CC - Item 5B - Minutes of September 9, 2014MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL, AND THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION JOINT MEETING SEPTEMBER 9, 2014 The joint meeting of the Rosemead City Council and the Successor Community Development Commission was called to order by Mayo the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley B California. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: was led by Mayor /Chair INVOCATION: was led by Council Member /Board Mem PRESENT: Mayor /Chair Alarcon, Mayor Pro Members Armenta, Low and Ly STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Allred, City Attorney Public Works Director Hawkesworth, Community Devel Parks and Recreation Montgomery Scott :and.City Clei PUBLIC COMMENTS FROM Todd Palmguist -Executive Director for the S spoke on the programs they bffer,,to the public. November as Homeles cress Mf6thla y to the Rosemead Alarcon at 7:01 p.m. in rd, Rosemead, Council sistant City Manager /Acting ;tor Ramirez, Director of Communications Molleda insortium for Homelessness, ested the City declare Rainbow Young "rep`6' oting the380uth Coast Air` QCfality Management District invited the City Council and the public to the Drjve �ec�tfic.week event on September 20th, and the Clean Air Awards luncheomteremony 0 a 3' (/Is.�Yaung stated that tips and information for the public such as the Cheek Before'Ap Burn program, which discourages residents not to burn wood, were available orihe Air Qudlity Management District website. Sue" aFfi Moto — Library Manager aarf6unced that their summer reading program was very successful WiY.the community,,§ Yamamoto announced upcoming events at the library and encouraged sQbnts to submit: heir art for the Student Art Project program. The library is hosting a Latino Culturaf event in OcYokSer to celebrate Hispanic Heritage month. Council Member /Board Member Ly thanked Library Manager Sue Yamamoto for offering reading programs to the'youths and commitment to the community. Derik Young — expressed concerns with miscommunication between the citizens and the Planning Division and the need to have more bilingual staff. City Manager Allred explained that there are staff members who do speak Cantonese, Mandarin and Vietnamese to assist the public. He asked Mr. Young to meet with him and staff to address any of his concerns. Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of September 9, 2014 Page 1 of 13 ITEM NO. 5.13 Felicia Santil!an — expressed concern with the old auto auction property on Garvey Avenue and suggested a Jesus Center location in Rosemead to help the homeless. Council Member /Board Member Armenta explained that the City does not own the auto auction property. 2. PRESENTATION • Introduction of Public Safety Supervisor Michael Chief of Police Lieutenant Ignacio Somoano introduced the Supervisor, Michael Reyes. Michael Reyes thanked the City Council for the oppc eager to bring his enthusiasm and knowledge to the Council Member /Board Member Armenta Rosemead. 3. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Claims and Demands • Resolution No. 2014 — 34 Recommendatign^ to approve Resoluti THE CITY CO.UNC OF CITY OF AND DEMANDS �l THE Sl1M OF $64C AND 85796 THROUCaH 8 @$20 Mead Public Safety the com"rr unity and was Supervisor Reyes to 2014 ='`34, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF MEAD ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS !,NUMBERED 85770 THROUGH 85775 ns to approve Resolution No. 2014 — 35, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF CW ;QF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS IN THE SUM"OF $536,655.55 NUMBERED 85768 THROUGH 85769 JUG''H'85795 AND 85821 THROUGH 85900 INCLUSIVELY No. 2014 — 36 Recommendation: to approve Resolution No. 2014 — 36, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $168,967.98 NUMBERED 85901 THROUGH 85905 AND 85942 THROUGH 85960 INCLUSIVELY Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of September 9, 2014 Page 2 of 13 Resolution No. 2014-37 Recommendation: to approve Resolution No. 2014 — 37, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $1,656,843.27 NUMBERED 85906 THROUGH 85941 AND 85961 THROUGH 86099 INCLUSIVELY Resolution No. 2014-15 Recommendation: to approve Resolution No. 2014 — THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD AS THE ROSEMEAD CO COMMISSION ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS ARID,.) I $1365.00 NUMBERED 10094 INCLUSIVELY • Resolution No. 2014 —17 Recommendation: to approve Resolution No. 20: THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD AS THE ROSEMEAC COMMISSION ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS A $3,244.00 NUMBERED 10095 THUCH 10096 B. Approval of Parcel Map I' Recommendation Tha,�the City City Clerk to arrange - fot' Ij` �nrecon C. RequO Street City Grove D. r ;.Sidewalk, — Walnut Grove Avenue & Abilene if approve the Traffic Commission's 10 feet of red curbing along the southeast corner Replacement Project — Award of Contract ��i Recommendation Tf?