CC - Item 5B - Minutes of May 9, 2017MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ROSEMEAD REGULAR MEETING MAY 9, 2017 Workshop The meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Low at 6:02 p.m. in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PRESENT: Mayor Low, Mayor Pro Tem Ly, Council Members ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Manis, City McKinney, Director of Community Development Parks and Recreation Chacon, Director of Public V 1. WORKSHOP A. Budget Study Session Brian Lewin, resident, expressed asked the City Council to look int, indicated in the Garvey Avenue fighting, and creating a ready acce He expressed support, for reclassii Pubhe Safety Supervisor position. ctor of F and City and, Clark City Manager -u, Director of support for'stielet resurfacing projects. He mg aside funds to allocate towards projects fie P14&,,in'stalling solar for proposed new •eclaimedwater when installing new piping. the Public Safety Coordinator position to a presented a PowerPoint presentation on the Year 2017-18. Council M6ruber Arm6i3ta doted the name of Qiao Garden has recently changed. She asked iftliat should be updated in the report. Corpmunity D§Velopment Director Ramirez confirmed that the owners did submit for aname change from Qiao Garden to the Hartford Hotel. She noted that the name will be imdated in future documents. Council Member Armenta noted the City has always had basketball and co-ed softball in the budget. She asked why it's being considered "new". Director of Parks and Recreation Chacon noted that is in reference to adult sports only. He stated the City did not have adult basketball or softball in the previous budget. Council Member Clark inquired about the insurance increase with CJPIA. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes ofMay 9, 2017 ITEM NO. 5.13 Page 1 of 12 Finance Director Lieu noted the insurance cost increased because the City's property insurance cost increased and this is a one-time retrospective deposit of about $122,000. Mayor Pro Tem Ly clarified if the total reserve fund balance is 83% overall. Finance Director Lieu answered in the affirmative. Mayor Pro Tem Ly agreed with Mr. Lewin's previous comments about making street resurfacing a top priority. He asked why there are,no resurfacing projects on the list of unfunded CIP projects. City Engineer Fajardo noted the City has resurfacing in the next five years. Mayor Pro Tem Ly asked for future CIP list even though there is no can Mayor Low agreed with Mayor Pro Mayor Pro Tem Ly as additional Maintenance Director of Public Works that the City has added. asked ana-,w.atnut drove;,venue. tie be utilized at Jay Imperial Park. that will be requiring projects be added to the unfunded for them the Public Works Department is in need of an the additional park space is preparing Jay Imperial Park to utilize imed water currently stops are Rush Street a new line will have to be installed for it to City Manager Danis noted that staff will look into utilizing reclaimed water for Jay C66&il Member Armenta noted the 2016-17 Fiscal Year Budget included adult sports'anpage 2. She asked for clarification as to why it was said that the City did not budgef for adult sports in the previous fiscal year. Director of Parks and Recreation Chacon stated the term adult sports was used as a place holder. He noted adult sports are contracted out by a third party vendor and there is no expenditure from the City. It is a revenue that is received from the vendor the City has selected in the past as a royalty. He noted staff was speaking specifically to the revenue. Mayor Low clarified the City did not have any adult sports programs last year even though the title included the term youth & adult sports. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of May 9, 2017 Page 2 of 12 Director of Parks and Recreation Chacon noted the City at one time had an adult basketball contractor and an adult softball contractor but in the last budget, the title of youth & adult sports stayed the same but staff did not budget any money to be used in adult basketball or softball programs nor did the City receive any revenue from an adult basketball or softball program. Council Member Armenta noted for audit purposes, the proposed title is very misleading. She stated the City has to be careful on how items are titled in the budget. City Manager Manis noted staff will look into the of those programs. Council Member Alarcon asked if the adult basketball and softball. Director of Parks and Recreation Council Member Armenta asked seasonal staff. and the