CC - Item 5E - Installation of Additional Red Curb - Hellman Avenue and Isabel Avenue E M S F 4 `` ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL CIVIC PRIDE, STAFF REPORT /NC_...., Amp 1959 TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL r FROM: JEFF ALLRED, CITY MANAGER /Y ip DATE: JUNE 23, 2015 SUBJECT: INSTALLATION OF ADDITIONAL RED CURB — HELLMAN AVENUE AND ISABEL AVENUE SUMMARY At their meeting on June 4, 2015, the Traffic Commission reviewed conditions at the intersection of Hellman Avenue and Isabel Avenue and recommended the installation of additional red curbing, approximately 45 feet, on the southwest corner of the intersection. The Traffic Commission had received numerous requests from residents to review conditions in this area, especially as related to the visibility of motorists. Staff reviewed the request with a traffic engineering consultant and recommended that additional parking restrictions (red curbing) be added to the southwest corner of Hellman Avenue at Isabel Avenue to improve visibility for motorists, especially those turning from Isabel Avenue to Hellman Avenue. Staff Recommendation It is recommended that the City Council approve the Traffic Commission's recommendation to extend existing red curbing an additional 45 feet (approximately) on the southwest corner of Hellman Avenue at Isabel Avenue. DISCUSSION Hellman Avenue is an east-west collector street that is approximately 60 feet wide and allows for two way traffic and parking on both sides of the street. The posted speed limit is 30 MPH. Traffic volume in this location is moderate to heavy at times due, in part, to its proximity to Interstate 10. Multiple residents in the area have expressed concerns about traffic safety at the corner of Hellman Avenue and Isabel Avenue, citing visibility concerns when trying to turn from northbound Isabel Avenue onto Hellman Avenue. Being that parking is allowed on both sides of the street, and is heavy at times; vehicles parked near to the intersection affect the visibility of motorists trying to turn from Isabel Avenue on to Hellman Avenue. By installing red curbing and pushing parked vehicles away from the intersection, the visibility of motorists will be improved enabling safer turns onto Hellman Avenue. Based on these concerns, in October 2013, red curbing was installed at this corner to push parked vehicles back and increase visibility for motorists as they turned off of Isabel Avenue onto ITEM NUMBER: 5-1/ City Council Meeting June 23, 2015 Page 2of3 Hellman Avenue. Based on the installation of 25 feet of red curbing, one parking spot was lost at that time. The current concern from the resident is that something more needs to be done to improve the visibility of motorists turning onto Hellman Avenue from Isabel Avenue. Staff reviewed the resident's concern and consulted with a traffic engineer. It is believed that by adding an additional forty-five (45) feet of red curbing, the visibility of motorists would be improved to approximately two hundred (200) feet. The installation of the additional forty-five (45) feet of red curbing would result in the loss of two parking spaces in this vicinity. It should be noted that there is a large volume of available street parking in the area along Hellman Avenue, Isabel Avenue, and the other surrounding streets. FINANCIAL REVIEW Funding for this type of roadway improvement is included in the annual maintenance and operations budget for Fiscal Year 2014-15 under the Public Works Department, Field Services Division. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15301 (C) of the CEQA Implementing Guidelines. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prior to the Traffic Commission Meeting on June 4, 2015, notices were distributed, via US Mail, to all affected businesses and residences within a 300' radius of this location. Prepared By: Prepared By: afael M. Fajardo, P.E. Sean Sullivan City Engineer Acting Public Works Manager Submitted By: Matthew E. awkesworth Assistant City Manager/Acting Director of Public Works City Council Meeting June 23, 2015 Page 3 of 3 Attachments: A. Area Overview and Detail Site View B. Diagram of Proposed Plans C. Striping and Signage Plan Proposed Red Curb Parking Restrictions Hellman Avenue at Isabel Avenue Z W Saxon Aee i, W Saxon Ave v It ro i f c w E Saxon Ave rt 1 < W Ramona Blvd W Ramona Blvd f Anson St Artson St An: t7 Z Columbia St Columbia St 4 Z m 4% Danna o r ._< Church of the '� fa Open Bible 'ti s Hellman Ave Hellman Ave Hellman Ave r- c- rn to■H v m Hershey St Ali, = City of Angels 0 Rodewa p Medical T m r " Inn&Suites i Centertngleside c = A 7C 9 c. Z n < 0 Doruthy St r �S Z >' 'i i6 ra o m e, a ' > R n N r'y < * S Garvey Park Los Angeles ia lust 'inese Emerson PI Presbyterian ,A. Buddhist Union - E,tierson Pi ristian ,A, Church irment t_ f a x- o y — f•1 e m Whitmore St • g n t7 Whitmore St Whitmore St C R C Z rn It 4 , ,w PROPOSED 0.1 RED-CURB.:2 al2 oP irm'i• : -see i • . *L•e) 1.E '., ,. , [ . !Li A' aw_, , ..'.:7751"-M ti.. , - -7. A 4 .. -.)1a.. .•ii ., i ,..■ 4 ,, ,„ r r ' . •4.‘■..f ."hib. . ,� •w EXISTING W �. ' RED-CURB i m . At "mow r y r PROPOSED w. 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