Item 4B - Minutes of November 10, 2014 MINUTES OF THE ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING NOVEMBER 10,2014 The special meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Alarcon at 6:04 p.m. in the Rosemead City Hall Conference Room located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PRESENT: Mayor Alarcon, Mayor Pro Tern Clark, Council Members Arrnenta, Low, Ly STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Allred, City Attorney Richman,Assistant City Manager/Interim Public Works Director Hawkesworth, Community Development Director Ramirez, Director of Parks and Recreation Montgomery-Scott,and City Clerk/Director of Communications Molleda, 1. DISCUSSION OF CODE ENFORCEMENT AND PUBLIC SAFETY MATTERS The City Council will conduct a study session workshop on the City's code enforcement operations as well as the law enforcement services provided through a contract with the Los Angeles County Shedffs Department. City Manager Allred reviewed the staff report. Council Member Ly joined the meeting at 6:21 p.m. Captain Coronne Jacob, Chief of Police Lieutenant Ignacio Somoano, and Code Enforcement Supervisor Michael Reyes were present to answer City Council's questions. The workshop meeting adjourned at 7:05 p.m. Minutes of the City Council Special Meeting The special meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Alarcon at 7:15 p.m. in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Council Member Ly INVOCATION: Mayor Alarcon PRESENT: Mayor Alarcon, Mayor Pro Tem Clark, Council Members Armenta, Low, Ly STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Allred, City Attorney Richman,Assistant City Manager/Interim Public Works Director Hawkesworth, Community Development Director Ramirez, Director of Parks and Recreation Montgomery-Scott, and City Clerk/Director of Communications Molleda. Rosemead City Council Special Meeting Minutes of November 10,2014 Page 1 of 11 ITEM NO. 4.B 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE Julie Gentry- Director of the Dinsmoor Heritage Museum invited the City Council and the public to attend the Old Fashion Christmas Open House on Saturday, December 13th from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. Ms. Gentry also wanted to plant the idea in the public's mind that the Dinsmoor house is available to hold dance recitals or music recitals. 3. PRESENTATION • Introduction of Temple Station Captain Coronne Jacob Captain Coronne Jacob-thanked the City Council for welcoming her back to Temple Station. She looked forward to working with the City Council and with Chief of Police.Lieutenant Somoano to make the City the best it can be Mayor Pro Tem Clark welcomed Captain Jacob. Council Member Ly welcomed Captain Jacob and added that it's good to have someone that is familiar with the community, noting public safety is a paramount issue for the Council. Council Member Armenta welcomed Captain Jacob and stated that she looks forward to working with her and hopes she could sit down and discuss how the City can partner with the Temple City Sheriffs station to make the City better. Council Member Low welcomed Captain Jacob stating the City Council looked forward to working with her. She fell Captain Jacob is needed to help make the City safe. • Proclamation to Deputy Sheriff Stevan Suarez City Manager Allred read the proclamation. Deputy Sheriff Stevan Suarez—thanked the City Council stating he has been at the Temple Station for eight years. He added that it has been an honor working for the City noting he has seen a lot of good changes. He thanked City Council for always being present in community events and for Council's efforts in making Rosemead a better community to live. Council Member Ly stated that Deputy Suarez has been a great asset to the community and one of the reasons why the City has been so successful in improving the City's public safety program. Council MemberArmenta commended Deputy Suarez for his commitment to the community and the Sheriffs Department which speaks wonders for him and his character. Mayor Pro Tem Clark thanked Deputy Suarez for all his work and stating the City will miss him. Rosemead City Council Special Meeting Minutes of November 10, 2014 Page 2 of 11 Council Member Low congratulated Deputy Suarez, wished him the best of luck stating the City will miss him. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Claims and Demands • Resolution No. 2014—54 Recommendation:to approve Resolution No. 2014—54,entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $675,901.66 NUMBERED 86666 THROUGH 86838 INCLUSIVELY B. Quarterly Interim Financial Update for the Quarter Ended September30,2014 Recommendation: That the City Council receive and file the Financial Update report and the Treasurer's Reports of Cash and Investments. C. Appropriation of Los Angeles County Proposition A Funds for Garvey Center Repairs and Maintenance Recommendation: That the City Council approve Resolution No. 2014-58, entitled:A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA APPROPRIATING EXCESS LOS ANGELES COUNTY PROPOSITION A FUNDS FOR USE IN THE MAINTENANCE OF THE GARVEY COMMUNITY