PC - Item 3A - Conditional Use Permit 17-01 at 8766 Valley Boulevard S .di M F ROSEMEAD PLANNING COMMISSION Q- O � 9 � AW� STAFF REPORT CIVIC PRIDE tf. /NCORPO.',ATEO 1054 TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIR AND PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING DIVISION DATE: JUNE 5, 2017 SUBJECT: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 17-01 8766 VALLEY BOULEVARD Summary Chau Minh Le has submitted a Conditional Use Permit application to operate a bona fide public eating establishment with a new On-Sale Beer and Wine (Type 41) ABC License at 8766 Valley Boulevard. A Conditional Use Permit shall be required for any business that sells alcoholic beverages for on-site or off-site consumption. The proposed project would not increase the floor area of the existing building or business. The project site is located in a Medium Commercial with a Design Overlay (C-31D-O) zone. Environmental Determination Section 15301 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guidelines exempts projects consisting of the operation, repair, maintenance, permitting, leasing, licensing, or minor alteration of existing public or private structures, facilities, mechanical equipment, or topographical features, involving negligible or no expansion of use beyond that existing at the time of the lead agency's determination. Accordingly, CUP 17-01 is classified as a Class 1 Categorical Exemption, pursuant to Section 15301 of CEQA guidelines. Staff Recommendation It is recommended that the Planning Commission ADOPT Resolution No. 17-11 with findings (Exhibit "A"), and APPROVE Conditional Use Permit 17-01, subject to the 36 conditions outlined in Attachment "A" attached hereto. Property History and Description The project site is located on the south side of Valley Boulevard, between Muscatel Avenue and Bartlett Avenue. According to the Los Angeles County Assessor's Office, the project site consists of one (1) parcel, totaling approximately 17,857 square feet of lot area. Planning Commission Meeting June 5,2017 Page 2 of 18 According to business license records, the effective date of the business license for the subject restaurant, Pho Queen Bee, was January 20, 2016. The previous business, Saigon 22, was also a public eating establishment. On July 15, 1985, the Planning Commission approved Conditional Use Permit 85-325, allowing for the on-site sale of beer and wine in conjunction with a restaurant, located at 8766 Valley Boulevard. Conditional Use Permit 85-325 is no longer in effect, as the use was discontinued for over one (1) year. QUEEN EEE ►via ;r:iTxya:�syr:��nri� • • yl Front Elevation (Existing) Site and Surrounding Land Uses The project site is designated in the General Plan as Commercial, and on the Zoning Map as Medium Commercial with a Design Overlay (C-3/D-O) zone. The site is surrounded by the following land uses and zones: North General Plan Designation: Commercial Zoning: Medium Commercial with a Design Overlay(C-3/D-O) Land Use: Commercial and Residential South General Plan Designation: Commercial and Low Density Residential Zoning: Medium Commercial with a Design Overlay(C-3/D-O) and Single-Family Residential (R-1) Land Use: Commercial and Residential East General Plan Designation: Commercial Zoning: Medium Commercial with a Design Overlay(C-3/D-O) Land Use: Commercial West General Plan Designation: Commercial Zoning: Medium Commercial with a Design Overlay(C-3/D-O) Land Use: Commercial Planning Commission Meeting June 5,2017 Page 3 of 18 Restaurant Operations The applicant is currently operating a sit-down restaurant. The proposed hours of operation are from 9:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m., seven (7) days a week. The applicant is requesting to serve alcohol during the same timeframe. On the largest shift, the restaurant is operated by five (5) employees. As indicated on the restaurant menu (Exhibit "D"), the restaurant serves a full array of asian cuisine. California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control and Public Safety Report Staff has received a form from the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC), which provides statistics pertaining to the licensing of alcohol. The number of on- sale ABC licenses allowed in the subject census tract (No. 4813.00) is three (3). Currently, the subject census tract has nine (9) existing on-sale ABC licenses. According to the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, the subject census tract is overconcentrated with on-sale licenses. Although the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control has found the subject census tract to be overconcentrated with on-sale licenses, the City of Rosemead can, as a policy, determine the clustering of such uses to be appropriate. According to the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, the subject site is located in a high crime reporting district (No. 0531), which is distinguished as a crime reporting district with at least 20% greater number of reported crimes than the average number of reported crimes, as determined from all crime reporting districts within the jurisdiction of the local law enforcement agency. The California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control indicated that 120% of the average number of offenses is 256.10, while the total number of offenses in the subject crime reporting district is 359. After reviewing statistics pertaining to crime and calls for service related to the project site and corresponding reporting districts from May 1, 2016 through May 1, 2017, the Chief of Police, Lt. Robert Hahnlein, did not note any concerns associated with the proposed project. However, the Chief of Police recommended the following conditions of approval: • The restaurant shall maintain a 24-hour video surveillance recording system, which includes coverage of the following areas: o Patron and employee arrival and departure; o Immediate and adjoining parking areas; o Entire exterior perimeter; o Office and cashier areas; and o General floor area. • The video surveillance shall be stored for a minimum of 30 days and be made available to law enforcement and code enforcement upon request. • The parking lot and exterior of the business shall maintain good lighting during hours of darkness. Planning Commission Meeting June 5,2017 Page 4 of 18 Municipal Code Requirements Per Rosemead Municipal Code, Section 17.30.040(E)(1), a conditional use permit, obtained pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 17.132 (Conditional Use Permits), shall be required for any business that sells alcoholic beverages for on-site or off-site consumption. Per Rosemead Municipal Code, Section 17.132.040, a Conditional Use Permit may be issued only after a public hearing before the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission shall also find that the