CC - Item 5B - Minutes of October 27, 2015MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION JOINT MEETING OCTOBER 27, 2015 The Joint Meeting of the Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission was called to order by Mayor /Chair Clark at 7:01 p.m, in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California'.,_ PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Mayor /Chair Clark, INVOCATION was led by Mayor Pro Tem /Vice Chair Armenta. PRESENT: Mayor /Chair Clark, Mayor Pro Tem /Vice Alarcon, Hall, and Low. Council Members STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Allred, City Attorney Richm Ramirez, Police Chief Somoano, Interim Director of Parks and and Interim City Clerk Cowley. 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS FROM THE AU pity Development Director Soash, Finance Director Chu, James Berry introduced Jonathan Smith, Andy Lau;and Jesse Gare'ra�who took part in the CERT (Citizens Emergency Response Team)training:program with him and Mayor Clark at the Public Safety Center. The mission of the CERT program is to trar'"neighborhood'and community based volunteer teams that will inform, educate and train tfieirrteighbors on disaster preparedness, assist public safety agencies with public events, respond to and support, emergency personnel during a locally occurring disaster. He thanked the fire captains, Police Chief Somoana, Pubtk'Safety Coordinator Mandy Wong and the City Council for making thztrairtinq available to the public. Jonathan Smith also thanked the City Council and all of the`,p ople who made °the- training 'possible, As a result, he felt prepared to assist in the event of a Mayor Clark commented on the;CERT training program indicating she gained a new respect for first responders. She`also,thanked all,of the staff who worked on the training and hoped that more people will sign up in the future, ,n Tony Perez a member of the Asian Latino Alliance advised the City Council the purpose of the Alliance is to create a partnership between the Asian and Latino community focusing on training, recruitment, and advancement of both Asian and Latino professionals to prepare them for executive level staff positions within the various municipal agencies throughout the San Gabriel Valley and Los Angeles County, He recently learned the City would be recruiting for a City Manager and department directors who will help to implement the policies set by the Council. The Asian and Latino Alliance hoped the City Council will strongly consider and actively recruit well qualified candidates including Asian and Latino, both men and women, to fill these critical positions, He commended City Manager Allred for his commitment to the City .joint Meeting of the Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Minutes of October 27, 2015 Page 1 of ITEM NO. 5.13 over the years and for insuring a diverse work force in the City of Rosemead, On behalf of the Alliance, Mr. Perez offered assistance in helping to encourage qualified candidates to apply. 3. PRESENTATIONS Introduction of April Soash Interim Parks & Recreation Director City Manager Allred introduced April Soash, Interim Parks & Recreation Director who started last week. He advised Ms. Soash retired from the City of Monrovia where she served for 31,years, most of which as the Director of Parks and Recreation. Mayor Pro Tern Armenta stated she had the privilege of speaking wealth of knowledge and is extremely community oriented. Introduction of Dr. Rajen Vurdien, College Dr. Rajen Vurdien the new Superintendent - President of Pasa Council. He advised the City Council about the College noting Center currently serves 2,912 students, 85 percent of those str transfer and get their bachelor's degree and corn, me tiack,a development of this area. Approximately 992 Rosemead noted that 557 Rosemead high school graduates enrolled the City Council with the some famous people wh College is proud to say Dr. Torres, the Director c Mayor Pasadena:Cty College and many Rosemead students, the College. 4. CONSENT CALEN Pasadena` of the cities Center. as � yesterday; she brings a of Pasadena City Ilege was introduced to the City in Rosemead. The Rosemead ?dit students who intend to 2d help in the economic and workforce residents attend Pasadena City College. He also in Pasadena Qily College this fall. He provided It as its St*&'and National rankings. He named College and concluded that Pasadena City Pasadena City College serves. He introduced §,other members of the College staff. in the community. =and acknowledged John Martin who sits on the Board of etting a satellite college here in Rosemead. Because of him difficulties commuting to Pasadena, have access to attend Mayor Clark advised she,received a speaker request on Item D which will be pulled for separate discussion and action. She also acknowledged that she submitted some typographical errors on the Minutes, but nothing substantial. A. Claims and Demands Resolution No. 2015 -60 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ALLOWING CERTAIN Joint Meeting of the Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Minutes of October 27, 2075 Page 2 of 8 CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $1,540,838.11 NUMBERED 90459 THROUGH 90628 AND THROUGH INCLUSIVELY Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No, 2015 -60 B. Approval of Minutes • Minutes of October 13, 2015 • Minutes of November 10, 2014 • Minutes of December 9, 2014 • Minutes