Deputy Building Official, Plan Checker and Inspector for a number of agencies, and have an excellent understanding of public agency issues, procedures, and policies. Our key staff members also have extensive experience in Plan Check and Inspection of large and complex projects. Transtech has extensive experience in providing contract building and safety services. Currently, our firm is providing similar services to the following agencies: • City of Temple City: Building Official, Plan Check, Inspection, Permit Specialist, City Engineering, Traffic Engineering, Public Works Plan Check, Public Works Inspection Services • City of Alhambra: Building Official, Plan Check, Inspection, Permit Specialist, City Engineering, Traffic Engineering, Public Works Plan Check, Public Works Inspection Services • City of South Pasadena: Building Official, Plan Check, Inspection, Permit Specialist Services • City of Hawaiian Gardens: Building Official, Plan Check, Inspection, Permit Specialist Services • City of Huntington Park: Building Official, Plan Check, Inspection, Permit Specialist, City Engineering, Traffic Engineering Services • San Manuel Indian Reservation: Building Official, Plan Check, Inspection Services • City of Monterey Park: City Engineering, Public Works Plan Check, Public Works Inspection, Building Plan Check, Building Inspection Services • City of Commerce: City Engineering Staff Augmentation, Plan Check, Inspection, Building Permit Specialist Services • City of Cudahy: Building Plan Check Services Licenses and Certification of Transtech's Building and Safety staff include: • ICC Certified Building Official • ICC Certified Building, Electrical, Mechanical and Plumbing Plans Examiner • Accessibility Plans Examiner • CalGreen- California Green Building Plan Examiner • ICC Certified Commercial Building, Electrical, Mechanical and Plumbing Inspector • Accessibility Inspector • CalGreen- California Green Building Inspector • IAPMO Certified Plumbing, Mechanical Inspector • CA Commercial and Res Plumbing Inspector • Plumbing Inspector UPC • CA Residential Mechanical Inspector • CACEO Certified Code Enforcement Official • ICC Fire Plans Examiner • Certified member of California Task Force 1 — FEMA /LA City Urban Search and Rescue - Lead Structure Specialist Our Building and Safety staff members have served and /or are currently serving on various ICC and Building Official Committees, including: • Chair; ICC Sustainability Membership Council PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING INSPECTION AND PLAN CHECK SERVICES (RFP NO. 2014-12) TRANSTECb 2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Page 2.2 • Chair; ICC Los Angeles Basin Chapter Inspection Committee • Commissioner, ICC Codes & Standards Council • Commissioner; CALBO Green Committee • ICC Los Angeles Basin Chapter Board of Directors • ICC Building Officials Membership Governing Council • ICC Code Development Committee Vice Chair • ICC Technology /Web Advisory Group • IAS Accreditation Committee We embrace a customer service attitude, and believe that services should be provided in a manner that is as applicant friendly as possible. Between various State and County agencies, and the associated bureaucracy; it has become very difficult for the average homeowner or business person to develop their own property. Meeting needs of these individuals, through education and patient plan review and inspection is a high priority. Responsiveness is an integral part of Transtech's "customer friendly" service approach. Transtech understands the importance of being able to expedite certain projects through the plan review process. When requested, Transtech has sufficient staff and resources to expedite plan checks. In the event of a local or regional emergency or disaster, our personnel will be accessible, available, and prepared to provide Building and Safety services as directed by the City. 0 PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING INSPECTION AND PLAN CHECK SERVICES (RFP NO. 2014-12) 4 � TRANS!£CE/ �= ` 3e WORK PLAN TRANsTEch 3. WORK PLAN Page 3.1 TRANSITION FROM CURRENT CONSULTANT We have completed several similar service transitions, and will be able to minimize any inconveniences. We do not see a need for an extensive overlapping work period with the current consultant. Our staff has done similar transitions before, and can handle any open issues left from the current consultant. The "overlapping work period" would only increase the City's cost on staff time. Our expectation is to review the project files and address status of current /open plan checks and projects and priority issues for transition. Upon this review and de- briefing from the current contractor, the Transtech team will immediately assume the positions to maintain and improve the current status of the assigned responsibilities. Plan Check Transition: If the current consultant has already started the plan check for a project, and already collected the fee for that plan check, the City would have 2 options: Option 1: Allow current consultant to complete the plan check; or Option 2: Request the current consultant to return a portion of the plan check fee proportionate to the level of plan check completion, and the new consultant completes the plan check with an hourly fee. After the review of status of current open plan checks, we will advise the City with an appropriate option accordingly. Inspection Transition: If the current consultant has already started the inspection for a project, and already collected the fee for that inspection, the City would have 2 options: Option 1: Allow current consultant to complete the inspection; or Option 2: The new consultant completes the inspection. After the review of status of current open inspections, we will advise the City with an appropriate option accordingly. In summary, we can take over all plan checks and inspections from current consultant immediately. After meeting with the current consultant and obtaining the list of open plan checks and inspections, we will advise the City the level of completion on open plan checks and inspections. The City can work out any fee issues with the current consultant for work not completed, but fees collected accordingly. SCOPE OF SERVICES Scope of Services will be provided as specified in City's RFP, Exhibit A -Scope of Services, which states: 1. General Consultant shall provide building and safety services as requested by the City. Such services shall include enforcement of the City's building laws and codes. Such enforcement shall include the duties set forth in the ordinance of the City for the Building Official and, in the performance of such work, the officials, plan reviewers and building inspectors of Consultant shall have the powers, duties and discretion of Building Official of the City. Under the California Building Code (CBC) Section 104 as amended by Los Angeles County Title 26 and adopted by the City, the Building Official is directed to perform certain tasks as described in the CBC. When acting in accordance with Section 104, the PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING INSPECTION AND PLAN CHECK SERVICES (RFP NO. 2014-12) TRANSTECh 3. WORK PLAN Page 3.2 Building Official is afforded certain protection from liability per section 104.2.6. As City's authorized representative, Consultant shall be deemed to have the same right to protection from liability to the maximum extent allowed by law. This section is not intended and shall not operate to in any way increase City's liability or decrease its lawful immunity from liability. 2. Building Official Duties of the Building Official shall include but not be limited to the following: The Building Official is authorized to enforce all provisions of the City Building Codes, Residential Codes, Plumbing Codes, Electrical Codes, Mechanical Codes, Green Building Standards, and Building Energy Conservation, and to make all inspections pursuant to the provisions of each code. The Building Official shall have the power to render interpretations of these codes and to adopt and enforce rules and supplemental regulations in order to clarify the application of its provisions. 3. Plan Review Consultant shall review plans prepared by or on behalf of an applicant for compliance with the Building laws of the City and State. When satisfied that the plans comply the applicable Building laws of the City and State, Consultant shall approve plans and forward to City for issuance of permit. 4. Building Inspection Consultant shall provide building observation services during the course of construction to enforce compliance with the conditions of approval, provisions of the City's Building laws and the Code requirements set forth on the approved plans for which a permit was issued. In the performance of such duties Consultant shall observe each project at the completion of the various stages of construction for compliance with the appropriate City and State code. SCHEDULE OF SERVICES Schedule of Services will be provided as specified in City's RFP, Exhibit B- Schedule of Services, which states: Public Counter Services - Consultant personnel will provide public counter services during City Hall hours of operation. Consultant personnel will provide over the counter plan review services Monday through Thursday 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Plan Check Services - All residential and non - residential plan check would be performed by the Consultant. The Consultant will work closely with the Planner assigned to each project, including review of final plan check as Building Official. The services include plan review services of construction drawings to ensure compliance with City building codes and related Municipal Code requirements. Plan review services also include, but not be limited to, the disciplines of Building, Residential, Plumbing, Electrical, Mechanical, Green Building Standards, and Building Energy PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING INSPECTION AND PLAN CHECK SERVICES (RFP NO. 2014-12) J TRANNECH 3. WORK PLAN Page 3.3 Conservation. The Building Official and Inspector(s) will work in coordination with the Planning staff on all plan checks to be sure they comply and are in accordance with the City zoning codes. Inspection Services - The Consultant will provide ,all inspection services for all residential and non- residential construction, and construction related activity, during City Hall hours of operation and on Fridays until 12:00 pm. Inspection services will be performed by ICC certified Building Inspector(s). Other Services - Consultant will interface with permit applicants; staff the public counter during City Hall hours of operation and provide off hour inspection services as requested; provide problem solving methods for unique or challenging plan check or code interpretation issues; report writing when necessary; policy & procedure recommendations; attend City Council meetings when necessary. Consultant will be qualified in post- disaster safety assessment, and will be available to the City to assess the safety of buildings in the event of a disaster. Consultant will also provide inspection services for special projects as determined by the City Manager. GENERAL All residential and non - residential plan check will be performed by qualified plans examiners. Transtech staff will work closely with the Planner assigned to each project, including review of final plan check as Building Official. • The services will include plan review services of construction drawings to ensure compliance with building codes and related Municipal Code requirements. Plan review services will include, but not be limited to the disciplines of Building, Residential, Plumbing, Electrical, Mechanical, Green Building Standards, and Building Energy Conservation. The Building Official and Inspector(s) work in coordination with the Planning staff on all plan checks to be sure they comply and are in accordance with the City zoning codes. • California Building Laws - The City of Rosemead adopts the California Building Laws as amended by Los Angeles County. Once the State of California and County of Los Angeles have completed their adoption process, Transtech will provide the necessary materials (i.e. staff report, ordinances, resolutions, etc.) for the City to adopt the County Codes and will attend the City Council meeting for said items. • Inspection Services — Transtech will provide all inspection services for all residential and non- residential construction, and construction related activity, during City Hall hours of operation and on Fridays until 12:00 p.m. Inspection services will be performed by [CC certified Building Inspector(s). Upon request, inspection services will be provided before and after City Hall hours of operation and on weekends /holidays. • Other Services - Interface with permit applicants; staff the public counter during City Hall hours of operation and provide off hour inspection services as requested; provide problem solving methods for unique or challenging plan check or code interpretation issues; report writing when necessary; policy & procedure recommendations; attend City Council meetings when necessary. • Transtech staff will be available to the City to assess the safety of buildings in the event of a disaster. • Technology - As requested, Transtech staff will use the HDL system. • Transtech provides all plan check comments on electronic files. All plan check comments are PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING INSPECTION AND PLAN CHECK SERVICES (RFP NO. 2014 -12) C / TearvSrECII 3. WORK PLAN .Page 3.4 provided on scanned pdf format electronically, as well as hard copies. Plan review corrections are Written clearly, and are fully detailed to explain the Code deficiency (including all applicable code sections). To help the applicant better understand the problem, Transtech Engineers, Inc. provides as much information during plan review as possible. We believe that if the applicant has a clear understanding of the problem, he or she can take the necessary steps to correct the condition. This policy reduces the number of plan review rechecks required, allows the applicant to obtain a permit much sooner, and reduces the overall time our staff is required to spend on that particular plan. Unclear and /or cryptic corrections are never written, and all correction lists, except those written over - the - counter, are typed and printed on a laser printer. • Transtech understands the importance of being able to expedite certain projects through the plan review process. When requested, Transtech has sufficient staff and resources to expedite plan checks. • Transtech will address inquiries regarding plan check comments with applicant where clarification is requested and attend meetings as requested. • Transtech will perform inspection services for compliance with applicable Building Codes, City regulations, standards and applicable conditions of approval. • All inspection request calls will be returned within 24 hours; inspection times will be scheduled accordingly. • Upon successful completion of requested inspection service by applicant and acceptance by Transtech, the inspector will sign off on the appropriate portion of the permit. • Upon completion of all inspections and prior to final signoff Transtech will coordinate with other departments and agencies where conditions of approval must be met at time of Certificate of Occupancy. • Transtech will provide inspection services for special projects as determined by the City Manager. Emergency Services: In the event of a local or regional emergency or disaster, all on -site personnel will be accessible, available, and prepared to provide Building and Safety services as directed by the City. 0 PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING INSPECTION AND PLAN CHECK SERVICES (RFP NO. 2014-12) f�. T RANSTECh I � I 4. PERFORMANCE 11/IANCE STANDARDS TRA NsTEch 4. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS Service Approach: Page 4.1 Our services are founded on the principals of Total Quality Management. We start by working with the applicant during plan review to help him or her prepare a set of plans which have all the required information clearly and logically presented. Additionally, we never hesitate to make suggestions which help eliminate complicated details, reduce construction costs, and /or provide details which are easy to verify in the field. Experience has taught us well that inspection time and applicant frustration can both be substantially reduced, while increasing overall compliance, by producing a better set of plans during plan review process. And in the case of homeowners, this policy often demonstrates early on that the City really is here to help. Transtech provides all plan check comments on electronic files. All plan check comments are provided on scanned pdf format electronically, as well as hard copies. Plan review corrections are written clearly, and are fully detailed to explain the Code deficiency (including all applicable code sections). To help the applicant better understand the problem, Transtech Engineers, Inc. provides as much information during plan review as possible. We believe that if the applicant has a clear understanding of the problem, he or she can take the necessary steps to correct the condition. This policy reduces the number of plan review rechecks required, allows the applicant to obtain a permit much sooner, and reduces the overall time our staff is required to spend on that particular plan. Unclear and /or cryptic corrections are never written, and all correction lists, except those written over - the - counter, are typed and printed on a laser printer. Transtech will perform necessary liaisons with City, and the permit applicant or applicant's designee either by telephone, mail, or meeting in the offices of Building and Safety Division, and perform necessary rechecks to achieve compliance with applicable building laws, ordinances, and regulations. • Responsiveness is an integral part of Transtech's "customer friendly" service approach. • We will strive to improve the City's reputation as a desirable community to invest and conduct business. Service Delivery Times: Service Plan Check Average Timeframe for Delivery Residential (New Construction, Additions and Remodels) 10 to 15 business days �.___. _.___.- .-- __..- �_.___._.__ -_.__ .._.__- ..____..._._...- ._.__.. _ __..- ___.. .__.__......... Commercial (New Construction, Additions and Remodels) 10 to 15 business days Industrial (New Construction, Additions and Remodels) 10 to 15 business days _ ...... . ...... _..__ __. ..... ... ..... - ..... Major Development Projects such as mixed uses and complex 15 to 25 business days depending on projects typically with valuation over $5,000,000 size and complexity of the project __._..__.._...._.....-_ .... __ .... ......-_.._..._-._._ ... _ ....... _...___._._-.__.__-__-..-..._.___._.._.-._._........ __........_._.-_ ...... _ ... _.._ ............ i............ ____..._.._.___....._....____. .. ..... . .......... __...__... -__ ............. _.- Service - Building inspection The following working day M �, Q PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING INSPECTION AND PLAN CHECK SERVICES (RFP NO. 2014 -12) TRANSIECh 4. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS Page 4.2 Expedited Service Requests: Transtech has resources to expedite certain projects when requested by the City. When requested, Transtech can assign additional plans examiners to complete the projects on expedited schedule. When requested, we can dispatch additional inspectors to provide expedited inspection on same day, when requested by the City. On large development projects, if requested by the City, we can provide dedicated inspector(s) for on- going inspection on daily basis. . PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING INSPECTION AND PLAN CHECK SERVICES (RFP NO. 2014-12) < r� TRANSTECIi TRANSTECh S. FIRM QUALIFICATIONS S. FIRM QUALIFICATIONS Page 5.1 Established in 1989, Transtech is a multi - disciplinary engineering consulting firm which provides full contract municipal engineering services to local agencies. Our staff members serve local agencies in various capacities, such as City Engineer, City Traffic Engineer, CIP Program Manager, Construction Manager, Public Works Engineer, Building Official, Plan Checker, Inspector and Planner. We are accustomed to working with governmental agencies in every.facet of municipal engineering. Our staff has an excellent understanding of public agency issues, procedures and policies. We also coordinate and work with regional governmental agencies, including Caltrans, County of Los Angeles, Metro, SCAG, as well as utility companies. Our service capabilities include: • Municipal Engineering Services, City Engineer, City Traffic Engineer, Capital Improvement Projects, Development Review, Plan Check • Building and Safety Services, Building Inspection, Plan Check, Building Evaluations, City Building Official, Code Enforcement • Housing /rehabilitation program management, CDBG program management, Housing /building improvement /evaluation services • Economic Development /Redevelopment Services • Program and Construction Management, Contract Administration, Construction Inspection, Labor Compliance, Design -build Services • Federally Funded Project Management and Grant applications • City Planning Services • Civil Engineering, Freeways and Interchanges, Local Streets and Roads, Sewerage, Water and Storm Drain, Pavement Management System, Grading Studies • Traffic and Transportation Planning and Engineering • Water Resources Engineering • Surveying, Mapping, ALTA, Right -of -way Engineering • Emergency and Disaster Response, Support and Recovery Services • Transtech is a multi - disciplinary engineering consulting firm which provides full contract municipal engineering services to local agencies. Our staff members serve local agencies in various capacities, such as City Engineer, City Traffic Engineer, CIP Program Manager, Construction Manager, Public Works Engineer, Building Official, Plan Checker, Inspector and Planner. We are accustomed to working with governmental agencies in every facet of municipal engineering. Our staff has an excellent understanding of public agency issues, procedures and policies. We also coordinate and work with regional governmental agencies, including Caltrans, County of Los Angeles, Metro, SCAG, as well as utility companies. EXPERIENCE IN BUILDING AND SAFETY SERVICES Transtech has extensive experience in providing contract building and safety services. Currently, our firm is providing similar services to the following agencies: • City of Temple City: Building Official, Plan Check, Inspection, Permit Specialist, City Engineering, Traffic Engineering, Public Works Plan Check, Public Works Inspection Services • City of Alhambra: Building Official, Plan Check, Inspection, Permit Specialist, City Engineering, Traffic I3p PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING INSPECTION AND PLAN CHECK SERVICES (RFP NO. 2014-12) TRANSWCF/ S. FIRM QUALIFICATIONS Page 5.2 Engineering, Public Works Plan Check, Public Works Inspection Services • City of South Pasadena: Building Official, Plan Check, Inspection, Permit Specialist Services • City of Hawaiian Gardens: Building Official, Plan Check, . Inspection, Permit Specialist Services • City of Huntington Park: Building Official, Plan Check, Inspection, Permit Specialist, City Engineering, Traffic Engineering Services • San Manuel Indian Reservation: Building Official, Plan Check, Inspection Services • City of Monterey Park: City Engineering, Public Works Plan Check, Public Works Inspection, Building Plan Check, Building Inspection Services • City of Commerce: City Engineering Staff Augmentation, Plan Check, Inspection, Building Permit Specialist Services • City of Cudahy: Building Plan Check Services Licenses and Certification of Transtech's Building and Safety staff include: • ICC Certified Building Official • ICC Certified Building, Electrical, Mechanical and Plumbing Plans Examiner • Accessibility Plans Examiner • CalGreen- California Green Building Plan Examiner • ICC Certified Commercial Building, Electrical, Mechanical and Plumbing Inspector • Accessibility Inspector • CalGreen- California Green Building Inspector • IAPMO Certified Plumbing, Mechanical Inspector • CA Commercial and Res Plumbing Inspector • Plumbing Inspector UPC • CA Residential Mechanical Inspector • CACEO Certified Code Enforcement Official • ICC Fire Plans Examiner • Certified member of California Task Force 1 — FEMA /LA City Urban Search and Rescue - Lead Structure Specialist Our Building and Safety staff members have served and /or are currently serving on various ICC and Building Official Committees, including: • Chair; ICC Sustainability Membership Council • Chair; ICC Los Angeles Basin Chapter Inspection Committee • Commissioner; ICC Codes & Standards Council • Commissioner; CALBO Green Committee • ICC Los Angeles Basin Chapter Board of Directors • ICC Building Officials Membership Governing Council • ICC Code Development Committee Vice Chair • ICC Technology /Web Advisory Group • IAS Accreditation Committee PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING INSPECTION AND PLAN CHECK SERVICES (RFP NO. 2014-12) TRANSTECEI S. FIRM QUALIFICATIONS Page 5.3 Our staff members also have extensive experience in Plan Check, Inspection and Construction Management of large and complex projects, such as: • Casino Expansion for at San Manuel Indian Reservation: Transtech is currently providing plan check on $40m Casino expansion project for San Manuel India Reservation. Transtech is the reservations Building Official, Plan Checker and Inspector, and will also inspect the casino expansion. Project Value $40m. • TACC Cultural Center Development, Lanham, MD: Transtech provided plan check, inspection, construction management and owner representative services for the construction of 310,000 sf cultural center, including Olympic Swimming Pool, Indoor Full Basketball Court, Museum, Performance Center, Restaurant, Religious Center, Monastery. Project Value: $100m. • City of Alhambra Civic Library Project: Transtech provided plan check, inspection, construction management and owner representative services for the construction of 45,000 SF 2 story library with 2 levels of underground parking garage. Project Value: $30m. • City of Alhambra Renaissance Plaza Parking Structure and Entertainment Center: Construction of a 5 level, approximately 600 space parking structure, as well as a 10 plex movie theater, and 3 restaurants and retail stores. Project Value: $40m. • City of San Bernardino Historic Santa Fe Depot Renovation: Transtech provided plan check, inspection and construction management services for the renovations adoptive reuse of 60,000 sf historical Santa Fe Train Depot. Project Value: $20m. • Alhambra Redevelopment Agency Downtown Revitalization Program: Transtech provided plan check, inspection, construction management and owner representative services for the revitalization program, which involved various projects, including Fremont Plaza (modifications /reconstruction of existing buildings for lease by ToysRUs and Party City, construction of a new 30,000 SF store for PetSmart, and various other retail buildings) and Downtown Revitalization (modification /upgrade of existing buildings for Starbucks, 4 Restaurants and various retail businesses). Project Value $50m. y PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING INSPECTION AND PLAN CHECK SERVICES (RFP NO. 2014-12) `I "! TRANSTECEI S. FIRM QUALIFICATIONS Page 5.4 TRANSTECH'S OTHER SERVICE CAPABILITIES AND EXPERIENCE ENGINEERING DESIGN: Transtech staff completed numerous civil engineering design projects for local agencies in Southern California. Several projects were funded by federal funds, including management and processing as required in Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual. Following are a partial listing of various projects representative of Transtech's experience: • State Route 710 Interim Improvements and Fremont Ave. Widening /Realignment: Prepared PS &E as well as provided construction management and inspection services for 3 federally funded projects in Alhambra. Improvements included street, water, sewer, storm drain, landscape, street lighting, traffic signal, and signing and striping plans. The project also involved coordination with Caltrans and encroachment permit processing /approval, as portions of the project was in Caltrans jurisdiction. These projects were all federally funded, requiring processing for E -76 through Caltrans Local Assistance. The total cost for 3 projects was $20M. • Mission Boulevard Widening: Prepared PS &E as well as provided construction management and inspection services for Mission Boulevard widening and reconstruction. Improvements included street, water, sewer, storm drain, landscape, street lighting, traffic signal, and signing and striping plans. Transtech /Mapco also provided construction management and inspection services for the project. The project involved coordination with Caltrans, and was federally funded and required processing for E -76 through Caltrans Local Assistance. Cost $3M. • City of Commerce, Washington Boulevard Overlay Project: Prepared PS &E for the rehabilitation of Washington Boulevard between the 1 -5 Freeway and Atlantic Boulevard in the City of Commerce. The project involved coordination with Caltrans, and was federally funded and required processing for E -76 through Caltrans Local Assistance. The total cost $1M. • City of Baldwin Park, Francisquito Avenue Overlay Project: Prepared PS &E for the rehabilitation of Francisquito Avenue between west and east city limits in the City of Baldwin Park. The project involved coordination with Caltrans, and was federally funded and required processing for E -76 through Caltrans Local Assistance. Cost $1.4M. • CSUSB (Cal State SB University) San Bernardino Campus Access Road: Prepared PS &E and provided construction administration for the project. Improvements included approximately 1 mile street, water, landscape, grading, drainage, street lighting and various other improvements. Cost $6M. • CSUSB (Cal State SB University) Perimeter Road for CSUSB Palm Desert Campus: Prepared PS &E for the project. Improvements included street, water, landscape, grading, drainage, street lighting and various other improvements. Cost $1M. • CSUSB (Cal State SB University): Campus Health Center Expansion: Prepared PS &E for the project for grading, utilities and civil engineering. Cost $8M. • University of California, Riverside - West Campus Infrastructure: Prepared West Campus Infrastructure Development Design /Study, which identified utility and surface infrastructure requirements, and how these improvements could be phased to accommodate proposed campus growth, for an area of 236.8 acres to support approximately 5 million gross square feet of academic, research, support, and student housing facilities. Cost $20M. • City of San Bernardino Campus Parkway Roadway Design: Prepared PS &E as well as provided construction management and inspection services for the project. Improvements included street, water, sewer, storm drain, landscape, street lighting, traffic signal, and signing and striping. Cost $6M. • Alameda Corridor Agency East (ACE) Rail Grade Crossing Jumpstart Improvement Project: Prepared PS &E for Federally Funded Jump Start Improvement Package #1 -Rail Grade Crossing Improvements for Alameda Corridor Agency East (ACE). Project involved 6 agencies and 14 locations in Los Angeles County. Work involved roadway realignment and reconstruction, signalization, traffic control, and construction phasing as well as related improvements such as storm drain, water, sewer landscaping, underground utilities, etc. Cost $8M. • City of Commerce - Street Rehabilitation Program, Tubeway and Yates Reconstruction /Overlay: Prepared PS &E for 2 projects. The projects involved roadway rehabilitation and reconstruction, storm drain, water and sewer design. Transtech also provided construction management services for the project. Cost: $0.5m. • City of San Bernardino, Sewer upgrade project: Preparation of a project PSE for upgrade of main sewer lines at various locations per the City's Sewer Master Plan. Cost: $1.2 m • City of Commerce - Master Sewer Study Telegraph Corridor re- vitalization project: Documentation of existing system. Design capacity analysis based upon land use designations. Produced master plan study report for the project along with cost estimates. • Northpark Boulevard Sewer Extension - Half mile gravity sewer main extension for University Park Subdivision in the City of San Bernardino: Project required special structural designs and encroachment permitting for crossing 100' aqueduct right -of- way. • University Park Storm Drain Design: Design of storm drain system with pipes ranging in size from 18 to 60 inches and trapezoidal channel design for 4500 cfs. • Fremont Avenue Water, Storm Drain and Sewer: Design of water, storm drain and sewer improvements for the Fremont Avenue Widening project from Valley to Common Wealth in the City of Alhambra. L !\ PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING INSPECTION AND PLAN CHECK SERVICES (RFP NO. 2014 -12) TRANSTECFI S. FIRM QUALIFICATIONS Page 5.5 • City of San Diego Water Projects: Green Valley Water line design and construction. 5000 feet, 30" Reinforced concrete water line and pressure reducing station and details for connection to a 60 -inch San Diego County Water Authority Pipeline. Structural arch and encasement designs for road crossings over various SDCWA pipelines up to 108 inches in diameter. Design and construction of Mercy Road pressure booster. • City of San Bernardino Water Projects: Design and construction management of 3500 feet of 20 to 36 inch ductile iron water transmission main in the City of San Bernardino for the development of University Park. Design of over 10,000 feet of 8 thru 12 inch DIP water main for water distribution. Structural arch design for road crossing over the Dept of Water Resources 109 -inch Santa Ana pipeline. • City of Riverside Water Projects: Water distribution analysis and computer modeling for University of California Riverside West Campus expansion infrastructure project. • San Elijo Ranch Drainage, Sewer and Water Master Plan - San Marcos: 2,000 acre / 3400 unit master planned community. The project included literally miles of storm drain, sewer and water lines, sedimentation areas, pump stations, booster stations, water reservoirs and force mains. Cannon Road Trunk Sewer and Pump Station - Design of 8 -12 inch gravity sewer, 6 and 8 inch force main, pump station and wet well. City of Carlsbad • Arrowhead Springs Master Development (in San Bernardino County, in the process of annexing 600 acres into the City) Drainage, Sewer and Water Master Plan: Approximately 600 acre area for future master planned community development (1,300 residential units, lm sf commercial and office, 2 hotels, golf course). CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES (INFRASTRUCTURE /ROADWAY -TYPE A PROJECTS): Transtech has extensive experience in providing construction management services, and has completed a number of projects. The majority of the projects were federally funded. Transtech administered all projects through Caltrans' Local Assistance in compliance with the Local Assistance Procedures Manual (LAPM). Several of these projects also involved close coordination with Caltrans and encroachment permit processing /approval, as portions of some of the projects were in Caltrans jurisdiction. Following is a partial list of significant projects completed, including a brief scope of work and other relevant information: • Rosemead Safety and Enhancement and ADA Improvements Project (Federally Funded), City of Temple City. Provided CM /Resident Engineer, Inspector, Office Engineer Services. Project was inspected and managed in compliance with Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual. Project involved reconstruction, pavement overlay, medians, landscape, curb and gutter, sidewalk, traffic signals, utilities and other misc. improvements. Cost $20m. • Nason /Cactus Roadway Improvements Project, City of Moreno Valley. Provided CM /Resident Engineer, Inspector, Office Engineer Services. Project was inspected and managed in compliance with Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual. Project involved reconstruction, pavement overlay, medians, landscape, curb and gutter, sidewalk, traffic signals, utilities and other misc. improvements. Project Value: $20m ( Transtech won 2013 Construction Management Association of America - CMAA, Project Award for this Project). • Rte 71 1Mission BI Grade Separation Project (Federally Funded) City of Pomona. Provided CM /Resident Engineer, Inspector, Office Engineer Services. Project was inspected and managed in compliance with Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual. Project involved construction of a grade separation. Caltrans was the oversight /jurisdictional Agency. Cost $40m. • 710 Freeway Interim Improvements and Fremont Widening Project (Federally Funded), City of Alhambra. Provided CM /Resident Engineer, Inspector, Office Engineer Services. Project was inspected and managed in compliance with Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual. Project involved reconstruction, pavement overlay, medians, landscape, curb and gutter, sidewalk, traffic signals, utilities and other misc. improvements. Project also involved coordination with Caltrans for work at the 710 Freeway ramps under Caltrans Encroachment Permit. Cost: $15m. • Via Duct Boulevard /2 °d Street Realignment and Metrolink Parking Facility, City of San Bernardino Project: Provided CM /Resident Engineer, Inspector, Office Engineer Services. Project was inspected and managed in compliance with Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual. Project involved reconstruction, pavement overlay, medians, landscape, curb and gutter, sidewalk, traffic signals, utilities and other misc. improvements. Cost $6m. • Valley Boulevard Rehabilitation and ADA Improvements Project (Federally Funded), City of Alhambra: Provided CM /Resident Engineer, Inspector, Office Engineer Services. Project was inspected and managed in compliance with Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual. Project involved reconstruction, pavement overlay, medians, landscape, curb and gutter, sidewalk, traffic signals, utilities and other misc. improvements. Project also involved coordination with Caltrans for work at the 710 Freeway ramps under Caltrans Encroachment Permit. Cost $3m. • New Avenue, from North to South City limit Rehabilitation and ADA Improvements Project (Federally Funded), City of Alhambra: Provided CM /Resident Engineer, Inspector, Office Engineer Services. Project was inspected and managed in compliance with Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual. Project involved reconstruction, pavement overlay, medians, landscape, curb and gutter, sidewalk, traffic signals, utilities and other misc. improvements. Project also involved coordination with Caltrans for work at the 1 -10 Freeway ramps under Caltrans Encroachment Permit. Cost $2m. • Garfield Rehabilitation and ADA Improvements Project (Federally Funded), Alhambra: Provided CM /Resident Engineer, Inspector, Office Engineer Services. Project was inspected and managed in compliance with Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual. Project involved reconstruction, pavement overlay, medians, landscape, curb and gutter, sidewalk, I ,�\ PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING INSPECTION AND PLAN CHECK SERVICES (RFP NO. 2014-12) TRANSTECh S. FIRM QUALIFICATIONS Page 5.6 traffic signals, utilities and other misc. improvements. Cost $2m. • Main Street Rehabilitation, from West to East City Limit Project, City of Alhambra: Provided CM /Resident Engineer, Inspector, Office Engineer Services. Project was inspected and managed in compliance with Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual. Project involved reconstruction, pavement overlay, medians, landscape, curb and gutter, sidewalk, traffic signals, utilities and other misc. improvements. Cost $3m. Transtech also has extensive experience in managing federally funded projects. In the past few years, our staff has managed over 20 federally funded projects through Caltrans Local Assistance in compliance with Local Assistance Procedures Manual as required in federally funded projects. Services included obtaining E -76 authorization for each project phase as necessary, and prepared all necessary paper work and approval process, fund reimbursement, labor compliance and contract administration throughout the project, from PE through CE, as well as serving as Resident Engineer and Inspector during construction. Below is a listing of similar experience projects, with Federal Project Numbers (in alphabetical order by Agency Name /Project Name): • CITY OF ALHAMBRA - ALHAMBRA RD REHABILITATION, WCL TO ECL; Agency Project No: Federal Funded Project ESPL- 5130(014) • CITY OF ALHAMBRA - FREMONT OVERLAY FROM COMMONWEALTH TO NCL, MONTEZUMA TO SCL; Agency Project No: Federal Funded Project STPL - 5130 (012) • CITY OF ALHAMBRA - GARFIELD AVE REHABILITATION, 1 -10 FWY TO MAIN ST, ALHAMBRA RD TO ATLANTIC BL; Agency Project No: Federal Funded Project STPL- 5130(018) • CITY OF ALHAMBRA - JOSYLIN CENTER EECBG IMPROVEMENTS; Agency Project No: Federal Funded Project EECBG DE -FOA- 0000013 • CITY OF ALHAMBRA -MAIN ST REHABILITATION, HUNTINGTON DR TO ECL; Agency Project No: Project N2M11 -68 • CITY OF ALHAMBRA - MISSION BL RECONSTRUCTION FROM GARFIELD TO ECL; Agency Project No: Federal Funded Project HP21L- 5130(011) • CITY OF ALHAMBRA -NEW AVE REHABILITATION, 1 -10 FWY TO NCL; Agency Project No: Federal Funded Project ESPL 5130(016) • CITY OF ALHAMBRA - POPLAR OVERLAY; Agency Project No: Federal Funded Project ESPL- 5130(015) • CITY OF ALHAMBRA -SRTS SAFE ROUTE TO SCHOOL, COMMONWEALTH AVE, CURTIS AVE, ALHAMBRA RD, SECOND ST; Agency Project No: Federal Funded Project SRTSL- 5130(017) • CITY OF ALHAMBRA- VALLEY BL RECONSTRUCTION, WCL TO CAMPBELL AVE; Agency Project No: Federal Funded Project HPLUL 5130(013) • CITY OF ALHAMBRA- VALLEY / FREMONT WIDENING; Agency Project No: Federal Funded Project FCRL- 5130(005) • CITY OF ALHAMBRA -710 INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS, VALLEY FIBEROPTIC; Agency Project No: Federal Funded Project RPL- 5130(009), 07 -LA -710 PM26.5/27.5, EA. 07279 - 187701 -A • CITY OF BELL - FLORENCE AVENUE OVERLAY PROJECT; Agency Project No: Federal Funded Project STPL -5272 (007) • CITY OF COMMERCE -CDBG FUNDED ADA RAMPS AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS; Agency Project No: CC NO. 0201 • CITY OF COMMERCE - FLOTILLA ARRA PROJECT, Agency Project No: Federal Funded Project LAES427 • CITY OF COMMERCE - GARFIELD AVE, TELEGRAPH RD TO MALT AVE OVERLAY; Agency Project No: Federal Funded Project LSSTPL045 • CITY OF COMMERCE -SAFE ROUTE TO SCHOOL; Agency Project No: Federal Funded Project STPLHSR- 5362(009) • CITY OF COMMERCE- SLAUSON AVE OVERLAY; Agency Project No: Federal Funded Project STPL- 5362(011) • CITY OF COMMERCE -SR2S AND FTA BUS SHELTER CONSTRUCTION; Agency Project No: Federal Funded Project SR2SL- 5362(013) • CITY OF COMMERCE - TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS; Agency Project No: Federal Funded Project STPLHG- 5362(008) • CITY OF COMMERCE - WASHINGTON ST RECONSTRUCTION, 710 FWY TO COBB ST • CITY OF COMMERCE - WASHINGTON BL OVERLAY, FIDELIA ST TO ATLANTIC BL; Agency Project No: Federal Funded Project DPI - 5362(0121 • CITY OF EL MONTE -ADA AND ST IMPROVEMENTS AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS; Agency Project No: Federal Funded Project 5210(018) • CITY OF MORENO VALLEY - CACTUS & NASON STREET IMPROVEMENTS; Agency Project No: Agreement 08 -33- 011 -00 • CITY OF POMONA -STATE RTE 71 AND MISSION BL GRADE SEPARATION; Agency Project No: Federal Funded Project STPLN- 5070(009) • CITY OF POMONA - CONSTRUCTION AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT STAFF EXTENSION CONTRACT • RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION - CORONA MAIN ST METROLINK TRANSPORTATION CENTER PARKING STRUCTURE; Agency Project No: 08 -33- 011 -00 • CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO -VIA DUCT BOULEVARD ALIGNMENT AND RECONSTRUCTION, METROLINK SAN BERNARDINO PARKING FACILITY; Agency Project No: Federal Funded Project CML- 5033(039) • CITY OF SAN BERNARD] NO-SANTA FE DEPOT HISTORIC RENOVATION; Agency Project No: Federal Funded Project 08- 4105584L 0 PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING INSPECTION AND PLAN CHECK SERVICES (RFP NO. 2014-12) TRANSTECE/ S. FIRM QUALIFICATIONS Page 5.7 • SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY- PROJECT AND CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES; Agency Project No: U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Model Contract PC -662 • CITY OF TEMPLE CITY - ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD SAFETY AND ENHANCEMENT PROJECT; Agency Project No: Federal Funded Project CIVIL 5365(007) CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT (BUILDING -TYPE B PROJECTS): • TACC Cultural Center Development, Lanham, MD: Construction of 310,000 sf cultural center, including Olympic Swimming Pool, Indoor Basketball Court, Museum, Performance Center, Restaurant, Religious Center, Monastery. Project Value: $80m. • City of Alhambra Civic Library Project: Construction of a 45,000 SF 2 story library with 2 levels of underground parking garage. Project Value: $30m. • Riverside County Transportation Commission, Corona Main Street Metrolink Parking Structure and Pedestrian Bridge: Construction of a 6 level, approximately 1,000 space parking structure, and a pedestrian bridge over rail road tracks. Project Value: $24m. • City of Alhambra Renaissance Plaza Parking Structure and Entertainment Center: Construction of a 5 level, approximately 600 space parking structure, as well as a 10 plex movie theater, and 3 restaurants and retail stores. Project Value: $40m. • City of San Bernardino Historic Santa Fe Depot Renovation: Construction of involved hazardous material abatement, building renovation, TI improvements, restaurant improvements, seismic and structural upgrade, new mechanical, electrical HVAC system and site improvements to renovate and reuse a 60,000 SF existing building. Project Value: $20m. • Alhambra Redevelopment Agency Downtown Revitalization Program: Revitalization program involved various projects (modification /upgrade of existing buildings for Starbucks, Restaurants, Retail,). Project Value $10m. • San Bernardino Downtown, 3rd Street mixed -use development: Transtech developed this mixed -use project in partnership with City and Private Institutions. Project Value: $5m. • City of Alhambra Fremont Plaza (Old Sears Head Quarters Upgrade and Renovation evaluation for retail use (Transtech also served as PM /CM /Owners Representative). Project Value: $10m. • City of Monterey Park City -wide Parks (13 parks) ADA Deficiencies Assessment Study. Project Value: $2m. • City of Huntington Beach Economic Development Agency, Condition Assessment /Facility Evaluation Report for Art Center Building After initial evaluation, the building was deemed to be not suitable for the proposed use). • Riverside County Economic Development Agency, Real Estate Division, Engineering and Construction Services on various housing, real estate and infrastructure projects. • City of Temple City, Council Chambers Renovation and ADA Improvements Project: Complete reconstruction /renovation of the Council Chambers with new seating, dais, carpet, lighting, AV system, and new ADA compliant bathrooms, new ADA compliant access to the building, new emergency generator, re- design of building creating a space for Emergency Operations Center, asbestos removal, and other various improvements. Project Value: $1m. • City of Alhambra, Josylin Community Center Renovation Project: Funded by Federal Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant. Complete reconstruction /renovation of the Community Center with new HVAC, windows, flooring, electrical, roof, ADA compliant bathrooms, new ADA compliant access to the building, and other various improvements. Project Value: $2m. FACILITIES NEEDS ASSESSMENTAND MASTER PLAN SERVICES: • TACC Cultural Center Development Master Plan, Lanham, MD (Transtech is also serving as PM /CM /Owners Representative). Project Value: $80m. • City of Alhambra Fremont Plaza (Old Sears Head Quarters Upgrade and Renovation evaluation for retail use (Transtech also served as PM /CM /Owners Representative). Project Value: $10m. • City of Alhambra Downtown Revitalization Program Buildings Audits and for required upgrades for compliance with current building codes and to convert existing buildings for various retail uses of approximately 20 buildings. (Transtech also served as PM /CM /Owners Representative). Project Value: $40m. • County of Los Angeles Health Center Building Evaluation for City of Alhambra for Community Center Use (After initial evaluation, the building was deemed to be not suitable for the proposed use). • City of Monterey Park, City Public Works Yard Evaluation and Needs Assessment for new Yard (City is in negotiations with a developer to exchange existing PW yard land for a new land at a different location). • City of Monterey Park City -wide Parks (13 parks) ADA Deficiencies Assessment Study (Transtech also prepared improvement plans and the project is currently going into construction phase). Project Value: $2m. • City of Huntington Beach Economic Development Agency, Condition Assessment /Facility Evaluation Report for Art Center Building After initial evaluation, the building was deemed to be not suitable for the proposed use). • City of San Bernardino Historic Santa Fe Rail Depot Upgrade and Renovation evaluation for adoptive use (Transtech also served as PM /CM /Owners Representative). Project Value: $20m. 4 ��\ PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING INSPECTION AND PLAN CHECK SERVICES (RFP NO. 2014 -12) .1 •� TRANSTECh S. FIRM QUALIFICATIONS Page 5.8 • City of Temple City, City -wide ADA and sidewalk master plan, and deficiencies (Currently the City is in the process of implementing the improvements using CDBG funds. Transtech is serving as PM /CM /Owners Representative). Project Value: $2.5m. • Riverside County Economic Development Agency, Real Estate Division, Engineering and Construction Services on various housing, real estate and infrastructure projects. • University of Riverside West Campus Infrastructure Needs Assessment and Master Plan. • Arrowhead Springs Development Master Plan, San Bernardino. • Shandin Hills Planned Community Development Master Plan, San Bernardino. • Eagle Bice, Muscupiabe Land Area (Devore area in San Bernardino) Planned Community Development Master Plan. • City of Alhambra Street Lighting Master Plan. • City of San Marino Master Lighting Plan. TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING: Transtech serves as contract traffic engineer for a number of municipalities in Los Angeles County, and are very knowledgeable of traffic and transportation issues and trends locally and regionally. We provide technical expertise and recommendations, and conduct necessary surveys and prepare reports on traffic related issues, and present them at Commission and /or Council Meetings. We manage and coordinate with our client's signal maintenance contractors regarding signal timing and coordination, and advise when to improve the signal timing efficiency when necessary. We prepare traffic safety and calming studies, stop and signal warrants /studies, traffic impact studies, respond to City requests, citizen complaints and attend Traffic Commission meetings. We review traffic impact studies submitted by developers, provide traffic study guidelines to other consultants preparing TWs and represent the City at planning commission and council meetings when these projects are reviewed and presented: Following are various projects representative of our experience: Project Category. Contract Cities Traffic Engineering Support Current Client Cities Brief Summary of Tasks and Duties Alhambra • Preparation of vehicle traffic safety and calming studies, reviewing citizen requests for stop Commerce and signal warrants, review of citizen requests for red curbs, on street blue curbs, yellow Huntington Park curbs, on- street parking tick marks, crossing guards and crosswalks, bus stops, residential Monterey Park speeding, request for speed bumps or additional signage. This includes providing counts, Temple City radar speed survey, measurements, pictures, a response to City staff, written responses to citizen complaints, which includes the preparation of a comprehensive report or memo, meeting and contacting the citizen on behalf of the City. • Attending Traffic Commission Meetings, presenting the reports. • When requested, attending City Council and Planning Commission Meetings where traffic related issues are reviewed, and making presentations. • As part of Traffic Engineering Support Services for the City of Huntington Park counter brochures for traffic control measures were prepared and made available to residents for information. Project Category. Traffic Safety Review and Recommendations Client Brief Summary (These tasks included counts, accident history, field measurements and observations, pictures and Level of Service analysis and preparation of a focused traffic study.) City of Commerce • Washington /Cobb Street: Identify And Evaluate The Traffic Impacts Of Eliminating The Westbound Left Turn Movement At The Intersection Of Washington Blvd And Cobb Street To Improve Traffic Flow Along Washington Boulevard. o Median Islands along Washington Blvd: Identify And Evaluate The Traffic Impacts Of Modifying The Median Islands In Front Of Mcdonalds And Costco Facilities To Improve Vehicular Safety • Washington- Fidelia to 1 -5 Frwy: Update accident and collision information for review of the merits of raised medians. • Garfield at Canning: Assess striping KEEP CLEAR along Garfield and its effect on pedestrians and truck traffic. • Telegraph at Garfield: Review of the necessity for right turn on red for EB Telegraph traffic, the possible removal of restriction and how it will effect pedestrians and truck and PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING INSPECTION AND PLAN CHECK SERVICES (RFP NO. 2014-12) TRANSTECb S. FIRM QUALIFICATIONS Page 5.9 passenger car traffic. • Ferguson at Garhardt: Review of existing striping and how a lane narrowing will effect parking and the flow of through traffic along Ferguson. City of Alhambra. • Review of request for an unprotected midblock crosswalk across from the Target Center as requested by Oneonta Day Care. • Review of the need for an unprotected midblock crosswalk by Almansor Park on Almansor Street. • Review and recommendation for traffic warning signs at Curve along Garvey Ave at Ramona Road. • Florentina Safety Review • Hellman Ave and Elm St: Review school request for the restriction of EB left turn traffic onto Elm St at the intersection. • Alhambra Rd at Marengo Ave: Removal of unwarranted unprotected crosswalk • Fremont Ave and Valley Blvd: relocation of bus stop and bench upstream to reduce congestion and potential for conflicts with NB right turning traffic at the intersection. • Fremont Ave and Renssalar Dr: Request and review for an unprotected crosswalk across Fremont Avenue. • Glendon Way: Removal of parking for increased line of sight at intersecting roadways. City of Huntington Park • Arbutus at Gage: Assessment of the removal of protected left turn phasing at the intersection to improve traffic congestion along the main corridor. • 12119 - Otis at State St review of line of sight at intersection, field review and recommendation for the removal of parking and obstructions to increase line of sight. • State Street bus stop relocation. Assessment of the relocation of an existing bus stop away from the front yards of SFDU to aid in security for the homeowner and bus patrons. City of Inglewood • Crenshaw Boulevard Between Manchester Boulevard And 79th Street: The Assessment Was Needed Due To The Horizontal Curve, The High Number Of Accidents That Occur Annually Along This Roadway. Staff Later Prepared a HSIP Funding Package for Submittal. The HSIP Funding was successful. Project Category: Traffic Calming Review and Recommendations Client Brief Summary City of Alhambra • Pine Street Cut -Thru Traffic Assessment: Part of Ongoing Efforts to Improve Safety, Reduce Accident Potential and Improve Traffic Conditions on Pine Street between Huntington Drive and Atlantic Boulevard, Studies Were Conducted and Recommendations Developed for City Council's Consideration. Project Went Thru City Council, Traffic Commission Review And Approvals As Well As Coordination With South Pasadena, • Emery Park Study: Study within a 5 mile radius of all streets in order to assess existing conditions and make recommendations to reduce the amount of cut -thru traffic currently experienced by area residents. • Fremont Ave 1 -10 Freeway to Mission Rd: Review of existing conditions and determination of the amount of traffic that this corridor experiences as a result of cut -thru traffic, avoiding the congested freeways. Recommendations were presented to council. • Preparation of a report detailing the advantages and disadvantages of a speed hump program within the City of Alhambra. Recommendations were presented to City manager and staff. • Norwood PI south of Valley: Existing conditions analysis along with recommendations to discourage cut -thru traffic that is using Norwood PI traveling on Valley Blvd from the 1 -710 Freeway. Recommendations were presented to City manager and staff. • Shorb St — Garfield Ave to 6th St: Existing conditions analysis of this corridor to determine the effects of cut -thru traffic on the street segment. Recommendations were presented to the traffic commission. PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING INSPECTION AND PLAN CHECK SERVICES (RFP NO. 2014-12) TRANSTECl/ 5. FIRM QUALIFICATIONS Page 5.10 City of Temple City • Muscatel Ave — Las Tunas Dr to Longden Ave: Existing conditions analysis of this corridor to determine the effects of cut -thru traffic on the street segment. Recommendations were presented to the traffic commission. City of Inglewood • North City Traffic Calming : Traffic Calming Study For The Residential Area Bordered By Centinela Avenue To The South, La Cienega Blvd To The West, La Brea Avenue To The East And Slauson To The North. Transtech Prepared An Initial Review Of The Traffic Patterns And Volume Entering And Exiting The Above Mentioned Neighborhood. • Crenshaw /Hardy Traffic Calming'Study for the residential neighborhood located to the west of Crenshaw. This included 7 day peak hour and ADT counts of traffic, accident research, observations, level of service analysis to determine the amount of cut thru traffic using the frontage road to bypass Crenshaw and Century Blvd intersection during peak commute times and presentation of findings in a focused traffic study. City of Monterey Park • Traffic Calming and Stop Sign /Signal Warrant Preparation along Floral Dr at four locations along the back side of LA City College. This involved the review of existing traffic and pedestrian patterns and safety as well as recommendations in a focused traffic study. The report was presented to residents and staff at a traffic commission hearing. Project Category: School Site Review Client Brief Summary City of Alhambra • Mark Keppel High School: Relocation of an Existing School Crosswalk In Front Of the Mark Keppel High School and the Relocation of the Crosswalk. This Project Went Thru School District And Council Review. • Fremont School: Site Assessment of Current Drop Off and Pick Up Policies As Well As Review of Existing Signage and Striping. Recommendations for New Valet Program and Signage and Striping. City of Inglewood . John Wilder Academy: Comprehensive Review of Drop -Off and Pick -Up Operations and Traffic and Pedestrian Circulation at Wilder Academy. This Project Went Thru Council Member, Academy And Council Review. Pomona Unified School • School Site Assessments and Traffic Circulation for (5) school sites; Cortez Elementary District School, Montvue Elementary, Rio Rancho Elementary, Philadelphia Elementary, Dudley Elementary. • Traffic Study along with School Site Review for New Charter School — Dudley Elementary. Whittier School District • Traffic Study along with School Site Review and Traffic Circulation Assessment for Benton Middle School. City of Huntington Park • School Site Review & Assessment of Crosswalks, Crossing Guards, Signage, parking, drop off pick up locations at various schools throughout the City including Nimitz Middle School, Hope Elementary School, San Antonio Elementary, South Region Elementary School. Presentation of recommendations to traffic authority, district council persons, parents and LA Unified School District Reps. • School Site Review with Pedestrian and Vehicle Safety Study at Lucille Royball Elementary School. This involved meeting with parent committees, school principal and reps, preparation of stop warrant, crossing guard warrants, and school signage for bus parking as well as assessment of drop -off pick up areas. Project Category. Preparation of Warrants for ALL -Way Stop, Traffic Signals, Beacons, Crosswalks and Pedestrian Devices Client Brief Summary Alhambra • Prepared Traffic Review with Existing Conditions Analysis, Observations, Counts for the Commerce Preparation of Various all -way stop, traffic signal, HAWK, flashing beacons and flashing Huntington Park pedestrian signs and signals. All warrants were conducted following CAMUTCD and CVC Monterey Park guidelines. Most of the warrant studied were presented at traffic authority or traffic Temple City commission meetings. PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING INSPECTION AND PLAN CHECK SERVICES (RFP NO. 2014 -12) TRANSTECh Page 5.11 S. FIRM QUALIFICATIONS Inglewood Project Category. Client Alhambra Huntington Park Temple City Inglewood Compton Project Category: Clien t City of Alhambra City of Inglewood Long Beach, Lynwood, Upland, Bell, Hacienda Heights, Commerce, Malibu, Santa Monica, San Marino Project Category. Client City of Alhambra City of Monterey Park City of Huntington Park City of Commerce Preparation of Data Required for CMP Submittal Brief Summary • Preparation of CMP Data and Report to be submitted to Metro: Information Included Peak Hour Count, LOS Analysis and Letter Report. Preparation of City -Wide Engineering and Speed Survey (Transtech Staff is radar certified with the Rio Hondo College Justice Center) Brief Summary • 2013 Citywide Engineering and Speed Survey: Prepared The City -Wide Engineering And Speed Survey Which Included 80 Locations. Study Included Speed Samples, Accident Data, Existing Conditions Analysis And Recommendations Of Speed Limits. • 2011 Citywide Engineering and Speed Survey: Prepared The City -Wide Engineering And Speed Survey Which Included 76 Locations. Study Included Speed Samples, Accident Data, Existing Conditions Analysis And Recommendations Of Speed Limits. • Citywide Engineering and Speed Survey: Study Included Speed Samples, Accident Data, Existing Conditions Analysis And Recommendations Of Speed Limits. Peer Review of Traffic Studies Prepared by Outside Consultants Submitted to Client Cities Preparation Of Scope for traffic study preparation as well as the review of traffic studies for proposed development projects and representation of the City at meetings and at Council review for each project • Main Street Master Plan • Mandarin Baptist Church • Pannatoni Restaurant • Target Expansion • Redstone Senior Housing Development • The Alhambra Commercial Center Development • Fremont Housing Development • Chase Bank Review • Commonwealth Senior Housing Project • Garvey Hotel and Mixed Use Project • Senior Day Care Center • Arbutus and Gage Left Turn Phasing Study • Sun Light Metal Recycling Center • Co Development Warehouse Project • Costco Development • Citadel Expansion Project • Rolling Pin Distribution Center • Bandini Warehouse • Mace Metals Warehouse on Slauson • 6009 Malt Warehouse • 61 Warehouse PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING INSPECTION AND PLAN CHECK SERVICES (RFP NO. 2014-12) TRANSTECh S. FIRM QUALIFICATIONS Page 5.12 City of Inglewood • Hollywood