CC - Item 4F - Fiscal Year 2015-16 Road Resurfacing Projects Award of Contract - Design EngineeringROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: JEFF ALLRED, CITY MANAGER 0 DATE: AUGUST 11, 2015 SUBJECT: FISCAL YEAR 2015 -16 ROAD RESURFACING PROJECTS AWARD OF CONTRACT - DESIGN ENGINEERING SUMMARY As part of the Fiscal Year 2015 -16 Capital Improvement Program, the City Council approved two street rehabilitation projects entitled "Annual Residential Resurfacing' and 'Temple City Blvd Resurfacing: 10 Freeway to Guess St. ". The Temple City Boulevard project will include street rehabilitation and resurfacing from 1 -10 to Guess Street. The Annual Residential Resurfacing will consist of street rehabilitation and resurfacing on Steele Street from Ellis Lane to Rosemead Boulevard, and Ivar Avenue from Mission Drive to Marshall Avenue. The scope of work for these projects includes the grind and replacement of asphalt, repair and replacement of sidewalk, curb and gutter, new roadway striping, and related work. This award of contract is for design services for these projects, which includes surveying, pavement analysis, and development of street improvement plans. These projects are funded through Gas Tax and Prop C. funds in the amount of $975,000.00. Staff Recommendation It is recommended that the City Council authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with CEJ Engineers, Inc. for design engineering services for the "Annual Residential Resurfacing' and 'Temple City Blvd Resurfacing /10Fwy to Guess St." improvement projects in the amount of $82,420.00 and authorize a contingency of $12,300 (approximately 15 %) to cover the cost of any unforeseen elements in the design process. BACKGROUND As part of the Fiscal Year 2015 -16 Capital Improvement Program, the City Council approved two street rehabilitation projects to repair the roadway surface for City streets. One project is the Annual Residential Resurfacing Project which targets the residential streets most in need of repair. For this project, the Engineering Division has ITEM NO. 4.F APPROVED FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: City Council Meeting August11, 2015 Page 2 of 3 identified two residential roadway segments, Steele Street between Ellis Lane and Rosemead Boulevard, and Ivar Avenue between Mission Drive and Marshall Street, based on their current condition. Based on the City's Pavement Management Program (Pi which was last updated during Fiscal Year 2012 -13, Steele Street had a Pavement Condition Index (PCI) score of 30 out of 100, ranking it as "Very Poor ". Ivar Avenue, between Mission Drive and Marshall Street, has a PCI Score of 60, which is right on the threshold of "Fair" (Scores 60 -74) and "Poor" (Scores 41 -59). The other adopted project is the resurfacing of Temple City Boulevard between I -10 and Guess Street. This roadway segment has a PCI Score of 44, ranking it as "Poor ". Staff has identified the necessary consulting services to complete the design phase for these projects and they include: • Surveying • Pavement Analysis • Preliminary and Final Design • Striping Plans • Construction Plans and Specifications • Construction Support City Staff distributed a request for proposals (RFP) to four (4) engineering firms from the City's On -Call Engineering Services List. Proposals were received from three of the four firms with the following result: RANK CONSULTANT LOCATION BID AMOUNT 1 CEJ Engineers, Inc. Irwindale, CA $ 82,420.00 2 Infrastructure Engineers Orange, CA $102,925.00 3 Transtech Engineers, Inc. Chino, CA $125,000.00 4 Willdan Engineering Industry, CA No Response Staff has reviewed the proposal documents as well as the consultants' background and recent projects for competency. Staff determined that CEJ Engineers, Inc. is the lowest responsible bidder and is experienced in this type of project. CEJ Engineers, Inc. has designed a number of projects throughout the City, including previous road resurfacing project, including Montebello Boulevard / Town Center Drive Project, FINANCIAL REVIEW Funding for this project was approved by the City Council as part of the City's Fiscal Year 2015 -16 Capital Improvement Program. The total budget of $975,000 includes $500,000 from Gas Tax funds and $475,000 from Prop C funds. City Council Meeting August 11, 2015 Page 3 of 3 Prepared by: Sea SSea —ullivan Public Works Manager Submitted by: T afael M. Fajardo, P.E. City Engineer Matt ew k ss /orth Assistant City Manager /Acting Director of Public Works Attachments: 1. Request for Proposals 2. Proposal from CEJ Engineers, Inc. CITY OF ROSEMEAD PUBLIC WORKS /ENGINEERING DIVISION REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES INTRODUCTION The City of Rosemead is requesting proposals from registered, professional engineering firms to provide civil engineering services. The engineering services desired include, but are not limited to, Pavement Analysis, General Surveying Services, Construction plans and Specifications for the Annual Residential Resurfacing Project. BACKGROUND The City of Rosemead received funding in the amount of $975,000 from Gas Tax and Prop C. The project will include the street paving, sidewalk replacement, curb and gutter, tree