of January 8, 2013 Recommendation: Approve the Minutes of October 2014 and January 8, 2013 C. Quarterly Interim Financial Recommendation: That the City Council receive Treasurer's Reports of Cash and Investments. E. Ordinance No. 958 — Seco Prohibition of Smoking in Recommendation: Rosemead Municip Public Parks. ACTION: Moved by Cou ITEMS arAlarcon to apps' for discussion. The ita, Clark,�',Kell and :ROM THE CQNSE 2014, December 9, nancial Update report and the Code 12.44.050 Council adopt'on second reading, Ordinance No. 958 amending ar 12.44 050. Section A regarding the Prohibition of Smoking in ird:Member Low, and seconded by Council Member /Board nsertCale'n'dar Items A through E, excluding Item D which was on unanimously carried by the following vote: AYES: Alarcon, — Second Reading: Municipal Code Amendment 15.05 — led Fireworks Ordinance That the City Council adopt Ordinance No. 955 at its second reading. Brian Lewin addressed the City Council on behalf of his mother LaDon Lewin. He read Ms. Lewin's statement into the record indicating her support of limiting fireworks to July 4th. Her letter further stated that July 4th is a one -day holiday and should be celebrated on that day rather than celebrating for almost two weeks. Her letter expressed the stress fireworks and other loud noises cause her and how fireworks negatively impact her health. She felt fundraisers can still have their booths and sell fireworks but urged Council to limit their use to July 4th. Joint Meeting of the Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Minutes of October 27, 2015 Page 3 of 8 Brian Lewin also addressed the City Council on behalf of Nancy Eng who was unable to attend the meeting. He read Ms. Eng's statement into the record. In her statement, Ms. Eng thanked Council for amending the fireworks ordinance to improve the quality of life for residents who are sensitive to noise caused by fireworks. The loud noise from discharge of fireworks is known to cause extreme anxiety and stress for people with certain medical conditions and for animals. Ms. Eng's statement advocated that the number of days for the discharge of fireworks be limited to one day, July 4th. Brian Lewin addressed the City Council pointing out that Section 8.28.110B of the Municipal Code allows an individual to discharge fireworks at any time from point A to point;B He suggested the City Council consider changing that. He expressed his view that the 4th of July is celebrated on July 4th, not the 3rd 4th and 5th of July. He noted that Temple City, Monterey Park and Montebello limit fireworks to the 4th only. He reiterated the statements of Mses. Lewin and Eng that firewdr_ks cause stress to certain portions of the population. He mentioned that limiting fireworks to one.day may have a small impact on the non- profit groups but balancing that against the welfare of the residents is a reasonable accommodation. He believes that limiting fireworks to one day will make it easier to catch the individuals who discharge both legal and illegal fireworks on other days. A Rosemead citizen addressed the City Council regarding the disturkances caused by illegal fireworks and the inability to enforce it. He felt the residents were being held hoo"sfage by people breaking the law. He suggested the City look at some financial considerations to hire morE sheriffs and put strike teams throughout the City, and make an asserted effort`to enforce;the law. Mayor/Chair Clark noted that MI the day. Community Developme Council, it was recommended for 9:00 pm on July 5th. Ms. R*gire: through July 5th at Noon, confirm] confirmed for the City Attorney th the fireworks'ordinance. _ made a valid, point as far as;;llmiting fireworks to certain times of or Ramirez I explained that when the ordinance was brought to t. However, Council approved it be from 12:00 Noon on July 3rd to ed further that the current ordinance is from June 28th at 10:00 am vening hours were never addressed in the ordinance. She ty didzhaue a "Noise Ordinance for 10:00 pm, which would override Courfcil Member /Board Member Low requested Council discuss revising the ordinance to limit fireworks to one day because of the conci s she was hearing from the residents, including last time when residents spoke. She was w Willing to go two'days then but hearing more concerns from the residents she would like to discuss the issue and. change it back to just one day. Mayor/Chair Clark disagreed because the problem is the illegal fireworks. The fines for illegal fireworks have been increased. She felt this is the country's patriotic holiday, celebrating our freedom and she did not want families who are doing safe and sane fireworks to be punished because of the illegal fireworks. The residents are celebrating the freedom that most people do not have. She felt the City needed enforcement now that the fines have been increased. She wanted to maintain the three days but she wanted to limit the hours at night, as well as clamp down on the illegal fireworks. Council Member /board Member Low agreed with Mayor Clark that the City needed to clamp down on the illegal fireworks but disagreed with the extended time period. She felt the celebration should be on July 4th Joint Meeting of the Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Minutes of October 27, 2015 Page 4 of 8 because that is the Country's birthday. Mayor Pro TemNice Chair Armenta agreed with Council Member /Board Member Low in that the time to celebrate