CC - Item 1A - Rosemead AB 1826 Study Session - June 12 2017AB 1826 Food Waste Diversion & Rate Plan City of Rosemead June 2017 AB 1826 & AB 1594 Organics California Legislative Actions Third Largest Country –Food Waste •Mandatory Commercial Organics Recycling (MORe) – This law requires that on and after January 1, 2016, local jurisdictions across the state implement an organic waste recycling program to divert organic waste generated by businesses, including multifamily residential dwellings of five or more units. •Organic waste means food waste, green waste, landscape and pruning waste, nonhazardous wood waste, and food-soiled paper waste that is mixed in with food waste. AB 1826 Legislation Definition •Local Government Requirements •Implementing Source Separated Organics Recycling Program •Enforcement, Fines & Fees for Compliance Cost Recovery •Outreach and Education Plan Newsletters, Presentations to business groups: Service Clubs, Chamber, Restaurant Association, Website April 2016 8+ cu yds. Organics January 2017 4+ cu yds. Organics January 2019 4+ cu yds. MSW January 2020 2+ cu yds. MSW Optional •Monitoring –EAR due August 2017 •Unfunded Mandate •Tier 4 Optional with SB 605 & SB 1383 Failsafes AB 1826 Program Key Dates Highest & Best 9 million tons AB 1826 Food Waste Diversion Approach Food Waste Diversion through Recovery •Food Waste Service Support: •Source Separation of food waste from MSW •Material delivered to permitted Food waste recyclers -CORe Waste Characterizations Source Reduction Consulting Food Recovery Support -WasteNotOC Equipment to Maximize Convenience 65 gallon organics carts 1 yard organics bins Slim Jims for efficiency Steam Pans for Recovery Green & Wood Waste Services Republic Customer Centric Service 1.Source Separated organics collected by Republic Services Food Waste Route in Rosemead 2.Organics materials direct hauled to City of Orange CORe facility 3.Materials processed to Slurry and transferred to Tanker 4.Slurry received at L.A. County Sanitation –Carson POTW for anaerobic digestion to green energy 10 •Turning food waste into green energy •Return Nutrients to Soil – Agromin Chino •Unfunded Mandate •EAR due August 2017 •Council Action requested at Future Meeting •18 month program –Tier 3 January 1, 2019 AB 1826 Legislation SERVICE COSTS: $180,000 -Dedicated Food Waste Truck & Specialized Containers, Driver, Helper for Employee Safety & Public Safety, Outreach, Admin. Processing Costs: $153,000 Total Rosemead AB 1826 Costs: $333,693 SB 1383: Wholesome Food Recovery Commingled Route –Saves Rosemead $ …” Spreading the costs to all commercial and residential (multi-family) customers is justified by the fact that the program will help meet the overall diversion requirements for commercial customers. Secondarily, spreading the costs to just food service customers would be over burdensome for those businesses. Commercial Sector Wide •High Participation •Full Compliance •Minimizes Cost impacts Generator Only •Minimal Participation (enforcement & penalties) •Non-Compliance •High Cost impact Commercial Sector Wide 14 Republic Services Confidential $330.79 $74.01 $66.03 AB1826 costs covered by Generators Only AB1826 Costs offset by Generator + Commercial Sector Current Rates for Tier 2 Generators Price per Month (1 Yard MSW Total Weekly Service) Wide AB 1826 Compliance Rate (Food Waste Generators) •Highest & Best Use •Food Finders Partnership food recovery diversion •CORe organics recycling diversion •Council Action required for program\rate approval •Thank You & Questions Summary AB 1826 Compliance •Waste Audits –Completed in May 2017 •Recruitment and training •Ongoing Training, Support and education •Local Partnership with the Rosemead Chamber of Commerce •Community Workshops Implementation Plan