CC - Item 5B - Meeting Minutes of November 10, 2015 MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL, HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION AND THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION JOINT MEETING NOVEMBER 10,2015 • Closed Session 6:00 p.m. The meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Clark at 6:00 p.m. in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard;osemead, California.Jam.. PRESENT: Mayor Clark, Mayor Pro Tem Armenta, Council Members Alarcon, al : nd Low STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Allred, City Attorney Ric, and Interim City Cler Cowley. AsVilt • CLOSED SESSION: = €f: The City Attorney announced the City Council would recess to closeclsession to discuss the following two items on the Agenda. '`` 1. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54951 a. Public Employee Appointment V. • Title: City Manages ' 2. Pursuant to Go emment Code Section 54956.9(4)(2) a. Signific sosure to itigation One Case g RECONVENE TO OP NSESSION. City Attor:eylRichman announced the City ouncil did not take any reportable action in closed session. Regular Meeting 7:00 p.m. The meeting of the Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation, and the Successor.Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission was called to order by Mayor/President/Chair Clark at 7:04 p.m. in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Mayor Pro TemNice PresidentNice Chair Armenta INVOCATION was led by Council Member/Board Member Alarcon Rosemead City Council. Housing Development corporation and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of November 10, 2015 • Page 1 of 13 ITEM NO. 5.B PRESENT: Mayor/President/Chair Clark, Mayor Pro Tem/Vice-President/Vice-Chair Armenta, Council Members/Board Members Alarcon, Hall, and Low STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Allred, City Attorney Richman, Community Development Director Ramirez, Interim Director of Parks and Recreation Soash, Finance Director Chu, City Engineer Fajardo, and Interim City Clerk Cowley. 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE Vella Navarro addressed the City Council regarding the progress of the traffic control resolution at Klingerman and Angeles. fir. Mayor/President/Chair Clark mentioned receiving information about the intersection of Paramount and Gallatin and she asked staff to look at that intersection as a potentialksolution because s similar to Klingerman and Angeles. She has pictures and will give them to staff. City Manager Allred advised staff has not yet received the Traffic Engineer's report. 4:4, a i >.. Mayor Pro TemNice PresidentNice Chair Armenta advised advisecidSNNavarro staff is making sure her concerns are being addressed and a traffic study is being done bu 4it takes a little time. Council Member/Board Member Low asked thatftfisssue be given highnpriority because Ms. Navarro has been asking about this for a very long time. Albert Santianez addressed th tyyCouncil regardingbthe infestationfof the Asian Tiger Mosquito. He advised he has observed their'larvae.instanding water,and has been bitten several times. A representative �v, from the San Gabriel Valley.Mosquito annd Vector Control District confirmed the mosquitos' presence in his yard. He asked the City Council for assistance in eradicatg the mosquitos in his neighborhood. City Manager Allred advised MrFarned fromthekSaGabriel Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District will be making a presentation on the Asian Tiger Mosquito this evening. Elise>Frederick also addressedthe City Council regarding the Asian Tiger Mosquito and shared her research on'theAsubject. She requested multi-language education pamphlets be distributed to the population. She felt something had to be done sooner rather than later. Jessica Franks addre.s,sed t ,eCity Council about the problems she has encountered from the mosquito stating she and her childrenhave been bitten numerous times at 10:00 in the morning. The mosquitos will bite at any time not just inuthe evening like the normal mosquito. She called the Mosquito Control District and was told she had to come to City Hall. 3. PRESENTATIONS • 710 Coalition DEIR Briefing Rosemead City Council. Housing Development corporation and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of November 10, 2015 Page 2 of 13 Lee Dolly, former Alhambra City Attorney and Special Council on the 710 recited the history of the discontinuance of the 710 Freeway completion and the resurgence of completing the freeway. He advised the 33,000 page Draft