CENTER ACTION: Moved by Council Member Ly,and seconded by Council Member Armenta to approve the Consent Calendar.The motion unanimously carried by the following vote: AYES: Alarcon,Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly 5. MATTERS FROM CITY MANAGER&STAFF A. Review and Discussion of Concepts for a Skate Plaza at Rosemead Park Recommendation: That the City Council provide direction regarding options for the development of a skate plaza. Assistant City Manager/interim Public Works Director Hawkesworth presented a PowerPoint presentation reminding the City Council on October 10, 2014,the City Council provided direction to staff regarding the future development of a skate plaza area. At that time it was discussed that the skate plaza be located adjacent to the Community Recreation Center(RCRC) although, after some feedback at that meeting and further discussions after the meeting, it was determined that that probably wasn't the appropriate place to build the skate plaza due to the small size of the area and the closeness to residential units surrounding the RCRC. Staff began pursuing other options by walking all of the City-owned parcels for parks and open Rosemead City Council Special Meeting Minutes of November 10, 2014 Page 3 of 11 space. He noted that several of the City's parks were owned by Southern California Edison and they govern what we can and cannot do in the parks. A skate plaza is one of the things the City may not construct on Southern California Edison property. After evaluating a number of City owned sites including the area by the basketball courts and the grass area adjacent and to the west of the aquatic center in Rosemead Park. He explained why the area by the basketball courts would not work and explained that staff felt the grass area adjacent to the aquatic center was in disrepair and needed to be removed or replaced and was the best option to build the skate plaza. He advised staff has been working with the Street League Foundation which is a professional skateboard organization that started a non-profit foundation that assists in building skate parks and skate plazas in communities. They partner with California Skateparks who is the contractor that builds skateparks. Mr. Hawkesworth displayed several PowerPoint site plans of what can be done in the area selected. He explained the features of Options A and B to the City Council. He emphasized that the plans were conceptual and input would be sought from the youth in the community as to what amenities they would like to see if the project moves forward. He provided the City Council with background information on Street League Foundation, which is a professional skateboard league and hold professional level events in arenas all across the country. When partnering with the Street League Foundation,they bring a street league-type atmosphere into local communities. Mr. Hawkesworth displayed pictures of several of the skate parks Street League Foundation has constructed. He explained that Street League Foundation helps fund the design cost and they have facilitated in the creation of all of the conceptual drawings to date without expense to the City. Council Member Low stated that she has not been in favor of the idea of a skate park; however, after seeing all of the existing facilities, she was excited about it. She acknowledged that Council Member Ly and Council Member Armenta have been pressing for this and she has changed her mind and thinks this will be a great addition to the City. Council Member Ly stated the idea of having a skate park had been talked about for many years and asked what the timeline would be and how it will be funded if the City moves forward with the project,. Assistant City Manager/Interim Public Works Director blawkesworth explained that according to the Street League Skateboarding Foundation, it's a five to six month process if you go through their design-build process from awarding the contract to opening date. Mr. Hawkesworth advised how it would be funded was a decision of the City Council; however, because this is at Rosemead Park, it would be eligible for bond proceeds and because the City did not build the facility next to the RCRC and the City was saving approximately $1.2 million by not building that facility, the City could certainly use some of those funds to construct the skate plaza. Mr. Hawkesworth further stated in response to Council Member Ly, that according to the Street League Foundation,the skate park would cost about a half-million dollars to construct a first class facility. Council Member Ly remarked that he liked the design of the skate park; however, he suggested that other colors of concrete be used to contrast various sections in the skate plaza. Rosemead City Council Special Meeting Minutes of November 10,2014 Page 4 of 11 Council MemberArmenfa thanked Council Member Low for her support of the skate plaza. She remarked the Council was willing to spend a half-million dollars to build a first class skate park and asked the skaters not to use the Civic Center as a skateboarding area because it ruins the aesthetics of the Civic Center. Ms. Armenta