CC - Item 6C - Adoption of The Fiscal Year 2017/2018 Operating and Capital Improvement Budget AiM F . I ° ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL �. , STAFF REPORT ,1 AtoRPORATED,0c) TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: BILL R. MANIS, CITY MANAGE DATE: JUNE 27, 2017 SUBJECT: ADOPTION OF THE FISCAL YEAR 2017/18 OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET SUMMARY The City Council will consider the adoption of the City's Fiscal Year (FY) 2017/18 Operating and Capital Improvement Budget, which provides for total appropriations of$32,195,700. The General Fund operating budget of $22,162,400, is balanced with a small surplus for the upcoming year. Consequently, a full scope of services to residents will be continued without service reductions. ANALYSIS A budget workshop with the City Council was held on May 9, 2017. The General Fund operating budget has a surplus of$611,500; however, $600,000 of the surplus will be transferred into the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) to fund CIP projects. Some financial changes were made to the draft budget as presented at the May 9, 2017 workshop. The changes are summarized below: 1. Staff met with the HDL consultants on May 31, 2017, to discuss the 4th quarter sales tax position. The City received favorable news. The FY 2017/18 sales tax revenues will increase by $280,500 from the original projection, bringing the new projected sales tax revenues to $5,524,000 (page 40 of the Budget). The original projection did not include projected sales tax revenues for Lucille's BBQ and Ross. The new projection included the more favorable sales tax trends and economic drivers that occurred in the last quarter. 2. On May 9, 2017, the City Council approved the establishment of the Parks Commission. Staff increased the Commission's budget by $6,300 to account for stipend and social security expenses associated with funding five members of the Parks Commission for one monthly meeting (page 69 of the Budget). 3. Finance reduced their budget by $10,000 in Other Financial Services. The draft budget presented in the workshop included the audit service fee HDL charged to recover the ITEM NUMBER: V C City Council Meeting June 27,2017 Page 2 of 4 misallocation of Macy's sales tax to another City. Staff is anticipating funding to be remitted in FY 2016/17; the associated fees have been paid in FY 2016/17 and will no longer be budgeted in FY 2017/18 (page 105 of the Budget). 4. During the budget workshop, staff mentioned that the Risk Management budget will increase by$147,200 to reflect an additional payment for the retrospective deposit for our general liability insurance and increased property insurance costs. Staff has reflected the changes in this proposed budget(page 121 of the Budget). 5. Public Works increased their budget by$29,000 for the following reasons: a. Staff increased the Facilities Maintenance account by $65,000 to budget for the monthly alarm and elevator services. It was staff's oversight that we did not budget for these expenses in the draft budget presented at the workshop (page 193 of the Budget). b. Staff increased the vehicle repairs maintenance account by $10,000 in the Gas Tax Fund to reflect a more accurate amount. The actual costs for the prior two years was $20,000 to $30,000, but the City continued to budget at $10,000 (page 197 of the Budget). c. Staff reduced their budget in Other Professional Services for general engineering services by$50,000 (page 216 of the Budget). d. Staff increased Proposition A Fund by $4,000 to account for training expenses and maintenance expenses for City vans. In the past,the City had not budgeted for these accounts(page 223 of the Budget). 6. Parks and Recreation had an increase in the Youth & Adult Sports Division(4010)due to a staff oversight on the draft budget presented at the workshop. For the FY 2016/17, part time salaries were $23,700. Staff is proposing an increase of$4,300 for FY 2017/18 due to planned increases in youth basketball, volleyball and futsal programming. Staff is also projecting an increase in participation, which would result in additional revenue to offset the increase. The total for the FY 2017/18 should be $28,000 instead of the previously inputted$10,000. 7. Community Development reduced their budget in Other Professional Services by $4,000 due to sign code fees costing less than expected(page 286 of the budget). 8. With an increase in sales tax revenues, the City is proposing to allocate an additional $200,000 from General Fund to fully fund the Garvey Park restroom renovations. The total allocation will be $600,000 from the General Fund to fund this CIP project (page 314 of the Budget). City Council Meeting June 27,2017 Page 3 of 4 Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) The FY 2017/18, proposed budget commits $2,200,000 for CIP projects. This total includes $600,000 from the General Fund, $650,000 from the Proposition C Fund, $500,000 from the Measure R Fund, $350,000 from the Measure M Fund, $50,000 from the Air Quality Management District(AQMD) Fund, and $50,000 from the Street Lighting District Fund. The FY 2017/18, proposed budget requests CIP carryovers that remain unexpended as of June 30, 2017, which were approved by the City Council in prior years, are appropriated to the 2017/18 Fiscal Year. General Fund Balance Policy The FY 2017/18, General Fund revenues are projected to be $22,173,900 and General Fund expenditures are $22,162,400, with an operational transfer of $600,000 to the Capital Improvement Fund. The unassigned fund balance at the end of FY 2017/18 is projected to be $10.9 million, which represents 49%of operating revenues. The City also maintains the required 31%of operating revenues as Committed Fund Balance. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council take the following actions: 1. Adopt Resolution 2017-26 approving the City of Rosemead's Operating and Capital Improvement Budget for the 2017/18 Fiscal Year. 2. Adopt Resolution 2017-27 approving the Housing Development Corporation's Operating and Capital Improvement Budget for the 2017/18 Fiscal Year. FISCAL IMPACT The FY 2017/18, total revenues are $33,535,600 and total appropriations are $32,195,700. This total includes $2,200,000 toward Capital Improvement Projects. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT—None PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. City Council Meeting June 27,2017 Page 4 of 4 Prepared by: Pearl Lieu, finance Director Attachment A: Resolution No. 2017-26 Attachment B: Resolution No. 2017-27 Attachment C: Proposed FY 2017/18 Operating and Capital Improvement Budget Imo' E M F S O CIVIC PRIDE F;-t°7 /�CORPORATEO ":499 Attachment A Resolution No. 2017-26 ...�.. ter. RESOLUTION NO. 2017-26 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE ANNUAL OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET FOR THE 2017-18 FISCAL YEAR WHEREAS,a proposed annual budget for the City of Rosemead, California for the Fiscal Year commencing July 1,2017 and ending June 30,2018 was submitted to the City Council for its review and consideration and the proposed annual budget is on file in the City Clerk's office; WHEREAS, all appropriations in the Capital Improvement Budget for projects currently underway and remaining unexpended as of June 30,2017,as approved by the City Council in prior years, are hereby appropriated to the 2017-18 Fiscal Year; and NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DECLARE, DETERMINE, AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1.The 2017-18 Annual Operating and Capital Improvement Program Budget is hereby adopted in the amount of$30,642,600. SECTION 2. There is hereby appropriated to each account group set forth in the "Detail Budget"of said budget attached hereto,and made a part hereof as though fully set forth herein,the sum shown for such account groups in the 2017-18 Adopted Column. SECTION 3.The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this resolution and hereafter the same shall be in full force and effect. PASSED, APPROVED,AND ADOPTED this 27th day of June, 2017. Polly Low, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: ATTEST: Rachel Richman, City Attorney Marc Donohue, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) § CITY OF ROSEMEAD ) I, Marc Donohue, City Clerk of the City Council of the City of Rosemead, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing City Council Resolution, No. 2017-26, was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Rosemead, California, at a regular meeting thereof held on the 27th day of June, 2017, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Marc Donohue, City Clerk E M F S O '0 Q O CIVIC PRIDE -41411 ,,,,CORPORATEO Attachment B Resolution No. 2017-27 '41. I RESOLUTION NO. 2017-27 A RESOLUTION OF THE ROSEMEAD HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ADOPTING THE ANNUAL OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET FOR THE 2017-18 FISCAL YEAR WHEREAS, a proposed annual budget for the Rosemead Housing Development Corporation for the Fiscal Year commencing July 1,2017 and ending June 30,2018 was submitted to the Housing Development Corporation Board of Directors for its review and consideration and the proposed annual budget is on file in the Corporation Secretary's office; and NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DECLARE, DETERMINE, AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1.The 2017-18 Annual Operating and Capital Improvement Program Budget is hereby adopted in the amount of$1,553,100. SECTION 2. There is hereby appropriated to each account group set forth in the "Detail Budget"of said budget attached hereto,and made a part hereof as though fully set forth herein,the sum shown for such account groups in the 2017-18 Adopted Column. SECTION 3.The Corporation Secretary shall certify to the adoption of this resolution and hereafter the same shall be in full force and effect. PASSED, APPROVED,AND ADOPTED this 27th day of June, 2017. • Polly Low, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: ATTEST: Rachel Richman, City Attorney Marc Donohue, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) § CITY OF ROSEMEAD ) I, Marc Donohue, City Clerk of the City Council of the City of Rosemead, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing City Council Resolution, No. 2017-27, was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Rosemead, California, at a regular meeting thereof held on the 27th day of June, 2017,by the following vote,to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Marc Donohue, City Clerk r E M S O 't. q O CIVIC PRIDE N/4n; C°RPORA Attachment C Proposed FY 2017/18 Operating and Capital Improvement Budget City of Rosemead, California Rosemead Housing Development Corporation Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget Fiscal Year 2017/18 gm City Council Polly Low, Mayor Steven Ly, Mayor Pro Tern William Alarcon, Council Member Sandra Armenta, Council Member Margaret Clark, Council Member City Management Staff Bill R. Manis, City Manager Brad McKinney, Assistant City Manager Lt. Robert Hahnlein, Chief of Police Rachel H. Richman, City Attorney Marc Donohue, City Clerk Jason C. Chacon, Parks and Recreation Director Pearl Lieu, Finance Director Michelle Ramirez, Public Works Director Lily T. Valenzuela, Interim Community Development Director Commissions Nancy Eng, Planning Commissioner Diana Herrera, Planning Commissioner Daniel Lopez, Planning Commissioner John Tang, Planning Commissioner Sean Dang, Planning Commissioner Jean Hall, Traffic Commissioner Howard Masuda, Traffic Commissioner Roderick Ornelas, Traffic Commissioner Ed Quintanilla, Traffic Commissioner Joanne Russell-Chavez, Traffic Commissioner ii g Table of Contents City Manager's Message 1 Budget Timeline & Information 9 Function Based Organizational Chart 10 Summary of Authorized Positions 11 Position Distribution 12 Summary of Authorized Part Time Positions 14 City Facilities Map 15 Community Vision and Strategic Plan 16 Fiscal Policies 18 Fund Descriptions 22 Revenue Descriptions and Assumptions 27 Distribution of Property Tax Chart 38 What Your Dollars Buy 39 Expenditure Assumptions 43 Expenditure Summary by Department 46 iii Expenditure Summary by Fund 47 Appropriation Limit 50 Legislative 56 City Manager's Office 82 Support Services 96 Public Safety 128 Public Works 166 Parks and Recreation Department 226 Community Development 278 Capital Improvement Program 304 Rosemead Housing Development Corporation 320 iv dr • • 0. ',f,',• • ..:;:. 4...' Ir... vl..1 tt, ebe .7-'7 • • - ..; 3.,,,..i.,„ -.../164..•-4:!"-,,' "Cities have the capability of • . , .4.... -. .... " • ee. . i,.',. providing something to everyone, 1,i, #,Fo,6,21/ 1)".7 ,,$. t',#),..---..... , . - • r : - only because, and only when, they % $1 N '4;..-,it'':!''fia. • a'. ft;' •" .N .- - are created by everybody." . . . • • '-s- c.. ' ..?' . . * ' • / , . ' '":-N.4.44i :. ,,.. stir /*OW .. , . r Ai' . i ,._ 1 P.V: 1.7-, •. , 4 . *. i • • . : '.i444. '1,`t .• -0 "7-" — Jane Jacobs • ' - .$.. , • ' , t •c 4,.6.-: . . i ' ,‘ ii. . - . ,....1 ., ,v ix.,, . . • A ‘t, ;f. S ' •• V A''- 14. f "rji, , , .10 , - ,_ if . . '' • • . . 4.4, ', • Zii . ,'4 • --'14,_e,• •c ler 1 . • 404 -1 • 11,11, k!.. . ' '''''•--". . ' , :.'";•31is, 1 , : ,'' — • ' '.tilt!' . , ' . .r„.. s, • ',4 ,,ii. ,r—,1111;'.• . •• "`t: - ,,.. , •-' , . , A , . . * •• t tit4, •,., % • _._„,....„ . 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MANIS, CITY MANAGER DATE: JUNE 27, 2017 SUBJECT: BUDGET MESSAGE FOR 2017/18 FISCAL YEAR Summary It is my privilege to present for your consideration a balanced Operating and Capital Improvement Program Budget, which includes a small surplus, for the 2017/18 fiscal year. The 2017/18 budget program reflects the City Council's tradition of careful stewardship of the City's finances, while continuing to expand upon our reputation for innovative and progressive community leadership. The focus of our budget is to maintain our commitment to provide quality programs, events, and services, and to also maintain a quality infrastructure for our residents, businesses and visitors. Under the premise of being financially transparent, this budget is consistent with the updated Strategic Plan Action Item 5A. "Improve transparency and communication with the public regarding continuous monitoring and internal controls of City finances." While forecasted revenues are projected to slightly exceed anticipated operating expenditures due to an improving economy, the margin of surplus is only 2.8%. However, due to pressing needs for infrastructure improvements, most of the surplus operating funds will be transferred into the City's Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for the upcoming fiscal year. Aside from having a balanced operating budget, the other "good news" is that the projected "fund balance" (commonly referred to as reserves) in the General Fund is expected to be over $18 million at the end of the 2017/18 fiscal year. (The City has also accumulated over $3 million in a separate trust fund to pay for future retiree medical insurance obligations.) Therefore, with a balanced operating budget and ample reserves, the City's overall financial health is strong with "money in the bank" for future or unforeseen needs. As a "contract city", with public safety services provided by the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department and the Los Angeles County Fire Department, Rosemead's organizational workforce will continue to operate with only 56 full-time employees complemented by 140 part-time and seasonal positions. Despite these lean staffing levels, the City will continue the delivery of high quality municipal services to the residents and businesses of this community during the upcoming fiscal year. Looking ahead, we are always monitoring and concerned regarding the escalating costs beyond the City's control. One of the most concerning financial challenges confronting local governments throughout Los Angeles County are the unfunded mandates imposed by the State relative to storm water with associated infrastructure and operation costs that far exceed available resources. City Council, along with City staff, continues to stay current on legislation and regional efforts that impact these unfunded mandates. Strategic Plan In 2009, the City Council embraced the strategic plan process which enabled us to identify our threats and opportunities as well as the develop strategies and action items to accomplish key organizational goals. In the summer of 2016, the City Council held several community workshops that resulted in an updated two-year strategic plan that was ultimately adopted by the City Council. The updated strategic plan serves as a "roadmap" to help City staff navigate the goals of the community through June 2018. Through the development and refinement of this vital document, the City Council has affirmed three Key Organizational Goals, which are to: • Ensure the City's continued financial viability by actively pursuing quality economic development; • Enhance public safety and quality of life; and • Beautify residential neighborhoods and commercial corridors. Virtually everything that the City does, in some way, furthers these goals. Once again, the 2017/2018 budget provides the resources to make progress on these Key Organizational Goals. Strategic Goal: Ensure the City's Continued Financial Viability by Actively Pursuing Quality Economic Development As mentioned above, the General Fund operating budget is balanced for the upcoming 2017/18 fiscal year, albeit with a small surplus. This will require the City to continue to exercise discipline in managing its finances. Lean Staffing Levels. During the upcoming 2017/18 fiscal year, the City will operate with 56 authorized full-time employees, 4 "3/4-time" employees with partial benefits (down from a high of 18), and a part-time employee workforce of 140 which is less than half the size of what it was just a few years ago. The City is able to operate with such lean staffing levels due to its nimble "amoeba" organizational structure under which all full-time employees: 1) function as front-line service delivery providers to some degree; and 2) periodically "flex" their hours and job duties across departmental lines during any given work week to serve at special events or meet special needs of the organization. The City continues to "contract" for certain labor- intensive or technical services that can be better managed by the private sector such as engineering, inspections, plan check services, school crossing guards, etc. In addition to approving reduced staffing levels, in recent fiscal years the City Council has authorized various cost-cutting measures including limits on post-retirement medical insurance benefits, caps on employee vacation accruals, elimination of payoffs for unused administrative leave hours, etc. These prior policy decisions will continue to benefit the City's financial condition into the future. Revenues. The City's primary income streams in FY 2017/18 include the following. • Property tax revenues continue to be the City's largest source of income. This is true even though what the City receives into the General Fund is less than 7 cents of every local property tax dollar collected. Rosemead is classified as a "low property tax city" with the General Fund receiving only $.0668 of each property tax dollar paid by property owners. (The vast majority of property tax collections are distributed to the state, the county, school districts and various other special districts.) • Sales tax receipts, which comprise the City's second leading source of General Fund revenues, are projected to be $5.5 million in FY 2017/18. Cities receive only one cent ($.01) on the dollar for General Fund uses. Three large general consumer goods businesses, (i.e., Walmart, Target and Macy's) generate 40% of sales tax revenues to the City's General Fund. Recent additions to the business community include a Starbucks Drive-Thru, Hartford Hotel, Boiling Crab, Fairfield by Marriott (Business License issued in 2014, project renovations completed in 2016), and Vic Auto Sales. Projects currently underway include Lucille's Smokehouse BBQ Ross, Panda Express, and Hampton Inn and Suites. These new businesses will continue to grow, diversify, and strengthen the City's sales tax base. There are also several mixed-use projects under construction that will be completed in fiscal year 2017/18. The mixed-use retail tenants have not been revealed at this point in time. • Hotel transient occupancy tax (TOT) revenues are the third largest source of income to the General Fund. This revenue category is expected to be 5.0% higher than the prior fiscal year due to the opening of Hartford Hotel as well as the continued increased revenues in this category in general. • The fourth leading source of revenue is franchise fee payments to the City. This revenue category has been significantly strengthened through a ten-year agreement with the City's solid waste and recycling hauler Republic Services. The agreement provides the City with 10% of Republic's revenues without "pass-through" charges to residents or businesses on customer bills. In total, general fund revenues are projected to reflect a modest 5.6% increase over the 2016/17 budgeted revenues. Expenditures. General Fund expenditures are projected to increase at a higher rate than revenues due to the escalating "cost of doing business." The City's largest area of expenditures is the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department contract which will increase by 3.8% over the previous year's costs and the Liability Trust Fund will increase from 9.5% to 10%. Cost items that are expected to escalate at much higher rates include CaIPERS pension contributions, property insurance, and utilities. Further, as previously mentioned, state unfunded mandates imposed upon cities by the State Water Quality Control Board relative to storm water runoff will continue to create a financial hardship for the General Fund. Reserve Funds. The budget for 2017/18 does not anticipate drawing from the fund balance reserve of City's General Fund towards capital improvement projects. At the conclusion of the 2017/18 fiscal year it is projected that the City's General Fund balance will be in excess of $18 million. (In addition, the City has access to over $3 million which has been reserved in a separate trust fund for future retiree medical insurance obligations.) The bottom line is that the City's reserve funds are healthy and strong. Economic Development. Growth in the most "elastic" sources of revenue, i.e., sales tax and TOT (hotel bed tax), continues to be the sources of the greatest future opportunity to strengthen the City's financial status. During FY 2017/18, the City will continue its efforts on bringing national name-brand businesses to Rosemead. This past fiscal year, the City has increased our economic development related efforts by creating a webpage focused on economic development, implementing a Commercial Task Force headed by two City Council Members, retained the professional services of HdL EconSolutions to assist with tenant outreach efforts and to compile socio economic data, hosted our first annual broker's roundtable, and implemented a monthly business visitation program to recognize and monitor our existing business base. We also were a finalist in the Los Angeles County Economic 1 Development Corporation's (LAEDC) Most Business Friendly City Awards. The City's investment from its General Fund reserves for the development of a Garvey Avenue Specific Plan and EIR will be completed in the fall of 2018, and should help to spur and guide economic development at key opportunity sites. In addition, the City will continue to focus on infrastructure improvements and community beautification as a foundation for continued economic development. Strategic Goal: Enhance Public Safety and Quality of Life The number one funding priority of the City continues to be law enforcement to ensure the safety of our residents, businesses and visitors. The budget allocation for the Public Safety Department includes a 3.8% increase in annual costs for the Los Angeles Sheriff Department (LASD) contract as well as a 0.5% increase in the Liability Trust Fund portion of the LASD contract. Key components of the City's Public Safety efforts include the following: "Rosemead Model" for Public Safety. The "Rosemead Model" is a unified command structure that features a Sheriff Lieutenant serving as the City's Chief of Police. This organizational structure enables Rosemead to maximize the financial benefits and abundant resources of being a "contract city" while, at the same time, strengthening the City's ability to exercise "local control" in addressing challenges unique to our community. Utilizing this model, the Public Safety Department will continue efforts to combat crimes that are largely attributed to adverse impacts of the state correctional system known as "realignment" and the passage of a state- wide proposition that decriminalized various drug related offenses. These changes continue to result in the early release of thousands of convicted felon PSP's (post-released supervised parolees) and drug offenders back onto the streets in Los Angeles County. Continuation of Deployment Levels. This budget continues to provide funding for the Sheriff's full complement of a Lieutenant, a Sergeant, three to five Deputy squad cars patrolling the streets of Rosemead on a continual basis, supplemented by one Motorcycle Deputy, and seven Special Assignment Team (SAT) Deputies. In addition, a Deputy is assigned as a full-time School Resource Officer (SRO) at Rosemead High School. Also, the City contracts with Los Angeles County for a full-time probation officer focused on at-risk youth in the community. Community Outreach. During FY 2017/18, the Public Safety Department will continue to convene "Area Watch" meetings in each of the neighborhoods of the City. On a monthly basis an Area Watch meeting will be held at a neighborhood school or church to interact with residents. Under this program, the Public Safety Department will visit each neighborhood during the course of the year to share a meal with residents to discuss crime prevention and various public safety issues. In addition, the Public Safety Department will continue to coordinate monthly CONNECTIONS meetings. CONNECTIONS is a "grassroots" group of citizens, community-based organizations, churches, schools, City Council, and staff with a mission to prevent crime and combat drugs and alcohol abuse, promote positive recreational activities and community service opportunities, coordinate with human and social services organizations, and facilitate emergency preparedness. Recreation Programs and Special Events. Rosemead's outstanding Parks & Recreation Department continues to organize programs and special events that contribute greatly to the quality of life in the community. In FY 2017/18 the Department will continue its robust sports programs on Saturdays and evenings during the week for youth and families at the recently renovated Garvey Park Gym and other venues throughout the community. In addition, after school drop-in recreation programs will continue to be offered at Rosemead Park and Garvey Park at no cost to participants. A full calendar of major special events will be administered for the community. City staff is currently working with the Boys & Girls Club of West San Gabriel Valley to expand their footprint to include a Rosemead based facility at Garvey Park. This new program will supplement our current Parks & Recreation services and is anticipated to be finalized during the new fiscal year. A full schedule of aquatics programs will again be conducted at the Rosemead Aquatic Center and at the Splash Zone at Garvey Park with recreation swim admission prices of only $1 for children and $2 for adults A full slate of community special events will be held in FY 2017/18, including the 4th of July festivities, Summer Concerts in the Park, 9-11 Memorial Remembrance, Fall Fiesta, the Moon Festival, Trunk or Treat, the Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony, Eggstravaganza, and the Memorial Day Remembrance. Facility Enhancements. The recent completion of the Rosemead Skate Plaza and remodel of Zapopan Park have helped to expand the amenities and quality of life offered to our residents. Both projects are being actively used by members of the community. Quality of Life Initiatives. The implementation of the Quality of Life Team in the summer of 2016 has proved to be a success. In less than one year this multi-agency team has eliminated over 77 tons of debris from our local streets and helped to address the ongoing concerns relating to homelessness in our community. This program operates with no cost/impact to our budget. Rosemead continues to place heavy emphasis on the 710 Coalition Advisory Committee. Not finishing the last piece of the 710 freeway system has exposed our local youth, residents, and businesses to higher than necessary air pollution caused by day-and-night bumper-to-bumper traffic along our local street corridors that are being used as alternate routes for travelers. City Council and City staff are hopeful that a successful resolution will be brought to this social injustice that has taken place for decades. City staff is also engaged in regional efforts for the proposed light rail stations along State Route 60 that could benefit our residents and businesses. Strategic Goal: Beautify Residential Neighborhoods and Commercial Corridors During FY 2017/18, the City will continue its excellent work to improve and maintain the public infrastructure and aesthetics of the community. An aggressive capital improvement program (CIP) administered by the Public Works Department includes, funding for improvements to various roadways, sidewalks and traffic signal upgrades, parks and storm water improvements. Way Finding signs were installed throughout the community during fiscal year 2016/17. The community will also see the Garvey Avenue Pavement Resurfacing Project from Del Mar Avenue to the eastern City limits, the Delta Avenue Sidewalk Installation Project from Mission Drive to Well Street, and the Walnut Grove Utility Underground Project from Marshall Avenue to Valley Boulevard in fiscal year 2017/18. After seven years of pre-construction related work, the California Public Utilities Commission recently approved the construction and revitalization of Jay Imperial Park. This project will be started and completed during this new fiscal year. While the City strives to maintain an aggressive capital improvement program, capital projects along streets and roadways will be less due to the City spending down the fund balances of Proposition C, Measure R, Gas Tax, and Street Lighting District Fund in the prior years. The City needs to build up the fund balances for future capital spending. The City's Beautification Committee continues its grassroots efforts to encourage and facilitate citizen volunteerism in improving the aesthetic appeal of the community. The second Annual Civic Pride Day was a tremendous success that resulted in landscape/drainage improvements to Sanchez Elementary School and landscape improvements to the Jess Gonzalez Sports Complex. Conclusion The FY 2017/18 budget is a transparent, dynamic and responsible financial plan that will enable the City to continue to provide the community with a full scope of high quality municipal services, programs and special events that enhance the quality of life of all residents. It will also provide the required resources to construct significant capital improvement projects that will improve infrastructure and facilities, and beautify the community. With vision and direction provided by the City Council and Commissions through the Strategic Plan, and with the effective work of each of the City departments, the City is operating with a clear understanding of our community's values, while continuing to maintain financial stability. This budget will enable Rosemead to continue its quality of life as a welcoming and thriving community that honors tradition, unites in diversity and evolves for the future. It is my sincere pleasure and honor to serve as your City Manager. Under the leadership of the City Council, I look forward to a successful fiscal year that brings us closer to achieving the goals of our strategic plan and enhancing the level of service we provide to our community members. 8 City of Rosemead, California Budget Timeline & Information In January, staff begins preparing salary and benefit expenditure projections. These projections are distributed to departments to begin building their base and enhanced level budgets. In addition, each department prepares their goals and work plan items for the upcoming year. All information is then sent to the Finance Director. The executive management team meets with all department management teams to review and discuss the information and budgets submitted. These meetings are to ensure consistency with the City Council policy, discuss the submitted budgets and proposed work plans as well as coordinate with the Strategic Plan. Typically there are two or three of these meetings with each department as various scenarios and options are evaluated. Following these meetings, the City Manager presents the budget to the City Council. The budget document will be presented to the City Council on June 27, 2017 for their consideration. Key budget dates are listed below: January 25, 2017 Preliminary salary projections begun. January 25, 2017 A budget kick-off meeting is held with the management team to distribute the budget worksheets and salary/benefit information. February 23, 2017 Finance Department prepares first draft revenue estimates. February 23, 2017 Department budget worksheets are due. Capital Improvement Project requests are due to the Public Works Department. March 6, 2017 Department meetings are held with the executive management team to review each program area. April 17, 2017 A preliminary budget is distributed to all departments to review and evaluate. May 4, 2017 Draft budget is distributed to City Council prior to the budget workshop. May 9, 2017 Draft budget document is discussed with the City Council at a special budget workshop meeting. June 27, 2017 The budget is presented to the City Council for adoption. �1 City of Rosemead, California Function Based Organizational Chart Planning Traffic Commission Commission City Council City Clerk City Attorney _ I Assistant City Manager City Manager Technology — — — Business Support Public Safety I _ Community — — r Human Resources Development Finance Public Works Risk Management Parks & Recreation 10 E W A ' - .--. C') CY) .-. Cq 0 .-4 Ch .-. .-. 3-1 .-. . .•-. N a) mtr 04 C Cil a ' .-r .. C'J p') .-. - - r. M - r, r. r. .-4 .--i .-1 00 4t CV E 1° U d 0 O $ a a, V -0ci) s. a) z .�. O O V .s4 s, y - q mss. U) CI., : m 8• g .2 .-co o � b2 p �. � U 9. 4cl) o) Sax f0 W 0.i •o •o •o ty t(i) e� `' m sem. • 5r °D 0 ai E" C 0 - q• U 8 ai 8 •5co o 2 6 W 5 cs 3 " a a w q C � q a ,siQ Q a. aCf) O < � a. a. ddU f:. c3 ▪co- CD w XI - U Nw Ai a', a. CU O a� Q= o w CC 4— 0 ] 4— 0 A U▪- fa a E ] ,-. - - - .. . 1 I-. .-. .. .. 0 01 F D V) s. C an cC d 0 co 5 n 0 s. iii V) 0� '5I) ..) A G _ q y J. d q .� s. q Z goy m � � y � O a> cv kq 1i m ICI qs. .., • Ts m UF' ' w VV Cy m . m O N 2 " C S O � U • and w C F. O 0 O ? ? C/� y s. co O ;11 (24 to U qCI) COAw Gaa s. C a� . 8 � he coo E''' - .T, .N X c> U o. 0 L) 0 CO u U ° LA y .0 o .0 • 4 �U ¢ c:70 y0A Eixx 0r-. wdd El <Zci)co d p o W U U x fr. 0 0 0 oO O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 To o0 0 �g8888 8 a o 0 0 0 cOOo 0 0 c00 0 0 0 0 O .-1 . (-Ni-I O '--1 .--1 .--1 c-1 a O .-1 .-i N V O e-1 .-1 N O N c-1 K1 .-i N I- F I- I- I- .i Cl. 0 u ' ' , . v c c o u- N 0 I CO CO O 0 Ln in C O O In U1 N N . 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Klingerman Park 8800 rihngerrran Street Q74 8. t. 7544 Emerson Place 0 9. s 8470 Fern Avenue gi. rOr'sl Street t 10. 8628 Marshall Street 11. to 2150 Angelus Street SA'. 5ERNARDINO FREEWAY 12. t 3720 Rio Hondo Avenue Dsaer < 't t 13. 0 = 0 8472 Wells street F' m 81 s°o 14. EmersonPlace O�1$ C = Fa 3152 Willard Avenue A a 2 15. s ?14 ' 's 7501 Fern Avenue c s 16.Jess Gonzalez Sports Complex 8471 Ktirgerman Street Garvey Avenue 17. c a 24201 W.IvarAvenue g § Fern .erne 18.Garvey Community Center Ah r a' © 9108 Garvey Avenue ° 19.Cay Hall n o = 8838 E Valley Boulevard �� Fern Avenue • a © 20. Garvey Gymnasium Klingerman Street 7954 Dorothy Avenue a 21. Pubkc Safety Center g' ii Zusn Street 22. 