CC - Item 4B - Minutes of January 13, 2015MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL, HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION AND THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION JOINT MEETING JANUARY 13, 2015 The meeting of the Rosemead City Council, was called to order by Mayor Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, PRESENT: Mayor Alarcon, Mayor Pro Tern Clark, Council Members ABSENT: Council Member Armenta STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Allred, City Attorney Director Hawkesworth, Community Development Direc Montgomery- Scott, and City Clerk /Director of Commun •C. .a- 6:05 p.m. in the City Manager', of Parks and A. Garvey Specific Plan Project The City Council will Committee and MIG Avenue protect area with an updatOresei the devetpment of a the progress made by the Ad Hoc Plan and EIR for the Garvey City Planner Sheri Bermejo pi the specific plan,, detajting the Lye and Garvey tion updating the City Council on the status of principles, and the three catalytic site Te schedule of the project. hmgbs been done to reach out to the adjacent communities, El on tke "west in terms of how best to deal with the traffic flow all along City Planner Berm4jo xplained,t}�at when the compendium is written and they start running the traffic analysis, staff will sure j4he areas north, south, east, and west. At this point there hasn't been any written correspondence with Monterey Park because the Committee is still in Phase I and Phase II which is more visioning. However, staff`has identified the transit that is being used along the corridor. Those cities will be notified through the process for their comments about the plan, Council Member Ly noted that he would like to see the City slowly switch over its sidewalks from the drab grey concrete color to a more decorative, festive color similar to the Civic Center parking lot. He also stated that he would like to see the park space /open space exceed the recommended standard in terms of acreage to resident ratio because the City was park -space deficient. Council Member Ly expressed support for Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of January 13, 2015 Page 1 of 14 ITEM NUMBER: 43 converting the wash area to a green, open space area. He suggested some parking space along the Garvey corridor, especially since the goal is to have one -stop shopping. Council Member Low confirmed that it was possible for Staff to identify certain areas along Garvey Avenue for a possible future parking lot or structure. Mayor Pro Tern Clark asked for an explanation regarding the restoration of the Alhambra wash. City Planner Bermejo explained that the property owners on either side actuallyly4 the wash and the City would have to obtain permission from the Flood Control District to restore the wash. She added that other cities have been very successful in doing projects, such as greenscapes, overtt e, wash. Mayor Pro Tom Clark requested an explanation regarding the ownership of the Lan dwip properties, and if the owners of the auto auction property have been contacte v City Planner Bermejo explained that Landwin owns thre4411ons of the property, one of wfrich,4s occupied; however they do not own the auto auction property. Mrs. Bermep,pdd tl t the property o, rs have attended some of the ad -hoc meetings and are interested in workmgwith the City. Mayor Pro Tem Clark asked about the plans fbF the Garvey School. City Planner Bermejo explained that Garvey Intermed a public facility. She noted that it would always be Use need it anymore. So, if the property goes up for sale; piece of land, Staff lookedIJ6 see hit ,'A,vould best fit entire piece of property wire to be zo nod reommercial lessen the impact Staff drew a ire across the zoning residential and the northern piece�es commer.c St< comfortable with fhat.hage „ . Schob[iscurrently>zoned residential and is used as -a schooWntil�he School District decides it doesn't the Distridt goes through the process of selling a the community. It was Planning's opinion that if the ould impact the residential area south of it. To o'�zone the southern piece of property as ibke to the School District and the District Is After beln`rasked about the 46n§ity in thaf Bermejo replied that the density has not been determined,yet. ' Council Member LRy advised thate liked how the north end of the project area included commercial and mixed use; however,hrecommen'tled more intensity of office space on the south end to create a quality development that will a".ea t moth national and regional retail shops to help sustain that population during the daytime, when the resid"I", en't there. PUBLIC COMMENTS George Hanold of Hanold Properties — asked what the current zoning was for 8001 Garvey Avenue property. City Planner Bermejo replied that the current zoning is C -4, high density commercial which has a current floor area ratio