CC - Item 6A - Resolution of Support for Efforts to Recruit, Hire, Train, and Deploy Personnel to Provide High Quality Public Safety Services By the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department E M f _, ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL \ STAFF REPORT \ ' E �ONPO 59 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: JEFF ALLRED, CITY MANAGER �lfhJ7l, DATE: SEPTEMBER 8, 2015 ✓✓ SUBJECT: TRA NLAND DEPLOY PERSONNEL TO PROVIDE HIGH QUALITY PUBLIC SAFETY SERVICES BY THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT SUMMARY The City Council has been requested by the Association for Los Angeles Deputy Sheriffs (ALADS) to adopt a resolution in support of efforts to recruit, hire, train and deploy personnel to provide high quality public safety services. While the City of Rosemead is in support of efforts to attain these objectives, the County of Los Angeles and ALADS are currently in a labor contract negotiations process, and ALADS has prepared a draft resolution for adoption by contract cities. Staff has prepared a modified take anpositionrbetweendthe which pot e County-ALADS labor but does not labornegotiations process. Staff Recommendation: That the City Council adopt Resolution No. 2015-55. BACKGROUND The existing labor agreement that establishes the terms and conditions of employment between members of ALADS and the County of Los Angeles is scheduled to expire on January 31, 2015. These two parties are currently in a negotiations process for a successor labor agreement. Attachment A includes the following documents: • DRAFT Resolution provided to contract cities by ALADS; • Background for ALADS' DRAFT Resolution in Support of Restoring Sworn Personnel Staffing Levels; and • Excerpts from the June 15, 2015 edition of ALADS' newsletter Dispatcher, which ITEM NO. 6.A City Council Meeting September 8,2015 Page 2 of 2 details some information relative to that organization's version of issues in the negotiations with the County. Attachment B is Resolution No. 2015-55 recommended for adoption by staff. Proposed Resolution No. 2015-55 registers support for the overall objectives of both ALADS and the County to provide competitive pay and benefits to deputies to enable the Sheriff's Department to recruit, hire, train and deploy personnel in order to provide high quality public safety services to the community. However, proposed Resolution No. 2105-55 stops short of taking an official position in the ongoing labor negotiations between Los Angeles County and its employees. It is staff's opinion that this would be the prudent action for the City Council to take regarding this matter. FISCAL IMPACT The extent of the fiscal impact is unknown at this time. The City's costs for the provision of law enforcement services to the community through its contract with the Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department will be impacted by the terms of the labor agreement between the County and ALADS to a degree that is yet to be determined. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Attachment A: ALADS' DRAFT Resolution, Background Information from ALADS, and excerpts from ALADS' newsletter Attachment B: Resolution No. 2105-55 as recommended by staff DRAFT Resolution of the (City) City Council (Date) Whereas, Residents and businesses in our City deserve and expect the highest quality public safety services to protect lives and property; and, Whereas, Future economic development in our community depends on both the perception and the reality of quality public safety services provided by full deployment of our deputy sheriffs; and, Whereas, Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department records indicate the agency is 1,800 deputy sheriffs below the level authorized and funded by the County Board of Supervisors; and Whereas, Deputy personnel shortages countywide and in some contract cities have frequently and negatively impacted the public safety services provided by the Sheriff's Department; and, Whereas, Some cities are experiencing an increase in crime rates, causing City Councils to request additional patrol personnel which the Sheriff's Department is unable to fulfill due to staffing shortages; and, Whereas, Recruiting, training and deploying highly skilled and fully qualified deputy sheriff personnel should be the highest priority for the County of Los Angeles and the Sheriff's Department; and, Whereas, Securing the highest caliber of deputy sheriff personnel to work in our community is dependent on the ability of the Sheriff's Department to attract the best and brightest candidates; and, Whereas, A key factor in recruiting highly skilled and fully qualified individuals to become LA County deputy sheriffs requires competitive pay and benefits for deputy sheriff personnel; Therefore, be it resolved, that our City Council is in full support and agreement with the Association for Los Angeles Deputy Sheriffs to provide competitive pay and benefits for deputy sheriff personnel to recruit, hire, train and deploy the best qualified individuals to help provide the highest public safety services for the residents and businesses of our City. ATTACHMENT A Background for ALADS Resolution In Support of Restoring Sworn Personnel Staffing Levels According to staffing reports from the LA County Sheriff's Department, the number of vacant Deputy Sheriff Positions has reached an all-time high. Deputy Sheriffs are working short staffed by 1,400 to more than 1,800 sworn personnel every day. Federal requirements to fully staff the LA County