PC - Item 3A - Conditional Use Permit 14-05 at 4545 Walnut Grove Avenue E M � 0 ROSEMEAD PLANNING COMMISSION aa CIVIC PRIDE STAFF REPORT 11/11177'''' •.:n_ " 'NCDPORATED'C° TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIR AND MEMBERS OF THE ROSEMEAD PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING DIVISION DATE: MAY 4, 2015 SUBJECT: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 14-05 4545 WALNUT GROVE AVENUE Summary Verizon Wireless has submitted a Conditional Use Permit application requesting to install and operate an unmanned wireless telecommunications facility on an existing Southern California Edison (SCE) transmission tower located at 4545 Walnut Grove Avenue in the 0-S (Open Space) zone. Environmental Determination: Section 15303 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and local environmental guidelines exempts projects that consist of the installation of new equipment in small structures. Accordingly, Conditional Use Permit 14-05 is classified as a Class 3 Categorical Exemption pursuant to Section 15303 of CEQA and therefore is exempt from further environmental analysis. Staff Recommendation Based on the analysis and findings contained in this report, it is recommended that the Planning Commission ADOPT Resolution No. 15-06 with findings (Exhibit "A") and APPROVE Conditional Use Permit 14-05 subject to the twenty-two (22) conditions outlined in Exhibit "B" attached hereto. Property History and Description The subject site is located at the southwest corner of Walnut Grove Avenue and Mission Drive. The site totals approximately 2.45 acres and it is developed with four (4) existing SCE transmission towers. The subject parcel is part of SCE's transmission corridor which runs north and south through the entire length of the City. Planning Division records indicate that Conditional Use Permit 05-1024 was approved on November 21, 2005 for the installation of an unmanned telecommunication facility located on the transmission tower at the southeast corner of the site. This facility is currently operated by AT&T and consists of twelve (12) panel antennas and an equipment shelter located on a concrete pad at the tower's base. Planning Commission Meeting May 4,2015 Page 2 of 18 : f+1 it* • L ti. }- Existing Photo from Walnut Grove Avenue Site & Surrounding Land Uses The project site is designated in the General Plan as Public Facilities and on the Zoning Map, it is designated O-S (Open Space). The site is surrounded by the following land uses: North: General Plan: Low Density Residential and Public Facilities Zoning: R-1 (Single-Family Residential) and 0-S (Open Space) Land Use: Single-Family Residences and SCE Right-of-Way South: General Plan: Low Density Residential and Public Facilities Zoning: R-1 (Single-Family Residential) and O-S (Open Space) Land Use: Single-Family Residences and SCE Right-of-Way East: General Plan: Low Density Residential Zoning: R-1 (Single-Family Residential) Land Use: Single-Family Residences West: General Plan: Low Density Residential Zoning: R-1 (Single-Family Residential) Land Use: Single-Family Residences Planning Commission Meeting May 4,2015 Page 3 of 18 Administrative Analysis The applicant is proposing to expand the Verizon Wireless communication service to residences and nearby businesses in the City of Rosemead by adding the "Rubio Wash" site to its network. The design consists of installing antennas on the legs of the existing 122' tall transmission tower, which is located at the southwest corner of the site. A three-sector array antenna arrangement is proposed and includes two (2) panel antennas, one (1) air 21 antenna, and two (2) RRU antennas per sector. Each panel antenna measures six (6) feet in height and will be located at a height of 45'-0" at centerline measured from the base of the tower. An equipment shelter containing two (2) equipment cabinets and emergency back-up generator is proposed at grade below the tower within a three hundred twenty four (324) square foot lease area. As shown on the architectural drawings, included as Exhibit "D" in this report, the wireless facility equipment will be located at the base of the tower and will be surrounded by an 8'-0" tall concrete block wall. The wall will be decorative consisting of a tan colored split face block with a matching trim cap. It is also important to note that prior to submitting the formal application for this request, the applicant worked closely with SCE and the City to correct landscaping and dilapidated fencing issues that were long time recurring at this site. The site currently is surrounded by a new black chain- link fence that is set into the site several feet from the property line to accommodate new landscaping. The project complies with all development standards of the Rosemead Municipal Code. The project is located in the O-S (Open Space) zone on real property exclusively owned by Southern California Edison, and the facility will be affixed to an existing utility structure. A co-location on the existing AT&T wireless facility was not achievable, as the small footprint below the tower does not allow for more than one carrier. Since the facility is located less than two hundred (200) feet from existing residences, the applicant was required to prepare a Noise Impact Analysis (Exhibit "E"). This noise study focuses its analysis on the noise generating components of the project which includes the equipment cabinets and back-up generator. According to the Noise Impact Analysis the generator is not expected to be operation except in the event of a power failure and during a fifteen (15) minute maintenance test occurring once a week. The report concludes that the operation of the facility will meet the maximum noise threshold of 50 dBA measured at the adjacent residential property lines provided that the 8'-0' tall block wall surrounds the equipment shelter. • The proposed location of the wireless telecommunications facility will not impact any existing use. The proposed facility is unmanned and will operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Federal and State governments set strict regulations to safeguard health and safety issues, and to insure that people residing in the area of a telecommunications facility are not affected. The applicant submitted a Radio Frequency Exposure Pre- Installation FCC Compliance Assessment Report, prepared by a qualified Radio Frequency engineer, which documented that the proposed wireless telecommunications facility will comply with all applicable frequency and interference standards (Exhibit "F"). The applicant's supplemental information, which is required to demonstrate Planning Commission Meeting May 4,2015 Page 4 of 18 conformance with the wireless telecommunications regulations, is attached as Exhibit "G". Lastly, a cell site map illustrating all approved cell towers in the City has been attached as Exhibit '`H". The proposed unmanned wireless telecommunications facility will not significantly alter the appearance of the site nor will it degrade the visual character of the area. Municipal Code Requirements Pursuant to Title 17, Article 2, Chapter 17.24, Section 17.24.020 of the Rosemead Municipal Code, a Conditional Use Permit is required for the proposed utility-mounted wireless telecommunications facility in the 0-S zone. Title 17, Article 5, Chapter 17.132, Section 17.132.040 of the Rosemead Municipal Code sets the following findings required for granting such a permit: A. Approval of the application will not be incompatible or injurious to other properties or land uses in the vicinity or create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare. The proposed location of the wireless telecommunications facility will not impact any existing use within the neighborhood vicinity. The proposed facility is unmanned and will operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Federal and State governments set strict regulations to safeguard health and safety issues, and to insure that people residing in the area of a telecommunications facility are not affected. The applicant submitted a Radio Frequency Exposure Pre- Installation FCC Compliance Assessment Report, prepared by a qualified Radio Frequency engineer, which documented that the proposed wireless telecommunications facility will comply with all applicable frequency and interference standards. Although the facility proposes an equipment shelter containing cabinets and a back-up generator within 200'-0" of a residential property line, the installation of a sound attenuation barrier consisting of an 8'-0" tall concrete block wall will reduce noise impacts to less than significant. The resulting exterior noise levels will comply with the maximum noise threshold of 50 dBA measured at the residential property line as indicated in Section 17.54.150 of the Rosemead Municipal Code. Furthermore, conditions of approval have been incorporated upon the issuance of this permit requiring the overall maintenance of the site. B. The use is consistent with the General Plan. The project site is designated in the General Plan as Public Facilities and is developed as Southern California Edison right-of-way. According to the Zoning Ordinance/General Plan Consistency Matrix (Table LU-2) of the General Plan, the Public Facilities land use designation is consistent with the Open Space zone. Planning Commission Meeting May 4,2015 Page 5 of 18 C. The use is consistent with the provisions of this Zoning Code. According to the Rosemead Municipal Code a Wireless Telecommunications Facility is subject to the approval of a Conditional Use Permit by the Planning Commission in the 0-S Zone. The applicant has submitted a complete application in accordance with the Wireless Telecommunications Facilities Ordinance and the proposed facility complies with all development standards of the Rosemead Municipal Code. The project is located in the 0-S (Open Space) zone on real property exclusively owned by Southern California Edison, and will be affixed to an existing utility structure. The applicant's supplemental information documents that the facility will operate in compliance with the City's noise standards. The Radio Frequency Exposure Pre- Installation FCC Compliance Assessment Report prepared for the subject facility documents that the proposed wireless telecommunications facility will comply with all applicable frequency and interference standards. D. Processing and approval of the permit application are in compliance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. Section 15303 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and local environmental guidelines exempts projects that consist of the installation of new equipment in small structures. Accordingly, Conditional Use Permit 14-05 is classified as a Class 3 Categorical Exemption pursuant to Section 15303 of CEQA and therefore is exempt from further environmental analysis. E. If development is provided for under the Conditional Use Permit, the project is consistent with the goals and objectives of the applicable standards and Design Guidelines in the overlying district. There are no specific design guidelines that are applicable to the proposed project. However, the project complies with all development standards of the Rosemead Municipal Code and the applicant has worked closely with the property owner and the City to improve the aesthetics of the site. A decorative split face concrete block wall will surround the equipment shelter located at the base of the tower. The project is located in the 0-S (Open Space) zone on real property exclusively owned by Southern California Edison, and the wireless telecommunication facility will be affixed to an existing utility structure. In addition to the general Conditional Use Permit findings in the Rosemead Municipal Code, Section 17.54.070.D of the Rosemead Municipal Code sets the following specific