CC - Item 3B - California Clean Energy Authority - Connor EnergyCOMMUNITY CHOICE ENERGY AGGREGATION WITH THE CALIFORNIA CLEAN ENERGY AUTHORITY Updated: May 2017 California Clean Energy Authority (CCEA) 2 The CCEA is a Joint Powers Authority (established by the Cities of Lancaster and San Jacinto) open to all California cities providing a turnkey CCA administration. The CCEA offers this “hybrid JPA” model passing CCA control and program revenue directly to the member cities. CCEA turnkey CCA services include: Power supply, data management, billing services, and marketing and outreach. The CCEA operates the City of Lancaster CCA (Lancaster Choice Energy) since 2015, and beginning September 2017 the Cities of Pico Rivera and City of San Jacinto will be starting their CCA programs with the CCEA. Connor Energy Introduction 3 Connor Energy principals have an extensive background in working with California local governments to develop energy saving programs. Since 2009, we have helped public agencies create PACE energy programs, secured state funding for local government energy projects, and administered energy retrofit request for proposals (RFPs). Connor Energy’s team includes municipal finance professionals with decades of experience completing municipal financings on behalf of local agencies throughout California specializing in municipal debt. Connor Energy works with the CCEA to provide energy analysis and municipal program administration services. What is Community Choice Aggregation? 4 CCA programs allow a City to essentially “take over” the energy generation portion of the consumers electricity bill (currently provided by the local utility company) and replace it with lower carbon energy options at lower rates. All of the distribution, transmission, and energy billing will continue with the local utility company. Sample Energy Bill Example (PG&E –Marin Clean Energy CCA) 5 Breakdown of California CCA Programs 6 Reasons California Cities are establishing CCA’s 7 Provides customers with choice on energy supply Allows for provision of greener electricity usually at a lower rate Creates local control over programs, rates, power supply/generation options Generates substantial local revenue and economic opportunities from energy savings How to Get Started 8 Technical Study Financial Pro-Forma Implementation Plan Implementation Activities 12 to 18 month Process The Technical Study & Financial Pro-Forma will evaluate the financial risk and cost of the CCA to the City. At the end of the Technical Study the City will have an implementation plan to become “certified” by the CPUC as a Community Choice Aggregator. CCEA Implementation Structure 9 Sample Timeline from City of Pico Rivera 10 Contact Information 11 CONNOR ENERGY Michael A. Chapin, President 3645 Ruffin Road, Suite 330 San Diego, CA 92123 Direct: (858) 337-4022 Email: mchapin@connorenergy.com Visit CaliforniaChoiceEnergyAuthority.com for more information.