planting, striping and appurtenances. PROJECT LOCATIONS STREET FROM TO LENGTH WIDTH PCI Steele Street Ellis Lane Rosemead 41170 40 30 Boulevard Ivar Avenue Mission Marshall 3400 33 60 Drive Avenue , Temple City 1 10 Guess Street 1,925 60 44 Boulevard Freeway SCOPE OF SERVICES The following is a general outline of the scope of work to be provided by the consultant. While it is intended that the following scope of work include all elements essential to develop the project, those submitting proposals are advised to perform their own field reconnaissance and include any items which they feel have been overlooked. The consultant may also note any required items which they feel to be excessive or unnecessary. The description and cost of such items should be noted separately in the proposal. Services required to complete this project by the consultant shall include: PAVEMENT ANALYSIS The consultant shall perform all geotechnical services necessary for engineering design of indicated proposed improvements, including but not limited to: 1. Perform subsurface exploration and analysis for R -value determination 2. Provide geotechnical evaluation and recommendations on, including, but not limited to pavement design, removal of unsuitable materials, etc. 3. An investigation of the existing pavement conditions shall be performed at all the locations. Pavement coring and soil samples shall be taken and tested to determine the R values and structural pavement sections to be considered for the project. The Consultant shall record the pavement and base thickness of each coring and record in -situ soil type, weight, moisture content, relative compaction, etc. as recommended by the Geotechnical Engineer supervising the investigation. Boring logs shall be prepared and presented in a report along with all the results. 4. All in place /laboratory tests, sampling and reports shall be performed and prepared in accordance with Caltrans and other applicable agency procedures policies, regulations, requirements and formats. 5. Potholes within the proposed pavement construction area may be considered for an alternate repair treatment at the discretion of the Public Works Inspector. 6. It will be responsibility of the Consultant to notify Underground Service Alert prior to the start of any subsurface exploration work. The Consultant shall obtain a NO FEE permit from the City Engineer's office to operate and conduct explorations within the public right of way. 7. Approximate three (3) borings at each street which location will be at the discretion of the Public Works Inspector. SURVEYING A. HORIZONTAL CONTROL MAINTENANCE 1. Provide cross - sections every 50 feet for top of curb, flow line, existing grade elevation of asphalt, edge of gutter, grade breaks elevations as well as at street centerline required. 2. Provide a "Base Map" for the street showing right of way, existing curb and gutter, driveway approaches, sidewalk, trees, utility pull boxes, traffic loops, striping, etc. including all substructures such as sewer, water, phone, cable, gas, etc. 3. Submit a stamped hard copy and electronic file in CAD format. 4. Perform research for centerline horizontal control, i.e. existing centerline ties and monuments (spike and washers, well monuments, L &T's, etc.). 5. Perform all field work as needed to locate and tie out existing centerline control that may be disturbed by the proposed street improvements. 6. After project completion, provide temporary control for assisting contractor in placing all proposed new well monuments per City Standard No. S08-001 (see attached copy). 7. Reset centerlines ties as needed (tangent ties are required) at all curb returns, etc. where centerline ties have been disturbed or are missing. See exhibit "A" for missing and centerline monuments. Punch centerline intersection "blank" monument domes in new well monuments installed by contractor, in accordance with City Standard Plan No. S08 -001. 8. Provide all tie notes, corner records, etc. for all horizontal centerline control set. Record all documents with Los Angeles County Department of Public Works Survey Division. Provide digital file for said work. 9. Provide cross - sections every 25 -feet for top of curb, flow line, existing grade elevation of asphalt, edge of gutter, grade breaks elevations as well as at street centerline as required for Steele Street from Rio Hondo Avenue to Ellis Lane. B. VERTICAL CONTROL 1. Replace or establish benchmarks required to perpetuate the existing vertical control network. (If necessary) Note: All survey work shall be done under the supervision of a Registered Land Surveyor or Civil Engineer authorized to do land surveying in the State of California. Surveyor shall provide temporary control without undue delay to the City's contractor subject to 48 hour notice given request by contractor. Note re- staking of temporary control shall be considered extra work. DESIGN 1. Preliminary Design Layout for Approval (Consultant to Coordinate with City Staff during Design Phase) 2. Final Design Phase 3. Prepare Construction Plans and Specifications. 