CC - Item 4G - Highway Safety Improvement Project - Garvey Avenue Award of ContractROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM JEFF ALLRED, CITY MANAGER DATE: AUGUST 11, 2015 SUBJECT: HIGHWAY SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT— GARVEY AVENUE AWARD OF CONTRACT SUMMARY During Fiscal Year 2010 -2011, the City applied for and was awarded funding through the Highway Safety Improvement Program, Cycle 5, which is a Federal grant program for traffic and pedestrian safety improvements. The awarded funds are for the construction of pedestrian and traffic safety enhancements along Garvey Avenue, including upgrades to several traffic signal systems including the addition of pedestrian countdown heads, upgrading existing signal heads to larger sized LEDs, the addition of video detection systems for traffic phasing, and emergency vehicle preemption systems. In May 2015, staff advertised the project for bid and all bids received were in excess of the engineer's estimate at the time of $350,000. On May 26, 2015, the City Council rejected all bids, and directed staff to review and modify the scope of work, and to conduct another public bid process for this project. The revised project was advertised for bid, with an engineer's estimate of $450,000, and on August 5, 2015, three bids were received. PTM General Engineering Services, Inc. submitted the lowest bid of $479,079 and staff recommends that a contract be awarded to this firm for the Highway Safety Improvement Project, Garvey Avenue. The approved budget for this project is $489,500, however, based on design expense, staff time, and construction costs the necessary budget is approximately $606,000. Staff is requesting an appropriation of an additional $117,000 from the Street Lighting District in order to complete this project. Staff Recommendation It is recommended that the City Council: 1. Authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with PTM General Engineering Services, Inc. for Highway Safety Improvement Project — Garvey Avenue in the amount of $479,079 and authorize a contingency amount of $72,000 (Approximately 15 %) to cover the cost of any unforeseen construction expenses. Approve Resolution 2015 -50 appropriating $117,000 in additional Street Lighting District Funds for the completion of this project. ITEM NO. 4.G APPROVED FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA, City Council Meeting August11, 2015 Pace 2 of 3 DISCUSSION During Fiscal Year 2010 -2011, the City applied for and was awarded funding of $339,500 through the Highway Safety Improvement Program, Cycle 5 for the construction of pedestrian and traffic safety enhancements along Garvey Avenue. These improvements include upgrades to several traffic signal systems including the addition of pedestrian countdown heads, upgrading existing signal heads to larger sized LEDs, the addition of video detection systems for traffic phasing and emergency vehicle preemption systems. The initial engineer's estimate for this project was $350,000, which was based upon the value of the grant award. On May 6, 2015, four (4) bids were received for this project and the lowest bid received was $577,126, which was $227,126 more than the engineer's estimate of $350,000. On May 26, 2015, per the recommendation of staff, the City Council rejected all bids and directed staff to revise the project and conduct another public bid process. Staff and the design engineering consultant revised the project plans to achieve some cost reductions. Included in these revisions were items such as changing of material types, reducing the limits of the new roadway striping, and the deletion of the painting of the traffic signal poles from the project. Based on these changes to the project plans, the construction cost estimate was revised to $450,000 in order to better reflect current construction conditions. A Notice Inviting Bids was published in local newspapers and trade publications on April 161h, 23rd, and 30t ", 2015. Sealed bids were received in the Office of the City Clerk until 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday, May 6, 2015. At 11:00 a.m. on May 6, 2015, the City Clerk publicly opened and read four (4) sealed bids with the following result: Rank Bidder PTM General Engineering Services, Inc. Steiny and Company, Inc. California Professional Engineering, Inc. Location Bid Amount Riverside, CA $ 479,079.00 Baldwin Park, CA $ 501,382.00 La Puente, CA $ 534,791.00 Staff has reviewed the bid documents for completeness and the contractors' backgrounds and recent projects for competency and believes that the bid of PTM General Engineering Services, Inc. is the lowest responsive bid. PTM General Engineering Services, Inc. has completed similar projects for a number of public agencies, including the Cities of Montebello and Newport Beach and the California Department of Transportation. PTM General Engineering Services, Inc. has also completed several projects for the City of Rosemead, including two Safe Routes to School projects and the Hellman /San Gabriel Intersection Improvements, all to the satisfaction of the City. City Council Meeting August 11, 2015 Page 3 of 3 FINANCIAL REVIEW The Highway Safety Improvement