Park Housing Development • Imperial Partners Commercial Development Project Category. Full Traffic Impact Reports and Parking Analysis Client This task includes the preparation and submittal of full traffic impact analysis which includes existing conditions, opening year with and the horizon year all with and without related projects and the proposed project. The following projects also included parking analysis studies for variances or proposed development entering existing sites. Private Developers • Restaurant Depot TIA in the City of Diamond Bar: Full Traffic Impact Analysis • Big Bear Galleria in City of Big Bear: Full Traffic Impact Analysis • Carls Junior in County Area of San Bernardino: Full Traffic Impact Analysis • Shandin Hills TIA in the City of San Bernardino: 250 SFDU, Full Traffic Impact Analysis • GFR Housing in the City of San Bernardino: 160 SFDU, Full Traffic Impact Analysis • East Valley Water District — Corporate Yard in the City of San Bernardino • Self Storage Facility in the City of El Segundo • Loma Linda Housing Tract in the City of Loma Linda • Arroyo Housing in the City of San Gabriel • Residential Mixed Use Project, 100 SFDU, Commercial, School in the County of LA near City of Palmdale • Queen of Angels Church Expansion — in the City of Riverside • Nippon Distribution Center in Los Angeles — 7 day parking study • Apple Valley Plaza — Shared parking analysis UC Riverside • West Campus Development Project - Determine Potential Impacts on the Surrounding Circulation System with the Development of an Expanding Campus, Site and Student Enrollment. City of Industry . Industry East — Traffic study for the development of 6 million square feet of industrial use. • Grand Central Material Recycling Facility • Park and Ride Lots City of San Bernardino • City General Plan Update: Transtech prepared the Circulation Element and EIR /Traffic Study for the City's 2005 General Plan Update. The Proposed Land Use Plan And Its Impacts Were Analyzed. The Study Included Approximately 100 Intersections And 80 Street Segments. Future Traffic Condition Scenarios Were Developed Using State -Of- The -Art Transportation Planning Modeling Software. City of San Juan Capistrano • Master Plan for Downtown Area: Determine the Historic Town Center Master Plan's Potential Impacts on the City of San Juan Capistrano's Transportation System and to identify strategies for improving the Transportation System's overall effectiveness through a multimodal approach. City of Lawndale • City -Wide Parking Study: The Study Took a Comprehensive Look at the Parking Supply And Demand Issues That Explain the Parking Deficiencies in the City. The Study Conducted A City - Wide Occupancy Survey Of Both On -Site And On- Street Parking And Described Options Developed To Address The Deficiencies. City of San Marcos • San Elijo Ranch Development EIR /Traffic Study: Prepared An EIR /Traffic Impact Study For A 3,200 Unit San Elijo Ranch Development Project. The Study Area Encompassed A 5 Mile Radius From The Center Of The Development. City of Lawndale . Parking assessment of entire City to determine if a residential permit district could be implemented. This involved video and GIS inventory of existing parking conditions on- street and off - street. e,y, PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING INSPECTION AND PLAN CHECK SERVICES (RFP NO. 2014 -12) r�� TRANSTECII S. FIRM QUALIFICATIONS Page 5.13 City of Huntington Beach • Pedestrian Study: Produced this report as part of an effort by the city of Huntington Beach to evaluate the impacts of main street two block and three block street closures during weeknight surf city events and weekend events. Project Category. Safe Route to School Program Client This task includes the field review of existing signage and striping, school drop off areas, school crosswalks, sidewalks, crossing guards and the identification of future measures that will improve school area traffic safety. City of Torrance • Safe Route to School evaluation of 32 schools and preparation of Safe Route to School Maps and identification of areas that needs additional traffic measures. City of Commerce • Safe Route to School evaluation of 4 schools and preparation of Safe Route to School Maps and identification of areas that needs additional traffic measures. City of Baldwin Park • Safe Route to School evaluation of 4 schools and preparation of Safe Route to School Maps and identification of areas that needs additional traffic measures. City of Alhambra • Safe Route to School evaluation City -Wide as needed, identification of areas that needs additional traffic measures. Project Category. Preparation of the Traffic Portion of Funding Application Packages for HSIP, SR2S, TIGER GRANTS, and CALL for Projects Client The following is a list of successful grant applications City of Alhambra • Valley Blvd Median Projects: 2011 and 2013 HSIP City of Inglewood • HSIP Crenshaw S Curve • CALL Century Gateway Project • TIGER grant La Cienega and Century • HSIP Crenshaw at Prairie City of Commerce • Washington Blvd Median Projects HSIP 2011 • Atlantic Blvd Goods Movement 2013 • HSIP 2010 Garfield at Yates • 2010 HSIP RR Preemption City of Carson City of Hermosa Beach City of Bellflower City of Temple City Project Category. Client Alhambra Huntington Park South Pasadena Commerce San Bernardino • HSIP 2010 Avalon Freeway Ramp Improvements • HSIP 2010 School Traffic Signal • HSIP 2010 Bellflower Blvd Traffic Calming Measures • 2012 Safe Route to School — City Wide • 2013 HSIP Class III Bike Route Plan on Temple City Blvd, Signal Hardware improvements and pedestrian measures on Temple City Review of Traffic Control, Detour Plans, Parking Lot Design, Signing and Striping Plans and Traffic Signal Plans for Client Cities Summary • Plan Check Review and Comments on Behalf of Client Cities Plan Check Review for Developments, Traffic Control Plans and Detour Plans, Building Plans, Electrical, Water, Street, Parking Lots, Encroachment Permits, and RW Issues PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING INSPECTION AND PLAN CHECK SERVICES (RFP NO. 2014-12) TRANSTEch S. FIRM QUALIFICATIONS Page 5.14 GRANT WRITING: Transtech has extensive experience in grant writing and administration. Our staff works with our client cities to find potential funding sources, and to prepare competitive applications for various programs. In the past few years, The Firm has facilitated over $70 million in funds for our clients' public works projects and transportation improvements. Additionally, after funds are awarded to a client, our experienced staff provides assistance to ensure compliance with applicable funding program requirements, including preparing necessary clearance approvals (environmental, utilities, right -of -way), processing E -76 authorizations, and managing the project. Agency Grant Program Project Amount: City of Alhambra MTA Call for Projects 2012 and prev cycles Valley Boulevard, Fremont $3,000,000 Safe Routes to School Commonwealth Boulevard $250,000 Safe Routes to School Alhambra High School $320,000 Highway Safety Improvement Valley Boulevard $500,000 AQMD /CMAQ CNG Refueling $300,000 Metro Mini Call for Projects Bus Purchases $400,000 Energy CEC LED Signal Upgrade $950,000 City of Arcadia Metro Call for Projects Huntington Drive $1,010,000 City of Azusa Metro Call for Projects Azusa Transit Center $4,200,000 Metro Call for Projects Azusa Avenue $800,000 City of Baldwin Park Metro Mini Call for Projects Bus Purchase $400,000 Metro Call for Projects Transit Center $4,200,000 Metro Call for Projects TDM Project $300,000 Metro Call for Projects Baldwin Bikeway $400,000 Metro Call for Projects Metrolink Overpass $1,100,000 City of Bellflower Safe Routes to School Palm /Clark $320,000 Safe Routes to School Eucalyptus $430,000 City of Carson Metro Call for Projects Avalon Boulevard $6,700,000 City of Commerce MTA Call for Projects 2012 and prev cycles 1,000,000 Highway Safety Improvement Garfield /Washington $503,400 Highway Safety Improvement Washington Boulevard $254,700 Metro Call for Projects Garfield /Washington $538,000 City of Hermosa Beach Highway Safety Improvement Valley School $108,360 City of Inglewood Safe Routes to School Ivy Sidewalk $230,000 Safe Routes to School La Tijera Elementary School $276,000 Safe Routes to School Cable Way $239,470 Metro Call for Projects La Brea "S" Curve $6,300,000 Metro Call for Projects Century Boulevard $3,200,000 Metro Call for Projects Florence Avenue $2,400;000 Highway Safety Improvement Crenshaw Boulevard $245,700 Highway Safety Improvement Manchester Boulevard $180,000 Energy CEC Street Lighting $650,000 City of Inglewood TIGER Century Boulevard Multimodal $13,000,000 Corridor Project City of Inglewood TIGER La Cienega Boulevard Multimodal $1,000,000 Planning Study City of Lawndale Metro Call for Projects Inglewood /Marine $1,010,000 0 PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING INSPECTION AND PLAN CHECK SERVICES (RFP NO. 2014-12) TRANSTEch S. FIRM QUALIFICATIONS Page 5.15 Marine /Ma nsel $240,000 SR 71 /Mission $3,200,000 $1,500,000 Transit Center Highway Safety Improvement City of Pomona Metro Call for Projects ADA Improvements TIGER, Pomona State Route "71" Complete Citywide Improvements Streets Corridor Improvement Plans City of Redondo Beach Metro Call for Projects Garvey Boulevard BOS FTA Discretionary BOS ARRA City of Rosemead Safe Routes to School Highway Safety Improvement Highway Safety Improvement City of Temple City HSIP, Cycle 6 Page 5.15 Marine /Ma nsel $240,000 SR 71 /Mission $3,200,000 $1,500,000 Transit Center $3,200,000 Bus Stop Improvements $218,000 ADA Improvements $200,000 Citywide Improvements $450,000 Rosemead Boulevard (SR 19) $430,000 Garvey Boulevard $339,500 Safety Improvements $1,200,000 =1 PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING INSPECTION AND PLAN CHECK SERVICES (RFP NO. 2014 -12) ! TRANSTECF/ 6. PROJECT TEAM TRANsTEch. 6. PROJECT TEAM Page 6.1 Our key staff members have served as Building Official, Deputy Building Official, Plan Checker and Inspector for a number of agencies, and have an excellent understanding of public agency issues, procedures, and policies. Our key staff members also have extensive experience in Plan Check and Inspection of large and complex projects. The following is our Project Organization Chart, followed by qualifications of our Building and Safety Department staff members who may be involved in providing services to the City: Our key staff members have served as Building Official, Deputy Building Official, Plan Checker and Inspector for a number of agencies, and have an excellent understanding of public agency issues, procedures, and policies. Our key staff members also have extensive experience in Plan Check and Inspection of large and complex projects. The following is qualifications of few of our Building and Safety Department staff members who will be involved in providing services to the City: • Ayla Jefferson, CBO, Contract Principal: : Ayla has 20 years of experience, and serves as Building Official, Deputy Building Official, Plan Checker, Code Enforcement Official, Community Improvement Coordinator, Planning Technician, and Inspector at various Transtech contract cities. She is involved in ICC organization in various positions, including ICC National Chair for ICC Sustainability Membership Council; Chair for ICC Los Angeles Basin Chapter Inspection Committee; Commissioner for ICC Codes & Standards Council and Commissioner for Calbo Green Committee. In addition to her ICC certifications, she is also CACEO certified Code Enforcement Official. • Dennis Tarango, CBO, Principal Building Official: Dennis has 15 years of experience and serves as Building Official, Deputy Building Official and Plan Checker at various Transtech Contract Cities. His ICC certifications PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING INSPECTION AND PLAN CHECK SERVICES (RFP NO. 2014 -12) TRANsTECH 6. PROJECT TEAM Page 6.2 include Building Official; Building Plans Examiner; Fire Plans Examiner. He is also certified as Plumbing Inspector, Mechanical Inspector and Electrical Inspector. William Dorman, CBO, Over -the Counter Plan Check, Sr. Building Inspector: William Dorman has over 25 years of experience in Building and Safety, and has served as Senior Structural Building Inspector, Supervising Engineering Plan Check Coordinator, and Building Official /Code Administrator for the City of Pasadena. He also has extensive experience in managing construction projects, owner representative services, code consulting, forensic investigative services, expert witness and construction mediation services. He has provided Project Management services to the City of Pasadena and the Pasadena Tournament of Roses Association for the $22.5 million Rose Bowl Improvements Project; for the to the Pasadena Library Foundation and the City of Pasadena for the historical restoration of the Central Library, and provided a forensic investigation and expert witness testimony in a dispute between the Pasadena Aquatics Center and the general contractor that constructed the facility. Lizette Vega, EIT, Sr. Building Permit Technician: Lizette has been working as building technician and inspector at various Transtech contract cities, including, Huntington Park, South Pasadena and Alhambra, Inspecting residential, commercial, and industrial buildings for compliance with the established codes. She also assists planners, plan checkers and public works engineers in plan check coordination. She designed and analyzed steel moment frames as used in residential /commercial projects where space was limited to the use of conventional wood framing methods, and utilized structural programs and excel spreadsheets to analyze the frames to determine maximum stresses on beams and columns to be in compliance with code requirements, and utilized AutoCAD to prepare structural plans and details in preparation of construction plans. Lizette is a civil engineer (Cal Poly Pomona graduate), and has EIT certification. She is in the process of obtaining her PE license. Neville Pereira, CBO, PE, Sr. Plans Examiner: Neville has 25 years of experience, and serves as Building Official and Plan Checker at various Transtech contract cities. He previously worked for Los Angeles County, City of Los Angeles, City of Glendale, City of Pasadena and City of Santa Monica as Building /Deputy Building Official, Plan Checker and Inspector. He is involved in ICC organization in various positions; ICC LA Basin Chapter Board of Directors (2011 President), ICC Building Officials Membership Governing Council, ICC Code Development Committee Vice Chair, ICC Technology /Web Advisory Group. In addition to his ICC certifications, he is also a certified member of California Task Force 1 — FEMA /LA City Urban Search and Rescue - Lead Structure Specialist. Ed Alexanians, PE, SE, Sr. Plans Examiner (Structural): Mr. Alexanians has over 25 years of experience. He has performed plan checks for a variety of residential and commercial projects in Cities of Alhambra, Temple City, Huntington Park, San Manuel Indian Reservation and San Bernardino. Prior to joining Transtech, he was a Sr. Plans Examiner at the County of Los Angeles. Mr. Alexanians has extensive experience in Building Codes, plan check including building, grading and NPDES plan reviews, code interpretations and resolving code related construction and plan check problems on a broad range of residential and commercial projects. He has performed plan check of complex structures, high -rise and mid -rise buildings, amusement rides and earthquake damaged buildings for the Los Angeles County Building Code compliance. He was a team member for damage assessment of several buildings after the Los Angeles riots and the 1994 Northridge Earthquake. Calvin Chang, PE, Sr. Plans Examiner (MEP): Mr. Chang has over 25 years of experience and has been working at Transtech as Deputy Building Official, Senior Plan Examiner, On -Site over the Counter Plan Examiner. He has performed plan checks for a variety of residential and commercial projects in Cities of Alhambra, Temple City, Huntington Park, San Manuel Indian Reservation and San Bernardino. Prior to joining Transtech, he was a Sr. Plans Examiner at the City of Burbank. Mark S. Harold, CBO, Sr. Building Inspector: Mark has approximately 25 years experience, and serves as Building Official at various Transtech Contract Cities. He also serves as Principal Supervising Inspector on large and complex projects. Currently, he is serving as Principal Supervising Inspector on Gateway Development, Temple City ($20m commercial development). Mark was previously the Building Official at Cities of Temecula and La Quinta. Jerry A. Arellano, ICC Certified Sr. Building Inspector: Jerry has approximately 20 years of experience. His experience includes serving as special inspector on large and complex projects, some of which include Martin n Luther King Jr. Medical Center, Harbor UCLA Medical Center, Brand Library Renovation Project, PSUSD N 4, PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING INSPECTION AND PLAN CHECK SERVICES (RFP NO. 2014 -12) R � TRANSTECH 6. PROJECT TEAM Page 6.3 Elementary School #18, JPL Table Mountain Research Facility, U.S. Army Criminal Inv. Comm., Bayer Environmental Science Building, San Gorgonio High School, Lennar Homes. Currently serving City of Monterey and City of Huntington. Served as a building inspector at City of Alhambra and City of South Pasadena. William Reed, ICC Certified Sr. Building Inspector: William has over 20 years of construction related experience. He serves as Building Inspector for various Transtech Contract Cities, including Alhambra, South Pasadena, Huntington Park and Temple City. His prior experience includes working as a contractor performing residential remodels as well as Tenant Improvement projects. Mike Mendenhall, [CC Certified Sr. Building Inspector: Mike has approximately 15 years of experience in building inspection. He serves as Building Inspector for various Transtech Contract Cities, including Alhambra, South Pasadena; Huntington Park. In addition, he has experience in Public Works project inspections, and served as inspector on various roadway improvement projects, including federally funded projects. David Ragland, PE, LS, QSD, QSP, Sr. Engineer (Plan /Map Check Support): David is a civil engineer and land surveyor with approximately 30 years of diverse experience and participated on numerous multi - disciplinary teams dealing with the management, design, plan check and construction of civil and transportation engineering, urban and rural development, and public works projects. He has been providing plan check to Transtech Contract Cities for the past 15 years. Full Staff Resumes are provided in the following pages. PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING INSPECTION AND PLAN CHECK SERVICES (RFP NO. 2014-12) TRANSTECh 6. PROJECT TEAM Page 6.4 AYLA JEFFERSON, CBO EDUCATION Ms. Jefferson has approximately 20 years of experience in private and • Rio Honda College, CE governmental sector. She has extensive experience in managing building and • Bosphorous Univ, Turkey safety departments of different municipalities under Transtech contracts. • Athanee Royal, Belgium She has broad knowledge of municipal government operations, including CERTIFICATIONS preparation and presentation of staff reports and resolutions to city councils, • ICC Certifications: Building committees and related interaction with members of the public, other city Code Official; Building departments and other governmental agencies. Official; Accessibility Inspector; Accessibility She has extensive experience in construction codes, building and safety plan Plans Examiner, Building review and inspection, code interpretations, and resolving code related Plans Examiner construction and plan review problems on a broad range of projects. • California Building Plans Examiner She has served as Building Official, Deputy Building Official, Plan Checker, Code • CalGreen- California Green Enforcement Official, Community Improvement Coordinator, Planning Technician, Building Plan Examiner and Inspector for various municipalities. • Building Inspector CBC • Building Inspector CBC As Building Official, she provides necessary code interpretations, and coordinates • CalGreen- California Green with agency staff and departments, and applicants on building and safety related Building Inspector issues. She handles building and zoning code violations as well as working in • California Commercial coordination with the City Prosecutor to abate violations. She also provides over Plumbing Inspector the counter plan check as Deputy Building Official /Plans Examiner. • California Residential Plumbing Inspector As Plans Examiner, she is responsible for examination and approval of • Plumbing Inspector UPC architectural and structural plans submitted to municipalities for a wide variety of • California Residential projects ranging from small residential additions to large, multistory commercial Mechanical Inspector and industrial facilities. • IAPMO Certified Plumbing As Building Inspector, she has inspected a wide variety of projects ranging from Inspector, Mechanical small residential additions to large, multistory commercial and industrial facilities. Inspector • CACEO Certified Code She also served as Interim Community Improvement Coordinator at City of South Enforcement Official Pasadena and was responsible for Code Enforcement and CDBG for Home Improvements Projects. HIGHLIGHTS • Currently serving (Past She also coordinates code adoptions for Transtech contract cities. She is also Chair) on ICC Sustainability involved on various ICC boards, and has served and /or currently serving on a Membership Council number of ICC Councils, Committees and Boards, locally and nationally. She also • Currently serving (also Past served on Calbo Green Committee on State level. She was also appointed as the Chair) on ICC Los Angeles first national Chair to the ICC Sustainability Membership Council. Basin Chapter Inspection Committee Ms. Jefferson is responsible for the management of Transtech's Building and • Served on ICC LA Chapter Safety Department, and coordination with Transtech's municipal clients. With her Accessibility Committee analytical and strategic management skills, she provides strong leadership, • Served on ICC Codes & develops and collaborates with primary contacts to protect and to enhance Standards Council Transtech's position in specific proceedings; she facilitates and maintains close, • Served Calbo Green long -term working relationships with municipalities in the building and safety Committee realm. • Served on ICC CA CPS TAG PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING INSPECTION AND PLAN CHECK SERVICES (RFP NO. 2014-12) TRANSTECh 6. PROJECT TEAM Page 6.5 DENNIS TARANTO, CBO EDUCATION Mr. Tarango has 15 years of experience and serves as Building Official, Deputy • Rio Hondo Community Building Official and Plan Checker at various Transtech Contract Cities. Collage — General Education His [CC certifications include Building Official; Building Plans Examiner; Fire Plans • California State University, Examiner. He is also certified as Plumbing .Inspector, Mechanical Inspector and Fresno — Business Electrical Inspector. • California State Polytechnic University, Pomona — He has broad knowledge of municipal government operations, including Engineering preparation and presentation of staff reports and resolutions to city councils, committees and related interaction with members of the public, other city CERTIFICATIONS departments and other governmental agencies. • ICC Certifications: Building Official; Building Plans He has extensive experience in construction codes, building and safety plan Examiner; Fire Plans review and inspection, code interpretations, and resolving code related Examiner construction and plan review problems on a broad range of projects. • Plumbing Inspector • Mechanical Inspector As Building Official, he provides necessary code interpretations, and coordinates • Electrical Inspector with agency staff and departments, and applicants on building and safety related issues. She handles building and zoning code violations as well as working in coordination with the City Prosecutor to abate violations. He also provides over the counter plan check as Deputy Building Official /Plans Examiner. As Plans Examiner, he is responsible for examination and approval of architectural and structural plans submitted to municipalities for a wide variety of projects ranging from small residential additions to large, multistory commercial and industrial facilities. As Building Inspector, he has inspected a wide variety of projects ranging from small residential additions to large, multistory commercial and industrial facilities. She also served as Interim Community Improvement Coordinator at City of South Pasadena and was responsible for Code Enforcement and CDBG for Home Improvements Projects. 0 PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING INSPECTION AND PLAN CHECK SERVICES (RFP NO. 2014-12) h TRANNECH 6. PROJECT TEAM Page 6.6 WILLIAM R. DORMAN, CBO EDUCATION • AS degree—Architecture- East Los Angeles College • BS degree — Business Administration - University of La Verne CERTIFICATIONS • ICC Certified Building Official • ICC Certified Building Inspector • ICC Certified Building Plans Examiner • California General Contractor Mr. Dorman has over 30 years of experience in Building and Safety. He serves as Building Official /Plan Checker /Inspector at various Transtech contract cities. He has broad knowledge of municipal government operations, including preparation and presentation of staff reports and resolutions to city councils, committees and related interaction with members of the public, other city departments and other governmental agencies: He has extensive experience in construction codes, building and safety plan review and inspection, code interpretations, and resolving code related construction and plan review problems on a broad range of projects. Prior to joining Transtech, he has served in various capacities, including as Building Official /Code Administrator for the City of Pasadena, and managed /supervised over 35 technical, professional and administrative employees. Building Official /Code Administrator • The administrative head of the Code Enforcement Division of the Community Development Services Department and responsible for Development Processing, Building & Safety administration, Plan Check, Building Inspection, Zoning Code Enforcement Supervising Engineering Plan Check Coordinator • Supervised plans examiners and permit technicians. • Provided fire & life safety and structural plan checks. • Provided code interpretations, division policies and procedures. • Provide plan check administration. Senior Structural Building Inspector • Responsible for supervision of specialty and combination building inspectors including office and field. • Provided complex commercial and residential building inspection. • Responsible for inspector education updates and code revisions. Mr. Dorman also has extensive experience in managing construction projects, owner representative services, code consulting, forensic investigative services, expert witness and construction mediation services. He has provided Project Management services to the City of Pasadena and the Pasadena Tournament of Roses Association for the $22.5 million Rose Bowl Improvements Project; for the to the Pasadena Library Foundation and the City of Pasadena for the historical restoration of the Central Library, and provided a forensic investigation and expert witness testimony in a dispute between the Pasadena Aquatics Center and the general contractor that constructed the facility. ` PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING INSPECTION AND PLAN CHECK SERVICES (RFP NO. 2014 -12) k: TRANswch 6. PROJECT TEAM Page 6.7 NEVILLE PEREIRA, PE, CBO EDUCATION Mr. Pereira has approximately 25 years of experience, and has worked in various • BS, Civil Engineering, capacities, such as Building Official, Deputy Building Official, Plan Checker and CalPoly, Pomona Inspector at various Public Agencies, including Los Angeles County, City of Los Angeles, City of Glendale, City of Pasadena, and City of Santa Monica. He also has CERTIFICATIONS diversified experience in Public Works and City Engineering, and has worked as • CABO Certified Building civil engineer for the County of Los Angeles Public Works Department and at Official, Council of American Parsons Engineering Company. He has broad knowledge of municipal Building Officials government operations, including preparation and presentation of staff reports • ICC Certified Plans and resolutions to city councils, committees and related interaction with Examiner; Residential members of the public, other city departments and other governmental agencies. Building Inspector; He has extensive experience in construction codes, building and safety plan Commercial Building review and inspection, code interpretations, and resolving code related Inspector construction and plan review problems on a broad range of projects. • USGBC LEED Accredited Professional Currently, he is serving as Building Official /City Engineer at various Transtech • CGBP Certified Green Contract Cities: Building Professional, Build o Building Official /City Engineer, City of Temple City (Transtech Contract City): It Green Serving as contract Building Official and City Engineer for Temple City • ICC Certified Fire Inspector I (Transtech Contract City). -o Building Official, San Manuel Tribe and Casino (Transtech Contract Agency): HIGHLIGHTS Serving as contract Building Official for San Manuel Tribe and Casino • Served in various capacities, (Transtech Contract Agency). such as Deputy Building o Deputy Building Official /City Engineer, City of Huntington Park (Transtech Official, Plan Checker, Contract City): Serving as Deputy Contract Building Official and Deputy City Inspector at various Public Engineer for Huntington Park (Transtech Contract City). Agencies, Los Angeles o Deputy Building Official, City of South Pasadena (Transtech Contract City): County, City of Los Angeles, Serving as Deputy Contract Building Official for South Pasadena (Transtech City of Glendale, City of Contract City). Pasadena, City of Santa Monica His prior experience includes: • ICC Los Angeles Basin o Principal Plans Examiner /Deputy Building Official /Acting Building Official, Chapter Board of Directors City of Pasadena: Coordinate the operations of the department, act as the (2011 President) Building Official in his absence. Was also responsible for implementing the • ICC Building Officials City's enforcement of the Standard Urban Stormwater Mitigation Plan Membership Governing (SUSMP) and the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for Council construction projects. • ICC Code Development o Acting Deputy Building Official, City of Glendale: Coordinated the Committee Vice Chair operations of the department and administered interagency cooperation • ICC Technology /Web between Public Works, Planning, Fire, Water and Power. Advisory Group o Assistant /Acting Building Official, City of Santa Monica: Coordinated the operations of the department and code enforcement, acted as the Building • ICC California Pool Safety Official in his absence. Technical Advisory Group o Structural Engineering Associate II, City of Los Angeles, Department of (CPS TAG) Building and Safety: Performed building plan check of residential and commercial structures. o Civil Engineering, Parson's: Design engineer for railway transportation and industrial waste treatment facilities. o Civil Engineer, County of Los Angeles: Responsible for design of various highway and transportation capital improvement projects. �� \ PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING INSPECTION AND PLAN CHECK SERVICES (RFP NO. 2014 -12) F TRANsmch 6. PROJECT TEAM Page 6.8 ED ALEXANIANS, PE, SE HIGHLIGHTS Mr. Alexani has over 25 nears of experience. H e has performed plan checks • Extensive experience in for a variety of residential and commercial projects in Cities of Alhambra, Temple Structural Plan Check City, Huntington Park, San Manuel Indian Reservation and San Bernardino. Prior to joining Transtech, he was a Sr. Plans Examiner at the County of Los Angeles. EDUCATION • M.S. in Structural Mr. Alexanians has extensive experience in Building Codes, plan check including Engineering, University of building, grading and NPDES plan reviews, code interpretations and resolving California at Los Angeles code related construction and plan check problems on a broad range of (UCLA) residential and commercial projects. He has performed plan check of complex • M.S. in Structural structures, high -rise and mid -rise buildings, amusement rides and earthquake Engineering, Tehran damaged buildings for the Los Angeles County Building Code compliance. He was University, Iran a team member for damage assessment of several buildings after the Los Angeles • B.S. in Civil Engineering riots and the 1994 Northridge Earthquake. Tehran University, Iran His selected project experience includes: REGISTRATION • Damage assessment and retrofit design for numerous condominiums, • State of California warehouses, factories and single family dwellings after the 1994 Northridge Registered Structural Earthquake., Engineer State of California • Plan check services for a five -story hotel in El Segundo, 92 unit and unit Registered Civil Engineer apartment buildings, Chase Bank building and a multi -story mixed used • ICC Plans Examiner occupancy building in the City of Alhambra, and several single family residences. • Design and plan check of reinforced concrete, pre- stress and post- tensioned I beams, box girder and steel railroad bridges, traffic signal poles, retaining walls, vaults, box culverts, water reservoirs, formworks for bridge structures and shear pins for landslide stability. • Structural design of 3 four -story hotels (i.e. Holiday Inn, La Quinta Inn). • Structural design of a 60 -unit and 20 unit apartment buildings with a two and one story reinforced concrete flat slab parking garage respectively and three - story wooden structures above them. • Design of a three -story steel frame office building in the City of Glendale, masonry shopping centers, auto repair shops, several single family dwellings and house additions, retaining walls, pump houses, etc. • Design refinery platforms, pipe supports, sea water inter -tank skid, horizontal and vertical pressure vessels and their foundations. Plan check vendor's shop drawings and material take -off. • Responsible for the structural design of a reinforced concrete 100 -bed rehabilitation center, modification of government office buildings, design of steel frame residential buildings and a team member on the structural design of a 400 -bed regional hospital. • Principal designer of two 150 -bed and one 600 -bed reinforced concrete hospitals. A team member on the structural design of a steel hangar (250 feet span). Design of sewage treatment units and several residential buildings including a 12 story steel frame hotel. Field supervisor for a helicopter service plant. \ PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING INSPECTION AND PLAN CHECK SERVICES (RFP NO. 2014-12) TRANSTECh 6. PROJECT TEAM Page 6.9 CALVIN CHANG, PE HIGHLIGHTS SUMMARY • Extensive experience in MEP Plan Check Mr. Chang has over 25 years of experience and has been working at Transtech as Deputy Building Official, Senior Plan Examiner, On -Site Over the Counter Plan EDUCATION Examiner. He has performed plan checks for a variety of residential and • MS, Civil Engineering commercial projects in Cities of Alhambra, Temple City, Huntington Park, San Tennessee Technological Manuel Indian Reservation and San Bernardino. Prior to joining Transtech, he University, Cookeville, TN was a Sr. Plans Examiner at the City of Burbank. • BS, Civil Engineering Chung - Yuan University, Chung -Li, Mr. Chang has extensive experience in Building Codes, code interpretations and Taiwan resolving code related construction and plan check problems on a broad range of residential and commercial projects. REGISTRATION • State of California Some of the large and complex projects he plan checked include: Registered Civil Engineer • Burbank Airport Transportation Center, 4 -Story, type I construction • ICC Plans Examiner • 4 -story with 3 -level underground parking mixed -use project, retails with 142 - unit apartments above, type I /type III -one hour construction • Burbank Verdugo Park Recreation Center, 1 -story assembly use, type V -B construction • 40 -acre Burbank Empire Center with anchor stores, i.e. Lowes, Best Buy, Costco, Extended Stay Inn, office buildings, retails stores • Warner Bros and Disney studio campus development with office buildings and mass tenant improvement • 75 -unit Marriott Courtyard hotel, 4 -story, type V -one hour construction • 1 -story Industrial Warehouse, 40,000 sf, type V -B construction • Burbank hillside 82 -unit single family homes development M .p PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING INSPECTION AND PLAN CHECK SERVICES (RFP NO. 2014 -12) TRANS7EC{l 6. PROJECT TEAM Page 6.10 MARK S. HAROLD, CBO EDUCATION • Indiana University CERTIFICATIONS • CABO Certified Building Official, Council of American Building Officials • ICC Certified Plans Examiner; Residential Building Inspector; Commercial Building Inspector • USGBC LEED Accredited Professional • CGBP Certified Green Building Professional, Build It Green • ICC Certified Fire Inspector I Mr. Harold has over 25 years of experience, and has served as Building Official for the Cities of Temecula and La Quinta. He has broad knowledge of municipal government operations, including preparation and presentation of staff reports and resolutions to city councils, committees and related interaction with members of the public, other city departments and other governmental agencies. He has extensive experience in construction codes, building and safety plan review and inspection, code interpretations, and resolving code related construction and plan review problems on a broad range of projects. His professional experience includes: • Transtech's one of the Building Officials serving various contract Cities: • City of San Bernardino, Interim Building Official • San Manuel Reservation, Deputy Building Official • City of Alhambra, Code Enforcement Inspections • City of Temple City, Special Projects Senior Inspector • City of Monterey Park, Interim on a need Senior Inspector • City of Temecula, Building Official /Director of Building and Safety, 2000 - 2009 • Oversaw 3.1 million department budget, while participating with development of jurisdictional annual operating budget of 67.3 million dollars. • Oversaw /trained staff of 20: inspectors, administrative and outside consultants. • Initiated and managed program addressing needs within building safety division. • Created Temecula Energy Efficiency Improvement Program • Development and Implementation of Building Inspection Points Program • Developed and Implemented MOM Program. This program received national recognition in the Innovations in American Government Awards Grant Competition, John F. Kennedy School of Business, and Harvard University, 2006. • City of La Quinta, Building Official/ Building and Safety Manager, 1988 -2000 • Led inspection and administrative staff: improved policies and procedures. • Developed, trained and implemented programs for staff. • Created City Plan Review Business Process / Development Project Types. • Developed and implemented in -house procedures and guidelines. • Performed quality control and oversight on all plan review. : s PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING INSPECTION AND PLAN CHECK SERVICES (RFP NO. 2014 -12) l TRANSTEch 6. PROJECT TEAM Page 6.11 JERRY ARELLANO, [CC Certified Inspector CERTIFICATIONS • (I.C.C.) Commercial Building Inspector under the CBC. • (I.C.C.) Reinforced Concrete Special Inspector. • (I.C.C.) Structural Masonry Special Inspector. • (I.C.C.) Spray Applied Fire - Proofing Special Inspector. • (A.C.I.) Concrete Field Tester Grade 1. • (L.A. City) Concrete Construction. • (L.A. City) Drilled -in Anchors. • (CSLB) General Contractor's License Mr. Arellano has approximately 20 years of experience. His experience includes serving as special inspector on large and complex projects, some of which include Martin n Luther King Jr. Medical Center, Harbor UCLA Medical Center, Brand Library Renovation Project, PSUSD Elementary School #18, JPL Table Mountain Research Facility, U.S. Army Criminal Inv. Comm., Bayer Environmental Science Building, San Gorgonio High School, Lennar Homes. Currently serving City of Monterey and City of Huntington. Served as a building inspector at City of Alhambra and City of South Pasadena. WILLIAM REED, [CC Certified Inspector Mr. Reed has over 20 years of experience. [CC CERTIFICATIONS Building Inspector He has been employed as a combination building inspector by Transtech for more than eight years, and has inspected various building permit projects in the Cities of Alhambra, South Pasadena and Monterey Park. MIKE MENDENHALL, [CC Certified Inspector Mr. Mendenhall has approximately 15 years of experience. ICC CERTIFICATIONS Building Inspector He serves as Building Inspector for various Transtech Contract Cities, including Alhambra, South Pasadena, Huntington Park. In addition, he has experience in Public Works project inspections, and served as inspector on various roadway improvement projects, including federally funded projects. PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING INSPECTION AND PLAN CHECK SERVICES (RFP NO. 2014 -12) TRANSTEch 6. PROJECT TEAM Page 6.12 DAVID RAGLAND, PE, PLS, QSD, QSP, Sr. Engineer EDUCATION Mr. Ragland is a civil engineer and land surveyor with approximately 30 years of • Humboldt State University, diverse experience in a wide variety of projects in civil engineering. . He has CA, Bachelor of Science managed numerous multi - disciplinary teams dealing with the planning, engineering, entitlement, environmental permitting, development and REGISTRATION construction of urban and rural development, and public works projects. • Registered Civil Engineer • Licensed Land Surveyor Following are significant projects representative of Mr.' Ragland's diversified experience, where he served in various capacities, such as Project HIGHLIGHTS Manager /Engineer, Design Engineer. • In the past 10 years, at • Parkway Business Centre. Design and construction of the 460 Acre industrial Transtech, has been park including South Poway Parkway for ADI Properties, Inc. Also served as working as Engineering Assessment Engineer for Communities Facilities District. Manager and providing • Campus Parkway Roadway: Design of a new roadway for a length of engineering services to approximately 2 miles, and included street, medians, landscape, lighting, traffic various Cities. signals, water, sewer, storm drain and various other utilities. • Served as Principal Project • CalState University Main Access Road. Design of a new roadway for a length of Manager for the design, approximately 1.5 miles, and include street, medians, landscape, lighting, traffic construction and signals, water, sewer, storm drain and various other utilities. management of a variety • Cannon Roadway and Sewer: Design of approximately 2 miles of roadway and of projects, including: 36 inch sewer pipe and pump station. This project required careful • Major infrastructure consideration to pipe buckling due to the extreme soils conditions of the Agua projects for public Hedionda Lagoon. Special bedding techniques were used along with special agencies (Freeway coupling of the pipes to allow for potential deflection as the bridge abutment Interchanges, Roadways, and road fill settled. Water, Storm Drain and • Lopez Canyon Roadway and Sewer: Design and construction of over 5 miles of Sewer Facilities and roadway sewer ranging up to 36 inches in diameter. Master Plans). • Arrowhead Springs Specific Plan and Development: Development of 1,916 -acre • Commercial and Retail site at the foothills of San Bernardino Mountains, and includes 1,350 residential Development. units, 1,000,000 square feet of commercial and office space, 199 - acre /18 -hole o .Master Planned public golf course, renovation and reuse of the historic Arrowhead Springs Hotel Communities. with a new 115 room annex, new 300 -room hotel, a conference center, 14 -acre • Residential corporate office area, and reuse and expansion of the historic Arrowhead Development. Springs spa /resort • Educational /University • San Elijo Hills Development. Development of 2000 acre master planned Infrastructure Master community including golf course and hotel. Project included preparation of Plan Studies and Specific Plan, TM, Final Map, construction plans for all necessary infrastructure, Development. environmental permits and Communities Facilities District. Extensive experience in • Eagle Bice, Muscupiabe Land Area (Devore area in San Bernardino) Drainage, working with Caltrans and Sewer and Water Master Plan. Approximately 450 acre area for future 1,100 County of Los Angeles. unit master planned community. The project includes a major /regional storm Extensive experience in drain system analysis, drainage, water and sewer needs and assessment for this NPDES requirements. future development. Extensive experience in the • City of San Diego, Green Valley Water line design and construction. 5,000 feet, management and 30" Reinforced concrete water line and pressure reducing station and details for administration of federally connection to a 60 -inch San Diego County Water Authority Pipeline. and state funded projects • City of San Bernardino. Design of over 10,000 feet of 8 thru 12 inch DIP water in compliance with main for water distribution. Caltrans (LAPM). • City of San Bernardino. Structural arch design for road crossing over the Dept of Water Resources 109 -inch Santa Ana pipeline. PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING INSPECTION AND PLAN CHECK SERVICES (RFP NO. 2014-12) TRANSTECh 7. REFERENCES Page 7.1 City of Temple City Michael Forbes, Community Development Director; T: 626 - 285 -2171 City of Cudahy Reference also includes Temple City. Former City Manager of TC, became City Manager of Cudahy Jose Pulido, City Manager (former City Manager of Temple City); T: 323- 773 -5143, Ext. 226 City of San Bernardino Reference also includes Temple City. Former CD Dir of TC, recently became Dev Sery Dir of SB Mark Persico, Development Services Director (former CD Director of Temple City); T: 909- 384 -5057 City of South Pasadena David Watkins, Director of Planning and Building /Deputy City Manager; T: 626- 403 -7220 City of Hawaiian Gardens Joseph Colombo, Community Development Director; T: 562- 420 -2641 City of Alhambra Mary Chavez, Public Works Director; T: 626- 570 -5062 Mary Swink, City Manager; T: 626- 570 -5010 City of Huntington Park Julio Morales, Interim City Manager; T: 323- 584 -6222 San Manuel Band of Mission Indians Robert Cantarini, Division Manager; T: 909 - 425 -3590, Ext. 4315 City of Monterey Park Paul Talbot, City Manager; T: 626- 307 -1255 Ron Bow, Public Works Director; T: 626 - 307 -1255 City of Commerce Maryam Babaki, City Engineer /PW and Community Development Director; T: 323 -722 -4805 Riverside County Economic Development Agency, Real Estate Division Vincent Yzaguirre, Deputy Director; T: 951 - 955 -9011 City of Moreno Valley Ahmad Ansari, PE, Public Works Director /City Engineer; T: 951 - 413 -3100 Attached are Reference Letters for the above references. 84 PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING INSPECTION AND PLAN CHECK SERVICES (RFP NO. 2014-12) TRANsmch 7. REFERENCES Page 7.2 9701 LAS TUNAS DRIVE ( TEMPLE CITY ! CALIFORNIA 1 91780 -2249 1 (626) 285 -2171 November 12, 2014 Subject: Reference Letter Services provided to the City of Temple City by Transtech Engineers, Inc. To Whom It May Concern: Transtech Engineers, Inc. has been providing contract engineering services to the City of Temple City since 2012. Services provided by Transtech include: city engineering; traffic engineering; public works project management, plan check, and inspection; development engineering; capital improvement projects program and grant management; and as- needed professional services including planning, design, project management, construction management, and inspection. In addition, Transtech serves as City's Building Official and provides building plan check and inspection services. Transtech has assisted the City in obtaining funding and managing a number of federally funded projects, from initial funding applications through construction completion. Transtech provides high quality services in an efficient and cost effective manner. Transtech is highly responsive to any issues or problems that arise and provides excellent customer service internally to City staff and externally to the public. Their work is consistently completed in a timely and professional manner. Based on our professional experience with Transtech, we highly recommend their services. If you have any questions, please contact me at (626) 285 -2171 or mforbes @templecity.us. Sincerely, Michael D. Forbes Community Development Director �. PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING INSPECTION AND PLAN CHECK SERVICES (RFP NO. 2014 -12) a ( 4 f TRANSTE 7. REFERENCES lilritil i p, J Page 7.3 Incorporated November 10, 1960 P.O. Box 1007 5220 Santa Ana Street Cudahy, California 90201 -6024 (023) 773 -5143 Fax: (323) 771-2072 !November. 12, 2014 RE: Reference Letter for Transtech Engineers, Inc. (i.e., Transtech) To Whom It May Concern: While I was the City Manager for Temple City, Transtech provided (i.e., and still provide) full contract services including: City Engineering; City Traffic Engineering; public Works Engineering Management /Plan Check /Inspection; Development Engineering; Capital Improvement Projects Program &+Grant Management. and "BAs- needed Professional Services" inclusive of planning, design, project management, construction management and inspection. Transtech also assisted Temple City in obtaining significant grant funding and managing a number of federally funded projects, from initial funding applications through construction completion. Currently, Transtech serves as Cudahy's Building and Safety Official, by providing building plan check and inspection services. Over the years, l have unequivocally found Transtech's work to be extremely professional, timely, and a tremendous value to their client cities. Should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me at your earliest convenience. in the office at (323) 773 -5143, via cell phone at (323) 868 -2126 or email at ipulido @cityofcudahyca.gov Sincerely, Jose�L' Pulido City Manager PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING INSPECTION AND PLAN CHECK SERVICES (RFP NO. 2014 -12) TRANNECII 7. REFERENCES Page 7.4 COMMUNITY DEVELOPIVIF T DEPARTMENT BULDINO • CODE ENFORCEMENT ■ LAND DEVELOPMENT • PLANNING 300 North "D" Street San Bernardino, CA 92418 -0001 909.384.5071 Fax 909.384.5155 www.sbcity.org Subject: Transtech Engineers, Inc., Reference Letter To Whom It May Concern: I'm writing to provide a reference for Transtech Engineers, Inc., a firm that I have worked with in two different jurisdictions. Transtech staff served as the City Engineer and Chief Building Official in the City of Temple City when I was the Coininunity Development Director. Transtech staff is also providing design and engineering services to the City of San Bernardino where I currently serve as Community Development Director. In both Temple City and San Bernardino, Transtech staff has been professional, responsive and flexible in meeting my department's needs. The firm has proven themselves to be a great asset to the team and a reliable partner in getting projects completed. In Temple City, Transtech Engineers served as the resident engineer on the award winning $21 million Rosemead Boulevard project, Their skills and professionalism were vital in delivering the project on time mid on budget. Based upon my professional experience, I would highly recommend Transtech Engineers as of any city's team. If you have any Au'lher questions, please feel free to contact me at Persica ma(@sbcity ora (909)3$4 -5357. Sincerely, S � Mark Persico, AICP Director of Community Development 0 PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING INSPECTION AND PLAN CHECK SERVICES (RFP NO. 2014-12) s TRANSm ch November 12, 2014 7. REFERENCES S� 3'. p CITY Of SOUTH PASADENA PLAtMI AND BUILDING DE PARTMENT ;494 MISSCON STREET, SOUTH PASAdENA, GA 91030 TEL: 0,26. 403.7220 • FA? 626.443.7229 %'rWVI.cl.sou7H- PASA05 -MA, er,. Us November 10, 2014 . Subject, Reference Letter for Transtech Engineers, Inc. To Whoi It May Concern: Transtech Engineers, Inc. has been providing contract Building and Safety Services, including Building Official, Permit Technician, Building Inspector, and Building Plan Check to the City of South Pasadena for nearly 17 years. The City of:South Pasadena is extremely satisfied with Transtech' .s; services. They have always provided high quality services in an.efficient and cost effective manner. They have al'Ways been very responsive and timely on of their assignments. Based on our professional experience with Transtech, we highly recommend their services. if you have any further questions, you can contact me. Sincerely, ✓ Da vid vatkins Director of Planning and Building City of South Pasadena Tel: (626) 403 7 220 Page 7.5 PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING INSPECTION AND PLAN CHECK SERVICES (RFP NO. 2014 -12) TRANSTECh 7. REFERENCES Page 7.6 CITY OF "Our Youth,! Our Future" GA RDENS HAWAIIAN November 12, 2014 Subject: Reference Letter for Transtech Engineers, Inc. To Whom It May Concern: Transtech Engineers ! Inc. has been providing contract. Buildirig.'and Safety Services, including. full time Permit, Technician/Codel'Enforcement, Building Inspector, Building Plan. Check and on a need basis Building Official services to' the of Hawaiian Garden since July.2014. The *City of Hawaiian Garden is very* much satisfied with Tr.!hstecWs services. They have always provided high quality services in an ,efficient .and cost effective manner. They have always been very responsive And timely on a 11. of their assignments. Based on our professional experience With Transtech, we highly recommend their services.. If yoLi have any further questions, you -can.cont ct m e at. (502.) 420-2641 e . 244. ta xt Colombo City of Hawaiian Garden Tel: (562) 420 2641 E-mail: icolombo0hggity.dEo 21815 PIONEER BOULEVARD, HAWAIIAN GARDENS, CA 90716-1237 TEL: (562).420-2641 EAX: (562) 496-3708 PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING INSPECTION AND PLAN CHECK SERVICES (RFP NO. 2014-12) TRANsTEch 7. REFERENCES Page 7.7 City of Affiamba Public Works Department November 10, 2014 .k.;.. �' III Soulb First Street Albmnbra California 9180j-3 1 Subject: Reference Letter Services provided to the City of Alhambra by Transtech Engineers, Inc. To Whom It May Concerm Transtech Engineers, Inc. has been providing contract engineering services to the City of Alhambra, including City Engineering, City Traffic Engineering, Public Works Engineering Management/Plan Check/inspection, Development Engineering, Capital Improvement Projects Program & Grant Management, and As- needed Professional Services, inclusive of planning, design, project management, construction management and inspection. Transtech also assisted the City in obtaining funding and managing a number of federally funded projects, from initial funding applications thru construction completion. In addition, Transtech also serves as City's Building and Safety Official, provides building plan check and inspection services. City of Alhambra has worked with Transtech over 24 years. Transtech has always provided high quality services in an efficient and cost effective manner. Transtech has been very responsive and timely on all of their assignments. We have always found their work to be extremely satisfactory, and always done on a timely and professional manner. Based on our professional experience with Transtech Engineers, we highly recommend their services. ' If you have any further questions, you can contact me at (626) 570 -5067 or mehavez@cityofalhambra.org Sincerely, City of Alhambra: I YW6� w K Mary Chavez Director of Public Works and Utilities Department r FF'k: Ep 9f.FZ Y&Sr ?tliftP PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING INSPECTION AND PLAN CHECK SERVICES (RFP NO. 2014 -12) T RANSTE CH 7. REFERENCES V HUNTINGTON PARK November *10, 2014 Office of the City - Mana* * ge Francesca Tucker-Schuyler Interim City Administrator 160.0 01. Beverly Blvd, Montebellp, CA 90640 Subject Reference Letterlor Transtech Engineers, Inc. Dear Frarresca, I am writing a letter of recommendation forTranstech Engineers, Inc. They -cOrrehtly serve in a nurhber of capacities for the City, including plan chedik Ind permitting services building inspection, and as-needed:ongineering services. Moreover, Trclnsteoh has been serving in a value capacity as,an:extension.qf staff since 2012. We havo Valueflh4§ technical expertise- that Transte-ch.has provided us, But A. is not to be overlooked that perhaps them ost.important element. thot they provide is their high level of customer service. I would strongly recommend that you consider their services to either suppl . ement or enhance your existing engineering and planning needs. Not-only have vie found them to be cost -effective, but :exciapfi6nalIV:r6spon.s*iv.e, Please ca is I I .11 me if want discuss th any further. Sincerely, Scalia Morales 6560 NlflesfAvenue .1 RunUngton Park, CA. 0265 jmorales @hpcalgav (323) 684.6222 Page 7.8 rs PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING INSPECTION AND PLAN CHECK SERVICES (RFP NO. 2014-12) TRANSTECh 7. REFERENCES Page 7.9 San, AfanzwfBandofMission Indians (Departmat ofalfanniV and(Deve4mot I t P R f November 2014 Subject: Reference* Letter for TMnstechErigi To Whoin It May Concern: Trainstech Engineers,. Inc. has :beien provIdes.:contract.Building and Safety Services, including Building Offitiali..13gilding Inspector, and Building Plan Check p to-the San Manuel Indian Reservation. Transteth provided full plan check services fo - r our C6sin6'ReModel. Project and it now currently the providing construction Inspection services he project. The Casino Remodel Is a 50 million dollar p rofed, scheduled to. be completed -next fall: The project schedulels o n a 20/6 schedple, - with Trahstedh providing on tall iri'spectidn services 20 hours 6.d6y 6.days a week. The San Manuel - Indian Reservation it extremely satisfied-With Transtech's services: They have . always provid.eOlgh qUalitV'services in an efficient and . cost effective manner. They have always been very responsive and timely on: all of their assignments. Based.on bur professional exped ence with Tralnttnh, we highly recommend t - heir services. . Ifyou have any further questions, you can contact me. Sincerely, Robert Cantarin Division Manager SAN -MANUEL A&'6bf?V MISSION INDIANS Dept. of Planning.and 101 Pure Water Lane Highland, CA 92346 (9.09) 425-9590 x-4315 office (909) 862-2641 fax R cantarini@sanm6nuel-nsn.gov PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING INSPECTION AND PLAN CHECK SERVICES (RFP NO. 2014-12) Pp` TRANSTECII 7. REFERENCES Page 7.10 CITY OF . MONTEREY PARK M �� 920 West NeWmark. Avenue • Mcn'terey Park • CaNbMia -2896 v wwwrrwriiereJoark.ca�oy :� �- ggLl FOIL City council Peter Chan Mitchell Ing Hans Liang Teresa. Real Sebastian Anthony Wong City Clerk Vincent D. Chang City 7ioasurer Joseph Leon November 1.2, 2014 Subject: Services Provided to the City of Monterey Park by Transtech Engineers, Inc. To Whom It May Concern: Transtech Engineers, Inc. has been providing engineering support services to the City of Monterey Park for the past three years: Transtech's services have included city .engineering, traffic engineering, public works engineering management, plan. check, development engineering, capital improvement program (CIP) & grant management; and as- needed professional services that included planning, design, project management, contract administration, construction management and inspection. Transtech is always. responsive to the City's needs, providing high quality services in a timely manner. Their staff is professional and courteous, and work very well city staff. Transtech has been especially helpful :during the last 18 months expediting delivery of the City's CIP projects which included . numerous Parks Master Plan and ADA Improvement projects:. Based on our firsthand experience working with Transtech, the City of Monterey Park highly recommends their services. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at:626i307 -1322, or rbow @montereypark.ca.gov. Sincerely, Ron w Director of Public Works/ Assistant City Manager City of Monterey Park Pride in the Pest • Faith in the Future a PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING INSPECTION AND PLAN CHECK SERVICES (RFP NO. 2014-12) `� TRANswch 7. REFERENCES Page 7.11 C. GOiy,� - � pit of Commerce Oublic Works & Development Services Department T ED J0.TN November 10, 2014 . SUBJECT: Reference Letter - Services provided to the City of Commerce by Transtech Engineers, Inc. To Whom It May Concern: Transtech Engineers, Inc. has been providing various contract engineering services to the City of Commerce in the past 15 years. These services included staff augmentation for Public Works Engineering /Management /Plan Check /Inspection, Development and Traffic Engineering. Transtech also provided Capital Improvement Projects Program & Grant Management, and As- needed Professional Services, inclusive of planning, design, project management, construction management and inspection. Recently, the City selected Transtech to provide construction management and inspection services for the City's largest infrastructure project, Washington Boulevard Reconstruction, which has a total budget of $40m. Transtech is also providing building permit services to the City. The City of Commerce is extremely satisfied with Transtech's services. Transtech has alp -£ays provided high quality staff and services, in an efficient and cost effective manner, and has always been eery responsive and timely on all of their assignments. We highly recommend Transtech's services. If you have any further questions, you can contact me at 323 - 722 -4805, Ext. 337, or mbabaki @ci.commerce.ca.us. Sincerely, ;; Maryam Babaki, erector Public Works & Development Services Department 2535 Commerce Way - Commerce, California 900 13231722 -4805 - I:A,X (323) 726 -6231 - wiviv.d.rommerce cases PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING INSPECTION AND PLAN CHECK SERVICES (RFP NO. 2014-12) z - TRANsTEch 7. REFERENCES Page 7.12 COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE s� �� EDA ECOMOMIC WROPMWFAMICY November 10, 2014 Subject: Transtech' Engineers,. Inc.,. Reference Letter ToW - hom. It May This letter is to provide reference for - Transtech , Engineers, Inc.. an experienced and capable firm - who- has been providing the County of Riverside an array of quality services over the past several years. Some . of the services provided by Transtech include - design, surveying and engineering studies for various. s: projectsand.C6untyfacilities. Rivers C ounty . ounty- Economic DeVelQpm6ntAgezncy has, turned to this firm time and` time again to provide expert . and sound advice, on pursuing facility :matters and Pedj6dts. I can say that t Transtech'has ea med our trust based on their respons ponsiveness, work ethic and Product their concern for us, their customer, and the quality of the staff they employ. Most recently Transtech is or has been involved in some of the following County projects., F-a4fCount Detention Center, Indio $297M Project Van Horn -Youth Rehabilitation 'Facility $28M Project Press Enterprise Bbilding.A.cquisftion 3 $ OM Acquisition Based on our profestional.0koefionce with Transtedh, we' bighly recommend :them as a capable. and experienced partner who will provide added value: to any project or team: If You have any further questions please feel free. to contact.-ms : directly at 951.966.4820. ancor - ' Vincent Y, Ul i * D irect De Direct f Real Estate PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING INSPECTION AND PLAN CHECK SERVICES (RFP NO. 2014-12) E�il 0 TRANsrEch WWW.r1VC0e*I.