our Country's freedom is on July 4th, not July 3rd or July 5th. She wanted to know when the Council was going to speak on behalf of the students who have autism and the military men and women who suffer from Post - Traumatic Stress Disorder. She expressed her frustration about being the voice of the people and people are coming to the Council begging Council after every 4th of July to do something about the fireworks. She suggested if non - profits want to sell fireworks, they can put money aside for the people who are affected by fireworks, or those people that have to leave the City because their children cannot take the noise. She asked at what point this will stop. Mayor Pro TemNice Chair Armenta also pointed out on page 7 of the ordinance Sections A and B conflict with each other in that Section A states that fireworks cannot`be stored after 11:59 pm on July 4th but Section B allows fireworks to be discharged until 9:00 pm on July -5th. Community Development Director Ramirez explained that When the changes were made) they were only made to Section B and Section A should have;been changed to July 5th as Mayor Pro TemNice Mayor Armenta di she felt the quality of life for the residents Council Member /Board Member Low stated it noting that residents spoke both last time and th Council Member/Board that it is a way of life. HE it to ACTION: Moved by July 4th. at Noon am to 9: Thereafter discussio acknowledged Brian discharged and prov the difficulty of nonprofits' opportunities to fund raise, but �e important. as time: forthe City Council to listen to the residents time voicingthetr concerns and their wishes. ,sedhis experience growing up with fireworks and felt three days and setting time limits. ow, and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem /Council 0 B to read "to allow the discharge of fireworks rental motion to leave the ordinance with the three days 10:00 pm., July 4th from 7:00 a.m. to 11:59 pm, and July 5th 'regarding the time frames set. Mayor Pro Tem /Vice Chair Armenta researched the hours and days neighboring cities allow fireworks to be information to Council. Mayor /Chair Clark continued her motion with the caveat that the City try this while totally clamping down on the use of illegal fireworks. Mayor Pro TemNice Chair Armenta indicated Temple City does not have a fireworks display so their sheriffs are not gathered in one location and they can be out on the street to patrol for illegal fireworks. She asked how the City of Rosemead was going to secure the residents at Rosemead Park during the Joint Meeting of the Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Minutes of October 27, 2015 Page 5 of8 celebration and also crack down on illegal fireworks. She indicated that everybody knows that Rosemead has the most amount of illegal fireworks on the 4th of July. Council Member/Board Member Low thought that because of the large celebration the City has, the Sheriff's Department is very short - handed on the 4th of July and that is the night there is a lot of illegal fireworks. She felt the City needed to work with the Sheriff's Department to see what can be done. Community Development Director Ramirez suggested that Section B of 8.29.110 be clarified confirming storage of fireworks would be July 5m at 9:00 pm. ACTION: The substitute motion was seconded by Council Member /Board Member Alarcon. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Alarcon, Clark, Hatt NOES: Armenta, Low. City Attorney Richman clarified the ordinance was a new first readirig,and will have to.come back to Council for adoption because the changes are substantive. 5. 6. City Manager Allred provided the house recruitment for the City Ma executive search firm to conduct ! authorize the Citv Manaaer to ex proposals received from, Bo He indipated the lowest fee reputableand very well -knc and were unable to take on Council Member/Board Member'<Low wanted it on record that she spoke to the City Manager before the meeting to confirm some of the:dollar amounts. She wanted to make sure that the proposal submitted by Bob Murray & Associates indicated a base fee of $17,500 and the estimated expenses of $6,900 was a not to exceed amount. City Manager Allred confirmed that the $6,900 is an estimate. Council Member /Board Member Low is okay with using a consultant company to recruit for a City Manager because they have more resources and more candidates. ACTION: Moved by Council Member/Board Member Low, and seconded by Council Member /Board Member Alarcon to authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement with Bob Murray & Associates. MATTERS FROM CITY MANAGER & MATTERS FROM CITY COUNCIL A. City Manager Recruitment Recommendation That the City an executive search firm: -. to execute an agreement with inquiring whether the City Council wished to conduct an in- on throuah`fhe;Citv's Human Resources Division or retain an )ces&: He advised staffs recommendation is to ntwith an executive search firm based on the three Avery and Associates and Roberts Consulting Group. He assured the City Council that all of the firms were The companies that did not respond were at capacity Joint Meeting ofthe Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Minutes of October 27, 2015 Page 6 of 8 Council Member /Board Member Hall agreed that Bob Murray's proposal listed a lot of placements in California which indicates to her that the company is in concert with the ability to place someone in this area. City