CC - Item 5A - Review and Approval of Rosemead Skate Plaza DesignROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL FROM: JEFF ALLRED, CITY MANAGER[Jy,�( DATE: AUGUST 11, 2015 SUBJECT: REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF ROSEMEAD SKATE PLAZA DESIGN SUMMARY At its regular meeting on April 28, 2015, the City Council approved a contract with Spohn Ranch Skateparks to design a skate plaza at Rosemead Park in the area directly east of the aquatic center. As prescribed in the agreement with Spohn Ranch, public meetings were held at the Rosemead Community Recreation Center on June 17 and July 22, 2015 to solicit input from the community on the design of the skate plaza. The design of a 10,000 square feet skate plaza is being presented to City Council for review and approval. Upon approval, construction documents will be developed and the project readied for construction. Skate plaza construction will, then, be publicly bid or contracted directly through a cooperative purchasing program at City Council's discretion. Staff Recommendation: 1. That the City Council approve the proposed design of the Rosemead Skate Plaza, and 2. That the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute an Interlocal Contract through the Helping Governments Across the Country Buy (HGACBuy) cooperative purchasing program, in an amount not to exceed $475,000, for construction of the skate plaza project. BACKGROUND /ANALYSIS As indicated, City Council authorized the design of the Rosemead Skate Plaza in April of this year. The design contractor, Spohn Ranch Skateparks, was obligated to host public meetings for the purpose of seeking community input for the design. Community meetings were held on June 17 and July 22, 2015 and approximately 80 people attended the meetings. At the June 17 meeting, Spohn Ranch gave a brief overview of similar projects and the proposed location for the project at Rosemead Park, provided some guidelines, discussed a variety of skate elements (and provided access to an interactive display on a site layout), solicited input and facilitated discussion for design ideas among the more than 50 people who attended. Spohn Ranch also provided a survey to all attendees to determine preference and priority of skate elements and skill level for the plaza design. ITEM N0. 5.A City Coundl Meeting June 13, 2006 Paqe 2 of 3 On July 22, Spohn Ranch presented an initial design which reflected the ideas resulting from the community discussions and completed surveys. Feedback from those in attendance was very positive. A few comments were made recommending only minor modifications to the proposed design. Spohn Ranch has included those adjustments in the design presented for City Council review. As planned, the 10,000 square feet Rosemead Skate Plaza features transition -style terrain which takes advantage of the natural changes in topography occurring at the site. It also includes a variety of street features — steps, handrails, and benches as requested. The layout of the plaza ensures uninterrupted user flow patterns and includes open space for other programming. To personalize the skate plaza, Spohn Ranch has integrated the City's logo into the design. They have also specified colored concrete and a low- maintenance landscaped area (appears as the center turf area in the renderings) to enhance general aesthetics. The plaza has been designed primarily for beginner to intermediate users. The designer's estimate for the project, as presented, is just under $497,000. If City Council approves the design, the project will move to the construction documents and specifications phase, which is included as part of the design agreement with Spohn Ranch. This phase should take approximately 10 weeks to complete including City review of the documents at 75% and 90% of completion. Once construction documents and specifications are finalized, the skate plaza construction project would be ready for public bid or could be contracted directly under the Helping Governments Across the Country Buy (HGACBuy) program. If bid publicly, the project would be advertised for several weeks, bids opened and reviewed, and the project awarded to the lowest responsive bidder with municipal skate