establishment, maintenance, or operation of the use so applied for will not, under the circumstances of the particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort or general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood thereof, not be detrimental or injurious to the property and improvements in the neighborhood or to the general welfare of the City. All of the following findings shall be made by the Planning Commission in conjunction with the approval of a Conditional Use Permit: A. Approval of the application will not be incompatible or injurious to other properties or land uses in the vicinity or create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety, and general welfare. Approval of the request for a new On-Sale Beer and Wine (Type 41) ABC license in conjunction with a bona fide public eating establishment will not be incompatible or injurious to the existing properties and land uses in the vicinity of the subject restaurant. The existing restaurant use will continue to be the primary land use of the location. Although the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control has found the subject census tract to be overconcentrated with on-sale licenses, the City of Rosemead can, as a policy, determine the clustering of such uses to be appropriate. After reviewing statistics pertaining to crime and calls for service related to the project site and corresponding reporting districts from May 1, 2016 through May 1, 2017, the Chief of Police did not note any concerns associated with the proposed project. B. The use is consistent with the General Plan. According to the City of Rosemead General Plan, Land Use Goal 2 aims to expand opportunities for concentrated commercial and industrial uses that contribute jobs and tax revenues to the community. The project site is located in an established commercial corridor of Valley Boulevard. C. The use is consistent with the provisions of this Zoning Code. According to Section 17.30.040(E)(1) of the Rosemead Municipal Code, a Conditional Use Permit is required for any business that sells alcoholic beverages for on-site consumption. As conditioned, the project will be consistent with the provisions of the Zoning Code. Planning Commission Meeting June 5,2017 Page 5 of 18 D. Processing and approval of the permit application are in compliance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. Section 15301 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guidelines exempts projects consisting of the operation, repair, maintenance, permitting, leasing, licensing, or minor alteration of existing public or private structures, facilities, mechanical equipment, or topographical features, involving negligible or no expansion of use beyond that existing at the time of the lead agency's determination. Accordingly, CUP 17-01 is classified as a Class 1 Categorical Exemption, pursuant to Section 15301 of CEQA guidelines. E. If development is provided for under the Conditional Use Permit, the project is consistent with the goals and objectives of the applicable standards and Design Guidelines in the overlying district. The restaurant use is existing and the applicant is not proposing to increase the size of the existing building in conjunction with the Conditional Use Permit. However, the applicant is proposing to construct a new trash enclosure that would be consistent with the goals and objectives of the applicable standards and Design Guidelines in the overlying district. Per Rosemead Municipal Code, Section 17.30.040(E)(2), prior to approval of a new or modified permit for an alcohol sales establishment, the Planning Commission shall find that the use is consistent with the purpose and intent of this section. This finding shall be in addition to the findings required by Chapter 17.132 (Conditional Use Permits). In making the required finding, the Planning Commission shall consider the following: • The crime rate in the reporting district and adjacent reporting districts as compared to other areas in the City. • The numbers of alcohol-related calls for service, crimes, or arrests in the reporting district and in adjacent reporting districts. • The proximity of the establishment to residential zoning districts, day care centers, hospitals, park and recreation facilities, places of worship, schools, other similar uses, and any uses that attract minors. • Whether or not the proposed modification will resolve any current objectable conditions. Planning Commission Meeting June 5,2017 Page 6 of 18 According to the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, the subject site is located in a high crime reporting district (No. 0531), which is distinguished as a crime reporting district with at least 20% greater number of reported crimes than the average number of reported crimes, as determined from all crime reporting districts within the jurisdiction of the local law enforcement agency. The California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control indicated that 120% of the average number of offenses is 256.10, while the total number of offenses in the subject crime reporting district they had on file is 359. After reviewing statistics pertaining to crime and calls for service related to the project site and corresponding reporting districts from May 1, 2016 through May 1, 2017, the Chief of Police provided the following alcohol-related crime statistics and did not note any concerns associated with the proposed project. However, the Chief of Police has recommended conditions of approval, which are included in Attachment "A". Reporting 0531 0530 0532 0533 0535 0536 District (Adjoining Reporting District) Alcohol- 6 5 6 3 5 0 Related Crimes Furthermore, the Chief of Police has provided information pertaining to the type and location of alcohol-related crimes within the subject crime reporting district from May 1 , 2016 to May 1, 2017. The six (6) alcohol-related crimes found in reporting district 0531 from May 1 , 2016 through May 1, 2017 are listed in the chart below. No alcohol-related crimes were reported for the project site within the aforementioned timeframe. Type of Alcohol Related Crimes Location Driving Under the Influence Valley Blvd. / Muscatel Ave. Driving Under the Influence Rosemead Blvd. / Marshall St. Driving Under the Influence Rosemead Blvd. / Marshall St. Driving Under the Influence Rosemead Blvd. / Marshall St. Driving Under the Influence 8444 Valley Blvd. Driving Under the Influence 8712 Marshall St. Residential zoning districts are generally located to the rear of the commercial zoning districts along Valley Boulevard. The serving of beer and wine as an ancillary use to a full service dine-in restaurant will not cause obstructions to pedestrian traffic, vehicular traffic, or parking. Regular inspections by the State ABC and the Rosemead Public Safety Department will ensure that the location is