Sully-Miller Contracting Co.CITY OF ROSEMEAD GARVEY AVENUE SEWER RELIEF LINE PROJECT PROJECT No. 21845 .. ..... ...... ._ .. .... _ ................ ._.__.._... - -. BIDDER: Sully- Miller Contra Co. CONTRACT BID FORMS TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1 BID SCHEDULE .............................................:...... ............................... 1 SECTION 2 BID DATA FORMS ............................................... ............................... 5 2.A BID BOND .................................................:......... ............................... 6 2.8 LIST OF PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTORS. ...................... ................. SECTION 3 NON- COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT ................................................. .............................10 BIDDER: Sully—Miller Contracting Co. I SECTION 1 - BID SCHEDULEJ CBF- I ---------- - - - - -- -- _.......... BIDDER: Sully- Miller Contr acting Co. BID SCHEDULE SCHEDULE OF PRICES FOR GARVEY AVENUE SEWER RELIEF LINE PROJECT PROJECT No. 21846 RARE RID API -IFI I n G i i - i Lc7 r i CBF -2 EST. UNIT ITEM NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QTY. PRICE COST 1 Clearing & Grubbing per Plans and LS 1 Specifications. See Technical Provisions Pages TP -2 & TP -3 per Details. 33 ) 33 2 Disposal of Waste Materials. L5 1 rJ 3 Prepare a Storm Water Pollution LS 1 Prevention Plan (SWPPP). 35 ' Z � . 3 Svo- 4 Traffic Control Plans prepared by a LS 1 Registered Traffic Engineer. 5 Unclassified Excavation, 2S 71.5 6 Remove and Dispose existing manhole TEA3 includi ng bedding, backfilling and Paving per Plans and Specifications Complete. ooFJ 7 Construct Extra Strength 15 -Inch LF 2,600 diameter Vitrified Clay Pipe (VCP) including bedding, backfilling and Paving per Plans and Specifications Complete. 8 Construct 15 -Inch diameter Ductile Iron LF 81 (DI) Sewer Pipe including pipe structure support per SPPWC Std. Plan. 224 -2, bedding, backfilling and paving per Plans and Specifications Complete Ldp nq Ste© 9 Remove and Dispose existing 8" Vitrified LF 330 Clay Pipe (VCP) sewer including pipe plugs, bedding, backfilling and Paving Per Plans and Specifications Complete. /3 — y a qo• — 10 Construct extra strength 8 -Inch diameter LF 176 Vitrified Clay Pipe (VCP) including bedding, backfilling and Paving per Plans and Specifications Complete. g� i 3 11 Construct Reinforced Precast Concrete EA 11 Manhole per IACDPW Std. Plan 2003 -2. CBF -2 BIDDER: Sully- Miller Contra Co. TOTAL BASE BID amount in CBF -3 ■ EST. UNIT ITEM NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QTY. PRICE COST 12 Construct Drop Manhole per CSD Std. Fes, 1 Plan S -a -205. 13/ooD. 13 Install House Connection Remodeling EA 41 including pavement per SPPWC Std. Plan 223 -2 14 House Lateral Replacement per SPPWC EA 10 Std. Plan 222 -2. •(approx. 25% of existing laterals) 15 Construct Wye per LACpPW Std, Plan EA 50 2024 -1. (per . 30 oeo, 16 Construct 72" Manhole Type "E" (case 11) LS 1 per CSq Std. Plan S -a -205. And detail on sheet D1 a� Wo a�a moo. 17 Remodel and plug existing sewer LS 1 manhole per detail 'Won sheet D1 y 18 Remove existing and Construct 18" LS 1 diameter RCP (2000 -D), including concrete collars per SPPWC Std, Plan, 3804, complete as shown on the plans 7 o - 7 &oo 19 Sewer Flow Bypassing at all locations as LS 1 shown on the plans. mo o -' 20 Construct Terminal Cleanout Structure EA 1 per SPPWC Std. Plan 204 -2 00 oo — 21 Abandon Existing Sewer. Fill with low LF 830 density cellular concrete (LDCC) or controlled low strength material (CLSM) with min, compressive strength of 3000PSI @ 28day and plug ends 7'- 22 Provide temporary and permanent EA 1 support for the 36" RCP Sewer per CSD Std. Plan S -a -222 and S -a- 217. Complete in place, 1 TOTAL BASE BID amount in CBF -3 ■ l BIDDER: Si ly- Miller Conti cting Co. ALTERNATE BID ITEM 1 BARLETT AVENUE STREET RESURFACING TOTAL ALTERNATE BID PRICE $ a6/,00v,— CBF -4 TOTAL BASE & ALTERNATE BID PRICE $ / 0/ /,0 00 . / Dollar amount in written form UNIT EST. UNIT ITEM NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION QTY. PRICE COST 1 Cold mill 2.04nches thick existing SF 91,562 30 pavement a a7 60 2 Construct 2.0 inches thick pavement TONS 1,170 overlay ARHM -GG -C (PG 64 -16) as / indicated on the plans. lI -X S 3 Remove Existing, Dispose and SF. 1,200 Construct 4- inches thick PCC Sidewalk per SPPWC Std. Plan - 113 -1. • �p goo 4 Remove Existing, Dispose and EA 4 Construct PCC Curb Ramps per SPPWC Std. Plan 111-4. 3 5 y vow. 5 Remove Existing and Construct 6- SF 200 Inches Thick Driveway Approach per SPPWC Std. Plan 110 -2 Sam© i 6 Adjust Sewer Manhole to Grade per EA 13 SPPWC Std. Plan 205 -1 and 206 -1. 7 Install Survey Well Monument per City EA 6 . of Rosemead Std, Plan S08 -001. See Section 2 -9 Surveying of the General Provision -7 per details (Cover, Sleeve & Dome will be provided by the City at no cost). 8 Install Traffic Striping, Traffic Signal LS 1 Loops and Pavement Markers per the Striping Plans and Specifications yo Complete. sso( o, S S 9 Install 36 -Inch Box Parkway Tree Grape EA 20 Myrtle "Muskogee" including 90 -days tree / 0 o® maintenance period and wells per SPPWC Std. Plan 520-4. TOTAL ALTERNATE BID PRICE $ a6/,00v,— CBF -4 TOTAL BASE & ALTERNATE BID PRICE $ / 0/ /,0 00 . / Dollar amount in written form BIDDER: Sully— Miller Contr acting Co. Note: The City of Rosemead reserves the right to reduce or increase the quantifies of any items in the schedule of bid items above, within the limits define in Section 3 -2.2.1 of the Standard Specifications, to stay within the budgeted amount of this project. If the Bid Documents specify alternate bid items, the following Alternate Bid amounts shall be added to or deducted from the Total Bid Price entered above. The owner can choose to include one or more of the alternates in the Total Bid Price of the Project. If any of the Alternate Bids are utilized by the Owner, the resulting amount shall be considered the Total Bid Price for the Project. The undersigned agrees that these Contract Bid Forms constitute a firm offer to the Owner which cannot be withdrawn for the number of Working Days indicated in the Notice Inviting Bids from and afterthe bid opening date, or until a Contract for the Work is fully executed by the Owner and a third party, whichever is earlier. The undersigned also agrees that if there is a discrepancy between the written amount of the Bid Price and the numerical amount of the Bid Price, the written amount shall govern. Attached hereto is a certified check, a cashier's check or a bid bond in the amount of 10% bollars ($ said amount being not less than ten percent (10 %) of the Total Bid Price. The undersigned agrees that said amount shall be retained by the Owner if, upon award, we fail or refuse to execute the Contract and furnish the required bonds, certificates and endorsements of insurance and other certifications within the time provided. If awarded a Contract, the . undersigned agrees to execute the formal Contract, which will be prepared by the Owner for execution, within five (5) Calendar Days following the Letter of Award for the Contract, and will deliver to the Ownerwithin that same period the necessary original Certificates of Insurance, Endorsements of Insurance, Performance Bond,, Payment Bond and all other documentation and certification required.by the Contract. The undersigned offers and agrees that if this bid is accepted, it will assign to the purchasing body all rights, title, and interest in and to all causes of action it may have under Section 4 of the Clayton Act (15 U.S.C. Section 15) or under the Cartwright Act (Chapter 2 of Part 2 of Division 7 of the Business and Professional Code), arising from purchases of goods, materials or services by the Bidder for sale to the purchasing body pursuant to the bid. Such assignment shall be made and become effective at the time the purchasing body tenders final payment to he Contractor. Bidder understands and agrees that, when requested by Owner, he shall provide: (1) evidence satisfactory to the Owner of Bidder's California contractor's license($) in good standing; (2) evidence that the person signing this Bid is authorized to bind Bidder to this Bid and to a contract resulting therefrom; and (3) any other information and documentation, financial or otherwise, needed by Owner to award a Contract to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder. CBF -5 Bidder acknowledges that data submitted with its Contract Bid Forms which. it requires to be incorporated into a Contract arising out of this Submittal.has been so identified by Bidder. Bidder _.... ...__....... _. _....._. -.... ...__......._.._ .... .........._... BIDDER: Sully- Miller Contr acting Co. i further acknowledges that the Owner may, at its discretion, incorporate any of the remaining data submitted herewith into a contract arising out of this Bid. The undersigned acknowledges receipt, understanding and full consideration of the following addenda to the Contract Documents. Addenda Nos. The Bidder understands and agrees that the Total Bid Price is inclusive of all labor, materials, and equipment or supplies necessary to complete the Work as described in the Bid Documents. If this bid is accepted, the undersigned Bidder agrees to enter into and execute the Contract with the necessary bonds and accept the Total Bid Price as compensation in full for all Work under the contract. By. Signa re Dennis Gansen Type or Print Name Assistant Secretary Title BIDDER: Sully— Miller Contra Co. 135 S. State College Blvd., Suite #400 Business Street Address Brea, CA 92821 City, State and Zip Code 714/578 -9600 Telephone Number Bidder's /Contractor's State of Incorporation: Dal aware Partners or Joint Venturers: Bidder's License Number(s): 747612 Department Industrial Relations Registered No. 1000003664 NOTES- 1) By its signature on this Bid, the Bidder certifies under penalty of perjury the accuracy of the representations. made on the Contract Bid Forms. 