findings required for granting such a permit for a wireless telecommunications facility: A. The applicant has submitted all applicable information, documentation and materials required under Section 17.54.060. The applicant has submitted a complete application for the proposed use, including adequate descriptions of the property location, project description, coverage and service objectives, maintenance and monitoring plans, disclosure Planning Commission Meeting May 4,2015 Page 6 of 18 of removal costs, site plans and elevations, photo-simulations, a justification report, which includes propagation maps showing the gap in service that the facility is intended to fill, documentation of FCC approvals, information about all other Verizon Wireless facilities serving the City of Rosemead, and a signal interference analysis. B. The Wireless Facility, Wireless Transmission Devices, and any Accessory Equipment to be approved satisfies all applicable federal and state requirements and standards as to the placement, construction, and design, as well as all federal and state limits and standards concerning radio frequency emissions, signal interference with consumer electronic products and/or public safety communications, and other applicable operating and design standards. The applicant submitted a Radio Frequency Exposure Pre-Installation FCC Compliance Assessment Report, prepared by a qualified RF engineer. This report documented that the proposed wireless telecommunications facility will comply with all applicable frequency and interference standards. C. The proposal to be approved complies with all mandatory requirements and restrictions of this Chapter; all applicable building and construction requirements of Title 15 (Buildings and Construction) of the Rosemead Municipal Code and applicable fire safety and fire prevention requirements set forth under the Rosemead Municipal Code, County of Los Angeles Fire Code, and all applicable State fire safety and prevention laws. The proposed project complies with all locational and operational requirements of the Rosemead Municipal Code. The applicant's supplemental information documents that the facility will operate in compliance with the City's noise standards. The Radio Frequency Exposure Pre-Installation FCC Compliance Assessment Report prepared for the subject facility documents that the proposed wireless telecommunications facility will comply with all applicable frequency and interference standards. D. The applicant has made a good faith effort to identify, study and evaluate less intrusive alternatives, including the use of less intrusive technologies and equipment; alternative system designs; Alternative Siting Structure types; Alternative Siting Structure design, including stealth designs; alternative scale or size of proposal; and alternative siting options (e.g., alternative locations within the search ring, co-location opportunities or placement upon Alternative Siting Structures). The applicant identified several gaps in service coverage in the City of Rosemead. The proposed facility will improve outdoor coverage and will provide improved coverage to the highly commuted East Mission Drive and Charlotte Avenue area, improved coverage to residences and businesses, as well as provide new LTE (4G high speed data service) and AWS radio frequency service to the surrounding area. The project is located in the O-S (Open Space) zone Planning Commission Meeting May 4,2015 Page 7 of 18 on real property exclusively owned by Southern California Edison, and the facility will be affixed to an existing utility structure. A co-location on the existing AT&T wireless facility was not achievable, as the small footprint below the tower does not allow for more than one carrier. To reduce the aesthetic impact to the site, the applicant proposes to install an 8'-0" decorative split face block wall to surround the equipment shelter. E. In comparison to other identified, studied, and evaluated alternatives that are equally if not more capable of addressing the applicant's service objectives, the proposal to be approved is the most consistent with the standards, goals, and objectives of this Chapter and the Rosemead General Plan. The proposed project is the most consistent with the City's standards, goals, and objectives for the siting of wireless telecommunications facilities of the possible locations and alternatives studied. The proposed site is located in the 0-S (Open Space) zone, which is a permitted location for wireless facilities according to Section 17.54.080 of the Rosemead Municipal Code. In addition, Section 17.54.130 of the Rosemead Municipal Code recommends affixing wireless transmission facilities on existing utility supports where possible, therefore advances the City's goals by minimizing the number of new poles in the City. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process, which includes a 300' radius public hearing notice to seventy (70) property owners, publication in the Rosemead Reader, and postings of the notice at the five (5) public locations and on the subject site. Prepared by: Submitted by: C Sheri Bermejo Michelle Ramirez City Planner Community Development Director EXHIBITS: A. Planning Commission Resolution No. 15-06 B. Conditions of Approval C. Assessor Parcel Map (5372-018-802) D. Site Plan/Floor Plan/Elevations E. Noise Impact Analysis F. Radio Frequency Exposure Pre-Installation FCC Compliance Assessment Report G. Applicant's Supplemental Information H. Map of Wireless Facilities in the City of Rosemead Planning Commission Meeting May 4,2015 Page 8 of 18 EXHIBIT "A" PC RESOLUTION 15-06 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 14-05, FOR THE INSTALLATION AND OPERATION OF AN UNMANNED WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITY ON AN EXISTING 122-FOOT TALL SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON TRANSMISSION TOWER, LOCATED AT 4545 WALNUT GROVE AVENUE IN THE O-S (OPEN SPACE) ZONE (APN: 5372-018-802). WHEREAS, on December 17, 2014, Delta Engineering Group submitted a Conditional Use Permit application on behalf of Verizon Wireless for the installation and operation of an unmanned wireless telecommunications facility on an existing 122-foot tall Southern California Edison Transmission Tower, located at 4545 Walnut Grove Avenue; and WHEREAS, 4545 Walnut Grove Avenue is located in the 0-S (Open Space) zone; and WHEREAS, Section 17.24.020 of the Rosemead Municipal Code allows "Wireless Facilities, Wireless Transmission Devices, Support Structures, and related Accessory Equipment" upon the granting of a Conditional Use Permit. Section 17.132.040 sets the following findings required for granting such a permit: A. Approval of the application will not be or incompatible or injurious to other properties or land uses in the vicinity or create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare. B. The use is consistent with the General Plan. C. The use is consistent with the provisions of this Zoning Code. D. Processing and approval of the permit application are in compliance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. • E. If development is provided for under the Conditional Use Permit, the project is consistent with the goals and objectives of the applicable standards and Design Guidelines in the overlying district. WHEREAS, Sections 65800 & 65900 of the California Government Code and Section 17.132.040 of the Rosemead Municipal Code authorize the Planning Commission to approve, conditionally approve or deny conditional use permits; and Planning Commission Meeting May 4,2015 Page 9 of 18 WHEREAS, Sections of the Rosemead Municipal Code specifies the findings by which a Conditional Use Permit for a Wireless Telecommunication Facility may be granted; and WHEREAS, in addition to the general findings required for the issuance of a Conditional Use Permit, Rosemead Municipal Code Section states that the Planning Commission, or on appeal the City Council, shall make the following findings required for the granting of a conditional use permit for a Wireless Telecommunication Facility. A. The applicant has submitted all applicable information, documentation and materials required under Section 17.54.060; B. The Wireless Facility, wireless transmission devices, and any accessory equipment to be approved satisfies all applicable Federal and State requirements and standards as to the placement, construction, and design, as well as all Federal and State limits and standards concerning radio frequency emissions, signal interference with consumer electronic products and/or public safety communications, and other applicable operating and design standards; C. The proposal to be approved complies with all mandatory requirements and restrictions of this chapter; all applicable building and construction requirements of Title 15 (Buildings and Construction) of the Rosemead Municipal Code and applicable fire safety and fire prevention requirements set forth under the Rosemead Municipal Code, County of Los Angeles Fire Code, and all applicable state fire safety and prevention laws; D. The applicant has made a good faith effort to identify, study and evaluate less intrusive alternatives, including the use of less intrusive technologies and equipment; alternative system designs; alternative siting structure types; alternative siting structure design, including stealth designs; alternative scale or size of proposal; and alternative siting options (e.g., alternative locations within the search ring, collocation opportunities or placement upon alternative siting structures); E. In comparison to other identified, studied, and evaluated alternatives that are equally if not more capable of addressing the applicant's service objectives, the proposal to be approved is the most consistent with the standards, goals, and objectives of this chapter and the Rosemead General Plan; WHEREAS, on April 23, 2015, seventy (70) notices were sent to property owners within a 300-foot radius from the subject property, in addition to notices posted in five (5) public locations and on-site, specifying the availability of the application, plus the date, time and location of the public hearing for Conditional Use Permit 14-05; and a notice was published in the Rosemead Reader; and Planning Commission Meeting May 4,2015 Page 10 of 18 WHEREAS, on May 4, 2015, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed and advertised public hearing to receive oral and written testimony relative to Conditional Use Permit 14-05; and WHEREAS, the Rosemead Planning Commission has sufficiently considered all testimony presented to them in order to make the following determination. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemead as follows: SECTION 1, The Planning Commission HEREBY DETERMINES that Conditional Use Permit 14-05 is Categorically Exempt from environmental review as a Class 3 Exemption pursuant to Section 15303 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). SECTION 2. The Planning Commission HEREBY FINDS AND DETERMINES that facts do exist to justify approving Conditional Use Permit 14-05 according to the findings of Section 17.132.040 of the Rosemead Municipal Code as follows: A. Approval of the application will not be incompatible or injurious to other properties or land uses in the vicinity or create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare. The proposed location of the wireless telecommunications facility will not impact any existing use within the neighborhood vicinity. The proposed facility is unmanned and will operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Federal and State governments set strict regulations to safeguard health and safety issues, and to insure that people residing in the area of a telecommunications tacility are not affected. The applicant submitted a Radio Frequency Exposure Pre-Installation FCC Compliance Assessment Report, prepared by a qualified Radio Frequency engineer, which documented that the proposed wireless telecommunications facility will comply with all applicable frequency and interference standards. Although the facility proposes an equipment shelter containing cabinets and a back-up generator within 200'-0" of a residential property line, the installation of a sound attenuation barrier consisting of an 8'-0" tall concrete block wall will reduce noise impacts to less than significant. The resulting exterior noise levels will comply with the maximum noise threshold of 50 dBA measured at the residential property line as indicated in Section 17.54.150 of the Rosemead Municipal Code. Furthermore, conditions of approval have been incorporated upon the issuance of this permit requiring the overall maintenance of the site. B. The use is consistent with the General Plan. The project site is designated in the General Plan as Public Facilities and is developed as Southern California Edison right-of-way. According to the Zoning Ordinance/General Plan Consistency Matrix (Table LU-2) of the General Plan, the Public Facilities land use designation is consistent with the Open Space zone. Planning Commission Meeting May 4,2015 Page 11 of 18 C. The use is consistent with the provisions of this Zoning Code. According to the Rosemead Municipal Code a Wireless Telecommunications Facility is subject to the approval of a Conditional Use Permit by the Planning Commission in the O-S Zone. The applicant has submitted a complete application in accordance with the Wireless Telecommunications Facilities Ordinance and the proposed facility complies with all development standards of the Rosemead Municipal Code. The project is located in the O-S (Open Space) zone on real property exclusively owned by Southern California Edison, and will be affixed to an existing utility structure. The applicant's supplemental information documents that the facility will operate in compliance with the City's noise standards. The Radio Frequency Exposure Pre- Installation FCC Compliance Assessment Report prepared for the subject facility documents that the proposed wireless telecommunications facility will comply with all applicable frequency and interference standards. D. Processing and approval of the permit application are in compliance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. Section 15303 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and local environmental guidelines exempts projects that consist of the installation of new equipment in small structures. Accordingly, Conditional Use Permit 14-05 is classified as a Class 3 Categorical Exemption pursuant to Section 15303 of CEQA and therefore is exempt from further environmental analysis. E. If development is provided for under the Conditional Use Permit, the project is consistent with the goals and objectives of the applicable standards and Design Guidelines in the overlying district. There are no specific design guidelines that are applicable to the proposed project. However, the project complies with all development standards of the Rosemead Municipal Code and the applicant has worked closely with the property owner and the City to improve the aesthetics of the site. A decorative split face concrete block wall will surround the equipment shelter located at the base of the tower. The project is located in the O-S (Open Space) zone on real property exclusively owned by Southern California Edison, and the wireless telecommunication facility will be affixed to an existing utility structure. SECTION 3. The Planning Commission HEREBY FINDS AND DETERMINES that facts do exist to justify approving Conditional Use Permit 14-05 according to the findings of Section of the Rosemead Municipal Code as follows: A. The applicant has submitted all applicable information, documentation and materials required under Section 17.54.060. Planning Commission Meeting May 4,2015 Page 12 of 18 The applicant has submitted a complete application for the proposed use, including adequate descriptions of the property location, project description, coverage and service objectives, maintenance and monitoring plans, disclosure of removal costs, site plans and elevations, photo-simulations, a justification report, which includes propagation maps showing the gap in service that the facility is intended to fill, documentation of FCC approvals, information about all other Verizon Wireless facilities serving the City of Rosemead, and a signal interference analysis. B. The Wireless Facility, Wireless Transmission Devices, and any Accessory Equipment to be approved satisfies all applicable federal and state requirements and standards as to the placement, construction, and design, as well as all federal and state limits and standards concerning radio frequency emissions, signal interference with consumer electronic products and/or public safety communications, and other applicable operating and design standards. The applicant submitted a Radio Frequency Exposure Pre-Installation FCC Compliance Assessment Report, prepared by a qualified RF engineer. This report documented that the proposed wireless telecommunications facility will comply with all applicable frequency and interference standards. C. The proposal to be approved complies with all mandatory requirements and restrictions of this Chapter; all applicable building and construction requirements of Title 15 (Buildings and Construction) of the Rosemead Municipal Code and applicable fire safety and fire prevention requirements set forth under the Rosemead Municipal Code, County of Los Angeles Fire Code, and all applicable State fire safety and prevention laws. The proposed project complies with all locational and operational requirements of the Rosemead Municipal Code. The applicant's supplemental information documents that the facility will operate in compliance with the City's noise standards. The Radio Frequency Exposure Pre-Installation FCC Compliance Assessment Report prepared for the subject facility documents that the proposed wireless telecommunications facility will comply with all applicable frequency and interference standards. D. The applicant has made a good faith effort to identify, study and evaluate less intrusive alternatives, including the use of less intrusive technologies and equipment; alternative system designs; Alternative Siting Structure types; Alternative Siting Structure design, including stealth designs; alternative scale or size of proposal; and alternative siting options (e.g., alternative locations within the search ring, co- location opportunities or placement upon Alternative Siting Structures). The applicant identified several gaps in service coverage in the City of Rosemead. The proposed facility will improve outdoor coverage and will provide improved coverage to the highly commuted East Mission Drive and Charlotte Avenue area, improved coverage to residences and businesses, as well as provide new LTE (4G high speed data service) and AWS radio frequency service to the surrounding area. Planning Commission Meeting May 4,2015 Page 13 of 18 The project is located in the 0-S (Open Space) zone on real property exclusively owned by Southern California Edison, and the facility will be affixed to an existing utility structure. A co-location on the existing AT&T wireless facility was not achievable, as the small footprint below the tower does not allow for more than one carrier. To reduce the aesthetic impact to the site, the applicant proposes to install an 8'-0" decorative split face block wall to surround the equipment shelter. E. In comparison to other identified, studied, and evaluated alternatives that are equally if not more capable of addressing the applicant's service objectives, the proposal to be approved is the most consistent with the standards, goals, and objectives of this Chapter and the Rosemead General Plan. The proposed project is the most consistent with the City's standards, goals, and objectives for the siting of wireless telecommunications facilities of the possible locations and alternatives studied. The proposed site is located in the 0-S (Open Space) zone, which is a permitted location for wireless facilities according to Section 17.54.080 of the Rosemead Municipal Code. In addition, Section 17.54.130 of the Rosemead Municipal Code recommends affixing wireless transmission facilities on existing utility supports where possible, therefore advances the City's goals by minimizing the number of new poles in the City. SECTION 4. The Planning Commission HEREBY APPROVES Conditional Use Permit 14-05, for the installation and operation of an unmanned wireless telecommunications facility on an existing Southern California Edison transmission tower at 4545 Walnut Grove Avenue, subject to conditions listed in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. SECTION 5. This resolution is the result of an action taken by the Planning Commission on May 4, 2015, by the following vote: YES: NO: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Planning Commission Meeting May 4,2015 Page 14 of 18 SECTION 6. The secretary shall certify to the adoption of this resolution and shall transmit copies of same to the applicant and the Rosemead City Clerk. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 4th day of May, 2015. Nancy Eng, Chair CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of a resolution adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemead at its regular meeting, held on the 4th day of May, 2015 by the following vote: YES: NO: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Michelle Ramirez, Secretary Planning Commission Meeting May 4,2015 Page 15 of 18 EXHIBIT "B" CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 14-05 (APN: 5372-018-802) CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL May 4, 2015 1. Conditional Use Permit 14-05 is approved for the installation and operation of an unmanned wireless telecommunications facility on an existing Southern California Edison transmission tower to be developed in accordance with the plans marked Exhibit "D", dated April 22, 2015. Any revisions to the approved plans must be resubmitted for review and approval by the City of Rosemead Planning Division. 2. Approval of Conditional Use Permit 14-05 shall not take effect for any purpose until the applicant has filed with the City of Rosemead a notarized affidavit stating that he/she is aware of and accepts all of the conditions of approval as set forth in the letter of approval and this list of conditions, within ten (10) days from the Planning Commission approval date. 3. The onsite public hearing notice posting shall be removed by the end of the 10- day appeal period of Conditional Use Permit 14-05. 4. Conditional Use Permit 14-05 is approved for a period of one (1) year. The applicant shall commence the proposed use or request an extension within 30- calendar days prior to expiration. The one (1) year initial approval period shall be effective from the Planning Commission approval date. For the purpose of this petition, project commencement shall be defined as beginning the permitting process with the Planning and Building Divisions, so long as the project is not abandoned. If Conditional Use Permit 14-05 has been unused, abandoned or discontinued for a period of one (1) year it shall become null and void. 5. The Planning Commission hereby authorizes the Planning Division to make or approve minor modifications to the approved Plans where necessary. 