PC - Item 3B - Administrative Use Permit 15-03 at 8723 Garvey AvenueROSEMEAD PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIR AND MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING DIVISION DATE: JANUARY 4, 2016 SUBJECT: ADMINISTRATIVE USE PERMIT 15 -03 8723 GARVEY AVENUE Summary Juan Cuevas submitted an Administrative Use Permit application to establish a vehicle towing with storage use at 8723 Garvey Avenue. The existing building consists of 1,800 square feet of floor area. The proposed project would not add any new floor area to the property. The subject property is located in the M -1 (Light Manufacturing and Industrial) zone. Environmental Determination Section 15301 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guidelines exempts projects consisting of the operation, repair, maintenance, permitting, leasing, licensing, or minor alteration of existing public or private structures, facilities, mechanical equipment, or topographical features, involving negligible or no expansion of use beyond that existing at the time of the lead agency's determination. Accordingly, Administrative Use Permit 15 -03 is classified as a Class 1 Categorical Exemption pursuant to Section 15301 of CEQA guidelines. Staff Recommendation It is recommended that the Planning Commission ADOPT Resolution No. 15 -22 with findings (Exhibit "A"), and APPROVE Administrative Use Permit 15 -03, subject to the 30 conditions outlined in Attachment "A" attached hereto. Property History and Description The property is located on the north side of Garvey Avenue, between Bartlett Avenue and Muscatel Avenue. According to the Los Angeles County Assessor's Office, the property consists of one (1) parcel, totaling approximately 12,000 square feet of lot area. The effective year built of the existing 1,800 square feet building is 1939. Planning Commission Meeting January 4, 2016 Pape 2 of 16 On January 6, 1997, 686 for the operation approved Conditional business. Front Elevation Site and Surrounding Land Uses The property is designated in the General Plan as Mixed Use: Industrial /Commercial and on the Zoning Map as M -1 (Light Manufacturing and Industrial) zone. The property is surrounded by the following land uses and zones: North General Plan Designation: Zoning: Land Use: South General Plan Designation: Zoning: Land Use: East General Plan Designation: Zoning: Land Use: West General Plan Designation Zoning: Land Use: the Planning Commission approved Conditional Use Permit 96- of a garment factory. On July 6, 1998, the Planning Commission Use Permit 98 -745 for the operation of a garment manufacturing Mixed Use: Industrial /Commercial M -1 (Light Manufacturing and Industrial) Residential Mixed Use: Industrial /Commercial M -1 (Light Manufacturing and Industrial) Commercial Mixed Use: Industrial /Commercial M -1 (Light Manufacturing and Industrial) Industrial Mixed Use: Industrial /Commercial M -1 (Light Manufacturing and Industrial) Commercial and Residential Planning Commission Meeting January 4, 2016 Paae 3 of 16 Administrative Analysis As illustrated in Exhibit `B ", the applicant is proposing to establish a vehicle towing with storage use and perform site improvements. According to Rosemead Municipal Code, Section 17.20.020, a Administrative Use Permit is required in order to establish a vehicle towing with storage use in the M -1 (Light Manufacturing and Industrial) zone. Site Plan The existing building is located in the front portion of the lot. The applicant has not proposed any new additions to the existing building. Proposed site improvements include: (1) constructing a new decorative block wall along the northern property line and rear of the western property line; (2) provide additional landscaping visible from public view; (3) reslurry seal and restripe the parking areas; (4) construct a new trash enclosure; and (5) remove the existing wall and gate from the required front setback area. I Floor Plan The proposed floor plan consist of common office space, an individual office, and two (2) waiting areas. Off - Street Parking Per Rosemead Municipal Code, Section 17.112.040(C), parking requirements for structures and uses not set forth in Section 17.112.040 of this chapter shall be determined by the Community Development Director, and such determinations shall be based on the requirements for the most comparable structure or use specified. The most comparable use specified appears to be vehicle rental, which provides the following standards as minimum, off-street parking requirements: one (1) parking space per 250 square feet of building floor area and one (1) parking space per rental vehicle. As such, the off - street parking requirements for vehicle rental use has been applied to determine the off - street parking requirements for the proposed vehicle towing with storage use. With a total building floor area of 1,800 square feet and proposed storage of five (5) vehicles, a minimum of 12 off - street parking spaces are required for the office and storage portion. Per Rosemead Municipal Code, Section 17.112.113(A), in addition to the parking spaces required by Section 17.112.040 for owners, occupants, employees, customers, and visitors of structures and uses, one (1) parking space shall be provided for each