CC - Item 6B - Street Sweeping Contract Extension E M F 5 i `� ROSEMEADCITYCOUNCIL ® . CIVIC PRIDE) REPORT O RATED 19g9 TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: JEFF ALLRED, CITY MANAGER ( ., DATE: MAY 12, 2015 SUBJECT: STREET SWEEPING CONTRACT EXTENSION SUMMARY The City of Rosemead currently provides for street sweeping services through a contract with Athens Services. Under this agreement, all residential streets are swept once weekly and all commercial streets are swept twice weekly. This contract is set to expire on June 30, 2015 and staff has reviewed several options for moving forward. As a first step, staff assessed the current market conditions and conducted a survey of similar requests for proposal (RFPs) from the last year. Staff has reviewed the results of five (5) recently conducted RFPs and noticed a substantial upswing in the market prices for street sweeping services. This review of the current market conditions has forecasted a potential rate increase of 31% to 82% based on similar RFP results throughout Southern California. Athens Services, the City's current contractor, has contacted staff with an offer for a new contract. The offer, while higher than the City's current rate, is at the low end of the current market prices. Athens Services has indicated that this offered rate is dependent upon a negotiated contract renewal and is not indicative of the rate that should be expected in a competitive RFP. Staff Recommendation It is recommended that the City Council authorize the City Manager to enter into contract with Athens Services for street sweeping services at an annual cost of $218,400 for a period of three years, with the option to renew for two additional years. DISCUSSION The current contract for City street sweeping services with Athens Services expires on June 30, 2015. Athens Services has provided the City's street sweeping services since 2010 to the satisfaction of staff and the community. Street sweeping contributes to the City's overall appearance and water quality efforts as it removes potentially harmful trash, metals and bacteria from the streets and storm drains. The scope of work in the existing agreement for street sweeping services includes sweeping all residential, collector, and arterial streets within the City. Service levels are briefly described below and are regularly monitored by City staff. n ITEM NUMBER: City Council Meeting May 12, 2015 Page 2 of 3 • Provide street sweeping services once weekly in residential areas and twice weekly in specified commercial districts. • Provide sweeping logs that include miles and areas swept and the amount of materials that are collected. • Utilize street sweeping equipment in compliance with Air Quality Management District (AQMD) Rule 1186.1, which is the standard for alternative fuel vehicles. • Coordinate with Public Safety Department Parking Control Officers on daily routes. • Provide the City with additional street sweeping in conjunction with up to four (4) special events each year. Current Contractor As stated, Athens Services has provided street sweeping services for the City of Rosemead since July 1, 2010. Athens Services, throughout the term of this agreement, has exceeded the expectations of staff. The contractor sweeps all streets according to the City's schedules, is timely, and provides excellent customer service. Additionally, the contractor has often made adjustments and accommodations to its scheduling to meet the various needs of the City and community. The contractor coordinates effectively with City Staff from both the Public Works and Public Safety Departments. Additionally, the contractor has gone above and beyond in their response to emergency situations (windstorms, accidents, etc.) and their participation in City events, including as a sponsor of the City's annual Public Works Day event. Current Market Conditions As a component of the development of a request for proposals (RFP) staff conducted research to survey current market conditions for street sweeping in Southern California. Staff was able to identify five (5) RFPs conducted within the past year from which they analyzed the current market conditions. Street sweeping costs are commonly expressed in "Curb Mile Rate" which is the monthly cost of sweeping divided by the number of curb miles that are swept in the City. Per the contract issued to Athens Services in July 2010, the City of Rosemead's contract was based on a Curb Mile Rate of $19.33. Below is a chart