reiterated that the Council does want to build a place for a skate plaza for the kids. Council Member Low asked the skaters to be proud of the skate park when it is built,to take care of it, and be safe when skating. Mayor Alarcon stated his son was a skater and said he would come out of retirement; however, at his age, Mayor Alarcon wasn't sure if his mother or wife would allow him to. Percival Silverio-Teacher at Willard Elementary School expressed support for the skate plaza. He felt that if a world class skate park was built in Rosemead, the word would get out on various skateboarding web sites and skateboarders would travel from all over to skate in Rosemead. He added that some of his students that skate usually skate at Garvey Park and Montebello. He continued Olympic Gold Medalists have been developed because some of the surrounding cities had facilities that helped foster their skills. Mr. Silverio hopes the City of Rosemead will recognize International Go Skateboarding Day on Sunday, June 21, 2015. Ron Esguivel-expressed concerns with safety issues and the location;of the skate park. Mr. Esquivel, indicated that the park closes at 10:00 p.m. and there is no fence to keep people away from the area after closing hours. He suggested the City Council look at putting a fence around the skate park and to install additional lighting for skaters in the evening hours, especially during the winter. In Addition he asked if BMX bicycle riders will be allowed to use the skate park. Council Member Ly asked the height of the berm that separated the skate plaza from the jogging trail. Assistant City Manager/Public Works Director Hawkesworfh replied at this time it was merely a concept but could be as high as the City wanted it to be. Jessenia Aguilar-student at UCLA expressed support of the skate plaza noting that for these youth,skating was a way of life and not just a hobby. She advised there is research that indicates that neighborhood belonging and school belonging has a lot to do with how the youth will turn out in the future. Bob Brunch—expressed support for the skate plaza advising that at Willard Elementary School, the ramps on the roof were taken off almost every week end to prevent the kids from using those ramps to jump over them. Mr. Bruesch stated that a skate park, does protect the skaters from traffic and provides a safe place to apply their sport. He encouraged the skaters to show that skating is a sport and a sport worth supporting in the City. Alex Arango-expressed support for the skate plaza stating that it's a form of art and a way of freedom. Mr. Arango also commented on the rejection skaters receive from the public indicating the skate park would not only be for the skateboarders of today, but would also keep the next generation of skateboarders off the street. Rosemead City Council Special Meeting Minutes of November 10,2014 Page 5 of 11 Frank Miller- replied to Ms. Armenta previous comments on taking care of the Civic Plaza, assuring Council that it the skate plaza is built they will take good care of it. He continued that the San Gabriel Valley has seen an increase of skateboarders and it's still a dream for the skateboarding community for the City of Rosemead to introduce a concrete skate park or plaza for present day and future skateboarders. Mr. Miler reiterated that a skate plaza in the City would be ideal for the communal skateboarders to enjoy skateboarding locally in a safe location. Brian Lewin -expressed support of the skate plaza and suggested, in reference to Mr. Esquivel's concerns of skateboards flying over and hitting someone, that the City install mature trees along the slope which may intersect skateboards that could go flying. Mr. Lewin also indicated that he would prefer the alternative design, without the pump tract, because the pump tract places the skate park more into the main area of the park, which is heavily used. He also agreed with Council Member Ly in adding more colors and preserve the visual consistency with the pools. Council Member Ly expressed his excitement about the skate path stating that when reviewing the cost versus the use, the skate park will be just as effective as the pools, the jogging trail, the running track, and all the other facilities that were built in the City. He liked Option B and suggested that Rosemead colors be used. However, a fence would make the skate park look caged and suggested that if a fence is needed, it could be installed at a future date. Mayor Pro Tern Clark asked how far into the park the plaza would go. Assistant City Manager/interim Public Works Director Hawkesworth explained that staff will present more precise drawings in terms of layout and spacing. In addition, the jogging tract goes behind the knoll so the skate plaza will have to stay inside the jogging tract. At this time, he did not think it would encroach on the 41, of July event. Council Member Low agreed with Council Member Ly that option B would work best. Council Member Armenia agreed that option B would provide different levels of skating for the community. Council Member Ly expressed his feelings that it's important for the