commercial vehicle used in conjunction with the operation of any structure or use. The parking spaces for such accessory vehicles shall be provided within a designated parking space on the same lot as, or adjacent to, the structure or use to which the vehicles are necessary. The applicant has proposed two (2) tow trucks to be used in conjunction with the operation of the proposed use. Planning Commission Meeting January 4, 2016 Pane 4 of 16 At minimum, the proposed use would require 14 off - street parking spaces. The applicant has proposed to provide 15 off - street parking spaces. In order to distinguish the off - street. parking spaces for each purpose, a condition of approval has been recommended to require appropriate labeling of the off - street parking spaces in accordance with the purpose. Public Comments Staff has received three (3) letters from the public. Two (2) of the letters were from Craig Denton, Park Operator of Del Rey Mobile Home Park and one (1) of the letters was from Andy Mahmoud, resident of Del Rey Mobile Home Park. The following is a compilation of concerns voiced in the three (3) letters received by staff and analysis of those concerns: 1. The placement of trees along the property line may potentially affect underground utility lines of Del Rey Mobile Home Park. Analysis: The proposed project no longer includes the placement of trees along the property line. 2. The operation of tow trucks may potentially emit exhaust fumes unfavorable to the health of residents of Del Rey Mobile Home Park. Analysis: The legality of the emissions produced by an automobile appear to fall under the jurisdiction of the California Air Resources Board, California Bureau of Automotive Repair, and/or California Department of Motor Vehicles. However, in an effort to resolve such concern, the applicant proposed to store the towed vehicles and tow trucks away from the mobile homes. 3. , The operation of tow trucks may potentially emit lights that shine into the homes of Del Rey Mobile Home Park. Analysis: The applicant has proposed to construct an eight (8) feet high decorative wall to prevent an potential lighting from shining into the mobile homes. 4. The use of lifts and /or chains during the towing process may potentially produce noises found to be disruptive by residents of Del Rey Mobile Home Park. Analysis: The use of lifts and /or chains during the towing process seems to be an inevitable source of noises. It is unknown whether such noises would violate the City's noise standards. Planning Commission Meeting January 4, 2016 Peas 5 of 16 5. The operation of tow trucks may potentially produce engine noises found to be disruptive by residents of Del Rey Mobile Home Park. Analysis: The enginer noises of tow trucks seems to be an inevitable source of noises. It is unknown whether such noises would violate the City's noise standards. 6. The noise produced by the back -up warning mechanism of the tow trucks may potentially produce noises found to be disruptive by residents of Del Rey Mobile Home Park. Analysis: The applicant has proposed to turn off the back -up warning mechanism when operating the tow trucks on the project site. Only the tow truck operator is allowed in the parking area when any tow truck is in operation on -site. The applicant is aware of the concerns, and has been proactively collaborating with staff to develop mitigation measures. Municipal Code Requirements Per Rosemead Municipal Code, Section 17.20.020, an Administrative Use Permit is required in order to establish a vehicle towing with storage use in the M -1 (Light Manufacturing and Industrial) zone. Per Rosemead Municipal Code, Section 17.128.040, an Administrative Use Permit may be issued only after a hearing before the Community Development Director of the City upon application. The Community Development Director shall also find that the establishment, maintenance or operation of the use so applied for will not, under the circumstances of the particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort or general welfare of persons residing or working in the immediate neighborhood, not be detrimental or injurious to the property and improvements in the neighborhood or to the general welfare of the City. However, per Rosemead Municipal Code, Section 17.128.040(B), if the Community Development Director determines that there are unusual circumstances or special conditions related to an application, the Community Development Director may defer action and refer the application to the Planning Commission for final decision. Per Rosemead Municipal Code, Section 17.128.040(A), all of the following findings shall be made in conjunction with the approval of an Administrative Use Permit: . A. Approval of the application will not be incompatible or injurious to other properties or land uses in the vicinity or create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety, and general welfare. Planning Commission Meeting January 4, 2016 Paqe 6 of 16 Concerns related to potentially disruptive noises and lighting will be mitigated through strategic configuration of the parking areas and conditions of approval regulating the operational aspect of the use. The proposed project will improve the aesthetics of the site and bring the