titles have contractors for the $45,000 increase for Director of Parks and Recreation Chacon noted .the new summer and seasonal camps costs is approximaWy­ $45040, which ihcluc es the part-time salaries, excursions, and supplies to run,the carng�, Council Membei =menta asked how many employees are going to be hired to run the came. Mayor Pro dem Ly4i the PowerPoint states it's four staff members onsite at Aquatics asked how many staff members will be working at the of Parks and Recreation Chacon noted that seasonal, there will be fifty- loyees-working at the pools. Armenta asked how many staff members were budgeted Director of Parks and Recreation Chacon noted he believes it was fifty-four employees. He noted there hasn't been any major changes to the part-time hourly structure at the pools. Mayor Low clarified if the number of employees and hours are the same as previously budgeted. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of May 9, 2017 Page 3 of 12 Director of Parks and Recreation Chacon noted it's very similar. The difference being staff would prefer to have more lifeguards and instructors as it would allow the City to offer more classes. Council Member Armenta asked if the total number of employees is listed in the budget. Director of Parks and Recreation Chacon noted he believes there is an hourly breakdown instead of total number of employees. He noted he will send Council Member Armenta a complete breakdown of the scheduled positions. Council Member Armenta asked how many anticipated for the proposed budget as compared; Director of Parks and Recreation Cha the Recreation Leader I's, Recreation Mayor Low asked if the previous budget year. mme staff members are is budget year. is composed of is the same. amount as the Director of Parks and Recreation Chacon noted the number is slightly higher for the community centers dub jo the,high facility rentals, Council Member Armenta asked why, staff is proposing six Assistant Pool Managers instead of the two from the=previous budget cycle. ;creation Chacon noted two Assistant Pool Managers at 40 to be enoughstaff to cover all the programs the City offers. she can be reassured that staff will not pools. Director ofEarks and R6preation Chacon stated he can share his staff schedule with Council Member Arm6ma after the meeting. He noted it is staff's goal that employees wild not overlap for large periods of time. 06 Member Armenta wanted to put on record that going from two Assistant Pool'Ma�agefs to six is concerning and she is also concerned with staff overlapping their hofir and paying two employees to do the job of one. Mayor Low asked if staff includes a projected year-end estimate of what was spent in the 2016-17 Budget. Finance Director Lieu noted the budget does include estimated year-end totals for each department. Mayor Low noted she wants to make sure that staff is budgeting items accordingly. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of May 9, 2017 Page 4 of 12 Council Member Armenta asked staff to look into the Recreation Manager position. She noted she regrets pushing this position forward. She stated she was told the Recreation Manager position was needed because there would be new additional programs but she has not seen that. She noted there are three Coordinators, three Supervisors, one Administrative Specialist, and the Director of Parks and Recreation. She apologized to the City Council for pushing the Recreation Manager position forward. Mayor Low asked the City Manager and the Director of Parks and Recreation to look into the responsibilities of the Recreation ManageIr,ppsition and see if it could be covered by other budgeted positions. City Manager Manis noted staff will bring tbaf baekswhen the final budget is presented to the City Council. Mayor Pro Tem Ly noted he will not be'ut the'June 13th nice rig as he will be at Army Training from June 10th through the 20. He asked the: ,final budget be presented at the June 27th meeting ifistead:of June 13th Mayor Low asked if the Measure M Mayor Pro Tem Ly noted' t, ikon .a: 2016. Mayor Low asked if the UrbanGree Mayor Works ctor Lieu noted it is' staff is iot sure if the 17. is a one-time tax. tax that was passed this past November irantis a potential grant. tial grant and it was not included in the [ll get approval of the grant. 