monitored and the serving of alcoholic beverages will not result in interference with children on their way to school, shoppers using streets, or defacement of surrounding properties. Restaurant staff will be trained on how to properly serve alcohol, including but not limited to checking identification to avoid serving to minors and being aware of intake levels of patrons. Planning Commission Meeting June 5,2017 Page 7of18 The use is consistent and compatible with the existing commercial land uses in the vicinity of the project site. The Conditions of Approval will mitigate any potential impacts of the proposed project. Public Notice Process This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process, which includes a 300-foot radius public hearing notice to thirty-eight (38) property owners, publication in the Rosemead Reader on May 25, 2017, and postings of the notice at the six (6) public locations and on the subject site. Prepared by: Submitted by: brAittiLL6 Annie Lao Michelle Ramirez Assistant Planner Community Development Director EXHIBITS: A. Planning Commission Resolution 17-11 B. Site Plan and Floor Plan (Dated April 26,2017) C. Assessor Parcel Map(APN: 5390-010-082) D. Pho Queen Bee Menu E. State Alcohol Beverage Control Map F. Crime Reporting Districts Map Planning Commission Meeting June 5,2017 Page 8 of 18 EXHIBIT "A" PC RESOLUTION 17-11 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 17-01, PERMITTING A NEW ON-SALE BEER AND WINE (TYPE 41) ABC LICENSE IN CONJUNCTION WITH A BONA FIDE PUBLIC EATING ESTABLISHMENT AT 8766 VALLEY BOULEVARD (APN: 5390-010- 082), IN A MEDIUM COMMERCIAL WITH A DESIGN OVERLAY (C-3/D- 0) ZONE. WHEREAS, on January 3. 2017, Chau Minh Le submitted a Conditional Use Permit application requesting approval for a new On-Sale Beer and Wine (Type 41) ABC license in conjunction with a bona fide public eating establishment, located at 8766 Valley Boulevard; WHEREAS, 8766 Valley Boulevard is located in a Medium Commercial with a Design Overlay (C-31D-O) zone; WHEREAS, Section 17.132.040 and 17.30.040(E)(2) of the Rosemead Municipal Code provides the criteria for a Conditional Use Permit; WHEREAS, Sections 65800 & 65900 of the California Government Code and Section 17.132.040 of the Rosemead Municipal Code authorize the Planning Commission to approve, conditionally approve, or deny Conditional Use Permit applications; WHEREAS, on May 25, 2017, thirty-eight (38) notices were sent to property owners within a 300-foot radius from the subject property, the notice was published in the Rosemead Reader, and notices were posted in six (6) public locations and on site, specifying the availability of the application, and the date, time, and location of the public hearing for Conditional Use Permit 17-01; WHEREAS, on June 5, 2017, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed and advertised public hearing to receive oral and written testimony relative to Conditional Use Permit 17-01; and WHEREAS, the Rosemead Planning Commission has sufficiently considered all testimony presented to them in order to make the following determination. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemead as follows: Planning Commission Meeting June 5,2017 Page 9 of 18 SECTION 1. The Planning Commission HEREBY DETERMINES that Conditional Use Permit 17-01 is classified as a Class 1 Categorical Exemption, pursuant to Section 15301 of California Environmental Quality Act guidelines. Section 15301 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guidelines exempts projects consisting of the operation, repair, maintenance, permitting, leasing, licensing, or minor alteration of existing public or private structures, facilities, mechanical equipment, or topographical features, involving negligible or no expansion of use beyond that existing at the time of the lead agency's determination. SECTION 2. The Planning Commission HEREBY FINDS AND DETERMINES that facts do exist to justify approving Conditional Use Permit 17-01, in accordance with Section 17.132.040 and 17.30.040(E)(2) of the Rosemead Municipal Code as follows: A. Approval of the application will not be incompatible or injurious to other properties or land uses in the vicinity or create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety, and general welfare. FINDING: Approval of the request for a new On-Sale Beer and Wine (Type 41) ABC license in conjunction with a bona fide public eating establishment will not be incompatible or injurious to the existing properties and land uses in the vicinity of the subject restaurant. The existing restaurant use will continue to be the primary land use of the location. Although the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control has found the subject census tract to be overconcentrated with on-sale licenses, the City of Rosemead can, as a policy, determine the clustering of such uses to be appropriate. After reviewing statistics pertaining to crime and calls for service related to the project site and corresponding reporting districts from May 1 , 2016 through May 1 , 2017, the Chief of Police did not note any concerns associated with the proposed project. B. The use is consistent with the General Plan. FINDING: According to the City of Rosemead General Plan, Land Use Goal 2 aims to expand opportunities for concentrated commercial and industrial uses that contribute jobs and tax revenues to the community. The project site is located in an established commercial corridor of Valley Boulevard. C. The use is consistent with the provisions of this Zoning Code. FINDING: According to Section 17.30.040(E)(1) of the Rosemead Municipal Code, a Conditional Use Permit is required for any business that sells alcoholic beverages for on-site consumption. As conditioned, the project will be consistent with the provisions of the Zoning Code. D. Processing and approval of the permit application are in compliance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. Planning Commission Meeting June 5,2017 Page 10 of 18 FINDING: Section 15301 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guidelines exempts projects consisting of the operation, repair, maintenance, permitting, leasing, licensing, or minor alteration of existing public or private structures, facilities, mechanical equipment, or topographical features, involving negligible or no expansion of use beyond that existing at the time of the lead agency's determination. Accordingly, CUP 17-01 is classified as a Class 1 Categorical Exemption, pursuant to Section 15301 of CEQA guidelines. E. If development is provided for under the Conditional Use Permit, the project is consistent with the goals and objectives of the applicable standards and Design Guidelines in the overlying district. FINDING: The restaurant use is existing and the applicant is not proposing to increase the size of the existing building in conjunction with