parking area into conformity with the Rosemead Zoning Code. B. The use is consistent with the General Plan. According to the General Plan, site design shall take into consideration any adjacent residential neighborhoods with regard to parking lot entrances, location of parking and loading facilities, building massing, and lighting. The existing parking lot entrance will continue to be on Garvey Avenue. The parking area is strategically configured to mitigate any potentially disruptive noises and lighting from impacting adjacent residential neighborhoods. C. The use is consistent with the provisions of this Zoning Code. According to Rosemead Municipal Code, Section 17.20.020, an Administrative Use Permit is required in order to establish a vehicle towing with storage use in the M -1 (Light Manufacturing and Industrial) zone. The proposed use will be consistent with the provisions of the Rosemead Zoning Code, subject to the Conditions of Approval. D. Processing and approval of the permit application are in compliance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. Section 15301 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guidelines exempts projects consisting of the operation, repair, maintenance, permitting, leasing, licensing, or minor alteration of existing public or private structures, facilities, mechanical equipment, or topographical features, involving negligible or no expansion of use beyond that existing at the time of the lead agency's determination. Accordingly, Administrative Use Permit 15 -03 is classified as a Class 1 Categorical Exemption pursuant to Section 15301 of CEQA guidelines. E. If development is provided for under the Administrative Use Permit, the project is consistent with the goals and objectives of the applicable standards and Design Guidelines in the overlying district. The proposed project will not modify the existing building form nor add any new floor area to the existing building. As proposed, the project will be consistent with the goals and objectives of the applicable standards and Design Guidelines in the overlying district. Conditions of approval will be imposed upon the Administrative Use Permit to ensure orderly maintenance of the project site. Planning Commission Meeting January 4, 2016 Pape 7 of 16 Public Notice Process This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process, which includes a 300 -foot radius public hearing notice to forty -one (41) property owners, publication in the Rosemead Reader on December 24, 2015, and postings of the notice at the six (6) public locations and on the project site. Prepared by: Cory 4 Hanh Associate Planner Submitted by: _ r e Michelle Ramirez Community Development Director EXHIBITS: A. Planning Commission Resolution 15 -22 with Attachment "A" (Conditions of Approval) B. Site Plan /Floor Plan C. Assessor Parcel Map (APN: 5289 - 010 -026) Planning Commission Meeting January 4, 2016 Page 8 of 16 EXHIBIT "A" PC RESOLUTION 15 -22 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ADMINISTRATIVE USE PERMIT 15 -03, TO ESTABLISH A VEHICLE TOWING WITH STORAGE USE AT 8723 GARVEY AVENUE (APN: 5289 - 010 -026). THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS LOCATED IN THE M -1 (LIGHT MANUFACTURING AND INDUSTRIAL) ZONE. WHEREAS, on June 2, 2015, Juan Cuevas submitted an Administrative Use Permit application to establish a vehicle towing with storage use at 8723 Garvey Avenue; WHEREAS, 8723 Garvey Avenue is located in the M -1 (Light Manufacturing and Industrial) zone; WHEREAS, Section 17.20.020 of the Rosemead Municipal Code provides that an Administrative Use Permit is required to establish a vehicle towing with storage use; WHEREAS, Section 17.128.040 of the Rosemead Municipal Code provides the criteria for a Administrative Use Permit; WHEREAS, Sections 65800 & 65900 of the California Government Code and Section 17.128.040 of the Rosemead Municipal Code authorizes the Planning Commission to approve, conditionally approve, or deny Administrative Use Permit applications; WHEREAS, on December 21, 2015, forty -one (41) notices were sent to property owners within a 300 -foot radius from the subject property, in addition to notices posted in six (6) public locations and on -site, specifying the availability of the application, and the date, time, and location of the public hearing for Administrative Use Permit 15 -03, and on December 24, 2015, the notice was published in the Rosemead Reader; WHEREAS, on January 4,.2016, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed and advertised public hearing to receive oral and written testimony relative to Administrative Use Permit 15 -03; and WHEREAS, the Rosemead Planning Commission has sufficiently considered all testimony presented to them in order to make the following determination. Planning commission Meeting January 4, 2016 Page 9 of 16 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemead as follows: SECTION 1. The Planning Commission HEREBY DETERMINES that Administrative Use Permit 15 -03 is classified as a Class 1 Categorical Exemption pursuant to Section 15301 of California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guidelines. Section 15301 of the CEQA guidelines exempts projects consisting of the