Environmental Impact Report(DEIR)was reviewed by the Coalition and comments were submitted during the comment period. He introduced Pat Gibson, President of Gibson Transportation Company and Julia Lester from Ramboll Environ, a well-known company in the field of air quality. Mr. Gibson provided a PowerPoint presentation summarizing the information and facts concluded from the DEIR. He advised the study area was the entire San Gabriel Valley and the EIR looked at four different alternatives to complete the 710 Freeway. He advised Council of the four alteratives noting the last was to build a tunnel under South Pasadena and Pasadena, which met three of a fivcriteria listed in the EIR. He explained the tunnel will mean 57,000 through trips will be off the stree-s.nd back onto the freeway and over a quarter million through trips per day will experience reduced tra time He explained how the traffic will be rerouted to the various freeways reducing the amount oft-traffic on a erials through Rosemead. Ow, 4134. Julia Lester of Ramboll Environ spoke on the air quart h ',issues that were addressed in the D �: . She pointed out that a tunnel is the only alternative that depicts a p ern oEtra c reduction across the entire San Gabriel Valley. She explained the importance of this patte n to -ir quality because the fewer vehicle miles traveled, the less emissions. She poi ed out that only the"freey tunnel reduces the truck emissions that produce diesel particulate matter(DPM)which is the moat toxic air contaminate that exists in this basin. She discussed the cancer risks t rat res ilt.from the emissionsres Iting from stop and go traffic. She advised that all of the contaminantsthat come f e" ,the trucks goes through a scrubber system reducing all of the particulates by about 95%. Mr. Gibson explained wh ythe e i more miles traveled with the tun el. Mr. Dolly and Mr. Gibson summed up by saying 6.78 millio hours of tra'e time will be sau "d annually and 57,000 cars a day through trips will come off of the arteritrOlefflays. M tester stated emirs ons will be reduced in the worst impacted areas including traffic through Roseme d i cheat' g -n alprec able reduction in air pollution that surrounds the schools, horn- - bostitals b� 70o�to 14%.n The Ci , council thanked Mr Dolly, Mme.°G'bsor and Ms. Lester for their presentation and acknowledged Brian we or his involvement Coalitio ` eetings, the DEIR, and an outspoken supporter of the continuation he 710 Freeway. • San Gab -1-Valley Vector Control District Presentation by Jason Famed Jason Farned the Pub l:formation Officer for the San Gabriel Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District made a PowerPoi presentation addressing the concerns of the increased biting activity by mosquitos. He informed Council mosquitos breed in water and three of the four life cycle stages of a mosquito are in water. He advised if the sources of standing water can be removed, the population of mosquitos can be significantly reduced. He discussed the West Nile Virus epidemic in California stating in 2014, California had 798 cases and 29 deaths were recorded; and this year so far 512 human cases and 30 or 31 deaths. He advised birds carry the virus and mosquitos spread the virus and explained how the disease is transmitted to humans. He advised there is no vaccine for West Nile Virus so mosquito bite Rosemead City Council. Housing Development corporation and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of November 10, 2015 Page 3 of 13 prevention is key and the way to prevent mosquito bites is to wear mosquito repellant and protective clothing. The mosquitos that carry the West Nile Virus tend to bite between dusk and dawn. Mr. Famed explained the difference between the common backyard mosquitos and the Invasive Aedes which are more aggressive, will bite multiple hosts, multiple times, and will bite throughout the day which makes them efficient at transmitting viruses. He described what the Asian Tiger Mosquito looks like and advised they breed in very small containers that hold water. They lay their eggs on the inside of the container and the eggs can lay dormant for years waiting for the perfect conditions, and they hatch one at a time making them very hard to manage. He discussed the types of plants thaaat ract the Asian Tiger Mosquito and recommended they be removed from people's yards. Mr. Famed addressed the tropical diseases these mosquitos can spread but noted they do not carry the ,,es.?jle Virus. He noted it is also important that the residents share responsibility in managing the mo uitos b..