2) If Bidder is a corporation, enter State of Incorporation in addition to Business Address 3) If Bidder is a partnership or joint venture, give full names of all partners or joint venturers. As further discussed in the Instructions to Bidders, Bidder will be required to provide evidence that the person signing on behalf of the corporation, nartnershin or ioint venture has the authoritv to do so. CBF -7 CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT CIVIL C A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California County of Orange ) On July 08, 2015 before me, Maria L. Ruiz, Notary Public Date Here Insert Name and Title of the Officer personally appeared Dennis Gansen Names) of Signer(s) who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is /are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he /she /they executed the same in his/her /their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her /their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. 4, MARIA L. RU' WITNESS my hand and official seal. ')Lmu Commission � 20 °A Notary Public - California s Z \t" �` a s Angeles County My Comm, Ex pires Jan 5, 2011 Si Signature otivoifary Pudlic Place Notary Seal Above OPTIONAL Though this section is optional, completing this information can deter alteration of the document or fraudulent reattachment of this form to an unintended document. Description of Attached Do� Ciyof osemeetl -Garvey Avenue sewer Relief Line Title or Type of Document: sla ,wreaan. Document Date: Number of Pages: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) Signer's Name: Dennis Gansen X Corporate Officer — Title(s): Assistant Secre rt' ❑ Partner — ❑ Limited ❑ General ❑ Individual ❑ Attorney in Fact ❑ Trustee ❑ Guardian or Conservator ❑ Other: Signer Is Representing: Sully - Miller Contracting Co. Signer's Name: ❑ Corporate Officer — Title(s): ❑ Partner — ❑ Limited ❑ General ❑ Individual ❑ Attorney in Fact ❑ Trustee ❑ Guardian or Conservator ❑ Other: Signer Is Representing: Yq�a -G "=/ YG<Y ✓GVG`M 'Y YS'dG "+/ ✓G'✓ JG'b s{'vtV "'✓ 'Y 'dam. / "✓ 02014 National Notary Association - www.NationaiNotary.org - 1-800-US NOTARY (1-800-876-6827) Item #5907 .tea ��. }d \�\ w . \\ � �» Q2 }ems 4a »P> ® ®R �3»e 3 %a \ Ell \. m S.Q' 6 3 } : . ^ T : t g : y 7 . y . } 71712015 - Public Work's Contractor Registration Search Division of Gabor Standircfs Enforcement Public Works Contractor Registration Search This is a listing of current and active contractor registrations pursuant to Division 2, Part 7, Chapter t (commencing with section 1720) of the California Labor Code. Enter at least one search criteria to display active registered public works contractor(s) matching your selections Registration Number: 1e.1234567890 Contractor Legal Name: .................. _.. ______. _. _ . . ! SULLY- MILLER CO NTRACTING COMPANY Contractor License Lookuo License Number: 606309 (CSLB) 1 Search: Reset SU Legal Name Public Works Contractor Registration Web Search Results One Registered Contractor found. 1 SU Legal Name Regis tration Number License TypeMu Registrat Date Expiration Date LLY- MILLER CONTRACTING COMPANY 1000003664 CSLB:747612 06/17/2015 06/30/2016 Export as: Excels POF Copyright O 2014 State of California hfps:// efilinq .dir.ca.gov /PWCR /Search.action 1/1 { BIDDER: Sully -Miller Contra cting Co. 1 SECTION 2 BID DATA FORMS J BIDDER: Miller Contracting C ompany Bidder shall submit its Bid data in accordance with the format shown on each of the following Bid Data Forms. Bidders shall prepare and use as many sheets as are necessary to adequately provide the information required. Bidder shall ensure that every page of its Bid Data Forms are properly identified with the Bidder's name and page number. 2.A BID BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT Sully- Miller Contracting Company as Principal, and Liberty Mutual Insurance Company , as Surety, are held firmly bound unto the CITY OF ROSEMEAD (hereinafter called the OWNER) in the sum of Ten Percent of the Amount Bid ($ 10 %' of Amount Bid' ) , being not less than ten percent (10 %) of the Total Bid Price; forthe payment of which sum will and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents., WHEREAS, said Principal has submitted a bid to the OWNER to perform all Work required for the GARVEY AVENUE SEWER RELIEF LINE PROJECT as set forth in the Notice Inviting Bids and accompanying Bid Documents, dated NOW, THEREFORE, if said Principal is awarded a Contract for the Work by the OWNER and, within the time and in the manner required by the above- referenced Bid Documents, enters into the written form of Contract bound with said Bid Documents, furnishes the required bonds (one to guarantee faithful performance and the other to guarantee payment for labor and materials) furnishes the required insurance certificates and endorsements, and furnishes any other certifications as may be required by the Contract, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect. In the event suit is brought upon this bond by the OWNER and judgment is recovered, said Surety shall pay all costs incurred by the OWNER in such suit, including reasonable attorneys' fees to be fixed by the court. SIGNED AND SEALED, this 7th day of July 20 Is 1 Liberty Mutual Sully- Miller Contracting CompanJ (SEAL) Principal S,! aty By: By: SI nature Ddfinis Gansen Sig e Assistant Secretary - Steven C. White Attorney -in -Fact CBF -9 CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT CIVIL C A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California ) County of Orange ) On July 08, 2015 Date personally appeared _ Name(s) of Signer(s) who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is /are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he /she /they executed the same in his/her /their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her /their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. S MARIA L RUIZ t Commission # 2003065 M d � Nutary Public - California n Los Angeles County My Comm. Expires Jan 5, 2017 �p t} Place Notary Seal Above WITNESS my han d official seal. Si at _ Signature OtWoKary Pu is OPTIONAL Though this section is optional, completing this information can deter alteration of the document or fraudulent reattachment of this form to an unintended document. Description of Attached Do Qtyof Rosemead- Garvey Avenue Sewer Relief Lina Title or Type of Document: -Rid. Document Date: Number of Pages: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) Signer's Name: Dennis Gansen IX Corporate Officer — Title(s): Assistant Secreta rt' ❑ Partner — ❑ Limited ❑ General ❑ Individual ❑ Attorney in Fact ❑ Trustee ❑ Guardian or Conservator ❑ Other: Signer Is Representing: Sully - Miller Contracting Co. before me, Maria L. Ruiz Notary Public Here Insert Name and Title of the Officer Dennis Gansen Signer's Name: ❑ Corporate Officer — Title(s): ❑ Partner — ❑ Limited ❑ General ❑ Individual ❑ Attorney in Fact ❑ Trustee ❑ Guardian or Conservator rl Other: Signer Is Representing: ✓S`'v.Gt. ✓G(i ' ✓SL.S'vGV "+/G'YKm ' ✓S' ✓(VS`/.'" bG'v vG'd� ' v4V''v�'✓ vGV CALIFORNIA ALL - PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT CIVIL CODE § 1189 A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California County of Orange ) On July 7, 2015 before me, Marla Luisa R. Aguinaldo , Notary Public Date Here Insert Name and Title of the Officer personally appeared Steven C. White Name(s) of Signer(s) fR who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evide t be the person(s) whose name re subscribed to the within instrument and a nowledged to me th t he he /they executed the same i hi edtheir authorized capacity(ies), and that b tii er /their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. MMMA U48A R. AOUIRAl00 WITNESS my hand and official seal. 001400M • 2100426 1111111v CMili FMIM UK IL 2011191 Roary Pa01k oNxanl. a Signature lgn ure of Notary Pub c Place Notary Seal Above OPTIONAL Though this section is optional, completing this information can deter alteration of the document or fraudulent reattachment of this form to an unintended document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: Bid Bond - Sully - Mille Contracting Compa Document Date: July 7, 2015 Number of Pages: I Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: None Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) Signer's Name: Steven C. White ❑ Corporate Officer — Title(s): Partner— ❑ Limited ❑ General El Individual ® Attorney in Fact Trustee ❑ Guardian or Conservator Other: Signer Is Representing: Liberty Mutual Insu Signer's Name: Corporate Officer — Title(s): ❑ Partner— ❑ Limited ❑ General ❑ Individual ❑ Attorney in Fact ❑ Trustee ❑ Guardian or Conservator ❑ Other: Signer Is Representing: ©2014 National Notary Association • www.Nationa[Notary.org • 1- 800 -US NOTARY (1- 800 -876 -6827) Item #5907 LMS- 1406712/14 ce Company are corporations duly organized underthe laws: of 1EREOF, I have hereunto subscribed rllgnama and amxed my notanat seal at rrymoum rmeenng Yennsyivanta, on trio uay mm yeas met auuve wmumi — .f II t t AMIA Q M- `� ct 0 By: :Teresa Pastelist Notary Public � �- fi'w4� m o -, a omey is made and executedpursyan tYd'dndLysulh'onty of the following Bylaws and Authorizations ofAmencan Fire and Casualty Company, The Ohio Casualty Insurance wpb �rMutual Insurance Company atid�WastAinF,t)eettlnsurance Company which resolutions are now in full force and effect reading fas follows, r American Fire and Casualty Company The Ohio Casualty Insurance Company 1 Liberty Mutual Insurance Company v- � r t - - c West p y mercan Insurance:Com an ` t Ir r E o 7, David M. Care, Assistant secretary ATE OF PENNSYLVANIA ss )UNITY OF MONTGOMERY 1EREOF, I have hereunto subscribed rllgnama and amxed my notanat seal at rrymoum rmeenng Yennsyivanta, on trio uay mm yeas met auuve wmumi — .f II t t AMIA Q M- `� ct 0 By: :Teresa Pastelist Notary Public � �- fi'w4� m o -, a omey is made and executedpursyan tYd'dndLysulh'onty of the following Bylaws and Authorizations ofAmencan Fire and Casualty Company, The Ohio Casualty Insurance wpb �rMutual Insurance Company atid�WastAinF,t)eettlnsurance Company which resolutions are now in full force and effect reading fas follows, r BIDDER: Sully— Miller Contr acting Co. 2.6 LIST OF PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTORS In compliance with the "Subletting and Subcontracting Fair Practices Act," Sections 4100 through 4114 of the California. Public Contract Code, and any amendments thereto, each Bidder shall provide the information requested below for each subcontractor who will perform work, laboror rendersenrice to Bidder in orabout the construction of the Work in an amount in excess of one -half of one percent (greater than 0.5 %) of the Bidder's Total Bid Price, or, in the case of bids or offers for the construction of streets or highways, including bridges, in excess of one -half of 1 percent of the Contractor's total bid or ten thousand dollars ($10,000), whichever is greater, and shall further set forth the portion of the Work which will be done by each subcontractor. Bidder shall list only one subcontractor for any one portion of the Work. Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 4104, the Owner has determined that it will allow Bidders twenty -four (24) additional hours afterthe deadline for submission of bids to submit the information requested bythe Ownerabout each subcontractor, otherthan the name and location of each subcontractor. If the Bidder fails to specify a subcontractor for any portion of the Work to be performed under the Contract, it shall be deemed to have agreed to perform such portion itself, and shall not be permitted to subcontract that portion of the Work except under the conditions hereinafter set forth below. Subletting or subcontracting of any portion of the Work in excess of one half of one percent (greaterthan 0.5 %) of the Total Bid Price or, in the case of bids or offers for the construction of streets or highways, including bridges, in excess of one -half of 1 percent of the Contractor's total bid or ten thousand dollars ($10,000), whichever is greater, for which no subcontractor was designated in the original bid shall only be permitted in cases of public emergency or necessity, and then only after Owner approval. CBF -10 _... - ._ .......... .... ...... ....... BIDDER: Sulam- Miller Contr acting Co. 2.8 LIST OF PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTORS (continued) ["Duplicate Next Pages if needed for listing additional subcontractors. — I Name and Location Description of Work of Subcontractor / to be Subcontracted Name: �A56� l�rJ S�✓�y Address: cA. �iJPV2 License No.: L.fvt/ Department of Industrial Relation Registration No. 1000Oo Name and Location Description of Work of Subcontractor to be Subcontracted Name: Address: 6-r, � w c� License No.: 93�L 9 q Department of Industrial Relation Registration No. /fDy� SYr_ Name and Location of Subcontractor Description of Work to be Subcontracted Name: O�-- S-4/` �e APT Address: ©ra. y e� License No.: JyGo 5 S Department of Industrial Relation Registration No. /vra m g -, - q7 -' Name and Location Description of Work of Subcontractor to be / `3 Name: L� n�C _ o CnOSG�p Address �n - /v.�, r/'r //tica License No.: Department of Industrial Relation Registration No. l00 :a Name and Location Description of Work of Subcontractor to be Subcontracted Name: �n��ro�n�/ lwn��/cS� 5� 67` t Address: LicenseNo.: 66 Department of Industrial Relation Registration No. /A22c> /0 =:3 CBF - 11 BIDDER: Sully- Miller Contr acting Co. 2,B LIST OF PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTORS (continued) f Duplicate NUM 2 Pages If needed for listing additional subontractors.< Name and Location Description of Work of Subcontractor to be Subcontracted License No.: Department of Industrial Relation Registration No. Name and Location Description of Work of Subcontractor to be Subcontracted Name: Address: License No.: Department of Industrial Relation Registration No. Name and Location Description of Work of Subcontractor to be Subcontracted Name: Address: License No.: Department of Industrial Relation Registration No. Name and.Location Description of Work of Subcontractor to be Subcontracted Name: Address: License No.: Department of Industrial Relation Registration No. >) Name and Location Description of Work ?_ of Subcontractor to be Subcontracted Name: Address: °7 License No.: Department of Industrial Relation Registration No. CBF -11 ii 1'� ._.. -- ___ ------- ... .... .... i BIDDER: Sull Miller Contr acting Co. 3 `.w 31 :a 2.13 LIST OF PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTORS (continued) r'Ouplicate Next Pages if needed for listing additional subwatractorsP't Name and Location of Subcontractor Description of Work to be Subcontracted Address: License No.: Department of Industrial Relation Registration No. Name and Location Description of Work of Subcontractor to be Subcontracted Name: Address: License No.: Department of Industrial Relation Registration No. Name and Location Description of Work of Subcontractor to be Subcontracted Name: Address: License No.: Department of Industrial Relation Registration No. Name and Location Description of Work of Subcontractor to be Subcontracted Name: Address: License No.: Department of Industrial Relation Registration No. „) Name and Location of Subcontractor Description of Work to be Subcontracted Name: Address: License No.: Department of Industrial Relation Registration No. to ; 1 CBF -11 ... ......... ....... ......... ------- .... ... Ij BIDDER: Sully—Miller Contracting Co. 2,13 LIST OF PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTORS (continued) ["Duplicate Next 2 Pages if needed for listing additonaf subcontractors, -] Name and Location Description of Work of Subcontractor to be Subcontracted Name: Address: License No.: Department of Industrial Relation Registration No. Name and Location Description of Work of Subcontractor to be Subcontracted Name: Address: License No.: Department of Industrial Relation Registration No. Name and Location Description of Work of Subcontractor to be Subcontracted Name: Address: License No.: Department of Industrial Relation Registration No, Name and Location Description of Work of Subcontractor to be Subcontracted Name: Address: License No.: Department of Industrial Relation Registration No. Name and Location Description of Work of Subcontracto to be Subcontracted Name: Address: License No.: Department of Industrial Relation Registration No. r CBF - 11 _._ ... -- ....._- ..._._ ...__ ... ..........._._......... .:_...... _........... ---- - ------- -. .......... _ BIDDER: Sully- Miller Contracting Co. 1 €5 a :a A t 1 2.6 LIST OF PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTORS (continued) r *Duplicate Next 2 Pages if needed for listing additional subcontractors -I Name and Location Description of Work of Subcontractor to be Subcontracted Name License No.: Department of Industrial Relation Registration No. Name and Location Description of Work of Subcontractor to be Subcontracted Name: Address: License No.: Department of Industrial Relation Registration No. Name and Location Description of Work of Subcontractor to be Subcontracted Name: Address: License No.: Department of Industrial Relation Registration No. Naive and,Location Description of Work of Subcontractor to be Subcontracted Name: Address: License No.: Department of Industrial Relation Registration No. Name and Location Description of Work of Subcontractor to be Subcontracted Name: Address: License No.: Department of Industrial Relation Registration No. CBF -11 BIDDER: Sully - Miller Contracting Co. 2.6 LIST OF PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTORS (continued) ("Duplicate Next 2 Pages if needed for Bating addltlonal subcontractors . — ] Name and Location Description of Work of Subcontractor to be Subcontracted Name: Address: License No.: Departmentof Industrial Relation Registration No Name and Location Description of Work of Subcontractor to be Subcontracted Name: Address: License No.: Department of Industrial Relation Registration No. Name and Location Description of Work of Subcontractor to be Subcontracted Name: Address: License No.: Department of Industrial Relation Registration No. Name and Location Description of Work of Subcontractor to be Subcontracted Name: Address: License No.: Department of Industrial Relation Registration No. Name and Location Description of Work of Subcontractor to be Subcontracted Name: Address: License No.: Department of Industrial Relation Registration No. } CBF -11 BIDDER: Sully- Miller Contracting Co. 2.0 REFERENCES The following are the names, addresses and telephone numbers for three public agencies for which BIDDER has performed similar work within the past two (2) years: *Please see attached List of References and Projects. 1. Name and Address of Owner Name and telephone number of person familiarwith project Contract amount Type of Work Date Completed 2. Name and Address of Owner Name and telephone number of person familiar with project Contract amount Type of Work Date Completed 3. Name and Address of owner Name and telephone number of person familiar with project Contract amount Type of Work Date Completed 4. Name and Address of Owner Name and telephone number of person familiar with project Contract amount Type of Work Date Completed CBF -12 SULLY - MILLER CONTRACTING CO. LIST OF REFERENCES John Wayne Airport Irvine, CA Larry Serafini, Project Engineer 949 - 252 -5270 Los Angeles County Dept. of Public Works Alhambra, CA Issa Adawiya, Resident Engineer 626 - 458 -5100 City of Fontana Fontana, CA Mario Estrada, Asst. City Engineer 909 - 350 -7696 C. J. Segerstrom / South Coast Plaza Costa Mesa, CA Grant Wilson, Project Manager 714 - 546 -0110 City of Baldwin Park — Engr. Division Baldwin Park, CA Arjan Idnani, Engineering Manager 626 - 960 -4011 Ext. 254 LA Arena Company Staples Center — Los Angeles, CA Don Berges, Construction Manager 213 - 742 -7873 City of Fullerton Fullerton, CA George Lin, Project Engineer 714 - 738 -6845 The Irvine Company Newport Beach, CA Peggy Kloos, Sr. Director/ Construction 949 - 720 -2000 Irvine Community Development Company Newport Beach, CA Bill Martin, Vice President /Construction 949 - 734 -800 Town of Apple Valley Apple Valley, CA Richard Pederson, Town Engineer 760 - 240 -7000 CNC Engineering City of Industry, CA John Ballas, City Engineer 626 - 333 -0336 Fox Studios Operations Beverly Hills, CA William