CC - Item 5H - Installation of Red Curb - East Side of the Driveway Apron at 8849 Mission Drive E M e As 4 9 ° ROSEME AD CITY COUNCIL A. CIVIC PRID1 STAFF REPORT 401 TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: BILL R. MANIS, CITY MANAGER DATE: JUNE 27, 2017 SUBJECT: INSTALLATION OF RED CURB — EAST SIDE OF THE DRIVEWAY APRON AT 8849 MISSION DRIVE SUMMARY At the February 2, 2017, Traffic Commission meeting, the Commission reviewed conditions for the residence at 8849 Mission Drive and recommended the installation of red curbing, approximately 2-feet, on the east side of the driveway apron. The Traffic Commission received a request from the resident at 8849 Mission Drive to review conditions in this area since vehicles parking along the curb tend to encroach into his driveway,making it difficult for him to turn right into his driveway, when coming westbound on Mission Drive. Staff reviewed the request with a traffic engineering consultant and recommended that 2-feet of red curbing be added on the east side of the driveway apron at 8849 Mission Drive to prevent vehicles from encroaching into the resident's driveway without affecting the number of parking spaces. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve the Traffic Commission's recommendation to paint 2-feet of red curb on the east side of the driveway apron at 8849 Mission Drive. DISCUSSION Mission Drive is classified as a minor arterial roadway and is approximately 63-feet wide with a posted speed limit of 35 miles per hour(MPH). There are two travel lanes in each direction and a yellow center line. In this area, parking is permitted on both sides of Mission Drive, with the exception of street sweeping restrictions. Land use along this area of Mission Drive is defined as commercial, medium density residential, and high density residential. The resident at 8849 Mission Drive has expressed concerns that vehicles are parking too close to his driveway apron making it difficult for him to turn right into his residence. Staff conducted a site visit and determined that the length of this section of curb in front of his residence is approximately 50 feet in length. By installing approximately 2 feet of red curbing to the east of the driveway apron,accessibility issues will be mitigated without any significant parking implications. ITEM NO. 5.H City Council Meeting June 27,2017 Page 2 of 2 FINANCIAL REVIEW Funding for this type of roadway improvement is included in the annual Maintenance and Operations budget for Fiscal Year 2016-17 under the Public Works Department, Field Services Division. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15301 (C)of the CEQA Implementing Guidelines. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT—None PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prior to the Traffic Commission Meeting on February 2, 2017, notices were distributed to all affected businesses and residences within a 300' radius of this location. Prepared By: R el M. Fajardo, P.E., City Engineer Attachment A: Area Overview and Detail Site View Attachment B: Diagram of Proposed Plans Attachment C: February 02, 2017 Traffic Commission Staff Report I j jiii M O CIVIC PRIDE 4111} M/ /~CORPORATED `e 1 Attachment A Area Overview and Detail Site View Proposed Red Curb Parking Restrictions 8849 Mission Drive •noses Ler aervuce we O 7-Fl.. , A. „S,C/_ ._ New Electronics ,Vj iE4M Cc\0 ,_,: CIVIC PRIDE N4n:•7 v5 Attachment B Diagram of Proposed Plans A .. , . .. , . - ,-,... %lir , th - . - IV4. .1%, ,igodrip . Proposed IT "� '"iii _ � 411111? L �y , .1 hI T .. II' II ; IuIII IIIllllllilli' 111111111111111ii!. 11,1.„ ..l"1 ". .." - I • 1 1 AE‘--s&v:k1E CIVIC PRIDE /NC°RPORATED 144 I Attachment C February 2, 2017 Traffic Commission Staff Report -- E M e is - 4 ° ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION IV��� STAFF REPORT CIVIC PRIDE /HCORPORATEO X459 TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: KAREN VIGIL, TRAFFIC CONSULTANT DATE: FEBRUARY 02, 2017 SUBJECT: REVIEW OF RED CURB REQUEST ON THE EAST SIDE OF THE DRIVEWAY APRON AT 8849 MISSION DRIVE BACKGROUND The Traffic Commission has received a request from a resident who lives at 8849 Mission Drive to paint the curb on the east side of his driveway with red. The resident states that vehicles parking along the curb in front of his residence are encroaching into his driveway making it difficult for him to turn right into his driveway when coming westbound on Mission Drive. The curb in front of the resident's property east of his driveway is approximately 50 feet in length, this would accommodate a minimum of two parking spaces of 18 feet in length each of which is the minimum length for a parking space established in Standard Plans issued by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Traffic Commission proposes to City Council that due to vehicles blocking and or encroaching into the resident's driveway, 2 feet of red curb be painted on the east side of the driveway apron. Painting 2 feet of red curb will not affect the number of parking spaces still allowing for two 18-foot parking spaces along the 50 feet of available curb. ANALYSIS Mission Drive: Mission Drive is classified as a minor arterial roadway and is approximately 63- feet wide with a posted speed limit of 35 MPH. There are two travel lanes in each direction and a yellow center line. In this area parking is permitted on both sides of Mission Drive, with the exception of street sweeping restrictions. Land use along this area of Mission Drive is defined as commercial, medium density residential and high density residential. The resident at 8849 Mission Drive has expressed concerns that vehicles are parking too close to his driveway apron making it difficult for him to turn right into his residence. Staff conducted a site visit and determined that the length of this section of curb in front of his residence is approximately 50 feet in length. By installing approximately 2 feet of red curbing to the east of Traffic Commission Meeting February 02, 2017 Page 2 of 4 the driveway apron accessibility issues will be mitigated without any significant parking implications. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS Notifications of the proposed improvements were distributed to affected residents and businesses within a 300-foot radius of the location. Submitted by: Rafael M. Fajardo City Engineer Attachments: 1. Resident's Request 2. Vicinity Map 3. Proposed Red Curb 4. Outreach Notification Traffic Commission Meeting February 02, 2017 Page 3 of 4 Attachment 1: Resident's Request e6( C2c. 1714 2 &T 7 �e ivc !f !ca_ C CowiiIYLI 1 flit t)gt-7 �� , ,�sl��c�� �. l k m 1-dier- riCcLe_.ct r n't c(ifettrb sere ly-(A'btle f pi re?' 11-4 tozd acf ry ai/Lie 4-e.at 0/velir vt/ 6cLA, 4;9r -to/pi 7 4A-aeh i? 71-(-) 1).ex;lig l &c)4en S, 4 �C 66o"'ce(eQrovtdi 1 :C py rtc. `- .„S;Ptetiel \� _� - l Traffic Commission Meeting February 02, 2017 Page 4 of 4 Attachment 2: Vicinity Map ��'''\ 1 ' �` — • 4 ii LEGEND A 41 ; _ s t Applicant's Residence �.'� '+ . N ' 11 �—► Approximately 50 feet of �� jregular curb east of the driveway apron and ..,44: --. p ' "' approximately 10 feet of R ♦ipts4 Irk-. � �s60/4,4 , regular curb west of the iliill • n. a� A �;. la , driveway apron Pe.4esCO a, ' ,,� N�' • ac Approximately 19-foot wide driveway apron Attachment 3: Proposed Red Curb or so.1110 . . ... ._...,k . 4,<* ,.. v„.. 4 : ii;:saie .. • La tr .. .., ... ...,... ia„,, . . . , , ....;,,.. , t .. .. • „db.,. i 11 ii' X !IIIIIIII' II t1 IIIIIIInIIIIIIIIiI i1 iffi IlIIlillillHiIIIf,II .." LEGEND /l Recommended 2'feet of red curb on the east side of the driveway apron N