CDC - Item 3A - Minutes 9-9-080 0 Minutes of the COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MEETING September 9, 2008 Chairman Tran called the regular meeting of the Rosemead Community Development Commission to order at 6:03 p.m. in the Rosemead Council Chamber, 8838 E. Valley Blvd, Rosemead, California. FLAG SALUTE: Commissioner Clark INVOCATION: Commissioner Low ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS PRESENT: Commissioner's Clark, Low, Taylor, Vice-Chairman Nunez, Chairman Tran. OFFICIALS PRESENT: Executive Director Chi, Agency Attorney Montes, Assistant City Manager Saeki, Assistant City Manager Hawkesworth, Director of Finance Brisco, Public Affairs Manager Flores, Director of Parks and Recreation Montgomery-Scott, Economic Development Administrator Ramirez, and Commission Secretary Molleda. 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE None 2. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Public Hearing to Review the Progress of the Rosemead Community Development Commission Five-Year Implementation Plan Redevelopment Law requires that all redevelopment agencies adopt an Implementation Pan (IP) every five years. An IP is designed to address activities within project areas and includes project goals, activities (including affordable housing), and blight elimination. In addition to adopting the IT, redevelopment law also requires that at least once during the five-year period, a public hearing on the progress of the IP be held. The Rosemead Community Development Commission last approved its' Five- Year Implementation Plan in July 2005. Recommendation: That the Community Development Commission conduct a public hearing, take public testimony, and receive and file the information contained in this report as the progress update of the Rosemead Community Development Commission 2005-2009 Five-year Implementation Plan. • • Public Hearing opened at 6:06 pm. Brian Lewin - suggested the City use code enforcement more aggresively and gave examples of issues which need more attention. Public Hearing Closed at 6:08 pm. Commissioner Taylor made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Low, to approve That the Community Development Commission conduct a public hearing, take public testimony, and receive and file the information contained in this report as the progress update of the Rosemead Community Development Commission 2005-2009 Five-year Implementation Plan. Vote resulted in: Yes: Clark, Low, Taylor, Nunez, Tran No: None Abstain: None Absent: None 3. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Minutes August 26, 2008 - Regular Meeting Vice-Chairman Nunez made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Low, to approve the minutes of August 26. Vote resulted in: Yes: Low, Nunez, Tran No: Clark, Taylor Abstain: None Absent: None B. Resolution No. 2008-27 Claims and Demands Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2008-27 for payment of Commission expenditures in the amount of $6,236.54 demands Nos. 9933 through 9936 and 11034 through 11035. Commissioner Taylor made a motion, seconded by Vice-Chairman Nunez to adopt Resolution No. 2008-27 for payment of Commission expenditures in the amount of $6,236.54 demands No. 9933 through 9936 and 11034 through 11035. Vote resulted in: Yes: Clark, Low, Taylor, Nunez, Tran No: None Abstain: None Absent: None • ! 4. MATTERS FROM THE CHAIRMAN & COMMISSIONERS - None 5. MATTERS FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR & STAFF - None 6. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 6:11 pm. The next Community Development Commission meeting will take place on September 23, 2008 at 6:00 pm. John Tran, Chairman ATTEST: Gloria Molleda, Commission Secretary