4. Prepare Striping Plans 5. Prepare Construction Cost Estimate Construction plan components may include, but are not limited to: • Title Sheet. • Utility Plans. • Erosion Control Plans. • Roadway Plans, Profiles, Sections, Details and Construction Notes. • Traffic Signal Plans. • Striping Plans. Each sheet of plans shall include the City of Rosemead title blocks and shall bear the professional seal, certificate number, registration classification, and expiration date of the professional responsible for their preparation. The signature of the responsible shall include on final submittals. Review submittals shall be half size (1.1" x 17'), three copies. An electronic copy (PDF format) will also be required. Plans submittals shall be 70 %, 90% and 100 %. Final plans shall be formatted for 22" x 34" plans. Final submittal shall include one set plotted on Mylar and electronic copies of the AutoCAD files complete. Construction Specifications Specifications shall be prepared using the latest City of Rosemead boilerplates and most current Standard Special Provisions and amendments. Construction Support • Attending pre- construction meeting. • Responding to Request for Information (RFI) on the design plans or in the special provisions. (Note: Consultant shall be required to provide responses to contractors' inquiries clarifying any errors, discrepancies, missing information, and oversights in the ME during the construction period at no cost to the City. This may involve revising the plans and specifications as necessary to appropriately respond to the inquiries. Consultant shall provide responses within two (2) working days after receiving the initial inquiry. • Providing field visits during construction if necessary • Prepare As -Built Plans. PROPOSALFORMAT The proposal shall be submitted in the following format: 1. A Cover Letter summarizing the proposal. 2. Fee — Provide not to exceed fee budget for each item described in the above scope of services. 3. Hourly rates — Provide hourly rates schedule for all work to be done under the scope of services and for any extra work authorized by the City Engineer. SELECTION PROCEDURE AND SCHEDULE An award of this contract shall be based on a bid basis. Tentative Schedule: 1. Proposal due date 2. Proposed Project Award Tentative Project Schedule: 1. Preliminary Design Completion 2. Final Plans & Specifications Completion 3. Bid Opening 4. Award 5. Construction DISCRETION AND LIABILITY WAIVER 10:00 a.m. July 22 "d, 2015. August 11th, 2015. October 30th, 2015. December 161h, 2015. January 20th, 2016. February gth, 2016 March — May, 2016. The City reserves the right to reject all proposals or to request and obtain, from one or more of the consulting firms submitting proposals, supplementary information as may be necessary for City staff to analyze the proposals pursuant to the consultant selection criteria contained here. The distribution of this RFP does not bind the City to award an agreement. The City is not liable for costs incurred by the consultant for the cost of the proposal. The consultant, by submitting a response to this RFP, waives all rights to protest or seek any legal remedies whatsoever regarding any aspect of this RFP. All proposals shall be binding for a period of 60 days after the proposal due date. DIRECTION FOR DELIVERY OF PROPOSAL. Two (2) copies of the sealed project proposal shall be delivered no later than 10:00 a.m., July 22nd, 2015, at the following location: CITY OF ROSEMEAD Public Works Department 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Attn. Rafael M. Fajardo City Engineer r� OSE EAD Today's Small Town America PROPOSED LOCATIONS: CITY OF ROSEMEAD ANNUAL STREET RESURFACING PROJECT FY 2015 -2016 LOCATION MAP IVAR AVE FROM MISSION DR TO MARSHALL ST STEELE ST FROM ELLIS LN TO ROSEMEAD BLVD TEMPLE CITY BLVD FROM 1 -10 FWY TO GUESS ST 0 0.25 0.5 + iiiiiiii Miles � July 21, 2015 Mr. Rafael Fajardo, RE City Engineer City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Subject: Proposal for the City of Rosemead Annual Resurfacing Project Dear Mr. Fajardo: CEJ Engineers, Inc. can provide the City of Rosemead with the technical expertise required to successfully complete the Project documents as shown above. The CEJ team will provide services for the aspects required for this project as per the REP The following Exhibits are enclosed: • Exhibit A— Scope of work • Exhibit B —Schedule of Hourly Rates CEJ Engineers, Inc. is excited about this opportunity to use our team's skills and expertise to assist the City of Rosemead with this Project. Please feel to contact us to discuss any aspect of this proposal. Respectfully Submitted, CEJ Engineers, Inc. Joaquin Cervantes, P.E. President euorgns.wc. 15859 ast Edna Pl., Suife 101 hwindale, CA 91706 (626) 960 -0152 - Direct (626) 960 -9002 - Fax (626) 893 -9266- Mobile CEJ Engineers, Inc. 15859 East Edna PI., Suite 101, Irwindale CA., 91706 / 626 - 960 -0152 1 626.893.9266 Scope of Work Project Understanding The project consists of the street reconstruction and sidewalk improvements. Improvements include new sidewalk, curb and gutter, removal and replacement of existing pavement and surveying services. Proiect Locations Steele Avenue (4,170 LF)— Ellis Lane to Rosemead Blvd. Steele Street is a residential street that runs east —west. This street will require sidewalk improvements on both sides of the