of 3.5. For hotel development, if an applicant comes in with specific amenities they can gain up to Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of January 13, 2015 Page 2 of 14 floor area ratio of 1. Mrs. Bermejo explained that the types of land used that are allowed are regional type land uses and square footages associated with the land use in the code. Mr. Hanold — asked what entitlement the City would like to see for 8001 Garvey Avenue. City Planner Bermejo explained that the specific plan is being performed primarily for the auto auction site as the center piece indicating what was being proposed was a mixture of uses. 8001 Garvey in conjunction with Landwin, and staff were looking for a variety of land uses to include residential, commercial, entertainment, potentially a hotel and open space. Mr. Hanold - asked if there was a difference between what was to see. City Planner Bermejo replied yes, the City would like to see The floor area ratio is a lot lower and it is only for regional ,,c allow for a greater variety of land uses, higher floor area$f Mr. Hanold — asked what the entitlement process would be to would like to be. City Planner Bermejo stated that once the specific plat'•, process will be. Everything is still being written; hwe� clearance of the specific plan, if the project meets the, step would be to meet with Planmtioto review the plat that the specific plan will detail suc}f a additional anal, need special clearance ,Ms,�Ipermejo a�yised that the developing a site to held input can be pi Mr. H more iere ;and what the City would like s which curr i tly, are not allowed. hotel. The fuidir specific plan will for community battets. where the City is today and where it t, the plan #Ill'outline what the entitlement is through`our environmental review and criteria development standards, the next conformity,- 'and what other types of requirements for storm water drainage or Land use that Might was encouraging developers interested in iuse when the ad hoc committee meetings were the process Attorney Richman asked that Mr. Hanold meet with the City Douglas L8e ,asked if a formula.fGr the floor area ratio would be developed and if plans would be reviewed if they were broughlo the City prof to the approval of the specific plan. City Planner Bermejo replied th6 the floor area ratio density requirements should be showcased sometime in March; and that anything submitted during the Specific Plan process would be taken in as public comment. After further questions from Mr. Lee, as to whether a developer should bring in plans prior to the specific plan adoption, City Manager Allred suggested that Mr. Lee participate in the discussions in crafting the Specific Plan. Community Development Director Ramirez stated that there were some standards where staff would be able to provide guidance such as height and floor area ratio, but staff would not be able to provide guidance on proposed projects until the criteria has been determined. Staff advised Mr. Lee that they will notify him of Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of January 13, 2015 Page 3 of 14 future committee meetings so he can participate. Mayor Pro Tem Clark asked if the plan will require zone changes or whether it would be determined on a project by project basis, specifically asking what flexibility the City Council would have. City Planner Bermejo explained that the Specific Plan will go through a General Plan amendment; with that there will be a chapter of land use designations like the zoning code. Each of those areas will have a list of permitted land uses, development standards and design criteria. Mayor Pro Tem Clark expressed concerns that if a project comes in Council turn it down. City Planner Bermejo stated that if a project does not meet the would be to go through a specific plan amendment which wouli recommendation to the City Council for change.. City Attorney Richman questioned whether the City was going hallo one of the permitted uses would be what the current zoning is. Sa be as specific. Staff can decide how specific they are going to be air clarified that the Specific Plan could contain flex bi 1 such that there requested, explaining the whole point is to dis S. He the findings can't be made that it was still within thespeafplan the specific plan amendment.