()r9 Adminisifafion : HoiAing Economic Developmeni Parking Aviallon HoUsirIg Authoilly ECIWOrd-Deqn Museum Projecl h4anagernent Business Intelligenco Information Jechriology EnVirCnMental Planning Puirchasing Group CURUld Services Mointenance Faii & Nalional Dole festidal Real Property Community Services Morkefing Foreign Trade Redevelopment Agency Custodial (5!(3frili AbQlement Workforce Developmi;-ni PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING INSPECTION AND PLAN CHECK SERVICES (RFP NO. 2014-12) E�il 0 TRANsrEch 7. REFERENCES June 3, 2013 Mr. Ali Cayir Transtech Engineers, Inc. 13367 Benson Avenue Chino, CA 91710 0.E1�1 VALLEY w 1-1 r R E Q R[ A M S S Q A R Subject: Cactus/Nason Improvement Project Dear Mr. Cayir, Page 7.13 ! <I'Ii.: iiLli ll;i -:f: S'I Rt l i On behalf of the City of Moreno Valley, .I would like to -thank you ib.r the exemplary performance in the construction of the Cactus/Nason Street Improvements Project from April 201, 2 to May 2013. The project was a crucial Capital Improvement Project for the City involving. coordination with City Staff and Consultant Project Manager, private developers, multiple agencies including Riverside County Flood Control District and Water Conservation District (R.CFC & WCD), Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD), . and .Riverside County Hospital and design firms including RBI', Btitkos, and Areon. Transtech was ir;lstrumental in coordinating with Southern California Edison to ensure that the removal of electric power poles on Cactus and over two miles undergrounding of high voltage utilities along Nason and Cactus were completed in an expedient and eiflelent.manner. Transtech's experienced staff included Kurt Pegg P.E., Mike Schnepf, Senior Inspector, afid Selirn Bouhamidi, Office Engineer who were assigned to the project full -time and stayed on- task the duration of the project. Their diligent efforts and constant communication with the City's .Project Manager and City Staff served to unburden the complex project. They fostered excellent relationships with the Contractor (Sully - Miller) whose subcontractors including A.D. Wils6n. (Electrical), I.,NA (Single & Double Box Culvert) and KEC (bridge). They also coordinated with EMWD and RCFCD inspectors allowing for exceptional duality assurance and quality control. Transtech's staffs thorough knowledge of the Army Corps of Engineers, Fish & Wildlife, .Regional Water Quality Resources Board and Air Quality Resources Board requirements and Caltrans record keeping when combined with meticulous inspection records helped ensure the timely completion of the project. rill? IC Va {ORKS 01'1',1 -U - 1l-'NT X PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING INSPECTION AND PLAN CHECK SERVICES (RFP NO. 2014-12) TRANSTECEI 7. REFERENCES Page 7.14 Cactus Nason Improvement Project June 3, 2013 Page 2 We Mould again like to thank you for meeting the high demands for this City Center project and helping deliver crucial improvements to the City under budget and ahead of schedule. Sincerely, Prem Kumar } Deputy Public Works Director/Assistant City Engineer PKlsc PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING INSPECTION AND PLAN CHECK SERVICES (RFP NO. 2014-12) � TRANSm c I t I LL S. COMPENSATION TRANsTEch 8. Compensation Page 8.1 Proposed compensation is provided in the format specified in City's RFP; Exhibit C- Compensation: 1. Plan Checking 50% of City fees. This fee is based on the City's most current fee schedule. This fee will include an initial check and two (2) rechecks. Any subsequent rechecks not based on new corrections added during either initial check or recheck will be performed at Consultant's current hourly rates. 2. Building Inspection 50% of City fees. This fee is based on the City's most current fee schedule. Inspections for permits issued before the effective date of this agreement or inspections for which no City fee is collected will be performed at Consultant's current hourly rates. Following is the Compensation Table which is included in City's RFP, Page 7. Building Services 100% Consultant 50% City 50% Plan Check Services 100% Consultant 50% City 50% 3. California Building Laws There is no additional fee that will be charged to the City for the service of providing the necessary materials (i.e. staff report, ordinances, resolutions, etc.) for the City to adopt the County Codes and attend the City Council meeting for said items. 4. Other Services Other services will be performed on a time and material basis at the Consultant's current hourly rates or an agreed upon lump sum cost not to exceed basis. 5. Hourly Rate Schedule The current hourly rates for the fiscal year 2015 -16 are provided below. These rates shall be reviewed and updated as necessary on an annual basis. 6 PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING INSPECTION AND PLAN CHECK SERVICES (R FP NO. 2014-22) TRAN57ECh 8. Compensation Page 8.2 TRANSTECH ENGINEERS, INC. STANDARD HOURLY RATES (FY 2015 -16) Classification Hourly Rate Senior Engineer $155 to $175 Project Manager $1401 to $170 Project Engineer $140 i to $160 Staff Engineer $125 to $145 CAD Designer $100 to $125 Sr. Planner $120 to $145 Associate Planner $100 to $120 Funds and Grants Manager $130 to $150 Funds Analyst $100 to $120 Transportation Analyst $130 to $160 Plan Checker $100 to $135 Construction Manager $150 to $170 Inspector, PW $115 to $135 Building Official $125 to $145 Inspector, Building $80 to $120 Engineering Technician $65 to $75 Building Technician $65 to 1, $75 Administrative /Clerical $60 to $65 2 -Man Survey Crew $275 Reimbursable direct expenses are billed at cost plus 5 %. Fees are adjusted annually based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the Los Angeles area for Cost of Living Adjustment. 0 PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING INSPECTION AND PLAN CHECK SERVICES (RFP NO. 2014 -12) I— .1 TRANsmck f s 9. INSURANCE TRANSTECh 9. INSURANCE Page 9.1 Transtech's will provide insurance coverage as specified in City's RFP. As required in City's RFP, the cover letter included in "Section 1. Introduction" of this proposal is signed by an authorized officer of Transtech. £ �\ PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING INSPECTION AND PLAN CHECK SERVICES (RFP NO. 2014-12) TRANSTECh TRA/VSTECh 10. STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING 10. STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING Page 10.1 As required by City's RFP, the following requested statement is included: It is understood that the Consultant's function is to be all inclusive of Building and Plan Check services for Residential and Non - Residential new construction, additions, and remodels, and within the hours of operation as noted in this RFP. �. PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING INSPECTION AND PLAN CHECK SERVICES (RFP NO. 2014 -12) ra, TRANsmch TRANsTEch 11. UNANTICIPATED OR SIGNIFICANT DEVIATIONS 11. UNANTICIPATED OR SIGNIFICANT DEVIATIONS Page 11.1 Transtech understands the importance of being able to expedite certain projects through the plan review process. When requested, Transtech has sufficient staff and resources to expedite plan checks, and will assign necessary staff. In the event of a local or regional emergency or disaster, our personnel will be accessible, available, and prepared to provide Building and Safety services as directed by the City. 0 PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING INSPECTION AND PLAN CHECK SERVICES (RFP NO. 2014-12) TRAIMECH Y A I: k j r , 6m D '.'. ti tat a ' c '! :! 'f�l'! r 'T J ! ♦ � Ji{ llr�� -= • d'. 3 I on, � ­44X lc: jw T Nk F 9 . T-� � ! ryf �t '( M y tl �YC= n� Y1 r� U i v p, f!7 � W ril IF 9 !64 r ? r ��. ; �!� � �w`'7'ft� I F � ' � s � � � yy IJ ', r � , 4' t A_ r� ..7, 4511 ION T" P7T j Wl A"; - I is, _4 A Ar". �.lc55 ��� � r fi' "r� � � � �a 2.� a s =i es , it A -4 14 L _Vr o 1 4X!.� "Al IL /�� I �' 1.�` - L r f �,� 'I T`�!"�� is A j t i T . a�J W- . 4" JL ' tl A� ti � r 7-3 :j _17 " I � " NIT rr, P14 3 1 f7' V T Y �`, -`' �; .M'Qp F s���'�";c ti � , ,,Fy _ < w1.� lvz�k� Y 4! 7 5q�_ G"V P�6 AF� � S . 4 v , KS ro Charles Abbott Associates, Inc. ra Compensation Proposal for Building Inspection and Plan Check services RFP No. 2014 -12 -ADDENDUM Prepared for City of Rosemead Attn: Michelle Ramirez, Community Development Director 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 By: Charles Abbott Associates, Inc. 27401 Los Altos # 220 Mission Viejo, CA 92691 Toll Free: (866) 530 -4980 www.caaprofessionals.com March 5, 2015 Subject: Compensation Proposal for Building Inspection and Plan Check Services Charles Abbott Associates, Inc. (CAA) is pleased to submit the enclosed all- inclusive Compensation Proposal for Building Inspection and Plan Check Services to the City of Rosemead (City) as identified in the City's Scope Of Services. This includes, at a minimum, the following personnel: Full -Time Building Official Full -Time Building Inspector Full -Time Permit Technician CAA will provide counter coverage during the specified hours of 7am - 6pm Monday through Thursday, including over the counter plan check services between the hours of 7am - 10am and 5pm - 6pm. Permits will be entered into the City's HDL system, or CAA can provide our own permit issuance and tracking system to the City at no additional charge. CAA will work closely with the Planner and Engineer assigned to each project and perform all plan checks, including review of the final plan check, for compliance with all local ordinances and State and Federal laws that pertain to Building and Safety, and for compliance with the adopted Los Angeles County Residential Building Code, Plumbing Code, Electrical Code, and Mechanical Code, Title 24, and the City Municipal Code. For plans exceeding the capability of the onsite staff or requiring additional project support, CAA will provide pick -up and delivery of plans and specifications via either CAA assigned personnel or a shipping service such as On -Trac or Eclipse at no additional cost to the City. Plans will be picked up and logged in the CAA plan review tracking system before being routed to the appropriate plan reviewer for review. CAA will also provide all construction inspections to verify that the work of construction is in conformance with the approved project plans, as well as to identify issues of non- compliance with applicable codes. Projects under construction by permit from the City will be inspected for compliance with the State of California Building, Mechanical, Plumbing, Electrical, Energy, Green Building, and Accessibility Codes as adopted by the State and amended by Los Angeles County. Inspectors are accessible and available to meet with the project design team and /or the client's representatives to work out problems and help resolve issues quickly and efficiently. Our inspection staff easily integrates into client organizations. Inspections will be performed Monday - Thursday between the hours of 7am - 6pm and Fridays between the hours of 7am - 12pm by ICC certified Building Inspectors. Additional staff will be provided as needed to meet any increase in workload. Should the City have any questions or.require additional information, please contact Greg Robinson or myself. We appreciate the opportunity to propose our services, and look forward to meeting with you to further discuss your service needs. Sincerely, T CHAR S ABBOTT ASSOCIATES, INC. Rusty R. Reed, PE President RFP Addendum February 23, 2015 Page 5 REVISED COMPENSATION PROPOSAL FORM The Consultant understands and agrees to all of the Scope of Services listed in the Request for Proposal No. 2014 -12 (Building Inspection and Plan Check Services) — ADDENDUM dated February 23, 2015. 2. The Consultant understands that the City of Rosemead is requesting an updated proposal based on an all - inclusive percentage fee compensation only, based on all of the Scope of Services listed in the Request for Proposal No. 2014 -12 (Building Inspection and Plan Check Services) — ADDENDUM dated February 23, 2015 and that the City of Rosemead will not accept any hourly rates or additional charges. 3. The Consultant understands that any compensation proposal other than what is being requested by the City of Rosemead in this ADDENDUM will be rejected and disqualified from further consideration. 4. Revised All- Inclusive Percentage Fee Compensation Building Services 100% Consultant 60% city 40% - % Rusty Reed Plan Check Services 100% Consultant 50% % city 50% % Printed Name Signafure Presid Title 03/01/2015 Date This form must be returned to the City of Rosemead, Community Development Director, Michelle Ramirez, by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 5, 2015 The City of Rosemead will only accept this updated all - inclusive percentage fee compensation form and will not accept any other form or addendum. Consultants that do not return this Revised Compensation Proposal by the listed date and time will be disqualified and no longer considered a candidate for the administration and operation of the Building and Safety Division for the City of Rosemead. RETURN COMPLETED FORM BY 5:00 P.M., MARCH 5, 2015 Charles Abbott Associates Abbott Associates, Proposal for Building Inspection and Plan Check Services RFP No. 2014 -12 Prepared for City of Rosemead Attn: Michelle Ramirez, Community Development Director 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 By: Charles Abbott Associates, Inc. 27401 Los Altos # 220 Mission Viejo, CA 92691 Toll Free: (866) 530 -4980 www.caaprofessionals.com "Helping public agencies provide effective and efficient municipal services to improve communities since 1984" 1 . Introduction .................................................................................. ............................... 3 CompanyProfile ........................................................................ ............................... 4 2 . Executive Summary .................................................................... ............................... 6 3 . Work Plan ..................................................................................... ............................... 8 Building Official Services ........................................................... ............................... 8 PlanCheck Services .................................................................. ........................:...... 9 Building Inspection Services .................................................... ............................... 11 Permit Counter Services .......................................................... ............................... 12 California Building Laws .......................................................... ............................... 13 Post - Disaster Safety Assessments .......................................... ............................... 13 Transition Services .................................................................. ............................... 13 4. Performance Standards ............................................................ ............................... 15 5 . Firm Qualifications .................................................................... ............................... 18 Proven Capabilities in the Public Sector .................................. ............................... 18 StaffTraining ........................................................................... ............................... 18 MissionSupport ....................................................................... ............................... 19 QualityControl ......................................................................... ............................... 19 ProjectControls ....................................................................... ............................... 20 Commitmentto Safety ............................................................. ............................... 20 6 . Project Team .............................................................................. ............................... 21 KeyPersonnel ......................................................................... ............................... 22 RustyR. Reed, PE ................................................................... ............................... 23 GregRobinson, CBO ............................................................... ............................... 24 RobertElkins, CBO .................................................................. ............................... 26 RodneySipma ......................................................................... ............................... 27 Renee Meriaux, CBO, CASP, MCP ......................................... ............................... 28 RonGrider, PE, CBO ............................................................... ............................... 30 Steve Ahuna, PE, CBO - Registered Civil Engineer /Certified Plans Examiner...... 32 Paul Melby, CBO — Staffing and Quality Control ..................... ............................... 33 7 . References ................................................................................. ............................... 35 8 . Compensation ............................................................................ ............................... 38 9 . Insurance .................................................................................... ............................... 40 10. Statement of Understanding ................................................... ............................... 41 11. Unanticipated or Significant Deviations ................................ ............................... 41 CAA professional services 2 December 8, 2014 Subject: Proposal for Building Inspection and Plan Check Services Charles Abbott Associates, Inc. (CAA) is pleased to submit the enclosed Proposal for Building Inspection and Plan Check Services to the City of Rosemead (City). Since 1984, CAA has been providing a growing number of cities with outstanding Building Services. Over the years, our vast knowledge, experience, and proven ability to satisfy the needs of cities and counties of all sizes has earned us the reputation of being one of the most qualified firms in the industry. Our consistently high standards of service are a direct result of nurturing a team of professionals with an exceptional work attitude, mind -set, experience and skills that are unique to CAA. CAA is exceptionally well qualified to provide the requested services to the City as described in our submittal. Our team is not only comprised of building & safety experts, but also highly trained professionals who are able to balance regulatory requirements, cost effectiveness, political considerations, and practicality when advising our clients. Due to our depth of professional knowledge and our 30 years of industry experience, we feel we are superior to any other consultant providing these services in Southern California. CAA looks for creative solutions for our clients' needs, and we are committed to ensuring cost effectiveness without sacrificing quality. CAA recently received a company rating of "2" by ISO for all of our California Cities in 2014. This rating illustrates CAA's commitment to mitigating losses and enforcing codes to improve safety in our communities. We maintain well - qualified and educated inspectors and plan checkers. Our staff regularly attends training courses, seminars, and conferences to ensure they are up -to- date on the most relevant issues in the industry. As an example of these advanced industry- training standards, CAA provides California Building Officials (CALBO) certified in -house training to ensure staff members are aware of all State mandated procedures, policies, and requirements. CAA customers benefit from the company's track record of maintaining the lowest employee turnover in the industry. Our clients enjoy maximized productivity and excellent working relations built from interacting with the same personnel who is already tuned in to their needs. CAA's team of qualified professionals includes registered engineers, scientists, building officials, certified inspectors, project managers, experts, support personnel and technicians of varied disciplines. Every member of our team has experience working in and with the public sector, and has a deep understanding of methods and systems that work for any particular task. We pride ourselves in becoming a truly integrated part of your team, ready and productive from day one of our engagement. Our employees take on regular staff functions and take a personal interest in representing the City in a professional and courteous manner in all their business dealings. Citizens, contractors, and other stakeholders will see our personnel as a seamless extension of your City staff. CAA professional services 3 We also promise to be available on site and improve the transparency and reporting of what is happening in the field. Our role is to provide accurate communications to Council and managers, respond to citizen inquiries, and meet our commitments for service delivery. We are devoted to keeping our certified and licensed staff up -to -date on the latest practice, techniques and skills in their areas of specialization. Our approach to training is ongoing and not just occasional, guaranteeing work that is in full compliance to current standards. In addition, because our people are well trained, they face virtually no learning curve and are able to get to work immediately. We pledge the full resources and backing of our firm to ensure that the City has the most efficient and cost effective building services strategy available. We stand by our commitment to unparalleled professionalism and service, as evidenced by the average length of service with our clients of over 16 years. Company Profile Official name and address: Charles Abbott Associates, Inc. 27401 Los Altos, #220 Mission Viejo, CA 92691 Primary point of contact: Greg Robinson, CBO 27401 Los Altos, #220 Mission Viejo, CA 92691 Tel: (805) 431 -9006 gregrobinson (cD-caaprofessionals.com Entity type: Corporation Years in Business: 30 Federal Tax ID: 33- 00753899 Company locations: CALIFORNIA - COMPANY HEADQUARTER 27401 Los - Altos, # 220 Mission Viejo, CA 92691. . Tel: (949).367-2850 . Fax: (949) 367 -2852. FLORIDA GEORGIA 3001 North Rocky Point Drive East, #200 Two Ravinia, #500 Tampa, FL 33607 Atlanta, GA 30346 Tel: (866) 530 -4980 Tel: (866) 530 -4980 Fax: (949) 367 -2852 Fax: (949) 367 -2852 CAA professional services 4 COLORADO 10955 Westmoor. Dr, 4th Floor Westminster, CO 80021 Tel: (866).530 -4980 Fax:. (949) 367 -2852 NEVADA 8537 Stone Harbor Las Vegas, NV 89145 Tel: (866) 530 -4980 Fax: (949) 367 -2852 ARIZONA TEXAS 60 E Rio Salado Parkway, #900 9595 Six Pines, Bldg. 8, Level 2, #8210 Tempe, AZ 85281 The Woodlands, TX 77380 Tel: (866) 530 -4980 Tel: (866) 530 -4980 Fax: (949) 367 -2852 Fax: (949) 367 -2852 SOUTH CAROLINA 4000 S. Faber Place Drive, #300 Charleston, 'SC, 29405 Tel: (866) 530 =4980 Fax: 1949) 367 =2852 This proposal will remain valid for 180 days following the proposal due date, as requested by the City. Should the City have any questions or require additional information, please contact Greg or myself. We appreciate the opportunity to propose our services, and look forward to meeting with you to further discuss your service needs. Thank you in advance for your consideration. Sincerely, CHARLf S ABBOTT ASSOCIATES, INC. Rusty R. Reed, PE President 27401 Los Altos # 220 Mission Viejo, CA 92691 (949) 279 -4124 LAA professional services CAA understands the City is currently seeking comprehensive Building Inspection and Plan Check Services to carry out all functions of the Building and Safety Division for the City of Rosemead. CAA will provide a full -time certified Building Official to oversee the division, including all building and plan check services, building inspections for all residential and non - residential buildings, investigating complaints to ensure compliance with all applicable building codes, full -time counter technician services, and additional services as requested by the City. Building inspection will be provided during regular City Hall hours of operation, Monday through Thursday from 7am — 6pm, as well as Fridays from 8am —12pm. Over the counter plan check services will be provided Monday through Thursday from 7am — 10am as well as from 5pm — 6pm. CAA will dedicate highly trained staff members from our pool of resources to this project. Our staff will diligently carry out the duties of the Building and Safety Division, as well as other duties as assigned. Our staffing levels will ensure that all City building inspections and plan check services are conducted in an efficient and courteous manner that is responsive to the City and the public's needs. CAA has the experience, knowledge, and ability to manage such tasks, assignments, and responsibilities while reducing the City's financial and staffing burdens. Additionally, CAA has the ability to add certified and qualified staff whenever workload demands increase. Bob Elkins, CBO, will serve as the City's Building Official and will ensure that our policies, procedures, and manpower will provide the level of service the City desires. He will supervise the project and maintain continuous communication with the City to ensure that the City is 100% satisfied with our staff, our turnaround times, the quality of our work, and the overall teamwork between our staff and yours. Any shortcomings from the City's perspective will be dealt with promptly. CAA will perform all building and safety services outlined by the City. The CAA professionals that will be assigned to the City have many years of municipal experience to support the City's Building and Safety Division, CAA's professional staff successfully services over 40 cities, including the cities of Mission Viejo, Aliso Viejo, and Laguna Niguel. CAA has been handling a complete package of City Building Department Services for over 30 years, including: A. Building Codes Administration B. Building Inspections C. Building Plans Review D. Environmental Management E. Code Enforcement The following promises demonstrate why CAA is the best- qualified service provider for the City of Rosemead: Service Above and Beyond: CAA professionals believe that just doing a "good" job is not enough for our clients. Our aim is to excel. This means that we do not function simply by the language of our contract, but that we constantly look out for the general good of the City, local neighborhoods, and its residents. Our employees become part of your team and view themselves as an extension of your staff in carrying out the duties of the City. CAA professional services 6 Innovations in Service Delivery: CAA continuously strives for innovations to improve public services. Government must be more accessible to the citizens, more convenient, timelier in responses, more cost effective, and performance oriented. Accountability in government has never been higher than it is today. We want to be your partner in delivering exceptional public service and promoting the City. We pledge the full resources and backing of our firm to assure that the City is able to deliver outstanding, cost - effective public service of the highest quality. CAA will provide the City with a team of highly qualified individuals to support your building and safety service needs, which include but are not limited to: • certified and experienced Building Official • certified and experienced Building Inspector (s) • certified and experienced Permit Technician Registered Professional Engineers for plan review A CASp Certified Specialist Other qualified CAA employees will be available for support as needed. CAA has been providing building and safety services to a growing number of cities and counties in the Southern California region since 1984. The following table lists some of the services. we provide to meet the needs of our clients: CAA will provide all materials, resources, tools and training required for our professionals to perform their assigned duties, including vehicles, cell phones, iPads, and other technology devices that enhance our service. C AAA professional services 7 SERVICE ROLES SERVICES • Building Official • Building & Safety Administration • Building Inspector • Plan Review • Code Compliance Officer • Building Inspections • Public Counter Technician • Accessibility Assessments • Public Works Director • Grading and Improvement Review • City Engineer • Environmental Assessments • Plan Checker • Municipal NPDES Programs • Fire Prevention • NPDES Review Specialist/Inspector • Public Works Administrative • Map Check Surveyor Services • Certified Environmental Trainers • Public Works Contracting • Project/Construction Engineer • Work Management and Budgeting • Landscape Manager /Supervisor Systems • Landscape Architect • Organizational /Personnel Audits • Redevelopment Agency Engineer • Evaluation of Fee Structures • Assessment Engineer • Grant/Funding Applications • Traffic Engineer • AB 939 Implementation • CASP Certified Specialist • Pavement Management • Asset Management CAA will provide all materials, resources, tools and training required for our professionals to perform their assigned duties, including vehicles, cell phones, iPads, and other technology devices that enhance our service. C AAA professional services 7 Building Official Services CAA has the resources and technical capabilities to meet the demands of the Building and Safety Division of the City as outlined in the RFP. Our Building Officials and Inspectors are ICC certified, and have an average of 20+ years of construction and building department experience. The Building Official assigned to the City of Rosemead will: • Manage all building services functions • Enforce and interpret building codes and other regulations • Respond to concerns from residents, businesses, and other parties as required • Prepare various documentation such as reports and inventories • Prepare Senate Bill 1473 and SMIP fee reports • Conduct process reviews and make recommendations for process improvements, if applicable • Be available to provide testimony for administrative and legal proceedings • Conduct training and public outreach programs • Assist with other related duties as assigned by the City The following sections identify the basis of our service agreement and promises: • Architectural CAA staff is certified and experienced in all phases of architectural review, including construction types, occupancies, separations, heights, areas, egress means, and fire /life safety. CAA staff will bring many years of experience to the City's review and inspection process with respect to size, shape, and use of buildings with varying complexities. Many of CAA's staff are active in architectural code promulgation at the State and national level and several sit on CALBO and International Code Council (ICC) committees. • Structural CAA's plan check structural engineers have reviewed structural plans with varying degrees of construction complexity from single - family homes to high -rise multi -use facilities. CAA's plan check engineers maintain California registration with an average experience of over 30 years in structural and design plan check. • Mechanical CAA staff are experienced in plan check and inspection of mechanical installations from simple FAU applications to complex smoke control systems. CAA staff will bring such knowledge, experience, and understanding to City reviews and inspections. • Plumbing CAA staff is well knowledgeable and experienced in the review and inspection of plumbing plans and installations including applications from the simple to the complex. Since many of our staff has worked in the field, they can draw on their own expertise and experiences as the designer, developer, and inspector. ��� professional services 8 • Electrical CAA staff is experienced in the plan review and inspection of various electrical installations, both residential and commercial. • T -24 Energy, CAA staff are well informed of California's Energy Efficiency Standards for Residential and Non - Residential Buildings, or 7 -24 Energy" standards. CAA staff receives extensive annual training to ensure that each is aware of the specifics of these State programs. • Accessibility CAA staff attends State and locally sponsored CALBO and ICC training relative to disabled access. CAA staff takes disabled access seriously and has been proactive on CALBO's Accessibility Compliance Committee. CAA will have a Certified Access Specialist Program (CASp) professional available. • LEEDs CAA recognizes the importance of and pursues environmentally conscious design and development procedures consistent with the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED) certification standards. CAA has staff certified through the LEED process that are available to review City development projects that are required to have LEED Certification(s). • Green Building Code Review CAA can and will provide staff that are aware and up to date on the 2013 California Green Building Standards (CALGreen) Code revisions. As with LEED certification, CAA seeks to enhance and improve City development projects through cooperation and collaboration with stakeholders. CAA has taken extensive steps to implement and use more efficient or "green" service options to its clients. CAA can provide various communication options, including electronic plan review, video conferencing and virtual permit specialist, to our clients and applicants to reduce environmental impacts such as paper use and travel and commute impacts — all intended to reduce CAA's and the City's carbon footprint. Plan Check Services CAA will provide the plan review of any and all types of structures including, but not limited to, single family dwellings, multi - family dwellings, industrial and commercial buildings for compliance with all local ordinances and State and Federal laws that pertain to Building and Safety, and for compliance with the adopted Los Angeles County Residential Building Code, Plumbing Code, Electrical Code, and Mechanical Code, Title 24, and the City Municipal Code. Plan review will be performed in -house and off -site. Consummate Customer Service All of our employees have a passion for exceptional customer service. We take special interest in our performance of duties, always focused on efficient project processing and successful project outcomes. In addition the staff at CAA brings a can -do attitude to their work - always willing to meet with clients for pre- design meetings, pre - submittal CAA professional services 9 meetings; or as needed to resolve complex code related plan review issues in the most efficient manner possible. Responsive Project Management By cooperating and working closely with all entities responsible for project approval, we form a collaborative working relationship that centers on successful project processing. As a result, the development approval process with other departments is timely, seamless and efficient. We minimize surprises that can lead to costly delays due to plan revisions late in the approval process by beginning work early with the project design team involved with major construction projects. Our facilitative approach to project review stresses building safety while allowing for innovation in approach to resolve complicated building design issues. CAA also recognizes the needs of sensitive projects and those that require special attention to meet the needs of the community. General Plan Check Services Most plan review and rechecks can be performed in City Hall offices, more complex plan review will be performed in our corporate or regional office depending on the level of professional review required (e.g. Structural Engineers). CAA plan check staff is familiar with construction utilizing various state -of- the -art structural systems as well as the latest technology in mechanical and electrical systems. Staff project experience ranges from single - family dwellings to large multi -story buildings, including essential service buildings, commercial buildings, and industrial facilities. CAA Plan Check Service: • Review plans to ensure compliance with the current Adopted Los Angeles County Building Codes. • CAA will provide a plan check engineer available to meet clients if necessary. • The certified plans examiner will provide plan review for non - structural plans (conventional framing) including most room additions, tenant improvements, electrical, plumbing and mechanical plans. r • CAA will use existing (or create if none exist) standard plan checklist from the City to ensure consistency in plan review. • CAA will utilize electronic plan checking to increase efficiency and turnaround times where possible. • A comprehensive list of comments is prepared and returned to the client along with the plans. Communicating Plan Review Results Plan reviews, when not immediately approved, will result in two complete typewritten plan check letters with comments referring to specific details and drawings, and applicable code sections. We will provide a clear, concise, and thorough comment letter from which clients, designers, contractors, and owners can work. Comment letters are CAA professional services 10 delivered to our clients and other designated recipients via email, fax, and /or reliable overland carrier unless directed otherwise. CAA will transmit plan review comments and coordinate re- checks directly to the City or to the applicant if desired, and completed plan review documents ready for approval will be returned to the City for final approval. CAA proposes to provide every means available for contact: Method Response Time Permit assistance at the public counter Less than one minute Telephone Within 24 hours Email Same Day Fax Same Day Virtual Window (SKYPE) Immediate Monthly Statistical Accounting End of each Month Other • CAA will overnight Building Plans using "OnTrac" or comparable shipping firm to transport plans for review for the first check and for all rechecks to and from the City to CAA's office where the plan check service will be provided. • CAA plan review times area maximum often (10) working days for the first check and five (5) working days for rechecks. These are maximum turnaround times and our goal is to average less than half that time. • CAA provides accelerated plan review for additional cost. Plans are turned around in 48 hours for first plan check and rechecks from day of submittal. • CAA will attend any required meetings connected with the plan review or field inspection of projects. • CAA will provide after hours emergency response staff as well as a backup Building Official in the absence of the Building Official if requested. • CAA offers E- PlanSoft electronic plan review software at an additional cost, or will provide an FTP or similar system to aid in the plan review process at no charge. Building Inspection Services CAA will provide the inspection of structures under construction in the City for compliance with all local ordinances, State and Federal laws that pertain to Building and Safety, and for compliance with the adopted Los Angeles County Building Code, Residential Code, Plumbing Code, Electrical Code, and Mechanical Code. CAA will provide one full -time Inspector to the City who will generally be available during City Hall hours of operation as well as on Fridays from 8am — 12pm. Additional inspectors will be available as required by workload. A CAA Building Inspector will be available at all times to conduct urgent building inspections within one hour of notification, should they arise. CA''A professional services 11 Inspection Personnel Qualifications CAA assigned staff will perform inspection services as required by the City. Competent inspectors will be provided whose background, experience, applicable certifications and demeanor demonstrates the ability to conduct inspections in accordance with jurisdiction standards. All CAA inspectors are [CC certified. Inspection Responsibilities Inspectors assigned to the City will perform periodic construction inspections to verify that the work of construction is in conformance with the approved project plans, as well as to identify issues of non - compliance with applicable codes. Projects under construction by permit from the City will be inspected for compliance with the State of California Building, Mechanical, Plumbing, Electrical, Energy, Green Building, and Accessibility Codes as adopted by the State and amended by Los Angeles County. Inspectors are accessible and available to meet with the project design team and /or the client's representatives to work out problems and help resolve issues quickly and efficiently. Our inspection staff easily integrates into client organizations. Guaranteed Response Times In an effort to provide quality assurance, CAA assures the City that all turn around times will be met or improved, all inspections will be conducted when requested, and emergency response will be timely and effective. • CAA will provide detailed weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual reports of our activities to the City on accountability report forms approved by the City. The reports will include, but are not limited to, fees collected, staffing levels provided, staff hours expended, the number of permits issued, number of inspections, by type, made, and other financial, operational, and statistical information pertinent to the services provided. • CAA will conduct any necessary or required investigations as directed by the City. Investigations will include field and office research, investigation follow -ups and preparation of notices, letters, or documents. • CAA will provide and maintain all vehicles and equipment required or necessary to carry out inspections and duties of the Building and Safety Division. Permit Counter Services CAA will provide a full -time permit technician with computer skills and knowledge of plan check issues to the City Building and Safety Division at City Hall. The permit technician will be available Monday through Thursday, 7am to 6pm, as specified in the City's RFP. CAA will provide the processing of Building permits including building, plumbing, electrical and mechanical permits, plan check submittals, data entry, scanning, reporting, and other related permit technician duties as assigned. Our permit technician will enter permits into the City's HDL system, or CAA can provide our own permit issuance and tracking system to the City at no additional charge. CAA professional services 12 California Building Laws CAA will prepare all required materials for the City to adopt the Los Angeles County Codes once the adoption process is completed by Los Angeles County for the triennial California code adoption process. Post - Disaster Safety Assessments CAA provides OES /CALEMA Disaster Service Worker certified building inspectors and licensed engineers to conduct post- disaster safety assessments of facilities in the event of a disaster. CAA will perform facility safety assessments and determine the condition of buildings for use and occupancy as quickly as possible to ensure people use safe homes and businesses, and are prevented from entering any unsafe structures following a disaster. Our staff will conduct a rapid evaluation and assist with a detailed evaluation of all structures, including construction inspection, plan checks, and evaluation of dangerous conditions. Transition Services Because of our staffs background and qualifications, we are able to accomplish transition faster. CAA organizes City Building Safety offices, writes adoption ordinances, develops standards and procedures, establishes training programs and provides trained inspection, clerical and counter staff. With CAA's Transition Services, the department's Building & Safety operations run efficiently without having to suffer the disruptions usually associated with this undertaking. The transition from the City's current service provider to the CAA team will be smooth, timely, and unnoticed by the public. We will review City forms, procedures, and policies immediately and will recommend any efficiency to the City. Any action will be closely coordinated with City Management. Our role is to effectively work with City staff, provide optimum services to the public, and to generate a cost benefit to the City. CAA has a proven track record with other clients, and we trust we can achieve similar results for your City. The following is an outline of the key tasks that generally need to be completed as part of transitioning to CAA staff. If selected, CAA will prepare a detailed list of tasks, along with a timetable for completion and tracking of progress. • Document services and tasks to be transitioned along with responsibilities for the parties involved. • Ensure a complete understanding of each item to be transitioned along with current status and anticipated workload. • Identify how past and existing permits and plan checks will be handled along with related responsibilities for issuance and /or inspection. • Develop review and control procedures. • Ensure proper records transfer. CAA professional services 13 • Discuss fee collection and retention of fees already collected for plans, permits and inspections. • Develop timing and a schedule for transition. • Analyze space and other operational requirements. • Implement progress and monitoring reports. • Establish meeting schedules to assess transition. CAA professional services 14 4. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS Plan Check Services We provide plan review services as directed by our clients. Our staff's expertise enables us to conduct reviews of any type of structure including: ➢ single - family dwellings ➢ multiple - family dwelling units ➢ industrial buildings 9 commercial buildings CAA thoroughly and promptly checks plans for compliance with all local ordinances and State and Federal laws pertaining to Building Codes, and for compliance with the adopted Building Code, Plumbing Code, Electrical Code, Mechanical Code, Disabled Access requirements, Energy requirements, and /or Fire Code. CAA offers electronic plan review to shorten turn around times and improve communication. We take charge of transporting and handling plans and provide the following levels of support for plan reviews: ➢ Complete Plan Checking ➢ , Initial Review ➢ Re- checks Accelerated Reviews ➢ Other reviews as directed Our approach to plan checking ensures that plans submitted to CAA for review are properly tracked and processed. Our system ensures that each plan or permit is assigned, returned, and handled on time and within budget. The status of any plan can easily be determined at any point in time. Our registered professionals and certified plan examiners check all plans and calculations, thus assuring that the technical components and all code items are thoroughly reviewed. Most of our plans examiners are cross - trained and also certified as inspectors. This provides for a very efficient use of personnel and expedites the process for the applicant. We provide timely turnaround of plan checks and rechecks based on guaranteed turn- around times. Our staff also handles any coordination required as part of the review. All initial reviews will be returned within 10 business days for single family residential, small and large commercial projects, and improvement plans. Rechecks will be returned within 5 working days for the recheck. These are maximum times, and we typically are able to turn around simple plan checks in 24 hours or less. 15 CAA professional services Service Guaranteed Turn - around Time Complete Plan Checks New Residential 10 working days or less Residential Remodels and Additions 5 working days or less New Commercial 10 working days or less Commercial Remodels and Additions 5 working days or less New Industrial 10 working days or less Industrial Remodels and Additions 5 working days or less Tenant Improvements 5 working days or less Re- Checks 5 working days or less Accelerated Reviews Within 48 hours Method for Transporting Plans CAA will provide a client approved overnight mail service for daily pick up and delivery of plans. Accelerated Turnaround Times CAA will provide the following turn - around times for accelerated plan review and accelerated rechecks: 48 hours: An applicant may accelerate plan check turnaround time by paying an 'over time rate" equal to 1.5 times the hourly rate plus expenses, and have the plans reviewed within 48 hours. Plan Corrections CAA will submit two complete typed listings of all required plan corrections, which can also be faxed or e- mailed if so desired by the applicant or client. Meetings Any meetings that may be necessary with applicants will be held at City Hall or the CAA office; whichever is most convenient for the applicant and depending on the scope of the project. Plans will generally be checked on -site or at our CAA office. Inspection Services CAA assures the highest degree of compliance with safety and zoning codes. Our highly qualified and certified inspectors are thoroughly trained on the codes in use in their States, and master the local amendments of each code. They maintain a close working relationship with planning, code enforcement and public works personnel. A CAA Building Inspector will be available at all times to conduct urgent building inspections, should they arise. A qualified Building Inspector will be provided whose background, experience, applicable certifications and demeanor demonstrates the ability to conduct inspections in accordance with jurisdictional standards. • Inspectors assigned to the City will perform periodic construction inspections to verify that the work of construction is in conformance with the approved project plans, as well as identify issues of non - compliance with applicable codes. CAA professional services 16 • CAA will observe all safety and security procedures, and will report potentially unsafe conditions immediately. • We assure the City that all inspection turn - around times are met or improved, all inspections are conducted when requested, and emergency response is timely and effective. CAA will perform all inspections called in before 4pm no later than the end of the following business day, unless the City prefers a different time frame. • CAA staff is trained to quickly identify and document any areas of non- compliance, and is able to suggest corrective actions or alternate means where applicable. • Code enforcement violations will be reported to the City immediately. CAA will submit a written record to the City as a result of any inspection within 24 hours after inspection period. • CAA will issue stop -work notices for non - conforming building activities as required. • CAA will provide detailed weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual reports of our activities to the City on accountability report forms approved by the City. The reports will include, but are not limited to, fees collected, staffing levels provided, staff hours expended, the number of inspections made, and other financial, operational, and statistical information pertinent to the services provided. • CAA will provide additional services as needed and as requested by the City. 1' CAA professional services 5. FIRM QUALIFICATIONS CAA was founded to meet the needs of cities like Rosemead. We are highly skilled and experienced at providing the right services at the right time to ensure the City's Building and Safety Division with all its responsibilities is operating smoothly and efficiently. CAA has been providing services similar to those you are requesting since 1984. We have provided such services to many cities and counties in the Southern California region of Los Angeles, Ventura, Orange, Riverside, and San Bernardino Counties. CAA has successfully established long -term working relationships with a number of cities and counties in Southern California. Proven Capabilities in the Public Sector CAA's approach to providing unsurpassed quality of service is by providing experienced, highly qualified staff with proven capabilities in working with the public sector. To start with, we make certain that the client and CAA have a complete understanding of the project requirements so we may apply innovative methods, systems and solutions in performing the job. Staff Training CAA is devoted to keeping our certified and licensed staff up -to -date on the latest practice, techniques and skills in their areas of specialization. Our staff regularly attends training courses, seminars, and conferences to ensure each is up -to -date with the most relevant issues in the industry. CAA provides California Building Official (CALBO) certified in -house training to ensure staff members are aware of all State - mandated procedures, policies, and requirements. Our staff also participates in California Safety Assessment Program (SAP) training, among others. $ CAA professional services We strongly believe in cross - training our employees in order to streamline the inspection process. Each inspector is able to perform multiple inspections, which is both cost effective to the City and simplifies the process for contractors, causing less wait times for inspections to be approved. Providing cities with an efficient inspection process allows local communities to become more competitive in attracting economic development projects. Mission Support Building good relationships with the people we work with is crucial for CAA. We work diligently to establish good working relationships with City councils, contractors, citizens, and the community at large. Because we focus on helping our clients achieve their mission and not just meeting our contractual requirements, we work to seamlessly integrate as part of your team, not just as outside contractors. Quality Control Close interaction and sensitivity to our clients' needs is also one of the keys to our success. We step up quality control by maintaining direct lines of communication between the City Manager and the Principal of our firm to regularly evaluate our performance and ensure that services are delivered timely, within budget, and meet our NO standards. Provide Rcomplete project coordination for quick ' a n M atcF ,CAA's t. expertise and is technical capabilities with client's- ''•� .needs.:= .��:::: -' i• Blend with the client's staff to ensure no i 4 �. 1 Quality of Service Increased Productivity Cost Savings H J Provide accelerated full . €= plan review, if requested, within 48 hours, u 4 111111 �; Provide responsible and ":- I comolete'r0cord � keeping ensunnglimely response, budget, compliance and quality_ In the end, we make sure that our clients reap the benefits of increased productivity, cost savings, and unmatched quality of service from our expertise, resources, constant consideration of innovative solutions, as well as our experience in building excellent working relations. CAA professional services 19 Project Controls CAA tracks and controls project costs and will provide timely invoices through the company's payroll and accounting systems. Employees enter their time into the CAA payroll system from the primary workstation. The data is checked weekly by the Project Manager for accuracy and validity. CAA's administrative staff will prepare a monthly invoice per the agreement with the City; all invoices will be reviewed by the project manager prior to submittal to the City for payment. Commitment to Safety CAA considers health and safety an integral factor in enhancing the company's performance. By focusing on safety, we avoid unforeseen work disruptions and costs. Our commitment to safety starts with the President and CEO of the company and is passed down to each and every one of our staff down the line. We promote proper attitude and mind set, making effective health and safety management a part of our firm's drive to running a successful business. Our strategy is based on promoting a proactive health and safety culture with well - defined lines of communication to assess and learn from experiences. We implement our own Occupational Safety and Health Program or Injury Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) and review it regularly to make sure that it is current to the needs and demands of the work place. Health and safety is a team effort at CAA. Our employees are actively involved in the preparation and implementation of risk assessments and safe working methods, while management ensures that all safety and health policies and procedures are well understood and followed. CAA personnel undergo workplace- specific safety and health training and are held accountable for adopting safe work practices. CAA professional services 20 We have assembled a project team with the skills and qualifications necessary to serve the City successfully. This team of highly qualified and experienced staff has provided similar services to many cities and counties, and brings numerous combined years of related experience to the table. All employees work for the firm and are not independent contractors. As part of our services, we assure the following to the City: Key personnel will be available to the extent proposed for the duration of the project, and no person designated "key" to the project will be removed or replaced without the prior written consent of the City. Should we wish to make any permanent staffing changes, we will discuss these changes with the City at least 30 days in advance; and If the City requests staffing changes, we will make them in a timely manner. CAA will not be using any sub - consultants, sub - contractors, suppliers or manufacturers. The following chart shows the structure of the staff proposed to the City: UA professional services 21 Key Personnel CAA employs full time personnel to staff municipal work engagements. The firm recruits individuals who are looking for long -term employment with a stable firm and a rewarding career. We are proposing experienced staff that can work as team members with City staff, augmenting their efforts and reach. With those principles in mind, the proposed key professionals are as follows: 22 CAA professional services Rusty R. Reed, PE Principal -in- charge/ Chief Executive Officer /President Years of Experience 30+ Education B.S., Civil Engineering, University of Illinois Registration Civil Engineer: California and Arizona License General Contractor "A" — California Mr Reed is the President of Charles Abbott Associates, Inc. He directs the firm's business affairs and oversees all client services. Mr Reed is involved in all aspects of Environmental Services, Building and Safety, City Engineering, Planning, Public Works, Capital Improvement Programs and Redevelopment for CAA's municipal clients. He is directly accessible to all our clients to ensure that performance standards, schedule and budget targets are met. Previous Project Experience ► Wrote and identified codes, ordinances, and resolutions for implementation. ► Administered city design services for preparation of plans, specifications, and construction; managed and administered engineering and public works permit procedures, inspection services and records. ► Administered the implementation of Public Works Maintenance Contracts. ► Developed short and long -range capital improvement programs, and coordinated and identified methods of funding. ► Served as Town Engineer for the Town of Apple Valley for over 10 years. 