2720 Jackson Avenue 23. Splash Zone at Garvey Park • City Facilities N 3233KelburnAverue 24.Rosemead Aquatic Center s6.er School Facilities 9155 E.Nissan Dme wow) , 25.Rosemead Skate Plaza 9155 E.Mission Drive 26.Rosemead Corporation Yard 2417 River Avenue l.i City of Rosemead, California Community Vision and General Plan Envision Rosemead as a city where people have many options for housing, employment, shopping, and recreation. Envision a city where businesses create a strong economic foundation for high-quality municipal services, and where parks and recreational facilities offer opportunities for a diverse population to exercise and interact. Envision a city where schools and teachers educate and inspire youth, and where the natural environment is protected and enhanced. This is the vision for Rosemead; the General Plan will help the City realize this vision. Since its incorporation in 1959, Rosemead has become an increasingly racially and ethnically diverse community. According to the 2010 U.S. Census, the City's population was approximately 60 percent Asian and 34 percent Hispanic.An important component of this General Plan will be to address-specific issues to meet the needs of Rosemead's diverse population. General Plan Visions With this General Plan,the City seeks to: • Enhance the commercial areas along key corridors, and most specifically Garvey Avenue and Valley Boulevard • Create an economically viable downtown that blends retail, office, and residential uses in a walkable,attractive setting • Enhance parks and recreational space in underserved neighborhoods • Accommodate the demand for quality mixed-use development that can contribute to commercial growth and enhance opportunities for higher-density residential development • Protect homeowner investments and the availability of well-maintained, relatively affordable housing units • Minimize the impact of traffic associated with growth within the San Gabriel Valley and broader region. Adopted by City Council on October 14, 2008, and revised on April 13, 2010, the General Plan establishes the framework for moving from the Rosemead of today toward the desired community of the future.This General Plan guides the City to the year 2025 by establishing goals and policies that address land use, circulation, safety, and open space. Each of these issues affects quality of life in Rosemead and the economic health of the community. Incorporating input from community leaders and businesses into the General Plan works to retain the qualities that make the City unique, responds to the dynamics of growth in the Los Angeles region, and meets the changing needs of residents. I(i Implementation of the General Plan will ensure that future development projects in the City are consistent with the community's goals, and that adequate urban services are available to meet the needs of all new development. As Rosemead moves towards 2025, the City, its residents, and the business community are committed to implementing a long-range plan that enhances the physical, economic, and human resources of this diverse and community-oriented City. The Strategic Plan was adopted on December 8, 2009, and then updated on October 25, 2016.The Strategic Plan established Rosemead's Vision 2020 and the following key organizational goals: Rosemead's Vision 2020 In the year 2020, Rosemead will be recognized as a welcoming and thriving small town community in the heart of an urban environment. Rosemead residents from different cultural backgrounds will unite in diversity and will get to know their neighbors through family-oriented amenities and programs.The City's boundaries will be distinguished by its attractive appearance and commitment to sustainability. Amenities for Rosemead residents and businesses will include: • Attractively landscaped and hardscaped public areas; • Updated and well-maintained public facilities; • Comprehensive recreational, community, educational and cultural arts programs; • A well-balanced mix of local, regional, and national businesses, restaurants, and hotels; • An array of housing options; • Convenient modes of transportation; • A low crime rate and a general feeling of safety; • Partnerships with local schools to support high quality education; • An attractive downtown area; and • Well-maintained residential and business properties that are consistent with the community/neighborhoods. 17 City of Rosemead, California Fiscal Policies The budget document allocates resources such as personnel, materials, and equipment in tangible ways to achieve the general goals of the community. It is prudent, therefore, for the City to have in place adopted fiscal policies to guide the city manager and the City Council through the budget decision- making process. These policies are: Fiduciary Responsibilities—Guiding Principles • Always live within your means. • Employ cost recovery when setting fees for"individualized" services. • Use "reserves" only for one-time expenditures or temporary stop-gap measures. • When in doubt, contract out (and periodically go out to bid). • Provide for transparency. Balanced Budget • To develop a budget that consists of ongoing revenues sufficient to sustain ongoing operational expenditures. Revenues • To investigate new revenue sources, particularly those that will not add to the tax burden of residents or local businesses. • To seek Federal and State grants and reimbursements for mandated costs whenever possible. • To charge fees for services that reflect the true cost of providing such services and to review fee schedules on a regular basis. • To maximize the availability of revenue proceeds through responsible collection and auditing of amounts owed the City. • To utilize uncertain or one-time revenue for specific projects or capital expenses not requiring ongoing costs. Operational Efficiencies • To implement internal operating efficiencies whenever possible. • To utilize private contractors when the same or higher level of service can be obtained at a lower total cost. • To staff each department according to adopted service levels, and to utilize consultants and temporary help instead of hiring staff for special projects or peak workload periods. 18 • To enter into joint operating arrangements with other agencies so as to provide services more cost effectively. • To increase the use of volunteers. Reserves • To maintain an amount equal to 31%of the General Fund operating revenues in a reserve account by annually committing the funds necessary to achieve this objective. • Each year the finance director will review the five measurement criteria and certify that the assumptions and methodology remain appropriate and that 31%of General Fund estimated revenue remains a prudent rate. In the best judgment of the finance director the rate may be increased. City Council approval is required to reduce the rate. • Equipment Replacement Fund unreserved/undesignated fund balance is to be used to purchase new and replacement equipment as appropriated in the annual budget. Fund revenue will be provided by charges to the using departments in the amount of depreciation (straight line method with no residual value) plus 5 percent inflation factor. Infrastructure • To provide sufficient routine maintenance each year to avoid a deferred maintenance backlog. Employee Development • To attract and retain competent employees by providing a professional work environment, safe working conditions, adequate training opportunities, and competitive salaries as finances may allow. Economic Development • To aggressively pursue new developments and businesses that add to the City's economic base, particularly those that generate sales tax and transient occupancy tax revenue, and address the communities shopping needs. • To promote a mix of businesses that contribute to a balanced community. • To develop programs that enhance and retain existing businesses. • To charge the Community Development Commission Successor Agency its fair share of the cost of City support services. 1.') New Services • To add new services only when a need has been identified and a permanent funding source developed. • To require agreements for specific services and monitor effectiveness on an ongoing basis. Fiscal Management • To maintain accurate accounting records to keep the city manager and the City Council informed of the financial condition of the City at all times. • To file quarterly investment and financial reports that adhere to both state law and City policy, and which follows reasonable and prudent guidelines for investment of the City's investable cash. • To provide performance level indicators for prior years. Investments • To manage all public funds and securities belonging to or under the control of the City and for the deposit and investment of those funds in accordance with principles of sound treasury management and with applicable laws and ordinances. • To accurately monitor and forecast expenditures and revenues, thus enabling the City to invest funds to the fullest extent possible. • To maintain the level of investment of all funds as near to 100%as possible through current and projected cash flow management. • To submit within 30 days of the close of each quarter, a written investment report and make an oral presentation to the Investment Committee as a regularly scheduled meeting. • To see safety and liquidity in all investments; yield is a secondary criterion for selecting investments. Capital Improvement Management • To establish a five-year plan that systematically plans, schedules, and finances capital projects to ensure cost-effectiveness as well as conformance with established policies. 20 • To establish a project manager who will prepare the project proposal, ensure that required phases are completed on a schedule, authorize all project expenditures, ensure that all regulations and laws are observed, and periodically report project status. • To maintain a committee that will review project proposals, determine project phasing, recommend project managers, review and evaluate the draft CIP budget document, and report CIP projects progress on an ongoing basis. • To plan for new facilities only if construction and maintenance costs will not adversely impact the operating budget. Debt Management • To consider the use of debt financing only for one-time capital improvement projects and only under the following circumstances: 1. When the project's useful life will exceed the term of the financing. 2. When project revenues or specific resources will be sufficient to service the long-term debt. • To carefully monitor the City's level of general-purpose debt. • To obligate the General Fund to secure long-term financings only when marketability can be significantly enhanced. • To prepare an internal feasibility analysis for each long-term financing which analyzes the impact on current and future budgets for debt service and operations. This analysis will also address the reliability of revenues to support debt service. • To generally conduct financings on a competitive basis. However, negotiated financings may be used due to market volatility or the use of an unusual or complex financing or security structure. • To monitor all forms of debt annually coincident with the City's Financial Plan preparation and review the process and report concerns and remedies, if needed to the City Council. • To diligently monitor compliance with bond covenants and ensure the City's adherence to federal arbitrage regulations. • To maintain good, ongoing communications with bond rating agencies about the City's condition. `21 City of Rosemead Fund Descriptions All City monies are categorized into funds depending on the ways they are collected and the ways they are planned for use. The largest single fund is the General Fund. Money in the General Fund can be used for any legal purpose to underwrite operating expenditures or to fund capital improvement projects and is the most flexible of all City funds. Other funds such as grants are restricted in their use by law. This means that these funds may only be used for designated activities. Some funds, such as the Equipment Replacement Fund, are restricted by City policy to certain activities. The City's accounting and budgeting systems are in compliance with generally accepted accounting principles. This means that the modified accrual basis of accounting is used for governmental fund types and that the accrual basis of accounting is used for proprietary fund types. Funds and Fund Numbers Fund Designation FUND NO. NAME OF FUND General Government Funds: 101 General Fund Special Revenue Funds: 201 State Gas Tax 205 Local Transportation/Sidewalk Grant 210 Federal Highway Grants 215 Proposition A 220 Proposition C 225 Measure R Local Return 226 Measure M Local Return 230 Air Quality Management District 240 Narcotics Forfeiture & Seizures 245 Street Lighting District 250 Development Impact Fee—Traffic 22 FUND NO. NAME OF FUND 251 Development Impact Fee— Public Safety 252 Development Impact Fee—Gen. Gov't 253 Development Impact Fee - Parks 260 Community Development Block Grant 270 HOME 275 HDC HOME Program Administration 280 HDC Senior Housing Capital Project Funds: 301 Capital Projects Proprietary Funds: 501 Equipment Replacement 505 Technology Fiduciary Funds: 615 Trust &Agency City of Rosemead, California Explanation of Fund Designations 101 GENERAL FUND—Designed to account for those activities of the City, which utilize monies not restricted by law or policy to specific purposes. SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS— Designed to account for those monies,which may be expended only in conformance with legal or policy directives as follows: 201 STATE GAS TAX—Highway User Tax Act (HUTA) (Gas Tax) monies are collected by the State under the title of Motor Vehicle Fuel License Tax and represent an additional +or-$.10 per gallon of gas sold. Gas Tax money is distributed to the City based upon population. Funds may be used for: (a) Select Streets: Right-of-way acquisition, construction, or maintenance. (b) Minor Streets: Right-of-way acquisition or construction is allowed as the City Council has determined that 90%or more of the City's street system has already been constructed. 205 LOCAL TRANSPORTATION/SIDEWALK—Monies made available by the state for mass transit, bike paths, and pedestrian walkways. City policy has been to use this money for construction of sidewalks, pedestrian access to schools, parks or commercial areas. 210 FEDERAL HIGHWAY GRANTS—Provides funds from Federal Highway/Transportation Acts which are used for pre-approved highway projects. Application and funding processes are administered by Caltrans. 215 PROPOSITION A—Effective July 1, 1982, this fund accounts for the City's share of additional sales tax (2 cent) collected in the County of Los Angeles as a result of Proposition A. The funds are used to finance public transportation projects. 220 PROPOSITION C—80%of the 2 cent Sales and Use Tax collected in the County of Los Angeles as a result of Proposition C. Monies to be used by the cities for public transit, to increase safety and improve road conditions by repairing and maintaining streets heavily used by public transit. 225 MEASURER LOCAL RETURN-A county-wide one half percent sales tax to fund transportation projects. Receipts can be used to synchronize traffic signals, repair potholes keep senior, student and disabled bus fares low and provide community traffic relief. The tax receipts will be used primarily to improve public transit and street maintenance projects. 24 226 MEASURE M LOCAL RETURN-A county-wide one half percent sales tax to fund transportation projects. Receipts can be used to fund a number of highways, transit, local street, walking and biking programs. The tax receipts will be used primarily to improve transportation and ease traffic congestion. 230 AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT FUND—Accounts for the receipt of monies from the Department of Motor Vehicles. These funds shall be used to implement programs to reduce air pollution from mobile sources pursuant to the California Clean Air Act. 240 NARCOTICS FORFEITURE AND SEIZURE FUND— Funds received from the County of Los Angeles for monies forfeited, and the proceeds from the sale or assets seized from illegal narcotic activities within the City of Rosemead. The forfeited funds must be used by the law enforcement and prosecutorial agencies exclusively to support law enforcement and prosecutorial efforts. 245 STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT—Monies collected by ad valorem property tax based on $.2495 per $1,000 of assessed property value to provide for energy cost and maintenance of the Rosemead Lighting District, whose boundaries, with the exception of the Southern California Edison Company property, coincide with the city's boundaries. Proposition 13 has limited the ad valorem tax that can be collected. 250 DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEE—TRAFFIC—Development Impact Fees will be imposed upon development projects for the purpose of mitigating the impact of the development on the ability of the City to provide specified public improvements and services. The City prepared a Development Impact Fee Study and the Study identifies four categories of capital facilities and equipment required to serve and accommodate new development;and provides a summary of the portion of each improvement category's costs that can be funded by new development. The four categories of capital facilities and equipment that will be funded by the development impact fee established by Ordinance 949 are: (1)traffic facilities; (2)park facilities;(3)general government facilities;and (4)public safety facilities. These capital facilities and equipment are needed to promote and protect the public health, safety and general welfare within the City, to facilitate orderly urban development, to maintain existing levels of service, and to promote economic and social well- being. 251 DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEE-PUBLIC SAFETY—see Fund 250 above 252 DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEE—GENERAL GOVERNMENT—see Fund 250 above 253 DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEE—PARKS—see Fund 250 above 9,3 260 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUND—Designed to account for those monies received from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, Community Development Block Grant Programs are to be expended for economic studies and economic development of the community. 270 HOME FUND—Pursuant to the HOME Investment Partnerships Act, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) allocates regular HOME funds to the City for the purpose of expanding the City's supply of decent, safe, sanitary and affordable housing for very low and low income families. 275 HDC HOME PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION—This fund is used to account for low interest deferred payment loans and payment assistance to qualifying residents. The source of revenue is from program income offered by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). 280 HDC SENIOR HOUSING—Operating revenues and expenditures of the senior housing apartments are accounted for in this fund. CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS: 301 CAPITAL PROJECTS—This fund is used for accounting for the costs of capital projects (project costs greater than $25,000) and for the receipt of grant receipts for specific capital projects. PROPRIETARY FUNDS: 501 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND—This fund accounts for regular, periodic charges to departments for equipment used by the departments. Replacement equipment is subsequently purchased with the accumulated revenue from the departments that used the equipment. 505 TECHNOLOGY FUND—Charges to departments for the use of technology equipment are accumulated here and used for future equipment replacement. FIDUCIARY FUNDS: 615 TRUST&AGENCY FUND—Used to account for assets held in a trustee or agency capacity. Included are such items as payroll withholding taxes,voluntary withholdings (i.e. credit union), etc. 26 GENERAL FUND (101) City of Rosemead, California Revenue Descriptions and Assumptions The General Fund is the chief operating fund of the City. All of the City's activities are reported in the General Fund unless there is a compelling reason, such as a legal requirement to report specific activities in a separate fund. Sales and Use Tax 101-0000-4030 Of the 9.0%sales tax collected by the State, the City receives 0.75%. The tax is collected by the California Board of Equalization (BOE) from merchants and in some instances end purchasers and users. The BOE remits eight estimated payments per year and four adjusting to actual "clean up" entries per year to the City. The City's Sales Tax Consultant estimates the Sales Tax for the coming year by analyzing historical trends, economic conditions and known additions and deletions of identified merchants within the City boundaries. Transient Occupancy Tax 101-0000-4035 This account provides for amounts received from the motel and hotel operators in the City, and constitutes a 10%tax on the rent charged to each transient (less than 31 days occupancy) occupant. This estimate is based on historical trend analysis, known business changes by existing operators as well as closures of existing operations and new construction. Franchise Fees: Utilities 101-0000-4115 and Trash Hauler 101-0000-4145 This account provides for amounts received for special privileges granted by the City permitting the continuing use of public property such as poles and lines for public utility use. This budget includes $500,000 in franchise fee revenue from the solid waste/recycling service provider. Franchise Fees: Cable T.V. 101-0000-4120 Due to the continued use of satellite, this revenue is projected to remain the same $150,000 with only a slight increase over FY 2016/17. Real Estate Transfer Tax 101-0000-4025 One-half of the deed transfer tax collected by the County recorder is remitted to the City. The tax is levied at the rate of.55 cents per$500 of the face value of the deed. 2i Maintenance District#1 101-0000-4505 This account provides for the collection of assessments that offset the cost of maintaining certain commercial parkways. The City retains 90%of the assessment. Court Fines 101-2020-4625 This account represents amounts received for fines in violation of City Ordinance or Penal Code except for parking citations. Remittances are collected by the County Court System and forwarded to the City. Interest Earnings- City 101-0000-4705 This account provides for amounts received as the result of interest earned from investments. Although interest rates with Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) remain extremely low, some cash has been invested in higher yielding certificates of deposit and agency loans. Property Rental—AT& T 101-0000-4710 This account provides for rental income received from the lease of property owned by the City of Rosemead. Financial Aid/Local Agencies/Low and No Property Tax 101-0000-4005 Pursuant to Section 11005 (b), Chapter 448 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, the Alcoholic Beverage, Highway Carriers, and Financial Aid to Local Agencies subventions were combined and, effective with the 1984-85 Budget, are henceforth represented in this account. Additionally, effective 1989-90, the "No & Low" Property Tax revenues will also be recorded in this account as the F.A.L.A. funds are phased out. Property Taxes In-Lieu of Sales Taxes 101-0000-4015 This account provided for the amounts received from the County for 0.25%of sales tax withheld due to Proposition 57 (2005). Since the Triple Flip was eliminated in FY 2016/17,this account remains at zero. Property Taxes In-Lieu of VLF 101-0000-4020 This account provides for the amounts received by the County for the reduction in Motor Vehicle License Fees rate from 2.0%to 0.65%due to the passage of Proposition 1A. P&R Fees 101-0000-4515 This account provided for the Quimby Fees. The City has implemented Development Impact Fees which will replace these Quimby fees. 2� Environmental Impact Report 101-0000-4360 This account provides for funds received by the City for preparation of Negative Declaration and Environmental Impact Reports. The City retains 10%of fees collected and the remainder is paid to outside contractors to conduct the work. Sale of City Property 101-0000-4815 This account provides for amounts received from sale of City property. Repairs to City Property 101-0000-4405 This account provides for amounts received for repairs of City property. Contributions and Donations-Private 101-0000-4810 This account provides for voluntary contributions received from community groups for City operated community activities. Miscellaneous Revenue 101-0000-4805 This account provides for amounts received for miscellaneous items such as the purchase of the City of Rosemead General Plan, copies of public documents, plans and specifications, photographic copies, etc. Business License Fees 101-0000-4105 This account provides for amounts received from the issuance of business licenses within the City. Shared Maintenance Charges 101-0000-4405 This account provides for amounts received under an agreement with the County of Los Angeles for grounds maintenance at the County Library on Valley Boulevard in the City of Rosemead. Used Oil Pickup (Grant) 101-0000-4210 Project 12037 This account provides for amounts received as the result of recycling efforts throughout the City. Funds will be allocated to various organizations at the direction of City Council. Recycling (Grant) 101-0000-4210 Project 12034 This account provides for grant funds received from the California Beverage Container Recycling and Litter Reduction grant. Special Community Events 101-4040-4340 Provides for funds received from booths operated at community events such as Fall Festival, and the City-wide Yard Sale, and the July 4th Celebration. Impound Fees 101-2005-4440 Provides funds for amounts received for impound vehicles fees. City Council adopted fee in Fiscal Year 1995-96. Parking Citations 101-2020-4620 This account provides for amounts received for parking violations within the City. Site/Sign Plan Review Fees 101-5105-4355 These fees provide funds for site and sign plan review for both commercial and residential projects. Wildlife Exemption Fee 101-5105-4350 These fees provide funds to offset the significant impact to wildlife from development. Building Permit Fees 101-5110-4125 This account provides for revenues received from contractors/builders on the issuance of all building permits including building, plumbing, electrical, mechanical, grading and demolition permits, as well as plan check fees, inspection and relocation fees within the City. Public Works Permits 101-3035-4130 This account provides for fees collected from utility companies and private developers when they are requesting a permit for such items as street and sidewalk cutouts. These fees are to offset the cost of the issuance and inspection of the public works permit. Industrial Waste Fees 101-3035-4135 This account provides for amounts remitted from Los Angeles County to the City for issuance of industrial waste permits. Shared Maintenance Charges/Jess Gonzalez Sports Complex 101-0000-4405 Project 41012 This account provides for amounts received under an agreement with the Garvey School District for maintenance and staffing of the Jess Gonzalez Sports Complex. 30 Building Rental 101-4005-4330 This account provides for amounts received from private groups and organizations for rental/use of City buildings. Senior Lunch Program 101-4030-4490 This account provides for amounts received from the Senior Lunch Program at Garvey Community Center. Youth Sports Fees 101-4010-4310 This account provides for fees collected for the youth sports programs. Adult Sports Fees 101-4010-4315 This account provides for fees collected for participation in the adult sports leagues. Class Registration Fees 101-4020-4305 This account provides for fees collected for participation in class instructed programs administered by the Recreation Dept. Excursion Fees 101-4035-4335 This account provides for fees collected for participation in City-sponsored field trips and excursions. Pool Admission Fees 101-4015-4325 Project 14102 (Rosemead Aquatic Center) or 14302 (Splash Zone) This account provides for amounts received from admissions to the swimming pools at Rosemead and Garvey Parks. Swimming Lessons and Charges 101-4015-4320 This account provides for amounts received from City-sponsored swim instruction and other miscellaneous fees. Swim Team Fees 101-4015-4330 This account provides for amounts received from swim teams and high schools. :31 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUND (260) This fund provides for money received from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for administering the CDBG Program. Each project has its own revenue account. Residential Lead Abatement 260-0000-4205 Project 11001 Residential Lead Testing 260-0000-4205 Project 11002 Emergency Grants 260-0000-4205 Project 11003 Grants 260-0000-4205 Project 11004 Rebates 260-0000-4205 Project 11005 Family Counseling Services 260-0000-4205 Project 11006 Planning&Administration 260-0000-4205 Project 11010 Sr. Citizen Nutrition Program (Garvey Center) 260-0000-4205 Project 14402 Residential Rehabilitation 260-0000-4205 Project 11012 Consolidated Code Enforcement 260-0000-4205 Project 11013 Southern California Housing Rights 260-0000-4205 Project 11014 Family Promises 260-0000-4205 Project 11053 AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT(230) Air Quality Management District 230-0000-4260 This fund accounts for the receipt of monies collected by the Department of Motor Vehicles.These funds shall be used to implement programs to reduce air pollution from mobile sources pursuant to the California Clean Air Act. HOME FUND (270) This fund provides for money received pursuant to the HOME Investment Partnerships Act, whereby the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) allocates regular HOME funds to the City for the purpose of expanding the City's supply of decent, safe, sanitary and affordable housing for very low and low income families. Each project has its own revenue account. (See cost center 4790 for related expenditures) 32 HOME— 1sT Time Home Buyer 270-0000-4205 Project 11016 HOME -Administration 270-0000-4205 Project 11017 Residential Rehabilitation 270-0000-4205 Project 11018 HOME CHDO 270-0000-4205 Project 11019 HOME CHDO Operating 270-0000-4205 Project 11020 STATE GAS TAX FUND (201) 2103 Gas Tax(Prop. 42 Replacement Funds)201-0000-4225 These funds are received from the State and are derived from a portion of the excise tax on gasoline. The intent was to fully replace the local streets and road funds the City would have received under Prop. 42. 2105 Gas Tax(Prop.!!!) 201-0000-4230 This account provides for funds received from the State and are derived from a charge on gasoline sold throughout the State and allocated to the City on a per capita basis. The City's entitlement to the apportioned funds is conditional upon its expenditure from the general fund for street and highway purposes of an amount not less than the annual average of its expenditures during the 1987-88, 1988- 89, and 1989-90 fiscal years. 2106 Gas Tax Fund Apportionment 201-0000-4235 This account provides for funds received from the State for the sale of gasoline throughout the State and must be expended for select system street construction or maintenance. 2107 Construction & Maintenance 201-0000-4240 This account provides for funds received from the State and are derived from a charge on each gallon of gasoline sold throughout the State and allocated to the City on a per capita basis for maintenance or construction on any City street. Street Sweeping Reimbursement 201-0000-4410 This account provides for funds received from the State of California (CALTRANS) for street sweeping on Rosemead Boulevard. :3:3 2107.5 Engineering 201-3035-4245 This account provides for funds received from the sale of gasoline throughout the State and may be expended only for engineering costs and administrative expenses in respect to City streets. 2030 Gas Tax(Road Maintenance Rehab Acct) 201-3035-4241 This account provides for funds received from taxes in the sale of gasoline enacted by the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017 and may be expended for transportation improvements. Loan Repayment 201-3035-4242 This account provides for funds received from taxes in the sale of gasoline enacted by the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017 and may be expended for transportation loan repayments. PUBLIC TRANSIT(PROP C) (220) Public Transit-Prop C 220-3040-4265 This account provides for the City's share of the sales tax as a result of Prop C and may be expended for public transit and street maintenance and improvements on streets heavily used by public transit. LOCAL TRANSPORATION/SIDEWALK GRANT(205) Sidewalk Grant 205-0000-4299 This account provides for the state grant funds for mass transit, bike paths, and pedestrian walkways. PUBLIC TRANSIT- PROP.A(215) Public Transit Sales Tax 215-3040-4265 This account provides for receipt of the City's share of the 1/2 cent sales tax in Los Angeles County and may be expended only for special transportation projects. MEASURE R LOCAL RETURN (225) Measure R 225-3040-4275 This account provides for receipt of the City's share of the 1/2 cent sales tax in Los Angeles County and may be expended to synchronize traffic signals, repair potholes keep senior, student and disabled bus fares low and provide community traffic relief. The tax receipts will be used primarily to improve public transit and street maintenance projects. 31 MEASURE M LOCAL RETURN (226) Measure M 225-3040-4276 This account provides for receipt of the City's share of the 1/2 cent sales tax in Los Angeles County and may be expended to fund a number of highways,transit, local street, walking and biking programs. The tax receipts will be used primarily to improve transportation and ease traffic congestion. STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT FUND (245) Street Lighting District 245-0000-4510 This account provides for funds collected from an ad valorem tax, and is restricted to administration, maintenance, energy and capital expenditures of the Rosemead Lighting District. HDC SENIOR HOUSING (280) Rental Income 280-5220-4710 (Angelus Sr. Apt.) Rental Income 280-5225-4710 (Garvey Sr. Apt.) This fund gets its revenue primarily from rent charged to tenants of the two senior housing complexes and from a subsidy transferred in from the Rosemead Successor Agency. The Rosemead Successor Agency subsidizes Senior Housing Fund. Operating Transfers In 280-5220-4860 (Angelus Sr. Apt.) Operating Transfers In 280-5225-4860 (Garvey Sr.Apt.) RHDC HOME PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION (275) This fund is a reimbursement based fund. Low interest payment loans and mortgage payment assistance is provided to qualifying residents and reimbursement is subsequently requested from HUD. HOME Reimbursement 275-0000-4205 The reimbursement revenue from HUD is accounted for here. City of Rosemead, California City Revenues Capital Internal Projects Fund, Service Fund, 2,200,000 279,200 Special Revenue Funds, 7,737,400 General Fund, 22,173,900 Transfer Reimbursement, Grants, Business Tax, Recreation Fees, 141,500 218,100 Licenses Other Revenues, 100,000 1,033,400 200,000 239,900 Fines& Forfeitures, 615,000 Interest Licenses an. Earnings Permits, 75,000 1,900,000 Property Tax, 8,902,000 Transient Occupancy Tax, 2,100,000.'` Franchise Fees, Sales Tax, 1,125,000 5,524,000 City of Rosemead, California Assessed Value of Taxable Property 4,500,000,000 4,000,000,000 3,500,000,000 ,..1 O 01 a 0 3,000,000,000 0C1 r C 2,500,000,000 1 NI 0 2,000,000,000 1,500,000,000 1,000,000,000 500,000,000 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 I Fiscal Year I Source: HdL Coren &Cone and Los Angeles County Assessor's Office 37 City of Rosemead, California Distribution of Property Tax Chart $1.00 All Others 0.0736 County library pi 0.0226 0.0271 Street Liahtine District Alhambra Elem. 0.0427 School District 0.0668 • _... City of Rosemead • 0.0612 $0.70 Garvey School District Alhambra High School District $0.60 - $0.50 County Fire $0.40 - Education Augmentation Fund $0.30 - Education Rev.Augmentation Fund $0.20 - solo County of Los Angeles moo - The City of Rosemead's share of the average annual residential property tax bill is $206. City of Rosemead, California What Your Dollars Buy Monthly Cost Services Provided Per Person- Administrative Services $4.27 Provides administrative and general management services for the City organization, including city management, human resources,financial services, records management, public information,and technology. Coordinates joint programs with other agencies and organizations. Community Development $2.63 Ensures compliance with building and safety codes; maintains compliance with City land use and development codes;and administers the City's General Plan and zoning ordinance. Legislative $1.37 Maintains a system of elected representation and citizen advisory commissions, provides legal representation for the City organization. Parks and Recreation $3.79 Provides many quality programs, events, and services, including senior nutrition and activities,afterschool programs,youth and adult sports, concerts, and facility rentals. Public Safety $14.17 Using a combination of the Sheriff's Department and City personnel, responds to emergency calls, provides preventative patrol, provides traffic,code and parking enforcement; and offers Neighborhood Watch,Safety meetings, Connections Forum and other programs to the community. Public Works $6.45 Provides for the design, construction and maintenance of the City's roads, bridges, sidewalks,traffic signals, storm water quality and environmental compliance, public facilities, parks,and landscaped area improvements. The department also provides oversight of refuse collection and roadway sweeping,and emergency response coordination. Total $32.67 * Paid from the General Fund. + Based on Department of Finance estimates for 2017. City of Rosemead, California Revenue Summary by Fund Actual Budgeted Requested 15/16 16/17 17/18 General Fund Sales Tax $ 4,124,745 $ 5,022,800 $ 5,524,000 Property Tax 9,160,946 8,503,700 8,902,000 Franchise Fees 1,116,979 1,125,000 1,125,000 Transient Occupancy Tax 1,998,954 2,000,000 2,100,000 Interest Earnings 277,822 75,000 75,000 Building Permits and Plan Checks 1,727,666 1,400,000 1,470,000 Permits 550,458 440,000 430,000 Traffic Fines &Impounds 207,620 245,400 215,000 Parking Citations 382,913 380,000 400,000 Real Estate Transfer Tax 92,271 105,000 100,000 Facility Rentals 479,335 447,300 457,300 Recreation Fees 453,766 471,000 576,100 Reimbursements 255,628 126,700 141,500 Grants 256,700 219,600 218,100 Business Licenses 202,478 200,000 200,000 Other Revenue 268,155 233,000 239,900 Total General Fund 21,556,436 20,994,500 22,173,900 Special Revenue Funds State Gas Tax Fund State Gasoline Tax 1,187,183 1,130,600 1,544,700 Street Sweeping Reimbursement 8,000 8,000 8,000 Grants - 943,300 943,300 Interest Earnings 17,662 - - Total Gas Tax Fund 1,212,845 2,081,900 2,496,000 Local Transportation/Sidewalk Grant Grants - 35,800 35,800 Total Local Transportation/Sidewalk Grant Fund - 35,800 35,800 Proposition A Fund Local Return 1,014,696 1,036,000 1,050,600 Grants 131,204 70,000 76,000 Interest Earnings 2,986 - - Total Proposition A Fund 1,148,886 1,106,000 1,126,600 1.0 wri Revenue Summary by Fund (Continued) Actual Budgeted Requested 15/16 16/17 17/18 Proposition C Fund Local Return 862,064 877,600 890,900 Grants - - - Interest Earnings 4,462 - - Total Proposition C Fund 866,526 877,600 890,900 Measure R- Los Angeles County Local Return 615,303 627,000 637,400 Interest Earnings 8,781 - - Total Measure R Fund 624,084 627,000 637,400 Measure M- Los Angeles County Local Return - 650,700 Interest Earnings - - - Total Measure R Fund - - 650,700 Air Quality Management District(AQMD) Fund Clean Air Fees 69,557 67,000 71,600 Interest Earnings 3,340 - - Total AQMD Fund 72,897 67,000 71,600 Narcotics Forfeiture&Seizure Fund Narcotic Forfeiture&Seizure 1,383 -Interest Earnings 204 - - Total Narcotics Seizure Fund 1,587 - - Street Lighting District Property Tax 969,870 849,000 875,000 Interest Earnings 33,456 - - Total Street Lighting District Fund 1,003,326 849,000 875,000 Development Impact Fee Funds Development Impact Fee - 153,200 129,000 Total Development Impact Fee Funds - 153,200 129,000 11 Revenue Summary by Fund (Continued) Actual Budgeted Requested 15/16 16/17 17/18 Community Development Block Grant(CDBG) Fund Grants 632,040 681,700 617,000 Total CDBG Fund 632,040 681,700 617,000 HOME Fund Grants 20,273 226,300 207,400 Total HOME Fund 20,273 226,300 207,400 Total Special Revenue Funds 5,582,464 6,705,500 7,737,400 Subtotal City Revenues 27,138,900 27,700,000 29,911,300 Internal Service Funds Equipment Replacement Fund 127,840 110,400 125,000 Technology Replacement Fund 174,600 159,000 154,200 Total Internal Service Funds 302,440 269,400 279,200 CIP Funding Sources Grants 1,160,181 - - Transfers In 1,372,848 3,754,300 2,200,000 Total CIP Funding Sources 2,533,029 3,754,300 2,200,000 Total City Revenues 29,974,369 31,723,700 32,390,500 Rosemead Housing Development Corporation (RHDC) Senior Housing Fund Rental Income 440,860 437,400 444,000 Miscellaneous Revenue 4,089 8,100 2,500 Total RHDC Fund 444,949 445,500 446,500 HOME Program Administration Fund Grants 449,375 525,900 698,600 Total RHDC Funds 894,324 971,400 1,145,100 Grand Total $30,868,693 $ 32,695,100 $33,535,600 19 i City of Rosemead, California Expenditure Assumptions Expenditures are determined by looking at a two-year trend and analyzing other factors that will impact future expenditures. A number of projected expenditure assumptions used in developing the budget are listed below: Compensation — Employees are compensated based on their level of performance. In keeping with the City's compensation policies, the budget assumes merit increases but no cost of living adjustments in salaries, no increase in cafeteria allowance, a confirmed PERS rate of 13.675% plus a flat PERS amount of$884,107, and a confirmed PARS rate of 3.79%. Maintenance and Operation —The City has existing contracts for maintenance services such as janitorial, landscaping and tree trimming. These contracts have varying built-in increases typically based upon the Consumer Price Index. In such cases, we have used an increase assumption of 3.0%. For other miscellaneous supplies and services we have held the line or made reductions where appropriate. Utilities and Fuel — Based upon information from our local utility providers, we have used the following assumptions: Electricity: 3%- 14% based upon service type Gasoline/Diesel: 7.5% Natural Gas: No increase Telephone: 3% Water: 5% General Fund Reserve Levels — The City Council adopted a reserve policy in 2007-08 which specifies a General Fund reserve level of 31% for the 2017/18 fiscal year. The full funding of this reserve has been allocated through unallocated General Fund balance and there is no necessary additional contribution to maintain the required balance for the 2017/18 fiscal year. A reserve policy was also adopted for equipment and vehicle replacement. These reserves have also been fully funded through existing unallocated General Fund balance. 