't expect to hear a decision on the grant until services increased by $100,000 in the Public of P blic Works Garcia noted it's mostly due to NPDES consulting and part for emergency services. Council Member Armenta expressed her concern for the number of consultants the City is hiring to do work which could be accomplished by the department director. She noted she would like staff to look into how many consultants the City is currently utilizing. City Manager Manis noted he recently met with his department heads to watch what duties are delegated to consultants. Mayor Low thanked the Finance Director and staff for the preliminary budget. She asked each department to look how money can be saved for the future. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of May 9, 2017 Page 5 of 12 City Manager Manis thanked the Finance Director for all the hours she spent putting the budget together. Finance Director Lieu thanked her staff for all their assistance in preparing the budget. RECONVENE TO REGULAR MEETING The joint meeting of the Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation, and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission was, ,called to order by Mayor Low at 7:12 p.m. in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 EastValley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PRESENT: Mayor Low, Mayor Pro Tem Ly, Council ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Manis, City At o McKinney, Director of Community Development Rami Parks and Recreation Chacon, Director of Public Works 5. and, Clark chman, Assistant =C>ify Manager ;ctot of Finance Lieu, Director of and City Clerk Donohue Senior 'Maltgement .;Analyst Piatt recognized and presented certificates to the following�iiidviduals andtorganizations who volunteered their time and materials for Civic Pride lay: A&R Nursery, Benson Lee, Brandon Moya, Home Depot, Just Serve, Republic'.Services, Sakaida Nursery, Sanchez Elementary Student Council, Sanchez Elementary Teachers, Starbucks, Walmart, and West Coast Arborists. Los Angeles Community Choice Energy (LACCE) Gary Gero, County of Los Angeles, presented a PowerPoint presentation on the Los Angeles Community Choice Energy program. Community Choice Aggregation allows local governments to purchase and sell electricity to customers in their jurisdictions as an alternative to traditional investor owned utility power procurement. PUBLIC HEARINGS - None CONSENT CALENDAR Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of May 9, 2017 Page 6 of 12 B. City Council Meeting Minutes Recommendation: That the City Council approve the minutes from the regular meeting on March 28, 2017. C. Ordinance No. 973 — Second Reading and Adoption: Adoption of the 2016 Fire Code as Amended by Los Angeles County On April 25, 2017, the City Council introduced O reference, pursuant to Government Code Section Building Standards Fire Code (Title 32 Los Angeles Code), and adopting local amendments thereto..',',, Recommendation: That the City Council of Ordinance No. 973. AN ORDINANCE OF THE C] ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, PURSUANT TO GOVERNN THE 2016 CALIFORNIA BUII (TITLE 32 LOS ANGELES C( CODE), AND ADOPTI Gj LO No. 973, adopting by the 2016 California Fire Code — 2017 Fire and adoption OF THE CITY' OF BY REFERENCE, SECTION 50022.2, )ARDS FIRE CODE CODE — 2017 FIRE MENTS THERETO D. Approval of First Amendment to City"Manager Employment Agreement The Ci%"and the`;City Manager entered into an Employment Agreement ("Agreomem") on April 11, 2016: Section 3 of the Agreement permits the City Council to gonduct performance evaluations and grant increases in salary. Pursuant to Section 3 �(a�(ii)of the Agreement, the City Council conducted the City Manager's perfo'mance evaluation. The City Manager received a "meets expectahon'.'reviewwith a 3.8 rating. The City Council may grant a salary increase to the City IYlapager A N increase would bring the City Manager's total annual salary to $199;6;17 60 That the City Council consider approving the First Amendment ;r Employment Agreement granting a 3%salary increase to the City E. Approval of Undertaking Agreement for Tract Map No. 72347-8470 Garvey Avenue Tract Map No. 72347 is being submitted for consideration and approval along with an Undertaking Agreement to guarantee construction of public improvements subsequent to the recordation of the tract map. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of May 9, 2017 Page 7 of 12 Recommendation: That the City Council approve Tract Map No. 72347 and the Undertaking Agreement and direct the City Clerk to arrange for the recordation of the map. G. Crossing Guard Services Agreement with all City Management Services, Inc., and Annual Cost Sharing Agreements with the School Districts a The City Council will consider an amendment to an agreement with All City Management Services, Inc. (ACMS) for crossing guard services near local public schools, and annual cost sharing agreements with the Rosemead School District and the Garvey School District for crossing guard's'erviees for the upcoming 2017/18 Fiscal Year. Funds to cover the City's share of the annual costs, which total $71,580.60, are contained in the City's proposed29�7/18 Fiscal Year Budget. Recommendation: That the City Council 1. Execute an Amendment to an Inc. for crossing guard servic( the to: All City Management Services, 2019; and 2. Execute the cost sharing agreements with:Rosemead School District and the Garvey School District; in funding the crossing guard services for the 2017/18 Fiscal Year. Council Member Armenia pulled items S, A. and 5.F,, for separate discussion. ACTION Mooed, by Mayor Pro 'Tem Ly ,atid5 seconded by Council Member ArmentaJ6 appro`v6)onsent Calendar items 513, 5C, 51), 5E, and 5G. The motion carried un mous iily the followin"e: AYES: Alarcon, Armenta, Clark, Ly, Low • Re"solutionNo.2017-19 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND IaEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $909,203.31 NUMBERED 96047 THROUGH NUMBER 96168 INCLUSIVELY, WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2017-19 Council Member Armenta inquired as to why Transtech Engineers, Inc. invoices dating back to August 2016 are just now being paid. Public Works Director Garcia stated staff just received their invoices in the last month. She also noted some of the invoices received were in the wrong format and had to be corrected. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of May 9, 2017 Page 8 of 12 ACTION: Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Ly and seconded by Council Member Alarcon to approve Consent Calendar item 5A. The motion carried unanimously by the following vote: AYES: Alarcon, Armenta, Clark, Ly, Low F. Park/Sports Facility Use Policy At the request of the City Council, staff was asked to update the existing Park/Sports Facility Use Policy to include language that would take historical usage into account for priority facility scheduling. Recommendation: That the City Council provide amendment language to the Park/Sports Facility 1 Council Member Armenia noted she was appxo in youth baseball to the City. She exptessed c Rosemead Youth Association (RYA),,is still in. policy will protect and provide a sate guard for of Rosemead. ACTION: Moved by Council Member Arme Clark to approve Consent Calendar item 5F the following vote: AYES: AlareoArmer 6. MATTERS FROM CITY MANAGER &STAFI 7. MATTERS FROM MAYOR & CITY COUNCII ,tion regarding the proposed 'olicy. by s uicone asking to bring I with the request since the .ice. She noted, the, proposed ical sports teams in the City seconded by Council Member otion carried unanimously by rk,>Lv, Low A. Legislative,Platform=;(Agendized by Mayor Pro Tem Ly) Ata ox csent City.Cbuncil Meeting, a request was made to create a City Legislative Platform ("Platform"); to provide a streamlined process for responding to legislative proposals'thdimay inipact the City. The proposed action adopts 2017 Legislative Platform and anmoves:State and Federal Priorities for 2017. That the City Council adopt the proposed 2017 City's Mayor W6 Tem Ly noted this proposed legislative platform would give guidance to staff'on what the City's position is on various issues and it would allow staff to send letters of support or opposition based on the criteria in the legislative platform. Council Member Clark asked bullet point #3 under Strategies be amended to state, "The City will take positions only on proposals that clearly impact our City and its Community, or are a threat to local control." Council Member Clark asked if this policy would prohibit the City Council from bringing positions on future bills to a future City Council meeting. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of May 9, 2017 Page 9 of 12 Mayor Pro Tem Ly stated it would not. This would give staff flexibility for the time periods in between City Council meetings. Mayor Low encouraged the City Council to send in letters of support or opposition on behalf of themselves in the future as well. ACTION: Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Ly and seconded by Council Member Armenta to approve the recommended action as amended. The motion carried unanimously by the following vote: AYES: Alarcon, Armenta, Clark, Ly, Low B. Establishment of a Parks Commission Recommendation: That the City Council: 1. Introduce for first reading, by title AN ORDINANCE OF CALIFORNIA, ADDING'C ROSEMEAD MUNICIPAL ESTABLISHMENT OF A CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2. Approve Resolution N the Parks Commission. 