the Conditional Use Permit. However, the applicant is proposing to construct a new trash enclosure that would be consistent with the goals and objectives of the applicable standards and Design Guidelines in the overlying district. F. The use is consistent with the purpose and intent of Section 17.30.040 of the Rosemead Municipal Code. The Planning Commission shall consider the following: • The crime rate in the reporting district and adjacent reporting districts as compared to other areas in the City. • The numbers of alcohol-related calls for service, crimes, or arrests in the reporting district and in adjacent reporting districts. • The proximity of the establishment to residential zoning districts, day care centers, hospitals, park and recreation facilities, places of worship, schools, other similar uses, and any uses that attract minors. • Whether or not the proposed modification will resolve any current objectabie conditions. FINDING: According to the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, the subject site is located in a high crime reporting district (No. 0531), which is distinguished as a crime reporting district with at least 20% greater number of reported crimes than the average number of reported crimes, as determined from all crime reporting districts within the jurisdiction of the local law enforcement agency. The California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control indicated that 120% of the average number of offenses is 256.10, while the total number of offenses in the subject crime reporting district they had on file is 359. After reviewing statistics pertaining to crime and calls for service related to the project site and corresponding reporting districts from May 1 , 2016 through May 1, 2017, the Chief of Police provided the following alcohol-related crime statistics and did not note any concerns associated with the proposed project. However, the Chief of Police has recommended conditions of approval, which are included in Attachment "A". Planning Commission Meeting June 5,2017 Page 11 of 18 Reporting 0531 0530 0532 0533 0535 0536 District (Adjoining Reporting District) Alcohol- 6 5 6 3 5 0 Related Crimes Furthermore, the Chief of Police has provided information pertaining to the type and location of alcohol-related crimes within the subject crime reporting district from May 1, 2016 to May 1, 2017. The six (6) alcohol-related crimes found in reporting district 0531 from May 1 , 2016 through May 1, 2017 are listed in the chart below. No alcohol-related crimes were reported for the project site within the aforementioned timeframe. Type of Alcohol Related Crimes Location Driving Under the Influence Valley Blvd. / Muscatel Ave. Driving Under the Influence Rosemead Blvd. / Marshall St. Driving Under the Influence Rosemead Blvd. / Marshall St. Driving Under the Influence Rosemead Blvd. / Marshall St. Driving Under the Influence 8444 Valley Blvd. Driving Under the Influence 8712 Marshall St. Residential zoning districts are generally located to the rear of the commercial zoning districts along Valley Boulevard.The serving of beer and wine as an ancillary use to a full service dine-in restaurant will not cause obstructions to pedestrian traffic, vehicular traffic, or parking. Regular inspections by the State ABC and the Rosemead Public Safety Department will ensure that the location is monitored and the serving of alcoholic beverages will not result in interference with children on their way to school, shoppers using streets, or defacement of surrounding properties. Restaurant staff will be trained on how to properly serve alcohol, including but not limited to checking identification to avoid serving to minors and being aware of intake levels of patrons. The use is consistent and compatible with the existing commercial land uses in the vicinity of the project site. The Conditions of Approval will mitigate any potential impacts of the proposed project. SECTION 3. The Planning Commission HEREBY APPROVES Conditional Use Permit 17-01 for a new On-Sale Beer and Wine (Type 41) ABC license in conjunction with a bona fide public eating establishment at 8766 Valley Boulevard and subject to the conditions listed in Attachment "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. SECTION 4. This action shall become final and effective ten (10) days after this decision by the Planning Commission, unless within such time a written appeal is filed with the City Clerk for consideration by the Rosemead City Council as provided in Rosemead Municipal Code, Section 17.160.040 — Appeals of Decisions. Planning Commission Meeting June 5,2017 Page 12 of 18 SECTION 5. This resolution is the result of an action taken by the Planning Commission on June 5, 2017, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: SECTION 6. The Secretary shall certify to the adoption of this resolution and • shall transmit copies of same to the applicant and the Rosemead City Clerk. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 5th day of June, 2017. Daniel Lopez, Chair CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of a resolution adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemead at its regular meeting, held on the 5th day of June, 2017, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Michelle Ramirez, Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: Kane Thuyen, Planning Commission Attorney Burke, Williams & Sorensen, LLP Planning Commission Meeting June 5,2017 Page 13 of 18 ATTACHMENT "A" (PC RESOLUTION 17-11) CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 17-01 8766 VALLEY BOULEVARD (APN: 5390-010-082) CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL JUNE 5, 2017 Standard Conditions of Approvals 1 . Conditional Use Permit 17-01 ("Project") is approved for a new On-Sale Beer and Wine (Type 41) ABC license in conjunction with a bona fide public eating establishment at 8766 Valley Boulevard, in accordance with the plans marked Exhibit "B", dated April 26, 2017. Any revisions to the approved plans must be resubmitted for Planning Division review and, if satisfactory, approval. 2. The following conditions must be complied to the satisfaction of the Planning Division prior to final approval of the associated plans, building permits, occupancy permits, or any other appropriate request. 3. The conditions listed on this exhibit shall be copied directly onto any development plans subsequently submitted to the Planning and Building Divisions. 4. Approval of Project shall not take effect for any purpose until the applicant(s) have filed with the City of Rosemead ("City") a notarized affidavit stating that he/she is aware of and accepts all of the conditions of approval as set forth in the letter of approval and this list of conditions within ten (10) days from the Planning Commission approval date. 5. The on-site public hearing notice posting shall be removed by the end of the 10- day appeal period of Project. 