1. 3 City of Rosemead, California City Expenditures Internal Service Fund, $234,200 Capital Projects Fund, $2,356,400 Special Revenue '' Fund, $5,889,600 General Fund, $22,162,400 General City Manager, Government, 640,500 933,500 Support Services, Capital Outlay, 2,504,900 4,400,000 Community Development 2,443,100 Parks& Public Works, Recreation, 7,658,300 2,531,800 • Public Safety, 9,530,500 II City of Rosemead, California Operating Budget Summary FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Salaries and benefits $ 6,891,176 $ 7,961,300 $ 7,417,150 $ 8,118,800 Operations and Maintenance 17,174,410 18,779,800 17,563,350 19,477,900 Capital outlay 2,197,754 4,230,000 3,046,500 4,599,000 Transfers (Interfund) 2,828,158 - - - Total Expenditures $ 29,091,498 $ 30,971,100 $ 28,027,000 $ 32,195,700 FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Funding Sources: Actual Budget Total Budget General Fund $ 19,558,654 $ 21,510,200 $ 20,786,100 $ 22,162,400 State Gas Tax Fund 1,337,318 2,070,000 1,360,200 798,200 Proposition A Fund 1,333,205 1,057,000 957,200 1,008,000 Proposition C Fund 408,175 392,300 747,300 1,007,200 Measure R Fund 140,078 989,100 211,100 864,900 Measure M Fund - 350,000 Air Quality Mgt. District Fund 146,140 16,000 - 50,000 Narcotics Forfeiture&Seizure Fund 4,262 4,700 10,900 - Street Lighting District Fund 928,376 1,882,900 1,379,000 862,800 Development Impact Fee Fund - 44,900 - 38,000 CDBG Fund 642,763 681,700 673,400 759,200 HOME Fund 20,273 226,300 219,900 151,300 Housing Development Corp. Funds 1,145,883 1,369,500 1,008,200 1,553,100 Capital Projects Fund 1,775,833 4,181,800 243,900 2,356,400 Internal Service Fund 208,851 299,000 212,000 234,200 Successor Agency 1,441,687 - 217,800 Total Funding Sources $ 29,091,498 $ 34,725,400 $ 28,027,000 $ 32,195,700 I.; City of Rosemead, California Expenditure Summary by Department Budgeted Requested 16/17 17/18 Departments General Government $ 964,000 $ 933,500 City Manager 735,500 640,500 Support Services 2,500,800 2,504,900 Community Development 2,514,200 2,443,100 Parks & Recreation 2,377,500 2,531,800 Public Safety 9,121,000 9,530,500 Public Works 7,433,600 7,658,300 Ca pita I Projects 7,709,300 4,400,000 Total City Budget 33,355,900 30,642,600 Rosemead Housing Development Corporation 1,369,500 1,553,100 Total Rosemead Budget $ 34,725,400 $ 32,195,700 46 City of Rosemead, California Expenditure Summary by Fund Budgeted Requested 16/17 17/18 General Fund $ 21,510,200 $ 22,162,400 Special Revenue Funds State Gas Tax 2,070,000 798,200 Local Transportaion - - Proposition A 1,057,000 1,008,000 Proposition C 392,300 1,007,200 Measure R 989,100 864,900 Measure M - 350,000 Air Quality Management District(AQMD) 16,000 50,000 Narcotics Forfeiture& Seizure 4,700 - Street Lighting District 1,882,900 862,800 Development Impact Fees 44,900 38,000 Community Development Block Grant 681,700 759,200 HOME 226,300 151,300 Capital Projects 4,181,800 2,356,400 Total Special Revenue Funds 11,546,700 8,246,000 Internal Service Funds Equipment Replacement 140,000 80,000 Technology Replacement 159,000 154,200 Total Internal Service Funds 299,000 234,200 Rosemead Housing Development Corporation 1,369,500 1,553,100 Grand Total Rosemead Budget $ 34,725,400 $ 32,195,700 17 oo 0 o 0 8 S 8 8 S . . i . . o . . . 0 . , O 0 ' i O N a co Ot O (�p C COM N N C00 CO') D) D) E LL 8 (DO O O 0 O O O O O N M ' O S ' (N ' N 000 ON ' 0 0 ON (O() U) C U ^ U 05 ,i 00 N N O O N Q) t 1` n a) coN N N_ V co o7 n CO O J > C g g 0 C N 0 N- r n (0 7) 0 N (N') C 0 CSI N ,7-. co O O O 0 0 0 O O) O O6 0 0 0 O O N- N- N o o N- J5 C co co co M coM S QJ a) 2 J C Q) _ C O 0 0 0 0 O o O O O l4 N -Oi O . . . . 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U 0 m m 0 a. m E aN ani m m r D O s CO a - a)> w c c m E E 2 rn c rn ui u N .c, N a E n .� .0 :° y r t- E ',1 0 0 (0 0 0 N .0 c .� . a E .o .o .o a r �'j Ffj O L E a 7 0 0 7 0 CO 7 7 0 CO Ti w 01 I- � Uii (0 000 re � Uc0Uaaa00 0 w City of Rosemead, California Appropriation Limit Per Capita Rosemead Los Angeles Fiscal Personal Population County Appropriation Year Income Change Change Limit 2013-14 1.0512 1.0049 1.0069 39,780,068 2014-15 0.9977 1.0049 1.0078 39,998,145 2015-16 1.0382 1.0042 1.0082 41,866,588 2016-17 1.0537 1.0044 1.0085 44,489,800 2017-18 1.0369 -1.0010 1.0057 46,394,423 2017-18 Budgeted Total Revenues 29,630,800 Non-Tax Proceeds (12,346,511) Sub-Total: 17,284,289 Plus Excess Fee Cost 0 APPROPRIATIONS SUBJECT TO LIMIT: 17,284,289 .50 City of Rosemead, California Resolutions RESOLUTION NO. 2017-25 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ADOPTING AN APPROPRIATION LIMIT FOR THE 2017-18 FISCAL YEAR WHEREAS. Article XIII-B of the Constitution of the State of California provides that total annual appropriations subject to limitation of the City shall not exceed the appropriations limit of the City for the prior year as adjusted for annual adjustment factors; and WHEREAS. Article XIII-B was modified in June, 1990 by the approval of Proposition 1 1 1 and SB 88 (Chapter 60/90) which revised the annual adjustment factors to be applied to the 1986-87 Appropriation Limit and each year thereafter; and WHEREAS, the decision as to which factors: a) either the California Per Capita Income or the percentage change in the local assessment roll due to local non-residential construction; b) either the change in population in the City or County; must be done by a recorded vote of the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council wishes to set an appropriation limitation for the 2017-18 Fiscal Year on those appropriations subject to limitation under Article XIII-B: and WHEREAS, the required computation to determine the City of Rosemead's Appropriation Limit for fiscal year 2017-18 has been performed by the Finance Department and is on file with the Finance Department, and available for public review, NOW. THEREFORE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: 1. The City of Rosemead Appropriation Limit for Fiscal Year 2017-18 is $46,394,423. 2. The City Council selects the California per Capita Personal Income and the greater of the county or city population increase as allowable inflation factors. 3. This Appropriation Limit is subject to amendments, deletions and additions, which may be provided pursuant to Article XIIIB of the California Constitution and legislation implementing thereof. This limitation may be amended from time to time to reflect new or changed information as such is encountered_ .51 City of Rosemead, California Resolutions PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED the 27th day of June, 2017 Polly Low, Mayor ATTEST: Marc Donohue City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Rachel Richman City Attorney 52 City of Rosemead, California Resolutions RESOLUTION NO. 2017-26 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA. ADOPTING THE ANNUAL OPERATING AND CAPITAL.LIIPROVEMIENT BUDGET FOR THE 2017-18 FISCAL YEAR WHEREAS,a proposed annual budget for the City of Rosemead.California for the Fiscal Year commencing July 1.2017 and ending June 30.2018 was submitted to the City Council for its review and consideration and the proposed annual budget is on file in the City Clerk's office; and NOW. THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD_ DOES HEREBY RESOLVE,DECLARE.DETERMINE.AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1.The 2017-18 Annual Operating and Capital Improvement Program Budget is hereby adopted in the amount of 530.642.600. SECTION 2. There is hereby appropriated to each account group set forth in the 'Detail Budget-'of said budget attached hereto_and made a part hereof as though fully set forth herein_the sum shown for such account groups in the 2017-18 Adopted Column. SECTION 3.The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this resolution and hereafter the same shall be in full force and effect. PASSED.APPROVED.AND ADOPTED this 27th day of June.2017. Polly Low.Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: ATTEST: Rachel Richman, City Attorney Marc Donohue. City Clerk .,,) City of Rosemead, California Resolutions RESOLUTION NO.2017-27 A RESOLUTION OF THE ROSEMEAD HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ADOPTING THE ANNUAL OPERATL\G AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET FOR THE 2017-18 FISCAL YEAR WHEREAS, a proposed annual budget for the Rosemead Housing Development Corporation for the Fiscal Year commencing July 1,2017 and ending June 30.2018 was submitted to the Housing Development Corporation Board of Directors for its review and consideration and the proposed annual budget is on file in the Corporation Secretary's office: and NOW. THEREFORE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD. DOES HEREBY RESOLVE_DECLARE.DETERMINE,AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1.The 2017-18 Annual Operating and Capital Improvement Program Budget is hereby adopted in the amount of S1,553.100_ SECTION 2. There is hereby appropriated to each account group set forth in the --Detail Budget-of said budget attached hereto.and made a part hereof as though fully set forth herein_the sum shown for such account groups in the 2017-18 Adopted Column. SECTION 3.The Corporation Secretary shall certify to the adoption of this resolution and hereafter the same shall be in full force and effect. PASSED.APPROVED.AND ADOPTED this 27th day of June,2017. Polly Low.Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: ATTEST: Rachel Richman_City Attorney Marc Donohue.City Clerk 51 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK S E M F Ci '9 I t„4 d 1 114/ 1 y0 NCO�pORA 1lD �a .).) City of Rosemead, California Legislative Organizational Chart Legislative Commissions& Committees City Council • Planning Commission • Establish Policies • Traffic Commission • Strategic Planning • Parks Commission • Legislative Action • Keelung,Taiwan Sister City Committee • Public Safety Connections • Beautification Committee City Clerk • Agenda Preparation City Attorney • Election Support • Policy Development • Municipal Code • Contract Review • • Records Management Personnel Issues • Prosecutions 56 City of Rosemead, California Legislative Personnel Title 2017/18 Salaries City Council (5) $ 67,100 City Clerk 100,400 Deputy City Clerk 56,300 Total Personnel Salaries $ 223,800 57 City of Rosemead, California Legislative Budget Summary Actual 15/16 Budgeted 16/17 Requested 17/18 No. of Elected Officials 5 5 5 No. of Full-time Team Members 2 2 2 Expenditures: City Council 307,656 334,000 333,800 Commissions &Committees 18,835 20,400 26,800 City Clerk 323,164 /114,800 348,100 City Attorney 159,511 164,800 224,800 Total Expenditures 809,166 964,000 933,500 Funding Sources General Fund 785,166 934,000 903,500 Measure R 24,000 30,000 30,000 Total Funding Sources 809,166 964,000 933,500 %Change -3% 17/18 Funding Sources 17/18 Expenditures (by Fund) (by division) Measure 3% City Clerk Commissions 37% 3% Genera I Fund 97% City of Rosemead, California Legislative Budget by Major Object FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Salaries and benefits $ 475,332 $ 561,400 $ 538,300 $ 546,700 Operations and maintenance 333,834 402,600 417,300 386,800 Total Expenditures $ 809,166 $ 964,000 $ 955,600 $ 933,500 FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Funding Sources: Actual Budget Total Budget General Fund $ 785,166 $ 934,000 $ 925,600 $ 903,500 Measure R Fund 24,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 Total Funding Sources $ 809,166 $ 964,000 $ 955,600 $ 933,500 .i') THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK S E M F O 0 9 4k- O I v ' ____4;rxel M`0„0,AIE0 \, (jO Activity: City Council Organization: 1105 Function: To establish policies that will promote and maintain community standards and values, and provide policy direction to the City Manager. 61 piiiry City of Rosemead, California City Council, Division 1105 Budget Summary by Major Object FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY2016 Amended Year-End Requested Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Salaries and benefits $ 225,702 $ 258,700 $ 258,700 $ 258,700 Operations and maintenance 81,954 75,300 75,300 75,100 Total Expenditures $ 307,656 $ 334,000 $ 334,000 $ 333,800 FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY2016 Amended Year-End Requested Funding Sources: Actual Budget Total Budget General Fund $ 283,656 $ 304,000 $ 304,000 $ 303,800 Measure R Fund 24,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 Total Funding Sources $ 307,656 $ 334,000 $ 334,000 $ 333,800 62 City of Rosemead, California City Council, Division 1105 Budget Detail by Object FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Fund Division Object Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget 101 General Fund Salaries&benefits 101 1105 5015 Stipend $ 68,097 $ 76,100 $ 76,100 $ 76,100 101 1105 5105 Social security/medicare 8,497 10,000 10,000 10,000 101 1105 5110 Worker's comp 4,900 5,100 5,100 5,100 101 1105 5115 Retirement contributions 47,817 55,900 55,900 55,900 101 1105 5130 Cafeteria benefit 96,391 111,600 111,600 111,600 mi 101 1105 Total salaries&benefits 225,702 258,700 258,700 258,700 Operations and maintenance 101 General Fund 101 1105 5435 Travel &meeting 49,341 35,000 35,000 35,000 101 1105 5465 Membership dues 1,050 500 500 500 101 1105 5605 General supplies 1,163 2,000 2,000 2,000 101 1105 5905 Technology replacement allocation 6,400 7,800 7,800 7,600 101 1105 Operations&maint-General Fund 57,954 45,300 45,300 45,100 225 Measure R Fund 225 1105 5240 Legislative advocate 24,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 1120 Total operations&maintenance 81,954 75,300 75,300 75,100 1105 City Council total $ 307,656 $ 334,000 $ 334,000 $ 333,800 CITY COUNCIL Budget Detail 1105 GENERAL FUND—FUND 101 PERSONNEL: 5015 Stipend Provide funds for monthly stipend for members of the City Council. Elected Rosemead officials are paid $559.32 for each meeting. Includes cell phone allowance. 5105 Social Security/Medicare Provide for employer's share of FICA/Medicare. 5110 Workers Compensation Provide for workers compensation for department employees. 5115 Retirement Contributions Provide for retirement plan funding for all full-time City employees and City Council. 5130 Cafeteria Benefit Provide insurance for medical, dental,vision, and life funding for all full-time City employees and City Council. GENERAL FUND—FUND 101 OPERATIONS: 5435 Travel and Meeting Expense Provide funds for attendance at the League of California Cities Conferences, Contract Cities Seminars and other conferences as authorized by the City Council. An allocation of$6,000 for travel and $1,000 for mileage reimbursement is budgeted for each council member($35,000). 5465 Membership Dues Provide funds for memberships in organizations ($500). 64 5605 General Supplies Provide funds for all office supplies that are not easily attributed to a particular department. Also provides for books and publications of long-range value to the Council offices ($2,000). 5905 Technology Replacement Allocation Allocate technology replacement costs to all departments ($7,600). MEASURE R FUND— FUND 225 OPERATIONS: 5240 Legislative Advocacy Provide funds for the SR-710 coalition ($30,000). 65 i THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK S E M'' 4 F i,� 9 „. 1 O 4 ii1� . NCO•pOfAIED ‘9 Activity: Commissions Organization: 1110 Function: To provide policy recommendations to the City Council. 67 City of Rosemead, California Commissions/Committees, Division 1110 Budget Summary by Major Object FY2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Salaries and benefits $ 18,731 $ 19,400 $ 19,400 $ 25,800 Operations and maintenance 104 1,000 300 1,000 Total Expenditures $ 18,835 $ 20,400 $ 19,700 $ 26,800 FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Funding Sources: Actual Budget Total Budget General Fund $ 18,835 $ 20,400 $ 19,700 $ 26,800 Total Funding Sources $ 18,835 $ 20,400 $ 19,700 $ 26,800 68 City of Rosemead, California Commissions/Committees, Division 1110 Budget Detail by Object FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Fund Division Object Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget 101 General Fund Salaries&benefits 101 1110 5015 Sti pend $ 17,400 $ 18,000 $ 18,000 $ 24,000 101 1110 5105 Social security/medicare 1,331 1,400 1,400 1,800 101 1110 Total salaries&benefits 18,731 19,400 19,400 25,800 Operations and maintenance 101 1110 5605 General supplies 104 1,000 300 1,000 101 1110 Total operations&maintenance 104 1,000 300 1,000 1110 Commissions/Committees total $ 18,835 $ 20,400 $ 19,700 $ 26,800 69 COMMISIONS/COMMITTEES Budget Detail 1110 GENERAL FUND—FUND 101 PERSONNEL: 5015 Stipend Provide$100.00 per meeting (maximum of 2 meetings per month) to the five (5) members of the Planning Commission. Provide $100.00 per month to the five (5) members of the Traffic Commission who attend one monthly meeting. Provide $100.00 per month to the five (5) members of the Parks Commission who attend one monthly meeting. 5105 Social Security/Medicare Provide for employer's share of FICA/Medicare. OPERATIONS: 5605 General Supplies Provide funds for supply items such as general office supplies, indexes, folders, etc. ($1,000). 70 Activity: City Clerk Organization: 1115 Function: The City Clerk is the local official who administers democratic processes such as elections, access to City records and all legislative actions ensuring transparency to the public. The City Clerk provides a broad range of service and support to the City Council, the Community, and City staff. The City Clerk acts as a compliance officer for federal, State and local statutes including the Political reform Act, the Brown Act, Voters Rights Act, and the Public Records Act. Work Plan: Description When Expected Result Maintain the document imaging system and Ongoing Make City records accessible to the public continue to add new documents. through the City's website; therefore, promoting a "green" and transparent City. Voter Registration Outreach Ongoing Reach out to Rosemead voters, including those whose primary language is not English, and ensure they have all the tools available to exercise their right to vote. Maintain City's Municipal Code Ongoing Ensure the City's laws and codes are in effect and current. Records Retention Schedule Update 2017/18 Update the City's current Records Retention Schedule Policy to ensure compliance with State law. Citizen Participation Ongoing Expand participation of citizens, school districts, faith-based organizations, and community based organizations through public outreach meetings, events, and social media. Corporate Style Books 2017/18 Transition vital City records (Minutes, Ordinances, Resolutions) from file folders to corporate style books. 71 City of Rosemead, California City Clerk, Division 1115 Budget Summary by Object FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Salaries and benefits $ 226,485 $ 278,500 $ 255,400 $ 257,400 Operations and maintenance 96,679 166,300 81,700 90,700 Total Expenditures $ 323,164 $ 444,800 $ 337,100 $ 348,100 FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Funding Sources: Actual Budget Total Budget General Fund $ 323,164 $ 444,800 $ 337,100 $ 348,100 Total Funding Sources $ 323,164 $ 444,800 $ 337,100 $ 348,100 72 City of Rosemead, California City Clerk, Division 1115 Budget Detail by Major Object FY2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Fund Division Object Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Salaries&Benefits 101 General Fund 101 1115 5005 Salaries&wages $ 74,339 $ 170,800 $ 159,000 $ 158,500 101 1115 5010 Part-time salaries&wages 68,085 - - - 101 1115 5025 Overtime 515 - - - 101 1115 5105 Social security/medicare 7,679 14,700 14,000 14,500 101 1115 5110 Worker's comp 1,900 2,400 2,400 1,900 101 1115 5115 Retirement contributions 50,070 40,000 39,000 39,000 101 1115 5125 Automobile allowance 6,000 - 101 1115 5130 Cafeteria benefit 23,897 44,600 41,000 43,500 101 1115 Total salaries&benefits 226,485 278,500 255,400 257,400 Operations and maintenance 101 General Fund 101 1115 5299 Other professional/technical serv. 7,215 75,000 12,000 6,000 101 1115 5385 Office equipment repair&maint 33,823 30,000 30,000 27,000 0 101 1115 5435 Travel &meetings 1,514 3,000 2,000 4,500 101 1115 5440 Advertising 1,404 - 900 - 101 1115 5450 Legal advertising 45,103 35,000 18,000 35,000 101 1115 5465 Membership dues 460 1,000 1,300 1,000 101 1115 5605 General supplies 2,360 1,500 5,700 2,500 101 1115 5625 Books&periodicals - - - 9,000 101 1115 5699 Election/training - 15,000 6,000 - 101 1115 5905 Technology replacement alloc. 4,800 5,800 5,800 5,700 101 1115 Total operations&maintenance 96,679 166,300 81,700 90,700 1115 Total City Clerk $ 323,164 $ 444,800 $ 337,100 $ 348,100 /,. CITY CLERK Budget Detail 1115 GENERAL FUND—FUND 101 PERSONNEL: 5005 Regular Full Time Salaries&Wages Provide the compensation for the City Clerk and Deputy City Clerk. 5105 Social Security/Medicare Provide for employer's share of FICA/Medicare for all department employees. 5110 Workers Compensation Provide for workers compensation for department employees. 5115 Retirement Contributions Provide for retirement plan funding for all full-time City employees and City Council. 5130 Cafeteria Benefit Provide insurance for medical, dental, vision, life, and short-term and long-term disability funding for all full-time City employees and City Council. OPERATIONS 5299 Other Professional/Technical Services Provide funds for legal and consultant services to draft a Records Retention Schedule ($6,000). 5385 Office Equipment& Repairs Provide funds for maintenance of office equipment, monthly website maintenance costs ($4,000), and contract with Granicus for ($23,000). 5435 Travel and Meeting Expense Provide funds for the City Clerk and Deputy City Clerk to attend various meetings and seminars relating to the business and operation of the City Clerk's office ($400), CCAC Annual conference ($1,300), Master Municipal Clerks Academy ($1,500)and New Law and Elections Seminar ($1,300). 71 5450 Legal Advertising Provide funds for legal publication costs for ordinance, resolutions, bids and all public hearing notices ($35,000). 5465 Memberships Dues Provide funds for CCAC membership ($400), IIMC membership ($400) and miscellaneous memberships ($200) for the City Clerk and Deputy City Clerk. 5605 General Supplies Provide funds for supply items such as recording tapes, indexes, folders, passport supplies etc. ($2,500). 5625 Books & periodicals Provide funds to transition permanent City minutes from file folders to corporate style books ($9,000). 5905 Technology Replacement Allocation Allocate technology replacement costs to all departments ($5,700). 7.3 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK S E M F Cli t I a 4 ;ice 7 t,�!t NC�R�ORAEEO Activity: City Attorney Organization: 1120 Function: To provide legal services to the City Council, commissions, and staff. The City contracts with Burke, Williams &Sorensen, LLP for most legal services. 77 City of Rosemead, California City Attorney, Division 1120 Budget Summary by Major Object FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Salaries and benefits $ 4,414 $ 4,800 $ 4,800 $ 4,800 Operations and maintenance 155,097 160,000 260,000 220,000 Total Expenditures $ 159,511 $ 164,800 $ 264,800 $ 224,800 FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY2016 Amended Year-End Requested Funding Sources: Actual Budget Total Budget General Fund $ 159,511 $ 164,800 $ 264,800 $ 224,800 Total Funding Sources $ 159,511 $ 164,800 $ 264,800 $ 224,800 i 78 City of Rosemead, California City Attorney, Division 1120 Budget Detail by Object FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Fund Division Object Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget 101 General Fund Salaries&benefits 101 1120 5130 Cafeteria benefits $ 4,414 $ 4,800 $ 4,800 $ 4,800 Operations and maintenance 101 1120 5205 Legal 155,097 160,000 260,000 220,000 101 1120 Total operations&maintenance 155,097 160,000 260,000 220,000 1120 City Attorney total $ 159,511 $ 164,800 $ 264,800 $ 224,800 79 imuimminommmilor CITY ATTORNEY Budget Detail 1120 GENERAL FUND—FUND 101 PERSONNEL: 5130 Cafeteria Benefit Provide funds for retirement plan funding ($4,800). OPERATIONS: 5205 Legal Provide funds for contract City Attorney for a variety of services: attend meetings including City Council meetings and sessions, and to provide legal advice to City Council, City Manager, and staff($220,000). 80 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK E M O '9 hc..•0.A TED '15 81 City of Rosemead, California City Manager's Office Organizational Chart City Manager Administrative Support City Council Support • Intergoveriunental • Policy Analysis Relations • Research • Legislative Analysis • Citizen Inquiry • Interdepartmental Follow-up Coordination • Correspondence • Weekly City Manager • Meeting Coordination Update &Scheduling • Strategic Planning • Public Information 82 City of Rosemead, California City Manager's Office 2017/18 Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives ■ Implement Vision 2020 and take actions to achieve the Key Organizational Goals contained in the City's Strategic Plan, including Council-approved strategies and action items. ■ Actively promote economic development within the City and the region. ■ Enhance communications between the City and its residents and businesses to increase awareness of City services and programs. ■ Continue the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan and EIR to facilitate quality development of key opportunity commercially-zoned properties . ■ Coordinate the City's efforts to comply with federal and state storm water mandates, including MS4 Permit requirements. ■ Continue efforts to improve and construct new parks facilities. ■ Provide oversight of the City's law enforcement services contract with the County of Los Angeles Sheriff's Department, and the City's ongoing emergency preparedness efforts. ■ Enhance the City's public image through social media campaigns, press releases, and targeted marketing and provide public information and messaging for the organization. 5;3 City of Rosemead, California City Manager's Office Budget Summary Actual 15/16 Budgeted 16/17 Requested 17/18 No. of Full-time Team Members 3 4 4 Expenditures: Administration 707,630 735,500 640,500 Total Expenditures 707,630 735,500 640,500 Funding Sources General Fund 628,039 636,100 546,400 Proposition A 79,591 99,400 94,100 Total Funding Sources 707,630 735,500 640,500 %Change -13% 17/18 FundingSources 17/18 Expenditures (by Fund) (by Division) Prop A 15% General Fund 85% Admin 100% 8,1. City of Rosemead, California City Manager's Office Personnel Title 2017/18 Salaries City Manager 203,500 Assistant City Manager 157,500 Executive Asst. to City Manager 59,400 Office Specialist 36,100 Total Personnel Salaries $ 456,500 85 City of Rosemead, California City Manager Budget Summary by Major Object FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Salaries and benefits $ 559,694 $ 606,000 $ 552,100 $ 578,200 Operations and maintenance 147,936 129,500 136,100 62,300 Total Expenditures $ 707,630 $ 735,500 $ 688,200 $ 640,500 FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Funding Sources: Actual Budget Total Budget General Fund $ 628,039 $ 636,100 $ 608,900 $ 546,400 Proposition A Fund 79,591 99,400 79,300 94,100 Total Funding Sources $ 707,630 $ 735,500 $ 688,200 $ 640,500 86 I Activity: Administration Organization: 1205 Function: To implement City Council policy direction, provide overall project supervision, promote economic stability through business development and retention, promote organizational stability through financial and human resources management, provide legislative support, and public relations support for the City organization; oversee community outreach efforts. Work Plan: Description When Expected Result Strategy 1: Aggressively pursue economic development to enhance local shopping and [dining options, encourage new high quality Facilitate development of annual broker's ;and affordable housing stock, beautify commercial corridors, create jobs, and Ongoing roundtable to promote Rosemead as a Business increase General Fund revenues to sustain Friendly City. service levels and maintain public facilities. • Strategy 1: Aggressively pursue economic development to enhance local shopping and dining options, encourage new high quality Engage with data analytic firms to provide and affordable housing stock, beautify Ongoing demographic information for future economic (commercial corridors, create jobs, and development. 'increase General Fund revenues to sustain service levels and maintain public facilities. Strategy 2: Continue to make Rosemead a safer and more secure community by Strengthen supervision, communication and Ongoing combating crime and preparing for confidentiality within the Public Safety Center. emergencies. Strategy 3: Continue efforts to enhance the condition and general appearance of the Facilitate discussions to determine possible City's public infrastructure and the public Ongoing options to provide Wi-Fi infrastructure to right-of-way, as well as private properties facilitate Citywide Internet Access. within the community. 87 Description When Expected Result Strategy 3: Continue efforts to enhance the condition and general appearance of the Advocate for a Rosemead route as part of the City's public infrastructure and the public Ongoing expansion of the 710 and the Metro Gold Line right-of-way, as well as private properties eastside expansion. within the community. Strategy 4: Make improvements to existing parks and explore the acquisition or use of additional properties for prospective new Evaluate the potential to increase park space Ongoing parks facilities; and make adjustments to throughout the community. recreation programs to meet the changing needs of the community. All Strategies: Monitor and track the Ongoing Work with the City's management team to progress of the Strategic Plan. ensure projects are in progress and provide the community with updates regarding action items that are in progress. 88 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK S E M F j 4 i -=\# 9 0 ' 4tVALI -114 i -1 ya 1YCDA�D AA fED �4 City of Rosemead, California City Administration, Division 1205 Budget Summary by Major Object FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Salaries and benefits $ 559,694 $ 606,000 $ 552,100 $ 578,200 Operations and maintenance 147,936 129,500 136,100 62,300 Total Expenditures $ 707,630 $ 735,500 $ 688,200 $ 640,500 FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Funding Sources: Actual Budget Total Budget General Fund $ 628,039 $ 636,100 $ 608,900 $ 546,400 Proposition A Fund 79,591 99,400 79,300 94,100 Total Funding Sources $ 707,630 $ 735,500 $ 688,200 $ 640,500 90 City of Rosemead, California City Administration, Division 1205 Expenditure Detail by Object FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Fund Division Object Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Salaries&Benefits 101 General Fund 101 1205 5005 Salaries &wages $ 325,320 $ 399,100 $ 376,700 $ 387,200 101 1205 5010 Part-time salaries &wages 8,037 - -I 101 1205 5095 Salaries &wages-contra (53,400) (53,400) (53,400) (53,400) 101 1205 5105 Social security/medicare 21,202 26,800 26,800 27,700 101 1205 5110 Worker's comp 4,400 4,600 4,600 4,600 101 1205 5115 Retirement contributions 134,893 60,600 58,900 61,700 101 1205 5125 Automobile Allowance 1,200 10,500 1,100 - ii 101 1205 5130 Cafeteria benefit 60,451 80,400 80,100 78,300 101 1205 5195 Benefits-contra (22,000) (22,000) (22,000) (22,000) 101 1205 Salaries&Benefits-General Fund 480,103 506,600 472,800 484,100 215 Prop A Fund 215 1205 5005 Salaries &wages 44,475 75,600 59,600 73,000 215 1205 5105 Social security/medicare 2,423 4,100 4,100 4,400 215 1205 5110 Worker's comp 800 800 800 800 215 1205 5115 Retirement contributions 25,809 7,400 6,000 7,200 215 1205 5125 Automobile Allowance 300 2,600 300 - 215 1205 5130 Cafeteria benefit 5,784 8,900 8,500 8,700 215 1205 Salaries&Benefits-Prop A Fund 79,591 99,400 79,300 94,100 Total Salaries&Benefits 559,694 606,000 552,100 578,200 91 City of Rosemead, California City Administration, Division 1205 Expenditure Detail by Object FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Fund Division Object Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Operations and maintenance 101 General Fund 101 1205 5299 Other professional/tech.services 91,850 79,200 79,200 5,000 101 1205 5435 Travel &meeting 8,203 9,000 10,000 12,000 101 1205 5440 Advertising - - - 4,000 101 1205 5455 Printing&binding 22,638 15,300 20,000 15,100 101 1205 5465 Membership dues 2,822 3,100 3,300 3,300 101 1205 5605 General supplies 4,209 3,000 5,200 3,000 101 1205 5665 Postage 6,114 9,000 8,100 9,300 101 1205 5905 Technology services allocation 6,400 7,900 7,900 7,600 101 1205 5910 Equipment replacement allocation 5,700 1,000 1,000 1,000 101 1205 5940 Other expenditures - 2,000 1,400 2,000 101 1205 Total operations&maint 147,936 129,500 136,100 62,300 1205 Total Administration $ 707,630 $ 735,500 $ 688,200 $ 640,500 92 CITY ADMINISTRATION Budget Detail 1205 GENERAL FUND—FUND 101 & PROP A FUND— FUND 215 PERSONNEL: 5005 Regular Full Time Salaries & Wages Provide the compensation for the City Manager,Assistant City Manager, Executive Assistant to City Manager, and Office Specialist. Refer to the Position Distribution on page 12. 5010 Part-Time Salaries& Wages Provide for part-time staff to perform various clerical duties. 5025 Overtime Covers the cost of overtime for non-management staff. 5105 Social Security/Medicare Provide for employer's share of FICA/Medicare for all department employees. 5110 Workers Compensation Provide for workers compensation for department employees. 5115 Retirement Contributions Provide for retirement plan funding for all full-time City employees and City Council. 5125 Automobile Allowance Provide funds for an Automobile Allowance for the Department Managers. 5130 Cafeteria Benefit Provide insurance for medical, dental,vision, life, and short-term and long-term disability funding for all full-time City employees and City Council. GENERAL FUND—FUND 101 OPERATIONS: 5299 Other Professional/Technical Services Provide funds for professional services ($5,000). im1111111r 5435 Travel and Meeting Expense Provide funds for the attendance at ICSC LA($250), ICSC Vegas ($1,500),CALED ($495), ICMA($2,000), CCMF($2,500),CA Contract Cities ($2,000), League of CA Cities ($1,500), miscellaneous($755), and Eddie award ($1,000). 5440 Advertising Provide funds for social media ($1,000), City pins ($1,200),and promotional items ($1,800). 5455 Printing& Binding Provide funds for translation ($1,700)and printing of materials, including City's information brochures and postcards($13,400). 5465 Memberships Dues Provide funds for San Gabriel Valley City Manager's Association dues($55), International City Manager's Association dues for the City Manager and Assistant City Manager ($2,600), California City Management Foundation dues ($400), ICSC($150)and miscellaneous memberships ($95). 5605 General Supplies Provide funds for all office supplies that are not easily attributed to a particular department. Also provides for books and publications of long-range value to the Administrative and Council offices($3,000). 5665 Postage Provide funds for postal expenses for the mailings of three City brochures($9,300). 5905 Technology Replacement Allocation Allocate technology replacement costs to all departments ($7,600). 5910 Equipment Replacement Allocation Allocate equipment replacement costs to all departments($1,000). 5940 Other Expenditures Provide funds for other miscellaneous expenses($2,000). 