23 CAA professional services Greg Robinson, CBO Regional Director Project Manager /Chief Building Official Years of Experience 30+ Education B.A., Economics, University of California, Los Angeles License General Building Contractor, California Certifications ICC Certified Building Official ICC Certified Building Code Official ICC Certified Plans Examiner ICC Certified Mechanical Inspector ICC Certified Plumbing Inspector ICC Certified Building Inspector ICC Certified Combination Dwelling Inspector Mr. Robinson has over 24 years of Building & Safety and construction experience. Presently, he is the Building Official responsible for supervising all Building & Safety services for our firm. He also has supervisory responsibilities for code enforcement in the City of Hidden Hills. His responsibilities include conducting construction inspections, plan reviews, permit issuance and updating codes, services, fees, and operations for local clients. Mr. Robinson shares CAA's corporate responsibility for quality control and plays an active role in interviewing, hiring, training, and development of staff. Recent Project Experience ► Building Official for the City of Rancho Santa Margarita ► Building Official for the Cities of Hidden Hills and Camarillo. ► Oversees the Building and Safety functions in the City of Palos Verdes Estates. ► Served as the Building Official for the City of Moorpark. ► Developed CAA's guidelines for Insurance Services Office (ISO) compliance. Professional Memberships: ICC, CALBO Recent Training CEUs ICCCampus.org IBC Building Plans Examiner March 2014 0.50 ICCCampus.org IBC Commercial Building Inspector March 2014 0.50 ICCCampus.org CA Commercial Building Inspector March 2014 0.50 ICCCampus.org CA Residential Building Inspector March 2014 0.50 ICCCampus.org IRC Residential Building Inspector March 2014 0.50 ICC Seminar 2013 CBC Updates Feb 2014 0.20 ICC Seminar 2013 CBC CHAP11 B DIS ACCESS Feb 2014 0.60 24 CAA professional services ICC Seminar Changes to CA Residential Code Nov 2013 0.60 ICC Seminar Overview of Building Dept Admin Feb 2013 0.15 ICC Ventura Chapter Past President President Treasurer Secretary 25 CAA professional services Robert Elkins, CBO Certified Building Official Years of Experience 27+ Certifications ICC Certified Building Official ICC Certified Plans Examiner ICC Certified Combination Inspector ICC Certified Electrical Inspector ICC Certified Building Inspector ICC Certified Mechanical Inspector ICC Certified Pluming Inspector With over 27+ years of experience, Bob has provided building inspection services for the Cities of Rancho Palos Verdes and Palos Verdes Estates, among others. He has experience in custom home building from concrete to finish. His responsibilities include the performance of construction inspection to ensure that work is according to code, plan review and permit issuance. Bob possesses excellent communication skills - responding to citizens' inquiries, interfacing with contractors, developers, and residents, and City staff as well as computer skills, organizational skills, and problem - solving expertise. He is experienced with scheduling, estimating, supervision of sub - contractors. Professional Memberships: ICC, CALBO Recent Training CEOs ICC Seminar 2013 CBC Updates Feb 2014 0.20 ICC Seminar 2013 CBC Chap11 B Disabled Access Feb 2014 0.60 ICC Seminar Changes to CA Residential Code Nov 2013 0.60 ICC Seminar Overview of Bldg Dept Admin Feb 2013 0.15 Bob regularly attends all Orange County ICC Chapter Meetings. CAA professional services 26 Rodney Sipma Certified Building Inspector Years of Experience 25+ Education Master of Social Work B.A. Psychology ICC, Certified, PC932 Arrest and Control Certified for Code Enforcement Certifications ICC Combination Building Inspector California Residential Plumbing California Commercial Plumbing California Residential Mechanical California Commercial Mechanical California Commercial Electrical Recent Training ICC Electrical Service Entrance Conductors 12/2/2014 Santa Ana, CA ICC Energy Code Training 10/02/2014 Rancho Santa Margarita ICC CaIDAG Accessibility Training 09/09/2014 Rancho Santa Margarita ICC CBC Updates /CBC 11 B Updates 02/15/2014 Mission Viejo 27 CAA professional services Renee Meriaux, CBO, CASP, MCP Education A.S, Associates of Science, Ventura College Bachelor's degree Certified Building Official, CASp Specialist, Master Code Professional CBC, UBC, and IBC certified Yrs. Experience 15 + Years Municipal Experience Certifications ICC Certified Building Official ( #375320) ICC Certified Building Code Official ( #375320) ICC Certified Plumbing Code Official ( #375320) ICC Certified Building Plans Examiner ( #375320) I KEY QUALIFICATIONS Certified, Building Official; Certified Access Specialist I ➢ Maste - Code Professionaf ➢ Municipal "Multiple.:Certificatoris ➢ Hands -on Constructiori; and i Building &Safety Experience Current Presidenf-1CC Ventura Chapter' . i ICC Certified Combination Inspector ( #375320) ICC Certified Building Inspector ( #375320) ICC Certified Electrical Inspector ( #375320) ICC Certified Mechanical Inspector ( #375320) ICC Certified Plumbing Inspector ( #375320) ICC Certified Plumbing Plans Examiner ( #375320) ICC Certified Combo Dwelling Insp. ( #375320) ICC Certified Res. Combo. Inspector ( #375320) ICC Certified Building Plans Examiner UBC ( #375320) ICC Certified Mechanical Inspector UMC ( #375320) ICC Certified Plumbing Inspector UPC ( #375320) ICC Certified Building Inspector UBC ( #375320) ICC Certified Permit Technician ( #375320) ICC Certified Building Plans Examiner CBC ( #375320) ICC Certified Building Inspector CBC ( #375320) ICC Certified Electrical Inspector CEC ( #375320) ICC Certified Plumbing Inspector CPC ( #375320) ICC Certified Mechanical Inspector CMC ( #375320) ICC Certified Combo Dwelling Inspector California Codes ( #375320) ICC Certified Combination Inspector Legacy ( #375320) California Certified Access Specialist (CASp) ( #180) ICC Certified Accessibility Inspector /Plans Examiner ( #375320) 28 CAA professional services Ms. Meriaux is a Certified Access specialist who will provide plan review and accessibility support. Ms. Meriaux brings over 20 years of construction experience to this project. She is an experienced Building Official /Building Inspector /Plans Examiner and she is a certified Building Official capable of providing all the necessary administrative support. She is active with ICC and CALBO serving on several Exam development committees. Recent Project Experience ► Currently Serving as Deputy Building Official for the City of Camarillo. As well as serving as Inspector and Plans Examiner. ► Previously served the Cities of Hidden Hills and Mission Viejo, and the County of Los Angeles. ► Thorough knowledge of building codes, regulations and construction industry standards. Recent Training Storm water 2 hrs 5/11/11 2008 Non - Residential Standards 7.5 hours 9/21/11 SAP Evaluator Training 4 hrs 11/3/11 2008 Residential Standards 7.5 hrs 11/16/11 Successful Building Department 6 hrs 2/14/12 2010 Residential Code, 6 hrs 2/15/12 Building Dept. Admin 6 hrs 3/21/13 Public Service Ethics 2 hrs 3/22/13 Storm Water 1 hr 9/18/12 California Residential Code 6 hours 3/4/14 California Building code 6 hrs 3/5/14 CALDAG 8 hrs 9/9/14 Committees CALBO California Inspector Exam Committee ICC Building Code /Plans Examiner Exam Committee ICC Disaster Response Exam Development Committee ICC Ventura Chapter Past President President Treasurer Secretary CAA professional services 29 Ron Grider, PE, CBO Regional Director Certified Building Official /Plans Examiner /Inspector Years of Experience 30+ Education B.S., Civil Engineering, California State University, Los Angeles Professional Memberships: ICC, CALBO Certifications CALBO Certified Building Official ICC Certified Building Official (0878901 -CB) ICC Certified Building Inspector (0878901 - B5,K1,10) ICC Certified Electrical Inspector (0878901- K2,E5) IAEI Certified Electrical Inspector ICC Certified Mechanical Inspector (0878901- M5,K4,44) ICC Certified Plumbing Inspector (0878901- P5,K3,34) ICC Certified Plans Examiner (878901 -K6) ICC Certified Combination Inspector (0878901- K8,K4,C8,50) ICC Certified Combination Dwelling Inspector (0878901- R5,56) OES /CALEMA DISASTER SERVICE WORKER (61525) Mr Grider has over 31 years of construction, public works, and building & safety experience. He has held the position of Building Official, County Engineer, Sr. Engineering Manager as well as numerous other key positions in the field. Well known in the public sector as a compassionate leader focused on customer service, he is routinely involved in the presentation of building code, engineering principles and advancing the cause of preventing life loss and protecting property in Nevada and California. As Regional Director for CAA, he directs the services CAA provides in building and safety in Nevada and the California High Desert communities. He is also responsible for quality control and evaluation. Professional Affiliations ► Services Office (ISO) Compliance Member American Society of Civil Engineer ► Member Structural Engineers Association of Southern California (SEAOSC) ► Member Structural Engineers Institute (SEI) ► Member California Building Officials ( CALBO) ► Member International Code Council (ICC) ► Safety Assessment Emergency Services — State of California SAPC61525 30 CAM professional services ► American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) Recent Training March 2014 Educode: 2012 IBC Structural Loads- Seismic / 0.4 CEU's 2012 IBC Structural Provisions / 0.8 CEU's 2012 IBC Accessibility Existing Building / 0.4 CEU's 2012 IFC Fundamentals / 0.4 CEU's Delegation, Development, and Empowering Team Members / 0.4 CEU's Wood Framed Shear Walls / 0.4 CEU's 2012 IBC Assembly Means of Egress 10.4 CEU's 2012 IBC Accessibility Update / 0.4 CEU's February 2013 California Building Officials Institute: 2013 IBC California State Amendments Highlights/ 0.6 CEU's 2013 ADA Accessibility Updates / 0..6 CEU's March 2013 Educode: 2012 IBC Concrete Quality and Field Practices / 0.8 CEU's February 2013 ICC Orange Empire Chapter: Overview of Building Department Administration .15 CEU's International Code Council 2012: 2012 IFC Performing commercial Fire Plan Review / 0.6 CEU's March 2012 Educode: Significant Structural Changes 2012 IBC/ 0.8 CEU's Time Management and Organization Skills / 0.4 CEU's Interpersonal Communication Excellence / 0.4 CEU's Tone Setting Moral and Motivation / 0.4 CEU's Coaching Excellence- Providing Meaningful Feedback/ 0.4 CEU's Ethics, Integrity, and Decision Making / 0.4 CEU's Leadership and Transformational Leadership / 0.4 CEU's February 2012 California Building Officials Institute: Creating an Administrative Foundation for a Successful Building Department/ 0.6 CEU's Budgeting and Finance for Building Officials / 0..6 CEU's International Code Council 2011 Ethics in Public Life / 0.3 CEU's March 2011 Educode: Frequently Misunderstood IBC and ASCE 7 -05 structural Provisions/ 0.8 CEU's Lateral Force Resisting Systems/ 0.4 CEO's Structural Welding and High strength Bolting / 0.4 CEU's Understanding Yourself and Others - Leadership / 0.4 CEU's Coaching Excellence- Providing Meaningful Feedback/ 0.4 CEU's Understanding Electrical Single Line Diagrams / 0.4 CEU's 31 CAA professional services Steve Ahuna, PE, CBO - Registered Civil Engineer /Certified Plans Examiner Years of Experience 30+ Education M.S., Applied Economics, Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA B.S., Architectural Engineering, California State University, San Luis Obispo Certified Building Official Building Plans Examiner PE License CA Certifications ICC Certified Building Official (1036330 -CB) ICC Certified Plans Examiner (1036330 -B3) ICC Certified Plans Examiner UBC (1036330 -60) OES /CALEMA DISASTER SERVICE WORKER Registration Civil Engineer: California (C 34264) and Nevada Mr. Ahuna has over 30 years of experience in architectural and structural review of residential and non - residential plans. He has plan review experience working for both private and municipal entities. Prior to working as a plan checker, he worked for a private consulting structural engineering firm as a design engineer for residential and non- residential buildings. He will oversee the plan review staff in the review of plans and calculations for compliance with adopted codes and any adopted amendments. Recent Project Experience ► 3 -Story Senior Complex, Laguna Niguel, CA ► 20 Unit Townhouse Project, Huntington Beach, CA ► Several Industrial /Office Buildings, Huntington Beach, CA ► Preliminary Review of a 300 Unit Condo Project, Huntington Beach, CA ► Nevada Cancer Institute ► Fairfield Apartments Professional Memberships: ICC, CALBO, SEAOSC Recent Training CEUs ICC SAP Evaluator Training 4/3/2013 .8 CALBO 2013 CBC 10/21/2013 .6 NEES -EERI Seismic Perform Pile Foundation 10/31/2013 .15 Transitioning from the 2009 IBC to 2012 IBC (Structural) 11/6/2013 .8 ICC Seminar 2013 CBC Updates Feb 2014 0.20 ICC Seminar 2013 CBC Chap 11 B Disability Access Feb 2014 0.60 ICC Seminar Time Management & Public Relations 8/27/2014 .15 CA'A professional services 32 Paul Melby, CBO — Staffing and Quality Control Years of Experience 20+ Education A.S., Construction Inspection, Mt. San Antonio College A.A., Architectural Drafting, Saddleback College A.A., Business Management, Saddleback College Certifications ICC Building Official (0875834 -CB) ICC Plans Examiner (0875834 -60) ICC Combination Inspector (0875834 -50) ICC Green Certified (0875834 -G1) General Contractor (901300 B) OES /CALEMA DISASTER SERVICE WORKER (SAP63248) Mr. Melby serves as the Building Official for the City of Rancho Santa Margarita. He is responsible for the plan review of construction projects as well as the construction inspections in the City of Rancho Santa Margarita. In addition Mr. Melby augments Rancho Santa Margarita City staff by providing support for Planning, Code Enforcement, Public Works and Water Quality. Mr. Melby prepares reports for city staff and coordinates with other agencies ensuring that projects are not permitted or finalized until the required approvals are obtained. Mr. Melby prides himself on being able to administer the code in a friendly, courteous manner. Coming from a construction background, he understands issues involving the mechanics and constructability of systems intended for compliance. Recent Project Experience • City of Rancho Santa Margarita: Building Official, responsible for Building and Safety services. • City of Los Alamitos: Building Official responsible for Building and Safety services and Stormwater Program Management • Plan Check Manager: Willdan Engineering: Supervised plan check engineers and provided plan check services for the County of Orange, and Cities of Santa Ana, Garden Grove, Tustin, Lake Forest and Laguna Hills. • City of San Juan Capistrano: Building and Safety /Code Enforcement Manager: Responsible for Building and Grading and Code Enforcement. Supervised Inspectors and Code Enforcement Officers. Professional Memberships ICC OE Board Member, CALBO Professional Licensing Committee January 2014 — Present: ICC Orange Empire Treasurer January 2013 — Present: California Building Officials State Licensing Committee CAA professional services 33 January 2011 - December 2013: ICC Orange Empire Education Chairman October 2013: ICC /CALBO Exam Development Committee Recent Training ICC Electrical Service Entrance Conductors 12/2/2014 Santa Ana, CA ICC CASp 101 05/30/2014 San Diego ICC Energy Code Training 10/02/2014 Rancho Santa Margarita ICC CaIDAG Accessibility Training 09/09/2014 Rancho Santa Margarita ICC Brea Inspector Symposium 08/26/2014 ICC CASp Accessibility 07/18/2014 Costa Mesa 2013 CBC 11B 03/31/2014 Mission Viejo CBC Updates/ CBC 11 B Updates 02/15/2014 Mission Viejo 34 CAA professional services 7. REFERENCES The following contains related projects for CAA with an outline of services provided to each client, as well as the period of time that we have been performing the referenced service. We are extremely proud of our track record and the length of time we have continuously provided services to our clients. We invite you to contact any of our clients to obtain their opinion of the services we provide for their cities. CUSTOMER SERVICES-` SINCE; City of Palos Verdes Estates City Engineering 1984 Anton Dahlerbruch, City Manager Building & Safety (310) 378 -0383 Code Enforcement 340 Palos Verdes Drive West, Palos Verdes, CA 90274 City of Moorpark Building & Safety 1988 David Bobardt, Community Development Director (805) 517 -6281 799 Moorpark Avenue, Moorpark, CA 93021 City of Hidden Hills Building & Safety 1990 Ms. Cheri Paglia City Engineering (818) 888 -9281 6165 Spring Valley Road, Hidden Hills, CA 91302 Town of Apple Valley Building & Safety 1990 Mr. Frank Robinson, Town Manager Public Work (760) 240 -7000 Administration 14955 Dale Evans Parkway, Apple Valley, CA 92307 Town Engineering City of Twentynine Palms Building & Safety 1993 Mr. Andy Takata, City Manager City Engineering (760) 367 -6799 Traffic Engineering 6136 Adobe Road, Twentynine Palms, CA 92277 City of Yucaipa Building & Safety 1993 Mr. Ray Casey, City Manager Engineering Support (909) 797 -2489 Fire Marshall Services 34272 Yucaipa Boulevard, Yucaipa, CA 92399 Town of Yucca Valley Building & Safety 1994 Mr. Shane Steuckle, Community Dev. Director Town Engineering (760) 369 -7207 Public Works 57090 Twentynine Palms Highway, Yucca Valley, CA Inspection 92284 City of Camarillo Building & Safety 1994 Mr. Bruce Feng, City Manager (805) 388 -5307 601 Carmen Drive, Camarillo, CA 93010 City of Mission Viejo Building & Safety 1995 Ms. Elain Lister, Community Dev. Director Public Works (949) 470 -3000 Plan Check 200 Civic Center, Mission Viejo, CA 92691 Public Works Inspection 35 CAA professional services Town of Pahrump Building & Safety 1998 Ms. Pam Webster, County Manager Environmental (775) 751 -7075 400 N. Highway 160, Pahrump, NV 89060 City of Aliso Viejo Building & Safety 2002 Mr. David Doyle, City Manager City Engineering (949) 425 -2500 Code Enforcement 12 Journey, Suite 100, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 City of Stanton Building & Safety 2004 Mr. Omar Dadabhoy, Community Dev. Director (714) 890 -4213 7800 Katella Avenue, Stanton, CA 90680 City of Fountain Valley Building & Safety 2004 Mr. Andrew Peria, Community Dev. Director (714) 593 -4436 10200 Slater Avenue, Fountain Valley, CA 92708- 4736 City of Laguna Niguel Building & Safety 2006 Mr. Dan Fox, Community Development Director Public Works (949) 362 -4313 Street Maintenance 30111 Crown Valley Parkway, Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 City of Rancho Santa Margarita Building & Safety 2007 E. (Max) Maximous, Public Works Director. Environmental (949) 635 -1800, ext. 6707 Public Works 22122 El Paseo, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 Code Enforcement City of Cypress Plan Check 2008 Douglas Dancs, Director of Public Works Building Inspection (714) 229 -6752 5257 Orange Avenue, Cypress, CA 90630 City of Adelanto Building & Safety 2010 D. James Hart, Ph.D., City Manager (760) 246 -2300 11600 Air Expressway, Adelanto, CA 92301 City of Pomona Environmental /NPDES 2010 Public Works Director (909) 620 -2261 505 South Garey Ave, Pomona, CA 91766 City of Los Alamitos Building & Safety 2010 Mr. Steven Mendoza, Community Dev. Director (714) Environmental 431 -3538 3191 Katella Avenue, Los Alamitos, CA 90270 City of Laguna Hills Building & Safety 2012 Mr. Bruce Channing, City Manager (949) 707 -2600 24035 El Toro Road, Laguna Hills, CA 92653 City of La Palma Building & Safety 2012 Douglas Dumhart, Community Dev. Director (714) 690 -3340 7822 Walker Street, La Palma, CA 90623 36 CA'A professional services City of Palmetto Building & Safety 2012 William Shell, City Administrator (770) 463 -3377 509 Toombs Street, Palmetto, GA 30268 City of Riverdale Building & Safety 2012 Ms. Camilla Moore, Community Dev. Director (770) 909 -5480 971 Wilson Road, Riverdale, GA 30296 City of Duarte Building & Safety 2013 Craig Hensley, Community Dev. Director Inspection & (626) 386 -6835 Plan Check, 1600 Huntington Dr, La Palma,_ CA 91010 Code Administration City of Peachtree Corners Building & Safety 2013 Ms. Diann Wheeler, Community Dev. Director (678) 691 -1200 147 Technology Parkway, Peach Tree Corners, GA 30092 City of Griffin Building & Safety 2014 Kenny Smith, City Manager (770) 229 -6406 100 South Hill Street, Griffin, GA 30223 City of Manchester Building & Safety 2014 Kathy Storey, City Manager Code Enforcement (706) 846 -3141 P.O. Box 366, Manchester, GA 31816 City of Forest Park Building & Safety 2014 Al Wiggins, Community Development Director (404) 608 -2300 785 Forest Parkway, Forest Park, GA 30297 City of San Dimas Environmental /NPDES 2014 Krishna Patel, Community Dev. Director (909) 394 -6200 245 E Bonita Ave, San Dimas, CA 91773 City of Carson City Building & Safety Full 2014 Ray Proffit, Chief Building Official Service (775) 813 -0152 108 E. Proctor St., Carson City, NV 89701 City of Calimesa Building & Safety Full 2014 Randy Anstine, City Manager Service (909) 795 -9801 908 Park Avenue, Calimesa, CA 92320 37 CAA professional services 8. COMPENSATION CAA will provide a full -time Building Official position, full -time Permit Technician, and as needed Building Inspectors and Plan Checker positions as well as all the other necessary personnel and resources for the following percentage of fees collected: Building Services City CAA % of Fees Monthly Fees Collected 40% 60% Plan Check Services City CAA % of Fees Monthly Fees Collected 45% 55% On the following page, we have listed our current hourly rates for additional professional services and other direct costs. CAA professional services 38 STANDARD HOURLY RATE SCHEDULE Effective July 1, 2014 CLASSIFICATION HOURLY CLASSIFICATION HOURLY Consultant RATES RATES Principal Engineer 175.00 Principal Building Official 145.00 City Engineer 165.00 Building Official 122.00 Project Supervisor 145.00 Senior Building Inspector 110.00 Project Manager 135.00 Building Plan Checker 97.00 Project Engineer 130.00 Building Inspector /Plan 90.00 Engineer Checker Sr. Registered Engineer 125.00 Code Enforcement Officer 50.00 Senior Design Engineer 115.00 Permit Specialist 66.00 Associate Engineer 110.00 Assistant/Design Engineer 98.00 Community Development 145.00 2- Person Survey Crew 210.00 Director Principal Planner 132.00 Senior Traffic Engineer /Manager 150.00 Senior Planner 107.00 Transportation Planner 110.00 Associate Planner 97.00 Traffic Engineer Associate 95.00 Planning Technician 68.00 Sr. Draftsperson (CADD) 90.00 Landscape Director 116.00 Draftsperson (CADD) 80.00 Associate Landscape Architect 95.00 Computer Technician 80.00 City Forester 88.00 Senior Environmental 145.00 Expert Witness Services 200.00 Consultant Environmental 115.00 Senior Contract Administrator 107.00 Engineer /Scientist II Environmental 92.00 Administrative Assistant 57.00 Engineer /Scientist I Associate Environmental 87.00 Word Processor 50.00 Engineer Clerical 45.00 Senior Public Works Inspector 95.00 Public Works Inspector 87.00 3- Person Survey Crew 270.00 2- Person Survey Crew 210.00 The above hourly rates include general and administrative overhead and fees and employee payroll burden. Rates are subject to an annual adjustment based upon increases adopted by Charles Abbott Associates, Inc. as reflected in the Consumer Price Index (CPI). `AA professional services 39 CAA has read the insurance requirements outlined in the City's Sample Professional Service Agreement (attachment "B "), and is able to provide the requested coverage at the time of contract execution. CAA wishes to suggest the following language changes to the City's Professional Service Agreement: Page 7: 3.5.6 Indemnification. Consultant shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officials, officers, employees, Disarm and agents free and harmless from any and all claims, demands, causes of action, costs,. expenses, liability, loss, damage or injury, in law or equity, to property erpris, including wrongful death, in any manner arising out of or incident to any M E , , omissions or willful misconduct of Consultant, its officials, officers, employees,. agents, Consultants and contractors arising out of or in connection with the performance of the Services, the Project or this Agreement, including without limitation the payment of all consequential damages and attorney's fees and other related costs and expenses. Consultant shall defend, at Consultant's , own cost, expense and risk, any and all such aforesaid suits, actions or other legal proceedings of every kind that may be brought or instituted against City, its directors, officials, officers, employees, or agents ate. Consultant shall pay and satisfy any judgment award or decree that maybe rendered against City or its directors, officials, officers, employees °ragents,as , in any such suit, action or other legal proceeding. Consultant shall reimburse City and its directors, officials, officers, employeesa g its �Eat3haeM for any and A all legal lexpenses and costs incurred by each of them in connection therewith or in enforcing the indemnity herein provided, Consultant's obligation to indemnify shall not be restricted to insurance proceeds, if any, received by the City, its directors, official officers, employees° upuWaateem A CHARL S ABBOTT ASSOCIATES, INC. Rusty R. Reed, PE President 27401 Los Altos # 220 Mission Viejo, CA 92691 (949) 279 -4124 CAA professional services 40 CAA has read and understands that the Consultant selected by the City will provide all Building and Plan Check services for Residential and Non - Residential new construction, additions, and remodels, and within the, hours of operation as noted in the City's RFP. CAA is able to handle deviations from the outlined scope of work by adding additional qualified staff without delay should the workload increase. CAA will provide Building staff for emergency situations; all CAA building and engineering staff are Disaster Service Worker (DSW) certified. CAA professional services 41 Willdan RFP Addendum February 23, 2015 Page 5 REVISED COMPENSATION PROPOSAL FORM 1. The Consultant understands and agrees to all of the Scope of Services listed in the Request for Proposal No. 2014 -12 (Building Inspection and Plan Check Services) — ADDENDUM dated February 23, 2015. 2. The Consultant understands that the City of Rosemead is requesting an updated proposal based on an all- inclusive percentage fee compensation only, based on all of the Scope of Services listed in the Request for Proposal No. 2014 -12 (Building Inspection and Plan Check Services) — ADDENDUM dated February 23, 2015 and that the City of Rosemead will not accept any hourly rates or additional charges. 3. The Consultant understands that any compensation proposal other than what is being requested by the City of Rosemead in this ADDENDUM will be rejected and disqualified from further consideration. 4. Revised All - inclusive Percentage Fee Compensation Building Serv 100% Plan Check Services 100% Consultant 60% Con sultant 55 % City 40 % City 45 % Ronald L Esnalin PE _ Director of Building and Safety Printed Name Title r February 28 2015 Signature Date This form must be returned to the City of Rosemead, Community Development Director, Michelle Ramirez, by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 5.2015 The City of Rosemead will only accept this updated all- inclusive percentage fee compensation form and will not accept any other form or addendum. Consultants that do not return this Revised Compensation Proposal by the listed date and time will be disqualified and no longer considered a candidate for the administration and operation of the Building and Safety Division for the City of Rosemead. RETURN COMPLETED FORM BY 5:00 P.M., MARCH 5, 2015 Wilidan oil X�w III v t �F, _. ;40 z W WILLDAN I Apr X�w III v t �F, _. ;40 z W WILLDAN I WILLDAN I Celebrating 50 years of service December 8, 2014 City of Rosemead City Clerk's Office Attn: Gloria Molleda, City Clerk 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Subject: Request for Proposal No. 2014 -12 Building Inspection and Plan Check Services Dear Ms. Molleda: Willdan Engineering is pleased to present this proposal to the City of Rosemead to continue to provide building and safety services to the City. While Willdan has been a consistent industry leader for 50 years — providing all aspects of municipal and infrastructure engineering, including building and safety, public works, public financing, planning, and construction management services —it has been a special pleasure to serve the City of Rosemead. We want to thank the City for this unmatched opportunity to serve the City, and for the opportunity to continue to serve the City for years to come. We present our exceptional services in the proposal, and summarize below the reasons why Willdan is uniquely qualified to provide these services to the City of Rosemead. Knowledge of the City— Our team members have provided building and safety services to numerous California municipalities. Willdan has been providing services to the City of Rosemead for more than 33 years, and our staff has extensive experience working with the City's procedures and expectations for quality service to the community. Willdan's team will be managed and coordinated through our local full - service City of Industry office, just a 15- minute drive to the City's office — which makes Willdan conveniently located to respond to the City's requests. Our wide - ranging and in -depth knowledge of the City and its procedures has enabled us to provide comprehensive services for every type of permit, from the smallest residential addition to multi -story commercial and mixed -use projects. Electronic Plan Check - Willdan Engineering is expanding and enhancing our electronic plan checking service to the City, which will significantly expedite plan review and reduce shipping and printing costs for the applicant, while promoting a paperless environment. CASp- Certified Inspectors - Willdan Engineering is expanding its staff of CASp - certified inspectors to the City, as required by Senate Bill No. 1608, specifically Chapter 549. Experience with Comparable Engagements - Willdan Engineering specializes in providing professional building and safety, engineering, and planning services to municipalities. The firm has been providing building and safety services to cities and counties on a contract basis since 1979. In addition to serving the City of Rosemead for 33 years, Willdan is serving as Building Official for the cities of Sierra Madre, El Monte and La Puente; and has previously served as Building Official for the cities of Alhambra and South El Monte, the neighboring communities. Engineering and Planning I Energy Efficiency and Sustainability I Financial and Economic Consulting I National Preparedness and Interoperability 562.908.6200 1 800.499.4484 1 fax: 562.695.2120 1 13191 Crossroads Parkway North, Suite 405, Industry, California 91746 -3443 1 www.willdan.com City of Rosemead December 8, 2014 21 Page Demonstrated Competence and Expertise - Willdan Engineering provides building and safety services to a vast number of jurisdictions throughout California and has brought this expertise to the City of Rosemead during our years of service. In this capacity, we have provided a full range of services including building and safety plan review, permit issuance, inspection and code enforcement. We have tailored our services to meet the specific needs of the City of Rosemead including bi- lingual staff, customer - friendly public counter service, and specific proficiency in complex occupancies such as the Southern California Edison Corporate Headquarters. No Conflict of Interest - Willdan Engineering provides no private sector engineering services; therefore there is no conflict of interest. Disaster Recovery— Willdan Engineering has helped California jurisdictions recover from firestorms, floods, earthquakes and mudslides, including providing recovery services to the City of Rosemead following the Whittier Narrows Earthquake. We stand ready to assist the City in the event of another natural or man -made disaster. We have successfully served the City with technical assistance and strong project management in a professional, efficient and economical manner, and look forward to continuing our long history of service. Please feel free to contact me or Mr. Guerra should you have any questions or require additional information. We are authorized to bind the firm to all commitments made in this proposal, and we look forward to the opportunity to continue to provide Building and Safety services to the City of Rosemead. Respectfully submitted, WILLDAN ENGINEERING Ronald L. Espalin, PE Director of Building and Safety respalin @willdan.com 909.963.0569 650 E. Hospitality Lane, Suite 250 San Bernardino, CA 92408 J es . Guerra Depu Director of Building and Safety erra @willdan.com 562.908.6289 13191 Crossroads Parkway North, Suite 405 Industry, CA 91745 1 _/. ___ =J CITY OF ■ ROSEMEAD ■ ■ ■ r� ■ ■ ■ ExecutiveSummary ................................................................................................... ..............................1 WorkPlan ................................................................................................................... ..............................4 PerformanceStandards ............................................................................................ .............................11 FirmQualifications .................................................................................................... .............................12 Project ............................................................................................................. .............................15 References ................................................................................................................ .............................19 Compensation......................................................................................................... ............................... 21 Insurance ................................................................................................................. ............................... 22 Statement of Understanding .................................................................................... .............................23 Unanticipated or Significant Deviations .................................................................. .............................24 Appendix • Resumes • Insurance Comply Letter • Sample Certificate of Insurance F—I City of Rosemead WI LLDAN I Building and Safety Services L Engineering Ll CITY OF 1111111 ROSEMEAD ■ ■ ■ 10, 1111111 ■ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY UNDERSTANDING OF THE SCOPE OF WORK TO BE PERFORMED Willdan brings unmatched experience and specific City of Rosemead (City) knowledge to performing the required scope of work. With 33 years of experience at the City, we understand the specific needs of the City of Rosemead, as defined in the scope. Besides providing excellent technical service, Willdan incorporates the philosophy that "the Customer always comes first" into our approach and work plan. We have learned many of the specific needs of our multi - cultural citizens and developers, and realize that those needs will continue to change over time, as will our services to the City. Our history of rapid plan check turn - around and next -day inspection services demonstrates our capability to meet the needs of City of Rosemead applicants and permitees. METHODS AND PROCEDURES Willdan brings our specific City experience and companywide technical expertise to evaluating and solving issues. We stress safety, code compliance and — equally important — practical, cost - conscious solutions to complex code issues. We move quickly to evaluate and resolve issues to reduce cost and time lost; always involve the appropriate City personnel in our analysis; and make recommendations for procedural or even code amendments. From our early use of typed correction lists rather than handwritten lists, to faxing and /or emailing correction lists, to procuring and implementing the City's HDL permitting system, to our paperless web -based electronic plan check submittal procedure, Willdan has kept the City's building department on the cutting edge of technology. When issues have arisen, we have always shouldered our responsibility in both time and cost. We will continue to reach out proactively with expedited plan review and /or multiple inspections, even after hours, at no additional cost to the applicants. MANAGEMENT, PERSONNEL AND EXPERIENCE Willdan offers an un- matched combination of superior personnel qualifications, skills, and experience. The Willdan staff assigned directly to the City has over 100 years of combined building and safety experience and has worked for the City an average of 8 years. The staff at our three Southern California offices (Industry, Anaheim and San Bernardino) that provide support to Rosemead have more than 200 years of combined building and safety experience. We have provided Building Official services to 20 Los Angeles County cities alone, including Rosemead, and our references will reflect our solid experience and superior performance. COST RECOVERY Willdan's percent of fee method of providing services guarantees that the City of Rosemead will always receive adequate revenue to cover its cost to administer our contract. The building department has always paid for itself without the use of General Fund revenues. _ City of Rosemead l q WI LLDAN I Building and Safety Services Engineering Page I 1 ■ CITY OF ROSEMEAD ■ ■ ■ ■ ® ■ WILLDAN'S HISTORY OF SERVICE Since 1981, Willdan has provided uninterrupted comprehensive Building and Safety Services to the City of Rosemead. In fact, Willdan has now provided service to the City for over 33 years, longer than the 22 years Los Angeles County provided this service after the City's incorporation in 1959. In addition to our current services as Building Official, City Engineer and City Traffic Engineer, Willdan has provided a full range of municipal consulting services to the City. These services include public works design, construction management and inspection, as- needed planning services, Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) administration and loan and grant implementation programs, code enforcement and financial compliance services. As the City transitioned to providing many of these services with City staff, Willdan assisted with the transition and continues to provide these services, when needed, by the City. Willdan offers the City a unique history of innovative, adaptable and responsive service to the needs of the City and its citizens. From the very beginning in 1981, Wilidan has developed an "in house" level of public service, beginning with our public counter service in the City. Over the years, our public counter has evolved from part-time, morning -only services to a 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. full - service public counter. Willdan has expanded its service and hours of operation in response to growing and changing needs of the City. Basically, citizens and permittees can receive building and safety service and information any time that City Hall is open. We never close. Likewise, Willdan is the only City Hall -based service provider in Rosemead that offers services on Friday, to support the City's need to comply with Air Quality Management District (AQMD) requirements by reducing the number of City staff commutes per week. Willdan's willingness to provide service on Friday also facilitated the City's decision to have City Hall employees change to a 4 -10 work week. Thus, the inspection service is available even when City Hall is closed on Fridays. From our initial start of services in 1981, Willdan has provided the transition from County building and safety services, including completing all inspections for permits issued by the County. More importantly, Willdan established the Building Rehabilitation Appeals process that transferred the hearing responsibilities from the Los Angeles County Board (based in downtown Los Angeles), to the City Council hearing the appeals and providing local decisions and direction, based on the needs of the City of Rosemead. Willdan has provided plan check and inspection services for every major private and public development projects in the City including the following: • Double Tree Hotel (formerly the Sheraton) • Southern California Edison GO 4 addition • Southern California Edison GO 5 (formerly Cal Fed) • Rosemead Park Aquatic Center • Garvey Park Aquatic Center In addition to these new buildings, Willdan has provided excellent customer - focused services for numerous new single - family dwellings, multi - family buildings, mixed -use buildings and extensive renovations of all of the major shopping centers in the City. With each of these projects, Willdan provided comprehensive plan review and inspection and, in the case of City -owned projects, often served as the owner's representative for the City. City of Rosemead ` WI LLDAN Building and Safety. Services � _/ Engineering I Page 12 CITY OF ROSEMEAD p ■ During our years of service, Willdan has always provided support when the City needed us. Perhaps no greater need arose than in the aftermath of the 1987 Whittier Narrows Earthquake. Willdan began its post-earthquake assessment of all damaged public and private buildings immediately, on the day of the earthquake. City Hall was able to reopen almost immediately, based on our evaluation of what was minor structural damage. Our rapid evaluation of buildings throughout the City allowed citizens to quickly re- occupy many buildings that were deemed safe for occupancy. Willdan also joined the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in setting up a post- recovery information and financial assistance center for the citizens of Rosemead. Our service to the City of Rosemead is a source of great pride to Willdan as a company and to our staff, both past and present, who serve the City. We welcome this opportunity to once again demonstrate we are not just a consultant to the City of Rosemead, we are an integral part of the City of Rosemead. T City of Rosemead WI LLDAN I Building and Safety Services Engineering Page 13 CITY OF ROSEMEAD ■ Willdan will require no transitioning if we are awarded this contract. Services will continue without any interruptions or changes of personnel. This work plan discusses our proposed approach and the personnel to provide the following services to the City of Rosemead. Our proven approach is based on 33 years of experience at the City and incorporates features enhancing the efficiency and quality of the following services: • Building Official • Building Plan Review • Electronic Plan Review • Inspection • CASp • Permit Counter Technician A benchmark of our uninterrupted 33 years of service has been excellent customer service. From the early days of transition from Los Angeles County; through the recovery and rebuilding after the Whittier Narrows Earthquake, to both the bust and boom development cycles, to the changing demographics of the City of Rosemead, Willdan has been there to help the citizens of Rosemead. When it comes to serving the residents of the City of Rosemead community, Willdan sees our role as that of facilitator and guide — helping the City's customers in getting through the review, permitting, and inspection process— rather than leaving the applicant in a lurch in obtaining or signing off on permits. We understand that the process of complying with the various codes, standards, regulations and laws can be a formidable and daunting undertaking —for even the most seasoned design or construction professional. Furthermore, an understanding of the complexity associated with processing private development applications and the sometimes competing interests is essential to exceptional customer service. Common sense decision - making and technical analysis in interpreting the intent of regulatory guidelines are significant strengths Willdan staff brings to the City's Building and Safety Division. BUILDING OFFICIAL SERVICES The key individuals in our continued service to the City of Rosemead is our team of building officials, James Donovan, City Building Official and James M. Guerra, Consulting Building Official. Mr. Donovan has over 40 years of building and safety experience including the last 10 years as the Building Official for the City of Rosemead. Mr. Guerra has been with the City since the start of our services in 1981, and provides both continuity and historical reference for all of our services. Their combined hands -on approach is typical of our service to the City. Mr. Donovan has been and will be on -site at the City every day providing the following building official services: • Oversee City Building and Safety staff • Manage and oversee the Building Division • Prepare Conditions of Approval A WILLDAN [_.�_ -�1 Engineering City of Rosemead Building and Safety Services Paine 1 4 ■ CITY OF ROSEMEAD ® ® ■ ■ ■ ■ Y Develop policies and provide policy and procedure recommendations • Interact with customers, City staff and elected officials • Participate in meetings and discussions of the City's Development Review Committee, where professional design opinion, counsel, perspective and recommendations are provided to applicants • Review proposed legislation affecting Building Code enforcement • Arbitrate disputes on code interpretations and resolve the more difficult and complex engineering and code problems • Attend City meetings on an as- needed basis to answer questions and provide testimony on issues pertaining to Building Code laws and regulations • Assist with all necessary administrative duties associated with a Building Division • Prepare codes, ordinances, and staff reports, as well as attend any meetings that may be required BUILDING PLAN REVIEW SERVICES Willdan's plan review team is led by Mr. Steve Widmayer and Mr. Saeed Amirarziz, bringing specific experience and expertise to the City. Our staff has proactively reached out, during our years of plan review, to help applicants with code compliance. While we do not develop the "design" for them, we understand some applicants have difficulty in understanding the code and completing the plan review process. Through our customer - friendly approach to providing this service to the City, we ensure both code compliance and quick resolution of complex code issues. Willdan's experience and strength in providing building and safety services to the City of Rosemead encompasses the complete range of technical disciplines: structural engineering plan check; fire -life safety, electrical, plumbing and mechanical codes; Title 24 codes, as well as local amendments to the adopted codes. We incorporate the California Green Building Standards Code into our standard procedures for building plan review and inspection services. Willdan staff attends classes and seminars on a regular basis to maintain an up -to -date comprehension of all code requirements, at no expense to our clients. All staff maintains both their State of California registration as licensed professionals as well as International Code Council (ICC) Certified Plan Examiners, through attendance in a variety of training classes. As an example, we continue to work and review the many improvements at the Edison Corporate Complex. We have helped Edison with the inherit challenges of making improvements in an unsprinklered 40 +- year -old structure. All building plans are examined for compliance with the adopted version of the California Building Code; California Residential Code; Green Building Standards Code; California Mechanical Code; California Plumbing Code; California Electrical Code; and the Accessibility, Noise and Energy Conservation requirements, as mandated by State Title 24 and all applicable City Ordinances. Plan review for Disabled Access Compliance includes a review of precise grading plans. All plan checks include compliance with code requirements, as well as an overview of the application package for other applicable requirements, such as approvals from other local agencies and districts and coordination with other City departments. All plan review complies with the City's directives, codes and policies. City of Rosemead WI LLDAN I Building and Safety Services C J, Engineering p age 15 CITY OF ROSEMEAD C� ■ All plan check includes a review of any or all of the following design elements, as determined by the City's adopted Building Codes, State and Federal standards and requirements for: • Architectural ■ Residential • Fire /Life- safety ■ Electrical • Plumbing ■ Energy Conservation Regulations (Title 24) • Mechanical ■ Disabled Access Regulations (CBC) • Structural ■ Green Building Standards • CASp Willdan notifies each applicant with two complete typewritten plan check letters, which outline the documents reviewed, instructions to the applicant regarding the processing of documents, and a listing of plan check comments. The plan check comments refer to appropriate sheets, details or calculation pages and the code section of concern. Comments shall specify the apparent code violation. Plan check comments, plans and documents are returned directly to the designers until such time as plans are approved. Our plan checkers will schedule meetings during work hours to discuss and clarify plan check issues with designers, owners and contractors. Resolutions of code issues are accomplished by telephone, email, or meetings prior to resubmitting corrected plans and documents. For example, we meet almost on a monthly basis with various Edison teams of architects on their many projects, the latest of which is the pedestrian bridge over Walnut Grove connecting the GO 1 and GO 3 buildings. Willdan's plan check staff will often meet with City staff, architects, developers and homeowners prior to plan resubmittal, to discuss any issues arising from the first review comments and to address code compliance concerns or questions. These meetings help to expedite plan review rechecks and move toward timely plan approvals. In addition, Willdan's Building Official, Mr. James Donovan, will continue to provide daily over -the- counter plan review. As a part of our customer - focused approach, Mr. Donovan is also our lead in the pre - development review of projects. His timely comments have saved time and money for applicants even before they actually submit plans. Mr. Donovan, as well as Mr. Guerra, Mr. Widmayer, Mr. Amirazizi or any of plan check staff, are available to meet with applicants early in the plan development process to help with code compliance issues. We have met early and often with many applicants in the City of Rosemead. N' WILLDAN Engineering City of Rosemead Building and Safety Services Page 16 CITY OF ■ ROSEMEAD ■ ■ �' ■ ® ■ ■ ■ ELECTRONIC PLAN REVIEW Willdan has long had the ability to provide plan review services electronically, at no additional cost to the City or applicants. Because of our hands -on approach to solving code issues for our Rosemead clients, we have typically worked with paper plans; however, we are convinced we can offer electronic plan review and still continue to help applicants to solve code issues. The many advantages of our "tree - saving' electronic plan review process includes the elimination of the need for additional computer software or hardware —only an Internet connection is necessary. Electronic plan review services are provided at the request of the applicant or the agency we serve. Submittals are accepted in PDF format. Willdan will review plans and has the ability to transmit the redlined plans back to the applicant or designer via the website, along with the plan review comment sheet. This service allows for on -line collaboration between the City, designer and plans examiner to facilitate a complete understanding of plan review comments and can reduce shipping, printing and timelines for plan review processing for the applicant. Below is an example of a redlined plan, as reviewed in an electronic format. City of Rosemead WI LLDAN Building and Saf Services Yff Engineering I Page 17 CITY OF ■ ROSEMEAD ■ ■ `' ■ `' ■ ■ ■ INSPECTION SERVICES Under the direct supervision of Mr. Jim Donovan, our current inspection team of Mr. Rex Shields and Mr. Richard Kellogg will continue to provide customer - friendly, code - compliant inspections in Rosemead. Their experience and expertise is representative of the excellent inspection staff we have provided over our many years of service to the City. Our inspectors are ]CC certified and fully experienced to perform residential, commercial and industrial inspections for compliance to the approved plans and related documents. The inspections will be performed in accordance with the City's adopted version of the Los Angeles County Building laws, which includes the California Building Code, California Residential Code, Green Building Standards Code, California Mechanical Code, California Plumbing Code, California Electrical Code, and the State and Federal regulations for Accessibility, Noise and Energy Conservation, California Fire Code and provisions of Title 19 and NFPA. Inspection staff is available to meet with City staff, builders, developers, and citizens to provide assistance and resolve any inspection issues that may arise. Inspectors attend and participate in required meetings with other City staff, property owners, contractors and /or design professionals. Inspectors review the permit package to verify that the on -site condition is consistent with the appropriate records for square footage, setbacks, heights, and other requirements that may be applicable. Inspectors comply with the City's procedures for reporting inspection results, use City inspection correction forms, make appropriate entries onto the permit documents, and follow City procedures prior to finalizing a building permit. Willdan has both designed and provided all of the City of Rosemead plan check, permit and inspection forms. We were also instrumental in the design of modifications to the HDL permit issuance system to specifically meet the needs of the City of Rosemead. Willdan verifies that all inspection records, including daily records of inspected projects, which will be recorded on the job card, with a permit copy entered into the City's Building and Safety HDL system. We will employ such techniques as necessary to minimize delays to builders and provide helpful advice and counsel to builders, owners, engineers and architects as to enhance the orderly flow of the construction process, while maintaining an effective level of enforcement. Inspectors ensure that any construction changes are documented and approved by appropriate City planning and /or public works staff. Our inspection staff is trained to look for compliance with both City planning and public works requirements and advise the permitees of possible non - compliance and report those non - compliance issues to the appropriate City department. We strenuously avoid the "not my job" attitude of some building departments. City of Rosemead WI LLDAN I Building and Saf Services Il� Engineering page 1 CITY OF IROSEMEAD CASp SERVICES In response to increased disabled access compliance lawsuits, especially those against small business owners, being filed in all cities including Rosemead, Willdan has had to expand the availability of our CASp services to the citizens of Rosemead. We have also made available Small Business Administration documents and handouts at the public counter. Willdan provides CASp- certified inspectors to the City as required by Senate Bill No. 1608, specifically Chapter 549, which reads as follows: (d) (1) Commencing July 1, 2010, a local agency shall employ or retain at least one building inspector who is a certified access specialist. The certified access specialist shall provide consultation to the local agency, permit applicants, and members of the public on compliance with state construction - related accessibility standards with respect to inspections of a place of public accommodation that relate to permitting, plan checks, or new construction, including, but not limited to, inspections relating to tenant improvements that may impact access. If a local agency employs or retains two or more certified access specialists to comply with this subdivision, at least one -half of the certified access specialists shall be building inspectors who are certified access specialists. v e City of Rosemead WI LLDAN Building and Safety Services Engineering l� p age 19 CITY OF ROSEMEAD ■ ® ® ■ ■ PERMIT COUNTER TECHNICIAN Under the supervision of Mr. James Donovan, our team of permit technicians (Ms. Tressa Brown, Ms. Abbey Shields, and Ms. Barbara Tcobanian) will continue to provide customer - friendly public counter service. Using the HDL software system for plan check tracking, permit issuance and report generation, Wilidan provides quick, efficient service at the counter. While HDL is an excellent tool, it does not replace our knowledgeable staff, who always understands that this may be the first time that that a citizen is applying for a permit. We have the ability to help all applicants, from the least knowledgeable applicant for a simple home remodel to experienced owners who have many years of development experience. Our goal is to make sure that every applicant feels that we have answered their questions and met their needs. Our building counter services include: • Customer support at the counter and over the phone • Permit application review to ensure completeness and accuracy • Fees calculation • Building permit processing and issuance • Public assistance in completing permit applications • Verification that projects have obtained all necessary approvals prior to permit issuance • Applicant notification when construction documents and /or permits are ready for pick -up or issuance • Coordination and routing of construction documents to the appropriate City staff for plan review and approval • Resolution of resident inquires, complaints • Plan review monitoring, to ensure turnaround times and standards are being met • Records maintenance, document preparation for storage and or imaging City of Rosemead I ZA WI LLDAN I BUilding and safety services .__ __ Engineering page 110 ■ CITY OF ROSEMEAD PERFORMANCE STANDARDS i=l ■ ■ ■ © ® ■ ■ Willdan staffs the Building and Safety Division during City Hall hours of operation. Over - the - counter plan review is provided Monday through Thursday, 7:00 a.m. —10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. — 6:00 p.m. The permit counter technician is present during City Hall hours of operation. Plans submitted at the counter for review are delivered to Willdan plan review staff in our offices at no additional cost to the City. This time is taken into consideration and is incorporated into the turn- around schedule as delineated below. A plan submitted to the City for first review will be returned to the City within 10 working days from the date of submittal, within 5 working days for rechecks; and will be expedited at the request of the City. Plan Review Turnaround Schedule Expedited plan review can be provided at the City's request. Average turnaround times are delineated below, but can be adjusted when necessary. Inspection staff is available on a same -day or next -day basis, and is also available to meet with City staff, builders, developers, and citizens to provide assistance and resolve any inspection issues that may arise. Inspectors attend and participate in required meetings with other City staff, property owners, contractors and /or design professionals. _ City of Rosemead W WI LLDAN I Building and Safety Services 11 Engineering Page 111 TYPE OF PROJECT INITIAL'PLAN CHECK SUBSEQUENT PLAN CHECKS Residential (new construction, additions, remodels) 8 —10 working days 5 working days Commercial (new construction, additions, remodels) 10 —12 working days 5 working days Industrial (new construction, additions, remodels) 10 —12 working days 5 working days Accelerated Plan Review (all residential, commercial and 5 — 8 working days or less 5 working days or less industrial) Inspection staff is available on a same -day or next -day basis, and is also available to meet with City staff, builders, developers, and citizens to provide assistance and resolve any inspection issues that may arise. Inspectors attend and participate in required meetings with other City staff, property owners, contractors and /or design professionals. _ City of Rosemead W WI LLDAN I Building and Safety Services 11 Engineering Page 111 CITY OF El ROSEMEAD ■ ■ FIRM QUALIFICATIONS Willdan Engineering (Willdan) is a provider of professional technical and consulting services that has pursued two primary service objectives since its inception in 1964 — ensuring the success of its clients and enhancing its surrounding communities. In doing so, Willdan has gained a notable reputation for technical excellence, cost - effectiveness, and client responsiveness in providing superior consulting services. The company's service offerings span a broad set of complementary disciplines that include building and safety, engineering and planning, energy efficiency and sustainability, financial and economic consulting, and national preparedness. Willdan has crafted this set of integrated services so that, in the face of an evolving environment — whether economic, natural, or built — Willdan can continue to extend the reach and resources of its clients. Willdan Engineering is a wholly owned subsidiary of Willdan Group, Inc. (WGI). We have hundreds of employees operating out of offices located throughout California, as well as in New York, New Jersey, Arizona, Nevada, Florida, Illinois, Texas, Washington and the District of Columbia Through the five wholly owned subsidiaries — Willdan Engineering, Willdan Energy Solutions, Willdan Financial Services, Willdan Homeland Solutions, and Willdan Infrastructure — Willdan offers comprehensive consulting services to our clients nationwide. Willdan has been delivering skilled, integrated, cost - effective engineering and planning services to its clients for 50 years. Whether you need one on -site staff expert or a full project team that can tap our nationwide resources and expertise, Willdan combines multidisciplinary experience and expertise, technical excellence, and management proficiency to deliver flexible, practical solutions at the lowest possible cost. ■ Cl ■ ■ WILLDAN PROFILE Company Ownership: Publically traded (NASDAQ ticker: WLDN) State Incorporated: WGI — Delaware (2006) Willdan Engineering - California (1964) Year Founded: 1964 Location of offices: Anaheim, Azusa, Elk Grove, Fresno, Industry, Oakland, Pleasanton, Redding, Roseville, San Bernardino, San Diego, Temecula, Ventura, CA; Bothel, WA; Englewood, NJ; Henderson, NV; Houston, TX; New York, NY; Orlando FL; Phoenix, AZ; Washington, DC; Chicago, IL; Number of Employees: Nationally — 650+ Length of time Performing Similar Services: 50 Years WILLDAN ENGINEERING (Willdan) has dedicated itself to providing public agencies with reliable engineering and consulting services for 50 years. Combining depth of staffing, state -of- the -art technical resources, and local offices rooted in their communities, Willdan Engineering has earned its reputation as a problem solver across a wide range of client interests. We understand the concerns of government agencies – especially those of local government. Our company offers a broad scope of expertise that uniquely qualifies us to serve the needs of cities, counties, and special districts, as well as state and federal agencies. Since 1964, Willdan has helped revolutionize the way consulting services are provided by local offices. Our regional and satellite offices are strategically located to offer local, focused service to the varied demographics of our public agency customers. Willdan Engineering's lean organization enables staff to efficiently communicate individual project challenges and goals company -wide, thereby utilizing all of Willdan Engineering's resources to deliver the highest quality and most cost - effective product. WILLDAN Engineering City of Rosemead Building and Safety Services Page 112 CITY OF ROSEMEAD ■ Willdan understands the unique nature of public agency needs and issues. In addition to many of our staff having served in management positions at public agencies prior to joining Willdan, we have numerous assignments with over 60 percent of the cities and counties in California for building officials, City engineers, planning directors, traffic engineers, and other public agency staff members. BUILDING AND SAFETY SERVICES Willdan's experience and strength in building and safety encompasses the complete range of technical disciplines, including permit issuance, building inspection, grading inspection, accessibility inspection, CASp services, OSHPD III plan check and inspection, flood zone experience, building plan review, and fire -life safety. The inspection and plan review staff maintain current certifications and attends training on a regular basis, to stay current with industry technologies and standards. Specific certifications and education are delineated in staff resumes herein. With our depth of experience, expertise, knowledge and resources, Willdan has the full capabilities to offer timely, cost - effective, practical solutions to meet the needs of the City of Rosemead. The diversity of Willdan's staff experience is an added value of our professional services to our clients. WILLDAN I T ? Engineering City of Rosemead Building and Safety Services Page 113 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Willdan's corporate -wide capabilities include: i • • e .f : •�! • • • 1 Building & Safety Demand Side Management Financial Consulting City Engineering Energy Efficiency Cost Allocation Plans Code Enforcement IT Applications Cost of Service /User Fees Contract Staff Support Renewables ment Review Building and Safety Fee Studies Development Smart Grid Technology Disaster Recover Utility Rates Y Microgrids Fiscal Impact Analysis Environmental Engineering Cyber Security Geotechnical Services Strategic Communications Impact Fee Studies Geotechnical Projects Sustainability Strategy Fire Assessment and CFDs Geographical Information Water Conservation Annexations and Incorporations Systems Facility Financing Plans Landscape Architecture Vertical markets Solid Waste Audits, O +M Materials Testing and Inspection Data Centers Federal Compliance Materials Testing Projects Direct Install RFP for Federal Compliance Materials Testing Project Sites Services Educational Institutions Planning and Community Development Hospitals and Healthcare District Administration Community Development Laboratories Apportionments Environmental Planning Lodging and Hospitality Continuing Disclosure Program / Construction Multi - Family Housing Custom District Administration Management Utilities Delinquency Management Structural Engineering Staff Augmentation Survey and Mapping IT Assessments Traffic Engineering Transportation Engineering i Property Assessed Clean Energy Airports Highways and Roads ' • • - • Railroads Communications and Total Water Resources Technology Flood Control and Drainage National Preparedness Wastewater Management Planning and Hazard Mitigation Water Supply Preparedness Training Preparedness Exercises Prevention and Fusion Centers Water Security I ____� City of Rosemead WI LLDAN I Building and Safety Services ! _! Engineering Page 114 CITY OF E ROSEMEAD PROJECT TEAM Mr. James Guerra, CBO, will serve as Consulting Building Official. Mr. Guerra has served the City for the entire 33 -year contract. Mr. James Donovan, CBO, will continue to serve as Building Official and will oversee all services. Resumes for key staff are located in the appendix of this proposal. �~TEAMiVIEMBER -° CERTIFICATION_ S , TYPE OF UVORI( g BUILDING OFFICIAL James Donovan, CBO Building Official CABO Building Official Building Official duties, over -the- counter plan review, building 42 years of experience ICC Building Inspector inspection 10 years w /Rosemead PLAN REVIEW Steve Widmayer, PE, CBO California Professional Engineer, Building plan review: Structural, Plan Check Engineer CE #29828 architectural, green building, plumbing, ICC Plans Examiner mechanical, electrical, energy, green 34 years of experience ICC Building Official building, accessibility 30 years w /Rosemead Saeed R. Amirazizi, PE, California Professional Engineer, SE, CBO CE# 43751 Building plan review: Structural, Supervising Plan Check California Structural Engineer, architectural, green building, plumbing, Engineer CSE# 3499 mechanical, electrical, grading, energy, ICC Building Official green building, accessibility ICC Plans Examiner 30 years of experience ICC Building Inspector Patrick Johnson, PE, CBO California Professional Engineer, Building plan review: Structural, Supervising Plan Check CE #6796 architectural, green building, plumbing, Engineer ICC Building Official mechanical, electrical, energy, green ICC Plans Examiner building, accessibility 17 years of experience ICC Building Inspector 5 years w /Rosemead Carl Wilson, PE Building plan review: Structural, Plan Check Engineer California Professional Engineer, architectural, green building, plumbing, CE #32340 mechanical, electrical, grading, energy, 33 years of experience ICC Plans Examiner green building, accessibility 25 years w /Rosemead Arne Lovnaseth, California Licensed Architect, Building plan review: Architectural, Architect #C18833 plumbing, green building, mechanical, Plan Check Architect ICC Plans Examiner electrical, energy, green building, accessibility 27 years of experience `� ' WILLDAN ��l ( Engineering City of Rosemead Building and Safety Services Page 115 ■ CITY OF ROSEMEAD Arthur Perez, PE Building plan review: Structural, Plan Check Engineer California Professional Engineer, architectural, green building, plumbing, CE #32056 mechanical, electrical, grading, energy, 32 years of experience green building, accessibility 10 years w /Rosemead Dana Reed, CASp CASP Certified Sr. Plans Examiner and ICC Plans Examiner Building plan review: Architectural, CASp Inspection ICC Building Inspector plumbing, green building, mechanical, ICC Combination Inspector electrical, energy, accessibility, green ICC Electrical Inspector building, fire life- safety, OSHPD III 30 years of experience ICC Plumbing Inspector 5 years w /Rosemead ICC Mechanical Inspector Ricardo Guzman, PE, SE Structural Engineer, Structural Plan Review: Structural and Plan Check Engineer California No. 1833 architectural. Residential, multi -story Civil Engineer, office buildings, complex high -rise 34 years of experience California No. 21238 structures Anne Schneider, PE Building plan review: Structural, Plan Check Engineer Professional Engineer, CA #46183 architectural, green building, plumbing, ICC Plans Examiner mechanical, electrical, grading, energy, 26 years of experience ICC Building Inspector green building, accessibility 2 years w /Rosemead INSPECTlO1V /PERMIT COUNTER TECHNICIAN` Peter Lim ICC Building Official Building inspection: Multi -story office Supervising Building ICC Building Inspector buildings, educational facilities, retail Inspector ICC Plans Examiner outlets, commercial developments, ICC Combination Dwelling single - family and multi - family 14 years of experience Inspector residential developments Rex Shields ICC Building Inspector Sr. Building Inspector ICC Plans Examiner Building inspection: Multi -story office Combination Inspector buildings, educational facilities, retail Electrical Inspector outlets, single - family and multi - family 25 years experience Mechanical Inspector residential developments 2 years w /Rosemead plumbing Inspector Richard Kellogg ICC Building Inspector Building inspection: Multi -story office Building Inspector ICC Plumbing Inspector buildings, educational facilities, retail ICC Residential Electrical Inspector outlets, single - family and multi - family 30 years of experience ICC Mechanical Inspector residential developments 8 years w /Rosemead Tressa Brown Permit Counter Technician: Building Supervising Permit department counter coverage, answer Counter Tech phone calls, respond to inquiries, issue 10 years of experience permits 3 years w /Rosemead WILLDAN _� T� Engineering City of Rosemead Building and Safety Services Page 116 CITY OF ROSEMEAD ■ ■ ■ ® i ■ ■ Abby Shields Permit Counter Technician: Building Sr. Permit Counter Tech department counter coverage, answer ICC Permit Technician phone calls, respond to inquiries, issue 3 years of experience permits 2 years w /Rosemead Barbara Tchobanian Permit Counter Technician: Building Permit Counter Tech department counter coverage, answer phone calls, respond to inquiries, issue 1 year of experience permits W r , WI LLDAN I 1j K " I OF Engineering City of Rosemead Building and Safety Services Page 117 CITY OF ROSEMEAD SteveWidmaypr, PE PJan Check Engineer Saeed -Arnlrazizi, PE, Plan 6eckEngineer i ArneLovhaseth Plan Ehe hhect Carl,Wilson, PE Plan JMZFngineer Patric 'hso NAO-Ows 1 - " h, PE P la n I rh e U, En Art a Rerdz, PE Plan Chec,. Engineer &==., Dan.Aeed,,CASp Si. �1 "! V Ricardd' 0 Pion Check Engineer Anrie N Sch" ' WiDr, PE OW . Plan. Check Engineer. ALI ,,,WILLDAN LIFJ !