6. Project is approved for a period of one (1) year. The applicant(s) shall commence the approved project or request an extension within 30 calendar days prior to expiration. The one (1) year initial approval period shall be effective from the Planning Commission approval date. For the purpose of this petition, project commencement shall be defined as beginning the permitting process with the Planning and Building Divisions, so long as the project is not abandoned. If Project has been unused, abandoned, or discontinued for a period of one (1) year, it shall become null and void. Planning Commission Meeting June 5,2017 Page 14 of 18 7. The Planning Commission hereby authorizes the Planning Division to make and/or approve minor modifications to the project and to these conditions of approval. 8. Project is granted or approved with the City and its Planning Commission and City Council retaining and reserving the right and jurisdiction to review and to modify the permit, including the conditions of approval based on changed circumstances. Changed circumstances include, but are not limited to, the modification of the use, a change in scope, emphasis, size, or nature of the use, or the expansion, alteration, reconfiguration, or change of use. This reservation of right to review is in addition to, and not in lieu of, the right of the City, its Planning Commission, and City Council to review and revoke or modify any permit granted or approved under the Rosemead Municipal Code for any violations of the conditions imposed on Project. 9. The applicant(s) shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Rosemead or its agents, officers, and employees from any claim, action, or proceeding against the City of Rosemead or its agents, officers, or employees to attack, set side, void, or annul, an approval of the Planning Commission and/or City Council concerning the project, which action is brought within the time period provided by law. 10. The applicant(s) shall comply with all Federal, State, and local laws relative to the approved use, including the requirements of the Planning, Building, Fire, Sheriff, and Health Departments. 11. Building permits will not be issued in connection with any project until such time as all plan check fees and all other applicable fees are paid in full. Prior to issuance of building permits, any required school fees shall be paid. The applicant shall provide the City with written verification of compliance from the applicable school districts. 12. The numbers of the address signs shall be at least six (6) inches tall with a minimum character width of 3/4 inch, contrasting in color and easily visible at driver's level from the street. Materials, colors, location, and size of such address numbers shall be approved by the Community Development Director, or his/her designee, prior to installation. 13. The hours of construction shall be limited from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday. No construction shall take place on Sundays or on any federal holiday, without prior approval by the City. The applicant shall abide by the noise control sections of the Rosemead Municipal Code. 14. The Building and Safety Division, Planning Division, and Engineering Division shall have access to the project site at any time during construction to monitor progress. Planning Commission Meeting June 5,2017 Page 15 of 18 15. All requirements of the Building and Safety Division, Planning Division, and Engineering Division shall be complied with prior to the final approval of the proposed construction. 16. All ground level mechanical/utility equipment (including meters, back flow prevention devices, fire valves, A/C condensers, furnaces, and other equipment) shall be located away from public view or adequately screened by landscaping or screening walls so as not to be seen from the public right-of-way. 17. Violations of the conditions of approval may result in citation and/or initiation of revocation proceedings. Project Specific Conditions of Approval 18. The site shall be maintained in a graffiti-free state. Any new graffiti shall be removed within twenty-four (24) hours. 19. The site shall be maintained in a clean, weed and litter-free state, in accordance with the Rosemead Municipal Code Sections pertaining to the storage, accumulation, collection, and disposal of garbage, rubbish, trash, and debris. 20. Any proposed signage shall be submitted to the Planning Division for review and approval. All proposed signage shall comply with the Rosemead Municipal Code. Window signs shall not cover more than 15% of window and glass door areas. All banners and temporary signs shall be permitted by the Rosemead Planning Division prior to installation. 21 . The sale of alcoholic beverages shall be incidental to the sales of food. No lounge area may be constructed without prior approval by the Planning Commission. All requirements and appropriate licenses of the State of California and California State Department of Alcohol Beverage Control shall be complied with and maintained at all times. No alcohol shall be sold for the purpose of off- site consumption. Conditional Use Permit 17-01 is for an On-Sale Beer and Wine (Type 41) ABC license in conjunction with a bona fide public eating establishment only. 22. There shall be no dancing, live music, or other live entertainment permitted at the subject restaurant without prior approval of an entertainment permit through the City of Rosemead, subject to the Rosemead Municipal Code. 23. Interior lighting shall be maintained at an illumination level that is typical and appropriate for a family restaurant. Planning Commission Meeting June 5,2017 Page 16 of 18 24. A current letter grade issued to the business by the LA County Department of Health Services shall be properly posted at the restaurant in compliance with the LA County Department of Health Services requirements. 25. The applicant shall keep the electrical and mechanical equipment and/or emergency exits free of any debris, storage, furniture, etc. and maintain a minimum clearance of five (5) feet. 26. The hours of operation shall be posted in the front window or door. Hours of operation shall be limited to 9:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m., seven (7) days a week. The Planning Commission hereby authorizes the Chief of Police to modify the hours of alcohol sales during those hours if it becomes detrimental to the public health, safety, and general welfare of the City. 27. No advertisements or illuminated signs shall be displayed that are visible from the exterior of the restaurant which advertises alcoholic beverages. No karaoke- type machine shall be located in this restaurant without prior approval by the Rosemead Planning Division and subject to the Rosemead Municipal Code. 28. If warranted on the basis of the City of Rosemead Public Safety or Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department incident reports, the City shall have the right to require additional security measures. 