�t the City Council: (1) Approve the plans and specifications for the Sidewalk, ' 0 ` 4ib, and Q'O'tter Replacement Project; and (2) Authorize the City Manager to enter into a co OtQ n th Kalban, Inc. in the amount of $125,000 and authorize a contingency of:1 750 (approximately 15 %) to cover the cost of any unforeseen constructions e;cpenses. E. Traffic Signal Painting Project — Award of Contract Recommendation: That the City Council: (1) Approve the plans and specifications for the Traffic Signal Painting Project; and (2) Authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with Bithell, Inc. in the amount of $78,355 and authorize a contingency of $20,000 A RESOLUTION OF EVELOPMENT VTHE SUM OF : A RESOLUTION OF DEVELOPMENT IN THE SUM OF 11 Map No. 71692 and direct the map. Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of September 9, 2014 Page 3 of 13 (approximately 25 %) to cover the cost of any unforeseen constructions expenses or to complete additional intersections. F. Award of Contract for Wi -Fi Hardware and Services Recommendation: That the City Council approve Resolution No. 2013 -39 allocating $20,000 from General Fund reserves for the installation of Wi -Fi at City Hall, the Rosemead Community Recreation Center and the Public Plaza,;,.,.,., A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD APF APPROPRIATIONS G. Award Copy /Scan /Fax Machine Recommendation: That the City Council q rq the to Ricoh Americas Corporation and authorize"ffjsr . it documentation. City Manager Allred stated that Resolutian, 2104 -15 had of $1,365 and the correct amount should stat.$Q65 on the ACTION: Moved by Council Member /Board_Memb`drLyjar Member /Board Member Armenta to approve the'C excluding item H, y✓hlch,was pulled fori§ussion amendment to Resoiu { {d No. 2014-15 the amp unenimouslv;earned bvk'(ir?­followina votes AYES: H. Federal Award of Federal Safe Re a rove the Traffic= } .2the West side ContractingCo., Inc. amount of " expenses �f �s f City Manager Allred THE for Copy Mai( it to sign any raphical error in the amount seconded by Council psen Calendar Items A through G id separate action, and with the f to state $365.00. The motion Alarcon, Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly Grove Avenue Enhancement Project - t'City Council: (1) Approve the plans and specifications for to Schp( A Walnut Grove Avenue Enhancement Project; (2) nissioh recommendation that parking restrictions be installed alnutGrove Avenue between Valley Boulevard and Marshall the City Manager to enter into a contract with Sully - Miller ie amount of $692,308 and authorize a contingency in the roximately 15 %) to cover the cost of any unforeseen construction the staff report. Assistant City Manager Hawkesworth explained that the Department of Transportation had informed staff that an overriding master agreement resolution had to be adopted. According to the Department of Transportation, the City did not have a master agreement resolution on file because there was no previous pass through grant from the Federal Government. Mr. Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of September 9, 2014 Page 4 of 13 Hawkesworth asked that the City Council add Resolution No. 2014 -41 to the agenda to authorize the City Manager and the Director of Public Works to sign any agreements. Brian Lewin — thanked the City Council for adopting the project and other Safe Routes to School projects that have improved the community appearance of neighborhoods and safety. Mr. Lewin stated that on Walnut Grove Avenue between Garvey Avenue and the 10 freeway the street is in need of repairs and asked that Council direct staff to look into improvements. City Manager Allred stated that staff will look at the status of the Walnui�due Improvement project and report back to the City Council. ACTION: Moved by Council Member /Board Member Ly, ancillp nd�d''by Council Member /Board Member Low to approve Staffs recommendation and include Resolution Number 2014 -41 as recommended. The motion unanimously carrietly the following vote: AYES: Alarcon, Armenta, Clark, LgVkLy 4. MATTERS FROM CITY MANAG A. Amendment to Resolution No. 2014-112 Establishing Annual Salary Ranges and Benefits for Classifications in the Mid1' lie- Management, Professional