Manager Allred confirmed for Council Member /Board Member Low that all three companies guarantee that within one year, if the City Council is not happy with the candidate they recommended, then they will conduct a new recruitment with no fee, only reimbursement of expenses. Mayor Pro TemNice Chair Armenta confirmed that the cost proposals of the firms were almost the same. ACTION: The motion unanimously carried by the following roll call vote,'' "AhES: Alarcon, Armenta, Clark, Hall and Low. City Manager Allred informed the City Council that based on the time,frame required,lor this process, it is likely that the actual start date of a successor City Manage ,r would not be until early *,,and he is willing to continue his service until that time, if that is Mayor Pro Tem /Vice Chair Armenta advised that even though made it clear to her that he was very adamant he did not want Council Member /Board Member Low felt it mad . appreciated all of his hard work for the City and Mayor Clark and Mayor Pro Tern Armenta agre amber Ly is on military leave he City Manager. Mr. Allred ;continue his service. She staying until, a new manager is hired. 7. COUNCIL Council Member /Board'Member Arm.Qnta attended a Education for Latino Leaders?:,,, She said it was interest! enduring with the increase in water rates and the;restric information.to'share with Council and'took photos of the conference will be held on Nlarch 5, 2016 ,She encour< Latino Ceatlers. ;onference in Temecula on wells, entitled "Water g'to hear the different challenges that cities are ion on usage, She brought several pieces of slide presentation. She advised the annual ]ed Council to attend, noting it wasn't just for Mayor Pro Tem/Vice Chair Armenta also discussed the comments she received regarding the aesthetics of the Rosemead Community Recreation Center. She credited Brian Lewin with bringing to her attention that whenever a developer hasaa'project, they have to present the actual materials being used for the project to the Planning Commission. She said the City Council was not given the opportunity to see samples or renditions offhe material that was going to be used. Speaking from her own perspective, she felt if Council had seen the material that was going to be used on the RCRC, she did not think Council would have chosen the metal panels. She was under the impression it was going to be brick similar to the ones at the Aquatic Center and Splash Zone. She expressed her concern about the beautiful, historical copper trim on City Hall that is part of the City's history. She was unaware that City Hall was going to be renovated with the same metal and color scheme as the RCRC. Had she known, she would not have voted for that color and she did not think people would be understanding if the City replaces the expensive copper trim with metal sheets. Joint Meeting of the Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Minutes of October 27, 2015 Page 7 of 8 Ms. Armenta recognized at the last Council meeting, Council voted that the material to be used on City Hall would not come back to Council for approval. She said she received an e -mail from City Engineer Fajardo, that the material to be used would be a thicker metal than the metal used on the RCRC. She requested that in the future, Council be given an opportunity to see the material to be used when any drastic changes are to be made to any City facilities. Mayor Pro TemNice Chair Armenta confirmed for Council Member /Board Member Alarcon that because it was a City facility it did not have to go before the Planning Commission. She khew the exterior of City Hall needed to be renovated, but she wished the copper could somehow be4ntegrafed into the fagade. City Manager Allred advised Council that staff has heard Mayor Pro TemNice =-hair Armenta's concern and staff was successful in putting a hold on the acquisition of the metal material aphis time so that it can be discussed further. Mr. Allred suggested this matter be placed on =the`next agenda and hold a full discussion about different options, if Council so directs. C,puncil concurred to put the item 4n the next agenda. _ .. Thereafter followed a discussion regarding starting the renovation'of the remaining portion of City Hall rather than waiting until after the next Council meeting. Council Member /Board Member Low thought it would be better to wait to do the entire project -to make sure everything is - Mr. Allred advised the only thing scheduled between now and the bb tfineeting was the preparation work. Council Member /Board Member Low mentioned the traffic problems on and Angeles noting 111 that she was in another location and came across the same type of ir(tersection and there was a stop sign at the intersection. She remind4Council that she had, suggested a "stop sign on Klingerman so that traffic has to stop before making:tne curb. She felt that could an option to the traffic issue. Mayor Clark announced the dates,and °times pf the upcpming community events. I There bem�rto further business tq come before the City Council, Mayor Clark adjourned the meeting at 8:17 p.m. The next regular City Council meeting is scheduled to take place on November 10, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in the Ros ' City Hall Council Chamber. Carol Cowley, Interim City Clerk APPROVED: Margaret Clark, Mayor Joint Meeting of the Rosemead City Council and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Minutes of October 27, 2015 Page 8 of8