operation, repair, maintenance, permitting, leasing, licensing, or minor alteration of existing public or private structures, facilities, mechanical equipment, or topographical features, involving negligible or no expansion of use beyond that existing at the time of the lead agency's determination. SECTION 2. The Planning Commission HEREBY FINDS AND DETERMINES that facts do exist to justify approving Administrative Use Permit 15 -03,, in accordance with Section 17.128.040 of the Rosemead Municipal Code as follows: A. Approval of the application will not be incompatible or injurious to other properties or land uses in the vicinity or create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety, and general welfare. FINDING: Concerns related to potentially disruptive noises and lighting will be mitigated through strategic configuration of the parking areas and conditions of approval regulating the operational aspect of the use. The proposed project will improve the aesthetics of the site and bring the parking area into conformity with the Rosemead Zoning Code. B. The use is consistent with the General Plan. FINDING: According to the General Plan, site design shall take into consideration any adjacent residential neighborhoods with regard to parking lot entrances, location of parking and loading facilities, building massing, and lighting. The existing parking lot entrance will continue to be on Garvey Avenue. The parking area is strategically configured to mitigate any potentially disruptive noises and lighting from impacting adjacent residential neighborhoods. C. The use is consistent with the provisions of this Zoning Code. FINDING: According to Rosemead Municipal Code, Section 17.20.020, an Administrative Use Permit is required in order to establish a vehicle towing with storage use in the M -1 (Light Manufacturing and Industrial) zone. The proposed use will be consistent with the provisions of the Rosemead Zoning Code, subject to the Conditions of Approval. Planning Commission Meeting January 4, 2016 Paqe 10 of 16 D. Processing and approval of the permit application are in compliance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. FINDING: Section 15301 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guidelines exempts projects consisting of the operation, repair, maintenance, permitting, leasing, licensing, or minor alteration of existing public or private structures, facilities, mechanical equipment, or topographical features, involving negligible or no expansion of use beyond that existing at the time of the lead agency's determination. Accordingly, Administrative Use Permit 15 -03 is classified as a Class 1 Categorical Exemption pursuant to Section 15301 of CEQA guidelines. E. If development is provided for under the Administrative Use Permit, the project is consistent with the goals and objectives of the applicable standards and Design Guidelines in the overlying district. FINDING: The proposed project will not modify the existing building form nor add any new floor area to the existing building. As proposed, the project will be consistent with the goals and objectives of the applicable standards and Design Guidelines in the overlying district. Conditions of approval will be imposed upon the Administrative Use Permit to ensure orderly maintenance of the project site. SECTION 3. The Planning Commission HEREBY APPROVES Administrative Use Permit 15 -03 for the establishment of a vehicle towing with storage use at 8723 Garvey Avenue, and subject to the conditions listed in Attachment "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. SECTION 4. This action shall become final and effective ten (10) days after this decision by the Planning Commission, unless within such time a written appeal is filed with the City Clerk for consideration by the Rosemead City Council as provided. in Rosemead Municipal Code, Section 17.160.040 — Appeals of Decisions. SECTION 5. This resolution is the result of an action taken by the Planning Commission on January 4, 2016, by the following vote: YES: NO: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Planning Commission Meeting January 4, 2016 Page 11 of 16 SECTION 6. The Secretary shall certify to the adoption of this resolution and shall transmit copies of same to the applicant and the Rosemead City Clerk. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 4 th day of January, 2016. John Tang, Chair CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of a resolution adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemead at its regular meeting, held on the 4 th day of January, 2016, by the following vote: YES: NO: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Michelle Ramirez, Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: Gregory M. Murphy, Planning Commission Attorney Burke, Williams & Sorensen, LLP Planning Commission Meeting January 4, 2016 Page 12 of 16 ATTACHMENT "A" ADMINISTRATIVE USE PERMIT 15 -03 8723 GARVEY AVENUE (APN: 5289 - 010 -026) CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL January 4, 2016 1. Administrative Use Permit 15 -03 is approved for the establishment of a vehicle towing with storage use, in accordance with the plans marked Exhibit "B ", dated November 12, 2015. Any revisions to the approved plans must be resubmitted for the review and approval of the Planning Division. 