Murphy, V.P. of Facilities 310 - 369 -3794 BNSF Railroad Commerce Hansen - Wilson Roy Rogers, Construction Manager 323 - 267 -4186 Caltrans Department of Transportation Ray Stokes, Regional Engineer 909 - 275 -0211 Cal State Long Beach Foundation Long Beach, CA Mo Tidemanis, Director 562- 985 -8489 City of Rancho Cucamonga Rancho Cucamonga, CA Cindy Hackett, Associate Engineer 909 - 477 -2740 City of Hesperia — Public Works Dept. Hesperia, CA Mike Podegradz, City Manager 760 - 947 -1000 City of Barstow Barstow, CA Mike Stewart, City Engineer 760- 255 -5154 Updated December 2006 SULLY- MII,I-ER CONTRACTING CO. BIDDER'S EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS Project Name /Number: Start and Finish Dates: Project Description: Agency Name: Contact Person: 2011 ROADWAY MAINTENANCE & SLURRY SEAL PROGRAM/ 10150602 8/2013 - 12/2014 SWPPP, AC GRIND & OVERLAY, CRACK SEAL, SLURRY SEAL, STRIPING & MARKING PORT OF LONG BEACH 925 HARBOR PLAZA DRIVE LONG BEACH, CA 90802 ALI VATANSHENAG Telephone: 562/437 -0041 Original Contract Amount: $434,380 Final Contract Amount: $455,300 Change in original contract amount is due to extra work and /or contract change orders adding work. Project Name /Number: KIOWA RANCH ROAD TO DEL ORO ROAD/ 10149809 Start and Finish Dates: 9/2013- 11/2013 Project Description: AC GRIND & OVERLAY, PCC IMPRV., STRIPING & MARKING, SURVEY, TREE REMOVAL, CMB, ADJUST UTILITIES, SLURRY SEAL Agency Name: TOWN OF APPLE VALLEY 14975 DALE EVANS PARKWAY APPLE VALLEY, CA 92307 Contact Person: BRETT MORGAN Telephone: 760/240 -7000 Original Contract Amount: $662,781 Final Contract Amount: $663,811 Change in original contract amount is due to extra work and /or contract change orders adding work. Project Name /Number: Start and Finish Dates: Project Description: Agency Name: ARTESIA BLVD. & WESTERN AVE. STREET IMPRV. /10147379 7/2013 - 10/2013 SIGNS, SWPPP, TRAFFIC CONTROL, TREE REMOVAL, STRIPING & MARKING, COLD MILL, ELECTRICAL, PCC, AC, ARHM, SURVEY, ADJUST MANOLES & WATER VALVES, LOOPS CITY OF GARDENA 1700 W. 162 STREET GARDENA, CA 90247 Contact Person: JOHN FELIX Telephone: 310/217 -9500 Original Contract Amount: $645,472 Final Contract Amount: $605,644 Change in contract amount is due to items of work being deleted by the agency. Updated April 2015 1 SULLY - MILLER CONTRACTING CO. BIDDER'S CE AND QUALIFICATIONS Project Name /Number: TILDEN TERRENCE/ 10146479 Start and Finish Dates: 4/2013- 9/2013 Project Description: ON -SITE, OFF -SITE, ALLEY IMPRV. Agency Name: DREYFUSS CONSTRUCTION 5855 GREEN VALLEY CIRCLE, STE. 300 CULVER, CA 90230 Contact Person: DAVID SANCHEZ Telephone: 310/645 -9565 Original Contract Amount: $748,082 Final ContractAmount: $835,884 Change in original contract amount is due to extra work and /or contract change orders adding work. Project Name /Number: LA LOGISTICS CENTER/ 10144825 Start and Finish Dates: 3/2013- 6/2013 Project Description: B- PERMIT Agency Name: XEBEC BUILDING COMPANY, INC. 3010 OLD RANCH PARKWAY, STE. 480 SEAL BEACH, CA 90740 Contact Person: SIOBHAN SHARPLES Telephone: 562/795 -0270 Original Contract Amount: $373,756 Final Contract Amount: $383,456 Change in original contract amount is due to extra work and /or contract change orders adding work. Project Name /Number: Start and Finish Dates: Project Description: Agency Name: Contact Person: AGOURA ROAD WIDENING PHASE 1 /CANWOOD STREET IMPRV./ 10144581 4/2013 - 10/2013 AC /ARHM GRIND & OVERLAY, CAB, PCC IMPRV., COLD -IN -PLACE RECYCLING, ADJUST UTILITIES, SIGNING & STRIPING, TREE PROTECTION /REMOVAL, LANDSCAPE & IRRIGATION CITY OF AGOURA HILLS 30001 LADYFACE COURT AGOURA HILLS, CA 91301 -1335 CHARMAINE YAMBAO Telephone: 818/597 -7300 Original Contract Amount: $1,058,551 Final Contract Amount: $1,273,120 Change in original contract amount is due to extra work and /or contract change orders adding work. Updated April 2015 2 SULLY - MILLER CONTRACTING CO. BIDDER'S AND QUALIFICATIONS Project Name /Number: CEDARS -SINAI MEDICAL CENTER - ADVANCES HEALTH SCIENCES PAVILION PROJECT/ 10143403 Start and Finish Dates: 2/2013- 4/2013 Project Description: CMB, AC GRIND & OVERLAY, STRIPING, DOUBLE ADJUST MANHOLES Agency Name: HATHAWAY DINWIDDIE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 811 WILSHIRE BLVD., STE. 1500 LOS ANGELES, CA 90017 -2632 Contact Person: STEPHEN DUHM Telephone: 213/236 -0500 Original ContractAmount: $229,000 Final Contract Amount: $234,671 Change in original contract amount is due to extra work and /or contract change orders adding work. Project Name /Number: Start and Finish Dates: Project Description: Agency Name: Contact Person: BEAR VALLEY CUTOFF/ 10143018 5/2013- 6/2013 ARHM /AC GRIND & OVERLAY, CRACK SEAL, SIGNS & STRIPING & MARKING SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 825 EAST 3 RD STREET SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92415 SUNDARAMOORTHY SRIRAJAN Telephone: 909/387 -8104 Original Contract Amount: $928,725 Final Contract Amount: $802,793 Change in contract amount is due to items of work being deleted by the agency. Project Name /Number: DALE EVANS PARKWAY OVERLAY PROJECT INTERSTATE 15 TO JOHNSON ROAD & JOSHUA ROAD OVERLAY PROJECT/ 10141551 Start and Finish Dates: 1/2013- 4/2013 Project Description: AC GRIND & OVERLAY, STRIPING & MARKING, GRADING, SWPPP Agency Name: TOWN OF APPLE VALLEY 14955 DALE EVANS PARKWAY APPLE VALLEY, CA 92307 Contact Person: BRENT MORGAN Telephone: 760/240 -7000 Original Contract Amount: $720,677 Final Contract Amount: $743,789 Change in original contract amount is due to extra work and /or contract change orders adding work. Updated April 2015 SULLY - MILLER CONTRACTING CO. BIDDER'S Project Name /Number: Start and Finish Dates: Project Description: Agency Name: Contact Person: AND QUALIFICATIONS FY 2012/13 STREET MAINTENANCE PROJECT/ 10140019 10/2012 - 12/2013 ARHM GRIND & OVERLAY, ADJUST UTILITIES, SURVEY, CRACK SEALING CITY OF MALIBU 23825 STUART RANCH ROAD MALIBU, CA 90265 ROBERT DUBOUX Telephone: 310/456 -2489 Original Contract Amount: $652,716 Final Contract Amount: $929,630 Change in original contract amount is due to extra work and /or contract change orders adding work. Project Name /Number: THE ICIS APARTMENTS/ 10139570 Start and Finish Dates: 9/2012- 11/2012 Project Description: B- PERMIT Agency Name: ALLIANCE RESIDENTIAL BUILDERS II G.P., INC. 450 NEWPORT CENTER DR., #550 NEWPORT, CA 92660 Contact Person: SCOTT CRIGGS Telephone: 949/706 -8460 Original Contract Amount: $299,701 Final Contract Amount: $335,741 Change in original contract amount is due to extra work and /or contract change orders adding work. Project Name /Number: 2012 VARIOUS STREETS RESURFACING II, PROP 1 B & LACMTA/ 10137709 Start and Finish Dates: 10/2012 -2013 Project Description: AC /ARHM GRIND & OVERLAY, PCC IMPRV., ADJUST UTILITIES, LOOPS, STRIPING & MARKING, CONSTRUCTION AREA SIGNS Agency Name: CITY OF MONTEREY PARK 320 WEST NEWMARK AVENUE MONTEREY PARK, CA 91754 Contact Person: ROY ALFONSO Telephone: 626- 307 -1458 Original Contract Amount: $996,500 Final Contract Amount: $1,082,247 Change in original contract amount is due to extra work and /or contract change orders adding work. Updated April 2015 4 SULLY- MILLER CONTRACTING CO. BIDDER'S EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS Project Name /Number: CITYWIDE ANNUAL OVERLAY PROGRAM & CONCRETE REPLACEMENT PROGRAM/ 10137355 Start and Finish Dates: 9/2012- 3/2013 Project Description: AC /ARHMGRIND & OVERLAY, AC DIKE, LOOPS, ADJUST UTILITIES, CAB, STRIPING & MARKING, PCC IMPRV., SURVEY Agency Name: CITY OF CARSON 701 EAST CARSON STREET CARSON, CA 90745 Contact Person: RICK BOUTROS Telephone: 310/830 -7600 Original Contract Amount: $1,295,000 Final Contract Amount: $1,504,633 Change in original contract amount is due to extra work and /or contract change orders adding work. Project Name /Number: Start and Finish Dates: Project Description: Agency Name: Contact Person: PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE OF STREETS - 2012/10137154 11/2012- 3/2013 COLD MILL, ARHM, AC ADJUST SEWER MANHOLES, CLEAR & GRUB, STRIPING & MARKING, LOOP DETECTORS, SURVEY CITY OF PASADENA 100 N. GARFIELD AVE. PASADENA, CA 91101 MORLEY SARAIYA Telephone: 626/744 -4000 Original Contract Amount: $1,138,208 Final Contract Amount: $1,273,343 Change in original contract amount is due to extra work and /or contract change orders adding work. Project Name /Number: Start and Finish Dates: Project Description: Agency Name: Contact Person: IMPROVEMENT OF LINCOLN AVENUE/ 10136832 10/2012- 3/2013 CONCRETE, AC, CRACK SEAL, COLD MILL, ARHM, ELECTRICAL, MANHOLES, STORM DRAIN, MARKERS, LOOPS CITY OF PASADENA 100 N. GARFIELD AVE. PASADENA, CA 91101 SEAN SINGLETARY Telephone: 626- 744 -4000 Original Contract Amount: $1,348,474 Final Contract Amount: $1,641,677 Change in original contract amount is due to extra work and /or contract change orders adding work. Updated April 2015 SULLY - MILLER CONTRACTING CO. BIDDER'S EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS Project Name /Number: 2012 OVERLAY PROGRAM/ 10136566 Start and Finish Dates: 10/2012- 4/2013 Project Description: AC /ARHM GRIND & OVERLAY, ADJUST MANHOLES, ROOT PRUNE, STRIPING, SIGNING, MARKERS, LEGENDS Agency Name: CITY OF THOUSAND OAKS 2100 THOUSAND OAKS BLVD. THOUSAND OAKS, CA 91362 Contact Person: MIKE TOHIDIAN Telephone: 805/449 -2400 Original Contract Amount: $3,795,547 Final Contract Amount. $ 3,972,046 Change in original contract amount is due to extra work and /or contract change orders adding work. Project Name /Number: ROUTE 247, SAN BERNARDIONO COUNTY (08- OP9304)/ 10131719 Start and Finish Dates: 7/2012 - 8/2012 Project Description: SWPPP, SIGNS, TRAFFIC CONTROL, COLD PLANE, CRACK TREATMENT, AC, ARHM, STRIPING & MARKING Agency Name: CALTRANS 1727 30 STREET SACRAMENTO, CA 95816 Contact Person: EHAB MINA Telephone: 916/227 -6300 Original Contract Amount: $4,865,508 Final Contract Amount: $4,988,720 Change in original contract amount is due to extra work and /or contract change orders adding work. Project Name /Number: Start and Finish Dates: Project Description: Agency Name: Contact Person: MANHATTAN BEACH BOULEVARD RESURFACING/ 10130442 8/2012 - 11/2012 UTILITIES, TRAFFIC