°aking care of their own properties. He mentioned the children are the most affected because hey play'tilde and are getting bit everywhere. He discussed unmaintained swimming pools in San Gabriel Valley wh . an breed up to 3 million mosquitos in one month stating pool water needs tt be circulating. He mentio -Vilh ponds, fountains and rain collection barrels attract the Asian T eer Mosquito 't in collection barn s peed to have a 20 mesh screen to prevent mosquitos from getting in. He b,551. the Vect9r Control Distric covers all of the county areas as well as all of the cities in San Gabriel Val elAeirdvised the Council that any calls they receive can be directed to the District and the District will be glaake those calls. City Manager Allred confirmed for Mayor Pro T Armenta that the Po e..°oiaslides will be posted on the City's Website. 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS fi r: A. Public Hearin•• the Adop o of Ordinance No.956 Amending Chapter 5.24 of the Rosemead Municipal Code aining to the ' -gelation of Massage Establishments and Massage Providers 1A-.e Recommendatio That the ity Council to e the following actions: (1) Conduct the noticed public anng and receiveplic comment and (2) Introduce for First Reading, by title only, Ordinance . isl '56 "An Ordinaft of the City Council of the City of Rosemead, California Amending Cha ote, 5.24 of the R,•semead Municipal Code Regarding the Licensing and Regulation of Mass ge a ractitioners a d Massage Establishments". Community Develop ae tFDiea or Ramirez provided a brief staff report highlighting the ordinance which resulted from Assembl' Bill 147. The City has had a moratorium on the issuance of any permit, license, tax certificates, approvals or entitlements for new message establishments or the relocation of massage establishments since January 1, 2015. She explained that during the time the urgency ordinance was in effect, staff and the City Attorney have reviewed the City Council's ability to effectively implement AB 1147. She advised City Council of the changes AB 1147 made to the law, noting that the most important change is cities and counties now have the ability, to a limit, to impose ordinances, regulations, rules, requirements, restrictions, and land use regulations that are different from those placed on other professional services. Because of this, there are several changes being proposed to Chapter 5.24 of the Rosemead Municipal Code including massage businesses must obtain a Conditional Use Permit for the operation in a C-3 Rosemead City Council. Housing Development corporation and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of November 10, 2015 Page 4of13 Medium Commercial Zone; the applicant or operator of a massage business has to provide proof of a live scan or similar City background check regardless of whether they have a CAPT license; and the ability to prohibit the use of window coverings blocking visibility into the reception or waiting areas. She advised Council that the moratorium will expire on December 25, 2015 and staff is recommending Council introduce by title only for first reading Ordinance No. 956. Thereafter followed a discussion regarding the prohibition of table showers in which Council was advised none of the massage'establishments have been approved for table showers and explained to the audience what a table shower is. She explained in order to have a table shower they would have to go before the Planning Commission as well as Building &Safety because of the plumbingand electrical. In response to Mayor Pro Tern Armenta's concerns about curtains on massage establishment windows, Ms. Ramirez responded that windows are no longer allowed to have any a of couerin g`eXCept blinds which have to p 9 type 4� 9 �P remain open during business hours. This also applies to establishments that arealready in business. y Mayor Clark opened the public hearing at 8:14 pm. Brian Lewin addressed the City Council requesting the ordinance be revised to include theefollowing changes: 5.24.020 the final sentence in that section should be'ctienged to specifically prohibit the use of table showers, whether or not they went through the process of theFlanning Division and Building and Safety. 5.24.060 D, B, E does not create a bar on draping during a shower, if they were to use a table shower. He suggested definitions be incorpo ated..dI the{terms massage room and treatment room since those terms are used in the document. 5.24.060 L,remove�"Except as Provided in Section 5.24.060(K);" because K refers specifically to exterior doors andchangethe rema nder:of the sentence to"may not be locked or have any type of locking�device installed" 5 24:060 R add .