custody facilities starting on July 1, 2015, could add roughly 500 vacant positions. Sheriff's Department command staff has started the process of designing mandatory overtime schedules and drafting procedures which would require Deputy Sheriffs to work back-to-back shifts to fulfill staffing requirements. CARPing -- the process of assigning detectives and administrative personnel to work line positions in patrol, court services and custody facilities -- was intended to stop on July 1, 2015. Recent announcements from Sheriff's commanders indicate that CARPing will continue within divisions for the foreseeable future. The number of vacant Deputy Sheriff Positions is unprecedented. The Sheriff's Department has been unable to recruit an adequate number of qualified personnel, primarily because Deputy Sheriffs wages and benefits have fallen to the bottom third of comparable agencies. Chronic understaffing will be overcome only when the number of Deputy Sheriffs hired exceeds the number lost to retirements, lateral transfers and promotions. At the current rate of attrition, the Department managers are gaining Deputy Sheriffs numbers only slightly. The resolution is designed to draw attention to the growing crisis of staffing shortages that will certainly impact the Sheriffs Department's ability to deploy sufficient numbers of sworn personnel. June 23, 2015 DISPATCHES ,. June 20 TOP STORIES , L * w _ -. 1. * * * Negotiations Update * * *\1 4 CONTRACT "NEGOTIATIONS": The Oxymoron district attorney investigators,as well as some the work they performed. We received ALAN Unit Representative, newer deputies. We also have the ALADS everything from an increase to the pay of TST Aeadena Station Assistant Executive Director as well as bus drivers,skill pay for SEE deputies,as well as Ron Hernandez seasoned Attorney, with a wealth of mounted enforcement deputies, step knowledge about contract negotiations.To my increases and experience pay for detectives knowledge this is the first time, in recent and education incentives,to name a few.We history,we have someone with an extensive spent several hours,over an approximate two `F�K Labor Relations background, other than month period,fine tuning the proposals to a deputies, assisting in our negotiations.' To point where we felt they would not seem date, every person on the team has shown ridiculous, in an effort to help 'the County" their value by doing their tasked research on better understand the requests of the various proposals and giving thoughtful membership.We also added some proposals, opinions on strategies. compiled by our team, such as a Wellness The strategy seemed simple: attempt to be Program and raising our hiring standards. 1 the first to negotiate, offer "the County" As the process goes, members of our team et me start by saying l am a"rookie" alternatives(proposals)to enhancedeputy pay who had researched the various proposals L when it comes to "Contract through skill py and as step raises.to properly were tasked with explaining eac proposal,to Negotiations;'as this is my first time compensate our mbers for their various "the County," they were submitted It on the team. Therefore,the opinion i jobs, as well as make our department more appeared to be a genuine process,researching am about to give is mine, based on competitive when it came to recruiting quality and thoroughly explaining proposals,despite my people to our department any personal opinions regarding said proposal. That being said,let me heh If it could bejustified it was submitted. That my opinion let mehelyou my dp anent aimed a bargi Atg gblsthat ill hshr sore my opinion by gluing you my department aimed at bargaining goals that will help restore We introduced each proposal and "the view our department's sustainability. Making our County" would ask questions about the than ye. have been of those for more our no years Twenty C ntury years as a pay competitive start dthe b bargaining would have been specific proposal the table. When they on station detective (l3 in Century Station and needeo appNebargalningtable ls where a would simply respond "we negotiator a - eatAy cusody trained Mn'sCenrata[il Station happen use the proposal"and we would move on to the next at and been aunodetlmeatMee'f Central ra reltzll I Throughout"t C this Whn article, may es one.We did this approximately 32 times. have beano ufiepreseneaove two relatively term"the County." ss the use rsider of it y"requested short avpbeen of time,LADS little over two my entire go to encompass the other side of the During the moss"NeCso they sga ge I have been an ALADS member for my entire '^negotiations' table, which is a team that provide some numbers, so they could gauge career-I made the same mistake many have includes an appointed L.A-County negotiator, what kind of raise we were requesting. made,which was to"not"get involved until I an executive from the District Attorney Eighteen percent,or sixes across the board,for had a gripe about how a personal grievance Investigator's Office along with Assistant time years sq""'aslgiven,but was backed was handled Sheriff Richard Barrantes and Captain G - discussion in an Now that I have become more involved with Nelson. Being new to the process,i originally Negotiate, by definition, is a ALADS and have made myself more available to viewed the Assistant Sheriff and the Captain effort to come up with a compromise or them, as well as my fellow deputies, I positions at the table as a"go between,"so that settlement Discussion and compromise being expressed an interest in being