CC - Item 5B - Minutes of January 10, 2017 MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL,HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION AND THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION REGULAR JOINT MEETING JANAURY 10, 2017 The meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Armenta at 6:00 p.m. in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PRESENT: Mayor Armenta, Mayor Pro Tem Low and Council Members Alarcon, Clark, and Ly 1. CLOSED SESSION The City Council will meet in Closed Session to discuss the following items: I. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL-ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant exposure to litigation Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 (d)(2): 2 potential cases 2. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE EMPLOYMENT: Government Code Section: 54957 Title: Finance Director 3. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE APPOINTMENT: Government Code Section: 54957 Title: Police Chief Mayor Armenta recessed the meeting to closed session at 6:02 p.m. City Attorney Richman reported there was no reportable action taken during closed session. RECONVENE TO REGULAR MEETING The joint meeting of the Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission was called to order by Mayor Armenta at 7:04 p.m. in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Mayor Armenta INVOCATION was led by Councilmember Alarcon PRESENT: Mayor/Chair/President Armenia, Mayor Pro Tem/Vice-Chair/Vice-President Low and Council Members/Board Members/Directors Alarcon, Clark, and Ly Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation, and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting ITEM Na 5.B Minutes of January 10, 2017 Page 1 of 10 STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Manis, City Attorney Richman, Assistant City Manager McKinney, Director of Finance Chu, Director of Parks and Recreation Chacon. Director of Public Works Garcia, Director of Community Development Ramirez, and City Clerk Donohue 2. PUBLIC COMMENT Elizabeth Hansel, Air Bag Recall Southern California, stated there was a national recall on defective air bags on over 42 million vehicles. She invited the City to become a community partner with Air Bag Recall Southern California to help spread awareness to drivers on the air bag recall. Mayor Armenta directed staff to speak to Air Bag Recall Southern California. Council Member Clark suggested using social media to spread the air bag recall information to residents. Margaret Holt, resident, expressed some concerns with the Garvey Bridge lights and explained the lights have not been working properly for a very long time. She stated Councilmember Clark had taken care of it before and the issue has now resurfaced. Mayor Armcnta stated she had spoken to Ms. Holt before and relayed Ms. Holt's concerns to the City Manager. City Manager Manis stated he spoke to Ms. Holt about her concerns and directed staff to survey the site. Staff reported there was a timer issue and that the lights were going off before 6:00 p.m. Staff adjusted the timer for the lights to go on at dusk. It seems there is a timer issue and not a light bulb issue. Ms. Holt suggested the lights should stay on until 7:00 a.m. since its still dark outside. Mayor Armenta asked staff to check if the lights should go on at 6:15 p.m. instead. Council Member Clark recommended replacing the timer if needed. 3. PRESENTATIONS A. Recognition of Good Samaritans Chief of Police Lieutenant Somoano introduced Raid Garcia Vasquez and recognized him for aiding a citizen being robbed. Raul Garcia Vasquez thanked the City Council for recognizing him. Mayor Armenta thanked and presented a certificate of recognition to Mr. Vasquez for displaying heroic and brave actions on behalf of the City Council. Chief of Police Lieutenant Somoano introduced Steven Yiang and Deputy Duke Sanders and recognized Mr. Yiang for his heroic assistance to Deputy Sanders. Rosemead City Council. Housing Development Corporation, and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of January 10. 2017 Page 2 of 10 Steven Yiang thanked the City Council for recognizing him. Mayor Armenta thanked and presented a certificate of recognition to Mr. Yiang for assisting Deputy Sander during the incident. Council Member Ly thanked the two Samaritans for aiding and being good role models and heroes to community. Council Member Clark thanked the two Samaritans and reiterated it was encouraging to see residents be so brave. Mayor Pro Tern Low thanked Mr. Vasquez and Mr. Yiang for their heroic actions. 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS - None 5. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Claims and Demands • Resolution No.2017-01 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $779,251.66 NUMBERED 94767 THROUGH NUMBER 94914 INCLUSIVELY, WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2017-01 • Resolution No. 2017-01 SA A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD AS THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO TIIE ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $934,562.12 NUMBERED 10195 THROUGH NUMBER 10198 INCLUSIVELY, WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No.2017-01 SA • Resolution No. 2017-01 RHDC A RESOLUTION OF THE ROSEMEAD HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $20.00 DEMAND Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation, and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of January 10, 2017 Page 3 of 10 NO. 1586 INCLUSIVELY, WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2017-01 RHDC B. City Council Meeting Minutes Recommendation: That the City Council approve the minutes from the regular meeting on October 25, 2016, the regular meeting on December 13, 2016, and the special meeting on December 20, 2016. C. Ordinance 968 — Second Reading and Adoption: The Adoption of California Building Laws as Amended by Los Angeles County Recommendation: That the City Council approve the second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 968. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ADOPTING BY REFERENCE, PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 50022.2, THE CALIFORNIA BUILDING STANDARDS CODE (TITLE 26 LOS ANGELES COUNTY BUILDING CODE), THE CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE (TITLE 27 LOS ANGELES COUNTY ELECTRICAL CODE), THE CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE (TITLE 28 LOS ANGELES COUNTY PLUMBING CODE), THE CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE (TITLE 29 LOS ANGELES COUNTY MECHANICAL CODE), THE CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL CODE (TITLE 30 LOS ANGELES COUNTY RESIDENTIAL CODE), THE CALIFORNIA GREEN BUILDING CODE (TITLE 31 LOS ANGELES COUNTY GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS CODE), TITLE 33 LOS ANGELES COUNTY EXISTING BUILDING CODE AND ADOPTING LOCAL AMENDMENTS THERETO AND DECLARING THE URGENCY THEREOF E. 2017 City Council Meeting Schedule Recommendation: That the City Council adopt a City Council meeting schedule for the 2017 calendar year. Council Member Clark asked to pull item 5D for separate vote. ACTION: Moved by Council Member/Board Member/Director Ly and seconded by Council Member/Board Member/Director Alarcon to approve the Consent Calendar item 5A, 5B, 5C and SE with the exception of item 5D. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Alarcon, Armenta, Clark,Low, Ly Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation, and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes ofJanuary 10, 2017 Page 4 of 10 D. Ordinance 970 — Second Reading and Adoption: Amendments to Rosemead Municipal Code Title 6 - Animals Recommendation: That the City Council approve the second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 970. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING ROSEMEAD MUNICIPAL CODE TITLE 6 CONCERNING ANIMALS Ron Esquivel expressed concerns with the new pet policy and asked why the Council was allowing for eight pets per household. He stated having more cats in a household will attract more coyotes to the community. Council Member Ly explained he had proposed eight pets per household because he felt it should be on the higher end. He noted to some people, pets are family members and as long as the resident has all their pets licensed and vaccinated, residents should be able to have pets. Mr. Esquivel reiterated he hoped there were some regulations on animal care if residents are allowed to keep multiple pets in every household. Council Member Ly stated there are state laws which regulate the treatment of animals. Mayor Annenta stated the City Council had a discussion at their previous meeting on how many pets should be allowed. Due to an old code referencing three pets per household, she explained to Mr. Esquivel if a residents has two dogs and two cats, the resident would have to choose what pet to get rid of under the old code. Council Member Ly made a motion to approve the recommended action and it was seconded by Mayor Pro Tern Low. Council Member Clark interjected and stated she agreed with Mr. Esquivel on the amount of the proposed number of pets. She asked if other cities have been surveyed on the number of pets they allow pet per household. Assistant City Manager McKinney replied staff did not survey other cities. The recommendation would update the code to reflect the amount of pets which were allowed under the old municipal code. Council Member Ly stated there was no need to survey other cities; he was comfortable with having eight pets per household. Mayor Pro Tern Low agreed with Mr. Ly and added the quality care given to pets is what matters the most. Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation, and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes ofJanuary 10, 2017 Page 5 of 10 ACTION: Moved by Council Member Ly and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Low to approve the recommended action. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Alarcon, Armenta, Low,Ly and NOES: Clark 6. MATTERS FROM CITY MANAGER& STAFF A. Southern California Edison Street Light Acquisition and Conversion Program Recommendation: That the City Council provides direction regarding the following options: 1. Status Quo 2. SCE Conversion Program —LED Bulbs 3. SCE Acquisition and LED Conversion 4. Tanko Lighting Acquisition and LED Conversion Ron Esquivel asked the City Council what the rush was to change, buy, and take responsibility of the street lights. He referenced the Medical Association claims LED lights emit unseen blue light which may disrupt sleep rhythms, increase other health issues, and confuse animals. He asked the City Council to wait on buying back the street lights from Southern California Edison. John Lowrey expressed concerns with having the City purchase the streets lights and encouraged the City Council to only consider option 1 or 2. Public Works Director Garcia presented a power point presentation on the potential acquisition of the streetlights by the City. City Engineer Fajardo continued with the power point presentation and spoke on the options the City could pursue for the street light acquisition and conversion program. Council Member Ly asked what the life span for LED lights was versus the high sodium lights. Alex Wurzel, Tanko Lighting, replied the average life span of an LED light is approximately twenty-three years. The high sodium lights will fail an average of seventeen percent every three to five years. Mayor Pro Tern Low asked who approached whom on the street light acquisition program. Mr. Wurzel explained to the City Council entry to the Southern California Edison program was initiated by the City. A fee of ten thousand dollars was required to pay Southern California Edison to get into the queue to determine the evaluation of the system. Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation, and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes ofJanuary 10,2017 Page 6 of 10 Mayor Pro Tem Low asked if the City would be liable and if insurance would cover any incident if the City were to own the streetlights. City Engineer Fajardo stated the insurance would cover any accidents within the City. However, depending on how many claims the City receives, the insurance premiums could differ on a year to year basis. Mr. Wurzel stated the liability has been very minimal in the municipalities Tanko Lighting has worked with. Mayor Pro Tern Low asked if the projected cost of option 3 and 4 guaranteed the maintenance cost would not increase. Mr. Wurzel explained Tanko Lighting's maintenance contract is for three years with an option to renew. The contracts do increase in cost only to reflect inflation but general cost stay consistent. Council Member Alarcon asked if the City chose the status quo option, would the program be available again in five or ten years. Mr. Wurzel replied the program has been closed by Southern California Edison. If the City chose to not purchase the streetlights, the program may not be available ever again. City Engineer Fajardo replied the City had until January 31' to make a final decision. Council Member Clark stated she was concerned with the liability for maintenance in owning the street lights during a huge event. She suggested the City Council should consider either option 1 or 2 and not incur the liability or the cost of owning the streetlights. In addition, she expressed concerns with a lawsuit involving the pollution of wood poles to preserve them. If cities own the street lights, cities would be liable for environmental claims relating to the poles which include environment claims not yet made. Council Member Ly stated staff proposed four recommendations, however asked for clarification why staff stated on their presentation to recommend option 2. City Engineer Fajardo explained option 2 would be most cost effective and eventually Southern California Edison will start to convert the lights to LED on their own. City Manager Manis explained staff was leaning towards option 2 and wanted to give the City Council the opportunity to evaluate on all the options. Mayor Armenta clarified between option I and 2. Southern California Edison would be changing the streetlights to LED at some point. Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation, and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of January 10, 2017 Page7 of 10 Public Work's Director Garcia stated there was a limited liability with option 2. Mayor Pro Tern Low asked for clarification on option 3 and 4, if the cost of the utility bill would be lower after the loan is paid off. However, the concern was the liability with owning the streetlights. Council Member Ly asked when Southern California Edison would start converting streetlights to LED on their own. City Engineer Fajardo stated Edison staff was not clear on a timeline. Southern California Edison Representatives have indicated it may take over two years to start convening to LED lights. Council Member Clark stated there are always more mandates to save on electricity. Council Member Ly stated six years ago the City worked with Southern California Edison to get a park approved and the park is still not built. If Southern California Edison has a plan in place as to when they plan on changing the lights he'd like to know. Council Member Clark asked if the City could change the lights ourselves even if the City does not own the poles or pay Southern California Edison to do it. Mr. Wurzel replied only if you paid for the poles, conversion is possible. As long as the poles are property of Southern California Edison, converting to LED is not an option. He stated the City would have to use Southern California Edison's option E program. Explaining the utility gives cities a free financing option for twenty years and the fixtures are paid off through efficiency premium cost which is added to the current LS 1 tariff. Council Member Clark clarified if the City could enter into Southern California Edison's program in the future. Council Member Ly interjected and clarified the City would have to pay for the conversion. City Manager Manis stated Southern California Edison has not shared specific dates or provided any public information on a schedule. Staff would follow up to confirm with Southern California Edison if there is a formal plan to change the street lights to LED. Mayor Armenta explained after 20 years there would be a cost savings of$43,596 and asked if it included any liability premium insurance cost. Public Works Director Garcia replied no,the cost is separate from the cost saving projected. Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation, and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of January 10, 2017 Page 8 of 10 Mayor Armenta stated option 2 for the total cost was $204,432 and option 3 and 4 was a little over $1.4 million. Since the City Council does not know the outcome of when Southern California Edison may change the light bulbs, she asked if the City wants to invest $1.4 million on something Southern California Edison could easily do in two or three years. Council Member Ly stated before the City Council makes a decision, he would like to know what Southern California Edison says on changing out the street light bulbs to LED. Council Member Clark requested to remove option 3 and 4 due to the liability concerns. Council Member Ly stated to wait for what Southern California Edison has to say as to their plan with the LED lighting and requested to move the item for discussion at the next City Council meeting. Mayor Armenta explained in the past when the City Council has requested an item pulled, it did not mean we are committed to option three and four. It just giving the City Council all the information available. She noted Southern California Edison may want the City to acquire the poles because it's a less liability on them. Council Member Clark stated if Edison wants to get rid of the poles, they will say the liability is nothing. She noted it was discussed last year. City Manager Manis explained the past Southern California Edison leadership wanted the program and the current CEO did not want the program. Staff will bring the item back to the next City Council meeting on the 24th and talk with the Southern California Edison Representative to obtain a timeline and scheduling the conversion to of LED street lights. In addition, staff will research any additional liability concerns relating to the acquisition of street lights. 7. MATTERS FROM MAYOR& CITY COUNCIL A. National League of Cities 2017 Congressional City Conference: March 11 — 15, 2017, in Washington, D.C. Recommendation: That the City Council (1) authorize the attendance of any Council Member that wishes to attend the National League of Cities, 2017 Congressional City Conference in Washington, DC, on March 11 — March 15, 2017 and; (2) If the majority of the City Council attends the conference, the March 14, 2017, City Council meeting will be rescheduled to a date to be determined or cancelled due to a lack of quorum. Mayor Armenta reviewed the staff and announced conferences out of State require approval by the City Council. Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation, and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of January 10, 2017 Page 9 of 10 Council Member Ly stated traditionally, the City Council conducts their reorganization during the second meeting of March and their ceremonial swearing in at the first meeting in April. If the City Council cancels the meeting on March 14th, then the swearing in and reorganization and of the Council would take place on March 28th and the ceremonial swearing in of the new Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem at the April I 1`h meeting. City Clerk Donohue answered affirmatively. Mayor Armenta stated there are two recommendations for council's consideration. ACTION: Move by Council Member Ly and seconded by Mayor Pro Low to approve the recommend actions. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Alarcon, Armenta, Clark,Low, Ly B. City Council Comments There were no additional comments by City Council. The Mayor recessed the meeting to continue discussions in closed session and reconvened the meeting back at 8:59 p.m. City Attorney Richman report out from closed session on the public appointment for the Police Chief. ACTION: Moved by Mayor Pro Tern Low and seconded by Council Member Clark in favor of the appointment of Police Chief. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Alarcon, Armenta, Clark, Low and NOES: Ly 8. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned in memory of Rosemead resident Felix Garcia at 9:00 p.m. The next regular City Council meeting is scheduled to take place on January 24, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. in the Rosemead City Hall Council Chamber. Marc Donohue, City Clerk APPROVED: Sandra Armenta, Mayor Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation, and the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Community Development Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of January 10, 2017 Page 10 of 10