° not fit with the area, can the sof the specific plan; the alternative planning approval -,with U✓hatthe current zoning is, noting that used the specific plan does not have to tcertain types of uses Ms. Richman on't have to be many variances ever�lf itis'a significant deviation and the developer would have to request a Mayor Pro Tem Clark asked if the'Cout!ciI would have the ability to`(urn a project away, if it just didn't fit. City Planner Bermejo repliadthat the process would work just`like the current general plan and zoning. The City has residential zones that have „o tan u8es and standards. She noted that sometimes those standards are thought tp provide the best looking prolects`and all of the standards are met and something still not right. The Specific Plan will ha 6 guidelines with it and staff will be working with each applicant explaining the process a project goes tWOO. Ms Bermejo confirmed For Mayor Pro Tem Clark that the Final say does not always rest with the City Council. Once':tlie specific plan is complete it will contain certain things that will be permitted bYripht. Further discussion ensued regarding the Council's ability to turn down a project and Council Member Ly interjected that the City G,ouncll viould have to put its faith in what the Council decides in terms of the specific plan noting that the City H,Wken very cautious and deliberative in the specific plan process. City Manager Allred added that there will be many opportunities for Council to provide input in the Specific Plan at the various meetings. Mayor Alarcon recessed the meeting at 6:49 p.m. Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of January 13, 2015 Page 4 of 14 REGULAR BUSINESS MEETING MINUTES The joint meeting of the Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission was called to order by Mayor Alarcon at 7:02 p.m. in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Pro Tem /Vice - Chair /Vice- President Clark INVOCATION: Council Member /Board Member Ly PRESENT: Mayor /President/Chair Alarcon, Mayor Pro Members /Board Members Armenta, Low, and Ly STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Allred, City Attorney Director Hawkesworth, Community Development Direc Montgomery- Scott, and City Clerk/Director of Commur 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS Vella Navarro - asked about the status of the cemented path way at Garvey Park would be Council Member /Board Clark, Council City Manager. of Parks and ssiii het�support; and whether the path way like at Rosemead Park. considered for Rosemead Park. that a City Manager Allred respgfded that there are tentative plans in development for the establishment of a walking track at Zapopan park He explained that there w6§ no room for a walking path at Garvey Park with all the current amenities. r Parks anq,Rdbreation Dih to! Montgbrriery Scott added that there is fitness equipment at Rosemead Park, and Garvey Park adjacent `fo khe walking path, as well as Zapopan Park. He noted there is a plan in the currentfiscal year to put a Valking trail at.Zapopan Park, which would then give the City a walking park in both the noi`tb''pd south. Mr. Mopfgomery'Scott explained that the configuration of Garvey Park and the layout of the various amenities mWes it very difficult to install a trail anywhere that would work without eliminating existing amenities already in the park. Mrs. Navarro — asked if ttetawere any plans for the north side of Potrero Grande to Hellman Avenue and San Gabriel Boulevard be`c'ause it is really blighted. Parks and Recreation Director Montgomery-Scott stated that in that area there are two Southern California Edison parcels that run from San Gabriel to Pine and another parcel that runs from Pine to Fallen Leaf. Staff is in the hopes of designing and hopes to go before the Public Utility Commission for review with a design of approximately five acres with passive uses that will dramatically enhance that immediate area. Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of January 13, 2015 Page 5 of 14 Council Member Ly advised that Council Member Armenta chairs the beautification committee and he would mention to her when he sees her that that is another corridor the City wanted to look at beautifying. Marissa Castro Salvati — advised the City Council that Segment 7 of the Tehachapi renewal project in the City has been completed with the new installation of towers and lines that go through Montebello, Monterey Park, South El Monte and all surrounding cities. Edison is still waiting for the completion of the entire project in 2016 -2017. PRESENTATIONS Acting Public Works Manager Sean Sullivan recognized Public Wor his service to the City of Rosemead and as a reservist in the United returned from a 14 -month tour in Afghanistan; his third tour. Parks Superintendent John Scott thanked Mr. De La Torre complemented him on his areas of expertise. Mr. Scott hi States Flag to the City of Rosemead which was flown on a base at Bastion Airfield in the Helmand Province during Or 3. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Minutes October 28 2014 = < Reqular Min the Minutes as 91 George De La Torre for rp, having recently ervice to the City sin< Mr. 00,J -a Torre who ,tate ,M'arine Corps I �hdurino Freedom. §d a United "Huron" on to; approve Resolution No. 2015.02 entitled: A OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ERTAIN` CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF IUMBERED 87133 THROUGH 87303 INCLUSIVELY No. 2015 — 01 Recommendation: to approve Resolution No. 2015.1 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD AS THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY OF THE ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $5,800 NUMBERED 10107 Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of January 13, 2015 Page 6 of 14 • Resolution No. 2015.01 Recommendation: to approve Resolution No. 2015 — 01 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE ROSEMEAD HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $204,800 NUMBERED 1568 C. Ordinance No. 944 — Second Reading: Municipal Code A, mend 14.01— Amending the Zoning Code to Comply with Newly Established Federal Communication Commission Regulations for the Development of Wiress:Telecommunications Facilities in the City of Rosemead Recommendation: That the City Council adol entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCI AMENDING TITLE 17 "ZONING" OF THE CITY�S 17.54 FOR THE PURPOSE OF COMPLIANCE WI PROCEDURES AND STANDARDS GOVERNING TELECOMMUNICATION FACILITIES,— D. Merit Salary Adjustment — Recommendation: That the City Council salary range in accordance 4yjth the city's employees. A Relating to inance No. 944, at its second reading, THE CITY OF ROSEMEAp, CALIFO ICIPALC.ODE BY AMEN DjNG'CHAF OF WIRELESS IA, LCO adjustment of 2% within the procedures for al full -time Municipal Code Chapter 1.20 Citations lily Council adopt Ordinance No. 947, at its second reading, entitled: f COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, OF4# OSEMEAD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ADMINISTRATIVE CITATIONS City Clerk/DirectorolCommunlcatons Molleda announced that the minutes of October 28th and December 9th were going to be moved to -the next meeting. ACTION: Counci) .MemberlBoard Member Steven Ly moved, and seconded by Council Member/Board Member Polly Low, to approve the Consent Calendar excluding Item A. The motion unanimously carried by the following vote: AYES: Alarcon, Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly. Council Member/Board Member Armenta was absent. Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of January 13, 2015 Page 7 of 14 4. MATTERS FROM CITY MANAGER & STAFF A. Mid -Year Budget Amendments -- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA APPROVING VARIOUS APPROPRIATIONS City Manager Allred reviewed the staff report advising that during any fiscal year, unforeseen financial needs and opportunities typically arise which require Council approval of adjustments to projected revenues and expenditures. At this time there are several items that will require appropriations as , well as projected revenue adjustments. The net impact of all recommended adjustments to the. -" ral Fund operating budget was positive, reflecting more anticipated revenues than expenditures. ACTION: Council Member Polly Low movedn and approve Resolution No. 2015.03 Approv unanimously carried by the Council Mai Member/Board Member Armenta was r Couric;PjMember Steven Ly, to 1pproprAf fis. The motion Members present. Council B. Janitorial Services for Various City Acting Public Works Manager Sullivan reviewed, services of an outside contractor to perform rdfl administration buildings, community centers, and two additional one -year options, has expired and facilities through a month to month agreement, % proposals (RFP) was issued by staffrin Novembe (8) proposals for JanitoriahService staff report current ME City of Rosemead utilizes the ,'at various City facilities, including 66'U'-which was for three years with ,)id. has continued maintaining the ss was completed. A request for 10, 2014 the City received eight Acting Public Work's Manage contractor would be charging to Councll: Member Low's question confirming that the new the current contractor. ACTION Councll #(timber Eti"R Ly moved, and seconded by Council Member Polly Low, to / authorize the City Manager renter into contract with United Maintenance Systems, Inc. to provide ionitorial s$ivices: The motion unanimously carried by the Council sMemberslBoard,"Members present. Council Member/Board Member Armenta was C. Ord maee No'948— Authorizing the City Engineer to Regulate Turn Movements AN OR WANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING THE CITY ENGINEER TO REGULATE OR PROHIBIT ANY TURN MOVEMENT BY ANY VEHICLE AT ANY SPECIFIC INTERSECTION OR ALONG ANY SPECIFIC STREET SEGMENT WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS Acting Public Works Manager Sullivan reviewed the staff report stating that in November 2014, the Traffic Commission reviewed concerns and inquiries regarding dangerous turn movements and the City's ability to Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of January 13, 2015 Page 8 of 14 regulate these turn movements for the purpose of traffic safety. Most specifically, the community voiced concerns regarding U -Turns being made midblock, as opposed to