`or of the conversation or other sounds within the dressing ro'om and suggested adding shower or bathing area, explaining his reason for this suggestion. He suggested delete g5.24.060 T noting that section is redundant to 5.24.060 FF. He also suggested adding a comma at theeend of FF and adding'"and shall be used for this purpose." He suggested some re-lettering beause theordlnance skips EE after DD. He asked if the citation in 5.24.050 E is sufficient todeny e,,license not ng.,the passage appears to be referencing applicable requirements in another part of the Code, vtztt„,,, There beingkno further public comments, Mayor Clark closed the public hearing at 8.23 pm. Council Member Armenta requested the City Council take Mr. Lewin's recommendations into consideration andtasked if it wasapossible to look into his suggestions. City Attorney Richman ise Y she cannot respond to each of Mr. Lewin's suggestions, but the City's Code is a permissive code andthe City does not have to go through a list of everything that is not permitted. She stated she realized there is a desire to be clear, but at a certain point if the ordinance lists everything that is not permitted an argument can be made that because it was not specifically listed it is permitted. She stated that the City did not have to specifically state issues that are already illegal or required to be followed in other parts of the Code, like the table shower, the Building Code still has to be followed. Just because they are a massage business does not mean they are exempt. Rosemead City Council. Housing Development corporation and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of November 10, 2015 Page 5 of 13 Community Development Director Ramirez appreciated Mr. Lewin bringing up the incorrect numbering and that will be corrected; but she and the City Attorney discussed the other issues and staff is comfortable with the way this massage ordinance is written. Ms. Ramirez confirmed for Mayor Pro Tem Armenta that all of the concerns addressed by Mr. Lewin have been addressed in the ordinance Ms. Ramirez said that the first reading is tonight, the second reading is at the next meeting, and the ordinance becomes effective on December 25th which is the day the moratorium ends. If any changes are made, a second urgency ordinance will have to be brought back as well. ri�2�'h{v Thereafter followed a lengthy discussion on Mr. Lewin's comments, especia ly about£not allowing locks on the interior doors and being so restrictive that the ordinance can be challenged_ It was noted that his comments regarding the incorrect lettering can be changed, FF will be ome\:47:a..4 the section would end with DD, which is something that Council can include in its motion, _ fi` ACTION: Moved by Council Member Low, and secondedby Mayor Pro Tern ArmentaVo.approve ent Ordinance No. 956 changing Subsection FF to T under 5.24.060 Massage Establ.s Operating Requirements and ending with DDS the City Attorney read the title the ordinance into record: = " fi "An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Rosemead, California Amending Chapter 5.24 of theme Rosemead Municipal�Cde.oRegarding the Licensing and RegulationTof Massage Practitioner�sFand Massage Establishments". = The motion unanimously ca ried by the following roll call}vote: AYES: Alarcon,Armenta,Clark, Hall, Low Yj ti���•Ti: x s-: -�, B. Public Hearing—Municipal C deeAmendment 15.06—An Ordinance Amending the Zoning CodeaasRelated to Massage Establishments in the City of Rosemead ,,Recommendation recommended.that the City Council take the following actions: (1) Conduct the noticed public hearing a:;d receivepublic comment, and (2) Introduce for First Reading, by title only, Ordina ce No. 957 An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Rosemead, County Los AngelesState of California, Approving Municipal Code Amendment 15-06 Amending Services Uses — Restricted in Table of Section 17.16.050 for the Purpose of Revising La ddd-d-U. a Co trols for Massage Services." Avr Community Development Director Ramirez advised the City Council that Ordinance No. 957 is a companion ordinance that requires massage businesses to obtain a Conditional Use Permit for the operation in the C-3 (Commercial) Zone as will be required under Rosemead Municipal Code 5.24 which was just introduced by first reading. Mayor Clark opened the public hearing at 8:34. There being no public comments, the Mayor closed the public hearing. Rosemead City Council. Housing Development corporation and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of November 10, 2015 Page 6 of 13 City Attorney Richman read the title of Ordinance No. 957 into the record: An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Rosemead, County Los Angeles, State of California, Approving Municipal Code Amendment 15-06 Amending Services Uses — Restricted in Table of Section 17.16.050 for the Purpose of Revising Land Use Controls for Massage Services ACTION: Moved by Mayor Pro Tern Armenta, and seconded by Councce.