CONTROL, SIGNS, SURVEY, MANHOLES, PCC, AC, LANDSCAPE & IRRIGATION, COLD MILL, EXCAVATION, STRIPING & MARKING CITY OF REDONDO BEACH 415 DIAMOND STREET REDONDO BEACH, CA 90277 JEFF TOWNSEND Telephone: 310/318 -0661 Original Contract Amount: $862,900 Final ContractAmount: $945,951 Change in original contract amount is due to extra work and /or contract change orders adding work. Updated April 2015 6 SULLY - MILLER CONTRACTING CO. BIDDER'S EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS Project Name /Number: Start and Finish Dates: Project Description: Agency Name: Contact Person: Original Contract Amount: NO CHANGE Project Name /Number: Start and Finish Dates: Project Description: Agency Name: PUBLIC WORKS YARD (BID SET NO. 2)/ 10130370 (11148C) 11/2012 - 11/2012 AC PAVING, PCC IMPROVEMENTS, ELECTRICAL, FENCING CITY OF EL MONTE 1133 VALLEY BLVD. EL MONTE, CA 91731 iCi7u'��d\7� $462,370 Telephone: 626/580 -2001 Final Contract Amount: $462,370 SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL -CYCLE 7 BULB -OUTS, SIDEWALK & TRAFFIC SIGNAL MODIFICATIONS/ 10130359 5/2012 - 11/2012 CLEAR & GRUB, AC OVERLAY, PCC IMPRV., ADJUST UTILITIES, SURVEY, TRAFFIC SIGNAL MODIFICATIONS, SIGNS, STRIPING & MARKING CITY OF BURBANK 301 EAST OLIVE AVENUE, RM 320 BURBANK, CA 91502 Contact Person: MIKE SILVANI Telephone: 818/238 -5457 Original Contract Amount: $342,560 Final Contract Amount: $408,978 Change in original contract amount is due to extra work and /or contract change orders adding work. Project Name /Number: ROUTE 39, LOS ANGELES COUNTY (07- 3Y3204)/ 10130355 Start and Finish Dates: 7/2012 - 11/2012 Project Description: SWPPP, SIGNS, TRAFFIC CONTROL, COLD PLANE, CRACK TREATMENT, AC, ARHM, STRIPING & MARKING Agency Name: CALTRANS 1727 30 STREET SACRAMENTO, CA 95816 Contact Person: REDA KAROUT Telephone: 916/227 -6300 Original Contract Amount: $1,197,700 Final Contract Amount: $1,265,654 Change in original contract amount is due to extra work and /or contract change orders adding work. Updated April 2015 7 SULLY- MILLER CONTRACTING CO. BIDDER'S EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS Project Name /Number: SLAUSON AVENUE/ 10130289 Start and Finish Dates: 10/2012- 3/2013 Project Description: CLEAR & GRUB, TREE REMOVAL /PLANTING, AC GRIND & OVERLAY, PCC IMPRV., STRUCTURES, STRIPING & MARKING Agency Name: LOS ANGELES COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 900 S. FREMONT AVENUE ALHAMBRA,CA 91803 Contact Person: JOSE POU Telephone: 626/458 -5100 Original Contract Amount: $884,688 Final Contract Amount, $955,095 Change in original contract amount is due to extra work and /or contract change orders adding work. Project Name /Number: 2011 -2012 STREET RESURFACING - VARIOUS LOCATIONS/ 10130260 Start and Finish Dates: 5/2012 - 12/2012 Project Description: AC OVERLAY, COLD MILL, CRACK SEAL, CMB, ADJUST VALVE COVER & MANHOLE, LOOPS, STRIPING & MARKING Agency Name: CITY OF BEVERLY HILLS 455 N. REXFORD DR., RM 290 BEVERLY HILLS, CA 90210 Contact Person: JUAN MARTINEZ Telephone: 310/285 -2489 Original Contract Amount: $1,019,450 Final Contract Amount: $896,448 Change in contract amount is due to items of work being deleted by the agency. Project Name /Number: Start and Finish Dates: Project Description: Agency Name: Contact Person: STREET RECONSTRUCTION -HELEN RUNYON DR. & E. MOUNTAIN VIEW ST./ 10130241 3/2012- 7/2012 AC PAVING, PCC, FABRIC, LOOPS, SIGNS & STRIPING & MARKING CITY OF BARSTOW 220 E. MOUNTAIN VIEW STREET, STE. A BARSTOW, CA 92311 DOMINGO GONZALEZ Telephone: 760/255 -5156 Original Contract Amount: $1,027,886 Final Contract Amount: $1,138,746 Change in original contract amount is due to extra work and /or contract change orders adding work. Updated April 2015 SLJLLY- MILLER CONTRACTING CO. BIDDER'S EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS Project Name /Number: Start and Finish Dates: Project Description: Agency Name: Contact Person 2012 LOCAL STREET REHABILITATION PROJECT/ 10130069 5/2012 - 8/2012 AC GRIND & OVELRAY, COLD CENTRAL PLANT RECYCLING, LOOPS, ADJUST UTILITIES CITY OF GARDEN GROVE 11222 ACACIA PARKWAY GARDEN GROVE, CA 92840 ROBERT MOUNGEY Telephone: 714/741-5000 Original Contract Amount: $2,917,670 Final Contract Amount: $2,846,871 Change in contract amount is due to items of work being deleted by the agency. Project Name /Number: RECONSTRUCTION OF CASTAIC POWER PLANT ACCESS ROAD/ 10129951 Start and Finish Dates: 8/2012 - 10/2012 Project Description: AC, COLD MILL, STRIPING & MARKING Agency Name: LOS ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF WATER & POWER 111 N. HOPE STREET Agency Name: LOS ANGELES, CA 90012 Contact Person: JOSH FONG Telephone: 213/364 -3464 Original Contract Amount: $602,466 Final Contract Amount: $556,923 Change in contract amount is due to items of work being deleted by the agency. Project Name /Number: CACTUS AVENUE, FREDERICK STREET & RESOURCE WAY/ 10129926 Start and Finish Dates: 5/2012- 5/2013 Project Description: STREET, STORM DRAIN, SEWER & WATER, SIGNING & STRIPING, TRAFFIC SIGNAL, LOOPS, STREET LANDSCAPE & IRRIGATION, ELECTRICAL, COLD PLANE, PCC, AC, CATCH BASIN Agency Name: US REAL ESTATE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, A TEXAS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, 19300 19300 HAMILTON AVE., STE. 200 GARDENA, CA 90248 Contact Person: FLOYD YOUNKIN Telephone: 310/323 -9100 Original Contract Amount: $2,753,919 Final ContractAmount. $3,212,557 Change in original contract amount is due to extra work and /or contract change orders adding work. Updated April 2015 SULLY- MILLER CONTRACTING CO. BIDDER'S EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS Project Name /Number: Start and Finish Dates: Project Description: Agency Name: Contact Person: NATIONAL TRAILS HIGHWAY/ 10128949 (12185C) 5/2012 - 6/2012 CRACK SEAL COLD PLANE, PAV, STRIPING SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 825 EAST THIRD STREET SAN BERNARDINO,CA 92415 -0835 NIDHAM AL -REYES Telephone: 909/387 -8104 Original Contract Amount: $1,040,950 Final Contract Amount: $931,795 Change in contract amount is due to items of work being deleted by the agency. Project Name /Number: TAXILANE D -10 RECONSTRUCTION / 10128948 (12174C) Start and Finish Dates: 5/2012- 12/2012 Project Description: SURVEY, AC, REMOVE PCC, FENCING, ADJUSTING WATER UTILITY, SWPPP,CAB, COLD PLANE, PCC, FABRIC, STRIPING & MARKING & SIGNS Agency Name: LOS ANGELES WORLD AIRPORTS, AIRPORT DEVELOPMENT GROUP 7301 WORLD WAY WEST, 9 FLOOR LOS ANGELES, CA 90045 Contact Person: GORAN LAZAREVIC, P.E. Telephone: 310/957 -7149 Original Contract Amount: $6,383,321 Final Contract Amount: $5,939,022 Change in contract amount is due to items of work being deleted by the agency. Project Name /Number: Start and Finish Dates: Project Description: Agency Name: Contact Person: CAMPBELL HALL COMMUNITY ARTS AND EDUCATION CENTER / 10128947 (11153C) 3/2012- 4/2012 B — PERMIT: REMOVAL /REPLACEMENT OF CURB & GUTTER, SIDEWALK & SIDEWAY, SIGNAL, STREET LIGHTING, STRIPING /SIGNING MATT CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION 9814 NORWALK BLVD., SUITE 100 SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA 90670 KRISTOPHER BARR Telephone: 562/903 -2277 Original Contract Amount: $473,542 Final Contract Amount: $539,471 Change in original contract amount is due to extra work and /or contract change orders adding work. Updated April 2015 10 SULLY- MII.LF.R CONTRACTING CO. BIDDER'S EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS Project Name /Number: Start and Finish Dates: Project Description: Agency Name: Contact Person: RESIDENTIAL STREET REHABILITATION FY2011 -2012 & ANNUAL WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT PROGRAM FY 2011 -2012 / 10128945 (12171C) 3/2012- 4/2013 AC GRIND & OVERLAY, SLURRY SEAL, PCC IMPROVEMENTS, ADJUST MANHOLES, TREE ROOT PRUNE, STRIPING /MARKING, LOOPS, SURVEY, CMB, WATER LINE /WATER MAIN CITY 0 F LA HABRA 201 E. LA HABRA BLVD. LA HABRA, CA 90631 CHUCK STEPHANS Telephone: 949/262 -9379 Original Contract Amount: $4,887,619 Final Contract Amount: $6,081,745 Change in original contract amount is due to extra work and /or contract change orders adding work. Project Name /Number: Start and Finish Dates: Project Description: Agency Name: Contact Person: NEWPORT BLVD. DOMESTIC WATER RELOCATION PROJECT / 10128919 (11167C) 2/2012- 4/2013 AC PAVING, WATERLINE, PCC IMPROVEMENTS, & REMOVE METERS IRVINE RANCH WATER DISTRICT 15600 SAND CANYON AVE. IRVINE CA, 92619 -7000 TOM BONKOWSKI Telephone: 949/453 -5692 Original Contract Amount: $3,657,815 Final Contract Amount: $3,936,118 Change in original contract amount is due to extra work and /or contract change orders adding work. Project Name /Number: Start and Finish Dates: Project Description: Agency Name: Contact Person: LONG BEACH ANNUAL 2012 — GAS & ENGINEERING 10128849/(10071C) / 10128917/(11163C) 3/2012 - 1/2013 EMERGENCY REPAIRS CITY OF LONG BEACH 333 WEST OCEAN BLVD. LONG BEACH, CA 90802 CHARLES RAMEY Telephone: 562/570 -5176 Original Contract Amount: $2,000,000 Final Contract Amount: $2,210,831 Change in original contract amount is due to extra work and /or contract change orders adding work. Updated April 2015 11 SULLY - MILLER CONTRACTING CO. BIDDER'S EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS Project Name /Number: Start and Finish Dates: Project Description: Agency Name: Contact Person: PASADENA AVENUE STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT /10128916(11161C) 2/2012- 6/2012 AC PAVING, ADJUST MANHOLE, COLD MILLING, PCC IMPRV., SIGNS, LANDSCAPING /IRRIGATION & STRIPING /MARKING CITY OF PASADENA 1414 MISSION STREET SOUTH PASADENA, CA 91030 GABRIEL B. NEVAREZ Telephone: 626/403 -7248 Original Contract Amount: $499,995 Final Contract Amount: $535,714 Change in original contract amount is due to extra work and /or contract change orders adding work. Project Name /Number: Start and Finish Dates: Project Description: Agency Name: Contact Person: STREET RECONSTRUCTION SECTION — I, AGNES AVE., ELM AVE., FRANCES AVE., NORTH MURIEL DR., ADELE AVE., KATHLEEN. /10128914(11159C) 2/2012 - 5/2012 AC PAVING, PCC IMPRV., FABRIC, LOOPS, SIGNS, & STRIPING & MARKING CITY OF BARSTOW 220 E. MOUNTAIN