94 I THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK • $ E M F o/ t cc 1 O W .,7 City of Rosemead, California Support Services Organizational Chart Support Services Financial Services Human Resources • Recruitment Selection • Payroll • Employee Benefits • Accounts Payable • Classification Compensation • Financial Reporting Analysi s • Treasury& Investments • Unemployment Claims Cashier • Training • • Employee Relations Technology Risk Management • Computer Support • General Liability • Computer Training • Workers Compensation • Document Imaging • Property Insurance • Intranet • Risk Management • Telephone System Evaluation 96 City of Rosemead, California Support Services 2017/18 Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives ■ Review and amend Employee handbook ■ Maintain a long-term financial plan to ensure fiscal solvency and security ■ Recruit& retain a highly-skilled and diverse workforce ■ Optimize workforce effectiveness through staff development and training ■ Maintain a safe working environment for all team members and strive to reduce and eliminate the number of preventative illnesses and injuries ■ Equipment Replacement Plan that is fully funded ■ Support new software and hardware implementations ■ Strengthen internal controls ■ Work with Recreation Department to connect Active Net software to Tyler for ease of financial records and deposits '1i _dm. -, I City Rosemead, California Support Services Budget Summary Actual 15/16 Budgeted 16/17 Requested 17/18 No.of Full-time Team Members 6 6 6 Expenditures: Finance 352,424 392,000 388,700 Human Resources 363,074 457,000 409,000 Information Technology 344,898 248,000 276,700 Risk Management 638,280 615,800 823,000 General Services 620,952 788,000 607,500 Total Expenditures 2,319,628 2,500,800 2,504,900 Funding Sources General Fund 2,078,867 2,302,200 2,269,500 Gas Tax Fund 2,238 2,000 2,300 Proposition A - - 22,200 Proposition C - - 22,200 Measure R 11,927 15,500 14,000 Street Lighting District 12,006 15,500 14,300 CDBG 5,739 6,600 6,200 Internal Service Fund 208,851 159,000 154,200 Capital Projects Fund - - - Total Funding Sources 2,319,628 2,500,800 2,504,900. %Change 0% 17/18 Funding Sources 17/18 Expenditures Street (by Fund) (by Divsion) Light. Dist. Measure Internal Prop C R Service 0 Gas Tax Pro A 1% 0% Fund 0% Prop 6% 1% Human Resources CDBG 16% 0% Information Technology 11% 98 City of Rosemead, California Support Services Units Personnel Title 2017/18 Salaries Finance Director 142,200 Human Resources Manager 116,000 Human Resource Specialist 56,600 Finance Services Supervisor 74,500 Senior Accounting Specialist 53,200 Accounting Specialist 45,000 Total Personnel Salaries $ 487,500 99 City of Rosemead, California Support Services Budget Summary by Major Categories FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Salaries and benefits $ 428,396 $ 671,300 $ 577,900 $ 539,500 Operations and maintenance 1,843,055 1,725,500 1,779,400 1,866,400 Capital outlay 48,177 104,000 65,000 99,000 Total Expenditures $ 2,319,628 $ 2,500,800 $ 2,422,300 $ 2,504,900 FY 2017 i FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 1 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Funding Sources: Actual Budget Total Budget General Fund $ 2,078,867 $ 2,302,200 $ 2,260,900 $ 2,269,500 State Gas Tax Fund 2,238 2,000 2,900 2,300 Proposition A Fund - - - 22,200 Proposition C Fund - - - 22,200 Measure R Fund 11,927 15,500 15,100 14,000 Street Lighting District Fund 12,006 15,500 15,100 14,300 CDBG Fund 5,739 6,600 6,300 6,200 Internal Service Fund 208,851 159,000 122,000 154,200 Total Funding Sources $ 2,319,628 $ 2,500,800 $ 2,422,300 $ 2,504,900 100 Activity: Finance Organization: 1305 Function: To administer and coordinate the fiscal related activities of the City, Successor Agency and Housing Development Corporation. This includes all aspects of accounting, investing, payroll, debt management, capital asset accounting, preparation of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR), and other required financial reports, budget preparation and administration, fund/program analysis, and special projects. Work Plan: Description When Expected Result Strategy 5: Finance: Achieve and maintain a Ongoing Improve the transparency and structurally balance General Fund budget communication with the public regarding with regular, recurring revenues that are continuous monitoring and internal sufficient to cover ongoing expenditures. controls of City finances. 'Strategy 5: Finance: Achieve and maintain a Ongoing Evaluate feasibility of implementing a two- structurally balance General Fund budget year budget cycle. !with regular, recurring revenues that are !sufficient to cover ongoing expenditures. Strategy 5: Finance: Achieve and maintain a Ongoing Assess new opportunities to generate structurally balance General Fund budget revenues. with regular, recurring revenues that are sufficient to cover ongoing expenditures. 101 City of Rosemead, California Finance Department, Division 1305 Budget Summary by Major Object FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Salaries and benefits $ 248,206 $ 299,400 $ 287,500 $ 282,000 Operations and maintenance 104,218 92,600 134,000 106,700 Total Expenditures $ 352,424 $ 392,000 $ 421,500 $ 388,700 FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Funding Sources: Actual Budget Total Budget General Fund $ 320,514 $ 352,400 $ 382,100 $ 307,500 State Gas Tax Fund 2,238 2,000 2,900 2,300 Proposition A Fund - - - 22,200 Proposition C Fund - - - 22,200 Measure R Fund 11,927 15,500 15,100 14,000 Street Lighting District Fund 12,006 15,500 15,100 14,300 CDBG Fund 5,739 6,600 6,300 6,200 Total Funding Sources $ 352,424 $ 392,000 $ 421,500 $ 388,700 10'? City of Rosemead, California Finance Department, 1305 Budget Detail by Object FY2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Fund Division Object Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Salaries&Benefits 101 General Fund 101 1305 5005 Salaries&wages $ 252,824 $ 274,800 $ 271,000 $ 273,000 101 1305 5010 Part-time salaries&wages 9,941 15,100 15,100 15,100 101 1305 5025 Overtime 90 1,000 600 1,000 101 1305 5095 Salaries&wages-contra (218,790) (225,600) (225,600) (225,600) 101 1305 5105 Social security/medicare 23,443 25,200 24,500 23,600 101 1305 5110 Worker's comp 3,300 3,500 3,500 3,300 101 1305 5115 Retirement contributions 104,204 122,300 118,000 76,200 101 1305 5125 Auto allowance 4,150 5,000 5,000 5,000 101 1305 5130 Cafeteria benefit 84,572 85,500 84,100 76,500 101 1305 5195 Benefits-contra (45,200) (45,000) (45,200) (45,000) 101 1305 Salaries&Benefits-General Fund 218,534 261,800 251,000 203,100 215 Prop A Fund 215 1305 5005 Salaries&wages - - - 11,500 215 1305 5105 Social security/medicare - - - 1,200 215 1305 5110 Worker's comp - - - 200 215 1305 5115 Retirement contributions - - - 6,000 215 1305 5130 Cafeteria benefit - - - 3,300 225 1305 Salaries&Benefits-Prop A Fund - - - 22,200 220 Prop C Fund 220 1305 5005 Salaries&wages - - - 11,500 220 1305 5105 Social security/medicare - - - 1,200 220 1305 5110 Worker's comp - - - 200 220 1305 5115 Retirement contributions - - - 6,000 220 1305 5130 Cafeteria benefit - - - 3,300 220 1305 Salaries&Benefits-Prop C Fund - - - 22,200 103 City of Rosemead, California Finance Department, Division 1305 Budget Detail by Object FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Fund Division Object Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Salaries&Benefits 225 Measure R Fund 225 1305 5005 Salaries&wages 6,263 8,500 8,400 8,800 225 1305 5105 Social security/medicare 531 700 600 700 225 1305 5110 Worker's comp 100 100 100 100 225 1305 5115 Retirement contributions 3,179 4,200 4,000 2,400 225 1305 5125 Auto allowance 350 400 400 300 225 1305 5130 Cafeteria benefit 1,504 1,600 1,600 1,700 225 1305 Salaries&Benefits-Measure R Fund 11,927 15,500 15,100 14,000 i 245 Street Lighting Fund 245 1305 5005 Salaries&wages 6,273 8,500 8,400 10,100 245 1305 5105 Social security/medicare 534 700 600 700 245 1305 5110 Worker's comp 100 100 100 100 245 1305 5115 Retirement contributions 3,193 4,200 4,000 1,400 245 1305 5125 Auto allowance 350 400 400 500 245 1305 5130 Cafeteria benefit 1,556 1,600 1,600 1,500 245 1305 Salaries&Benefits-St.Lighting Fund 12,006 15,500 15,100 14,300 260 CDBG Fund 260 1305 5005 Salaries&wages 3,117 3,600 3,500 4,300 260 1305 5105 Social security/medicare 257 300 200 300 260 1305 5110 Worker's comp 100 100 100 100 260 1305 5115 Retirement contributions 1,443 1,800 1,700 600 260 1305 5125 Auto allowance 150 200 200 200 260 1305 5130 Cafeteria benefit 672 600 600 700 260 1305 Salaries&Benefits-CDBG Fund 5,739 6,600 6,300 6,200 1305 Total Salaries&Benefits 248,206 299,400 287,500 282,000 104 City of Rosemead, California Finance Department, Division 1305 Budget Detail by Object FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Fund Division Object Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Operations and maintenance 101 General Fund 101 1305 5215 Accounting&auditing 29,014 37,700 37,000 38,500 101 1305 5220 Other financial services 13,961 16,000 42,000 26,000 101 1305 5255 Bank fees 3,879 4,000 5,000 4,500 101 1305 5299 Other professional/technical serv. 2,391 700 19,200 800 101 1305 5435 Travel &meetings 1,520 3,600 1,400 3,500 101 1305 5455 Printi ng&binding - 500 500 500 101 1305 5465 Membership dues 757 1,500 1,000 1,500 101 1305 5605 General supplies 15,125 15,800 15,000 16,000 101 1305 5635 Office equipment - 1,000 - 3,600 101 1305 5905 Technology fund allocation 35,400 9,800 9,800 9,500 101 1305 5940 Other expenditures (66) - 200 - 101 1305 Operations&maint-General Fund 101,980 90,600 131,100 104,400 201 Gas Tax Fund 201 1305 5299 Other professional/technical serv. 2,238 2,000 2,900 2,300 201 1305 Operations&maint-Gas Tax Fund 2,238 2,000 2,900 2,300 1305 Total operations&maint 104,218 92,600 134,000 106,700 1305 Total Finance $ 352,424 $ 392,000 $ 421,500 $ 388,700 116 FINANCE Budget Detail 1305 GENERAL FUND—FUND 101 PROP A FUND—FUND 201 PROP C FUND—FUND 215 MEASURE R FUND—FUND 225 STREET LIGHTING FUND—FUND 245 CDBG FUND—FUND 260 PERSONNEL: 5005 Regular Full Time Salaries&Wages Provide the compensation for the Finance Director, Finance Supervisor, and two Accounting Specialists. Refer to the Position Distribution on page 12. 5010 Part-Time Salaries & Wages Provide for part-time staff to perform various clerical duties. 5025 Overtime Covers the cost of overtime for non-management staff. 5105 Social Security/Medicare Provide for employer's share of FICA/Medicare for all department employees. 5110 Workers Compensation Provide for Workers Compensation for department employees. 5115 Retirement Contributions Provide for retirement plan funding for all full-time City employees and City Council. 5125 Automobile Allowance Provide funds for an Automobile Allowance for the Department Managers. 1()(i 1.1 5130 Cafeteria Benefit Provide insurance for medical, dental, vision, life, and short-term and long-term disability funding for all full-time City employees and City Council. GENERAL FUND—FUND 101 OPERATIONS: 5215 Accounting &Auditing Provide funds for auditing requirements as mandated by municipal ordinance, State and Federal regulations. Includes all expenses related to the audit performed by the City's auditors ($35,500). Provide funds for the annual PERS accounting actuarial ($3,500). 5220 Other Financial Services Provide funds for contracted tax consultant to provide quarterly sales tax audits ($17,000) and OPEB Actuarial Valuation ($9,000). 5255 Bank Fees Provide funds for bank analysis fees for City bank accounts ($5,000). 5299 Other Professional/Technical Services Provide funds for contracted tax consultant to compile the CAFR statistical section ($800). 5435 Travel and Meeting Provide funds for attending various professional meetings such as the California Municipal Finance Officer's Association's conferences for the Finance Director and Finance Supervisor ($480), attendance of the annual CSMFO conference for the Finance Director ($1,500), annual Diehl Evans tax seminar for the Finance Director, Finance Supervisor, and Accounting Specialist ($1,020), and payroll training ($500). 5455 Printing& Binding Provide funds for the printing and duplication of the budget and CAFR ($500). 5465 Membership dues Provide funds for membership in the California Society of Municipal Financier Officers Association for the Finance Director and Finance Supervisor($220), Government Finance Officers Association for the Finance Director and Finance Supervisor ($600), and Payroll Newsletter($580), and other miscellaneous dues ($100). 107 5605 General Supplies Provide funds for forms W-2 and 1099s ($500), check stock ($1,000), banker bags ($1,200), printer supplies ($1,000), office supplies ($1,500), and merchant credit card charges ($10,800). 5635 Office Equipment Provide for shelves for storage room ($3,600). 5905 Technology Replacement Allocation Allocate technology replacement costs to all departments ($9,500). GAS TAX FUND—FUND 201 OPERATIONS: 5299 Other Professional/Technical Services Provide funds for State Controller's Office to prepare the Annual Street Report ($2,300). 108 Activity: Human Resources Organization: 1310 Function: 1 To administer the City's Human Resources program by developing and maintaining sound practices and procedures; providing advice and assistance to other Departments relative to personnel matters; maintaining the City's classification and compensation plan; conducting recruitment and selection activities; providing new employee orientation and job-related training; conducting labor relations activities including employee discipline matters, employer/employee negotiations, and administering the provisions of the Memorandum of Understanding; administering the employee benefits program; administering the employee performance evaluation system; maintaining employee records; and administering the City's risk management program by providing general liability and workers' compensation claims management. Work Plan: Description When Expected Result Complete compensation study for all Ongoing Ensure that each position is compensated benchmark classifications. equitably according to duties performed. Establish and maintain internal procedures Ongoing Ensure compliance with rules and regulations and tracking methodology as it relates to of the PPACA to ensure the City does not the Patient Protection &Affordable Care receive fines or penalties for non-compliance. Act (PPACA). Develop citywide training programs. Ongoing Ensure employees are trained as part of succession planning&staff development. Update the Employee Handbook. June 30, 2018 Complete a review and amend the Employee Handbook. 109 City of Rosemead, California Human Resources, Division 1310 Budget Summary by Major Object FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Salaries and benefits $ 266,966 $ 315,000 $ 241,500 $ 302,900 Operations and maintenance 96,108 142,000 161,300 106,100 Total Expenditures $ 363,074 $ 457,000 $ 402,800 $ 409,000 FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Funding Sources: Actual Budget Total Budget General Fund $ 363,074 $ 457,000 $ 402,800 $ 409,000 Total Funding Sources $ 363,074 $ 457,000 $ 402,800 $ 409,000 110 City of Rosemead, California Human Resources, Division 1310 Budget Detail by Object FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Fund Division Object Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Salaries&Benefits 101 General Fund 101 1310 5005 Salaries &wages $ 152,526 $ 160,400 $ 135,000 $ 174,400 101 1310 5025 Overtime 300 - - - 101 1310 5105 Social security/medicare 12,822 13,900 11,700 14,000 101 1310 5110 Worker's comp 1,700 1,800 1,800 1,800 101 1310 5115 Retirement contributions 51,868 60,600 52,000 65,600 101 1310 5125 Automobile allowance 3,600 3,600 3,000 3,600 101 1310 5130 Cafeteria benefit 44,150 44,700 38,000 43,500 101 1310 5135 Tuition reimbursements - 30,000 - - 101 1310 Salaries&Benefits-General Fund 266,966 315,000 241,500 302,900 Operations and maintenance 101 General Fund 101 1310 5299 Other professional/technical serv. 15,632 105,000 135,000 70,000 101 1310 5435 Travel &meetings 673 1,000 - 1,000 101 1310 5460 Training classes 928 3,000 800 3,000 101 1310 5465 Membership dues 3,435 4,000 4,000 3,800 101 1310 5550 Recruiting expenses 57,425 14,000 8,000 14,000 101 1310 5605 General supplies 1,615 2,500 1,000 2,000 101 1310 5645 Software 11,600 6,600 6,600 6,600 101 1310 5905 Technology services allocation 4,800 5,900 5,900 5,700 101 1310 Operations&maint-General Fund 96,108 142,000 161,300 106,100 1310 Total Human Resource $ 363,074 $ 457,000 $ 402,800 $ 409,000 111 HUMAN RESOURCES Budget Detail 1310 GENERAL FUND—FUND 101 PERSONNEL: 5005 Regular Full Time Salaries & Wages Provide the compensation for the Human Resources. Refer to the Position Distribution on page 12. 5105 Social Security/Medicare Provide for employer's share of FICA/Medicare for all department employees. 5110 Workers Compensation Provide for workers compensation for department employees. 5115 Retirement Contributions Provide for retirement plan funding for all full-time City employees and City Council. 5130 Cafeteria Benefit Provide insurance for medical, dental, vision, life, and short-term and long-term disability funding for all full-time City employees and City Council. GENERAL FUND—FUND 101 OPERATIONS 5299 Other Professional/Technical Services Provide funds to contract for the City ($70,000). 5435 Travel and Meeting Expense Provide funds for miscellaneous meeting expenses ($1,000). 5460 Training Classes Provide funds for city-wide training for employees ($3,000). 112 5465 Memberships Dues Provide funds for membership ($3,800). 5550 Recruiting Expense Allocated to U.S Health Works for T.B testing, background checks and new position advertisement for all new hire employees ($14,000). 5605 General Supplies Provide funds for department supplies ($2,000). 5645 Software Allocated to software license for NeoGov ($6,600). 5905 Technology Replacement Allocation Allocated to technology replacement costs to all departments ($5,700). 113 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK E M SCs j F tIk• I `,` i I O V i 1 5a NC�f�OfAIFD , III Activity: Information Technology Organization: 1315 Function: To provide strategic planning, development, research, staff coordination, purchasing, implementation, maintenance, and evaluation of citywide technology and information system technologies, including data, voice, phone system, and technology capital infrastructures. Provide maintenance for the City on current hardware/software platforms in use by the City; and provide software update and application training support. Work Plan: Description When Expected Result Support the upgrade of existing technology Ongoing Improved service to the employees and systems (Server upgrades, core software community, and improved redundancy for upgrades, and desktop replacements). disaster preparedness. 115 imiiiiim City of Rosemead, California Information Technology, Division 1315 Budget Summary by Major Object FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Operations and maintenance $ 296,721 $ 144,000 $ 146,000 $ 177,700 Capital outlay 48,177 104,000 65,000 99,000 Total Expenditures $ 344,898 $ 248,000 $ 211,000 $ 276,700 FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Funding Sources: Actual Budget Total Budget General Fund $ 136,047 $ 89,000 $ 89,000 $ 122,500 Internal Service Fund 208,851 159,000 122,000 154,200 Total Funding Sources $ 344,898 $ 248,000 $ 211,000 $ 276,700 116 City of Rosemead, California Information Technology, Division 1315 Budget Detail by Object FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Fund Division Object Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Operations and maintenance 101 General Fund 101 1315 5299 Other professional/technical serv. $ 132,086 $ 81,000 $ 81,000 $114,500 101 1315 5605 General supplies 3,961 8,000 8,000 8,000 101 1315 Operations&maint-General Fund 136,047 89,000 89,000 122,500 501 Equipment Replacement Fund 501 1315 5950 Depreciation 68,414 - - - 505 Technology Replacement Fund 505 1315 5250 Software support 47,571 48,000 50,000 48,000 505 1315 5605 Department supplies 5,313 7,000 7,000 7,200 505 1315 5930 Interest expense 787 - - - 505 1315 5950 Depreciation 38,589 - - - 505 1315 Operations&maint-Tech.Replace.Fd 92,260 55,000 57,000 55,200 1305 Total operations&maint 296,721 144,000 146,000 177,700 Capital Outlay 505 1315 5840 IT equipment 48,177 74,000 65,000 69,000 505 1315 5845 Software - 30,000 - 30,000 505 1315 Capital outlay-Tech.Replace.Fd 48,177 104,000 65,000 99,000 1315 Total Information Technology $ 344,898 $ 248,000 $ 211,000 $276,700 117 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Budget Detail 1315 GENERAL FUND—FUND 101 OPERATIONS 5299 Other Professional/Technical Services Provide funds to contract Interwest Consulting Group ($114,500). 5605 General Supplies Provide for computer supplies and IT equipment for all departments within the City ($8,000). TECHNOLOGY REPLACEMENT— FUND 505 OPERATIONS 5250 Software Support Provide funds for Tyler modules ($48,000). 5605 General Supplies Provide funds for office supplies ($1,200) and offsite storage and email filtering ($6,000). 5840 IT Equipment Provide funds for various software and equipment such as computer lab($1,000), Egnyte ($15,000), laptops($5,000), Laserfiche Licensing ($5,500), Microsoft Office ($12,100), Microsoft Core exchange ($4,100), Microsoft OS license ($3,500), 2 servers ($5,300), WiFi Maintenance ($2,500) and work stations ($15,000). 5845 Software Provide funds to finish Website redesign ($30,000). 118 Activity: Risk Management Organization: 1320 Function: To provide a safe working environment for team members, and a safe community for citizens. Work Plan: Description When Expected Result Implement the Risk Management Evaluation Ongoing Maintain a safe working environment for all performed by CJPIA. team members and strive to reduce and eliminate the number of preventative illnesses and injuries. Maintain a Health and Safety Committee to Ongoing To improve the City's risk management efforts review policies and insurance claims through the regular review of policies and claims to ensure the City is being proactive to reduce potential liability. 119 q City of Rosemead, California Risk Management, Division 1320 Budget Summary by Major Object FY2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Salaries and benefits $ (119,400) $ (125,100) $ (125,100) $ (130,400) Operations and maintenance 757,680 740,900 740,900 953,400 Total Expenditures $ 638,280 $ 615,800 $ 615,800 $ 823,000 FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Funding Sources: Actual Budget Total Budget General Fund $ 638,280 $ 615,800 $ 615,800 $ 823,000 Total Funding Sources $ 638,280 $ 615,800 $ 615,800 $ 823,000 I 120 City of Rosemead, California Risk Management, Division 1320 Budget Detail by Object FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Fund Division Object Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget 101 General Fund Salaries&benefits 101 1320 5110 Workers'comp charges $ (119,400) $ (125,100) $(125,100) $ (130,400) Operations and maintenance 101 1320 5405 Liability insurance 309,164 305,800 305,800 492,200 101 1320 5410 Property insurance 448,516 435,100 435,100 461,200 1320 Total operations&maintenance 757,680 740,900 740,900 953,400 1320 Risk Management total $ 638,280 $ 615,800 $ 615,800 $ 823,000 121 RISK MANAGEMENT Budget Detail 1320 GENERAL FUND—FUND 101 OPERATIONS 5110 Workers Compensation Provide for workers compensation for department employees (-$130,400). 5405 Liability Insurance Provide funds for CJPIA insurance ($370,200) and retrospective deposit for General unfunded liability ($122,000). 5410 Property Insurance Provide funds for CJPIA insurance for crime ($1,500), Property($55,000), Workers Comp ($285,550) and Workers Comp unfunded liability($119,150). 122 Activity: General Services Organization: 1325 Function: To provide general operating services to all departments, not attributable to any single department, such as telephone, postage, copying, training, professional organization membership, and City dues to regional and national organizations. 123 OININMIMMMMIIIIINIINIMIIIIMMMIIIIIIMINMNIIIINIIMMINIMMNIMIMIInmmIMIMINIMNII City of Rosemead, California General Services, Division 1325 Budget Summary by Major Object FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY2016 Amended Year-End Requested Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Salaries and benefits $ 32,624 $ 182,000 $ 174,000 $ 85,000 Operations and maintenance 588,328 606,000 597,200 522,500 Total Expenditures $ 620,952 $ 788,000 $ 771,200 $ 607,500 FY2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Funding Sources: Actual Budget Total Budget General Fund $ 620,952 $ 788,000 $ 771,200 $ 607,500 Total Funding Sources $ 620,952 $ 788,000 $ 771,200 $ 607,500 1 121 City of Rosemead, California General Services, Division 1325 Budget Detail by Object FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Fund Division Object Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget 101 General Fund Salaries&benefits 101 1325 5105 Social Security/Medicare S 426 $ - $ 300 $ - 101 1325 5115 Retirement annuity 797 - 500 - 101 1325 5130 Cafeteria benefit 451 147,000 147,000 50,000 101 1325 5145 Leave buyback 27,000 30,000 20,000 30,000 101 1325 5199 Other employee benefits 3,950 5,000 6,200 5,000 101 1325 Total salaries&benefits 32,624 182,000 174,000 85,000 Operations and maintenance 101 1325 5240 Legislative advocate 30,180 30,200 30,000 30,200 101 1325 5390 Equipment rental 3,020 - - - 101 1325 5420 Telephone 121,911 110,000 110,000 127,500 101 1325 5465 Membership dues 49,528 53,000 53,000 56,500 ri 101 1325 5545 Admin expense 275,014 278,200 278,200 177,700 101 1325 5599 Other purchased services 7,639 7,600 7,000 7,600 ` 101 1325 5605 General supplies 80,492 90,000 80,000 90,000 101 1325 5665 Postage 9,554 16,000 15,000 12,000 101 1325 5720 Community contributions 10,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 101 1325 5940 Other expenditures 990 10,000 13,000 10,000 101 1325 Total operations&maintenance 588,328 606,000 597,200 522,500 1325 General Services total $ 620,952 $ 788,000 $ 771,200 $ 607,500 GENERAL SERVICE Budget Detail 1325 GENERAL FUND—FUND 101 PERSONNEL: 5130 Cafeteria Benefit Provide insurance for medical, dental, vision, life, and short-term and long-term disability funding for all full-time City employees and City Council. 5130 Leave Buy Back Provide funds for employees who want to cash out on their vacation hours ($30,000). 5199 Other Employee Benefits Provide funds for miscellaneous expenses ($5,000). GENERAL FUND—FUND 101 OPERATIONS 5240 Legislative Advocate Provide funds for Joe A. Gonsalvez ($30,200). 5420 Telephone/Internet Allocate to Charter ($1,900), Charter Cable—Fiber internet connection ($7,200), PayPhone ($1,000),Technology Reimbursement ($19,800),TelePacific ($75,000), Verizon ($20,400), and miscellaneous ($2,200). 5465 Memberships Dues Provide funds for CCCA ($4,500), COG ($8,800), HDL Software ($4,200), HDL Web module ($3,700), LAFCO League of Cal Cities membership ($17,500), LAFCO League L.A. County membership ($1,300), LAFCO fees ($900), miscellaneous memberships ($200), NLC($4,500), Sam's Club ($200), SCAG ($5,400), and SGV Partnership ($5,300). 126 5545 Admin Expense Allocate to miscellaneous supplies ($500), Excess Benefits Admin ($55,500), 125 C Admin ($600), Nicolay Consulting ($4,000), PARS Admin ($36,000), PARS ARS ($4,000), PARS valuation ($8,000), PERS Health admin ($2,500), PERS Replacement Benefit ($1,300) and Sales tax Admin ($65,300). 5599 Other Purchased Services Allocate to our offsite storage Iron Mountain ($7,600). 5605 General Supplies Provide funds for all office supplies that are not easily attributed to a particular department. Office supplies ($1,500), City Hall supplies ($4,000), copier machines ($55,000), document shredding services ($1,000), City logo envelopes ($5,000), business cards ($600), toner supplies ($1,000), office paper supplies ($10,000), employee recognition ($6,000), REACTT ($200), and miscellaneous supplies ($5,700). 5665 Postage Allocate to city mail postage costs ($12,000). 5720 Community Contributions Allocate to Chamber of Commerce ($10,000) and miscellaneous contributions ($1,000). 5940 Other Expenditures Provide for consulting services for the strategic plan and SB90 state mandated costs ($10,000). 127 immiummommummummoinminimmosiminvoi City of Rosemead, California Public Safety Organizational Chart Public Safety • Code Enforcement Sheriff's Department • Commercial Enforcement • Special Assignment 'learn • Residential Inspections ,• Patrol • Animal Control • Youth Probation Team • Parking Enforcement • Special Event Detail • Occupancy Inspections Public Outreach Emergency Preparedness • Neighborhood Watch • Staff Training and • Public Safety Connections Development + C-News Notices • EOC Operations • Community Public Safety • CERT Coordination Meetin«s • SARI-3 128 City of Rosemead, California Public Safety 2017/18 Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives • Develop and expand a responsive Public Safety Department for the promotion and improvement of the Quality of Life for all residents and guests to the City of Rosemead. • Continue to promote the Public Safety Center as the City's public safety and law enforcement services facility. • Maintain public safety programs based on prevention, intervention and suppression methods. • Continue to evaluate crimes and coordinate Sheriff's resources to maximize efficiency and effectiveness. • Maintain and foster a positive working relationship with the Chamber of Commerce, school districts, church groups and social and civic organizations within the City of Rosemead. • Continue to establish a team strategy of all public safety personnel to maximize efficiency, effectiveness and services. • Increase and implement programs that promote community education and compliance, while promoting development. • Improve juvenile social intervention and prevention programs with support of the Probation Department. • Continue to improve animal control services through increased training and updated equipment for the safety of both residents and animals. • Focus on crime prevention through community outreach; maintain an effective Community Area Watch program, the distribution of Residential Burglary Alert Bulletins and expanded participation in the CONNECTIONS forum. • Continue to educate employees on emergency response responsibilities, with consistent in- service training, Survival Campout program and National Night Out (crime prevention and emergency preparedness). • Bolster the City's Disaster Preparedness and assist the community in personal preparations. 1 29) City of Rosemead, California Public Safety Budget Summary Actual 15/16 Budgeted 16/17 Requested 17/18 No.of Full-time Team Members 6 7 7 Expenditures: Law Enforcment 7,148,283 7,704,900 8,011,200 Administration 586,331 597,600 629,900 Code Enforcement 378,103 475,100 510,500 Parking Control 175,240 176,200 176,300 Crossing Guards 65,480 65,400 71,600 Animal Regulation 88,385 89,300 97,000 Emergency Preparedness 11,108 12,500 34,000 Total Expenditures 8,452,930 9,121,000 9,530,500 Funding Sources General Fund 8,203,949 8,941,900 9,350,700 Proposition C 23,074 18,300 16,600 Narcotics Forfeiture &Seizure 4,262 4,700 - CDBG 221,645 156,100 163,200 Total Funding Sources 8,452,930 9,121,000 9,530,500 %Change 4% 17/18 Funding Sources Narcotics Animal 17/18 Expenditures (by Fund) Forfeiture Code Reg. (by division) Emerg. CDBG 0% Enforce1% Prep. 2% Prop C 5% 0% 0% Parking Cross. Control Guards 2% 1% Admin. 7% General Fund Law 98% Enforce. 84% 130 City of Rosemead, California Public Safety Personnel Title 2017/18 Salaries Public Safety Supervisor(2) 153,300 Senior Code Enforcement Officer 71,700 Code Enforcement Officer(3) 179,000 Administrative Assistant 53,600 Total Personnel Salaries $ 457,600 131 7 6 City of Rosemead, California Public Safety Budget Summary by Major Category FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Salaries and benefits $ 843,828 $ 945,800 $ 947,650 $ 999,100 Operations and maintenance 7,609,102 8,175,200 8,161,450 8,526,400 Capital outlay - - - 5,000 Total Expenditures $ 8,452,930 $ 9,121,000 $ 9,109,100 $ 9,530,500 FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Funding Sources: Actual Budget Total Budget General Fund 8,203,949 8,941,900 8,923,800 9,350,700 Proposition C Fund 23,074 18,300 18,300 16,600 Narcotics Forfeiture&Seizure Fund 4,262 4,700 10,900 - CDBG Fund 221,645 156,100 156,100 163,200 Total Funding Sources $ 8,452,930 $ 9,121,000 $ 9,109,100 $ 9,530,500 132 Activity: Administration Organization: 2005 Function: To direct day-to-day operations of the Public Safety business unit; develop goals and objectives for all Public Safety team members; coordinate staff to provide the most efficient and effective service. Work Plan: Description When Expected Result Strategy 2: Continue to make Rosemead a Ongoing Increased community awareness of Public safer and more secure community by Safety services, and facility. Expanded crime combating crime and preparing for prevention efforts through implementation emergencies. of a Community Area Watch Program. Continued use of"Nixle" Social Media to Public Education and Communication promote Crime Prevention and Community Safety and create a more informed community. Strategy 2: Continue to make Rosemead a Ongoing Community Service Officers to provide safer and more secure community by maximum support to Sheriff's patrol combating crime and preparing for personnel. Use of Community Service emergencies. Officers in parking enforcement, crime report writing, and support of animal Utilization of Community Service Officers control. Modification of deployment hours to maximize effectiveness. Strategy 2: Continue to make Rosemead a Ongoing Employee education and response to safer and more secure community by community problems and emergencies. combating crime and preparing for Increased use of E-Alert system and public emergencies. education programs. Increased deployment of CSO's in emergent situations for Employee Training/Education lassignment not requiring a Deputy Sheriff. 1::3 I City of Rosemead, California Public Safety Administration, Division 2005 Budget Summary by Major Category FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Salaries and benefits $ 458,530 $ 463,200 $ 465,800 $ 481,600 Operations and maintenance 127,801 134,400 133,800 148,300 Total Expenditures $ 586,331 $ 597,600 $ 599,600 $ 629,900 FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Funding Sources: Actual Budget Total Budget General Fund $ 522,855 $ 552,000 $ 554,000 $ 585,500 Proposition C Fund 23,074 18,300 18,300 16,600 CDBG Fund 40,402 27,300 27,300 27,800 Total Funding Sources $ 586,331 $ 597,600 $ 599,600 $ 629,900 134 City of Rosemead, California Public Safety Administration, Division 2005 Budget Detail by Object FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY2016 Amended Year-End Requested Fund Division Object Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Salaries&Benefits 101 General Fund 101 2005 5005 Salaries&wages $ 167,567 $ 185,000 $ 185,000 $ 195,500 101 2005 5010 Part-time salaries&wages 87,705 77,700 77,700 80,300 101 2005 5025 Overtime 2,750 - 2,800 2,000 101 2005 5105 Social security/medicare 16,187 17,700 17,500 18,100 101 2005 5110 Worker's comp 11,300 12,600 12,600 11,700 101 2005 5115 Retirement contributions 51,293 63,200 63,200 69,800 101 2005 5125 Auto allowance - - - - 101 2005 5130 Cafeteria benefit 57,162 61,400 61,400 59,800 101 2005 5130 Unemployment 1,090 - - - 101 2005 Salaries&Benefits-General Fund 395,054 417,600 420,200 437,200 220 Prop C 220 2005 5010 Part-time salaries&wages 21,267 16,800 16,800 15,200 220 2005 5025 Overtime - - - 220 2005 5105 Social security/medicare 304 200 200 200 220 2005 5110 Worker's comp 600 700 700 600 220 2005 5115 Retirement contributions 903 600 600 600 220 2005 Salaries&Benefits-Prop C Fund 23,074 18,300 18,300 16,600 260 CDBG Fund 260 2005 5005 Salaries&wages 20,116 13,100 13,100 13,400 260 2005 5105 Social security/medicare 1,945 1,300 1,300 1,300 260 2005 5110 Worker's comp 1,000 700 700 700 260 2005 5115 Retirement contributions 8,547 6,600 6,600 7,000 260 2005 5130 Cafeteria benefit 8,794 5,600 5,600 5,400 260 2005 Salaries&Benefits-CDBG Fund 40,402 27,300 27,300 27,800 2005 Total Salaries&Benefits 458,530 463,200 465,800 481,600 I ri.i I City of Rosemead, California Public Safety Administration, Division 2005 Budget Detail by Object FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Fund Division Object Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Operations and maintenance 101 General Fund 101 2005 5299 Other professional/technical services 77,765 82,000 82,000 82,000 101 2005 5435 Travel &meetings 762 S00 500 500 101 2005 5605 General supplies 5,774 5,000 4,400 5,000 101 2005 5905 Technology servcies allocation 17,500 21,600 21,600 20,900 101 2005 5910 Equipment replacement allocation 26,000 25,300 25,300 39,900 101 2005 Operations&maint-General Fund 127,801 134,400 133,800 148,300 2005 Total operations&maintenance 127,801 134,400 133,800 148,300 2005 Total Public Safety Administration $ 586,331 $ 597,600 $ 599,600 $ 629,900 136 PUBLIC SAFETY ADMINISTRATION Budget Detail 2005 GENERAL FUND—FUND 101 PROPOSITION C—FUND 220 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT- FUND 260 PERSONNEL: 5005 Regular Full Time Salaries & Wages Provide funds the compensation for two Public Safety Supervisors and Administrative Assistant. Refer to the Position Distribution on page 12. 5010 Part-Time Salaries &Wages Provide funds for part-time staff to perform various duties. 5025 Overtime Cover the cost of overtime for non-management staff. 5105 Social Security/Medicare Provide funds for employer's share of FICA/Medicare for all department employees. 5110 Workers Compensation Provide funds for workers compensation for department employees. 5115 Retirement Contributions Provide funds for retirement plan funding for all full-time City employees and City Council. 5130 Cafeteria Benefit Provide funds insurance for medical, dental,vision, life, and short-term and long- term disability funding for all full-time City employees and City Council. 1:17 GENERAL FUND—FUND 101 OPERATIONS 5299 Other Professional/Technical Services Provide funds to contract a Probation Officer for the City ($82,000). 5435 Travel and Meeting Expense Provide funds for miscellaneous meeting expenses ($500). 5605 General Supplies Provide funds for office supply ($4,550) and 3Sl Security Tracking System ($450). 5905 Technology Replacement Allocation Allocated to technology replacement cost to all departments ($20,900). 