CC - Item 4B - Minutes of April 14, 2015MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION JOINT MEETING APRIL 14, 2015 The meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Clark at 6:02 p.m. in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, Califorrnia. PRESENT: Mayor Alarcon, Mayor Pro Tern Clark, Council Members Arment,' Low and Ly frt xz�, STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Allred, City Attorney Richman, Assant City E laraager /Acting Public Works Director Hawkesworth, Community Development Director Ramirez, Director of Parks and Recreation Montgomery- Scott, and City Clerk/Director of CommunicatiorlsMoh"eda. 1. WORKSHOP :.. A. 5 -Year Capital Improvement Program Works�lio`° � -rte•, zs Assistant City Manager /Acting Public Works DlrectQr.,Hawkesworth reweed a PowerPoint presentation of the draft 5 -Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) help identify the fuftre, needs of the City for infrastructure and facility improvements. The CIP Was de lope� by using resources such as the draft Parks and Facilities Master Plan, the Pavement Management Sturlkr, acrd a Gurferit needs assessment from staff. He noted the current revenue soured included Ga r ommunity evelopment Block Grant funds; Proposition C and Measur, R; Whld$re the two Los Angeles C y Transit funds that could be used for transit - related capital im., ement projects; and grants He also noted Proposition A funds which could not be used on capital project r Hawkesworth advised th'kity has been very successful in obtaining both state and federal grants such fe outes fo�School, r 6w called Active Transportation grants and HSIP which was the�ant�th� City rece1 for Garvay as working on the grant for Rosemead Boulevard. Staff would Inue to y for th s, grants as weill'as the large Metro Call for Project grants, and any other grants thranight becomeVail le. Mr. HawkAfO i explained that tk draft 5 Year CIP was sorted into three categories: Engineering related projects which were streets or putilfP right -of -way projects, such as sidewalks, sewers, and storm drains; buildings and parks, He explalne�fjhe City had three ongoing projects that were done annually, street resurfacing; sidewalkrl rb and gutter; and the annual signing and striping for the repainting of crosswalks and improving striping ot4 estreets. He reviewed all of the projects included in the CIP and specifically those projects scheduled the 2015 -2016 Fiscal Year: sign replacement to bring street signs up to standard; Bridge maintenance was a project for all the little bridges that go over the various washes to insure safety; Ramona Storm Drain south adjacent to the 10 Freeway, explaining that when it rained there was a portion of Ramona that pooled water. The long term solution was to install another storm drain outlet that would drain to the channel. Temple City Boulevard Resurfacing from the freeway to the northern border; and the last phase of the catch basin installation projects in which the City has been installing the additional storm water compliance filters. Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of April 14, 2015 Page 1 of 11 ITEM NUMBER: 4.13 Mr. Hawkesworth reviewed the future projects included in the CIP including the Walnut Grove Resurfacing; Valley Boulevard Intersection enhancement where the City has a Metro Call for Projects grant that was awarded several years ago and the funding will become available in another year. He explained that staff still needed to do a scoping study to see exactly what has to done. Another long term project would be to incrementally resurface San Gabriel and the portions of Garvey Avenue that may not be covered under the Metro Call for Projects grant; and The Temple City Boulevard resurfacing; a staff-,driven project to replace the monuments on the streets in the medians; and sidewalk replacements. Engine e t J a little over $1.2 million between gas tax, Proposition C and Measure R. The Assistant City Manager /Public Works Director advised the t Hall exterior stucco and metal work on the top of the building so done on the RCRC; finalize the entire Civic Center area; the Cit restrooms; City Hall basement; the Garvey Center floors; ,rgfurl for recreation use; rebuild the restrooms for the preschooluitdi improvements to the building structure to make it seismically se improvements to the roofs on the picnic shelters at Rosemead "F stage trailer that was used for concerts in the park and 4th of July;'R66 lighting improvements and parking lot resurfacibZ the lighting at the fd within a couple of years; and at some point, thelennis oourts will need skate plaza was also in the five year plan althougfi staff'h s nqf receiv that. There was approximately $1.4 million in building projects abd a lit almost $2.5 million in today's money,, He discussed some proposed fundir d 6chanisms noting the Community Development Department would be bringing a discussioff`46W Development Impact Fees;�o t o Council soon. Development Impact Fees could pay for some improvemsn{s�whqinit co,Tes to buildings and parks; however, development Impact fees could not be used formaintenancpfolects Tab .0 ,98 not historically issued debt but more and more cities were iodiri 4615� dollars b'® 6bme less available. He explained the easiest way to issue debt was through p06te placementy throygJt�the California Infrastructure Bank and issue Certificates of Participation. The good thin j'a p�ut this type pf�debt was the City could get flexible terms from five to 30 years and m rates as low two percent. He also noted use of the General Fund Reserves which was pretty healthyRffi�� Council Member Aym'Op ex�essed her concerns regarding line item 22 of the presentation, the improvements to be made'�atJWintersection of Temple City Boulevard and Valley Boulevard, noting there m >.. . has been a fatality and tH provements to that intersection should take priority. Council Member Low asked staff what improvements were planned for the intersection on Temple City Boulevard and Valley Boulevard. Assistant City Manager /Acting Public Works Director Hawkesworth explained that staff had not outlined what type of improvements staff would recommend at this point. However, staff has recognized a need for improvements at that intersection as well as the portion of the street south of that where Alice Lane merges h the recreation bui at Rosemead Park CIP for Buildings: City e work that has been bad snack bar and fin Garvey Park the restrooms 406arvey Park; ey Park; replacement of the Aquatic Center parking lot urts will need to be improved - surfaced. The skate park or ditection from Council regarding $1 million in parks projects for Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of April 14, 2015 Page 2 of 11 onto Temple City Boulevard. He added that a traffic study would have to be prepared and grant money sought for safety improvements. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta discussed the lack of open view into the men's restroom at Rosemead Park, line item 32, and asked staff to take that into consideration when renovating those restrooms. Council Member Low inquired about the maintenance conditions of the Zapopan Park jogging trail. Assistant City Manager /Acting Public Works Director Hawkesworth some maintenance, and would be included in the City's budget, adc Project. City Manager Allred added that the project at Zapopan soon. Parks and Recreation Director Montgomery-Scott advised staff receive the Jogging trail from the engineers that aftem'o and forwarded therd California Edison for their review confirming tha Wae budgeted in the Assistant City Manager /Acting Public Works Director Hawkesworth do Zapopan Park are not on the Capital Improvement Proieek''Itst becaus year budget. rs jogging trail and the jogging trail would need a Capital Improvement project most of the construction drawings for the representative at Southern 1`ept Fecal Year Budget. rat the Jay Imperial Park and were in the City's current fiscal Council Member Ly as t the sl.4gested park space taresident ratio was that City should meet. Parks and Recreation, Montgomery colt ckpfai€ bti th�the City currently has a 0.64 ratio per thousand residents andA recbrf rLded rati a�nged from Po 20 ratio; and the average was 8 to 10. Council �Y,Imber Ly stated f� puld like (o �pda a plan for the City to begin purchasing property, as it becomes available, for the purpose, of builong more parks in the City. Mr. Ly expressed concern that the new Civic &A r was being used is a park because the City's parks were used to capacity. He also asked that staff bring back, to a future City Council meeting, a plan to designate the current Garvey Park Recreation Building as a Youth Geer or Teen Center. Mayor Clark commented th' f the Water Bond included a large amount of money to the Rivers and Mountains Conservancy�or park projects as long as it was related to water. She asked staff to look into obtaining funding through the Rivers and Mountains Conservancy. Mrs. Clark also expressed concern regarding the water pooling at South Ramona Avenue storm drain and asked staff if there was any way to capture water rather than directing it back to the ocean, Thereafter followed a brief discussion among Council regarding the ownership rights of water that touches the ground. Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes ofApril 14, 2015 Page 3 of 11 Mayor Clark confirmed with the City Manager that the City had no debt at the current time and expressed her feeling that she did not want to incur any debt because she would not want to have to impose taxes on the residents should revenue be cut. There being no further business to come before Council, Mayor Clark recessed the City Council meeting at 6:35 p.m., noting the City Council would reconvene at 7:00 p.m, for the regular business meeting. Regular Business Meeting Minutes The joint meeting of the Rosemead City Council and the Successor Development Commission was called to order by Mayor Clark at T.