-!�j Engineering L: Peter Lim ,'Ca , 0, CBI sups' '4' W udlnb-. Rex Shielft CB1 suildifig CBI Rich6gliK4ell 0 w !g uildifig ffispedor Tressa7,8rown lkjom �n 5 IS AW �Shie!Ws Sr POmffi Tichijklan Barbara•1ch6banion ""; Permi Te chnician City of Rosemead Building and Safety Services Page 1 18 CITY OF ROSEMEAD ■ Plan check and inspection services. 2009 - Building permit counter services and record , Present scanning. Carrie Douangsitthi Section Manager /Field Support 900 S Freemont Avenue Alhambra, CA 91803 626.458'.6385 i Building Official T Jennifer Carmen Building Official j services, plan check I Planning and Environmental and. inspection services.. 2002- Services Director Building permit counter i present 130 Cremona Drive �p services. Goleta, CA 93117 services. 805.96 ' Elaine Aguilar Building Official _ City Manager 1992 services, plan check 232 E Sierra Madre Boulevard and inspection servi ces. Present Sierra Madre, CA 91024 l Present Building permit counter 'II 626.355.7135 Plan check and inspection services. 2009 - Building permit counter services and record , Present scanning. Carrie Douangsitthi Section Manager /Field Support 900 S Freemont Avenue Alhambra, CA 91803 626.458'.6385 i Building Official David Carmany services, plan check 2010- City Manager and inspection services. present 15900 E. Main Street Building permit counter La Puente, CA 91744 services. 626.855.1500 Building Official Minh T hai services, plan check and inspection services. �� 2013 I Economic Development Director I� 11333 Valley Boulevard l Present Building permit counter 'II El Monte, CA 91731 services. { 626.580.2249 I 9i 11 City of Rosemead WI LLDAN I Building and Safety Services �! _ %! Engineering Page 119 ■ CITY OF ROSEMEAD r ■ Building Official, Permit 65% of fees Issuance and Inspection collected 35% of fees collected Services Plan Check Services 55% of fees 45% of fees collected collected Any additional services will be provided per our reduced Schedule of Hourly Rates attached herein. ■ City of Rosemead t ` ' WI LLDAN Building and Safety Services Engineering I Page 120 ■ CITY OF ROSEMEAD L ■ ■ ■ '_J L J ■ ■ SCHEDULE OF HOURLY RATES - Effective July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015 ENGINEERING Labor Compliance Specialist ........................ Technical Aide ............ ............................... $81.00 DrafterI ........................ ............................... 91.00 Drafter II ....................... ............................... 95.00 Senior Drafter ............. ............................... 105.00 GIS Analyst I ............... ............................... 110.00 GIS Analyst II .............. ............................... 124.00 GIS Analyst III ............. ............................... 140.00 Design Engineer I ........ ............................... 110.00 Design Engineer II ....... ............................... 114.00 Designer I ................... ............................... 110.00 Designer II .................. ............................... 114.00 Senior Design Engineer I ........................... 120.00 Senior Design Engineer II .......................... 124.00 Senior Designer .......... ............................... 124.00 Associate Engineer ..... ............................... 129.00 Design Manager ......... ............................... 129.00 Senior Design Manager ............................. 139.00 Senior Engineer .......... ............................... 139.00 Supervising Engineer .. ............................... 149.00 Program Manager ...... ............................... 167.00 Project Manager ........ ............................... 167.00 City Engineer .............. ............................... 167.00 Principal Project Manager ......................... 167.00 Deputy Director .......... ............................... 176.00 Director ...................... ............................... 181.00 Principal Engineer ...... ............................... 194.00 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Labor Compliance Specialist ........................ 91.00 Labor Compliance Manager ...................... 114.00 Utility Coordinator ..... ............................... 120.00 Assistant Construction Manager ............... 114.00 Construction Manager .............................. 139.00 Senior Construction Manager ................... 144.00 Project Manager ........ ............................... 167.00 Deputy Director .......... ............................... 176.00 Director ...................... ............................... 181.00 INSPECTION SERVICES Assistant Public Works Observer * * 95.00/104.00 Public Works Observer ................ * *95.00/104.00 Senior Public Works Observer ................... 105.00 Supervising Public Works Observer........... 114.00 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Survey Analyst I ............ ............................... 95.00 Assistant Landscape Architect .................. 195.00 Associate Landscape Architect .................. 110.00 Senior Landscape Architect ....................... 120.00 Principal Landscape Architect ................... 140.00 Principal Project Manager ......................... 167.00 BUILDING AND SAFETY Survey Analyst I ............ ............................... 95.00 Assistant Code Enforcement Officer........... 67.00 Plans Examiner Aide .......... .......................... 72.00 Assistant Construction Permit Specialist..... 81.00 Construction Permit Specialist .................... 77.00 Code Enforcement Officer .......................... 77.00 Assistant Building Inspector........ * *91.00/104.00 Senior Code Enforcement Officer ............... 91.00 Senior Construction Permit Specialist......... 95.00 Supervising Construction Permit Specialist 100.00 Building Inspector ..................... * *100.00/104.00 Supervisor Code Enforcement .................. 110.00 Senior Building Inspector .......................... 110.00 Plans Examiner ........... ............................... 110.00 Supervising Building Inspector .................. 120.00 Senior Plans Examiner ............................... 120.00 Inspector of Record .......... ......................... 134.00 Deputy Building Official ............................ 134.00 Plan Check Engineer ... ............................... 134.00 Building Official .......... ............................... 140.00 Supervising Plan Check Engineer .............. 140.00 Principal Project Manager ......................... 167.00 Deputy Director ......... ............................... 176.00 Director ...................... ............................... 181.00 PLANNING Community Development Technician......... 81.00 Planning Technician ..... ............................... 81.00 Assistant Planner ........ ............................... 100.00 Assistant Community Development Planner100.00 Associate Community Development Planner110.00 Associate Planner ....... ............................... 110.00 Senior Community Development Planner. 124.00 Senior Planner ............ ............................... 124.00 Principal Community Development Planner140.00 Principal Planner ........ ............................... 140.00 Deputy Director ......... ............................... 176.00 Director ...................... ............................... 181.00 MAPPING AND EXPERT SERVICES Survey Analyst I ............ ............................... 95.00 Survey Analyst II ......... ............................... 110.00 Calculator I ................... ............................... 95.00 Calculator II ................ ............................... 105.00 Calculator III ............... ............................... 115.00 Senior Survey Analyst . ............................... 124.00 Supervisor - Survey & Mapping ................. 144.00 Principal Project Manager ......................... 167.00 WI E gDA g ADMINISTRATIVE Computer Data Entry ... ............................... 62.00 Clerical ......................... ............................... 62.00 Word Processing ......... ............................... 62.00 Mileage reimbursement will be charged at the current Federal guideline rate at the time of billing. Vehicles will be charged at a monthly rate of $500.00. ** Prevailing Wage Project, Use $116.00 City of Rosemead Building and Safety Services Page 121 CITY OF 0 ■ ROSEMEAD ■ ' ° ■ ■ ■ ■ In the appendix herein, please find a letter signed by an authorized officer of Willdan, agreeing to comply with the insurance requirements as set forth in the City's Sample Professional Service Agreement. City of Rosemead WI LLDAN I Building and Safety services 11 W \ 1 � 11" Engineering Page 122 CITY OF ROSEMEAD STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING r� ■ ■ ■ [_, ■ ■ ■ ■ It is our understanding that the consultant's function is to be all inclusive of Building and Plan Check services for residential and non - residential new construction, additions, and remodels, within the hours of operation of City Hall, Monday through Thursday, 7:00 a.m. — 6:00 p.m. Over - the - counter plan review, specifically, will be provided Monday through Thursday, 7:00 a.m. —10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. — 6:00 p.m. Inspection services will also be provided during City Hall hours as well as Fridays until 12:00 noon. City of Rosemead WI LLDAN Building and Safety Services r I� Engineering I�___. Page 1 23 CITY OF E> ■ ROSEMEAD ■ ■ " ■ � ' ■ UNANT0PATED OR SIGNIFICANT DMAT0NS Willdan is capable of providing additional services to the City as requested. With a vast pool of professional staff, we can respond to requests from the City Manager quickly and efficiently. Disaster Recovery Assistance For over two decades, Willdan has helped California recover from firestorms, floods, earthquakes and mudslides. In the midst of the turmoil, Willdan emerged to assist local communities in rebuilding their homes and their pride. Over the years, Willdan has established a reputation for its disaster recovery assistance programs. The Willdan team is ready to assist by providing efficient means of reviewing and approving building permit applications, and providing prompt construction inspection for affected property owners. We understand that most city and county staff are hard pressed to maintain normal services while assisting residents impacted by a major disaster. Perhaps one of the most unique aspects of Willdan's disaster recovery assistance is the establishment of "one -stop permit centers," which virtually guarantee fast -track plan checking and inspection services. Funding for many of these projects is provided by the FEMA and the Office of Emergency Services (OES). Specifically, Willdan has assisted communities recover from the following disasters: • Northridge Earthquake • Loma Prieta Earthquake • Whittier Narrows Earthquake • Berkeley Tunnel Firestorm • Malibu Flood • Malibu - Topanga Firestorm • Oakland Firestorm • Calabasas Flood Firestorms Responding to the need for immediate clean -up in the aftermath of a firestorm, Willdan services include long -term recovery operations. Willdan has provided assistance the very day the flames were finally extinguished. Staff can immediately begin working on: • Damage assessment • Public information for fire damage assistance • Street and storm drain clean -up • Removal of burned vehicles • Replacement of more than 100 storm drains • Street repairs • Replacement of destroyed bridges • Establishment and management of a city -wide debris removal program • Preparation and implementation of a near -term erosion and sediment control program City of Rosemead 4 WI LLDAN I Building and .Safety S ervices Engineering Page 124 ■ CITY OF ® ■ ■ ° ROSEMEAD ■ ■ ° ■ ■ ■ In addition to private - property assessment, Willdan can provide initial damage assessments and cost estimates for a variety of publicly owned buildings, including public libraries, multi - family housing complexes, cemeteries and mausoleums, parking lots, pier pump stations, and treatment plant and utility lines. We are also able to offer construction management services for emergency repair, such as: • Conducting site inspections for damage and safety assessment • Engineering evaluations • Recommending repair methods • Reviewing and writing specifications • Preparing cost estimates, change orders, and requests for qualifications • Reviewing bids Floods Winter storms caused a considerable amount of damage to a variety of infrastructure facilities. Willdan was retained to provide flood recovery services, responsible for assessing public facility damage, preparing bid documents for repair work and let contracts. The work required close coordination with FEMA and OES officials for reimbursements. Past work involving these agencies has included: ■ Preparation of Exhibit B for types of damage project repairs • Filing the Notice of Intent (NOI) • Field reviews with OES field inspectors • Preparation of Damage Survey Report (DSR) description and cost information • Preparation of a hazard mitigation program for OES review and approval • Final OES and FEMA walk- through and project approval Earthquakes Willdan coordinated with FEMA and the OES officials for reimbursement of earthquake fees. Additionally, Willdan provided over - the - counter plan checking services and permit issuance for privately owned commercial and residential properties. Perhaps the most unique aspect of Willdan's disaster recovery assistance was the establishment of a "one - stop permit center," where planning and zoning approval, as well as building and safety permits, were issued the same day directly over the counter. This service by Willdan was essential to the City of Rosemead's response and recovery from the 1987 Whittier Narrows Earthquake. City of Rosemead �� WI LLDAN I Building and Saf Services I FA Engineering Page 125 CITY OF ■ ROSEMEAD ■ ® ■ - ■ ■ ■ ■ Resumes • Insurance Compliance Letter • Sample Certificate of Insurance City of Rosemead /WI LLDAN I Bu;;d;ng and Safety Services Engineering Page 126 CITY OF ROSEMEAD ■ ■ `� ■ `' ■ JAMES M. GUERRA, CB® Consulting Building Official Education Mr. James M. Guerra, as Deputy Director for Building and Safety Services company- BA, Political Science wide for Willdan Engineering, supervises field building inspection, public counter, and California State University construction management operations. His responsibilities encompass all new Los Angeles construction, inspection duties, abatement of substandard property, redevelopment projects, and Community Development Block Grant — funded projects. Primarily, Mr. Registrations Guerra is responsible for establishing and maintaining Willdan's contract building 1CC/CABO Certified Building Official No. 2961 departments. He has been a member of the Willdan team since 1979 and is currently assigned as the Building Official for the cities of Cudahay, El Monte, Goleta, La Puente, Affiliations Maywood, Rosemead, and Sierra Madre. Additionally, his accomplishments and California Building officials responsibilities include: International Code Council . Project Manager — Plan review, building inspection and permit technician services National Fire Protection for Los Angeles County Department of Public Works Association • . ' Project Manager — Peppertree Lane Development Presale Inspection for Rolling Hills Estates ■ Chief Building Official — Metcalf Energy Center, Los Esteros Critical Energy Facility, and Otay Mesa Generating Projects ■ Project Manager for 40 -unit housing project designated for AIDS /HIV patients for Experience the City of West Hollywood 40 years project Manager for lead -based paint abatement program for Section 8 Housing for the City of Santa Monica ■ Hearing Officer for rehabilitation appeals in the Cities of Bell Gardens and Rosemead ■ Disaster recovery services for the Cities of Malibu (Fire), Santa Monica (Earthquake), and Simi Valley (Earthquake) ■ Targeted code enforcement programs for the Cities of Costa Mesa and West Hollywood ■ Building code consultant for the City of Malibu Consultant to City of Seaside for Fort Ord Development Project ■ Interim Building Official for the Cities of Chino, Imperial Beach, Lynwood, and Santa Monica ® Management study for the Cities of Atascadero, Imperial Beach, Richmond, San Gabriel, Simi Valley, and West Hollywood Building Division Manager for the City of Hermosa Beach Prior to joining the Willdan team, Mr. Guerra served 12 years with the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works Building and Safety Division as an area -wide Rehabilitation Coordinator. He was directly responsible for 13 contract city rehabilitation programs, and new construction inspection for all types of building construction and occupancies. City of Rosemead 6 Wi LLDAN I Building and Safe Services I J Engineering ■ CITY OF ' ROSEMEAD ■ ■ �' ■ `� ■ ■ JAMES DONOVAN, CBO Building Official Education,; Mr. James D. Donovan is responsible for supervising all field inspections and Mathematics and inspectors at Willdan client city offices. His duties include field inspections, plan ;Engineering, LosAr►geles.:' revisions, office management, and permit issuance. His current assignment is Building City'Colkg' e- Official for the City of Rosemead. Mr. Donovan has over 42 years of building and Inspection.Technology Los safety experience. Angeles Trade Technical., college ," Relevant Project Experience ■ Building Official for the City of Rosemead ■ Chief Building Inspector for the City of West Hollywood Registrations Contractor]• California No. ■ Chief Building Inspector for the City of Malibu during and after the 1993 .381049B fire storm recovery efforts Certified'Building bff cial Chief Building Inspector for the City of Santa Clarita after its incorporation cABONo .,, "� and through the transition to an in -house staff Building Inspector," ■ Inspection of numerous Type I buildings, including a four -story acute care International.Code. Council ... 'No. 1042773 -10' hospital and a four -story office complex ■ Inspection of rides, equipment, and crowd - control facilities for Six Flags Magic Mountain amusement park Experience Prior to joining the Willdan team, Mr. Donovan served for 15 years as a Senior 42,-Years Building Inspector for the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works, Building and Safety Division. He also owned his own construction firm building custom homes, . room additions, and remodeling homes. i � City of Rosemead WI LLDAN I B uilding and Safety services T � Engineering ■ CITY OF ■ ROSEMEAD ■ ° ■ ° ■ ■ ■ STEVE WIDMAYER, PE,'CBO Plan Check Engineer Education Mr. Widmayer provides plan review services for Willdan and also served as the BS, Civil Engineering; Building Official for the City of Dana Point and the Deputy Building Official for the City CaliforniaStateuniVerslty ; ' of Lake Forest; and acted as interim Building Official for the Cities of Santa Monica, Garden Grove •:; i Glendale, and Anaheim. Registrations < Relevant Project Experience ' California, c29828, Civil _` County of Los Angeles Department of Public Works — Project Manager — Mr. ICC /CAB.O, Certified Widmayer oversaw this assignment which included providing as- needed building plan check services including architectural, life- safety, structural, energy, disabled access, t Building Official; 804 plumbing, mechanical, electrical and grading. ICC, Certified Plans Examiner, 844241 -60 Target Stores, Target Store Prototype Tenant Improvement Project — Mr. Widmayer iC.C,Certifiedeuildingcode,t supervised and coordinated plan check efforts for the Target Store Prototype Tenant ( Accessibility /usability =' - Improvement Project. Specialist; 77431 ._ City of Maywood, Building & Safety Plan Check — Mr. Widmayer provided building and safety plan check services. He reviewed private developments, in accordance -, Affiliati_ons ;, American3ocietyofCivil with adopted building, plumbing, mechanical, electrical, disabled access and energy "Engineers _ codes. international Code Council .' City of Rolling Hills Estates, Building Plan Check, 627 Deep Valley — Mr. Widmayer California Building Officials '. was the Project Manager who provided building code plan review services for Structura(Engineers commercial developments on the 627 Deep Valley property. Association of Southern , .. California Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Building Code Review — Administrative 180 -30% - Mr. Widmayer was the Project Manager for this project, which involved a building code :.Earthquake Engineeering review for an administrative office building ( #180); 5 -story over basement, with Research atrium, A & B Occupancy, Type 1113 construction; approximately 95,000 square feet i American Society of Quality' Control Division of the State Architect (DSA), Fire & Life Safety Plan Check — Mr. Widmayer (' provided oversight of the DSA Public School Fire and Life Safety Building Plan Check program. t University of California, Santa Barbara, Building Plan Check Ocean Walk Faculty Experience' Housing — Mr. Widmayer provided oversight and quality control for this project, which 33 Years involved building code plan review services to a 171 -unit university faculty housing. Work included building, plumbing, mechanical, electrical and disabled access. City of Rolling Hills — Project Manager - Mr. Widmayer is overseeing this assignment, which includes providing building plan check and grading plan check services. Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority — Project Manager - Mr. Widmayer is overseeing this assignment, which includes providing building plan check services for a public park, including buildings and disabled access. City of Rosemead k WI LLDAN I Building and Safety Services Engineering CITY OF ROSEMEAD Education MS, Structural Engineering, Stanford University Palo Alto, California ®S, Civil Engineering, Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts Registrations California Licensed Structural Engineer, S3499 California Licensed Civil Engineer, C43751 ICC Certified Building Official (CBO), 0019700- 01 & 02 ICC Certified Plans Examiner, 0019700 -B3 ICC Certified Accessibility Inspector/Plans Examiner, 0019700 -21 ICC Certified Commercial Building Inspector, 0019700 -B2 ICC Certified Residential Building Inspector, 0019700 -B1 Affiliations Structural Engineer Association of Southern California (SEASOC), Member SE, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Experience 30 Years r� ■ ■ SAEED AMIRAZIZI, SE, PE, CRC Supervising Plan Check Engineer Mr. Saeed R. Amirazizi is a California - licensed structural engineer with over 30 years of structural engineering experience in structural design, seismic analysis, retrofit and plan checking of hospitals and schools, commercial, industrial and public facilities. He is also experienced in the design of various multi -story structures, shopping centers, parking structures, and residential units. He has organized, scheduled, and supervised a staff of engineers, draftsmen, and technicians. Mr. Amirazizi has performed finite element analysis on many structures of all types and is completely familiar with ETABS, SAP 2000, RISA2D, and RISA 3D computer programs. Mr. Amirazizi has been grading California Structure License Exams in the past and has been a part-time instructor teaching a course in masonry design at Continuing Professional Engineering Education (CPEE) in Irvine. Mr. Amirazizi has investigated damage to building and equipment after several major earthquakes, including Loma Prieta, Landers, Northridge, and Kobe. Mr. Amirazizi is available to provide complete plan review services for our California clients. Relevant Project Experience Plan Check Experience: Division of the State Architect, CA— Mr. Amirazizi performed structural plan review of schools and community colleges for the DSA. Bureau Veritas, Power and Utility, Costa Mesa, CA — Mr. Amirazizi has previously performed structural plan review services for the Power and Utility (P & U) division of Bureau Veritas in the Costa Mesa office. City of Palm Desert, CA — Mr. Amirazizi has also performed in -house structural plan review of commercial, industrial and residential buildings for the City of Palm Desert. F _ City of Rosemead WILL AN I wilding and Safety Services _'', Engineering CITY OF ■ ROSEMEAD ■ ■ " ■ ■ ■ PATRICK JOHNSON, PE, CBO Supervising Plan Check Engineer - Education Mr. Patrick Johnson, a registered Civil Engineer in California, Arizona, Nevada, and university of ouva, Colorado is a Plan Check Engineer for the Building and Safety Division. Patrick has ' iowa city, M ' Eachelorond Science,. more than 18 years of experience in the construction and engineering field. He has Structural,fngineering.' , more than six years of plan check experience with Willdan, and is responsible for California State Polytechnic structural plan review. University- Pomona IblasterofEngineering Mr. Johnson's primary focus has been on structural engineering of lightweight commercial, industrial, and residential structures. Since his employ began with Affilia #ions" :, Willdan, he has attended a number of code enforcement and seismic application American society of civil seminars and has received his Master of Engineering degree, specializing in Structures, En"gineers.(ASCE) from California State Polytechnic University. His extensive experience includes plan r checking numerous projects that vary in size and complexity. Registrations Mr. Johnson's previous engineering experience includes the position of a Design I California Professional Engineer, CE #67960 ' Engineer with KLP Consulting Engineers of Centennial, Colorado. In this capacity, he Arizona. specialized in the design of lightweight commercial, and multi- and single - family Professional Engineer, ., housing. At times, he would work in the field as a forensic engineer to justify the k = . CE #50435 probable cause of structural damages caused by expansive soils. Mr. Johnson also has Colorado engineering experience in the design of a variety of transportation projects, including Professional Engineer, cEg3704 single and multi -span bridges, pedestrian tunnels, retaining walls, and concrete box culverts. i- OIC #2738 ' Other than residential and commercial timber - framed structures, Mr. Johnson has iccsuilding official plan checked several tilt -up warehouse buildings that range in size up to 2.3 million 5280450 square feet. He has also plan checked numerous structures consisting of braced and ICCPi6ns Examiner; moment frames for lateral resistance, prestressed concrete structures, and multi - ;5280450 -60 ICC Building lnspector, story buildings up to six stories in height. ` 5280450 -10 Relevant Project Experience E Ceitified Disaster Response Team Member, California p�qN CHECK +. Building officials .. Morongo Band of Mission Indians -Administration Building ;., ■ March Joint Powers Authority -Fresh and Easy Food Processing Facility ' . c • Experience. California State University, San Bernardino - Education Building ' 18 Years City of Moreno Valley - Skechers Warehouse ■ City of Fontana - Kaiser Administration Building ■ City of Riverside - Amazon Warehouse City of Rosemead W( W1L LDA N - l wi and Safety Services ■ CITY OF I ■ ROSEMEAD ■ ® ■ ■ ■ ■ RICARDO GUZMAN, SE Structural Plan Review Education. Mr. Ricardo Guzman brings diverse industry strengths and experience in California M Structural and, state government oversight of public school and hospital designs to his employment Earthquake Engineering, with Willdan. As a skilled structural engineer, Mr. Guzman has performed structural National university of Mexico design of various commercial and agricultural light -gauge steel structures and their foundations in California; and offshore platforms, major port facilities, ore processing Civil Engineer Degree .(5 -, plants, and a major hotel in Mexico. His expertise includes management and year Curriculum), National supervision; plan review; forensic structural engineering; and performing earthquake uriversity of Mexico engineering studies and seismic risk studies. Ricardo's structural expertise Registrations encompasses a wide range of industrial services: chemical plants, mining industry p lants, spillways, several water sup p rojects, nuclear p ower p lants, and oil indust p pp y p p p ry Structural Engineer,' 3833 facilities. California; No: civil Engineer, californi6, Relevant Project Experience No. 21238 Arizona No. 38916 Mexico; X0.155901 Plan Check for Major California State University (CSU) buildings — Ohio No. E -59652 ■ The new Library for the CSU.at Monterey Bay – a five -story concrete building . Washington, No. 15338 with a modernistic complex structure ■ The three -story buckling restrained steel frame building for the Hornet Affil iat ons Bookstore and CSU Foundation at CSU Sacramento Structural Engineers - . The new Parking Garage for the CSU at Sacramento – a six -story post - Association of California tensioned concrete building that involved 3 -D linear and 2 -D push -over Earthquake Engineer dynamic analyses Research Institute.. The Canyon Village at CalPoly San Luis Obispo – a $230,000 project with nine housing buildings and two post- tensioned parking structures Colegio de Ingenieros Civiles de Mexico Plan Checked for Major Northern California Commercial Buildings — o The new Wheatland Wal -Mart store Experience Roseville Galleria Mall additions, alterations and two post- tensioned parking 26 years structures ■ The new two -story Tracy City Hall ■ The new two -story Auburn Justice Center Plan Checked for Five Major Hospital Buildings and School Buildings — UCSD Hospital –A 12 -story (170' high) elevator tower with an eight -story corridor bridging structure and an approximately 25,000- square -foot, three -story addition. The addition required dynamic analysis considerations due to the way it is attached to the existing building. City of Rosemead r � `� WI LLDAN I Building and Safety Services �v J F Engineering CITY OF 0 ■ ROSEMEAD ■ ■ ° ■ `� ■ ■ ARNE LOVNASETH, ARCHITECT Plan Check Architect Education . Mr. Arne Lovnaseth, a registered Architect in California, is a Plan Check Architect for CdoolyPo reona,'Bachelor' Willdan's Building and Safety Division. He has 26 years experience in the construction of Science, Boclielorof field specializing in design work and plans examining. As a 1983 and 2001 graduate of Architecture Cal Poly Pomona, his primary focus has been on architectural design of lightweight Registrations ' commercial and residential structures. He has attended a number of code caiifornia cicensed.. enforcement seminars and currently is compiling a NCARB record for certification Architect #l c188 33 nationwide. He has extensive experience in ADA compliance. i:C.C. Plans Examiner .,; W077s4 -63 During his tenure with Willdan, Mr. Lovnaseth has provided Counter Plan Review services to the City of Redlands, City of Colton, and the March Joint Powers oic #zYv Authority, a redevelopment agency located at March Air Force Base. Relevant Project Experience Certified Disaster Response ` Team Member, California., Building Officials. ■ March JPA - Sysco, 500,000- square -foot food processing facility ■ March JPA -Fresh &Easy Processing facilities 800,000- square -foot complex City of Banning - Multi- building Office and Industrial Complex ■ City of Loma Linda - Assisted Care Facility, 20,000 square feet Experience City of Loma Linda - Church addition, 30,000 square feet 26 Yeats - City Moreno Valley - Chili's Restaurant, 10,000 square feet ■ City of Moreno Valley - New LA Fitness, 42,000 square feet ■ City of Colton - Warehouse, 500,000 square feet ■ Morongo Band of Mission Indians - Administrative Complex, 50,000+ square feet Other projects include single- and multi - family homes, industrial buildings, commercial warehouses, restaurants, fitness centers, motels, medical facilities and numerous tenant improvements. Mr. Lovnaseth's previous architectural and plan checking experience includes the position of Senior Plans Examiner for a large Inland Empire City for more than five years. In this capacity, he specialized in the plan checking of lightweight commercial, multi and single - family housing. He supervised a staff of 5 plan examiners and permit technicians, issuing over 3,000 building permits a year. Prior experience includes project manager at John McInnes Architect in Laguna Beach for five years and job captain at Sumich Design in San Juan Capistrano for eight years. City of Rosemead L WI LLDAN I Building and Safety Services Engineering Ll CITY OF ROSEMEAD ■ N 12 ■ `-` ■ ■ DANA REED, CASp Senior Plans Examiner /Deputy Bu lding Official Education Mr. Dana Reed is a Senior Plans Examiner /Deputy Building Official for Engineering. He Riverside Community has more than 30 years of plan review, inspection and construction experience. His College extensive experience includes plan review of numerous projects in compliance with Construction Technology the California building, plumbing, mechanical, electrical, and fire codes. Also review of . projects under ADA Title II, OSHPD, and Titles 19 & 25. Affiliations International Conference of Relevant Project Experience Building Officials International Association of Electrical Inspectors ADA TITLE II COMPLIANCE International Association of ■ City of Grand Terrace Plumbing and Mechanical City of La Canada Flintridge Officials ■ Quality Inn Hotels Stater Bros. Markets Registration Certified Access Specialist PLAN CHECK CASp- #287 M Barona Casino fFPA Plan Check ■ Hampton Inn certificate X Wal -Mart DSA — FireLifeSafetyPlans ■ Morongo High Rise Hotel and Casino Examiner Certificate ICC Certified Building ■ California State University Student Housing Inspector, #37018 ■ Walgreens Distribution Center ICC Certified Plans PLAN CHECK - OSPD III Examiner, 05985 Kaiser Support Building 1CC Certified Combination ' Surgical Center Inspector, #99561 ICC Certified Electrical ■ Medical Clinic Inspector, #87340 PLAN CHECK (Fire Review) ICC Certified Plumbing . Morongo Casino ( alarm system ) Inspector, #97093 ICC Certified Mechanical Buena Vista Casino Inspector, #90760 ■ Lowes ■ Hampton Inn Experience Wal -Mart 30 Years San Manuel Village INSPECTION ■ New 100,000- square -foot Mercedes -Benz dealership ■ New 115,000- square -foot K -Mart store ■ New 5,000- square -foot California Pizza Kitchen Before Willdan, Mr. Reed's experience included plan checking and inspecting industrial and commercial buildings and reviewing plans for compliance with the applicable codes, state and local requirements. He served as a plans examiner for the Building Department of the City of Riverside; and as a Building Inspector for the Cities of Mission Viejo and Laguna Niguel. In this capacity, he reviewed plans for compliance with City and City ordinances, and State requirements and codes; and assisted with permit issuance at the public counter. City of Rosemead I � • �'� r WI LLDAN Building and Safety Services i__1__ _�; Engineering CITY OF ROSEMEAD Education California State Polytechnic ' University -Son Luis Obispo Bachelor of Science - Architectural Engineering Registrations California, RCE 46183 ICC Certified Plans Examiner ICC Certified Building Inspector ANNE SCHNEIDER, PE Plan Check Engineer Ms. Anne Schneider, a registered Civil Engineer in California, is a Supervising Plan Check Engineer for Willdan's Building and Safety Division. She has over 26 years professional experience in building and safety enforcement of model codes, State and local building regulations. Her plan review experience includes commercial and industrial facilities, and single- and multi - family residential developments, with an expertise in structural and life safety review of plans. Ms. Schneider has worked on assignment for Willdan in the offices of San Diego City, City of Indio, City of Perris, and Riverside City Building Departments providing interim Building Official and plan check services. She provided plan check service to Riverside City for the Whitewater Wind Energy Field in the San Gorgonio Pass region of the City. [.. City of Rosemead WI LL DAN Building and Safety Services yl `— Engineering Ms. Schneider has also served as City Engineer for the City of Big Bear Lake, City Affiliations Engineer for the City of Calimesa. As Building Official for the City of Moreno Valley, International Code Council' Anne oversaw the Building Department as well as Code Enforcement services. California Building Officials American Society of Civil _ Engineers " Prior to joining Willdan, Ms. Schneider held the position of Tribal Engineer for the American Public works Cabazon Band of Mission Indians in Indio, California. In this capacity, she supervised Association' construction and design work for the reservation and was primarily responsible for a $3 million Federal Highway Administration road construction project. Experience Her past experience includes the responsibility of Plan Check Engineer for several 26 "Years jurisdictions in California, where she evaluated commercial and residential plans for code compliance and coordinated City response to applications for construction permits. [.. City of Rosemead WI LL DAN Building and Safety Services yl `— Engineering CITY OF ROSEMEAD Education Bs, Civil Engineering, University of New Haven, Connecticut i ' Registrations California, C31340. Civil ICC Certified Plans CARL WILSON, PE Plain Check Engineer El ■ As a Plan Check Engineer for Willdan, Mr. Carl L. Wilson, PE, possesses extensive structural and life safety plan checking experience. He is responsible for the complete plan checking for a variety of projects, including complex commercial, industrial, institutional, and residential. He is responsible for all plan check phases, including coordination, scheduling, rechecking, code interpretation, and communicating and meeting with applicants. Relevant Project Experience City of Rolling Hills Estates, Building Plan Check, 608 Silver Spur— Mr. Wilson was the Plan Check Engineer who provided as- needed building plan review services for the existing building. City of Maywood, Building & Safety Plan Check — Mr. Wilson provides building and safety plan check services. He reviews private developments in accordance to adopted building, plumbing, mechanical, electrical, disabled access and energy codes. City of Rolling Hills Estates, Building Plan Check, 627 Deep Valley — Mr. Wilson was the Plan Check Engineer who provided building code plan review services for commercial developments on the 627 Deep Valley property. City of Rolling Hills — Mr. Wilson is providing building plan check and grading plan check services for this assignment. County of Los Angeles Department of Public Works — Mr. Wilson was plan check engineer providing as- needed building plan check services that includes architectural, life- safety, structural, energy, disabled access, plumbing, mechanical, electrical and grading. Mr. Wilson has provided plan check services for the following types of facilities: • City hall remodels • Unusual retaining wall and foundation systems • Fire and police station facilities • Seismic upgrade of hospitals and public facilities • Health care facilities • Large multi -use casino /assembly occupancies • Large religious /church facilities • Senior citizen centers and senior housing • Hillside and beachfront custom homes • Multi -story (hi -rise) hotel facilities • Multi -story parking structures • Unreinforced masonry seismic upgrade plan checking • Wave uprush and coastal protective methods • Many types of low -rise wood frame structures City of Rosemead WI LLDAN I Building and Safety Services FJ FA Engineering CITY OF ROSEMEAD Education AA, Engineering, Fast Los Angeles College ;Registrations California, RCE 32656 Experience .. 32: YedrY : ARTHUR PEREZ, PE Plan Check Engineer Mr. Arthur S. Perez brings to Willdan over 32 years of experience as a registered Civil Engineer specializing in structural plan reviewing and building code expertise. He is responsible for the complete plan checking for a variety of projects, including complex commercial, industrial, institutional, and residential. Relevant Project Experience Target Stores, Target Store Prototype Tenant Improvement Project — Mr. Perez was the Plan Check Engineer for structural and life- safety plan check review for the Target Store Prototype Tenant Improvement Project. City of Rolling Hills Estates, Building Plan Check, 608 Silver Spur — Mr. Perez was the Plan Check Engineer who provided as- needed building plan review services for the existing building. City of Maywood, Building & Safety Plan Check — Mr. Perez provided building and safety plan check services. He reviewed private developments in accordance to adopted building, plumbing, mechanical, electrical, disabled access and energy codes. City of Rolling Hills Estates, Building Plan Check, 627 Deep Valley — Mr. Perez was the Plan Check Engineer who provided building code plan review services for commercial developments on the 627 Deep Valley property. Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Building Code Review — Administrative 180 -30% - Mr. Perez was the Plan Check Engineer for this project, which involved a building code review for an administrative office building ( #180); 5 -story over basement, with atrium, A & B Occupancy, Type 1113 construction; approximately 95,000 square feet. Division of the State Architect, Fire & Life Safety Plan Check — Mr. Perez provided building plan check of the DSA public school facilities. City of Rolling Hills — Plan Checker - Mr. Perez is providing building plan check and grading plan check services for this assignment. University of California Santa Barbara — Mr. Perez is providing building and safety plan review services for the Isla Vista Foot Patrol Facility at the University of California, Santa Barbara. County of Los Angeles Department of Public Works — Mr. Perez is providing as- needed building plan check services that includes architectural, life- safety, structural, energy, disabled access, plumbing, mechanical, electrical and grading. City of Rosemead WI LLDAN I Building and Safety Services XT Engineering CITY OF '�` ■ ROSEMEAD ■ ■ ■ ° ■ ■ PETER LIM, CBO, CBI Supervising Building Inspector /Deputy Building Official •Education Mr. Peter Lim has been working in the construction field for the past 25 years, the last Fullerton College -99z., 14 years as an Interim Building Official, Plans Examiner and Building Inspector. Mr. uniform echankal Code.::, Lim has trained permit technicians, building inspectors and code enforcement officers 6/00• , the past 7.5 years. While Mr. Lim was an inspector with the City of Monterey Park, he Coastline College 7199, was responsible for the combination inspection of two- multi - family complexes. While uniform Building Code I,- employed with the City of Baldwin Park, he inspected both residential and commercial and ' projects including, but not limited to, Super Wal -Mart, Baldwin Park Market Place, Cal Poly Pomona, Winter Farmer Boys Restaurant, and a Housing Development of 37, 36, 18, and 16 units. Mr. 1995- .Construction Lim is bilingual fluent in Cantonese Chinese. Management and Procteces Certificate Program Relevant Project Experience East Lo Angeles e, City of Monterey Park —As Senior Building Inspector /Interim Building Official, Mr. Lim r'Aid ed toll 1992 - ComputerA,d . Drafting (C.A.D.) was involved in residential, commercial, and industrial combination inspections, trained permit technicians, building inspectors and code enforcement officers. He Los Angeles Trade rechn;col 1990 ' was responsible for the combination inspection of two multi - family complexes: College,- Class•of ■ 30,000- square -foot parking with 98 units above parking garage and 10,000- square -foot commercial condominium i. Registrations 750,000-square-foot, 4 -level underground p arking a 78 ■ g p g g ara g' ICC Ce_ rtified Building offc;ol commercial condominiums with 210 -luxury condominiums. ICC Certified, Building Plans Mr. Lim oversaw daily inspections, and scheduled building inspectors and code examiner, enforcement officers. He was the Interim Building Official beginning in November ICC Certified Building 2010. He oversaw daily building division activities, and provided code interpretations Inspector and technical assistance to the public and the design construction professionals. He ICC Certified Combination prepared and managed the annual budget for the Division, and provided data and Dwelling, inspector: reports concerning permit activities to the Division. He provided data and reports concerning permit activities to city management and other government agencies. He administered programs for building safety; researched and examined supporting data; Experience and made decisions or recommendations based on proposed alternate materials or i. . 14,Yedrs methods of design and construction. He coordinated with various agencies or departments in the permit application process. Mr. Lim assisted staff in developing - ' job knowledge and skills through mentoring, in -house training, certification programs and continuing education. City of Baldwin Park —As Senior Building Inspector, Mr. Lim was involved in residential, commercial, and industrial combination inspections. He trained and oversaw the work of permit technicians and two building inspectors. Mr. Lim oversaw daily inspections and daily building division activities (since May 2004). He issued permits and plan checks. � i City of Rosemead WI LLDAN I Building and Safety Services Engineering ■ CITY OF ■ ROSEMEAD ■ ■ ° ■ ■ ■ ■ REX SHIELDS Senior Bu ilding Inspe Mr. Rex Shields is available to provide combination building inspection to our Eiiueation California clients. He has extensive DSA inspection experience and also certified by BA, Cal State Los Angeles, OSHPD to provide OSHPD III inspections. Mr. Shields has a proven track record as a los Angeles; CA'.' supervisor and professional with 25 years hands on experience in the building AA; Engineering Glendale industry. He has 17 years experience in building inspection, with 7 years experience in City College Glendale, CA a supervisory role as Senior Inspector for West Hollywood, overseeing and directing a team of inspectors. Mr. Shields possesses extensive experience in code compliance and Title 24 inspections. As a Senior Inspector, his role includes plan review, egress, Regist[atio,ns : Limited: Service Teaching accessibility, residential, commercial inspections, electrical, mechanical, structural and - #5674420ss general building. ICC Building Inspector Relevant Project Experience ICC Examiner Los Angeles Unified School District, DSA Class II Inspector. Mr. Shields was Assistant ICC Combination Dwelling Inspector of Record at Belmont High School; Type 1 construction for a $350,000,000 Inspector construction contract. ICCResidential Combination Inspector DSA Inspector I — Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD). Mr. Shields' projects at LAUSD included: ICC Electrical Inspector �CCiVlechanicol/nspector Central Region Glassell Park Early Education Center. Facility includes classrooms, food preparation area, administration, playfields, and an underground parking ►cc plumbing inspector . structure. This project is designed for joint use between the early education Reinforced Concrete Special center, and a 50 -unit affordable housing component. inspector- Legacy Central Los Angeles #11. Project consists of seven small learning centers. Each certified structural learning center contains classrooms, including general studies, science, specialized Masonry Special Inspector classrooms and local administration for each. A separate building on the campus Ad Grade l Field Technician will provide for library, cafeteria, auditorium, parent and student center. A large osHFB. Class A #2c.:z4 gymnasium with locker rooms as well as outdoor athletic facilities is designed vsa Class, n2zs ' onto the site. The project also contains parking for 481 vehicles. DSA Masonry Inspector East Valley High School 1B. $10.5 million swimming pool, play field, pool #4473 house /shower /dressing rooms, pool equipment building, handicap access, California State perimeter walls (IOR class 1) Type 1 Construction. Contractor's License East LA Star. This $7 million (phase one) seismic upgrade installed new brace #459950 c -$ frames throughout (IOR class 1) Type 1 Construction. Holmes Middle School. This $2 million (bond take -over) seismic upgrade included an elevator tower and handicapped upgrade (1011 class 1) Type 1 Construction. Experience New Dena Primary Center. This is a two - building primary center, with a two -story 25.Years classroom building and a one story multi - purpose building with an outside covered lunch shelter. Air Conditioning Upgrades. Air conditioning to the gyms of the following campuses: Cleveland High School, Birmingham High School and Woodland Hills Academy (each approximately $1.5 million) (IOR Class 1). W City of Rosemead W I LLDAN Building and Safety Services . Engineering CITY OF ROSEMEAD ■ City of West Hollywood, Senior Building Inspector. Mr. Shields performed inspection duties ranging from Type V non -rated residential construction Type I, multi- story, mixed -use commercial structures and parking garages. Sunset Millennium Project. Mr. Shields performed inspection duties for a project that consisted of two Type II non -rated multi- story, mixed -use structures; and the retrofit and remodel of a 10 -story office structure over a four - level, underground parking structure; a multi -story private school addition over a Type I, two - level, underground parking structure; and a City -owned Type I construction, four - level, above - ground parking structure. City of Los Angeles, Building Mechanical Inspector. Mr. Shields performed inspection duties involved residential only of Type V to Type I construction. Project Superintendent. As a traditional home construction superintendent, Mr. Shields was responsible for all phases of construction, residential /commercial. City of Rosemead WI LLDAN I Building and Safety Services L I VI _! Engineering CITY OF ■ ROSEMEAD ■ Education . 48 semester units, Chico State University 31 Quarter Units, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Registrations Building Inspector, International Code Council No. 1036466 -10 Plumbing Inspector, International Code Council . No. 1036466-34 Residential Electrical Inspector, International Code Council Licensed General Contractor, California No. 642879B Experience 30 Yedrs RICHARD KELLOGG, CBI Building Inspector ■ El ■ ■ ■ Mr. Richard Kellogg is an [CC-certified building inspector with 30 years of experience in building residential and commercial construction projects and renovations. His additional experience includes journeyman -level carpentry, foundation concrete, plan reading, and bidding capabilities. Mr. Kellogg was a licensed general contractor for 18 years. He is available to assist our Southern California clients. He is currently assigned to the Cities of Montebello, Rosemead, Rolling Hills, Rolling Hills Estates, and UCLA. Mr. Kellogg has provided combination building inspection services to the following Cities: • Azusa ■ Bradbury • Hawaiian Gardens • Montebello • Norwalk • Rosemead • San Marino • Sierra Madre Mr. Kellogg has worked extensively with various other city departments such as Planning, Public Works and Code Enforcement to obtain compliance with various City requirements. Prior Experience E &S Ring Management Corp., Culver City. Lead Carpenter. Mr. Kellogg was responsible for supervising the carpentry crew. He provided the inspection of facilities /structures for preventative maintenance. He bid on alterations, additions, and repairs. Mr. Kellogg coordinated, inspected, and supervised all trades through completion. General Contractor, Self- Employed. Mr. Kellogg specialized in room additions, remodeling, and custom homes. Carpenter, Self- Employed. Mr. Kellogg was responsible for miscellaneous repairs, framing, etc. Mr. Kellogg provided extensive property maintenance for various landlords. Fryburger Construction; K.C.G. Builders; and Day Construction, San Luis Obispo. Mr. Kellogg was responsible for residential framing and finish carpentry, forming, pouring, and finishing concrete. City of Rosemead WI LLDAN I Building and Safety Services _ : _!1 Engineering CITY OF ROSEMEAD 0 ■ TRESSA BROWN Supervising Permit Counter Technician Experience ., Ms. Tressa Brown has been with Willdan since 1989. For the past seven years, she has served as Construction Permit Specialist for the Cities of Rosemead, Lake Forest and 30: Years Rolling Hills Estates. Additionally, Ms. Brown reviews applications, issues permits, i maintains records, and prepares status reports for the building and safety departments. Relevant Project Experience City of Rosemead - Supervising Permit Counter Technician. Ms. Brown is responsible for reviewing applications, issuing permits, record maintenance and preparing status reports for the Building and Safety Department. Cities of Lake Forest and Rolling Hills - Construction Permit Specialist. Ms. Brown is responsible for reviewing applications, issuing permits, maintaining records, and preparing status reports for the building and safety department. Willdan Engineering - Proposal Coordinator and Supervisor of the Word Processing Services. Ms. Brown is responsible for preparation of proposals for all Divisions at the Willdan Los Angeles Regional Office. Security Pacific Bank - Executive Secretary. Ms. Brown's Division handled all Real Estate transactions in excess of $5,000,000 each. City of Rosemead V a - J -1 WI LLDAN I wilding and Safety Services If Engineering CITY OF ROSEMEAD ABBY. SHIELDS Senior Permit Counter Technician Ms. Abby Shields is a senior construction permit technician with two years of experience. Before joining Willdan, Ms. Shields was a building permit technician. Her responsibilities included providing technical information concerning building permit requirements and other information needed to comply with State, County, and building codes. Previous Work Experience Department of Public Works, Building and Safety Division, County of Los Angeles - Building Permit Technician. Ms. Shields provided technical information concerning building permit requirements and other information needed to comply with State, County, and building codes. She trained and supervised a City Hall staff with regards to the county -wide permit database system. She prepared historical data for input into the County's online Document Management System. Department of Children and Family Services, County of Los Angeles - Child Social Worker. Ms. Brown investigated and evaluated cases of neglected, abused, or exploited children referred to the Department to determine the appropriate services for the children and families. She arranged for the emergency placement of children in shelter care facilities in response to referrals from law enforcement or other agencies. She utilized community resources such as teachers, psychologists, physicians, and probation officers for joint and appropriate planning to meet the children's needs. She collected information to investigate referrals alleging child abuse, neglect, and /or exploitation. She entered data into various computerized systems and maintained client information. She performed various court- related activities such as preparing court reports, filing petitions, obtaining court orders, and making recommendations. Department of Public Works, Building and Safety Division, County of Los Angeles - Building Permit Technician I. Ms. Brown provided technical information concerning building permit requirements and other information needed to comply with State, County, and building codes. She coordinated routing, filing, and logging of plans and permits to appropriate sections or agencies. She collected fees and learned to record and balance daily cash transactions. Maclay Rehabilitation Centre, All -Male Facility - Intern. Ms. Brown was responsible for documentation of confidential and legal paperwork of clients. She sustained required communication between clients and parole /probation officers. She administered group and individual counseling sessions. City of Rosemead W ( WI LLDAN I building and Safety Services TVJVA Engineering CITY OF ROSEMEAD ■ ■ ® ■ ® ■ ■ BARBARA TCHOBAN IAN Fermat Counter Technician Education: ' Ms. Barbara Tchobanian is available to assist our Southern California clients with 2oiz mPA ,'Unrversityof Lo _3 permit technician services including document scanning and indexing. Ms. Tchobanian Verge, La VePne; California`,• .' is fluent in Spanish and Armenian. 2005, BA, Po W al sdonce ;. Un+versityofColiforn+o, d Relevant Project Experience Irpiine- t min I pub /fished +n . City of Rosemead - Intern. Ms. Tchobanian is responsible for various projects for City d+ng. � .•, UC1 LowJouma /regar 1Vapster= andcopyr�ght Manager including drafting ordinances and staff reports, creating a historical memory +nfringemenf.'' book, participating in and taking minutes for a Public Art ad hoc Committee. She is responsible for various projects with City Clerk's office including City Council minutes, ' database upkeep. She provided administrative assistance in the reception area, :. .' Experience, including phones and support with residents, social media, research, creating 1 Year ' ='r Powerpoint presentations, and purchasing. Los Angeles County Democratic Party, Los Angeles - Intern. Ms. Tchobanian prepared, attended, and staffed monthly member meetings, monthly voter registration drives, an annual fundraiser dinner, and press conferences. She assisted with filing and database upkeep, research and analysis on candidates, fundraising. California Democratic Party, Santa Ana - Field Organizer. Ms. Tchobanian recruited and trained volunteers from local universities, high schools, and Democratic clubs. She maintained the MOE database, participated in GOTV activities, and performed the duties of a volunteer coordinator in the absence of staff assigned to that role. Law Offices of Eric I. Michelman, Irvine - Legal Secretary. Ms. Tchobanian provided legal and administrative duties including proofreading, preparing, and filing legal documents. She was responsible for data entry, correspondence with courts, clients, and opposing counsel. City of Rosemead WN WI LLDAN I Building and Safety Services INT Engineering CITY OF ROSEMEAD ■ ■ { WI LLDAN Celebrating 50 years of service December 8, 2014 City of Rosemead City Clerk's Office Attn: Gloria Molleda, City Clerk 8838 E Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Subject: Request for Proposal No. 2014 -12 Building Inspection and Plan Check Services Insurance Requirements Dear Ms. Molleda: Willdan Engineering agrees to comply with the insurance requirement as set forth in the Sample Professional Service Agreement attached as Attachment "B" to the above referenced Request for Proposal. Respectfully submitted, WILLDAN GROUP, INC. David Hunt Senior Vice President Director of Operations Engineering and Planning I Energy Efficiency and Sustainability I Financial and Economic Consulting I National Preparedness and Interoperability 714.940.6300 1 800.424.9144 1 fax: 714.940.4920 1 2401 East Katella Avenue, Suite 300, Anaheim, California 92806 -5909 1 www.willdan.com l City of Rosemead Building WI LLDAN I Building any safety services _; Engineering CITY OF ROSEMEAD its `' ■ 111 ■ c� e � .. CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 1n1� THIS CMIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A VATFM OF MURKATION ONLY AFIO COIYFE" NO RKNiT3 UPM THE CEETIFICATE BOLDER THIS CERFFIGAiI'E DOES NOT AFFIRMATMELY OTt NEGATIWELY AKEND; EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED HY THE PO CIM BELOW. TM CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSUME A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(n AUTHORRED REPRES@FTAMEOR PRODUCER, AND TIM CERTIFICATE BOLDEIL IWORTANi: It 11ri Ie>uft2mis boiler d an ADDITIOPI41. NOWREfX fts pnikWmj must I* endoffmHL 9 SUBROGATION. 