5910 Equipment Replacement Allocation Allocated to equipment replacement costs to all departments ($39,900) 138 Activity: Law Enforcement Organization: 2010 Function: To provide police services through a contract with the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department; to provide funding for Sheriff Patrol services,traffic enforcement and special events. Work Plan: Description When Expected Result Strategy 2: Continue to make Rosemead a Ongoing Improved law enforcement services and safer and more secure community by maintain efficient response times, resulting combating crime and preparing for in a safer City. Increased community emergencies. involvement through programs such as Public Safety Connections meetings, Neighborhood Watch and Community Area Watch programs. Working closely with Code Enforcement in addressing both quality of life and criminal matters. Using the Special Assignment Team and general patrol deputies to act in response to crime trends and community concerns.Seeking to use trained volunteers in support roles at city events. Strategy 2: Continue to make Rosemead a safer and more secure community by combating crime and preparing for Ongoing Utilize all available Sheriff department emergencies. resources to strategically patrol the community and Improve visability. Sheriff's Department Patrol Visibility 139 City of Rosemead, California Law Enforcement, Division 2010 Budget Summary by Major Category FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Operations and maintenance $ 7,148,283 $ 7,704,900 $ 7,694,850 $ 8,011,200 Total Expenditures $ 7,148,283 $ 7,704,900 $ 7,694,850 $ 8,011,200 FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Funding Sources: Actual Budget Total Budget General Fund $ 7,144,021 $ 7,700,200 $ 7,683,950 $ 8,011,200 Narcotics Forfeiture&Seizure Fund 4,262 4,700 10,900 - Total Funding Sources $ 7,148,283 $ 7,704,900 $ 7,694,850 $ 8,011,200 140 City of Rosemead, California Law Enforcement, Division 2010 Budget Detail FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Fund Division Object Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Operations and maintenance 101 General Fund 101 2010 5460 Training $ 865 $ 1,000 $ - $ 1,000 101 2010 5480 Business license investigation 611 2,500 1,200 2,500 101 2010 5515 Law enforcement 7,088,762 7,636,200 7,636,200 7,943,000 101 2010 5520 Special event patrol 43,035 50,000 40,000 50,000 101 2010 5530 Prisoner maintenance 2,316 1,000 - 1,000 101 2010 5540 Laundering 3,231 4,000 1,900 4,000 101 2010 5605 General supplies 865 1,500 450 1,000 101 2010 5630 Small tools&equipment - - 1,200 4,700 101 2010 5710 Community events 4,336 4,000 3,000 4,000 101 2010 Operations&maint-General Fund 7,144,021 7,700,200 7,683,950 8,011,200 240 Narcotics Forfeiture&Seizure Fund 240 2010 5630 Small tools &equipment 4,262 4,700 1,600 - 240 2010 5940 Other expenditures - - 9,300 - 240 2010 Oper.&maint-Narcotics Fund 4,262 4,700 10,900 - 2010 Total Law Enforcement $ 7,148,283 $ 7,704,900 $ 7,694,850 $ 8,011,200 1 11 LAW ENFORCEMENT Budget Detail 2010 GENERAL FUND—FUND 101 OPERATIONS: 5460 Training Classes Provide funds for skills enhancement and safety and educational workshops ($1,000). 5480 Background Investigations Provide funds for background investigations for our business license applicants ($2,500). 5515 Law Enforcement Provide funds for contract services with the L.A. Sheriff Department for the cost of a Deputy Sheriff Service Unit ($7,241,800) and liability surcharge on Sheriff's services ($701,200). 5520 Special events Patrol Provide funds for attending various special City events ($50,000). 5530 Prisoner Maintenance Provide funds for Prison maintenance ($1,000). 5540 Laundering Provide funds for uniform cleaning ($4,000). 5605 Department Supplies Provide funds for general department supplies ($1,000). 5630 Small Tools & Equipment Provide funds for ALPR ($4,700). 5710 Community Events Provide funds for various expenses to conduct the monthly Area Watch meetings ($4,000). 142 Activity: Code Enforcement Organization: 2015 Function: To enforce the City's Land Use and Development Code and the Municipal Code in a fair, sensitive, and timely manner; maintain and improve the quality of the community's neighborhoods and commercial areas and enforce codes relating to property maintenance, zoning, public nuisances, signs, lighting, noise, and development; work with all City departments and a myriad of outside agencies. The Code Enforcement business unit both responds to resident complaints and conducts a proactive inspection program. Work Plan: Description When Expected Result Strategy 2: Continue to make Rosemead a Ongoing Improved code enforcement services and safer and more secure community by community appearance. Focus on combating crime and preparing for compliance with city codes and improved emergencies. appearance of businesses and residences, Public Safety Enhancement while removing blight from the commercial corridors. Work closely with sheriff personnel in utilizing both municipal and criminal codes to correct violations and improve quality of life. Actively working to evict problematic gang members, narcotics dealers and public nuisances. Strategy 2: Continue to make Rosemead a Ongoing Improved compliance on Code Enforcement safer and more secure community by violations while reducing the City's cost of combating crime and preparing for enforcement. Increased compliance from emergencies. properties where a public nuisance exists. Ability to pro-actively address complaints of Enhance the Administration Citation gambling and unlawful massage process. establishments via the city code/administrative citation process. Strategy 2: Continue to make Rosemead a Ongoing Improve compliance with municipal code by safer and more secure community by working with resident to inform them on combating crime and preparing for ways to become compliant in regarding to emergencies. code violations. Take a Proactive approach to Code Enforcement. 1 l: City of Rosemead, California Code Enforcement, Division 2015 Budget Summary by Major Category FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Salaries and benefits $ 356,433 $ 448,200 $ 448,550 $ 483,000 Operations and maintenance 21,670 26,900 24,200 27,500 Total Expenditures $ 378,103 $ 475,100 $ 472,750 $ 510,500 FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Funding Sources: Actual Budget Total Budget General Fund $ 196,860 $ 346,300 $ 343,950 $ 375,100 CDBG Fund 181,243 128,800 128,800 135,400 Total Funding Sources $ 378,103 $ 475,100 $ 472,750 $ 510,500 144 City of Rosemead, California Code Enforcement, Division 2015 Budget Detail FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Fund Division Object Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Salaries&Benefits 101 General Fund 101 2015 5005 Salaries&wages $ 89,736 $ 162,900 $ 162,900 $ 182,000 101 2015 5025 Overtime 1,324 - 350 - 101 2015 5105 Social security/medicare 8,551 15,700 15,700 16,400 101 2015 5110 Worker's comp 4,300 8,000 8,000 8,400 101 2015 5115 Retirement contributions 38,317 66,500 66,500 75,600 101 2015 5130 Cafeteria benefit 32,962 66,300 66,300 65,200 101 2015 Salaries&Benefits-General Fund 175,190 319,400 319,750 347,600 260 CDBG Fund 260 2015 5005 Salaries &wages 94,085 64,800 64,800 68,600 260 2015 5025 Overtime 960 - - - 260 2015 5105 Social security/medicare 8,699 6,000 6,000 6,300 260 2015 5110 Worker's comp 4,600 3,100 3,100 3,200 260 2015 5115 Retirement contributions 39,905 32,600 32,600 35,600 260 2015 5130 Cafeteria benefit 32,994 22,300 22,300 21,700 260 2015 Salaries&Benefits-CDBG Fund 181,243 128,800 128,800 135,400 2015 Total Salaries&Benefits 356,433 448,200 448,550 483,000 11,E City of Rosemead, California Code Enforcement, Division 2015 Budget Detail FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY2016 Amended Year-End Requested Fund Division Object Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Operations and maintenance 101 General Fund 101 2015 5205 Legal 1,118 2,500 300 2,500 101 2015 5299 Other professional/tech.services 7,502 9,600 9,100 9,600 101 2015 5435 Travel &meetings 454 500 - 500 101 2015 5460 Training classes 669 600 600 600 101 2015 5540 Laundry&cleaning 208 500 200 300 101 2015 5605 General supplies 10,282 10,700 11,500 11,500 101 2015 5655 Uniforms 1,437 2,500 2,500 2,500 101 2015 Operations&maint.-General Fund 21,670 26,900 24,200 27,500 Total operations&maintenance 21,670 26,900 24,200 27,500 2015 Total Code Enforcement $ 378,103 $ 475,100 $ 472,750 $ 510,500 146 r CODE ENFORCEMENT Budget Detail 2015 GENERAL FUND—FUND 101 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT- FUND 260 PERSONNEL: 5005 Regular Full Time Salaries & Wages Provide funds the compensation for the Senior Code Enforcement Officer and Code Enforcement Officers. Refer to the Position Distribution on page 12. 5010 Part-Time Salaries &Wages Provide funds for part-time staff to perform various duties. 5025 Overtime Cover the cost of overtime for non-management staff. 5105 Social Security/Medicare Provide funds for employer's share of FICA/Medicare for all department employees. 5110 Workers Compensation Provide funds for workers compensation for department employees. 5115 Retirement Contributions Provide funds for retirement plan funding for all full-time City employees and City Council. 5130 Cafeteria Benefit Provide funds insurance for medical, dental, vision, life, and short-term and long- term disability funding for all full-time City employees and City Council. 117 GENERAL FUND—FUND 101 OPERATIONS: 5205 Legal Provide funds for legal services ($2,500). 5299 Other Professional/Technical Services Provide funds for Data Ticket citations contract ($9,600). 5435 Travel and Meeting Provide funds for employees attending fingerprint training ($500). 5460 Training Classes Provide funds for skills enhancement and safety and educational workshops ($600). 5540 Laundering Provide funds for uniform cleaning ($300). 5605 General Supplies Provide funds for various department supplies ($500), fingerprinting supplies ($1,000) and CRM Code Enforcement Module ($10,000). 5655 Uniforms Provide funds for purchase of uniforms ($2,500). 148 Activity: Parking Control Organization: 2020 Function: To provide parking enforcement for the City. Work Plan: ,Description I When Expected Result Strategy 2: Continue to make Rosemead a Ongoing Improved city-wide coverage and service safer and more secure community by hours. Cost effective service and combating crime and preparing for increased revenue. emergencies. Coordinate staff to improve cost effectiveness and efficiency. Strategy 2: Continue to make Rosemead a Ongoing Work with Public Works to ensure proper safer and more secure community by signage is visible and continue to report combating crime and preparing for trash/bulky items and abandon shopping emergencies. carts. Coordinate with other Departments and services. Strategy 2: Continue to make Rosemead a Ongoing Minimize errors on citations, fair and safer and more secure community by consistent enforcement. While providing combating crime and preparing for training for all CSO's and PCO's. emergencies. In service training 1 19 City of Rosemead, California Parking Control, Division 2020 Budget Summary by Major Categories FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Salaries and benefits $ 28,865 $ 34,400 $ 33,300 $ 34,500 Operations and maintenance 146,375 141,800 141,200 141,800 Total Expenditures $ 175,240 $ 176,200 $ 174,500 $ 176,300 FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Funding Sources: Actual Budget Total Budget General Fund $ 175,240 $ 176,200 $ 174,500 $ 176,300 Total Funding Sources $ 175,240 $ 176,200 $ 174,500 $ 176,300 150 City of Rosemead, California Parking Control, Division 2020 Budget Detail FY2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Fund Division Object Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Salaries&Benefits 101 General Fund 101 2020 5010 Part-time salaries &wages $ 26,184 $ 31,500 $ 30,100 $ 31,500 101 2020 5025 Overtime 114 - 300 - 101 2020 5105 Social security/medicare 381 400 400 500 101 2020 5110 Worker's comp 1,200 1,300 1,300 1,300 101 2020 5115 Retirement contributions 986 1,200 1,200 1,200 101 2020 Total Salaries&Benefits 28,865 34,400 33,300 34,500 Operations and maintenance 101 General Fund 101 2020 5299 Other professional/technical serv. 144,662 140,000 140,000 140,000 101 2020 5540 Laundry&cleaning 971 1,000 800 1,000 101 2020 5605 General supplies 442 500 100 500 101 2020 5655 Uniforms 300 300 300 300 101 2020 Total operations&maintenance 146,375 141,800 141,200 141,800 2020 Total Parking Control $ 175,240 $ 176,200 $ 174,500 $ 176,300 LSI PARKING CONTROL Budget Detail 2020 GENERAL FUND—FUND 101 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT- FUND 260 PERSONNEL: 5010 Part-Time Salaries &Wages Provide funds for part-time staff to perform various duties. 5105 Social Security/Medicare Provide funds for employer's share of FICA/Medicare for all department employees. 5025 Overtime Covers the cost of overtime for non-management staff. 5110 Workers Compensation Provide funds for workers compensation for department employees. 5115 Retirement Contributions Provide funds for retirement plan funding for all full-time City employees and City Council. GENERAL FUND—FUND 101 OPERATIONS: 5299 Other Professional/Technical Services Provide funds for Data Ticket monthly invoices and El Monte Court fees ($140,000). 5540 Laundering Provide funds for uniform cleaning ($1,000). 5605 General Supplies Provide funds for various department supplies ($500). 5655 Uniforms Provide funds for purchase of uniforms ($300). 152 Activity: Crossing Guards Organization: 2025 Function: This function has been transferred to a private contractor and the school districts and the city are sharing the costs. The budget includes a $25,000 per school district contribution cost sharing provision. Work Plan: 1Description When Expected Result Strategy 2: Continue to make Rosemead a Ongoing Improve upon the program that was safer and more secure community by contracted out in 2012 to continue to combating crime and preparing for provide safe street crossing's for families emergencies. going to school. Work with schools to Coordinate with the School Districts to address any safety concerns. !ensure that adequate coverage is provided at each school site. 153 City of Rosemead, California Crossing Guards, Division 2025 Budget Summary by Major Categories FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY2016 Amended Year-End Requested Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Operations and maintenance $ 65,480 $ 65,400 $ 65,400 $ 71,600 Total Expenditures $ 65,480 $ 65,400 $ 65,400 $ 71,600 FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Funding Sources: Actual Budget Total Budget General Fund $ 65,480 $ 65,400 $ 65,400 $ 71,600 Total Funding Sources $ 65,480 $ 65,400 $ 65,400 $ 71,600 154 City of Rosemead, California Crossing Guards, Division 2025 Budget Detail FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Fund Division Object Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Operations and maintenance 101 General Fund 101 2025 5575 Crossing guard services 65,480 65,400 65,400 71,600 101 2025 Total operations&maintenance 65,480 65,400 65,400 71,600 2025 Total Crossing Guards $ 65,480 $ 65,400 $ 65,400 $ 71,600 • 155 CROSSING GUARDS DIVISION Budget Detail 2025 GENERAL FUND—FUND 101 OPERATIONS: 5575 Crossing Guard Services Provide funds for All City Management Services for crossing guard services; the funding is shared between the City and school district. The City's share is 50%of the cost ($71,600). 156 Activity: Animal Regulation Organization: 2030 Function: Provide animal control services and licensing in the City. City staff will handle emergency related animal services; respond to injured and deceased animal calls; provide shelter for stray animals and low cost neutering services; investigate nuisance animals and dog bite incidents; conduct a canvas of the City every year for dog licensing enforcement; and handle all required licensing of animals in the City. Continue with the San Gabriel Valley Humane Society for after hour services and support. Work Plan: Description When Expected Result Strategy 2: Continue to make Rosemead a Ongoing Continue to improve response times and safer and more secure community by service. Evaluate the license renewal combating crime and preparing for process to determine how it can be more emergencies. successful and efficient. Animal Control services and licensing Strategy 2: Continue to make Rosemead a Ongoing Work with the San Gabriel Valley Humane safer and more secure community by Society to improve service and implement combating crime and preparing for animal transportation equipment that is emergencies. efficient and improves injured animal success of survival. Animal Control services and licensing 1.>7 City of Rosemead, California Animal Regulation, Division 2030 Budget Summary by Major Categories FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Operations and maintenance $ 88,385 $ 89,300 $ 89,300 $ 92,000 Capital outlay - - - 5,000 Total Expenditures $ 88,385 $ 89,300 $ 89,300 $ 97,000 FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Funding Sources: Actual Budget Total Budget General Fund $ 88,385 $ 89,300 $ 89,300 $ 97,000 Total Funding Sources $ 88,385 $ 89,300 $ 89,300 $ 97,000 158 City of Rosemead, California Animal Regulation, Division 2030 Budget Detail FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Fund Division Object Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Operations and maintenance 101 General Fund 101 2030 5525 Animal control $ 86,820 $ 87,800 $ 87,800 $ 90,500 101 2030 5605 General supplies 620 500 500 500 101 2030 5630 Small tools &equipment 945 1,000 1,000 1,000 101 2030 Total operations&maintenance 88,385 89,300 89,300 92,000 Capital Outlay 101 General Fund 101 2030 5825 Vehicles - - - 5,000 2030 Total Animal Regulation $ 88,385 $ 89,300 $ 89,300 $ 97,000 ANIMAL REGULATION Budget Detail 2030 GENERAL FUND—FUND 101 OPERATIONS: 5525 Animal Control Provide funds service for San Gabriel Animal Control ($90,500). 5605 General Supplies Provide funds for various department supplies ($500). 5630 Small Tools & Equipment Provide funds for purchase or replacement of tools and equipment ($1,000). 5825 Vehicles Provide funds to retrofit animal control vehicles ($5,000). 160 Activity: Emergency Preparedness Organization: 2035 Function: To utilize an inter-departmental task force approach, consisting of representatives from all City business units to assist the Public Safety Coordinator with emergency preparedness tasks; coordinate emergency planning efforts with the Los Angeles County Office of Emergency Management, Fire Department, Sheriff's Department, and the Red Cross; Place an emphasis on emergency response coordination, staff and volunteer training, communication systems, recovery efforts, public information, neighborhood self- help programs, Emergency Plan development and revision, and public education presentations. Emergency Preparedness Work Plan: Description When Expected Result Strategy 2: Continue to make Rosemead a Ongoing Swift employee response to resolve city safer and more secure community by problems and emergencies. Constant combating crime and preparing for training and Semi-Annual drills. emergencies. Improve emergency response Strategy 2: Continue to make Rosemead a Ongoing Maintain current plans, procedures, and safer and more secure community by training in compliance with all State and combating crime and preparing for Federal regulations. emergencies. Update plans, procedures, and training. Strategy 2: Continue to make Rosemead a Ongoing Improved disaster preparedness and safer and more secure community by community response for our residents combating crime and preparing for and businesses. emergencies. Expansion of the CERT program and its volunteers and including HAM operators. 161 City of Rosemead, California Emergency Preparedness, Division 2035 Budget Summary by Major Categories FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY2016 Amended Year-End Requested Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Operations and maintenance $ 11,108 $ 12,500 $ 12,700 $ 34,000 Total Expenditures $ 11,108 $ 12,500 $ 12,700 $ 34,000 FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Funding Sources: Actual Budget Total Budget General Fund $ 11,108 $ 12,500 $ 12,700 $ 34,000 Total Funding Sources $ 11,108 $ 12,500 $ 12,700 $ 34,000 162 City of Rosemead, California Emergency Preparedness, Division 2035 Budget Detail FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Fund Division Object Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Operations and maintenance 101 General Fund 101 2035 5465 Membership dues $ 2,709 $ 3,000 $ 3,000 $ 3,500 101 2035 5605 General supplies 2,201 4,500 5,200 5,500 101 2035 5630 Small tools &equipment 6,198 5,000 4,500 5,000 101 2035 5299 Other professional/technical serv. - - - 20,000 101 2035 Total operations&maintenance 11,108 12,500 12,700 34,000 2035 Total Emergency Preparedness $ 11,108 $ 12,500 $ 12,700 $ 34,000 • 1(i,'i EMERGENCY PREPAREDENESS Budget Detail 2035 GENERAL FUND—FUND 101 OPERATIONS: 5465 Memberships Dues Provide funds for membership ($3,500). 5605 General Supplies Provide funds for various department supplies ($4,500) and CERT and HAM supplies ($1,000). 5630 Small Tools& Equipment Provide funds for purchase or replacement of tools and equipment ($5,000). 5299 Other Professional/Technical Services Provide funds for Local Hazard Mitigation Plan ($20,000). 164 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK S E M F O '9 11 O V . j' ~C°,pO1l TID .tet QST 1(),l • City of Rosemead, California Public Works Organizational Chart Public Works Engineering • Street Maintenance Field Services • AutoCAD Design • Facility Maintenance • Public Transit • Parks & Landscape • Street Sweeping • Fleet Maintenance • Sanitation • Graffiti Abatement • Contract Management • Special Events • Capital Improvement 166 City of Rosemead, California Public Works Department 2017/18 Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives • Responsive Public Service—Well Respected, Accessible, and Responsive • Pursue Outside Funding Opportunities • Fiscal Responsibility • Appropriate fees for services • Manage City Operating Activities • Solid Waste/Recycling Collection • Street Sweeping • Parks/Open Spaces Maintenance • Tree Trimming and Maintenance • Transportation Services • Street Striping and Markings IN City Facilities Maintenance • Permitting for Outside Agencies Projects in City Right-of-Way • Provide Assistance to Development Community • Coordinate plan check functions with Community Development Department • Enforce City code related to public infrastructure standards • Ensure compliance with State mandated environmental regulations (stormwater pollution prevention, recycling of construction debris) • Environmental • Recycling—encourage increased diversion of solid waste materials • Trash/Recycling Program Enhancements • NPDES/Water Quality Programs and Compliance 167 • Implement a 5-Year Capital Improvement Program Plan • Streetscape, hardscape, façade improvements • Beautification projects • Street improvement projects • Sewer, storm drain improvement projects • Facility development projects • Parks/Open Spaces projects (with Parks/Recreation Department) • Accessibility improvements in compliance with ADA Guidelines • Utility Coordination • Continue regional participation on water quality issues • Work with County Department of Public Works to perform sewer maintenance and reduce sewer spill overflows • Work with County Department of Health to perform business inspections on NPDES and industrial waste regulations • Evaluate and devise "Green" efforts IN Continue to implement water conservation program • Work with Southern California Edison (SCE) for the conversion of street light to LEDs • Continue to install energy efficient fixtures (windows, solar panels) to reduce energy usage and expenditures • In conjunction with the SGV Council of Governments, implement recommendations from the City's Climate Action Plan and work plan to reduce carbon footprint. • Citywide Tree Planting Program 1(iR ■ Improve Traffic Flow and Safety Enhancements ■ Safe Routes to School Program ■ Traffic signal coordination and synchronization ■ Protected/Permissive traffic signals ■ Neighborhood Traffic Management Toolbox ■ Improve citywide beautification and safety. ■ Landscaping "Buffers" for vacant commercial parcels (with Community Development) ■ Median landscaping improvements ■ Downtown Public Plaza Improvements 169 City of Rosemead, California Public Works Budget Summary Actual 15/16 Budgeted 16/17 Requested 17/18 No.of Full-time Team Members 20 20 21 Expenditures: Administration 284,770 584,300 438,700 Field Services 1,297,301 1,471,000 1,462,500 Facility Maintenance 243,696 313,000 273,100 Motor Fleet 199,668 341,900 265,900 Solid Waste 15,932 17,000 17,000 Parks&Open Space 2,451,515 2,565,700 3,007,900 Engineering 812,090 1,175,700 1,199,200 Public Transit 1,548,362 965,000 994,000 Total Expenditures 6,853,334 7,433,600 7,658,300 Funding Sources General Fund 3,400,227 3,761,200 4,258,500 State Gas Tax 856,452 814,700 795,900 Proposition A 1,216,555 911,000 891,700 Proposition C 363,577 314,000 318,400 Measure R 97,448 442,600 320,900 Air Quality Management District 146,140 16,000 - Street Lighting District 633,026 762,400 798,500 Development Impact Fees - 44,900 38,000 Capital Projects Fund 139,909 226,800 156,400 Internal Service Fund - 140,000 80,000 Total Funding Sources 6,853,334 7,433,600 7,658,300 %Change 3% 17/18 FundingSources DIF 17/18 Expenditures (by Fund) 1% (by division) Admin Lighting CIP Meas.R Internal 6% Dist. 2% 4% Sen./ 10% 1% Engineering Gas Tax 16% 10% Facility Ma i nt. 4% Prop.C General Motor Fleet 4% Fund 3% 56% Sol id Waste 0% 170 City of Rosemead, California Public Works Personnel Title 2017/18 Salaries Director of Public Works 147,700 City Engineer 116,000 Public Works Manager 95,400 Public Works Superintendent 84,900 Maintenance Lead Worker(4) 238,500 Maintenance Worker(9) 412,500 Facilities Technician (2) 90,800 Administrative Specialist 64,400 Administrative Assistant 51,500 Total Personnel Salaries $ 1,301,700 171 . . . City of Rosemead, California . Public Works Budget Summary by Major Category FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Salaries and benefits $ 2,022,083 $ 2,380,600 $ 2,183,600 $ 2,558,700 Operations and maintenance 4,324,100 4,897,000 4,048,600 5,019,600 Capital outlay 507,151 156,000 90,000 80,000 Total Expenditures $ 6,853,334 $ 7,433,600 $ 6,322,200 $ 7,658,300 FY2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Funding Sources: Actual Budget Total Budget General Fund $ 3,400,227 $ 3,761,200 $ 3,614,000 $ 4,258,500 State Gas Tax Fund 856,452 814,700 638,700 795,900 Proposition A Fund 1,216,555 911,000 831,300 891,700 Proposition C Fund 363,577 314,000 302,000 318,400 Measure R Fund 97,448 442,600 56,900 320,900 Air Quality Mgt. District Fund 146,140 16,000 - - Street Lighting District Fund 633,026 762,400 603,900 798,500 Development Impact Fee Fund - 44,900 - 38,000 Capital Projects Fund 139,909 226,800 185,400 156,400 Internal Service Fund - 140,000 90,000 80,000 Total Funding Sources $ 6,853,334 $ 7,433,600 $ 6,322,200 $ 7,658,300 172 Activity: Administration Organization: 3005 Function: To administer and provide support for the City's public works functions and provide responsive customer service to the Community and other City business departments; to provide highly responsive service to City management, the City Council, and the Traffic Commission; to provide budget and personnel management for the department and administer contract public works services; to plan, budget, and oversee the City's capital improvement program; to oversee environmental programs and ensure compliance with regulatory agencies; and to develop policies and new programs that improve the City's public works services. Work Plan: Description When Expected Result Strategy 3: Continue efforts to enhance the Ongoing Improved awareness of department operations and condition and general appearance of the City's functions in the community and to other City staff. public infrastructure and the public right-of-way, as well as private properties within the community. Provide administrative support to department operations, citizen advisory commissions, and other departments Strategy 5: Achieve and maintain a structurally Ongoing Cost savings, increased efficiency, improved programs, balanced General Fund budget with regular, facilities, and fleet recurring revenues that are sufficient to cover ongoing expenditures. Contract Management—Transportation,Trash, Landscape Maintenance, Fleet Strategy 3: Continue efforts to enhance the Ongoing Improved awareness of other programs/services, condition and general appearance of the City's increased opportunities for grant funding public infrastructure and the public right-of-way, as well as private properties within the community. Regional Participation Strategy 3: Continue efforts to enhance the Ongoing Development opportunities for employees, increased condition and general appearance of the City's responsiveness to residents from cross-training ,public infrastructure and the public right-of-way, as (well as private properties within the community. Staff Development 173 Oh City of Rosemead, California Public Works Administration, Division 3005 Budget Summary by Major Categories FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Salaries and benefits $ 98,631 $ 300,900 $ 230,500 $ 306,300 Operations and maintenance 186,139 283,400 33,400 132,400 Total Expenditures $ 284,770 $ 584,300 $ 263,900 $ 438,700 FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Funding Sources: Actual Budget Total Budget General Fund $ 158,543 $ 168,200 $ 136,100 $ 172,700 Proposition A Fund 71,769 140,300 69,700 93,200 Measure R Fund 32,752 240,500 31,300 136,400 Street Lighting District Fund 9,100 - - - Capital Projects Fund 12,606 35,300 26,800 36,400 Total Funding Sources $ 284,770 $ 584,300 $ 263,900 $ 438,700 • • 174 City of Rosemead, California Public Works Administration, Division 3005 Budget Detail FY2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Fund Division Object Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Salaries&Benefits 101 General Fund 101 3005 5005 Salaries&wages $ 20,937 $ 89,500 $ 65,000 $ 93,000 101 3005 5025 Overtime 460 - 700 600 ' 101 3005 5105 Social security/medicare 2,055 6,500 5,000 7,100 101 3005 5110 Worker's comp 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,100 101 3005 5115 Reti rement contributions 8,070 15,800 12,000 17,000 101 3005 5125 Automobile Allowance - 3,000 3,000 3,000 101 3005 5130 Cafeteria benefit 8,958 19,000 16,000 18,500 101 3005 Salaries&Benefits-General Fund 41,480 134,800 102,700 140,300 215 Prop A Fund 215 3005 5005 Salaries&wages 12,807 58,200 43,500 60,400 215 3005 5025 Overtime - - - - 215 3005 5105 Social security/medicare 1,280 4,400 3,400 4,700 215 3005 5110 Worker's comp 600 700 700 800 215 3005 5115 Reti rement contributions 5,914 11,800 8,700 12,400 215 3005 5125 Automobile Allowance - 1,800 1,400 1,800 215 3005 5130 Cafeteria benefit 6,186 13,400 12,000 13,100 215 3005 Salaries&Benefits-Prop A Fund 26,787 90,300 69,700 93,200 225 Measure R Fund 225 3005 5005 Salaries&wages 8,538 24,500 18,000 22,700 '' 225 3005 5025 Overtime - - - - 225 3005 5105 Social security/medicare 853 2,000 1,600 1,800 225 3005 5110 Worker's comp 300 300 300 300 225 3005 5115 Retirement contributions 3,943 6,400 5,000 5,500 225 3005 5125 Automobile Allowance - 600 400 600 225 3005 5130 Cafeteria benefit 4,124 6,700 6,000 5,500 225 3005 Salaries&Ben.-Measure R Fund 17,758 40,500 31,300 36,400 175 i City of Rosemead, California Public Works Administration, Division 3005 Budget Detail FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Fund Division Object Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget 301 Capital Projects Fund 301 3005 5005 Salaries&wages 6,340 21,900 16,000 22,700 301 3005 5105 Social security/medicare 601 1,700 1,400 1,800 301 3005 5110 Worker's comp 200 300 300 300 301 3005 5115 Retirement contributions 2,880 5,200 4,200 5,500 301 3005 5125 Automobile Allowance - 600 400 600 301 3005 5130 Cafeteria benefit 2,585 5,600 4,500 5,500 301 3005 Salaries&Benefits-Cap.Proj.Fund 12,606 35,300 26,800 36,400 3005 Total Salaries&Benefits 98,631 300,900 230,500 306,300 Operations and maintenance 101 General Fund 101 3005 5299 Other professional/technical serv. 89,963 - - - 101 3005 5905 Technology services allocation 27,100 33,400 33,400 32,400 101 3005 Operations&maint-General Fund 117,063 33,400 33,400 32,400 215 Prop A Fund 215 3005 5299 Other professional/technical serv. 44,982 50,000 - - 225 Measure R Fund 225 3005 5299 Other professional/technical serv. 14,994 200,000 - 100,000 245 Street Lighting Fund 245 3005 5905 Technology services allocation 9,100 - - - 3005 Total operations&maint 186,139 283,400 33,400 132,400 3005 Total Public Works Administration $ 284,770 $ 584,300 $ 263,900 $ 438,700 !7(> Public Works Administration Budget Detail 3005 GENERAL FUND—FUND 101 PROP A FUND—FUND 215 MEASURE R FUND— FUND 225 CAPITAL PROJECTS—FUND 301 PERSONNEL: 5005 Regular Full Time Salaries & Wages Provide the compensation for the Director of Public Works and Administrative Assistant. Refer to the Position Distribution on page 12. 5025 Overtime Cover the cost of overtime for non-management staff. 5105 Social Security/Medicare Provide for employer's share of FICA/Medicare for all department employees. 5110 Workers Compensation Provide for workers compensation for department employees. 5115 Retirement Contributions Provide for retirement plan funding for all full-time City employees and City Council. 5125 Automobile Allowance Provide funds for an Automobile Allowance for the Department Managers. 5130 Cafeteria Benefit Provide insurance for medical, dental,vision, life, and short-term and long-term disability funding for all full-time City employees and City Council. 177 GENERAL FUND—FUND 101 OPERATIONS: 5905 Technology Replacement Allocation Allocate technology replacement costs to all departments ($32,400). MEASURE R FUND— FUND 225 OPERATIONS: 5299 Other Professional/Technical Services Provides fund for contracted consultants SR-60 Coalition ($50,000) and Traffic Studies ($50,000). 178 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK E M O 9 / yV hCO.POt1 ItD V 17) 1/4 Activity: Field Services Organization: 3010 Function: To coordinate the City's graffiti abatement activities and enhance community beautification efforts; to manage and monitor the City's graffiti hotline; and establish a no tolerance policy for graffiti in the City. Work Plan: 'Description When Expected Result Strategy 3: Continue efforts to enhance the Ongoing Improved community beautification and condition and general appearance of the maintenance of City assets. City's public infrastructure and the public right-of-way, as well as private properties within the community. Promote a zero tolerance for graffiti in the City and ensure a 48 hour removal of observed/reported graffiti. Strategy 3: Continue efforts to enhance the Ongoing Increased access for residents to report graffiti in condition and general appearance of the the City. City's public infrastructure and the public right-of-way, as well as private properties within the community. Manage and operate a City graffiti hotline and online graffiti reporting system. Strategy 3: Continue efforts to enhance the Ongoing Improved community beautification and condition and general appearance of the maintenance of City assets. City's public infrastructure and the public right-of-way, as well as private properties within the community. Ensure that street lights are in proper working condition through regular communication with Southern California Edison. 180 Description When Expected Result Strategy 5: Achieve and maintain a FY 17/18 Reduce utility usage and costs. structurally balanced General Fund budget with regular, recurring revenues that are sufficient to cover ongoing expenditures. Work with SCE in regards to the conversion of street lights from high pressure sodium to LED lights. Strategy 3: Continue efforts to enhance the Ongoing Improved streetscape appearance and visibility in condition and general appearance of the the City. City's public infrastructure and the public right-of-way, as well as private properties within the community. Contract for repair and maintenance of City street lights as needed. Strategy 3: Continue efforts to enhance the Ongoing Improve aesthetics and reduce storm water condition and general appearance of the runoff. City's public infrastructure and the public right-of-way, as well as private properties within the community. Manage City street sweeping operations. Strategy 3: Continue efforts to enhance the Ongoing Improved community beautification, condition and general appearance of the maintenance of City assets,traffic safety. City's public infrastructure and the public right-of-way, as well as private properties within the community. Ensure that City street traffic signals are in proper working condition. 181 Description When Expected Result Strategy 3: Continue efforts to enhance the Ongoing Increased efficiency and responsiveness to the condition and general appearance of the City's public. public infrastructure and the public right-of- way, as well as private properties within the community. Maintain a tracking mechanism for public service order requests. Strategy 3: Continue efforts to enhance the Ongoing Increased efficiency and cost savings for street condition and general appearance of the City's repair projects. public infrastructure and the public right-of- way, as well as private properties within the community. Manage on-call services agreements to perform routine services like sidewalk grinding and ramping,surveying, and street repair work. Strategy 3: Continue efforts to enhance the Ongoing Improve aesthetics and City cleanliness. condition and general appearance of the City's public infrastructure and the public right-of- way, as well as private properties within the community. Manage Bulk-Item Collection Program Strategy 3: Continue efforts to enhance the Ongoing Increased Vehicle and Pedestrian Safety. condition and general appearance of the City's public infrastructure and the public right-of- way, as well as private properties within the community. Manage City Signage Replacement Program Strategy 3: Continue efforts to enhance the Ongoing Improved safety and Beautification of the city. condition and general appearance of the City's public infrastructure and the public right-of- way, as well as private properties within the community. 