City to provide services to all community members. ACTION: Moved by Council Member Ly, and seconded by Council Member Armenta to proceed with option B and direct staff to bring it back at the earliest date with continued design. The motion unanimously carried by the following vote: AYES: Alarcon,Armenta,Clark, Low, Ly B. Mandatory Water Conservation Measures Recommendation: That the City Council approve Resolution No. 2014-57, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA DECLARING A PHASE II WATER SHORTAGE WITH MANDATORY WATER CONSERVATION MEASURES Rosemead City Council Special Meeting Minutes of November 10, 2014 Page 6 of 11 City Manager Allred reviewed the staff report advising the Upper San Gabriel Valley Water District declared a water supply emergency as the amount of imported water that can be obtained for purposes of recharging the main San Gabriel Basin is being restricted. As a result the City Council will consider a declaration of mandatory Phase II Water Conservation Measures contained in the Municipal Code. Upon adoption of the resolution the enhanced public information outreach efforts will be made in concert with local water companies, and warning notices will be issued to observed violators of the regulations. Charles Trevino—the City's representative on the Upper San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District stated the District has met with the six water providers who support this action. He commended the City for participating in the San Gabriel Valley's Smart City Water Challenge and Hopes the City wins the$50,000 prize. Mayor Pro Tern Clark asked Mr. Trevino if the Water District could send out a notice to residents when it rains, not to water their lawns for a few days. Mr.Trevino- agreed with Mayor Pro Tem Clark and said part of the resolution included public outreach. Mayor Pro Tem Clark asked how soon the City would receive recycled water pipes where it could be used. Mr.Trevino-replied that he would be happy to meet with the City Manager and public works to see what could be done to provide recycled water. Council Member Low asked how effectively the information could be distributed to the residents and businesses. City Manager Allred replied that staff is working with the private water providers to place notices in their billing invoices; the City will post information on the City website and social media outlets. Mayor Alarcon advised the young people in the audience to remind their parents not to use too much water noting some of the ways to conserve water usage. Bob Bruesch -Garvey School District Board Member stated the School District worked with Mr. Trevino to install a purple pipe to conserve water in schools. He mentioned in the first year of operation, the District saved $17,000. He suggested if the City Council wished to extend that pipe, it be incorporated into the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan as a cost saving measure and ecological necessity. Brian Lewin—supported Mr. Bruesch suggestion of extending the purple pipe and incorporating it into the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan. He also suggested the City encourage the public to report any issues at Rosemead facilities to the City such as a broken sprinkler heads, to help conserve water. He also suggested the Community Development/Planning Division give incentives to applicants who use water conservation fixtures in new projects. Rosemead City Council Special Meeting Minutes of November 10, 2014 Page 7 of 11 ACTION: Moved by Council Member Ly,and seconded by Council Member Low to approve Resolution 2014-57,declaring a Phase II water shortage with mandatory water conservation measures.The motion unanimously carried by the following vote: AYES: Alarcon,Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly 6. MATTERS FROM MAYOR&CITY COUNCIL A. Resolution No. 2014-55—City of Rosemead casting its full votes for Mayor Pro Tem Margaret Clark to the Board of the San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority Recommendation: That the City Council approve Resolution No. 2014-55, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA CASTING ITS VOTES FOR MAYOR PRO TEM MARGARET CLARK TO REPRESENT CITIES WITHOUT PRESCRIPTIVE PUMPING RIGHTS ON THE BOARD OF THE SAN GABRIEL BASIN WATER QUALITY AUTHORITY City Manager Allred reviewed the staff report indicating the Resolution before the City Council is for the City Council to cast its full votes for Mayor Pro Tem Margaret Clark to the Board of the San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority. ACTION: Moved by Council Member Ly, and seconded by Council Member Low to approve Resolution 2014-55,casting its votes for Mayor Pro Tern Margaret Clark to represent cities without prescriptive pumping rights on the board of the San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority. The motion unanimously carried by the following vote: AYES:Alarcon, Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly B. In-home Care Provider Workforce Resolution City Manager Allred advised Resolution No. 2014-56, in support of homecare workers, has been placed on the agenda