29. The sale, possession, and consumption of alcoholic beverage(s) shall be limited to the indoor areas of the approved restaurant. 30. The restaurant shall install and maintain anti-graffiti paint and anti-etching film on the windows of the restaurant building. 31. A employee training program shall be submitted to the Chief of Police for approval, if satisfactory. The approved employee training program shall be abided by at all times. 32. All alcohol shall be stored and displayed away from the restaurant counter and areas accessible to the public. 33. Any unapproved parking stalls shall be removed. The parking lot configuration shall reflect the approved site plan marked Exhibit "B". Planning Commission Meeting June 5,2017 Page 17 of 18 Chief of Police Conditions of Approval 34. The restaurant shall maintain a 24-hour video surveillance recording system, which includes coverage of the following areas: a. Patron and employee arrival and departure; b. Immediate and adjoining parking areas; c. Entire exterior perimeter; d. Office and cashier areas; e. General floor area. 35. The video surveillance shall be stored for a minimum of 30 days and be made available to law enforcement and code enforcement upon request. 36. The parking lot and exterior of the business shall maintain good lighting during hours of darkness. Planning Commission Meeting June 5,2017 Page 18 of 18 EXHIBIT "C" ,..._ 55..10 i C. - .. , 001 - ----I .. -- - _. SAO 4 la..1..Ltr :.' - -. ..-• . .,... _ 5- ' ; • , 1 k.. ."1 .ro l• ,i 2 ' ,. • 1 ? . 5 ........„ 1 .,;,,..,_ ''...... 73... ... . __ .... ..-- " +.• . ..• -"I"— ; ' ;.. t • :. )1• ' 7' •._-•33,3i .. ----...-.•—• .i.li : I - 1 . . ii-• .ii• it IlI ...,: 7".e- - 4 ....) . -7.1— --.-------..- .. '7.7A0F4-.' .- - r- -F . t•'.....;,.....k ri-, ; .,..7. 4._.I•....:- ,. •_, . . • , .- _ ,.. 1 ....ii, . .. ,- 5.-; -... ; - ,,,.., .' •.- - - - .5. .°'••Pao-jrt1Sittil a......A0 awe 0 "e2 ,.. ,'' ..;, . ,14...• '..e - .- . ..i " - 'r..'..•.1...1;'. I;i.e. .!0"-- . 1 - : t ,... i ; •• .- . 1 t„ _. . ... I: , 4.7.. ., - - -- - - 'Y i .•T. .... ., '.; ... ,... - i .... ,. . , ,:... ,... • - •or-.,•.,......•....,.• -. . 3 'tiii.0.35 V. it ,i.•i..,-:.( — S.." -- I. :5•161C - •,5,Euth.D wi g.2,.1 4•I S - TAAL:NC•S_16:t _ In.fk,3,;I TEACr PO 3N383 e --la 0-"Z:-)4...317 t %3 013.3 P•114..1.1ir I,. DUCT NO 4,-i-S 6.1,5 1.2it•.."2•e:‘ r.,..F_;.,..;•.0._. ._ _ ...P 11:0,iLy r Y Y O ® �F`" EXHIBIT D •. . • Cie Mon D c Bien (House Special) 2;11 1.13 1. Toro Luc Lac X'�', VIVI 10.50 Large Shrimp Sauteed with Garlic Sauce(Served w Rice or French Bread) 2. Bo Luc Lac X' tf 1 10;50 • Filet Mignon Cubes Sauteed wi Garlic Sauce(Served wi Rice.or French Bread) 3. Bo Tai Chanh fitO 9.50 Slice Tender Beef with Lemon Juice, Peanuts I.. 4. GM Suia Tom Thit ZWAYM.13 9.95 Shrimp, Pork & Jelly Fish Salad • 5. GM Ga -.TAMEMIt 7.95 Chicken Salad with House Sauce 6. Gei B'0f 9i'��1 8.50 Beef.Salad with House Sauce 7. Goi Hen ei i,) 8.95 Baby Clam Salad with House Sauce 8. Bi Cuon gtf }i nS 4.50 Rice Paper Rolled with Shredded Pork & Lettuce. • 9. Bo`Nutting Cuon 4.50- Rice Paper Rolled with Charbroiled Beef& Lettuce . 10. Thit Ntidng Cu6n XAgti,4 4.50 Rice Paper Rolled with Charbroiled Pork & Lettuce 11. GM Cu6n MtNR 4.50 Thin Sliced of Pork Loin, Shrimp. Vermicelli & Vegetable Rolled in Rice Paper 12. Dau Hu Cu6n RRAS 4.50 Tofu with Vegetable Rolled in Rice Paper 13. Cha Gio Phan 6-.95 Fragrant Meat, Mu.shroorii Enclosed in a Golden Shell, Served with Lettuce 14. Nem Nttng Phan EtiltrAA 8.50 Charbroiled Meat Ball Served with Vermicelli, Salad &Peanut Sauce 15. _ Chao Tom Pham 9.95 Grilled Shrimp Paste Over"Sugar Cane Served with Vermicelli, Salad & Peanut Sauce • Phot (Beef Noodle Soup) . i i (M) (L) :.. . 1t . Ph1 Kobe -)TEPP S� 11.95 13.95 Kobe Beef with Rice Noodle Soup • 17. Phd B;ac 'jtf.J`Ar' 8.95 9.95 Minced Tenderloin (Filet Mignon) Served wI Fresh Thick Rice Noodle & Thinly Sliced Ginger in Northern Vietnam Style 18. Phd Ribeye 9 fat 8.95 9.95 Ribeye Beef with Rice Noodle Soup 19. Phi Xe Lia * :*) 6.95 7.95 House Extra Large Special Combination Beef Noodle Soup • • Phd (Beef Noodle Soup) 't' 1241131'` (M) (L) •. -28: Phd Tai '- #1; 6.95 7.95 Rare Beef with Rice Noodle Soli 21. Phd Tai Chin Ts'$ t(lt'A? 6.95 7.95 Rare & Welt Cooked Beef Brisket with Rice Noodle Soup. . 22.. Phd Tai Nam Gan 'tMtrAPhrih6.95 7.95 Rare&Well Cooked Bee/Briket& Tendon w/ Rice Noosle Soup 23. PhetTai Nam Sach "'$ lifA$116.95 7.95 • Rare, Well Cooked Beef Brisket& Tripe wi Rice Noodle Soup 24. Phd Chin "At 1 6.95 7.95 Well Cooked.Beef with Rice Noodle Soup 25. Phd Chin Nam Gan 'A § ' 6.95 7.95 Well Cooked Beef Brisket & Tendon With Rice Noodle Soup 26. Phd:Chin Nam Sach ( * 6.95 7.95 We1J Jooked.Beef,Brisket & Tripe with Rice Noodle Soup 27. Phd Chin Nam Gan Sach6.95. 7.95 Well Cooked Beef Brisket, Tendon & Tripe with Rice Noodle Soup 28. Phd Tai Nam Gan Sach t '*A ] s '# 6.95:` 7.95.: Rare, Well Cooked Beef Brisket, Tendon& Tripe with Rice Noodle Soup. 29., Phd Thit Niidng X 012 6.95 7..95 Gltirbroiled Pork with Rice Noodle Soup , 30. Phd Tom ,tI S 7:95 8:95. ' Shrimp with Rice Noodle Soup 31. Phet"De f ME 8.95 9.95 Goat with Rice Noodle Soup • 32. Phd'Bo.Viers trA A,*) 6.95 7.95 Beef Meatballs with Rico Noodle Soup 33. Phd Hhong ) 5.50 6:55 Plain Rice Noodle Soup 34. Phd Rau.Caica 6.95 . 7.95 • Vegetable Rice Noodte Soup, add$1.00 for Tofu Ph a Chicken Noodle Soup) . • 35. :.Phd Ga . OM,, 6:95' Shredded Chicken with Rice.Noodle Soup 36'. Phd Ga Doc Bim � r? 7.95: • • Howse Speciat LarrgeBowl of Shredded Chicken, Quail Egg with Rice Noodle Soup • • Nuc Phd Togo 2.95 • Separated Beef 0.95 • Extra Noodle 1.00: • Onion in Vinegar 0.50 • . • .Extra Beef Ball add 1.50. • Bowl of Soup 0.50 MI (Egg Noodle. Soup) 37... Mi Ga - ;E 6.95 Chicken with Egg Noodle Soup _ , ' 38. , Mi Tom Ga ifigEW/Mb 7.95 Shrimp & Chicken with Egg.Noodle Soup 39 Mi Bo Vien .A11-,sil` . 6.95 Beef Meatball with Egg Noodle Soup 40. Bo Vien / Soup; 't(7JL)M 6.50. Beef Meatball Soup 41. Mi Hoanh Thanh -2. 25',11 6.95 Wonton Egg Noodle Soup 42. Hoanh Thanh I Soup EME:k 6.50 • Wonton Soup 43. Mi Xa Xiu : - 6.50 B.B.Q. Pork with Egg-Noodle Soup 44.:'Ml Tom Cua IIMMARA 7.95 Shrimp & Imitation Crabmeat with Egg Noodle Soup • 45. Mi Tom Cua Thit .>.. - Thit ................... f' o,,,,�.., � MANA 7.95 ' Pork, Shrimp & Imitation Crabmeat with Egg Noodle Soup 46. Mi Hoanh Thanh Tom CuaA# 7.95 Shrimp& Imitation Crabmeat with Wonton Egg Noodle Soup 47. Mi Hai Vi ; ) 5t 7.95 Seafood with Egg Noodle Soup Bun Ntteic (Vermicellisal Soup): { 48. Bun Rieu MEEEN 6.50 • Ground Shrimp&Imitation Crabmeat Vermicelli Soup 49. Bun Oc ERCZHEMN 7.50 Escargo, Ground Shrimp &Tomato Vermicelli Soup 50. Bun Bo Hue _ )tfL ,E f ... .7.50 Spicy Beef Pork Blood Cake, Pork Hock with Vermicelli Soup 51. Bun Rau Cai z-4,WER 6.95 Vegetable'with Vermicelli Soup (Add $1.00 for Tofu) 52. Bun Cari Ga Ob0ON7:95' Spicy Curry Chicken &.Bean Sprout with Vermicelli ' Hu Tiu (Rice Noodle Soup)'..":- ..