2. The following conditions must be complied with to the satisfaction of the Planning Division prior to final approval of the associated plans, building permits, occupancy permits, or any other appropriate request. 3. The conditions listed on this exhibit shall be copied directly onto any development plans subsequently submitted to the Planning and Building Divisions for review. 4. Approval of Administrative Use Permit 15 -03 shall not take effect for any purpose until the applicant has filed with the City of Rosemead a notarized affidavit stating that he /she is aware of and accepts all of the conditions of approval as set forth in the letter of approval and this list of conditions within ten (10) days from the Planning Commission approval date. 5. The on -site public hearing notice posting shall be removed by the end of the 10- day appeal period of Administrative Use Permit 15 -03. 6. Administrative Use Permit 15 -03 is approved for a period of one (1) year. The applicant shall commence the proposed project or request an extension within 30 calendar days prior to expiration. The one (1) year initial approval period shall be effective from the Planning Commission approval date. For the purpose of this petition, project commencement shall be defined as beginning the permitting process with the Planning and Building Divisions, so long as the project is not abandoned. If Administrative Use Permit 15 -03 has been unused, abandoned, or discontinued for a period of one (1) year, it shall become null and void. 7. The Planning Commission hereby authorizes the Planning Division to make and /or approve minor modifications to the project and to these conditions of approval. Planning Commission Meeting January 4, 2016 Page 13 of 16 8. Administrative Use Permit 15 -03 is granted or approved with the City and its Planning Commission and City Council retaining and reserving the right and jurisdiction to review and to modify the permit, including the conditions of approval based on changed circumstances. Changed circumstances include, but are not limited to, the modification of the use, a change in scope, emphasis, size, or nature of the use, or the expansion, alteration, reconfiguration, or change of use. This reservation of right to review is in addition to, and not in lieu of, the right of the City, its Planning Commission, and City Council to review and revoke or modify any permit granted or approved under the Rosemead Municipal Code for any violations of the conditions imposed on Administrative Use Permit 15 -03. 9. The applicant shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Rosemead or its agents, officers, and employees from any claim, action, or proceeding against the City of Rosemead or its agents, officers, or employees to attack, set side, void, or annul, an approval of the Planning Commission and /or City Council concerning the project, which action is brought within the time period provided by law. 10. The applicant shall comply with all Federal, State, and local laws relative to the approved use, including the requirements of the Planning, Building, Fire, Sheriff, and Health Departments. 11. Building permits will not be issued in connection with any project until such time as all plan check fees and all other applicable fees are paid in full. Prior to issuance of building permits, any required school fees shall be paid. The applicant shall provide the City with written verification of compliance from the applicable school districts. 12. The numbers of the address signs shall be at least six (6) inches tall with a minimum character width of 3/4 inch and contrasting in color and easily visible at driver's level from the street. Materials, colors, location, and size of such address numbers shall be approved by the Planning Division, prior to installation. 13. The hours of construction shall be limited from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday. No construction shall take place on Sundays or on any federal holiday, without prior approval by the City. 14. The Building Division, Planning Division, and Engineering Division shall have access to the subject property at any time during construction to monitor progress. 15. All requirements of the Building Division, Planning Division, and Engineering Division shall be complied with prior to the final approval of the proposed construction. Planning Commission Meeting January 4, 2016 Page 14 of 16 16. All ground level mechanical /utility equipment (including meters, back flow prevention devices, fire valves, A/C condensers, furnaces, and other equipment) shall be located away from public view or adequately screened by landscaping or screening walls so as not to be seen from the public right -of -way. 17. The site shall be maintained in a graffiti -free state. Any new graffiti shall be removed within twenty -four (24) hours. A 24 -hour Graffiti Hotline can be called at (626) 569 -2345 for assistance. 18. The site shall be maintained in a clean, weed and litter free state. 19. The applicant shall comply with the City of Rosemead Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance and any other drought tolerant requirements in effect. All landscaping shall be maintained in a neat and healthy condition. 