CC - Item 5A - Minutes of January 27, 2015 Minutes of the City Council, Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission and the Housing Development Corporation Joint Meeting January 27, 2015 The joint meeting of the Rosemead City Council,Successor Agency to the Ros- bad Community Development Commission and the Housing Development Corporation was-0 d to order by Mayor Alarcon at 7:03 p.m. in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 Eas V lley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. City Attorney Richman announced that the agenda indicated t a Co ncil Member L ,ou be attending the meeting from New York. However, due to weather conditions is flight was cancelled andAbp. as in attendance at the meeting. r 4 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Council Member/Board Member Armentp- .4 INVOCATION: Council Member/Board MembeLo PRESENT: Mayor/Chair/President Alarcon, Mayo Pro ei/V >--ChairNice. .�resident Clark, Council Members/Board Members Low and Ly � STAFF PRESENT: City ..aver A Id, City Attorney y Richman,Assn stant City Manager/Acting Public Works Director Hawkesworth, ;0: unity De eIopment Direct -Ramirez, Director of Parks and Recreation Montgomery-Scott, and i `alerk/Dire for of Communications Molleda. 1. PUBLIC C•M -N FRO A r E c a. Lauren:. orsle —Represe motive of A scan Cancer Society invited the City Council and staff to a kick-off 1 event eb uary 7th at the Public en Safety'''. ter. Council Mem®erBoard Membe rmenta asked Ms. Worsley why the Relay for Life event scheduled for April, was going tb my be for on-;o ay. { Ms.Worsley—explained ha Relay for Life is usually a 24 hour event; however, it has been difficult to have people participate overnight"Staff wants to try something different and give the community the opportunity to have the full experience and make the event a success. John May—expressed some concerns about the precinct worker recruitment for the March 3, 2015, election. City Clerk/Director of Communications Molleda replied she would talk to her staff and contact Mr. May to address his concerns. Rosemead City Council, the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission and Housing Development Corporation Joint Meeting Minutes of January 27,2015 Page 1 of 7 Item No.5 Ron Esquivel—invited the City Council to the Rosemead Education Foundation Casino Night event scheduled for March 21st. Twan Quach—stated that he wanted to make the City Council and the City aware of issues arising to non- speaking English residents. Mr. Quach stated that Adams Ranch Mutual Water Franchise was taking advantage of residents of Asian descent by misleading them to give one Latino man, the power to sell the local water company to another entity. Mr. Quach indicated that a hired signature collector has been promising residents they will receive money from the sale. He claimed the dire 's trying to manipulate the non-English speaking Rosemead stockholders. Council Member/Board Member Armenta asked City Manager Allr-+ hat City can do to protect the Rosemead residents in that area. City Attorney Richman explained to Mr. Quach that he show `.4:44:50.. ntact the Public Utilities *o. mission, which is a governmental entity that regulates water utilities. There does not- egulate water u i if e, Mayor Pro TemNice-ChairNice-President Clark stated the Ott ho 1 be-careful because Mr. Quach was making accusations in which the other person was not in attendan , to defend himself. 2. PRESENTATION :.* • Volunteer Income Tax Ass stance P aog m and the arned Income Tax Credit Proclam.tion. City Manager Allred rea c a proclarha _? . Mayor Pro TemNice-Chas �b -Pre a - t Clark asked he workshops listed could be made available to the residents. , " City Ma -®-"rAllred sta e+; tax as t7`- .ce information will be posted on the City website and community cente, '©r..7 osemead reside 0 s VA 3. CONSE T - 'LENDAR z A. Claim,,and Demands - • sol tion No. 2015—05 •Recommendation: to approve Resolution No. 2015—05, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $1,334,698.91 NUMBERED 87304 THROUGH 87503 INCLUSIVELY Rosemead City Council, the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission and Housing Development Corporation Joint Meeting Minutes of January 27,2015 Page 2 of 7 • Resolution No.2015—02 Recommendation: to approve Resolution No. 2015—02, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD AS THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY OF THE ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $463,663.62 NUMBERED ier 10108 THROUGH 10113 . Resolution No. 2015—02 .z- Recommendation: to approve Resolution No 015 02, entitled:` A RESOLUTION OF T< ROSE WAD HOUSIN . DEVELOPMENT CORPO'.T e Oik,ALLOWING CERTAIN 0' CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SU a 1=.