----` r • • .... ....53, .Hu.Tfu TSm Cua i t Og. 7.95 '.. ... . .. ShniinP &.Imitation Crabmeat with Rice Noodle Soup r ' • 54. `:Hu Tfu Tom Cua Thit P 5Ht 7.95. ..... .;. • Pork, Shrimp & Imitation Crttblifeat with Rice Noodle Soup 55. Hu Tiu Tom Ga • glq.2' 1 ::..7:95 ' - Shrimp & Chicken with Rice Noodle.Soup 56. Hu Tiu ChaCa ....< P".0211A 7.95 . • Fish Paste Cake with Rice-1Voodle Soup 57. Hu Tiu Ca Vien: - , ? , 1:95. - Fish Bail-with Rice Noodle Soup '.`58. Hu Tiu Ca Ga ,. 1 7 95: - Chicken.&Fish.Filet with Rice,Noodle'Soup • • Banh Canh (X.L. Noodle Soup) - 59. Binh Canh Gio Ileo gtop 6x95 • • Cooked Pork Hoek with X-L Rice Noodle Soup `. 60. Barth Canh Thit HeoIJ �x: 6.95 • Pork••2iith X-L Rice Noodle Soup 61. Banti Canh Tom gl : n„ 7.95 Shrimp with X L Rice Noodle Soup _ "' . 62. Binh Canh Tom Cua famrAme 7.95' .Shrimp & Imitation Crabmeat with X-L Rice Noodle Soup ` 63:: •Binh Canh Tom Thit gTt.Flgt1= AAiiti 7.95. Shrimp& Pork with X-L Rice Noodle Soup ' • • Chao (Porridge) �► o 313 QA 64. ..Chao Bo:. t( J 6.5.0. Beef Porridge •. 65. .Chao Ga itt8 3A 6.50 Chicken Porridge ' . -66.. :Chao Tom g0?-1M 7.50 Slarimil Porridge -6t Chao Ca A,, `7.50 Fish:filet Porridge • '': • 6$. Chao Huyea g , .. �03 6.95 : Pork Blood-Cake Porridge '. 69. - ;tot 6.95, Pork• Blood Cake with Sausage, Liver & Heart Porridge 70. Chao;,Tap Cam • it :° 7.50` .: .'. • Combination of Shrimp, Pork Heart, Pork.Liver, Fish Cake Porridge --.. • : ' .- .. .• ' . • 71. Chao Hai Vi Seafood Porridge ho (Vermicelli) 72. Bun Thit Ndang gg0M. 6 95'' Charbroiled Pork with Vermicelli 73. . B.ua Toro Nuking g,tTiFig 7.95 • Charbroiled Shrimp with Vermicelli 74. Bun Nem Nutting i $0gZFV .7.95 Charboiled Pork Meatball with Vermicelli 75. Bun Cha Gio tSr 6.95 Imperial Roll with Vermicelli 76. Bun Bir r ; R 6.95 Shredded Pork with Vermicelli 77. Bun Bo Xao X'�"t( • - 7.50 • Lemon Grass Beef Sauteed with Onion on Vermicelli.• 78. Bun Cha Ha NQi 5TA . 7.50 Charbroiled Pork with Vermicelli Ha-Noi Style . 79. Bun Thit Nutting Cha Gio i-lead 7.95 Charbroiled Pork, Imperial Roll with Vermicelli • 80. Bun Bo Nutting Cha Gio Ait A 7.95 Charbroiled Beef, Imperial Roll.with Vermicelli. - 81. Bun Nem NUdng Cha Gio 'n*i*] , g 7.95 . Charbroiled Pork Meatball,Imperial Roll with Vermicelli 82.- Bun Tom Thit Ntiang 0,,T gig..tf 74I 7.95• . • Chabroiled Shrimp,;Pork with Vermicelli 83. In Tom Thit Nuking Cha Gio - ,,,giTmgr4oaR. 8.50 Chabroiled Shrimp, Pork &Imperial Roll with Vermicelli • 84. Bun Tom Bo Nutting Cha Gio .aScg 8.50 • Chabroiled Shrimp, Beef& Imperial Roll with Vermicelli 85. 'BO-it Chao TomPtriR 8.95 .Skiirnp Paste with Vermicelli. 86. Bun Chao Tom Bo Nutting - X $ij> Vll. 8:95 Charbroiled Beef& Shrimp Paste with Vermicelli 87. Bun Chao Tom Nem Nuking rt$ j;„„ I- .`; 8.95 Charbroiled Pork Meatball & Shrimp Paste with Vermicelli : 88. Bun Chao Tom Cha Gio 4S 8.95• . Imperial Roll & Shrimp Paste with Vermicelli • 89. Ban Bi Chao Tom gtAiiZ d; IP :R 8.95• : Shredded Pork Shrimp Paste with Vermicelli 90. Bun Tau:Hu Kyg: ,�� lialg 7.95: . Fried Ground Shrimp in Bean Card Skin with Vermicelli 91. 'Bun Nem Nutting Tau Hu Ky Ky1.krti*?qAATIrgA-Jia 7.95 Charbroiled Pork Meatball, Fried Ground Shrimp in Bean Curd Skin with.Vermicelli: Kho (Vermicl : ` � 7.95 n Bo Nutdn Tau Hu ����J ��� �� Bu Ky g Charbroiled Beef, Fried Ground Shrimp in Bean Curd Skin with Vermicelli • " 03. Bun Thit NaingTau Hu Ey: A#M042MAR 7.95 - Charbroiled Pork,Fried Ground p`in Bean Curd Skin with Vermicelli 94: -Bun Thit Nutting..Nem Nudng Tau Hu Ky X t( ]4 SR:M i- 8.95 Charbrotiled•Pork, Meat'b"¢ll& Fried Ground Shrimp in Bean Curd Skin with Vermicelli 95. Bun Bo Nddng Nem Nutting Tau Hu Ky 8.95. • Charbroiled Beef, Meatball& Fried Ground Shrimp in Bean Curd Skin with Vermicelli 96. Bun Thit Tau Hu Ky,:Cha Gio X gt-f j 41p 8.95 Charbroiled Pork;.Imperial Roll Fried Ground Shrimp in Bean Curd Skin. with Vermicelli. • 97. Bun.Thit Nddng Chao Tom Cha Gio A*OAMMIR8MFA 8.95 Cftarb5oiled Pork, Imperial Roll & Shrimp Paste with Vermicelli 98. Bun Bo Nddng Chao Tom Cha Gio igsmAittmsg 8.95 Charbroiled Beef, Imperial Roll &Shrimp Paste with Vermicelli • • • Banh:MI (French Bread) 99. 'Bank Mi Bigt(7I '��,� v 4.50 Shredded Pork Sandwich 100. =Banh Mi Cha Lua r`J'T 4.50 ' V.ietnamese Meat Loaf Sandwich 101. Banh Mi Tint,Nddng • f J '�: 4:50 Chabroiled Pork:Sandwich 10.x: :•, anh Mi Hqt Ga Op La 5.50 • Fried•'Over Easy Egg with.French Bread 103: Banh•Mi Bo Kilo t.iftfrel. 1.50 Very.Tasty'Beef Stew Served with French Bread. 104. Binh Mi Ca-Ri Ga 00011 'G 7.50, Spicy Curry Chicken Served th French Bread • '' • ..s • Banh Hoi (Tr vermic•elli) 105. Banh.IIoi Thit Nti ing ... .. r.., . f ` 7.95: Charbroiled Pork with Tiny Veri.40.1E.Seived With Lettuce : - . • 106. Banh Hoi Bo Ntidng -f9' * 7.95. Charbroiled Beef with Tiny Vermicelli Served with Lettuce : 107. Banh Hoi Cha Gib OS'* ". 7.95: - • Imperial Roll.with Tiny Vermicelli Served With Lettuce 108. Banh Hoi Thit Miffing Cha Gio "'x 8.95 Charbroiled Pork &Imperial Roll with Tiny Vermicelli Served with Lettuce 109. Banh Hoi Bo Ntidng Cha Gib tf tS#- 8.95 Charbroiled Beef&Imperial Roll with Tiny Vermicelli.Served with Lettuce • 110. Banh Hoi Nem Ndeing Cha Gib g$M LE4 � 8. - Charbroiled Meatball &Imperial Roll with Tiny Vermicelli Served with Lettuce 111. Banh Hoi Thit Ntidng Chao Tom fJV ',,, 8.95 Charbroiled Pork & Shrimp Paste with Tiny Vermicelli Served Lettuce 112. Banh Hoi Bo Nutting Chao Tom ...... .......::::. 9 8.95 Charbroiled Beef& Shrimp Paste with Tiny Vermicelli.Served With :ettuce 113. .Banh. Hoi Nem Noting Chao Tom *_CL9M `"' 9.50; Charbroiled Meatball & Shrimp Paste with Tiny Vermicelli'Served with.Lettuce 114. Banh Hoi Tau Hu KY . tNI 1 SM' "., .:: 8.50 Fried Ground Shrimp in Beam Furd Skin with Tiny Vermicelli Served with Lettuce • 115. Banh Hoi Thit Noting Tau Hu Ky f � Plx: �. x. .g;95 Charbroiled Pork & Ground.Shrimp in Bean Curd Skin with Tiny Vermicelli 116. Banh Hoi Bo Ntteing Tau Hu Ky '=(J; h1 ' 8.9,5 Charbroiled Beef& Ground Shrimp-in Bean Curd Skin with.Tiny Vermicelli • • 117. Banh Hoi.Nem Ntidng Tau Hu & * L, TtNIRfi .SM X 8.95 Charbroiled Meatball & Ground Shrimp in Bea .curd Skin with Tiny Vermicelli 118. Banh Hoi Thit Wing Nem Ntidng Tau Hu Icyg•t J*(' r f z4 * 9.95 Charbroiled Pork,.Meatbi l & Ground Shrimp in Bean Curd Skin with Tiny Vermicelli • 119. Banh Hoi Bo Noting Nem Ntidng Tau Hu-Ky $1$ JPr Charbroiled Beef, Meatball & Ground Shrimp in Bean Curd Skin with Tiny Vermicelle 120. Banh HOi Thit Ntidng Nem Nigh* Chao.Tom ... tA 4 f3JI1P,i )h 9.95 Charbroiled Pork, Meatball:& Shrimp Paste with TinyVermicejli: 121. Banh Hoi Bo Ntteing-Nem Ntidng Chao Tom qt( ]m Charbroiled Beef Meatball & Shrimp Paste with Tiny Vermicelli 122. Banh HOi Thit Noting Chao Tom-Cha Gio 4f. if, `•" x•95- Charbroiled Pork, Imperial Roll& Shrimp Paste with Tiny Vermicelli: • Com Dia (Rice Plate)• f• - • 1L3.