�t Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, C ' ol{f i PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor /Chair Clark INVOCATION: Mayor Pro Tem /Vice -Chair Armenta PRESENT: Mayor /Chair Alarcon, Mayor Pro and Ly STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Allred, City Director Hawkesworth, Community Developm Montgomery- Scott, and City of 2. PUBLIC COM Clark, I Community City Council Members /Board Members Low ty Manager /Acting Public Works of Parks and Recreation ance on Mental Illness presented a Certificate of on March 14 2015. Ms. Aruiso invited the City Council Of on Mental Illness. blic Services spoke about partnering with the Beautification that their scholarship program deadline was near and Committee of thKity. She also encouraged Rosemead student Mayor Pro Ti Beautification ente stated that Republic Services was providing a bin during the on April 18th for bulky item drop off. Daniel Spadaro - expressed concerns with the super market across from his home and stated that the smell from their trash area was strong. He asked that the City please look into the issue. Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of April 14, 2015 Page 4 of 11 3. PRESENTATION Donate Life Proclamation Michael Montoya - thanked the City Council for being supportive to Donate Life and urged the public to become organ donors and help recipients who need them. Health Fair Picture presented to William Alarcon r� May Lin — and students, Xiaoye Wang and Richard Jia, presented art_jieces to Gpuncil Member William Alarcon and the Parks and Recreation Department for their suppot Parks and Recreation Director Montgomery -Scott explained he City partners with May>L n and Joy of Kung Fu each year at its Health Fair. One of the components Introduced was an art fair and artntestle explained that Joy of Kung Fu asked the City Council and Maygr.kp judge the Mr. Mgrifgomery-Scott stated the group was attending the meeting to present Council M�t�k�William Alarcon and 'the City with an art piece as appreciation for its support. t Outgoing Mayor William Alarcon PrcW entations 4 1 -_' appreciation for his service as The City Council presented outgoing Mayor William *Alarcon with aapl�querof z� Mayor. Henry Lo - presented a.06ftificate of'n6dognition to outgoing Mayor for his tenure on behalf of Assembly Member Ed Chau. He ?oorigPJtq ated n0lkMayor Clark an'3 yor Pro Tem Armenta and looked forward to working with them. Margaret Clark and Mayor Pro Tern Sandra the pct$ to adrA nister the Oath of Office to incoming Mayor Margaret Clark. Mayor Pro Temft'b Chair Armenta thanked Garvey School teacher Pat Molina who brought some students to attend tmetinq Cyrus Paniagua - approfied the podium to administer the Oath of Office to incoming Mayor Pro Tern Sandra Armenta. Mayor /Chair Clark thanked the public for their support and those who attended the meeting. Mayor Pro TemNfce -Chair Armenta thanked everyone for their support noting the Council was the voice of the residents. Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of April 14, 2015 Page 5 of 11 Council Member Vicky Martinez — of the City of El Monte thanked outgoing Mayor William Alarcon for his service as Mayor. She congratulated new Mayor Margaret Clark and new Mayor Pro Tem Sandra Armenta for a successful upcoming year. Mayor /Chair Clark thanked Rosemead School District Board Member Ron Esquivel, Planning Commissioner Nancy Eng, Traffic Commissioners Jean Hall, Roderick Ornelas and Ed Quintanilla for attending the meeting and showing their support. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Claims and Demands • ResolutionNo.2015 -18 Recommendation: to approve Resolution No'2015 18 entitled:-,A RESOLUTION'OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ALLOWING..�ERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $1,658,707.15 NUMBERED 88125 THROUGH 8f2S6, Resolution No.2015 -20 h ? Recommendation: to approve Resolution No 201,5 ta r e ltitled A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY,„O,F,ROSEMEAD ALLOWING CiEN?plk�N CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $499,107 Z1 'NUMggRED 88257 THR -0UGH 88366 - INCLUSIVELY 5— mmendafon to app�,ye Resol ton No,�2 15 — 07, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OSEMEAD,,, S,THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY OF THE ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY az :LOPMENT CI MISSI0 1 �kLLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF 137.17 NUMi 10123 , No. 201:5;= 08 Recommends on to approve Resolution No. 2015 — 08, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAt AS SUCCESSOR AGENCY OF THE ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT?COMMISSION ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $1,219 NUMBERED 10124 B. Display of the Vietnam American Heritage and Freedom Flag with the United States of America Flag Along Valley Boulevard as a Symbol of Freedom and Democracy Recommendation: That the City Council approve the request of the Vietnamese Refugee Community of Los Angeles County to display the Vietnamese American Heritage and Freedom Flag Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of April 14, 2015 Page 6 of 11 side -by -side with the United States of America Flag from April 25, 2015 through May 3, 2015 in accordance with the protocol specified in the United States Flag Code. C. Installation of Keep Clear Markings — Garvey Avenue and Willard Avenue