and Confidential Service "he City . Recommendation: That the City Council a'p'provg.Resolution'No. 2014 -38, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF ,THE ZITX,Q1, ROSEMEAD AMENDING RESOLUTION NO 2019,38 ESTABLISHING ANNUJ � LARY RANGES AND BENEFITS FOR CLAS84PICATIONS INxT;HE MIDDLE= MANAGEMENT, PROFESSIONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE OF THE CITY City Manager Allred reviewb staff report ACTION Mayes h * y Council Me�Y�ber /Board Merfiber Ly, and seconded by Council Member Arnienta to approve ReaoI ti on No. 2014 -38. The Motion unanimously carried by the ollowing voter: AYES: Ala�o� Clark, Low, Ly Progress Report the City Council review and comment on this matter. A staff report presented by Community Development Director Ramirez The City Council took no action. C. Possible Amendments to Rosemead Municipal Code Section 10.24 Regarding Private Bus Ordinance Recommendation: That the City Council consider and provide further direction on this matter. Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of September 9, 2014 Page 5 of 13 City Manager Allred reviewed the staff report. Amy Wong — expressed her concern for the safety of the seniors that use the casino buses. Mrs. Wong stated that she went to City Hall to help the bus operators obtain permits; however, there were always more requirements. She expressed her frustration with the experience. City Attorney Richman advised Mrs. Wong that her comments should focus on the bus ordinance. Mr. Niranian - supported resident Amy Wong and her efforts to Nancy Ena - stated that she had just learned about what do to help the seniors stay safe in the City. She expresse was in the interest of the residents' safety. Furthermore,,: the city because it's a means of transportation form Y s there were three potential parking locations where csmo Box, and Walgreens. Council Member Low thanked resident Amy Wong for all her fefl She referenced, Section 10.24.000 wherit that busy City that the property owner will allow thef*ftpsrk on their propE owners are overseas, they still need to havaFWrltte letter to prr the agent. Mrs. Low reiterated that staff did nqt mteridrYotshut out was being modified to assist with the processz ", n in casino buses. AmyWong has been trying to t of the dt inance because it -rr'>, 'uses shout���t be banned from Based on Mrs Wong's efforts, ;ould park, Rite '• did,ok in the to keep the residents safe. nies have to prove to the Although, some property hat' the owner is authorizing iWo buses, but the ordinance Council Member Clark, asked tt f,what the prooiems were with the locations Mrs. Wong had proposed. ,r,r City Manager Allred expla' ctthatthe Walgreens parking lot was reviewed by the City Planner and determined that the pan2� lot is tJ cr pr��d It would not be prudent under the City's code to allow Darki '.4, there a ° re'T. P �t enougfi ptrces for a bus to park. Coun�Member Ly stot rthat ther 'wg not enough parking lots along Garvey Avenue. � r x:fi City ManagJ t Allred stated t at parkin jwas the essential problem, however there were other problems circulating where b sr3s would take up more parking spaces. Although, the parking may appear to not 13¢werly used, "ere is not enough parking per the City's municipal code. Mrs. Eng - stated that,'Ehe issue was loading and unloading passengers safely and not about parking. Council Member Ly explained to Mrs. Eng that a bus will take up a few parking spots in an area that does not have enough parking in its requirements. Mrs. Eng - reiterated her concerns and asked how bus operators can load and unload passengers, avoid parking on city streets, and extend the time limit restrictions to casino buses, Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of September 9, 2014 Page 6 of 13 just like the tour buses, if they comply with the requirements. Council Member Ly stated the casino buses were not complying with the City's requirements which mandates enough parking for the customers that are there for that business. Garvey Avenue and other major arterials are significantly jammed and there was not enough parking. Council Member Clark asked Ms. Eng if she was aware that casino buses were parking near the residents' homes and people were parking along residential areas to loatj unto the buses which causes the streets to be congested and trashed. Mrs. Clark clarified t, f s,the reason the City introduced the bus ordinance. She stated a hotel bus brought tour {� to the shops and restaurants, therefore it's not the same issue. City Manager Allred stated that the City recently approved on agreement f casino bus or other buses to park on a private parking lot on valley Boulevard'`Tiat parking lot hasyenough parking and room for loading and unloading passengers. Staffts working with compam6s'Ao find adequate locations where it won't exasperate problems with �YIing and fcfading.