-ber Alarcon to introduce Ordinance No. 957 Approving Municipal Code Amendment.-1` -06. The motion unanimously carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Alarcon,Ar . Clark, Hall, Low 5. CONSENT CALENDAR Items B and E were pulled from the Consent Calendar for discussion and separate ac to A. Claims and Demands . : .3 • Resolution No. 2015-21, entitled: A RESOLUTION`OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD AS THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE�O EMEAD COMMUNI° Y DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS A D DE ANDS IN TH `S. M OF $39,610.77 NUMBERED 10149 THROUGH 10151 Recommendation 'appt Resolution No 2015-21 • Resolution 0 2015.61,.e 4 titled:A RESO UTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEME ®ALLO G CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $529,027.45 NUM RD90629f.HROUG. 90748, INCLUSIVELY ecommen 0 afon: Al op Resolution No. 2015-61 Alt C. reasurer's Repo for the Rosemead Housing Development Corporation for the Quarter 'heed September., 2015" Recommendation. at the RHDC Board Receive and File the Treasurer's Report of Cash and Inves me is D. Considerat`io of Cancelling the December 22, 2015 City Council Meeting Recommendation: That the City Council cancel the December 22, 2015 City Council Meeting due to a Lack of Quorum. ACTION: Moved by Council Member/Board Member Low, and seconded by Council Member/Board Member Alarcon, to approve Consent Calendar Items A, C, and D as presented. The motion unanimously carried by the following vote: AYES: Alarcon,Armenta,Clark, Hall, Low. Rosemead City Council.Housing Development corporation and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of November 10, 2015 Page 7 of 13 ITEMS PULLED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR B. Approval of Minutes • Minutes of October 27,2015 Recommendation: Approve the Minutes of October 27, 2015. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta corrected page 4, "A Rosemead Resident"should be changed to"Chuck Lyons;" Mayor Clark corrected page 5, "supplemental"should be changed to" b ifa te,;" and Council Member Hall corrected page 8, the word "curb"should be changed to"curve." ACTION: Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Armenta, and seconded °ouncil Member A r i n, to approve the Minutes as corrected. The motion unanimously°carried by the following vo e- °YES: Alarcon, Armenta, Clark, Hall, Low. vults E. Ordinance No.955—Second Reading: Mun cpaCode Amendment 5-05— Adoption of Amended Fireworks Ordinance , Recommendation: That the Cou$oil adopt Ordinaxc- ; cc?955 at its second reading: �Y p 9 ORDINANCE NO. 955 - AN ORDINA- oK THE CITY-COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, COUNTY OF LOkANG -ES, S ATE OF CALIFORNIA, APPROVING MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT 5-05 AMENDING SUBSECTION 8.28 IN ITS ENTIRETY'0F TICE 8 (HEALT ND SAFETY) OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD MUNIIP' I CODELATED TO REGULATING FIREWORKS AND TEMPORARY FIREWORK.STANDS' Adriane Hernandez dd regtestingeeCity Council reconsider discharging fireworks on the 4th of J9, only- `she.adv sed h} rreasons for this request and specifically her son suffers from autism and he H iiery frightened of.re orks. S e also discussed the amount of revenue the non-profits make selling ire ks but said the majority of the sales are on the 4th of July, so she didn't think that limiting the discharge oAirreworks to the 4th ofJuly is going to create any disruptions for the non-profits. x: Brian Lewin adore sed the City. =ouncil referring to Ms. Hernandez' comments, stating Council should weigh more heavily o its ost ulnerable and most frequently voiceless residents when making the decision, and limit firewo sf the 4th of July only. He also asked the City Council to publicize the regulations beginning in,June next year to all locally available media including posting online and require the placement of signs in large bold letters adjacent to every sales window of every fireworks stand operating in the City in all four languages. Mayor