CC - Item 6C - National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials 34th Annual ConferenceAttachment Conference Information S 4T" A7VNu^' a. vry rERENcE }UNE 22-24, 2017 Registration now open! Click to Register (http://www.cvent.com/events/na leo-34th-annual-conference/event-summary-7caO78b3a45d4e7fad9l4494165bd377.aspx) NALEO 34th Annual Conference - Event Summary I Online Registration by Cvent Page 1 of 1 ABOUT THE NALEO ANNUAL CONFERENCE The NALEO 34" Annual Conference is unlike any other professional development gathering for elected and appointed officials. It presents an unparalleled opportunity for Latino policymakers to meet with their colleagues from all levels of government to address the challenges facing our communities and our nation. The NALEO Annual Conference provides a venue for the meaningful exchange of ideas and solutions to today's most pressing policy issues. Meaningful Access for Local Officials The NALEO 34th Annual Conference will provide attendees with the unequaled opportunity to have direct access to our nation's top executive and legislative leaders. Past participants have included the U.S. President, U.S. Vice President, members of the President's Cabinet, members of the U.S. Senate and House Leadership, presidential candidates, and many corporate and business leaders. Texas School Board Members, NALEO Educational fundis a registered provider of continuing education for school board members with the Texas Education Agency. School Board Members from Texas will be provided with certification of hours completed during the Education sessions at the NALEO Annual Conference within 30 days of completing the tramings. June 22, 2017 -Saturday, lune 24, 2017 Sheraton Dallas Hotel 400 Olive St. Dallas, Texas 75201 214922-8000 PRESENTING SPONSORS FORCE MULTIPLIER SOLUTIONS Vayam •' TOYOTA Juntos http://www.event.comleventslnaleo-34th-annual-conference/event-summary-7caO78b3 a45d... 3/8/2017