of Curb Mile Rates received for recent RFPs from other Southern California cities. City RFP Date Curb Mile Rate Comparison Contractor Rosemead May 2010 $ 19.33 - Athens West Hollywood May 2014 $ 32.87 + 82.06% Cleanstreet Placentia September 2014 $ 23.65 +31.00% Athens Garden Grove November 2014 $ 30.96 +71.48% Dickson San Fernando January 2015 $ 28.25 +56.47% Athens Pomona March 2015 $ 26.25 +45.39% Athens The Curb Mile Rates proposed in these RFPs ranged from a low of$23.65 and a high of $51.12, both of which were received by the City of Placentia. The average curb mile rate that was offered amongst the five RFPs is $33.34. The cities surveyed receive City Council Meeting May 12, 2015 Page 3 of 3 services that are representative of those received by the City of Rosemead, meaning that the street sweeping is a standalone service that is not provided for by the cities' trash haulers. Often time cities that have street sweeping and trash hauling services provided by the same firm recognize discounts that are not available to other customers. Athens Services Proposal Athens Services has offered to continue the service for the City of Rosemead, under a new three (3) year contract, with a curb mile rate of $23.50. The City's street sweeping service area includes 775 curb miles per month, therefore, the monthly rate for street sweeping services will not exceed $18,200 per month ($218,400.00 per year). Based on the City of Rosemead's sweeping area, the annual cost for street sweeping services based on the prices awarded through recent RFPs could range from $ 219,945 (Placentia) to $305,691 (West Hollywood). As this information has demonstrated, staff believes that this offer from Athens Services represents the best possible rate for street sweeping services for the City of Rosemead at this time. FISCAL IMPACT Staff has included a budget amount of $250,000 in the Fiscal Year 2015-16 Operations Budget for Street Sweeping, funded through State Gas Tax Funds. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared By: Sean Sullivan Acting Public Works Manager Submitted By: y1 s g' Matth- E. Ha k-sworth Assist.nt City Manager/Acting Director of Public Works Attachments: A. Proposal from Athens Services tip Athens Services Waste Collection•Recycling•Transfer•Disposal•Street Sweeping April 20, 2015 Sean Sullivan City of Rosemead 8838 Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 Dear Sean: Athens Services has greatly enjoyed providing street sweeping services to City of Rosemead since 2010 and would like to extend our agreement with City. To that end, we offer the following benefits to the City: ✓ Best value - Highly competitive rates! We would request a rate adjustment to $23.50 per curb mile due to increased operating costs. Based on the average number of miles we sweep, you would be billed $18,200.00 per month, not exceed $218,400.00 annually. This is an extremely good value based on the most recent RFP results by other cities in Southern California: City Date Athens Nationwide Cleanstreet Dickson Sunset Webco West Hollywood May-14 $ 44.50 $ 32.87 Placentia Sep-14 $ 23.65 $ 28.63 $ 33.40 $29.13 $ 51.12 Garden Grove Nov-14 $ 34.00 $ 33.90 $30.96 San Fernando Jan-15 $ 28.25 $ 29.82 $41.56 Pomona Mar-15 $ 26.25 $ 32.00 ✓ Free Compost Giveaway — We commit to a compost giveaway every year of the contract which is worth thousands of dollars to your residents! ✓ Environmentally responsible — We use clean, alternative fuel trucks and never use chemicals to enhance results! ✓ Technological Leader — We use the newest GPS technology to provide cities with real time live tracking of our work! ✓ Safety - We have fleet maintenance and safety programs that are often used as industry examples of how a fleet should be run! ✓ Outstanding Customer Service — Our customer service number, (888) 336-6100, is answered LIVE from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on weekdays and 7:00 a.m. to Noon on Saturdays with 175-language capabilities to assure that customer's concerns are addressed immediately. ✓ Fast response - We utilize cellular technology to produce quick communication with the field and Key Management Personnel! ✓ Highest Quality - We will make as many passes as is required to deliver high-quality results! On behalf of the dedicated Athens employees, we thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, 0.1.0"."0■••7 62 Tommy Ouzoonian Franchise Division Sales Manager P.O. Box 60009, City of Industry, 91716 (626) 336-3636