Project — Garvey Avenue is funded primarily through a Federal Highway Safety Improvement Project (HSIP) Grant in the amount of $339,500. This grant was awarded in 2011 and the award is based off of construction costs as that time. The City has budgeted additional funds from other sources to augment the grant award, including $ 50,000 from Measure R local return and $100,000 from Street Lighting District Funds. The total budget for this project is $489,500. The total budget necessary to complete this project is $606,000 which includes all design, construction, and inspection expenses. Staff is recommending an appropriation of an additional $117,000 from the Street Lighting District funds as there is sufficient funding available and this project is a prudent use of those funds. The estimated fund balance for the Street Lighting District, as of June 30, 2015, was approximately $1.2 million. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared By: Prepared By: afael M. Fajardo, P.E. Sean Sullivan City Engineer Public Works Manager Submitted By: I z—h> - Matt awkeslrorth Assistant City Manager /Acting Director of Public Works Attachments: A. Plans and Specifications (Available in the City Clerk's Office) B. Bid Analysis C. Resolution 2015 -50 PUBDOWO CITY OF ROSEMEAD GARVEY AVENUE HIGHWAY SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT PROJECT NUMBER: BID ANALYSIS BIDSUBMITTAL AUGUST5.2015 PTM GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. Nt ITEM DESCRIPTION OTT UNIT UNIT PRICE TOTAL 1 CLEARING AND GRUBBING PER PLANS /SPECS. 1.00 ITS 200000 IS 2,00000 2 DISPOSAL OF WASTE MATERIALS 1.00 LS 1.000.00 $ 1,000.00 TRAFFIC SIGNAL UPGRADE AT AVENEU AND DELTA A D SPECIFICATIONS DELTA AVENUE PER PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS 3 T 1.00 LS 15000-00 $ 1,000.00 _ _ _ TRAFFIC RAFFIC SIGNAL UPGRADE AT GARVEY AVENUE AND ROSEMEAP VERAVENUE PER PLANS AND 0 SPECIFICATTIONS NS COMPLETE 1.00 LS 164,000.00 $164000.00 TRAFFIC UPGRADEATGARVEYAVENUE AND MUSCATEL L AVENUE PER PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS 6 COMPLETE 1.00 _ _LS_ _ 156,0]900 $ 158,0]9.00 TOTAL BASE BID PRICE $ 4]$,0]9.00 STEINY AND COMPANY, INC. DESCRIPTION 1 CLEARING AND GRUBBING PER PINSISPECS. 2 DISPOSAL OF WASTE MATERIALS TRAFFIC SIGNAL UPGRADE AT GARVEY AVENEU AND DELTA AVENUE PER PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS 3 COMPLETE TRAFFIC SIGNAL UPGRADE AT GARVEY AVENUE AND ROSEMEAD PLAOEIRIVER AVENUE PER PLANS AND 4 SPECIFICATIONS COMPLETE TRAFFIC SIGNAL UPGRADE AT GARVEY AVENUE AND MUSCATEL AVENUE PER PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS fi COMPLETE TOTAL BASE BID PRICE CALIFORNIA PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING, INC. CLEARING AND GRUBBING PER PLANSISPECS. 2 DISPOSAL OF WASTE MATERIALS TRAFFIC SIGNAL UPGRADE AT GARVEY AVENEU AND DELTA AVENUE PER PINS AND SPECIFICATIONS 3 COMPLETE TRAFFIC SIGNAL UPGRADE AT GARVEY AVENUE AND ROSEMEAD PICEIRIVER AVENUE PER PLANS ANN 4 SPECIFICATIONS COMPLETE TRAFFIC SIGNAL UPGRADE AT GARVEY AVENUE AND MUSCATEL AVENUE PER PINS AND SPECIFICATIONS 6 COMPLETE TOTAL BASE BID PRICE I 1.00 LS 2594.00 $ 259400 100 LS ]225.00 $ 122500 1.00 LS 16247400 $162,4]400 1.00 LS 164769.00 $164]69.00 1.00 LS 168 320 00 $168,320 00 S 501.382.00 43 1.00 ITS 0 $ 100 ITS 1,50006 $ 1,500.00 1.00 ITS 1]4,55800 $1]4,55800 1 00 LS 11854] 00 $ 17854200 100 LS 174, 16600 $ 174, 18600 $ 534,781.00 B/ 11 RESOLUTION NO. 2015 -50 A RESOLUTION OF THE ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA CITY COUNCIL APPROPRIATING ADDITIONAL FUNDS FROM THE CITY'S STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT FOR THE HIGHWAY SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT - GARVEY AVENUE WHEREAS, appropriations are the legal authority for a City to spend its funds; and WHEREAS, from time to time it is necessary to amend the budget with additional appropriations; and WHEREAS, the City desires to improve pedestrian and traffic safety along Garvey Avenue through improvements to the traffic signal system, and WHEREAS, this safety enhancement project is funded through proceeds from a Federal Highway Safety Improvement Program Grant, Measure R and Street Lighting District funds and currently has a budget amount of $489,500, and WHEREAS, the total cost for the construction of this project, as proposed, will not exceed $606,000, which is $117,000 more than currently budgeted, and WHEREAS, the Street Lighting District Fund has a balance of approximately $1,200,000 of which the additional funding could be made available for this project. NOW THEREFORE, $117,000 is appropriated in the Capital Improvement Programs for Expenditures related to the Highway Safety Improvement Project as defined below: Fund Organization Account Project Description Amount Appropriation 301 6005 5395 21010 Construction $ 117,000 Transfer Memo 245 0000 5960 Transfer Out <$ 117,000> 301 0000 4860 Transfer In $ 117,000 The additional appropriation is made a part of the approved FY 2015 -16 budget as though it were a part of the initial budget fully set forth. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 1 V1 day of August 2015. Margaret Clark, Mayor ATTEST: Carol Cowley, Interim City Clerk