Pro TemNice PresidentNice Chair Armenta commented the most vulnerable are not able to speak for themselves and asked the City Council to reconsider and be a voice for all. She receives complaints from citizens all the time, especially the day after the 4th of July. She listed all of the surrounding cities that allow the sale of fireworks for several days but only allow them to be discharged on Rosemead City Council. Housing Development corporation and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of November 10, 2015 Page 8 of 13 the 4th of July. She also suggested that the times of discharge for each day be the same so that it is easier to monitor. She urged the City Council to look at the surrounding cities to determine if their non-profits were affected by the limited days to discharge fireworks. Council Member/Board Member Low supported Mayor Pro Tern Armenta's comments stating the fact that residents have asked the City Council to consider limiting fireworks to the 4th of July is very important to her. She also found it convoluted when there are three days for discharging and each day has a different time period. She did not agree with Mr. Lewin's comments to post the ordinance everywhere due to costs. She asked the City Council to change the ordinance to only allow fi.e °orks to be discharged on the 4th of July. Council Member/Board MemberAlarcon thought the City Council hould leav he ordinance as is, try it fora year and see how it goes. 4. 4 Mayor/President/Chair Clark agreed with Council Memle larcon stating the major oro•leim is the illegal fireworks and the new ordinance allows the City to finepe=ple who are�discharging Illegrwofks and she was sure the Sheriff's Department heard the City Council wants e f cement. She is i s avor of keeping the ordinance as it is and maybe bring it back later to se- o ththings are working ACTION: Moved by Mayor/President/Chair Clark o approve Ordina cP o. 955 as written. ACTION: A substitute motion was made by Mayo Pro T.e ce Presides Vice Chair Armenta, and seconded by Council Member/Board Member LLoo�w,°ta ev se t -ordinance to allow the discharging of SaSane fireworks onl!on the Ott, fexand ofl`y from the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. The4fionncarr ed by the following roll call vole: AYES: Armenta, Hall, Low. NOES: Clar a d Alarcon. Thereafter followed a discussiorf r gard g.Coungil Me ber Hall's vote. City Attorney Richman and Mayor Pro Tern Armenta/V'ceP esiden ic- Chai arif tf a motion for Ms. Hall who, after some discussion, confirmedor.e'voteorcocr ly. It was also confirmed that because of the changes to the ordinance, it would hav- to be brought bac to the Cit.Coi:cil for second reading at the next Council meeting. 6. MA e. -S FROM CITY' 'NAG R&STAFF A. OneYear Extension of Contract with Auditors Recommendation: that the City Council authorize the one year extension of the RAMS contractor$44,882. This is the same as the fiscal year 2014/15 fee. Finance Director Carolyn Chu provided the staff report indicating the City currently contracts with the accounting firm, Rogers,Anderson, Malody and Scott(RAMS)for auditing services. The contract will expire upon completion of the 2014/15 fiscal year audit. She advised staff was requesting the contract be extended for one year at the same price as this year's contract. Rosemead City Council. Housing Development corporation and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of November 10, 2015 Page 9 of 13 ACTION: Moved by Council Member/Board Member Low, and seconded by Council Member/Board Member Alarcon,to approve extending the auditor's contract for one year. The motion unanimously carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Alarcon,Armenta, Clark, Hall, Low. B. Los Angeles Regional Inter-Operable Communication System (LA-RICS) Recommendation: That the City Council provide direction regarding this matter as needed. City Manager Allred advised the City Council that the LA-RICS Communi a kin System has been in existence fora number of years. The system provides improved radio oadband communications (voice and data)for public safety providers in the region. However,tt1 re ha :®een a lot of controversy relative to the costs that are attributed to Contract Cities. Thereoncern that he •os Angeles County Sheriff's Department as well as LA-RICS have not yet identified cost for LA RI Si:at i the s embedded in the Public Safety contract. He informed Council that Contract through its represen,o ative on the LA- RICS Board,has repeatedly asked for information on thi ssue and has not yet received se