0 OF THE CITY FOR entitled: OF ROSEMEAD, TO TITLE 2 QF`.THE ZOVIDING FOR THE MISSION FOR THE for members of L OF THE CITY OF ESTABLISHING OF THE PARKS BnatrT win, resident, stated he%agreed with the duties outlined for the potential Parks Commission but,suggested that a committee be formed before a commission is created.';, Pro Te "',.Ly noted the City is still very deficient in parks space. The Parks ssion Would be able to bring new ideas to the City Council with their focus, being on new park space. Mayor Low asked what the benefit would be to have a commission instead of a Mayor Pro Tem Ly stated a Parks Commission would be able to deal with issues that take a great amount of time and would allow the City Council to focus on bigger items. He referenced the "Toolbox" item which the Traffic Commission dealt with for six months, while the City Council dealt with more important items. Mayor Low noted if the potential Parks Commission is not performing up to standards, the municipal code allows the City Council to eliminate the commission. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of May 9, 2017 Page 10 of 12 Council Member Clark expressed her concern with forming a commission right away. She noted a commission would require a staff member to do the actual research for the commission. She suggested a committee be formed initially to see if it would be a success. She asked if staff has budgeted a staff member to assist the commission and the compensation which the potential commissioners would receive. Mayor Low clarified if a committee would require a staff person to assist as well. Council Member Clark stated it would, but a committee would be easier to eliminate than a commission, if it's not needed. She suggested a trial run as a committee first before becoming a commission. Council Member Armenta noted having a commission Would allow it to be staffed by a Director, which a Director should have asyart of their,dut es. Council Member Clark asked what the purpose, of the commission would be if a staff member would be the one coming," with ideas for potential park space and grant funding. Mayor Pro Tem Ly noted dedicated Parks Commi sioners would be focused only on parks and how we can'sohue the deficient parr space problem. He stated the potential commissioners are' to;haye the mindset=Yo make the City better. Council Member Armenta noted a cefnmittee iiiight actually pay more in terms of staff time She referenced the staff liaison to the Beautification Committee who is not a director, is performing duticS outside of his scope. She reiterated a Director should°he°performing these duties. Mayor Low noYz d a Commission, would be more formal, staffed by a Director, and th64idi rbprs wotitd,he compen`safed and a Committee would be less formal, staffed by adin h strative kaff,,,and would not receive compensation. Council Meiul 6x Arm&hfa asked staff to look into the Beautification Committee becoming a Commission in the future. ed by Mayor Pro Tem Ly and seconded by Council Member prove the recommended action #1. The motion carried by the AYES: Alarcon, Armenta, Ly, Low NOES: Clark ACTION: Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Ly and seconded by Council Member Armenta to approve the recommended action #2. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Alarcon, Armenta, Ly, Low NOES: Clark C. City Council Comments Council Member Armenta congratulated the Sub -Committee from the Beautification Committee for their work at Civic Pride Day. She noted she will be Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of Mary 9, 2017 Page 11 of 12 attending the upcoming California Contract Cities Association Annual Municipal Seminar. She stated she will be the Secretary Treasurer again since she allowed one of her colleagues to move ahead since he will be running for higher office in the near future and this will give him a chance to serve as President before he leaves. 8. CLOSED SESSION A. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL — INITIATION OF LITIGATION Government Code Section: 54956.9 (d)(4) Number of Cases: 2 B. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL- EXISTI-NG LITIGATION Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 (01) =, Case Name: Tan vs. Rosemead Case Number: CJP038818RM City Attorney Richman stated there was no reportable action;takerj",in closed session. 9. ADJOURNMENT Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes ofMay 9, 2017 Page 12 of 12