VIEW ST., SUITE A BARSTOW, CA 92311 DOMINGO GONZALEZ Telephone: 760/255 -5156 Original Contract Amount: $947,275 Final Contract Amount: $977,541 Change in original contract amount is due to extra work and /or contract change orders adding work. Project Name /Number: ROBSON AVEUNE & MARTIN STREET, STPL - 5107(027) /10128913(11154U) Start and Finish Dates: 2/2012- 5/2012 Project Description: RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT Agency Name: CITY OF SANTA MONICA 1685 MAIN STREET SANTA MONICA, CA 90401 Contact Person: ALLAN SHETH Telephone: 310/458 -2201 Original Contract Amount: $383,000 Final Contract Amount: $380,911 Change in contract amount is due to items of work being deleted by the agency. Updated April 2015 12 SULLY-MILLER CONTRACTING CO. BIDDER'S EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS Project Name /Number: MERVYN'S BLDG, RENOVATION CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT /10128912(11151C) Start and Finish Dates: 10/2011- 11/2012 Project Description: SITE UTILITIES, PAVING, AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS Agency Name: WESTFIELD, LLC 2753 E. EASTLAND CTR DR, WEST COVINA, CA 91791 Contact Person: ROBERT ALLEN Telephone: 626/967 -3399 Original Contract Amount: $980,902 Final Contract Amount: $1,284,834 Change in original contract amount is due to extra work and /or contract change orders adding work. Project Name /Number: Start and Finish Dates: Project Description: Agency Name: Contact Person: RUNWAY 15 RUNWAY SAFETY AREA IMPROVEMENTS /10128907(11143C) 1/2012- 4/2012 AC GRIND & OVERLAY, BASE, MARKINGS, FENCING, ELECTRICAL BURBANK- GLENDALE- PASADENA AIRPORT AUTHORITY 2627 HOLLYWOOD WAY BURBANK, CA 91505 PEDRO BARRAGON Telephone: 818/840 -8840 Original Contract Amount: $1,249,277 Final Contract Amount: $1,313,842 Change in original contract amount is due to extra work and /or contract change orders adding work. Project Name /Number: DEEP CREEK ROAD OVERLAY /10128904(11140C) Start and Finish Dates: 3/01/2012- 3/30/2012 Project Description: CRUB SEAL, COLD PLANE, AC OVERLAY, STRIPING Agency Name: COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 825 EAST 3 RD STREET SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92415 Contact Person: NIDHAM AL -REYES Telephone: 909 - 387-1831 Original Contract Amount: $778,000 Final Contract Amount: $605,995 Change in contract amount is due to items of work being deleted by the agency. Updated April 2015 13 SULLY - MILLER CONTRACTING CO. BIDDER'S EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS Project Name /Number: WILSHIRE / WESTERN FINAL PHASE /10128903(11139C) Start and Finish Dates: 8/2011- 7/2012 Project Description: CITY OF LA, B- PERMIT Agency Name: SOLAIR MARKETING, LLC 175 WEST JACKSON, SUITE 540 CHICAGO, IL 60604 Contact Person: JIM O'BRIEN Telephone: 805/310 -8270 Original Contract Amount: $849,532 Final Contract Amount: $863,853 Change in original contract amount is due to extra work and /or contract change orders adding work. Project Name /Number: Start and Finish Dates: Project Description: Agency Name: Contact Person: MOVEMENT AREAS /10128902(11136C) ONGOING — 12/2013 MAINTENANCE & REPAIR WORK ON T &M IN AIRCRAFT MOVEMENT AREAS BURBANK - GLENDALE- PASADENA AIRPORT AUTHORITY 2800 CLYBOURN AVENUE BURBANK, CA 91505 ICI.I740 all 1WA71 Telephone: 818/565 -1305 Original Contract Amount: $250,000 Final Contract Amount: $36,059 Change in contract amount is due to items of work being deleted by the agency. Project Name /Number: NON- MOVEMENT AREA /10128901(11135C) Start and Finish Dates: ONGOING — 12/2013 Project Description: MAINTENANCE & REPAIR WORK ON T &M IN NON- MOVEMENT AREA Agency Name: BURBANK - GLENDALE - PASADENA AIRPORT AUTHORITY 2800 CLYBOURN AVENUE BURBANK, CA 91505 Contact Person: KAREN SEPULVEDA Telephone: 818/565 -1308 Original Contract Amount. $200,000 Final Contract Amount: $5,724 Change in contract amount is due to items of work being deleted by the agency. Updated April 2015 14 INEU I U3 SULLY - MILLER CONTRACTING CO. BIDDER'S E AND QUALIFICATIONS Project Name /Number: 2010 -11 FEDERAL OVERLAY PROGRAM /10128896(11127U) Start and Finish Dates: 10/2011 - 1/2012 Project Description: AC GRIND AND OVERLAY Agency Name: CITY OF SANTA CLARITA 23920 VALENCIA BOULEVARD, STE 300 SANTA CLARITA,CA 91355 -2196 Contact Person: 661/259 -2489 Telephone: 661/259 -2489 Original Contract Amount: $2,069,962 Final Contract Amount: $2,047,482 Change in contract amount is due to items of work being deleted by the agency. Project Name /Number: Start and Finish Dates: Project Description: Agency Name: Contact Person: WHITEMAN AIRPORT AIRCRAFT RAMP /10128893(11123C) 2/2012- 9/2013 RECONSTRUCTION OF AIRCRAFT RAMP LOS ANGELES COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 900 S. FREMOUNT AVENUE ALHAMBRA,CA 91803 JOSEPH NGUYEN Telephone: 626/458 -3166 Original Contract Amount: $944,698 Final Contract Amount: $1,038,210 Change in original contract amount is due to extra work and /or contract change orders adding work. Project Name /Number: Start and Finish Dates: Project Description: Agency Name: Contact Person: 2011 ANNUAL CITYWIDE STREET RESURFACING PROJECT /10128890(11119U) 8/2011- 2/2012 STREET RESURFACING CITY OF CALABASAS 100 CIVIC CENTER WAY CALABASAS, CA 91302 -3172 TATIANA HOLDEN Telephone: 818/224 -1600 Original Contract Amount: $1,146,363 Final ContractAmount. $1,276,123 Change in original contract amount is due to extra work and /or contract change orders adding work. Updated April 2015 15 SULLY- MILLER CONTRACTING CO. BIDDER'S EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS Project Name /Number: EAST AVENUE MASTER PLAN STORM DRAIN LINE 8 PROJECT /10128888(11117C) Start and Finish Dates: 11/2011- 10/2012 Project Description: AC GRIND & OVERLAY, PCC IMPRV., STORM DRAIN STRUCTURES, CONSTRUCT MANHOLES, RCP, FABRIC, LOOPS, STRIPING & MARKING, SWPPP Agency Name: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA 10500 CIVIL CENTER DRIVE RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91729 -0807 Contact Person: KENNETH FUNG Telephone: 909/477 -2700 Original Contract Amount: $5,214,750 Final Contract Amount: $6,104,138 Change in original contract amount is due to extra work and /or contract change orders adding work. Project Name /Number: SOUTHERN PACIFIC SLIP /10128887(11116C) Start and Finish Dates: 10/2011 - 5/2014 Project Description: AC & PCC PAVEMENTS, PCC IMPRV., LANDSCAPE & IRRIGATION, SITE FURNISHINGS, RETAINING WALLS, GUARDRAILS /RAILINGS, SIGNS Agency Name: PORT OF LOS ANGELES 425 S. PALOS VERDES STREET SAN PEDRO, CA 90731 Contact Person: MARLYS WHITE Telephone: 310/732 -7690 Original Contract Amount: $5,694,700 Final Contract Amount: $6,160,508 Change in original contract amount is due to extra work and /or contract change orders adding work. Project Name /Number: WEST OAK PARK AREA / 11115C Start and Finish Dates: 7/2011- 3/2012 Project Description: AC /ARHM GRIND & OVERLAY, CONCRETE IMPROVEMENTS, CRACK SEAL, LOOPS Agency Name: COUNTY OF VENTURA 800 SOUTH VICTORIA AVENUE VENTURA, CA 92821 Contact Person: PHIL NELSON / DOLORES Telephone: 805/654 -3984 MURPHY Original Contract Amount: $2,470,417 Final Contract Amount: $2,373,097 Change in contract amount is due to items of work being deleted by the agency. Updated April 2015 16 MEW SILLY- MILLER CONTRACTING CO. BIDDER'S EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS Project Name /Number: ROADWAY AND WATERLINE IMPROVEMENT /10128884 (11112C) Start and Finish Dates: 7/2011- 9/2012 Project Description: ROADWAY AND WATERLINE Agency Name: CITY OF LOMITA 24300 NARBONNE AVENUE LOMITA, CA 90717 Contact Person: TOM SHAHBAZI Telephone: 310/325 -7110 Original Contract Amount: $1,412,907 Final Contract Amount: $1,396,657 Change in contract amount is due to items of work being deleted by the agency. Project Name /Number: FY 2010 -2011 RESIDENTAIL AREA 7 AND ARTERIAL ZONE AREA 5 /10128880(11108C) Start and Finish Dates: 7/2011- 2/2012 Project Description: AC PATCHING, GRIND AND OVERLAY, CAPE SEAL, SLURRY SEAL, MANHOLE ADJUSTING Agency Name: CITY OF DIAMOND BAR 21825 COPLEY DR. DIAMOND BAR, CA 91765 Contact Person: DAVID SLOAN Telephone: 909/839 -7000 Original Contract Amount: $1,819,990 Final Contract Amount: $1,823,184 Change in original contract amount is due to extra work and /or contract change orders adding work. Project Name /Number: Start and Finish Dates: Project Description: Agency Name: Contact Person: BNSF AGS PROJECT- HOBART YARD /10128878(11105C) 6/2011 - 8/2012 CONSTRUCTION OF CIVIL AND ELECTRICAL FEATURESIN SUPPORT OF THE AGS HARDWARE, SITE DEMOLITION CIVIL, ELECTRICAL, STRUCTURAL, PAVING WORK ASSOCIATED WITH AGS BNSF 2500 LOU MENK DR., FORT WORTH, TEXAS, 76131 CHRISTOPHER HARD Telephone: 817/352 -4114 Original Contract Amount: $10,036,878 Final Contract Amount: $10,466,761 Change in original contract amount is due to extra work and /or contract change orders adding work. Updated April 2015 17 SULLY- MILLER CONTRACTING CO. BIDDER'S AND QUALIFICATIONS Project Name /Number WALNUT GROVE AVENUE TO TUSH STREET / 11111C Start and Finish Dates: 07/2011— 9/2011 Project Description: STREET RESURFACING Agency Name: CITY OF ROSEMEAD 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD ROSEMEAD, CA 91770 Contact Person: RAFAEL FAJARDO Telephone: 626/569 -2100 Original Contract Amount: $1,109,950 Final Contract Amount: $1,083,687 Change in contract amount is due to items of work being deleted by the agency. Project Name /Number: Start and Finish Dates: Project Description: Agency Name: Contact Person: STREET REHABILITATION PROJECT - REBID /10128881(11109C) 6/2011 - 1/2012 TRAFFIC CONTROL, GRINDING, AC, PCC, ADJUST MANHOLES & VALVES, SIGNING /STRIPING /MARKING, LOOPS, UNDERGROUND, FABRIC DISPOSAL, FENCE RELOCATION CITY OF CHINO 1322 CENTRAL AVENUE CHINO, CA 91710 NAGHMEHIMANI Telephone: 909/464 -8367 Original Contract Amount: $1,813,849 Final Contract Amount: $1,868,794 Change in original contract amount is due to extra work and /or contract change orders adding work. Project Name /Number: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY NEAR NEEDLES FROM 0.4 MILE WEST OF WHALE MOUNTAIN WASH BRIDGE TO 0.1 MILE WEST OF PARK MOABI ROAD