6. The Conditional Use Permit is granted or approved with the City and its Planning Commission and City Council retaining and reserving the right and jurisdiction to review and to modify the permit--including the conditions of approval--based on changed circumstances. Changed circumstances include, but are not limited to, the modification of the use, a change in scope, emphasis, size, or nature of the use, or the expansion, alteration, reconfiguration, or change of use. This reservation of right to review is in addition to, and not in lieu of, the right of the City, its Planning Commission, and City Council to review and revoke or modify any permit granted or approved under the Rosemead Municipal Code for any violations of the conditions imposed on Conditional Use Permit 14-05. Planning Commission Meeting May 4,2015 Page 16 of 18 7. The applicant shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Rosemead or its agents, officers, and employees from any claim, action, or proceeding against the City of Rosemead or its agents, officers, or employees to attack, set side, void, or annul, an approval of the Planning Commission and/or City Council concerning the project, which action is brought within the time period provided by law. 8. All conditions of approval must be complied with to the satisfaction of the Planning Division prior to final inspection. 9. Prior to the issuance of a Building Permit, the conditions listed on this exhibit shall be copied directly onto any development plans subsequently submitted to the Planning and Building departments for review. 10. The applicant shall comply with all Federal, State and local laws relative to the approved use including the requirements of the Planning, Building, Fire, Sheriff and Health Departments. 11. The hours of construction shall be limited from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Monday to Saturday. No construction shall take place on Sundays or on any Federal holiday without prior approval by the City. 12. The site shall be maintained in a clean, weed and litter free state in accordance with Sections 8.32.010-8.32.040 of the Rosemead Municipal Code, which pertains to the storage, accumulation, collection, and disposal of garbage, rubbish, trash, and debris. All trash containers shall be stored in the appropriate trash enclosure at all times. Any new litter and graffiti shall be removed within twenty-four (24) hours of notice from the City. 13. All utilities and connection cables shall be underground. The under-grounding of these utilities shall consider all future connections to the satisfaction of the Planning Division. 14. Safety standards shall conform to Federally-recognized standards through all stages of construction and operation of the facility. 15. The applicant shall adhere to all requirements and regulations of both the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) with respect to personal communication services, including but not limited to FCC standards for electromagnetic frequency radiation for Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) for humans and non-ionized electromagnetic radiation (NIER) standards. 16. Pursuant to Section 17.54.150 of the Rosemead Municipal Code, if any back-up generators are provided, they shall only be operated during power outages and for testing and maintenance purposes. Testing of such equipment shall not be Planning Commission Meeting May 4,2015 Page 17 of 18 conducted on weekends or holidays, or between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. 17. Pursuant to Section 17.54.160 of the Rosemead Municipal Code, prior to the final Building Division inspection, the applicant shall submit a post-construction NIER/radio frequency radiation exposure test to show compliance with FCC standards. The test shall be prepared by a licensed radio frequency engineer and shall be submitted to the Planning Division for review and approval. 18. Pursuant to Section 17.54.160 of the Rosemead Municipal Code, the applicant shall submit annual monitoring information to the Planning Division for review and approval certifying ongoing compliance with FCC operating and emission standards. The monitoring report shall be prepared by a qualified and duly licensed radio frequency engineer and must be submitted annually within thirty (30) days of the anniversary date of the approval of the Conditional Use Permit. 19. Pursuant to Section 17.54.170 of the Rosemead Municipal Code, prior to the final building inspection, the applicant shall procure a performance bond in the amount equal to the reasonable estimated cost associated with removal of the wireless facility and all corresponding accessory equipment covered by this Conditional Use Permit. The performance bond must be reviewed and approved by the Planning Division and the City of Rosemead must be named as the sole beneficiary of the performance bond. 20. Pursuant to Section 17.54.190 of the Rosemead Municipal Code, prior to the issuance of Building Permits, the plans must be revised to include a contact information sign that must be placed on the accessory equipment enclosure. The required sign must be installed prior to the final building inspection. 21. The equipment shelter shall be surrounded by an 8'-0" concrete block wall and satisfy the noise attenuation design requirements. The block shall consist of tan split face. 22. Violation of the conditions of approval may result in citation and/or the initiation of revocation proceedings. Planning Commission Meeting May 4,2015 Page 18 of 18 EXHIBIT "C" 5372 1 15 1 r. wpriJAts ILIAC I.. IX i . 4. . rtsieszs —=,7___z I --,. ,,.,...._ cocArect_o Ave, .......r........ .,:, t er, .....i.,, .i.s.„ . ....a...•r ZOOS / '1 n9'! __. •4,• 1 0 I Pi. SI:1 i' I 151 i • ( ez.I ,?:-. la'1 )(i.I\_ 'son'Nil. i 3 \___ --- .._,,......... ,...t1 Yr■el •.. 1 WOVILT ;ACK- — 1........,...... oinf;,..A., •-- IA. i •;I ,,... . ._1 __......1_...,4 'fin ,..÷....- I• •*. I•■ .9 _ ---.1 PCAC 1(iir.1 I i. ..] 1:411 /..'`' ,. ,01, iii pi 011 I,/ • t - '4g . e‘ 1 _ , ,.. 8.1.„.1 I •,: .., --.., --- if Subject Site -- 4 t ''''''.. 7 :fcCul•CLD MEV tz.,I ,_, .., ;;;.; :; ....„.,„(.....7 •., 1...,, il !:.. i r.,3 ,.. X 1 g , ,.. t ,,,•Q) 41, .. .1 i yl . J, •I m•4•44■44 IAP,.•i .I..ra,i'f el . {' i a 04. 17 I ,,'.., 4 -. _ •'\,■,,Nees.l.t...t. 41i.r.o..ir'161..0p.• • 0 .1 ercapt!sr.,h144. Sal-- • VII CCIDOOONIVIA (;). .1,a4c!'19.6314? .. tV IY5-I 'IT COX qa.ACIqr M .. - la 4497.1a-61 WS XIO i.1.5.,O.12 AI. *a A% tPACT•40 2M6? M .1113-•t•I-46 wr kEthilp AIVEY0:15 y:/4. L.4 30:2-12 ' P311,r..41E;111'ICI Wit U•Mk OW CCNDOUNIV.1 elan'Cr OS MIGEI I S,rAlg. TPaf II MN Imo 3 Ala IAA. •4.11.1 NOISE IMPACT ANALYSIS Verizon Wireless Site Name: "Rubio Wash — Eagle Rock-Mesa" 4545 Walnut Grove Avenue Rosemead, California 91770 Prepared For Delta Groups Engineering, Inc. Attention: Vince Amaya 2362 McGaw Avenue Irvine, California 92614 Phone: 949-622-0333 Prepared By Eilar Associates, Inc. Acoustical & Environmental Consulting 210 South Juniper Street, Suite 100 Escondido, California 92025 www.eilarassociates.com Phone: 760-738-5570 Fax: 760-738-5227 4 Job #B40704N1 September 4, 2014 EXHIBIT "E" TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 2.0 INTRODUCTION 1 2.1 Project Location 2.2 Project Description 2.3 Applicable Noise Regulations 3.0 ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING 2 • 3.1 Existing Noise Environment 3.2 Future Noise Environment 4.0 METHODOLOGY AND EQUIPMENT 4 4.1 Methodology 4.2 Measurement Equipment 5.0 NOISE IMPACTS 4 6.0 CONCLUSION 5 7.0 CERTIFICATION 6 8.0 REFERENCES 6 FIGURES 1. Vicinity Map 2. Assessor's Parcel Map 3. Satellite Aerial Photograph 4. Topographic Map 5. Satellite Aerial Photograph Showing Equipment Noise Contours and Receiver Locations APPENDICES A. Project Plans, Dated August 29, 2014 B. Pertinent Sections of the City of Rosemead Municipal Code C. Manufacturer Data Sheets rt D. Cadna Analysis Data and Results I I 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The proposed project, the Verizon Wireless telecommunications facility to be known as "Rubio Wash — Eagle Rock-Mesa," consists of the installation of new antennas and associated equipment, including a 10 kW emergency backup generator, on a parcel of land owned by Southern California Edison. The project site is located at 4545 Walnut Grove Avenue in the City of Rosemead, California. The purpose of this report is to assess noise impacts from the equipment at the Verizon facility, and to determine if mitigation is necessary and feasible to reduce project-related noise impacts to below the noise limits of the City of Rosemead. Applicable noise limits are found within the City of Rosemead Municipal Code. Calculations show that, as designed with an eight-foot high wall around the equipment area, exterior noise levels from Verizon equipment are expected to meet the applicable noise limits of the City of Rosemead at the adjacent residential property lines. For this reason, no mitigation is deemed necessary for attenuating exterior noise levels from Verizon equipment operation on site. In order to remain in compliance with City of Rosemead noise regulations, the eight-foot high wall around the equipment area must be constructed as a sound attenuation barrier which adheres to the minimum design standards described herein. 2.0 INTRODUCTION This acoustical analysis report is submitted to satisfy the noise requirements of the City of Rosemead. Its purpose is to assess noise impacts from on-site project-related mechanical noise sources, and to determine if mitigation is necessary to reduce the noise impacts to be in compliance with City of Rosemead noise regulations. All noise level or sound level values presented herein are expressed in terms of decibels (dB), with A-weighting, abbreviated "dBA," to approximate the hearing sensitivity of humans. Time-averaged noise levels are expressed by the symbol "LEQ." Unless a different time period is specified, "LEQ" is implied to mean a period of one hour. Some of the data may also be presented as octave-band- filtered and/or A-octave-band-filtered data, which are a series of sound spectra centered about each stated frequency, with half of the bandwidth above and half of the bandwidth below each stated frequency. This data is typically used for machinery noise analysis and barrier calculations. 2.1 Project Location The subject property is located at 4545 Walnut Grove Avenue in the City of Rosemead, California. The Assessor's Parcel Number (APN) of the site is 5372-018-802. For a graphical representation of the site, please refer to the Vicinity Map, Assessor's Parcel Map, Satellite Aerial Photograph, and Topographic Map provided as Figures 1 through 4, respectively. 