CC - Item 5B - Minutes of May 12, 2015MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION JOINT MEETING MAY 12, 2015 The joint meeting of the Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission was called to order by Mayor Clark at 6:06 p.m. in thpxR,osemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California PRESENT: Mayor /Chair Clark, Mayor Pro Tem /Vice- Chair, Armenta, Council Men)bers /Board Members Alarcon, Low and Ly �f. y , 1. WORKSHOP A. 2015 -16 Budget Development Recommendation: That the City Council provide d'-d tion regarding development of the 2015 -16 Fiscal Year Budget , ,.,;, Acting Finance Director Chu presented a to the Council Member Low asked if propositions A, C a d Meas f6 R unused funds roll over to the following year. Assistant City ManagerlActihy PublibX orks Director Hawkesworth wised that those funds could be rolled over. In addition, Prop's fl .0 and "ure R funds c8bld be used on capital improvement projects related to transit and streets. On the other handy Proposition A could only be used for transit service projects. Mr. Hawkesworth also explained that t,% 'b b, a Metro�grant to conduct work on Valley Boulevard; however, Proppsltion Viand Measur&IR fundmg�wbuld.be necessary to match the money required for the grant. ... Director Chu continued with;tib presentation. Council Memb� /'L,ow asked if the $1 million allocation for the Zapopan Park improvement project was enough funding for the project City Manager Allred state&@tafi would bid the project with an engineer's estimate of $1 million and staff hoped the bids submittedJ6 the City would be within the estimate. Assistant City ManagerlActing Public Works Director Hawkesworth replied that if Southern California Edison agreed with the specifications of the project; and the architect estimated the project at $990,000 the cost could still increase to $1.2 million, Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of May 12, 2015 Page 1 of 13 ITEM NO. 5.13 City Manager Allred stated that similar funding issues may occur with the Garvey Avenue Sewer Expansion project, which is a Rosemead Development Agency funded project. Mayor Clark asked for clarification of the million dollar Rosemead Development Agency bonds for the projects. Assistant City Manager /Acting Public Works Director Hawkesworth explained that all other projects involving the Rosemead Park Improvements were on hold until staff bids for the Zapopan Park Improvement project. The Garvey Avenue Sewer Expansion project did not need to go out to bid becauseit was critical and must be done. Mr. Hawkesworth also advised there were additional bond procee#if needed for the projects. Council Member Low asked how much more funds were needed project and expressed concerns regarding the amount of the allot Assistant City ManagerlActing Public Works Director increase by approximately $150,000 to $200,000 dol City Manager Allred explained that the project fund could be augur; continued to explain that general fund balance projected for June 3 well as $3.5 million are set aside in a trust fundto pay for the future Allred added that the revenues had exceeded the ekpenditures by balance, which could be transferred out for capital Oprd "veh7egts. Council Member Ly clarified that the transfer was do for a one time capital improvdtYrent p ,6joct. He reitere showcase of how money., being sp } e�,t in the City. Sewer expansion replied that the proje�twvas estimated to Nf } ent$d wi6general fund reserve money. He 2015 may be at $15.7 million and as db k of benefit retirements. Mr. operating budget had a use policy on spending money ent projects were a great City Manager Allred continued Yo explaln thaton page 4 of1 budget book, staff was proposing to continue with 53 full time employees He h6tgd the Com�amty evelopment Department was increased from six employees to sevtlh�by, �ctd.ing a fulfti e assistant a ner position due to the demand at the counter. n.th Howevee Parks and' r eation D ' anent had ten full time employees in Fiscal Year 2014 -15 and next fiscal,yeat,the department will Obly have nme ' Council Membei Ly suggested that considering the work load of the City Clerk's Office, the new part -time position be changed tq full time status to alleviate some of the pressure. Mr. Ly continued to explain that in addition to the daily re§ponsibilitibs in the office, The City Clerk also maintained the City's communications and managed five CoNg1I. eriber calendars. Council Member Low a §reed with Council Member Ly's comments that there was a lot of work in the City Clerk's office. City Manager Allred stated that a part -time position was added and the incremental cost to change that position to a full time status position would not be exorbitant. Council Member Low inquired about the Parks and Recreation Management Analyst position. Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of May 12, 2015 Page 2 of 13 City Manager Allred explained that during the mid -year adjustments, Council considered and approved the recommendation to not fill two vacant part -time coordinator positions and fill it with one Analyst position. He added the reason Parks and Recreation showed nine positions rather than ten was because two coordinator positions were eliminated. He explained there was a lot of administrative work in the Parks and Recreation Department including dealing with the Los Angeles County Health Department on all of the special events. He noted that the City has already recruited for the position and an offer was about to be made. Director of Parks and Recreation Montgomery-Scott explained that the Management Analyst would be involved in budget preparation, pursuing grant opportunities, project managemegttesponsibilities, staff coordinating within divisions, and assessing how the department was working to serve the changing needs of the community, and to ensure the department is working efficiently and effectively in light of all the changes. City Manager Allred continued with the budget presentation F , . Mayor Clark asked if Rosemead residents pay less in prop tax than full service cities eke San Gabriel. City Manager Allred replied that there were percent assessed value of a property. 13 that limited one Assistant City Manager /Acting Public Works bliector Hawkesworth eiiplaiped that the allocations were made with Proposition 13. He continued to explain Hit,c1#6t add assessmentsto a tax bill. Since Rosemead was a fiscally responsible City, Rosemead did not hava any special assessm6fs or special charges. The allocation was based off the previous allocation and:tthe weight 6f the vanou ' agencies. f City Manager Allred continued with 4h presentation :.F Council Member Low aske8 =if the CitAceived the right er ice levels from the Sheriffs Department. 11 City Manager I ffective service of deputies patrolling the City. Chief of Roi'ice Lieutenant'3omoano eipWppd that research would have to be conducted to compare servic.4 bbd population with other, cities to`40 mine what services were needed in a specific community. Council Memtier Low asked it th >ie would be any additional money budgeted for the Garvey Specific Plan. =, City Manager Allretl replied no, there was no additional money budgeted for the Garvey Specific Plan. =s Council Member Low n6fedlhe City's budget would have a deficit of $107,000 due to the capital improvement projects, aril likely the Zapopan Park and the Garvey Sewer Expansion project would each be $200,000 short in funds. Assistant City Manager /Acting Public Works Director Hawkesworth explained that the Zapopan Park and Garvey Avenue Sewer Expansion project would be funded by bond proceeds and would not come out of the general fund because redevelopment money was used separately. Mayor Clark recessed the City Council meeting at 5:58 p.m Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of May 12, 2015 Page 3 of 13 Regular Business Meeting The joint meeting of the Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission was called to order by Mayor Clark at 7:07 p.m, in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Council Member /Board Member Alarcon INVOCATION: Council Member /Board Member Low PRESENT: Mayor /Chair Clark, Mayor Pro Tem /Vice- Chair, Armenta,,Council M0inbers /Board Members Alarcon, Low and Ly STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Allred, City Attorney Richman, Assistant City Manager /PUblic Works Director Hawkesworth, Community Development Director�dmirez, Director of Parks and Recreation Montgomery Scott, Acting Finance Director Chu, and City C terk/Airector`of;Communications �olleda 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE - None 3. PRESENTATIONS Republic Services Scholarships, f y; s Elizabeth Martinez Republib Services representative presented sef>o arship awards to the following winners of an essay conte;- Raymond ('ong, Min Luong, Aitlen Hou, Adam Espinoza, and Richard Chang. awards to tte following property owners who had exemplary their homes and /or business. , Overall Wirfner— Patrick and Denise Verrone, 3610 Muscatel Landscape 'QI and Leticia Martinez, 9045 Bentel riscape „Duc Minh L and Mac Kim Thuy T, 3727 Temple City Blvd it le MeW6 —David Silva, 9727 Olney rabi''fytention — Jess and Esthela Gallegos, 9709 Olney Commercial Winners Best Overall — Olive Garden, 1866 Montebello Town Center Best Landscape — Everest Self Storage, 8306 Garvey Ave Honorable Mention — Micent Investments, 8841 Garvey Council Member /Board Member Armenta thanked and congratulated the winners for maintaining a clean and beautiful City by making improvements to their properties. Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of May 12, 2015 Page 4 of 13 Mayor /Chair Clark thanked the winners of the Beautification Committee awards Water Safety Month Proclamation Mayor /Chair Clark read the proclamation and proclaimed the month of May as Water Safety Month May is Mental Health Awareness Month Proclamation Mayor /Chair Clark read the proclamation and proclaimed the month of May as Mdhtal Awareness Month Nancy Eng — on behalf of the National Alliance of Mental Illness thanked the `UlIy Qouncil for helping in raising awareness. Council Member /Board Member Ly stated that there are,paople with mental issues thk'.shpuld be able to openly discuss their problem and we need to help residen(sbbtain assistance. Asian and Pacific Islander Heritage Month Proclamation Mayor /Chair Clark read the proclamation and proclaimed the month of V1,y as Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Ordinance , , , N 95 econd Readlrjg: Low Impart Development Standards for ltton: ; That the City Councl(," 1 (1) Conduct a public hearing and receive public I (2) Adopt Ordinance 1952, at its second reading, entitled: AN OF THL.GITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, Y,REFRENCE CHAPTER 12.84 ENTITLED "LOW IMPACT NT.,STANDgIbS" OF THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY CODE AND rING SAID,G'HAPTER INTO CHAPTER 13.16 OF THE ROSEMEAD .Ob ", IT' Acting Public Works Manager Sullivan reviewed the staff report. Y f, Mayor Clark opened the Public Hearing at 7:32 p.m., there being no comments the Public Hearing closed at 7:32 p.m. Moved by Council Member/Board Member Steven Ly, and seconded by Council Member/Board Member Polly Low, to adopt the second reading of Ordinance No. 952. The motion unanimously carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Alarcon, Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly. Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of May 12, 2015 Page 5 of 13 5. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Minutes January 27, 2015 — Regular Meeting February 10, 2015 — Regular Meeting February 24, 2015 — Regular Meeting March 24, 2015 — Regular Meeting B. Claims and Demands • Resolution No.2015 -25 Recommendation: to approve Res THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $755,5 INCLUSIVELY 2015 — 25, entitled: A OF S AND THROUGH • Resolution No. 2015— Recommendation: to approve Resolutio�s,;NQ 2015 —10, df(ed: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD AS THE SESS > R gCENCY OF THE ROSEMEAD UCC COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMIT 5I N ALL JIJIIING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN 'HittUM OF $191,15095 NUMBERED 10127 Re o Gtion No 2615 04 Ric { otlifnenda i 9 appto� R bl N n No. 2015 —10, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE ROSEM, HOl1 DEVELO ENT CORPORATION ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DE' S IN E St1M,QF $11,945 NUMBERED 1572 — Se .pond Reading: Approving Zone Change 12-02-7801-7825 12 Del Mar Avenue, and 3017 Brighton Street Rkdnlmendatl,&: That the City Council adopt Ordinance No. 942, entitled: AN ORDINAN { C A F NSF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES; STATE OF CALIFORNIA APPROVING ZONE CHANGE 12.02 CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF SIX PARCELS FROM C -3 (MEDIUM COMMERCIAL) AND THE SINGLE - FAMILY RESIDENCE AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE SITE R -2 (LIGHT MULTIPLE RESIDENTIAL) TO C -3 MUDO -D (MEDIUM COMMERCIAL WITH A RESIDENTIALICOMMERCIAL MIXED -USE DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY AND DESIGN OVERLAY). THE SUBJECT SITE IS LOCATED AT 7801.7825 GARVEY AVENUE, 3012 DEL MAR AVENUE, AND 3017 BRIGHTON STREET (APN'S: 5287- 039.001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 011) Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of May 12, 2015 Page 6 of 13 D. City Investment Policy Recommendation: That the City Council approve the Investment Policy. E. HOME Funds Commitment Agreement between the City of Rosemead and the Rosemead Housing Development Corporation for the Implementation of certain HOME Funded Programs Recommendation: That the City Council: (1) Approve a HOME Funds Commitment Agreement between the Rosemead Housing Development Corporation and the City Council for the implementation of the City's Owner - Occupied R6641tailcin Loan Program and Mortgage Assistance Program; (2) Authorize the Mayor,to execiaf . the, contract on behalf of the City; and (3) Authorize the President to exeCGtd`the contract on half be of the RHDC. Resolution No. 2015.21 —A Resoluti Declaring its Intention to Vacate an and Setting a Public Hearing on the Recommendation: That the C RESOLUTION OF THE CITY DECLARING ITS INTENTION' AND DEL MAR AVENUE AND VACATION Moved by Council Mer Member William Alare following vote: AYES: it Steven Consent 6. MA Annual City Council of the City'of;Rosbmead peen 6kbhton Street and I el Mar Avenue approve Resolution No. 2015 -21, entitled: A IF THE CITY OFAOSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, E T,HE ALLEY BETWEEN BRIGHTON STREET A PUBLIC HEADING ON THE PROPOSED V nd seconded by Council Member /Board War. The motion unanimously carried by the Update if the City Council approve Resolution No. 2015 -19, entitled: A CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, REHENSIVE SCHEDULE OF FEES AND CHARGES Acting Finance Director Chu reviewed the staff report. Mayor Clark expressed concerns with the amount of the fee for new single family homes. Mrs. Clark stated that the State and the Regional Housing Needs Assessment required the City to provide for a certain amount of residential units in the Zoning code. Mrs. Clark suggested that the fee could waived for a new single family home if it was owner occupied. However, if a developer builds and sells a new single family home, then the fee should be charged. City Manager Allred stated that the fee was an existing fee that has been in place for many years. Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of May 12, 2015 Page 7 of 13 Mayor Clark inquired about the new fence plan review fee. Director of Community Development Ramirez explained that when a new fence is being installed, an application has to be submitted to the Planning Division for review and approval. She explained that the fee was to recoup staff cost for reviewing the plans. Mayor Clark expressed concerns with the yard sale permit fee of $5. Director of Community Development Ramirez explained that staff was Division's and Public Safety Department's staff time. Council Member Ly asked how many times a year a resident Director of Community Development Ramirez replied that Council Member Ly suggested the first yard sale cost $5. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta expressed down and not the Public Safety staff, City Attorney Richman stated that having a penali yard sale applicant may deny eyef pacing a sign. Council Member Low asked about Assistant City ManagerlActihjg f staff cost for performing, review their review.wlteh �nbresed,the Low could have a be cost the Planning a year. yard sae'permit should sales should take their signs work for the reason that the fee fortract maps. esworth explained the fee increase was to cover ave to be referred to the contracted engineers for reviews. of compliance fee increasing from $600 to $2,000. Acting Public Worts Manager s0it an explained that the fees were associated with contracted on -call engineering services . He explained that the fees were previously established on an older hourly rate and fixed amount of time The proposed new fee is the average cost of ten hours of review by the Engineer per project. City Manager Allred explained that the reason for the increased fees, is to not have the tax payers subsidize the cost of the developer's project. Council Member Low inquired about the street closure fee and asked if it was only for events and projects. Acting public Works Manager Sullivan replied that the daily rate fee was for any type of street closure. Council Member Low inquired about the Garvey Park Gymnasium rental fee for nonprofit teams. Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of May 12, 2015 Page 8 or 13 Council Member Ly explained the City adopted a policy that stated twenty -five percent of Rosemead residents must be represented in that non - profit sports team to qualify to use the gym at no fee. Council Member Low inquired about shopping cart violation fines City Manager Allred replied that the City Council adopted a resolution approving fines for shopping cart violations that would be added to the fee schedule. Council Member Low suggested the City impose fines for civilians comm"graffit Molations. City Attorney Richman explained there was a fee in existence to then ask the Court for restitution. Assistant City Manager /Acting Public Works Director the crime as both an administrative citation and a crir levy a fine, but the City could not also levy a fine. Mayor Pro Tern Armenta suggested that the fee schedule also retrieval. Moved by Council Member Steven Ly, and seegi Resolution 2015.19, the Comprehensive Fee Scf sale permit and $5 cost for eve subsequent ya retrieval fines to the administra�e, The AYES: Alarcon, Armenta; Clark, Loi", B. Street and the City could added that the City could prosecute HB'added if prosecuted, the:edurts could of illegal shopping cart bi Polly Low to approve eamendments of one free yard r; and add Illegal shopping cart carried by the following vote: Reco "rn`.endation � %That the City Council authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with Athbhs Services for street sweeping services at an annual cost of $218,400 for a period of three years, w,tth the option fo renew for two additional years. Assistant Cltv'lCtanaoer/Actinq Public Works Director Hawkesworth reviewed the staff report. Council Member residents. to continue with Athens Services who has provided good rates to Council Member Alarcon agreed with Council Member Low's comments and expressed support to continue the street sweeping service with Athens Services. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta stated that Athens has provided exceptional customer service to the City. Council Member Ly expressed support with Athens Services; however, he expressed concerns with increased gas cost and operating cost. Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of May 12, 2015 Page 9 of 13 Mayor Clark asked staff if the street sweeping trucks could use recycled water or, not use water at all, to sweep the streets. Assistant City Manager /Acting Public Works Director Hawkesworth stated the City's ability to use more recycled water would require the installation of a purple pipeline with high flow connection to fill out the city trailers and possibly include the Athens Company sweeping trucks. Council Member Polly Low made a motion, seconded by Council Member William Alarcon to authorize the City Manager to enter into contract with Athens Services at ain annual cost of $218,400 for a period of three years, with the option to renew for two additional The motion unanimously carried by the following vote: AYES: Yes: Alarcon, Arrhb Clark, Low, Ly C. Water Conservation_ Measurers Ordinance Recommendation: That the City Council lake the following actions (1) fidppt, as an urgency ordinance to comply with the Gout nor's mandated water conservation requirements, Ordinance No. 953, entitled: Ate O,.RDINANCE OF THE CITY 66UNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, COUNTY OF LOS ANtEL'ES;'STATE OF CALIFORNIA AMENDING CHAPTER 13 04.060 OF THE ROSEMD MUNICIPAL CODE CONCERNING PHASE III WATER SHORTAGE MANDATORY CONSERVATION; (2) Approve Resolution No. 2015'-24; entitled: A RESOLUTIONOF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ;JCALIFORNIA, DESIGNAtl,NG IRRIGATION SCHEDULES UNDER PHASE III WATER SHORTAGE GOND1TIONS;�and (3) Provide direction regarding the proposed turf replacement on the Garvey AvenU Medians. Assistant City ManagerGAG?fmg Publk Director Hawkesworth explained the State has not adopted any proposed regulations �He`added that in eaking with the jty, ttorney, the City Council should hold off approving Ordinance No 953 and; Res, luton 2015-24; sirt, Y the final restrictions won't go into effect by the State until July 1, 2015 Staff would still�Want'dirtton irymoving forward with the City properties. Michael T'ulhus expressedxsgpport ° ofthe�water conservation resolution. Mr. Tullius added that there should be more water conservation educafton far'd enforcement of water regulations. Mayor Clark aked how the pereen",tage was calculated by water companies to conserve water. Mr. Tullius - explained that every'vdater agency in the State was on a list and given category tiers 1 -9. Mr. Tullius stated that his 4i6rcompany was rated at tier 7. Brian Lewin — expressed' support of the water conservation resolution and expressed concerns with water companies' inequities of percentages for reducing water usage. Mr. Lewin also spoke in regards to the possibility of the Garvey Specific Plan medians changing as part of the project. He suggested adding drought tolerant landscaping at the Dinsmoor House property. Mr. Lewin suggested new development help conserve water by being required to install interior water usage like aerators on faucets, water conservation water heads, multi -flow toilets, waterless urinals, etc. He lastly, suggested staff conduct a water usage audit on City facilities. Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of May 12, 2015 Page 10 of 13 Mayor Clark asked staff to look into some of Mr. Lewin's suggestions relating to water conservation requirements on new residential and commercial projects. Council Member Ly inquired about the proposed replacement of turf on Garvey Avenue suggesting artificial turf be the last resort because it's not esthetically pleasing. Mr. Ly explained that the community may embrace the idea of water conservation if it saw the City was making an effort to use drought tolerant landscaping. Mayor Pro Tern Armenta stated there was artificial turf that looked very real an,d asked whether it was allowable if a resident chose to plant artificial turf. Acting Public Works Manager Sullivan stated that artificial turf was somefhing'thafwas included in the Planning yard ordinance with the Planning Division. City Manager Allred stated he was not aware of any restricti�dhs for the use of artificial turtS Me continued to explain that staff has had issues with the irrigation system& the medians and excavatin 'thdm2'dians to add drought tolerant landscape would not be feasible. Council Member Ly stated that staff is out early in the morning ma'ipijaining the median landscapes and should be able to water the drought tolerant Ants" City Manager Allred explained that mature trees in the medians have compromised the irrigation system and watering drought tolerant landscape regularly wouldrequire hand watering which would not be efficient. Mayor Clark asked if a drip irngatid&§ystem would be hest Assistant City Managet/Aoting Public Works Director Hawkesworth explained that in regards to the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan and the increased traffic, the median' & probably change. It would be costly to install new irrigation sines and nd drip Iihas ford posslple short term solution, Mr. Hawkesworth added that staff was recdrhA Urf rather'tti n installing ne "rrigation. If the City Council proceeded with installing drought tolerant Iandsca�i hg, the maiht8f'Once staff would have to water by hand. Low stated A & turf was reasonable solution because it was cost effective on Council