20. All signage unrelated to the approved use shall be removed. Any proposed signage shall be submitted to the Planning Division for review and approval. All proposed signage shall comply with the Rosemead Municipal Code. 21. The parking lot and driveway shall be periodically re- slurry sealed and re- striped per City of Rosemead parking standards, to the satisfaction of the Planning Division. 22. Temporary structures shall not be erected on the subject site. 23. The approved use shall not violate the City's noise standards. 24. An eight (8) feet high decorative block wall shall be constructed along the northern property line and the rear portion of the western property line. Such wall shall match the wall along the rear portion of the eastern property line. All proposed fences, walls, and landscape screening shall comply with the Rosemead Municipal Code. 25. All trash enclosures shall match the decorative block walls and comply with the Rosemead Municipal Code. 26. Parking stalls designated for tow trucks and towed vehicles (vehicle storage) shall be clearly distinguished. Such stalls shall be identified by painting "VEHICLE STORAGE" and "TOW TRUCK ONLY" in each stall using letters no less than ten (10) inches in height. The location of such letters must be reviewed and approved by the Planning Division prior to installation. 27. A maximum of. five (5) towed vehicles and two (2) tow trucks may be located on the subject property. All towed vehicles and tow trucks must be parked in parking stalls designated as "vehicle storage" and "tow truck only ", respectively. Planning Commission Meeting January 4, 2016 Paae 15 of 16 28. Noise emitted by the back -up warning mechanism of tow trucks shall be disabled when such tow trucks are in operation on -site. Only the tow truck operator is allowed in the parking area when any tow truck is in operation on -site. 29. Vertical and /or horizontal stacking of vehicles shall be prohibited. M Violations of the conditions of approval may result in citation and /or initiation of revocation proceedings. Planning Commission Meeting January 4, 2016 Paqe 16 of 16 EXHIBIT "C" SUBJECT SITE a= O MqA NI N d N Z M 0 � sA 4nattwu 3 � a O I Q e s I a N YO) 6]N >n e F anv A3AM a.4ers.6ea zae4lw �l S 6s'4ol � 0E1 pEl — 1 = 4r4o1 , f 44 O� 4A sL se 69.4II 41 tD I „ 0511 - AE O � � 4h i m T mi 9p�50 ° W a ODO �° m a 48'111 M19 y A'9R 49'VI Ep - P �g °ab x41 Gb 4aau69Z Wd xv sm45 m 1 — Wvd o ?I nml,ss.AAs � v .7.91 SUBJECT SITE a= O MqA NI N d N Z M 0 � sA 4nattwu 3 � a O I Q e s I a O e F 44 O� 69.4II ftl b4L95.0 Z 4A_I411 - 4L'oBl 92& S11 d °tl�ON4B'9R „ 0511 - AE O __ O -- 0 O 4rexz mi 9p�50 ° a ODO �° m a 48'111 M19 A'9R 49'VI Ep - P �g °ab x41 Gb 4aau69Z Wd xv sm45 m - Wvd O mg and � v .7.91 u 4 °6C 441 m Q m J IZ 1l Or= =�S� 4x•oa 5 r N'I ZA000NI9� I L'YlO 101- 66 -G u v ° NO - d d - F F a l i r a.h I Addendum #1: Letters of Public Comment (4) Cory Hanh From: Cory Hanh Sent: Monday, January 04, 2016 9:47 AM To: johntang112 @gmail.com'; 'tofindgoodmansean @ gmail.com'; 'autumn818 @hotmail.com'; Diana .Herrera @coldwellbanker.com; LOPEZHMFRT @hotmail.com Cc: Michelle Ramirez; Lily Trinh Subject: AUP 15 -03 - Public Comments Attachments: Anonymous - 1- 4- 16.pdf; Craig Denton - 6- 22- 1S.pdf; Craig Denton - 9- 29- 15.pdf; Andy Mahmoud - 11- 30- 15.pdf Good morning Planning Commissioners, I hope everyone had a nice holiday season. I apologize, as the Staff Report for AUP 15 -03 distributed on December 23, 2015 should have included the three (3) discussed letters of public comment previously received by staff. A total of four (4) letters of public comment are attached for your review. Three (3) of the letters of public comment were previously received by staff and are discussed in the Staff Report for AUP 15 -03. The fourth anonymous letter of public comment was received by Planning Division staff today, January 4, 2016. Hardcopies of the four (4) letters of public comment will be available tonight at the public hearing. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have. Sincerely, Cory Hanh Associate Planner City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, CA 91770 Telephone: 626.569.2141 Website: www.cityofrosemead.org Del Rey Mobile Home Park, LLC 3026 North Bartlett Avenue Rosemead, CA 91770 Phone: (626) 288 -8313, (626) 759 -6511 June 22, 2015 Mr. Cory Hanh, Assistant Planner City of Rosemead 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Dear Mr. Hanh: Per our recent telephone conversation, I am writing this letter to you to express my concerns in regard to the Administrative Use Permit (AUP) for Champ Towing at 8723 — 8725 Garvey Avenue, Rosemead. This business would border the Del Rey Mobile Home Park, LLC, to the west and north and would be incompatible and injurious and create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety, peace, comfort, and general welfare to persons residing in the immediate neighborhood due to the many noises associated with the operation of 3 tow trucks including frequent loud piercing beeping noises tow trucks would make throughout the day and night every time when they back up in the lot. Back -up alarms are designed to be extremely loud. The piercing sound is perceived as