Contract Cities is concerned about being double-charged. He advised Council that:Contract Cities i -sking cities to consider opting out of the system unless this controversy is rec ifiedMr. Allred believed the appropriate action would be to authorize the City Manager to send a letter toA7 ICS opting out prior to November 23rd unless the City receives the additional informa o .regarding the costs,fom LA-RICS and the Sheriff's Department. Mayor Pro TemNice PresidentNice Chair Armenta co irrnee on .act Cities was recommending cities to opt.out. vrve-U. 4t Brenda Hunemiller also co firmed Contract Cities is urging cities to provide a united front in opting out of LA-RICS, noting the genera ,onsensuss that contract cities opting-in are being double charged. City Manager Allred is trying to find'otfro A-RCS whether there is contractual financial support going into Los Angeles Couty§.Sheriff an '. o Angeles'County Fire. She advised the City Council that there is another co. munications-plat orm ca Ie s CIS that is available and works perfectly well. Ms. Hunemiller advisediffthe City Council oec ded to WI t t ere will be an opportunity to opt back in in the future. ACTION: ' oared by Council Mf r ber/Board Member Alarcon, and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem/Vice President/Vice Chair Armenta, to authorize the City Manager to send a letter to LA-RICS opting out prig Yto November23, 2015, unless the City receives the additional information requested regardingthek ost imbedded in the Public Safety Contract. The motion unanimously carried by the following :ote: AYES: Alarcon,Armenta, Clark, Hall, Low. 7. MATTERS FROM CITY COUNCIL A. Appointment to the San Gabriel Valley Mosquito&Vector Control District Recommendation: That the City Council appoint a representative to the San Gabriel Valley Mosquito &Vector Control District Board of Directors to serve a two year term beginning January 1, 2016. Rosemead City Council. Housing Development corporation and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of November 10, 2015 Page 10 of 13 City Manager Allred advised the San Gabriel Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District made the City aware that the City's existing appointee, Council Member Alarcon's term on the board of Directors is expiring. Mr. Alarcon is desirous of being re-appointed to the District Board for another term. Council Member/Board Member Alarcon confirmed for Council Member Low the Vector Control Board meets on the third Friday of each month at 7:00 a.m. ACTION: Moved by Mayor/President/Chair Clark, and seconded by Counc' ber/Board Member Hall, to re-appoint Council Member Alarcon to the San Gabriel Valley/ osqu to and Vector Control District for another term, The motion unanimously carried oy a ollowing vote: AYES: Alarcon,Armenta, Clark, Hall, Low. B. City Hall Exterior Improvement Project—Optio sr lodifications4 oche Existing Copper Roofline Fascia for Compatibility w;thother City Facilities Recommendation: That the City Council pro lee.directio� egarding the pre erred options for compatibility with other City facilities. City Manager Allred advised the City Councils is item was placed on`�`he> genda as a result of the last Council meeting. Staff is presenting two options forfCou cil consideratiio elative to the City Hall Exterior Improvement Project copper roofline fascia for cod pati®ility +►th other City facilities. The first option is the one approved by the Council on October 13, 2015 o replace thexistgopper roofline fascia material and replace it with a decoratvmetal material similahe RCRC ‘ second, to paint the existing copper fascia in a color to match the'RC®C Staff received the cost for the two options today which is on the dais before Council. He ex•la ned that it cost more to repa nt because it is labor intensive. 'tsa Thereafter the City Council d"44;rs ed the;"cost�of the tw .,options and the reason it costs more to paint over the copper. Thee age a lained he work) t has to be done to each of the 370 to 380 copper panels and.�rs very i consuming .ouncil Member Low expressed concern about the paint coming off the cop•er in five to ten ye. Mayor Pro; ern Armenta felt the aesthetics of City Hall will be diminished by repa° ;nghe copper with e al. Discussion ref. ding going out to bid to see if the City receives a lower price ensued. It was explained that because the cos to complete J th,.