182 Stripping, Markings and curb numbers Description When Expected Result Strategy 3: Continue efforts to enhance the August 2017 Improved visibility of street markings near condition and general appearance of the schools prior to start of school year. City's public infrastructure and the public right-of-way, as well as private properties within the community. Annual school route repainting Strategy 3: Continue efforts to enhance the Ongoing Improved street appearance and reduction in condition and general appearance of the traffic accidents. City's public infrastructure and the public right-of-way, as well as private properties within the community. Continue to survey existing street signs, integrate into City system and implement replacement program Strategy 3: Continue efforts to enhance the Ongoing Increased Vehicle and Pedestrian Safety. condition and general appearance of the City's public infrastructure and the public right-of-way, as well as private properties within the community. Manage road striping and markings and perform maintenance of these assets. 183 City of Rosemead, California Field Services, Division 3010 Budget Summary by Major Categories FY2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Salaries and benefits $ 272,564 $ 282,500 $ 276,800 $ 294,000 Operations and maintenance 1,024,737 1,188,500 870,200 1,168,500 Total Expenditures $ 1,297,301 $ 1,471,000 $ 1,147,000 $ 1,462,500 FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Funding Sources: Actual Budget Total Budget General Fund $ 145,684 $ 146,600 $ 131,800 $ 155,100 State Gas Tax Fund 557,200 558,900 407,300 514,500 Proposition A Fund 34,139 42,600 41,600 43,000 Proposition C Fund 44,717 54,900 55,600 56,900 Street Lighting District Fund 515,561 668,000 510,700 693,000 Total Funding Sources $ 1,297,301 $ 1,471,000 $ 1,147,000 $ 1,462,500 184 City of Rosemead, California Field Services, Division 3010 Budget Detail FY2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Fund Division Object Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Salaries&Benefits 101 General Fund 101 3010 5005 Salaries &wages $ 62,921 $ 43,400 $ 58,000 $ 45,400 101 3010 5025 Overtime 5,959 8,000 4,000 8,000 101 3010 5105 Social security/medicare 6,253 4,100 5,100 4,300 101 3010 5110 Worker's comp 2,100 2,100 2,100 2,200 101 3010 5115 Retirement contributions 20,415 18,400 18,500 20,100 101 3010 5130 Cafeteria benefit 22,311 20,100 20,100 19,600 101 3010 Salaries&Benefits-General Fund 119,959 96,100 107,800 99,600 201 Gas Tax Fund 201 3010 5005 Salaries&wages 29,853 44,300 29,300 46,800 201 3010 5025 Overtime 2,955 - 2,500 2,000 201 3010 5105 Social security/medicare 3,536 4,200 3,200 4,300 201 3010 5110 Worker's comp 2,200 2,100 2,100 2,200 201 3010 5115 Retirement contributions 15,701 16,400 14,700 17,900 201 3010 5130 Cafeteria benefit 19,504 21,900 20,000 21,300 201 3010 Salaries&Benefits-Gas Tax Fund 73,749 88,900 71,800 94,500 215 Prop A Fund 215 3010 5005 Salaries&wages 15,630 21,600 21,200 21,700 215 3010 5025 Overtime - - 100 - 215 3010 5105 Social security/medicare 1,606 2,000 1,900 2,000 215 3010 5110 Worker's comp 1,100 1,000 1,000 1,000 215 3010 5115 Reti rement contributions 7,426 6,400 6,000 6,900 215 3010 5130 Cafeteria benefit 8,377 11,600 11,400 11,400 215 3010 Salaries&Benefits-Prop A Fund 34,139 42,600 41,600 43,000 220 Prop C Fund 220 3010 5005 Salaries&wages 22,056 27,300 27,300 28,200 220 3010 5025 Overtime - - 700 300 220 3010 5105 Social security/medicare 2,118 2,600 2,600 2,600 220 3010 5110 Worker's comp 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,400 220 3010 5115 Retirement contributions 9,905 10,300 10,300 11,300 220 3010 5130 Cafeteria benefit 9,338 13,400 13,400 13,100 220 3010 Salaries&Benefits-Prop C Fund 44,717 54,900 55,600 56,900 3010 Total Salaries&Benefits 272,564 282,500 276,800 294,000 185 City of Rosemead, California Field Services, Division 3010 Budget Detail FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Fund Division Object Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Operations and maintenance 101 General Fund 101 3010 5299 Other professional/technical serv. 2,956 25,000 3,000 25,000 101 3010 5390 Equipment rental 2,610 2,000 1,500 2,000 101 3010 5435 Travel &meetings 388 1,500 1,200 1,500 101 3010 5460 Training classes 973 2,500 1,000 4,000 101 3010 5605 General supplies 14,388 14,000 12,000 14,000 101 3010 5630 Small tools & Equipment - 1,000 1,000 1,000 101 3010 5655 Uniforms 4,410 4,500 4,300 8,000 101 3010 Operations&maint-General Fund 25,725 50,500 24,000 55,500 201 Gas Tax Fund 201 3010 5299 Other professional/technical serv. 3,838 5,000 500 5,000 201 3010 5350 Street repair maintenance 84,719 50,000 35,000 50,000 201 3010 5355 Street sweeping 232,970 235,000 235,000 235,000 201 3010 5360 Curbs&sidewalks repair&maint. 64,938 30,000 5,000 30,000 201 3010 5605 General supplies 26,957 25,000 10,000 25,000 201 3010 5660 Traffic signs &markers 70,029 125,000 50,000 75,000 201 3010 Operations&maint-Gas Tax Fund 483,451 470,000 335,500 420,000 245 Street Lighting Fund 245 3010 5305 Electricity 422,150 483,000 400,000 483,000 245 3010 5365 Traffic signal maintenance 77,051 125,000 95,700 150,000 245 3010 5370 Street lighting maintenance 16,360 60,000 15,000 60,000 245 3010 Operations&maint-St.Light.Fund 515,561 668,000 510,700 693,000 3010 Total operations&maintenance 1,024,737 1,188,500 870,200 1,168,500 3010 Total Field Services $ 1,297,301 $1,471,000 $1,147,000 $ 1,462,500 Field Services Budget Detail 3010 GENERAL FUND— FUND 101 GAS TAX FUND—FUND 201 PROPOSITION A—FUND 215 PROPOSITION C—FUND 220 PERSONNEL: 5005 Regular Full Time Salaries& Wages Provide the compensation for the Maintenance Lead Worker and Maintenance Workers. Refer to the Position Distribution on page 12. 5025 Overtime Cover the cost of overtime for non-management staff. 5105 Social Security/Medicare Provide for employer's share of FICA/Medicare for all department employees. 5110 Workers Compensation Provide for workers compensation for department employees. 5115 Retirement Contributions Provide for retirement plan funding for all full-time City employees and City Council. 5130 Cafeteria Benefit Provide insurance for medical, dental, vision, life, and short-term and long-term disability funding for all full-time City employees and City Council. GENERAL FUND—FUND 101 OPERATIONS: 5299 Other Professional/Technical Services Provide funds for two professional On-call contracts ($25,000). 187 y 5390 Equipment Rental Provide funds for various construction and building machinery,equipment,fencing etc. ($2,000). 5435 Travel and Meeting Provide funds for attending various professional meetings($1,500). 5460 Training Classes Provide funds for skills enhancement and safety and educational workshops ($4,000). 5605 General Supplies Provide funds for department supplies($14,000). 5630 Small Tools& Equipment Provide funds for purchase or replacement of tools and equipment($1,000). 5655 Uniforms Provide funds for purchase of uniforms($8,000). GAS TAX FUND—FUND 201 OPERATIONS: 5299 Other Professional/Technical Services Provide funds for two professional On-call contracts($5,000). 5350 Street Repair& Maintenance Provide funds for street maintenance such as pavement patching and minor repairs, storm damage,weed abatement on right-of-way etc. ($50,000). 5355 Street Sweeping Provide funds for street sweeping to be performed by a private contractor. Residential street sweeping once per week and monthly sweeping of improved alleys and City public parking lots($235,000). 5360 Curbs&Sidewalks Repair& Maintenance Provide funds for replacement of curb,gutter and sidewalk damaged by parkway trees. Treat high hazard areas($30,000). 188 5605 General Supplies Provide funds for hardware supplies ($10,000) and Landscape supplies ($15,000). 5660 Traffic Signs and Markings Provide funds for cost of labor, equipment and supplies used for the maintenance, replacement and installation of street name signs and non-illuminated traffic signs, pavement markings and traffic striping ($75,000). STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT FUND—FUND 245 OPERATIONS: 5305 Electricity Provide funds for energy and maintenance expenses within the Lighting District for all Southern California Edison Company owned facilities and energy expenses for District- owned facilities ($483,000). 5365 Traffic Signal Maintenance Provide funds for both routine and extraordinary maintenance costs of traffic signal locations throughout the City ($150,000). 5370 Street Lighting Maintenance Provide funds for both routine and extraordinary maintenance costs of street lighting throughout the City ($60,000). 189 Activity: Facility Maintenance Organization: 3015 Function: To provide maintenance and repair of City facilities and parks. The services provided includes: safety evaluations, emergency repairs, painting, minor repairs to park equipment, and electrical repairs. Facility Maintenance Work Plan: lescription When 'Expected Result Strategy 3: Continue efforts to enhance the Ongoing !Improved Community Aesthetics and safety. condition and general appearance of the City's public infrastructure and the public right-of-way, as well as private properties within the community. Manage maintenance and janitorial services for City owned facilities Strategy 3: Continue efforts to enhance the Ongoing Improved Facilities Aesthetics condition and general appearance of the City's public infrastructure and the public right-of-way, as well as private properties within the community. Complete modernization improvements at City facilities Strategy 3: Continue efforts to enhance the Ongoing Improved access to public facilities condition and general appearance of the City's public infrastructure and the public right-of-way, as well as private properties within the community. Facility accessibility improvements Strategy 3: Continue efforts to enhance the Ongoing Ensure areas are safe for facility users condition and general appearance of the City's public infrastructure and the public right-of-way, as well as private properties within the community. Utility usage at facilities 190 Description When Expected Result Strategy 3: Continue efforts to enhance the Ongoing Improve Facility Appearance and User Safety condition and general appearance of the City's public infrastructure and the public right-of-way, as well as private properties within the community. Repair and replace facility amenities 191 1 City of Rosemead, California Facility Maintenance, Division 3015 Budget Summary by Major Categories FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Operations and maintenance $ 243,696 $ 313,000 $ 272,000 $ 273,100 Total Expenditures $ 243,696 $ 313,000 $ 272,000 $ 273,100 FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Funding Sources: Actual Budget Total Budget General Fund $ 243,696 $ 313,000 $ 272,000 $ 273,100 Total Funding Sources $ 243,696 $ 313,000 $ 272,000 $ 273,100 192 City of Rosemead, California Facility Maintenance, Division 3015 Budget Detail FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Fund Division Object Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Operations and maintenance 101 General Fund 101 3015 5299 Other professional/technical serv. $ 63,338 $ 100,000 $ 65,000 $ 65,000 101 3015 5325 Custodial 109,905 120,000 110,000 120,000 101 3015 5340 Facilities repair&maintenance 66,488 75,000 92,000 75,000 101 3015 5390 Equipment rental 1,776 2,000 - 2,000 101 3015 5460 Training classes 175 1,000 - 1,100 101 3015 5605 General supplies 2,014 15,000 5,000 10,000 101 3015 Operations&maint-General Fund 243,696 313,000 272,000 273,100 3015 Total Facility Maintenance $ 243,696 $ 313,000 $ 272,000 $ 273,100 193 Facility Maintenance Budget Detail 3015 GENERAL FUND— FUND 101 OPERATIONS: 5299 Other Professional/Technical Services Provide funds for monthly alarm and elevator services ($65,000). 5325 Custodial Provide funds for contract services ($120,000). 5340 Facilities Repair & Maintenance Provide funds for upkeep, building and minor repairs for all the City facilities ($75,000). 5390 Equipment Rental Provide funds for various construction and building machinery, equipment, fencing etc. ($2,000). 5460 Training Classes Provide funds for skills enhancement and safety and educational workshops ($1,100). 5605 General Supplies Provide funds for department supplies ($10,000). 191 Motor Fleet Work Plan: Organization: 3020 !Description When Expected Result Strategy 3: Continue efforts to enhance the Ongoing Improved appearance of City vehicles and condition and general appearance of the ability to use dependable equipment. City's public infrastructure and the public right-of-way, as well as private properties within the community. Purchase vehicles listed in City's vehicle replacement schedule Strategy 3: Continue efforts to enhance the Ongoing Better maintained city vehicles and safer condition and general appearance of the vehicles for staff to use City's public infrastructure and the public right-of-way, as well as private properties within the community. Manage safety and maintenance schedule for all in-service city vehicles Strategy 3: Continue efforts to enhance the Ongoing Set an environmental standard in the condition and general appearance of the community and reduce costs for vehicle City's public infrastructure and the public replacement right-of-way, as well as private properties within the community. Pursue grant funds and/or utilize existing funds for alternative fuel vehicles 19.5 City of Rosemead, California Motor Fleet, Division 3020 Budget Summary by Major Categories FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Operations and maintenance $ 183,668 $ 185,900 $ 163,500 $ 185,900 Capital outlay 16,000 156,000 90,000 80,000 Total Expenditures $ 199,668 $ 341,900 $ 253,500 $ 265,900 FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Funding Sources: Actual Budget Total Budget General Fund $ 128,486 $ 147,900 $ 123,300 $ 137,900 State Gas Tax Fund 55,182 38,000 39,500 48,000 Proposition A Fund - - 700 - Air Quality Mgt.District Fund 16,000 16,000 Internal Service Fund 140,000 90,000 80,000 Total Funding Sources $ 199,668 $ 341,900 $ 253,500 $ 265,900 City of Rosemead, California Motor Fleet, Division 3020 Budget Detail FY2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Fund Division Object Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Operations and maintenance 101 General Fund 101 3020 5380 Vehicle repairs&maintenance $ 28,106 $ 40,000 $ 36,000 $ 40,000 101 3020 5435 Travel &meetings - 1,000 - 1,000 101 3020 5605 General supplies 419 2,000 1,800 2,000 101 3020 5610 Gasoline&diesel 24,961 40,000 20,600 30,000 101 3020 5910 Equipment replacement allocation 75,000 64,900 64,900 64,900 101 3020 Operations&maint-General Fund 128,486 147,900 123,300 137,900 201 Gas Tax Fund 201 3020 5380 Vehicle repairs&maintenance 31,317 10,000 18,500 20,000 201 3020 5610 Gasoline&diesel 23,865 28,000 21,000 28,000 201 3020 Operations&maint-Gas Tax Fund 55,182 38,000 39,500 48,000 215 Prop A Fund 215 3020 5380 Vehicle repairs &maintenance - - 700 - 215 3020 Operations&maint-Prop A Fund - - 700 - 3020 Total operations&maintenance 183,668 185,900 163,500 185,900 230 AQMD Fund 230 3020 5825 Vehicles 16,000 16,000 - - 501 Equipment Replacement Fund 501 3020 5825 Vehicles - 140,000 90,000 80,000 3020 Total Capital Outlay 16,000 156,000 90,000 80,000 3020 Total Motor Fleet $ 199,668 $ 341,900 $ 253,500 $ 265,900 197 Motor Fleet Budget Detail 3020 GENERAL FUND—FUND 101 OPERATIONS: 5380 Vehicle Repair& Maintenance Provide funds for City vehicles for routine maintenance, repairs and car washes ($40,000). 5435 Travel and Meeting Provide funds for attending various professional meetings ($1,000). 5605 General Supplies Provide funds for department supplies ($2,000). 5610 Gasoline & Diesel Fuel Provide funds for City vehicle gasoline and oil ($30,000) 5910 Equipment Replacement Provide funds to replace equipment ($64,900). STATE GAS TAX FUND—FUND 201 OPERATIONS: 5380 Vehicle Repair& Maintenance Provide funds for all City vehicles for routine maintenance, repairs and car washes ($20,000). 5610 Gasoline & Diesel Fuel Provide funds for City vehicle gasoline and oil ($28,000) EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND—FUND 501 OPERATIONS: 5825 Vehicle Provide funds to purchase City vehicles ($80,000). 198 Activity: Solid Waste Organization: 3025 Function: To coordinate the City's sanitation, recycling, and environmental programs; to ensure compliance with federal, state, and regional regulations; coordinate the participation in the Los Angeles Regional Agency; to manage the City's non-exclusive franchise agreement for sanitation services; to promote environmental responsibility among City residents and businesses; and participate in programs and analyses affecting sanitation and environmental programs. Solid Waste Work Plan: Description When Expected Result Strategy 3: Continue efforts to enhance the Ongoing Compliance with state recycling program condition and general appearance of the requirements City's public infrastructure and the public right-of-way, as well as private properties within the community. Participate in LA Regional Agency programs and meetings Strategy 3: Continue efforts to enhance the Ongoing Improved services for Rosemead residents, condition and general appearance of the recycling diversion credit for the City, and City's public infrastructure and the public improved compliance with state mandated right-of-way, as well as private properties environmental mandates within the community. Evaluate services provided for solid waste and recycling collection services Strategy 3: Continue efforts to enhance the Ongoing Encouraging businesses to improve recycling condition and general appearance of the through incentive programs City's public infrastructure and the public right-of-way, as well as private properties within the community. Business recycling program outreach 199 City of Rosemead, California Solid Waste,Division 3025 Budget Summary by Major Categories -7 FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Operations and maintenance $ 15,932 $ 17,000 $ 15,000 $ 17,000 Total Expenditures $ 15,932 $ 17,000 $ 15,000 $ 17,000 FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Funding Sources: Actual Budget Total Budget General Fund $ 15,932 $ 17,000 $ 15,000 $ 17,000 Total Funding Sources $ 15,932 $ 17,000 $ 15,000 $ 17,000 200 City of Rosemead, California Solid Waste, Division 3025 Budget Detail FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Fund Division Object Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Operations and maintenance 101 General Fund 101 3025 5299 Other professional/technical serv. $ 2,131 $ 2,000 $ 2,500 $ 2,000 101 3025 5465 Membership dues 8,339 10,000 10,000 10,000 101 3025 5535 Hazardous material disposal 5,462 5,000 2,500 5,000 3025 Total Solid Waste $ 15,932 $ 17,000 $ 15,000 $ 17,000 201 Solid Waste Budget Detail 3025 GENERAL FUND—FUND 101 OPERATIONS: 5299 Other Professional/Technical Services Provide funds for contracted consultant ($2,000). 5465 Memberships Dues Provide funds for LARA membership ($10,000). 5535 Hazardous Material Disposal Provide funds for contractor to remove material collected from City facilities ($5,000). 202 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK E M O '4 CORpORA1E0 ,aS 203 Activity: Parks & Open Spaces Organization: 3030 Function: To provide maintenance and repair of City facilities and parks. The services provided includes: safety evaluations, emergency repairs, painting, minor repairs to park equipment, and electrical repairs. Parks&Open Spaces Work Plan: Description When Expected Result Strategy 3: Continue efforts to enhance the Ongoing Improved Community Aesthetics condition and general appearance of the City's public infrastructure and the public right-of- way,as well as private properties within the community. Manage landscaping maintenance for City owned parks and right of way areas Strategy 3: Continue efforts to enhance the Ongoing Improved Community Aesthetics while conserving condition and general appearance of the City's water. public infrastructure and the public right-of- way, as well as private properties within the community. Complete landscaping beautification improvements at City facilities Strategy 3: Continue efforts to enhance the Ongoing Improved access to parks and public areas condition and general appearance of the City's public infrastructure and the public right-of- way, as well as private properties within the community. Park accessibility improvement Strategy 3: Continue efforts to enhance the Ongoing Ensure areas are landscaped and safe for park condition and general appearance of the City's users while conserving water. public infrastructure and the public right-of- way, as well as private properties within the community. Utility usage at parks 204 Description When Expected Result Strategy 3: Continue efforts to enhance the Ongoing Improved Community Aesthetics, Less Water condition and general appearance of the City's Usage (public infrastructure and the public right-of- Way, as well as private properties within the community. Repair and improve irrigation equipment. 205 City of Rosemead, California Parks& Open Spaces, Division 3030 Budget Summary by Major Categories FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Salaries and benefits $ 1,323,021 $ 1,430,000 $ 1,438,200 $ 1,586,600 Operations and maintenance 1,128,494 1,135,700 1,210,000 1,421,300 Total Expenditures $ Z451,515 $ 2,565,700 $ 2,648,200 $ 3,007,900 FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Funding Sources: Actual Budget Total Budget General Fund $ 2,123,395 $ 2,254,600 $ 2,349,700 $ 2,666,900 State Gas Tax Fund 230,436 197,000 191,000 212,500 Proposition A Fund 5,643 11,100 8,400 11,500 Proposition C Fund 5,642 11,100 8,400 11,500 Street Lighting District Fund 86,399 91,900 90,700 105,500 Total Funding Sources $ 2,451,515 $ 2,565,700 $ 2,648,200 $ 3,007,900 206 City of Rosemead, California Parks& Open Spaces, Division 3030 Budget Detail FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY2016 Amended Year-End Requested Fund Division Object Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Salaries&Benefits 101 General Fund 101 3030 5005 Salaries&wages $ 591,831 $ 629,400 $ 629,400 $ 701,300 101 3030 5010 Part-ti me sal a ries&wages 5,292 6,800 6,800 6,900 101 3030 5025 Overtime 15,962 - 19,100 10,000 101 3030 5105 Social security/medicare 56,315 57,600 56,700 63,200 101 3030 5110 Worker's comp 28,200 29,700 29,700 32,400 101 3030 5115 Retirement contributions 261,797 320,000 320,000 359,500 101 3030 5130 Cafeteria benefit 265,940 272,400 269,000 284,800 101 3030 Salaries&Benefits-General Fund 1,225,337 1,315,900 1,330,700 1,458,100 215 Prop A Fund 215 3030 5010 Part-time salaries&wages 4,693 10,200 7,200 10,300 215 3030 5025 Overtime 101 - 300 200 215 3030 5105 Social security/medicare 70 100 200 200 215 3030 5110 Worker's comp 600 400 400 400 215 3030 5115 Retirement contributions 179 400 300 400 215 3030 Salaries&Benefits-Prop A Fund 5,643 11,100 8,400 11,500 220 Prop C Fund 220 3030 5010 Part-time salaries&wages 4,693 10,200 7,200 10,300 220 3030 5025 Overtime 101 - 300 200 220 3030 5105 Social security/medicare 69 100 200 200 220 3030 5110 Worker's comp 600 400 400 400 220 3030 5115 Retirementcontributions 179 400 300 400 220 3030 Salaries&Benefits-Prop C Fund 5,642 11,100 8,400 11,500 245 Street Lighting District 245 3030 5005 Salaries&wages 43,637 45,000 44,000 51,500 245 3030 5025 Overtime 366 - 1,100 1,000 245 3030 5105 Social security/medicare 3,722 3,900 3,600 4,400 245 3030 5110 Worker's comp 1,900 2,000 2,000 2,300 245 3030 5115 Retirement contributions 19,301 23,100 23,000 26,700 245 3030 5130 Cafeteria benefit 17,473 17,900 17,000 19,600 245 3030 Salaries&Benefits-St.Light.Fund 86,399 91,900 90,700 105,500 3030 Total Salaries&Benefits 1,323,021 1,430,000 1,438,200 1,586,600 207 City of Rosemead, California Parks&Open Spaces,Division 3030 Budget Detail FY2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY2016 Amended Year-End Requested Fund Division Object Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Operations and maintenance 101 General Fund 101 3030 5305 Electricity 320,953 320,000 302,400 375,000 101 3030 5310 Water 215,181 250,000 321,000 320,000 101 3030 5315 Natural gas 11,621 14,500 11,400 14,000 101 3030 5330 Grounds repair&maintenance 209,527 210,000 187,100 300,000 101 3030 5335 Tree maintenance 85,994 108,000 150,000 124,000 101 3030 5336 Tree maintenance supplies - - - 26,000 101 3030 5340 Facilities repair&maintenance 12,383 - 1,100 10,000 101 3030 5380 Vehicle repair&maintenance - - 900 - 101 3030 5435 Travel&meetings 290 1,200 - 1,200 101 3030 5460 Training classes 1,153 2,500 - 3,500 101 3030 5465 Membership dues 595 500 600 600 101 3030 5605 General supplies 37,348 30,000 35,000 31,500 101 3030 5630 Small tools&equipment 3,013 2,000 9,500 3,000 101 3030 Operations&maint-General Fund 898,058 938,700 1,019,000 1,208,800 201 Gas Tax Fund 201 3030 5330 Grounds repair&maintenance 129,861 125,000 100,000 132,000 201 3030 5335 Tree maintenance 88,355 72,000 88,000 70,000 201 3030 5336 Tree maintenance supplies - - - 5,500 201 3030 5605 General supplies 12,100 - 3,000 5,000 201 3030 5630 Small tools&equipment 120 - - - 201 3030 Operations&maint-Gas Tax Fund 230,436 197,000 191,000 212,500 3030 Total operations&maintenance 1,128,494 1,135,700 1,210,000 1,421,300 3030 Total Parks and Open Spaces $ 2,451,515 $ 2,565,700 $ 2,648,200 $ 3,007,900 208 Parks & Open Spaces Budget Detail 3030 GENERAL FUND— FUND 101 PROPOSITION A—FUND 215 PROPOSITION C— FUND 220 STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT—FUND 245 PERSONNEL: 5005 Regular Full Time Salaries & Wages Provide the compensation for the Public Works Superintendent, Administrative Specialist, Maintenance Lead Workers, Maintenance Workers and Facilities Technicians. Refer to the Position Distribution on page 12. 5010 Part-Time Salaries & Wages Provide for part-time staff to perform various duties. 5025 Overtime Cover the cost of overtime for non-management staff. 5105 Social Security/Medicare Provide for employer's share of FICA/Medicare for all department employees. 5110 Workers Compensation Provide for workers compensation for department employees. 5115 Retirement Contributions Provide for retirement plan funding for all full-time City employees and City Council. 5130 Cafeteria Benefit Provide insurance for medical, dental, vision, life, and short-term and long-term disability funding for all full-time City employees and City Council. 209 GENERAL FUND—FUND 101 OPERATIONS: 5305 Electricity Provide funds for energy and maintenance expenses within the Lighting District for all Southern California Edison Company owned facilities and energy expenses for District- owned facilities ($375,000). 5310 Water Provide funds for maintenance of the City facilities and parks ($320,000). 5315 Natural Gas Provide funds for maintenance of the city facilities and parks ($14,000). 5330 Grounds Repair& Maintenance Provide funds for upkeep and maintenance of all the City parks ($300,000). 5335 Tree Maintenance Provide funds for upkeep, planting for trees throughout the City ($124,000). 5335 Tree Maintenance Supplies Provide funds for supplies to upkeep and plant trees throughout the City ($26,000). 5340 Facilities Repair& Maintenance Provide funds for upkeep, building and minor repairs for all the City facilities ($10,000). 5435 Travel and Meeting Provide funds for attending various professional meetings ($1,200). 5460 Training Classes Provide for skills enhancement and safety and educational workshops ($3,500). 5465 Memberships Dues Provide for miscellaneous memberships and subscriptions attributed to the Public Works employees ($600). 910 5605 General Supplies Provide funds for department supplies ($31,500). 5630 Small Tools & Equipment Provide for purchase or replacement of tools and equipment ($3,000). STATE GAS TAX FUND—FUND 201 OPERATIONS: 5330 Grounds Repair& Maintenance Provide funds for upkeep and maintenance of all the City parks ($132,000). 5335 Tree Maintenance Provide funds for upkeep, planting for trees throughout the City ($70,000). 5336 Tree Maintenance Supplies Provide funds for supplies to upkeep and plant trees throughout the City($5,500). 5605 General Supplies Provide funds for department supplies ($5,000) 9 1 1 Activity: Engineering Organization: 3035 Function: To provide adequate physical infrastructure throughout the City, including streets and sidewalks; to administer street maintenance contracts, capital improvement projects, and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Program (NPDES) implementation and compliance; to provide plan check and inspection services for grading and public works permits, utility work permits, development reviews, tract/parcel map checks, lot line adjustments, and compliance certificates; to analyze traffic and right- of-way activities in the City; to respond to public inquiries regarding traffic, parking, drainage and public works issues; to work with other City departments and outside agencies on regional and sub-regional transportation and public works issues; and to staff and advise the Traffic Commission. Engineering Work Plan: (Description When Expected Result Strategy 3: Continue efforts to enhance the condition Ongoing Improved coordination on projects and and general appearance of the City's public better scheduling of upcoming work infrastructure and the public right-of-way, as well as private properties within the community. Administer the CIP function for the City Strategy 3: Continue efforts to enhance the condition FY 17/18 and general appearance of the City's public infrastructure and the public right-of-way, as well as private properties within the community. Establish a five-year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Master Plan Strategy 3: Continue efforts to enhance the condition Ongoing Provide highly responsive service in an and general appearance of the City's public appropriate manner of time. infrastructure and the public right-of-way, as well as private properties within the community. Provide customer assistance to the general public and other departments 212 Description When Expected Result Strategy 3: Continue efforts to enhance the condition Ongoing Ensure that City standards are adhered to and general appearance of the City's public in right of way areas infrastructure and the public right-of-way, as well as private properties within the community. I,Administer Public Works permitting process 'Strategy 3: Continue efforts to enhance the condition Ongoing Coordinate projects and traffic study and general appearance of the City's public requests from the general public and City infrastructure and the public right-of-way, as well as officials. private properties within the community. Provide staff assistance to the City Traffic Commission and City Council Strategy 3: Continue efforts to enhance the condition Ongoing Help ensure City compliance with state and general appearance of the City's public mandated clean water programs. infrastructure and the public right-of-way, as well as private properties within the community. Participate in regional efforts to meet new storm water permit requirements, including involvement in an enhanced watershed management program. Strategy 3: Continue efforts to enhance the condition Ongoing 'Ensure access to grant funding and kept up and general appearance of the City's public to date with current programs. infrastructure and the public right-of-way, as well as private properties within the community. Participate and maintain compliance with Regional, State, and Federal funding and legislation Strategy 3: Continue efforts to enhance the condition Ongoing Ensure business compliance with Fats, Oils, and general appearance of the City's public Greases disposal regulations infrastructure and the public right-of-way, as well as private properties within the community. Manage industrial waste inspection program with LA County 213 City of Rosemead, California Engineering, Division 3035 Budget Summary by Major Categories FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Salaries and benefits $ 327,867 $ 367,200 $ 238,100 $ 371,800 Operations and maintenance 484,223 808,500 535,600 827,400 Total Expenditures $ 812,090 $ 1,175,700 $ 773,700 $ 1,199,200 FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Funding Sources: Actual Budget Total Budget General Fund $ 584,491 $ 713,900 $ 586,100 $ 835,800 State Gas Tax Fund 13,634 20,800 900 20,900 Measure R Fund 64,696 202,100 25,600 184,500 Street Lighting District Fund 21,966 2,500 2,500 - Development Impact Fee Fund - 44,900 - 38,000 Capital Projects Fund 127,303 191,500 158,600 120,000 Total Funding Sources $ 812,090 $ 1,175,700 $ 773,700 $ 1,199,200 • 211 City of Rosemead, California Engineering, Division 3035 Budget Detail FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY2016 Amended Year-End Requested Fund Division Object Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Salaries&Benefits 101 General Fund 101 3035 5005 Salaries&wages $ 94,314 $ 68,600 $ 33,000 $ 113,300 101 3035 5010 Part-time salaries&wages 12,876 14,100 4,500 24,000 101 3035 5025 Overtime 65 - 200 1,000 101 3035 5105 Social security/medicare 8,478 6,100 2,600 9,500 101 3035 5110 Worker's comp 700 900 900 1,400 101 3035 5115 Retirement contributions 16,339 10,000 8,400 29,300 101 3035 5125 Auto allowance - - - 1,400 101 3035 5130 Cafeteria benefit 20,573 15,600 5,400 24,000 101 3035 Salaries&Benefits-General Fund 153,345 115,300 55,000 203,900 201 Gas Tax Fund 201 3035 5005 Salaries&wages 4,977 9,600 400 9,600 201 3035 5105 Social security/medicare 486 800 100 800 201 3035 5110 Worker's comp 100 100 100 100 201 3035 5115 Retirement contributions 411 600 100 700 201 3035 5130 Cafeteria benefit 1,890 2,200 200 2,200 201 3035 Salaries&Benefits-Gas Tax Fund 7,864 13,300 900 13,400 225 Measure R Fund 225 3035 5005 Salaries&wages 25,669 30,500 14,000 21,200 225 3035 5105 Social security/medicare 2,219 2,600 1,100 1,700 225 3035 5110 Worker's comp 300 300 300 300 225 3035 5115 Retirement contributions - - - 6,500 225 3035 5125 Auto allowance 5,930 7,000 5,900 400 225 3035 5130 Cafeteria benefit 5,237 6,700 2,300 4,400 225 3035 Salaries&Benefits-Measure R Func 39,355 47,100 23,600 34,500 301 Capital Projects Fund 301 3035 5005 Salaries&wages 62,779 100,500 85,000 68,000 301 3035 5010 Part-time salaries&wages 12,099 14,100 4,300 - 301 3035 5105 Social security/medicare 5,727 8,600 6,600 5,700 301 3035 5110 Worker's comp 700 1,300 1,300 800 301 3035 5115 Retirement contributions 31,573 46,900 44,600 30,600 301 3035 5125 Auto allowance - - - 1,800 301 3035 5130 Cafeteria benefit 14,425 20,100 16,800 13,100 301 3035 Salaries&Benefits-Cap Proj Fund 127,303 191,500 158,600 120,000 3035 Total Salaries&Benefits $ 327,867 $ 367,200 $ 238,100 $ 371,800 215 City of Rosemead, California Engineering, Division 3035 Budget Detail FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Fund Division Object Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Operations and maintenance 101 General Fund 101 3035 5225 Engineering 30,012 50,000 60,000 50,000 101 3035 5235 Special studies 2,270 98,000 60,000 - 101 3035 5260 Map review 10,278 10,000 - 10,000 101 3035 5265 NPDES 161,483 120,000 100,000 200,000 101 3035 5299 Other professional/technical serv. 168,041 250,000 220,000 300,000 101 3035 5435 Travel &meetings 3,549 1,500 200 1,500 101 3035 5460 Training classes 285 1,000 200 7,000 101 3035 5465 Membership dues 670 600 400 1,000 101 3035 5495 Industrial waste&sewers 42,051 55,000 81,300 50,000 101 3035 5605 General supplies 8,307 7,500 2,400 7,500 101 3035 5910 Equipment replacement allocation 4,200 5,000 6,600 4,900 101 3035 Operations&maint-General Fund 431,146 598,600 531,100 631,900 201 Gas Tax Fund 201 3035 5225 Engineering 5,770 7,500 - 7,500 201 3035 Operations&maint-Gas Tax Fund 5,770 7,500 - 7,500 225 Measure R Fund 225 3035 5235 Special studies - 5,000 - - 225 3035 5299 Other professional/technical serv. 25,341 150,000 2,000 150,000 225 3035 Operations&maint-Meas.R Fund 25,341 155,000 2,000 150,000 245 Street Lighting District 245 3035 5235 Special studies 21,966 2,500 2,500 - Operations&maint-St.Lighti Dist. 21,966 2,500 2,500 - 250 Development Impact Fee-Traffic 250 3035 5235 Special studies - 44,900 - 38,000 Operations&maint-DIF Fund - 44,900 - 38,000 3035 Total operations&maintenance 484,223 808,500 535,600 827,400 3035 Total Engineering $ 812,090 $ 1,175,700 $ 773,700 $ 1,199,200 216 Engineering Budget Detail 3035 GENERAL FUND—FUND 101 STATE GAS TAX— FUND 201 MEASURE R FUND— FUND 225 CAPITAL PROJECTS— FUND 301 PERSONNEL: 5005 Regular Full Time Salaries & Wages Provide the compensation for the City Engineer and Public Works Manager. Refer to the Position Distribution on page 12. 5010 Part-Time Salaries&Wages Provide for part-time staff to perform various clerical duties. 5025 Overtime Cover the cost of overtime for non-management staff. 5105 Social Security/Medicare Provide for employer's share of FICA/Medicare for all department employees. 5110 Workers Compensation Provide for workers compensation for department employees. 5115 Retirement Contributions Provide for retirement plan funding for all full-time City employees and City Council. 5125 Automobile Allowance Provide funds for an Automobile Allowance for the Department Managers. 5130 Cafeteria Benefit Provide insurance for medical, dental, vision, life, and short-term and long-term disability funding for all full-time City employees and City Council. 917 GENERAL FUND—FUND 101 OPERATIONS: 5225 Engineering Provides funds for the City Engineer to perform special project review and analysis public works projects ($50,000). 5260 Map Review Provide funds for the City Engineer's staff in reviewing, commenting and approving maps ($10,000). 5265 NPDES Provides funds to comply with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Legislation requirement update the Storm Drain Element of the Infrastructure Management Report, transfer existing city storm drains to the Los Angeles County Flood Control District and for membership/expenditures associated storm water organizations ($200,000). 5299 Other Professional/Technical Services Provide funds for contracted consultants for the following services: Electrical Engineering($25,000), General Engineering CIP ($115,000), NPDES ($50,000), Parcel Map Review ($25,000), and Permits ($85,000). 5435 Travel and Meeting Provide funds for attending various professional meetings ($1,500). 5460 Training Classes Provide for skills enhancement and safety and educational workshops ($7,000). 