2.2 Project Description The proposed project includes the installation and operation of new wireless telecommunications antennas and associated equipment. Two equipment cabinets and a 10 kW emergency backup generator will be ground-mounted on a concrete slab within an eight-foot high CMU wall enclosure Eilar Associates, Inc. Job#B40704N1 September 4, 2014 Page 1 beneath an existing SCE tower structure. The generator is not expected to be operational except in the event of a power failure, although it will typically run for 15 minutes once a week, during mid-day on a weekday, for test and maintenance purposes. The generator and equipment cabinets are the focus of this analysis, as they are the only noise-generating equipment anticipated to be located on site. For additional project details and equipment positioning, please refer to the project plans, dated August 29, 2014, provided in Appendix A. 2.3 Applicable Noise Standards The noise regulations applicable to this project are contained within the City of Rosemead Municipal Code. The subject property is zoned "O," open space and is used as a public utility easement, while surrounding properties to the north, east, and west are single-family residential uses. The easement is continuous to the south of the equipment area. The City of Rosemead Municipal Code provides exterior noise standards based on land use. The exterior noise standard for single-family residential uses is 60 dBA between the hours of 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., and 45 dBA between the hours of 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. As all equipment may be operational during nighttime hours in the event of an emergency, the nighttime noise limit should be met at all surrounding residential property lines. Pertinent sections of the City of Rosemead Municipal Code are provided as Appendix B. 3.0 ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING 3.1 Existing Noise Environment 3.1.1 On-Site Noise Monitoring An on-site inspection was conducted at 4:10 p.m. on Friday, July 25, 2014. The weather conditions were as follows: winds at 5-7 mph, moderate humidity, and temperatures in the mid 90s. An ambient noise measurement was taken on the sidewalk to the north of the proposed equipment site, approximately 35 feet from the Mission Drive centerline. The microphone position was approximately five feet above the existing grade. The measured noise level can be seen in Table 1. There was traffic on Mission Drive and Walnut Grove Avenue for the duration of the measurement, and the measured noise levels on site can be attributed to this traffic. The ambient noise measurement location is shown in Figure 5. Table 1. On-Site Noise Measurement Conditions and Results Date Friday, July 25, 2014 Time 4:10 p.m. —4:20 p.m. Partly cloudy skies, winds at 5-7 mph, Conditions temperature in the mid 90s with moderate humidity Measured Noise Level 68.6 dBA LEO Eilar Associates. Inc. Job#B40704N1 September 4, 2014 Page 2 3.1.2 Existing Equipment Noise There is no existing Verizon equipment on site. Proposed Verizon equipment is the focus of this analysis. 3.2 Future Noise Environment The future noise environment in the vicinity of the project site will be primarily a result of the same ambient noise sources, as well as the noise generated by the new Verizon equipment on site. The proposed equipment cabinets and Polar Power 10 kW generator are the only pieces of Verizon equipment anticipated to generate noise on site. The equipment cabinets are assumed to be manufactured by Nortel, and noise levels for this cabinet were provided by the manufacturer. According to the manufacturer, the noise level created by one unit is measured to be approximately 60 dBA at five feet from the source. Manufacturer data sheets can be found in Appendix C. In order to incorporate this measurement into barrier calculation analysis, the octave band spectrum from a previous measurement of a Nortel CMO cabinet in operation was used. The previous measurement was performed by Eilar Associates for Cricket Communications (Eilar Associates Job #A51211 N1) on December 21, 2005 at Cricket Communication facility FAT 030, located at 5358 West Spruce Avenue in Fresno, CA. The resultant octave band data is shown in Table 2. It is expected that this equipment noise level would be representative of any other equipment cabinet that could potentially be used on site. Table 2. Sound Pressure Level of Nortel CMO, at 5 Feet from Source Noise Level at Octave Band Frequency(dB) Total Source 63 125 250 500 1K 2K 4K 8K (dBA) Nortel CMG 59.9 52.8 53.6 57.7 55.4 53.2 47.1 36.8 60 Noise levels for the proposed Polar Power 10 kW generator were provided by the manufacturer in the form of a broadband frequency noise level measured at 23 feet (7 meters) from the generator. For this reason, octave band noise levels were approximated using noise measurements made of a Kohler generator for a previous Eilar Associates acoustical report. The resultant estimated noise spectrum is shown below in Table 3. More information is provided in Appendix C: Manufacturer Data Sheets. Table 3. Sound Pressure Level of Polar Power 10 kW Generator, at 23 Feet from Source Noise Level at Octave Band Frequency(dB) Total Source - (dBA) 63 125 250 500 1K 2K 4K 8K Generator 61.2 61.2 62.3 55.2 59.3 56.4 49.4 44.7 63 No other equipment on site is anticipated to generate significant levels of noise. Eilar Associates, Inc. Job#B40704N1 September 4, 2014 Page 3 4.0 METHODOLOGY AND EQUIPMENT 4.1 Methodology Modeling of the outdoor noise environment is accomplished using Cadna Version 3.7, which is a model-based computer program developed by DataKustik for predicting noise impacts in a wide variety of conditions. Cadna (Computer Aided Noise Abatement) assists in the calculation, presentation, assessment, and mitigation of noise exposure. It allows for the input of project information such as noise source data, barriers, structures, and topography to create a detailed model and uses the most up-to-date calculation standards to predict outdoor noise impacts. 4.2 Measurement Equipment Some or all of the following equipment was used at the site to measure existing ambient noise levels: • Larson Davis Model 720 Type 2 Sound Level Meter, Serial #0462 • Larson Davis Model CA150 Calibrator, Serial #0203 • Distance measurement wheel, digital camera The sound level meter was field-calibrated immediately prior to the noise measurement and checked afterwards, to ensure accuracy. All sound level measurements conducted and presented in this report, in accordance with the regulations, were made with sound level meters that conform to the American National Standards Institute specifications for sound level meters (ANSI S1.4-1983, R2001). All instruments are maintained with National Bureau of Standards traceable calibration, per the manufacturers' standards. 5.0 NOISE IMPACTS Noise levels of the proposed wireless equipment were calculated using Cadna at surrounding property lines to the north, east, and west, as these locations represent the nearest noise-sensitive receivers. Any other surrounding receivers are located at a greater distance from proposed equipment and therefore will be exposed to less equipment noise as a result of distance attenuation and shielding provided by intervening structures. The north property line receiver was calculated at the nearest residential property line across Mission Drive, as there is no noise-sensitive receiver at the sidewalk. Calculations consider noise shielding that would be achieved by the proposed eight- foot high CMU wall to be located around the equipment area. All receivers were calculated at a height of five feet above grade with the exception of the second-story receiver to the west, which was calculated at a height of fifteen feet above grade. The second-story receiver was calculated to ensure that noise levels would remain in compliance with applicable regulations at this location, which will receive less shielding from the proposed CMU wall around the equipment area than ground level receivers. Results of the analysis are shown in Table 4 below. The distances listed in this table represent the approximate horizontal distance from the receivers to the Verizon equipment area. Noise contours Eilar Associates, Inc. Job#B40704N1 September 4, 2014 Page 4 and receiver locations are shown in Figure 5, and additional information can be found in Appendix D: Cadna Analysis Data and Results. Table 4. Calculated Wireless Facility Noise Impact Levels Receiver Approximate Noise Limit Equipment Noise Number Receiver Location Distance to (d BA) Level (dBA) Equipment(ft) R-1 North Property Line 200 45 31.1 R-2 East Property Line 195 45 31.0 R-3 West Property Line 43 45 44.9 R-4 West—2nd Story Receiver 74 45 43.7 As shown above, as currently designed with the eight-foot high wall in place around the equipment area, Verizon equipment noise levels are not expected to exceed the applicable noise limits of the City of Rosemead at any surrounding residential property lines. For this reason, no mitigation is deemed necessary for attenuating exterior noise levels from Verizon equipment operation. In order to be an effective sound attenuation barrier, the CMU wall to be constructed around the Verizon equipment area should be solid and free of cracks and gaps through or below the wall. Seams or cracks must be filled or caulked to prevent sound leakage through gaps. Other materials that may be used include wood, plastic, fiberglass, steel, or a combination of those materials. If wood is used, it must be tongue and groove and must be at least 7/8-inch thick or have a surface density of at least 3-1/2 pounds per square foot. Sheet metal of 18-gauge (minimum) may be used, if it meets the other criteria and is properly supported and stiffened so that it does not rattle or create noise itself from vibration or wind. Any door or gate(s) must be designed with overlapping closures on the bottom and sides and meet the minimum specifications of the wall materials described above. The gate(s) may be of 3/4-inch or better wood, solid-sheet metal of at least 18- gauge metal, or an exterior-grade solid-core steel door with prefabricated door jambs. 6.0 CONCLUSION Calculations show that, as designed with an eight-foot high wall around the equipment area, exterior noise levels from Verizon equipment are expected to meet the applicable noise limits of the City of Rosemead at the adjacent residential property lines. For this reason, no mitigation is deemed necessary for attenuating exterior noise levels from Verizon equipment operation on site. In order to remain in compliance with City of Rosemead noise regulations, the eight-foot high wall around the equipment area must be constructed as a sound attenuation barrier which adheres to the minimum design standards described herein. This analysis is based upon a current worst-case scenario of anticipated, typical equipment for this type of wireless facility. Substitution of equipment with higher noise emission levels may invalidate the recommendations of this study. These conclusions and recommendations are based on the best and most current project-related information available at the time this study was prepared. Eilar Associates, Inc. Job#B40704N1 September 4, 2014 Page 5 7.0 CERTIFICATION This report is based on the related project information received and measured noise levels, and represents a true and factual analysis of the acoustical impact issues associated with the Verizon Wireless site known as "Rubio Wash — Eagle Rock-Mesa," located at 4545 Walnut Grove Avenue in the City of Rosemead, California. This report was prepared by Amy Hool and Jonathan Brothers. Amy Hob , Principal Acoustical Consultant Jon than Brothe , Senior Acoustical Consultant 8.0 REFERENCES 1. Beranek, Leo L., Acoustical Measurements, Published for the Acoustical Society of America by the American Institute of Physics, Revised Edition, 1988. 2. City of Rosemead Municipal Code. 3. Harris, Cyril M., Handbook of Acoustical Measurements and Noise Control, Acoustical Society of America, 3rd Edition, 1998. 4. Harris, Cyril M., Ph.D., Noise Control in Buildings, Original Edition, 1994. 5. Hirschorn, Martin, Noise Control Reference Handbook, Revised Edition, 1989. 6. Irvine, Leland K. and Richards. Roy L., Acoustics and Noise Control Handbook for Architects and Builders, Original Edition, 1998. 7. Knudsen, Vern O. and Harris, Cyril M., Acoustical Designing In Architecture, American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America, 2nd Edition, 1978. 8. Raichel, Daniel R., The Science and Applications of Acoustics, American Institute of Physics Press for the Acoustical Society of America, 1st Edition, 2000. Eilar Associates, Inc. Job#B40704N1 September 4, 2014 Page 6 FIGURES r0ornc<.Ave i-}J ;1.3rien Aye Bartem i1'V e — Butlk:lt Ave O r a) ?my eFoiti o L 0 n LL c o_ 0 a. 4 v N 00.4e d�.bp25(ry�� 4y ' .1' n c • 0� r d .+ Z _1 > m Sirarg'Wocx tr' = V 4t a 5 0 Earle Ave a%:.,1 rgn Q i De 13 Ave •¢V y e. 0. w O Nj3gT' Rlif1U VJ L t` 4 0 Lo C (/) , U L 3 co N a N;- cn _ Q -0 N, ;nnrone Ave Charlotte Aye N, Cl)wo N u j t 1 � t ,f �r C.-- ../... i ii......„7.1...., L 1 N f c2 ' t = / . A ' tm 4 ..., 4•- .'&1_'J JT GROVE . ......- , [ I,: N IP.'"°-'-#.1. )'''mg". Q 1 00 (9 C G N JNJ_ 4 ti f�; i O ° 1..... p° O (n co 'fi: (n• .0 / %NIP : 0 O N O CD• -7 ll tn rit:* /Cto,. .. ..‘. 