- Cdin•Thit Nndng' alt rA E 6.95 Clvai°hroiled Pork Steamed.Rice 124,• Calm Bi.Thit Nutahg. Xt ( JIx 6..95 •' • - Charbroiled Pork & Shredded Pork Steamed Rice 125. Corm Bi Cha Tint Nutting Mgt 7.95 • .Charbroited Pork, Shredded Pork & Baked Egg Steamed Rice r' • . 126. Com Bi:.C.hi Cha Gio 6fg h ' ;,'!s . 7.95:: Imperial Roll, Shredded Pork & Baked Egg Steamed Rice • " 127. .Com Bo Nutting • X rA6.95 .Charbroiled Beef Steamed Rice 128: Corm. Bi Bo Nndng 1.g4f. g 0& . 6.95 Charbroiled Beef& Shredded Pork Steamed Rice 129. Com..Bi-Cha Bo Nut ing 7:95 Charbroiled Beef Shredded Pork Baked Egg Steamed Rice . • • , 130. Codm Sutdn Nndng J1 7.50 . • 'Charbroiled Pork.Chop Steamed Rice • • 131. Com Bi Cha Sin Nutting :.; ' 4tfJ1 ,`,13, EN 7.95 Charbroiled Pork Chop & Shredded Pork Steamed Rice • 132. Com Bi Cha Nem Nutting $1&9 l,h „A WP 7.95 Charbroiled Meatball, Shredded Pork & Baked Egg Steamed Rice 133. .:Com Tau Hi Ky 1gP 1 W 7.95 • Fried'Ground Shrimp in Bean Curd Skin Steamed Rice • : • ' 134. Com Bo Nutting Tau Hu.Ky X `t 07, 9, 4. 7.95 . Charbroiled Beef&Fried Ground Shrimp in Bean Curd.Skin Steamed Rice • 135. Com Thit Nndng Tau Hu Ky ggtoggiNAgfpk 7.95 Charbroiled Pork &Fried Ground=Shrimp in Bean Curc skin Steamed Rice • 136: Cain Nem Nndng Tau Hu Ky X $ A ,T ` S 7.95 • Charbroiled Meatball Y& Fried•GrOu7nd Shrimp in Bean Curd Skin Steam�yed.Rice, g 7 (] 137, Cdiii Sudn Nutdn g..'T�K.i.f de.. eess_e c.e __ee�__e eeeeee /?.-. J�l ll-J LIX 7:95 Charbroiled Pork Chop &Fried G4ouit�d Shri p in Bean Curd Skin Stead°ed ice • 138 Corm Bi Cha TAU Hu Ky gt1 AM.E,0MF ' -7.95 • Shredded Pork,Baked Egg& Fried Ground Shrimp in Bean Curd Skin Steamed Rice • 139. Cohen••Chao Torn Tau Hu Ky r .RE S i- 8.95 . Shrimp Paste & Fried Ground Shrimp in Bean Curd Skin Steamed Rice 140. Com Bi Cha Nem Ntiang Tau Hu Ky 9 li z +` 9:95 • Shredded Pork, Baked Egg,..Gharbroiled Meatball & Shrimp in Bean Curd Skin Sledmed,nice" 'r t • 141. Com Ga Niidng Bd $Ad3; 1- •04.95' Grilled Chicken with Butter on Chicken Broth Flavored Steamed Rice • 142: . Com Bi Cha Nem Mang Chao Tomi$p j;( ,,, AlM ,,, 'it tg-ffi 9.96 Shredded Pork, Baked Egg, Charbroiled Meatball& Shrimp Paste Steamed=Rice :143. Cdm Ga Ro-Ti - . .. '7.95 Roasted Cornish Hen with Tomato Red Riee 144. Cdm Cari Ga O1 , -•:::1.50 . Curry Chicken Served with Steamed Rice ':145. Com Ga Xao Xa .Ot a*. '. 7:50 ' • .. Spicy. Chicken with Lemon Grass Steamed Rice 146. Com Bo Xao Xa x..`,`.` .. Spicy Beef with Lemon Grass Steamed Rice 147. Com Chien Tom -fiStngtg 8.95 : • Shrimp Fried Rice 148. Cain Chien Dttdng Chau : . ram . 7.95. . House Special Fried Rice ' • . 149.. Cdm Xao Chay rigRffi • 7.50 • Sauteed Vegetable:Fried:Rice :. 150. Cdm Bo Xao Cai Sauteed Beef with.Vegetable Steamed Rice :: 151. : Cdm Xao Tho P Cam fFtaft. 9.50 : •Sauteed.Beef Seafood.& Vegetable with Steamed Rice Banh i'oit, Banh Xeo (Roll, Crepe) .�. a $vt ' : 152. Bax h dt Cha Lua T 6.95 • steamed Rice Crepe;with Delicious Pork Cake 453. ' Barth . rt it utdng . : ' ( X1 6.95 . .'Steamed Race'Crepe with Charbroiled Pork 154._ :Banh that Cha Gio Ottjale 6:95 Steamed Rice Crepe with Imperial Roll . 155. Banh I'dt Thit Nitdng CAa Gib oggg7.95 Steamed RteeCrepe with Charbroiled Pork & Imperial Roll • 156. .Banh.Xeo 79 .. Pan-Fried Crepe with Shrimp,Pork, Mung Been; Sprout Served with Lettuce F - • • ?�"1 - ice Noodle)Q' 'f 157. Ph l Xao:(lh• . • 795 Vegetable Fried Rice Noodle.; • . X58. Phil Xao Bo.: 1 t 1�9 X�Xii4 8:95 . Beet Fried.Rue Noodle • 159. .•Ph.4 X Tom ;JPS ' 9.95 • Shrimp.Fried:Rice Noodle, ; 160+ •P ti Xao'Ga :..:L ...::::„.:a..:�s::.a..:...... MIAOW8.95 . - ' • Chicken.Pried Rice Noodle: . 161. ” Phis Xao H � Vi ; ,, X' ,, 9.95 Seafood•FriedRice Noodle 162. Phot Xao Thap Cam „ X'�X 9.95 '. . Pan Fried Rice Noodle with Beef, Seafood&:Vegetable • Mi Xao (Chow Mein) : • • 163. Mi :i. A- 7.95 Vegetable'.Choirs�Ylein • 164. •M Xao BoIJX1 8;95 . .. ;Beef Chow Mein 165. MI Xao,.Tom m31,kpla9.95 Shrimp Chow Mein 166. MI-Xao GaX'��. 8.95 ' Chicken Chow Mein 167. M3:Xao Hai'.Vi Seajood'Chow.Mein 168. MI Xao.Tha'p Cairn '.141M0k9.95 Beef;Seafood•& Vegetable Chow Mein 1' •••,5 •.•-`' •r. • *4 Giai Khat (Beverages) •• . 1: Caphe Den (Nong'/ Da) 0g ( J°'i (•): • 2.9.5 Black Coffee (Hot or Ice) • " 2. Caphe Siiia (Nong / DA) Bi3001E (,-111°116)7..'<) 3.25 • Coffee w./ Condensed Milk (Hot or Ice) 3 S-aa Dau Nanh E 1.95 Soy Bean Milk 4: Cam Tttdi 0,.TV723± 3.50 Fresh Squeeze Orange Juice 5. Da Chanh 4?-1).1< ' 2.50 Fresh Lemonade 6.. Da Chanh H6ng 7h 2.95 Fresh Pink Lemonade 7. Chanh Muoi -*7.1< 2;50 • Preserved$ y Lemo 8. Xi Mui 2.50 • Preserved.Salty Plum 9. Soda Chanh 13 T 2.95 Soda Fresh Lemonade • 10 . Soda Xi MuOi 1I 2.95 Preserved Salty Plum with Soda :11 Soda Siia HQt Ga RENEE 3.95 • - Soda Egg Yolk w l Condensed Milk 1L : Niidc Rau Ma int r 3.25 ., Refreshing Pennyworth Leaf Drink • • • .13. , Tra Da i�< ^"}r,..: 1.00 Ice Tea (Free Refill) _ . ' • 14= Tra Lipton Chanh 1) (1).'n. e.. ..�..:.. o�...... #�I fi. 2.95 Lipton Tea with Fresh Lemon 15. Ntidc Data . . . . : x�< 2.95 • Young,Coconut Juwe 16. . Tra Sita Da *03,*. 2.95 • Ice Tea with Condensed Mii :alai; 4t (Beve ges) • • • 17.. Sinh T6 Mangr-Cau'Xiem ' ri�i7.k%)` 3.95 Gtianbana,Fruit Smoothie. "18. Sinh To Them 7j(/) 3:95 ' Pineapple Smoothie . .. 19: Sinh T6:Dita a 3 J*/ 3.95 Coconut Snoothie 20. Sinh T-o M% R ai7k��` 3.95 • Jack Fruit Smoothie • 21. Sinh TO Sah1 Rieng r ' . r. ® i 21<i') 3.95 Durian Smoothie 22. Sinh T6 Tra Xanh 1:,..E7 %P 3.95 •.. Green Tea Smoothie . -. : ; • . • 23. Sinh To Bd ti'm�KY.01....• 3.90:-... Avocado Smoothie . . 24. S:�idng Sau N1idc Dita ' C3-1--T)53, 1` 2.95 - . Glass Jelly with Coconut Milk 25. Tra Thai ‘ EgTS t. =2•.. . . Thai Ice Tea . 26. Tra Thai Tran Chau 3g62-41-„ .3.50 Thai Ice Tea with Tapioca 27. Hot Chocolate t#ti �)J '-'•2.95 . -. 28 Flavored Green Tea ' 7 ' ,t • 2.95 ��� Peach, aaston Ftu.t,'Green Apple, Lychee, Pineapple; Maaagn . - • 29. Coke, 7-Up, Diet Coke, Sprite Bili--1,* 1..95 ttt Aa. yhe (Desert) . 30. Che Dau XFai h T?a-c -17J( 2r: Mung Bean tv/ Tlrpiaea & Coconut Milk ' . 31. Che Dau Do >: S Citi* 2.95 - Red Bean w l Tapioca & Coconut Milk •• • " • . . . • 32. Che Ba Maui7.k 3.50 . , Two Flavor Bean wiTapioca & Coconut Milt r . State Alcohol Beverage Control Map he% r_IL .. l''''..- . 1 ma, i- .,„, 11111111113 1 .... = 1 j - .,.. ....,„ ,)=11 1 .. , i t.,.,.„. I h ii- . ? ; ; . ir----- -6 r-d I g-3-,•111, LIJ 1 lkti, - - * - ---.-- 4 •.' ' _ - ,_,F.,1".' - I r-- '- - ,... ,=,. 111 , C1-94. i --1.... - "ACF-;•• -14 E__- -,.. 00-1 __ . II. 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