OVERCROSSING /10128874(11099U) Start and Finish Dates: 5/2011 — 3/2012 Project Description: WIDEN FREEWAY, INSTALL PERMEABLE SUB BASE, EDGE DRAIN, GRIND & OVERLAY FREEWAY — 1.9 MILES IN LENGTH Agency Name: STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1727 30 STREET SACRAMENTO CA 95816 Contact Person: DARCY DAVIS Telephone: 951/232 -6000 Original Contract Amount: $7,193,800 Final Contract Amount: $8,262,201 Change in original contract amount is due to extra work and /or contract change orders adding work. Updated April 2015 18 SIJLLY- MILLER CONTRACTING CO. BIDDER'S EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS Project Name /Number: Start and Finish Dates: Project Description: Agency Name: Contact Person: RESIDENTIAL STREET REHABILITATION FY2010 -2011 & ANNUAL WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT /10128866(11090C) 4/2011- 12/2011 SURVEY, SWPPP, PCC, AC, CRACK SEAL, ADJUST MANHOLES TO GRADE, TREE ROOT PRUNE, STRIPING & MARKING, SLURRY SEAL CITY OF LA HABRA 201 E. LA HABRA BOULEVARD LA HABRA, CA 90631 SAM MAKAR, P.E., SR. CIVIL ENGINEER Telephone: 562/905 -9720 Original Contract Amount: $3,535,885 Final Contract Amount: $4,029,145 Change in original contract amount is due to extra work and /or contract change orders adding work. Project Name /Number: ° G AVENUE RAIL LEAD TRACK & CHANNEL PROJECT: PHASE II -LEAD TRACK CONSTRUCTION & DRAINAGE CHANNEL CONSTRUCTION /10128865(11088C) Start and Finish Dates: 03/2011 - 02/2012 Project Description: TRACK IMPRV., AC, FENCING, STRUCTURES, CAB, PCC, SWPPP, TREE, CLEAR & GRUB, EROSION CONTROL Agency Name: CITY OF HESPERIA 9700 SEVENTH AVENUE HESPERIA, CA 92345 Contact Person: TINA SOUZA Telephone: 760/947 -1474 Original Contract Amount: $4,622,722 Final Contract Amount: $4,988,909 Change in original contract amount is due to extra work and /or contract change orders adding work. Project Name /Number: Start and Finish Dates: Project Description: Agency Name: Contact Person: ELM ST. RESURFACING & WATERLINE REPLACEMENT /10128864(11087C) 03/2011- 07/2011 CLEARING & GRUBBING, ADJUSTING MANHOLE & WATER VALVE & WATER METER, SURVEY MONUMENT, PCC, CATCH BASIN, COLD MILLING, ARHM, AC, STRIPING & MARKING & SIGNING, LOOP DETECTORS CITY OF BREA ONE CIVIC CENTER CIRCLE BREA, CA 92821 BRIAN INGALLINEREA Telephone: 714/671 -4450 Original Contract Amount: $945,999 Final Contract Amount: $1,096,259 Change in original contract amount is due to extra work and /or contract change orders adding work. Updated April 2015 19 SULLY - MILLER CONTRACTING CO. BIDDER'S EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS Project Name /Number: FLORENCE AVENUE STREET REHABILITATION PROJECT/ 10085C Start and Finish Dates: 06/2011- 07/2011 Project Description: CLEARING & GRUBBING, EXCAVATION, COLD MILL, ARHM, AC, MANHOLE ADJUSTING, VALVE /GAS ADJUSTMENT, STRIPING & MARKING, TRAFFIC LOOPS Agency Name: CITY OF BELL Agency Name: 6330 PINE AVENUE BELL, CA 90201 Contact Person: CARLOS ALVARADO Telephone: 626/960 -1889 Original Contract Amount: $294,536 Final Contract Amount: $271,478 Change in contract amount is due to items of work being deleted by the agency. Project Name /Number: Start and Finish Dates: Project Description: Agency Name: LAV COLLEGE /10084C 02/2011— 08/2011 RECONSTRUCT PARKING LOT CHEVERON ENERGY SOLUTIONS 150 E. COLORADO BLVD., STE: 360 PASADENA, CA 91105 Contact Person: WAYNE GRAHAM Telephone: 415/773 -4748 Original Contract Amount: $878,000 Final Contract Amount: $783,082 Change in contract amount is due to items of work being deleted by the agency. Project Name /Number: 2010/11 OVERLAY PROJECT /10083C Start and Finish Dates: 02/2011— 07/2011 Project Description: MOBILIZATION, TRAFFIC CONTROL, CRACK SEALING, AC, ARHM, MANHOLES, LOOPS, THERMOPLASTIC STRIPING, PAVEMENT MARKERS, SIGNS, TREE WELL, CROSS GUTTER, DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE, TREES, WATERVALVE, PULL BOX Agency Name: CITY OF CYPRESS 5275 ORANGE AVENUE CYPRESS, CA 90630 Contact Person: NICK MANGKALAKIRI Telephone: 714/229 -6729 Original Contract Amount: $2,198,000 Final Contract Amount: $1,790,853 Change in contract amount is due to items of work being deleted by the agency. Updated April 2015 20 SULLY - MILLER CONTRACTING CO. BIDDER'S EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS Project Name /Number: INNOV. VILLAGE /10079C Start and Finish Dates: 01/2011 — 05/2011 Project Description: AC PAVING, COLD MILL, CRACK FILL, ADJUST MANHOLE, LOOPS & PCC Agency Name: CAL POLY — POMONA FOUNDATION 3801 W. TEMPLE AVE POMONA CA 901768 Contact Person: BRUYN BAVANS Telephone: 909/869-6842 Original Contract Amount: $653,600 Final Contract Amount: $693,203 Change in original contract amount is due to extra work and /or contract change orders adding work. Project Name /Number: Start and Finish Dates: Project Description: Agency Name: Contact Person: 26 STREET IMPROVEMENTS /10074U 02/2011 — 07/2011 EXCAVATION, CUT & DISPOSAL OF AC, GUTTER, COLD PLANE, COLD RECYCLING, CMB, MANHOLES, STRIPING & MARKING, TRAFFIC SIGNAL, LOOPS, CONSTRUCTION SIGNS CITY OF VERNON 4305 SANTA FE AVENUE VERNON, CA 90058 RAFAELCONTRERAS Telephone: 323/583 -8811 Original Contract Amount: $873,212 Final Contract Amount: $899,429 Change in original contract amount is due to extra work and /or contract change orders adding work. Project Name /Number: EMERALD AVENUE STREET IMPROVEMENTS / 10077U Start and Finish Dates: 2/2011- 3/2011 Project Description: AC OVER BASE, STRIPING & MARKING, CURBS, RAMPS, EXCAVATION TRAFFIC CONTROL, COLD PLANE, CMB, MANHOLE ADJUSTING, LOOPS, SLOUGH WALLS Agency Name: CITY OF LA VERNE 3660 "D" STREET LA VERNE CA 91750 Contact Person: JASON WELDAY Telephone: 909/594 -9702 Original Contract Amount: $226,000 Final Contract Amount: $487,575 Change in original contract amount is due to extra work and /or contract change orders adding work. Updated April 2015 21 SIJLLY- MII.I.HR CONTRACTING CO. BIDDER'S EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS Project Name /Number: ROSECRANS AVENUE & VALLEY VIEW AVENUE STREET IMPROVEMENTS /10072C Start and Finish Dates: 01/2011 - 03/2011 Project Description: MOBILIZATION, EXCAVATION, CMB, COLD MILL, ARHM, AC, CURB & GUTTER, ADJUST WATER VALVE & MANHOLES, STORM DRAIN, LOOPS, TRAFFIC CONTROL, PAVEMENT MARKERS, SURVEY MONUMENTS Agency Name: CITY OF SANTA FE SPRINGS 11710 TELEGRAPH ROAD SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA 90670 Contact Person: RAFAEL CASILLAS Telephone: 562/868 -0511 Original Contract Amount: $668,149 Final Contract Amount: $559,031 Change in contract amount is due to items of work being deleted by the agency. Project Name /Number: LB ANNUAL 2010 /10128849(10071C) Start and Finish Dates: 01/2011 — 11/2012 Project Description: EMERGENCY REPAIRS Agency Name: CITY OF LONG BEACH 33 WEST OCEAN BLVD LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Contact Person: ROBERT SOLIS Telephone: 562/570 -5176 Original Contract Amount: $2,000,000 Final ContractAmount: $2,210,831 Change in original contract amount is due to extra work and /or contract change orders adding work. Project Name /Number: RAMPS A &B REHAB /10070C Start and Finish Dates: 01/2011 — 07/2011 Project Description: AC PAVING, PCC IMPRV., ELECTRICAL, FENCING, WHEEL STOPS, STRIPING /MARKING Agency Name: BURBANK- GLENDALE- PASADENA AIRPORT AUTHORITY 2800 N. CLYBOURN BURBANK, CA 95105 Contact Person: SAFA KAMAGAR Telephone: 818/565 -1305 Original Contract Amount: $6,595,968 Final ContractAmount. $6,713,133 Change in original contract amount is due to extra work and /or contract change orders adding work. Updated April 2015 22 SIJLLY- MILLER CONTRACTING CO. BIDDER'S EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS Project Name /Number: Start and Finish Dates: Project Description: Agency Name: Contact Person: VALLEY BLVD. REHABILITATION PROJECT /10069U 01/2011 - 07/2011 SURVEY, AC GRIND & OVERLAY, CMB, PCC IMPRV., RCB CULVERT, ADJUST UTILITIES, SIGNS /STRIPING /MARKING, LANDSCAPE & IRRIGATION CITY OF ALHAMBRA 111 SOUTH FIRST STREET ALHAMBRA, CA 91801 MELISSA RAMOS Telephone: 626/282 -5833 Original Contract Amount: $1,851,617 Final Contract Amount: $1,871,827 Change in original contract amount is due to extra work and /or contract change orders adding work. ProjectName/ Number: LAKE- ALAMEDA/10128845(10067U) Start and Finish Dates: 01/2011- 12/2011 Project Description: ACCESS PATH CONSTRUCTION Agency Name: LACDPW 900 SOUTH FREMOUNT AVE 8 T " FLOOR ALHAMBRA CA 91802 Contact Person: MARIO RODRIGUEZ Telephone: 626/458 -5100 Original Contract Amount: $1,449,940 Final Contract Amount: $1,551,239 Change in original contract amount is due to extra work and /or contract change orders adding work. Project Name /Number: Start and Finish Dates: Project Description: Agency Name: Contact Person: LAKEWOOD BOULEVARD IMPROVEMENTS - PHASE 3A /10128841(10063U) 10/2010 - 11/2011 AC PAVING, PCC IMPROVEMENT, CLEAR /GRUBBING, ELECTRICAL, IRRIGATION, MANHOLE ADJUSTING, SIGNING, STRIPING & UNDERGROUND CITY OF DOWNEY 11111 BROOKSHIRE AVE., DOWNEY,CA 90241 DESI GUTIERREZ Telephone: 562/622 -3468 Original Contract Amount: $3,233,203 Final Contract Amount: $3,547,058 Change in original contract amount is due to extra work and /or contract change orders adding work. Updated April 2015 23 SULLY - MILLER CONTRACTING CO. BIDDER'S EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS Project Name /Number: Start and Finish Dates: Project Description: Agency Name: Contact Person: MAIN STREET - 2 ND STREET TO °H" AVE /10057C 04/2011-10/2011 COLD PLANE, AC, PCC, ADJUST UTILITY MANHOLES, REMOVE CATCH BASIN, CMB, LOOPS, TRAFFIC SIGNAL, STRIPING & MARKING, SWPPP, SURVEY CITY OF BARSTOW 220 E. MOUNATAIN VIEW ST. BARSTOW, CA 92311 MARK ROWAN Telephone: 760/241 -6146 Original Contract Amount: $1,645,609 Final Contract Amount: $1,869,560 Change in original contract amount is due to extra work and /or contract change orders adding work. Project Name /Number: Start and Finish Dates: Project Description: Agency Name: Contact Person: RESIDENTIAL STREETS IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT /10128832(10053C) 08/2010 - 04/2011 SURVEY /MONUMENTS, PCC, CMB, TRUNCATED DOMES, CAPE SESAL, CHIP SEAL, SLURRY SEAL TYPE II, AC, CRACK