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Iii. irg: 5 .9-.� 3 t gg =w>m w r. ' ��oR � y � m a Qp�yybX■■b � p i <ht r 'IMMO o11 <e " m m =f 8c as a of g g a o.: Ili i 3 j i k .' dyc o-,ut o n pp sq _ --Yw/311+J 0350e011e!0 ALL.o-.T y gq W 70� 3MiCLlIIJ vTa1311.'t'0350d0ad.O-.C� C;� sd2 ,.x'2 szW .6:54e g aI! b S i Ili B. li� 8 ; IOTIIMP 19410111,4r . . i�1:1..11 • L nil 0 I ! ill i o m 1- 3 N °R.,. d bi� P 800 " i . ■ nvu neu 4111 I li ie 4 v-NV ■ . o-,b ,tiil ilo-. irdagikg hit 1,4., Era Am.... lic. . =W P. Eli; a da..II 3,41101133 MON/0350do11d.0-.0 VNN31NV 0350dONd 30 d01.0-At W S .0-20 .t-.Z O 2 I _ — _VII t/ o 4?-'1 ilLo, ro Qy°� B eflSRas � �i� Wiz bp 3 g l I gds sb a Q i € �u, Q :45ii i Ic'`Iil 0 MOM Ig 0 • i .0.1. " - , ;- lei r g i - 3 a4 -- I i mimeo ttIQ ,07SO d 0-G a 314■131KD NG11/3VI.0-.6C %111 b lb iii liG hk g n- C lig$3� �� i 8 Q 4g b w��w��T V2-�A„ ,;;1;;1;11;/ ..,,,z_ 41,,, IS I:I.il , ..----_-,---_ -4_ b.... 4.15„, NC 1 ilil th l' 1 .0-.0 1Sri. 1 1 of a iii # d2 5 : a a ii 3 N 15 § gi 11: 1 liL 111 71N nID y .0-p A4 4 ,/♦-.' li v .101.l.l.11 � ' 1'll'1'IY4 1 1 Pi 1 1-5 1 1 Illg 164 II! /.1 i 11 a0 A qd z v i 1 . I 31 v 11(3333 INI NI.0-.8C * ul 3Nf11GIN30 vI�GINV 0300a0nd.o-,sw ttx3IHV 03sOMId 30 d01.0-.01, .0•.RI .{-.L • APPENDIX B Pertinent Sections of the City of Rosemead Municipal Code 7/16/2014 M unicode take place between the hours of seven a.m. and eight p.m. on any day except Sunday, or between the hours of nine a.m. and eight p.m. on Sunday; 6. Any activity to the extent regulation thereof has been preempted by state or federal law, including but not limited to: aircraft, motor vehicles, railroads, and other interstate carriers; 7. The provisions of this chapter shall not preclude the construction, operation, maintenance and repairs of equipment, apparatus or facilities of park and recreation departments, public work projects, or public utilities subject to the regulatory jurisdiction of the California Public Utilities Commission. B. Grandfather Provisions. Any noise source located in an "M" zone as defined in the Rosemead Zoning Ordinance, and which noise source is in operation on or prior to the date of adoption of the ordinance codified in this chapter shall be exempt from the provisions of this chapter, provided however, that such source shall not increase its noise level beyond that currently existing. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no such noise source shall emit levels in excess of the standards set forth in Section 8.36.130 8.36.040 Decibel measurement criteria. Any decibel measurement made pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall be based on a reference sound pressure of twenty (20) micro-pascals as measured with a sound level meter using the "A" weighted network (scale) at slow response. 8.36.050 Designated noise zones. Receptor properties hereinafter described are assigned to the following noise zones: Noise Zone I: Single-, double- and multiple-family residential properties. Noise Zone II: Commercial properties. Noise Zone Ill: Manufacturing or industrial properties. 8.36.060 Noise standards. A. Exterior Noise Standards. 1. The following noise standards, unless otherwise specifically indicated, shall apply to all receptor properties within a designated noise zone: Noise Zone Type of Land Use (Receptor Time Interval Allowable Exterior Noise Property) Level Single-, double- or multiple- 10:00 p.m.-7:00 a.m. 45 dBA family residential 7:00 a.m.-10:00 p.m. 60 dBA II Commercial 10:00 p.m.-7:00 a.m. 60 dBA 7:00 a.m.-10:00 p.m. 65 dBA III Industrial or manufacturing anytime 70 dBA https://librarymunicode.com'print.aspC?h=&clientlD=16591&HTMRequest=https%3a%2f%2flibrary.municode.com%2fHTML%2f16591%2flevel3%2fSUHITA ... 4111 7/16/2014 Municodh 2. A person shall not in any location of the city create any noise, or allow the creation of any noise on property owned, leased, occupied or otherwise controlled by such person (hereinafter "noise source"), which causes the noise level when measured on any property (hereinafter "receptor property"), to exceed: a. The applicable noise standard for a cumulative period of time of more than thirty (30) minutes in any hour; or b. The applicable noise standard plus five dBA for a cumulative period of more than fifteen (15) minutes in any hour; or C. The applicable noise standard plus ten dBA for a cumulative period of more than five minutes in any hour; or d. The applicable noise standard plus fifteen (15) dBA for a cumulative period of more than one minute in any hour; or e. The noise standard plus twenty (20) dBA for any period of time. 3. In the event the ambient noise level exceeds any of the first three noise limit categories above, the cumulative period applicable to said category shall be increased to reflect ambient noise level. In the event the ambient noise level exceeds the third noise limit category, the maximum allowable noise level under said category shall be increased to reflect the maximum ambient noise level. 4. if the receptor property is located on a boundary between two different noise zones, the lower noise level standard applicable to the quieter noise zone shall apply. 5. if the noise source is continuous and cannot reasonably be discontinued or stopped for a time period whereby the ambient noise level can be determined, the measured noise level obtained while the source is in operation shall be compared directly to the receptor property's designated land use and for the time of day the noise level is measured. B. Interior Noise Standards. 1. The following noise standards, unless otherwise specifically indicated, shall apply to all residential receptor property within all noise zones: Noise Zone Type of Land Use (Receptor Time Interval IQlloww:able Noise Level Property) ALL Residential anytime 45 dBA The noise limit specified above shall be reduced by five dBA for noises consisting of speech or music, provided, however, that if the ambient noise level exceeds the resulting standard the ambient shall be standard. 2. A person shall not at any location within the city create any noise, or allow the creation of any noise on property owned. leased, occupied or otherwise controlled by such person which causes the noise level when measured within any receptor residential dwelling unit in any noise zone to exceed: a. The interior noise standard for a cumulative period of more than five minutes in any hour; or b. The interior noise standard plus five dBA for a cumulative period of more than one minute in any hour; or C. The interior noise standard plus ten dBA for any period of time. https://library.municode.comiprint.asK?h=&clientlD=16591&HTMRequest=hops%3a%2f%2flibrary.municode.com%2f1-1TML%2f16591%2fle',e13%2fSUHITA ... 5/11 APPENDIX C Manufacturer Data Sheets NtIRTEL CMO Specifications Specifications for the CMO (Compact Metro Cell Outdoor)and optional SBE (Simplified Battery Enclosure) CMO SBE Dimensions (inches) 52H x 55W x 30D 57H x 36W x 30D Recommended Clearance(inches) Front 36 36 Rear 12 6 Left Side 6 2 Left Side, w/door swing (if next to wall) 25.3 2 Right Side 6 2 Right Side, w/door swing (if next to wall) 16.6 10 Weight(lb.) (without batteries) 1200 (II 6cxr config.) 800 VzW Standard Batteries Supplied 2 Strings of: 3 Strings of: FIAMM UMTB130 Northstar NSB 170 FT 4 Total Weight of Respective Batteries(lb.) 882 1575 Environmental Requirements (Nominal Operation - 24hr./day) Temp: 40°F to 122°F Humidity: 5%to 100%g water/kg of dry air. Not to exceed 0.035 kg water/kg of dry air Altitude: 1800m above sea level Noise Spec 60dBA at 5ft. @ 104°F BTU/hr. Calculation -36,300 total in a 3 CMO config. North American AC Power Specifications Refer to CMO AC Power Page Radio Power Requirements Voltage Range: -42 to-56V Nominal Voltage: -48V Power Dissipation Metro C ell 1700 W Output Power 800 MHz MFRM2: 54W _ 1900 MHz MFRM2: 38W Receiver Sensitivity -127.5 dBm (800 MHz)typical, -125 dBm guaranteed -128 dBm (1900 MHz)typical, -125.5 dBm guaranteed Noise Figure 4 dB (Max) 2.5 dB typical Channel Element Capacity 24 - 512 Channel Elements (up to 1536 with NBSS13.0) Regulatory CISPR& FCC Class B ANSI 553, ANSI 95 Bellcore GR-487-CORE, Issue; GR-63-CORE, Issue 1; Test Method standard: IEC 68-2 CAN/CSA(C22.2 No 60950 ed.3 2000) IEEE (C62.41-1991, STD 587-1980) IS: 41C, 41D, 95, 658, 683, 725, 728, 737, 756, 771, 820, 826, 835, 835B, 835C, 839, 841 TIA/EIA/IS: IS-95, 725 1999, 2000, 685 1900, 683 1998, 728 1998, 737, 756 1998 1S41-D, 771-1999, 801-1, 826, 820 2000, 835 B, 839 2000, 841 2000 TIA/EIA/J-STD: 025-2000, 034, 036-2000 UL/NEBS: ISO 9000, NEBS Level 3, TM4.0, UL 1666, UL 910, UL 94; UL#NWGQ.E162748) NORTEL- CONFIDENTIAL C U m a H U m O O X o > 0 f/7 w w � N < O ,T,<e) ~ OL -IW JCOx z LL, _ 1j ,IT zo 'IXE I O� _ —; •in ON �h co O ^ 3 .. • w =._ QN 2N. a¢ ° _ w CG iI¢l ai a . N \ \ N. . \ ^ ;°` a / b \ \ Ir o 4 (( \\ v. .\,. \\\ \ oo X32 g 0 7 F O / U- . ifir)\ W A' \ o E b � • N - L M C • P 7 O p a co .- N .J y GC Q O a4 Q Oa Y . 'O G ??, y p O or ZZ Z - - - - ? nh , . !.§'A'J ad i 0 y C i; Z s oe• p p p ol ~"' l 7 Q ° ZO ! N ° N Z d p f C W (i7 e I Z h Q I Y L Q ul 5 0 v3 WQN Z 8 c W 1 i 1 y V) ...CU z h V' = Z O W u Z d 0 cn a m w _ g `z N O Q O O O O d d Cr a- ■ . h % O W _ 'O w w a Q W . . � .. . CO M v y Lr, N O O O O O Q o 0 0 Q 0 0 w . ' ILI I-, O aL O a0 a0 to 1p 1� CO 01 'i .-i •i ei ei ''1 ri 0 z ' O N N o z (say)awil an.iasaa a0 a0 O W m O 0 CO 6 { APPENDIX D Cadna Analysis Data and Results I I cc N U E E N U 3 7 (0 3 U N U U) N U J U U c6 l7 > j C c c0 CJ 2 2 • co — N- 0) N-. n Q c o � m p r N pp 47 n p co n m a C _ m O Q (n EN ° cc C U o Z U N a O O � NOOQc co m W c - O :h cu O: O O r cc Q O N m 0 O- o O (7 N H :U g (Q W CL • -0 z co cc • C c co CNI m Q a J U W- ° .v MAX N. 1 o r o 071 O. U � J J - J Oo d 2 E v O o z n z O a N EN N N .r? u?�u? • m (9 _a - v r•- Z v Y E ,6 n (6 H a co co o o J 0 D Cr) N in CO Z — N O x E xi rri r- -,,000 • 0 Z Q t N N'N Cn E .0 LO CO Z O w w u) O = V NV V d- < Z d 0 J J J O O O N O C a Q Z CL r E _i a, Z FT J es C J J CD a. Q z � 3 Q (1. >.Q r- t- in J 5ov � h- aa) Q N d v O Ce I— 0) c SIN Ch D — ncncn 0 0 Q N a N E O O A 2 2 N 2 J O o CD C) C v v a v v N E v v v v v N N N N N D • N O o d Z U co ii W M V) O Lil C 1- o ^ vN- oir- m Tv o 0 0 o N I- CO GGO V C O " 00000 @ N a U) Ill Z a Q c - -0 c rci v Q CZ U O Q CO — (B W ° --i= 2 N D m o O m u Q Z a 5 6 Ill • ■ ...N N N I,- N E cn cn cn cn I � � .-- � 0) C " — _n m c 6 rn (n " v } E � ° cam O o > � Z0 °' U O7 ct co U) R x Ecm ° ri4 W d `r m c Q N N N N r— O Ecncncncn O 0 0 'd c a� z s (n W CO �.Q� o rn r` < CO V ri a O v co rn c Q C V) _1 Q (73 0 Z -- N CO c ___I To O C : : : ;E o cc cn N c z Z W N m Ver ggpwireiess Radio Frequency Exposure Pre-Installation FCC Compliance Assessment Site Specific Information Site Name Rubio Wash Categorically Excluded? NO Street Address 4545 Walnut Grove BLVD 5% Contributor To Areas Requiring Mitigation? YES City,State,Zip Rosemead,CA 91770 q g g Multi-Licensee Facility Yes Max% MPE(Predictive) 9.9% Structure Type Power Line Max%MPE(Measured) N/A Broadcast Equipment YES Assessment Date N/A #of Access Points 1 Assessment Purpose Site Modification Compliance Status I IN COMPLIANCE x Worst-case RF power density levels are BELOW the MPE for General Population/Uncontrolled Environments in accessible areas. Worst-case RF power density levels are ABOVE the MPE for General Population/Uncontrolled Environments but BELOW the MPE for OccupationaUControlled environments. O Worst-case RF power density levels are ABOVE the MPE for Occupational/Controlled Environments but BELOW 10x the MPE for Occupational/Controlled environments. 0 Worst-case RF power density levels are ABOVE 10x the MPE for Occupational/Controlled environments. Compliance 11 A NOTICE® I NOTICE QCAUnON I a�...”an.ww. 6 Requirements �•�«�� INFORMATION i ..,........,�.. t��'�1 ® ��uls.vriioown.k.s,......„....„.... ....,.,_-...,......'