Recommendation: That the City Council approve the Traffic Commission's recommendation to install "Keep Clear" pavement markings with limit lines in the eastboundrtvavel lanes of Garvey Avenue at the intersection of Willard Avenue. E. Approval of Purchase Order — Transit Buses Recommendation: That the City Council authorize th Ofth Creative Bus Sales per specifications and quotation Pbtained i F. Second Dwelling Unit Agreements r'�F Recommendation: That the City Council approve the "Seaoj authorize the Community Developmer t`, ct to execute fYiI made by an applicant for the concurre ti of a new with a second dwelling unit. order of five ransit buses from Dwelling Unit" Agreement and when a written request is Iling unit in conjunction ACTION: Council MembarJBoard Member Polly�,L?6w move,4 jfhd seconded by Mayor Pro Tern Nice -Chair Sarid fa Arinenta to approve the Consent Calendar, excluding Item D, which w4i pulled fdrn iscussion The motion unanimously carried by the following vote., Alarcon; A rmenta, Clark,' Ly ITEM — Angelus Avenue and Klingerman Street in: ftatfthe Cityouncil approve the Traffic Commission's recommendation of an and striping plan for the area of Angelus Avenue and Klingerman Street. Velia Navarro - Th'ariW,staff a�tl City Council for approving the improvements on Angelus and Klingerman Avenue SI�a�s if botts dots could be installed near her driveway. City Manager Allred stated that staff was looking into botts dots, delineators along the curb, and striping, as well as additional signage to slow traffic. Acting Public Works Manager Sullivan explained that at this time the proposal did not include botts dots or raised pavement markers. The proposal included some extensive stripping enhancements and signage enhancements to draw attention to the curb. In addition, delineators would be replaced, an edge line stripe would be added, and new high visibility signage with a recommended speed of 15 miles per hour. Once Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of April 14, 2015 Page 7 of 11 these improvements were installed and implemented, Staff would continue to monitor and review to see if any improvements were made. Mayor Pro TemNice ChairArmenta asked staff if there was a time limit for the follow up to see if the improvements were effective once the improvements have been made. Acting Public Works Manager Sullivan stated that staff would work to improvements and monitor regularly to check for noticeable improver Mrs. Navarro — expressed her desire to make beautification and Rush all the way to Hellman Avenue near Rice School E Thereafter followed some discussion as to whether the ACTION: Council Member /Board Member Steven Lk movg Chair Sandra Armenta to approve the Traffic Con signage and striping plan for the area of Angelus Further discussion ensued with Council Mem monitored to see If the improvements worked. Council Member Steven Ly s a copy to the Council, to leth further improvements wereti {eq , ,r e ACTION: The previous mo$R Arme, ta z Clark, Lo 5. (,NATTERS FR MCIT 6. MATERS FROM CIT A. %rmation of staff bring a repdrt'to t ;ion know wM# er the & STAFF - None Task Force install the Potrero Grande Avenue by Ms. Navarro waslm,the County. corded by Mayor Pkd'TemNice- 's retommendatioiiof an updated and Klingerman Street. that the area be mission at Its next meeting, with were working or whether the following vote: AYES: Alarcon, Council Member Low ked tFat a workshop was held a couple of meetings back and the City Council received a lot of data ab8 raffiti. She expressed her concern that all these years, the remedy has been to paint over the graffiti; butanothing has been done to fix the problem. She suggested creating a task force to work with the Sheriff's department and Code Enforcement to come up with a solution City Manager Allred explained that the City currently has a multi - jurisdictional law enforcement task force for graffiti that was hosted in the Public Safety Center each month. The meetings were chaired by Chief of Police, Lieutenant Somoano, and included the City's Juvenile Probation Officer, a Special Assignment Deputy, and representatives from the surrounding police departments who share intelligence on the violators Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of April 14, 2015 Page 8 of 11 and formulate plans on how to intervene. Mr. Allred said that the Council Members could be invited to attend or another task force could be formed. Council Member Low stated that Council could certainly attend; however she stated that she would like to see results. Mayor Clark asked when the next graffiti task force meeting would be held bei � 'eshe would like to attend. ,w Chief of Police, Lieutenant Somoano, stated that the next graffiti task force yts scheduled to take place on the third Wednesday of the month at 10:00 a.m. Discussion continued qn wat reduce the amount of graffiti in the City. ' s Council MemberArmenta stated that prior to 2009 the SAN& program was elimmat ,the schools and was vital in combatting graffiti. Ms. Armenta suggested brJ #'ding back the 8ANE program, ho�i c llbd STAR (Success Through Awareness and Resistance) to