�y� Community Development Director Ramirez stated that orieaof tfY�sjt�es mentioned ikthe parcel ., next to Rite -aid, where a bus company brought in an agree%o�rjwith the owner. The problem was that the property owner did not legally own'tha property; it wasstill in escrow. Staff could not accept an incomplete escrow. Once the e was complete, tlto came in and applied for a permit and its actually making its way thribugh FiO' pr cess right %wr7,�d"ack in the Box is also going through the process, and has not been app`ro ed =fir denied Mrs. Ramirez continued to explained that the process must be reviewed by vanes dep fnt ll ts, Community Development for Planning review, Public Work @ to confirm bti8ea fan ma4te;. nghY radius turns within the r, parking lot, and then to P,�Iblio P�y, and the find( review by -f a City Manager. Council Member ArmeMxpressed she was saddened about Mrs. Wong's issues because she has done a lot for the cc nity; hov ever, there art r seasons why laws exist in the City. She stated that a person previously gait h i t�bd� ;cruse aA&L r bus operator knew they were not allowed to pick up reaiid a m ti ne and vJete�rnaking passengers hurry up. Bus companies know what the are andols�e still defuse to comply. Recently, a bus company gave a letter to Mrs. Wong th"t was not wnttenthe Cityo,a specific address and they used that letter to trick the City's Ude,Enforceme nt O fidprs s n hat they had permission to park. She suggested that staff have approved hsgdf propeies where bus operators could park. Ms. Armenta clarified to Mrs En t%: t eneral man`a grs of businesses can sign off on applications if the property g 3 ,. owners are overseas or live in ether parts of the country. She added that the new ordinance will have changes tc W4solutiot s to issues. Council Member Ly emmended resident Amy Wong for doing a lot on behalf of the residents and championing their cause. He stated that the City Council is passionate about the issue because it affects the lives and safety of the residents. Mr. Ly clarified that his priority as a Council Member will be to protect the residents over everybody else's interest. He would like to see the ban on casino buses to operate on private properties in the City. The buses have been nothing but detrimental to the community and continue to hurt residents and do not bring a positive value to the community. He reiterated Mayor Pro Tern Clark's comments on the tourist buses, which are not the same as casino buses, and the ordinance needs to be stronger in Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of September 9, 2014 Page 7 of 13 regards to safety. Lin Lee - representing Gary's express bus company explained about the letter Council Member Armenta referenced. Ms. Lee stated that she had spoken to staff about applying for a license on June 17 before the law became effective July 10th. She explained that she obtained the property owner's permission and applied for the business license, which was granted. She asked staff if the license was transferable to other locations in the city, and staff replied yes. Ms. Lee clarified that staff then contacted her regarding a conditional license to allow customers to park at Jack-in- the-Box where they were going to be picked up. The conditional licegse,Wksinitially for the furniture store. She explained that she was later told that the conditional license was not good, since the letter of the property owner.`. City Attorney Richman stated that the discussion on the ordinance and not about personnel activities. Council Member Low suggested that staff along operator. Council Member Ly stated that in order to make an infon ordinance in the future, there needs to be clarifications on Management Analyst Pat Platt explained tftdtbb the tenants. An application was submitted by I permission to operate on the property was in e Director Ramirez explained4oi that since tFf After contacting the bus pd informing assumed the bus company was cld& they were lot. Code Enforcemeht t ted the 4Q company l op dtt�is for am6radmenis to the f: City Manager meet w th the,,,bui {decision, and address the soni`e'.'m isconceptio ns. ; to would neetl } apprbval from the owner and pmpany, in wh the person giving We a1ate� that Community Development 'row waS `completed the letter was void. Ti that the"tter was not good, it was allowed to park at the Jack -in- the -Box parking parked at the Jack -in- the -Box location and were given a warning nctib ,, Community © 6Jelo�an, t Dvebtdr RamrreY el r*6d that when the bus ordinance first went into effect the 4t s compahy had to get& background check which could take two weeks to a month. Staff did�t of want to put�a company get of work for that long so staff was told that if the applieetIdh,,had the sign atUr`� f the pi`©pt"rty owner, to give the bus company a temporary permit during the' , ,",ground check, Otocess 'The bus company would receive a letter instead of a permit from tt ity stating tha�if they did not pass the background check, the letter would be revoked. Ms. Rd,'O�gz reiterated that staff had previously met with the potential buyer of the property in question`Hd kne, that the escrow had not closed which is why the letter to the bus company was void and thaf" when they used the letter for Jack -in- the -Box, which they were not allowed to do. Council Member Ly asked if the letter stated that the bus company could go anywhere to park. Community Development Director Ramirez replied no, that was not stated in the letter that was given to the bus company. Ms. Sheri on behalf of Qi Ge stated their customers were inbound tourists who come to their store in the afternoon. Since the new ordinance was enacted buses cannot stop to drop off and pick up tourists on the street and their business has dropped. The tour buses stopped going to Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of September 9, 2014 Page 8 of 13 their store, which has become a problem for the business. She requested the City Council reconsider a way to solve the problem and modify the ordinance to allow street parking at certain times. The buses that come to their store only stop for one minute to drop off the tourists and return in an hour after the tour guide calls the bus driver to return. She requested the City Council reconsider the amendments to the ordinance to assist their business. Mayor Pro Tem Clark asked Ms. Sheri how many people come to their shop at a time and at what time. Ms. Sheri replied that depending on the tour bus coming in, they passengers and usually arrives after 4:00 p.m. City Manager Allred stated that staff is looking for direc like staff to bring back the ordinance with modifications Mayor Pro Tem Clark stated that she was contacted) ,Oy Dam the meeting. He asked that the Council postpon a, e' actio see how things were going. Mrs. Clark added that she iu tkre hotel where she stayed had shuttles that would take the gues asked if the City was doing this for the hotels so tourists can't is there a way the City can place a limit oh:the size of the bus bigger buses obtain permits. City Manager Allred explained that the committee buses noting that the size o(tour,buses bringing, is -4,. size. Limiting the size a, esfn Z Qns does not soot companies send buses' rough R "mead He ad community including t r.. c mpani' ;who confirme Thereafter followed City Co ll ,1isctfss b'wregard couldn't be liri(," elze and th way the Ccd2�1 what the,Jaours of cof]esri#ercenfi2ri gfficers were. ten to twenty they would rez who c6d d : not come to ordinance foix months to `from a conference and the erever they wanted to go. She to shop and enjoy Rosemead, he size of a shuttle and have to the size of tour sts in tdd'` yshops and restaurants vary on the prolm because hundreds of J the Committee also reached out to the hat that was not the way to go. the size of the buses and why the buses rcement officers could patrol them, asking Allred stated "th'`At it's the �ommunity Service Officers who patrol and they are ten days a wee '.Jp shift3`and also during the evenings. Assistant City lVfat ger/Actin&ublic Works Director Hawkesworth stated that the concern was that if the City allov�ed p „s "'' I er buses and not 58 passenger buses, then casino buses would have 30 passes er ! i'ses: they will do whatever it takes to get in her. He explained that the State of California jljmps all buses in one category, there is no casino bus category. Staff has talked to various travel %companies and they indicated that they will let several bus companies know if they need a bus operator on a certain day, and they will get a response from whatever bus operator that is available. It may be different each day depending on who is available. City Manager Allred explained that the three modifications staff is proposing will work and will provide the relief needed for the restaurants and gift shops. It doesn't mean that some casino buses may not come during the proposed hours, but staff does not think it will be a significant problem. Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting. Minutes of September 9, 2014 Page 9 of 13 Council Member Ly stated that staff's recommendation has key enforcement measures as well. He reiterated that staff is trying to preserve the intent of the ordinance to its fullest. The ordinance focuses on making sure to alleviate the pressures that currently exist in shopping centers and public streets. Secondly, the intent and design of the ordinance was to make sure we did not hurt the tour buses and tourism in the City. It is the City's obligation to address issues and continue to follow the full intent of the ordinance where it limits and improves parking and traffic flow in the City by restricting where casino buses can go, and make sure that we preserve where tour buses and tourism can thrive in the City. Council Member Low stated that she supports the additions and it was. important to protect the businesses in the City. She also did not wait six months to ta ke ,action',, �. Council Member Ly stated that for clarification the amendment to the ordinancg will require two readings and then have to wait 30 days for the ordinance to go into effect probW. y,until mid - November. City Attorney Richman stated that was correct. Staff is s bklgg direction as to what to bring back in the ordinance. Mayor Pro Tem Clark requested that oneaithe, ordinance was ado'ped, staff bring it back for Council review to see how it is working. Council Member Armenta agreed with Council Meur er Lavks andty's comments. She liked the idea of bringing the ordinance, back for revieW,a felt waititY six months to take action was too long. She said we need to protect our buss ses and if there was a way to facilitate the hours when it's the busiest that would be beneficial. City Attorney Richman asked;:for clarification on the`tio rs stating Council Member Ly suggested 10:00 pm so staff knows what�o��bhhg bank for the;f st reading. � rf '. F . Council Member Ly sa&the time V was currently 9:00 pm and he believed 11:00 pm would be a more acrrurate time to qb with. Council Me : fir! per Low was irr4greembnt. Council MembeC Clark expras'sed concern extending the time past 10:00 pm. because of the impact on nearby residential,ateas. F ,. The Council concurred &bxtend the time to 10:00 pm. Mayor Alarcon recessed the City Council meeting at 8:45 p.m. and reconvened back at 8:55 p.m. 5. MATTERS FROM MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL A. Request for Nomination to the San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority Board Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of September 9, 2014 Page 10 of 13 Recommendation: That the City Council approve Resolution No. 2014 -40, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD NOMINATING MAYOR PRO TEM MARGARET CLARK TO REPRESENT CITIES WITHOUT PRESCRIPTIVE WATER PUMPING RIGHTS TO THE SAN GABRIEL BASIN WATER QUALITY AUTHORITY Mayor Pro Tem Clark asked for the Council's support of her nomination to the San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Board. ACTION: Moved by Council Member Ly, and seconded approve Resolution No. 2014 -40. The motion una vote: AYES: Alarcon, Armenta, Clark, Low, an B. Gold Line Eastside Transit Corridor Funding Project Request Recommendation: Rosemead City Council 'represen Mayor Alarcon and Council Member Ly, recommend # strong support of the Gold Line Eastside Transit Corne corridor as the locally preferred alternative; and (2) Aul . to the SR 60 Coalition for legal se" rV4esfor review and Impact Report (EIR) and Environmental�lm act Study Member Armenta to Irried by the following — SR,90 Coalition yes to the SR 60 Coalition, t City Council (i) Reaffirm its Project along the SR 60 Freeway size the expenditure of $18,750 lvsis of the Environmental Council Member Ly explained that the SR 6b Coalition is request +rig funding because Metro's recent release of the Draft Environment Impact %Rep6rt has lJ466 "completed and is out for review. There is a need to hire legg' i cour eel to review th braft Environment Impact Report and protect the cities. The SR 60661ition is'looking to retain a.firm that would cost each member city $18,750, which would - '156 paid through Measure R funds. Mr. Ly asked that the City Council also direct staff and the Mayor Odraft a comment letter 066iling the benefits of the station's location at Montebello Town Center and;tle nde elbng theJ60 freeway. Council Member Low -asked if the-tees were at a discounted rate for the legal counsel. Ly replidd,. #,at the feea'were at a discounted rate. Omar Hernandez - thanked the City Council and City Manager for their support to the SR 60 Coalition. Mr. H600andez explained that the