street at locations where sidewalk is missing. Grading and retaining curbs will be required at various locations. Curb and gutter and sidewalk will also have to be replaced where damaged. Temple City Blvd (3,400 LF)- 1 -10 Freeway to Guess Street. Temple City Blvd is a Major Arterial that runs north - south. Improvements such as curb and gutter and sidewalk replacement will be necessary at damaged locations. Ivar Avenue (1,925LF)— Mission Drive to Marshall Avenue. Ivar Avenue is a residential street that runs north - south. Improvements such as curb and gutter and sidewalk replacement will be necessary at damaged locations. Project Team Management Pro set Manager — CEJ's designated Project Manager, under the general direction of the City Engineer, will be responsible for overseeing the aspects of project development and coordination. The project management and constant monitoring of the schedule with all parties involved in this project is critical to the successful completion of the project. SCOPE OF WORK 1. Geotechnical Services CEJ will prepare a geotechnical investigation for all indicated proposed improvements. The analysis will include the following: A. Perform subsurface exploration and analysis for R -value determination. B. Provide geotechnical evaluation and recommendations on pavement design, removal of unsuitable materials. C. An investigation of the existing pavement conditions shall be performed at all the locations. Pavement coring and soil samples shall be taken and tested to determine the R values and City Rosemead Improvements WW Temple City Blvd- 1-10 to Guess Street Improvements Pg 1 and base thickness of each coring and record in -situ soil type, weight, moisture content, relative compaction, etc, and will provide recommendations by the Geotechnical Engineer supervising the investigation. Boring logs shall be prepared and presented in a report along with all the results. D. All in place /laboratory tests, sampling and reports shall be performed and prepared in accordance with Caltrans and other applicable agency procedures policies, regulations, requirements and formats. E. Potholes within the proposed pavement construction area may be considered for an altemate repair treatment at the discretion of the Public Works Inspector. F. CEJ will notify Underground Service Alert prior to the start of any subsurface exploration work. The Consultant shall obtain a NO FEE permit from the City Engineer's office to operate and conduct explorations within the public right of way. G. CEJ will conduct approximate three (3) borings at each street which location will be at the discretion of the Public Works Inspector. 2. Topographic Survey and Mapping A. Topographic Field Survey and Mapping — CEJ will perform a review of the project site to familiarize design staff with project constraints and observe the general site conditions and perform a complete topographic survey, including the following; I. Provide cross sections. Portion of the public street abutting the frontages of the properties such as sidewalk, top of curb, flow line, existing grade elevation of asphalt, edge of gutter, grade breaks elevations. Elevations at every 50 feet and at critical locations as necessary to map contours at 1 -foot intervals. Elevations will be based on a County bench mark datum at top of curb. Establish horizontal and vertical control, and establish line and grade of existing street improvements, including driveways and asphalt pavement 2. Base Map. We will prepare a base map for the street showing right of way, existing curb and gutter, driveway approaches, sidewalk, trees, utility pull boxes, striping, etc. including all substructures manholes such as sewer, water, phone, cable, gas, etc. 3. Submit stamped hard copy and electronic file in CAD format Horizontal Control 4. Centerline Horizontal Control Research. We will perform centerline and horizontal control i.e. existing centerline ties and monuments (spike and washers, well monuments, L &T's, etc.) if required in addition to the City provided information. J1 City of Rosemead u\ Temple City Blvd- 1 -10 to Guess Street Improvements R•. pg 2 �EliONFIIiB. WC. Rsr^- 5. Horizontal Control. We will perform all required and necessary field work to located and tie out existing centerline control before project commencement that may be disturbed by the proposed street improvements. 6. Reset Centerline Ties. We will reset centerlines ties as needed (tangent ties are required) at all curb returns, etc., where centerline ties have been disturbed or missing. All monument domes that are installed by the Contractor per City Standard Plan No. S08 -001, will be punched with centerline intersection "blank ". 