at an intersection, and the safety hazards these turn movements create. California Vehicle Code, section 22103, allows for U -Turns movements to be made midblock, provided there are no oncoming vehicles within 200 feet. Although these movements are permissible in certain cases, the City does have the ability to regulate turn movements, for safety purposes, by way of ordinance. The Traffic Commission recommends the introduction of an Ordinance that would allow the City Engineer to regulate certain turn movements along specific segments of streets or at particular intersections. In response to Mayor Pro Tem Clark's question regarding the ordinance only affecting turns near schools, Acting Public Works Manager Sullivan stated the ordinance would authorize the City Engineer to make the regulations as necessary; however, most of the concerns received were.related to areas around schools, 11 Mayor Pro Tem Clark expressed concern with prohibiting tums'on St'r'eets such as Wainut Grove, unless there was a school or drivers were violating the law. Acting Public Works Manager Sullivan explained the regulations quld ge`Used in more specific areas advising that under the Vehicle Code, U -turns were allowed to be made on streets such as Walnut Grove provided there was no oncoming vehicle within,200 feet. Council Member Low asked how a member of` confirmed that the review would go to the Traffic Acting Public Works Mar, to the City Engineer, and The authority lies with thk Council Member Ly replied advisory board: to thdtity;Engineer under ti review the issuprior to the Assistant City Manager /Pub to have the Traffic Commss go to the Traffic CommiSstol concerns; however, the Veh the make a regiiest`to prohibit a U -turn. And .not the City Council. ;tuber of 66,-, ublic would have to make a request taken to the Traffic Commission for their review. would be recorded and posted. because the Traffic Commission is only an ril that the authority to make the determination was granted that it was not necessary for the Traffic Commission to yaks Director Hawkesworth explained that it has been a matter of procedure review these issues. The City Engineer would write the staff report that would i time, residents have gone directly to the Traffic Commission to voice their Code mandates that the final decision lies with the City Engineer. Council Member Armenta arrived at 7:32 p.m. to the City Council meeting. City Manager Allred stated that the ordinance would bring the City's Municipal Code in line with State law in terms of empowering the City Engineer. Mayor Pro Tem Clark asked if it's going to be vetted with the Traffic Commission first Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of January 13, 2015 Page 9 of 14 City Attorney Richman clarified that the Vehicle Code provided that the Council could give the authority to the City Engineer to make those determinations, adding that going to the Traffic Commission was not required and would be left to the expert. Assistant City Manager /Director of Public Works Hawkesworth reiterated that by procedure staff takes many issues to the Traffic Commission that legally do not have to go to the Traffic Commission. Many issues were done administratively and was not codified in the Municipal Code. ,. Council Member Ly asked staff how Council would be notified. Assistant City Manager /Director of Public Works Hawkesworth on all the Traffic Commission agendas and other sources, like a request process, staff would do public outreach. Council Member Armenta stated that she was familiar'vdtfi'f_h s issue made in front of the schools and it's a hazard to the children. ` Ms. Arm,€ make sure the language was clear that it would not only effect major )r Acting Public Works Manager Sullivan replied that It would be looked ordinance was in place it would be enforced by the Sheriffs uepartml Mayor Pro Tem Clark stated that she felt it was in asked that the ordinance include all requests go to determination being mad by the Citygineer. Assistant City Manag with the changes and the City Council would be copied update.`Cri.ddition, before starting ............. a lot of U- turns' " re being I how the Ciky Ivas going to is but also residential streets. basis. Once the receive input from the public, and for input with the final that staff would bring back the ordinance meeting. Purchase`bURIver Avenue Property Resolution -- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF 'THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA APPROVING THE PURCHASE OF THAT CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY COMMONLY ADDRESSED AS 27142718 RIVER AVENUE, CITY' F ROSEMEAD AND AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO FINALIZE THE TERMS OFD HE PROPERTY PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR SAID REAL PROPERTY ,AND TO TAKE ALL OTHER ACTIONS NECESSARY TO CONSUMMATE THE TRANSACTIONS CONTEMPLATED BY THIS RESOLUTION AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT AND SIGN THE CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE City Manager Allred reviewed the staff report advising the adoption of this Resolution would approve the acquisition of industrial -zoned real property on River Avenue for the establishment of a corporate city yard maintenance facility ( "Property "). The Property consisted of an approximately .75 -acre parcel of land in the M -1 manufacturing zone on River Avenue located south of Garvey Avenue. It included a warehouse, front Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of January 13, 2015 Page 10 of 14 office and exterior perimeter block walls. Acquisition of this site was proposed to house the Public Works Department field maintenance operations and accommodate the secure storage of City -owned vehicles and equipment. Costs for the purchase price of $1.83 million plus closing costs will be drawn from the unallocated fund balance in the City's General Fund. Council Member Ly stated he would like to see the space currently occupied by Public Services to be given back to the community for use as a youth program or center. City Manager Allred stated that the idea was to return that facility as a programs geared toward youth. Council Member Armenta stated that the new facility for Public needs to work efficiently. , ACTION: Council Member Steven Ly moved, and sec approve Resolution No. 2015.04 for the apK Avenue property. The motion unanimously Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly. 5. MATTERS FROM MAYOR & CITY A. Shopping Cart Retrieval and Assistant City Manager /Pul Rosemead Municipal Code public street, alley, sidewall section, the City's efforts of administrative citations and He nuisanco ,1) impounding both d"i'6t s', staff has pr strict reoulations on the t Council Member Li containment plan or City Manager Allred Municipal Code. for classes and Services is ideal for, hl by Mayor Pro Tern Mai I the purchase of 2714 zbv th4 foflowina vote: the City and crew to Alarcon, rkHawkesworth presented a Powerljoint and pointed out that under n 9r-AZ080, the abandonment of a commercial shopping carts upon any c pia 6or private property was prohibited. Despite this existing code outre h, contracting wth`a`shopping cart retrieval service, issuing nd tionifif'of new busjinei6s to require utilization of shopping cart ra,till a sighlcaht_.problem of abandoned shopping carts within the City. Cifi�ncil has previously discussed two options for eliminating this public or 2) mcreesed regulation upon businesses, After significant research into ;draft Ordjljance to declare shopping carts a public nuisance and impose s.orovidia them to customers. a business would be breaking the law if it did not provide a inment of shopping carts. , they would be in violation and would be cited in accordance with the City Attorney Richman stated that if a business owner submitted a plan and it was not sufficient, that business would need have security. If that did not work, then staff would have the ability to review the plans and perhaps use physical containment, or take other steps. Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of January 13, 2015 Page 11 of 14 Council Member Low asked if the ordinance would apply to large markets like Big Saver and Rosemead Super Market. Assistant City Manager /Public Works Hawkesworth stated that the ordinance would apply to all businesses including existing businesses that have ten or more carts. City Attorney Richman stated that the appeal would go to the Development Services department first for a decision; and if there was a disagreement then it would go to the City Council.. Larry Aplanap - expressed support for regulating the abandon carts in about when businesses would be required to submit plans; what would not submitted; signage regulations being in multiple languages on the t and who would regulate the monthly reports. City Manager Allred explained that the ordinance would reading which would be early March. City Attorney Richman explained that the administration process "'in which goes up for each violation. She clarified�that the code would ordinance and it provided 180 days for a business to,submit plans. Assistant City Manager /Public Works Hawkesworth ad owner's address and location which is usually in Ehgljs was already in multiple languages ,He,also advised`h, approve the plans and would`be making the decisions: monitor the monthly repaWrequiremenL Assistant City enforcement would dependop `f)4w many abandoned City Attorney RC( were still f,04 on Mayor Pro Tem Clark expressi be changeO 94 instead. City Attorney Richn take time to review Council Member Low on option two. and asked several questions )nsequences if a plan was d?cides what is effective 30 days le states $100 for the first citation effect 30 days after adoption of the shopping carts would have the le was placed