park/plaza construction experience. The bidder would be expected to perform the work at or near the construction estimate of $497,000, provide construction submittals within two weeks, and complete construction within the anticipated 90 -day project timeline. Title 1 of the California Government Code allows cities and other public agencies to participate in cooperative purchasing programs like HGACBuy. Counties, cities, school districts, and a variety of other public agencies nationwide currently use the HGACBuy program including, locally, the cities of Baldwin Park, Commerce, Los Angeles, Monterey Park, and Pasadena. Spohn Ranch is an approved vendor through the HGACBuy program and would be eligible to construct Rosemead's skate plaza project. In addition to designing skate parks, Spohn Ranch is a general contractor specializing skate park/plaza construction. Because the City can use a cooperative purchasing agreement for skate plaza construction, it may consider contracting directly through the HGACBuy program. Using the HGACBuy program will save an estimated six weeks from the project timeline by eliminating the necessity of bidding (four weeks) and contractor coordination and City Council Meeting June 13, 2006 Page 3 of 3 submittals (two weeks). Additionally, the HGACBuy guarantees a five percent (5 %), approximately $25,000, reduction from the construction estimate. Thus, the project cost under HGACBuy is reduced to approximately $475,000. Further, by directly contracting with Spohn Ranch through the cooperative purchasing program, the City is assured that the work will be done by a competent and experienced contractor, who, in this case, also designed the skate plaza, would not need to hire additional construction management services, and should mitigate any need for significant change orders which often result in cost increases up to 15 %. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. FISCAL IMPACT City Council has previously authorized use of former Redevelopment Agency Bond Funds for design and construction of the Rosemead Skate Plaza in the amount of $500,000. repay bmitted by: Davi t ery -Scott Parks ecreation Director Matthew E. Hawkesworth Assistant City Manager Sean Sullivan Public Works Manager Attachments: Final Concept Design 8.4.15, Construction Renderings (3), Cost Estimate, and HGACBuy Program Information Packet ( Spohn Ranch) �7U • t f �. ,, � i� ��'1 c kk �i d �, ' ( ' � � � ` g, �,� ,,,, �'' j � , ro 'I �' ��� "�� ,� �,��� x .+ �, 4 � N;' n. ry I � � pll I SPOHN RANCH `�° 8 K T PAR KS CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE ROSEMEAD SKATEPARK CONCEPT DESIGN 8.4.15 DESIGII. BUILD. COME TOGETHER, MOBILIZATION / GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ITEM QUANTITY CREW MOBILIZATION 1 (LUMP SUM) EQUIPMENT & GEAR MOBILIZATION 1 (LUMP SUM) FUEL & MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES 50 WORKING DAYS TEMP CONSTRUCTION FENCING 702 LINEAR FEET TEMP DUMPSTER 50 WORKING DAYS TEMP CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 1 (LUMP SUM) SITE LAYOUT & STAKING 1 (LUMP SUM) PUNCH LIST, CLEAN -UP & DE- MOBILIZATION 1 DAY ESTIMATED COST $6,174.00 STEEL FABRICATION ITEM QUANTITY CNC-CUT SCREEDS 1 (LUMP SUM) HOT -DIP GALVANIZED STEEL COPING & EDGING 545 LINEAR FEET HOT -DIP GALVANIZED STEEL GRIND RAILS 5 RAILS POWDER COAT STEEL GRIND RAILS 5 RAILS FIELD WELDING 1 (LUMP SUM) ESTIMATED COST 5311968.88 SPOHN RANCH, INC. I P 626,3305303 1 F 626- 3305503 1 W SPOHNRANCH.COM E INFO @SPOHNRANCH.COM 1 6824 S CENTINELA AVE. LOS ANGELES, CA 90230 MFc DESIGN. BUILD. COME TOGETHER. SPOHNR SKATF SITE PREPARATION ITEM QUANTITY DEMO RUBBER PAD 1,872 SQUARE FEET DEMO CONCRETE CURB 184 LINEAR FEET TREPROOT REMOVAL 3 SMALL 81 LARGE HAULING 8 DISPOSAL FOR DEMOTI MATERIAL 1 (LUMP SUM) STRIP GRASS S TOPSOIL 11,560 SQUARE FEET SCARIFY SUB -GRADE 8" 13,432 SQUARE FEET MOISTURE CONDITION SUB -GRADE 13,432 SQUARE FEET COMPACT SUB -GRADE 13,432 SQUARE FEET CUT EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY 574 TONS IMPORT 8 PLACE FILL MATERIAL 654 TONS DRAINAGE (TRENCHING, AREA DRAIN, DRAIN LINE, ETC.) 1 (LUMP SUM) ESTIMATED COST $96,230.00 :K•]: G3:7a1� ITEM QUANTITY SHOTCRETE 2,795 SQUARE FEET BANKS 1,254 SQUARE FEET STAIRS 120 SQUARE FEET LEDGES 8 MANUAL PADS 341 CUBIC FEET FLATWORK 8.031 SQUARE FEET ENTRANCE SIDEWALKS 930 SQUARE FEET TURNDOWN WALLS as SQUARE FEET SAW CUT CONTROL JOINTS 1,190 LINEAR FEET EXPANSION JOINT FOAM 310 LINEAR FEET CAULKING FOR JOINTS 1,500 LINEAR FEET ESTIMATED COST 6282,065.00 SPOHN RANCH, INC. I P 626- 330 -5803 1 F 626- 3305503 1 W SPOHNRANCH.COM E INFO @SPOHNRANCH.COM 1 6824 S CENTINELA AVE. LOS ANGELES, CA 90230 �SPOHN RANCH SKAiE6A9KS AESTHETIC ENHANCEMENTS DESIGN. BUILD. COME TOGS ITEM ESTIMATED COST INTEGRAL COLOR TINT (AS SHOWN) $20,835.00 'CITY OF ROSEMEAD' LOGO $4,115.