for City Council's consideration as requested by Council Member Armenta. Recommendation: That the City Council provide direction regarding Resolution No. 2014-56, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA RECOGNIZING THE IMPORTANCE OF THE IN-HOME CARE PROVIDER WORKFORCE AND NATIONAL FAMILY CAREGIVERS MONTH Council Member Armenia stated the In-Home Care workers provide such a great service for people that are not able to be taken care of by their loved ones. She felt to show unity behind them, really makes a difference in recognizing their hard work. Council Member Ly stated that he recognized the need as well as the hard work that the workers provide to the community. He felt their jobs were thankless and it was important that they are compensated for what they do. While he supported most of the Resolution, he was concerned with one section. He did not think it was appropriate for the City Council to take positions on matters between management and labor. He added, he would be leery of any authority taking a side one way or another, if the City was in the middle of Rosemead City Council Special Meeting Minutes of November 10,2014 Page 8 of 11 negotiations. Mr. Ly requested that Section 1 of the Therefore clause in the resolution end with: That the Rosemead City Council stands united with homecare workers, acknowledging the essential work and contributions they bring to Rosemead by officially recognizing the month of November as Family Caregivers Month and supporting their efforts to lift themselves and their communities out of poverty." Council Member Low expressed her support of the In-Home Care workers because they perform a very important job taking care of people that are sick and elderly. She felt the resolution was a way of showing the Council's support to the home care workers and let them know we understand their wages are low and we support an increase to $15 per hour. Mayor Pro Tern Clark agreed with Council Member Lys comments also stating she appreciates everything the in-home care workers do and it in no way detracts from their value. However, the City does not have jurisdiction over the wages that the workers are given nor is it a City issue. Ms. Clark expressed concern that the resolution might lead to unintended consequences because the In-Home Care workers are paid by the State. Her concern was the State may place regulations for some people that would shut them out from receiving the service where they might otherwise be able to. Julie Chow-Vice-President of SEIU—United Long Term Care Worker spoke in Chinese which was translated by Marcus McKae, Ms. Chow stated that she has been an in-home care giver for over ten years. Home care is a very important program for the community. It is a job that requires compassion and patience. There are over 180,000 people that are either elderly, sick or disabled that are provided for through the In Home Supportive Services Program. Ms. Chow advised of some of the benefits of the program and advised that it saves the State millions of dollars each year. Ms. Chow added that soon the workers would be entering into contract negotiations with the County and State regarding wages and she hopes the Rosemead City Council supports them in the resolution. Marcus McKae- lead organizer of the SEIU —Long Term Care Workers Union which includes over 180,000 care providers throughout the State of California. While he recognized the issue is between management and labor organizations,the resolution does have a significant impact on the thousands of people that are providers here in Rosemead as well as their families. He thanked the City Council for the proclamation presented at the last Council meeting. Mr. Mckae expressed concern that many workers will not be able to provide for themselves financially over the next two years. He added that in Califomia one in four In-Home Care service providers live under the federal poverty level and one in three do not have health care insurance. The cost of not paying long term care workers a living wage,that cost is then shifted to the public and tax payers. Mr. Mckae hopes the City will join them in recognizing wages are a fundamental issue for long-term care workers including in-home care workers and also hopes the City Council will stand with them in providing a path way to fifteen dollars an hour for long-term care workers. Council Member Armenta asked Mr. McKae how detrimental it would be to their cause if the language in the resolution was omitted. Mr. McKae-He stated the resolution would be no different than the proclamation previously presented. He stated the resolution was non-binding but would recognize the 1,700 care workers in the City as well as the ones that come from outside the City to work here. He added they would like to get the support from as many cities and council members as possible. Rosemead City Council Special Meeting Minutes of November 10, 2014 Page 9 of 11 Mayor Pro Tem Clark asked Mr McKae what guarantee he could provide that the State will not impose regulations, knowing that they would have to pay more,that would keep certain people from receiving in- home care