part of"The our team could not make unwarranted key words in the definition. So, "Contract Contra demands or claims-Never, did I expect what Negotiations" with "the County" would lead Contract tNegotiations, ws c Team t F be pnttof or em unfortunately,I was chosen to be part of the would happen,once the talks started you to believe that we would be talking an "negotiations"team.I say this because of the process of the Before we met with"the County,"for the first about the details of the prppseal come up negotiat ions"up to this point,not because of time,we scrutinized over 40 proposals that had "number" provided, in an effort my fellow negotiation teammates been submitted, by various units, who had with a compromise.WRONGImnfircceJ or pave team is comprised of veteran deputies, requested various forms of compensation for thine 01 DISPATCHER. --� U7 w `-I TOP STORIES ; .+"A(.ADS ° alt au uos e. — -. * * * Negotiations Update * * 0. 4-v d insulting'counter offer" '?k .r -.. pay proposal,Itlld the County reject almost ev V summary, they offered to raise uniform proposal,but they did not how nytnt et 0 C b f ep pp dt b a llowance to$125o ff t Ne b 2015 doing their own research to discos a disingenuous effort on the part ofd county,t and in December 2016 and December compromise they for nthe proposals. The closest was decided the burden be placed on our team and $1500 they did not change their December in thing they came to any research was the effort to show a good faith effort towards progress It and to salary(wMchwasanlnitlalofferof2- they made to dispute an "Agency Ranking" was decided, Ina "hallway discussion;' to regard document we had given them. Our document request a ST month contract,for four percent, 2he) have no interest leactually to believe atinghat one corn pared 36 Law Enforcement Agencies with a boost to our uniform allowance from Y throughout California and placed us 22nd,with $1000 to$1750,and continued negotiations One of the most disappoint fact ing ngmsistantsShehis the most comparable e being LAPP placing 13th. This appeared to have been an acceptable offer r process,for me,was The survey they submitted was comprised of and their"Negotiator rsaid he would submit it Barrantes and Captain Nelson allowed the 14 Agencies,all but two being County Sheriff to the Board of Supervisors- This discussion rejection of a proposal requesting we raise our hiring standards. Our hiring standards a Departments, throughout California e . and We id place on April 29th [ d to be the lowest in the state,which "Corrects two Agencies for were L State and two woks. hear an 12th, for arned the fate reported not be directly related to some of "Correctional Y Officers" the cor ctl,e of of our supposed On May"negotiations we lea they rejected may or may po California nty" c Yes you us to that correctly, "the the offer didnt of offer a r They rejected recent on our pep but the fact that two County" compared Assistant to the Department es the offer. They scout offer a reason, nor did executives to our department appear to have of they immediately counter offer. no desire.to discuss the issue,speaks volumes Corrections and Nelson arerift Barra fins about the disrespect for the back bone of this and the con Nelson appeared to be tine On May 20th,we once again met with "the department,the deputies. with the comparison_Their survey placed us County" they put form what could only be . roughly in the middle,as far as minimum and Responses to ALADS' Negotiations Update Email Blasts The County once again cra right where a-c Over the post h months message benefit of its membership, wont T happens contract a r c nt t wa , n the dand in the has thatdeputiesare concerned erned the most about, They d g thheels t ryen e and we get been that th Board of 50 nd the l y negotiations, has been falling F t convinced that we should take the deal departments command had our backs contract after contract.staff because we not going to get anything when it come to taff g level d the whole Although m nyfactors hove co trb tedtoo my better All this after ALADS brings argument egarding hiring and retention.Now inability to secure p really increases ome!tr donony a professional negotiator All of the professional per usual, the back peddling starts right at this didn't help, an ordinance in place for additional crunch time. When will we learn?This is the until after Sheriff Block left office.This moVlust personnel more available funding and the ..standard playboak used by the board every be my humble opinion,but it seems to me that County throws out an offer that barely mirrors single time ALADS negotiates in good faith and deputies hod more support of the command that the last co [ I We 9 e tl to the lost the board kto curb staff during contract talks before our last contract only k u deputies were fruss t y This is the first t e I've sp d d to administration This department commanded and hod worked without a contract for Y ALADS for someth ri2 this. This also the more and -drat Our leaders years first time in my 27 year career I this P k up in o defense ond fought for The have d much lack of Board of Supervisors at leastoed! ork with This h rp s over and b s the w will faith [ e unh that 1 not"Participate w mere deserve. needs to get . Ieptisu o to keep ability represent ard __ Maybe as time the "serious"we ntionvo.ALADS needs m get deputies who tdero derogatory it going sconchning maybe its time for Maybe toward the pe in a to the "serious"attention of the LASDCOmmantl many different derogatory remarks mnoemrn9 different direction