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED COSTS ITEM QUANTITY MOBILIZATION / GENERAL REQUIREMENTS $6,174.00 STEEL FABRICATION $31,956.00 SITE PREPARATION $96,230.00 CONCRETE $262,065.00 AESTHETIC ENHANCEMENTS $24,950.00 +Cl PREVAILING WAGE $43,140.00 + PERFORMANCEIPAYMENT BOND $12,100.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $496,617.00 CITY PROVIDES / PROVIDED BY OTHERS WATER & POWER SOURCE WITHIN 200' FOR CONSTRUCTION USE CAPMEMOVE IRRIGATION LINES (IF NECESSARY) LANDSCAPING EXCLUSIONS PERMIT FEES TESTING (COMPACTION & CONCRETE) SPOHN RANCH, INC. I P 626- 330 -5803 1 F 626- 330.5503 I W SPOHNRANCH.COM E INFO@SPOHNRANCH.COM 1 6824 S CENTINELA AVE. LOS ANGELES, CA 90230 PURCHASING YOUR SKATEPARK VIA THE HGAC NATIONWIDE PURCHASING AGREEMENT Since 2010, Spohn Ranch's award- winning skatepark design /build services have been made available for direct purchase through the HGACBuy nationwide procurement service. Founded in 1975, HGACBuy (Helping Governments Across the Country Buy) is a cooperative purchasing program that provides more than B,000 members across 49 states with access to 4- major categories of products and services from more than 750 industry - leading contractors. HGACBuy awards contracts via a competitive public procurement process. Simplifying and expediting government procurement, governmental entities (municipalities, cities, counties, state agencies) then join the HGAC program and gain access to Spohn Ranch's products and services - complying with all state and local bidding statutes. VENDOR #0824 • Design charrettes and community outreach • Skatepark schematic & conceptual design services • Skatepark construction document services • Site preparation, excavation, rough & fine grading • Miscellaneous construction services • Shotcrete • Concrete Ratwork, ledges, steps & walls • Steel fabrication - coping, edging, rails, etc. • Supply & installation of pre -cast concrete skate elements • Drainage • Supply & installation of ramps - lumber, Skatelite, steel, etc. • Professional services - landscape architecture, civil & structural engineering, surveying, etc. P 626- 330-5803 F 626- 330-SS03 WGMAWV W SPOHNRANCH.COM E INFOC&SPOHNRANCH.COM �7V�IYY' 6824 S CENTINELA AVE. LOS ANGELES, CA 90230 All states in the United States have Becoming a member of HGACBuy is extremely cooperative purchasing statutes, either simple and there are no fees or membership dues. Interlocal Cooperation or Joint Powers Governmental entities join HGAC by executing an authority, allowing local governments to Interlocal Contract -found either on HGACBuy's participate in programs like HGACBuy. website or at the end of this document. Once you're a member, purchasing your skatepark is even simpler. To purchase your skatepark, simply fax or mail Spohn Ranch's proposal /quotation and the governmental entity's purchaser order to HGACBuy. HGACBuy then prepares an order confirmation that is sent to Spohn Ranch and the governmental entity - authorizing Spohn Ranch to proceed with the work. When participating in HGACBuy, members make their purchase orders out to, and directly pay, Spohn Ranch. BENEFITS STREAMLINED PROCUREMENT & CONSTRUCTION REDUCED ADMINISTRATIVE BURDEN HGAC's staff of experienced procurement professionals bear the administrative burden, so you don't have to. Rather than spending time and resources to draft bid documents and specifications, advertise, arrange pre -bid conferences, respond to RFI's, assess bids and potentially settle disputes between bidders, clients are able to focus their attention on successful completion of the project. QUICK TURNAROUND By eliminating