service. Mr. McKee- explained that in-home care services is funded fifty percent by the Federal Government, thirty- two percent by the State and eighteen percent by the County. There is no funding that comes from cities. He could not guarantee that the Federal or State government would impose regulations prohibiting a family member from taking care of their own family members. He explained that in-home care was less expensive than out of home care and even with the increased wages, there would be no incentive for the government to prohibit In-home care by family members. Council Member Low stated for clarification that the current language in the resolution, if approved as is, would show support for the union's path toward getting fifteen dollars per hour at some point. Mr. McKee-replied yes, that the contract negotiations are for a path way to fifteen dollars an hour living wage for in-home care givers. Council Member Ly stated that when Council has to negotiate for fifty plus full time employees as well as the part time employees. He hoped staff realized that the Council tries to give them everything they deserve, however, the City has a limited budget. Mr. Ly continued that it's the Council's fiduciary responsibility to provide employees with what they deserve within the City's budget but he did not know the State's or County's budget and felt it was inappropriate for Council to get involved in their negotiations because the City does not have direct negotiable authority over the in-home care wage issue and because of that he would like the statement in the therefore clause of the resolution to end after the word poverty. ACTION: Moved by Council Member Ly to approve the resolution amending the first section of the first therefore clause to place a period after the word poverty. ACTION: Council Member Armenta made a substitute motion to adopt the resolution as is. ACTION: Council Member Ly made a second substitute motion,and seconded by Mayor Pro Tern Clark,to adopt Resolution 2014-56 amending Section 1 of the first Therefore,to read, "That the Rosemead City Council stands united with homecare workers,acknowledging the essential work and contributions they bring to Rosemead by officially recognizing the month of November as Family Caregivers Month and supporting their efforts to lift themselves and their communities out of poverty as they fight for a fair wage." The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Alarcon, Clark, Ly. NOES: Armenta, Low. 7. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS Council Member Ly commended staff for doing a great job in the City; however,customer service needs to be the number one thought when engaging with the residents and the business community. He encouraged the City Council and the public to attend the Metro Board meeting on Thursday, November 12th at 9:00 a.m. in Downtown Plaza, as they will consider a final route of the Gold Line East extension along the 60 freeway. Rosemead City Council Special Meeting Minutes of November 10, 2014 Page 10 of 11 Mr. Ly reported that he attended the Contract Cities Association fall conference and Water Summit in which a detailed presentation about water issues was made. He asked that staff look into the conversion of flood control banks to a more natural look and be part of a recreational use. Mayor Pro Tem Clark reported that she also attended the Contract Cities Association fall conference and water summit where very valuable information was received. She commended staff for the way the phones are answered, stating other cities have automated telephone systems and it's frustrating to get assistance. She was also very happy with the way the City is being run without any controversy. B. CLOSED SESSION After the City Attorney announced the City Council would adjourn to closed session to discuss the following three items, Mayor Alarcon adjourned to closed session at 9:02 p.m.. A. Conference with Legal Counsel—Anticipated Litigation 1. Pursuant to Government Code 54956.9(d)(2): 1 potential case. B. Conference with Legal Counsel—Existing Litigation 1. Cal Poultry Vikon Inc. v. City of Rosemead Pursuant to Government Code Section 65956.9(d)(1) C. Conference with Real Property Negotiator—Government Code 54956.8; Property Descriptions: 2714-2718 River Avenue, Rosemead City Negotiator: Jeff Allred, City Manager Malt Hawkesworth, Assistant City Manager Negotiating party: River Warehouse LLC Under Negotiation: Price and Terms The City Council reconvened to open session at 9:49 p.m. at which time City Attorney Richman announced that no reportable action was taken in closed session. 9. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the City Council, Mayor Alarcon adjourned the meeting at 9:49 p.m. The next regular City Council meeting is scheduled for December 9, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. in the Rosemead City Hall Council Chamber. The November 25th and December 23rd meetings have been cancelled due to the upcoming holidays. Carol Cowley, Interim City Clerk APPROVED: William Alarcon, Mayor Rosemead City Council Special Meeting Minutes of November 10, 2014 Page 11 of 11