CC - Item 7B - City Hall Exterior Improvement Project - Option for Modifications to the Existing Copper Roofline Fascia for Compatibility With Other City FaclilitiesROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: JEFF ALLRED, CITY MANAGER DATE: . NOVEMBER 10, 2015 SUBJECT: CITY HALL EXTERIOR IMPROVEMENT PROJECT — OPTIONS FOR MODIFICATIONS TO THE EXISTING COPPER ROOFLINE FASCIA FOR COMPATIBILITY WITH OTHER CITY FACILITIES. SUMMARY On October 13, 2015, the City Council authorized funding for improvements to the City Hall exterior to match the exterior of the Rosemead Community Recreation Center (RCRC). At its last meeting on October 27, 2015, the Council directed staff to review options relative to modifications to the existing copper roofline fascia on the City Hall building. The optional treatments include: 1) replacement of the existing copper roofline fascia material with a decorative metal material similar to the RCRC; or 2) paint the existing copper fascia in a color to match the RCRC. Staff Recommendation: That the City Council provide direction regarding the preferred options for compatibility with other City facilities. BACKGROUND /DISCUSSION In recent years, various City facilities have been constructed or modified utilizing maroon colors that identify and reflect the City's brand or theme. Examples include the following: • Rosemead Aquatics Center building at Rosemead Park • Splash Zone building at Garvey Park • Rosemead Community Recreation Center (RCRC) • Garvey Community Center • Garvey Park Gym and snack bar building • City Hall interior, i.e., Council Chambers, lobby, and Council offices • Freeway underpass bridges • Street signs ITEM NO. 7.B City Council Meeting November 10, 2015 Page 2 of 2 On October 13, 2015, the City Council authorized funding for improvements to the City Hall exterior to match the exterior of the newly reconstructed RCRC building. Among other tasks, the proposed improvements included removal and salvage of existing green- oxidized copper material from roofline fascia and install new maroon - colored metal material to match the RCRC building. At that meeting, Mayor Pro Tem Armenta requested that staff identify a stronger metal material for use on City Hall than is now in place on the RCRC building. Subsequently, staff advised Council members that a stronger gauge metal material could be procured for the City Hall roofline at a reasonable cost. On October 27, 2015, Mayor Pro Tern requested that other options be considered, including retaining the existing copper roofline material. Staff has conducted research and determined that it is possible to paint the existing copper material using a three -step process: 1) Clean /scrub manually with chemical etching solution down to the base copper. 2) Priming with a self- etching primer paint. 3) Paint with two coats of oil -based paint that is compatible with the primer. A water -proof top coat paint should be used to last longer. Application of paint to the existing copper utilizing the process described above could last up to 10 years before needing new paint application. This is a labor intensive task and estimated costs will be provided at the Council meeting or sooner if possible. FINANCIAL IMPACTS The Capital Improvement Program (CIP) budget for the current 2015/16 Fiscal Year includes an allocation of $350,000 (from the General Fund) for the City Hall Exterior Renovation project. On 10/13/15 the Council approved an appropriation of $246,750 for a contractor to perform the work for the entire scope of the project. At the time of this writing, staff was developing costs estimates for the two options under consideration. Prior to the City Council meeting staff will provide a comparison of estimated costs for: Option 1) replacement of the existing copper roofline fascia material with a decorative metal material similar to the RCRC; and Option 2) paint the existing copper fascia in a color to match the RCRC. Public Notice Process This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process.