CC - Item 5B - Minutes of February 25, 2014MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION JOINT MEETING FEBRUARY 25, 2014 The joint meeting of the Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission was called to order by Mayor Low at 7:00 p.m. in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PRESENT: Mayor /Chair Low, Mayor Pro TemNice- Chair/ Alarcon, Council Members /Board Members Armenta, Clark, and Hall PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Council /Board Member Clark led the flag salute INVOCATION: Council Member /Board Member Hall presented the invocation STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Allred, City Attorney Richman, Assistant City Manager /Finance Director Hawkesworth, Community Development Director Ramirez, Director of Parks and Recreation Montgomery- Scott, Public Works Director Marcarello, and City Clerk/Director of Public Information and Communications Molleda. 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE Nancy Eng — Stated that she wanted to thank the City Council and staff for the great Lunar New Year festival that took place. It was a nice turn out and she shared with Council that she received great feedback on the event. Brian Lewin — Stated seconded Ms. Eng's comments regarding the Lunar New Year event. He added that there were several visitors that stopped by the Beautification Committee's table and he hoped some would become volunteers. He also spoke to several people regarding an ordinance that required sidewalk installation on new construction projects or significant improvements to homes. He heard there was such an ordinance at one point and he hoped the ordinance could be reinstated. Council MemberArmenta stated that in 2009 when Gary Taylor sat on the City Council he made reference to implementation of a sidewalk if a house was so many square feet. She believed there may have been an ordinance because he brought that up. Council Member Clark stated she served on the Planning Commission prior to being elected to City Council and recalled that several properties, when being built, had to pay for sidewalks or place money into a City account. Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of February 25, 2014 Page 1 of 6 ITEM NO. 5.13 2. PRESENTATIONS • Volunteers for the Christmas Decorations Contests — Beautification Committee Council MemberArmenta thanked Amy Wong and the Beautification Committee for their assistance in getting businesses to participate in the Christmas Decoration Contest. Mayor Low thanked all the Beautification Committee members for taking the time to get involved. Amy Wong — Thanked Council Member Armenta for her assistance am &'ktending the deadline. She stated she was proud to be part of the City of Rosemead. j2 �4 Council Member Clark thanked everyone for their help ar stand that decorations looked great. • Relay for Life Presentation Public Safety Coordinator Mandy Wong introduced M�igi 'A lores from„Aon Bosco H g &chool and Bridget Valdez from the American Cancer Society who provided in rmatio`n ardmg the Relay i Life event that is scheduled to take place on April 12th &13+W Rosemead High ` Sbhfldl. 3. CONSENT CALENDAR f A. Claims an, "i hands �rf �^ Resoiution No. 2D14,— 04 , r Recotmendation to'ppro.Rbsolt�ton No 2Q14 — 04, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COJiL' <'C�FFCITY OaOSEMAb,ALLOVI(ING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE 1MbOF $617,843 1 ,IUM §S ED 8389 7HR UGH 84053 INCLUSIVELY RecommeMkion to apprdu Resolution No. 2014 — 04, entitled: A RESOLUTION O SUCCESSOR'ENCY TO,�IE ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION ALLOWING CER AI G. A1IMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $1,430.50 NUMBERED 10075 THROUGH 10076 IN'- I- VELY B. Declaration of Surplus Property Recommendation: That the City Council declare all referenced City property as surplus, pursuant to sections 3.24.130 subsection 11 (e) of the municipal code, and authorize its sale during the upcoming Community Yard Sale on March 8, 2014, and to donate all items that do not sell to People for People for re -sale or other disposition as they deem appropriate. Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of February 25, 2014 Page 2 of 6 C. Garvey Park Gymnasium Renovations — Window Replacement Project Recommendation: That the City Council: (1) approve the plans and specifications for the Garvey Park Gymnasium Renovations — Window Replacement Project; and (2) authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with CEM Construction in the amount of $94,950.00 and authorize a contingency in the amount of $14,250 (approximately 15 %) to cover the cost of unforeseen construction expenses. ,f� y E. Review of Traffic Conditions and Installation offglilVay Stop Signs at the Intersection of Angelus Avenue and Keim Street „ Recommendation: That the City Council approve'Resolution N&1014 -05, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCI ITY OF ROSEM DA ESTABLISHING STOP SIGNS AT THE INTERSECTION OF ANGE U AVENUE AT KEIM SfiR ET ACTION: Moved by Council Member /Board Member Arm$[, and seconded by CounollemberlBoard Member Clark, to approve the t= 'sent Calendar jltems ( through E, excluding I em D, which was pulled for discussion and separate action The motion unanimously carried by the following vote: AYES: Alarcon, Armenta, Clar C.., 1, and Lpw ITEMS REMOVED A and Director of Council Member City Hall. — Furniture, Fixtures, and i,Cfty Cora "'sil - quthorithe City Manager to execute a purchase order hj an_amount not'44,- ,exceed $84,015.86 for the procurement of furniture, the R i$gmead Community Recreation Center Improvement Project. Recreation IVfoljfgomery -Stott reviewed the staff report. asked if"$ company designing RCRC was the same company that designed Mr. Montgomery-Scott stated ffi� ere was not much design work involved because the City worked directly with the architect. He stated the furniture was from the same company used to purchase the furniture for City Hall. Mayor Pro Tern Alarcon asked Mr. Montgomery-Scott if all the improvements would be done on time and if the re- opening date of RCRC was still the same. Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of February 25, 2014 Page 3 of 6 Mr. Montgomery-Scott stated the goal was to open the facility by July 1st. In order to do that the completion of the current phase was needed but there were several items that recently came to light that needed to be addressed; such as the moisture retention in the flooring; issues with the doors and windows; and the kitchen did not meet current codes. All of these issues still needed to be addressed. He added staff was seeking funds from Los Angeles Supervisor Molina's office and that the City should hear back from Supervisor Molina's office in March. Council Member Clark stated she has been working with Edison and was made aware that they would provide free lighting upgrades. Director of Public Works Marcarello stated there were some rebates the City could apply for; however, the City was looking to install LED lights. Council Member Armenta stated that Edison rep lace c- ' in g lighting featfttes; however, the City still needed to find funding to replace the fixtures and them #, could apply for abates to replace the lights at a later date. She added that when she worked in the #a ,ility there were pr emswith the windows and it used to cause the AC unit to break down. Mayor Low asked how the new computd l&,would be prote r, s � Mr. Montgomery-Scott stated the facility curfehtly had an alarm syst as well as a camera system that would keep the lab monitored. He also statetl`thre would be no activitiriihe facility, including the lab, when r .. staff was not present. Additionally; „the computelS tyould be I the tl8; ks. Mayor Low expressed heessoncern re” ..N.1 g the up � ' &f the furnii .... ue to the high volume of people using the facility. She an mak sf the lit the furniture would withstand the use. Mr. Montgomreryy Sated that , r res Ito the architect from the beginning and the furniture that uVas being t5 tinto the t8ic�ty was high` qua y and the volume has been considered. V � �j' Council MemberArmenta stag „ hat so I, iture was light in color and wanted to confirm that those pieces would 664alred guar X Mr. Montgomery Scold sited that he�sumed the furniture would be scotch guarded; however, he would confirm with the design te`'r He stated that it would also be the responsibility of staff to ensure the upkeep of the furniture.> ACTION: Council Member /Board Member Sandra Armenta made a motion, seconded by Council Member /Board Member Jean Hall to approve Consent Item 3D. The motion unanimously carried by the following vote: AYES: Yes: Alarcon, Armenta, Clark, Hall, and Low 4. MATTERS FROM CITY MANAGER & STAFF A. Agreement Extension for Landscape Maintenance Services Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of February 25, 2014 Page 4 of 6 Recommendation: That the City Council: (1) Approve the extension of the City's landscape maintenance agreement; and (2) Authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement with TruGreen Landcare for a fixed annual cost of $236,460 for the first three (3) years, with a City option to renew for the following two (2) years. Director of Public Works Marcarello reviewed the staff report. Council Member Armenta congratulated Mr. Marcarello on his negotiation with TruGreen Landcare. She asked if there would be a discount until the Jay Imperial Park opened; 4r`ryf, after its opening, TruGreen wouldcontinue the upkeep of the new park. .; fx v Mr. Marcarello stated the City would not start paying for thosexservices until actually began, and tentatively that would not be until December., Council Member Hall asked if TruGreen Landcare Boulevard and the watering of these areas. Mr. Marcarello stated the State incurs them. These areas are on state water Council Member Hall stated that the rain which was not necessary. ; Mr. Marcarello stated hdVilll-,address Council in the ful Mr. Marcarello stated the Cityts;at the purple pipe SnF arvey Ave. It is �r the areas charge of the medianh",a', d, slopes on Rosemead f rigftoff tFie freeways and the Gify lust maintains the mogiys and watering the ice plants water and how the City will go about that of the wholesaler; and right now, the City is using what is called ffonding and how fast they can move through the City. ACTION: Move ,& y Zouncil Men* dBoard Member Armenta, and seconded by Council Member /Board Member F`16h,�to approve1h�e extension agreement with TruGreen for landscape maintenance services. T"otiorl,046od by the following vote: AYES: Alarcon, Armenta, Clark, Hall, Low. 5. MATTERS FROM MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL Council MemberArmenta again congratulated staff on the Lunar New Year event and Amy Wong on her assistance with the vendors she got to participate. The event was a huge success thanks to her. She thanked Mayor Low for her contributions to this event. Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of February 25, 2014 Page 5 of 6 Council Member Clark thanked everyone for their hard work during the Lunar New Year event and making it a success. She stated she would not be present at the next City Council meeting because she will be in Washington, D.C. for the National League of Cities conference. Mayor Low again thanked and congratulated staff on the success of the Lunar New Year event. She also thanked Amy Wong for pulling all the vendors. 6. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:58 p.m. The next regular City Council meeting is scheduled to take place on March 11, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. in the Rosemead City Hall Council ChamCr City Clerk APPROVED: Polly Low Mayor Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of February 25, 2014 Page 6 of 6