°CRC was well below the contract price, it was in the City's best financial interest to have the co ctor ho performed the RCRC work as part of the Civic Center Improvement project, submit a change order for the City Hall exterior which is the next phase of the Civic Center Improvement project. Council approved the change order on October 13. Further discussion continued regarding the fact the City Council did not have an opportunity to approve the material to be used before the work began. ACTION: Moved by.Council Member/Board Member Low, and seconded by Mayor Pro Tern Armenta/Vice President/Vice Chair Armenta, to approve Option 2, to paint the copper fascia to match the color of the RCRC. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Armenta, Clark, Hall, Low. NOES: Alarcon Rosemead City Council. Housing Development corporation and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of November 10, 2015 Page 11 of 13 8. COUNCIL COMMENTS Mayor Pro Tem Armenta announced that she attended the Trunk or Treat stating it was a fabulous celebration on Halloween Day. There were over 1,000 people and the Beautification Committee won third place for its decorations. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta advised there was still one tree on Olney Street that is leaning and she will take pictures. She expressed her concern about trees falling onto parked cars whe El Nino begins. She also mentioned the pine trees belonging to Cal Trans along the 1-10 Freeway behind Olney Street are hitting the rooftops because they are not being trimmed. She asked for an inven orfy“. t e trees to repair before the rains begin and cause damage to cars. Council Member Hall announced the Dinsmoor Museum will.be 'olding its Christm..'O•en House on Saturday, December 12, 2015 from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m,ry 1 Council Member Low reported her attendance at the`National� eague fCities Conference She attended several of the workshops as well as the general sessions whey'• helned there are tools available that can improve permit processing as well as tools for"opportunity si es •r cities'websites. She also stated there is an emphasis on thinking more globally such as global warming and the importance of working with the League of California Cities and the Nations League of Cities to have ko e nice to convey the needs of cities to the State and Federal Government to ob ain more 'n 'ng. Council Member Alarcon as eomor Pro Tern Arme1 fa about their formation she brought back from the • water conference she atte.de an.gas.ed if sandbags.will be available for the residents when the rainy season begins. Mayor P o Tem Arm nta confirmed she had the information and would make it available to Council. City Manager A Iretr,onfirmar,osandbags will beau llable at the New Fire Station. Mayor Clark . 0 nce, the date time of` o=u:coming community events. She also attended the Conference is on the Energy, Environment Committee in which discussion National Leg e o Ci resCoO �; gy, took pl.ceeregarding climate change he to be a global issue, it can't just be a city issue. She ment one®., e got information informatiori,6n.airport noise and that many other cities are concerned about the storm water issue,.ee ulations that have}t'o be implemented and the inability to pay for it. She mentioned tl -l see lighting e emony was on December 3rd at 6:00 p.m. but the League of California Cities meeting is the sa. - evening. In the future, she would like staff to poll the Council to determine if Council is available on t proposed date and time before scheduling an event. Mayor Clark also discussed SB 415 regag rd elections expressing the outrageousness of the State getting involved in local elections. The City Attorney added the County is currently declining any requests for consolidation, regardless of this bill, because the ballot is full until the County changes its technology, which will take some time. In addition, the County wants to use its polling places and there is concern that there will not be enough space for more voters. Rosemead City Council. Housing Development corporation and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of November 10, 2015 Page 12 of 13 9. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the City Council, Mayor Clark adjourned the meeting in memory of Mary Bowerman at 7:59 p.m. The next regular City Council meeting is scheduled to take place on November 24, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in the Rosemead City Hall Council Chamber. -,,,,f4 -*-6, Carol Cowley, Interim City Ole k APPROVED: ','0:, ,o,' , ti # to at"*>. Margaret Clark, Mayor � ° ,f - = Rosemead City Council. Housing Development corporation and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of November 10, 2015 Page 13 of 13