Maybe towards the people staff and the Board of Supervisors. Serious ALADS.When I read into them I get the e who run the upper(' of this department P sh neglect requires serious action. How many that they all really mean the thing. The them tofiight to th k'a d fl more contracts are wegoingto roll over and die feeling I get is that deputies truly believe ALADS If that is already happening,great But that is on? I am not saying anything that ALADS has"no backbone"when it comes to contract not the perception throughout the deputy members don't already k,ow, but we hove talks. ranks.Neglectiswhatl hear andsee. been played with too much. Although ALADS works hard in many areas to Thank Voufor your hard work. Thank you.We believe that ALADS did everything possible in preparation for gotiating a fair contract. In spite of that,the County and the Department not only refuse s negotiate,they refuse the en listen Therexplanation is that they have done thngsthis way for over 40 years. What they appear not to dal a is that Baca is no longer the Sheriff of Los Angeles County,and that in the cities of Los Angeles and Long Beach,the departments work cooperativelywiththeir employees. more responses OR page ID vxx,v MW , S ¢ v,•lx'e yL'^ro �°♦y`_yn:,.n a ban. 0 �.c,O dine 3015 '' TOP STORIES "''[ ' :kdAgener 3a1ar Comparison ROTew / =`„ at * * * Negotiations Update * * i Agency Salary Comparison Review (Updated) he May 2015 update to the largest police departments In the state, lob,hired at age 25,ata top step pay,with an TALADS' Statewide Salary Survey Two titles, Stockton and San Bernardino, Advanced POSTCe«Ificxte. reveals that L .County Deputy were excluded for this survey because of The 2014 survey is an update of a similar Sheriff's net pay is still 21 out of bankruptcy proceedings. eHOrt in 2012 that revealed ALADS members' the 35agenciessurveyed. Peace officer compensation data w pay has been lagging behind other large collected during the months of November agencies. Northern California cities and Agencies selected for the survey include all and December of 2014. Pay and benefit counties remained at the top of this year's counties in Southern California, and the six data was pulled from MOU's for pay in effect survey Torrance was the top-rated Southern 31,2014 California city in Net Pay calculations. Kern California geR counties The by rveylaailso from Northern on December 3l, County was, once again, the lowest of Cla. The survey also includes the The survey reflects pay and benefits fora those rated, making only 63% of the Net largest police departments by population In hypothetical officer with 15 years on the Pay of San FranciscooHicers. • L.A. and Orange Counties and the seven Agency Ranking by Net Pay { • Retirement Net al Number of Top Step Uniform ii Agency. Sworn Officers P Allowance Contribution Pay 1� 226 $8 362 14 1040 0 $ 9,416 2 100 le 68 561. -981 $ 8 995 © _ 850 $ 8,062 71 484 0 $ 8,617 ® Anaheim 400 $ 8069 0 1164 -646 $ 8,587 © Oakland 637 5 8,913 67 -8p1 $ 8,572 -1045 $ 8,369 a San a Jose Cl 1,020 $ 8,705 56 -752 5 8,273 II Santa Clara Co. 1142 $ 8,357 71 597 -715 $ 8,067 e Irvine 205 $ 7,949 38 ]96° II Orange City 104 $ ],]34 19 ` 270 0 $ 8,023 0 Oxnard 100 5 7,280 0 728 0 $ 8,008 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2015 -55 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD IN SUPPORT OF EFFORTS TO RECRUIT, HIRE, TRAIN AND DEPLOY PERSONNEL TO PROVIDE HIGH QUALITY PUBLIC SAFETY SERVICES WHEREAS, residents and businesses in our City deserve and expect the highest quality public safety services to protect lives and property; and, WHEREAS, future economic development in our community depends on both the perception and the reality of quality public safety services provided by full deployment of our deputy sheriffs; and WHEREAS, Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department records indicate the agency is approximately 1,800 deputy sheriffs below the level authorized and funded by the County Board of Supervisors; and WHEREAS, deputy personnel shortages countywide and in some contract cities have negatively impacted the public safety services provided by the Sheriff's Department; and WHEREAS, some cities are experiencing an increase in crime rates at a time when the Sheriff's Department is experiencing staffing shortages; and WHEREAS, Recruiting, training and deploying highly skilled and fully qualified deputy sheriff personnel should be the highest priority for the County of Los Angeles and the Sheriff's Department; and WHEREAS, securing the highest caliber of deputy sheriff personnel to work in our community is dependent on the ability of the Sheriff's Department to attract the best and brightest candidates; and WHEREAS, A key factor in recruiting highly skilled and fully qualified individuals to become LA County deputy sheriffs requires competitive pay and benefits for deputy sheriff personnel. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved, that the City Council of the City of Rosemead is in full support of efforts to provide competitive pay and benefits for the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department to recruit, hire, train and deploy the best qualified individuals to help provide the highest quality public safety services for the residents and businesses of our City. ATTACHMENT B PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 8th day of September 2015. MARGARET CLARK, MAYOR ATTEST: CAROL COWLEY, INTERIM CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: RACHEL RICHMAN, CITY ATTORNEY ATTACHMENT B