the numerous steps described above, the length of the procurement process is reduced by up to 75 %. Facing an expiring grant deadline or looming winter weather? HGAC's expedited process ensures our crew gets on the ground and your kids are skating as quickly as possible. GUARANTEED QUALITY & PRICE It's no secret that roughly 6o% of the skatepark industry's construction bids come in over budget and have to either be re -bid multiple times or value engineered. Spohn Ranch's proposal for design /build services will detail a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP), meaning no change orders, cost overruns or markup from a general contractor - what you see is what you get. Additionally, HGACBuy requires contractors to provide a 5% discount off list price for their products and services - a cost savings passed directly to the client. P 626 -330 -5803 F 626 - 330.5503 #HGACBuy W SPOHNRANCH.COM E INFO(WSPOHNRANCH.COM 6824 S CENTINELA AVE. LOS ANGELES, CA 90230 HOW DOES HGACBUY SATISFY MY LOCAL OR STATE BIDDING REQUIREMENTS? All governmental entities are legally allowed to participate in programs like HGACBuy via cooperative purchasing statutes — either interlocal Cooperation or Joint Powers authority. Products and services offered through HGACBuy have been subjected to either the competitive bid or competitive proposal format based an municipal bidding statutes. In evaluating bid and proposal responses, HGACBuy takes into account any prospective contractor's ability to meet performance requirements. Factors considered include number and location of sales /service facilities, depth of staff, qualifications of technical support personnel and business continuity. HGAC uses mass circulation, minority- emphasis print media and internet services to post legal notices and bid solicitations. They also schedule publicly announced pre -bid conferences open to both contractors and end users. These procedures satisfy state and local requirements for public bidding. ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS? Contact an HGACBuy representative directly SALLY TERRAL Contract Specialist (832) 681 -2581 sally.terrai@h-gac.com HOW DO I BECOME A MEMBER OF HGACBUY? Simply fill out the interlocal contract found on HGAC's website or at the end of this document. HGAC will sign two copies and return one to the end user for their records. DO I PAY HGACBUY? There is no cost to sign up for HGACBuy, nor any membership dues. Members make their purchase orders out to, and directly pay, the HGACBuy contractor. DOES HGACBUY OWN THESKATEPARK? HGACBuy does not at any time take title to any product. Contractors assign ownership directly to the governmental entity. WHAT IS HGACBUY'S ROLE? HGACBuy's role is to conduct product research and surveys, write technical specifications, post legal notices and bid solicitations, conduct pre -bid conferences, open bids, and evaluate responses. After contracts are awarded, HGACBuy certifies contract validity and administers contracts. P 626- 330-5803 F 626- 330-5503 W SPOHNRANCH.COM E INFOQa SPOHNRANCH.COM 6824 S CENTINELA AVE. LOS ANGELES, CA 90230 CITY OF COLTON, CALIFORNIA Bill Smith, Director of Community Services (909) 370 -6-52 1 bsmithcaci.colton.ca.us CITY OF ARLINGTON, TEXAS De'Onna Garner, Park Planning Manager (8 -7) 459-6937 1 deonna.garnerQarlingtontx.gov CITY OF PLAINVIEW, TEXAS Jeff Snyder, City Manager (8o6) 296 ---o6 I jsnyder(_Mplainviewtx.org BROCKWAY TOWNSHIP, MICHIGAN Bill McMurtrie, Township Supervisor (820) 387.4 192 1 brockwayLi greatlakes.net CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY, CALIFORNIA Galina Harvey, Finance Department (760) 770 -0356 1 gharveycacathedralcity.gov CITY OF ALAMOGORDO, NEW MEXICO Edward Balderrame, Project Manager (575) 439-4339 1 ebaiderrama (g)ci.alamogordo.nm.us BOROUGH OF EPHRATA, PENNSYLVANIA Nancy Harris, Planning and Engineering Manager (7-7)738-9 ... x-30 1 nharrisgephrataboro.org PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY, MARYLAND Brenda J. Iraola, Park Planning & Development (302) 699 -2480 1 brenda.iraola(_alpgparks.com P 626.330-5803 F 626 - 330 -5503 j�..1 -7 kR Q.�y' W SPOHNRANCH.COM E INFO@SPOHNRANCH.COM �`... �/' 6824 S CENTINELA AVE. LOS ANGELES, CA 90230