work with theshool distrjcts in combatting graffiti. She advised grant funds were available to fund this program. Council Member Low stated she would like - 6i, ttend task force meetings : and would be willing to work with Chief of Police, Lieutenant Somoano, to come , wtth!deas to combat graffit� Mayor Pro Tem Armenta stated that the Connection Forum helped draft =g ordinance in which the parents have to make restitution if, a child under t if graffiti. Council Member Ly sts p that the C ould take a to f different steps to prevent graffiti, but at the end of the day if it was not bei g , `forced in th6,household, it's i to be hard to prevent graffiti. The parents have to be told that they are YB gnsi e kQtior children' ections. City Manage(,ffflr�d staff dthat staffypuld look in f6 the S.T.A.R (Success Through Awareness and Resistant)` grogram, howvet, the City Was fortunate to have a juvenile probation officer that works in the City's PU hc Center eye tday who go 'into homes, meets with parents and does intervention type of activities' with considerable success. x Appoirttrbents for 2015.20161Approval of FPPC Form 806 v� Recommendalq�?; That the City Council approve the Mayor's Appointments for 2015 -2016 and authorize the City Clerk to file the Fair Political Practice Commission's From 806 and post the form on the City's website, as required by law. ACTION: Council Member Steven Ly moved, and seconded by Mayor Pro Tern Sandra Armenta, to approve the Mayor's Appointments for 2015.2016 with the amendment to the Connections Forum Chair appointment and authorize the City Clerk to file the Fair Political Practice Commission's From 806 and post the form on the City's website, as required by law. Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of April 14, 2015 Page 9 of 11 Mayor Clark announced that Council Member Low would Chair the Connection Forum. ACTION: The previous motion unanimously carried by the following vote: AYES: Alarcon, Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly 7. COUNCIL COMMENTS Sandra Armenta stated that she was approached by the Mayor of Montebetlo mho asked her if the City of Rosemead would draft a resolution on the Armenian Genocide to comrtl -mo' ii�,Jts 100th anniversary. She requested the resolution to be placed on the next agenda for discussion,.. `T Sandra Armenta announced that the Beautification Committee "was holding its Clean Up Day Saturday at the cemetery from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. She noted that community service hours would be 'g1.0rttd anyone who assists and needs community service hours.F Council Member Ly expressed concerns with removing the natura"1160�currently in place and installing artificial turf in the medians for the Garvey Avohue project. Mr Ly sI ' A at he would like to see draught tolerant landscape instead of astro -turf becauseaf heats up and actually cQntri ,,tes to the heat, whereas plants absorb heat. Council Member Ly's sec o receive a`sCaftas report on Jay Imperial Park. City Manager Allred explained 1 hat §10. was working wtffi an architeGfon the design of the park. The plan was sent to Southern California Eds&h,Jpr Review and `there have been several discussions on the z architectural plans Parks and Recre lon Director Montgome`� &cp explained that Southern California Edison recently rediscovered , . eats along fli orridor. They identified five residences that have croachment pf h�ndredsrof square feet and there were no encroachment agreements in significant�e�i existenceefore finalizing t ct, SoUt in California Edison would like to resolve the encroachment issues by pitin proper encroa�ent peSmits in place. Council Member;Low inquired on;he status of the project on Walnut Grove Avenue by the Gas Company. Acting Public Works Manager SulliVan stated he was not sure when the completion of the project would be; however, the Gas Company performed a complete excavation of the area to remove a major section of high pressure gas distribution ip�` The removal of the old segment and the Installation of the new segment has been completed. Gas service has been restored to the residents and the pipe is functioning so the project was near completion but he did not have an exact date. Council Member Alarcon thanked the City Council for their support during his tenure as Mayor. Mayor Clark announced the Young Americans Workshop on Friday 2:30 pm to 8:30 pm, Saturday 8:00 am to 6:00 pm, and Sunday 1:00 pm to 7:00 pm at Rosemead High School; and The Relay for Life walk on April 25th from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes ofApril14, 2015 Page 10 of 11 8. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, Mayor Clark adjourned the meeting at 7:58 p.m. for cake and refreshments in recognition of the newly appointed Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem. The next regular City Council meeting is scheduled to take place on April 28, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. in the Rosemead City Hall Council Chamber. _M ATTEST: Can Rosemead City Council and the SuccessorAgency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of April 14, 2015 Page]] of 11