5465 Memberships Dues Provide for miscellaneous memberships and subscriptions attributed to the Public Works employees ($1,000). 5495 Industrial Waste &Sewers Provide funds for the cost of services for the issuance, plan check and inspection of industrial waste permits.This function is performed by the County of Los Angeles Engineering Department ($50,000). 218 5605 General Supplies Provide funds for department supplies ($7,500). 5910 Equipment Replacement Allocation Provide funds to replace equipment ($4,900). STATE GAS TAX FUND—FUND 201 OPERATIONS: 5225 Engineering Provide funds for the City Engineer to perform special project review and analysis public works projects ($7,500). MEASURE R FUND—FUND 225 OPERATIONS: 5299 Other Professional/Technical Services Provide funds for contracted consultant ($150,000). TRAFFIC DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FUND—FUND 250 OPERATIONS: 5299 Other Professional/Technical Services Provide funds for contracted consultant ($38,000). 219 111111111111111111111111111111111111r i Activity: Public Transit Organization: 3040 Function: To provide public transportation services to Rosemead residents; manage the City's public transit programs contractor; oversee funding sources for public transportation programs; conduct analyses and studies on the City's public transit program; participate in regional and state agencies that affect public transit; and effectively publicize the City's transit program to residents and business. Public Transit Work Plan: !Description When Expected Result Strategy 3: Continue efforts to enhance the Ongoing Convenient access to transit program, condition and general appearance of the resolution of rider complaints, and continued City's public infrastructure and the public monitoring of transit contractor. right-of-way, as well as private properties within the community. Provide customer assistance and support to residents using transit services. Strategy 3: Continue efforts to enhance the Ongoing Improved accessibility for City residents. condition and general appearance of the City's public infrastructure and the public right-of-way, as well as private properties within the community. Continue to promote transit programs and evaluate enhancement opportunities Strategy 3: Continue efforts to enhance the Ongoing Represent Rosemead's interest in improved condition and general appearance of the transportation planning and services. City's public infrastructure and the public right-of-way, as well as private properties within the community. Participation in regional transportation planning programs and agencies 220 Description When Expected Result Strategy 5: Achieve and maintain a Ongoing Ensure compliance with Metro grant structurally balanced General Fund budget requirements. with regular, recurring revenues that are sufficient to cover ongoing expenditures. Manage Proposition A, Proposition C, and 1Measure R program funds with possible sale of excess funds. 221 City of Rosemead, California Public Transit, Division 3040 Budget Summary by Major Categories FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Operations and maintenance $ 1,057,211 $ 965,000 $ 948,900 $ 994,000 Capital outlay 491,151 - - - Total Expenditures $ 1,548,362 $ 965,000 $ 948,900 $ 994,000 FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Funding Sources: Actual Budget Total Budget Proposition A Fund $ 1,105,004 $ 717,000 $ 710,900 $ 744,000 Proposition C Fund 313,218 248,000 238,000 250,000 Air Quality Mgt. District Fund 130,140 - - - Total Funding Sources $ 1,548,362 $ 965,000 $ 948,900 $ 994,000 • 222 City of Rosemead, California Public Transit, Division 3040 Budget Detail FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Fund Division Object Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Operations and maintenance 215 Prop A Fund 215 3040 5380 Vehicle repairs&maintenance $ 1,639 $ - $ 2,300 $ 2,400 215 3040 5435 Travel &meetings - - 1,600 1,600 215 3040 5440 Advertising 15,012 10,000 - 10,000 215 3040 5465 Membership dues 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 215 3040 5470 Transportation services 703,544 672,000 672,000 695,000 215 3040 5715 Excursions 8,798 20,000 20,000 20,000 215 3040 Operations&maint-Prop A Fund 743,993 717,000 710,900 744,000 220 Prop C Fund 220 3040 5470 Transportation services 235,000 168,000 168,000 170,000 220 3040 5725 Bus pass subsidy 78,218 80,000 70,000 80,000 220 3040 Operations&maint-Prop C Fund 313,218 248,000 238,000 250,000 3040 Total operations&maintenance 1,057,211 965,000 948,900 994,000 Capital Outlay 215 Prop A Fund 215 3040 5825 Vehicles 361,011 - - - Prop A Fund 230 3040 5825 Vehicles 130,140 - 3040 Total Capital Outlay 491,151 - - - 3040 Total Public Transit $ 1,548,362 $ 965,000 $ 948,900 $ 994,000 223 Public Transit Budget Detail 3040 PROPOSITION A—FUND 215 OPERATIONS: 5380 Vehicle repairs & maintenance Provide funds for vehicle repairs and maintenance for City vans ($2,400). 5435 Travel & meetings Provide funds for training expenses ($1,600). 5465 Memberships Dues Provide for miscellaneous memberships and subscriptions attributed to the Public Works employees ($15,000). 5440 Advertising Provide funds for legal publication costs for ordinance, resolutions, bids and all public hearing notices ($10,000). 5465 Memberships Dues Provide for miscellaneous memberships and subscriptions attributed to the Public Works employees ($15,000). 5470 Transportation Services Provide funds to a private transportation company for operations of Explorer and Dial- A-Ride ($695,000). 5715 Excursions Provide funds to a private transportation company for various city excursions ($20,000). PROPOSITION C—FUND 220 OPERATIONS: 5470 Transportation Services Provide funds to a private transportation company for operations of Explorer and Dial- A-Ride ($170,000). 224 5725 Bus Pass Subsidy Provides funds to subsidize MTA and Foothill bus passes for senior citizens and disabled individuals ($80,000). 225 City of Rosemead, California Parks and Recreation Department Organizational Chart Parks & Recreation Recreation Centers Youth Programs • Facility Rentals • After School Program • Senior Programs • Youth Sports • Recreation Classes • Preschool • Special Events • Summer Camp • Excursions • Excursions Parks Aquatics • Adult Sports • Swim Lessons • Special Events • Public Swimmino. • Field Use Coordination • Facility Rentals 226 City of Rosemead, California Parks & Recreation FY 2017/18 Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives • Continue development of Jay Imperial Park • Expand participation in the Citywide Youth Sports Programs • Implement partnership with Boys & Girls Club of the West San Gabriel Valley to program the Garvey Park Community Building • Initiate online registration to compliment current registration process • Connect Active Net software to Tyler for ease of financial records and deposits • Establish a multi-tier sponsorship program for Special Events • Introduce Adult softball and basketball programs • Establish seasonal day camps for youth (Summer, Winter, Spring) • Introduce customer satisfaction surveys • Review and update existing Department wide policies and procedures to improve efficiencies • Establish Rosemead Parks & Recreation brand • Increase contract class revenues by 15% • Establish a volunteer program 997 City of Rosemead, California Parks & Recreation Budget Summary Actual 15/16 Budgeted 16/17 Requested 17/18 No.of Full-time Team Members 9 9 9 Expenditures: Administration 350,955 486,200 486,000 Recreation 507,666 346,200 394,900 Youth&Adult Sports 37,523 32,900 51,400 Aquatics 573,493 632,100 633,500 Instructional Classes 234,206 219,000 247,800 Community Center Operations 196,830 354,900 391,800 Senior Services 106,628 131,500 159,500 Community Events 109,876 165,700 157,900 Dinsmoor Heritage House 6,095 9,000 9,000 Total Expenditures 2,123,272 2,377,500 2,531,800 Funding Sources General Fund 2,107,609 2,352,100 2,501,300 CDBG 15,663 25,400 30,500 Total Funding Sources 2,123,272 2,377,500 2,531,800 %Change 6% 17/18 Funding Sources 17/18 Expenditures (by Fund) Dinsmoor (by division) Comm. 0% vents 0 CDBG Senior �/° 1% Services 5% �^ Admin 20% Comm. Center Recreation 15% 15% Youth& Adult Sports General 2% Fund fnstr.dasses 99% 9% quatics 25% 228 City of Rosemead, California Parks & Recreation Personnel Title 2017/18 Salaries Director of Parks & Recreation S 121,400 Recreation Manager 81,600 Administrative Specialist 66,900 Recreation Supervisor(3) 216,600 Recreation Coordinator(3) 112,500 Total Personnel Salaries $ 599,000 229 City of Rosemead, California Parks& Recreation Budget Summary by Major Categories FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Salaries and benefits $ 1,578,551 $ 1,784,900 $ 1,609,200 $ 1,838,700 Operations and maintenance 538,685 577,600 584,300 678,100 Capital outlay 6,036 15,000 15,000 15,000 Total Expenditures $ 2,123,272 $ 2,377,500 $ 2,208,500 $ 2,531,800 FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Funding Sources: Actual Budget Total Budget General Fund $ 2,107,609 $ 2,352,100 $ 2,191,700 $ 2,501,300 CDBG Fund 15,663 25,400 16,800 30,500 Total Funding Sources $ 2,123,272 $ 2,377,500 $ 2,208,500 $ 2,531,800 230 Activity: Administration Organization: 4001 Function: To provide administrative and clerical support to all Parks & Recreation Divisions. The Administrative Division writes reports, reviews program policies and procedures, completes special projects and programs, purses grant funding, and has oversight of capital improvement projects related to parks and recreation facilities. Work Plan: 'Description When Expected Result Strategy 4: Parks& Recreation: FY 2017/18 • Continued implementation of • Complete the improvements to Master Plan projects. Jay Imperial Park. • Continued implementation of • Continue to increase park and Strategic Plan strategies. open space. • Researching funding for land • Evaluate the development of a acquisition. dog park. • Connect ActiveNet system to Tyler • Entry for CPRS Excellence in for ease of financial records and Design—Park Planning (Zapopan deposits and increased customer and Skate Plaza). service. • Implement the process to allow • Research and apply for national credit card transactions to be awards, certifications, and completed within one designations through various registration system. professional organizations. • Implement customer satisfaction survey for recreation programs. • Implement department social media and marketing tools for increased promotions. 231 City of Rosemead, California Parks& Recreation Administration, Division 4001 Budget Summary by Major Categories FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Salaries and benefits $ 304,200 $ 430,100 $ 358,200 $ 429,800 Operations and maintenance 46,755 56,100 56,800 56,200 Total Expenditures $ 350,955 $ 486,200 $ 415,000 $ 486,000 FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Funding Sources: Actual Budget Total Budget General Fund $ 350,955 $ 486,200 $ 415,000 $ 486,000 Total Funding Sources $ 350,955 $ 486,200 $ 415,000 $ 486,000 232 City of Rosemead, California Parks& Recreation Administration, Division 4001 Budget Detail FY 2016 FY 2016 Estimated FY 2017 FY 2015 Amended Year-End Requested Fund Division Object Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Salaries&Benefits 101 General Fund 101 4001 5005 Salaries&wages $ 134,339 $ 276,700 $ 223,800 $ 271,600 101 4001 5010 Part-time salaries &wages 52,560 - - 101 4001 5105 Social security/medicare 9,378 22,700 18,200 24,600 101 4001 5110 Worker's comp 2,900 3,400 3,100 3,000 101 4001 5115 Retirement contributions 72,662 54,900 49,000 59,300 101 4001 5125 Automobile Allowance 2,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 101 4001 5130 Cafeteria benefit 30,361 66,400 58,100 65,300 101 4001 Salaries&Benefits-General Fund 304,200 430,100 358,200 429,800 4001 Total Salaries&Benefits 304,200 430,100 358,200 429,800 Operations and maintenance 101 General Fund 101 4001 5435 Travel &meetings 1,416 1,500 1,600 1,600 101 4001 5465 Membership dues 350 1,000 2,100 1,600 101 4001 5565 Entertainment license 2,215 2,500 1,200 2,300 101 4001 5605 General supplies 1,151 1,000 1,800 1,000 101 4001 5645 Software 4,223 4,000 4,000 4,800 101 4001 5905 Technology services allocation 31,700 39,300 39,300 38,100 101 4001 5910 Equipment replacement allocation 5,700 6,800 6,800 6,800 101 4001 Total operations&maintenance 46,755 56,100 56,800 56,200 4001 Total Parks&Recreation Admin $ 350,955 $ 486,200 $ 415,000 $ 486,000 PARKS & RECREATION ADMINISTRATION Budget Detail 4001 GENERAL FUND—FUND 101 PERSONNEL: 5005 Regular Full Time Salaries & Wages Provide the compensation for the Director of Parks & Recreation, Administrative Specialist and Recreational Manager. Refer to the Position Distribution on page 12. 5010 Part-Time Salaries &Wages Provide for part-time staff to perform various duties. 5105 Social Security/Medicare Provide for employer's share of FICA/Medicare for all department employees. 5110 Workers Compensation Provide for workers compensation for department employees. 5115 Retirement Contributions Provide for retirement plan funding for all full-time City employees and City Council. 5130 Cafeteria Benefit Provide insurance for medical, dental,vision, life, and short-term and long-term disability funding for all full-time City employees and City Council. GENERAL FUND—FUND 101 OPERATIONS 5435 Travel and Meeting Provide funds for employees attending CPRS conference ($1,350), CPRS Mini Conference ($100) and SCMSF institute ($150). 231. 5465 Memberships Dues Provide funds for CPRS ($600), NRPA Agency ($450) and SCMAF Agency($550). 5565 Entertainment License Agreement Provide funds for ASCAP ($700), BMI ($700) and MPLC ($900). 5605 General Supplies Provide funds for office supplies ($1,000). 5645 Software Provide funds for ActiveNet software ($4,000) and ActiveNet training($800). 5905 Technology Service Allocation Allocate technology service costs to all departments ($38,100). 5910 Equipment Replacement Allocation Allocate equipment replacement costs to all departments ($6,800). 235 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK S E M e ci ce r o "iii '4C.►►Of,rED —1QSn 236 Activity: General Recreation Organization: 4005 Function: The general recreation division provides seasonal and year-round recreational opportunities to Rosemead youth including after-school recreation and seasonal day camps. Evening and weekend park supervision and field monitoring are also included in the general recreation division. Work Plan: Description When Expected Result Strategy 4: Parks& Recreation: FY 2017/18 • Implement a variety of seasonal day • Reintroduce Rosemead camps that are aligned with local Recreation Summer Day Camp school district planning schedules for grades 1-8. for summer, winter, and spring. • Increased participation in youth • Realign all youth recreation recreation programs. programs under one supervisor. • Complete and implement the partnership with the Boys & Girls Club at Garvey Park with shared usage of City facility with Parks & Recreation staff. 237 City of Rosemead, California General Recreation, Division 4005 Budget Summary by Major Categories FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Salaries and benefits $ 471,734 $ 315,600 $ 250,500 $ 350,300 Operations and maintenance 35,932 30,600 26,800 44,600 Total Expenditures $ 507,666 $ 346,200 $ 277,300 $ 394,900 FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Funding Sources: Actual Budget Total Budget General Fund $ 507,666 $ 346,200 $ 277,300 $ 394,900 Total Funding Sources $ 507,666 $ 346,200 $ 277,300 $ 394,900 238 City of Rosemead, California General Recreation, Division 4005 Budget Detail FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Fund Division Object Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Salaries&Benefits 101 General Fund 101 4005 5005 Salaries&wages $ 102,336 $ 104,200 $ 70,000 $ 104,500 101 4005 5010 Part-time salaries&wages 215,633 63,700 63,700 101,900 101 4005 5025 Overtime 1,813 - 2,100 - 101 4005 5105 Social security/medicare 15,746 12,300 9,000 11,700 101 4005 5110 Worker's comp 7,200 4,300 5,200 5,400 101 4005 5115 Retirement contributions 61,387 64,700 64,700 66,600 101 4005 5130 Cafeteria benefit 59,787 66,400 31,800 60,200 101 4005 5140 Unemployment insurance 7,832 - 4,000 - 101 4005 Salaries&Benefits-General Fund 471,734 315,600 250,500 350,300 4005 Total Salaries&Benefits 471,734 315,600 250,500 350,300 Operations and maintenance 101 General Fund 101 4005 5340 Facilities repair&maintenance 3,650 3,500 1,000 3,500 101 4005 5387 Property lease 1,671 8,600 6,300 4,700 101 4005 5435 Travel &meetings 272 - 200 500 101 4005 5605 General supplies 20,963 10,000 14,000 18,600 101 4005 5630 Small tools &equipment 689 1,000 700 - 101 4005 5635 Office equipment 1,640 1,500 600 - 101 4005 5655 Uniforms 1,976 2,500 3,000 2,800 101 4005 5710 Community events 34 - - - 101 4005 5715 Excursions 5,037 3,500 1,000 14,500 101 4005 Total operations&maintenance 35,932 30,600 26,800 44,600 4005 Total Recreation Division $ 507,666 $ 346,200 $ 277,300 $ 394,900 GENERAL RECREATION Budget Detail 4005 GENERAL FUND—FUND 101 PERSONNEL: 5005 Regular Full Time Salaries & Wages Provide the compensation for the Recreation Supervisor and Recreational Coordinator. Refer to the Position Distribution on page 12. 5010 Part-Time Salaries &Wages Provide for part-time staff to perform various duties. 5025 Overtime Cover the cost of overtime for non-management staff. 5105 Social Security/Medicare Provide for employer's share of FICA/Medicare for all department employees. 5110 Workers Compensation Provide for workers compensation for department employees. 5115 Retirement Contributions Provide for retirement plan funding for all full-time City employees and City Council. 5130 Cafeteria Benefit Provide insurance for medical, dental,vision, life, and short-term and long-term disability funding for all full-time City employees and City Council. GENERAL FUND— FUND 101 OPERATIONS 5340 Facilities Repair& Maintenance Provide funds to repair the park fitness ($2,000), tennis court netting ($1,000) and basketball court netting($500). 1.0 5387 Property Lease Provide funds to lease Jay Imperial Park ($2,800), Zapopan Park ($1,700), and Guess Park ($200). 5435 Travel and Meeting Expense Provide funds for CPRS region 4 training expenses ($500). 5605 General Supplies Provide funds for general and office supplies for Garvey Park ($600), Garvey Center ($3,500), RCRC($3,500), seasonal Camps ($4,000) and Park Supervision ($1,000). 5655 Uniforms Provide funds to purchase uniforms ($2,800). 5715 Excursions Allocated to weekly summer day camp ($11,000) and summer family excursions ($3,500). 211 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK E M cr I a cf 4.COtPOf1,1ED 19 242 Activity: Youth & Adult Sports Organization: 4010 Function: The Youth and Adult Sports division is responsible for provision of year-round sports activities for residents of all ages including Tiny Tots, Youth, Middle school, and Adult sports. This division will offer a variety of youth and adult sports opportunities that include leagues, instructional camps, clinics and national competitions. Work Plan: 'Description When Expected Result FY 2017/18 Strategy 4: Parks& Recreation: • Create adult softball and • Expand participation in citywide basketball leagues. sports programs. • Restructuring youth sports • Introduce adult sports league formatting. programming. • Work with RHS to introduce HS led sports camps. 243 City of Rosemead, California Youth &Adult Sports, Division 4010 Budget Summary by Major Categories FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Salaries and benefits $ 26,857 $ 25,900 $ 26,100 $ 29,000 Operations and maintenance 10,666 7,000 7,600 22,400 Total Expenditures $ 37,523 $ 32,900 $ 33,700 $ 51,400 FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Funding Sources: Actual Budget Total Budget General Fund $ 37,523 $ 32,900 $ 33,700 $ 51,400 Total Funding Sources $ 37,523 $ 32,900 $ 33,700 $ 51,400 244 City of Rosemead, California Youth & Adult Sports, Division 4010 Budget Detail FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Fund Division Object Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Salaries&Benefits 101 General Fund 101 4010 5010 Part-time salaries &wages $ 24,091 $ 23,700 $ 23,700 $ 28,000 101 4010 5025 Overtime 12 - 200 - 101 4010 5105 Social security/medicare 350 300 300 200 101 4010 5110 Worker's comp 1,500 1,000 1,000 400 101 4010 5115 Retirementcontributions 904 900 900 400 101 4010 Salaries&Benefits-General Fund 26,857 25,900 26,100 29,000 1305 Total Salaries&Benefits 26,857 25,900 26,100 29,000 Operations and maintenance 101 General Fund 101 4010 5340 Facilties repair&Maintenance - - - 5,000 101 4010 5435 Travel &meeting - - - 1,300 101 4010 5505 Class instruction 963 - - - 101 4010 5605 General supplies 7,147 5,000 7,200 13,000 101 4010 5630 Small tools &equipment 2,556 2,000 400 3,100 101 4010 Operations&maint-General Fund 10,666 7,000 7,600 22,400 4010 Total Recreation Fee&Charge $ 37,523 $ 32,900 $ 33,700 $ 51,400 91,3 osinh YOUTH & ADULT SPORTS Budget Detail 4010 GENERAL FUND—FUND 101 PERSONNEL: 5010 Part-Time Salaries &Wages Provide for part-time staff to perform various duties. 5025 Overtime Cover the cost of overtime for non-management staff. 5105 Social Security/Medicare Provide for employer's share of FICA/Medicare for all department employees. 5110 Workers Compensation Provide for workers compensation for department employees. 5115 Retirement Contributions Provide for retirement plan funding for all full-time City employees and City Council. GENERAL FUND—FUND 101 OPERATIONS: 5340 Facilities Repair& Maintenance Provide funds to repair the Gym floor($3,000) and safety padding ($2,000). 5435 Travel and Meeting Expense Provide funds for CPRS region ($400), CPRS conference ($500), and SCMAF Institute training ($400). 5605 Department Supplies Provide funds for general supplies youth basketball ($7,000), youth volleyball ($3,000), and youth futsal ($3,000). 5630 Small Tools & Equipment Provide funds for purchases or replacement of equipment for volleyball ($300), basketball ($2,500), and futsal ($300). 246 Activity: Aquatics Organization: 4015 Function: To provide recreational aquatic programs including summer recreation swim, lap swim, aqua aerobics, special events including luau and dive-in movies. The division oversees maintenance of Rosemead and Garvey Pools. Work Plan: Description When Expected Result Strategy 4: Parks& Recreation: • Increased participation in aquatics FY 2017/18 programs. • Introduce year round triathlon . Increased revenues. training programs. • Consistent maintenance • Continue to expand corporate Swim operations and preventative care program. of the Splash Zone and RAC. • Contract out routine maintenance. • Increase facility rental promotions. 247 City of Rosemead, California Aquatics, Division 4015 Budget Summary by Major Categories FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Salaries and benefits $ 429,690 $ 474,700 $ 478,900 $ 474,200 Operations and maintenance 143,803 157,400 147,700 159,300 Total Expenditures $ 573,493 $ 632,100 $ 626,600 $ 633,500 FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY2016 Amended Year-End Requested Funding Sources: Actual Budget Total Budget General Fund $ 573,493 $ 632,100 $ 626,600 $ 633,500 Total Funding Sources $ 573,493 $ 632,100 $ 626,600 $ 633,500 `218 v City of Rosemead, California Aquatics, Division 4015 Budget Detail FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Fund Division Object Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Salaries&Benefits 101 General Fund 101 4015 5005 Salaries &wages $ 64,738 $ 103,200 $ 103,200 $ 105,900 101 4015 5010 Part-time salaries &wages 258,406 255,400 255,400 250,400 101 4015 5025 Overtime 3,269 - 4,200 - 101 4015 5105 Social security/medicare 9,376 12,900 12,900 13,200 101 4015 5110 Worker's comp 9,100 11,400 11,400 11,200 101 4015 5115 Retirementcontributions 59,397 47,100 47,100 50,000 101 4015 5130 Cafeteria benefit 25,404 44,700 44,700 43,500 101 4015 Salaries&Benefits-General Fund 429,690 474,700 478,900 474,200 4015 Total Salaries&Benefits 429,690 474,700 478,900 474,200 Operations and maintenance 101 General Fund 101 4015 5305 Electricity 36,083 40,000 38,000 41,500 101 4015 5310 Water 6,563 15,000 16,000 9,000 101 4015 5315 Gas 34,665 24,000 28,000 34,200 101 4015 5340 Facilities repair&maintenance 3,567 15,000 4,000 6,300 101 4015 5345 Pool maintenance 49,566 45,000 47,000 47,800 101 4015 5460 Training 1,754 400 600 2,100 101 4015 5605 General supplies 11,006 15,000 13,000 15,000 101 4015 5655 Uniforms 599 3,000 1,100 3,400 101 4015 Total operations&maintenance 143,803 157,400 147,700 159,300 4015 Total Aquatics $ 573,493 $ 632,100 $ 626,600 $ 633,500 249 AQUATICS Budget Detail 4015 GENERAL FUND—FUND 101 PERSONNEL: 5005 Regular Full Time Salaries &Wages Provide the compensation for the Recreational Supervisor and Recreation Coordinator. Refer to the Position Distribution on page 12. 5010 Part-Time Salaries &Wages Provide for part-time staff to perform various duties. 5025 Overtime Cover the cost of overtime for non-management staff. 5105 Social Security/Medicare Provide for employer's share of FICA/Medicare for all department employees. 5110 Workers Compensation Provide for workers compensation for department employees. 5115 Retirement Contributions Provide for retirement plan funding for all full-time City employees and City Council. 5130 Cafeteria Benefit Provide insurance for medical, dental, vision, life, and short-term and long-term disability funding for all full-time City employees and City Council. 2,iU GENERAL FUND— FUND 101 OPERATIONS: 5305 Electrical Provide funds for RAC ($20,000) and Splash Zone ($21,500). 5310 Water Provide funds for RAC ($6,000) and Splash Zone ($3,000). 5315 Natural Gas Provide funds for RAC ($33,600) and Splash Zone ($600). 5340 Facilities Repair& Maintenance Provide funds to repair Splash Zone slide ($2,000), Splash Zone tools ($1,000), RAC tools ($2,000), and RAC repairs ($1,300). 5345 Pool Maintenance Provide funds for RAC chlorine ($23,000), RAC equipment maintenance ($3,000), Splash Zone chlorine ($10,300), Splash Zone equipment ($3,000), and dry chemicals for both pools ($8,500). 5435 Travel and Meeting Provide funds for employees attending SCCPOS ($200), CPRS ($1,200), and certifications ($700). 5605 General Supplies Provide funds for various department supplies ($6,700), office supplies ($2,850) City events ($950), and State and County fees ($4,500). 5655 Uniforms Provide funds for summer staff($500) and year round staff($2,900). 9,31 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK E M tr F , , , I 7.1 (3 t x� � 7 1 yV hCOt'ORA TFO T 252 Activity: Instructional Classes Organization: 4020 Function: The contract classes division provides classes covering a variety of cultural, physical fitness, special interest, and self-improvement subjects (Contract instructors are paid a percentage of the fees collected for their class). The pre-school program also is operated from this division at Garvey Center and Rosemead Park. Work Plan: 'Description When (Expected Result Strategy 4: Parks& Recreation: Ongoing • Increased variety of class offerings and class participation. • Review instructional class offerings • Increase contract class revenue by and expand at Garvey Center, RCRC, 15%. and Garvey Park Recreation Center. • Research and implement participant and instructor liability insurance. 253 City of Rosemead, California Instructional Classes, Division 4020 Budget Summary by Major Categories FY2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Salaries and benefits $ 85,002 $ 89,500 $ 73,700 $ 87,800 Operations and maintenance 149,204 129,500 155,500 160,000 Total Expenditures $ 234,206 $ 219,000 $ 229,200 $ 247,800 FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Funding Sources: Actual Budget Total Budget General Fund $ 234,206 $ 219,000 $ 229,200 $ 247,800 Total Funding Sources $ 234,206 $ 219,000 $ 229,200 $ 247,800 254 City of Rosemead, California Instructional Classes, Division 4020 Budget Detail FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Fund Division Object Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Salaries&Benefits 101 General Fund 101 4020 5005 Salaries &wages $ - $ - $ - $ - 101 4020 5010 Part-time salaries&wages 44,079 43,500 43,400 43,500 101 4020 5105 Social security/medicare 2,978 7,500 3,100 7,200 101 4020 5110 Worker's comp 3,600 2,400 2,400 2,300 101 4020 5115 Retirement contributions 21,934 19,300 17,700 19,800 101 4020 5130 Cafeteria benefit 12,411 16,800 7,100 15,000 101 4020 Salaries&Benefits-General Fund 85,002 89,500 73,700 87,800 Operations and maintenance 101 General Fund 101 4020 5505 Class instruction 144,739 125,000 151,400 160,000 101 4020 5550 Recruiting expense 376 - 100 - 101 4020 5605 General supplies 4,089 4,500 4,000 - 101 4020 Operations&maint-General Fund 149,204 129,500 155,500 160,000 4020 Total Instructional Classes $ 234,206 $ 219,000 $ 229,200 $ 247,800 255 INSTRUCTIONAL CLASSES Budget Detail 4020 GENERAL FUND—FUND 101 PERSONNEL: 5010 Part-Time Salaries&Wages Provide for part-time staff to perform various duties. 5105 Social Security/Medicare Provide for employer's share of FICA/Medicare for all department employees. 5110 Workers Compensation Provide for workers compensation for department employees. 5115 Retirement Contributions Provide for retirement plan funding for all full-time City employees and City Council. 5130 Cafeteria Benefit Provide insurance for medical, dental,vision, life, and short-term and long-term disability funding for all full-time City employees and City Council. GENERAL FUND—FUND 101 OPERATIONS: 5505 Class Instruction Provide funds for class instructors who teach both at RCRC and Garvey Center ($160,000). 256 Activity: Community Center Operations Organization: 4025 Function: The division is responsible for oversight of the Garvey Center and Rosemead Community Recreation Center for public use for receptions, events, meetings, and to facilitate contract classes. Community Centers also house Rosemead's Senior Services programs and several special events. Work Plan: 'Description When Expected Result Strategy 4: Parks& Recreation: FY 2017/18 • Expanded recreational • Develop strategies for expanded use opportunities for Rosemead of community centers to focus on families. efficiency and revenue generation. • Increased facility related • Review and update existing revenues. department wide policies and • Consolidate facility rental procedures to improve efficiencies. agreements for both community • Research and identify facility centers for consistency purposes upgrades. for customers. • Begin facility enhancements and upgrades to interior and exterior. 257 • City of Rosemead, California Community Center Operations, Division 4025 Budget Summary by Major Categories FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY2016 Amended Year-End Requested Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Salaries and benefits $ 184,229 $ 329,900 $ 330,300 $ 363,300 Operations and maintenance 6,565 10,000 6,500 13,500 Capital outlay 6,036 15,000 15,000 15,000 Total Expenditures $ 196,830 $ 354,900 $ 351,800 $ 391,800 FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Funding Sources: Actual Budget Total Budget General Fund $ 196,830 $ 354,900 $ 351,800 $ 391,800 Total Funding Sources $ 196,830 $ 354,900 $ 351,800 $ 391,800 258 City of Rosemead, California Community Center Operations, Division 4025 Budget Detail FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Fund Division Object Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Salaries&Benefits 101 General Fund 101 4025 5005 Salaries &wages $ 73,038 $ 76,200 $ 76,200 $ 80,800 101 4025 5010 Part-time salaries &wages 41,859 168,600 168,600 192,200 101 4025 5025 Overtime 61 - 400 - 101 4025 5105 Social security/medicare 6,373 8,400 8,400 9,000 101 4025 5110 Worker's comp 5,200 7,500 7,500 8,500 101 4025 5115 Retirement contributions 35,681 46,900 46,900 51,000 101 4025 5130 Cafeteria benefit 22,017 22,300 22,300 21,800 101 4025 Salaries&Benefits-General Fund 184,229 329,900 330,300 363,300 4025 Total Salaries&Benefits 184,229 329,900 330,300 363,300 Operations and maintenance 101 General Fund 101 4025 5435 Travel &meeting - - - 1,500 101 4025 5605 General supplies 6,565 10,000 6,500 10,000 101 4025 5630 Small tools &equipment - - - 2,000 101 4025 Operations&maint-General Fund 6,565 10,000 6,500 13,500 Capital Outlay 101 General Fund 101 4025 5820 Machinery&equipment 6,036 15,000 15,000 15,000 4025 Total Community Ctr Operations $ 196,830 $ 354,900 $ 351,800 $ 391,800 imisommosimmor- COMMUNITY CENTER OPERATIONS Budget Detail 4025 GENERAL FUND—FUND 101 PERSONNEL: 5005 Regular Full Time Salaries&Wages Provide the compensation for the recreational Supervisor. Refer to the Position Distribution on page 12. 5010 Part-Time Salaries &Wages Provide for part-time staff to perform various duties. 5025 Overtime Cover the cost of overtime for non-management staff. 5105 Social Security/Medicare Provide for employer's share of FICA/Medicare for all department employees. 5110 Workers Compensation Provide for workers compensation for department employees. 5115 Retirement Contributions Provide for retirement plan funding for all full-time City employees and City Council. 5130 Cafeteria Benefit Provide insurance for medical, dental,vision, life, and short-term and long-term disability funding for all full-time City employees and City Council. 260 GENERAL FUND—FUND 101 OPERATIONS: 5435 Travel and Meeting Provide funds for employees attending CPRS RCRC ($400), CPRS Garvey Center($800), CPRS Regional workshop ($150) and SCMAF Institute workshop ($150). 5605 General Supplies Provide funds for various office supplies RCRC ($5,000) and Garvey Center($5,000). 5630 Small Tools & Equipment Provide funds for purchases or replacement of equipment for Garvey Preschool Safety Padding ($2,000). 5820 Machinery& Equipment Provide funds to purchase equipment for both RCRC & Garvey Center ($5,000) and tables &chairs ($10,000). 261 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK S E M F Ci 0 1 cr I 6 \#.,s 7 ,MC04,.OfA1ED ,qya 262 Activity: Senior Services Organization: 4030 Function: The Senior Services division provides services to seniors to include lunch services, social activities, excursions, special events, instructional classes for ongoing personal development, health & medical screenings to assist seniors with personal wellness. Also, to partner with clubs, community organizations, and El Monte-Rosemead Adult School to meet the social, physical, and recreational needs of local seniors. Work Plan: Description When Expected Result Strategy 4: Parks& Recreation: 2017/18 • Increased participation of resident seniors in the senior • More effectively market senior instructional class program, programs to Rosemead (particularly, events, and the daily lunch those in our senior housing program. complexes) to increase awareness of and participation in programs. • Enhance Senior Lunch Program to include improved environment, better quality meals, and festive activities (i.e., music, crafts, games, etc.). City of Rosemead, California Senior Services, Division 4030 Budget Summary by Major Categories FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Salaries and benefits $ 76,599 $ 90,500 $ 84,100 $ 97,300 Operations and maintenance 30,029 41,000 41,000 62,200 Total Expenditures $ 106,628 $ 131,500 $ 125,100 $ 159,500 FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY2016 Amended Year-End Requested Funding Sources: Actual Budget Total Budget General Fund $ 90,965 $ 106,100 $ 108,300 $ 129,000 CDBG Fund 15,663 25,400 16,800 30,500 Total Funding Sources $ 106,628 $ 131,500 $ 125,100 $ 159,500 264 City of Rosemead, California Senior Services, Division 4030 Budget Detail FY2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Fund Division Object Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Salaries&Benefits 101 General Fund 101 4030 5005 Salaries&wages $ 28,677 $ 29,600 $ 29,600 $ 30,500 101 4030 5010 Part-time salaries&wages - - 2,200 - 101 4030 5105 Social security/medicare 2,300 2,400 2,400 2,700 101 4030 5110 Worker's comp 300 300 300 400 101 4030 5115 Retirement contributions 12,425 14,900 14,900 15,800 101 4030 5130 Cafeteria benefit 17,234 17,900 17,900 17,400 101 4030 Salaries&Benefits-General Fund 60,936 65,100 67,300 66,800 Salaries&Benefits 260 CDBG Fund 260 4030 5005 Salaries&wages $ 7,052 $ 7,400 $ 7,400 $ 7,700 260 4030 5010 Part-time salaries&wages - 8,400 - 12,600 260 4030 5105 Social security/medicare 565 700 700 700 260 4030 5110 Worker's comp 700 400 400 600 260 4030 5115 Retirement contributions 3,080 4,000 3,800 4,500 260 4030 5130 Cafeteria benefit 4,266 4,500 4,500 4,400 260 4030 Salaries&Benefits-CDBG Fund 15,663 25,400 16,800 30,500 4030 Total Salaries&Benefits 76,599 90,500 84,100 97,300 Operations and maintenance 101 General Fund 101 4030 5560 Food service contract 25,914 26,000 26,000 26,000 101 4030 5605 General supplies 165 - - 1,000 101 4030 5710 Community events - - - 9,000 101 4030 5715 Excursions 3,950 15,000 15,000 26,200 101 4030 Operations&maint-General Funi 30,029 41,000 41,000 62,200 4030 Total Senior Services $ 106,628 $ 131,500 $ 125,100 $ 159,500 265 SENIOR SERVICES Budget Detail 4030 GENERAL FUND—FUND 101 PERSONNEL: 5005 Regular Full Time Salaries &Wages Provide the compensation for the recreational Supervisor. Refer to the Position Distribution on page 12. 5010 Part-Time Salaries &Wages Provide for part-time staff to perform various duties. 5105 Social Security/Medicare Provide for employer's share of FICA/Medicare for all department employees. 5110 Workers Compensation Provide for workers compensation for department employees. 5115 Retirement Contributions Provide for retirement plan funding for all full-time City employees and City Council. 5130 Cafeteria Benefit Provide insurance for medical, dental, vision, life, and short-term and long-term disability funding for all full-time City employees and City Council. 266 GENERAL FUND—FUND 101 OPERATIONS: 5560 Food Services Contract Provide funds for senior meals at Garvey Center($26,000). 5605 General Supplies Provide funds for various department supplies at Garvey Center($1,000). 5710 Community Events Provide funds for various senior events Bingo & Movie day($2,000), Christmas party ($1,000), Halloween party($1,000), Salute to Seniors ($1,000), Summer Beach party ($1,000) and Sweethearts Jamboree ($3,000). 5715 Excursions Provide funds for senior excursions ($26,200). 