in stores, which ie Community Development Department would addition, astaff member would be designated to gager /Public Works Hawkesworth explained that ping carts were still being found in the City. )l fins to be submitted to the City and if shopping carts the business about its containment plan. the 180 day requirement to submit plans and asked if it could the time frame could be shortened but the cart containment plan would business owner to meet the City's requirements. that staff presented two options; however, the ordinance is drafted based City Manager Allred clarified for Council Member Low that although two options were presented, option one was not workable for staff; and, therefore, recommended option two to increase regulations. He thanked the City Council For their direction and advised that the ordinance would be on the next agenda for Council consideration Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of January 13, 2015 Page 12 of 14 B. Grant Writing Services Consulting Agreements City Manager Allred reviewed the staff report requesting the City Council to consider authorizing the establishment of a cadre of qualified grant writing firms to assist the City in obtaining grants from federal, state, county governments, and private foundations. Through a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) process conducted in late 2014, the City has received the qualifications of four interested consulting firms. Professional service agreements would enable the City to draw upon the expertise of the consulting firms on a project -by- project basis to obtain funding for various infrastructure and community services projects and programs. The agreements would not entail retainer payments to the consulting firms rather, the firms would be compensated on a project -by- project basis through agreed upon hourly rates or percentage -based proposals for specific grants. The firms under consideration were: Arroyo SEra egy Group, based in South El Monte, CA; Avant Garde, based in Pomona, CA; California Consulting Services; =b`ased in Montebello, CA; Evan Brooks Associates, based in Pasadena, CA. ACTION: Council Member Steven Ly moved, and secpfiiled by Council Member Poly Low,,,to authorize the City Manager to negotiate profe lonal service agreement for grant writing services. The Motion unanimously carried by the�foilowirrg vote: AYES: Alarcon, Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly 6. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS Mayor Pro Tern Clark asked staff about the statdsof the bus situation City Manager Allred explained that there have been pfoblems acrosifi street from the Rosemead Market Shopping Center, where a4b' Or bus Wa§'unloading passengers at midnight. Staff was beginning to go out on occasions, but there were po code enforcement officers working at midnight. Mayor Pro Tom Clark asked whether the ACEL project truck issues had been addressed for driving on Earl Avenue lnstead of Walnut,Grove Avenue. City Manager Allred explai that Chief of Pplice, Lieutenant Somoano, has motor officers monitoring that Council Member Low asked for clarification on the tour bus that was dropping passengers off in the shopping center late a #,night ,.., „. Council MemberArmenfia$explained that the citizen that has been emailing Council about the tour bus issue, indicated it was Gary Express Tour Bus Company dropping passengers off late at night. Council Member Low stated that Gary Express was allowed to drop people off behind the Toy Town business parking lot. Council MemberArmenta reiterated that the passengers were utilizing Muscatel Avenue to park their vehicles. The bus driver drops the passengers off in the shopping area closer to where the patrons parked their vehicles, since it was late at night. She continued that residents deserve peace and a quality of life. Ms. Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of January 13, 2015 Page 13 of 14 Armenta asked if it was possible for the City to revoke their permit for breaking the law by not using the specific location where they were originally approved to operate. City Attorney Richman stated that if a company has a business license to conduct business at a certain location and was conducting business where not permitted, the City has the authority to revoke a business license for repetitive violations. Council Member Ly requested a graffiti workshop on removal and procedure for the February 10th City Council Meeting._ Mayor Alarcon congratulated Council Member Armenta on her scholarship award from the University of La Verne. 7. ADJOURNMENT The Meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m. The next regular City.Cpuncil meeting is scheduled ce on January 27, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in the Rosemead City Hall Council Chamber. 11 ATTEST: Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of January 13, 2015 Page 14 of 14