draft Environmental Impact Report has a comment period for 60 days SR 60'Coalition has launched a website with information for the public and School Distracts se: drafting resolutions in support. Metro's executive summary of the impact report states that the SR,X alignment with the north is the best environmentally superior alternative. That is the reason why the SR 60 Coalition is seeking legal representation and the political support to move the project forward. Council Member Gonsalves - stated that it is important to have a firm that has the knowledge and experience at looking into and challenging Environmental Impact Reports. Mr. Hernandez - stated the website to generate the letter of support to Mayor Garcetti and Metro is at www.sr- 60.com. Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of September 9, 2014 Page 11 of 13 ACTION: Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Clark, and seconded by Council Member Ly to reaffirm its strong support of the Gold Line Eastside Transit Corridor Project along the SR 60 Freeway corridor; and authorize the expenditure of $18,750 to the SR 60 Coalition for legal services. The motion unanimously carried by the following vote: AYES: Alarcon, Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly C. Review of Issues Related to Potential Development ofaDog Park and Skate Park Recommendation: That the City Council provide dire c ioh herding this matter. Director of Parks and Recreation Montgomery -Scott reviewed the staff report presented a power presentation. <, Council Member Ly asked if the City owned any otl1r, recreation land besides tf e Dyf; site. Director of Parks and Recreation Montgomery-Scott repliedAh,at the Duff site was the only school in which the City owned land. Council Member Ly stated that his first ptfotity, is the skate park for the youth and his goal for a skating location. Mr. Ly suggested that theCity obtain more grants andA'combination of general fund to purchase property for the skate park Irk the` fu #ure ;,,As for dogsjSarks, Mr. Ly stated that residents have asked for a dog park and he Auld li,�'Ab 6661 at, project in the plans. f Y }} ry ✓�" Council Member Low statetl th4 the City! focus on priority one and two before the skate park plan and expresser concerns nth taking molt:py from the reserves. Mrs. Low suggested that an option for a dog p& 6buld be corhering off a s tign, in the park for residents to let their dogs loose. Council M mperArmenta expressed support -for the stake park because there are skateboarders skatmg tri the Civic tenter. She stated that there were kids waxing the edges to skate Qn; which can be a I(1?ljity if a senigrnfalls due to the waxed edges. 1.1 Council Membe, enta re nested the City Council meeting be adjourned in memory of a long time resident. Council Member Ly sfts'd that near the Montebello Town Center there is a homeless gentleman that has been causing- 4ouble at some shops in the area. He requested more patrol to address the homelessness in that area. Mr. Ly thanked staff for providing the grant reports and asked if the City can obtain requests for qualifications for firms who can do grants. Council Member Low thanked staff for working with Sang Tao on the Moon Festival event. Mrs. Low expressed concerns with rising crime in the San Gabriel Valley and asked what the City can do. Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of September 9, 2014 Page 12 of 13 City Manager Allred stated that the City has implemented the Area Watch Program which will be held on September 18th. Lieutenant Somoano and the Public Safety Center are on the right track to combating crime by getting people involved and informed. Council Member Low asked if the City collaborates with other neighboring cities to prevent crime. Chief of Police Lieutenant Somoano replied that the Sheriffs do have area,meetings with other agencies especially on crime trends. Mayor Pro Tem Clark reported that she attended the League of California Cities Environmental Quality Committee and they had the resolution on the marijuana grow'f5, which was set to get approved at the League of California Cities general meetingNlt�g Clark also reported that she attended a conference at Fort Collins in Colorado with t I League o Cities Energy Committee and discussed climate change. 7. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned in memory of Mr. Rodriguez at 9:a3 pan,. The next regular City Council meeting is scheduled to take place on Se ember 23, 2014 at >7 OQ p.m. in the Rosemead City Hall Council Chamber. . -.. APPROVED: William Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of September 9, 2014 Page 13 of 13