• ,000'•NUMBERED 1570 B. Transmittal of FY 2013-14 CI"7.0 R semead and Rost ead Housing Development Corporation Annual Financial eports This is to trans i the FY 2013-14 a• ual financi is for the City of Rosemead and the Rosemead ng'Development Coo ration to the City Council. The reports provide a complete esentation the finances of each of the above mentioned organizations. The 2013-1 Fi r all Year w a year of mode increase for the City's General Fund. Due to both Sales Tax :; Proper:T. revenues sewing modest increases along with an improved economic bas'=: :`e a .-bte•o puu, money back into reserves at the conclusion of the }s not=® ® the Comp °hensive Annual Financial Report(CAFR), the General Fund co le, eQ $79,. • ore than was expended, increasing the fund balance from $17,617,44Q '�® ' 17,69 ,0,. ecommendat 4. That the City Council receive and file the City of Rosemead ®m�rehensive £ nual Financial Report and the Rosemead Housing Development Cwp ration Ann, al Financial and Compliance Report for the 2013-14 Fiscal Year. C. Housin' 1" ment 2014 Annual Progress Report California Government Code §65400 (b) requires the filing of a Housing Element Annual Progress Report by April 1st of each year, for the prior calendar year, with the State Office of Planning and Research and the Department of Housing and Community Development ("HCD"). State law also requires that the annual report be presented at a public meeting before the City Council where members of the public are given an opportunity to comment on the City's progress. This agenda meets these statutory requirements. Rosemead City Council, the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission and Housing Development Corporation Joint Meeting Minutes of January 27,2015 Page 3 of 7 This report summarizes the low to moderate-income residential building activity, Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) progress, and progress of housing program implementation for the 2014 calendar year. The annual report was prepared on forms provided by HCD, using definitions adopted by HCD. Recommendation: That the City Council receive and file the City's 2014 Housing Element Annual Progress Report. D. Annual Residential Resurfacing Program—Award of C• tact As a part of the City's Fiscal Year 2014-15 Capital I Q.®vem-.i tlrogram, the City Council approved the"Annual Residential Resurfacing Progra s1,1„which i q ®1 es pavement rehabilitation activities on roadways that are in,n ed of repair. The ®,t®j-ct consists of asphalt concrete overlay and reconstructio Q'road pavement, repairs s ®amaged sidewalk, curbs and the planting of trees along the ways. T streets identifies rfacing in the 2014-15 Fiscal Year Capital Impro em-n. ogram ar Hellman Avenue a•m Jackson Avenue to the westerly City Limit, and Steele ®t'-°'et ;�m M Lane to Rio Hondo Avenue. Additionally, staff recently added improvements it o ondo Avenue and Rose Street to this project as recent rain eves ave resulted in flog®1 1 and the street is in need of repair and drainage improvements. Recommendation: That the Cit ounce 1. Approv , ®'. s and specifica i s for the An, �al Residential Resurfacing Program, Hellm` nn Avenu- ®m Jackson Avenue to the westerly City Limit and the Rose Street Rio H4d' ? enue In liection Improven s Project; 2. uthorize Menage-:`o el to pinto a contract with E.C. Construction in the amount "6 8 760.1 o the Annu- 'e idential Resurfacing Project, Hellman Avenue from Jac ' venue fie westerly City Limit. In addition, authorize an amount of$21,876 (10%) a e ontinge is cover the cost of unforeseen construction expenses. Authorize t**°1 ity Manager to enter into a contract with CEM Construction Corp in the "lik:mount of$a;; 935 for Rose Street/Rio Hondo Avenue Intersection Improvements t@'ect. In - dition, authorize an amount of$8,393 (10%) as contingency to cover the c®1'0 u s eseen construction expenses. E. Resolut'on Clarifying the Purchase Price for Property Acquisition of 2714-2718 River Avenue in Rosemead Proposed Resolution