Member Ly stated that Unless the plan was to remove some of the landscaping, the maintenance crew was already on site' maintaining the medians and it would be a minimal cost. Mr. Ly also explained that during the summer artifi4 turf produces more heat. Mayor Clark stated she would not like to invest more money if the medians on Garvey Avenue would change. Acting Public Works Manager Sullivan stated that the provisions on the medians and irrigation regulations of the Governor's recent mandate, applied to ornamental turf. Assistant City Manager /Acting Public Works Director Hawkesworth explained that Garvey Avenue was the Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of May 12, 2015 Page 11 of 13 only street with turf that was affected by the ornament turf regulation. He added that the other medians have no turf landscaping and only one median has drip irrigation. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta asked what the duration of the improvements on Garvey Avenue would be. She expressed concern in having the corridor blighted because it would be a disservice to the residents. Mayor Clark asked staff if cost estimates were obtained for the Garvey Avenue median turf. Acting Public Works Manager Sullivan stated that staff has estimated the cost pr:square foot on the turf to be approximately $8 to $10 a square foot. Council Member Ly asked how much the cost to switch to drought tolerant landscaping was. Acting Public Works Manager Sullivan stated staff received pncing` h landscaping of $5 to $6 per square foot. Mr. Sullivan explained the increase in cost was the expense of irrigation and the costof installing drip systems. Council Member Low inquired if staff obtained other cost Acting Public Works Manager Sullivan explained That with the smaller' if funding was available there were turf reduction rebates at approximately $2;a sg0are foot. He added some ofthe smaller projects could be done with a combination of in -house services, Gtiliz�ition', and redeploymer>tof TruGreen staff. Council Member Low asked if the park areas where fork was being'(ilaned, were also included in the current budget or next year's budget' Assistant City Manager /A66'g Public Works Director Hau kesWorth stated that in terms of the Klingerman Park area, the proposal was tb `stop irrigating and put muldh'bn certain portions of the turf. Staff's intent was to get the $2 per square foot rebdte,fo cover'th cdst of the mulch. Mayor if theifyebate,could be done for the Garvey Avenue medians. Acting Manager Sullivan stated�staff had approximately $28,000 in fund rebates from the water district for Garve' Avenue. Mayor Clark sugges #Ptlstaff codid place mulch, plant drought tolerant plants and install drip irrigation systems for the Garvey Medians. Assistant City Manager / Acting Public Works Director Hawkesworth advised the concerns of having mulch on the medians on Garvey Avenue, was that the medians have large crowns in which the rain will slide all the mulch onto the street. Council MemberAlarcon asked how many medians are on Garvey Avenue. Acting Public Works Manager Sullivan replied there were approximately 16 medians from East to West on Garvey Avenue, Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of May 12, 2015 Page 12 of 13 City Manager Allred stated that in terms of funding, during the midyear budget adjustments, the City Council appropriated some funding for the medians. Acting Public Works Manager Sullivan added that staff was able to isolate the watering expense for the Garvey Avenue turf medians which ranged from $16,000 to $19,000 annually. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta asked if the City was looking into any synthetic turf forthe ball fields. -.g 1z ?'a. City Manager Allred replied no, it's very expensive. 3 Assistant City Manager /Acting Public Works Director Hawkesworth explemed that athletic turf was more expensive than the ornamental turf. He added there was a current;State bill that ivas looking into concerns of the materials used to make athletic turf. Mayor Clark asked who would enforce water regulations, City Manager Allred stated the water companies would monitor watee usage but do not have the authority to cite, except for San Gabriel County Water District, which was a put lk pency. The City wouldl be responding to their referrals for enforcement.� The City Council deferred the item to the next 7. MATTERS FROM CITY COUNCIL — None 8, COUNCIL COMM Mayor Pro Tem Armenta commended Committee Liaisorfht Piatt and Committee Member Brian Lewin for being the judges on the first annual Beautificati- Awards. Ms. Armenta stated that at the Contract Cities Association ,An`nual Muhl nfeh ehce she was chosen to be part of the Executive Board as Director at Large.� 9. The meeting adjourned at 8:47 p hj The next regular City Council meeting is scheduled to take place on May 26, 2015 at 6:00 p. a Rosetnead City Hall Council Chamber. Carol Cowley, Interim City Clerk APPROVED: Margaret Clark, Mayor Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of May 12, 2015 Page 13 of 13