irritating, painful, and is designed to break concentration and attract the attention of those who are in range of the sound. hi the article, "Vehicle Motion Alarms: Necessity, Noise Pollution, or Both ?" by David C. Holzman published in Environmental Health Perspectives in 2011, the author includes the'following point: the single tones of back -up beepers typically produce a volume of 97 — 112 decibels at the source, which are loud enough to damage hearing and can be heard blocks from the danger zone. Therefore, this proposed business would be in violation of City of Rosemead requirements and standards as enumerated in the Administrative Use Permit Information Sheet, Planning Division, City of Rosemead. Consequently, it is imperative that the Planning Division and the Community Development Director deny the AUP for this business at this location. The Del Rey Mobile Home Park has been housing for older persons aged 55 and older for 27 years. Residents in the Park range in age from 55 to approximately 95. All of the residents own their own mobile home in the Park. Four mobile homes Page 1 back up to the property line fence of the lot where the owner of this proposed business would operate his business. All four mobile homes have their bedrooms in the back. These mobile homes are just a few feet away from the property line fence of the proposed towing yard business. It is noted that the Del Rey Mobile Home Park is the only mobile home park in the City of Rosemead for senior citizens. The property includes 26 mobile homes and 7 rental houses. It is likely that all the residents in the mobile home park will be negatively affected by the noise impact of the proposed tow truck business and impound yard. As mentioned, the age of the tenants in the Park range from 55 to approximately 95. Many of the senior citizens have medical issues that would be aggravated and exasperated by the frequent loud piercing beeping noises of the 3 tow trucks. One resident whose mobile home backs up to the fence line of the property of the proposed towing business works at night and sleeps a good part of the day, and she will be very greatly negatively impacted by the noise of the tow trucks when she is trying to sleep. Another of the owners whose mobile home backs up to the property line fence line of the proposed towing business purchased his mobile home just a few months ago for approximately $20,000.00. He will be greatly distressed to have the peace and quiet of his investment and the environment in his bedroom which is approximately three feet away from the property line fence of the proposed towing yard business disturbed by the frequent piercing noise of the 3 tow trucks that he would be subjected to in his new home. The Del Rey Mobile Home Park is a quiet, serene environment for seniors who prefer to live in a quiet environment, and it is imperative for the City of Rosemead to consider the negative impact the tow truck business would have on the health, safety, peace, comfort, and general welfare of the residents in the immediate neighborhood and to preserve the quiet environment that currently exists for these senior citizens. In addition to the frequent loud piercing beeping noises the 3 tow trucks will make every time when they back up to store vehicles or when vehicles are moved, heavy chains are used by tow truck drivers to secure vehicles. Noise from these chains being installed or removed from towed vehicles will also create disturbing, frequent noises to the neighboring senior citizens. Additional noise will be created by the hydraulic lifting of vehicles up onto the platform bed of the tow truck or by raising the vehicles' front wheels off the ground so they can be towed. Page 2 Tow trucks will also create noise when idling engines or revving engines to activate the lifting mechanism on the tow truck. When tow trucks back up, they usually use powerful beam floodlights that may be automatically activated to light the area so the tow truck driver can see to securely fasten the towed vehicle to the tow truck. These powerful lights are likely to shine over onto adjacent mobile homes and disturb and awaken the senior citizens. The applicant has designated about 7 customer parking spaces on the premises and designated about 10 spaces that will be occupied by towed vehicles, either cars or trucks. Where will the 3 proposed tow trucks be parked? How can this small lot support the operations of 3 tow trucks, impounded and stored vehicles, and keep open 7 customer car parking spaces? With the business owner's intent on rapidly expanding his business as he describes in his narrative submitted to the City, this lot is definitely not large enough for his intended operation and 3 tow trucks. The owner states it is his intent to rapidly expand his business with Geico, Progressive, AAA, the CHP, other auto companies, and the general public. It would be very easy for the owner to use the designated customer parking spaces to increase the volume of his business for additional spaces for towed vehicles. It would be difficult for the City to recognize, monitor, and enforce the proper use of spaces designated for customer parking only. This could expand the yard capacity to as much as 17 stored vehicles, with an increase in the volume and