°:+,............. I ,, ....................r..... .....,....- _..... , . _ Guidelines Notice Caution Warning NOC Information Barrier Access Points X [1] ❑ [#] X [1] ❑ [#] X [1] ❑ Alpha ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ Beta ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ Gamma ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ Additional Compliance Requirements(s): Site Access Locations Install NOC, Caution and Guidelines signs at the tower access ladder Alpha Sector Location No action required Beta Sector Location No action required Gamma Sector Location No action required Consultant Legal Name Telnet Inc. I Phone/Fax 1 301-840-7110 Address 7630 Standish Place,Rockville,MD 20855 1 Confidential&proprietary material for authorized Verizon Wireless personnel only. Use,disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement I Verizon Wireless EXHIBIT "F" Contents • 1. Executive Summary 3 General Model Assumptions 3 Use of Generic Antennas 3 2. Proposed Site Characteristics 4 a. Structure 4 b. Accessibility 4 c. Verizon Wireless Signage 4 d. Antenna Inventory 5 3. Analysis 6 a. Predictive Model:All Transmitters at Antenna Level 6 b. Predictive Model:Significant Contribution of Verizon Wireless at Antenna Level 7 c. Predictive Model:All Transmitters at Ground Level 8 d. Predictive Model:Significant Contribution of Verizon Wireless at Ground Level 9 4. Conclusion 10 a. Conclusion Narrative 10 b. Compliance Requirements 11 Signage/Barrier Diagram 11 Signage/Barrier Installation Detail 12 5. Appendix C: RF Consultant Certifications 13 a. Preparer Certification 13 b. Reviewer Certification 13 6. Appendix D: Reference information 14 a. FCC Rules& Regulations 14 b. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Requirements 14 c. RF Signage 15 d. Barriers 15 Confidential& proprietary material for authorized Verizon Wireless personnel only. Use,disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement I Verizon Wireless • 1. Executive Summary • Verizon Wireless has contracted with Telnet Inc. ,an independent Radio Frequency consulting firm,to conduct a Radio Frequency Exposure(RFE)Compliance Pre-Installation Assessment of the Rubio Wash cell site.The following report contains a detailed summary of the Radio Frequency environment as it relates to Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and Occupational Safety&Health Administration (OSHA)Rules and Regulations for all individuals. The Verizon Wireless antenna data was provided by: Name Miguel Samayoa Title Network Analyst Date 10/09/2014 Region SFO This post-installation compliance assessment and report has been prepared and reviewed by: Preparer Reviewer Name Gian Umali Hastyar Barvar Title RF Engineer RF Engineer Date 10/15/2014 10/17/2014 This report utilizes the following for predictive modeling of the ambient RF environment: MPE Modeling Program: Roofview 4.15 Required Modeling Assumptions: 100%Duty Cycle and Maximum Total Power Output. Additional Modeling Assumptions: General Model Assumptions In this report, it is assumed that all antennas are operating at full power at all times. Software modeling was performed for all transmitting antennas located on the site. Telnet, Inc has further assumed a 100% duty cycle and maximum radiated power. The site has been modeled with these assumptions to shovv the maximum RF energy density. Telnet Inc believes this to be a worst case analysis. based on best available data. If at any time power density measurements were to be made, Telnet Inc believes the real time measurements would indicate levels below those shown in this report. By modeling in this way, we have conservatively shown exclusion areas (areas not to be entered without a personal RF monitor, carriers reducing power or performing real time measurements to show real time exposure levels). Use of Generic Antennas For the purposes of this report, the use of'Generic' as an antenna model, or'Unknown' for a wireless carrier, means that the information about the carrier, their FCC license and/ or antenna information was not provided and could not be obtained while on site. In the event of unknown information, Telnet will use our industry specific knowledge of equipment, antenna models and transmit power to model the site. If more specific information can be obtained for the unknown measurement criteria, remodeling of the site is recommended. If no information is available regarding the transmitting service associated with an unidentified antenna, using the antenna manufacturer's published data regarding the antenna's physical characteristics makes more conservative assumptions 3 Confidential& proprietary material for authorized Verizon Wireless personnel only. Use,disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement I Verizon Wireless 2. Proposed Site Characteristics a. Structure Physical Description Power Line Site Latitude(NAD 83) 34.087542 Site Longitude(NAD 83) -118.082872 Site Elevation(AMSL) N/A Structure Height(AGL) 45' Overall Structure Height 122' b. Accessibility Access Ladder c. Verizon Wireless Signage b NOTICE e� NOTICE QCAUTION . "ggri. .;m INFORMATION i I RK�KAILOK KYCIIVN}MICIIT� -.4 , . °'" "" ���,��1 A This is a Newton Wireless Y"1 \ I . ` J Antenna Site Existing !: -~. _.�_..._ .r..._ • _ _ �,r.._,: Signage 1, .1 —.� <� r° " . eoa�c+cc n :r1 Guidelines Notice Caution Warning NOC Information Barrier Access Points ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ Alpha ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ Beta ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ Gamma ❑ [#] ❑ [#] Cl [#] ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ Existing Signage Adheres to VZW Signage & Demarcation Policy? N/A 4 Confidential& proprietary material for authorized Verizon Wireless personnel only. Use,disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement I Verizon Wireless d. Antenna Inventory TX ' Horizontal -- ERP Azimuth Aperture Beam X Y c a, 3 -- ID Operator Type Freq Model N a, ,t . 2 $ (Watts) (deg.) (ft) width (ft) (ft) c _-1 �- (MHz) (deg.) a N Commscope r 1 Verizon Panel 700 4458 SBNHH-1D6565B 110 6.05 66.2 45 35 0.5 42 1 Verizon Panel 1900 2229 Commscope 110 6.05 66.2 45 35 0.5 42 SBNHH-1 D6565B KRC 2 Verizon Panel 2100 7099 118046/1 110 4.67 62.8 44 33 0.5 42.7 3 Verizon Panel 1900 2229 Commscope 110 6.05 66.2 43.5 31.5 0.5 42 SBNHH-1D6565B 4 Verizon Panel 700 4458 Commscope 230 6.05 66.2 18.5 26 0.5 42 SBNHH-1 D6565B 4 Verizon Panel 1900 2229 Commscope 230 6.05 66.2 18.5 26 0.5 42 SBNHH-1D6565B I KRC 5 Verizon Panel 2100 7099 118046/1 230 4.67 62.8 17 27 0.5 42.7 I 6 Verizon Panel 1900 2229 Commscope 230 6.05 66.2 15 28 0.5 42 SBNHH-1D6565B 7 Verizon Panel 700 4458 Commscope 350 6.05 66.2 23 41 0.5 42 SBNHH-1D6565B Commscope I 7 Verizon Panel 1900 2228 SBNHH-1 D6565B 350 6.05 66.2 23 41 0.5 42 KRC 8 Verizon Panel 2100 7099 118046/1 350 4.67 62.8 24.75 42 0.5 42.7 9 Verizon Panel 1900 2229 Commscope 350 6.05 66.2 26.5 42 0.5 I 42 SBNHH-1 D6565B 10 Unknown Dish 5000 1268 Unknown 255 2 8 15 26 0.5 35 5 Confidential& proprietary material for authorized Verizon Wireless personnel only. Use,disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement I Verizon Wireless 3. Analysis a. Predictive Model: All Transmitters at Antenna Level 3 iraki • t I i 60 ft LEGEND: Exterior Wall Rooftop Object METRO RF Screen --a CARRIER VERIZON L__ PCS CRICKET UNKNOWN RF Sceen ANTENNA: Barrier Area Anchor Point G TELNET,INC., 7630 Standish Place,Rockville,MD 20855;Phone:888-883-5638/Fax:301-840-0162;Web:www.Telnet-lnc.com Max Verizon Simulation Level 4461.3% kj Color I % General MPE O to 100 100 to 500 Greater Than 500 Greater Than 5000 6 Confidential& proprietary material for authorized Verizon Wireless personnel only. Use,disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement Verizon Wireless b. Predictive Model: Significant Contribution of Verizon Wireless at Antenna Level 1 ,= S / :F i . . f. i _,_.... _,, T I • 60 ft - - LEGEND: Exterior Wall • Rooftop Object CARRIER METRO RF Screen VERIZON SPRINT .UNKNOWN ANTENNA: __ PCS Cable Tray .iii...�anonx=-, Barrier Area Anchor Point a TELNET,INC., 7630 Standish Place,Rockville,MD 20855;Phone:888-883-5638/Fax:301-840-0162;Web:www.Telnet-Inc.com Max Verizon Simulation Level 4461.3% Color "/t, General MPE 0to5 > 5% 1 Confidential& proprietary material for authorized Verizon Wireless personnel only. Use, disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement 1 Verizon Wireless • c. Predictive Model: All Transmitters at Ground Level x I _1- .011• • 20 11 60 ft LEGEND: Exterior Wall Rooftop Object CARRIER METRO I RF Screen VERIZON 'SPRINT PCS I_ICKET ,umN°Y`'N 1 Cable Tray —— ANTENNA: 1 Barrier Area Anchor Point 0 TELNET,INC., 7630 Standish Place,Rockville,MD 20855;Phone:888-883-5638/Fax:301-840-0162;Web:www.Telnet-Inc.com Max Verizon Simulation Level 9.9% Color I % General MPE 0 to 100 100 to 500 Greater Than 500 Greater Than 5000 Confidential& proprietary material for authorized Verizon Wireless personnel only. Use,disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement Verizon Wireless d. Predictive Model: Significant Contribution of Verizon Wireless at Ground Level r z*IA I k I 5 r I I 4 • { I + .4•■■■•■20 k 60ft .. LEGEND: Exterior Wall amx■ Rooftop Object CARRIER METRO 1 RF Screen mos a � VERIZON SPRINT pcs 'UNKNOWN Cable Tray ANTENNA: Barrier Area Anchor Paint a TELNET,INC., 7630 Standish Place,Rockville,MD 20855;Phone:888-883-5638/Fax:301-840-0162;Web:www.Telnet-Inc.com Max Verizon Simulation Level 9.9% Color % General MPE 0 to 5 1 >5% 9 Confidential 8; proprietary material for authorized Verizon Wireless personnel only. Use, disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement J Verizon Wireless 4. Conclusion a. Conclusion Narrative Description of MPE-Limit Exceeding Areas: (Antenna Level) VZW Alpha sector is exceeding 100%General population limits VZW Beta sector is exceeding 100%General population limits VZW Gamma sector is exceeding 100%General population limits Verizon Significant Contribution Areas: (Antenna level) VZW Alpha sector is exceeding 5 %General population limits VZW Beta sector is exceeding 5 %General population limits VZW Gamma sector is exceeding 5%General population limits Colocator Significant Contribution Areas: (Antenna level) Unknown Microwave is exceeding 5 %General population limits Description of MPE-Limit Exceeding Areas: (Ground Level) VZW Alpha sector is not exceeding 100%General population limits VZW Beta sector is not exceeding 100%General population limits VZW Gamma sector is not exceeding 100%General population limits Verizon Significant Contribution Areas: (Ground Level) VZW Alpha sector is exceeding 5 %General population limits VZW Beta sector is exceeding 5 %General population limits VZW Gamma sector is exceeding 5%General population limits Colocator Significant Contribution Areas: (Ground level) Unknown Microwave is not exceeding 5 %General population limits 10 Confidential& proprietary material for authorized Verizon Wireless personnel only. Use,disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement J Verizon Wireless b. Compliance Requirements Signage/Barrier Diagram i --- 7 — 8 9 Power line tower Install NOC,Caution and Guidelines signs on the base of the ® t 1 tower at climbing P.oszu«,� 2 pouint ".- A ' 3 6 s 10 s //////// 4 20 ---— — 60 ft LEGEND: — Exterior Wall Rooftop Object CARRIER RF Screen • •• VERIZON SPRINT AT&T, METRO UNKNOWN ;I Cable Tray �� ANTENNA: Barrier Area Anchor Point D TELNET,INC., 7630 Standish Place,Rockville,MD 20855;Phone:888-883-5638/Fax:301-840-0162;Web:www.Telnet-Inc.com 11 Confidential&proprietary material for authorized Verizon Wireless personnel only. Use,disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement I Verizon Wireless Compliance I — Al NOTICE® v` -- acAUrON �� Requirements !~ " INFORMATION �a ,., Th1skaYri SiW4ekas ^ y. 40 f cs4er's ua ..