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I axlhrdT.tnrS are II1e�I8dEd as to Geleeal Liabllitp_ M I1 OC110 D ffor of Pmm PV C diF Eoou� In ure as End I foe and Hm a� aal s! sirsErmmir. bi �r�r Cvrah�i� dit . rfgatinrl �aEn� to GenerA and Auto Ua p aff Grow aF a s ag of Subl ,Auto trabli dy Wahmr aFS for Work mll be P upon e�evne�r.wTe urn news eAweFl I A�u: 4sv7 :NleeiTSas:sfxl�u�fmwaxrca rei Er811C6 eeaii[lreu ACORD 25 PB14MI Tha ACORD Mroi ®od logo are Tagtalimd r wft of ACORD City of Rosemead LU ANN( WI LLDAN I Building and Safety Services Engineering iHC1iM AM CFTMABOW13ESBri PC"CIEa BE CA ICOMM EEFORE TIE MIPIRATIOK OA -MEREOF, NAME WALL BE DEUVERM Iq FOR PROPOSAL USE ONLY AMC ORBAICCE.MM TIM POLICY PBirerSIMM 14 = . wESarE3Ntr4, 15 4sv7 :NleeiTSas:sfxl�u�fmwaxrca rei Er811C6 eeaii[lreu ACORD 25 PB14MI Tha ACORD Mroi ®od logo are Tagtalimd r wft of ACORD City of Rosemead LU ANN( WI LLDAN I Building and Safety Services Engineering m INFRASTRUCTURE 1815 E. Heim Ave., Ste. 100 ENGINEERS Orange, 9 Tel.: 714.9.9 40.0100 0100 4 Fax: 714.940.0700 www.infeng.co March 4, 2015 Michelle G. Ramirez Community Development Director City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Subject: City of Rosemead -RFP No. 2014 -12 (Building Inspection and Plan Check Services) Addendum - Updated Compensation Fees Proposal Dear Ms. Ramirez, Thank you for the opportunity to submit an updated proposal for Building Inspection and Plan Check Services. Per you addendum request, dated February 2, 2015, we have included all of our costs to administer and operate the Building and Safety Division into the following fee compensation format. Building Services: 59% of the permit fee that the City Collects Plan Check Services: 58% of the plan -check fees that the City collects There will be no other fees or expenses invoiced by Infrastructure Engineers to the City. As requested, we have provided this information on the Revised Compensation Proposal Form that accompanies this letter. Infrastructure Engineers employs experienced staff members who have been trained on the new California Building Code, Plumbing Code, Mechanical Code, Electrical Code, Energy Code and the adopted California Residential Code and Green Building Code. Thus, as representatives of the City of Rosemead, you can be assured the public will meet with highly knowledgeable and professional staff, both at the counter and in the field. Should you.need additional information please contact me at (714) 940 -0100, ext. 5555. Sincerely, Sid Mousavi, M.E., P.E. President and Chief Executive Officer Encl, VA O -BD Business Development \Proposals \Proposals -City Services_CS \Rosemead Bldg. Inspec. & Plan Check Services 12-8 - 14 \U pdated _Fees \Updated_Fees_Letter.docx RFP Addendum February. 23, '20.15 Page 5 REVISED COMPENSATION PROPOSAL FORM 1. The Consultant understands and to all of the Scope of Services listed in the Request for Proposal No. 2014 -12 (Building Inspection and Plan Check Services) — ADDENDUM dated February 23, 2015. 2. The Consultant understands that the City of Rosemead is. requesting an updated proposal based on an all - inclusive percentage fee compensation only, based on all of the Scope of Services listed in the Request for Proposal No. 2014 -12 (Building Inspection. and Plan :Check Services) —,ADDENDUM dated February 23, 2015 and that the City of Rosemead will not accept: any hourly rates or additional charges. 3. The Consultant understands that any compensation. proposal other than what is being requested by the City of Rosemead in this ADDENDUM will be rejected and disqualified from further consideration, 4. Revised Ali- Inclusive Percentage Fee Compensation Building Services 100% Consultant 59 - %. city 41 % Plan Check Services 100% Consultant 5s city 42 % Sid Mousavj, M.E., P.E. Printed Name President and Chopf Fxprifflyp Officar Title March 4, 2015 Date This form must be returned` to the City of Rosemead, Community Development Director, Michelle Ramirez, by 5:00 P.M. on Thursday. March 5, 2015 The City of Rosemead will only accept this updated a)I- inclusive. ,perce.ntage fee compensation form and will not accept any other form or addendum. Consultants that dol not return this Revised Compensation Proposal by the listed date and time will be disqualified and no longer considered a candidate for the administration and operation of the Building and :Safety Division for the City of Rosemead. RETURN COMPLETED FORM BY 5:00 P.M., MARCH 5, 2015. Infrastructure Engineers �® INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERS TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTROD UCTION ....................................................................... ............................... I. 2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................ ..............................3 3. WORT( PLAN ............................................................................... ..............................4 4. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS ................................................ ..............................9 S. FIRM QUALIFICATIONS ......................................................... ..............................I I 6. PROJECT TEAM ......................................................................... .............................12 7. REFERENCES .............................................................................. .............................17 8. COMPENSATIO N ...................................................................... .............................20 9. INSURANCE ............................................................................... .............................22 10. STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING ................................... .............................22 11. UNANTICIPATED OR SIGNIFICANT DEVIATIONS .......... .............................22 PLAN REVIEW CHECKLIST (PARTIAL EXAMPLE) ............................ APPENDIX A City of Rosemead: Building Inspection and Plan Check Services — 1218114 114 .� INFRASTRUCTURE 1P ENGINEERS 1. INTRODUCTION December 8, 2014 Ms. Gloria Molleda City Clerk City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 RE: Request for Proposal — Building Inspection and Plan Check Services Dear Ms. Molleda: Infrastructure Engineers is privileged to have the opportunity to respond to the City of Rosemead's Request for Proposal for Building Inspection and Plan Check Services. We have prepared this Proposal to demonstrate our exceptional qualifications and express our excitement to be a corporate partner in a progressive and changing community. Infrastructure Engineers is a mid -sized multi - disciplinary building & safety and engineering firm. The company was formed in 1994 and our corporate office is located at: 1815 E. Heim Avenue, Suite 100, Orange, CA 92865. Our contact person is Mr. Sid Mousavi, email smousavi(a7infeng.co phone 714- 940 -0100, ext. 5555. As a committed professional service provider, one of our pledges to our clients is to offer leading edge services on a continuous basis. All of our Building and Safety Team Members have been trained on the new CA Building Code, Plumbing Code, Mechanical Code, Electrical Code, Energy Code and the adopted CA Residential Code and Green Building Code. A partial Plan Review Checklist of our internal control is included for your information in Appendix "A ". Infrastructure Engineers has established a reputation of meeting the expectation of each client by employing experienced staff members who not only understand Building Inspection and Plan Check Services, but also have a solid foundation in the inner workings of municipalities. Infrastructure Engineers has the personnel with knowledge and experience to provide the requested services. In this response, Infrastructure Engineers has included information about the firm and its understanding and description of the City's needs and requirements. We have designated Mr. Robert Chang, P.E., ICBO, to serve as Building Official. He has been providing plan check services for many years and is available and ready to assume this important role. The proposed Infrastructure Engineers' team members exhibit the interpersonal skills, level of integrity, thoroughness, proactive approach and technical competence. Infrastructure Engineers is also providing information on the background and experience of its personnel and City of Rosemead: Building Inspection and Plan Check Services— 12/8/14 Page I * INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERS subconsultants and has laid out its approach and planned methodology to achieve the services requested by the City of Rosemead. Our firm is committed to allocating adequate levels of resources to the requested program of the City of Rosemead in order to accomplish the City's goals. We believe that successful projects are the result of a well- managed and motivated team, committed to being accountable and sharing ownership in the product or service. We believe our qualifications, in combination with our competitive rates and strong interest in the City of Rosemead, make Infrastructure Engineers uniquely qualified to provide the City with professional Building Inspection and Plan Check Services. We look forward to working with the City of Rosemead and providing our professional services in order to help you meet the City's goals. We have examined the RFP thoroughly and are agreeable with the City's contract terms and conditions. This Proposal shall remain valid for a period of at least 180 days from this date. All information submitted with the Proposal is true and correct. Infrastructure Engineers can provide the insurance requirements set in the RFP for this program. Enclosed are five (5) bound copies and one (1) unbound copy of our Proposal. Also enclosed is the Infrastructure Engineers Fee Schedule in a format the City requested and our general schedule of hourly rates. Thank you again for giving Infrastructure Engineers the opportunity to be of service to the City of Rosemead. The undersigned will have contractual responsibility with the City. Should you need additional information please contact me at (714) 940 -0100, ext. 5555. Sincerely, Sid Mousavi, M.E., P.E. President and Chief Executive Officer Encl. City of Rosemead: Building Inspection and Plan Check Services — 12/8/14 Page 2 ®� EI�IGINEERS 2e EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The City of Rosemead is soliciting proposals from qualified engineering firms to provide a wide range of Building and Safety Services. Services include, but are not limited to providing a full -time Building Official, a full -time Counter Technician, Building Inspector(s), Plan Checkers, as well as support personnel to be available on an as- needed basis. Infrastructure Engineers is a qualified full service municipal engineering firm providing City Engineering as well as Building and Safety Services to the cities in Southern California since 1994. Infrastructure Engineers has assigned Mr. Robert Chang, P.E., CBO, to perform as Building Official for the City of Rosemead. Mr. Chang has over 30 years of experience in Building and Safety, Plan Check, Inspection, Management and interpretation of Building Codes. He will be supported by Linda Guzman, the Building Counter Technician, who has been trained and worked with HDL system permit software. Based on the workload presented in the RFP for the last few years, we anticipate that the City of Rosemead will need two Building Inspectors. We have assigned two highly qualified Building Inspectors for this program. All Infrastructure Engineers staff assigned to the City Hall will be supported by a team of highly experienced staff from the headquarters providing plan check and other related support. Assigned staff to City Hall will work from 7:00 a.m. — 6:00 p.m., Monday — Thursday. We understand that customer services is very important to the City of Rosemead and we have all employees assigned to this program trained in total client satisfaction programs. We are ready and available to provide the Inspection Services on Fridays or on weekends on an as- needed basis. All of our staff assigned to this program are fully certified and licensed in the State of California to perform the services listed in the RFP. Infrastructure Engineers has the insurance required to perform the duties assigned and has a large list of references attesting to the company's ability to take on this very important responsibility. Infrastructure Engineers' highly qualified staff and their combined technical experience and skills in working in a City government environment makes Infrastructure Engineers a well - established firm to carry out the duties listed in this proposal. In addition, Infrastructure Engineers has very competitive rates that make it even more attractive to municipalities in this highly competitive economy. City of Rosemead: Building inspection and Plan Check Services — 12/8/14 Page 3 •® ENGINEERS 3. WORK PLAN In doing our duties in Building and Safety, Infrastructure Engineers' staff will interpret and administer codes to provide information to the City and the public, offer specialized technical support in support of any code enforcement, performing on -site inspection services of City's projects when requested, participate in public and internal staff meetings when directed, provide outstanding customer services at the counter to all walk -ins and phone and electronic requests, maintain up -to -date files in hard copies, electronically and on the City's online City View tracking system, examine and improve the Building and Safety operation to provide more superior service and most importantly work closely with other City departments to ensure excellent service to internal and external customers. More specifically, Infrastructure Engineers, at a minimum, will provide the following services in compliance with the RFP. At Infrastructure Engineers, we understand that the quality of public services is the cornerstone of a community's trust in its government. As such, we provide building official, building inspection, plan check services and counter support staff which provide an exceptional level of customer service while applying City adopted codes, regulations and policies reasonably and fairly to the entire process. I. Plan Check Services Infrastructure Engineers will perform construction plan reviews to ensure compliance with the City's Building Codes and Municipal Code requirements in reference to disciplines of Building, Plumbing, Electrical, Mechanical, Building Energy Conservation, and all other applicable elements of the plans. Infrastructure Engineers' plan checkers are all registered in state of California in their respective fields. As a part of providing superior customer service, Infrastructure Engineers will provide plan check services that meet and beat the timelines generally expected. This is our way of letting our customers know that they are the most important part of our work every dAy. Additionally in support of the Community Development Departments, Infrastructure Engineers will review and comments on proposed developments including Development Reviews and Conditional Use Permit applications to be included as a part of the condition of approval. Infrastructure Engineers shall check plans for compliance with the California Plumbing Code in relation but not limited to the following review items: • Piping layouts and isometrics for domestic water, sewer, gas, and DWV, • Plumbing fixture locations and counts, • Plumbing fixture approval listings, • Pipe size calculations, • ADA- related disabled access details. Infrastructure Engineers shall check plans for compliance with the California Electrical Code in relation but not limited to the following review items: • Schematics, single line diagrams, panel schedules, and load calculations, • Fixture approval listings, • Title 24 energy compliance calculations, • ADA - related disabled access details. Infrastructure Engineers shall check plans for compliance with the California Mechanical Code in relation but not limited to the following review items: City of Rosemead: Building Inspection and Plan Check Services — 12/8114 Page 4 • ®° ENGINEERS • Piping and duct layouts plus sizing for HVAC systems, • Mechanical fixture and equipment locations, sizing and counts, • Mechanical fixture and equipment approval listings. Infrastructure Engineers will provide City Hall with on -site professional staff during regular business hours from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday to Thursday to enhance customer service based on the needs of the City. However, if additional staff is needed to service the City and the patrons better, we have staffing available to assign to the City immediately, we will adjust the staff level to provide excellent service internally to the City Hall Departments and externally to our customers. We will discuss the need with the City and provide additional support upon authorization by the City. Upon submittal of project for Plan Check, the plans will be examined by our Plan Checker. If they are considered minor, plans will then be reviewed in the City Hall. However, the more complex plans will be sent to be checked in the Corporate Office. Examples of projects that must be sent to Corporate Office for Plan Check are: • New multi residential project • New mix use commercial /residential • Residential — New /room additions • Residential alterations • Commercial — Tenant improvements • Industrial — New /additions • Commercial /Industrial — solar • PME — Commercial /Industrial • Private School T.I. — New /addition /alterations • Private Hospital /Clinic /Nursing Homes — New /addition /alterations • Gas Station — New /remodel /addition • Car Wash — New /remodel /addition • Spray Booth • Pallet Racks A list of plans to be sent to Corporate Office will be provided to the City for prior authorization before they are checked. 2. Counter Technician Communication is essential between the plan checker, applicant, architect or professional designer. Staff is available to meet, review and discuss the project with the City staff or directly with the owner and /or designer in order to streamline the process from conceptual design to approved construction documents and permit issuance. The building permit technician will be available to log plan checks, issue permits, take all inspection requests, answer common questions and keep accurate records for the City. The building permit clerk will be available to provide front counter coverage at all times. All required outside agency reports that are filed and sent as required will be kept and turned over to City staff. A plan checker will provide plan checking to meet the needs of the workload. Building inspection services will vary depending on the complexity of the project and knowledge of construction by the owner /builder or contractor and will be performed 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday. City of Rosemead: Building Inspection and Plan Check Services — 1218/14 Page 5 •�� ENGINEERS 3. Inspection Services Upon City's authorization, Infrastructure Engineers will adhere to all procedures and policies of the City's Building Services Division in reference to: • Building plan reviews, • Building permit issuance, • Building inspections, • ADA compliance, • NPDES compliance, • Investigating complaints of various building code non - compliance, • Issuance of red tagging for non - permitted construction. As a part of our services to the City, Infrastructure Engineers will provide highly qualified building inspectors to perform on -site building inspection timely. Any requests that are received by the Building and Safety division will be scheduled and completed within one business day. For every project, Infrastructure Engineers staff will keep a detailed daily records of the projects inspected that will include each phase of the construction inspected, through approval. 4. Records: Infrastructure Engineers shall maintain the necessary records and files for Building and Safety Services concerning all construction permits, building code administration and general administration activities at the Community Development Department or as designated. S. Reporting In addition to continuous communication with City staff, we will provide written monthly reports including plan review to the Planning and Community Development Director. Infrastructure Engineers will continuously update the City's computer data plan review tracking system to provide up -to -date and real time reporting of the status of projects. We will also provide the necessary reports to other agencies as required by law including the development activity reports for compliance with the Los Angeles County Congestion Management Program. 6. Building Fire and Life Safety Plan Review: Infrastructure Engineers has provided a synopsis of our procedures and actions that we implement to process a submittal of plans. We have included our "Plan Check — Check List" of items to be reviewed as part of the plan check process. This check list highlights the specific building, fire and life safety code section which are mandatory building requirements for all construction projects requiring permits. The Check List is provided for your review in Appendix A. Submittal Review — Our Building and Safety Division team members will provide comprehensive review regiment of the submittal plans including the following elements: — Application Review - Comprehensive review of the submitted signed application for building permit in its entirety including address, owner, architect or professional designer of building or structure, proposed type of occupancy /use, type of construction, fire zone, square footage, description of work and review /determine the appropriate valuation of the proposed project. — Plan Check Review- Determine if the proposed building or structure meets the allowable design criteria based upon the occupancy and use, square footage, height and type of construction limitations. The scope of review is related to the level of difficulty of the project. Plan check review may be basic, moderate or highly advanced. City of Rosemead: Building Inspection and Plan Check Services — 12/8/14 Page 6 IV* •1 INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERS Review the submitted plans for completeness including architectural, structural, plumbing, electrical and mechanical systems, site plan, foundation plan, floor plans, elevations, framing and roof diaphragm plan, sections and details, structural calculations, soils reports, mandatory residential and non - residential energy conservation requirements and ADA accessibility requirements. Also as a routine part of our plan check services, we determine if outside approvals are required from the local Fire Protection, Health, Environmental, OSHA and /or Air Quality agencies or other agencies. Review general notes, specifications, materials, special local considerations, legal description of the lot, code cycle adoptions and resolutions as adopted by the local authority. All Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program (SWPPP) and NPDES regulations are a part of the documents submitted for review and referred to the Engineering Division for compliance. Depending upon the duration of the project and size, mitigation standards for storm water run -off and Best Management Practices (BMP's) may be required. As part of MS4 permit City must comply with Low Impact Development (LID) Ordinance. Infrastructure Engineers staff shall report and follow -up on NPDES violations as well as air quality violations at demolition and construction sites. Site Plan — Review the footprint of the proposed building or structure and its relationship to property lines and other buildings or structures, topography of the proposed lot and number of required handicapped parking spaces and path of accessibility as required. Foundation Plan — Review all widths, depths, steel reinforcement materials, placement of anchoring and seismic hardware, concrete stem walls, pads, soil bearing capacity and concrete strength. Floor Plan — Review all occupancy separations, egress, light and ventilation, areas, number and distance of exits, accessibility, corridors, exit discharge, cooking and sanitation facilities, comfort heat, fire /life safety, window, door and fixture schedules. Elevation Plan — Review all window and door openings, finished floor to finished roof dimensions, types of exterior finishes, roof material and pitch. Framing and Roof Plans — Review allowable proposed building materials, sizing of materials, spans, fire blocking, draft stops, curtain walls, sheathing and deck assemblies, braced wall lines, headers, laminated timber, seismic hardware, designed truss systems, steel, steel moment frames, pour in place tilt up walls and structural connection detail references. Separate submittals may be required from any pre- fabrication assembly manufacturers for structural design review. Cross - Sections and Details — Review mandated energy conservation materials, all interior finishes, structural materials and sizing /spacing, positive connections, seismic zone requirements, accessibility ramps and finish details. Structural Calculations — Review all design considerations, direction of forces, force systems, statics, dynamics and internal stresses. City of Rosemead: Building Inspection and Plan Check Services — 12/8/14 Page 7 •® ENGINEERS Soils Report — Review the type of soil, special foundation design considerations and compaction prior to placement of any materials. Energy Conservation Requirements — Review State of California mandatory building envelope measures for building, electrical, plumbing and mechanical systems. Green Building Requirements — Review State of California mandatory current requirements for site development, water conservation, energy efficiency, material conservation and efficiency and environmental quality. Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) practices of the USGBC. Sub - standard Buildings — Staff has the expertise to advise City staff of mandatory regulations per the City's adopted codes and ordinances to abate public nuisances as requested. Field inspections and findings will be documented to process and alleviate any unsafe conditions of the building(s) and property. Staff will meet with City staff and the City Attorney or prosecutor as necessary to ensure proper legal procedures and abatement. Plan Check Comments and Building Inspection Correction Notices — The checked prints will be accompanied by two copies of written correction lists (or City format list). Staff will utilize standard inspection forms and correction notices. Questions regarding plan check comments and inspection corrections will be explained to the designer of record and contractor to clarify proper compliance. City of Rosemead: Building Inspection and Plan Check Services — 12/8/14 Page 8 .® INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERS 4. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS We know that the City of Rosemead prides itself as a "business friendly" City. It is, therefore, important that the consultant selected to provide the Building and Safety Services can maintain and promote the same business friendly philosophy. To ensure that business in the City of Rosemead receives prompt and accurate service, the team selected must be professionals who can embrace the philosophy of proper communication and customer service. Infrastructure Engineers understands the importance of businesses and residents coming to the City Hall counter and, therefore, proper communications and timely responsiveness is the core of our business. Our performance standard is to ensure every single request and /or need of our customers is met in a professional, timely and expeditious manner. We recognize that by providing great customer service to our clients, it will create a more comfortable and desirable environment for them to conduct business in. Our goal is to let our 'customers know that their needs and issues will be addressed and taken seriously when they come to the City, and it starts with customer service at the counter. We will do the following to ensure all clients internally and externally are handled professionally and expeditiously: I. All phone call messages are returned in less than 24 hours. 2. Body language of staff must present a willingness to address clients' concerns or questions. Voice response on the phone must be pleasant, professional and tone of voice must be sincere and represent willingness to address the question. 4. All emails will be responded to within 24 hours. 5. All emails must be in correct grammar and written in a professional manner to present a very . positive image for the City. 6. If the phone or email responder does not have the proper answer, he /she needs to make sure someone else will properly handle the issue or question in a manner to present a very positive image for the City. In order to carry out our philosophy of customer service, Infrastructure Engineers will work very closely with the City and is committed to carry out the steps outlined above. We anticipate developing a strong and long- lasting working relationship with the City by providing knowledgeable staff, exceptional customer service with courtesy and respect at the counter, and making a difference in the community we serve. Our goal is to make it a seamless effort for all staff and departments involved and our presence is just an extension of the City staff. Infrastructure Engineers' Performance Standards are listed as follows: City of Rosemead: Building Inspection and Plan Check Services — 12/8/14 Page 9 ® .® INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERS Delivery Service — Infrastructure Engineers will provide pick -up and delivery services to the City. In order to streamline the process we will arrange for fixed pick -up time and delivery; however, our resources enable us to provide flexible pick -up and delivery services if the need arises. Safeguard of documents by maintaining a precise Chain of Custody is of extreme importance. Infrastructure Engineers will provide for this by assigning a designated employee for pick -up and deliveries. Coordination of Plan Check Building Inspection and Building Permit Technician — Communication is essential between the plan checker, applicant, architect or professional designer. Staff is available to meet, review and discuss the project with the City staff or directly with the owner and /or designer in order to streamline the process from conceptual design to approved construction documents and permit issuance. The building permit technician will be available to log plan checks, issue permits, take all inspection requests, answer common questions and keep accurate records for the City. The building permit clerk will be available to provide front counter coverage at all times. All required outside agency reports that are filed and sent as required will be kept and turned over to City staff. A plan checker will provide plan checking to meet the needs of the workload. Building inspection services will vary depending on the complexity of the project and knowledge of construction by the owner /builder or contractor and will be performed 7:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday. Inspections shall be performed by the next working day if requested prior to 3:00 pm, or the same day as the inspection work load allows. Expedited Plan Check Service — We are aware that time sensitive projects may occur and our team can provide fast -track plan check services accordingly when directed by the City. Safeguard of documents by maintaining a precise Chain of Custody is of extreme importance. Infrastructure Engineers will provide for this by assigning a designated employee for pick -up and deliveries. Estimated Plan Review Durations — We are aware of the needs of the City as related to time sensitive projects; as such Infrastructure Engineers will provide fast -track plan review services when directed by the City. Review Times TYPE OF JOB TURN - AROUND TIME Single Family Residential Five (5) Business Days Multi - Family Residential /Light Commercial Ten (10) Business Days Other Non - Residential (Commercial /Industrial) Ten (10) Business Days Resubmitted Projects Five (5) Business Days It is proposed that the assigned staff will work in the City Hall from 7:00 am — 6:00 pm Monday through Thursday. The hours can be adjusted with City's authorization. While in the office, the Building Official will respond to counter and phone inquiries and provide minor plan checks in the office. All major plan checks will be delivered to the Infrastructure Engineers office for examination. A list of sample major plan checking is included within this proposal. A list of plans to be delivered for plan check will be authorized by the City. City of Rosemead: Building Inspection and Plan Check Services — 12/8/14 Page 10 ®� ENGINEERS S. FIRM QUALIFICATIONS F irma Profile Infrastructure Engineers is a leader in providing multi - disciplinary building, engineering and related services to cities throughout Southern California. For over twenty (20) years, we at Infrastructure Engineers have specialized in serving cities, and have earned a reputation for outstanding quality and client service. We have a very good understanding of the services requested by the City due to the fact that Infrastructure Engineers is a team of professionals who know and understand the needs of the City as every member of our team has had many years and extensive experience working as employees in other cities in the area. Infrastructure Engineers is a mid -sized engineering consulting firm with over 35 professionals and is incorporated under the laws of the State of California. The corporate office is located at: 1815 E. Heim Avenue, Suite 100, Orange, CA 92865. We can be reached at (714) 940 -0100. Since 1994, Infrastructure Engineers has been providing to public sector clients multi - disciplinary engineering services. In addition to Building & Safety services, the company also provides services in: ■ Green Streets Designs and Construction Management ■ Parks and Recreation Improvements ■ Sidewalk Improvements ■ Storm Drains, Sewers and Water Lines ■ Street Light Design ■ Land Surveying and Mapping Services ■ Grade Crossings and Separations ■ General Building Construction/ Rehabilitation ■ Street Designs and Reconstruction ■ Traffic Signal Systems, Signing and Striping ■ Landscape and Irrigation Design ■ Assessment Districts ■ NPDES compliance ■ State and Federal Funding Com Our list of municipal clients includes: Anaheim Baldwin Park Chino Hills Diamond Bar Gardena Hermosa Beach Irwindale La Habra Lake Forest Long Beach Manhattan Beach Mission Viejo Pasadena Pico Rivera Rosemead San Clemente South Pasadena Temecula West Covina Whittier Bell Gardens El Segundo Industry La Mirada Lynwood Montebello Pomona South El Monte Temple City Yorba Linda Burbank Fontana Irvine La Puente Malibu Moreno Valley Redondo Beach South Gate Torrance City of Rosemead: Building Inspection and Plan Check Services — 12/8/14 Page I I &M INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERS 6. PROJECTTEAM Team Members We have assembled a team of Building Official, Certified Building Plan Checkers, Inspector, Permit Technician, Licensed Professional Civil Engineers, Geotechnical Engineers and Structural Engineers. All members of the building inspection and plan review team are trained and updated to fully understand the scope of services, expectations of City staff, turnaround time standards, applicable standard plans and specifications, and plan approval process by involved agencies (County, etc). This will ensure a more refined plan review process. The team will address the assigned plan review projects from a single family residential addition to a more complex commercial building project in the most efficient and effective manner. The following organizational chart identifies the key members of our team. Phone number for all of our team members below is: 714/940 -0100. ! Robert Chang, PE ICBO Building: official '= Robert Mccolum Linda Guzman Sam'Ghaly, CBO Mehdi Saberi; PE SE Sr Building•Inspector v Counter-Technician Plan Checker Structural Engineer aSon.Ya odzlnski Building Inspector ParAz_Azar; PE- Ken Putnam, P.E.. Young Park, P.E, :,Geotechnical.Engineer Grading, Civil .Plan Check NPOES u City of Rosemead: Building Inspection and Plan Check Services— 12/8/14 Page 12 •® ENGINEERS Resumes SID MOUSAVI, M.S., P.E., Principal-in-Charge: Sid has over 30 years of experience in engineering projects covering a wide range of municipal management, civil engineering, transportation, public works, construction management, traffic engineering, community development and redevelopment, parks and recreation facilities, and public and private land development. Sid is responsible for the direction and administration of Infrastructure Engineers internal services, civil engineering design, city services and other corporate management responsibilities. Prior to joining Infrastructure Engineers in 1997, his accomplishments include serving as City Manager, Director of Public Works and City Engineer for various cities in Southern California, with responsibilities for directing and administering such functional elements as Engineering, Planning, Building & Safety, Facilities and Equipment, Landscaping, Streets, Environmental Services, Transportation, Transit and other municipal services. Responsibilities also included communication with City Council, City Commissions, other City departments and governmental regulatory agencies, utility companies, contractors, consultants, and the general public. Education and Certifications: • M.E. Civil Engineering — 1984, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, CA • B.S. Civil Engineering— 1981, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, CA •. B.S. Irrigation Engineering — 1976, Azerbaijan University, Iran • Master Public Administration (Participant) California State University, Northridge, CA • Civil Engineer, State of California No. 42645 ROBERT CHANG, IP.E., C.B.O., Building Official: Robert has over thirty-five (35) years in the Building and Safety business. He has worked for multiple jurisdictions during his years of service. He is registered as a Civil Engineer as well as Certified Building Official while also registered as a Certified Plan Checker. Education and Certifications: • Registered. Civil Engineer, California. # 32884 • Certified Building Official, C.A.B.O., # 3029 • American Society of Civil Engineer, A.S.C.E., # 244676 • Certified Plan Examiner, I.C.B.O., # 15237 • Orange Empire Chapter of I.C.B.O., Past President LINDA GUZMAN, Counter Technician: Ms. Guzman has been trained and performed services for other municipalities utilizing HDL System Software for permits. She also has extensive experience in performing the following: calculate plan check and permit fees; issue building, plumbing, mechanical, electrical, sewer, pool and certificate of occupancy permits; review building permit applications and plans for compliance with City and other applicable codes and standard; maintain permit and plan check logs; schedule daily inspections; route plans, coordinate correction lists and other documents associated with plan review and approval process. She will also prepare daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly Reports for the Building and Safety activities; provide customer service and a variety of clerical and technical support to general public regarding permit procedures and policies at the counter and over the phone. City of Rosemead: Building Inspection and Plan Check Services — 12/8/14 Page 13 .® INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERS ROBERT McCOLUM, ICC /ICED, Senior Building Inspector. Robert has over thirty nine (39) years of experience in building inspection in the private and public sector. Robert also has extensive experience in all aspects of residential, commercial and industrial construction including structural, fire codes implementation, electrical, mechanical and plumbing plan review and inspection for private sector and public sector. He has worked in a variety of cities including Corona, San Bernardino, Moreno Valley, Gardena, Montebello, Bell Gardens and Lynwood as well as County of Riverside. Education and Certifications: • ICC /ICBO Certified, No. 0818638 -10 B5, No. 0818638 -10 B5 JASON YAOODZINSKI, Building Inspector. Jason has over ten (10) years of experience in building inspections of all aspects of commercial and residential construction including structural elements, HVAC, plumbing, electrical and hazardous building abatement. Education and Certifications: • Associate of Science in Construction Inspection, Fullerton College, CA • Currently working towards Bachelor's Degree • ICC Certified Commercial Building Inspector • ICC Certified Residential Plumbing Inspector • PC 832 Certified • Certified by State of California Governor's Office in Post Disaster Safety Assessment • Certified Aerial Lift Operator • Certified Lift Truck Operator • Certified in OSHA Hazard Awareness and Regulations • Certified in CPR and First Aid SAMUEL CHALY, C.B.O., Plan Checker: Sam has over thirty (30) years of experience in plan checking in the private and public sector. His work experience and educational background provide excellent qualifications as a Building Official and Plan Examiner. Sam also has extensive experience in all aspects of residential, commercial and industrial construction including structural, fire codes implementation, land use, zoning, electrical, mechanical and plumbing plan review and inspection for private sector and public sector. His experience with multi task project management provides an extensive support for the plan checking team. Sam has worked with many municipalities in southern California as Plan Examiner and Chief Building Official including Cities of Gardena, Montebello, Diamond Bar, and Buena Park. Education and Certifications: • Masters of Business Administration, University of Redlands, May 1995 • Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, University of Alexandria, June 1980 • Graduate Studies in Structural Engineering, Cal. State Long Beach, June 1983 • [AS Certified Lead Evaluator for Building Department Accreditation • Certificate of Achievement in Building Construction Inspection, June 1985 • California Licensed General Contractor • Certified Accessibility Specialist Professional CASp # 200 • I.C.C. Certified Building Official • I.C.C. Certified Code Official • I.C.C. Certified Plans Examiner City of Rosemead: Building Inspection and Plan Check Services — 12/81 Page 14 • ENGINEERS • I.C.C. Certified Building Inspector • I.C.C. Certified Accessibility Inspector /Plans Examiner • A.C.I. Certified Concrete field testing technician • I.C.C. Certified Master Special Inspector • I.C.C. Certified Special Inspector for Reinforced Concrete • I.C.C. Certified Special Inspector for Structural Steel and Bolting • I.C.C. Certified Special Inspector for Structural Welding • I.C.C. Certified Special Inspector for Reinforced Masonry • I.C.C. Certified Special Inspector for Fire Proofing • California Real Estate Broker (Oct. 20 15) • Certified Emergency Inspector # O.C. 144 • CGBP /LEED Certified Green Building Inspector • State Certified HERS Rater • Certified PC832 — Code Enforcement KEN PUTli�AM, P.fE., Grading, Civil Plan Check: Mr. Putnam has over fifty (50) years of experience in Public Works Civil Engineering. He has worked extensively on major infrastructure projects as well as public works management, planning improvements and rehabilitation projects here in Southern California for various public agencies. His specialty is in water resources and has designed or managed hundreds of ester main, sewer main, sewer lift station and drainage lift stations. Education and Certifications: • B.S. Civil Engineering, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ • Graduate Course Work in Public Administration, University of Southern California, Los Angeles • Registered Civil Engineer, State of California, C -1 1733 • American Public Works Association • American Water Works Association o American Society of Civil Engineers Y OUlaNG PARK, P.E., NPDES: Mr. Park has over 27 years of civil engineering experience in public works and land development for various cities. He is a former city employee and has a deep understanding of government processes for private and public works projects. He has the knowledge and ability to apply practices of civil engineering to private land development and public works CIP projects. He is very familiar with methodology, materials and techniques used in design and construction of public improvements. His experience with various City municipalities as a responsible engineer has provided a complete knowledge of municipal engineering and the application of civil engineering for public /private improvements including the street, sewer, water systems and storm drain, the applicable regulations and rules for design and construction of public and private projects. Education and Certifications: • M.S. in Civil Engineering, California State University, Fullerton, CA • Registered Civil Engineer, State of California, 54477 • Registered QSP, State of California, Cert. No. 01 155 City of Rosemead: Building Inspection and Plan Check Services — 1218114 Page 15 • ENGINEERS PARVIS AZAR, P.IE., PA & Associates, Inc., Geotechnical Services Sulscornsultant: PA & Associates, Inc. is geotechnical engineering, environmental and material inspection consulting company with more than 20 years of experience. PA & Associates offers a full range of services specializing in cost effective solutions to engineering and environmental problems related to soil, geologic, material testing and inspection. Mr. Azar has over twenty (20) years of diversified experience in geotechnical and environmental engineering. His experience covers all aspects of the consulting engineer's profession including project and staff management for small and large projects and a comprehensive knowledge and applied use of conceptual, physical, and numerical modeling for geotechnical and environmental engineering solutions. Education and Certifications: • M.S. Soil Mechanics and Structural Engineering • Utah State University, Logan • B.S. Civil and Environmental Engineering, Utah State University, Logan • California, Registered Civil Engineer 37818 • County of San Diego Certified Environmental Consultant • City of Los Angeles, Registered Professional Soils Engineer IMEHDII SABER@, P.E., S.IE., Structural Engineer. Mr. Saberi has over forty (40) years of experience in the design of major structures. He is experienced in a number of wood frame, steel, and concrete structures varying in size from one to thirty (30) stories. Other miscellaneous include shoring and underpinning of existing structures, retaining walls, and a number of earthquake rehabilitation and fire damage repair projects. He has also served as a member of the Board of Directors of the Structural Engineers Association and has been on a number of committees in that organization, including the Seismic Response Committee, the Timber Code Committee, and the Earthquake Hazard Reduction Committee. Education and Certifications: • M.E. in Civil Engineering, Calif. State Polytechnic University, Pomona, CA — 1982 • B.S. in Civil Engineering, Calif. State Polytechnic University, Pomona, CA — 1980 • Registered Civil Engineer, State of California • Registered Structural Engineer, State of California City of Rosemead: Building Inspection and Plan Check Services— 12/8114 Page 16 • ENGINEERS �. .r..- .,� ...,m- ..n....... .. w.- ..a.�»z.:sv ^.., yam.;..... a. .... �..... �aws� ..✓'.�"w. .... .........��... . ..: • - °: . ..." .,. ^" �... x..:."" w m`":.:. v✓.: b.. W3T 'w✓w«.��..«.`'.�.,.,.x"^'"w» . c�....,.....: .e..._..w:..v :..' u.,,L"'C.:x' 7. REFERENCES Similar Projects City of Bell Gardens: Plan Check and Inspection Services As an exclusive municipal contract provider, Infrastructure Engineers provides a number of services to the City of Bell Gardens. These Services include Municipal Engineering, Staff Augmentation, Program Management, City of Bell Gardens Construction Management, Inspection and Plan Checking. More specifically, Chau Vu Plan Check services provided include: Subdivision Map Checking, Director of Public Works Improvement Plan Checking, Building, Structural and Architectural Plan 7100 Garfield Ave. Checking and review of various engineering reports. Plan review for all Bell Gardens, CA 90201 building components and accessibility requirements. Infrastructure Engineers 562 - 806 -7700 2006 — Present has served as the City's Building Official for the last eight (8) years. City of South El Monte: Plan Check Services and On -Call Building ��� Inspection Services 0 Infrastructure Engineers provides Building, Architectural, structural and subdivision map checking and improvement plan checking. This includes: review for compliance with Subdivision Map Act, review maps for mathematical accuracy, and review of certificates and statements. Plan review City of South El Monte Anthony R. Ybarra for all building components and accessibility requirements, structural City Manager calculations and soils /liquefaction reports. Our staff, on a continuous basis, 1415 Santa Anita Ave. coordinates its activities with the City's Code Enforcement Division and when South El Monte, CA 91733 requested, provides code interpretation and inspection services for Code 626- 579 -6440 Enforcement cases. Infrastructure Engineers has been the City's exclusive 2007 — Present Building & Safety Plan Checker for the last five (5) years. f o f o�ffi� City of M ontebello: Building 4oCC6al, Plan Check, and other r " Support Services �gtson��P• Infrastructure Engineers has been serving the City of Montebello for the last nine (9) years. We provide services that include: Municipal Engineering, Staff City of Montebello Augmentation, Program Management, Construction Management, Inspection Alex Hamilton and Plan Checking. More specifically, Plan Check services provided include: Director of Community Subdivision Map Checking, Improvement Plan Checking, Building & Structural Development Plan Checking and review of various engineering reports. Plan review for 1600 W. Beverly Blvd. Montebello, CA 90640 Building Components includes: Foundation, Floor Plan, Elevations, 323 - 887 -1477 Plumbing /Mechanical /Electrical Systems, Cross Sections, Framing /Roof 2003 — Present Diaphragm Structural Systems, mandatory energy conservation measures, structural calculations and soils reports. City of Rosemead: Building Inspection and Plan Check Services — 12/8/14 Page 17 • ENGINEERS City of Baldwin Park, Building Official and Plan Check Services Infrastructure Engineers provides building official and plan check services for BALDWItK r a wide vari of land development projects for the City. In addition to r•n•R•K Y P P 1 Y• Building and Safety Services, Infrastructure Engineers provides civil City of Baldwin Park engineering plan check and sub - division map checking services to the City of Mr. Mark Castagnola Baldwin Park. Director of Comm. Development 14403 E. Pacific Avenue Baldwin Park, CA 91706 2005 —2008 2014 — Present City of l-a Parente, Plan Check and Inspections Services As an exclusive municipal contract provider, Infrastructure Engineers provided a number of services to the City of La Puente. These Services include Municipal Engineering, Staff Augmentation, Program Management, Construction Management, Inspection and Plan Checking. More specifically, Carol Co ley City of Puente Plan Check services provided included Building & Structural Plan Checking Former City Manager and review of various engineering reports. Plan review for Building 15900 E. Main St. Components includes: Foundation, Floor Plan, Elevations, La Puente, CA 91744 Plumbing /Mechanical /Electrical Systems, Cross Sections, Framing /Roof 310.995.4760 Diaphragm Structural Systems, mandatory energy conservation measures and 2001— 2008 structural calculations. City of Rosemead: Building Inspection and Plan Check Services — 12/8/14 Page 18 °4 LYE o {City of Lynwood: Plan Check, Permit Technician Services, and On- ` d Call Inspection Services n� 9L VL Infrastructure Engineers has been serving the City of Lynwood since July City of Lynwood 2012. We provide Plan Check and Permit Technician Services to augment Jonathan Colin- Director Octavio Slilva- Assoc. Planner the capabilities of the City staff. When required, Infrastructure Engineers also 11330 Bullis Road provided inspection services to the City. Lynwood, CA 90262 310- 603 -0220 2011 — Present City of Baldwin Park, Building Official and Plan Check Services Infrastructure Engineers provides building official and plan check services for BALDWItK r a wide vari of land development projects for the City. In addition to r•n•R•K Y P P 1 Y• Building and Safety Services, Infrastructure Engineers provides civil City of Baldwin Park engineering plan check and sub - division map checking services to the City of Mr. Mark Castagnola Baldwin Park. Director of Comm. Development 14403 E. Pacific Avenue Baldwin Park, CA 91706 2005 —2008 2014 — Present City of l-a Parente, Plan Check and Inspections Services As an exclusive municipal contract provider, Infrastructure Engineers provided a number of services to the City of La Puente. These Services include Municipal Engineering, Staff Augmentation, Program Management, Construction Management, Inspection and Plan Checking. More specifically, Carol Co ley City of Puente Plan Check services provided included Building & Structural Plan Checking Former City Manager and review of various engineering reports. Plan review for Building 15900 E. Main St. Components includes: Foundation, Floor Plan, Elevations, La Puente, CA 91744 Plumbing /Mechanical /Electrical Systems, Cross Sections, Framing /Roof 310.995.4760 Diaphragm Structural Systems, mandatory energy conservation measures and 2001— 2008 structural calculations. City of Rosemead: Building Inspection and Plan Check Services — 12/8/14 Page 18 1 A M INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERS Q Q S6,{,pt City of Temple City: Plan Check Services Infrastructure Engineers provided improvement plan checking as well as, building and structural plan checking services to the City of Temple City. This City of Temple City included review maps, and review of certificates and statements. Plan review Steve Masura for building components includes: Foundation, Floor Plan, Elevations, Director of Community Plumbing /Mechanical /Electrical Systems, Cross Sections, Framing /Roof Development Diaphragm Structural Systems, mandatory energy conservation measures, 9701 Las Tunas Drive structural calculations and soils /liquefaction reports. Temple City, CA 91780 626.285.2171 2002-2010 City of West Covina.: Plana Check Services 't Infrastructure Engineers provided building and structural plan checking services to the City of West Covina. Because of its established record, and only after one year of providing service to the City, Infrastructure Engineers City of West Covina became the primary plan review service provider to the City of West Covina. Mr. Shannon Yauchzee Plan review for Building Components included Foundation, Floor Plan, Director of Public Works Elevations, Plumbing /Mechanical /Electrical Systems, Cross Sections, 1444 Garvey Avenue Framing /Roof Diaphragm Structural Systems, mandatory energy conservation West Covina, CA 91790 measures and structural calculations. 626.939.8425 2005-2010 City of Santa Fe Spring, Plan Check Services 4 A Infrastructure Engineers provided plan review for building components including foundation, floor plan, elevations, plumbing /mechanical /electrical systems, cross - sections, framing /roof diaphragm, structural systems, City of Santa Fe Springs mandatory energy conservation measures, structural calculations, and Mr. Paul R. Ashworth soils /liquefaction reports. Director of Planning & Development 11710 Telegraph Road Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 2005 —2008 City of Rosemead: Building Inspection and Plan Check Services — 12/8114 Page 19 •® ENGINEERS 8. COMPENSATION In the interest of being a long -term partner with the City of Rosemead, we have developed a discounted rate schedule for key staff members. All other fees will be in accordance with our Rate Schedule attached to this proposal. Discounted Rates for Key Staff Members Building Official Counter Technician Sr. Building Inspector Building Inspector Standard Hourly Rates $139 per hour $69 per hour $89 per hour $79 per hour Discount Rate for Rosemead $1 1 1 per hour $55 per hour $71 per hour $63 per hour Percentage Fee Structure for Plan Check, Plan Check ........................... Expedited Plan Check ............................. 45% of the latest City Fee Schedule .... ............................... 90% of standard Plan Check Fees Turn - around time for expedited plan check or re- check, will not exceed 50% of normal plan check time. The Plan Check fees include the first plan check and the subsequent 2nd re- check. Additional re- checks are billed at the hourly rate listed above. Foundation investigations, geotechnical report reviews and NPDES requirements will be charged based on the hourly rates listed within the attached "Hourly Rate Schedule." Pick -up and delivery of the ISt and 2nd plan checks are included in the plan check fees. However, third and any additional pick -ups and deliveries will be billed in accordance with the Infrastructure Hourly Rate Schedule. Percentage Fee Structure for Building Inspection Services Regularly scheduled inspection ................................................................. ............................45% of Permit Fees Weekend, holiday and after hours inspection ....................................... ............................90% of Permit Fees After hours inspection includes any inspection work after 6:00 p.m. on Monday through Friday of regular business days. City of Rosemead: Building Inspection and Plan Check Services — 1218!14 Page 20 • ENGINEERS 2014 HOURLY RATE SCHEDULE As of May 1, 2014 Principal in Charge $188 Interim City Manager $186 Assistant/Deputy City Manager $155 Civil Engineering Project Manager $149 Program Management Geo- Technical Engineer Senior Engineer $139 $129 Project Director $166 Senior Plan Check Engineer $129 Program Manager $139 Engineering Associate $gg Sr. Program Coordinator $100 Engineering Assistant $86 Program Assistant $69 Engineering Technician $80 GAD Manager $119 Municipal Engineering Support CAD Operator $85 City Engineer $149 Traffic Engineering City Traffic Engineer $149 Deputy Engineer $129 Principal Engineer $149 Dep. City Traffic Engineer $135 Senior Traffic ,Engineer $129 Plan Checker $129 Traffic Engineer $119 GIP Manager $129 Plan Checker Engineering Associate $105 $98 Building & Safety Engineering Assistant $85 Engineering Technician $79 Building Official $139 Transit Planner $120 Plan Check Engineer $130 Senior Building Inspector $89 Surveying Building Inspector $79 Technician $69 Project Manager Survey Analyst $149 $129 Clerical Plan Checker (Subdivision & Survey Document) $129 OrganiZer /SU17erviSOr $96 Construction Management Clerk Typist $69 Construction Manager $149 Other Charges Resident Engineer $129 Scheduler /Controller $98 Delivery $65 Senior Inspector $76 Mileage $0.60/Mile Inspector $69 Travel Cost+ 15 0 /0 Technician $70 Reimbursements Cost + 15% Labor Compliance $79 Additional biliincd classifications maybe added to the above list throughout the year as new positions are created. The above schedule is for straight time. Overtime 41 be charged at 1.61!met. Sundays and Holidays are charged at 2.t) times the standard time. City of Rosemead: Building Inspection and Plan Check Services — 12/8114 Page 21 A A INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERS 9. INSURANCE Infrastructure Engineers agrees to comply with the insurance requirements set forth in Attachment "B" of the RFP. Proof of insurance requirements will be delivered to the City of Rosemead upon execution of any agreement. Sid Mousavi, CEO 10. STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING It is understood that Infrastructure Engineers' function will be all inclusive of Building and Plan Check services for Residential and Non - residential new construction, additions and remodels, and within the hours of operation as noted in the RFP. It is further understood that the Infrastructure Engineers staff work as an extension of the City staff. Although they independently have the necessary knowledge and experience to manage and run the operation of the Building and Safety Division, the Infrastructure Engineers staff will keep the City's Department of Community Development informed of all activities via various reporting procedures. We also understand that close communication with other City departments and outside agencies, such as County Fire Department, will be a key factor for our success and ultimately the City's success in providing the services. 11. UNANTICIPATED OR SIGNIFICANT DEVIATIONS We understand that in case of emergency, it is our responsibility as the City's contracted Building and Safety professionals to attend the need of the City when required and authorized by the City. We are also available to respond to any other service requests from the City Manager which are related to Municipal Engineering or Building and Safety Services. From time to time there may be various tasks assigned to Infrastructure Engineers that may be outside of the scope of this proposal. We understand that as committed public servants, we will take on the responsibility to address the City's needs. City of Rosemead: Building Inspection and Plan Check Services — 12/8/14 Page 22 •® INFRASTRUCTURE " ENGINEERS INFRASTRUCTURE PLAN RE CHECKLIST 4*D ENGINEERS The intent of this checklist is to provide a general guideline for the architectural plan review. This checklist may not include items related to all possible projects. This checklist may include more items than specific set of architectural plans may encompass. * Code section referenced is CBC unless noted otherwise. APPENDIX "A" - Page 1 Code Requirements Code Req'd section A. GENERAL Application Applicable codes shall be 2010 California Building Code (CBC), 2010 California Mechanical Code (CMC), 2010 California Electrical Code (CEC), 2010 California Plumbing 1 Code (CPC), 2010 California Energy Code (CEnC), and 2010 California Green Building Standards (CalGreen). Engineer or Architect licensed i n the State of California shall prepare the plans. The final 2 sets of structural design calculations and plans shall bewetsigned and stamped priorto 2 building permit issuance. Plans for elements of the structure designed by others mustbe reviewed and signed bythe Engineer or Architectofrecord. [California Business and Professional Code 5536.1, 6735] 3 Applicantshall applyfor new building addresses priorto submittingfor buildingpermit. Permit application for the demolition of any structure atthe site shall be submitted and approved either prior to building permitissuance or as a part of the building permit application. It is highly recommended that demolition permit application be submitted as soon as possible in orderto avoid any delays in building permit issuance. Deferred submittal items shall belisted on theTitlesheetof thepermitsetof plans and shall be 4 submitted to the Buildingand Safety Departmentfor reviewand approval to Buildingand Safety Department prior to installation. Submittal documents for deferred submittal items shall be revi ewed by the Architect or Engineer of record with a notation indicating that the deferred submittal documents have been reviewed and in general conformance with the design of the buildin . Submittal Plan Requirements Show finish floor elevations, elevations of finish grade adjacentto buildings, established 5 streetgrades, drainage patterns and locations and gradients of cut or fill slopes. Finish grade around the structure /addition shall slope away from the foundation a 6 minimum of5 % for a minimum distance of 10 feet. Include a note on the site plan or show 1804.3 Ion a foundation detail. On graded sites, the top of any exterior foundation detail s h a l l extend above the elevation 7 of the street gutter at point of discharge atthe inlet of an approved drainage device a 1808.7.4 minimum 12 inches plus 2 %. Provide elevations on the site plan to show compliance. Plans shall be quality blue or black ink line drawings with uniform light background color 8 22 "X17" minimum in size. APPENDIX "A" - Page 1 APPENDIX "A" - Page 2 ARCHITECTURAL PLAN REVIEW CHECKLIST GENERAL COMMERCIAL (Cont'd) Code Requirements Code Req'd section 9 Provide a separate existing and proposed floor plan for all altered areas within an existing building. Plans shall be dimensioned or scaled. Chapter'3 arid Occupancy Classification 10 Structures or portions of structures shall be classified with respectto occupancy in one or more of the occupancy groups. Specify proposed occupancy classification. 302.1 A room or space that is intended to be occupied at different times for different purposes 11 shall comply with all of the requirements that are applicableto each of the purposes for 302.1 which the room ors acewill be occupied. 12 Specifythe existing and proposed use of all rooms and areas. 302.1 Chapter 5 - General Building Heights and Areas Perform an analysis to verify thatthe maximum building area and height, occupancy and type of construction are in compliancewith Table 503, Sec. 504 & 506. Mixed use and 13 occupancies shall comply with sec.508. The analysis shall be performed for each floor and for the building as a whole. 