No. 2015-08 clarifies the purchase price of the property at 2714-2718 River Avenue approved by the City Council on January 13, 2015. The original approving Resolution No. 2015-04, adopted at the last Council meeting, stated that the purchase price was$1.83 million. Subsequently the escrow company has requested a clarification that the actual contract purchase price is$1.85 million with a$20,000 credit in escrow from the Rosemead City Council, the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission and Housing Development Corporation Joint Meeting Minutes of January 27,2015 Page4of7 Seller, which equals a total cost to the City of$1.83 million. The proposed Resolution No. 2015-08 makes the technical correction requested by the escrow company and does not alter the costs to the City for acquisition of the property. Recommendation: That the City Council adopt Resolution No. 2015-08, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD CLARIFYING THE PURCHASE PRIC THAT CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY COMMONLY AD ESS D AS 2714-2718 RIVER AVENUE, CITY OF EIIIEAD AS PREVIOUSLY APPROVED IN RESOLU,..ION NOS•,2015.04 PURSUANT TO ESCROW COMPANY'S REQUEST 'norr Council MemberlBoard Member Steven Ly made a motion seconded by Counci M ). ber/Board Member Sandra Armenta,to approve the Consent Calendar.Vote r-sulted in: Yes: Alarcon,Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly No: None Abstain: None Absent: None vow 1:Pf 4. MATTERS FROM CITY MANAGER&STAF A. Strategic P • 9 ,4 4 and 2015- Ri -Term Re.ort The Cit` cil will r; =w the status o e goals and action items that were established one year a• of the Ci : .0•dated Strate ib Plan for 2014 and 2015. This is a mid-term •ro•ress repo ® Ft - ®:,-�..� al >g'period. Reco mention. Th £tem is presented for review and comment. No formal action is required at fhstime. ®; City Manag-All -d reviewed the' taff report and the mid-year progress report card. Council Member L� mend taff for being on target for most of these items. He added that this was a good step for the first sr o ths and was excited for the next six. Council Member Armen:a inquired about follow up workshops in April. City Manager Allred replied there are a few workshops that are schedule for the City Council, such as, a graffiti workshop and a budget review workshop. Council Member Armenta stated she encouraged the residents to attend those workshops and participate. Mayor Pro Tem Clark asked about the planned bike lanes on Garvey Avenue. Rosemead City Council, the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission and Housing Development Corporation Joint Meeting Minutes of January 27, 2015 Page 5 of 7 Council Member Ly explained that the bike lanes on Garvey Avenue are part of the specific plan in which the committee is working on. Mr. Ly stated that the idea is to create class"A" bike lanes on the sidewalk portion which are fully protected by barrios. Mayor Pro Tem Clark stated she was all for protective bike lanes. 5. MATTERS FROM MAYOR&CITY COUNCIL Council Member Armenta thanked Acting Public Works Manager Sullivan,9 resolving some parking issues addressed with Sanchez Elementary School. . ho,Council Member Ly commended staff for their work on the Garvey r reopeni ® eremony. Mr. Ly also, expressed that he hopes to see the Public Services facility tur O i nto,,a youth cente ith programs and services, once it is vacated. 4.°� Alk Council Member Low stated it was great to see a basic tb., ® o•ram i k;.osemead and thought the reopening of the gym was a success. : Mayor Alarcon commended staff on the Garvey G m reopening cer- n . Mayor Pro Tern Clark announced she is part of tie"Boo t Club for the S .riffs Temple station and the club created magnetic calendars as part of a fundraiser to suppo; r ;tee deputies and volunteers. She stated the fundraiser money also goes towards the yearly 1p unt bang,-t hich fall on April 24th this year. 6. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at ),4p,m. T. -: - t regular City ouncil meeting is scheduled to take place on February 10, 2015 . 6:00 p.m. '8>t ®ose -.d Ci .c al r Council Chamber. .0.44.4404:944.4$4944 dee.89 :i. William Alarcon .;3 Mayor ATTEST: yX4? =•`f . Gloria Molleda City Clerk Rosemead City Council, the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission and Housing Development Corporation Joint Meeting Minutes of January 27,2015 Page 6 of 7