ROUTING & SEALING, ADJUST MANHOLES & VALVES, ROOT PRUNE, STRIPING & MARKING & SIGNS CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES 30940 HAWTHORNE BLD. RANCHO PALOS VERDES, CA 90275 -5391 CHUCK STEPHAN Telephone: 310/544 -5252 Original Contract Amount: $1,218,105 Final Contract Amount: $1,275,338 Change in original contract amount is due to extra work and /or contract change orders adding work. Project Name /Number: AVENUE H, MOUNTAIN VIEW, 2ND AVE, COUNTY CLUB /10051C Start and Finish Dates: 09/2010 - 04/2011 Project Description: AC, UTILITY MANHOLES, CMB, PCC, TRAFFIC SIGNAL, LOOPS, STRIPING & MARKIMG, SIGNAGE, ADJUST WATER VALVES & GAS VALVES, REPAIR EXISTING SEWER LINE Agency Name: CITY OF BARSTOW 220 E. MOUNTIAN VIEW ST BARSTOW, CA 92311 Contact Person: MARK ROWAN Telephone: 760/241 -6146 Original Contract Amount: $1,523,000 Final Contract Amount: $1,803,836 Change in original contract amount is due to extra work and /or contract change orders adding work. Updated April 2015 24 SIJLLY- MILLER CONTRACTING CO. BIDDER'S EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS Project Name /Number: VARIOUS STREETS, VIRGINIA WAY ETC /10048C Start and Finish Dates: 02/2011 — 12/2011 Project Description: AC, PCC, CATCH BASIN, UTILITY MANHOLES, LOOPS, STRIPING & MARKING, SIGNAGE Agency Name: CITY OF BARSTOW 220 E. MOUNTAIN VIEW ST BARSTOW, CA 92311 Contact Person: MARK ROWAN Telephone: 760/241 -6146 Original Contract Amount: $1,124,134 Final Contract Amount: $1,365,121 Change in original contract amount is due to extra work and /or contract change orders adding work. Project Name /Number: MEADOWPASS ROAD IMPROVEMENTS /10047C Start and Finish Dates: 09/2010 — 03/2011 Project Description: CLEARING & GRUBBING, CAB, AC, PCC, ADJUST VALVE & MANHOLE TO GRADE, STRIPING /MARKING /SIGNS, STREET LIGHTING, RETAINING WALL, MASONRY WALL, PIPE LANDSCAPE & IRRIGATION, LOOP DETECTORS, STROM DRAIN, CATCH BASIN, STRUCTURES, RCP Agency Name: CITY OF WALNUT 21201 LA PUENTE ROAD WALNUT, CA 91789 Contact Person: JASON WELDAY Telephone: 909/595 -6095 Original Contract Amount: $3,445,395 Final Contract Amount: $3,910,596 Change in original contract amount is due to extra work and /or contract change orders adding work. Project Name /Number: Start and Finish Dates: Project Description: Agency Name: Contact Person: ARMORY ROAD /10046C 09/2010 — 01/2011 AC EMULSION, ADJUST MANHOLE, SURVEY, STRIPING /MARKING /SIGNS, PCC, LOOPS CITY OF BARSTOW 220 E. MOUNTAIN VIEW ST BARSTOW, CA 92311 Telephone: 760/255 -5157 Original Contract Amount: $782,765 Final Contract Amount: $786,834 Change in original contract amount is due to extra work and /or contract change orders adding work. Updated April 2015 25 SULLY - MILLER CONTRACTING CO. BIDDER'S EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS Project Name /Number: Start and Finish Dates: Project Description: Agency Name: Contact Person: ABBOTT ROAD STREET IMPROVEMENTS /10043U 09/2010 — 12/2010 AC GRIND & OVERLAY, PCC IMPRV., ADJUST UTILITIES, ELECTRICAL, ROOT PRUNING/TREE TRIMMING /TREE REMOVAL, STRIPING & MARKING, STORM DRAIN STRUCTURES CITY OF LYNWOOD 11330 BULLIS ROAD LYNWOOD, CA 90262 PAUL NGUYEN Telephone: 310/603 -0220 Original Contract Amount: $1,267,754 Final Contract Amount: $1,601,267 Change in original contract amount is due to extra work and /or contract change orders adding work. Project Name /Number: DAISY AVENUE /10042C Start and Finish Dates: 09/2010 — 03/2011 Project Description: PULVERIZE, CLEAR & GRUB, BOLLARDS REMOVAL, REFURBISH BOLLARDS, TREE & STUMP REMOVAL, TREE PRUNE, ADJUST MANHOLES & VALVES, ELECTRICAL, ADJUST SURVEY MONUMENTS, CONCRETE IMPRV., GRANITE, AC, FIREHYDRANT MARKERS, STRIPING & MARKING, LANDSCAPE, UNDERGROUND Agency Name: CITY OF LONG BEACH 333 WEST OCEAN BLVD LONG BEACH, CA 90802 Contact Person: ERIC LOWE Telephone: 562/570 -5176 Original Contract Amount. $1,312,217 Final Contract Amount: $1,362,408 Change in original contract amount is due to extra work and /or contract change orders adding work. Project Name /Number: STATE STREET /10037U Start and Finish Dates: 08/2010 — 03/2011 Project Description: REPAIR OF PCC PAVEMENT AND SW /RAMPS /DW Agency Name: CITY OF SOUTH GATE 8650 CALIFORNIA AVENUE SOUTH GATE, CA 90280 Contact Person: DANIEL GRUEZO Telephone: 323/357 -9657 Original Contract Amount: $1,299,973 Final Contract Amount: $1,546,185 Change in original contract amount is due to extra work and /or contract change orders adding work. Updated April 2015 26 I BIDDER: Sully— Miller Contr acting Co. 3 SECTION 3 NON - COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT CBF -13 BIDDER: Sully—Miller Contra Co. NON - COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT In accordance with Public Contract Code Section 7106, the undersigned, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he orshe holds the position listed below with the bidder, the party making the foregoing bid, that the bid is not made in the interest of, or on behalf of, any undisclosed person, partnership, company, association, organization, or corporation; that the bid is genuine and not collusive or sham; that the bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other bidder to put in a false or sham bid, and has not directly or indirectly colluded, conspired, connived, or agreed with any bidder or anyone else to put in a sham bid, orthat anyone shall refrain from bidding; that the bidder has not in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement, communication, or conference with anyone to fix the bid price of the bidder or any other bidder, or to fix any overhead, profit, or cost element of the bid price, or of that of any other bidder, or to secure any advantage against the public body awarding the contract of anyone interested in the proposed contract; that all statements contained in the bid are true; and, further, that the bidder has not, directly or indirectly, submitted his or her bid price or any breakdown thereof, or the contents thereof, or divulged information or data relative thereto, or paid, and will not pay, any fee to any corporation, partnership, company association, organization, bid depository, or to any member or agent thereof to effectuate a collusive or sham bid. Signature — Dennis Gansen Typed or Printed Name Assistant Secretary Title Sully—Miller Contracting Co Bidder Subscribed and sworn before me This day of 20_ * Please see attached Notary (Seal) Notary Public in and for the State of California My Commission Expires: CBF -14 J- CALIFORNIA JURAT WITH AFFIANT STATEMENT GOVERNMENT C ODE r af!' f.aGas at- ava�.a a ,PLT Of.Ai.a. ❑ See Attached Document (Notary to cross out lines 1 -6 below) ❑ See Statement Below (Lines 1 -6 to be completed only by document signer[s], not Notary) Signature of Document Signer No. 1 Signature of Document Signer No. 2 (if any) A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California County of Orange a MARIA L. RUIZ Commission # 2003065 E Notary Public - California i Los Angeles County D My Comm. Expires Jan 5, 2017 Seal Place Notary Seal Above Subscribed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me on this 8th day of JuiY 20 LE by ate Month Year (1) Dennis Gansen (and Names) of Signer(s) proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) who appeared before me. Signature t� Signature bf.Nofary Psi lic OPTIONAL Though this section is optional, completing this information can deter alteration of the document or fraudulent reattachment of this form to an unintended document. Description of Attached D rtimprit City of Roaemeatl -Garvey Ave Sewer Relief Llne Project Title or Type of Document: - Nencolwemnnmaayit Document Date: Number of Pages: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Y{'Y6'b 'Y Y4'Y 'Y • ✓4VG'Y� ✓ ✓G`x - "Y YG<Y 'Y ✓G(g. Y4'Y{'Y Y� - -' Y {'xG(¢ri' CERTIFICATE OF INCUMBENCY AND RESOLUTION I, Anthony L. Martino, II, do hereby certify that I am the Secretary of Sully- Miller Contracting Company, a Delaware corporation, and that as such I have access to and custody of the corporate records and minute books of said corporation. And I do hereby further certify that the following persons are duly elected officers of said corporation. TITLE NAME President David Martinez Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer Timothy P. Orchard Vice President of Operations William Boyd Vice President Scott Bottomley Secretary Anthony L. Martino II Assistant Secretary Jae Won Assistant Secretary Raymond Sanchez Assistant Secretary Dennis Gansen I further certify that the following is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly adopted by the Board of Directors of said Company at a meeting held on December 10, 2014, and that this resolution has not been in any way rescinded, annulled, or revolted but the same is still in full force and effect: " BID TENDERS: GENERAL RESOLVED, that any officer of the Corporation be and they hereby are authorized in the name and on behalf of the Corporation, under its corporate seal or otherwise (i) to prepare proposals and bids for the supplying of construction materials and the performance by itself or in joint venture, of work of whatsoever nature in connection with the construction or paving of highways, roads and airports and in connection with earthworks and civil engineering projects of all kinds, together with all work incidental thereto, (ii) to execute and submit any and all such proposals and bids to any governmental authority, instrumentality, or agency of the United States, its several states, territories and possessions, including without limitation, any municipality or other political or corporate subdivision thereof, and to any corporation, partnership, sole proprietorship, or other business entity, (iii) in connection with any such submission, to deliver bid deposits or bonds as may be required and (iv) to execute and deliver definitive agreements binding the Corporation to perform work in accordance with any proposals and bids authorized hereby." IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal this 3rd day of June 2015. (SEAL) thony L. Martino, II Secretary Sully- Miller Contracting Company 135 S. State College Blvd., Ste. 400 Brea, CA 92821