frequency of noises. This increase in his business operations would further increase the noise level from his business on the adjoining senior housing mobile home park. The senior citizens in the mobile home park would be subjected to these disturbing noises any time of the day or night time hours. This proposed business would be incompatible and injurious to the public health, safety, and general welfare and in violation of City of Rosemead requirements. Please consider the health, safety, peace, comfort, and general welfare of the senior citizens residing in the adjacent senior mobile home park and deny the Administrative Use Permit for this towing business at this location. Thank you for your consideration of this matter. Sincerely yours, CA =N Craig Denton Park Operator Del Rey Mobile Home Park, LLC Page 3 Del Rey Mobile Home Park, LLC 3026 North Bartlett Avenue Rosemead,, CA 91770 F®R pkwf'W'A, / ON [qG' "E September 29, 2015 Mr. Cory Hanh, Assistant Planner City of Rosemead 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Dear Mr. Hanh: Reference is made to my letter dated June 22, 2015, in regard to the Administrative Use Permit (AUP) for Champ Towing at 8723 — 8725 Garvey Avenue, Rosemead, which would border the Del Rey Mobile Home Park, LLC, to the west and north. In that letter I explained in detail how the noise and lights created by this business would be incompatible, injurious, and create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety, peace, comfort, and general welfare to the senior citizens who reside in the Del Rey Mobile Home Park, LLC. Two additional concerns I have relate to the planting of trees near the property line and health hazards from fumes generated by the diesel trucks. In our conversation of September 16, 2015, you mentioned to me that the City of Rosemead proposed to the applicant that trees be planted along the property line for the purpose of muting the noise of the business. I am gravely concerned that trees or other plantings would create serious hazards and damage to the clay sewer piping, gas, and water lines which run about 1 to 2 feet from the Del Rey Mobile Home Park's fence property line at the back of the mobile homes. Roots from trees projected to be planted along or near the property line of the proposed business would be a clear detriment and could be disastrous to the infrastructure of the Del Rey Mobile Home Park because the tree roots would eventually grow around and into the utility lines of the Park causing stoppage to the sewer line and at the very least leakage of the line and pose a hazard to the gas and water lines. These infrastructure utility lines service many mobile homes, and many senior residents would be very adversely affected by their ceasing to operate. Also, overhanging branches of trees and the dropping of leaves would create a constant need for me to be trimming and cleaning up debris from trees from the tow truck property intruding onto my property. I believe the excessively loud noises of the tow trucks that would be caused by the beeping noises, securing chains to towed vehicles, the hydraulic 1g °of vehicles, and the revving and idling of the trucks' engines would be excessive, frequent, and not remedied by the planting of trees. Planting of trees would not be sufficient to prevent these noises from disturbing the health, peace, and general welfare of the senior citizens. Fumes from the exhaust of the diesel tow trucks pose an additional serious hazard to the senior citizens in the Del Rey Mobile Home Park. The strong ongoing fumes would compromise their breathing and health. These fumes would be generated as close as 3 feet from the bedrooms at the back of the mobile homes. (The location of the mobile homes 3 feet away from the fence line complies with Department of Housing and Community Development code standards for placement of mobile homes in a mobile home park.) These residents often have their windows open for ventilation, and the fumes could readily penetrate into their bedrooms and throughout their mobile home. I have enclosed with this letter pictures of the locations of some of the mobile homes showing their proximity to the fence property lime. For all the reasons I have stated in this and my previous letter, the proposed business would be incompatible and injurious to the public health, safety, and general welfare and in violation of City of Rosemead requirements. Please consider the health, safety, peace, comfort, and general welfare of the senior citizens residing in the adjacent senior mobile home park and deny the Administrative Use Permit for this towing business at this location. Thank you for your consideration of this matter. Sincerely yours, Craig M. Denton Park Operator Del Rey Mobile Home Park, LLC Enclosures , fry /� /� /� rte• • _ � . �!� -�7i �► �y�b'Y7�ry�'lr �'S/ Svc.. •a71e���n �., �l�nni se�`off` �c� 4r.s� 1' D OM h : ML 1 ` t aAIU rrr, � I Ct4l old 0 r ro W r T n ' �e 0 Qt rJ✓1 t 00IYl �l t e- 9� T\�Si'✓L � 3 vfu ®s ue -tee C"� 417'7� pink to �C��g�� �- Lca r`eU P o °��!��5� r -Yt-tS /,�ls- 7J P m r1� Zoc��en�SS al� vs 6p FT hire L h 6(oo h o7' 9,0 � I /1 ` /i 6:14—) . f L c(/'c4— e,, J ����� eyfl , r�n L✓ r �i e✓ s eZ- nom R �CPiO` �n T � �o �i i/e e � T �Gr e ✓� 2 (c�-S' f(' �l