14 Clearly showthe maximum building height based on the definition in sec. 502. Clearly show if the lower level is a basement or story above grade plane, based on the 15 definitions in sec. 502. 16 Indicate how mezzanine complies with area, openness and exit requirements. 505 Chapter 6 —Type of Construction 17 The building elements based on type of construction shall have a fire - resistance rating not less than thatspecified in Table 601. 18 Exterior wall fire resistance rating and opening protection shall be determined based on firese aration distance as defined in sec. 702 and Tables 601, 602, 705.8. 19 Automatic sprinkler system is not permitted to substitute for the 1 -hour fire resistance of Table 601 exteri or wa I I s. note d C °.FIRE RESISTANCE: CONSTRUCTION AND FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM' Chapter 7 -Fire Resistance Rated Construction Clearly label and identify on the plans thefire- resistive corridors, firewalIs, shaft 20 enclosures, fire barriers, fire partitions, smoke barriers and smoke partitions along with their hourly fire ratings. 21 Provide approved assembly numbers for all fire rated assemblies. Provide details and the approved assembly numbers of the individual fire protection for structural members required to be fire - resistive that support morethan 2 floors or one 22 floor and roof, or supporta load bearing or non -load bearingwall more than two stories 704.3 high. Provide details to showcolumn impact protection in garages or other areas subjectto 23 impact damage by corner guards or steel jackets around the column to a height of 5 ft. min. 704.9 When two or more buildings are on the same property, the buildings shall have an assumed property line between them for the purpose of determiningthe required wall and 24 opening protection and roof cover requirements. An exception is provided if the combined 705.3 area of the buildings is within the limits specified in Chapter 5 for a single building based on the most restrictive occupancy. For all walls, at or near a property line or assumed property line, provide a complete wall 25 section from the foundation to the roof and locate the property line or assumed property line with distanceto the building face. Where building is separated by fire walls, indicate the assumed property line from the termination of thefire walls at the building exterior wall to the legal property line. Indicate 26 thefire separation distances from the assumed property line to the buildingface as Table 705.8 defined in sec. 702. Verify compliance of percentage of permitted unprotected openings or p rovide protected openings. APPENDIX "A" - Page 2 APPENDIX "A" - Page 3 ARCHITECTURAL PLAN REVIEW CHECKLIST GENERAL COMMERCIAL (Cont'd) Code Requirements Code Req'd section Window openings are not permitted in fire walls, unless glazing is labeled and tested as Table 41 partoffire- resistance -rated wall assembly. 7152 42 No duct and air transfer opening penetrations are allowed in fire walls located on the lot line. 706.11 43 Provide details ofthe fire barrier atthe floor and roof levels to show howthe continuity of fire barrier is maintained. 707.5 The supporting construction for the fire barriers shall have the same fire resistance rating as the fire barrier supported. 707.5.1 Fire barriers shall be used for shaft enclosures, exit enclosures, exit passageways, 45 horizontal exits, separation of mixed occupancies and incidental use areas. Openings 707.3, shall be limited to a maximum width of 25% ofthe fire barrier length with a maximum area 707.6 of any single o enin of156 sq. ft. Shaft enclosures shall be 2 hr fire -rated when connecting4 stories or more and 1 hr fire - 46 rated when connecting less than 4 stories. The fire resistance rating shall not be less than 708.4 the floor assembly penetrated, but need not exceed 2 hr. 47 Provide detail ofthe shaft enclosure penetration at the floor level to show howthe 1 continuityofshaft construction is maintained as required. 708.5 48 1 Doors in shaft enclosure shall be self -or automatic closing by smoke detection. 708.7 Refuse and laundry chutes shall terminate in rooms separated from the remainder ofthe 708.13.1, 49 building by a 1 hr fire barrier with %hr opening protectives. Openings into chutes shall not be located in corridors. Doors shall be self /automatic closing. Automatic sprinkler system 708.13.4, shall be installed in refuse chutes and termination rooms. 708.13.6 Access openings for refuse and laundry chutes shall be located in a 1 hr rated access 50 room with %hr fire -rated opening protection. Doors in access rooms shall be self -or 708.13.3 a utomati c cl os i ng by smokedetection. Elevator chutes shall be enclosed in a shaft enclosure. Provide detail of the elevator 51 chutes penetration at floor level to show how the continuity of shaft construction is 708.2 maintained. 708.5 An enclosed elevator lobby shall be provided to separate the elevator shaft from the 52 corridor on each floor by a 1 hr fire partition when connecting more than the number of 708.14.1 stories s peci fied in sec. 708.14.1 based on occu pa nc rou p classification. 53 ProvidedetaiIsoffirepartitiontos how that the continuityof the partitionismaintained. 709.4 54 The supporting construction for fire partition shall be protected with minimum 1 hr fire rating. 709.4 55 Smoke barrier shall be minimum 1 hr fire rated. 710.3 56 Provide details ofsmoke barriers to showthat the continuity is maintained. 710.4 57 Provide details ofsmoke partition to showthat the continuity is maintained. 711.4 58 Doors in smoke partitions shall not include louvers. 711.5.1 59 Air transfer openings in smoke partitions shall be provided with a smoke damper. 711.7 Provide approved protection details for through penetrations and membrane penetrations 60 at recessed fixtures on fire - resistive assemblies. Also, provide a note on the plans stating: 713.3 & "Penetrations offire- resistive walls, floor-ceiling and roof - ceiling assemblies shall be 713.4 p rotected as required by CBC Sec. 713.3 & 713.4." 61 Provide approved assembly numbers for all fire resistantjoint systems. 714.1 62 Glazing in fire doors in exit enclosures and exit passageways shall not exceed 100 sq. in. unless tested. 715.4.4.1 63 Glazing in fire doors in horizontal exits shall not exceed 100 sq. in. without dimension exceeding 10 ". 715.4.7.1 64 Glazing in 1 -1/2 hr rated fire doors shall not exceed 100 sq. in. 715.4.7.1 65 Fire doors shall beself-or automatic closing. 715.4.8 66 Glazing is not allowed in interior fire partitions and fire barriers with fire - rating over 1 hr. 715.5.8 APPENDIX "A" - Page 3 APPENDIX "A" - Page 4 ARCHITECTURAL PLAN REVIEW CHECKLIST GENERAL COMMERCIAL (Cont'd) Code Code Requirements section Req'd Thetotal area ofwindows in fire rated walls shall not exceed 2S% ofthe common wall 67 area. 715.5.8.2 Fire dampers, smoke dampers and combination fire /smoke dampers shall be provided at 68 the locations prescribed in sec. 716.5.1-716.6 with applicable rating shown on the plans. 716.5 69 Provide means of access to thefire and smoke dampers for inspection and maintenance. 716.4 Ducts and air transfer openings in fire protected assemblies shall be protected. Hazardous 716 MMC II 70 Exhaust Ducts shall not penetrate a fire wall. 3 -2.04 In combustible construction, fireblocking shall be installed to cut off concealed draft openings (both vertical and horizontal) and shall form an effective barrier between floors, between a top story and a roof or attic space. Fireblockingshall be installed in the locations specified in sec. 717.2.2-717.2.7. Provide details on plans, or complete notes on 71 the drawings. 717.2 Provide /detail draft stops to subdivide floor /ceiling assemblies so that horizontal floor 72 areas do not exceed 1000 sq ft. 717.3.3 Provide /details draft stops to subdivide attic spaces and concealed roofspaces such that 73 any horizontal area does not exceed 3000 sq. ft. 717.4.3 Chapter 9 -Fire Protection Systems 74 Specify the type of system on the cover sheet (i.e. NFPA 13 or 13R). Provide hardwired listed smoke alarms complying with UL217 in all locations listed in 75 sec. 907.2.11. 907.2.11 Smokeproof enclosure shall consist of an enclosed interior exit stairway and an open 76 exterior balcony or ventilated vestibule. 909.20 The min. dimension ofthe vestibule to the smokeproof enclosure shall be 44" wide x 72" 77 long, but not less than the width of the corridor leading to the vesti bul e. 909.20.1 The smokeproof enclosure shall be separated from the remainder of the building by 2 hr fire barrier and /or horizontal assemblies without openings except egress doors. The 78 vestibuleto the smokeproof exitenclosure shall be separated by 2 hr fire rated wall. 909.20.2 The door from the buildingto the vestibule shall be 90 min. rated and from the vestibuleto the smokeproof exit enclosure shall be 20 min. rated. The doors shall be self or automatic 79 closing by smoke detection. 909.20.2.1 D. MEANS OF EGRESS Chapter 10 — Means of Egress Provide a complete code and exiting analysis. Identify the path of exit travel on the plans and indicate the common path oftravel distance and max. travel distance. No point in the building shall exceed the distances from an exterior exit, horizontal exit, enclosed stairway, exit passageway, exterior exit stair or ramp measured along the path of travel. Table The travel distanceshaII i ncl ude travel within unenclosed stairways. Note: Travel distance 1016.1 80 and common path of egress travel s ha re the s a me sta rti ng point. 1016.1 81 Provide doors hardware schedule on the plans. Exit doorway shall provide a min. clear width s uffi ci ent for the occupant load per but not 82 less than 32" and a clear height of 6' -8 "min. 1008.1.1 Maintain a minimum parking headroom clearance of not less than 7' -0" and 8' -2" for 406.2.2 83 accessible parkingto any ceiling, beam pipe or similar construction. 11298.3 A mi n. of 7' -6" cei I i ng hei ght i s req u i red i n the mea ns of egress system. Protru d i ng obj ects shall not red uce the ceilingheighttolessthan80" andsuchheightshaII not exceed 50 %of 1003.2 84 the ceiIingarea of means of egress. 1003.3.1 When the headroom clearance is less than 80 ", provide a barrier with the max. height of 85 27" a bove the fl oor. 1003.3.1 Horizontal projection between the height of 27" and 80" sha I I not exceed 4" from either 86 side over a walking surface, except handrails, which may protrude 4.5" max. 1003.3.3 Sloped surfaces shall be used in the means of egress with elevation changes of less than 87 12 ". 1003.5 APPENDIX "A" - Page 4 APPENDIX "A" - Page 5 ARCHITECTURAL PLAN REVIEW CHECKLIST GENERAL COMMERCIAL (Cont'd) Code Requirements Code Req'd section Contrasting floor finish may be used for ramps with elevation change not more than 6" in 88 1003.5 lieu of handrails. 89 Escalators and moving walks shall not be used as a component of egress travel. 1003.7 90 Every room that is an assembly occupancy shall have the occupant load sign posted in a 1004.3 conspicuous place near the main exit or exit access doorway. The means of egress width shall not be less than the total occupant load served bythe 91 means of egress multiplied by 0.3" per occupantfor stairways and 0.2" per occupantfor 1005.1 other egress components, but not less than specified elsewhere in this code. Multiple means of egress shall be sized such thatthe loss of any one means of egress shall 92 1005.1 notreducethe available capacity to less than 50% of the required ca aci . Doors in the egress path shall not reduce required width by more than 50% in any position 93 1005.2 and 7" in fully opened position. 94 I ndi cate the location of emergency means of egress illumination. 1006.3 In buildings where required accessible floor is 4 or more stories above or below exit 95 1007.2.1 discharge, at least one elevator shall be provided as accessible means ofegress. 96 An accessible exitstairway in non-sprinklered building shall have 48" min. clear width. 1007.3 Stairways within vertical exit enclosures shall incorporate an area of refuge within 1007.3 97 enlarged floor -level landings without reducing the required means of egress width. Stairs 1007.6 serving occupant load of 200 or more shall be provided with two wheelchair spaces. 1007.6.1 Areas of refuge, except those located in vertical exit enclosure, shall be separated from the 98 1007.6.2 remainder of the story by a smoke barrier or a horizontal exit. Each area of refuge shall be provided with two -way communication system, instructions 1007.8 to 99 and si na e. 1007.11 Where an elevator lobby is used as an area of refuge, theshaftand lobbyshall be a 100 I smokeproof 1007.6 enclosure. The building exterior walls within 10ft horizontally from the exterior area of assisted 101 rescueshall be 1 hr rated min. with Y. hr opening protective and shall extend vertically 1007.7 from the ground to 10 ft above the floor of the assisted rescue area. 102 1 Showthatthe exterior area for assisted rescue is 50% min. open. 1007.7.1 The exterior exitstairways for exterior area for assisted rescue shall have min. 48" clear 103 1007.7.2 width. Egress doors shall be side - hinged swinging and shall swing in the direction of egress 104 1008.1.2 travel where serving more than 50occupant load. Provide level landing on each side of the door with not more than 0.75" threshold at sliding doors or 0.5" for other doors. Raised thresholds and floor level changes greater 1D5 than 0.25" at doorways shall be beveled with a slope not greater than one unit vertical in 1008.1.7 two units horizontal (50 %slo e). Provide a landing width not less than the width of the door or the stair served (whichever is greater) and a length of not less than 44 ". Doors fully open shall not reduce the width of 106 the landing by more than 7 ". When a landing serves an occupant load more than 50, doors 1008.1.5 in any position shall not reduce the landing to less than one -half its required width. 107 Accessible door hardware shall be centered between 30" and 44" above the floor. 11336.2.5.2 Exit doors from Group A occupancy or assembly areas not classified as an assembly occupancy, E, 1 -2 and 1 -2.1 occupancies having an occupant load of 50 or more and any H 108 1008.1.10 occupancies regardless of occupant load shall not be provided with a latch or lock unless it is panic hardware or fire exit hardware. 109 Provide stairway rise and treads details. 1009.4 110 Stairways shall have a min. 80" headroom clearance. 1009.2 111 Indicate stair landing dimensions complying with sec. 1009.5. 1009.5 APPENDIX "A" - Page 5 APPENDIX "A" - Page 6 ARCHITECTURAL PLAN REVIEW CHECKLIST GENERAL COMMERCIAL (Cont'd) Code Code Requirements Req'd section Walls and soffits of enclosed usable space under stairs shall be protected on the enclosed side as required for 1 -hr rating or the fire rating of the stair enclosure, whichever is 112 greater. Access to the enclosed space shall not be directly from within the stair enclosure. 1009.6.3 The open space under exterior stairways shall not be used for any purpose. 113 Vertical distance between stairway landings is limited to 12 ft. 1009.7 114 Stairways shall have handrails on each side. 1009.12 Buildings four or more stories in height are required to have one stairway extended to the 115 1009.13 roof with a penthouse unless the roof has a slope steeper than 4:12. Exits and exit access doors shall be marked by approved exit signs. When exits are not 116 readi ly visible, exit signs shall be located such that no point in a corridor or exit 1011.1 p ass a ewa is more than 100ft from the nearest visible exit sign. 117 Tactile exit signs shall be provided at locations listed in sec. 1011.3. 1011.3 Provide guards at floor and roof openings landings, balconies, and at open sides of stairs, 118 which are more than 30" above grade or floor below. Guardrails shall be not less than 42" 1013 in height. Open guards shall have intermediate rails or an ornamental pattern such thata sphere4" 119 1013.3 in diameter cannot ass through. Egress shall not pass through kitchens, storage rooms, closets or spaces used for similar 120 1014.2 p urposes. Provide a complete architectural section of the corridor showing all fire- resistive 121 materials and details of construction for all floor, wall, and roof assemblies. Each tenantspace shall be provided with access to the required exits without passing 122 1014.2.1 throw h ad'acenttenantspaces. 123 The common path of egress travel shall not exceed 75 ft. 1014.3 Provide two exits or exitaccess doorways from any space when one of the conditions as 124 1015.1 noted in sec. 1015.1 exists. Showthe dimensions of all exit access aisles and aisle accessways complying with sec. 125 1017 1017_ 126 Showthatthe egress balcony has min. 50% open area complyingwith sec. 1019.3. 1019.3 127 Provide adequate exit separation between required exits. 1015.2 Exit access travel distance from the most remote point within a story to the entrance to an 128 1016.1 exit shall notexceed thevalues shown in Table 1016.1. 129 Showthatthe corridor width is complying with sec. 1018.2. 1018.2 Dead ends morethan 20 ftin length are not permitted in a corridor when more than one 130 1018.4 exit or exit access doorway is required. Corridor shall have min. width of 44" with exceptions in sec. 1018.2 and be protected 1018.1 131 with 1 -hr fire partition as required in Table 1018.1. 1018.2 Fire resistance rated corridors shall be continuous and shall not be interrupted by 132 1018.6 , nterveni ng rooms. Table 133 Provide min. no. of exits from the building on each floor. 1021.1 Provide2 -hr fire rated enclosure where they connect 4 or more stories and not less than 1- 1022.1 134 hr rated enclosures for less than 4 stories. Elevators shall not open into an exit enclosure. 1022.3 The building exterior walls within 10ft horizontally from the exterior non -rated wall of an exit stairway enclosure at an angle less than 180 degree from the enclosure wall shall be 1 135 1022.6 hr fire rated min. with % hr opening protective and shall extend vertically from the ground to 10ft above the topmost landin . Stairways from upper levels extending below the level of exit discharge shall have an 136 approved barrier to preclude exiting into such lower levels. Directional exit signs shall be 1022.7 p rovided. APPENDIX "A" - Page 6 APPENDIX "A" - Page 7 ARCHITECTURAL PLAN REVIEW CHECKLIST GENERAL COMMERCIAL (Cont'd) Code Requirements Code Req'd section Provide stairway identifications at each floor landing in interior exit enclosures connecting more than three stories. Tactilefloor designation signs shall also be provided 137 1022.8 in buildings two or more stories. Tactile exitsigns shall be provided at locations listed in sec. 1011.3. Exit passageway shall have a 1 -hr fire rated enclosure and shall have a width determined 1023.2 138 butshall not be less than 44 ", unless serving an occupant load of less than 50, which may 1022.3 be reduced to 36 ". 139 No more than % ofthe total number of exits shall be used as horizontal exits. 1025.1 Clearly identify the location of horizontal exit on the plans and provide the required 1025.2 140 separation. Provide calculations to show that the refuge area can accommodate the 1025.4 required capacity as determined. Exterior exit ramps and stairways shall not be permitted for buildings over 6 stories above 141 grade plane or in high - risesor Group 10 -2 occupancies having occupied floors more than 1026.2 75ft above the lowest level offire department vehicleaccess. 142 Showthatthe exterior exit ramps and stairways meetthe openness requirements. 1026.3 Exits (exterior exit, horizontal exit, enclosed stairway, exit passageway, exterior exitstair or ramp) shall not be used for any purpose that interferes with its function as a means of 1020.1 143 egress. Exits shall discharge directly to the exterior ofthe building and provide direct 1027.1 access to grade. Exit discharge shall not reenter a building or provide exitthrough corridor. Exterior balconies, stairways and ramps shall be located at least 10 ftfrom adjacent lot lines and from other buildings on the same lot unless the adjacent building exterior walls 144 1027.3 and openings are protected in accordance with sec. 704 based on the fire separation distance. 145 Provide dimensions ofegress courtto show compliance with sec. 1027.5. Building that houses Group A occupancy shall discharge on a street or an unoccupied 1028.2 146 space of not less than 20 feet in width that adjoins a public way. 1028.3 Sec. 11336 — Accessibility for Entrances, Exits and Paths of Travel 1114B.1.2 147 All entrances and all exterior ground -level exits shall be accessible. 11338.1.1.1 .1. At least one leafofthe double doors shall provide a clear, unobstructed opening width of 148 32 ". 1133B.2.3.1 149 Revolving doors shall not be used as a required entrancefor persons with disabilities. 1.133B.2.3.3 Adoor or gatethat is accessible to persons with disabilities shall be provided adjacentto 150 each turnstile exit or entrance. 1133B.2.3.4 The level area in the direction ofdoor swing shall be at least 60" in length and the length 151 l oppositeto thedirectionofdoorswin shall be atleast48 ". 1133B.2.4.2 The width ofthe level area on the side to which the door swings shall extend 24" pastthe 152 strike edge of exterior doors and 18" for interior doors. 11338.2.4.3 The clear space between two consecutive door openings shal I be 48" plus the door width. 153 The doors in series shall swing either in the same direction or away from each other. 11338.2.4.4 154 Accessi ble door hardware shall be centered between 30" and 44" above the floor. 1133 B.2.5.2 155 The bottom 10" of all doors shall have a smooth surface kick plate. 11338.2.6 Every corridor and hallway shall be 44" min. serving an occupant load of 10 or more and 156 1133B.3.1 36" min. serving less than 10 persons. Corridors and hallways over 200ft long shall be 60" wide or have a passing space of 157 1133B.3.2 60 "x60" at 200ft max intervals. Stairways shall have handrails on each side and an intermediate handrail within 30" of 1133B4.1.1 158 required sta i rwa width. 1 1012.9 APPENDIX "A" - Page 7 ATTACHMENT B REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2014-12 for a Consultant to Provide ]BUILDING INSPECTION 1' PLAN CHECK SERVICES SUBMITTALS: Five (5) bound copies and one (1) unbound reproducible copy of the proposal in sealed envelope(s) must be received by the City of Rosemead's City Clerk's Office no later than 10:00 a.m. on Monday, December 8, 2014 CONTACT PERSON: Michelle Ramirez, Community Development Director City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 (626) 569 -2158 mran PROPOSALS RECEIVED AFTER THE TIME AND DATE STATED ABOVE WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. FACSIMILE AND E -MAIL PROPOSAL WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. INQUIRES: Direct questions or clarification on Request for Proposal documents_tolMichelle- Ran - lie ,_Oommunity Devela Director at (626) 569 -2158 or mramirez@cityofrosemead.org MODIFICATIONS: Any modification of this Request for Proposal (RFP) will be provided to Consultants who request notification of any modifications. ISSUANCE DATE: November 10, 2014 City of Rosemead Building Inspection and Plan Check Services - Request for Proposal No. 2014 -12 Reserved Page 2 of 10 City of Rosemead - Building Inspection and Plan Check Services - Request for Proposal No. 2014 -12 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARMENT � . Building and Safety Division fF, � Rosemead, California & N Request for Proposals INTRODUCTION The City of Rosemead ( "City ") is seeking proposals from qualified firms to provide Consultant services to administer and operate the Building and Safety Division for the City of Rosemead. Under the direction of the Community Development Director, the Consultant would provide services to fulfill the responsibilities of Building Official,. Building Inspector(s), Counter Technician, and Plan Checker(s). The Consultant would provide the range of expertise necessary to carry out the normal functions of a Building and Safety Division to assure compliance with City adopted Building Codes and related Municipal Code requirements; perform building inspections; interface with permit applicants; staff the public counter, provide problem solving methods for unique or challenging plan check or code interpretation issues; report writing when necessary; policy & procedure recommendations; and provide additional services as needed and as determined by the City Manager. BACKGROUND The City of Rosemead is located in the San Gabriel Valley in the eastern portion of Los Angeles County and encompasses 5.2 square miles. Rosemead was incorporated as a City in 1959. The City enjoys good access to major transportation corridors including San Bernardino Freeway (Interstate 10), San Gabriel River Freeway (Interstate 605), Rosemead Boulevard - California State Highway (Route 19), Mission Drive, Temple City Boulevard, Valley Boulevard, Garvey Avenue, and Walnut Grove Avenue. Rosemead is a predominantly built -out suburban community and serves as a residential suburb for surrounding employment centers such as Los Angeles. Most of the land area has been developed as low- density housing. Rosemead has approximately 14,345 housing units. Nearly 52% of the total housing units in Rosemead were built prior to 1960 and 84% were built prior to 1980. A far less number of units (16 %) have been built after 1980. The average household size is 3.95 with an estimated median income of $44,225. There are approximately 1,048 licensed businesses with a location in the City of- Rosemead,_ and–there–are _SQLcontraotors–witb– acti_ve_City o_f_Rosemead_Business Licenses. CITY HALL HOURS OF OPERATION Rosemead's City Hall hours of operation are 7:00 am – 6:00 pm, Monday – Thursday. City Hall is closed on Fridays. The Consultant will be required to provide all inspection services for all residential and non- residential construction, and construction related activity, during City Hall hours of operation and on Fridays until 12:00 pm. Page 3 of 10 City of Rosemead - Building Inspection and Plan Check Services Request for Propos No. 2014 -12 SCOPE OF SERVICES In general the City of Rosemead is seeking the services of a company that can provide all inclusive building inspection and plan check services. The Building and Safety Division, under the direction of Community Development Director, is responsible for performing all building services, plan check services, responds to complaints, and performs investigations in accordance to building codes. The ability to provide the appropriate staff during City Hall hours of operation and on Fridays from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., is viewed as an important customer service need. In addition, the Consultant must provide a full -time certified Building Official who will oversee the functions of the division, full -time Counter Technician, and appropriate number of Building Inspector(s), and Plan Checkers for daily workload. The monthly average of inspections conducted and permits issued by the Building and Safety Division is shown below for the last three (3) Fiscal Years (FY). Please see Attachment "A" for monthly breakdown for each of the listed FY's. MONTHLY AVERAGE PER FY Inspections Conducted Permits Issued FY 2013 613 122 FY 2012 628 101 FY 2011 703 147 The annual revenues collected for plan check review and issuance of permits by the Building and Safety Division is shown below for the last three (3) Fiscal Years. Please see Attachment "A" for the monthly breakdown for each of the listed FY's. ANNUAL REVENUE PER FY Plan Check Permit FY 2013 $373,922.47 $642,835.40 FY 2012 $325,049.97 $588,531.38 FY 2011 $234,447.66 $795,726.12 The City is seeking proposals on a "percentage of fees" basis only. Again, Consultant must provide adequate staff to cover public counter services during City Hall hours of operation. Consultant personnel must provide over the counter plan review services Monday through Thursday 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., and 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.. Consultant personnel must provide inspection services during City Hall hours of operation, and on Friday's till 12:00 p.m. Upon request, the Consultant must be able to provide inspection services before and after City Hall hours of operation and on weekends/holidays. Plan Check Services — All residential and non - residential plan check will be performed by the Consultant. The Consultant is expected to work closely with the Planner assigned to each project, including review of final plan check as Building Official. The services must include plan review services of construction drawings to ensure compliance with building codes and related Municipal Code requirements. Plan review services must include, but not be limited to, the disciplines of Building, Residential, Plumbing, Electrical, Mechanical, Green Building Standards, and Building Energy Conservation. The Building Official and Inspector(s) work in Page 4 of 10 City of Rosemead - Building Inspection and Plan Check Services - Request for Propos N o. 2014 -12 coordination with the Planning staff on all plan checks to be sure they comply and - are in accordance with the City zoning codes. California Building Laws — The City of Rosemead adopts the California Building Laws as amended by Los Angeles County. Once the State of California)and County of Los Angeles have completed their adoption process, the Consultant will be required to provide the necessary materials (i.e. staff report, ordinances, resolutions, etc.) for the City to adopt the County Codes and will be required to attend the City Council meeting for said items. Inspection Services — The Consultant will provide all inspection services for all residential and non - residential construction, and construction related activity, during City Hall hours of operation and on Fridays until 12:00 p.m. Inspection services must be performed by ICC certified Building Inspector(s). Other Services — Interface with permit applicants; staff the public counter during City Hall hours of operation and provide off hour inspection services as requested; provide problem solving methods for unique or challenging plan check or code interpretation issues; report writing when necessary; policy & procedure recommendations; attend City Council meetings when necessary. The City seeks a Consultant who is qualified in post- disaster safety assessment, and will be available to the City to assess the safety of buildings in the event of a disaster. The City also seeks a Consultant that can provide inspection services for special projects as determined by the City Manager. Technology — Permits are input into the HDL system at the same time the permit is issued or plan check fees are collected. The Consultant will be expected to know and use the HDL system. EVALUATION PROCESS The City of Rosemead will evaluate proposals based on but not limited to the following criteria: A. UNDERSTANDING OF THE SCOPE OF WORK TO BE PERFORMED 1. Demonstrated understanding of the scope of work 2. Consultant's approach to accomplishing the scope of work. 3. Inclusion of a timetable for rendering services (i.e., plan check turn- around time). B. CONSULTANT'S METHODS AND PROCEDURES TO BE USED 1. Consultant's general approach to evaluatin the issues. 2. Complete description of the procedures and analytical methods to be utilized. 3. Ability to deliver services using modern technology. 4. Ability to ensure additional charges to the public, due to mistakes by the Consultant are avoided. C. MANAGEMENT, PERSONNEL, AND EXPERIENCES 1. Qualifications of each Consultant and overall skills for the firm. 2. Experience and performance of services of a similar nature. 3. Information obtained by contacting references listed by the Consultant. Page 5 of 10 City of Rosemead - Building Inspection and Plan Check Services - Request for Proposal No. 2014 -12 D. CONSULTANT'S CONSULTATION AND COORDINATION WITH THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD 1. Procedures to be used to ensure close contact between the Consultant and the City of Rosemead. 2. Demonstrate experience in working with local government. E. COST ESTIMATES Cost for providing the proposed scope of services. The City is seeking proposals on a "percentage of fees" basis only. REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS In order to meet the criteria for consideration, the following information, organized and identified with headers as listed below, must be included in the proposal. 1. Introduction — A letter of introduction briefly describing the firm (maximum of 5 pages) and identifying the name, address, and phone number of the contact person. The letter must be signed by an officer of the firm authorized to bind the firm to all commitments made in the proposal. 2. Executive Summary — Include a one to two -page overview of the proposal, its highlights, major changes /improvements and the approach to successfully complete this project. 3. Work Plan — Discussion must be included on the transitioning of the current Consultant to a new Consultant. The proposal must outline an approach for plan check services and for providing services at the public counter at the City of Rosemead at a City provided work station, and during the work hours as listed in this RFP. 4. Performance Standards — The City of Rosemead prides itself as a "Business Friendly" City. As applied to the Building and Safety Division, importance is placed on providing prompt and accurate service while working with residents, development community, and businesses. As such, it is imperative that the Consultant is able to provide timely inspections and plan check services. Include an outline identifying how the firm will meet such requests made by the public and/or the City. The outline must include average timeframes for plan check services based on each of the following categories: residential (new construction, additions, and remodels), commercial building (new construction, additions, and remodels), and industrial (new construction, additions, and remodels). In addition, the Consultant must include how they will provide accelerated plan check review and turnaround time when requested by the City. The Consultant must also describe how they will provide inspection services including minimum notification time for inspection requests. 5. Firm Qualifications — Provide an outline of the firm's background, qualifications, and ability to perform the services required. Page 6 of 10 City of Rosemead - Building Inspection and Plan Check Services - Request for Proposal No. 2 014 -1 6. Project Team — Include an organization chart/listing identifying the lead personnel, the experience of individual team members in providing similar services, including personal qualifications, state registrations, ICC, and other certifications. Resumes for each team member must be provided with continuing education and attendance to the professional associations. Identify any proposed Contractors that are not directly associated with the Consultant and include the same back ground documentation accordingly. 7. References — A summary of firm experience and references, with contact information, must be included. 8. Compensation — Proposal must include a percentage fee compensation breakdown for building and plan check services separately. Example: Building Services 100% Consultant % City % Plan Check Services 100% Consultant % City % In addition, Consultant must provide an hourly rate sheet for other services outside of the scope of services 9. Insurance — The proposal must include a letter from an authorized officer of the firm agreeing to comply with the insurance requirement set forth in the attached Sample Professional Service Agreement if selected (see Attachment `B "). Proof of compliance with the insurance requirements, as stated in the attachment, must be delivered to the City prior to the execution of any agreement. 10. Statement of understanding — The Consultant must include a statement, that it is understood that the Consultant's function is to be all inclusive of Building and Plan Check services for Residential and Non - Residential new construction, additions, and remodels, and within the hours of operation as noted in this RFP. 11. Unanticipated or Significant Deviations — The Consultant must address how it would handle unanticipated or significant deviations from the scope of work (i.e. disaster /emergency and or additional requests by the City Manager). PROPOSED SCHEDULE • RFP Issued: Monday, November 10, 2014 • Proposal Due Date: Monday, December 8,2014--no later than 10:00 a.m. • Award of Contract: Spring, 2015 • Project Start Date: Wednesday, July 1, 2015 (Anticipated) DOCUMENT SUBMITTALS The sole source of contact regarding this RFP is Michelle Ramirez, Community Development Director, at (626) 569 -2158 or by email at mramirezncityofroseinead.org Page 7 of 10 City of Rosemead - Building Inspection and Plan Check Services - Request for Propos N o. 2014 -12 1. To be considered, please submit Five (5) bound copies of your proposal and one (1) unbound reproducible copy of the proposal in sealed envelope(s) that must be clearly marked: "REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2014-12 DO NOT OPEN WITH REGULAR MAIL." 2. All proposals must be received at the address below no later than 10:00 a.m. on: Monday, December 8, 2014 All proposals received will be date and time stamped. Proposals received after the due date and time will be returned unopened. 3. Proposals must be addressed to: City of Rosemead City Clerk's Office Attn: Gloria Molleda, City Clerk 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 Faxed or e- mailed proposals will not be accepted. Hand carried proposals will be accepted before the response due date and time at the address above during Rosemead City Hall normal business hours of 7:00 a.m. through 6:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday. Rosemead City Hall is closed on Fridays. SELECTION PROCESS The Community Development Director and other City staff will review the proposals. Staff may request additional or supplemental information as necessary. After reviewing the proposals, the City may (if so desired) conduct interviews with the top two or three candidates. Please note, my Consultants that are able to demonstrate the ability to perform all aspects of this RFP, including the ability to provide adequate and qualified staff, will be considered in the selection process. Cost will also be a consideration in the selection process. Staff will forward a recommendation to the City Council for final selection. It is anticipated that the selected Consultant will be identified during a City Council meeting in the spring of 2015. If the selected Consultant is unable to sign an agreement based on the submitted proposal, the City will have the option to commence negotiations with the next qualified candidate. Once a Consultant is selected and an agreement is executed, the Consultant will be obligated to provide the necessary contractual requirements as identified .in the City's Professional Service Agreement, with services to begin after City Council approval of said contract. The City reserves the right not to proceed with entering into a Professional Service Agreement for Building and Safety Division services for any reason, as determined by the City Council. CITY PROCESS 1. General Conditions —The City reserves the right to cancel or reject all, or a portion or portions, of the proposals without notice. Further, the City makes no representations that any agreement will be awarded to any organization submitting a proposal. The Page 8 of 10 City of Rosemead - Building Inspection and Plan Check Services - Request for Proposal No. 2014 -1 City reserves the right to reject any and all proposals submitted in response to this request or any addenda thereto. The City also reserves the right to reject any sub - consultant or individual working on a Consultant team and to replace the sub - consultant or individual with a mutually- acceptable replacement. Any changes to the proposal requirements will be made by written addendum. 2. Liability of Costs and Responsibility - The City must not be liable for any costs incurred in response to this request for proposals. All costs must be borne by the person or organization responding to the request. The person or organization responding to the request must hold the City harmless from any and all liability, claim or expense whatsoever incurred by or on behalf of that person or organization. All submitted material becomes the property of the City of Rosemead. The selected Consultant must be required to assume responsibility for all services offered in the proposal whether or not they possess them within their organization. The selected Consultant will be the sole point of contact with regard to contractual matters, including payment of any and all charges resulting from the contract. 3. Valid i - The Consultant agrees to be bound by its proposal for a period of one- hundred and eighty (180) days commencing December 8, 2014, during which time the City may request clarification or correction of the proposal for the purpose of evaluation. Amendments or clarifications must not affect the remainder of the proposal, but only the portion so amended or clarified. 4. Professional Services Agreement - A sample Professional Services Agreement has been provided (Attachment `B ") for the Consultant's review. If a Consultant wishes to take exception to any of the terms and conditions contained in the Professional Services Agreement, these should be identified specifically; otherwise, it will be assumed that the Consultant is willing to enter into the agreement as it is written. Failure to identify contractual issues of dispute can later be the basis for the City disqualification of a Consultant and/or terminating the Professional Services Agreement. Any exceptions to terms, conditions, or other requirements must be clearly stated. Otherwise, the City will consider that all items offered are in strict compliance with the RFP, and the successful Consultant will be responsible for compliance. The City will consider such exceptions as part of the evaluation process, which may constitute grounds for rejection of the proposal. The agreement will not be executed by the City without first being signed by the Consultant. 5. — P - ermitsffiiuensesih=ances - = - &o - nsultmirmd - a:ll - of - Consultanf - s - s - ab=co - ntractoTs. its and/or their sole expense, must obtain and maintain during the term of any agreement, all appropriate permits, certificates and licenses, and insurances, which will be required in connection with the performance of services hereunder. 6. Oral and Written Explanations - The City will not be bound by oral explanations or instructions given at any time during the review process or after the award. Oral explanations given during the review process and after award become binding when confirmed in writing by an authorized City official. Page 9 of 10 City of Rosemead - Building Inspection and Plan Check Services Request for Proposal No. 2014 -12 AVAILABILITY OF BACKGROUND INFORMATION A link to the City's Municipal Code and General Plan can be found on the City's website (http: / /www.cityofiosemead.oK &O . A link to this RFP is included on the City's website under the Planning Division's webpage ( http://www.cityofrosemead.org/index.aspx?page Questions regarding this RFP should be directed in writing by email to inramirez(c eityofrosemead.org by fax to (626) 307 -9218, or by mail to: Michelle G. Ramirez, Community Development Director City of Rosemead - 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 Questions and responses may be made available to all potential interested parties. ATTACHMENTS Attachment A — Monthly Breakdown of Permits Issued and Inspections Conducted Attachment B — Sample Professional Service Agreement (as proposed) Page 10 of 10 ATTACHMENT A Reserved Building & Safety Division Services !Analysis FY 2013 -14 l Revenue Plan Check Permits Inspections Permits Issued Jul -13 $ 30,539.70 $ 62,621.69 601 109 Aug -13 $ 35,077.69 $ 66,269.59 584 136 Sep -13 $ 27,239.10 $ 27,447.67 681 120 Oct -13 $ 29,621.04 $ 109,213.14 704 185 Nov -13 $ 35,454.22 $ 38,110.23 534 123 Dec -13 $ 34,962.98 $ 61,250.04 608 105 Jan -14 -$ 19,862.32 $ 54,240.82 638 125 Feb -14 $ 54,586.34 $ 36,316.88 563 110 Mar -14 $ 26,266.03 $ 44,049.26 640 102 Apr -14 $ 20,034.49 $ 59,745.78 582 105 May -14 $ 9,617.18 $ 44,038.21 595 128 Jun -14 $ 50,661.38 $ 39,532.09 622 120 Total $ 373, 922.47 $ 642, 835.40 7,352 1,468 Monthly Avg $ 31,160.21 $ 53,569.62 613 122 l Building & Safety Division Services Analysis FY 2012 -13 Revenue Plan Check Permits Inspections Permits Issued Jul -12 $ 28,976.27 $ 63,623.43 587 133 Aug -12 $ 55,166.64 $ 51,644.38 626 98 Sep -12 $ 11,957.21 $ 36,905.31 553 82 Oct -12 $ 18,120.04 $ 57,575.88 649 138 Nov -12 $ 22,368.93 $ 44,533.49 621 69 Dec -12 $ 16,449.28 $ 36,633.66 585 102 Jan -13 $ 21,239.03 $ 67,067.47 871 91 Feb -13 $ 23,684.73 $ 32,564.67 517 60 Mar -13 $ 19,839.11 $ 59,574.75 544 84 Apr -13 $ 31,183.02 $ 65,175.72 706 146 May -13 $ 22,220.15 $ 45,056.80 680 115 Jun -13 $ 53,845.56 $ 28,175.82 594 98 Total $ 325,049.97 $ 588,531.38 7,533 1,216 Monthly Avg $ 27,087.50 $ 49,044.28 628 101 Building & Safety Division Services Analysis FY 2011 -12 Revenue Plan Check Permits Inspections Permits Issued Jul -12 $ 10,690.16 $ 65,806.16 589 109 Aug -12 $ 25,325.60 $ 40,529.32 821 158 Sep -12 $ 24,005.40 $ 67,301.47 711 152 Oct -12 $ 21,448.73 $ 79,940.66 738 469 Nov -12 $ 21,299.12 $ 60,515.46 689 127 Dec -12 $ 17,990.22 $ 62,849.64 683 120 Jan -13 $ 20,377.05 $ 38,266.99 690 113 Feb -13 $ 18,993.01 $ 40,706.27 705 19 Mar -13 $ 31,179.74 $ 61,684.80 596 92 Apr -13 $ 11,394.87 $ 179,635.87 707 144 May -13 $ 18,043.92 $ 58,842.16 792 166 Jun -13 $ 13,699.84 $ 39,647.32 713 98 Total $ 234,447.66 $ 795,726.12 8,434 1,767 Monthly Avg $ 19,537.31 $ 66,310.51 703 147 ATTACHMENT B Reserved CITY OF ROSEMEAD PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT 1. PARTIES AND DATE. This Agreement is made and entered into this day of , 2015 by and between the City of Rosemead, a municipal organization organized under the laws of the State of California with its principal place of business at 8838 E. Valley Blvd., Rosemead, California 91770 ( "City ") and (`Consultant "). City and Consultant are sometimes individually referred to herein as "Party" and collectively as "Parties." 2. RECITALS. 2.1 Consultant. Consultant desires to perform and assume responsibility for the provision of certain professional services required by the City on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. Consultant represents that it is experienced in providing building and plan check services to public clients, is licensed in the State of California, and is familiar with the plans of City. 2.2 Project. City desires to engage Consultant to render such services for building and plan check services (`Project ") as set forth in this Agreement. 3. TERMS. 3.1 Scope of Services and Terra. 3.1.1 General Scope of Services. Consultant promises and agrees to furnish to the City all labor, materials, tools, equipment, services, and incidental and customary work necessary to fully and adequately supply the professional building and plan check consulting services necessary for the Project (`Services "). The Services are more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. All Services shall be subject to, and performed in accordance with, this Agreement, the- exhibits attached hereto -and incorporated - herein by- reference,-. and- all_ applicable local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations. 3.1.2 Term. The term of this Agreement shall be from July 1, 2015 to June 30, , and may be extended for up to additional year(s) by the City, unless earlier terminated as provided herein. Consultant shall complete the Services within the term of this Agreement, and shall meet any other established schedules and deadlines. Page 2 3.2 Responsibilities of Consultant. 3.2.1 Control and Payment of Subordinates; Independent Contractor. The Services shall be performed by Consultant or under its supervision. Consultant will determine the means, methods and details of performing the Services subject to the requirements of this Agreement. City retains Consultant on an independent contractor basis and not as an employee. Consultant retains the right to perform similar or different services for others during the term of this Agreement. Any additional personnel performing the Services under this Agreement on behalf of Consultant shall also not be employees of City and shall at all times be under Consultant's exclusive direction and control. Consultant shall pay all wages, salaries, and other amounts due such personnel in connection with their performance of Services under this Agreement and as required by law. Consultant shall be responsible for all reports and obligations respecting such additional personnel, including, but not limited to: social security taxes, income tax withholding, unemployment insurance, disability insurance, and workers' compensation insurance. 3.2.2 Schedule of Services. Consultant shall perform the Services expeditiously, within the term of this Agreement, and in accordance with the Schedule of Services set forth in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Consultant represents that it has the professional and technical personnel required to perform the Services in conformance with such conditions. In order to facilitate Consultant's conformance with the Schedule, City shall respond to Consultant's submittals in a timely manner. Upon request of City, Consultant shall provide a more detailed schedule of anticipated performance to meet the Schedule of Services. 3.2.3 Conformance to Applicable Requirements. All work prepared by Consultant shall be subject to the approval of City. 3.2.4 Substitution of Key Personnel. Consultant has represented to City that certain key personnel will perform and coordinate the Services under this Agreement. Should one or more of such personnel become unavailable, Consultant may substitute other personnel of at least equal competence upon written approval of City. In the event that City and Consultant cannot agree as to the substitution of key personnel, City shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement for cause. As discussed below, any personnel who fail or refuse to perform the Services in a manner acceptable to the City, or who are determined by the City to be uncooperative, incompetent, a threat to the adequate or timely completion of the Project or a threat to the safety of persons or property, shall be promptly removed from the Project by the Consultant at the request of the City. The key personnel for performance of this Agreement are as follows: , and Page 3 3.2.5 City's Representative. The City hereby designates the Community Development Director, or his or her designee, to act as its representative for the performance of this Agreement ( "City's Representative "). City's Representative shall have the power to act on behalf of the City for all purposes under this Contract. Consultant shall not accept direction or orders from any person other than the City's Representative or his or her designee. 3.2.6 Consultant's Representative. Consultant hereby designates or his designee, to act as its representative forthe performance of this Agreement ( "Consultant's Representative "). Consultant's Representative shall have full authority to represent and act on behalf of the Consultant for all purposes under this Agreement. The Consultant's Representative shall supervise and direct the Services, using his /her best skill and attention, and shall be responsible for all means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures and for the satisfactory coordination of all portions of the Services under this Agreement. 3.2.7 Coordination of Services. Consultant agrees to work closely with City staff in the performance of Services and shall be available to City's staff, Consultants and other staff at all reasonable times. 3.2.8 Standard of Care; Performance of Employees. Consultant shall perform all Services under this Agreement in a skillful and competent manner, consistent with the standards generally recognized as being employed by professionals in the same discipline in the State of California. Consultant represents and maintains that it is skilled in the professional calling necessary to perform the Services. Consultant warrants that all employees and subcontractors shall have sufficient skill and experience to perform the Services assigned to them. Finally, Consultant represents that it, its employees and subcontractors have all licenses, permits, qualifications and approvals of whatever nature that are legally required to perform the Services, including a City Business License, and that such licenses and approvals shall be maintained throughout the term of this Agreement. As provided for in the indemnification provisions of this Agreement, Consultant shall perform, at its own cost and expense and without reimbursement from the City, any services necessary to correct errors or omissions which are caused by the Consultant's failure to comply with the standard of care provided for herein. Any employee of the Consultant or its sub - Consultants who is determined by the City to be uncooperative, incompetent, a threat to the adequate or timely completion of the Project, a threat to the safety of persons or property, or any employee who fails or refuses to perform the Services in a manner acceptable to the City, shall be promptly removed from the Project by the Consultant and shall not be re- employed to perform any of the Services or to work on the Project. 3.2.9 Laws and Regulations. Consultant shall keep itself fully informed of and in compliance with all local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations in any manner affecting the performance of the Project or the Services, including all Cal /OSHA requirements, and shall give all notices required by law. Consultant shall be liable for all violations of such laws and regulations in connection with Services. If the Consultant Page 4 performs any work knowing it to be contrary to such laws, rules and regulations and without giving written notice to the City, Consultant shall be solely responsible for all costs arising therefrom. Consultant shall defend, indemnify and hold City, its officials, directors, officers, employees and agents free and harmless, pursuant to the indemnification provisions of this Agreement, from any claim or liability arising out of any failure or alleged failure to comply with such laws, rules or regulations. 3.2.10 Insurance. Time for Compliance. Architect shall maintain prior to the beginning of and for the direction of this Agreement insurance coverage as specified in Exhibit D attached to and part of this agreement. 3.2.11 Safety. Contractor shall execute and maintain its work so as to avoid injury or damage to any person or property. In carrying out its Services, the Contractor shall at all times be in compliance with all applicable local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations, and shall exercise all necessary precautions for the safety of employees appropriate to the nature of the work and the conditions under which the work is to be performed. Safety precautions as applicable shall include, but shall not be limited to: (A) adequate life protection and lifesaving equipment and procedures; (B) instructions in accident prevention for all employees .and subcontractors, such as safe walkways, scaffolds, fall protection ladders, bridges, gang planks, confined space procedures, trenching and shoring, equipment and other safety devices, equipment and wearing apparel as are necessary or lawfully required to prevent accidents or injuries; and (C) adequate facilities for the proper inspection and maintenance of all safety measures. 3.3 Fees and Payments. 3.3.1 Compensation. Consultant shall receive compensation, including authorized reimbursements, for all Services rendered under this Agreement at the rates set forth in Exhibit C attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The total compensation shall not exceed percent (_I/o) of Plan Check fees and percent (_ %) of Building Permit fees collected except for inspection services provided for permits issued before the effective date of this agreement without advance written approval of the City manager's project manager. Extra Work may be authorized, as described below, and if authorized, will be compensated at the rates and manner set forth in this Agreement. 3.3.2 Payment of Compensation. Consultant shall submit to City a monthly itemized statement which indicates work completed and hours of Services rendered by Consultant. The statement shall describe the amount of Services and supplies provided since the initial commencement date, or since the start of the subsequent billing periods, as appropriate, through the date of the statement. City shall, within 45 days of receiving such statement, review the statement and pay all approved charges thereon. Page 5 3.3.3 Reimbursement for Expenses. Consultant shall not be reimbursed for any expenses unless authorized in writing by City. 3.3.4 Extra Work. At any time during the term of this Agreement, City may request that Consultant perform Extra Work. As used herein, "Extra Work" means any work which is determined by City to be necessary for the proper completion of the Project, but which the parties did not reasonably anticipate would be necessary at the execution of this Agreement. Consultant shall not perform, nor be compensated for, Extra Work without written authorization from City's Representative. 3.3.5 Prevailing Wages. Consultant is aware of the requirements of California Labor Code Section 1720, et seq., and 1770, et seq., as well as California Code of Regulations, Title 8, Section 1600, et seq., ( "Prevailing Wage Laws "), which require the payment of prevailing wage rates and the performance of other requirements on "public works" and "maintenance" projects. If the Services are being performed as part of an applicable "public works" or "maintenance" project, as defined by the Prevailing Wage Laws, and if the total compensation is $1,000 or more, Consultant agrees to fully comply with such Prevailing Wage Laws. City shall provide Consultant with a copy of the prevailing rates of per diem wages in effect at the commencement of this Agreement. Consultant shall make copies of the prevailing rates of per diem wages for each craft, classification or type of worker needed to execute the Services available to interested parties upon request, and shall post copies at the Consultant's principal place of business and at the project site. Consultant shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its elected officials, officers, employees and agents free and harmless from any claim or liability arising out of any failure or alleged failure to comply with the Prevailing Wage Laws. 3.4 Accounting Records. 3.4.1 Maintenance and Inspection. Consultant shall maintain complete and accurate records with respect to all costs and expenses incurred under this Agreement. All such records shall be clearly identifiable. Consultant shall allow a representative of City during normal business hours to examine, audit, and make transcripts or copies of such records and any other documents created pursuapt to this Agreement. Consultant shall allow inspection of all work, data, documents, proceedings, and activities related to the Agreement for a period of three (3) years from the date of final payment under this Agreement. 3.5 General Provisions. 3.5.1 Termination of Agreement. Grounds for Termination. City may, by written notice to Consultant, terminate the whole or any part of this Agreement at any time and without cause by giving written notice to Consultant of such termination, and specifying the effective date thereof, at least seven (7) days before the effective date of such termination. Upon termination, Consultant shall be compensated only for those services which have Page 6 been -adequately rendered to City, and Consultant shall be entitled to no further compensation. Consultant may not terminate this Agreement except for cause. Effect of Termination. If this Agreement is terminated as provided herein, City may require Consultant to provide all finished or unfinished Documents and Data and 'other information of any kind prepared by Consultant in connection with the performance of Services under this Agreement. Consultant shall be required to provide such document and other information within fifteen (15) days of the request. Additional Services. In the event this Agreement is terminated in whole or in part as provided herein, City may procure, upon such terms and in such manner as it may determine appropriate, services similar to those terminated. 3.5.2 Delivery of Notices. All notices permitted or required under this Agreement shall be given to the respective parties at the following address, or at such other address as the respective parties may provide in writing for this purpose: CONSULTANT: Attn: CITY: City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Attn: Community Development Director Such notice shall be deemed made when personally delivered or when mailed, forty -eight (48) hours after deposit in the U.S. Mail, first class postage prepaid and addressed to the party at its applicable address. Actual notice shall be deemed adequate notice on the date actual notice occurred, regardless of the method of service. 3.5.3 Ownership of Materials and Confidentiality. Documents & Data; Licensing of Intellectual Property. This Agreement creates a non - exclusive and perpetual license for City to copy, use, modify, reuse, or sublicense any and all copyrights, designs, and other intellectual property embodied in plans, specifications, studies, drawings, estimates, and other documents or works of authorship fixed in any tangible medium of expression, including but not limited to, physical drawings or data magnetically or otherwise recorded on computer diskettes, which are prepared or caused to be prepared by Consultant under this Agreement ("Documents & Data ").. Consultant shall require all subcontractors to agree in writing that City is granted a non - exclusive and perpetual license for any Page 7 Documents & Data the subcontractor prepares under this Agreement. Consultant represents and warrants that Consultant has the legal right to license any and all Documents & Data. Consultant makes no such representation and warranty in regard to Documents & Data which were prepared by design professionals other than Consultant or provided to Consultant by the City. City shall not be limited in any way in its use of the Documents and Data at any time, provided that any such use not within the purposes intended by this Agreement shall be at City's sole risk. Confidentiality. All ideas, memoranda, specifications, plans, procedures, drawings, descriptions, computer program data, input record data, written information, and other Documents and Data either created by or provided to Consultant in connection with the performance of this Agreement shall be held confidential by Consultant. Such materials shall not, without the prior written consent of City, be used by Consultant for any purposes other than the performance of the Services. Nor shall such materials be disclosed to any person or entity not connected with the performance of the Services or the Project. Nothing furnished to Consultant which is otherwise known to Consultant or is generally known, or has become known, to the related industry shall be deemed confidential. Consultant shall not use City's name or insignia, photographs of the Project, or any publiCity pertaining to the Services or the Project in any magazine, trade paper, newspaper, television or radio production or other similar medium without the prior written consent of City. 3.5.4 Cooperation; Further Acts. The Parties shall fully cooperate with one another, and shall take any additional acts or sign any additional documents as may be necessary, appropriate or convenient to attain the purposes of this Agreement. 3.5.5 Attorney's Fees. If either party commences an action against the other party, either legal, administrative or otherwise, arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, the prevailing party in such litigation shall be entitled to have and recover from the losing party reasonable attorney's fees and all other costs of such action. 