7. Provide tie notes and corner records. After project completion, we will provide all tie notes, corner records, etc. for all horizontal centerline control set. Record all documents with Los Angeles County Department of Public Works Survey Division and will provide digital files. Vertical Control 1. Based on a field meeting and discussions with City personal, we do not anticipate installation of additional benchmarks for any locations 3. Street Improvements Plans CEJ will prepare street improvement plans for the project. CEJ will submit three sets of plans, and estimate to the City for review and comment in 70 %, 90 %, and 100% stages. CEJ shall address the City's comments and incorporate all comments. The Final submittal shall include one set of wet - signed hard copy plans on Mylar sheets (22" x 34 "), a final engineer's estimate, and one CDROM of the full set of AutoCAD plan sheets, and estimate. The review submittals will be submitted on half size (11" x 17 "); five copies and an electronic copy (PDF format). The submittals will include the following plan components; Design Submittal Street and Sidewalk Improvement Plans. We will prepare street improvement plans for all three (3) separate streets which include the following tasks; 1. Preliminary Design Phase. CEJ will prepare a preliminary design for City review and approval. Approval of primary design will be required at this stage. 2. Final Design Phase. After approval of preliminary design. CEJ will prepare final design plans. The Plans, Specifications, and Estimates will conform to the City of Rosemead's standards and practices. 3. Preparation of Construction Plans and Specifications. (PS &E). CEJ will prepare final PS &E construction documents. 4. Striping Plans. CEJ will prepare signing and striping plans for all three projects. 5. Construction Cost Estimate. CEJ will prepare a final detailed engineers estimate prepared in Microsoft Excel spreadsheet format that includes the bid items described City of Rosemead Temple City Blvd -1 -30 to Guess Street Improvements Pg 3 within the contract specifications. The estimate will be based upon recent bid prices for similar projects as maintained by CEJ and Caltrans. Backup quantity calculations will be provided showing detailed computations for accuracy of the quantities upon request. CEJ will address all comments and obtain final design approval from the City of Rosemead The 70 %, 90% and 100% submittal materials will include the following. a. Title Sheet with vicinity map, General Notes, Signature Blocks, Legend, Sheet Index, and Utility Contact Information. b. Utility Plans c. Erosion Control Plans d. Street Improvement Plan and Profile e. Section and Detail Sheet. f. Project Specifications a. Draft Bid and Final Schedule b. Engineers Estimate Including Quantity Calculations and Cost Data. Engineering during Construction • Attend pre - construction meeting. • Review and approve shop drawings and submittals. • Provide consultation during construction including construction RFQ's and RFI's. This task involves responding in a timely manner (maximum 2 working days) at no additional cost to the City. • Field visits and construction observations as necessary or as requested by the City. • Prepare record drawings (As- Built) from record information provided by the contractor. PROPOSED FEE Our proposed fee is based on the proposal required format and is not to exceed lump sum fee amount of $82,420. City of Rosemead Temple City Blvd-1 -10 to Guess Street Improvements Pg 4 Schedule of Hourly Rates CEJ ENGINEERS, INC. Effective July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016 Hourly Rafe Schedule Principal Engineer.. ... ........................ ... 140.00 Project Manager......................... ........ ...... 130.00 Senior Project Engineer ........................... 120.00 Senior Engineer ....... ............................... 110.00 Associate Engineer ... ............................... 100.00 Design Engineer ......... ............................... 95.00 Designer /CADD Drafter .. ..........................90.00 ClericaUiechnical Aide . . ...... .... ................. 65.00 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Senior Landscape Architect.... .......... ....... 105.00 Associate Landscape Architect ..................95.00 REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES 2_� Senior Surveyor ............... .........................140.00 ..... 110.00 Senior Survey Analyst ..... .........................130.00 100.00 Survey Analyst II ............. .........................115.00 Survey Analyst I .............. .........................100.00 Survey Party Chief .......... .........................105.00 Field Party (Three) .......... .........................190.00 Field Party ( Two) ............. .........................175.00 Field Party (One). ......... ...................... A1000 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT / INSPECTION Operations Manager.. .... - ...... .... ---- ..... 110.00 Supervising Public Works Observer......... 100.00 Construction Manager ..... .........................110.00 Construction Engineer ...... ..........................85.00 Reproduction ..... ............................... Cost Subconsultant Services_ ............. ......... Cost plus 10% Automobile Transportation .................. Current rate Delivery, Freight, Courier .....................Cost Agency Fees ..... ............................... Cost Commercial Travel / Subsistence......... Cost Amaana bning azaibeaeme may be atom to me We Noting dunmu tnaeanc,uenke mayberasaw¢e per yeartett,—ue a cnmge ettt cmvma New Imslvme Lae Anpeleo .Co V vw, but net mvemen Me permit per year. W, City of Rosemead Temple City Blvd -1 -10 to Guess Street Improvements pg 5