•It A — ��r • Guidelines Notice Caution Warning NOC Information _ Barrier Access Points X [1] ❑ [#] X [1] U [#] X [1] ❑ Alpha ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ [#1 ❑ [#] ❑ [#1 ❑ Beta ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ 1 Gamma ❑ [#] ❑ [#] ❑ [#] U [#] ❑ [#] ❑ Signage/Barrier Installation Detail Site Access Locations Install NOC. Caution and Guidelines signs at the tower access ladder Alpha Sector Location No action required Beta Sector Location No action required Gamma Sector Location No action required Confidential& proprietary material for authorized Verizon Wireless personnel only. Use,disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement I Verizon Wireless 5. Appendix C: RF Consultant Certifications a. Preparer Certification I,Gian Umali,the preparer of this report,am fully aware of and familiar with the Rules and Regulations of both the Federal Communications Commissions(FCC)and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration(OSHA) with regard to Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Radiation. I am also fully aware of and familiar with the Verizon Wireless Signage&Demarcation Policy. I have reviewed this Radio Frequency Exposure Assessment report and believe it to be both true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. gkut ?bna& b. Reviewer Certification I, Hastyar Barvar , the reviewer and approved of this report,am fully aware of and familiar with the Rules and Regulations of both the Federal Communications Commissions(FCC)and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration(OSHA)with regard to Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Radiation. I am also fully aware of and familiar with the Verizon Wireless Signage&Demarcation Policy. I have reviewed this Radio Frequency Exposure Assessment report and believe it to be both true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. ga4tyal 'qua 13 Confidential& proprietary material for authorized Verizon Wireless personnel only. Use,disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement I Verizon Wireless 6. Appendix D:Reference Information a. FCC Rules&Regulations The Federal Communications Commission(FCC)has established safety guidelines relating to RF exposure from cell sites.The FCC developed those standards,known as Maximum Permissible Exposure(MPE)limits,in consultation with numerous other federal agencies,including the Environmental Protection Agency,the Food and Drug Administration,and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. The standards were developed by expert scientists and engineers after extensive reviews of the scientific literature related to RF biological effects. The FCC explains that its standards"incorporate prudent margins of safety." The following represents explanations of the most applicable information: Two Classifications for Exposure Limits Occupational—Applies to situations in which persons General Population—Applies to situations in which are"exposed as a consequence of their employment" persons are"exposed as a consequence of their and are`fully aware of the potential for exposure and employment may not be made fully aware of the can exercise control over their exposure". potential for exposure or cannot exercise control over their exposure".Generally speaking,those without significant and documented RF Safety&Awareness training would be in the General Population classification. Environment Classification Controlled —Applies to environments that are restricted Uncontrolled—Applies to environments that are or"controlled"in order to prevent access from members unrestricted or"uncontrolled"that allow access from of the General Population classification. members of the General Population classification. Limits for Occupational/Controlled Exposure Frequency Power Density Averaging Time Range (S) 1E12,1111 ,or S (MHz) (mW/cm2) (minutes) 300-1500 f/300 6 1500-100,000 5 6 Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure Frequency Power Density Averaging Time Range (S) 1E12,RV,or S (MHz) (mW/cm2) (minutes) 300-1500 f/1500 30 1500-100,000 1 30 f=frequency in MHz Significant Contribution to the RF Environment Any carrier contributing an aggregate MPE percentage of 5 or more(to the applicable RF Environment Classification)is defined as a significant contributor.This means that if any area is determined to be out of compliance with FCC rules,all significant contributors are jointly responsible for correcting any deficiencies. b. Occupational Safety and Health Administration(OSHA)Requirements A formal adopter of FCC Standards,OSHA stipulates that those in the Occupational classification must complete training in the following:RF Safety,RF Awareness,and Utilization of Personal Protective Equipment.OSHA also provides options for Hazard Prevention and Control: Hazard Prevention Control • Utilization of good equipment • Employ Lockout/Tag out • Enact control of hazard areas • Utilize personal alarms&protective clothing • Limit exposures • Prevent access to hazardous locations • Employ medical surveillance and accident • Develop or operate an administrative control response program 14 Confidential&proprietary material for authorized Verizon Wireless personnel only. Use,disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement I Verizon Wireless c. RF Signage Areas or portions of any transmitter site may be susceptible to high power densities that could cause personnel exposures in excess of the FCC guidelines.These areas must be demarcated by conspicuously posted signage that identifies the potential exposure.Signage MUST be viewable regardless of the viewer's position. GUIDELINES NOTICE CAUTION WARNING Used anytime hazard signage is Used to distinguish the Identifies RF controlled Denotes the boundary of employed to achieve FCC compliance. boundary between the areas where RF areas with RF levels This sign will inform visitors of the General exposure can exceed the substantially above the basic precautions to follow when Population/Uncontrolled Occupational/Controlled FCC limits,normally • working around radiofrequency and the MPE but below 10 x the defined as those greater equipment. Occupational/Controlled Occupational/Controlled than ten(10)times the areas.The limits MPE. Occupational/Controlled associated with this MPE. notification must be less than the Occupational/Controlled MPE. ® NOTICE ® NOTICE ACAUTION GUIDELINES FOR WORKING IN RADIOFREOUENCY ENVIRONMENTS v.M pntdarnel shd/dforp N elYRtepMY.emmF,MAE, eNtYe■lrN being. y.Al wowed erdrrorAlhb site mint I.W halted 0 1 Obey ell poet4d'gm t1 s• !t Anson*MonkNe*AneelMe Ot illi At Below swoon]on endow/Ls.tollTy..wwtm.md amain appoints*. IlneanWYr► At AARlbinmyfmrum Steel tlAFnnnInvoMaAowat Beyond Oda point BaystllNa point RaAo frmptamY fields beyond Radio f...warxy adios at MN rte Roam Traposrrll&Ns at thMW AI.De NM slop Waged d enlonnns i ed•point troy eaeeed the FCC Q.UNpNdwel RF,,,Mo.m w wo.Rng rtgt atddrmes Damon noble s etperne brit trey ennead FCC Nasfr laton owned the FCC tWmfer Moron �:Moor*polite without Wrtda Morel asynt pond Own and i.pdd.ho wY�..y ey Opoe• Outing operation f baetiq n ode a.m+nrY K Yrroinn l rd fAlrbaorlrlppee..t.M0 rbm NMY no/Roman W s.n braoMra in nil pJderbMatptn dr�rmv� A De rot own,*bole elation etddned n ayuWounhoom. [ Mw,avironnn. m.emtnwrr eeNtaarbrrlau b{aY INFORMATION SIGN INFORMATION Information signs are used as a means to provide contact information for any questions or This MR 81. concerns.They will include specific cell site identification information and the Verizon Wireless ...'w.e.rFeir 1 Network Operations Center phone number. .. 20 d. Barriers A barrier is any physical demarcation employed as a preventative and/or notification measure that one is entering into an area with RF power density levels greater than the General Population/Uncontrolled limit.• a. to ,. ps,-.71AM14"—igkil -,+,44s,;�: •• 1 - ; .!f I * .e � • 15 Confidential&proprietary material for authorized Verizon Wireless personnel only. Use,disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement I Verizon Wireless Applicants Supplemental Information Information Includes: • Photo Simulations • Coverage Report • Maps of Surrounding Wireless Telecommunication Facilities in Project Vicinity • Maintenance and Monitoring Statement • Cost Estimate to Remove Facility EXHIBIT "G" tag G V N ' _ . i y W it 2 _CU t i Q7 L■ !r2' \' 1 i W c r \ r of _1 Z. Z ,Q iW 5 \ .:71,-4:11.t.0;714,-.0 41- '' o4.dk,jmAdi:i"willilli Eit3'. i o 0 `� �y ' a :1 v� i N \t 1 :r t if ��� ° t V 1`U'd► �.'0:�i•N:'er�4°a '��- 7 74$1lbka.- .r 1 W m ,1 f f 4 • w , m 1 't1" f I 4 LA U) W uJ > .� F I 0 m 1 tS IS w i ;I 3 z ❑ Y o 0 0 i ill it J • m Z W J {?".f ,. 0 LY 3 w tri o a �/ m �`V 1 L 0 LL ` a r '" - , 'i ' 1FC:7 i$. 8 i'f •i.x, S . P. L[[ Q Cl) ((• [ 1 - •� I r. -1 1 3 * t •j w ... -.: , N 1 r F C,..-,-, c -.ma�, ,_ { 1 [ s .1 .. r 1 i z J0 • -- --• 11.;10% • 'J I rJ- ill-b. r=1) —� 5E E H t L N W Nat E �O y n I o t :. a maw' r c , 0 0 Q Z } Z W Z 2 o Q 0 W - • 0 0 CI IL 0 e l o r f Q -clet, Fe ❑ z 1 . o W f s F . - f UWI ( - f O !7 0o 4 I m N in b W z CO Z L..-/ �`it di W J 3 i n 0 N O �/ c ` Ia v —3 Ix CT = _ ! . ;I I . ,,, - -.=Thal •11 1 - ii,01.t-ks_ ? 1 • ( " ---t•-•-•-- ' Y 1 ,ISF // ae _' . _ IX C ! w �C a E V N \ i CA N E� ' Nem— 'N ,J a Ilr■ ti a 1 r. a. • .4 . 1 ........dam, —,1 _ . , 3 4. . 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Mission Rd. 34.0910 -118.0890 10 802 E Mission Rd. 34.0910 -118.0910 11 9063 Mission Rd. 34.0850 -118.0730 12 9105 Mission Rd. 34.0840 -118.0720 13 3655 Rockhold Ave. 34.0740 -118.0840 14 8521 Valley Blvd. 34.0808 -118.0833 15 4825 Earle Ave. 34.0910 -118.0858 f■INIMI. - .0 / °' • `T7��.any eue{�nS t o • z _. -0 j.. . f lam'• i---fr. ., r,. . ,. . , ,. ., , ■ y / . ? e` - dd A e I' c, . .fit /y 0) - �^ / nr �!, gyp},,.j�; f.. • .•mil f ox.- kfSli3.fl1-.. - •:C •( •/ '- A a `•f A P T • .., I )•' � r <,4 / _ - r 1 A '4 ` , r cmx--i _E cern�n i A. any_aY.:Cpua' r - . _ _ y aF j'a '4'51 f ill t—s1' . m ?v I , d] E V P -1 0 W f , ` - IC=J t:- . ,i`; 11 t - T an,e'esa,.j.e,i • ( .C� 44 ) (6 cU i' • - q 'p,j o • W' .,,.,-------.------------/ -.71-)(1)— Lo (*I F : _ - J • e r / N,` 1,0,, ...0.*, •, I - i_ l' 1 v n .Ft IF�i�.... ° ;, u -J 4, I - v ik f , A,toll lk.-4,11.. - t -4 . - mit 1 s i 1 i : 1`} e:` d an le is. ,' - ...si in 4 .! ' . :i ' -i i , lij 1 .141- I VI , Vim'!"iz nwireless 15505 Sand Canyon Ave. Building D-1 Irvine, CA 92618 DATE: 09/19/14 Attn: City of Rosemead — Planning Division 8838 E Valley Blvd. P.O. Box 399 Rosemead, CA 91770 MAINTENANCE AND MONITORING STATEMENT SUBJECT: Verizon Wireless "Rubio Wash" Telecommunications Facility 4545 Walnut Grove Ave. Rosemead, CA 91770 (APN: 5372-018-802) To Whom It May Concern, This letter is to show Verizon Wireless' maintenance and monitoring schedule. Verizon technicians conduct routine maintenance tests on their wireless facilities on a monthly basis, or as needed. Further tests are conducted on the backup generator once a month; with the generator being utilized for 30 minutes to ensure proper function. Thank you. • 7 MOTIVE ENERGY TELECOMMUNICATIONS GROUP, INC. 125 EAST COMMERCIAL ST., #B ANAHEIM, CA • 92801 Phone:714.888.2525•Fax:714.888.2526 December 1, 2014 e , To: Verizon Wireless 15500 Sand Canyon Irvine, CA Ann: Janice Cruz Following cost estimates for removal of existing Verizon sites: 1) Rubio Wash-Eagle Rock-Mesa...... ..$ 62,700.00 Address: 4545 South Walnut Grove Ave. Rosemead CA, 91770 SCE tower — only SCE crews can work on their towers, a lift is supplied & materials. Therefore, an $ 11,000.00 Allowance is considered for this work This site includes demo of the8' masonry wall & footings, concrete pad, haul off spoils, remove cabinets and electrical including wire, meter. Please note that all telco &power conduits are left undisturbed in present state. T IA.. 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