3.5.6 Indemnification. Consultant shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officials, officers, employees, volunteers and agents free and harmless from any and all claims, demands, causes of action, costs, expenses, liability, loss, damage or injury, in law or equity, to property or persons, including wrongful death, in any manner arising out of or incident to any alleged acts, omissions or willful misconduct of Consultant, its officials, officers, employees, agents, Consultants and contractors arising out of or in connection with the performance of the Services, the Project or this Agreement, including without limitation the payment of all consequential damages and attorney's fees and other related costs and expenses. Consultant shall defend, at Consultant's own cost, expense and risk, any and all such aforesaid suits, actions or other legal proceedings of every kind that may be brought or instituted against City, its directors, officials, officers, employees, agents or volunteers. Consultant shall pay and satisfy any judgment, award or decree that may be rendered against City or its directors, officials, officers, employees, agents or volunteers, in any such suit, action or other legal proceeding. Consultant shall reimburse City and its directors, officials, officers, employees, agents and /or volunteers, for any and Page 8 all legal expenses and costs incurred by each of them in connection therewith or in enforcing the indemnity herein provided. Consultant's obligation to indemnify shall not be. restricted to insurance proceeds, if any, received by the City, its directors, official officers, employees, agents or volunteers 3.5.7 Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire Agreement of the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes all prior negotiations, understandings or agreements. This Agreement may only be modified by a writing signed by both parties. 3.5.8 Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California. Venue shall be in Los Angeles County. 3.5.9 Time of Essence. Time is of the essence for each and every provision of this Agreement. 3.5.10 City's Right to Employ Other Consultants. City reserves right to employ other Consultants in connection with this Project. 3.5.11 Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding on the successors and assigns of the parties. 3.5.12 Assignment or Transfer. Consultant shall not assign, hypothecate, or transfer, either directly or by operation of law, this Agreement or any interest herein without the prior written consent of the City. Any attempt to do so shall be null and void, and any assignees, hypothecates or transferees shall acquire no right or interest by reason of such attempted assignment, hypothecation or transfer. 3.5.13 Construction; References; Captions. Since the Parties or their agents have participated fully in the preparation of this Agreement, the language of this Agreement shall be construed simply, according -to its fair meaning, and not strictly for or against any Party. Any term referencing time, days or period for performance shall be deemed calendar days and not work days. All references to Consultant include all personnel, employees, agents, and subcontractors of Consultant, except as otherwise specified in this Agreement. All references to City include its elected officials, officers, employees, agents, and volunteers except as otherwise specified in this Agreement. The captions of the various articles and paragraphs are for convenience and ease of reference only, and do not define, limit, augment, or describe the scope, content, or intent of this Agreement. 3.5.14 Amendment; Modification. No supplement, modification, or amendment of this Agreement shall be binding unless executed in writing and signed by both Parties. 3.5.15 Waiver. No waiver of any default shall constitute a waiver of any other default or breach, whether of the same or other covenant or condition. No waiver, ■ � 1 • benefit, privilege, or service voluntarily given or performed by a Party shall give the other Party any contractual rights by custom, estoppel, or otherwise. 3.5.16 No Third Party Beneficiaries. There are no intended third party beneficiaries of any right or obligation assumed by the Parties. 3.5.17 Invalidity; Severability. If any portion of this Agreement is declared invalid, illegal, or otherwise unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect. 3.5.18 Prohibited Interests. Consultant maintains and warrants that it has not employed nor retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for Consultant, to solicit or secure this Agreement. Further, Consultant warrants that it has not paid nor has it agreed to pay any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for Consultant, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift or other consideration contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this Agreement. Consultant further agrees to file, or shall cause its employees or sub - Consultants to file, a Statement of Economic Interest with the City's Filing Officer as required under state law in the performance of the Services. For breach or violation of this warranty, City shall have the right to rescind this Agreement without liability. For the term of this Agreement, no member, officer or employee of City, during the term of his or her service with City, shall have any direct interest in this Agreement, or obtain any present or anticipated material benefit arising therefrom. 3.5.19 Equal Opportunity Employment. Consultant represents that it is an equal opportunity employer and it shall not discriminate against any subcontractor, employee or applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, national origin, handicap, ancestry, sex or age. Such non - discrimination shall include, but not be limited to, all activities related to initial employment, upgrading, demotion, transfer, recruitment or recruitment advertising, layoff or termination. Consultant shall also comply with all relevant provisions of City's Minority Business Enterprise program, Affirmative Action Plan or other related programs or guidelines currently in effect or hereinafter enacted. 3.5:20 Labor Certification. By its signature hereunder, Consultant certifies that it is aware of the provisions of Section 3700 of the California Labor Code which require every employer to be insured against liability for Worker's Compensation or to undertake self - insurance in accordance with the provisions of that Code, and agrees to comply with such provisions before commencing the performance of the Services. 3.5.21 Authority to Enter Agreement. Consultant has all requisite power and authority to conduct its business and to execute, deliver, and perform the Agreement. Each Party warrants that the individuals who have signed this Agreement have the legal power, right, and authority to make this Agreement and bind each respective Party. 3.5.22 Counterparts. This Agreement may be signed in counterparts, each of which shall constitute an original. Page 10 3.6 Subcontracting. 3.6.1 Prior Approval Required. Consultant shall not subcontract any portion of the work required by this Agreement, except as expressly stated herein, without prior written approval of City. Subcontracts, if any, shall contain a provision making them subject to all provisions stipulated in this Agreement. CITY OF ROSEMEAD Jeff Allred City Manager Attest: Gloria Molleda City Clerk Approved as to form: so Name: Title: Rachel Richman Burke, Williams & Sorensen, LLP City Attorney EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF SERVICES 1. General Consultant shall provide building and safety services as requested by the City. Such services shall include enforcement of the City's building laws and codes. Such enforcement shall include the duties set forth in the ordinance of the City for the Building Official and, in the performance of such work, the officials, plan reviewers and building inspectors of Consultant shall have the powers, duties and discretion of Building Official of the City. Under the California Building Code (CBC) Section 104 as amended by Los Angeles County Title 26 and adopted by the City, the Building Official is directed to perform certain tasks as described in the CBC. When acting in accordance with Section 104, the Building Official is afforded certain protection ,from liability per section 104.2.6. As City's authorized representative, Consultant shall be deemed to have the same right to protection from liability to the maximum extent allowed by law. This section is not intended and shall not operate to in any way increase City's liability or decrease its lawful immunity from liability. 2. Building Official Duties of the Building Official shall include but not be limited to the following: The Building Official is authorized to enforce all provisions of the City Building Codes, Residential Codes, Plumbing Codes, Electrical Codes, Mechanical Codes, Green Building Standards, and Building Energy Conservation, and to make all inspections pursuant to the provisions of each code. The Building Official shall have the power to render interpretations of these codes and to adopt and enforce rules and supplemental regulations in order to clarify the application of its provisions. 3. Plan Review Consultant shall review plans prepared by or on behalf of an applicant for compliance with the Building laws of the City and State. When satisfied that the plans comply the applicable Building laws of the City and State, Consultant shall approve plans and forward to City for issuance of permit. 4. Building Inspection Consultant shall provide building observation services during the course of construction to enforce compliance with the conditions of approval, provisions of the City's Building laws and the Code requirements set forth on the approved plans for which a permit was issued. In the performance of such duties Consultant shall observe each project at the completion of the various stages of construction for compliance with the appropriate City and State code. A -1 5. California Building Laws The City of Rosemead adopts the California Building Laws as amended by Los Angeles County. Once the State of California and County of Los Angeles have completed their adoption process, the Consultant will be required to provide the necessary materials (i.e. staff report, ordinances, resolutions, etc.) for the City to adopt the County Codes and will be required to attend the City Council meeting for said items. 6. Technology Permits are input into the HDL system at the same time the permit is issued or plan check fees are collected. Consultant will be required to be knowledgeable and proficient in the use of the HDL system. 7. Other Services Consultant upon request of the City may provide other services as requested by the City. A -2 EXHIBIT B SCHEDULE OF SERVICES Public Counter Services — Consultant personnel will provide public counter services during City Hall hours of operation. Consultant personnel will provide over the counter plan review services Monday through Thursday 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 P.M. Plan Check Services — All residential and non - residential plan check would be performed by the Consultant. The Consultant will work closely with the Planner assigned to each project, including review of final plan check as Building Official. The services include plan review services of construction drawings to ensure compliance with City building codes and related Municipal Code requirements. Plan review services also include, but not be limited to,,the disciplines of Building, Residential, Plumbing, Electrical, Mechanical, Green Building Standards, and Building Energy Conservation. The Building Official and Inspector(s) will work in coordination with the Planning staff on all plan checks to be sure they comply and are in accordance with the City zoning codes. Inspection Services — The Consultant will provide all inspection services for all residential and non - residential construction, and construction related activity, during City Hall hours of operation and on Fridays until 12:00 pm. Inspection services will be performed by ICC certified Building Inspector(s). Other Services — Consultant will interface with permit applicants; staff the public counter during City Hall hours of operation and provide off hour inspection services as requested; provide problem solving methods for unique or challenging plan check or code interpretation issues; report writing when necessary; 'policy & procedure recommendations; attend City Council meetings when necessary. Consultant will be qualified in post- disaster safety assessment, and will be available to the City to assess the safety of buildings in the event of a disaster. Consultant will also provide inspection services for special projects as determined by the City Manager. :I Reserved EXHIBIT C COMPENSATION Consultant shall be compensated for services listed in Exhibit "A" as follows: Plan Checking % of City fees. This fee is based on the City's most current fee schedule. This fee will include an initial check and two (2) rechecks. Any subsequent rechecks not based on new corrections added during either initial check or recheck will be performed at Consultant's current hourly rates. 2. Building Inspection % of City fees. This fee is based on the City's most current fee schedule. Inspections for permits issued before the effective date of this agreement or inspections for which no City fee is collected will be performed at Consultant's current hourly rates. 3. California Building Laws There is no additional fee that will be charged to the City for the service of providing the necessary materials (i.e. staff report, ordinances, resolutions, etc.) for the City to adopt the County Codes and attend the City Council meeting for said items. 4. Other Services Other services will be performed on a time and material basis at the Consultant's current hourly rates or an agreed upon lump sum cost not to exceed basis. 5. Hourly Rate Schedule The current hourly rates for the fiscal year 2015 -16 are included on page C -2. These rates shall be reviewed and updated as necessary on an annual basis. C -1 (To be inserted at a later date.) C -2 EXHIBIT D INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS Prior to the beginning of and throughout the duration of the Work, Consultant will maintain insurance in conformance with the requirements set forth below. Consultant will use existing coverage to comply with these requirements. if that existing coverage does not meet the requirements set forth here, Consultant agrees to amend, supplement or endorse the existing coverage to do so. Consultant acknowledges that the insurance coverage and policy limits set forth in this section constitute the minimum amount of coverage required. Any insurance proceeds available to City in excess of the limits and coverage required in this agreement and which is applicable to a given loss, will be available to City. Consultant shall provide the following types and amounts of insurance: Commercial General Liability Insurance using Insurance Services Office "Commercial General Liability" policy form CG 00 01 or the exact equivalent. Defense costs must be paid in addition to limits. There shall be no cross liability exclusion for claims or suits by one insured against another. Limits are subject to review but in no event less than $1,000,000 per occurrence. Business Auto Coverage on ISO Business Auto Coverage form CA 00 01 including symbol 1 (Any Auto) or the exact equivalent. Limits are subject to review, but in no event to be less than $1,000,000 per accident. If Consultant owns no vehicles, this requirement may be satisfied by a non -owned auto endorsement to the general liability policy described above. If Consultant or Consultant's employees will use personal autos in any way on this project, Consultant shall provide evidence of personal auto liability coverage for each such person. Workers Compensation on a state - approved policy form providing statutory benefits as required by law with employer's liability limits no less than $1,000,000 per accident or disease. Excess or Umbrella Liability Insurance (Over Primary) if used to meet limit requirements, shall provide coverage at least as broad as specified for the underlying coverages. Any such coverage provided under an umbrella liability policy shall include a drop down provision providing primary coverage above a maximum $25,000 self- insured retention for liability not covered by primary but covered by the umbrella. Coverage shall be provided on a "pay on behalf" basis, with defense costs payable in addition to policy limits. Policy shall contain a provision obligating insurer at the time insured's liability is determined, not requiring actual payment by the insured first. There shall be no cross liability exclusion precluding coverage for claims or suits by one insured against another. Coverage shall be applicable to City for injury to employees of Consultant, sub - Consultants or others involved in the Work. The scope of coverage provided is subject to approval of City following receipt of proof of insurance as required herein. Limits are subject to review but in no event less than $1,000,000 per occurrence. D -1 Professional Liability or Errors and Omissions Insurance as appropriate shall be written on a policy form coverage specifically designed to protect against acts, errors or omissions of the Consultant and Covered Professional Services" as designated in the policy must specifically include work performed under this agreement. The policy limit shall be no less than $2,000,OOO-per claim and in the aggregate. The policy must "pay on behalf of the insured and must include a provision establishing the insurer's duty to defend. The policy retroactive date shall be on or before the effective date of this agreement. Insurance procured pursuant to these requirements shall be written by insurers that are admitted carriers in the state of California and with an A.M. Bests rating of A- or better and a minimum financial size Vll. General conditions pertaining to provision of insurance coverage by Consultant. Consultant and City agree to the following with respect to insurance provided by Consultant: 1. Consultant agrees to have its insurer endorse the third party general liability coverage required herein to include as additional insureds City, its officials, employees and agents, using standard ISO endorsement No. CG 2010 with an edition prior to 1992. Consultant also agrees to require all contractors, and subcontractors to do likewise. 2. No liability insurance coverage provided to comply with this Agreement shall prohibit Consultant, or Consultant's employees, or agents, from waiving the right of subrogation prior to a loss. Consultant agrees to waive subrogation rights against City regardless of the applicability of any insurance proceeds, and to require all contractors and subcontractors to do likewise. 3. All insurance coverage and limits provided by Contractor and available or applicable to this agreement are intended to apply to the full extent of the policies. Nothing contained in this Agreement or any other agreement relating to the City or its operations limits the application of such insurance coverage. 4. None of the coverages required herein will be in compliance with these requirements if they include any limiting endorsement of any kind that has not been first submitted to City and approved of in writing. 5. No liability policy shall contain any provision or definition that would serve to eliminate so- called "third party action over" claims, including any exclusion for bodily injury to an employee of the insured or of any contractor or subcontractor. 6. All coverage types and limits required are subject to approval, modification and additional requirements by the City, as the need arises. Consultant shall not make any reductions in scope of coverage (e.g. elimination of contractual liability or reduction of discovery period) that may affect City's protection without City's prior written consent. D -2 t 7. Proof of compliance with these insurance requirements, consisting of certificates of insurance evidencing all of the coverages. required and an additional insured endorsement to Consultant's general liability policy, shall be delivered to City at or prior to the execution of this Agreement. In the event such proof of any insurance is not delivered as required, or in the event such insurance is canceled at any time and no replacement coverage is provided, City has the right, but not the duty, to obtain any insurance it deems necessary to protect its interests under this or any other agreement and to pay the premium. Any premium so paid by City shall be charged to and promptly paid by Consultant or deducted from sums due Consultant, at City option. 8. Certificate(s) are to reflect that the insurer will provide a 30 -day notice to City of any cancellation of coverage. Consultant agrees to require its insurer to modify such certificates to delete any exculpatory wording stating that failure of the insurer to mail written notice of cancellation imposes no obligation, or that any party will "endeavor" (as opposed to being required) to comply with the requirements of the certificate. 9. It is acknowledged by the parties of this agreement that all insurance coverage required to be provided by Consultant or any subcontractor, is intended to apply first and on a primary, noncontributing basis in relation to any other insurance or self - insurance available to City. 10. Consultant agrees to ensure that subcontractors, and any other party involved with. the project who is brought onto or involved in the project by Consultant, provide the same minimum insurance coverage required of Consultant. Consultant agrees to monitor and review all such coverage and assumes all responsibility for ensuring that such coverage is provided in conformity with the requirements of this section. Consultant agrees that upon request, all agreements with subcontractors and others engaged in the project will be submitted to City for review. 11. Consultant agrees not to self - insure or to use any self - insured retentions or deductibles on any portion of the insurance required herein and further agrees that it will not allow any contractor, subcontractor, Architect, Engineer or other entity or person in anyway involved in the performance of work on the project contemplated by this agreement to self - insure its obligations to City. If Consultant's existing coverage includes a deductible or self - insured retention, the deductible or self - insured retention must be declared to the City. At that time the City shall review options with the Consultant, which may include reduction or elimination of the deductible or self - insured retention, substitution of other coverage, or other solutions. 12. The City reserves the right at any time during the term of the contract to change the amounts and types of insurance required by giving the Consultant ninety (90) days advance written notice of such change. If such change results in substantial additional cost to the Consultant, the City will negotiate additional compensation proportional to the increased benefit to City. D -3 13. For purposes of applying insurance coverage only, this Agreement will be deemed to have been executed immediately upon any party hereto taking any steps that can be deemed to be in furtherance of or towards performance of this Agreement. 14. Consultant acknowledges and agrees that any actual or alleged failure on the part of City to inform Consultant of non - compliance with any insurance requirement in no way imposes any additional obligations on City nor does it waive any rights hereunder in this or any other regard. 15. Consultant will renew the required coverage annually as long as City, or its employees or agents face an exposure from operations of any type pursuant to this agreement. This obligation applies whether or not the agreement is canceled or terminated for any reason. Termination of this obligation is not effective until City executes a written statement to that effect. 16. Consultant shall provide proof that policies of insurance required herein expiring during the term of this Agreement have been renewed or replaced with other policies providing at least the same coverage. Proof that such coverage has been ordered shall be submitted prior to expiration. A coverage binder or letter from Consultant's insurance agent to this effect is acceptable. A certificate of insurance and /or additional insured endorsement as required in these specifications applicable to the renewing or new coverage must be provided to City within five days of the expiration of the coverages. 17.The provisions of any workers' compensation or similar act will not limit the obligations of Consultant under this agreement. Consultant expressly agrees not to use any statutory immunity defenses under such laws with respect to City, its employees, officials and agents. 18. Requirements of specific coverage features or limits contained in this section are not intended as limitations on coverage, limits or other requirements nor as a waiver of any coverage normally provided by any given policy. Specific reference to a given coverage feature is for purposes of clarification only as it pertains to a given issue, and is not intended by any party or insured to be limiting or all - inclusive. 19. These insurance requirements are intended to be separate and distinct from any other provision in this agreement and are intended by the parties here to be interpreted as such. 20.The requirements in this Section supersede all other sections and provisions of this Agreement to the extent that any other section or provision conflicts with or impairs the provisions of this Section. 21. Consultant agrees to be responsible for ensuring that no contract used by any party involved in any way with the project reserves the right to charge City or Consultant for the cost of additional insurance coverage required by this agreement. Any such provisions are to be deleted with reference to City. It is not :11 the intent of City to reimburse any third party for the cost of complying with these requirements. There shall be no recourse against City for payment of premiums or other amounts with respect thereto. Consultant agrees to provide immediate notice to City of any claim or loss against Consultant arising out of the work performed under this agreement. City assumes no obligation or liability by such notice, but has the right (but not the duty) to monitor the handling of any such claim or claims if they are likely to involve City. D -5 ATTACHMENT C - MAYOR: WILLIAM ALARCON MAYOR PRO TEM: MARGARET CLARK COUNCIL MEMBERS: SANDRAARI ENTA STEVEN LY PoLLY Low February 2, 2015 City of Rosemead 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD P.O BOX 399 ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 TELEPHONE (626) 569 -2100 FAX (626) 307 -9218 Ms. Ayla Jefferson, CBO Building Department Manager /Contract Principal Transtech Engineers, Inc. 13367 Benson Avenue Chino, California 91710 Subject: City of Rosemead — Request for Proposal No. 2014 -12 (Building Inspection and Plan Check Services) - ADDENDUM Dear Ms. Jefferson: As you are aware, the City of Rosemead is seeking a qualified firm to provide Consultant services to administer and operate the Building and Safety Division for the City of Rosemead. On February 18, 2015, the City held interviews with four (4) firms. Based on these interviews, clarification is needed on the City's fee schedule. The City currently charges 1.5 times the County of Los Angeles fee schedule for initial plan submittals only. Other than this, there are no additional fees collected from applicants regardless of the number of submittals for the same project. Also, there are no additional fees for a valid .open building permit regardless of the number of inspections conducted. The City is requesting an updated proposal based on a percentage fee compensation only be submitted based on the following scope of services no hourly rates or additional charges will be accepted) SCOPE OF SERVICES Full -Time Dedicated Staff — The full -time dedicated staff shown below is the minimum number that must be assigned to the City. a Building Official Building Inspector • Permit Technician In addition, the Consultant will be required to provide additional staff, as needed, to meet the demands of an increase in workload. Counter Coveraae — The Consultant will be required to provide counter coverage Monday — Thursday 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. In addition, over the counter plan check review services must be provided at a minimum Monday — Thursday 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., and as requested from the public by appointment. RFP Addendum February 23, 2015 Page 2 Plan Check Services — All plan checks will be performed by the Consultant. The Consultant is expected to work closely with the Planner and Engineer assigned to each project, including review of final plan check as Building Official. The services must include plan review of construction drawings to ensure compliance with building codes and related Municipal Code requirements. Plan check services must include, but not be limited to, the disciplines of Building, Residential, Plumbing, Electrical, Mechanical, Green Building Standards, and Building Energy Conservation. Additionally, geotechnical, seismic, and any other disciplines necessary for plan checks are to be included as part of the consultant's percentage fee. The Building Official and Inspector(s) work in coordination with the Planning and Engineering staff to ensure full compliance with all Federal, State, and local codes. California Building Laws — The City of Rosemead adopts the California Building Laws as amended by County of Los Angeles. Once the State of California and County of Los Angeles have completed their adoption process, the Consultant will be required to provide the necessary materials (i.e. staff report, ordinances, resolutions, etc.) for the City to adopt the County Codes and will be required to attend the City Council meeting(s) for said items. Inspection Services - — The Consultant will provide all inspection services for all construction, and construction related activity Monday — Thursday 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and on Fridays from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Inspection services must be performed by ICC certified Building Inspector(s). Inspection services will not be expected on the following days unless otherwise requested by the City Manager or designee as noted under the section called `Weekend /Holiday /After Work Hour Inspections ". • New Year's Day • Martin Luther King, Jr. Day • President's Day, Memorial Day • Independence Day • Memorial Day • Labor Day • Veteran's Day • Thanksgiving Day • Christmas Day Weekend /Holiday /After Work Hour Inspections — The Consultant will be required to provide occasional weekend, holiday, and after work hour inspections as requested by the City Manager or designee. No Fee /City Projects — The Consultant will be required to process and inspect no fee and City projects at no additional cost to the City or the applicant. Transtech Engineers RFP Addendum February 23, 2015 Page 3 Technology — Permits are input into the HDL system at the same time the permit is issued or plan check fees are collected. The Consultant will be expected to know and use the HDL system as well as updating the increase in fees in the system annually. Transportation of Plans — The consultant will be required to provide daily transportation of all plans for projects that exceed the capability of the onsite staff to properly provide plan check services in a timely manner from and to City Hall. Disaster Safety Assessment — The Consultant will be required to provide disaster safety assessment of all buildings in the event of a disaster as requested by the City Manager or designee. In addition, the Consultant will be required to provide emergency inspections, as needed, due to natural or manmade disasters (i.e. fire, auto accident, etc.). Reports — The Consultant will be required to produce: • the Building Division Activity report and a summary of plan checks, permits, and inspections to the City on a monthly basis; • the Strong Motion Instrumentation Program (SMIP) report and the Green Fee report and Cover Letter on a quarterly basis or as otherwise required by the State of California; and • the Congestion Management Program report to the City on an annual basis.' Invoice — The Consultant will be required to submit the monthly Building Division report and Permit Activity report along with the monthly invoice based on the approved all - inclusive percentage fee split. Charges in addition to the all- inclusive percentage fee will not be accepted or approved by the City of Rosemead. Other Services — The Consultant will be responsible for all correspondence related to activities of the Building and Safety Division. In addition, The Consultant will be required to respond to complaints, perform investigations, provide problem solving methods for unique .or challenging plan check or code interpretation issues, provide report writing and policy & procedure recommendations, and attend City Council meetings as requested by the City Manager or designee. COMPENSATION The City is requesting the submittal of an updated all- inclusive -percentage fee compensation only, based on all of the above -noted services that will be required as part of the percentage fee no hourly rates or additional charges will be accepted) To continue to be considered in this process, the attached compensation proposal form must be completed and returned to me by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 5, 2015 Transtech Engineers RFP Addendum February 23, 2015 Page 4 Consultants that do not return the attached compensation proposal form by this date and time will be disqualified and no longer considered a candidate for the administration and operation of the Building and Safety Division for the City of Rosemead. We thank you for your interest and look forward to an updated compensation proposal. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (626) 569 -2158 or by email at mramirez @cityofrosemead.org. Sincerely, WViii-C Michelle G. Ramirez Community Development Director Attachment — Revised Compensation Proposal Form Transtech Engineers RFP Addendum February 23, 2015 Page 5 REVISED COMPENSATION PROPOSAL FORM 1. The Consultant understands and agrees to all of the Scope of Services listed in the Request for Proposal No. 2014 -12 (Building Inspection and Plan Check Services) — ADDENDUM dated February 23, 2015. 2. The Consultant understands that the City of Rosemead is requesting an updated proposal based on an all- inclusive percentage fee compensation only, based on all of the Scope of Services listed in the Request for Proposal No. 2014 -12 (Building Inspection and Plan Check Services) — ADDENDUM dated February 23, 2015 and that the City of Rosemead will not accept any hourly rates or additional charges. 3. The Consultant understands that any compensation proposal other than what is being requested by the City of Rosemead in this ADDENDUM will be rejected and disqualified from further consideration. 4. Revised All-Inclusive Percentage Fee Compensation Building Services 100% Consultant i % city % Plan Check Services 100% Consultant % city % Printed Name Signature Title Date This form must be returned to the City of Rosemead, Community Development Director, Michelle Ramirez, by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 5, 2015 The City of Rosemead will only accept this updated all- inclusive percentage fee compensation form and will not accept any other form or addendum. Consultants that do not return this Revised Compensation Proposal by the listed date and time will be disqualified and no longer considered a candidate for the administration and operation of the Building and Safety Division for the City of Rosemead. RETURN COMPLETED FORM BY 5:00 P.M., MARCH 5, 2015 Transtech Engineers MAYOR: WILLIAM ALARCON 1VIAYOR PRO TEM: MARGARET CLARK COUNCIL MEMBERS: SANDRA ARMENTA STEVEN LY PoLLY Low February 2, 2015 Mr. Greg Robinson, CBO Charles Abbott Associates, Inc. 27401 Los Altos, #220 Mission Viejo, California 92691 City of Rosemead 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD P.O BOX 399 ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 TELEPHONE (626) 569 -2100 PAX (626) 307 -9218 Subject: City of Rosemead — Request for Proposal No. 2014 -12 (Building Inspection and Plan Check Services) - ADDENDUM Dear Mr. Robinson: As you are aware, the City of Rosemead is seeking a qualified firm to provide Consultant services to administer and operate the Building and Safety Division for the City of Rosemead. On February 18, 2015, the City held interviews with four (4) firms. Based on these interviews, clarification is needed on the City's fee schedule. The City currently charges 1.5 times the County of Los Angeles fee schedule for initial plan submittals only. Other than this, there are no additional fees collected from applicants regardless of the number of submittals for the same project. Also, there are no additional fees for a valid open building permit regardless of the number of inspections conducted. The City is requesting an updated proposal based on a percentage fee compensation only be submitted based on the following scope of services ( hourly rates or additional charges will be accepted) SCOPE OF SERVICES Full -Time Dedicated Staff — The full -time dedicated staff shown below is the minimum number that must be assigned to the City. Building Official Building Inspector Permit Technician In addition, the Consultant will be required to provide additional staff, as needed, to meet the demands of an increase in workload. Counter Coveraae — The Consultant will be required to provide counter coverage Monday — Thursday 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. In addition, over the counter plan check review services must be provided at a minimum Monday — Thursday 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., and as requested from the public by appointment. RFP Addendum February 23, 2015 Page 2 Plan Check Services — All plan checks will be performed by the Consultant. The Consultant is expected to work closely with the Planner and Engineer assigned to each project, including review of final plan check as Building Official. The services must include plan review of construction drawings to ensure compliance with building codes and related Municipal Code requirements. Plan check services must include, but not be limited to, the disciplines of Building, Residential, Plumbing, Electrical, Mechanical, Green Building Standards, and Building Energy Conservation. Additionally, geotechnical, seismic, and any other disciplines necessary for plan checks are to be included as part of the consultant's percentage fee. The Building Official and Inspector(s) work in coordination with the Planning and Engineering staff to ensure full compliance with all Federal, State, and local codes. California Building Laws — The City of Rosemead adopts the California Building Laws as amended by County of Los Angeles. Once the State of California and County of Los Angeles have completed their adoption process, the Consultant will be required to provide the necessary materials (i.e. staff report, ordinances, resolutions, etc.) for the City to adopt the County Codes and will be required to attend the City Council meeting(s) for said items. Inspection Services — The Consultant will provide all inspection services for all construction, and construction related activity Monday — Thursday 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and on Fridays from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Inspection services must be performed by ICC certified Building Inspector(s). Inspection services will not be expected on the following days unless otherwise requested by the City Manager or designee as noted under the section called "Weekend/Holiday /After Work Hour Inspections ". • New Year's Day • Martin Luther King, Jr. Day • President's Day, Memorial Day • Independence Day • Memorial Day • Labor Day • Veteran's Day • Thanksgiving Day • Christmas Day Weekend /Holiday /After Work Hour Inspections — The Consultant will be required to provide occasional weekend, holiday, and after work hour inspections as requested by the City Manager or designee. No Fee/City Proiects — The Consultant will be required to process and inspect no fee and City projects at no additional cost to the City or the applicant. Charles Abbott Associates RFP Addendum February 23, 2015 Page 3 Technology — Permits are input into the HDL system at the same time the permit is issued or plan check fees are collected. The Consultant will be expected to know and use the HDL system as well as updating the increase in fees in the system annually. Transportation of. Plans — The consultant will be required to provide daily transportation of all plans for projects that exceed the capability of the onsite staff to properly provide plan check services in a timely manner from and to City Hall. Disaster Safety Assessment — The Consultant will be required to provide disaster safety assessment of all buildings in the event of a disaster as requested by the City Manager or designee. In addition, the Consultant will be required to provide emergency inspections, as needed, due to natural or manmade disasters (i.e. fire, auto accident, etc.). Reports — The Consultant will be required to produce: • the Building Division Activity report and a summary of plan checks, permits, and inspections to the City on a monthly basis; • the Strong Motion Instrumentation Program (SMIP) report and the Green Fee report and Cover Letter on a quarterly basis or as otherwise required by the State of California; and • the Congestion Management Program report to the City on an annual basis. Invoice — The Consultant will be required to submit the monthly Building Division report and Permit Activity report along with the monthly invoice based on the approved all - inclusive percentage fee split. Charges in addition to the all- inclusive percentage fee will not be accepted or approved by the City of Rosemead. Other Services — The Consultant will be responsible for all correspondence related to activities of the Building and Safety Division. In addition, The Consultant will be required to respond to complaints, perform investigations, provide problem solving methods for unique or challenging plan check or code interpretation issues, provide report writing and policy & procedure recommendations, and attend City Council meetings as requested by the City Manager or designee. COMPENSATION The City is requesting the submittal of an updated all - inclusive percentage fee compensation only, based on all of the above -noted services that will be required as part of the percentage fee ( no hourly rates or additional charges will be accepted) To continue to be considered in this process, the attached compensation proposal form must be completed and returned to me by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 5, 2015 Charles Abbott Associates RFP Addendum February 23, 2015 Page 4 Consultants that do not return the attached compensation proposal form by this date and time will be disqualified and no longer considered a candidate for the administration and operation of the Building and Safety Division for the City of Rosemead. We thank you for your interest and look forward to an updated compensation proposal. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (626) 569 -2158 or by email at mramirez @cityofrosemead.org. Sincerely, f r Michelle G. Ramirez Community Development Director Attachment— Revised Compensation Proposal Form Charles Abbott Associates RFP Addendum February 23, 2015 Page 5 REVISED COMPENSATION PROPOSAL FORM 1. The Consultant understands and agrees to all of the Scope of Services listed in the Request for Proposal No. 2014 -12 (Building Inspection and Plan Check Services) — ADDENDUM dated February 23, 2015. 2. The Consultant understands that the City of Rosemead is requesting an updated proposal based on an all- inclusive percentage fee compensation only, based on all of the Scope of Services listed in the Request for Proposal No. 2014 -12 (Building Inspection and Plan Check Services) — ADDENDUM dated February 23, 2015 and that the City of Rosemead will not accept any hourly rates or additional charges. 3. The Consultant understands that any compensation proposal other than what is being requested by the City of Rosemead in this ADDENDUM will be rejected and disqualified from further consideration. 4. Revised All-Inclusive Percentage Fee Compensation Building Services 100% Consultant % city % Printed Name Signature Date This form must be returned to the City of Rosemead, Community Development Director, Michelle Ramirez, by 5 p.m. on Thursday March 5, 2015 The City of Rosemead will only accept this updated all- inclusive percentage fee compensation form and will not accept any other form or addendum. Consultants that do not return this Revised Compensation Proposal by the listed date and time will be disqualified and no longer considered a candidate for the administration and operation of the Building and Safety Division for the City of Rosemead. RETURN COMPLETED FORM BY 5:00 P.M., MARCH 5, 2015 Plan Check Services 100% Consultant % ci Title Charles Abbott Associates MAYOR: WILLIAM ALARcoN MAYOR PRO TEM: MARGARET CLARK COUNCIL MEMBERS: SANDRA ARhmNTA STEVEN LY PoLLY Low February 2, 2015 City of Rosemead 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD P.O BOX 399 ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 TELEPHONE (626) 569 -2100 PAX (626) 307 -9218 Mr. Ronald L. Espalin, PE Director of Building and Safety Willdan 650 E. Hospitality Lane, Suite 250 San Bernardino, California 92408 Subject: City of Rosemead — Request for Proposal No. 2014 -12 (Building Inspection and Plan Check Services) - ADDENDUM Dear Mr. Espalin: As you are aware, the City of Rosemead is seeking a qualified firm to provide Consultant services to administer and operate the Building and Safety Division for the City of Rosemead. On February 18, 2015, the City held interviews with four (4) firms. Based on these interviews, clarification is needed on the City's fee schedule. The City currently charges 1.5 times the County of Los Angeles fee schedule for initial plan submittals only. Other than this, there are no additional fees collected from applicants regardless of the number of submittals for the same project. Also, there are no additional fees for a valid open building permit regardless of the number of inspections conducted. The City is requesting an updated proposal based on a percentage fee compensation only be submitted based on the following scope of services no hourly rates or additional charges will be accepted) SCOPE OF SERVICES Full -Time Dedicated Staff — The full -time dedicated staff shown below is the minimum number that must be assigned to the City. Building Official Building Inspector Permit Technician In addition, the Consultant will be required to provide additional staff, as needed, to meet the demands of an increase in workload. Counter Coveraae — The Consultant will be required to provide counter coverage Monday — Thursday 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. In addition, over the counter plan check review services must be provided at a minimum Monday — Thursday 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., and as requested from the public by appointment. RFP Addendum February 23, 2015 Page 2 Plan Check Services — All plan checks will be performed by the Consultant. The Consultant is expected to work closely with the Planner and Engineer assigned to each project, including review of final plan check as Building Official. The services must include plan review of construction drawings to ensure compliance with building codes and related Municipal Code requirements. Plan check services must include, but not be limited to, the disciplines of Building, Residential, Plumbing, Electrical, Mechanical, Green Building Standards, and Building Energy Conservation. Additionally, geotechnical, seismic, and any other disciplines necessary for plan checks are to be included as part of the consultant's percentage fee. The Building Official and Inspector(s) work in coordination with the Planning and Engineering staff to ensure full compliance with all Federal, State, and local codes. California Building Laws — The City of Rosemead adopts the California Building Laws as amended by County of Los Angeles. Once the State of California and County of Los Angeles have completed their adoption process, the Consultant will be required to provide the necessary materials (i.e. staff report, ordinances, resolutions, etc.) for the City to adopt the County Codes and will be required to attend the City Council meeting(s) for said items. Inspection Services — The Consultant will provide all inspection services for all construction, and construction related activity Monday — Thursday 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and on Fridays from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Inspection services must be performed by ICC certified Building Inspector(s). Inspection services will not be expected on the following days unless otherwise requested by the City Manager or designee as noted under the section called "Weekend /Holiday /After Work Hour Inspections ". • New Year's Day Martin Luther King, Jr. Day President's Day, Memorial Day • Independence Day • Memorial Day Labor Day o Veteran's Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day Weekend /Holiday /After Work Hour Inspections — The Consultant will be required to provide occasional weekend, holiday, and after work hour inspections as requested by the City Manager or designee. No Fee /City Proiects — The Consultant will be required to process and inspect no fee and City projects at no additional cost to the City or the applicant. Willdan RFP Addendum February 23, 2015 Page 3 Technology — Permits are input into the HDL system at the same time the permit is issued or plan check fees are collected. The Consultant will be expected to know and use the HDL system as well as updating the increase in fees in the system annually. Transportation of Plans — The consultant will be required to provide daily transportation of all plans for projects that exceed the capability of the onsite staff to properly provide plan check services in a timely manner from and to City Hall. Disaster Safety Assessment — The Consultant will be required to provide disaster safety assessment of all buildings in the event of a disaster as requested by the City Manager or designee. In addition, the Consultant will be required to provide emergency inspections, as needed, due to natural or manmade disasters (i.e. fire, auto accident, etc.). Reports — The Consultant will be required to produce: • the Building Division Activity report and a summary of plan checks, permits, and inspections to the City on a monthly basis; • the Strong Motion Instrumentation Program (SMIP) report and the Green Fee report and Cover Letter on a quarterly basis or as otherwise required by the State of California; and the Congestion Management Program report to the City on an annual basis. Invoice — The Consultant will be required to submit the monthly Building Division report and Permit Activity report along with the monthly invoice based on the approved all - inclusive percentage fee split. Charges in addition to the all- inclusive percentage fee will not be accepted or approved by the City of Rosemead. Other Services — The Consultant will be responsible for all correspondence related to activities of the Building and Safety Division. In addition, The Consultant will be required to respond to complaints, perform investigations, provide problem solving methods for unique or challenging plan check or code interpretation issues, provide report writing and policy & procedure recommendations, and attend City Council meetings as requested by the City Manager or designee. COMPENSATION The City is requesting the submittal of an updated all- inclusive percentage fee compensation only, based on .all of the above -noted services that will be required as part of the percentage fee ( no hourly rates or additional charges will be accepted) To continue to be considered in this process, the attached compensation proposal form must be completed and returned to me by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 5, 2015 Willdan RFP Addendum February 23, 2015 Page 4 Consultants that do not return the attached compensation proposal form by this date and time will be disqualified and no longer considered a candidate for the administration and operation of the Building and Safety Division for the City of Rosemead. We thank you for your interest and look forward to an updated compensation proposal. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (626) 569 -2158 or by email at mramirez @cityofrosemead.org. Sincerely, Michelle G. Ramirez Community Development Director Attachment — Revised Compensation Proposal Form Wilidan RFP Addendum February 23, 2015 Page 5 REVISED COMPENSATION PROPOSAL FORM The Consultant understands and agrees to all of the Scope of Services listed in the Request for Proposal No. 2014 -12 (Building Inspection and Plan Check Services) — ADDENDUM dated February 23, 2015. 2. The Consultant understands that the City of Rosemead is requesting an updated proposal based on an all- inclusive percentage fee compensation only, based on all of the Scope of Services listed in the Request for Proposal No. 2014 -12 (Building Inspection and Plan Check Services) — ADDENDUM dated February 23, 2015 and that the City of Rosemead will not accept any hourly rates or additional charges. 3. The Consultant understands that any compensation proposal other than what is being requested by the City of Rosemead in this ADDENDUM will be rejected and disqualified from further consideration. 4. Revised All-Inclusive Percentage Fee Compensation Building Services 100% Consultant % city % Plan Check Services 100% Consultant % City % Printed Name Signature Title Date This form must be returned to the City of Rosemead, Community Development Director, Michelle Ramirez, by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 5, 2015 The City of Rosemead will only accept this updated all- inclusive percentage fee compensation form and will not accept any other form or addendum. Consultants that do not return this Revised Compensation Proposal by the listed date and time will be disqualified and no longer considered a candidate for the administration and operation of the Building and Safety Division for the City of Rosemead. RETURN COMPLETED FORM BY 5:00 P.M., MARCH 5, 2015 Willdan MAYOR: WILuAm ALARCON MAYOR PRO TEM: MARGARET CLARK COUNCIL MEMBERS: SANDRA ARMHNTA STEVEN LY PoLLY Low February 2, 2015 City of Rosemead 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD P.O BOX 399 ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 TELEPHONE (626) 569 -2100 FAX (626) 307 -9218 Mr. Sid Mousavi, M.E., P.E. President and Chief Executive Officer Infrastructure Engineers 1815 E. Heim Avenue, Suite 100 Orange, California 92865 Subject: City of Rosemead — Request for Proposal No. 2014 -12 (Building Inspection and Plan Check Services) - ADDENDUM Dear Mr. Mousavi: As you are aware, the City of Rosemead is seeking a qualified firm to provide Consultant services to administer and operate the Building and Safety Division for the City of Rosemead. On February 18, 2015, the City held interviews with four (4) firms. Based on these interviews, clarification is needed on the City's fee schedule. The City currently charges 1.5 times the County of Los Angeles fee schedule for initial plan submittals only. Other than this, there are no additional fees collected from applicants regardless of the number of submittals for the same project.' Also, there are no additional fees for a valid open building permit regardless of the number of inspections conducted. The City is requesting an updated proposal based on a percentage fee compensation only be submitted based on the following scope of services no hourly rates or additional charges will be accepted) SCOPE OF SERVICES Full -Time Dedicated Staff — The full -time dedicated staff shown below is the minimum number that must be assigned to the City. • Building Official • Building Inspector ®, Permit Technician In addition, the Consultant will be required to provide additional staff, as needed, to meet the demands of an increase in workload. Counter Coveraae — The Consultant will be required to provide counter coverage Monday — Thursday 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. In addition, over the counter plan check review services must be provided at a minimum Monday — Thursday 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., and as requested from the public by appointment. RFP Addendum February 23, 2015 Page 2 Plan Check Services — All plan checks will be performed by the Consultant. The Consultant is expected to work closely with the Planner and Engineer assigned to each project, including review of final plan check as Building Official. The services must include plan review of construction drawings to ensure compliance with building codes and related Municipal Code requirements. Plan check services must include, but not be limited to, the disciplines of Building, Residential, Plumbing, Electrical, Mechanical, Green Building Standards, and Building Energy Conservation. Additionally, geotechnical, seismic, and any other disciplines necessary for plan checks are to be included as part of the consultant's percentage fee. The Building Official and Inspector(s) work in coordination with the Planning and Engineering staff to ensure full compliance with all Federal, State, and local codes. California Building — The City of Rosemead adopts the California Building Laws as amended by County of Los Angeles. Once the State of California and County of Los Angeles have completed their adoption process, the Consultant will be required to provide the necessary materials (i.e. staff report, ordinances, resolutions, etc.) for the City to adopt the County Codes and will be required to attend the City Council meeting(s) for said items. Inspection Services — The Consultant will provide all inspection services for all construction, and construction related activity Monday — Thursday 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and on Fridays from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Inspection services must be performed by ICC certified Building Inspector(s). Inspection services will not be expected on the following days unless otherwise requested by the City Manager or designee as noted under the section called "Weekend /Holiday /After Work Hour Inspections ". • New Year's Day • Martin Luther King, Jr. Day • President's Day, Memorial Day • Independence Day • Memorial Day • Labor Day • Veteran's Day • Thanksgiving Day • Christmas Day Weekend /Holiday /After Work Hour Inspections — The Consultant will be required to provide occasional weekend, holiday, and after work hour inspections as requested by the City Manager or designee. No Fee /City Projects — The Consultant will be required to process and inspect no fee and City projects at no additional cost to the City or the applicant. Infrastructure Engineers RFP Addendum February 23, 2015 Page 3 Technoloay — Permits are input into the HDL system at the same time the permit is issued or plan check fees are collected. The Consultant will be expected to know and use the HDL system as well as updating the increase in fees in the system annually. Transportation of Plans — The consultant will be required to provide daily transportation of all plans for projects that exceed the capability of the onsite staff to properly provide plan check services in a timely manner from and to City Hall. Disaster Safety Assessment — The Consultant will be required to provide disaster safety assessment of all buildings in the event of a disaster as requested by the City Manager or designee. In addition, the Consultant will be required to provide emergency inspections, as needed, due to natural or manmade disasters (i.e. fire, auto accident, etc.). Reports — The Consultant will be required to produce: • the Building Division Activity report and a summary of plan checks, permits, and inspections to the City on a monthly basis; • the Strong Motion Instrumentation Program (SMIP) report and the Green Fee report and Cover Letter on a quarterly basis or as otherwise required by the State of California; and • the Congestion Management Program report to the City on an annual basis. Invoice — The Consultant will be required to submit the monthly Building Division report and Permit Activity report along with the monthly invoice based on the approved all - inclusive percentage fee split. Charges in addition to the all- inclusive percentage fee will not be accepted or approved by the City of Rosemead. ° Other Services — The Consultant will be responsible for all correspondence related to activities of the Building and Safety Division. In addition, The Consultant will be required to respond to complaints, perform investigations, provide problem solving methods for unique or challenging plan check or code interpretation issues, provide report writing and policy & procedure recommendations, and attend City Council meetings as requested by the City Manager or designee. COMPENSATION The City is requesting the submittal of an updated all- inclusive percentage fee compensation only, based on all of the above -noted services that will be required as part of the percentage fee no hourly rates or additional charges will be accepted) To continue to be considered in this process, the attached compensation proposal form must be completed and returned to me by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 5, 2015 Infrastructure Engineers RFP Addendum February 23, 2015 Page 4 Consultants that do not return the attached compensation proposal form by this date and time will be disqualified and no longer considered a candidate for the administration and operation of the Building and Safety Division for the City of Rosemead. We thank you for your interest and look forward to an updated compensation proposal. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (626) 569 -2158 or by email at mramirez @cityofrosemead.org. Sincerely, Michelle G. Ramirez Community Development Director Attachment — Revised Compensation Proposal Form Infrastructure Engineers RFP Addendum February 23, 2015 Page 5 REVISED COMPENSATION PROPOSAL FORM 1. The Consultant understands and agrees to all of the Scope of Services listed in the Request for Proposal No. 2014 -12 (Building Inspection and Plan Check Services) — ADDENDUM dated February 23, 2015. 2. The Consultant understands that the City of Rosemead is requesting an updated proposal based on an all- inclusive percentage fee compensation only, based on all of the Scope of Services listed in the Request for Proposal No. 2014 -12 (Building Inspection and Plan Check Services) — ADDENDUM dated February 23, 2015 and that the City of Rosemead will not accept any hourly.rates or additional charges. 3. The Consultant understands that any compensation proposal other than what is being requested by the City of Rosemead in this ADDENDUM will be rejected and disqualified from further consideration. 4. Revised All-inclusive Percentage Fee Compensation Building Services 100% Consultant % city % Plan Check Services 100% Consultant ci Printed Name Signature Title Date This form must be returned to the City of Rosemead, Community Development Director, Michelle Ramirez, by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 5 2015 The City of Rosemead will only accept this updated all- inclusive percentage fee compensation form and will not accept any other form or addendum. Consultants that do not return this Revised Compensation Proposal by the listed date and time will be disqualified and no longer considered a candidate for the administration and operation of the Building and Safety Division for the City of Rosemead. RETURN COMPLETED FORM BY 5:00 P.M., MARCH 5, 2015 Infrastructure Engineers