267 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK E M ck- 44 ' o , 41‘;‘,4e,, 'NCoAADfAtED EAy� 268 Activity: Community Promotions / Special Events Organization: 4040 Function: The Community Promotions/Special Events division strives to provide high quality annual citywide special events including Citywide Yard Sale, Easter Eggstravaganza,July 4th Parade and Celebration, Rockin' Rosemead Summer Concerts, Moon Festival, Fall Fiesta,Trunk or Treat, Christmas Tree Lighting and Dinner with Santa.These events serve tens of thousands of residents annually.This division is also responsible for the tri annual publication of the Rosemead Resource brochure as well as all department marketing and promotions. Work Plan: Description When Expected Result Strategy 4: Parks& Recreation: Ongoing • Improve attendance/participation at • Create a multi tier sponsorship Special Events through quality program for various levels of activities, attractions, and support. entertainment. • Create marketing campaigns • Develop sponsorship program for specific to events and promotions. special events. • Create a department wide volunteer program to service various divisions. 269 City of Rosemead, California Community Promotions/Special Events, Division 4040 Budget Summary by Major Categories FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Salaries and benefits $ 240 $ 28,700 $ 7,400 $ 7,000 Operations and maintenance 109,636 137,000 141,600 150,900 Total Expenditures $ 109,876 $ 165,700 $ 149,000 $ 157,900 FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Funding Sources: Actual Budget Total Budget General Fund $ 109,876 $ 165,700 $ 149,000 $ 157,900 Total Funding Sources $ 109,876 $ 165,700 $ 149,000 $ 157,900 270 City of Rosemead, California Community Promotions/Special Events, Division 4040 Budget Detail FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Fund Division Object Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Salaries&Benefits 101 General Fund 101 4040 5010 Part-time salaries&wages $ 133 $ 26,300 $ 6,000 $ 6,300 101 4040 5105 Social security/medicare 2 400 300 100 101 4040 5110 Worker's comp 100 1,000 1,000 300 101 4040 5115 Retirement contributions 5 1,000 100 300 101 4040 Salaries&Benefits-General Fund 240 28,700 7,400 7,000 Operations and maintenance 101 General Fund 101 4040 5440 Advertising - - - 37,500 101 4040 5605 General Supplies 280 - 1,600 3,000 101 4040 5710 Community events 109,356 137,000 140,000 110,400 101 4040 Operations&maint-General Fund 109,636 137,000 141,600 150,900 4040 Total Community Promotion $ 109,876 $ 165,700 $ 149,000 $ 157,900 271 COMMUNITY PROMOTIONS/SPECIAL EVENTS Budget Detail 4040 GENERAL FUND—FUND 101 PERSONNEL: 5010 Part-Time Salaries &Wages Provide for part-time staff to perform various duties. 5025 Overtime Cover the cost of overtime for non-management staff. 5105 Social Security/Medicare Provide for employer's share of FICA/Medicare for all department employees. 5110 Workers Compensation Provide for workers compensation for department employees. 5115 Retirement Contributions Provide for retirement plan funding for all full-time City employees and City Council. GENERAL FUND—FUND 101 OPERATIONS: 5440 Advertising Provide funds for City Yard Sale & Easter Egg Hunt ($2,500),4th of July &Summer Concerts ($2,500), Aquatics ($2,500), Youth Sports ($2,500), Fall Fiesta &Truck or Treat ($2,500),Tree Lighting& Dinner with Santa ($2,500) and 3 Recreation Brochures ($22,500). 5605 General Supplies Provide funds for 2 way radios for special events ($3,000). 5710 Community Events Provide funds for 4th of July ($74,000), 6 Summer Concerts ($10,000), Moon Festival ($6,000), Fall Fiesta ($7,000),Truck or Treat ($2,500), Christmas Tree Lighting ($5,000), Dinner with Santa ($2,000), Easter Egg Extravaganza ($1,500), City Yard Sale ($1,500), Memoria Day ($200) and 9/11 ($700). ,)79 Activity: Dinsmoor Heritage House Organization: 4045 Function: The division is accountable for providing maintenance and oversight of the facility and grounds of the Dinsmoor Heritage House Cultural Museum. This effort is done in cooperation with the local heritage society. Work Plan: 'Description When (Expected Result • Continue to increase awareness of Ongoing • Increased awareness and use of and access to the Dinsmoor House. the Dinsmoor Gardens and • Improve promotional efforts continued physical improvement regarding Dinsmoor Gardens. Offer of the facility by local residents. special events that attract more rental uses. • Work with the Dinsmoor Heritage Group to expand programming at Dinsmoor House to increase public awareness and access. 273 I 1 1 City of Rosemead, California Dinsmoor Heritage House, Division 4045 Budget Summary by Major Categories FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Operations and maintenance $ 6,095 $ 9,000 $ 800 $ 9,000 Total Expenditures $ 6,095 $ 9,000 $ 800 $ 9,000 FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Funding Sources: Actual Budget Total Budget General Fund $ 6,095 $ 9,000 $ 800 $ 9,000 Total Funding Sources $ 6,095 $ 9,000 $ 800 $ 9,000 274 City of Rosemead, California Dinsmoor Heritage House, Division 4045 Budget Detail FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Fund Division Object Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Operations and maintenance 101 General Fund 101 4045 5330 Grounds repair&maintenance $ 1,804 $ 5,000 $ 800 $ 5,000 101 4045 5340 Facilities repair&maintenance 4,286 4,000 4,000 101 4045 5605 General supplies 5 - - - 101 4045 Total operations&maintenance 6,095 9,000 800 9,000 4045 Total Dinsmoor Heritage House $ 6,095 $ 9,000 $ 800 $ 9,000 Dinsmoor Heritage House Budget Detail 4045 GENERAL FUND—FUND 101 OPERATIONS: 5330 Grounds Repair& Maintenance Provide funds for upkeep and maintenance ($5,000). 5340 Facilities Repair& Maintenance Provide funds for upkeep and maintenance ($4,000). 276 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK E M I 14, ,yb-- 277 // City of Rosemead, California Community Development Organizational Chart Coininunity Development Planning • Plan Review Building • Occupancy Permits • Building Permits • Entitlements • Plan Checks • Zoning • Inspections • General Plan Economic Development • Business Attraction and Housing Retention • Senior Housing • Business Rehab Programs • Affordable Housing • Developer Coordination • Residential Rehab • Business License • 278 City of Rosemead, California Community Development 2017/18 Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives ■ Beautification of the City through appropriate Economic Development. • Continue to work with developers of major projects to facilitate the construction of attractive and compatible developments within the community. • Continue to promote sales tax growth by attracting new businesses to the City, and retaining and strengthening existing business and commercial centers. ■ Pursue outside Funding Opportunities when made available and appropriate to achieving goals. • Fiscal Responsibility—Continue to Review, Revise, and Update Fee Structure as needed • Streamline Operating Efficiencies • Digitizing existing building files • Continue with the Streamline Plan Check review • Maintain Compliance with Federal funds (CDBG and HOME) • Community Services • Continue Promotion of Fair Housing Standards • Housing Services • Increase Owner Occupied Rehabilitation (OOR) and First Time Homebuyer participation • Promotion of services • Affordable Housing • Continue to create and maintain partnerships with non-profit housing developers • Work with affordable housing developers on projects to provide new affordable housing units. • Advanced Planning • Garvey Avenue Specific Plan • Sign Code Update • Zoning Code Amendment (as needed) • Enhance Relationship/Communication with the Development Community • Continue to participate in the joint Chamber-City Economic Development Committee. 279 I I City of Rosemead, California Community Development Budget Summary Actual 15/16 Budgeted 16/17 Requested 17/18 No.of Full-time Team Members 7 7 7 Expenditures: Planning 819,206 949,400 995,900 Building 975,912 844,900 736,600 CDBG 399,716 493,600 559,300 HOME 20,273 226,300 151,300 Total Expenditures 2,215,107 2,514,200 2,443,100 Funding Sources General Fund 1,758,059 1,747,700 1,732,500 Proposition A 37,059 46,600 - CDBG 399,716 493,600 559,300 HOME 20,273 226,300 151,300 Total Funding Sources 2,215,107 2,514,200 2,443,100 %Change -3% 17/18 Funding Sources 17/18 Expenditures (by Fund) (by division) HOME HOME Prop A CDBG 6% CDBG 0/ME 0% 23% 23% Planning 41% General Fund Building 71% 30% 280 City of Rosemead, California Community Development Personnel Title 2017/18 Salaries Director of Community Development 149,000 City Planner 87,800 Associate Planner 69,100 Assistant Planner 60,000 Senior Management Analyst 86,400 Housing Project Coordinator 73,600 Administrative Assistant 54,800 Total Personnel Salaries $ 580,700 281 1 1 1 City of Rosemead, California Community Development Budget Summary by Major Categories FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Salaries and benefits $ 983,292 $ 1,011,300 $ 1,008,400 $ 1,057,900 Operations and maintenance 1,231,815 1,502,900 1,428,000 1,385,200 Total Expenditures $ 2,215,107 $ 2,514,200 $ 2,436,400 $ 2,443,100 FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Funding Sources: Actual Budget Total Budget General Fund $ 1,758,059 $ 1,747,700 $ 1,675,700 $ 1,732,500 Proposition A Fund 37,059 46,600 46,600 - CDBG Fund 399,716 493,600 494,200 559,300 HOME Fund 20,273 226,300 219,900 151,300 Total Funding Sources $ 2,215,107 $ 2,514,200 $ 2,436,400 $ 2,443,100 282 Activity: Planning Organization: 5105 Function: Responsible for the orderly development of the community; to ensure that new development is attractive and compatible with the surroundings and consistent with the City's codes and policies; to analyze land use and development proposals from an environmental, zoning, land use, and design review standpoint; to provide information and assistance to the public on the City's planning process; to encourage public participation in land use and design review matters; to mediate neighbor disputes associated with land use and/or design proposals; to serve as the coordinators between the various City departments and other outside agencies in land use/design matters; and to staff and advise the Planning Commission and City Council. Work Plan: Description _ When Expected Result Strategy 1 Economic Development Ongoing Attract new quality (Expected developments to generate Complete the development of a Garvey Avenue Completion additional tax revenues and high Corridor Specific Plan and Environmental Impact Summer 2017) quality jobs along Garvey Report (EIR) Avenue. Strategy 1 Economic Development Ongoing Attract new hotel developments to generate additional transient Explore the potential of creating a hotel district occupancy tax (TOT) and high for the south end of the City (Montebello quality jobs. Boulevard and Town Center Drive Strategy 1 Economic Development Ongoing Attract new businesses and sustain established ones. Study the potential for increases to existing Floor Area Ratio (FAR) limitations for future developments on commercially-zoned properties Strategy 1 Economic Development June 2018 Updated sign code that implements the goals and Initiate processes to update Sign Code policies of the General Plan and regulations in the Municipal Code complies with State law. Strategy 1 Economic Development Annually Assist property owners and/or developers in finding quality, Facilitate development of annual broker's long-term local, national, and/or roundtable to promote Rosemead as a Business regional tenants. Friendly City Strategy 1 Economic Development June 2018 Reduction in waiting time to begin project. Explore the potential of reducing the appeal period under the Rosemead Municipal Code, Section 17.60 "Appeals and Request for Review" 283 City of Rosemead, California Planning, Division 5105 Budget Summary by Major Categories FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Salaries and benefits $ 699,329 $ 783,700 $ 780,800 $ 816,800 Operations and maintenance 119,877 165,700 182,000 179,100 Total Expenditures $ 819,206 $ 949,400 $ 962,800 $ 995,900 FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Funding Sources: Actual Budget Total Budget General Fund $ 782,147 $ 902,800 $ 916,200 $ 995,900 Proposition A Fund 37,059 46,600 46,600 - Total Funding Sources $ 819,206 $ 949,400 $ 962,800 $ 995,900 284 gmb City of Rosemead, California Planning, Division 5105 Budget Detail FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested 3 Fund Division Object Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget 1 Salaries&Benefits 101 General Fund 101 5105 5005 Salaries&wages $ 372,165 $ 408,400 $ 408,400 $ 454,000 101 5105 5010 Part-time salaries&wages 5,315 15,100 11,000 15,100 101 5105 5025 Overtime 1,545 - 1,200 - 101 5105 5105 Social security/medicare 32,341 35,900 35,900 40,000 101 5105 5110 Worker's comp 4,500 5,000 5,000 5,300 101 5105 5115 Retirement contributions 136,994 151,700 151,700 177,500 101 5105 5125 Automobile Allowance 4,500 4,800 4,800 4,900 101 5105 5130 Cafeteria benefit 104,910 116,200 116,200 120,000 101 5105 5140 Unemploymentinsurance - - - - 101 5105 Salaries&Benefits-General Fund 662,270 737,100 734,200 816,800 215 Prop A Fund 215 5105 5005 Salaries&wages 19,652 24,600 24,600 - 215 5105 5105 Social security/medicare 1,938 2,400 2,400 - 215 5105 5110 Worker's comp 300 300 300 - 215 5105 5115 Retirement contributions 9,032 12,600 12,600 - 215 5105 5125 AutomobileAllowance 6,137 - - - 215 5105 5130 Cafeteria benefit - 6,700 6,700 - 215 5105 Salaries&Benefits-Prop A Fund 37,059 46,600 46,600 - 5105 Total Salaries&Benefits 699,329 783,700 780,800 816,800 28,5 IMMONEMMIIMIr l City of Rosemead, California Planning, Division 5105 Budget Detail FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Fund Division Object Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Operations and maintenance 101 General Fund 101 5105 5299 Other professional/technical serv. 58,052 77,000 97,000 77,000 101 5105 5435 Travel &meetings 1,279 4,500 5,500 5,700 101 5105 5465 Membership dues 27,440 28,400 30,000 34,400 101 5105 5475 Recording&filing 1,722 17,500 9,500 23,500 101 5105 5605 General supplies 2,684 3,300 4,000 3,300 101 5105 5905 Technology services allocation 22,300 27,500 27,500 26,700 101 5105 5910 Equipment replacement allocation 6,400 7,500 7,500 7,500 101 5105 5940 Other expenditures - - 1,000 1,000 101 5105 Operations&maint-General Fund 119,877 165,700 182,000 179,100 5105 Total Operations&maintenance 119,877 165,700 182,000 179,100 5105 Total Planning $ 819,206 $ 949,400 $ 962,800 $ 995,900 286 Planning Division Budget Detail 5105 GENERAL FUND—FUND 101 i PROPOSITION A—FUND 215 PERSONNEL: 5005 Regular Full Time Salaries & Wages Provide the compensation for the Director of Community Development, Senior Management Analyst, City Planner, Associate Planner,Assistant Planner, and Administrative Assistant. Refer to the Position Distribution on page 12. 5010 Part-time Salaries &Wages Provide for one part-time staff to perform various clerical duties. 5025 Overtime Cover the cost of overtime for non-management staff. 5105 Social Security/Medicare Provide for employer's share of FICA/Medicare for all department employees. 5110 Workers Compensation Provide for workers compensation for department employees. 5115 Retirement Contributions Provide for retirement plan funding for all full-time City employees and City Council. 5125 Automobile Allowance Provide funds for an Automobile Allowance for the Department Directors. 5130 Cafeteria Benefit Provide insurance for medical, dental, vision, life, and short-term and long-term disability funding for all full-time City employees and City Council. 287 GENERAL FUND—FUND 101 OPERATIONS: 5299 Other Professional/Technical Services Provide funds for MIG carryover contract ($30,000), miscellaneous studies ($10,000), sign code update ($25,000), traffic consultant ($2,000), and various consultant reviews for the Specific Plan ($10,000). 5435 Travel and Meeting Expense Provide for travel and meeting expenses to ICSC for Director ($1,200), mileage reimbursement ($100), 2 Planning Commissioners Academy ($2,400), and four Planning staff workshops/trainings ($2,000). 5465 Memberships Dues Provide for APA membership ($1,000), ARC GIS ($2,500), Digital Map Products GIS ($25,750), ICSC membership ($50), LA Country Assessor maps ($200), LAEDC membership ($2,500), and Real Quest Professional ($2,400). 5475 Recording& filing Provide for miscellaneous public notification labels for posting ($3,500), newspaper posting ($14,000), and newspaper posting (City initiated) ($6,000). 5605 General supplies Provide for general office supplies ($3,000) and ACEC publications ($300). 5905 Technology Replacement Allocation Allocate technology replacement costs to all departments ($26,700). 5910 Equipment Replacement Allocation Allocate equipment replacement costs to all departments ($7,500). 5940 Other Expenditures Provide funds for miscellaneous items for the Civic Pride Day ($1,000). 288 Activity: Building Organization: 5110 Function: To regulate construction and occupancy of buildings in accordance with local, county, state, and federal laws; to provide plan check and inspection services; to manage building permit records; and to provide public information regarding code requirements and property history information. Work Plan: Description When Expected Result Digitize Building Permit Files (depending on Ongoing Electronic storage of documents will budget) control staff costs by minimizing staff time spent searching through paper documents and making copies. It will provide an efficient document retrieval system that will also provide improved document accessibility to the Community, realtors, and developers. 289 gailib 7 City of Rosemead, California Building,Division 5110 Budget Summary by Major Categories FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Operations and maintenance $ 975,912 $ 844,900 $ 759,500 $ 736,600 Total Expenditures $ 975,912 $ 844,900 $ 759,500 $ 736,600 FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Funding Sources: Actual Budget Total Budget General Fund $ 975,912 $ 844,900 $ 759,500 $ 736,600 Total Funding Sources $ 975,912 $ 844,900 $ 759,500 $ 736,600 290 City of Rosemead, California Building, Division 5110 Budget Detail FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY2016 Amended Year-End Requested Fund Division Object Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Operations and maintenance 101 General Fund 101 5110 5465 Membership dues $ 240 $ 500 $ 500 $ 500 101 5110 5485 Building inspections 470,050 610,200 525,000 545,000 ' 101 5110 5490 Plan checking 499,692 228,500 228,500 185,000 101 5110 5605 General supplies 1,956 1,200 1,000 1,600 101 5110 5940 Other expenditures 3,974 4,500 4,500 4,500 101 5110 Operations&maint-General Fund 975,912 844,900 759,500 736,600 5110 Building Total $ 975,912 $ 844,900 $ 759,500 $ 736,600 291 amommomommemmoir Building Division Budget Detail 5110 GENERAL FUND—FUND 101 OPERATIONS 5465 Membership Dues Provide subscriptions for CA Building Official membership($250) and International Code Council (ICC) membership ($250). 5485 Building Inspections Services Provide for building inspection services from Willdan ($545,000). 5490 Plan Check Provide for plan check and inspection services from Willdan ($185,000). 5605 General Supplies Provide funds for department supplies such as business cards ($300), ink cartridges ($800), and miscellaneous supplies ($500). 5940 Miscellaneous Expenses Provide funds for building code books($500)and permit tracking software from HDL ($4,000). 292 Activity: CDBG Organization: 5205 Function: To provide funding for a wide variety of activities including housing rehabilitation, code enforcement, and public service activities (i.e. fair housing, senior nutrition, family counseling, etc.). Work Plan: Description When Expected Result Fund the Owner-Occupied Rehabilitation Ongoing Assist 10 households through the City's (OOR) Program OOR Programs. Continue to Participate in East San Gabriel Ongoing Continue to Coordinate Actions. Homeless Coalition Promotion of Services Ongoing A better understanding by residents of the programs offered by the Housing Division. Fund a variety of Social Service Agencies Ongoing Provide Homeless, Mental Health, including Family Promise of San Gabriel Spousal Abuse, Peer Mediation, Youth Valley, Santa Anita Family Service, and and Elderly Services to Rosemead Senior Nutrition Lunch Program Residents. Fund the Southern California Housing Rights Ongoing Provide Housing Information to 75 Center Rosemead residents. Fund a portion of the City's Code Ongoing Provide a proactive code enforcement Enforcement Program. program in eligible low and moderate- income block groups based on an official designation of deteriorating and/or deteriorated area. City of Rosemead, California CDBG Programs, Division 5205 Budget Summary by Major Categories FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Salaries and benefits $ 265,690 $ 214,300 $ 214,300 $ 226,900 Operations and maintenance 134,026 279,300 279,900 332,400 Total Expenditures $ 399,716 $ 493,600 $ 494,200 $ 559,300 FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Funding Sources: Actual Budget Total Budget CDBG Fund $ 399,716 $ 493,600 $ 494,200 $ 559,300 Total Funding Sources $ 399,716 $ 493,600 $ 494,200 $ 559,300 294 City of Rosemead, California CDBG Programs, Division 5205 Budget Detail FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Fund Division Object Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Salaries&Benefits 260 CDBG Fund 260 5205 5005 Salaries &wages $ 147,575 $ 113,700 $ 113,700 $ 121,100 260 5205 5105 Social security/medicare 12,152 9,900 9,900 10,500 260 5205 5110 Worker's comp 1,700 1,400 1,400 1,400 260 5205 5115 Retirement contributions 63,623 57,000 57,000 62,500 260 5205 5125 Automobile Allowance 2,850 1,200 1,200 1,100 260 5205 5130 Cafeteria benefit 37,790 31,100 31,100 30,300 260 5205 Salaries&Benefits-CDBG Fund 265,690 214,300 214,300 226,900 Operations and maintenance 260 CDBG Fund 260 5205 5605 General supplies 1,442 2,500 2,500 6,500 260 5205 5705 Program expense 96,953 166,000 166,000 226,000 260 5205 5720 Community contributions 35,631 110,800 110,800 86,100 260 5205 5940 Other expenditures - - 600 13,800 260 5205 Operations&maint-CDBG Fund 134,026 279,300 279,900 332,400 5205 Total CDBG Division $ 399,716 $ 493,600 $ 494,200 $ 559,300 295 iimmumummimomor CDBG Division Budget Detail 5205 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT- FUND 260 PERSONNEL: 5005 Regular Full Time Salaries & Wages Provide the compensation for the Director of Community Development,Senior Management Analyst and Housing Project Coordinator. Refer to the Position Distribution on page 12. 5105 Social Security/Medicare Provide for employer's share of FICA/Medicare for all department employees. 5110 Workers Compensation Provide for workers compensation for department employees. 5115 Retirement Contributions Provide for retirement plan funding for all full-time City employees and City Council. 5125 Automobile Allowance Provide funds for an Automobile Allowance for the Department Directors. 5130 Cafeteria Benefit Provide insurance for medical, dental,vision, life, and short-term and long-term disability funding for all full-time City employees and City Council. 296 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT- FUND 260 OPERATIONS: 5605 General Supplies Provide funds for miscellaneous expenses ($6,500). 5705 Program Expenses Provide funds for emergency grants ($20,000), grants ($150,000), lead/asbestos remediation ($20,000), lead/asbestos testing ($11,000), rebates ($15,000), and Southern CA Housing Rights Center($10,000). 5720 Community Contributions Community contributions from Family Promise of San Gabriel Valley ($5,000), Santa Anita Family Service ($5,000), and Senior Nutrition Program ($76,100). 5940 Miscellaneous Expenses Provide funds for advertising and publishing ($3,000), and Housing Plan contract services ($10,800). 297 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK E M i�', 1 o V NCo,,ORAIID t9 Activity: HOME Organization: 5210 Function: To provide funds toward the payment of reasonable administrative costs and carrying charges related to the planning and execution of community development activities financed in whole or in part by HOME funds and to provide affordable housing through the Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO). Work Plan: 'Description When Expected Result Fund a wide range of activities including Ongoing Assist 5 households through the OOR building, buying, and/or rehabilitating Loan Program, 2 households through the affordable housing for rental or First Time Homebuyer Program, and the homeownership. creation of 1 affordable rental unit using Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) set-aside funds. 999 City of Rosemead, California HOME Programs, Division 5210 Budget Summary by Major Categories FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Salaries and benefits $ 18,273 $ 13,300 $ 13,300 $ 14,200 Operations and maintenance 2,000 213,000 206,600 137,100 Total Expenditures $ 20,273 $ 226,300 $ 219,900 $ 151,300 FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Funding Sources: Actual Budget Total Budget HOME Fund $ 20,273 $ 226,300 $ 219,900 $ 151,300 Total Funding Sources $ 20,273 $ 226,300 $ 219,900 $ 151,300 300 City of Rosemead, California HOME Programs, Division 5210 Budget Detail FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Fund Division Object Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget 270 HOME Fund 270 5210 5005 Salaries&wages $ 10,057 $ 6,900 $ 6,900 $ 7,400 270 5210 5105 Social security/medicare 847 600 600 700 270 5210 5110 Worker's comp 100 100 100 100 270 5210 5115 Retirement contributions 4,317 3,500 3,500 3,800 270 5210 5125 Automobile Allowance 150 - - - 270 5210 5130 Cafeteria benefit 2,802 2,200 2,200 2,200 270 5210 Salaries&Benefits-HOME Fund 18,273 13,300 13,300 14,200 Operations and maintenance 270 HOME Fund 270 5210 5605 General supplies - 8,400 2,000 7,000 270 5210 5705 Program expense 2,000 204,600 204,600 130,100 270 5210 Operations&maint-HOME Fund 2,000 213,000 206,600 137,100 5210 Total HOME Division $ 20,273 $ 226,300 $ 219,900 $ 151,300 3U1 HOME Division Budget Detail 5210 HOME FUND- FUND 270 PERSONNEL: 5005 Regular Full Time Salaries&Wages Provide the compensation for the Director of Community Development,Senior Management Analyst and Housing Project Coordinator. Refer to the Position Distribution on page 12. 5105 Social Security/Medicare Provide for employer's share of FICA/Medicare for all department employees. 5110 Workers Compensation Provide for workers compensation for department employees. 5115 Retirement Contributions Provide for retirement plan funding for all full-time City employees and City Council. 5130 Cafeteria Benefit Provide insurance for medical, dental,vision, life, and short-term and long-term disability funding for all full-time City employees and City Council. HOME FUND- FUND 270 OPERATIONS: 5605 General Supplies Provide funds for miscellaneous expenses ($7,000). 5705 Program Expenses Provide funds for CHDO operation expense ($2,000), CHDO professional service ($31,800), and CHDO PS carryover($96,300). 309 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK E M S F I o hC� �fAitD X19 303 City of Rosemead, California Capital Improvement Program Overview Each year, portions of the City budget are devoted to projects that maintain and improve the City's physical infrastructure of streets, sidewalks, buildings, parks, right-of-way landscaping, streetlights, and traffic signals. Those projects that the City will undertake during the next five years (and for which there is available funding) make up the Capital Improvement Program (CIP). Most of these projects are paid from "dedicated funds," monies that are mandated for use in capital improvements and cannot be used for operating expenses. However, some General Fund monies are also used to build and maintain the physical infrastructure of the City. The amount of General Fund money budgeted for CIP projects is balanced with the City's other programmatic needs approved by the City Council. In order to develop the CIP budget, the following steps are taken: • CIP project proposals with estimated costs of $25,000 or more are submitted by each business unit. • CIP requests are analyzed by staff to determine need and funding availability. • The proposed CIP is reviewed by the City Manager. • The CIP is presented to the City Council for review in the proposed budget document. • The City Council approves the CIP budget. The CIP financial plan has a goal of fully maintaining the City's infrastructure with a zero backlog of preventative and routine maintenance. In doing so,the allocation of funds to address infrastructure and capital needs present today will lead to savings tomorrow. All operational expenses associated with the fiscal year 2017/18 CIP projects have been addressed in the operating budget. qm City of Rosemead, California Capital Improvement Program Budget Summary by Major Categories FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Capital outlay $ 1,636,390 $ 3,955,000 $ 2,863,500 $ 4,400,000 Subtotal 1,636,390 3,955,000 2,863,500 4,400,000 Less:Transfers Out - (3,754,300) (2,805,000) (2,200,000) Total Expenditures $ 1,636,390 $ 200,700 $ 58,500 $ 2,200,000 FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Funding Sources: Actual Budget Total Budget General Fund $ 596,738 $ 835,000 $ 585,500 $ 600,000 State Gas Tax Fund 478,628 1,253,300 718,600 - Proposition C Fund 21,524 60,000 427,000 650,000 Measure R Fund 6,703 501,000 109,100 500,000 Measure M Fund - - - 350,000 Air Quality Mgt. District Fund - - - 50,000 Street Lighting District Fund 283,344 1,105,000 760,000 50,000 Capital Projects Fund 1,635,924 200,700 58,500 2,200,000 Successor Agency 1,441,687 - 204,800 - Subtotal 4,464,548 3,955,000 2,863,500 4,400,000 Less: Transfers Out (2,828,158) (3,754,300) (2,805,000) (2,200,000) Total Capital Projects $ 1,636,390 $ 200,700 $ 58,500 $ 2,200,000 305 NIIIIIMIP 2 Q w 0 O ce Q a W 00 Z P o Q bN.. T-41 w _ . . rr ww N 2 Z 4 U cf N 01.0.°j 6 1 'g Jo LP c _ 111° 37j1.- 2 V J a I-- E. Q V elo IA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a) co 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a\ O 01 I N N O� O ei fY h c-i a1 a-i a1 ti) 0 a-i e1 CLI � .v.).'0 LL 7 m L) CL CI. a) oL D_ 0 co a) a) Liu 2 3 a) \ OI- -o V1 3 c N = to c N LL a) Es_ 2 c LL OC cc cc L a) a) a) to L L L J O 7 D +., U 0 ro a) co co �J O cn 2 2 2 n a < dA N N wCT o 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ ll IA 6 0 O rn O4 N N O� 0 L U a-I i--1 a-I a--I (D 01C 0 2 /11.4 Cr t -0 N "0 C >- u_ O L CC a 0 c O Y 4-+ (9 (I) V a) a) 0 U 2 O N t n. o_ t� to c CI) c C co t m O O ~ U L E V 3 c Ili) a) L of 0 0 u cC coN ]- W a) I? co L fD c +, > c a) > - o � < a) < (9 m c U cu w a) 3 c �; a) i.?. m a) CE C7 N m a C7 FO- c-1 N M 4 to Li. >> la a) > 0 c a-+ a) •E aa)) J to n. A 4-+ a) in 0 a) 00 O 0 0 0 3O 0 0 c C. 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C ou- Ce tn. I C Q N U a, 2 L ``O^^ In V > 4-, N C C a1 0 � v cN = 1n LU Q > C C 0 CU y,. (70 C Y Q Z N a) T to C to _ C 14-`:1. a, U) c u ,., m v u ^ O a o ar v ° > to a) :� v v !' .O a) C .-� C ,O U U C s- ..=. N 0) L a1 C N O o. D E o ar m_. 0 Q a) y x cc 2 o u oL o aa) >. o > c _`o 0o u c0▪ Q C to Q C c! C L >` C Y co N Q N Q N 'O a+ L a. To cta) •a D a o 2 s a`o a y of v +� m o �' ,,, .?—' v C an E c c to V1 N 0 o O a' Yro co 7 y E O c0 •C Y U �5- c0 00 N c co > CO Q O V) �+ 3 N 3 3 w C E o v E w �v cu E f6 4' m Q O >, 1n 0 •• v E co Q o in U U I— m I— 1n I = U Q —, z i— ,- to 1a n CD } LO VI N LL Z J CO H LLI LL J O >- J (V :a,T. L( u, o w O v y z o\ w a_ Rosemead Housing Development Corporation E M O � � 2 <�� 4 CIVIC PRIDE 174 /vCOPPORATED 9c 320 Rosemead Housing Development Corporation Budget Summary by Major Categories FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Operations and Maintenance $ 1,145,883 $ 1,369,500 $ 1,008,200 $ 1,553,100 Total Expenditures $ 1,145,883 $ 1,369,500 $ 1,008,200 $ 1,553,100 FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Funding Sources: Actual Budget Total Budget Housing Development Corp. Funds $ 1,145,883 $ 1,369,500 $ 1,008,200 $ 1,553,100 Total Funding Sources $ 1,145,883 $ 1,369,500 $ 1,008,200 $ 1,553,100 • ;39I THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK E M c, F r 4 4 . IO W Lam 45.f C°#,DfA t[D ''5' 322 322 Activity: HOME Programs Organization: 5210 Function: To provide low interest deferred payment loans and down payment assistance to qualifying residents. Work Plan: Description WhenExpected Result Strategy 2: Aggressively Pursue Economic 1Development Initiatives Ongoing Creation of affordable housing. Explore alternative opportunities for low- moderate income housing to reduce the need for trailer parks and substandard housing units (e.g., providing incentives for residential developers to designate units for low-moderate income residents, purchase blighted under-producing motels for conversion, workforce housing development, etc.). Fund the Owner-Occupied Rehabilitation Assist 5 households through the City's Ongoing (OOR) Loan Program OOR Loan Programs. Fund Down Payment Assistance Loan Assist 2 households with the purchase of Ongoing Program their first home. Inspect units at Los Girasoles and Garvey Conduct on-site Inspections and follow-up Ongoing Senior Housing and to follow-up with on HOME assisted rental units. annual income verifications. Rosemead Housing Development Corporation HOME Programs, Division 5210 Budget Summary FY2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Operations and Maintenance $ 306,682 $ 525,900 $ 200,000 $ 698,600 Total Expenditures $ 306,682 $ 525,900 $ 200,000 $ 698,600 FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Funding Sources: Actual Budget Total Budget Housing Development Corp. Funds $ 306,682 $ 525,900 $ 200,000 $ 698,600 Total Funding Sources $ 306,682 $ 525,900 $ 200,000 $ 698,600 324 Rosemead Housing Development Corporation, California HOME Programs, Division 5210 Budget Detail FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Fund Division Object Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Operations and maintenance 275 HOME Programs Admin.Fund 275 5210 5705 Program expense 306,682 525,900 200,000 698,600 275 5210 Op&maint-HOME Prg Adm Fund 306,682 525,900 200,000 698,600 5210 Total Rosemead Housing Dev.Corp 306,682 525,900 200,000 698,600 325 HDC HOME PROGRAM ADMIN Budget Detail 5210 HDC HOME PROGRAM ADMIN - FUND 275 OPERATIONS: 5705 Program Expenses Provide funds for First Time Homebuyer program ($190,000), OOR loans ($156,800) and OOR loans carryovers ($351,800). 326 Activity: Senior Housing Organization: 5220/5225 Function: To maintain affordable housing units for low-income seniors living in the community. Work Plan: Description When Expected Result Ensure on-going occupancy of two Ongoing Maintain lease-up rates and rental affordable senior complexes (Angelus income &Garvey) 327 Rosemead Housing Development Corporation Senior Housing Budget Summary by Major Categories FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Operations and Maintenance $ 839,201 $ 843,600 $ 808,200 $ 854,500 Total Expenditures $ 839,201 $ 843,600 $ 808,200 $ 854,500 FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Funding Sources: Actual Budget Total Budget Housing Development Corp. Funds $ 839,201 $ 843,600 $ 808,200 $ 854,500 Total Funding Sources $ 839,201 $ 843,600 $ 808,200 $ 854,500 328 Rosemead Housing Development Corporation Angelus Senior Housing Project, Divisions 5220 Budget Detail FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Fund Division Object Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Operations and maintenance 280 Rosemead Housing Develop Corp 280 5220 5205 Legal - 300 300 300 280 5220 5215 Accounting&auditing 2,810 2,200 3,000 2,200 280 5220 5340 Facilities repair&maintenance 4,350 18,100 - - 280 5220 5387 Property lease 91,200 91,200 91,200 91,200 280 5220 5410 Property insurance 16,457 17,700 15,000 17,700 280 5220 5545 Admin expense 113,100 113,100 100,000 113,100 280 5220 5555 RHDC Mgmt housing service 161,799 175,000 175,000 175,000 280 5220 5605 General supplies - 500 100 500 280 5220 Total operations&maintenance 389,716 418,100 384,600 400,000 5220 Total Rosemead Housing Dev.Corp 389,716 418,100 384,600 400,000 SENIOR HOUSING OPERATING - ANGELUS Budget Detail 5220 HDC SENIOR HOUSING-FUND 280 OPERATIONS: 5205 Legal Provide funds for legal fees($300). 5215 Accounting&Auditing Provide funds for audits($2,200). 5387 Property Lease Provide funds for property lease ($91,200). 5410 Property Insurance Provide funds for property insurance ($17,700). 5545 Administrative Expenses Provide funds for admin miscellaneous expense ($113,100). 5555 Senior Housing Management Provide funds for senior housing management($175,000). 5605 General Supplies Provide funds for miscellaneous expenses ($500). 330 Mr Rosemead Housing Development Corporation Garvey Senior Housing Project, Division 5225 Budget Detail FY 2017 FY 2017 Estimated FY 2018 FY 2016 Amended Year-End Requested Fund Division Object Expenditures: Actual Budget Total Budget Operations and maintenance 280 Rosemead Housing Develop Corp 280 5225 5205 Legal - 300 300 300 280 5225 5215 Accounting&auditing 2,759 2,200 3,000 2,200 280 5225 5340 Facilities repair& maintenance - - - 29,000 280 5225 5387 Property lease 92,200 92,200 92,200 92,200 280 5225 5410 Property insurance 14,573 17,200 15,000 17,200 280 5225 5545 Admin expense 113,100 113,100 113,100 113,100 280 5225 5555 RHDC Mgmt housing service 227,068 200,000 200,000 200,000 280 5225 5605 General supplies (215) 500 - 500 280 5225 Total operations&maintenance 449,485 425,500 423,600 454,500 5225 Total Rosemead Housing Dev.Corp 449,485 425,500 423,600 454,500 EMINIM :1:)I SENIOR HOUSING OPERATING - GARVEY Budget Detail 5225 HDC SENIOR HOUSING - FUND 280 OPERATIONS: 5205 Legal Provide funds for legal fees ($300). 5215 Accounting&Auditing Provide funds for audits ($2,200). 5340 Facilities Repairs & Maintenance Provide funds to replace compressor on A/C unit in Community Room #1 ($2,100), replace indoor blower motor in Community Room #2 ($1,400), and install tile in common area hallways on all three floors ($25,500). 5387 Property Lease Provide funds for property lease ($92,200). 5410 Property Insurance Provide funds for property insurance ($17,200). 5545 Administrative Expenses Provide funds for admin miscellaneous expense ($113,100). 5555 Senior Housing Management Provide funds for senior housing management ($200,000). 5605 General Supplies Provide funds for miscellaneous expenses ($500). 332